Evolution of Early Warning System for Landslides

Page created by Judith Cannon
Disaster Advances                                                                                     Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

Review Paper:
       Evolution of Early Warning System for Landslides
                                             Sudani Prashant1* and Patil K.A.2
                                      1. College of Engineering, Pune, SPPU, Maharashtra, INDIA
                              2. Department of Civil Engineering, COEP, SPPU, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA

Abstract                                                             to several thousand meters. Based on the type of movement,
A landslide is a disastrous event and harms livelihood               falling, sliding and flowing are often seen in the landslide
with varying degrees based on the nature of the                      studies, Varnes96 defines them as a principle type of
landslide. Such a geological event leads to damages to               landslide movement. The mass movement is one of the
                                                                     catastrophic disasters that have the power to make a deep
the country's valuable infrastructure and resources.
                                                                     groove on society, as it can cause harm to precious human
Scientifically designed proper and effective remedies                lives and properties. It is triggered by several reasons
for such a natural disaster are need-of-hour. We can                 consisting of an earthquake, rainfall26,74 and a weak layer of
prevent such a hazard by either of two things, first by              the earth46. Out of the several triggering factors, rainfall-
delivering proper construction maintenance of slope by               induced landslides are mostly expected; several cases of the
stabilizing it or by removing an unstable part of the hill           same are also reported from around the world1,10,99.
and second by detecting the hazard before it happens
to move safely costly equipment and people from the                  The current scenario and historical trends of the devasting
landslide-prone site. Sometimes even after providing                 landslide reported huge losses including losses of precious
proper stabilization to the slope, it may fail due to                human lives and infrastructural losses in both the way: direct
                                                                     and indirect. Some of them which are recorded as worse in
unavoidable natural climate; it is needful to use early
                                                                     the history of Indian landslide scenario are listed here: i) The
warning systems (EWS) and monitoring to ensure                       Chamoli landslide, which reported 70 deaths of people in the
infrastructure and human lives. To monitor and                       Uttarakhand State of India in 186823, ii) Nainital landslide
develop an EWS, one needs to know the risks that                     reported in the State of Uttarakhand in 1880, several millions
threaten stability.                                                  of rupees got washed into the disasters along with recorded
                                                                     death toll of 15025, iii) Chamoli landslide in 1970 reported
Again, stability is also affected by more than one factor            death toll of 55, iv) Luggarbhati landslide in Himachal
such as the soil's physical and mechanical properties,               Pradesh in 1995 responsible for 65 human beings loss, v)
morphology and geology of the earth, presence of                     Okhimath and Malpa landslides of Uttarakhand in 1998 took
cracks and fissures in the slope of the ground etc. To               380 lives of human, vi) Dharla landslide of Himachal
understand such a complex geological event, the need                 Pradesh in 2007 reported 62 death toll etc. More than 90%
                                                                     of the landslides are caused by rainfall76.
to find out these properties is crucial. Such a
complexity shows that developing a landslide, EWS                    Further, globally between 1971–74, 600 people per year lost
finds complicated task and needs to correlate                        their precious lives due to landslides82; most of these losses
multidisciplinary knowledge to solve the problem faced               were observed in the Pacific province. In Japan, between
during designing and producing an alert system to the                1967–82, 150 persons lost their precious lives due to
society. In this study, a historical trend in the                    landslides. Also, in the USA, fatalities rate per year due to
advancement of the landslide EWS with existing                       landslides have exceeded 25.82
warning systems along with their advantages and
disadvantages is discussed; it can be helpful to the                 Case history on torrential landslide: On 30th July of 2014,
researchers to get an idea about what should be done                 a devastating debris flow arose in the province of
                                                                     Maharashtra, India. After torrential rainfall, it wiped out the
to improve to make more efficient landslide early
                                                                     entire village called Malin in the Pune district of
warning system for landslides.                                       Maharashtra and it costed about 160 deaths and economic
                                                                     loss of State30. The natural event of heavy rainfall
Keyword: Electrical Resistivity, Early warning, Landslide.           precipitation triggered the landslide. Cumulative rainfall
                                                                     recorded by the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
Introduction                                                         (TRMM) in that period was more than 600 mm. It has
Landslide: Landslide is a mass displacement of the earth in          resulted in such heavy rain in the area that it led to saturated
a downward and outward direction under gravity triggered             soil. This saturation was developed as loose mud and
by natural and human-made factors. The sliding mass of the           eventually flowed down after losing its shear strength and
earth may have various soil types including composite soil,          gaining momentum, sweeping terraces, walls and ultimately
natural rock and various combinations. The displacement of           the village Malin houses79.
the slide also has a wide range, only just a few centimeters

Disaster Advances                                                                                    Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

Hillslope was prone to failure because it has a factor of safety        regions of the earth also suffer the landslides if adverse
less than one. The slope was triggered by more than one                 geological factors, steep slope and triggering factors are
factor noted as natural and human-made factors including                present29. Moreover, we are often concerned about the fast-
substantial precipitation, non-technical house erection                 moving landslides only, but it is not a fast-moving slide that
activities on the hills and along the mountain, flattening the          can make an extensive loss to the country. In general, a slow-
slope for cultivation and improper rainfall-runoff system85.            moving landslide does not require emergency action, but it
Disasters like the one in Malin village, Mumbai – Pune                  is needed to monitor continuously to defend against the
region, reveal the devastating effects of earth displacement            disaster at all levels.
on society.
                                                                        Need of EWS: A landslide is a geological event that can be
Causes of landslide: A landslide or slope failure may be due            defined as a movement of the earth in debris or composite
to natural or hominoid interaction, which may affect the                soil solid or massive rockfall under the gravitational forces.
loading condition of the slope, degree of saturation, pore              Such a geological event leads to damages to the costly
pressure, loading of the slope, rock strength, the effect of            infrastructure and loss of lives of affected people. To save
weather and many more factors that can lead to instability of           such an expensive cost, we have to provide proper and
the slope65. Stability is also affected by more than one factor         effective remedies. We can prevent such a hazard by either
such as the soil's engineering and mechanical properties,               of two things, first by delivering proper construction
morphology and geology of the earth, cracks and fissures in             maintenance of slope by stabilizing it or removing an
the ground's slope etc. Every slope was stable before the               unstable part of the hill and second by detecting the hazard
slide. Many factors convert the state of landslide into                 before it happens to move safely costly equipment and
marginally unstable, which reduces the stability of the slope           people from the landslide-prone site. Sometimes even after
to a great extent. We can call them primary factors:                    providing proper stabilization to the slope, it may fail due to
weathering, deforestation, environment, tectonic uplift and             natural hazards; in such a situation, it is needful to use early
undercutting the slope's toe. These primary factors cannot              warning systems (EWS) and monitoring to protect
make instant instability; they affect the margin of stability           infrastructure and human lives.
but finally failed by some triggering event.
                                                                        To implement the proper and efficient warning system, the
The major landslide was triggered by the rainfall alone;                following objects should be fulfilled: i) Maintaining efficient
earthquake and snowmelt are also triggering events that can             and errorless operational flow; ii) Effectively delivering
make slope unstable97. Human interaction is also often seen             warning of instability and iii) Providing important soil
in the form of the non-technical construction activities on the         properties regarding slope performance. As long as the risks
hill and undercutting of the toe of the hill can favor the              are known and a sufficient, suitable monitoring system is
trigger; it is well seen in the worse landslide called the Malin        provided, remedial engineering and safety measures can be
slide of Pune31. Intense rainfall is the most crucial landslide         taken13.
triggering event for both near-surface and deep-seated
failure. Infiltrating rain fills the present voids of the soil          Landslide Early Warning System: The different
which reduces the suction pressure and which can impart                 researchers gave several definitions for the early warning
extra tensile strength to the slope. The increasing water in            systems. One can define it as the “designed device that can
voids of the slope caused higher pore water pressure which              monitor to completely prevent or at least diminish the hazard
is further accountable for the strength loss of the slope90. To         on livelihood, costly properties of the country and the
monitor these hydrological processes in the slope saturation            environment”66. EWS is defined by United Nations
evolution, flow path, permeability of the soil and                      International Strategy for Disaster Reduction-2019
geotechnical properties of the soil consisting slope are                (UNISDR) as “the set of aspects needed to produce and issue
essential.                                                              timely and significant risk threatening information to public,
                                                                        societies and government organizations who are vulnerable
The insight of the fifty worst disastrous landslides in 2008            by a hazard so that they can be prepared and act
listed by Re77 exposes that landslide failures are                      appropriately with the strategic plan and in a sufficient time
accompanied by one-fifth part of all calamitous events                  to reduce the possibility of injury or damage.” After all,
instead of an exclusive event. A demonstrative instance is              whatsoever be the explanation of the EWS, they used as a
the 2001 Kutch earthquake in the Gujarat region, India                  risk mitigation object by analyzing the probable cause of the
which caused extensive loss of life and properties. Over                hazard and their intensity level; it gives warning to the
20,000 people were reported as dead and about 1.7 lakhs are             concerned human beings and organizations to take proper
injured. Such an event has proven to be more favorable for a            action to minimize the harm case of a probable forthcoming
mass movement and there are number of landslides causing                disastrous event.
loss of lives and properties too after the earthquake.
                                                                        On the other hand, it must be clear that an EWS is not just a
Further, instability of the slope is not only due to high-              monitoring system or forecasting tool, but along with that, it
mountainous areas of the earth; numbers of the lower-alpine             incorporates additional aspects like the identification of

Disaster Advances                                                                                     Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

     intensity of risk, possible safe evacuation and emergency               event often subjected to other catastrophic hazards like
     strategies, societal perspectives and most importantly public           earthquakes and hydrological floods, which require
     responsiveness. All these aspects are essential and if any of           additional attention and protective measures. In the direction
     these aspects fails, it will lead to the collapse of all chains         of developing and implementing warning and monitoring
     and in the end, all systems became useless.                             systems for landslide researchers from several countries got
                                                                             participated and tried to map the landslide but due to lack of
     To ensconce the critical place from such a hazardous event,             the fund, it was forced to remain in prototypic approach as it
     we must have to equip such a position with the proper plan              does not attract public sector investment due to its count as
     and strategy to minimize the country's loss, human lives and            personal damage8.
     economic deprivation. Schuster and Highland83 provide the
     four common types of the approach which are often used to               History of Landslide Early Warning System
     counteract the hazardous event like a landslide, First by               From the end of the 20th century to date, many researchers
     avoiding the hazard by not allowing the infrastructural                 have made an effort to establish an EWS for the landslide.
     development in the area which is vulnerable to slide,                   Different methods, statistical and physical and model-based
     secondly by strengthening the slope which is prone to slide             approaches were used to reach a conclusion and give the
     using appropriate engineering means, thirdly by taking care             threshold-based or FOS-based warning. Also, from the
     of existing infrastructure which is already constructed on              history of developing LSEWS, we can see the
     such a vulnerable land and fourthly by implementing the                 instrumentation variation used with time for field and off
     warning system against the landslide event in advance so                fieldwork. An extensive effort was made in literature survey
     that loss can be prevented.                                             to prepare a detailed historical development in landslide
                                                                             early warning system and here it was displayed in table 1 by
     First, mitigation measures seem best suited to easiness, but            taking some of the well-known researchers work into
     it is not possible where infrastructure already existed. ‘Also,         consideration so it can be helpful to researchers in future to
     methods of protective measures for a landslide by                       getting an idea about what was being used till date and what
     engineering means are non-economical and they are not                   is still needed to improve.
     feasible for massive earth mass92,93. Badoux et al4 noted that
     the region affected by a landslide is in no case an exclusive

                                                             Table 1
                                Historical Advancement of Landslide monitoring and warning system
S.N.       Year/        EWS/           Method Adopted for             Main           Instrument used          Additional     Land     Slope type
           Place      Monitoring        slope monitoring           triggering                                   tool         slide
                                                                     factor                                                  type
 1       1998/US      Monitoring        Simple Monitoring/          Rainfall          Remote sensing             TDR         Rock     Open mine
                                      Using displacement and                            techniques                            Fall      slope
                                        pore pressure data65
 2         1990/      Monitoring        Pore-water pressure         Rainfall            Piezometers               --         Debris    Natural
         California                      monitoring using                                                                     flow      slope
                                          artificially water
 3       1985/Utah    Monitoring      Manual monitoring, By       Displacement         Extensometer,              --         Debris    Natural
                                          graphical plot of                         Inclinometer, Radio                       flow      slope
                                      displacement vs. time12                             telemetry
 4        1990/       Monitoring          By analyzing the          Rain and       Triaxial and Box shear         --         Debris    Natural
         Budapest                      rainfall and moisture        snowfall                                                  flow      slope
                                      effect on the landslide34
 5         1977/        Analysis         By model study /           Rainfall         Pore pressure and       Hydrological      --      Natural
          Canada                         Groundwater flow                           groundwater profile      modeling tool              slope
                                         system and slope
 6        1990/       Investigation       By Geophysical           The water       Geophysical methods            --           --      Natural
        Netherland                             method64              table,                                                             slope
 7         1971/         EWS             By soil and rock         Rainfall, Soil             --                   --           --      Natural
            San                              dynamic                  Para.                                                             slope
         Francisco                       characteristics48
 8         1987/         EWS             By empirical and           Rainfall       Rain gauge station and         --         Debris    Natural
         California                    theoretical analysis51                      time series analysis of                    flow      slope

Disaster Advances                                                                              Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

9      1980/       Monitoring     By displacement            Movement      Inclinometer, Sensors,       --        Sliding   Natural
      Nevada                      monitoring using                                                                           slope
10    1987/        Monitoring    By Aquatic emission        Rainfall and      Accelerometer,            --        Rotatio   Natural
     Colorado                     and monitoring50          Movement       Inclinometer, Ground                    nal       slope
                                                                           sensor, Water locator
11     1994/       Monitoring    By creep monitoring41          NA           Creep measuring            --          --      Natural
      China                                                                        device                                    slope
12     1995/       Geo-hazard       By using SAR             Movement        Synthetic aperture      Radar        Slump     Natural
      Canada       assessment        techniques86                                   radar           Software       And       slope
                                                                                                    packages      Block
13     1993/       Monitoring        By the use of           Movement           Inclinometer,          --         Rotatio   Natural
       Italy                      displacement of the                          extensometer,                        nal      slope
                                         slide72                               geophone and
14     1999/       Monitoring         Use of GIS              Surface          Hyperspectral            --          --          --
     Netherland                      Technology17            monitoring       imagery, Digital
15     1997/       Prediction    By use of probability        Rainfall          Rainfall Data       Statistical   Debris    Natural
     Hongkong                    estimation on rainfall                                                            flow      slope
                                   time-series data35
16    2001/          EWS          By use of combined          Rainfall      Tipping bucket-type     CHASM         Debris    Natural
     Malaysia                   hydrology and stability                         rain gauge                         flow      slope
                                  model (CHASM) 57
17    2001/          EWS        By use of displacement      Displacement    Soil strainmeter and        --          --          --
     Malaysia                        Monitoring47               rate             data logger
18    2002/        Monitoring       By use of GPS61          Movement                GPS                --          --          --
19    2002/         Warning     By use of Displacement      Displacement        GPS sensor              --          --      Natural
     Germany        system            monitoring54              rate                                                         slope
20    2002/          Early           By rainfall and         Movement      Inclinometer, Rainfall       --          --         --
       Italy        warning     displacement threshold58
21    2003/        Monitoring       By displacement          Movement            GBSAR                  --          --          --
       Italy                     analysis through SAR
22     2005/       Monitoring    By Field monitoring28       Movement          Inclinometer,            --          --          --
       Italy                                                                Extensometer, TDR
                                                                            cable, Piezometers,
                                                                                Rain gauge,
                                                                             Datalogger, GPS
23   2004/ Italy     EWS           By rainfall based          Rainfall        Data collected            --          --          --
24   2006/ Italy   Monitoring    By Linear Synthetic        Displacement     Linear Synthetic           --          --          --
                                    Aperture Radar              rate         Aperture Radar
25   2007/USA        EWS        By triggering as rainfall    Rainfall &        Rainfall Data            --          --          --
                                  and earthquake44,45           EQ
26     2008/         EWS          By live integration         Rainfall       Weather forecast           --          --          --
       New                              model80
27     2008/       Prediction     By satellite rainfall       Rainfall         Rainfall Data            --          --          --
       USA                            estimate45
28     2008/       Monitoring       By GB-SAR69              Movement         GB-SAR, GPS,              --          --          --
29     2010/       Landslide    By geophone network53        Vibration     Geophones, Moisture          --          --          --
       India       detection                                               sensor, Pore pressure
30     2010/       Monitoring        By measuring           Displacement      GB-SAR, GPS,              --          --          --
       Italy       and EWS        displacement rate19           rate
31     2009/       Monitoring        Based on the             Rainfall,     Field and laboratory        --          --          --
       China       and EWS          topographical,          Groundwater      testing equipment

Disaster Advances                                                                                 Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

                                      geological and
                                  hydrological condition56
32        2011/         EW             Based on the              Rainfall       Rainfall data, Rain          --           --          --
          Italy                    mathematical models16                              gauge
          2012/         EWS          By Displacement           Displacement       Extensometer,           Web GIS       Rock      Natural
          Italy                        Monitoring49                rate         Thermometer, Rain                       Fall
33        2012/         EWS        By GIS and GPS based        Displacement      GIS & GPS with              --           --          --
          China                    early warning system55          rate               sensor
34        2013/         EWS           By using a Limit           Rainfall        Rainfall data, ER           --           -           --
         Germany                    Equilibrium model92                           testing, Field
35        2013/      Monitoring     By FEM Software84            Rainfall        Rainfall and total          --           --          --
          India                                                                       station
36        2013/      Monitoring     Based on antecedent          Rainfall          Rain gauge            ASWS model    Debris     Natural
          China                     soil water status and                                                               flow
37        2013/         EWS        Based on the Empirical        Rainfall        Rainfall measuring          --           --          --
          Italy                           model40                                    instrument
38        2014/         EWS          By wireless sensor          Rainfall         Rain gauge, Pore        Stability    Debris     Natural
          India                      network and limit                            pressure sensor,         model        flow
                                   equilibrium analysis75                       Inclinometer sensor,
                                                                                  Moisture sensor
39        2014/         EWS             By the Limit             Rainfall           Rainfall data           GIS           --      Natural
          Italy                     Equilibrium model36                                                                            slope
40        2014/         EWS         Electrical resistivity88     Rainfall      4D-ERT Technique,            NA         Deep-      Natural
          Italy                                                                     Automatic                          seated      slope
41        2015/         EWS         Using measuring of           Rainfall       Tiltmeter sensor,           NA         Debris     Natural
          Japan                    change in tilting angle                     Water moisture sensor                    flow       slope
                                  of the subsurface layer94
42         2015/        EWS          Using an Artificial         Rainfall           Rainfall data           ANN         Debris    Natural
           Italy                      neural network73                                                                   flow      slope
43         2016/     Monitoring   Based on displacement        Displacement      GPS units, a Shape         NA          Slow-     Natural
          Canada                        monitoring60               rate         Accel Array (SAA),                      Movin      slope
                                                                                satellite In SAR and                       g
                                                                                   crack extension                     Landsl
                                                                               meters, & piezometers                      ide
44        2016/      Monitoring    Based on ground-based         Rainfall          GPS, Tiltmeter,           --        Rotatio    Natural
           UK                      monitoring techniques95                      Inclinometer, Slope                    nal and     slope
                                                                                 monitoring sensor,                    translat
                                                                                      Piezometers                        ional
45        2017/         EWS          By Factor of safety         Rainfall       Rainfall station, soil    SEEP/W,       Debris    Natural
         Vietnam                         analysis37                                 moisture, pore        SLOPE/W        flow      slope
                                                                                     pressure and
                                                                               movement sensor with
                                                                                   a wireless data
                                                                                transmission system
46        2017/         EWS             By kinematic           Displacement     Corner reflector and         --         Roto-     Natural
          Italy                         monitoring9                rate              Satellite SAR                     translat    slope
                                                                                    interferometry                       ional
47        2017/      Monitoring    By statistical analysis22     Rainfall      In place inclinometer,    Multilinear    Debris    Natural
          India                                                                  Piezometers, Rain       Regression      flow      slope
                                                                                         gauge             model
48        2019/         EWS           By displacement          Displacement        Inclinometer,             --        Debris     Natural
          India                        monitoring33                                Piezometers,                         flow       slope

     Currently available          different       methods       of        ‘However, it is more accurate to say viewers cannot detect
     Monitoring and EWS                                                   the phenomenon that preceded the failure of landslide’91.
     Sometimes the landslide occurs without any sign of warning           Therefore, the understanding of the phenomenon behind the
     and hence it seems surprising to the eye-witnesses.                  slide is crucial. For that purpose, sound and efficient

Disaster Advances                                                                                     Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

monitoring systems have to be equipped on the vulnerable                2013, water-based ground threshold was derived by
site to recognize the potential landslide failure.                      Ashland3 using monitoring of the required parameter
                                                                        through instrumentation. A warning is also based on rainfall
Researchers have developed several approaches to uncover                based on a regional scale calculated using cumulative
the phenomenon of occurrence of the landslide in all                    rainfall precipitation data. Recently, snowmelt in the slope
respects. A wide range of probable approaches to detect                 stability monitoring is also incorporated to get an effective
phenomenon behind slide was presented to understand the                 rainfall threshold, giving less possibility of false alarm than
complete picture of the slide including measurement of the              the previous system.
surface and subsurface movement by the direct or indirect
method, collection of the required data such as geotechnical            One more such long-term warning system for the landslide
and hydrological and the use of the simulation                          was established in the San Francisco bay provenance, which
models5,21,31,33,39,52,53,58,72,75,78,80,92-94.                         was effectively used for the tens of years from 1986 to 1995.
                                                                        After Campbell's14 work in 1975, the threshold-based
Landslide monitoring can be categorized into two broad                  warning system was developed which was entirely based on
types called local and regional scale landslide monitoring              the study site's rainfall data51. The entire warning system was
approaches. On a local scale, only site-specific landslides are         advanced with the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
taken into consideration and monitored effectively while on             and the National Weather Service (NWS). The USGS
the other hand, the regional scale monitoring approach                  handled the project where NWS provided the rainfall
covers entire regions98. The initial steps are to prepare a             precipitation data forecasted two times a day. Forecasted
landslide vulnerability map to identify the landslide's                 data by NWS were checked through a rainfall gauge and
vulnerable site on a large scale. While on the local scale, one         along with that, monitoring of pre-defined threshold was
of the first steps should be field investigation and boreholes          also done. The pre-defined threshold was calculated based
and clear the substrata picture68,98. Along with the statistical        on the previous landslide information and corresponding
model constructed on records of slides and probability of               rainfall data. Before communicating the final warning to the
occurrence, the knowledge of geotechnical investigations,               community or the associated government body, expert
displacement analysis and modeling approaches must be                   opinion of USGS and NWS was incorporated to reduce the
required to reduce the rate of false alarming39. Cornforth et           possibility of false alarm.
al27 suggested real-time observing the water pressure in the
sheared zone and correlating it with the rainfall data and              As listed by Canon15 in 1988, the initial threshold that
appropriate instability is an outstanding feature of landslide          triggered the landslide was based on the rainfall and annual
monitoring.                                                             cumulative rain intensity. After Keffer et al51 in 1987, this
                                                                        threshold was adjusted to account for the soil's void ratio and
Regional landslide earl warning systems are primarily based             water content. To know the debris flow initiation, minimum
on the probabilistic approach, which is modeled based on                threshold, which can initiate the flaw, was also found out and
records of the slide in the region and hence it can only issue          implemented. This minimum debris flow threshold shows
warnings like 60% probability of slide for a particular                 that the rainfall below this value may not lead to a slide of
region; site-specific slopes can not be identified98. On the            the slope, while on the other hand, above threshold value
other hand, a site-specific or local landslide warning system           leads to significant slope movement of debris.
can provide additional information of threshold which can
be monitorable. Excellence of these thresholds provides the             After an in-depth study on this subject, the rainfall in the area
time to take protective measures such as alarming the people            would not receive the same kind of precipitation, so the rain's
vulnerable to the disastrous event, closure of highways and             spatial resolution requirement came up to provide an
bridges, evacuation of people and other required sets of                efficient threshold. In 1992, warning system was
disastrous actions. Palm et al70 noted that Site-specific               incorporated as radar interpretation to solve the issue. It
landslide early warning systems is often applied because                shows that integrating such a procedure into a warning
they can replace the engineering steps of slope stabilization           system collapses due to a lack of reliable relationship
during protective measures. Commonly used monitoring                    between radar reflectivity and field measurements. In an
systems generally used displacement and pore water                      early warning system related to possible disasters, social
pressure as a triggering factor and were analyzed by different          aspects are important and challenging. USGS and NWS have
approaches to mape the warning trigger.                                 had different points of view on the developing landslide
                                                                        EWS; USGS wants to interpret the system's structure as a
Regional Landslide Warning System: Baum et al7 stated                   trial research model of which alarming thresholds are by-
that in 1984, one of the recent landslide EWS was developed             products. While on the other hand, NWS wants reliable and
for Utah, USA. The requirement of such a warning system                 effective prediction and warning.
was understood after the large debris flows which were
caused by the snowmelt. Their first step system primarily               Here in this system, USGS considers EWS as entirely
worked based on the presented threshold which depends on                scientific, which was alarming to warn the people about
the study site's rainfall, displacement and temperature. After          hazards to react appropriately. But in such a case, a guideline

Disaster Advances                                                                                   Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

for the people about how to work under warning should be               generated for 20-hour precipitation, including 4 hours of
required. Moon et al67 stated that people intentionally                forecasted precipitation. After the 1980s, the threshold was
attracted toward the landslide-prone area during an alarming           modified for greater efficiency based on the hourly rainfall
time or severe hazard to save their house or feed animals due          threshold limit for warning the hazard.
to lack of such instructions. After 1995 this warning system
was shutdown because USGS was not affording the cost to                However, societal and geotechnical advancement since the
continue the service.                                                  1980s transformed attention toward warning conversation.
                                                                       GSI based approach was being utilized and forecasting was
After shutting down the landslide EWS established in San               made based on spatially varying landslide susceptibility.
Francisco bay provenance, the USA, based on their                      Entire areas of the provenance were represented in the cells
experiences, USGS and National Oceanic and Atmospheric                 used to measure different properties containing slopes. The
Administration (NOAA) developed a warning system for                   possible landslides were then calculated based on the
landslide prone burden area in southern California, this area          spatially variable susceptibility model of slope failure. EWS
was prone to the rainfall-induced debris flow. In the present          used to issue the warning if more than 15 avalanches are
warning system, the warning system's end-user demands                  expected. The recent advancement radar outputs from the
were assessed before the system was set up. To develop and             short-range warning of Intense Rainstorms in Localized
build the most effective warning system, USGS developed                Systems (SWIRLS) is considered to monitor the cell blocks
one education program in which they invited the                        and improve the warning system's efficiency24.
meteorologists and interested researchers to explain the
hydrology that affects the debris flow and their                       Local Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning System:
characteristics. After considering scientific advances                 Noferini et al69, established the monitoring system for
associated with hydrology that affect the mass movement                landslides dependent on the displacement monitoring in the
and others, the quantitative rainfall forecasts compared to the        United Status. For displacement monitoring, they used an
previous system. These statistically-based empirical and               inclinometer. The inclinometer system was equipped with
physical prototypes were considered to get a piece of                  displacement sensors that provided the displacement
information about mass movement's susceptibility, probable             information with high accuracy of 0.001 inches. The
volume and flow distances.                                             displacement sensor covered the 600 m long portion of the
                                                                       slide, which is connected with the central computer system.
In 2007, Schuster et al83 stated that the most significant             The threshold-based warning system was generated using
innovative and efficient landslide EWS is established in               displacement and corresponding deformation information of
Hong Kong, the provenance of China. Hong Kong’s                        the slope. The statistical-based threshold was calculated as
provenance is vulnerable to landslide occurrences and                  0.250 inches. This shows that the movements up to 0.250
consequently damages; the area also has a dense population             inches are acceptable after that landslide can be expected.
living under the mass movement's risk. The terrain has
significantly less space. The ground weather shows that it             Harp et al42 assessed the pore pressure response during the
can be having an hourly rainfall intensity exceeding 150mm             failure of the slope. They performed the detailed
along with low pressure and cyclone.62 After two                       experimental investigation for these in two sites, one in Utah
catastrophic landslides in 1972 and 1976, which cost 100               and the other in southern California. They used to provide
fatalities and other losses, the Geotechnical Control Centre           the artificial water to the slope by irrigation in the studied
was formed to diminish the probable hazard known as                    sand to evaluate the pore pressure evolution using previously
Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO). This office was                 deployed piezometers at the site. Continuous observing of
responsible for the slope design, slope stabilization,                 pore pressure from beginning of the slide to the failure has
monitoring and warning of the landslide21.                             been done at both sites. From the data analysis, it has been
                                                                       concluded that the pore pressure reading shows the sudden
As we have seen above in Hong Kong's provenance, two                   decrements before 5 to 50 minutes of the failure. The output
catastrophic debris flows happened in 1972 and 1976.                   of the study has the potential to help in warning the hazard
Among these two, after the landslide disaster in 1972,                 where rainfall is the primary threshold in landslide initiation.
rainfall triggered landslide and the appropriate threshold
level was first established by Lumb59 in Hongkong, which               Farkas34 performed the monitoring study for rainfall-
was several times then revised to get reliable threshold value         induced landslides in the country named Budapest. He
of rainfall. After the 1976 disaster, which costed 100 lives           incorporated the combined results of field and laboratory
and other economic losses, in 1977, Hong Kong’s GEO                    measurements. Rain gauge and piezometer were adopted for
initiated installing and operating the landslide warning               the field monitoring.
system. This landslide warning system was entirely rainfall
based considering their effect on the mass movement. The               On the other hand, geotechnical parameters and slope
system's technical concept is based on interpreting the                stability were examined in the laboratory with varying water
rainfall data obtained from 100 rainfall gauges yielding a set         content correlated with the rainfall to establish the moisture-
of different rainfall thresholds. Initially, warnings were             based threshold.

Disaster Advances                                                                                   Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

Pochini et al72 developed a real-time monitoring structure for         of 45 m deep pipe. Recorded readings were then used to
a mass movement in their study performed in Italy. They                broadcast to the remote station located in Italy. The
used the inclinometer, extensometer and geophones for                  monitoring networks also consist of complete set of
recording the information regarding the displacement.                  piezometric tubes for measuring real-time pore pressure in
Continuous monitoring was performed to full fill the aim of            the field. Interpretation of the inclinometers' results detects
real-time monitoring of mass movement. In the end, the                 the significant displacement at a shallower depth which
authors used graphs to present the result of the monitoring            seems to continue with a rotational failure sleep surface.
effectively. They presented displacement Vs. time graphs               Designed software can send an alarm to the person in charge
showing that the portion of the slope situated between 15 to           in case of displacement that exceeds the pre-established
20-meter depth from the top is deforming at a higher rate              threshold. Also, it is able to make a self-check of the system.
than underneath strata. Deformation of such specific layers            The authors concluded a nine-day time lag between the
shows the indication of the slope movement initiated, which            maximum rainfall and the respective maximum
can be turned into massive failure at any instance of the time.        displacement to help design a rainfall-induced warning
                                                                       system by completing the data's study and analysis.
In 1995, Singhroy86 used integrated remote sensing
advances to assess the landslide hazard in Canada. The                 Lauterbach et al54 and Krauter et al52 described Germany's
author used Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to monitor                  landslide warning system. They primarily used GPS for
hazardous natural landslide. SAR works on the time taken               monitoring the displacement in southern Germany. Annual
by the rays emitted to receive back to the receiver with their         movements of the hill were observed as 1 to 2 cm. Mass of
known velocities, which shows the displacement. The study              the slope detected as moving has a calculated volume
indicates that the SAR provides the millimeters’ accuracy              amount of 700,000 m3. The entire monitoring system was
and it can be used without an installed contact sensor on the          equipped with five measuring points which have an accuracy
slope, which might have a chance to bury in the hill after             of 1 mm. In the case of the threshold warning, the immediate
failure or may lose its function due to slight movement.               connection was made with the expert and if the warning was
                                                                       found valid, immediate action could be taken, for example,
Finlay et al35 provided their valuable effort in landslide             closure of the road.
monitoring research by deriving the relationship between the
precipitation and the possibility of slope failure using               Schmidt et al80 presented one live-integration model for
mathematical and probability approaches. The rainfall                  landslide monitoring and warning purposes in 2008. They
amount and their intensity and antecedent rainfall also                developed the early warning prototypic model for the study
influence rainfall-induced landslides. The mathematical                site, which was situated in New Zealand. The probabilities
model developed was working on the data recorded by the                of the landslide's failure were determined based on the
rain gauge placed on the study site. The developed                     physically-based model using quantitative weather forecast.
correlation model has used the linear, quadratic and cubical           Predictions of the model were having a significant degree of
types of correlation. The relationship shows that the linear           uncertainty that was assessed by the probabilistic approach.
model does not yield an accurate result, but the other two,            The landslide warning system remained in the prototypic
namely quadratic and cubic, were provided with a                       state and was discontinued due to not functioning correctly.
satisfactory result. The large degree of uncertainty in
predicting the landslide numbers was seen in the relation              Intrieri et al49 designed the landslide early warning system
because geology, geometry and drainage was not                         and implementation in Italy in 2012. The warning system
incorporated.                                                          was mainly designed for the site-specific landslide, which
                                                                       consisted of the rock wedge's probable mass movement. The
Glawe and Lotter39 state their extensive research about                estimated volume of the wedge of rock mass was 182,000
effective and efficient warning systems. Also, in the same             m3, which threatened the blockage of two transport roads
era, Cornforth et al27 in 1996 provided wide knowledge of              with a significant in-country economy. As listed by the
the effect of water pressure on instability and according to           authors, this site was being studied in 2004. In this study, the
them, measuring it continuously is one of the outstanding              authors emphasized covering all aspects that are needful to
features for landslide monitoring, which can provide                   monitor the landslide including the geology of the slide, risk
efficient warning results. They also mentioned the great               assessment, displacement characterization of the landslide,
importance of the connection between precipitation and pore            monitoring system and instrumentation choice. The system
pressure to set out the pore water pressure-based threshold.           consists of setoff wire extensometer to record the
This implementation of geotechnical knowledge in a                     displacement of a slide and one thermometer was used for
landslide investigation and EWS seemed in the ‘warning                 the monitoring of the temperature of the site, so it can be
systems’ enacted after 2000.                                           used entirely to incorporate the effect of the snowmelt. The
                                                                       entire system was developed in such a way so that it collects
Lollino et al58 installed a complex landslide monitoring               the data at every minute and uploads it on the web-based
network in Italy. This network consists of inclinometers that          services.
record the measurements twice a day on every 50 cm depth

Disaster Advances                                                                                    Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

The monitoring threshold was assessed by interpreting                  failure which seemed helpful in the early warning. So, at a
recorded data using suitable empirical relationships and               later stage, two study sites were defined, one in Japan and
proper statistical analysis. To maintain simplicity in the             the other in China for performance evaluation and setting out
monitoring system, only three warning levels were adopted              the threshold-based alert. The study site was equipped with
which defined the ordinary level, attention level and an               the tilt sensor, wetness sensor and microelectromechanical
alarming level. Attention level was defined based on the               system (MEMS). For the investigation of deformation of the
velocity threshold, while on the other side, alarm level was           deep layer, another set of equipment was also installed. A
issued only after the experts' consultation. Along with the            slope failure test was adopted which was in practice applying
expert opinion, redundancy and data were also incorporated,            the artificial rainfall on the slope. At this site, even the same
so that the possibility of the false alarming can be avoided.          distinct behavior of the tilting angle was found at the slope's
The groundwater simulation also has been done before going             face before the slope's failure.
for the alarm level.
                                                                       Falac et al33 established a rainfall-based warning threshold
This integrated a physically-based model into a landslide              for shallow landslides depending on rainfall intensity-
warning for the Swabian Alb territory of Germany in 201392.            duration and antecedent precipitation investigation using
Their research combined hydrology and stability using the              rain gauge data and landslide records. A wireless sensor-
finite element method (FEM) based model CHASM                          based network was equipped on the Garwal Himalayas
(combined hydrology and stability model). The EWS                      region including an inclinometer, extensometer, weather
developed by the authors mainly depended on the threshold              station and pore water pressure sensor for time-dependent
rainfall. They have used useful rainfall data collection and           monitoring of the rainfall and displacement. Interpretation of
forecasting methods to have proper and accurate rain data              the monitoring shows the positive correlation between
collection. They used to adopt the two significant steps: limit        rainfall and displacement, which shows a possibility of the
equilibrium analysis for hydrology and slope stability                 defining threshold based on rainfall-displacement analysis.
analysis and subsequently implement the model results into
the warning. Input data used to model the early warning are:           Critical Appraisal on currently available EWS
stratification of the subsurface, soil parameters, ground              As long as the risks are known and a sufficient, suitable
saturation, precipitation and location of the failure plane.           monitoring system is provided, remedial engineering and
They used seismic refraction and geo-electrical method to              safety measures can be taken13. To monitor and develop an
access the subsurface information.                                     EWS, one needs to know the risks that threaten stability.
                                                                       Again, stability is also affected by more than one factor such
Bai et al5 carried out extensive research to analyze landslide         as the soil's physical and mechanical properties, morphology
occurrence with rainfall. A complete study was carried out             and geology of the earth, presence of cracks and fissures in
at China. They took rainfall as the primary and principal              the slope of the ground etc. To understand such a complex
triggering agent for landslide instability and the same                geological event one need to find out these properties as
triggering factor was used to predict slope failure. In this           crucial. Such a complexity shows that developing a landslide
study, the authors incorporated the effect of the past                 EWS is a complicated task and need to correlate
precipitation (antecedent rainfall) on the instability of the          multidisciplinary knowledge into it to solve the problem
slide. An antecedent soil water status (ASWS) model was                which would be faced during designing and producing alert.
used to derive previous rainfall’s effect on the slope. The
threshold limit for the alarming debris flow was derived               Even with the availability of efficient analytical landslide
from considering both antecedent and hourly rainfall effects           simulation models and technical advancement to predict the
on the slope.                                                          behavior of mass movement, general steps are needed to
                                                                       follow for slope stability practice, including in-depth
The output of the study shows that for the presence of higher          geotechnical exploration and monitoring. The most
antecedent rainwater in the slope, less daily rainfall is              advanced warning system depends on the derived threshold
required for triggering the hazard, while on the other side, if        of affected internal and external factors of landslide and
lesser antecedent rainwater is present in the slope, then              experimental investigation such as model results.
higher rain will be required for triggering a landslide. Based
on the study, it is possible to define minimum and maximum             Besides these pros and cons, only a few predictive systems
triggering threshold, minimum below which probability of               exist where the extreme benefit is taken of existing all the
landslide would insignificant while over maximum                       possibilities of predicting mass movement and prediction
threshold, landslide can be expected.                                  models, besides the availability of the required necessary
                                                                       input which can generate the essential warning such as data
Uchimura et al94 developed a simple monitoring system for              like rainfall precipitation prediction and scientific
rainfall-induced landslide in 2015. In the preliminary stage           advancement in the intelligent computer system and easy
of the study, the model slope was designed in scale and their          internet availability. Many landslide vulnerable sites are still
tilt angle was monitored up to the failure level. Distinct             not equipped with such an EWS.
behavior was seen in the slope's tilting angle before the

Disaster Advances                                                                                        Vol. 15 (8) August (2022)

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