Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of "Diaper Rash Cream" in the management of infantile irritant diaper dermatitis (IIDD)

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Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of
“Diaper Rash Cream” in the
management of infantile irritant diaper
dermatitis (IIDD)
Infantile irritant diaper dermatitis (IIDD) is an inflammation of the infantile skin covering the groin, lower stomach,
upper thighs and buttocks. Infantile irritant diaper dermatitis may become difficult to treat, if the area becomes
infected or the infant develops allergy to medications applied to the area. This study was conducted to evaluate the
efficacy and safety of “Diaper Rash Cream” in the management of IIDD.
The study was a prospective, phase III clinical trial, conducted as per the good clinical practice guidelines. A total
of 15 infants, who were suffering from IIDD, and whose parents were willing to give informed written consent were
included in the study.
At the initial visit, a detailed medical history was obtained by interviewing the parents regarding any dermatological
problem, or any adverse effect following the use of any baby product previously in the infant. Then, a detailed
physical examination of the infant was done including the dermatological system. Before beginning the study, the
“Diaper Rash Cream” was applied in a test dose and observed for the development of any immediate hypersensitivity
manifestations, for a period of 30 minutes. If there were no immediate hypersensitivity manifestations, the parents
were advised to apply the “Diaper Rash Cream” once daily, after bath for a period of 2 weeks, on the skin covering
the groin, lower stomach, upper thighs and buttocks. All the infants were followed up on the 7th and 14th day of
application, and at each follow-up visit, a detailed clinical examination was done. All the adverse events, either
reported or observed by the parents were recorded along with information about the onset, severity, duration and
site of the adverse reaction. The signs and symptoms of immediate skin irritation and delayed hypersensitivity
reactions were evaluated as per the standard reference guidelines.
There was a significant improvement in the clinical manifestations of IIDD in all the included infants, in 3 days,
and there was complete recovery from the clinical manifestations of IIDD, after a week’s application, in all the
included infants.
There was a significant reduction in itching in 10 babies, from the 3rd day onwards, and all the infants were relieved
of itching from the 5th day. There was also a significant reduction in 7 babies, with regard to erythematous scaly
diaper area, which often involves papulovesicular or bullous lesions, fissures, and erosions from the 3rd day onwards,
and all the infants were relieved of papulovesicular or bullous lesions, fissures, and erosions by the 6th day. Also,
there were no clinically significant adverse reactions, with excellent compliance.
The positive benefits observed in this study might be due to the synergistic action of the active ingredients of the
formulation viz. anti-inflammatory activities (of Aloe vera, Vitex negundo and Rubia cordifolia), antibacterial
activities (of Zinc calx, Aloe vera, Vitex negundo and Rubia cordifolia), wound healing activities (of Aloe vera),
and antioxidant activities (of Vitex negundo, Prunus amygdalus and Rubia cordifolia). Therefore, it can be concluded
that “Diaper Rash Cream” is effective and safe in the management of IIDD.
Dr. Sukanta Chatterjee
Professor & Head                            Introduction                              emollient delivering diapers, and
Dr. Nilanjana Pramanick
                                                Diapers are used for the care of      breathable diapers, and these newer
Dr. Santa Chattopadhyay                                                               types of diapers reduce the incidence
Dr. Kinkor Munian                           infants,     young     children    and
Department of Pediatrics                    incontinent or paralyzed individuals,     of diaper dermatitis. The non-
Medical College and Hospital,
                                            to prevent fecal soiling and for social   biodegradable material used in super
Kolkata, India
Dr. S.A. Kolhapure*, MD                     convenience. However, the use of          absorbent diapers is, however, a
Senior Medical Advisor                      diaper poses a risk of developing         matter of serious concern because of
R&D Center                                                                            its toxic effects and environmental
The Himalaya Drug Company                   “irritant diaper dermatitis”, which is
Bangalore, India                            commonly known as “diaper rash”.          pollution.1
*Corresponding author
                                            Recent innovations in diaper                 Infantile irritant diaper dermatitis
                                            technology have led to development        is an inflammation of the infantile
Specially Contributed to "The Antiseptic"
Vol.102 No.5 & P : 251-255
                                            of super absobent disposable diapers,     skin covering the groin, lower
251                                                  THE ANTISEPTIC                                               May 2005
stomach, upper thighs and buttocks.      responsibilities, the importance of        pruritus and urticaria – 0, very slight
Infantile irritant diaper dermatitis     compliance, ethical aspects, and           pruritus and urticaria – 1, well
may become difficult to treat, if the    overall plan of the study. Informed        defined pruritus and urticaria – 2,
area becomes infected or the infant      consent was obtained in writing from       moderate to severe pruritus and
develops allergy to medications          the parents of all the included infants.   urticaria – 3, and severe pruritus and
applied to the area.                         At the initial visit, a detailed       urticaria – 4.
    The “Diaper Rash Cream” is a         medical history was obtained by                The relation of adverse events to
polyherbal formulation recommended       interviewing the parents regarding         the study product was predefined as
for the prevention and treatment of      any dermatological problem, or any         “Unrelated” (a reaction that does
irritant diaper dermatitis, and          adverse effect following the use of        not follow a reasonable temporal
contains the powders of Zinc calx,       any baby product previously in the         sequence from the time of application
extract of Aloe vera and the oils of     infant. Then, a detailed physical          of the product and not localized to
Prunus amygdalus, Vitex negundo          examination of the infant was done         the whole site of application),
and Rubia cordifolia. This study was     including the dermatological system.       “Probable” (follows a known
conducted to evaluate the efficacy           Before beginning the study, the        responsible pattern to the suspected
and safety of “Diaper Rash Cream”        “Diaper Rash Cream” (Batch No.:            product, but could have been
in the management of IIDD.               40601-RD) was applied in a test dose       produced by the baby’s clinical state
                                                                                    and localized at the site of
Aim of the study                         and observed for the development of
                                         any immediate hypersensitivity             application), “possible” (follows a
   This study was planned to                                                        known responsible pattern to the
                                         manifestations, for a period of 30
evaluate the clinical efficacy and                                                  suspected product that could not be
                                         minutes. If there were no immediate
safety (short- and long-term) of                                                    reasonably explained by the known
                                         hypersensitivity manifestations, the
“Diaper Rash Cream” in the mana-                                                    characteristics of the baby’s clinical
                                         parents were advised to apply the
gement of IIDD.                                                                     state and localized at the site of
                                         “Diaper Rash Cream” once daily,
Study design                             after bath for a period of 2 weeks, on     application).
   The study was a prospective,          the skin covering the groin, lower         Results
phase III clinical trial, conducted at   stomach, upper thighs and buttocks.
                                                                                        There was a significant impro-
the Well Baby Clinic, at the                 All the infants were followed up       vement in the clinical manifestations
Department of Pediatrics, Medical        on the 7 th and 14th day of application,   of IIDD in all the included infants,
College and Hospital, Kolkata, from      and at each follow-up visit, a detailed    in 3 days and there was complete
September to December 2004, as per       clinical examination was done. The         recovery from the clinical mani-
the good clinical practice guidelines.   parents were advised to discontinue        festations of IIDD, after a week’s
                                         the product, if they noticed any           application, in all the included
Methods and materials
                                         adverse effect.                            infants.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
                                         Adverse events                                 There was a significant reduction
    A total of 15 infants, who were                                                 in itching in 10 babies, from the 3rd
suffering from IIDD, who were born           All the adverse events, either
                                         reported or observed by the parents        day onwards, and all the infants were
at term, with a birth weight of more                                                relived of itching from the 5th day.
than 2500 grams (having appropriate      were recorded along with information
                                         about the onset, severity, duration        There was also a significant reduction
gain in weight, length, and head                                                    in 7 babies, with regard to
circumference, and a normal psycho-      and site of the adverse reaction. The
                                         signs and symptoms of immediate            erythematous scaly diaper area, which
motor development on pediatric                                                      often involves papulovesicular or
physical examination), and whose         skin irritation and delayed hyper-
                                         sensitivity reactions were evaluated       bullous lesions, fissures, and erosions
parents were willing to give informed                                               from the 3rd day onwards, and all the
written consent were included in the     as per the standard reference
                                         guidelines. The scoring scales for         infants were relieved of papulo-
study. Infants who were under some                                                  vesicular or bullous lesions, fissures,
medication for systemic or topical       various adverse effects were as
                                         follows: Scoring scale for evaluating      and erosions by the 6 th day. Also,
disease, and those babies, whose                                                    there were no clinically significant
parents were unwilling to give written   erythema: no erythema – 0, very
                                         slight erythema – 1, well defined          adverse reactions, with excellent
informed consent before entering the                                                compliance.
study, were excluded from the study.     erythema – 2, moderate to severe
                                         erythema – 3, and very severe                 There     were     no    clinically
Study procedure                          erythema – 4. Scoring scale for            significant adverse reactions (either
   The parents who brought their         evaluating edema: no edema – 0,            reported by the parents or observed
infants for routine check up at the      very slight edema – 1, slight edema        by the investigators) during the entire
Well Baby Clinic were informed           – 2, moderate edema – 3, and severe        study period. There were no dropouts,
about the study product, its effects,    edema – 4. Scoring scale for               and the overall compliance to the
duration of study period, their          evaluating pruritus and urticaria: nil     product use was excellent.

May 2005                                          THE ANTISEPTIC                                                      252
Discussion                                  C. zeylanoides. Other organisms           results revealed that, exposure to the
    Infantile irritant diaper dermatitis,   present in the mixed culture from the     formulations directly on adult skin
a frequent condition, is a form of          diaper area were Staphylococcus           prior to an irritant challenge was
contact dermatitis, occurs due to the       aureus, Escherichia coli, and few         associated with significant reduction
interaction of multiple factors             strains of streptococci (groups B and     in skin barrier damage and skin
(increased wetness, elevated local          D), and Proteus mirabilis. Infants        erythema, and greatest reductions
skin pH, fecal enzymes and                  diapered exclusively in disposable        were seen for the zinc containing
microorganisms), and manifests as           diapers showed less rash than those       formulations. Wearing of the
an erythematous rash. Increased             diapered exclusively or sometimes in      formulation treated diaper was also
wetness in the diaper area makes the        cloth diapers.5                           associated with a significant
skin more susceptible to damage by                                                    reduction in skin erythema and diaper
                                                The principle of treatment of         rash compared to the control
physical, chemical, and enzymatic
                                            diaper dermatitis is to keep the skin     product.9
mechanisms. Wet skin increases the
                                            in the nappy area as dry as possible
penetration of irritant substances. The     with frequent nappy change, and               The principle constituents of Aloe
urease enzyme found in the stratum                                                    barbadensis are anthraquinones
                                            absorbent disposable diapers are
corneum liberates ammonia from                                                        (aloe-emodin and aloin A (barbalin),10
                                            known to reduce the incidence of
cutaneous bacteria, which has an            diaper dermatitis. Absorbent dis-         cinnamoyl, p-coumaroyl, feruloyl,
irritant effect on nonintact skin.                                                    caffeoyl aloesin, aloemannan, 11
                                            posable diapers do not allow urine to
Lipases and proteases in feces mix                                                    acemannan, verectin,12 elgonica dimer
                                            come into contact with the skin, and
with urine on nonintact skin and            can hold large amounts of urine. For      A and bisbenzopyran.11 Aloe vera has
cause an alkaline surface pH, adding                                                  anti-inflammatory,          antifungal,
                                            all practical purposes these diapers
to the irritation. (Feces in breastfed                                                immunosuppressive, and wound
                                            only need to be changed when they
infants have a lower pH, and                become soiled with feces or they get      healing properties. The active
breastfed infants are less susceptible                                                ingredients of Aloe vera have been
                                            so heavy that they are down near the
to diaper dermatitis.) The bile salts                                                 found to exhibit immunosuppressive,
                                            child’s ankles. 6
in the stools enhance the activity of                                                 anti-inflammatory            activities,
fecal enzymes, adding to the effect.2,3         This study observed complete          bradykinin degrading and cell
                                            recovery from IIDD in all the             proliferation-stimulating activities.12
    Candida albicans has been                                                         Ali et al. found that anthraquinones
                                            included babies, after a week’s
identified as a contributing factor to      application. Also, there were no          from Aloe vera are responsible for
diaper dermatitis, and the infection                                                  the antifungal activity. 13 The
                                            clinically    significant    adverse
often occurs after 48-72 hours of                                                     constituents of Aloe barbadensis have
                                            reactions, with excellent compliance.
active eruption. Candida albicans has       The positive benefits observed in this    wound healing properties. 14,15 Davis
been isolated from the perineal area                                                  et al. evaluated the extracts of Aloe
                                            study might be due to the synergistic
in as many as 92% of children with                                                    vera for topical anti-inflammatory
                                            action of the active ingredients of
diaper dermatitis. Other microbial          the formulation.                          activity, and the results showed that
agents have been isolated less                                                        small amounts of Aloe vera given
frequently, perhaps more as a result            Zinc has been widely used in the      topically     inhibit    inflammation
of secondary infections. In a clinical      treatment of diaper dermatitis and        induced by a moderate amount of
study, Ferrazzini et al. investigated       various studies have demonstrated         irritant.16 Another study by the same
the relevance of Candida sp. and            the antibacterial efficacy of zinc        author demonstrated the antioxidant
Staphylococcus aureus colonization          oxide. Collipp et al. observed            and anti-inflammatory effects of
in IIDD and determined the                  significant reduction in the incidence    aloesin derivative (isorabaichromone)
correlation between the extent of           of diaper rash, with oral zinc            in Aloe vera. As Aloe vera has long
colonization and the severity of            supplementation.7 In another study,       been used to promote wound healing,
disease. The results showed a               Collipp et al. noted that IIDD was        the inhibitory effects of aloesin
significant, positive correlation           associated with reduced hair zinc,        derivatives for cyclooxygenase
between severity of disease and             and infants with the least hair had       (Cox)-2 and thromboxane (TXA 2)
extent of Candida spp. colonization         lower zinc levels than infants with       synthase were examined and the
at all swab locations (the colonization     the most hair. 8 Baldwin et al.           participation of p-coumaroyl and
by Staphylococcus aureus was                conducted a study to determine the        feruloyl ester groups in the aloesin
nonsignificant).4 In a study by Dorko       clinical benefits of a novel disposable   skeleton was demonstrated, which
et al. the occurrence of Candida spp.       diaper designed to deliver a zinc         explain, the wound healing effects of
was determined in infants, with diaper      oxide       and      petrolatum-based     Aloe vera. 17 Bautista-Perez et al.
dermatitis, and the most frequently         formulation continuously to the skin      demonstrated the antibradykinin
isolated species was Candida                during use. They evaluated the            effect and hence anti-inflammatory
albicans,      followed       by     C.     prevention of skin irritation and         activities of Aloe vera. 18 In a study
parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C.             barrier damage from a standard skin       by Vazquez et al. the aqueous extract
pulcherrima, C. guilliermondii, and         irritant in an adult arm model. The       of Aloe vera gel inhibited

253                                                  THE ANTISEPTIC                                                May 2005
prostaglandin E2 production from             Conclusion                                       71(10): 907-908.
arachidonic acid. The chemical tests             Infantile irritant diaper dermatitis    2.     Ather ton DJ. A review of the
performed on the aqueous extract for         is an inflammation of the infantile              pathophysiology,      prevention   and
anthraglycosides, reductor sugars and        skin covering the groin, lower                   treatment of irritant diaper dermatitis.
cardiotonic     glycosides      were         stomach, upper thighs and buttocks.              Curr. Med. Res. Opin . 2004; 20(5):
positive.19                                  Infantile irritant diaper dermatitis             645-649.
    Prunus amygdalus is a rich source        may become difficult to treat, if the       3. Flagothier C, Pierard-Franchimont C,
of antioxidants (tocopherols, squalene       area becomes infected or the infant            Pierard GE. How I explore ... diaper
and phytosterols).20 Kayano et al.           develops allergy to medications                dermatitis. Rev. Med. Liege . 2004;
documented        high    antioxidant        applied to the area. This study was            59(2): 106-109.
activities of Prunus amygdalus.21            conducted to evaluate the efficacy          4. Ferrazzini G, Kaiser RR, Hirsig Cheng
    The principle ingredients of Vitex       and safety of “Diaper Rash Cream”              SK, Wehrli M, Della Casa V, Pohlig G
negundo are flavone vitexcarpin,22           in the management of IIDD.                     et al. Microbiological aspects of diaper
                                                                                            dermatitis. Dermatol . 2003; 206(2):
negundins A and B, diasyringaresinol,           There was a significant impro-              136-141.
lyoniresinol, vitrofolal E and F,23 6-       vement in the clinical manifestations
phenyldihydronaphthalene-type                of IIDD in all the included infants,        5. Dorko E, Viragova S, Pilipcinec E,
lignan,     vitedoin      A,    phenyl-      in 3 days and there was complete               Tkacikova L. Candida—agent of the
naphthalene-type lignan alkaloid,            recovery     from      the     clinical        diaper dermatitis? Folia. Microbiol.
                                                                                            (Praha) 2003; 48(3): 385-388.
vitedoamine A, and trinorlabdane-            manifestations of IIDD, after a week’s
type diterpene, and vitedoin.24 Vitex        application, in all the included            6. Prasad HR, Srivastava P, Verma KK.
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                                                 There was a significant reduction
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demonstrated the free radical                in 7 babies, with regard to                 8. Collipp PJ, Kuo B, Castro-Magana M,
scavenging      activity     of    Vitex     erythematous scaly diaper area, which          Chen SY, Salvatore S. Hair zinc, scalp
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munjistin, purpuroxanthin, pseudo-                                                          Analysis of the anthraquinones aloe-
                                             synergistic action of the active               emodin     and    aloin    by   gas
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   2004; 55(3): 171-178.

   Functional       Somatic       Syndromes        are     illnesses        The Australian government is proposing that
   characterized by symptoms that, as yet, have no clear                    by mid 2005 every packet of cigarettes and
   pathophysiology.        These     include     chronic     fatigue        tobacco sold there will feature graphic images
   syndrome, fibromyalgia, Gulf War illness, irritable bowel                of smoking related diseases over half the front
   syndrome, and premenstrual dysphoria. Although the                       and rear panels.
   clinical manifestations of these illnesses are not
                                                                            The proposals warnings covering half each
   identical, they have in common increased sensitivity to
                                                                            pack in January 2001, and Brazil, which
   pain, sleep disturbances, difficulty with concentration,
                                                                            introduced similar images in February 2002.
   and labile mood.

                                 (NEJM – December 23, 2004)                                                  (BMJ – May 2004)

255                                                      THE ANTISEPTIC                                                      May 2005
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