European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC): study populations and data collection

Public Health Nutrition: 5(6B), 1113–1124                                                  DOI: 10.1079/PHN2002394

                            European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
                            (EPIC): study populations and data collection
                            E Riboli1,*, KJ Hunt2, N Slimani1, P Ferrari1, T Norat1, M Fahey1, UR Charrondière1,
                            B Hémon1, C Casagrande1, J Vignat1, K Overvad3, A Tjønneland4, F Clavel-Chapelon5,
                            A Thiébaut5, J Wahrendorf6, H Boeing7, D Trichopoulos8,9, A Trichopoulou8, P Vineis10,
                            D Palli11, HB Bueno-de-Mesquita12, PHM Peeters13, E Lund14, D Engeset14,
                            CA González15, A Barricarte16, G Berglund17, G Hallmans18, NE Day19, TJ Key20,
                            R Kaaks21 and R Saracci1,22
                              Unit of Nutrition and Cancer, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC – WHO), 150 cours Albert-
                            Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France: 2Division of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Texas Health Science
                            Center, San Antonio, TX, USA: 3Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, University of Aarhus, Denmark:
                              Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark: 5INSERM, U521, Institute
                            Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France: 6German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany: 7Department of
                            Epidemiology, German Institute of Human Nutrition, Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Germany: 8Department of Hygiene and
                            Epidemiology, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece: 9Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of
                            Public Health, Boston, MA, USA: 10Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, University of Turin,
                            Italy: 11Molecular & Nutrition Epidemiology Unit, CSPO, Scientific Institute of Tuscany, Florence, Italy: 12Department
                            of Epidemiology, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands: 13Julius Center
                            for General Practice and Patient Oriented Research, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands: 14Institute of Community
                            Medicine, University of Tromsø, Norway: 15Department of Epidemiology, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Barcelona,
                            Spain: 16Service of Surveillance and Epidemiological Control, Institute of Public Health of Navarra, Pamplona,
                            Spain: 17Department of Medicine, Lund University, Malmö University Hospital, Sweden: 18Public Health and Clinical
                            Medicine, University Hospital of Northern Sweden, Umeå, Sweden: 19Department of Public Health and Primary
                            Care, School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge, UK: 20Cancer Research UK, Epidemiology Unit,
                            University of Oxford, UK: 21Hormones and Cancer Group, IARC – WHO, Lyon, France: 22Division of Epidemiology,
                            IFC National Research Council, Pisa, Italy

                            The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) is an
                            ongoing multi-centre prospective cohort study designed to investigate the
                            relationship between nutrition and cancer, with the potential for studying other
                            diseases as well. The study currently includes 519 978 participants (366 521 women
                            and 153 457 men, mostly aged 35–70 years) in 23 centres located in 10 European
                            countries, to be followed for cancer incidence and cause-specific mortality for several
                            decades. At enrolment, which took place between 1992 and 2000 at each of the
                            different centres, information was collected through a non-dietary questionnaire on
                            lifestyle variables and through a dietary questionnaire addressing usual diet.
                            Anthropometric measurements were performed and blood samples taken, from
                            which plasma, serum, red cells and buffy coat fractions were separated and aliquoted
                            for long-term storage, mostly in liquid nitrogen. To calibrate dietary measurements, a
                            standardised, computer-assisted 24-hour dietary recall was implemented at each
                            centre on stratified random samples of the participants, for a total of 36 900 subjects.
                            EPIC represents the largest single resource available today world-wide for                                     Keywords
                            prospective investigations on the aetiology of cancers (and other diseases) that can                              Nutrition
                            integrate questionnaire data on lifestyle and diet, biomarkers of diet and of
                                                                                                                                      Chronic diseases
                            endogenous metabolism (e.g. hormones and growth factors) and genetic                                          Cohort study
                            polymorphisms. First results of case–control studies nested within the cohort are                          Anthropometry
                            expected early in 2003. The present paper provides a description of the EPIC study,                     Biological samples
                            with the aim of simplifying reference to it in future papers reporting substantive or                           EPIC study
                            methodological studies carried out in the EPIC cohort.                                                              Europe

              *Corresponding author: Email                                                                         q The Authors 2002

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1114                                                                                                                                E Riboli et al.
           The existence of a relationship between nutrition and                                Cancer programme of the European Union. Initiated in
           cancer was first shown clearly in the 1940s in a series of                           1992, this study has grown progressively into a
           experimental studies in which severe energy restriction                              collaborative endeavour between 23 centres in 10
           markedly reduced the occurrence of cancers in mice1. In                              European countries. The principal aim of EPIC is to
           the 1960s, following the development of cancer registries,                           investigate, in a prospective manner, the aetiology of
           ecological studies drew attention to the large world-wide                            cancers at various sites (as well as other forms of chronic
           variations in cancer incidence, and provided first                                   disease) in relation to diet and lifestyle, taking advantage
           suggestions that these variations might be related to                                both of the contrast in cancer rates and dietary habits
           differences in lifestyle, particularly diet2 – 4. In the 1970s                       between centres and countries and of the large overall size
           and 1980s, a large number of traditional case– control                               of the study, which makes it possible to explore
           studies were conducted to identify dietary risk factors with                         interactions between nutritional, genetic, hormonal and
           greater specificity, and since the late 1980s these studies                          lifestyle factors.
           have been followed by a series of prospective cohort                                    Enrolment of the EPIC cohort participants and collec-
           studies5.                                                                            tion of baseline questionnaire data, anthropometric
              In spite of several decades of research, comparatively                            measurements and blood samples have now been
           few nutrition-related factors have been established                                  completed for all countries. By May 2002, the follow-up
           unequivocally as playing a causal role in human cancer                               for cancer incidence had already led to the identification of
           occurrence. These established factors include obesity and                            large numbers (1000 – 4500 cases) of subjects who
           alcohol consumption5. In fact, epidemiological studies on                            developed cancer after cohort enrolment at one of the
           nutrition and cancer have faced several methodological                               major sites (lung, colon–rectum, prostate and breast). This
           problems. Dietary habits are difficult to assess accurately                          represents a total of about 16 000 incident cases. In
           and dietary exposures relevant to the aetiology of today’s                           previous reports, the rationale for the EPIC study and its
           cancer incidence or mortality may have occurred over                                 future perspectives have been discussed6,9,10. In the
           many years. Food patterns and specific food components,                              present paper, we describe in some detail the individual
           macro- and micronutrients, may all play aetiological roles                           EPIC study cohorts and their source populations, as well as
           and their effects may also be modified by other lifestyle                            the baseline information and biological samples collected
           factors such as physical activity or childbearing patterns.                          from the participants of each cohort.
           Case –control studies may be flawed by differential bias
           between cases and controls in the recall of dietary habits,
           and case –control studies that use biomarkers of diet or                             Methods
           metabolism may also be flawed because the markers may
           be altered by the presence or diagnosis of a tumour. In
           principle, prospective cohort studies are not subject to                             Outline
           these two major forms of bias. But, unless they are very                             EPIC is an ongoing multi-centre prospective cohort study.
           large in size, they are inadequate to generate informative                           The prospective cohort approach includes the collection
           data on the aetiology of less common forms of cancer,                                of baseline questionnaire and interview data on diet and
           such as those of the oesophagus, gall bladder, thyroid                               non-dietary variables, as well as anthropometric measure-
           gland, ovary or endometrium. Even for the common forms                               ments and blood samples for long-term storage from
           of cancer, such as those of the lung, colon–rectum, breast,                          apparently healthy populations. The cohort participants
           prostate and stomach, prospective cohort studies may                                 are followed over time for the occurrence of cancer and
           prove less than adequate as soon as the aetiological                                 other diseases, as well as for overall mortality, to allow
           investigation focuses on sub-types characterised by                                  incidence and mortality comparisons by exposure vari-
           localisation, histology or other biological traits.                                  ables. At regular intervals, follow-up questionnaires are
              Finally, a drawback of prospective studies has been the                           used to update information on selected aspects of lifestyle
           fact that so far they have often been conducted within                               that are known or strongly suspected to be related to
           populations with relatively homogeneous lifestyles and                               cancer risk and that may have changed over time. The
           dietary patterns. This homogeneity, combined with                                    EPIC study has recruited 519 978 participants, in 23 centres
           relatively large errors in dietary intake assessments, may                           located in 10 European countries. The study started with
           make it very difficult to demonstrate moderate associ-                               17 research centres in seven core EPIC countries (France,
           ations of specific aspects of diet with cancer risk.                                 Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and the
              In an attempt to overcome these various limitations, the                          UK). Subsequently, these were joined by centres in three
           International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)                                   Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark and Norway)
           initiated the European Prospective Investigation into                                and one centre in Italy (Naples) that were conducting
           Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) – a multi-centre prospective                             broadly similar prospective studies. The enrolment of
           cohort study in Western Europe6 – 10. The study has been                             subjects included in all EPIC centres took place between
           supported from its beginning by the Europe Against                                   1992 and 2000.

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EPIC study description                                                                                                                       1115
              Source populations, invitation and study logistics                                   participants received the non-dietary questionnaire by mail,
              Participant eligibility within each cohort was based                                 and were invited to a study centre for an examination that
              essentially on geographic or administrative boundaries.                              included collection of the lifestyle questionnaire, venepunc-
              The source populations were identified according to age,                             ture, anthropometry and blood pressure measurements (in
              gender and, optionally, other criteria (Table 1)11 – 17. The                         Spain only in sub-sample of the cohort), as well as an
              age range was generally from 35 to 70 years (Table 1). The                           interviewer-administered computer-driven dietary ques-
              actual study populations are samples of convenience of                               tionnaire. Finally, in Greece, participants were initially
              volunteers agreeing to participate, but not required to be                           invited by mail, sent a questionnaire, and asked to come for
              random samples of defined populations; moreover, only                                an examination at a study centre; however, recruitment
              some of the centres have maintained records of all the                               numbers were so low that active recruitment was initiated. In
              individuals invited to participate. As shown in Table 1, in                          contrast to most other EPIC centres, actively recruited Greek
              the majority of study centres, subjects were invited from                            participants had their EPIC study centre examination at
              the general adult population residing in a given town or                             enrolment and all completed an interviewer-administered
              geographical area. There were, however, exceptions to                                questionnaire on diet and a questionnaire on lifestyle. In
              this recruitment scheme. The French cohort was based on                              Denmark and Malmö (Sweden), the participants filled in
              members of the health insurance for teachers (with the aim                           dietary questionnaires at home and lifestyle questionnaires
              of facilitating follow-up for incidence of cancer and other                          at the study centres. In Umeå (Sweden), both questionnaires
              diseases); components of the Italian and Spanish cohorts                             were completed at the study centre. In Norway, participants
              included members of local blood donor associations; the                              completed an initial mailed questionnaire unrelated to EPIC,
              cohorts in Utrecht (The Netherlands) and Florence (Italy)                            completed a subsequent mailed questionnaire for EPIC, and
              included women invited for a local population-based                                  then had blood samples mailed to the study centre in Tromsø
              breast cancer screening programme. In Oxford (UK) half                               for processing.
              of the cohort was recruited among subjects who did not
              eat meat, including vegans (who consume no animal                                    Dietary intake assessments
              products), lacto-ovo vegetarians and fish eaters (i.e.                               Dietary intake was assessed by a number of different
              consumers of fish but not meat). In France, Norway,                                  instruments that had been developed and validated
              Utrecht (The Netherlands) and Naples (Italy) only women                              previously in a series of studies within the various source
              were recruited.                                                                      populations participating in EPIC (Table 3)19 – 23. Follow-
                 Centre-specific information on geographical/political                             ing the results of the methodological studies and taking
              area, source population, eligibility criteria and enumer-                            into account the local context, three dietary assessment
              ation of invited participants are shown in Table 1, while                            methods were adopted:
              Table 2 provides centre- and gender-specific information
              on study population size, enrolment dates and participant                            1. Extensive self-administrated quantitative dietary ques-
              age at enrolment.                                                                       tionnaires, containing up to 260 food items and
                 As a rule, participants were invited to participate either                           estimating individual average portions systematically,
              by mail or in person (Table 1). Individuals who agreed to                               were used in northern Italy, The Netherlands, Germany
              participate signed an informed consent agreement and                                    and Greece (where dietary questionnaires were
              were mailed a questionnaire on diet and a questionnaire                                 interviewer-administered). Questionnaires, similar in
              on lifestyle. Most participants completed these question-                               content to the self-administered quantitative dietary
              naires at home and were then invited to a study centre for                              questionnaires but structured by meals, were used in
              an examination. This included collection of the two                                     Spain, France and Ragusa (south Italy). To increase
              completed questionnaires, venepuncture, anthropometry                                   compliance, the centres in Spain and Ragusa
              and measurement of blood pressure. For the blood                                        performed a face-to-face dietary interview using a
              pressure measurements, uniform procedures were rec-                                     computerised dietary program, whereas the dietary
              ommended but no standard method or common type of                                       questionnaire was self-reported in France.
              instrument was introduced18. Among the seven initial EPIC                            2. Semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaires (with
              countries, the centres in Italy (except Ragusa), the UK                                 the same standard portion(s) assigned to all subjects)
              (except Oxford), The Netherlands and Germany followed                                   were used in Denmark, Norway, Naples in Italy and
              these procedures. In France, a study that started in 1990                               Umeå in Sweden.
              included lifestyle questions with self-reported anthropo-                            3. Combined dietary methods were used in the UK and
              metry measurements; the participants enrolled in EPIC are                               Malmö (Sweden). The two British centres used both a
              those who answered the dietary questionnaire. A subset of                               semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire and a
              the French cohort (20 725 women close to a metropolitan                                 7-day record, whereas a method combining a short
              area) later came to a field centre, donated a blood sample,                             non-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire with a
              and underwent blood pressure and anthropometry                                          14-day record on hot meals (lunches and dinners) was
              measurements. In Spain and Ragusa (Italy), the recruited                                developed in Malmö.

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                                                                                                                       Table 1 Source populations, eligibility criteria and recruitment procedures of the cohorts: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study

                                                                                                                                                 Geographic/political                               Source                                                                                             Enumeration
                                                                                                                       Country                     area (centre)                           population* (description)                         Target eligibility criteria             Initial contact    of invited

                                                                                                                       Core initial EPIC cohorts
                                                                                                                       Greece               Greece: nation-wide                Active recruitment of the general                   Apparently healthy men and women                In person and by        No
                                                                                                                                                                               population                                          aged 25–82                                      mail
                                                                                                                       Spain               Granada: province                   Blood donors, general population                    Residents: men aged 40–64, women                In person and by        No
                                                                                                                                                                               (recruited through census, health centres)           aged 35–64                                     mail
                                                                                                                                           Murcia: region                      Blood donors and their partners                     Residents: men aged 40–65, women                In person and by        No
                                                                                                                                                                               (67% of cohort), general population                 aged 35–65                                      mail
                                                                                                                                                                               of two towns (23%), civil servants (5%),
                                                                                                                                                                               employees of two companies (3%),
                                                                                                                                                                               participants in a cardiovascular risk study (2%)
                                                                                                                                           Navarra: Pamplona city              Blood donors, general population                    Residents: men aged 40–65, women                Mail                   Yes
                                                                                                                                           and Navarra region                                                                      aged 35–65
                                                                                                                                           San Sebastian: city                 Blood donors, employees of selected                 Residents: men aged 40–65, women                In person and by       Yes

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                                                                                                                                           and Gipuzkoa province               enterprises (recruited through census               aged 35–65                                      mail
                                                                                                                                                                               of selected municipalities)
                                                                                                                                           Asturias: region                    Blood donors, regional civil servants               Men aged 40– 64, women aged 35–64               Mail                   Yes
                                                                                                                                                                               and general population
                                                                                                                       Italy               Ragusa: province                    Local blood donors association,                     Residents: men aged 40–65, women                Mail                   Yes
                                                                                                                                                                               population-based recruitment in four                aged 35–65
                                                                                                                                                                               towns (Monterosso, Giarratana, Ispica
                                                                                                                                                                               and Chiaramonte), local teachers union,
                                                                                                                                                                               and other sources
                                                                                                                                           Florence: province                  Breast cancer screening participants (CSPO),        Residents: men aged 35–64, women                In person and by        No
                                                                                                                                                                               men and women from the general population           aged 35–64, without prevalent cancer            mail
                                                                                                                                           Turin: city                         Blood donors, employees, volunteers, medical        Residents: men aged 40–74, women                In person               No
                                                                                                                                                                               test users at national health service               aged 35–74, without prevalent cancer
                                                                                                                                           Varese: province                    Volunteers from resident general population,        Men aged 40– 65, women aged 35–65               In person and by        No
                                                                                                                                                                               mostly an extension of an ongoing study                                                             mail
                                                                                                                       France              France                              Nation-wide health insurance programme              Women aged 40–65 in 1990 with informed          Mail                   Yes
                                                                                                                                                                               (MGEN): teachers and school workers enrolled        consent to obtain MGEN info on non-
                                                                                                                                                                               in an ongoing study prior to EPIC                   respondents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     E Riboli et al.
Germany                Heidelberg and                          General population                                         Residents: men aged 40– 65, women                     Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                                              surrounding areas                                                                                  aged 35– 65, completed questionnaires
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and examination
                                                                                                                                              Potsdam and surrounding                 General population                                         Residents: men aged 40– 65, women                     Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                                              areas                                                                                              aged 35– 65, completed questionnaires
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and examination
                                                                                                                       Netherlands            Bilthoven: Amsterdam,                   Population-based age- and sex-stratified                   Residents: men and women aged 20–60 in                Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                                              Doetinchem and Maastricht               samples of the general population                          Amsterdam and Maastricht, and aged
                                                                                                                                              (three cities)                                                                                     20–65 in Doetinchem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 EPIC study description

                                                                                                                                              Utrecht: district                       Population-based breast cancer screening                   Residents: women aged 49– 70                          Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                       United Kingdom         Cambridge: Norfolk                      Population-based patients of general                       Listed by general practitioners: men and              Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                      practitioners                                              women aged 45– 74
                                                                                                                                              Oxford: (1) local counties;             (1) Population based in collaboration with                 (1) Listed by general practitioners: men              Mail                          No
                                                                                                                                              (2) ‘health-conscious’ from             general practitioners; (2) vegetarians,                    and women aged 40–65; (2) men and
                                                                                                                                              England, Wales, Scotland and            vegans and other health-conscious individuals              women aged 20+, but targeted at those
                                                                                                                                              Northern Ireland                        in collaboration with vegetarian societies and             aged 35+
                                                                                                                       Associated EPIC cohorts
                                                                                                                       Italy             Naples                                       Female volunteers from resident general                    Women aged 30– 69                                     In person and by              No
                                                                                                                                                                                      population                                                                                                       mail
                                                                                                                       Denmark                Aarhus                                  Population-based                                           Born in Denmark: men and women                        Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 aged 50– 64, without prevalent cancer
                                                                                                                                              Copenhagen                              Population-based                                           Born in Denmark: men and women                        Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 aged 50– 64, without prevalent cancer
                                                                                                                       Sweden                 Malmö: city                            Population-based                                           Residents: men aged 50– 72, women                     Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 aged 46– 72
                                                                                                                                              Umeå: the Västerbotten county         Population-based                                           Residents: men and women aged                         Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 30, 40, 50 or 60
                                                                                                                       Norway                 Tromsø: national sample                 Population-based                                           Women born in Norway between                          Mail                         Yes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1943 and 1957

                                                                                                                       * Under source population, the term ‘population-based’ implies that participants were invited as a random sample of their population, while the term ‘general population’ implies that volunteers were invited from the

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                                                                                                                       general population.
1118                                                                                                                                   E Riboli et al.
                           Table 2 Characteristics of the cohorts: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
                           (EPIC) study

                                                                                                              Enrolment      Enrolment age (years)
                           Country                        Centre                                 n*          period (date)   (1st– 99th percentile)

                           Core initial EPIC cohorts
                           Greece                                             Male            11 954          1994–1999             30–76
                                                                              Female          16 618          1994–1999             30–76
                           Spain                      Granada                 Male             1796           1992–1996             35–65
                                                                              Female           6083           1992–1996             35–65
                                                      Murcia                  Male             2685           1992–1996             38–65
                                                                              Female           5831           1992–1996             35–65
                                                      Navarra                 Male             3908           1992–1995             40–64
                                                                              Female           4176           1992–1995             35–64
                                                      San Sebastian           Male             4158           1992–1995             40–65
                                                                              Female           4259           1992–1995             35–65
                                                      Asturias                Male             3085           1992–1995             40–65
                                                                              Female           5459           1992–1995             35–65
                           Italy                      Ragusa                  Male             3053           1993–1997             37–65
                                                                              Female           3350           1993–1997             35–65
                                                      Florence                Male             3514           1993–1998             35–65
                                                                              Female          10 083          1992–1998             35–65
                                                      Turin                   Male             6047           1993–1998             35–65
                                                                              Female           4557           1993–1998             35–65
                                                      Varese                  Male             2557           1995–1997             40–65
                                                                              Female           9526           1993–1997             35–72
                           France                                             Female          72 996          1993–1997             43–68
                           Germany                    Heidelberg              Male            11 929          1994–1998             40–65
                                                                              Female          13 617          1994–1998             35–65
                                                      Potsdam                 Male            10 904          1994–1998             38–65
                                                                              Female          16 644          1994–1998             35–65
                           Netherlands                Bilthoven               Male            10 280          1993–1997             21–63
                                                                              Female          12 435          1993–1997             21–64
                                                      Utrecht                 Female          17 357          1993–1997             49–70
                           United Kingdom             Cambridge               Male            13 698          1993–1998             41–76
                                                                              Female          16 744          1993–1998             41–76
                                                      Oxford                  Male            13 214          1994–2000             22–83
                                                                              Female          44 284          1993–2000             21–79
                           Associated EPIC cohorts
                           Italy               Naples                         Female           5062           1993–1997             35–68
                           Denmark             Aarhus                         Male             8433           1995–1997             50–65
                                                                              Female           8721           1995–1997             50–65
                                                      Copenhagen              Male            18 746          1993–1997             50–65
                                                                              Female          21 154          1993–1997             50–65
                           Sweden                     Malmö                  Male            11 063          1991–1996             47–72
                                                                              Female          17 035          1991–1996             45–73
                                                      Umeå                   Male            12 433          1992–1996             30–60
                                                                              Female          13 299          1992–1996             30–60
                           Norway                     Tromsø                  Female          37 231          1998–1998             41–56

                           * By April 2002.

              The EPIC study aims to increase the overall statistical                           sub-samples of 5–12% of study participants in each of
           power of identifying diet – disease relationships by                                 the sub-cohorts (about 1.5% in the British cohorts). In
           combining study populations that have different types                                total, 24-hour recalls were collected from 36 900 EPIC
           of diets and lifestyles and different cancer incidence                               participants24 – 26. The baseline dietary assessments
           rates, resulting in increased overall ranges of dietary                              conducted on all EPIC participants, used locally to
           exposures and cancer risks. Any global statistical                                   estimate long-term usual dietary intake, will be used to
           analysis that takes account of the total range of dietary                            rank subjects within centres, while the 24-hour dietary
           exposures of all sub-cohorts combined requires that the                              recall can be used as a reference method to correct for
           dietary assessments obtained in each of the sub-cohorts                              systematic between-centre over- or underestimations in
           be comparable on an absolute scale. Such compar-                                     the baseline dietary assessments27. The calibration
           ability, however, can be compromised by the use of                                   study, its rationale and its standardisation are described
           different dietary assessment methods across the 23 EPIC                              in detail elsewhere25 – 31. A common food composition
           centres. To overcome this problem, it was decided to                                 database for a number of nutrients, standardised across
           collect additional dietary intake data by a computer-                                the European countries involved in EPIC, is currently
           assisted 24-hour dietary recall (EPIC-SOFT) in representative                        being developed32,33.

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EPIC study description                                                                                                                      1119
              Table 3 Baseline dietary assessment: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study

              Location                                        Assessment tool(s) and its(their) structure                          Administered        of items*

              Core initial EPIC cohorts
              France                    Quantitative dietary questionnaire structured by meals†                                    Self                 210
              Northern Italy‡           Quantitative dietary questionnaire structured by meal courses§                             Self                 236
              Italy, Ragusa             Quantitative dietary questionnaire structured by meals, computer-driven†                   Face-to-face         266
              Spain                     Quantitative dietary questionnaire structured by meals, computer-driven†                   Face-to-face         736{
              United Kingdom            (1) Semi-quantitative FFQk; (2) 7-day records (diaries)                                    Self                 170
              Netherlands               Quantitative dietary questionnaire§                                                        Self                 213
              Greece                    Quantitative dietary questionnaire§                                                        Face-to-face         260{
              Germany                   Quantitative dietary questionnaire§                                                        Self                 254
              Associated EPIC cohorts
              Sweden, Malmö          Combination of semi-quantitative FFQk and 14-day record of hot meals                         Self**              2443††
              Sweden, Umeå           Semi-quantitative FFQk                                                                       Self                  98
              Denmark                 Semi-quantitative FFQk                                                                       Self                 173
              Norway                  Semi-quantitative FFQk                                                                       Self                  88
              Italy, Naples           Semi-quantitative FFQk                                                                       Face-to-face         158

              FFQ – food-frequency questionnaire.
              * Number of items is defined as the number of foods plus the number of standard mixed recipes.
              † Questionnaire structured by main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, between-meal food consumption occasions) with meal-specific food frequency and
              ‡ Florence, Turin and Varese.
              § Individual average portion sizes were estimated using series of photographs, standard units and/or household measurements.
              { Open-ended sections in the questionnaire.
              k The same standard portion(s) were assigned to all subjects. In Denmark, sex-specific mean portions were used to quantify standard mixed recipes.
              ** Self-reported during the main examination at the centre, and checked immediately by the interviewer.
              †† Essentially open-ended dietary assessment method.

              Questionnaire data on non-dietary variables                                          Anthropometric measurements
              Apart from diet, questionnaire data were collected on a                              In all EPIC centres, except France, the Oxford cohort and
              large number of lifestyle and health factors that are of                             Norway, height, weight, and waist and hip circumference
              interest in studies on nutrition and cancer, as they may                             were measured on all subjects using similar protocols (in
              be related to nutritional status or may be known or                                  Umeå, only weight and height were measured). In
              suspected cancer risk factors. For the seven initial EPIC                            addition, in Italy, Spain, Utrecht, Greece, Germany and
              countries, a common set of questions and possible                                    Denmark, sitting height was measured. In France and
              answers was agreed upon and translated into national                                 Oxford, weight, height, waist and hip (and sitting height in
              questionnaires. This included questions on education                                 France) were measured only for a restricted number of
              and socio-economic status; current job, current and past                             participants, but self-reported weight and height were
              occupation which might have led to exposure to                                       obtained from all individuals. In Oxford, self-reported
              carcinogens; history of previous illness, disorders or                               measurements also included waist and hip circumfer-
              surgical operations; lifetime history of tobacco smoking;                            ences. In Norway only self-reported height and weight are
              lifetime history of consumption of alcoholic beverages;                              available34.
              physical activity (occupational, walking, cycling, gar-
              dening, housework, physical exercise, climbing stairs);                              Biological samples
              menstrual and reproductive history; and use of                                       Biological samples including blood plasma, blood serum,
              exogenous hormones for contraception and postmeno-                                   white blood cells and erythrocytes were collected from
              pausal replacement therapy (Table 4). In Denmark,                                    385 747 of the 519 978 EPIC study participants (Table 5).
              Sweden and Norway and in the Naples centre in Italy,                                 The procedure for storage of blood samples differed
              which joined EPIC at a later stage, questionnaires on                                between the seven initial EPIC countries and the three
              non-dietary variables had been developed quite                                       Scandinavian countries that joined EPIC at a later stage.
              independently of those in the initial EPIC countries.                                  In the former countries and in Naples (Italy), blood
              Nevertheless, their questionnaires do cover to a large                               samples were aliquoted into 28 plastic straws containing
              extent the same variables, even if these were not                                    0.5 ml each (12 plasma with sodium citrate, eight serum,
              defined in exactly the same manner as for the rest of                                four erythrocytes, four buffy coat for DNA). To ensure a
              EPIC. A comprehensive re-coding scheme was devel-                                    high degree of standardisation, the same materials
              oped for standardisation of the questionnaire variables                              (syringes, straws, etc.) were purchased centrally and
              from these study centres, to make the codes as close as                              distributed to the centres. The samples were then split into
              possible to those of the core EPIC lifestyle questions.                              two mirror halves of 14 aliquots each. One set was stored

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1120                                                                                                                                 E Riboli et al.
           Table 4 Non-dietary information: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study
           Anthropometry                    All centres except Umeå (Sweden) and Tromsø (Norway) have either self-reported (France and
                                            part of the UK) or measured information on weight, height, hip circumference and waist circumference.
                                            In Umeå (Sweden) and Tromsø (Norway) information is available on weight and height only.
                                            Sitting height measurements were obtained in France, Italy, Spain, Utrecht, Greece, Germany and Denmark
           Reproductive history             All core* centres (except Bilthoven, which has limited information) have detailed information
                                            including, but not limited to, information on menopausal status, pregnancies, miscarriages, induced
                                            abortion, infertility, and hormone use for both birth control and menopause. Of the associated
                                            participants, the Danish and Norwegian centres have complete information, the centre in
                                            Malmö (Sweden) has the majority of information, and the centre in Umeå (Sweden) has this
                                            information on about half of the cohort, which is now increasing via follow-up
           Physical activity                All core* centres have information on type of physical activity at work, physical exercise
                                            to keep fit and vigorous physical activity, as well as time spent on specific activities including walking, cycling,
                                            gardening, housework, and number of stairs climbed per day. Of the associated
                                            participants, the Danish centres have complete information, the centre in Malmö (Sweden) has the
                                            majority of the information, and the centre in Umeå (Sweden) is limited to information on
                                            type of physical activity at work. The centres in Umeå and Tromsø have additional questions on
                                            physical activity, which are not completely adapted to the core questionnaire
           Tobacco smoking                  All centres have information on smoking status (current, past, never), as well as information on
                                            amount of cigarettes smoked. In addition, all centres (except those in The Netherlands and Norway)
                                            have information on current and past cigar and pipe smoking
           Alcohol consumption              The core* centres have information on past amount of wine, beer/cider, fortified wine and
                                            spirit/liquor consumed. In addition, for Cambridge, Bilthoven and Greece, information on current
                                            levels of consumption for each of these types of alcohol is available as non-dietary variable.
                                            Of the associated participants, the Danish and Naples centres have complete information whereas
                                            the centres in Malmö (Sweden) and Norway have information on current alcohol consumption only.
                                            No information on past alcohol consumption is available in Umeå (Sweden). However, for all EPIC centres,
                                            additional information on current alcohol consumption is available from the dietary questionnaires
           Occupational history             The centres in Italy, Spain, Cambridge, Greece, Germany and Denmark have information
                                            on occupational history. The Norwegian centre has information on current occupation
           Socio-economic status            All centres have information on highest school level achieved
           Previous illnesses               All centres have information on heart disease and diabetes, while the majority (both core* and
                                            associated participants) of centres have information on stroke, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, gall
                                            stones, polyps of the large bowl, hysterectomy, oopherectomy and breast surgery, as well as
                                            information on age of onset of each of these events

           * Core centres include centres in France, Italy (except Naples), Spain, UK, The Netherlands, Greece and Germany. The associated participants include
           centres in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Naples (Italy).

           locally, and one transported to IARC to be stored in liquid                          Follow-up for changes in lifestyle and health
           nitrogen (at 21968C) in a central biorepository.                                     conditions
              In Norway the biological samples were collected in                                After their initial enrolment, cohort members are contacted
           twenty 0.5 ml plastic straws; for 9197 subjects, 12 of the 16                        at regular intervals every 3 –4 years to obtain information
           plasma and two of the four buffy coat samples were                                   on various aspects of lifestyle that are known or strongly
           shipped to IARC for storage in the central repository. In                            suspected of being related to cancer risk, and that may
           Sweden and Denmark, blood samples were stored in                                     change over time. This includes tobacco smoking, alcohol
           tubes (not in plastic straws) and for practical reasons are                          drinking, physical activity, weight, menstruation, preg-
           stored only in local repositories (the central EPIC                                  nancies, menopause, and other variables. In addition, a
           repository at IARC is not suitable for storing tubes). In                            series of questions was added on whether the subjects had
           Sweden, the samples are kept in freezers at 2708C, and in                            suffered from any major diseases. In most EPIC centres,
           Denmark in nitrogen vapour (2 1508C).                                                the first follow-up is currently ongoing and in several it has
              The central biological bank located at IARC currently                             been completed.
           contains around 3.8 million straws with blood aliquots
           from 275 861 EPIC participants. The straws of each                                   Follow-up for cancer incidence and overall
           participant are stored together successively inside a tube,                          mortality
           goblet, canister and container. The canisters are arranged                           Follow-up aimed at identifying cancer cases occurring
           in colour-coded concentric circles located in each of 33                             among the EPIC cohort is based on population cancer
           liquid nitrogen containers. Each straw is labelled with the                          registries in seven of the participating countries (Denmark,
           participant’s ID and colour-coded to indicate its contents;                          Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the
           in addition, the tube, goblet and canister are colour-coded                          UK) and on a combination of methods including health
           to aid in identifying the samples. Finally, a computer                               insurance records, cancer and pathology registries, and on
           software program indicates the container, canister, goblet,                          active follow-up through study subjects and their next-of-
           and the location of the goblet and the canister within each                          kin in three countries (France, Germany and Greece). A
           container to track the stored biological samples of each                             working group created in 1996 (End-Point Committee)
           participant.                                                                         prepared a detailed protocol for the collection and

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EPIC study description                                                                                                                                 1121
              Table 5 Biological samples: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study

                                                                                                                             Samples collected†                Storage
                                                                                                                       (number of 0.5 ml straws desired)       location

                                                                 Age range (years) Female Achievement              blood
              Centre                                     n     (1st– 99th percentile) (%)  rate* (%)  Plasma Serum cells Erythrocytes IARC Local

              Core EPIC cohorts
              Greece          Nation-wide             28 500            29–76               58.2          99.8          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
              Spain           Granada                  6892             35–66               77.0          87.5          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              Murcia                   8146             35–65               68.7          95.7          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              Navarra                  7799             36–64               51.5          96.5          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              San Sebastian            8325             36–65               50.6          98.9          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              Asturias                 8417             35–65               64.0          98.5          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
              Italy           Ragusa                   6396             35–65               52.3          99.9          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              Florence                13 597            35–65               74.2         100.0          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              Turin                   10 604            35–64               43.0         100.0          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              Varese                  12 073            36–72               78.9          99.9          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
              France                                  20 725            43–68              100.0          31.0‡         12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
              Germany         Heidelberg              24 235            36–64               52.6          94.9          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              Potsdam                 26 444            35–66               59.8          95.9          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
              Netherlands     Bilthoven               19 388            21–64               54.0          93.1§         12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              Utrecht                 16 930            49–69              100.0          96.9          12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
              United Kingdom Cambridge                24 035            41–76               54.3          93.8{         12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
                              Oxford                  19 103            23–73               76.7          96.1k         12      8       4          4         Yes    Yes
              Associated EPIC cohorts
              Italy           Naples                   5055             34–68              100.0         99.9           12      8      4           4         No     Yes
              Denmark         Aarhus                  17 094            50–65               50.8         99.7           Tb     Tb      Tb         Tb         No     Yes
                              Copenhagen              39 037            50–65               52.7         97.8           Tb     Tb      Tb         Tb         No     Yes
              Sweden          Malmö                  28 023            46–73               60.6         99.7           Ta     Ta      Ta         Ta         No     Yes
                              Umeå                   25 732            30–61               51.7        100.0           Ta     Ta      Ta         Ta         No     Yes
              Norway          Tromsø                   9197             40–55              100.0        ,60.0**         16     NC      4          NC         Yes    Yes

              Ta – stored in 2 ml tubes at 2 808C; Tb – stored in 1 ml tubes in nitrogen vapour at a temperature between 2 1508C and 2 1608C; NC – not collected.
              * In all centres, except those in France, the UK, Bilthoven (Netherlands) and Norway, all EPIC participants were invited to donate blood (Table 2 contains
              the denominator used to calculate the achievement rate, which represents the percentage of participants with partial or complete stored biological samples
              out of those asked to donate blood).
              † In the core centres, biological samples are distributed equally between IARC and local storage, and are stored in straws at 2 1968C.
              ‡ In France, 66 858 EPIC participants living near a metropolitan area were asked to give blood.
              § In Bilthoven, 13 451 EPIC participants recruited from Amsterdam or Doetinchem after 11 May 1993, and 7364 EPIC participants recruited from Maastricht
              after 2 June 1993, were asked to donate blood.
              { In Cambridge (UK), 25 633 EPIC participants who attended a study exam were asked to give blood.
              k In Oxford (UK), enrolment of the participants recruited by general practitioners from the local counties was based on a willingness to donate blood and the
              achievement rate is 96.1%; among the ‘health-conscious’ sub-cohort, 24.4% donated blood.
              ** In Norway, collection of biological samples is currently underway and will continue until samples have been collected from 12 000 participants.

              standardisation of clinical and pathological data on each                            ORACLE database, using the centre-specific variable
              cancer site: Guidelines for Collection of End-point Data in                          names and formats as well as variable names and formats
              the EPIC Study (IARC, 1998). In parallel, data on total and                          standardised across EPIC. Centre-specific data were
              cause-specific mortality are collected at the EPIC study                             loaded into the ORACLE system, and transformed into
              centres through mortality registries or active follow-up and                         the standard EPIC variables on which logical and
              death-record collection.                                                             substantive quality control checks were then run.
                                                                                                   Figure 1 summarises the process.
              Storage, management and quality control of the                                          For dietary data, a common format and classification
              EPIC database                                                                        system was proposed to enable centralised data manage-
              The EPIC data are housed centrally at IARC in the EPIC                               ment and a series of pooled analyses. The food items
              ORACLE database. For practical reasons, 14 centres in the                            reported in each EPIC dietary questionnaire were
              10 participating countries act as co-ordinating centres that                         classified in their respective food groups using the same
              interact with IARC for centralisation of the EPIC data (in                           system as that used to classify the food items reported in
              particular, all Spanish and Italian data are centralised in                          the EPIC-SOFT 24-hour dietary recalls (the so-called EPIC-
              Barcelona and Milan, respectively). The database com-                                SOFT food classification system)35. However, other
              prises individual EPIC data, as well as the computer                                 classification criteria may be considered on an individual
              software (ORACLE) and the programs that store, track and                             basis depending on the purposes of specific analyses. In
              manage the database.                                                                 addition, the frequency of consumption of each item, the
                 The EPIC core information concerning non-dietary                                  number of portions consumed on each occasion and the
              lifestyle variables and anthropometry is stored in the EPIC                          (standard) portion sizes were also stored in the central

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1122                                                                                                                              E Riboli et al.

           Fig. 1 Flow chart of lifestyle and personal data: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study

           ORACLE database; hence, the total quantity of each food                              baseline information and biological samples have been
           was calculated from this information as grams consumed                               collected, centralised and, when applicable, standardised.
           per day. For the 24-hour dietary recalls, used as common                                As a large prospective cohort with stored biological
           reference calibration measurements, the same standar-                                samples, EPIC is now starting to generate specific studies
           dised software (i.e. EPIC-SOFT) methodology was used in                              investigating cancer aetiology in relation to diet and
           all centres to collect and subsequently store, retrieve and                          lifestyle factors, and this will continue over the next 10
           export these data. The same format file was therefore used                           years and beyond. When biological samples are involved,
           to load and store the 24-hour dietary recall data in the                             these studies mostly use the nested case – control
           central EPIC database.                                                               approach. In addition, information on vital status and
              The storage, management and interrelationships                                    cause of death can be used to address endpoints other
           between the various components of the EPIC dietary                                   than cancer, in particular cardiovascular diseases, as well
           data are shown schematically in Fig. 2.                                              as survival after cancer diagnosis.
              Personal identifying information, as available at local                              The very magnitude of the individual and total cohorts,
           centres, is not transferred to the IARC co-ordinating centre.                        the related lengthy period of subject recruitment and the
           Informed consent was provided by each participant, and                               variety of local facilities have made it impossible to
           projects using the EPIC resource need to be cleared by                               standardise all of the procedures strictly, as would be
           both the IARC and local ethical review committees.                                   possible for smaller studies. However, considerable effort
                                                                                                has been put into ensuring maximum comparability within
           Concluding remarks                                                                   and between cohorts, in particular where dietary
                                                                                                information is concerned, by means of the large
           Approximately 10 years after its inception, the EPIC study                           calibration sub-sample. The storage of biological samples

           Fig. 2 Flow chart of dietary data: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study

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EPIC study description                                                                                                                           1123
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