European Commission - Daily News

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European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 04 / 10 / 2022
Brussels, 4 October 2022
RÉUNION DU COLLÈGE : Année européenne de la jeunesse 2022: adoption du premier plan
d'action pour la jeunesse dans l'action extérieure de l'UE pour renforcer le dialogue avec les
jeunes du monde entier
La Commission et le haut représentant ont adopté aujourd'hui le plan d'action pour la jeunesse dans
l'action extérieure de l'UE pour la période 2022-2027. Il s'agit du tout premier cadre d'action pour un
partenariat stratégique avec les jeunes du monde entier en vue de construire un avenir plus résilient,
plus inclusif et plus durable. Ce plan contribuera au respect des engagements internationaux tels
que le programme de développement durable à l'horizon 2030 des Nations unies et l'accord de Paris
sur le climat, en renforçant l'autonomisation et la participation des jeunes dans les politiques
extérieures de l'UE. Le plan d'action pour la jeunesse dans l'action extérieure de l'UE s'articule autour
de trois piliers d'action qui contribueront à définir le partenariat avec les jeunes dans les pays tiers :
1) partenariat visant à mobiliser ; 2) partenariat visant à autonomiser ; et 3) partenariat visant à
connecter. L'UE entend promouvoir la mobilité de la jeunesse, les échanges de jeunes et le
développement de réseaux de jeunesse en tant qu'aspect essentiel de la dimension interpersonnelle
de la stratégie « Global Gateway ». L'objectif est de garantir la diversité et l'inclusion, tout en
accordant une attention particulière aux obstacles sociaux et économiques, à la fracture numérique
et aux risques liés à la désinformation. Le plan d'action pour la jeunesse dans l'action extérieure de
l'UE renforcera des initiatives existantes et lancera de nouvelles initiatives phares qui cibleront les
jeunes du monde entier, notamment : l'initiative Youth and Women in Democracy, le Fonds pour
l'autonomisation des jeunes et l'Académie de la jeunesse Afrique-Europe. Le plan d'action pour la
jeunesse s'inscrit dans le cadre des efforts mis en œuvre par les institutions de l'UE dans le contexte
de l'Année européenne de la jeunesse 2022 et de sa dimension internationale et met en lumière le
rôle des jeunes dans la construction d'un avenir meilleur, plus écologique, plus inclusif et numérique.
Vous pouvez trouver plus d'informations en ligne dans le communiqué de presse et dans les
questions-réponses. (Pour plus d'informations: Ana Pisonero – Tél.: +32 229 54320; Jennifer
Sanchez Da Silva – Tél.: +32 229 58316)

EU deploys first quantum technology in six sites across Europe
Today, the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has announced
the selection of six sites that will host the first European quantum computers: Czechia, Germany,
Spain, France, Italy, and Poland. They will be integrated on site into existing supercomputers, and
will form a wide network across Europe. The total planned investment is over €100 million, half of
which comes from the EU and the other half from the 17 countries participating in the EuroHPC JU.
Academic researchers and the industry, no matter where in Europe they are located, will be able to
access these six quantum computers based on state-of-the-art European technology. The new
quantum computers will also address the growing demand for quantum computing resources and
potential new services from the European industry and academia. They will be capable of solving
complex problems relating to areas such as health, climate-change, logistics, or energy usage in a
matter of hours, rather than the current months and years needed by today's systems, all while
consuming far less energy. Margrethe Vestager, Executive-Vice President for a Europe Fit for the
Digital Age, said: “This is an example of a European project par excellence. With pooled resources
and know-how we can take leadership in a field that is essential for the future of our digital society.
This contributes to our fight against climate change. And it is an essential step of the vision of
deploying in Europe a world-class supercomputing and quantum computing infrastructure accessible
across the EU.” The new quantum computers are expected to be available at the above six sites by
the second half of 2023. They are a step towards helping us reach our Digital Decade goals of having
our first computer with quantum acceleration by 2025, as well as being on the cutting edge of
quantum capabilities by 2030. More information is available in this press release. (For more
information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615; Marietta Grammenou – Tel.: +32 229 83583)
EU-funded researchers win 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics
This year's Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to two researchers who have received EU
funding, Professors Anton Zeilinger and Alain Aspect. They share the prize equally with John F.
Clauser for their experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities
and pioneering quantum information science. Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger have both been
supported by the European Research Council (ERC). Anton Zeilinger has also participated in
additional EU-funded projects through the 5th Framework Programme for Research and Technological
Development (FP5), the 6th EU Research Framework Programme (FP6) and the 7th Framework
Programme for Research (FP7). This follows yesterday's announcement that Svante Pääbo, another
EU-funded researcher, has been awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said:
“Congratulations to the new Nobel laureates: Alain Aspect, Svante Pääbo and Anton Zeilinger. We
are proud that these brilliant scientists have been funded by the European Research Council and
previously by other EU research and innovation programmes. It pays off to invest in top researchers
and supporting them in their pursuit for scientific excellence.” Alain Aspect is a Distinguished
Scientist of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Head of the Atom Optics
Group, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France. The ERC funded him through
a 2010 Advanced Grant for his project on “Quantum Atom Optics from Entangled Pairs to Strongly
Correlated Systems”, worth €2.13 million for 5 years. Anton Zeilinger is Full Professor of
Experimental Physics at the University of Vienna and Scientific Director at the Institute of Quantum
Optics and Quantum Information in the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The ERC funded him through
a 2008 Advanced Grant for his project on “Photonic quantum information technology and the
foundations of quantum physics in higher dimensions”, worth €1.75 million for 5 years. More
information is available in this ERC press release. (For more information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.:
+32 229 58615; Marietta Grammenou – Tel.: +32 229 83583)

State aid: Commission approves €134 million German measure to support BASF in the
production of renewable hydrogen
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €134 million German measure
to support BASF SE (‘BASF') in the production of renewable hydrogen, with the aims of
decarbonising its chemical production processes and of promoting hydrogen use in the transport
sector. The measure contributes to the achievement of the EU Hydrogen Strategy and the European
Green Deal targets, while helping reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels and fast forward the
green transition in line with the REPowerEU Plan. Today's decision follows the approvals on 15 July
2022 and on 21 September 2022 of two Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI
‘Hy2Tech' and IPCEI ‘Hy2Use') in the hydrogen value chain. BASF's project was selected by Germany
in the context of an open call to form part of an IPCEI on hydrogen technologies and systems, which
resulted in the two approved IPCEIs. However, given its characteristics and objectives, it was better
suited for assessment under the Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and
energy 2022 (CEEAG). The Commission found that the project is amongst the early adopters of an
innovative technology in its sector. The measure facilitates the development of an economic activity,
in particular the production of renewable hydrogen. Furthermore, the aid has an ‘incentive effect' and
a limited impact on competition and trade within the EU. Executive Vice-President Margrethe
Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “This €134 million measure enables Germany to
help BASF step up its renewable hydrogen production capacities, thereby contributing to the
greening of the chemical value chain and of the transport sector. The measure approved today will
also help Germany replace fossil-based hydrogen in a hard-to-decarbonise industry, and reduce its
dependence on imported fossil fuels, in line with the REPowerEU Plan.” A press release is available
online. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 229

State aid: Commission approves €800 million Greek scheme to support non-household
electricity consumers in context of Russia's war against Ukraine
The European Commission has approved a €800 million Greek scheme to support non-household
electricity consumers in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine. The scheme was approved under
the State aid Temporary Crisis Framework, adopted by the Commission on 23 March 2022 and
amended on 20 July 2022, based on Article 107(3)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union (‘TFEU'), recognising that the EU economy is experiencing a serious disturbance.
Under this scheme, the eligible beneficiaries will be entitled to receive limited amounts of aid in the
form of direct grants. The monthly subsidy amount per company will be set according to the
electricity wholesale market price. The Commission concluded that the Greek scheme is necessary,
appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in
line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary Crisis Framework. On
this basis, the Commission approved the aid measure under EU State aid rules. Executive Vice-
President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “Russia's unjustified war of
aggression against Ukraine continues to negatively affect the EU and the Greek economy. The €800
million scheme approved today will enable Greece to support affected sectors and companies, in
particular the smaller ones, by ensuring that sufficient liquidity remains available to them. We
continue to stand with Ukraine and its people. At the same time, we continue working closely with
Member States to ensure that national support measures can be put in place in a timely, coordinated
and effective way, while protecting the level playing field in the Single Market.” A press release is
available online. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel.: +32 229 87024; Nina Ferreira - Tel.:
+32 229 98163; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

Concentrations: la Commission autorise l'acquisition de CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. par CNP
Assurances S.A.
La Commission européenne a approuvé, en vertu du règlement européen sur les concentrations,
l'acquisition du contrôle exclusif de CNP Vita Assicura S.p.A. (« CVA »), basée en Italie, par CNP
Assurances S.A. (« CNP »), basée en France. CVA est une compagnie d'assurance actuellement
contrôlée conjointement par CNP et UniCredit S.p.A. fournissant des produits d'assurance vie en
Italie. CNP crée, fournit et gère des produits d'assurance à l'échelle mondiale. En Italie, CNP est
principalement présente dans la fourniture de produits d'assurance vie. La Commission a conclu que
la concentration envisagée ne soulèverait pas de problème de concurrence étant donné que CNP
acquerra le contrôle exclusif de CVA, sur laquelle elle détient déjà un contrôle en commun. La
transaction a été examinée dans le cadre de la procédure simplifiée du contrôle des concentrations.
De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site internet concurrence de la Commission, dans
le registre public des affaires de concurrence de la Commission, sous le numéro M.10889. (Pour plus
d'nformations: Arianna Podesta – Tél.: +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tél.: +32 229 90526)

Aviation: EU welcomes UN Civil Aviation Organization's vote to remove Russia from
governing body
The EU welcomes today's agreement in the 41st Assembly of the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) to remove Russia from its Council for the next three-year term. This
unprecedented decision was taken in a context of grave violations by Russia of international aviation
rules since the beginning of its war of aggression against Ukraine. In June, ICAO had already
declared aviation in Russia to be unsafe. Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean said: “I welcome
that ICAO member countries have chosen to stand in defence of the international aviation rules-
based system, for the safety of passengers and crews around the world.” Following Russia's war of
aggression against Ukraine, ICAO has condemned Russia for violating Ukraine's sovereign airspace,
as well as several technical requirements; these violations had a significant impact on global aviation
safety. Russia's actions, including illegally double-registering aircraft stolen from European leasing
companies and operating aircraft on international routes without a valid safety certificate, led to
ICAO issuing a Serious Safety Concern (SSC) against Russia, declaring aviation in Russia to be
fundamentally unsafe. ICAO is the UN's civil aviation regulator. The ICAO Council is the
Organization's main governing body and comprises 36 States. They are elected every three years by
the ICAO Assembly composed of 193 States. (For more information: Adalbert Jahnz – Tel.: +32 229
53156; Anna Wartberger – Tel.: +32 229 82504)

Fair taxation: Member States update EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions
EU Member States today added three jurisdictions – Anguilla, Bahamas and Turks and Caicos – to
the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. All three jurisdictions were added to
Annex I (so called “EU list”) because they have failed to enforce the economic substance
requirements that apply to zero tax jurisdictions. Today's update takes the number of jurisdictions on
the EU list to 12: American Samoa, Anguilla, Bahamas, Fiji, Guam, Palau, Panama, Samoa, Trinidad
and Tobago, Turks and Caicos, US Virgin Islands, and Vanuatu. Under the EU listing process,
jurisdictions are assessed against three main criteria – tax transparency, fair taxation and the
implementation of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) minimum standards. Jurisdictions with
identified deficiencies under the criteria of the EU list are asked to commit at high political level to
addressing the deficiencies within a set deadline. Those jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate are
directly added to the EU list. Those jurisdictions that take a formal commitment to address the
deficiencies within the set deadline are included in a separate Annex (so called Annex II) and are
being closely monitored to ensure that they complete their reform in line with the commitment
taken. The Commission is also working with Member States to strengthen the EU list's criteria to
ensure more tax transparency in particular in the area of beneficial ownership information, a more
refined approach to economic substance requirements, and to promote global implementation of the
minimum level of taxation under Pillar 2. More information is available here. (For more information:
Daniel Ferrie – Tel.: +32 229 86500; Francesca Dalboni – Tel.: +32 229 88170)

Pakistan: EU allocates €30 million in humanitarian aid as Commissioner Lenarčič visits the
Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, is visiting Pakistan this week following the
unprecedented flooding emergency that resulted in a rapid deteriorating of the humanitarian
situation. During his visit, the Commissioner announced €30 million in new EU humanitarian aid for
Pakistan. This new funding aims to address urgent needs such as shelter, water and sanitation, food
and nutrition, health, protection, education in emergencies and cash assistance, focusing on the
most affected areas of the country, notably Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab, and Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa. Given the scale of the crisis, psychological support needs will also be addressed.
Commissioner Lenarčič said: “People in Pakistan are suffering the devastating consequences of an
unprecedented flooding emergency. Our thoughts are with those who lost family members, friends
and their own homes. What is more, many livelihoods have been lost. With this new funding, the EU
reaffirms its continued support to Pakistan and stands by the most vulnerable to help them fulfil
basic needs. Once again, however, nature reminded us of the impact of global warming.
Mainstreaming disaster preparedness and prevention in EU funded projects will therefore remain our
top priority within the provision of humanitarian assistance.” During his visit, the Commissioner met
with Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif; Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani
Khar; and representatives of UN agencies. He also visited the water purification plant sent by
Denmark through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and an EU funded project supporting
the response to the floods in one of the most affected areas in Sindh province. A press release is
available online. (For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Daniel Puglisi - Tel.:
+32 229 69140)

Epidémie d'Ebola : L'UE apporte un soutien immédiat à l'Ouganda
Alors que les autorités ougandaises ont recensé plus de 40 cas de maladie à virus Ebola au cours des
dernières semaines, l'UE a mobilisé un premier financement d'urgence de 200 000 euros pour
soutenir la Croix-Rouge ougandaise. Ce financement s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une demande urgente
lancée par la Fédération internationale des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge. Les
actions de la Croix-Rouge ougandaise visent un total de 2,7 millions de personnes dans le district
ougandais de Mubende, où l'épidémie a été confirmée pour la première fois, et dans cinq autres
districts à risque, en se concentrant sur la coordination, la surveillance avec recherche des cas
contacts, la communication des risques, l'engagement communautaire pour assurer les enterrements
en toute sécurité et dans la dignité. Le commissaire chargé de la gestion des crises, Janez Lenarčič,
a déclaré : « Nous restons en contact avec les autorités ougandaises, l'Organisation mondiale de la
santé et les partenaires dans le pays. Nous avons renforcé notre équipe sur le terrain par le
déploiement à court terme d'un expert en santé. Nous allons explorer toutes les options disponibles
pour apporter un soutien supplémentaire pendant cette période difficile. » Le 20 septembre 2022, le
ministère de la santé ougandais a annoncé avoir identifié un cas de maladie à virus Ebola dans le
pays, d'une souche pour laquelle il n'existe pas de vaccin. Au 1er octobre 2022, on dénombrait plus
de 41 cas confirmés et 29 décès (neuf confirmés et 20 probables), dont un professionnel de santé
(Pour plus d'informations: Balazs Ujvari - Tél.: +32 229 54578; Daniel Puglisi - Tél.: +32 229


college meeting: The European Commission appoints a new Director for its energy
The European Commission has decided today to appoint Pierre Schellekens as Director ‘Energy
policy: Strategy and Coordination' for the Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER). This
Commission department is responsible for the EU's energy policy: secure, sustainable, and
competitively priced energy for Europe. Pierre Schellekens, a Swedish national, brings with him a
sound knowledge of EU policies in the field of energy and climate change, his proven strategic
planning capacity along with his robust communication and representation skills. His current position
as Head of Unit for External Communications and Outreach in DG ENER and his previous engagement
as Deputy Head of Cabinet of former Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action, Arias Cañete have
allowed him to acquire a comprehensive and wide-ranging understanding of energy policy. He also
managed the communication unit in the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
(DG AGRI), and one unit in the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE). He
served for five years as Head of Representation in Stockholm and prior to that as Deputy Head of
Cabinet for former Commissioner of Environment Stavros Dimas as well as Member of Cabinet for
former Commissioner of Environment Margot Wallström. He joined the Commission in 1996 as Desk
Officer for enlargement in the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). (For
more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Claire Joawn - Tel.: +32 229 56859)


Commissioner Várhelyi travels to Lebanon to discuss EU support and urgently needed
economic and governance reforms
Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi, is travelling to Lebanon this
Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss governance and economic reforms in line with prior actions
agreed on the IMF staff-level agreement signed with the Lebanese Government on 7 April. During his
first official mission to Lebanon, Commissioner Várhelyi will meet the President of the Republic
Michel Aoun, members of the government, including caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, the
Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berri and the Commander in Chief of the Lebanese armed forces
Joseph Aoun. The main topics of discussion will be the reform package required for the conclusion of
the IMF agreement, the necessary formation of the government and the upcoming election of the
President, as well as EU–Lebanon cooperation. “As we demonstrated following the explosion at the
port of Beirut, the European Union continues to stand by Lebanon and its people. It is important that
Lebanese political leaders seize the opportunity to move ahead with much-needed economic and
governance reforms to ensure recovery, long-term stability and prosperity of the country. The EU's
Economic and Investment plan will only be able to deliver for the people in this context,” said
Commissioner Várhelyi. He will also visit a school for migrant children managed by Caritas and
supported by the EU. More information about EU cooperation with Lebanon here. (For more
information: Ana Pisonero – Tel.: +32 229-54320; Zoi Muletier – Tel.: +32 229-94306).

La Commissaire Ferreira en Roumanie pour discuter de l'accord de partenariat 2021-2027
Demain et jeudi, la Commissaire à la cohésion et aux réformes, Elisa Ferreira, sera à Alba Iulia et
Petrila, en Roumanie, pour participer à l'inauguration de l'accord de partenariat 2021-2027 avec la
Roumanie. Elle y rencontrera le premier ministre Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă et le ministre des
investissements européennes et des projets européens, Marcel-Ioan Boloș. Ils s'adresseront ensuite
aux acteurs nationaux, régionaux et locaux concernés par la politique de cohésion sur les priorités de
la Roumanie pour la nouvelle période de financement. Une conférence de presse sur le lancement de
l'accord de partenariat aura lieu le 5 octobre, à partir de 15h30 CEST, à Sala Unirii - Cetatea Albă
Carolina, Alba Iulia. Suite à cet événement, la commissaire Ferreira visitera des projets financés par
la politique de cohésion à Alba Iulia : les travaux de rénovation et le nouvel équipement de l'hôpital
d'urgence local et IPEC Ceramics SA. Le 6 octobre, la commissaire Ferreira se rendra à Petroșani et
Petrila, où elle visitera des projets financés par l'UE, tels que la mine de Petrila et l'école primaire et
secondaire locale. Une réunion avec des étudiants, des entrepreneurs, des mineurs et des
représentants d'ONG aura lieu à Aula Magna, rue de l'université de Petroșani, à 10h30 CEST, et sera
suivie d'une conférence de presse. (Pour plus d'informations : Stefan de Keersmaecker - Tél : +32
229 84680 ; Veronica Favalli - Tél : +32 229 87269)
Tentative agendas for forthcoming Commission meetings
Note that these items can be subject to changes.

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