Examining the Relationship Between Environmental Factors and Inpatient Hospital Falls: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study - JMIR Research Protocols

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JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                                           Shorr et al


     Examining the Relationship Between Environmental Factors and
     Inpatient Hospital Falls: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study

     Ronald I Shorr1*, MD, MS; Sherry Ahrentzen2*, PhD; Stephen L Luther3*, PhD; Chad Radwan3*, PhD; Bridget Hahm3*,
     MA, MPH; Mahshad Kazemzadeh2*, PhD; Slande Alliance4*, MPH, MCHES; Gail Powell-Cope4*, PhD; Gary M
     Fischer5, MArch
      Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Centers, North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System, Gainesville, FL, United States
      Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, College of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States
      Research Service, James A Haley Veterans Hospital, Tampa, FL, United States
      Research Service, North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System, Gainesville, FL, United States
     Office of Facilities Standards Service/Office of Facilities Planning, Office of Construction and Facilities Management, Department of Veterans Affairs,
     Washington, DC, United States
      these authors contributed equally

     Corresponding Author:
     Mahshad Kazemzadeh, PhD
     Shimberg Center for Housing Studies
     College of Design, Construction and Planning
     University of Florida
     1480 Inner Road
     Gainesville, FL
     United States
     Phone: 1 352 317 8172
     Email: m.kazemzadeh@ufl.edu

     Background: Patient falls are the most common adverse events reported in hospitals. Although it is well understood that the
     physical hospital environment contributes to nearly 40% of severe or fatal hospital falls, there are significant gaps in the knowledge
     about the relationship between inpatient unit design and fall rates. The few studies that have examined unit design have been
     conducted in a single hospital (non-Veterans Health Administration [VHA]) or a small number of inpatient units, limiting
     generalizability. The goal of this study is to identify unit design factors contributing to inpatient falls in the VHA.
     Objective: The first aim of the study is to investigate frontline and management perceptions of and experiences with veteran
     falls as they pertain to inpatient environmental factors. An iterative rapid assessment process will be used to analyze the data.
     Interview findings will directly inform the development of an environmental assessment survey to be conducted as part of aim
     2 and to contribute to interpretation of aim 2. The second aim of this study is to quantify unit design factors and compare spatial
     and environmental factors of units with higher- versus lower-than-expected fall rates.
     Methods: We will first conduct walk-through interviews with facility personnel in 10 medical/surgical units at 3 VHA medical
     centers to identify environmental fall risk factors. Data will be used to finalize an environmental assessment survey for nurse
     managers and facilities managers. We will then use fall data from the VA Inpatient Evaluation Center and patient data from
     additional sources to identify 50 medical/surgical nursing units with higher- and lower-than-expected fall rates. We will measure
     spatial factors by analyzing computer-aided design files of unit floorplans and environmental factors from the environmental
     assessment survey. Statistical tests will be performed to identify design factors that distinguish high and low outliers.
     Results: The VA Health Services Research and Development Service approved funding for the study. The research protocol
     was approved by institutional review boards and VA research committees at both sites. Data collection started in February 2018.
     Results of the data analysis are expected by February 2022. Data collection and analysis was completed for aim 1 with a manuscript
     of results in progress. For aim 2, the medical/surgical units were categorized into higher- and lower-than-expected fall categories,
     the environmental assessment surveys were distributed to facility managers and nurse managers. Data to measure spatial
     characteristics are being compiled.

     https://www.researchprotocols.org/2021/7/e24974                                                            JMIR Res Protoc 2021 | vol. 10 | iss. 7 | e24974 | p. 1
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JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                                  Shorr et al

     Conclusions: To our knowledge, this study is the first to objectively identify spatial risks for falls in hospitals within in a large
     multihospital system. Findings can contribute to evidence-based design guidelines for hospitals such as those of the Facility
     Guidelines Institute and the Department of Veterans Affairs. The metrics for characterizing spatial features are quantitative indices
     that could be incorporated in larger scale contextual studies examining contributors to falls, which to date often exclude physical
     environmental factors at the unit level. Space syntax measures could be used as physical environmental factors in future research
     examining a range of contextual factors—social, personal, organizational, and environmental—that contribute to patient falls.
     International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/24974

     (JMIR Res Protoc 2021;10(7):e24974) doi: 10.2196/24974

     falls; accidental falls; hospital design and construction; health facility environment; hospital units; evidence-based facility design;
     nursing; environmental factors; well-being; accident

                                                                            visibility from decentralized nurses’ stations and from corridors
     Introduction                                                           was significantly associated with the incidence of patient falls.
     Background                                                             As part of our mixed methods study, we propose a similar
                                                                            approach to physically measure environmental design factors
     According to the Joint Commission, patient falls are                   within Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals that may
     hospital-acquired conditions, and falls with serious injury were       contribute to patient falls via the manner in which design affects
     the most reported sentinel event in 2018 [1]. Inpatient falls result   accessibility and visibility. It should be noted that this does not
     in a financial burden to US medical organizations, contributing        include video monitoring as it may not be not allowed in
     to a 61% increase in patient care costs [2] and decreased quality      medical/surgical units. The physical design of a unit can
     of life for the injured patients. In 2015, the total medical costs     facilitate or impede nursing care, affecting efficiency, stress,
     for falls totaled more than $50 billion, and Medicare and              and patient care [10]. Hospital unit design experts often ask if
     Medicaid shouldered 75% of these costs [3]. Thus, decreasing           the design is (1) flexible, allowing for changes over time, (2)
     the rate of patient falls is a main focus for improving the quality    efficient, allowing for quick and easy access to patients, families,
     of health care. According to the Joint Commission, physical            computers, and supplies, (3) permitting the most optimal use
     environment was a common factor contributing to a fall with            of the space while increasing unimpeded sight lines, and (4)
     injury [4]. Although programs that address multiple risk factors       welcoming to patients and their families.
     have been implemented to reduce hospital falls, none of the
     commonly used fall risk assessment tools include built                 Data on falls and fall-related injuries have been systematically
     environment factors [5]. Retrospective research studies                collected and analyzed for all nonfederal hospital units since
     examining the association between the physical environment             2011. Although the complementary data sources exist for
     of the hospital unit and patient falls are few [6], and many of        Veterans Health Administration (VHA) hospitals, there are only
     these rely on Likert-type scales of perceived intensity (eg,           a few published studies describing the system-wide burden of
     excellent to poor lighting or sight lines) rather than physical        hospital falls in the VHA system of care [11,12]. In the past
     measurement of environmental factors (eg, lumens, distance in          decade, hospital and health care design is increasingly guided
     linear feet). Many of these studies narrowly focus on design           by evidence-based design and rigorous research to link the
     factors immediately impinging on the patient (eg, bedrails) [7]        spatial design and built characteristics of hospitals to health
     and overlook how physical design affects workflow and care             care outcomes [5,13].
     delivery, which in turn affects patient outcomes such as falls         Study Objectives
                                                                            This mixed methods study will explore the relationship between
     Factors in the facility environment that affect social organization    unit design and patient falls in VHA medical/surgical units. The
     and behavior include spatial organization, environmental               goal of aim 1 is to investigate frontline staff and management
     systems, communication cues, ambient qualities, and                    perceptions of and experiences with veteran falls as they pertain
     architectural details [9]. Of these, spatial organization factors      to inpatient environmental factors including patient rooms,
     play a prominent role in supporting or hindering behaviors of          bathrooms, nurses’ stations, and hallway design features. We
     staff and patients in health care settings. Corridor layout, the       will conduct walk-through interviews in medical/surgical units
     location of nursing stations, and placement of interior doors and      at 3 VHA medical centers with unit and facility personnel to
     windows can facilitate or impede staff oversight of patient            identify environment-related fall risk factors for patient falls.
     movement and activities. In one hospital case study, Choi [6]          Interview findings will be used to develop an environmental
     examined the locations of patient falls in relation to physical        assessment survey to be conducted as part of aim 2. The goal
     accessibility and visibility from nurse to patient bed using key       of aim 2 is to quantify unit design factors and compare spatial
     locations (nursing station, medications, and a corridor’s              and environmental factors of units with higher- versus
     circulation path). Using digitized floor plans and spatial analysis    lower-than-expected fall rates. We will use fall data from the
     software, Choi numerically and graphically analyzed physical           VA Inpatient Evaluation Center and patient data from additional
     accessibility and visibility (ie, sight lines) from key locations      data sources to identify units with higher- and
     to inside patients’ rooms. Findings showed that patient bed            lower-than-expected risk-adjusted fall rates. Predicted values
     https://www.researchprotocols.org/2021/7/e24974                                                   JMIR Res Protoc 2021 | vol. 10 | iss. 7 | e24974 | p. 2
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JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                                Shorr et al

     for hospital fall rates will be based on a regression model by       investigate staff and management perceptions of environmental
     using the SAS Proc Mixed procedure employing residual                factors that contribute to patient falls (aim 1). We will use
     (restricted) maximum likelihood covariance structure and             quantitative approaches to identify medical/surgical units with
     accounting for nesting within Veterans Integrated Service            higher- or lower-than-expected fall rates and identify spatial
     Networks (VHA region) and facility [14]. Differences between         and environmental factors that distinguish them (aim 2).
     predicted and observed values will be based on studentized
                                                                          The study conceptual framework is based on the box model
     residuals. We will measure spatial factors by analyzing
                                                                          proposed by Tzeng [15], which acknowledges that fall
     computer-aided design (AutoCAD) files of unit floorplans and
                                                                          prevention encompasses patient-, unit-, and facility-level system
     environmental factors based on the environmental assessment
                                                                          risk factors (Figure 1). Patient-level characteristics include
                                                                          factors like age, gender, severity of illness/comorbidities,
                                                                          surgical procedures, psychotropic drugs, and altered mental
     Methods                                                              status. Unit-level characteristics include nurse staffing, type of
     Design                                                               additional unit level and patient room characteristics such as
                                                                          unit accessibility, unit visibility, corridor path length, distance
     We propose a mixed methods descriptive study to explore the          from bed to bathroom, and patient room type. Facility-level
     relationship between unit design and patient falls in VHA            characteristics include facility complexity and geographic
     medical/surgical units. We will use a qualitative approach of        location.
     participant observation with walk-through interviews to
     Figure 1. Conceptual model.

                                                                          at least 1 year of hospital experience at the hospital where they
     Setting and Study Population                                         are currently employed. Both day and night shift staff will be
     The VA is the largest integrated health care system in the United    recruited.
     States, consisting of 150 medical centers, nearly 1400
     community-based outpatient clinics, community living centers,        From all medical/surgical units in the VHA system, we will
     Vet Centers and domiciliaries. Together, these health care           identify nursing units reporting unusually high and low patient
     facilities and the more than 53,000 independent licensed health      fall rates over time (ie, nursing units showing highest deviation
     care practitioners who work in them provide comprehensive            from the rates predicted by an appropriately fitted regression
     care to more than 9 million veterans each year [16].                 model that includes the known standard predictors of patient
                                                                          falls) [17]. To simplify modeling, we will use aggregated
     Inclusion Criteria                                                   measures of 48 months of observation. Nursing units that report
     Within each facility, personnel at 4 different organizational        extreme risk-adjusted fall rates may constitute interesting
     levels and in different roles will be invited to participate.        outliers that are not statistical nuisances but which can be used
     Participants will be nurse managers, staff nurses, patient care      to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying processes
     technicians, occupational and physical therapists, and Patient       leading to patient falls [12].
     Safety Committee members currently working in
     medical/surgical units at the facilities. Participants should have

     https://www.researchprotocols.org/2021/7/e24974                                                 JMIR Res Protoc 2021 | vol. 10 | iss. 7 | e24974 | p. 3
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     Study Procedure Aim 1: Participant Observation                         approach that provides an opportunity to uncover participants’
                                                                            perspectives using a conversational style.
     Recruitment and Enrollment
     We will recruit a purposive [18] sample of clinical staff. We          Interview Guide
     will ask the nursing service administrator at each facility to         We developed a semistructured interview guide to elicit
     identify nurse managers of the chosen units and work with the          responses from all staff participants regarding hospital falls
     nurse managers to identify individual staff. While identifying         (Multimedia Appendix 1). The interview guide was designed
     staff through administrators and managers may introduce bias,          to elicit perceptions and ideas related to unit design factors and
     we have used this method successfully in VHA hospitals and             their interactions with facility and patient factors that increase
     have found staff to be forthcoming in responses to interview           the risk of falls. Examples of interview questions include the
     questions and questionnaires. The unions at each facility              following:
     endorsed this recruitment method. Once potential interview             •   What factors at this hospital influence the risk of inpatient
     participants have been identified, project team members will               falls?
     contact each in person or by email or telephone and explain the        •   What efforts are being made at the leadership level to
     project. The project manager will explain the informed consent             change these factors?
     with audio addendum process to each potential participant and,         •   Do you think unit design has an impact on how staff are
     if agreeable, send them the informed consent form.                         able to see patients as they ambulate or get out of their beds?
     Walk-through interviews will be scheduled in accordance with           •   As we walk through the unit, please describe where a patient
     facility and union standard operating procedures and regulations.          fall occurred and whether you thought the layout of the unit
     We will schedule the interviews at times that are convenient               or patient room influenced the fall or its outcome.
     for participants and hospital unit workflow.
                                                                            Data Management
     Interview Procedures
                                                                            To ensure data quality of walk-through interviews, (1)
     We will conduct 10 walk throughs in 3 facilities yielding 10           experienced facilitators will conduct the interviews; (2) data
     group interviews with a total of up to 35 participants.                analysis will be concurrent with data collection, and participant
     Walk-through interviews are a data gathering technique                 feedback will be assessed and compiled; (3) interviews will be
     frequently used in architectural programming to build                  audiorecorded to ensure that no information is missed; (4)
     postoccupancy evaluation. In the walk-through interview,               photographs will be labeled with interview time, location, and
     observation and interviewing take place simultaneously. The            corresponding statements referencing design factors of interest;
     interviewer walks through designated areas of the building under       and (5) data analysis will be conducted by one investigator and
     study with a small group of building occupants. As they walk           the qualitative data manager. Additionally, an assistant facilitator
     from area to area, questions are posed by the interviewer,             will take notes and debrief with the facilitator after the
     eliciting discussion of key issues, problems, and benefits as          interviews to record shared or unique perspectives. The
     perceived by occupants. By coupling the interview with                 qualitative data manager will manage data files and organize
     observation of the setting, the walk through triggers detailed         and assist with data coding. Interview recordings will be
     recalls of experiences and reactions as related to building factors.   reviewed by both facilitators to verify accuracy of field notes
     This approach allows investigators to triangulate direct               and add missing data. Data will be secured and backed up behind
     observation of the physical factors of the hospital unit with the      the password-protected VA firewall with access limited to team
     subjective perspective of the occupant regarding situations            members. Investigators will meet regularly to debrief on data
     associated with it.                                                    methodologies, data integrity, and data security.
     The interview team will include (1) a facilitator skilled in
                                                                            Data Analysis Plan
     qualitative methods who will lead discussions using an interview
     guide, (2) an assistant facilitator who will take photographs of       Analysis of interview data will begin following the first
     environmental conditions, and (3) subject matter experts from          interview and will be performed concurrently with ongoing
     the study team who will be primarily nonparticipant observers.         interviews as transcripts are obtained. Insights obtained from
     Interviews will be audiorecorded on password-protected and             continuous analysis will be used to guide further data collection
     encryption-capable digital recorders with high-quality audio.          by modifying the interview guide, understanding feedback from
     Participants will complete an anonymous questionnaire to               participants, and conceptualizing provisional results. A rapid
     summarize demographics of the group. At the start of the               assessment process, an “intensive, team-based, qualitative
     walk-through interview, the purpose will be explained and any          inquiry using triangulation, iterative data analysis, and additional
     questions from participants will be answered. Participants will        data collection to quickly develop a preliminary understanding
     be told that their responses will be presented in aggregate or an      of a situation from the insider’s perspective” [19], will be used
     otherwise deidentified manner and that the interview discussions       to analyze the data. This analysis [20] emphasizes speed of data
     will remain confidential. Standard response-eliciting techniques       collection and analysis to focus on programmatic questions or
     will facilitate discussion using generic prompts (eg, “tell me         problems encountered by health services researchers.
     more”), summarizing statements, asking for similar and                 Triangulation of data will be facilitated by including staff who
     contrasting opinions, controlling overtalkers, and including all       hold different roles, using photographs to validate interviewee
     participants in the discussion. The facilitator will use a flexible    responses and collecting data on different units in different
                                                                            hospitals. Interview notes and transcripts will be reviewed by

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     the data team for inductive data reduction to sort, focus, and       t test, the standard deviations were assumed to be unknown and
     organize data so themes can be identified and conclusions            equal. The second sample size calculation was based on a
     obtained [20]. Domain names will be developed to correspond          1-degree of freedom chi-square test. A 2-sided alpha level of
     with interview questions, and a summary template will be             .50 was used in both calculations.
     created. Prior to analysis, the template will be internally tested
     by the team for usability and reliability. Several team members
                                                                          Study Procedure Aim 2: Linking Unit Design and Falls
     will summarize transcripts and transfer the themes into a matrix     Procedures
     to synthesize important findings.
                                                                          To gather data on spatial and environmental characteristics of
     Study Procedure Aim 2: Modeling Falls Data                           the units and patient rooms, we will contact facility managers
                                                                          of the sampled hospitals to request AutoCAD digitized
     Procedures                                                           documents of floor plans and interior sections of the designated
     We will obtain the studentized residuals, the difference between     unit and completion of the environmental assessment survey
     the observed data and the predicted value of the observation,        by nurses and facilities management staff developed during aim
     based on the model fitted as described below. The top and            1 that includes design features not available on AutoCAD
     bottom 25 units (n=50) according to the ranked studentized           documents (Multimedia Appendix 3). Efforts to maximize
     residuals will be selected to form high and low comparison           cooperation and participation by nurse managers and facilities
     groups in the second phase. The use of residuals to classify units   management will include (1) an email request explaining the
     as high versus low fall rates implies that the amount of             study and study findings as highly relevant because they reflect
     unexplained variance is higher or lower than expected after          evidence-based design objectives called for by the VA Office
     adjusting for available known factors. For example, a unit with      of Construction and Facilities Management, (2) request cosigned
     the highest predicted adjusted rate may not qualify to be in the     by the principal investigator and VA Senior Healthcare
     unusually high group because it was accurately predicted by          Architect, (3) follow-up email requests, (4) collaboration with
     the multivariable model; the difference between predicted and        the VHA Office of Nursing Service, and (5) follow-up for
     observed rates would be relatively small. Alternately, if a          nonresponders.
     medium rate is predicted for a unit but the observed rate is
                                                                          AutoCAD documents are digitized files of floor plans and
     unexpectedly high, this would be regarded as an unusually high
                                                                          interior sections of the hospital units. Many spatial features (eg,
                                                                          walls, doors, interior and exterior windows, counter heights)
     To develop the models, we will use the most recent national          and functional locations (eg, nurses’ stations, medication rooms)
     VHA falls data based on the start date of the study, fiscal years    are contained in these documents. Project team members will
     2013-2017. To provide an estimate of available data for the          be blinded to whether the floor plans come from high-fall or
     study, we accessed unit-level fall data for all medical/surgical     low-fall units.
     units through the VHA Support Service Center (317 units and
     12,531 unit months). After excluding units with fewer than 3
                                                                          Spatial Analysis
     or more than 200 patient days per month, 11,532 patient months       Space syntax metrics will be computed indirectly by Depthmap
     were available for analysis. Multimedia Appendix 2 summarizes        software analysis using spatial data entered directly from
     the definitions and sources for each of these variables, grouped     AutoCAD files. Depthmap is a single software platform that
     by model domains.                                                    performs spatial network analyses (ie, space syntax) [21,22]
                                                                          using maps of the spatial layout of the hospital unit based on
     Data Analysis Plan                                                   user-designated points within units. Depthmap operates by
     To develop models, we will investigate the patterns of fall rates    performing a set of spatial network analyses. One set uses
     per unit per month across 60 months. The degree of variability       visibility graph analysis [22]. A grid of points is overlaid on a
     or stability in rates will guide how to aggregate the falls data.    floor plan where each point is connected to every other point
     Mean fall rates and risk measure scores will be included in a        that it can see. The visual integration of a point is based on the
     linear mixed model using SAS (SAS Institute Inc) statistical         number of steps it takes to get from that point to any other point
     software. The facility identifier will be treated as a random        within the network. Various graph measures and ratio-level
     effect (to adjust for nesting of data within facilities), with all   metrics can be calculated, depending upon the research
     other predictors as fixed effects. We will review regression         hypotheses [23,24].
     statistics on the basis of how well the regression model predicts
                                                                          Physical and design characteristics data will be extracted directly
     the dependent variable of fall rates.
                                                                          from AutoCAD files and environmental surveys. Some physical
     Power Analysis                                                       and design characteristics (eg, distance from patient bed to
     Statistical testing will be conducted to compare unit design         patient bathroom) will be calculated within the AutoCAD
     variables between units identified with risk-adjusted high-fall      program itself (Multimedia Appendix 4). Use of AutoCAD files,
     and low-fall rates. Estimated sample sizes (number of nursing        environmental surveys, and Depthmap reduces the need for
     units) required to achieve 80% statistical power and the             extensive on-site measurement by hospital staff or researchers.
     corresponding minimum detectable effect sizes range from a           This methodology ensures reliability of data collection across
     low of 40 (20 high-fall and 20 low-fall) to a high of 50 (25         sites and minimizes measurement error that occurs by direct
     high-fall and 25 low-fall). In the sample size calculation for the   measurement.

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     Statistical Analysis                                                  of falling and using clinical judgment to decide which of a
     Statistical and graphic comparisons will be made between              myriad of strategies will reduce fall risk [29]. A quantitative
     high-fall and low-fall units for the variables in Multimedia          review found no evidence of benefit among published
     Appendix 4. The presence of statistically significant associations    nursing-oriented hospital fall prevention studies using concurrent
     between hospital unit fall category (high, low) and each unit         controls (incidence rate ratio 0.92; 95% CI 0.65-1.30) [30,31].
     design measure will be tested separately as follows: a 2-sample       Even though tremendous resources have been dedicated to
     t test for continuous measures (accessibility, visibility, corridor   reduce falls in VHA hospital units, a wide variation in fall rates
     length) and a chi-square test for categorical measures (ie, single    still occurs. The advantages of the proposed research design are
     versus multioccupancy patient rooms).                                 that it leverages the power of large VA administrative databases
                                                                           to identify nursing units that have the highest and lowest
     Ethical Approval and Consent to Participate                           risk-adjusted fall rates and conducts in-depth analyses using
     The research protocol was approved by the University of Florida       physical measurements of environmental factors to identify
     and University of South Florida institutional review boards and       factors contributing to fall rates. We will employ a novel
     VA Research Committees at both sites. Local union approval            analysis of floor plans using Depthmap spatial software to
     was obtained to conduct the walk-through interviews, and              investigate unit design factors between the units with high and
     written informed consent was obtained before the interviews.          low fall rates. These space syntax measures could be used as
     VHA Labor Relations and the National Nurses Union reviewed            physical environmental factors in future research examining a
     the protocol and instruments and provided concurrence to              range of contextual factors—social, personal, organizational,
     conduct the nurse environmental assessment survey. The                and environmental—contributing to patient falls. In addition,
     environmental assessment surveys were emailed; a waiver of            the findings from this study can contribute to development and
     documentation of informed consent was approved as the                 refinement of evidence-based design guidelines for hospitals
     completion of the survey implied consent. Approved informed           and health care settings such as those of the Facility Guidelines
     consent language was included on the first page of the                Institute and the VA.
     environmental assessments.                                            Study Limitations
     Results                                                               The walk-though portion of the study had 3 limitations we
                                                                           attempted to minimize through design of the study. First, the
     All study approvals were obtained by January 2018. From               facilities selected for walk-through interviews formed a
     January to March 2019, we conducted walk-through interviews           convenience sample, so they may not be representative of all
     and finalized the environmental assessment survey. By                 VHA medical/surgical units. Given that the facilities available
     November 2019, we identified 25 units with                            were built or renovated during different time periods, they
     higher-than-expected fall rates and 25 units with                     provided for variations that may exist across the VHA. Second,
     lower-than-expected rates. In January 2020, we began to request       because units are very busy places with high demands on staff,
     AutoCad files from these units. In January and August 2020,           we included multiple staff so that if one was called away the
     we surveyed facilities managers and nurse managers,                   walk throughs could be completed without them. Staff not in
     respectively. We expect to complete data analysis by February         the walk throughs covered their absences as they were able.
     2022. Dissemination will occur during the following year.             Third, because walk-through interviews included managers and
                                                                           frontline staff, we were aware of the potential for group
     Discussion                                                            dynamics being influenced by power differentials. The research
                                                                           team used validated focus group techniques to elicit feedback
     Principal Findings                                                    from all participant such as calling on individuals who were not
     Patient falls are the most common adverse events reported in          as likely to offer responses as others.
     hospitals [1,25]. Although it is well understood that the physical    Three limitations were noted for aim 2. First, each unit had only
     hospital environment is a common contributing factor to falls         one participant per unit completing the environmental
     with injuries [26], there are significant gaps in our knowledge       assessment survey, increasing the possibility of bias responses.
     about the relationship between inpatient unit design and fall         To minimize this bias, we asked nurse managers, who are highly
     rates. The few studies that have examined unit design have been       knowledgeable decision makers, to complete the surveys.
     conducted in a single hospital or a small number of inpatient         Second, the risk adjustment models were complex and built on
     units, limiting generalizability [27,28]. Furthermore, no studies     data from multiple data sources. While the VHA is an integrated
     have focused on unit design and falls in VHA medical centers.         health care system, we were faced with linking data that have
     Thus, the overarching goal of this study is to identify unit design   no formal common identifying codes. All information available
     factors contributing to inpatient falls within the VHA.               in each data source was used to match the units, and we
     Study Strengths                                                       conducted validity checks across datasets. Third, use of space
                                                                           syntax analysis requires some assumptions (eg, height of the
     To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to          agent line of sight). In this study, we considered that nurses are
     study hospital falls in a large multihospital system. Hospitals       sitting in the nursing station and have a 360° view of their
     employ numerous approaches to develop fall prevention policies.       surroundings. However, they may be in the nursing station
     In general, the procedures are largely directed at nursing            performing administrative tasks and not observing patients.
     techniques and include identifying patients who are at high risk      Also, nurses are not always sitting in the nursing station; they
     https://www.researchprotocols.org/2021/7/e24974                                                 JMIR Res Protoc 2021 | vol. 10 | iss. 7 | e24974 | p. 6
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JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                                Shorr et al

     might be walking in the corridor, which requires the assumption     Institute and the VA. The metrics for characterizing spatial
     of standing height for the line of sight.                           features are quantitative indices that could be incorporated in
                                                                         larger scale contextual studies examining contributors to falls,
     Conclusions                                                         which to date often exclude physical environmental factors at
     To our knowledge, this study is the first to objectively identify   the unit level. Space syntax measures could be used as physical
     spatial risks for falls in hospitals within a large multihospital   environmental factors in future research examining a range of
     system. Findings can contribute to evidence-based design            contextual factors—social, personal, organizational, and
     guidelines for hospitals such as those of the Facility Guidelines   environmental—that contribute to patient falls.

     This work was supported by Merit Review Award #1 I01 HX002191-01 and grant number IIR 16-063 from the VA Health
     Services Research and Development Program. This work was supported by resources provided by the North Florida/South Georgia
     Veterans Health System, Gainesville, FL, and James A Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa, FL. The contents of this manuscript
     do not represent the views of the VA or the United States Government.

     Authors' Contributions
     All authors were involved in the design of the study. GPC was responsible for drafting and editing the manuscript. All authors
     provided significant edits and comments, read drafts, and approved the final version of the manuscript.

     Conflicts of Interest
     RIS serves as an expert witness in cases of hospital falls. All other authors declare no conflicts of interest.

     Multimedia Appendix 1
     Walk-through interview guide.
     [PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 117 KB-Multimedia Appendix 1]

     Multimedia Appendix 2
     Variables for creating models to identify fall rates that are higher and lower than expected.
     [DOCX File , 15 KB-Multimedia Appendix 2]

     Multimedia Appendix 3
     Nurse environmental assessment survey.
     [PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 680 KB-Multimedia Appendix 3]

     Multimedia Appendix 4
     Spatial and environmental variables.
     [DOCX File , 14 KB-Multimedia Appendix 4]

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               AutoCAD: computer-aided design
               VHA: Veterans Health Administration
               VA: Department of Veterans Affairs

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               Edited by G Eysenbach; submitted 28.10.20; peer-reviewed by M Stein, C Miranda; comments to author 19.12.20; revised version
               received 02.02.21; accepted 17.03.21; published 13.07.21
               Please cite as:
               Shorr RI, Ahrentzen S, Luther SL, Radwan C, Hahm B, Kazemzadeh M, Alliance S, Powell-Cope G, Fischer GM
               Examining the Relationship Between Environmental Factors and Inpatient Hospital Falls: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study
               JMIR Res Protoc 2021;10(7):e24974
               URL: https://www.researchprotocols.org/2021/7/e24974
               doi: 10.2196/24974
               PMID: 34255724

     ©Ronald I Shorr, Sherry Ahrentzen, Stephen L Luther, Chad Radwan, Bridget Hahm, Mahshad Kazemzadeh, Slande Alliance,
     Gail Powell-Cope, Gary M Fischer. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (https://www.researchprotocols.org),
     13.07.2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
     (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
     provided the original work, first published in JMIR Research Protocols, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information,
     a link to the original publication on https://www.researchprotocols.org, as well as this copyright and license information must be

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