EXCHANGE STUDENTS GUIDE - BOLOGNA CAMPUS ACADEMIC YEAR 2017/2018 - Scuola di Agraria e Medicina Veterinaria

Page created by Kelly Espinoza
Exchange Students Guide
Bologna Campus
A.Y. 2017/2018

Produced by
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
DIRI - International Relations Division
Exchange Students Desk

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Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Executive Support Services
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Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Executive Support Services
Communication Unit

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Executive Support Services - Communication Unit

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Welcome to the University of Bologna!                     This Guide also aims to introduce you to the city
This Guide is for international exchange students         and its beauty, helping you to discover the places,
at the Bologna Campus. To make the most of your           the art, events, and people that will make your
experience at the university and to benefit of all        experience unique.
the cultural and leisure opportunities offered by
the city of Bologna and its students community
it is important to learn about the rules and the
procedures to be followed and to find out about the
services offered by the university and its territory.

The origins of the University of Bologna go way back,     University of Bologna is a Multicampus university
and it is considered to be the oldest university in the   with 5 campuses: Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna
Western world. Its history began in 1088, when law        and Rimini, a school of excellence, the Collegio
was first taught freely in the city, and became tied      Superiore, and an Advanced Studies Centre in Buenos
to the city of Bologna from the early Middle Ages,        Aires. Currently the University of Bologna hosts more
establishing the very idea of university. Indeed, the     than 85,000 enrolled students, including more than
very first higher education and research structure,       5,000 foreign students. In addition to these, every
known as the “universitas studiorum”, was founded         year there are around 2,600 exchange students.The
in Bologna. The city and the university have lived        University runs 11 Schools and 33 Departments.
side by side for nine centuries, their stories are        Teaching activities are held at the Schools, and here
entwined, a university based firmly in the historical     exchange students will also find the offices to help
centre of the city, where still today students and        them find their way around the programmes, the
teachers live and work among the columns, palaces,        classrooms and the laboratories.
halls, stairways and squares that tell the story of       The history of the University of Bologna:
their predecessors.                             
The university and the city of Bologna blend into         The Multicampus structure:
each other, institution and territory, urban history
and geography, economy and culture. Today the             The Schools:
Table of contents

    Before you come to Bologna		                pag. 05    At the end of the exchange period           pag.29
                                                           • Check-out
    •   Finding your way                                   • Transcript of Records
    •   Registering
    •   Organising your trip                               Other mobility programmes		                 pag.32
    •   Learning Agreement
    •   Visa and Residence Permit                          International Relations Offices
    •   Learning Italian                                   at the Schools 			                          pag. 33
    •   Healthcare in Italy
    •   Accommodation                                      CONTACTS
                                                           DIRI - International Relations Division
    During the exchange period		                pag.13     Via Filippo Re 4 I 40126 Bologna, Italy

    •   Check-in                                           Exchange Students Desk
    •   Accident insurance                        I Tel. (+39) 051 2088101
    •   Applying for a Residece Permit
    •   Badge, Arrival Statement, Tax Code                 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA2)
    •   Getting started                          
    •   Username, password and online services
    •   Libraries and study rooms                          EErasmus+ ICM (Mobility outside Europe) and
    •   Course contents, text books and teaching           Mobility CONFAP-ITALY (MCI Brazil)
        materials. Registering for exams                   Students coming from Eastern neighbouring
    •   Exams, internships and other teaching activities   Countries (page 32), Russia, Asia, Australia and New
    •   Grades and passing exams. Certification of         Zealand, USA and Canada:
        attendance and of teaching activities not          Students coming from Africa, Latin America,
        included in the curriculum                         Southern neighbouring Countries and Balkans (page
    •   Changing the study plan and the duration of the    32):
        exchange period
    •   UniboCultura                                       Office hours:
    •   Get to know the services                           Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 9.00-11.15
    •   Health and support                                 am; Tuesday and Thursday: 2.30-3.30 pm

              Things change, stay updated and check regularly
Before you come
      to Bologna

Finding your way

    To find out if Bologna is the right destination for    agree on your choices with your university, as it will
    you, consult the Student Guide online at:              have to recognise the credits you obtain in Bologna.                              Some programmes have a limited number of places,
                                                           if they have restricted access. Consult the School
    Course Units                                           websites and contact the International Relations
    As an exchange student, you can choose course          Offices at the School for more information (see
    units from different Degree Programmes and             International Relations Offices at the Schools, page
    Schools.                                               33).
    You will find the list of the degree programmes
    offered on the web page:                               Teaching Calendar and Course Timetable                          Each School has its own course and exam
    Use the filters to select the Type, Campus and         timetable. Lessons generally begin in September
    Language of the degree programmes.                     or shortly afterwards, and may be annual, six
    The degree programmes marked with                are   monthly or divided into several sessions. The course
    entirely delivered in the English language or have a   timetables are set yearly, just before the start of the
    curriculum delivered in the English language.          programmes.
    You will find the course unit catalogue on the web
    page:                         As soon as they are available, the calendars and
    Use the filters to select the Campus/School, Type      timetables are published online.
    and Language of the course units.            
    Pay attention to the Campus you have been assigned
    to and choose the course units delivered at your       For some course units the calendars and timetables
    Campus. The academic offer for the coming year is      are also available in the course unit page.
    published online in June.                    

    You can also choose course units from First cycle      Credits
    (L, undergraduate) and Second cycle (LM, graduate)     One Italian credit (CFU, Credito Formativo
    programmes, but you must carefully assess whether      Universitario) equals one ECTS credit. Credits
    your own general knowledge is suitable for the level   are obtained exclusively on passing an exam or
    of course you wish to attend. In any case you must     internship (see Grades and passing exams, page 23).
                                                                           Organising your trip

If you have chosen Bologna, your university must        If you wish to do an internship, check the possibility
send a message of nomination to:                        well in advance asking the International Relations                                  Offices at the Schools (see International Relations
                                                        Offices at the Schools, page 33).
You will then receive a first e-mail (“Acceptance
message”) inviting you to complete your online          Organising your trip
registration.                                           There are no set arrival dates.
                                                        You must decide when to leave for Bologna
When you have completed the registration                according to the starting date of your courses.
procedure, you will automatically receive a second
confirmation message containing the name of your        The welcome sessions for exchange students are
exchange coordinator (for Erasmus+ mobility) and        held at least twice a week. Some Schools and
your username and password (see Username,               Departments run guidance activities. The schedule
password and online services, page 19).                 is published on the website.
                                                        The start date of your exchange period corresponds
Some online services will be granted only after         to the date of your Check-in, i.e. when you register
registering your arrival (Check-in) at the Exchange     your arrival at the Exchange Students Desk.
Students Desk in Bologna (see Check-in, page 14).

To attend the lessons you do not have to be enrolled
in the courses, but it is recommended to submit your
study plan to the International Offices at Schools in
order to check the availability of the course units.

You must only register for the exams, you will have
time to do this after your arrival.

However, if you want to attend the Italian language
courses, you must register beforehand (see Learning
Italian, page 9).
Learning Agreement                                           Visa and Residence

    The first thing to do is to draft the Learning            If you are a non-EU citizen and wish to study in
    Agreement (compulsory for Erasmus+ students,              Italy for more than 90 days, you will need a Visa to
    optional for others).                                     enter Italy.
                                                              If you stay for less than 90 days, find out from the
    The Learning Agreement is the study plan agreed           Embassy (or Consulate) if you require a Visa.
    with your university, which undertakes to recognise       You must apply for the Visa from the Italian Embassy
    the exams passed and credits obtained during              in your country of residence, providing the letter of
    the exchange period, and with your exchange               invitation from the University of Bologna.
    coordinator at the University of Bologna.
                                                               Important: you must apply for a Visa for study
    The form is provided by your university.                   purposes.
    You can choose the course units on:                                  To receive the letter of invitation your university
                                                              must send a photocopy of your passport and
    You may contact the International Relations Offices       the estimated dates of arrival and departure to
    at the Schools to check your options and notify them
    immediately if you wish to carry out an internship.       You must apply well in advance for the Visa, as the
                                                              visa issuing procedure can take several months.
    The Learning Home must be approved and signed by
    your university and the University of Bologna, before      Important: when you apply for the Visa, have
    starting your mobility, if required by your home uni-      your health insurance stamped by the Embassy,
    versity, or immediately upon arrival at the University     otherwise you will not be able to use it to apply
    of Bologna.                                                for the Residence Permit.

                                                              If your exchange lasts for more than 90 days, when you
                                                              arrive in Italy you must apply for a Residence Permit.
                                                              This is a compulsory procedure for all non-EU
                                                              citizens wishing to stay in Italy for more than 90
                                                              days (see Applying for a Residence Permit, page 15).

Learning Italian

There are no specific language requirements for         How to enrol
studying at the University of Bologna (except for       To enrol you must first sit an online test to assess
medical and nursing students).                          your knowledge, just before the semester of your
However, before coming to Bologna you are strongly      arrival in Italy. At the end of the online test, you
advised to have at least basic knowledge of Italian     must register for the oral test which is compulsory
(level A2), in order to be able to study and make the   in order to be able to attend the courses.
most of the lessons.
                                                        The oral test takes place in Bologna. Candidates
You can sit the Italian Orienting Test in order to      will be admitted to the oral test on a first come, first
assess your knowledge of Italian.                       served basis, until all places of each level are filled.

You’ll be also offered an online Italian language       The tests are required to assess your level of Italian
course.                                                 and to assign you to the most appropriate class.                       The online test for the courses offered in the first
Erasmus+ students can benefit from the Online           semester opens in August. For the courses offered
Linguistic Support – OLS provided by their home         in the second semester the online test opens in
universities as well.                                   January.
                                                        A few days in advance, you will be sent an e-mail to
In the first and second semesters, the University       your account indicating the date
Language Center runs Italian language courses           and time for the online test.
for international students. Exchange students can       Only the students who have completed the online
attend one course free of charge.                       registration procedure and have received the
If you study in Bologna, you can attend the Italian     “Confirmation of registration” message (see
language courses at the University Language             Registering, page 7) will receive this notice.
Centre (CLA), at Bologna Campus. The courses are
held both in the first and second semester, during      Check your e-mail account
September (intensive courses), October-December         regularly and sit the online test immediately,
(extensive courses) and February-May (extensive         because the available places may not fulfill the
courses).                                               whole request.
According to the online test and the oral test, if your   The exam grade is not given as a mark out of thirty,
     level is assessed as A2, B1, B2, you shall enrol in       but simply as “Idoneo”/“Pass”.
     the appropriate course and attend the classes.
     If, according to the test results, your language          Check the calendars and application deadlines:
     knowledge is assessed to an A1 level (Breakthrough),
     you will be allowed to participate in the self-learning
     computer-based courses which will be organised at         CLA | Bologna Campus
     the Language Lab of the University Language Center.       Student Administration Office
                                                               Via Filippo Re 10 | 40126 Bologna
     If your language level turns out to be C1 (Effective      Tel. 051 2097750
     Operational Proficiency) it is assumed that you will      Tel. 051 2099890
     be able to attend the classes and take exams and no
     language course will be provided to you.

     The Italian courses end with an examination. If
     you pass the exam (“idoneo”), you obtain 5 credits
     (whatever your level) which are recorded in your
     Transcript of Records.

Healthcare in Italy

The Italian National Health Service is called “Servizio   The fee covers the calendar year from 1 January to
Sanitario Nazionale” (SSN), and is divided into local     31 December and cannot be split. You may register
Healthcare Boards (“Aziende Unità Sanitarie Locali -      at one of the two SSN offices in Bologna, in via
AUSL”). If you are a EU citizen, you must bring your      Mengoli 32 or via Montebello 6.
European Health Insurance Card - EHIC in order to
have access to medical care.                              If you have a health insurance (purchased in Italy
                                                          or in your own country and stamped by the Italian
Using your card you can go directly to a General          Embassy) you may go to any General Practitioner,
Practitioner (“medico di base” or “medico di              choosing one from the list of doctors published on
famiglia”) choosing one from the list available at        the website
                                                          If you need a specialist treatment, you can choose
All the costs will be charged directly to your            any doctor, also on the advice of your chosen GP.
insurance body. For some specialist services, the
payment of a “ticket” is required as a contribution       You must pay for the visits to the GP and any
to cover part of the costs. For dental care, the          specialists, and then apply to your insurance
national health system provides only diagnostic and       company for a refund.
urgent treatment.
                                                          It is recommended to check in advanced, by
If you are a non-EU citizen you have access to the        contacting your insurance company, if the specific
National Health Service only after paying an annual       treatment can be reimbursed.
registration fee of €149.77.


     Important! Bologna welcomes a large number              Online platfomrs
     of students and finding accommodation can               You can use online platforms for searching
     be difficult, especially in September at the            accommodation, offering students of the University
     beginning of the academic year. Start looking for       of Bologna disounted service charges.
     accommodation well in advance. It is advisable to
     book an accommodation before arriving in Bologna.
                                                             The tourist portal Bologna Welcome provides a
     SAIS                                                    lodging search engine available in the Find & Book
     To find accommodation in Bologna, you may contact       section.
     the SAIS (Student Accommodation and Information
     Service). The SAIS supports international students in   Advice for those who intend to rent an apartment
     finding accommodation in the university residences,     from a private landlord
     colleges, short-stay accommodation or in private        Make extra sure that the offer is genuine before
     rented property. They can also help with negotiating    making payments of any kind.
     rental contracts. The service is free of charge.        Beware of scams.                                        Remember the importance of a proper contract.
                                                             This is required to obtain your residence permit if
     The ER.GO “Borsino”                                     you are a non-EU student, but also to safeguard your
     For short stays, ER.GO makes accommodation              rights. Ask your landlord specifically for a proper
     available via an online booking service (“Borsino”),    contract. Contact the Lease Contract Registration
     which is updated regularly. You can find it in the      Desk at the University of Bologna if you need help
     “servizi abitativi ad accesso libero” section.          with registering your contract.                                  

During the
exchange period

Accident insurance

 The start date of your exchange period corresponds    You will also get:
 to the date of your Check-in at the Exchange          • your university badge;
 Students Desk, so the first thing you must do when    • your Arrival Statement (if you havent’t got any
 you arrive in Bologna is registering your arrival          specific form from your home university);
 at the Exchange Students Desk, via Filippo Re 4,      • the invitation for a welcome session (only
 Bologna.                                                   when they are available).

 Important! If while registering online you have not   If you are a non-EU student, on Check-in you will
 loaded your photograph, before the Check-in you       receive information about the Residence Permit
 have to log in your personal homepage: AlmaRM –       and the Arrival Statement which you must enclose
 Accesso studenti with username and password and       with your application (see Applying for a Residence
 upload a JPG file with your passport photograph.      Permit, page 15).

 Bring with you:                                       Accident insurance
                                                       As an exchange student, after Check-in, you are
 •    if you are a EU student: your passport or ID     insured against accidents that may occur on the
      card;                                            university premises or any other place in which
 •    if you are a non-EU student: passport with       studies and research activities authorised by the
      Visa, a copy of your passport front page and a   University are performed.
      copy of your visa;
 •    any specific forms from your home university
                                                       For information:
      to be filled in order to confirm your arrival.
                                                       Insurance Contracts Office
                                                       Via Acri 3 | 40126 Bologna
 You will register your arrival and you will receive
                                                       Tel. 051 2098806/807/808
 the Welcome Kit and general information about the

Applying for a
                                                                               Residence Permit

If you are a non-EU citizen and your exchange              funds needed to cover living cost in Italy (the
period lasts for more than 90 days, you must               benchmark is minimum € 5.824,91 per year). You
apply for a Residence Permit within 8 working              can submit the same documents you provided for
days following your arrival in Italy. The Exchange         the Visa application or a bank account statement
Students Desk will make an appointment with the            or, if you have been assigned a scholarship, an
support service during the Check-in. The support           official letter detailing its amount, duration and
service for filling in the application for a Residence     issuing body;
Permit is free of charge.                                • documents proving your accommodation in Italy
                                                           (see page 16).
The documents required are:
                                                         Once filled the application, you shall go to a
• a copy of the page of your passport with your          qualified Post Office (“Sportello Amico”) and pay
  personal data, a copy of your entry Visa and           the Electronic Residence Permit (PSE) production
  copies of any other pages containing Visas and         cost (€ 30,46), pay the Residence Permit fee (€
  stamps;                                                40-50, according to the duration) and submit the
• a copy of the letter of invitation issued by the
                                                         application (€ 30). The Post Office will give you
  University of Bologna and presented to obtain
  the Visa from the Italian Embassy abroad,              a receipt which you must carry with you together
  stamped by the Embassy;                                with your passport until you receive the Electronic
• the Arrival Statement issued by the University of      Residence Permit, and an order to go to the Questura
  Bologna;                                               (Immigration Office) for photographic identification.
• a € 16 duty stamp (sold at the tobacconists);
• a copy of your health insurance; the insurance         Important: the Immigration Office in Bologna is
  policy must be made out in your name and must          not going to notify you when your permit is ready
  have a duration of no less than the duration           via SMS. However, around 6 to 8 weeks after the
  of the Visa. The insurance policy must also be         photographic identification, you will be able to
  stamped by the Embassy. Do remember to ask             check on whether your
  the Embassy to stamp the health insurance when         Residence Permit is ready and book an appointment
  you apply for the Visa so that it will be accepted
                                                         to pick it up.
  for the issuing of the Residence Permit! If you do
  not have health insurance, covering the whole
  exchange a period, you must purchase one;              Having collected your residence permit, you must
• a copy of the documents proving you have the           send a photocopy of it to
If you forget it, after 150 days your university career     registered with the Tax Authorities (Agenzia delle
     will be locked and you will not be able to register for     Entrate), or, alternatively, notification filed with
     or sit any exams.                                           the police confirming transfer of use (cessione
                                                                 di fabbricato) or provision of hospitality
      Important: if you stay in Italy for more than              (comunicazione di ospitalità).
      90 days and you do not apply for the Residence           • If you are staying free, as a guest, with relations,
      Permit, you are not entitled to sit exams at the           friends or acquaintances: a notification filed with
      University of Bologna and you cannot obtain a              the police confirming provision of hospitality
      Transcript of Records.                                     (comunicazione di ospitalità).
     If you wish to apply by yourself for a Residence          The “comunicazione di ospitalità” must be:
     Permit, you must go to a qualified Post Office            • prepared, dated and signed by the person who
     (“Sportello Amico”), collect the kit and follow the          gave you the accommodation;
     instructions.                                             • accompanied by a copy of the identity
      ACLI (Support service)                                      documents of yours and the declarant and (if a
      Via Lame 118 | Bologna                                      non-EU citizen) a copy of their residence permit;
                                                               • accompanied by the confirmation of the delivery
      CGIL (Support Service)                                      to the Immigration Office at the Police station
      Via del Porto 16 | Bologna                                  (Questura) in Bologna. The delivery can be made
                                                                  via registered email (PEC) to
      Immigration Office at the Police station          , via FAX to 051/6401691
      (Questura)                                                  or via registered mail (raccomandata A/R) to
      Via Paolo Bovi Campeggi 13/3 | Bologna                      Questura di Bologna – Ufficio Immigrazione –
      Central Post Office (Sportello Amico)                       Via Bovi Campeggi 13/3 – 40131 Bologna.
      Piazza Minghetti 4 | Bologna                              Important! If the person who gave you
     Documents required for confirming the                      accommodation has not done it yet, first you
     availability of accommodation in Italy                     must send the “comunicazione di ospitalità”
     • If you have a bed or room in a hall (e.g. ER.GO)         along with the copies of the identity documents
        or other residence: declaration from the                to the Immigration Office at the Police station
        administrator confirming that your place is booked.     (Questura) in Bologna and then attach a copy
     • If you pay rent for a bed, a room or an apartment:       of the “comunicazione di ospitalità”, including
        a copy of the rental contract, which must               the copies of the identity documents and the
        state your name, must be signed and must be             delivery confirmation, to your Residence Permit
16                                                              application.
Badge, Arrival Statement,
                                                                                Tax Code

Your university badge is an ID card with a photo        If you need an Italian Tax Code, for example to sign
that confirms your student status at the University     a lease contract, you may apply for one from the Tax
of Bologna. It is needed to access the libraries, the   Code Desk at University of Bologna
laboratories and the washrooms. It can also be used
to obtain discounts at the cinema, book loans from      Alternatively you may contact the Agenzia delle
libraries, discounted bus passes and access to the      Entrate:
university canteens.
                                                        Agenzia Bologna 1
The Arrival Statement is the official confirmation      Via Marco Polo 60 | 40131 Bologna,
of your date of arrival and the expected duration of    Tel. 051 6103111 | Fax 051 6103981
your exchange period. If you need stamps on specific
forms from your home university instead, they will      Opening hours:Monday to Friday, 8.45 am - 12.45
be done by the staff of the Exchange Students Desk,     pm; Tuesday and Thursday also 2.30 - 4.30 pm.
according to the official date of registration at the
desk.                                                   Agenzia Bologna 2
                                                        via Larga 35 | 40138 Bologna
 Important: You must then send the Arrival              Tel. 051 6103111 | Fax 051 6103608
 Statement or the forms to your home university.
                                                        Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8.45 am - 12.45 pm;
If you lose any documents received on your arrival      Tuesday and Thursday also 2.30 - 4.30 pm.
or they are stolen, contact the Exchange Students
Desk for a copy.                                        Bring with you your ID card or passport (with the
At the end of your exchange period, don’t forget        Visa, when necessary) if you are a non-EU citizen.
to Check-out before you go home!
You will receive another very important document:
the Certificate of Departure. It is required by your
university to calculate the actual duration of your
exchange period.

Getting started

     After Check-in, you are advised to contact your          The online study plan is compulsory for all
     exchange coordinator to discuss your study plan          exchange students and it is indispensable for being
     and to sign the Learning Agreement, if it has not        able to sit the exams. The service is available from
     been signed prior to your arrival.                       your personal homepage on AlmaRM (“Fill in your
                                                              study plan” button), only after your Check-in.
     For questions on calendars, course timetable,            The Welcome Kit you were given at Check-in
     exams, exam sessions and the organisation                includes detailed instructions.
     of teaching activities in general, contact the
     International Relations Offices at the Schools.          From your personal Homepage you can also access
                                                              AlmaEsami (“Register for an exam” button).
     The university buildings are located all over the city   For more details see Registering for exams, page 21.
     of Bologna and in some municipalities nearby.            .
     In the Welcome Kit you will find a map of the city         Italian Emergency telephone numbers:
     indicating the various teaching buildings.                 112 - European Emergency Number
     Find the courses at:              113 - Emergency Police Help Number
                                                                115 - Fire Department
     When you have chosen all the courses you wish              118 - Medical Emergency
     to attend at the University of Bologna, according
     to the approved Learning Agreement, and checked
     the schedules and times of the lessons, you must
     complete your online study plan.
     This and other operations can be done on:
     AlmaRM - Accesso studenti
     This is the personal homepage for exchange
     students. You can change your password, check
     your personal data and exchange data, manage your
     contact details and print the acceptance message.
     To access this, see Username, password and online
     services, page 19.
                                                                          and online services

In the “Confirmation of registration” message (see    Studenti Online Help Desk
Registering, page 7) you will receive your username   It is the University service that can provide you with
and password (university credentials) needed to       support in using your username and password.
access the online services available on the website   Tel. 051 2099882                                
                                                      Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 am - 1.00 pm
You must first log in:                                and 2.00 - 5.00 pm
AlmaRM – Accesso studenti                           Other online services for students are:
                                                      La mia email
The system will ask you to change your password.
Pay attention when entering your password (PIN/       The free mail box has 10 GB of space and integrated
PUK) as this comprises numbers and upper and          functions including chat, calendar management and
lower case letters and it is very easy to make a      sharing, Smartphone access and address book.
                                                      Wi-Fi wireless connection
If you forget your password you can reset it to its   Students can connect to and surf the Internet using
default value (PUK), by connecting to:                ALMAWIFI, Iperbole Wireless, and Eduroam.        

The required code (“Cod. Fisc. Personale”) is         Alma Digital Library
indicated in the Confirmation of registration
message and is printed on your badge.                 The University of Bologna digital library gathers,
For further help please, send an e-mail to:           stores and makes available digital collections on                               the web, to support teaching and research.

From AlmaRM you can directly access the
Study plan (Fill in your study plan)
AlmaEsami (Register for an exam)

and study rooms

     The University of Bologna has a broad network of         To register, take an ID document to the Sala Borsa
     museums, libraries and documentary services              and fill in the application form. It is free of charge
     providing support to teaching, research and the          and can be used in all municipal libraries.
     professional and cultural activities of students,
     professors, technicians, graduates and scholars
     from any country.                                        In the study rooms and multi-purpose centres, you
     Consult the complete list on the following page:         can read and study, source information, and use          a range of services (photocopying, PCs for typing
                                                              dissertations and access to the Internet, info-
     The Bologna University Library, with important           points on the university and the city), and take part
     collections of antique and modern books, is the          in cultural, recreational and learning events run
     University’s central library, offering general library   directly by student groups.
     services, conservation and historical and scientific
     research facilities.                                         At Palazzo Paleotti, in Via Zamboni 25, there are
                                                              250 workstations for accessing the Internet, open
     The Municipality of Bologna also runs local public       every day (including Saturday and Sunday) from 9.00
     libraries; for the full list see:                        am to 10.00 pm*.                                You can consult bibliographical catalogues,
     The main municipal library is the Sala Borsa in          databases, digital documents, e-magazines, books,
     piazza del Nettuno 3 a cultural space in Palazzo         dictionaries and encyclopaedia from any computer
     d’Accursio, the historical headquarters of the           connected to the University network. Workstations
     Municipality, looking out over piazza Maggiore. The      are available for short consultations and word
     library has a rich multimedia collection of books,       processing, and computers are available for the
     newspapers, magazines, maps, videos, CD-ROMs,            blind and sight-impaired.
     DVDs and texts also in foreign languages. The            Show your university badge and an ID document, to
     entry to the Sala Borsa Library is free. Only for        get in.
     some services (loans, Internet, viewings) you must
     register and present your card.

Course contents, text books
                                                              and teaching materials.
                                                               Registering for exams

Course contents, text books and teaching materials     You can access AlmaEsami directly from your
In the course unit catalogue you can find a syllabus   personal homepage on AlmaRM (“Register for an
(learning outcomes, course contents, teaching          exam” button).
and assessment methods and tools, language             In AlmaEsami you can:
of instruction) and the list of books and texts
(bibliography/ readings) for each course unit.         • consult the dates of the exam sessions. When
                                                         the professors publish the sessions, alongside
Before purchasing text books, wait for the start of      each exam the “Prenota” button (book) is
lessons and follow the instructions given by the         enabled;
professors. You may purchase teaching materials in     • register for the exam sessions. Once you have
the bookshop or borrow them from the library. To         seen the exam session dates, you can register
search for books and materials:                          for the exams according to the schedule set by                                 the professors;
                                                       • check that your exam grades have been recorded.
To consult and download teaching material prepared       After you have sat and passed an exam, the
by the professors, you can use the Alm@-DL service.      professors record the result which you will be                                          able to see next to each exam. The recorded
                                                         exams are marked with “verbalizzato” (recorded)
Registering for exams                                    and the grade or the “pass” evaluation.
Before sitting an exam you must enter it in
your online study plan. The uploaded exams are
immediately visible on:

Exams, internships and
others teaching activities

     The Italian university system may be very different    training and obtain the credits laid down in your
     from the one in your country.                          study plan.
     In Italy exams are mainly oral. Some courses have      It is possible to carry out an internship outside
     written exams, practical tests or progress tests       the university (businesses, public institutions,
     during the lessons.                                    professional firms, etc.) or in the university
                                                            (laboratories, research centres, administrative
     At the end of the exam, the professor will inform      departments, etc.), both in Italy and abroad.
     you verbally of your grade or, in the case of
     written exams, will publish the grades online or in    To take part in an internship, consult the specific
     Almaesami. You can accept the grade or refuse it.      information on your School’s website and contact
     In the latter case, you will be able to sit the exam   the International Relations Office at the School and
     again during another available exam session. Once      the Internship Office.
     you have accepted the grade, the professor will
     record it in AlmaEsami.                                To consult the list of institutions holding agreements
                                                            with the university for internships and book them
     When you access your AlmaEsami page you will           directly online, access the Online Student Internship
     see “verbalizzato” (“recorded”) written next to the    Service using your username and password.
     exam. Check your page regularly, and if any exams
     have not been recorded, contact the professor.         These activities must also be included in your
     Some course units are known as “integrated             Learning Agreement and in your Study Plan and will
     courses”, and have 2 or more components.               be recorded in AlmaEsami.
     As an exchange student, you may sit both the exam
     for a single component (obtaining only the credits     In some cases, the hosting institutions issue a
     for that component) or the whole integrated course.    further certification which details the internship
                                                            (number of hours, subject, etc.).
     During your exchange period, you can also take part
     in a curricular internship.                            This additional documentation will not appear in the
     The curricular internship offers you the chance to     Transcript of Records.
     have work experience to complete your university > tirocini curriculari

Grades and passing exams.
                                                           Certification of attendance
                                                         and of teaching activities not
                                                           included in the curriculum

Grades and passing exams                               In the Transcript of Records, which will be issued
The grades in the Italian university system are        at the end of the exchange period, the grades are
expressed out of thirty.                               indicated in the Italian scale out of thirty and are
You will pass an exam or internship with a grade of    converted in the ECTS scale.
at least 18/30.
If you obtain full grade (30/30) the examination       Certification of attendance and of teaching acti-
board may also decide to award you honours (lode).     vities not included in the curriculum
                                                       If you need a certificate of attendance, ask
 Important: failed exams (< 18/30) are not             the professor for it during the first lesson. The
 usually recorded in Almaesami and therefore           professor will decide whether to issue a certificate
 they are not listed in your Transcript of Records.    of attendance at the end of the course.
 If your university requires failed exams to also
 be listed in your Transcript of Records, you must     In the Italian system, attendance alone is not
 explicitly ask the professor to record the “fail”,    sufficient for obtaining credits.
 immediately after the exam.                           If you wish to take part in activities that are not
 The failed exam can be recorded as “respinto”         in the course unit catalogue and which can
 (rejected), if you finished and failed the            therefore not be included in your study plan
 examination, or “ritirato” (withdrawn), if you        (some internships, seminars, preparation of the
 didn’t finish the examination. If you fail the exam   dissertation, etc.), you must immediately agree
 you will not obtain the relative credits.             with the professor on how to perform them and
                                                       certify them.

For some activities, i.e. language exams, including    The effective performance of these activities and
the Italian language courses, some internships,        an evaluation can be certified by the professors on
laboratories and seminars, you will not be given       stamped and signed headed notepaper, but cannot
a grade but merely a “Idoneo”/“Pass”. The same         be recorded in Almaesami and will therefore not
“Idoneo”/“Pass will be listed in the Transcript        appear in your Transcript of Records.
of Records. The “Idoneo”/”Pass” can never be           Always check in advance whether your university
transformed into a numerical grade.                    accepts this kind of certification.

Changing the study plan
and the duration of the
exchange period

     Variations in your study plan and in the duration of   If you need one, you can obtain an updated Arrival
     your exchange period must always be authorized by      Statement.
     the University of Bologna and by your university.      If you want to leave early, you just need to inform
     Erasmus+ students must ask their university for the    your home university and check how the amount of
     Learning Agreement modification form.                  your grant is affected by your early departure.
                                                            Important: remember to Check-out before leaving.
     As an exchange student you are allowed to stay at
     University of Bologna for the agreed period by home     Extending your Residence Permit
     and host universities as shown in your homepage in      If you are a non-EU citizen, and need to extend
     AlmaRM (Length of stay).                                your Residence Permit, you must apply for
                                                             renewal 60 days prior to its expiry date. Contact
     To extend your exchange period you must request         the Exchange Students Desk for this procedure.
     authorization from your university and from your        The costs of the renewal are the same as those
     exchange coordinator at the University of Bologna.      for the issue of the original Residence Permit.
                                                             You must also extend your health insurance
     The latter shall notify the Exchange Students Desk      coverage.
     of his/her approval by e-mail to:

                                                                    Get to know the services

UniboCultura                                              GET TO KNOW THE SERVICES                      Lunch and Dinner
UniboCultura organises the cultural events and            University canteens
meetings promoted by the University. The programme
includes exhibitions, concerts, lectures, conferences,    Exchange students have discounts at the university
art, music and cinema events, dance and theatre, poetry   canteens, when they show their badge.
readings and scientific communication events.             Pausa Pranzo@Unibo
                                                          University students can eat their own meals at food
University Choir and Orchestra                            courts provided with seats, microwave ovens, sinks,                                  snack and hot and cold drinks vending machines and
The Collegium Musicum represents the official choirs      washrooms.
and orchestra of the University of Bologna.               Food Courts are open from 11.30 am to 3.30 pm
The three choirs (mixed, chamber and female) and a        at Via Petroni 33 and Via Azzo Gardino 33 (Spazio
symphonic orchestra have more than 250 members            Polifunzionale Unione).
every year, most of whom are Italian or foreign           Students can also use the Pausa Pranzo @Le
university students. Via Zamboni 33 | 40126 Bologna       Residenze Universitarie, at the Irnerio (Piazza Puntoni
Tel. 051 2099069 | Fax 051 2099068                        1) and Morgagni residences (Largo Trombetti 1/2 ).
                                                          Free Time and Leisure Activities
Conventions for cinema and theatre                                   Student discounts are available for leisure activities.
The Cineteca in Bologna (        Consult the website to find out more.
offers discounts, also on Sundays and holidays, for the
performances at the Officinema and Lumière screens.       Sport
To obtain a discount you must show your university
badge and an ID document.                                 For all sports activities, joint the Bologna University
                                                          Sports Centre | CUSB.
ALMA LIBeRI – BookCrossing at the university              You may use your CUSB badge to sign up for and take                                   part in summer and winter activities, courses and
ALMALIBeRI is the BookCrossing initiative of the          competitions throughout the University campuses;
University of Bologna to leave books so that they can     you may also take advantage of discounts at partner
be picked up and read by other students.                  centres and of insurance policies.

The complete list of activities, divided by sector, can be    By bike
     found on the CUSB website.                                    Dynamo -
     CUSB | Bologna                                                It is the bike station (velostazione) in Bologna. At Dynamo,
     Via San Giacomo 9/2 | 40126 Bologna                           you can benefit from various services at discounted
     Tel. 051 4217324 | Fax 051 4217329                            fares: rent-a-bike, secure parking for bicycles, bicycle                                      repair shop or bicycle self-repair.
                                                                   Show your student card to take advantage of the
     Student Associations                                          following discounts: 20% off, on subscriptions for secure                              parking for bicycles; 10% off, on bicycle repair shop; 5%
     Students may join associations and cooperatives. Consult      off, on purchases of helmets, chains and locks; bicycle
     the websites to find out about the activities organised for   self-repair. You can use repair tools for free and purchase
     international students.                                       materials at discounted price.

     Living in Bologna                                             UniboSostenibile -
     Tourist information is published by the Municipality of       Find out the initiatives organised by the University of
     Bologna, offering a wide range of local resources and         Bologna about environmental sustainability.
     opportunities. Find out more on

     Getting Around
     With TPER Pubblic Transport
     Students of the University of Bologna aged under 30 can
     use public transport in Bologna at discounted rates. The
     pass, either impersonal monthly or personal annual,
     offers you free transport on all TPER facilities in the
     Bologna city network, at any time.For more information,
     contact a TPER point; there is one at Palazzo Re Enzo in
     Via Rizzoli 1, open from Monday to Friday, from 8.00 am
     to 7.00 pm.
     For other TPER points:
     With other forms of public transport:
Health and support

If you need medical care, you must contact a              Regional Healthcare Service
General Practitioner (also known as the “family 
doctor”); you can choose one from the list published      freephone number 800 033 033
on: > Cerca Medico                  Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am - 5.30 pm
                                                          Saturday, 8.30 am - 1.30 pm
If you are a EU citizen, you must bring your European
Health Insurance Card – EHIC/“TEAM card”) with you.       Dental care
                                                          For dental care, the National Health Service (SSN)
If you are a non-EU citizen and have private insurance,   provides only diagnostic and urgent treatment. For
you must pay for your appointment; the doctor will        routine work you must contact a private dentist, or
give you an invoice you can send to the insurance         you may also use the dental care service available
company for a refund. It is recommended to check          at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor
in advanced, by contacting your insurance company,        Sciences (DiBiNeM).
if the specific treatment can be reimbursed.              The service offers a first visit for free and a 30%
                                                          discount on some further visits.
If the GP thinks you need to see a specialist, you        For information:
will receive a prescription form; you must take this
to a CUP (Centro Unico di Prenotazione) point to          Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery
book an appointment. For the list see:                    Via S. Vitale 59 | 40125 Bologna > Elenco sportelli CUP              Tel. 051 2088111
Some Pharmacies have a CUP point too. > Elenco farmacie

Remember that for some specialist services, you
must pay a “ticket” as a contribution to cover part
of the costs. The ticket must also be paid by Italian
citizens. You must pay before you see the specialist.
Check whether your insurance company will also
refund these costs.

First Aid                                                 SAP - Psychological support
     You can call an ambulance dialing 118 (available
     24h including Holydays).                                  SAP is a free psychological support service run by
     If necessary you may also go to the Pronto Soccorso       the University of Bologna. Contact the service for
     (Emergency Room):                                         an appointment with specialists to help you identify
                                                               and analyse the reasons underlying any distress.
     Ospedale Sant’Orsola-Malpighi                             Department of Psychology
     Via Albertoni 15 | Bologna                                Viale Berti Pichat 5 | 40126 Bologna
                                                               Tel. 051 2091832
     Ospedale Maggiore                                         Opening hours:
     Largo Nigrisoli 2 | Bologna                               Monday to Friday, 9.30 am - 12.30 pm

     For Emergencies during the nights or on weekends          Services for Disabled and Dyslexic Students
     call the Guardia Medica: Tel. 051 3131 (from 8.00         A support service responding to the needs of
     pm to 8.00 am or from Saturdays at 10.00 am till          students with disabilities or learning disorders.
     Mondays at 8.00 am).
                                                               It mainly provides guidance for incoming students
     For urgent dental treatment:                              and graduates, as well as support throughout the
     Ambulatorio di Odontoiatria e Stomatologia                study programmes, aiming to identify and plan the
     “Beretta” at Ospedale Maggiore, Largo B. Nigrisoli        support required for every student to successfully
     2, Bologna.                                               complete their studies.
     There is a limited number of places for emergencies.
     To be attended you have to take the number at 7.30
     am from Mondays to Fridays and at 7.30 am on              Disabled Students Service | Dyslexic Students
     Saturdays.                                                Service
                                                               Via Ranzani 14 | 40127 Bologna
     Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am - 13.30;         Tel. 051 2095941
     Saturday, 8.30 am - 12.00 pm; Holidays, 8.00 am -
     1.00 pm.                                        
     Tel. 051 3172721 (Monday to Friday 11.00 am - 1.00 pm.)
At the end of the
exchange period


     Before leaving, after sitting the exams planned,         When you leave you will receive the Certificate
     you must go to the Exchange Students Desk and            of Departure, confirming the start and end dates
     Check- out.                                              of your exchange period, which you shall give to
     You must Check-out in person. You cannot send            your university. If you have specific forms from
     a friend to do it for you! You will register your        your home university to confirm your exchange
     departure and check, together with the staff, if         period duration, bring them with you to get them
     all the exams and internships are recorded in            filled in.
     AlmaEsami. If all exams and internships have been
     recorded correctly, the digital Transcript of Records    Important: the end date of your exchange period
     will be sent immediately to your home university by      corresponds to the Check-out date!
                                                             Find out promptly about any rules that your
     In case any grades are missing, the Exchange            university or the institute funding your mobility
     Students Desk staff will take care of completing the    applies to calculate the amount of your scholarship
     recordings and will send the Transcript of Records      and bear this in mind for the Check-out date.
     to your home university later; therefore, you can       With the Check-out, you will have formally
     Check-out even if not all the grades have been          completed your exchange period and may not sit
     recorded yet.                                           any more exams or participate in other teaching
     When the Transcript of Records is ready, you can also
     download it directly from your personal homepage         Important: if you leave without checking out,
     on AlmaRM. To avoid any delays, check regularly          the end date will correspond to the date of
     that the exams you have sat have been recorded on        the last recording of an exam or internship in
     AlmaEsami, and if any grades are missing contact         AlmaEsami.
     the professors before leaving.                           If you did not sit any exams and do not Check-
                                                              out, you will not receive the Certificate of
      Important: do not forget to return the books            Departure.
      borrowed from the libraries, before checking-

Transcript of Records

The Transcript of Records is issued at the end of      These tables allow the universities of the European
your exchange period both in Italian and in English.   Higher Education Area, which have adopted the ECTS
It contains your personal data, your arrival and       system, to convert Italian grades into local grades.
departure dates, the list of exams and internships
you have done, with the date of the exam, the          The ECTS scale and relative tables cannot be used
credits (CFU and ECTS) and the grades obtained.        to convert grades for non-European universities
                                                       which have not adopted the ECTS system.
The grades are expressed in the Italian scale out of
thirty and are converted into the ECTS scale. Please   The Transcript of Records is issued in digital format,
remember that the “Idoneo”/”Pass” can never be         provided with digital signature and stamp, and,
transformed into a numerical grade.                    according to Italian law, has the same legal value
                                                       as the traditional paper transcript.
The Transcript also explains the Italian grading
system and provides the “ECTS grading tables”.

Other mobility programmes

     The University of Bologna takes part in some special    Erasmus+ for Trainsheep (Mobility for Traineeships)
     mobility programmes, such as Erasmus Mundus             Students spending an exchange period at the
     Action 2 (EMA2), Erasmus+ ICM (Mobility outside         University of Bologna to carry out an internship
     Europe), and Mobility CONFAP-ITALY (MCI Brazil),        within the Erasmus+ for Traineeship programme,
     which may provide students with tailored services and   need to be accepted by a professor who will tutor
     may be subject to special rules.                        their activities. They are hosted in Schools and
     If you are an exchange student within these             Departments.
     programmes, please pay attention to all the
     instructions given by your programme coordinator.       The document required to start the mobility
                                                             programme is the Learning Agreement for
     Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (EMA2)                          Traineeship (LAT).
     Via Filippo Re 4 | 40126 Bologna                        The LAT is the work plan agreed upon by you, your                                       university and the tutoring professor at University of
                                                             Bologna, who invited you and will tutor you activity.
     Erasmus+ ICM (Mobility outside Europe)                  In order to carry out the traineeship you shall: ask
     Via Filippo Re 4 | 40126 Bologna                        the form to your home university and fill it; get it
     Students coming from Eastern neighbouring Coun-         signed by your university and the tutoring professor
     tries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldo-    at the University of Bologna; send the LAT to the
     va, Ukraine), Russia, Asia, Australia and New Zea-      Exchange Students Desk via email: incoming.diri@
     land, USA and Canada:                         ; upon receipt of the Acceptance message,
     Tel. +39 051 2088480 I              complete your online registration (see Registering,
     Students coming from Africa, Latin America,             page 7); on arrival, Check-in at the Exchange
     Southern neighbouring Countries (Algeria, Egypt,        Students Desk (see Check-in, page 14).
     Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Libya,
     Israel, Palestine) and Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and     As an exchange student for Traineeships you are not
     Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia):               allowed to sit exams and gain credits. At the Check-
     Tel. +39 051 2088103 I              out (see Check-out, page 30) you will only get your
                                                             Certificate of Departure. Your internship will be
     Mobility CONFAP-ITALY (MCI Brazil)
                                                             certified by the professor tutoring your activities by
     Via Filippo Re, 4 I 40126 Bologna
                                                             filling in the appropriate sections of the Learning
     Tel. +39 051 2099424 I
                                                             Agreement for Traineeships (LAT).
International Relations
                                                                         Offices at the Schools

Visiting Students                                            School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Students, spending an exchange period at the                 Ufficio mobilità internazionale Agraria
University of Bologna as Visiting Students, need             Claudia Brugnoli
to be accepted by a professor who will tutor                 Viale Fanin 50 | 40127 Bologna
their activities. They are hosted in Schools and             Tel. 051 2096502
To be hosted as Visiting student you shall: obtain an
invitation letter signed by the tutoring professor; upon     Ufficio mobilità internazionale Medicina
receipt of the Acceptance message, complete your             veterinaria
online registration (see Registering, page 7); on arrival,   Claudia Giorgi
Check-in at the Exchange Students Desk (see Check-in,        Via Tolara di Sopra 50
page 14).                                                    40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO)
It is advisable to agree your work plan with the tutoring    Tel. 051 2097979
professor in advance.                              
As a Visiting Student you are not allowed to
sit exams and gain credits. At the Check-out                 School of Economics, Management, and Statistics
(see Check-out, page 30) you will only get your              Servizi di internazionalizzazione
Certificate of Departure. If you need a certification        Irene Terracina
of your activities, this will be issued by the tutoring      Piazza Scaravilli 2 (I piano) | 40126 Bologna
professor on headed paper or on forms provided by            Tel. 051 2098869
your home university.                              

Specific Agreements                                          School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology, and Sport
Schools and Departments can sign agreements                  Sciences
providing students’ mobility.                                Mobilità studentesca internazionale
If you are an exchange student within a Specific             Via San Donato 19/2 I 40127 Bologna
Agreement, you are only allowed to sit exams at the          Tel. 051 2095643
School or Department hosting you. Pay attention    
and choose correctly the course units when filling
in your Learning Agreement and Study Plan.
School of Law                                 School of Medicine
     Servizio Orientamento Studenti - supporto     Ufficio Staff - Supporto mobilità internazionale
     processi di internazionalizzazione            Sara Scurani
     Via Zamboni 22 | 40125 Bologna                Polo Murri, I piano | Via Massarenti 9
     Tel. 051 2098763 I Fax 051 2098739            40138 Bologna                           Tel. 051 2095543 | Fax 051 2086020
     School of Engineering and Architecture
     Ufficio mobilità studentesca internazionale   School of Psychology and Education
     Via Saragozza, 8 - 10 | 40123 Bologna         Ufficio esteri e relazioni internazionali
     Tel. 051 2093946                              Laura Malin             Via Filippo Re 6
                                                   40126 Bologna
     School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural      Tel. 051 2091653 | Fax 051 2091679
     Ufficio didattico - mobilità internazionale
     Ilaria Tamburini                              School of Science
     Via Zamboni 34 | 40126 Bologna                Ufficio mobilità studentesca internazionale
     Tel. 051 2098358                              Via Zamboni 33 | 40126 Bologna                         Tel. 051 2088551
     School of Foreign Languages and Literature,
     Interpreting and Translation                  School of Political Sciences
     Ufficio esteri                                Ufficio relazioni internazionali e mobilità
     Desideria Santella                            Aleksandra Uzunova
     Via Filippo Re 8 | 40126 Bologna              Strada Maggiore 45 | 40125 Bologna
     Tel. 051 2091884                              Tel. 051 2092801           

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