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Evolution of Retweet Rates in Twitter User Careers: Analysis and Model

                                                Kiran Garimella,1 Robert West2
                                                                     1 MIT
                                                                    2 EPFL
                                                garimell@mit.edu, robert.west@epfl.ch

                           Abstract                                      them from true impact, is not trivial. For instance, we observe
                                                                         that on average the impact of individual users, as measured
  We study the evolution of the number of retweets received
  by Twitter users over the course of their “careers” on the
                                                                         by the number of retweets their content receives, increases
  platform. We find that on average the number of retweets               over the course of their careers. Is this due to a real change
  received by users tends to increase over time. This is partly          in content quality, or might it simply be explained by the fact
  expected because users tend to gradually accumulate followers.         that users accumulate more followers over time? or due to
  Normalizing by the number of followers, however, reveals               their increasing expertise in using the platform? or due to
  that the relative, per-follower retweet rate tends to be non-          external events?
  monotonic, maximized at a “peak age” after which it does not              Because of the challenging nature of the problem, research
  increase, or even decreases. We develop a simple mathematical          into long-term trends of individual impact on social media,
  model of the process behind this phenomenon, which assumes             and on the factors that influence these trends, has been limited
  a constantly growing number of followers, each of whom
                                                                         to date. Most research has attempted to understand the im-
  loses interest over time. We show that this model is sufficient
  to explain the non-monotonic nature of per-follower retweet            pact of isolated pieces of content, e.g., by predicting retweet
  rates, without any assumptions about the quality of content            counts on Twitter (Suh et al. 2010; Figueiredo and Almeida
  posted at different times.                                             2011; Kupavskii et al. 2012; Martin et al. 2016), video view
                                                                         counts on YouTube (Figueiredo and Almeida 2011), or image
                                                                         like counts on Instagram (Zhang et al. 2018). On the contrary,
                     1    Introduction                                   the literature is much thinner regarding the nature and role of
This paper studies the evolution of individual impact in                 the impact of individual users.
the context of social media. We focus on Twitter users’ re-                 In order to make progress in this direction, we use an
tweet rates—the number of retweets received by their posts               extensive dataset built from Twitter, which spans nearly a
(“tweets”)—as a way to measure the impact and reach of their             decade and contains complete careers of users with a wide
content. We aim to understand how this measure of impact                 range of audience size and experience. We also obtain his-
changes over the course of users’ “careers” (the time since              torical follower-count estimates of the users in our dataset
they joined the platform). Specifically, we ask: Do users’               from the Internet Archive. Building on this novel dataset, we
retweet rates follow certain patterns? How does a user’s re-             reconstruct the careers of users—from their very first posts
tweet rate depend on the size of their audience? And when in             until data collection time—and characterize the ebbing and
a user’s career is their content retweeted most?                         flowing patterns of individual impact.
   Individual impact has been previously studied in contexts                Our exposition proceeds in three parts. In Sec. 2, an empir-
other than social media, including science (Radicchi and                 ical analysis of absolute and relative (per-follower) retweet
Vespignani 2009; Sinatra et al. 2016), work (DeNisi and                  rates over the course of Twitter user careers reveals an unex-
Stevens 1981; Barrick and Mount 1991), sports (Yucesoy                   pected non-monotonic progression. In Sec. 3, we propose a
and Barabási 2016), and art (Dennis 1966; Liu et al. 2018).              mathematical model that captures the crucial non-monotonic
Measuring impact on social media is, however, inherently                 aspect of the empirical data while relying on two simple,
different, due to the highly dynamic nature of online social             intuitive assumptions only. In Sec. 4, we verify that these
networks, which may grow (and sometimes shrink) by orders                assumptions are supported by the empirical data. Finally, in
of magnitude within very short time frames, accompanied by               Sec. 5, we discuss our findings and sketch future directions.
numerous confounding factors, including temporal changes
in audience size (number of followers), productivity (number
of posts written), experience (age on the platform), interests
                                                                             2   Analysis of Retweet Rates Over Time
(content of posts), and context (external events such elec-              Data. We start from a large dataset spanning almost 10 years
tions). Studying the effects of these factors, and separating            (2009–2018) and consisting of all 2.6 billion tweets posted
Copyright © 2021, Association for the Advancement of Artificial          by the more than 600K users who retweeted a U.S. presiden-
Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.                        tial or vice-presidential candidate at least five times during
Retweets per 1000 followers
                                                                                                                              Per-follower retweet rates. The growing number of retweets

                                                                                                             100−200 weeks
Median mean retweets
                                                                                                             200−300 weeks
                                                                                                             300−400 weeks    per week may be expected, considering that users tend to

                                                                                                             400−500 weeks    accrue followers over time. To account for this effect, we

                                           100−200 weeks                                                                      next consider a normalized version of the retweet rate, where

                                           200−300 weeks
                                                                                                                              each user’s weekly mean number of retweets per tweet is

                                           300−400 weeks
                                           400−500 weeks                                                                      additionally divided by the number of followers the user had

                             0    100   200     300   400                                       0   100   200     300   400
                                                                                                                              at the time. Aggregating again over all users per week via the
                                   Week on Twitter                                                   Week on Twitter
                                                                                                                              median gives rise to Fig. 1b. We observe that for some user
                                                                                                                              groups the time series of per-follower retweet rates have a
                             (a) Retweet count                          (b) Per-follower retweet rate
                                                                                                                              non-monotonic shape with a single peak. This is particularly
Figure 1: Evolution of (a) retweet counts, (b) per-follower                                                                   the case for users who have been members of Twitter for
retweet rates in user careers (running averages of width 5).                                                                  shorter periods of time (100–300 weeks), whereas for longer-
                                                                                                                              term members (300–500 weeks), the curves grow up to some
                                                                                                                              point, from where on they start to plateau.
                                                                                                                                 Evidence for a “peak age” has been found in a wide va-
that period (Garimella et al. 2018). For each user, the dataset                                                               riety of fields such as poetry, mathematics, and theoretical
contains all tweets they posted. We focus on each user’s orig-                                                                physics (Adams 1946; Dennis 1966; Lehman 1953). In line
inal content and discard retweets of others’ content. For each                                                                with this literature, one potential narrative for explaining the
tweet, we also obtained the set of users who retweeted it                                                                     non-monotonicity could be that users start as “newbies”, then
and the number of times it was retweeted (as of June 2018).                                                                   learn to be good social media users, and finally become old
Furthermore, we obtained the set of followers for each user                                                                   and lose touch with the rest of the community (Danescu-
(as of June 2018), as well as time series of historical follower                                                              Niculescu-Mizil et al. 2013). In what follows, we will see,
counts estimated via the Internet Archive’s Wayback Ma-                                                                       however, that such a complex narrative is not necessary to ex-
chine, using Garimella and West’s (2019) method. Reliable                                                                     plain the data. A much simpler model suffices to generate the
historical estimates of follower counts could be obtained for                                                                 crucial qualitative shape of the retweets-per-follower curves.
23K users, who posted a total of 111M tweets. Our analyses
focus on these 23K users.1                                                                                                         3    Model of Retweet Rates Over Time
Retweet counts over time. We start with an empirical analy-                                                                   Our simple mathematical model makes two assumptions,
sis of the evolution of retweet counts over the course of users’                                                              shown visually in Fig. 2a and to be verified empirically later
careers. Fig. 1a tracks aggregate retweet counts at weekly                                                                    (Sec. 4). Assumption I states that a user’s audience grows at
granularity (where x = 1 corresponds to a user’s first week on                                                                a constant rate, e.g., by one follower per day. Assumption II
Twitter). To obtain these curves, we first computed, for each                                                                 states that each follower’s retweet rate f (t) (the expected
user and week, the mean number of retweets obtained by                                                                        number of retweets per time unit) decays as a power law:
the user for tweets posted that week, and then computed, for                                                                                           f (t) = ct −α .                     (1)
each week, the median over all users. We chose to consider
medians of means because retweet-count distributions are                                                                         The number F(t) of retweets at time t is then the sum of
heavy-tailed, with a small number of “viral” tweets being                                                                     the retweets received  from all followers accumulated by that
                                                                                                                              time: F(t) = tτ =1 f (τ ). An example is shown in Fig. 2a: the
orders of magnitude more popular than most tweets (Goel
et al. 2016). Such outliers can matter a lot for individual users,                                                            magenta and green vertical lines mark specific points in the
so to capture them, we consider per-user means. We do not,                                                                    focal user’s career; the intersections of the vertical lines with
however, want weekly aggregates to be skewed by outlier                                                                       the followers’ retweet-rate curves are indicated by magenta
tweets, so we consider per-week medians of per-user means.                                                                    and green dots. By summing the values of the magenta or the
   Note that Fig. 1a contains four curves, each corresponding                                                                 green dots, we obtain the values indicated by the respective
to a different career-length range (users who have been on                                                                    dots shown in Fig. 2b. By repeating this procedure for each
Twitter for 100–200 weeks, 200–300 weeks, etc.). Study-                                                                       time step, we obtain the full curve of Fig. 2b. The function F
ing users with different career lengths separately allows us                                                                  is increasing and concave (Fig. 2b), since f is decreasing and
to tease apart the evolution of users from the evolution of                                                                   positive. The retweet rate per follower at time t is obtained
the platform and to avoid instances of Simpson’s paradox,                                                                     via G(t) = F(t)/t (without loss of generality, assuming one
which might ensue by mixing user groups with systematically                                                                   new follower per time step). As shown in Fig. 2c, G is a
different characteristics.                                                                                                    monotonically decreasing function.
                                                                                                                                 Empirical analogues of F and G were displayed in Fig. 1.
   Fig. 1a shows that the number of retweets obtained per
                                                                                                                              While the shape of the theoretical F (Fig. 2b) is approxi-
week tends to grow over the course of user careers (with the
                                                                                                                              mately mirrored by empirical data (Fig. 1a), there is a dis-
exception of a final drop for the group of users who have
                                                                                                                              crepancy for G, which is monotonically decreasing in the
been on Twitter for the longest time). Moreover, the curves
                                                                                                                              model (Fig. 2c), but not so in empirical data (Fig. 1b). The
have an overall concave shape, with growth rates slowing
                                                                                                                              discrepancy is resolved by letting users start not with zero
down as time progresses.
                                                                                                                              but with s > 0 followers. As we will see later (Fig. 3a), this
                                                                                                                              is in line with empirical data. An initial follower count s > 0
                       1 Data available at https://github.com/epfl-dlab/retweet-evolution                                     could potentially be caused by the platform recommending
         0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

                                                                                                                                                  Median number of followers

       Followers' retweet rates f(t)                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Followers of week 0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Followers of week 80

                                                                                   Retweet count F(t)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Followers of week 160

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Retweet count

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Followers of week 240

                                                                                                                                                                                                   100−200 weeks

                                                                                                                                                                                                   200−300 weeks

                                                                                                                                                                                                   300−400 weeks

                                                                                                                                                                                                   400−500 weeks

                                       0   5      10          15      20                                   0   5       10     15       20                                             0   100   200     300   400                         0    100      200     300    400
                                                Time t                                                               Time t                                                                Week on Twitter                                      Week on Twitter

                                               (a)                                                                 (b)                                                                (a) Assumption I                                    (b) Assumption II

                                                                                                                                                                               Figure 3: Empirical validation of model assumptions.
 Norm. retweet count Gs(t)

                                                                    s=0      Norm. retweet count Gs(t)


                                                                                                                                                  pendix A,3 where we show that Gs attains a unique internal


                                                                                                                                   s = 10
                                                                                                                                                  maximum at a time t ∗ > 0 if and only if s > 0 (as in the
                                                                                                               s=6                 s = 12         discrete case; Fig. 2d).

                                       0   5      10          15      20                                   0   5       10     15       20
                                                                                                                                                     To summarize, the non-monotonic curves indicating a
                                                Time t                                                               Time t                       “peak age” on Twitter (Fig. 1b) do not require a complex narra-
                                               (c)                                                                 (d)                            tive as sketched earlier (inexperienced youth, age of maximal
                                                                                                                                                  alignment with community norms, losing touch with newer
Figure 2: Model of retweet rates. (a) Retweet rates f (t) of                                                                                      members in old age). Rather, they can be explained with a
individual followers (one curve per follower, shifted along t-                                                                                    much simpler model containing just two ingredients: (1) a
axis) decay as a power law. (b) A user’s retweet count F(t) at                                                                                    constant influx of new followers, (2) each of whom loses
time t is obtained by summing the retweets from all followers                                                                                     interest over time according to a power law.
at time t. (c–d) The relative retweet rate per follower, Gs (t),                                                                                     To be clear, we do not claim that our model fully captures
is obtained by dividing the absolute number of followers by                                                                                       all the dynamics of retweet rates. Rather, we have shown that
s + t, where s is the initial number of followers.                                                                                                the seemingly complex, non-monotonic evolution of retweets
                                                                                                                                                  per follower directly follows from two intuitive assumptions,
                                                                                                                                                  which are shown to approximately hold in empirical data in
newcomers to other users more aggressively right after join-                                                                                      the following section.
ing, so they would quickly accumulate a certain number of                                                                                            As a side note, we remark that, for α > 1, F(t), the num-
followers immediately in the beginning. With s ≥ 0 initial                                                                                        ber of retweets per time unit, is upper-bounded by a constant
followers, the relative number of retweets per follower is                                                                                         c−(α−1)
                                                                                                                                                     α−1 . That is, for α > 1, the model predicts an inherent
Gs (t) = F(t)/(s + t), which has an internal maximum for                                                                                          barrier on the number of retweets a user can get in a single
s > 0 (Fig. 2d) and captures the essence of the empirical                                                                                         time unit, even if her audience grows at a constant rate: the
curves of Fig. 1b.                                                                                                                                drop-off of interest would be too steep to be compensated by
   The curves shown in Fig. 2a–d were obtained empirically                                                                                        the influx of new followers. Later, we will observe empiri-
for a specific set of parameters (α = 0.8, c = 1). In the gen-                                                                                    cally (Fig. 4) that the empirical exponents α are well below 1,
eral case, the model is more easily analyzed when assuming                                                                                        which theoretically implies a potentially unbounded number
continuous, rather than discrete, time:                                                                                                           of retweets per time unit.

                                                     Z        t                                                                                                                       4   Validation of Model Assumptions
                                       F(t) =                      f (τ + ) dτ                                                             (2)   We now verify that the model’s assumptions hold empirically.
                                                     Z        t                                                                                   Assumption I: Constant audience growth. Fig. 3a shows
                                                =            c(τ + )−α dτ                                                                  (3)   that the median number of followers indeed grows approxi-
                                                            c  −(α−1)                                                                           mately at a constant rate. We also see that, empirically, users
                                                =                       − (t + )−(α−1) ,                                                  (4)   tend to start off with a nonzero number s > 0 of followers,
                                                                                                                                                  which is the condition for which the per-follower retweet rate
for α 6= 1.2 The offset R> 0 is necessary                                                                                                        Gs (t) is non-monotonic in our model (Fig. 2d). Non-mono-
                          t            R t to be able to handle                                                                                   tonic empirical curves (Fig. 1b) are thus in line with the shape
the case α ≥ 1, where 0 f (τ ) dτ = 0 cτ −α dτ = ∞ would
diverge.                                                                                                                                          predicted by the model.
   In the continuous case, F has the same increasing concave                                                                                      Assumption II: Decay of followers’ interest. To verify the
shape as in the discrete case (Fig. 2b). The shape of Gs (the                                                                                     assumption that each follower’s retweet rate f (t) decays as
retweets per follower over time) is analyzed in detail in Ap-                                                                                     a power law, we proceed as follows. For each week t0 in a
                                                                                                                                                  user u’s career, consider all followers who retweeted u for the
    2 The case α = 1 needs to be handled separately: here, F(t) =
c (log(1 + t/)).                                                                                                                                                              3 Appendices     available online at http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.10754
that it is not our goal to prove that the model captures all the

                                                                     dynamics that drive retweet rates—in fact, there are proba-

                                                                     bly many factors and facets that remain unmodeled. Rather,
                                                                     we show that the simple model is sufficient to explain key



                                                                     aspects of the data.

                                                                     Further Twitter datasets. The above analyses were per-

                                                                     formed on a Twitter dataset that is particularly well suited for
                0   50        100      150     200   250
                                                                     studying entire user careers, as it contains all tweets posted
                             Week on Twitter
                                                                     by a predetermined set of users. Collecting this dataset was
                                                                     demanding, as it required custom-made crawling tools, due
Figure 4: Empirically estimated parameters (power-law ex-            to the fact that Twitter’s API only provides access to each
ponent α and multiplicative factor c) of followers’ retweet          user’s 3,200 most recent tweets (Garimella and West 2019).
rates f (t) = ct −α , as functions of the week in the focal user’s   Although our user sample is not random, but biased towards
career when the followers began to follow the focal user.            politically interested users (Garimella et al. 2018), we con-
                                                                     sider this topical bias to be less severe than the bias that would
                                                                     be induced by studying only users with fewer than 3,200
first time that week and track them for the rest of u’s career,      tweets, the limit imposed by Twitter’s API. Nevertheless, to
computing these followers’ mean numbers of retweets of u’s           further corroborate our findings, we ran our analyses on three
tweets for each subsequent week t 0 ≥ t0 , and aggregating           other Twitter datasets (Garimella and West 2019), which are
weekly over all users u via the median. The result is shown          not topically biased, but are subjected to the 3,200-tweet
in Fig. 3b (for users who have been on Twitter for at least          limit. The results, reported in Appendix B (cf. footnote 3),
400 weeks; for clarity’s sake, curves are shown for only four        are qualitatively coherent to those reported here.
starting weeks t0 , but in practice we computed curves for all
t0 ). We observe that decreasing power laws ct −α (solid lines       Beyond Twitter. Going even further, we collected and ana-
in Fig. 3b) fit followers’ interest well. Irrespective of when a     lyzed full user careers from two other platforms, Instagram
follower starts retweeting, their interest in the followed user      and YouTube. Although these platforms are rather different
drops off with time. Fig. 4, which tracks α and c over time,         from Twitter, we found patterns for absolute and per-follower
shows that the drop-off in interest becomes less steep over          like counts on Instagram and view counts on YouTube that
time (as indicated by the decreasing values of α).                   mirror the patterns for retweet counts found on Twitter. The
                                                                     results are presented in Appendix B (cf. footnote 3).
                         5    Discussion                             Future work. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
                                                                     longitudinal study of complete user careers on social me-
Summary. Our empirical analysis (Sec. 2) of the “careers” of         dia. Our findings, public dataset, and models can serve as a
thousands of Twitter users, starting with each user’s very first     stepping stone for further research in this area. For instance,
tweet, revealed that the number of retweets a user receives          whereas here we only considered the number of followers,
per week grows steadily, at a decreasing speed (Fig. 1a).            one could also use heuristics (Meeder et al. 2011) to approxi-
The growth is partly due users’ tendency to accrue followers         mate the actual set of followers. This could allow us to study
over time (Fig. 3a); the decreasing speed, due to followers’         how the follower network evolves and how it influences, and
tendency to lose interest over time (Fig. 3b).                       is influenced by, retweeting behavior (Myers and Leskovec
   Accounting for the growing number of followers by divid-          2014). Moreover, it would be interesting to define scores for
ing weekly retweet counts by the number of followers at the          measuring the impact of social media users, similar to the
given time reveals partly non-monotonic curves of retweets           scores used to measure the impact of scientists (Sinatra et al.
per follower, especially for more recent users (Fig. 1b). One        2016). From a practical perspective, it would be useful to
might be tempted to explain this shape by positing a prototyp-       infer long-term behavioral patterns associated with success-
ical user life cycle, where users start off unacquainted with        ful user careers. For instance, can the peak age be delayed,
the norms of the platform, subsequently produce content that         or the drop-off be slowed down, by acting in certain ways?
is gradually becoming more attractive to others, until they          Beyond science alone, the answers to such questions would
reach a peak age after which they cease to be “in tune” with         be of value for users, marketers, and social media platforms
the rest of the community, resulting in decreasing retweet           striving for better user retention.
rates per follower from there on.
   By formulating a mathematical model (Sec. 3), we show                                Acknowledgments
that such a complex narrative is not required in order to
                                                                     Kiran Garimella was supported by a Michael Hammer Fel-
explain the non-monotonic shape of retweets-per-follower
                                                                     lowship at MIT. Part of this research was done while KG
curves. Rather, we can reproduce the qualitative shape of the
                                                                     was at EPFL. Robert West’s lab was supported in part by
curves by making only two simple, intuitive assumptions,
                                                                     grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant
both of which were verified to hold empirically in the data
                                                                     200021_185043) and the Swiss Data Science Center, and by
(Sec. 4). The assumptions state that (1) users gain followers
                                                                     gifts from Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.
at a steady rate, and (2) the followers lose interest in the fol-
lowed user’s content according to a power law. We emphasize
A    Analysis of Model Properties                           which is true by definition, so an extremum always exists.
In Sec. 3 we claimed that, for any s, the shape of the retweet-       In combination with the above fact that there is at most one
count-per-follower curve Gs (t) predicted by the model re-            extremum, this implies that, for any s ≥ 0, Gs (t) has a unique
sembles that of the example curves in Fig. 2d. To prove this          extremum. The extremum is an internal extremum (i.e.,
for the general case, we will show that Gs (t) has a unique           t ∗ > 0) if additionally h(0) 6= 0, i.e., if s > 0.
extremum t ∗ , which is a maximum and which is internal                   Finally, by consistently replacing the equality signs with
(i.e., t ∗ > 0) if and only if s > 0.                                 inequality signs in Eq. 8–13, it can be seen that, for α > 1 (i.e.,
   For convenience, we first repeat the definitions of the re-        for convex h), G0s (t) > 0 if and only if h(t) < αt, and for α < 1
tweet rate f (t) (the expected number of a follower’s retweets        (i.e., for concave h), G0s (t) > 0 if and only if h(t) > αt. Since
per time unit; identical for all followers), the cumulative num-      h(t) is monotonically increasing, this implies that G0s (t) > 0
ber F(t) of retweets gathered from all followers by time t,           if and only if t < t ∗ . Analogously, G0s (t) < 0 if and only
and the relative number Gs (t) of retweets per follower when          if t > t ∗ . That is, Gs (t) is increasing to the left of t ∗ , and
assuming s ≥ 0 initial followers:4                                    decreasing to the right of t ∗ , and it follows that the unique
                                                                      internal extremum is a maximum.
              f (t) = ct −α                                    (5)
                         c  −(α−1)               −(α−1)
             F(t) =                    − (t + )              (6)                     B     Additional Datasets
                                                                      Whereas the main part of the paper focused on one particular
            Gs (t) =                                           (7)    sample of tweets (cf. Sec. 2), for robustness we also ran
                      s+t                                             the analysis on five further datasets, three from Twitter, one
   The above definitions assume α > 0 and α 6= 1 (cf. foot-           from Instagram, and one from YouTube. In this appendix,
note 2).                                                              we first briefly describe each of the six datasets (including
   Using φ0 to denote the derivative of a function φ, we find         the one from the main part of the paper, henceforth called
the extrema of Gs (t) by setting its derivative to zero and using     P OLITICAL) and then reproduce the key empirical results of
the fact that F 0 (t) = f (t + ) (Eq. 2):                            Fig. 1 for all six datasets.
                                                  G0s (t) = 0  (8)
                                      F (t)      F(t)                 B.1    Description of Datasets
                                            −             =0   (9)
                                      s+t      (s + t)2               P OLITICAL. The dataset from the main part of the paper
                               f (t + ) (s + t) − F(t) = 0 (10)      contains around 2.6 billion tweets from over 600K politically
         s+t         c  −(α−1)                                      interested users spanning a period of almost 10 years (2009–
   c             −                  − (t + )            = 0 (11)    2018). The dataset consists of all tweets posted by users who
     (t + )α α − 1                                                   retweeted a U.S. presidential or vice-presidential candidate
          (α − 1) (s + t) − −(α−1) (t + )α + t +  = 0      (12)    from 2008 to 2016 at least five times. In order to obtain
                    −(α−1)         α                                  all tweets by a user (rather than just their 3,200 most recent
                            (t + ) − (α − 1) s −  = αt     (13)    tweets, the limit imposed by the Twitter API), a Web-scraping
                                                                      tool,5 rather than the Twitter API, was used.
                   |                {z             }
  Note that, since α > 0 and t ≥ 0, the function h(t) is mono-        V ERIFIED. Starting from a list of all 297K verified Twit-
tonically increasing. Moreover, h(t) is convex for α > 1, and         ter users as of June 2018,6 we maintained only users with
concave for α < 1. Finally, the slopes of the left- and right-        between 2,000 and 3,200 tweets and between 50K and 2M
hand sides in Eq. 13 are equal when                                   followers. The upper bound on the number of followers was
                                 h0 (t) = α               (14)        necessary due to the strict rate limiting constraints on the
                                                                      Twitter API endpoint for getting followers. The upper bound
                    α −(α−1) (t + )α−1 = α                   (15)   on the number of tweets was imposed in order to ensure that
                                        t = 0.                 (16)   we could capture complete user careers, given that the Twitter
   It follows that, since h(t) is monotonically increasing and        API provides only the 3,200 most recent tweets of a user.
either convex or concave, αt and h(t) can intersect at most           D ESPOINA ( RANDOM ). We randomly sampled 1.2M users
once; i.e., Gs (t) has at most one extremum t ∗ . If h(t) is convex   with at most 3,200 tweets from a large sample of 93M Twitter
[concave], an intersection (and thus an extremum of Gs (t))           users (Antonakaki, Ioannidis, and Fragopoulou 2018) and
exists if and only if h(0) ≤ 0 [h(0) ≥ 0]. Since, as stated           downloaded all their tweets using the Twitter API.
above, h(t) is convex if α > 1, and concave if α < 1, Gs (t)
has an extremum if and only if                                        D ESPOINA. Again starting from the 93M users of Anton-
                                                                      akaki, Ioannidis, and Fragopoulou (2018), here we first con-
                         h(0) (α − 1) ≤ 0                      (17)
                                                                      strained the data on certain criteria before sampling randomly.
                        −(α − 1)2 s ≤ 0                       (18)    We only selected users who (1) posted between 2,000 and
                                  s ≥ 0,                      (19)    3,200 tweets (to study only reasonably active users), (2) cre-
                                                                      ated their account at least six months before April 2016 (the
   4 Asmentioned, the model is more readily analyzed when as-
                                                                         5 https://github.com/Jefferson-Henrique/GetOldTweets-python
suming continuous, rather than discrete, time, so we work with
continuous time here.                                                    6 http://redd.it/8s6nqz   (last visited 14 January 2020)
Power law fits for retweeter behavior                       B.2    Results
                                                                 Retweeters starting at week 0
                                                                 Retweeters starting at week 80    Fig. 6 plots the evolution of retweet counts in user careers for
                               5                                 Retweeters starting at week 160   all six datasets described in Appendix B.1, thus replicating
Median of mean retweet count

                                                                 Retweeters starting at week 240
                                                                                                   the analysis of Fig. 1a. As we see, the overall curve shape is
                               4                                                                   similar across datasets.
                                                                                                      Similarly, Fig. 7 plots the evolution of per-follower retweet
                               3                                                                   rates in user careers for all six datasets, thus replicating the
                                                                                                   analysis of Fig. 1b. Again, the characteristic curve shape is
                               2                                                                   preserved: most curves have a non-monotonic shape with an
                                                                                                   internal “peak age”.
                               1                                                                      Fig. 5 plots the power-law decay in followers’ retweet
                                   0     80        160         240           320           400     rates for the V ERIFIED dataset, thus replicating the analysis
                                                   Career (weeks)
                                                                                                   of Fig. 3b (which was based on the P OLITICAL dataset).
Figure 5: Power-law decay in followers’ retweet rates for the
V ERIFIED dataset, thus replicating Fig. 3b (which was based
on the P OLITICAL dataset).

time when this dataset was collected), and (3) had at least
100 followers. From the remaining 6M users, we randomly
sampled 1M users and included all their tweets.
I NSTAGRAM. Starting from a sample of 50K Instagram users
collected by Vilenchik (2018), we selected the users for
whom we could locate historical data on the Internet Archive,
such that we could estimate historical follower counts as
described in Sec. 2. This resulted in about 4,000 accounts,
for each of which we obtained the images they shared and
the corresponding like counts. In our analysis of Instagram,
shared images take the role played by tweets in our analysis
of Twitter.
YOU T UBE. We randomly sampled 50K channels from a list
of channels obtained from Abisheva et al. (2014). We only
retained channels with between 100 and 3,000 videos and
obtained the view counts for all videos in a channel via the
YouTube API. In our analysis of YouTube, videos take the
role played by tweets in our analysis of Twitter, and views
take the role played by retweets.
Note that, for the three Twitter datasets other than P OLITI -
CAL, user sampling is biased: for a fixed level of user activity
(e.g., in terms of tweets posted per day), the older a user is,
the more likely they are to have been excluded because of
the 3,200-tweet limit imposed by the Twitter API, such that
the samples might contain less-active users in older than in
younger age groups. Partly, this concern is mitigated by strati-
fying the analysis by career length (100–200 weeks, 200–300
weeks, etc.). More importantly, however, we emphasize that
the dataset in the focus of the main part of the paper, P OLIT-
ICAL , is not affected by the 3,200-tweet limit imposed by
the Twitter API and does hence not systematically bias older
career groups to contain less-active users.
Political                                                                                                   Verified                                                            1.8                            Despoina (random)
                          1.0                                                                                               30                                                            100-200 weeks                                     1.6
Median of mean RT count

                                                                                                Median of mean RT count

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Median of mean RT count
                          0.8                                                                                               25                                                            200-300 weeks                                     1.4
                                                                                                                                                                                          300-400 weeks                                     1.2
                          0.6                                                                                               20                                                            400-500 weeks
                                                                                                                            15                                                                                                              0.8
                          0.4                                                   100-200 weeks                                                                                                                                                                                                      100-200 weeks
                                                                                200-300 weeks                               10                                                                                                              0.6                                                    200-300 weeks
                          0.2                                                   300-400 weeks                                                                                                                                               0.4                                                    300-400 weeks
                                                                                400-500 weeks                                5                                                                                                              0.2                                                    400-500 weeks
                          0.0 0        50        100     150 200 250         300 350 400                                     0 0             50         100         150 200 250         300         350   400                               0.0 0        50         100     150 200 250         300 350 400
                                                           Career (weeks)                                                                                             Career (weeks)                                                                                          Career (weeks)

                          1.2                               Despoina                                                                                                   Instagram                                                                                                YouTube
                                                                                                                            1750             50-100 weeks                                                                                   6000         100-200 weeks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Median of mean view count
                                                                                                Median of mean like count
Median of mean RT count

                          1.0                                                                                                                100-150 weeks                                                                                               200-300 weeks
                                                                                                                            1500             150-200 weeks                                                                                  5000         300-400 weeks
                          0.8                                                                                               1250             200-250 weeks                                                                                               400-500 weeks
                          0.6                                                                                               1000
                                                                                100-200 weeks                                                                                                                                               3000
                          0.4                                                                                                750
                                                                                200-300 weeks                                500                                                                                                            2000
                          0.2                                                   300-400 weeks                                                                                                                                               1000
                                                                                400-500 weeks                                250
                          0.0 0        50        100     150 200 250         300 350 400                                       0     0            25         50       75 100 125        150         175   200                                  0 0        50         100     150 200 250        300   350    400
                                                           Career (weeks)                                                                                              Career (weeks)                                                                                          Career (weeks)

 Figure 6: Evolution of retweet counts in user careers (replication of Fig. 1a for all six datasets described in Appendix B.1). The
 top left plot (P OLITICAL) is identical to Fig. 1a.

                                                              Political                                                                                                  Verified                                                           0.0006
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Despoina (random)
                          0.0012                                               100-200 weeks                                                                                              100-200 weeks                                                                                           100-200 weeks
                          0.0010                                               200-300 weeks                                                                                              200-300 weeks                                     0.0005                                                200-300 weeks
Retweets per follower

                                                                                                Retweets per follower

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Retweets per follower

                                                                               300-400 weeks                                0.0008                                                        300-400 weeks                                     0.0004                                                300-400 weeks
                          0.0008                                               400-500 weeks                                                                                              400-500 weeks                                                                                           400-500 weeks
                          0.0006                                                                                            0.0006                                                                                                          0.0003
                          0.0004                                                                                            0.0004                                                                                                          0.0002
                          0.0002                                                                                            0.0002                                                                                                          0.0001
                          0.0000                                                                                            0.0000                                                                                                          0.0000
                                   0        50     100     150 200 250       300   350   400                                             0         50         100     150 200 250       300         350   400                                        0         50     100     150 200 250       300   350   400
                                                            Career (weeks)                                                                                             Career (weeks)                                                                                          Career (weeks)
                                                             Despoina                                                                                                  Instagram                                                                                               YouTube
                          0.0008                                               100-200 weeks                                0.06                                                          50-100 weeks                                      10                                                    100-200 weeks
                                                                               200-300 weeks                                                                                              100-150 weeks                                                                                           200-300 weeks
Retweets per follower

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Views per subscriber

                                                                                                Likes per follower

                          0.0006                                               300-400 weeks                                                                                              150-200 weeks                                                                                           300-400 weeks
                                                                               400-500 weeks                                0.04                                                          200-250 weeks                                      6                                                    400-500 weeks
                          0.0004                                                                                                                                                          250-300 weeks
                                                                                                                            0.03                                                                                                             4
                          0.0002                                                                                                                                                                                                             2
                          0.0000                                                                                            0.01                                                                                                             0
                                   0        50     100     150 200 250       300   350   400                                         0                  50            100         150         200         250                                    0       50         100     150 200 250         300   350   400
                                                            Career (weeks)                                                                                            Career (weeks)                                                                                          Career (weeks)

Figure 7: Evolution of per-follower retweet rates in user careers (replication of Fig. 1b for all six datasets described in
Appendix B.1). The top left plot (P OLITICAL) is identical to Fig. 1b.
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