Evidence on Euromediterranean Trade Integration: The Case of German Olive Oil Imports Nachweis über euromediterrane Handelsintegration: das ...

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GJAE 59 (2010), Heft 1

       Evidence on Euromediterranean Trade Integration:
       The Case of German Olive Oil Imports

       Nachweis über euromediterrane Handelsintegration:
       das Beispiel deutscher Olivenölimporte
       Aikaterini Kavallari, Sarah Maas and P. Michael Schmitz
       Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

       Abstract                                                       zen somit eine weitere Handelsintegration im eurome-
                                                                      diterranen Raum. Zudem ist der Handel mit Deutsch-
       The deepening of the Barcelona Agreement and the
                                                                      land positiv mit dem Bestehen von direkten Absatzwe-
       discussions of the creation of a Mediterranean Union
                                                                      gen und Tourismus verknüpft. Diese Einflussfaktoren
       has awakened the interest of the non-EU Mediterra-
                                                                      sollten in Zukunft stärker von mediterranen Ländern
       nean countries to expand their exports to the Euro-
                                                                      genutzt werden, um ihre Olivenölexporte nach
       pean markets. This study analyses the factors that
                                                                      Deutschland auszuweiten.
       influence the German imports of olive oil by employ-
       ing a gravity model. The results of two random-effects         Schlüsselwörter
       models corrected for serial correlation and hete-
       roskedasticity suggest that being a Mediterranean              euromediterrane Handelsintegration; Gravitations-
       Partner Country of the European Union has the high-            modell; Olivenöl; Deutschland
       est impact on trade flows to Germany, thus supporting
       further Euromediterranean trade integration. Moreo-
       ver, olive oil exports to Germany are positively re-           1. Introduction
       lated to the existence of direct marketing channels and
                                                                      Olive oil is a typical Mediterranean commodity and is
       to tourism. Therefore, these valuables should be ex-
                                                                      considered as an important agricultural product of the
       plored more in the future by the Mediterranean coun-
                                                                      countries surrounding the Mediterranean basin. More
       tries so as to boost their exports.
                                                                      than 95% of the world production takes place in the
       Key words                                                      Mediterranean countries with the EU member states
                                                                      being the largest producers accounting for about 75%
       Euromediterranean trade integration; gravity model;            of the world production (EUROSTAT, various years).
       olive oil; Germany                                             Non-EU and non-Mediterranean countries account
                                                                      only for about 1% of the world production. Tradition-
       Zusammenfassung                                                ally olive oil has been consumed in these producing
       Die Vertiefung des Barcelona-Abkommens und die                 countries while Italy, followed by Spain, France and
       Diskussion über die Gründung einer Mediterranen                Greece dominate olive oil trade with Italy being the
       Union haben das Interesse der mediterranen Drittlän-           largest importer worldwide (ANANIA and PUPO
       der geweckt, ihre Exporte an den europäischen Markt            D'ANDREA, 2008). According to EUROSTAT data the
       auszubauen. Diese Studie analysiert daher die Deter-           non-EU Mediterranean countries export olive oil al-
       minanten der deutschen Olivenölimporte an Hand                 most only to the EU markets (more than 75% or their
       eines Gravitationsmodells. Im Mittelpunkt steht hier-          olive oil exports were destined to the EU-15 over the
       bei die Frage, ob der Abschluss des Barcelona-Ab-              last ten years) with Italy again being the largest im-
       kommens zu einer Stimulierung des Handels zwischen             porter, followed by France and Spain.
       Deutschland und den mediterranen Drittländern ge-                    In recent years due to campaigns for a healthier
       führt hat. Die Ergebnisse zweier Random-Effects-               way of living the consumption of olive oil has in-
       Modelle, korrigiert für Autokorrelation und Hetero-            creased in non-traditional markets, providing space
       skedastizität, zeigen, dass die Zugehörigkeit zu den           for the Mediterranean countries to expand their mar-
       mediterranen Partnerländern den stärksten Einfluss             ket shares to new destinations. The interest of the
       auf die Exporte nach Deutschland hat und unterstüt-            Mediterranean countries and especially of the non-EU

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GJAE 59 (2010), Heft 1

       Table 1.          Imports of Olive Oil (HS 1509) in Germany
        Partner country                                  Average share in %                               Average growth in % over
                                1995-1997    1998-2000       2001-2003      2004-2006          2007       1995-2000     2000-2005
        Italy                      84.4         87.2            86.9           77.8             71.2         14.3            9.3
        Spain                      10.2          6.7             6.4           10.6              9.6         -3.2           28.8
        Greece                      3.0          2.7             3.2            7.8             13.0         15.2           36.7
        France                      1.5          1.3             1.7            2.0              2.4          6.2           22.7
        Rest of EU-27               0.6          1.9             1.6            1.5              2.9         36.7           12.4
        Turkey                      0.2          0.2             0.1            0.2              0.5        -18.4           61.0
        Tunisia                     0.0          0.0             0.1            0.0              0.1          n.a            n.a
        Rest of MPCs                0.1          0.0             0.0            0.0              0.0        -19.5           47.6
        Rest of world               0.0          0.0             0.0            0.1              0.2         17.3           58.8
        Total imports
                                   64.5         88.9           120.0             183.6         213.6
        (in € million)
       Notes: n.a: not available
       Source: EUROSTAT; own calculations

       Mediterranean countries to expand their market shares                2. German Market of Olive Oil
       in the EU member states is expected to become more
       obvious as the relationships with the EU are becoming                Due to natural production limitations, the olive oil
       deeper with the Barcelona Process and the updated                    supply on the German market is entirely covered by
       discussions for the creation of a Mediterranean Union.               imports, mostly originating from the Mediterranean
       Germany with round 82 million inhabitants is one of                  basin. In fact, Germany’s olive oil imports tripled
       the largest markets in Europe and thus an attractive                 within the past decade (see table 1), thus rendering the
       export destination of olive oil. An analysis of the                  German market a potentially important export destina-
       supply chain of olive oil in Germany has shown that                  tion for Mediterranean olive oil producers. During
       the popularity of the commodity is growing but still                 recent years the imports are dominated by Italy (about
       the market is dominated by Italian imports (FLATAU et                71% of the total olive oil imports in 2007), followed
       al., 2007).                                                          by Greece and Spain (13% and 10% in 2007, respec-
             Objective of this study is to stress the factors that          tively) (EUROSTAT, various years). The MPCs alto-
       influence the German imports of olive oil and specifi-               gether account only for 0.4% of the German imports
       cally to identify whether trade has been stimulated by               with Turkey as the distinguishing country (0.1% in
       the formation of the Barcelona Agreement. Within                     2007 according to EUROSTAT data).
       this framework, the next section gives an overview of                     In the first five years after the conclusion of the
       the German olive oil market and the development of                   Barcelona Agreement the average growth of the
       olive oil trade flows. The economic importance of the                MPCs olive oil exports to Germany was negative (-
       driving factors for the export to Germany is measured                18.4% for Turkey and -19.4% for the rest of the MPCs)
       by applying a gravity model, described in the third                  as table 1 shows. Nevertheless, after 2000 the coun-
       Section of the paper. The findings of the analysis that              tries have performed better and the average growth
       follow in the fourth part could serve to form further                rate of their olive oil exports over the period 2000-
       options for the trade policy of the Mediterranean                    2005 is the highest among other olive oil exporters,
       countries, as discussed in the last Section of the paper.            indicating a positive development of Mediterranean
                                                                            exports to Germany. In detail, the average growth of
                                                                            German olive oil imports from Turkey over this pe-
                                                                            riod of time was 61% and 47.6% from the rest of
                                                                            MPCs. This positive performance which could be due
           The Barcelona Agreement was singed in 1995 between               to the deepening of the Barcelona Agreement is ex-
           the EU and the Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Cyprus,         pected to continue over the coming years both because
           Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the              of the entry into full force of this Agreement as well
           Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey. Apart
           from Cyprus and Malta, which are already member states           as because of the implementation of the new market
           of the European Union these countries are called here-           organisation for olive oil in the European Union (OJ L
           after Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs).                    161, 30.04.2004: 97-127). Moreover, ANANIA and

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GJAE 59 (2010), Heft 1

       PUPO D'ANDREA (2008) expect slower production                      investment or the existence of preferential trade
       rates in the EU Mediterranean countries due to de-                 agreements. Reviews of gravity modelling exercises
       coupling support for olive oil which was introduced in             of regional trade agreements are given for example by
       the 2004 reform which is likely to increase import                 CARDAMONE (2007) and GREENAWAY and MILNER
       demand from non-EU Mediterranean countries.                        (2002). Although it is commonly accepted that the
       Overall, due to the structure and the growing impor-               gravity equation has performed well in empirical ana-
       tance of trade flows between Germany and Mediterra-                lyses, its application is seen as controversial. ANDER-
       nean countries, the German olive oil market appears                SON and VAN WINCOOP (2003) note that due to lack
       particularly interesting for analysing the effects of the          of theoretical foundation variables are omitted and
       Barcelona Agreement on Euromediterranean trade                     thus the results of the gravity models are biased.
       integration.                                                       Moreover, the authors argue that the estimated para-
                                                                          meters cannot be used for comparative static exercises.
                                                                          ANDERSON (1979) was the first to derive the gravity
       3. The Gravity Model and                                           equation from a model assuming product differentia-
          its Empirical Application                                       tion and his attempt has been followed by further
                                                                          authors, as for example by BERGSTRAND (1985 and
       One of the most commonly used tools to examine and                 1989), DEARDORFF (1998), and ANDERSON and
       explain trade flows is the application of the gravity              WINCOOP (2003). Further in the studies of MÁTYÁS
       equation on the exports (imports) of commodities                   (1997 and 1998) and EGGER (2000 and 2002) the
       between two or more countries. It is based on the idea             econometric specification of the gravity equation has
       that the traded volumes from origin i to destination j             been improved and the advantages of the application
       can be explained by the economic size of the origin                of panel data methodology were drawn.
       and of the destination country and any other forces,                     Gravity models have been applied only in limited
       specific for the examined trade flow, that attract or not          cases to explain trade flows of particular commodities.
       bilateral trade.                                                   EMLINGER et al. (2006) have built a gravity model for
            The basic formulation of the gravity equation is              fruits and vegetables to analyse their access to EU
       as in equation 1.                                                  markets, while VLONTZOS and DUQUENNE (2008)
                                                                          have applied the gravity equation to examine the trade
                                       Y           Yj        
             PX ij   0 (Yi ) 1 (Y j ) 2 ( i      ) 3(        ) 4        flows of Greek olive oil. These approaches have the
                                              Popi       Pop j
       (1)                                                                advantage of avoiding inconsistencies due to aggre-
                                                                        gating trade flows at country level as described in
             ( Distij ) 5 ( Aij ) 6 eij
                                                                          AGOSTINO et al. (2007).
                                                                                In this application, the gravity equation explain-
       where i and j to denoted trade partners and for i
GJAE 59 (2010), Heft 1

        immigrants of the exporting countries live in Ger-             associated with higher imports and exports, despite
         many (if the number of immigrants is below 1 % of              the fact that the gravity equation is applied in a disag-
         total immigrants living in Germany the dummy is                gregated commodity level. AGOSTINO et al. (2007)
         set to zero, above the threshold the dummy equals              investigated whether the commodity level aggregation
         one. The immigrants number is retrieved from the               scheme is a source of bias for assessing preferential
         German statistical yearbooks (Statistisches Bundes-            trade schemes and found that both on the aggregated
         amt, various years));                                          and disaggregated commodity level the GDP was on
                                                                        average important in explaining trade flows. More-
        exporting countries are EU member states;
                                                                        over, studies of EMLINGER et al. (2006) and VLONTZOS
        exporting countries are partner countries of the EU            and DUQUENNE (2008) show that the GDP coefficient
         (within the Barcelona Agreement);                              is significant in explaining trade flows on a disaggre-
        German tourists visit exporting countries (this                gated product level (i.e. olive oil as well as fruits and
         variable is relevant only for olive oil producing              vegetables), which as well supports the above expec-
         countries, not for re-exporters and again if the num-          tation. The coefficient of the per capita income of the
         ber of tourists is below 100,000 of total German               importer could be either positive or negative depend-
         tourists that stay at least one night in the place they        ing on whether the imported commodities are consi-
         are visiting, the dummy is set to zero, above the              dered as necessities or luxury goods (MARTINEZ-
         threshold the dummy equals one. The respective                 ZARZOSO and NOWAK-LEHMAN, 2004). Also the sign
         number of tourists is retrieved from the German sta-           of the coefficient of the per-capita income of the ex-
         tistical yearbooks (Statistisches Bundesamt, various           porter cannot be anticipated a priori as it depends on
         years));                                                       the capital-labour ratio (BERGSTRAND, 1989). The
                                                                        distance coefficient, as a proxy for transaction costs
        German supermarket chains buy directly from pro-
                                                                        (including transport costs) should be negative whereas
         ducers-traders of the exporting countries (as for in-
                                                                        the coefficients of the dummy variables are expected
         stance Lidl which directly imports from Italy, see
                                                                        to be positive.
         Flatau et al. (2007));                                               Data on German imports of olive oil are obtained
        the exporting countries sell mostly labelled and               from the EU’s External Trade Statistics over the pe-
         packaged olive oil (instead of bulk).                          riod 1995-2006. After excluding countries with zero
                                                                        bilateral trade flows the dataset covers 14 exporting
       Following MARTINEZ-ZARZOSO and NOWAK-LEHMAN                                 2
                                                                        countries. Regarding GDP and per capita GDP
       (2004) the real bilateral exchange rate index rerGj              (based on Purchasing Power Parity) the data are ex-
       has been calculated by multiplying the nominal                   tracted from the World Economic Outlook database of
       exchange rate of the exporting country (i.e. local cur-          the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Measures for
       rency value of one unit of country j’s currency value)           distance are expressed as straight lines between cities
       with the GDP deflator of the export country divided                                                  3
                                                                        using a City Distance Calculator. Instead of compu-
       by the GDP deflator of Germany. It should be noted
                                                                        ting the distances between capitals as it is the common
       that this relationship does not include export subsidies
                                                                        practise, distances between the main trade centres and
       and ad-valorem tariffs since they are not applied.
                                                                        Hamburg are used as most importers of olive oil in
       According to the TRAINS database, non-tariff trade
                                                                        Germany are located in Hamburg (FLATAU et al.,
       barriers have not been reported for the examined pe-
                                                                        2007). Instead of the geographical distance, NOWAK-
       riod. As a result it was not possible to quantify non-
                                                                        LEHMAN et al. (2007) and MARTINEZ-ZARZOSO and
       tariff measures and to include them in the modelling
                                                                        NOWAK-LEHMAN (2004) use two indices to capture
       exercise. Consequently, to our information all MPCs
                                                                        transport costs, the freight index and transport index,
       face the same (zero) tariff no heterogeneity of prefe-
                                                                        focusing not only on terrestrial infrastructure but on
       rences among MPCs exists. This allows to proxy EU-
       Mediterranean trade integration using a dummy varia-
       ble for MPCs which is not the case if the degree of              2
                                                                            The countries included in the model are: Austria,
       protection varies among MPCs (see EMLINGER et al.,                   Belgium, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands,
       2008).                                                               Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, and
       It is expected that the coefficients for the nominal                 USA.
       GDP for both the importing and the exporting coun-               3
                                                                            The city distance tool of http://www.geobytes.com has
       tries will be positive since a higher income level is                been used.

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GJAE 59 (2010), Heft 1

       seaports. Although this approach would be welcomed                 dered a luxury good by German consumers, which can
       as more precise, it has not been followed due to lack              be attributed to the nutrition habits of the German
       of data on the transport channels of olive oil into                consumers (MARTINEZ-ZARZOSO and NOWAK-
       Germany.                                                           LEHMAN, 2004).
            The estimation makes use of panel data metho-                      The highest value has the coefficient of the
       dology which allows accounting for individual hete-                dummy variable for MPCs, which suggests that prefe-
       rogeneity across countries. As focus is given on time-             rential trade agreements between the EU and Mediter-
       constant variables, such as the Mediterranean Partner-             ranean countries have the intended effect of enhancing
       ship, the random effects (RE) approach is considered               Euromediterranean trade integration. The results show
       as more appropriate instead of a fixed effects model.              that being an MPC enhances olive oil exports to
       However, to ensure that the assumptions of the RE                  the German market by about 6%. More precisely, the
       model hold (i.e. orthogonality of the individual effects           market shares of MPCs on the German olive oil
       and the regressors) a Hausman test is carried out,                 market are, on average, 6% higher that those of non-
       which fails to reject the null hypothesis of no correla-           MPC olive oil producers. Unfortunately, the analysis
       tion between the individual effects and the regressors             does not allow distinguishing between trade creation
       (GREENE, 2008; JOHNSTON and DINARDO, 2007).                        and trade diversion effects meaning that increasing
            To ensure that the estimates do not suffer from               Euromediterranean trade integration has potential
       serial correlation or heteroskedasticity, the Durbin–              adverse effects on non-Mediterranean olive oil expor-
       Watson statistic modified by BHARGAVA et al. (1982)                ters which do not benefit from preferential access to
       and the Breusch-Pagan test adjusted to the panel data
       context are used, respectively. Both tests strongly in-
       dicate the presence of serial correlation and hetero-              Table 2.        Estimation Results
       skedasticity. Based on the test results two RE models               Variables                 Random effects        Random effects
       corrected for serial correlation and heteroskedasticity                                            (PCSE)                (GLS)
       are estimated by employing panel-corrected standard                 GDP Germany                     -0.764             -1.191***
                                                                                                          (0.397)               (0.328)
       errors (PCSE) and Generalized Least Squares (GLS).
                                                                           GDP per capita                -3.042**              -3.188**
                                                                           Germany                        (0.981)               (1.082)
                                                                           GDP exporting                0.809***              0.867***
       4. Estimation Results                                               country                        (0.152)               (0.152)
                                                                           GDP per capita ex-            5.275***              5.711***
       In general, the statistical tests indicate that the gravity         porting country                (0.786)               (0.818)
       equation has a rather good explanatory power over                   Distance                    -0.0008***            -0.0008***
                                                                                                        (0.00004)              (0.0001)
       German imports of olive oil. Moreover, almost all                   Immigrants                      0.725*             1.530***
       coefficients have the expected sign and are statistically                                          (0.252)               (0.366)
       significant. The detailed results, reported in table 2,             EU membership                3.005***              3.240***
       show that the differences among PCSE and GLS are                                                   (0.279)               (0.631)
       only minimal.                                                       Mediterranean                 5.060***              6.040***
                                                                           Partnership                    (0.872)               (0.902)
            The coefficient of the exporters’ GDP is statisti-             German tourism               2.831***              2.294***
       cally significant and has a positive sign implying that                                            (0.269)               (0.349)
       the income of the exporting countries has a positive                Direct marketing              3.845***             3.992***
       impact on olive oil exports to Germany. In contrast,                                               (0.142)               (0.128)
       while the coefficient of Germany’s GDP has a nega-                  Labelling                    -3.067***             -3.710***
                                                                                                          (0.402)               (0.380)
       tive sign and is statistically significant only in the              Real exchange               -0.0527***               -0.025
       GLS estimation. The GDP coefficients are smaller                    rate                           (0.014)               (0.019)
       than one indicating that large economies trade more                 Constant                       -10.845              -11.014*
       olive oil than small ones. However, trade increases                                                (5.598)               (5.145)
       less than proportionally with an increase of the coun-              R²                               0.80                   -
       try’s economic size. As expected, the elasticity of                 Log Likelihood                     -                 -154.77
       GDP per capita has a statistically significant positive            Notes: Values in parenthesis are the standard errors of the regres-
                                                                          sion coefficients, *** (**, *) statistically significant at the 99.9%
       sign for the exporting countries, whereas the GDP                  (99%, 95%) level. The panel-corrected standard errors are correct
       coefficient for Germany is negative. This somewhat                 for heteroskedastic and contemporaneous correlated disturbances.
       surprising result implies that olive oil is not consi-             Source: BECK and KATZ (1995)

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GJAE 59 (2010), Heft 1

       the EU market. However, the fact that olive oil ex-                   The results suggest that being a Mediterranean
       ports from non-Mediterranean countries to the Ger-              Partner Country of the EU appears to have a high
       man market increased by 17.3 and 58.8% in 1995-                 impact on trade flows to Germany, fact alone that is
       2000 and 2000-2007 (see table 1), respectively, sug-            promising for further trade creation with the deepen-
       gests that the importance of trade diversion may be             ing of the Barcelona Agreement. In fact, preferential
       limited.                                                        agreements seem to be the most important determi-
            The estimated coefficients of direct marketing             nant of olive oil exports from non-EU Mediterranean
       and EU membership further suggest that the possibili-           countries to Germany. However, it remains to be seen
       ty of German super market chains to import directly             whether this result can be transferred to other products
       from exporters and being a EU member state creates              and EU member states. Moreover, further research is
       trade by about 4 and 3%, respectively. Labelling is the         needed to determine whether trade creation rather than
       only dummy variable with a negative coefficient, im-            trade diversion is the driving force behind this effect.
       plying that bulk has more potential to enter the Ger-           In this context, extending the analysis to the time pe-
       man market than packaged and labelled olive oil, fact           riod prior and after the establishment of the Barcelona
       that should be attributed to the structure of the expor-        Agreement in 1995 would go beyond the identifica-
       ters supply chain of olive oil, where most of the ex-           tion of integration effects and could provide interest-
       porting countries supply bulk olive oil (FLATAU et al.,         ing insights to the question whether the Barcelona
       2007). Moreover, immigration to Germany as well as              Agreement changed the structure of bilateral trade
       German tourism has a positive effect on olive oil               flows between the EU Mediterranean member states
       trade. This is certainly interesting for the Mediterra-         vis-à-vis MPCs.
       nean Partner Countries, since it implies on the one                   Besides preference agreements, the analysis iden-
       side that attracting German tourists may be an oppor-           tifies further factors determining olive oil trade. A
       tunity to boost their exports to the German market and          positive relationship of the exporters’ economic size
       on the other side that immigrants tend to consume               to the level of German imports suggests that larger
       products of their country of origin thus benefiting             economies among the MPCs have more potential to
       exporters of their home countries. Finally, the parame-         export. The analysis also suggests that olive oil is not
       ter estimates of geographical distance and real ex-             seen as a luxury good by German consumers. Moreo-
       change rate are negative but have only minor impacts            ver, olive oil imports to Germany are found to be po-
       on Germany’s olive oil imports.                                 sitively related to direct marketing and to tourism
                                                                       meaning that the creation of direct marketing channels
                                                                       with German super market chains as well as attracting
       5. Summary and Outlook
                                                                       German tourists seem to be important factors that
       As trade relationships among the EU and the non-EU              could boost exports to Germany. Supposing that both
       Mediterranean countries are expected to deepen with             the German and the exporters’ olive oil supply chain
       the Barcelona Agreement and the recently discussed              remains as such, exporting packaged and labelled
       conclusion of a Mediterranean Union, the interest of            olive oil seems to enter the German market with more
       the Mediterranean countries to extend their trade is            difficulties than bulk.
       expected to increase.                                                 That is to say, there is potential for non-EU
            This study empirically investigates the impacts of         Mediterranean producers to boost olive oil exports.
       these preference agreements on Euromediterranean                First, olive oil may enter the German market by ex-
       trade integration using the example of olive oil exports        ploring direct marketing channels. Second, by adver-
       to Germany as it is a traditional Mediterranean com-            tising the special characteristics of olive oil and the
       modity and Germany is the largest market in the EU.             particular regional differences in the quality, consum-
       Additionally, other factors that might boost olive oil          ers could start considering olive oil as a luxury good
       producing countries’ exports to Germany are consi-              asking for labelled olive oil giving producers the
       dered. A gravity model has been employed so as to               opportunity to benefit from selling olive oil in a
       stress those factors that explain the German imports of         higher quality and price segment in Germany as long
       olive oil, which were identified in a preceding analysis        as they improve their own logistics and export pack-
       of the German olive oil supply chain.                           aged olive oil.

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GJAE 59 (2010), Heft 1

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