European Commission - Daily News

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European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 03 / 09 / 2020
Brussels, 3 September 2020
The EU's Cohesion Policy invests almost €1.5 billion in better transport network and
disaster management in Romania
The European Commission has approved an investment from the Cohesion Fund worth €875.5 million
to build the first stage of the Sibiu-Piteşti motorway. This will be the first motorway crossing the
Carpathian Mountains, enabling unhindered connectivity in Romania on the Rhine-Danube corridor of
the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The corridor will provide an uninterrupted link across
Romania, from the Black Sea port of Constanța to Nădlac on the Hungarian border, linking central
and western Romania to the European motorways network. According to Commissioner for Cohesion
and Reforms Elisa Ferreira: “This project will solve a major bottleneck in the Romanian transport
network. It will increase road safety, shorten journey times, and reduce costs for passengers and
merchandise. It will have a very positive impact on the economy and on local people's quality of life.”
The project is expected to be operational as of 2026. The European Commission has also approved
financing from the Cohesion Fund for a project worth €578.4 million to improve Romania's disaster-
response capacity. The investment will improve Romania's land-based, aerial and maritime response
capacity through the purchase of new equipment as well as training of staff. It will better protect the
population in emergencies and help Romania to comply with international obligations and the
national strategy on climate change and low emission economic growth. Commissioner for Cohesion
and Reforms Elisa Ferreira commented: “Thanks to this EU investment, Romania's emergency
services will be able to effectively respond to low-frequency, high-impact events like floods,
earthquakes and nuclear accidents. This is particularly relevant for a country, like Romania, that
faces a high risk of natural disasters due to its topography and dense network of rivers and streams.
Romania's better preparedness will also benefit other countries in case of disasters abroad, in line
with the European spirit of solidarity and international agreements.” The project will help to save
lives and minimise damage to property and the risk of disruption to economic activities. (For more
information: Vivian Loonela - Tel.: +32 229 66712; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 229 87269)

EU grants €677 million to top early-career researchers
The Commission announced today that a total of €677 million will be granted to 436 laureates of the
European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants competition. As part of the EU's Research and
Innovation programme, Horizon 2020, the grants will help early-career researchers build their own
teams and carry out innovative projects across all scientific disciplines: from vaccine research to
climate change adaptation and from nanoplastics to exploring the nature of dark matter in the
Universe. Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth,
said: “With the European Research Council grants, the EU is leveraging the talent and curiosity of
some of the best young researchers in Europe. Their ideas are set to break fresh ground and open
new ways to deal with pressing challenges in the areas of health, energy and digital technologies, as
well as many other fields. Our ambition to effectively tackle current and future crises depends on our
strong will to continuously and increasingly support top research at the frontiers of our knowledge.”
The ERC laureates are a diverse group comprising 40 different nationalities that will be based in 25
countries across Europe. Some 13% of applications were selected for funding in this highly
competitive round, which is expected to create some 2,500 jobs for postdoctoral fellows, PhD
students and other staff at the host institutions. More information is available in this ERC press
release. ERC Starting Grants support individual excellent researchers who are starting their own
independent research team or programme. The grants are up to €1.5 million for 5 years with possible
additional funding up to €1 million. Some 75% of projects funded by the ERC have resulted in
scientific breakthroughs or major advances, according to impact reviews. (For more information:
Johannes Bahrke - Tel : +32 229 58615 ; Marietta Grammenou - Tel : +32 229 83583)

EU Space: Promising start for the In-Orbit Demonstration and Validation (IOD/IOV)
On Wednesday at 3:51am (CET) at the European spaceport in Kourou, the UPMSat-2 microsatellite
was successfully launched aboard the Arianespace's advanced Vega VV16 carrier rocket developed by
Avio SPA. Designed and built by students from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the 50-kg
satellite placed in orbit 6 payloads developed by industry, space agencies and research centres. This
launch kick-started the first of 26 experiments selected as part of the EU's IOD/IOV initiative funded
under Horizon 2020 Union programme. The other experiments will be launched over the period 2020-
22. The EU also contributes to this Proof of Concept demonstration flight of the Vega Small
Spacecraft Mission Service. Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, said: "The EU is
pleased to have contributed to this first ever European launch of more than 50 satellites for more
than 20 different customers. Arianespace demonstrates Europe's capacity to offer new rideshare
launch services on global market. IOD/IOV enables the space research community to develop space
technologies and test them under real conditions. It supports technology maturity, reduces time to
market and guarantees Europe's continued independent access to space. Such collaboration spurs
European innovation." By providing regular flight opportunities to validate space technologies, the
IOD/IOV initiative fosters an innovative and competitive EU space sector. The IOD/IOV initiative
allows experiments in various domains such as Earth observation, telecommunication and satellite
navigation. While helping the scientific community to build more efficient and robust satellites, it will
also enable SMEs, researchers and large companies to bring new technologies to the market in a
reduced timeframe. This mission represents a key milestone for Arianespace, which has shown its
ability to offer a wide range of innovative and competitive services addressing also the promising
nano- and micro-satellite market sub-segment, serving both institutional and commercial needs.
(For more information: Sonya Gospodinova – Tel.: +32 229 66953; Célia Dejond – Tel.: +32 229

Coronavirus: EU channels assistance to Montenegro and Kosovo
Responding to a request via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, Slovenia has offered surgical masks
and different kinds of disinfectant to Montenegro and Kosovo. This support comes on top of
protective equipment and other items sent by Austria and Estonia to Montenegro via the Civil
Protection Mechanism, as well as the delivery of 37,000 masks from the rescEU medical stockpile
earlier this year. The EU will coordinate and co-finance the delivery of these offers to Montenegro and
Kosovo. Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, said: “The coronavirus pandemic is
not over and the EU remains committed to help tackle it both inside and outside its borders. I am
grateful to Slovenia for their generosity towards Montenegro and Kosovo, this is true European
solidarity in action.” The EU Civil Protection Mechanism has already coordinated the delivery of
assistance to 20 countries during this pandemic. (For more information: Balazs Ujvari – Tel.: +32 2
295 4578; Daniel Puglisi – Tel.: +32 2 296 9140)

La Commission annonce des mesures visant à rendre l'approvisionnement de matières
premières en Europe plus sûr et durable
La Commission présente aujourd'hui un plan d'action sur les matières premières critiques, la liste de
matières premières critiques de 2020 ainsi qu'une étude prospective sur les matières premières
critiques pour les technologies et les secteurs stratégiques à l‘horizon 2030 et 2050. Le plan d'action
examine les défis actuels et futurs et propose des mesures visant à réduire la dépendance de
l'Europe à l'égard des pays tiers, à diversifier les sources d'approvisionnement primaires et
secondaires ainsi qu'à améliorer l'efficacité des ressources et la circularité tout en favorisant un
approvisionnement responsable dans le monde entier. Les actions favoriseront notre transition vers
une économie verte et numérique et renforceront la résilience de l'Europe et l'autonomie stratégique
dans les technologies clés nécessaires à cette transition. Pour en savoir plus, lire le communiqué de
presse, les questions et réponses et la fiche d'information. (Pour plus d'informations: Sonya
Gospodinova – Tel.: +32 229 66953; Federica Miccoli — Tél.: +32 2 29 58300)

Lutte contre la fraude: 31ème rapport annuel sur la protection des intérêts financiers de
La Commission a adopté aujourd'hui son 31ème rapport annuel sur la protection des intérêts
financiers de l'Union européenne (rapport PIF). Plusieurs mesures importantes ont été prises pour
protéger le budget de l'UE contre la fraude en 2019, comme le montre le rapport. Alors que l'UE
s'apprête à mobiliser des sommes sans précédent pour faire face à la crise du coronavirus et à ses
conséquences, les résultats positifs obtenus ces dernières années constituent une base solide pour
que les autorités européennes et nationales puissent relever les défis futurs en matière de lutte
contre la fraude. En 2019, la fraude détectée et les montants financiers correspondants ont diminué
par rapport à l'année précédente. 939 irrégularités frauduleuses ont été signalées, pour une valeur
financière réduite de moitié par rapport à 2018, ce qui confirme la tendance générale à la baisse au
cours des cinq dernières années. Les irrégularités non frauduleuses détectées sont restées stables,
mais ont diminué de 8 % en valeur, comme le montre le rapport PIF de 2019. Pour en savoir plus,
voir le communiqué de presse de l'OLAF. Le rapport est disponible sur le site internet de l'OLAF.
(Pour plus d'informations: Balazs Ujvari — Tél.: + 32 4.60 760296; Claire Joawn — Tél.: + 32 460

European Heritage Days 2020 celebrate “Heritage and Education: Learning for Life!”
The 2020 European Heritage Days, a joint initiative of the European Commission and the Council of
Europe since 1999 and supported by the Creative Europe Programme, are now taking place across
Europe until October. This year's edition celebrates the enriching cooperation between education and
heritage. Despite the obstacles posed by coronavirus, the programme's network of national
coordinators proposes a wide range of creative activities in addition to the thousands of events
actually taking place (with physical distancing). Organisers are being encouraged to create a digital
offering in the form of a video, photo gallery, virtual tour, podcast, blog, webinar or story of their
venue to be featured online. Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth,
Mariya Gabriel, said: “This year, in addition to physical events, European Heritage Days is proposing
a most impressive digital offering, providing a long-term legacy for its many thousands of
monuments and sites. We are proud to present a programme, which is both local-led and truly
accessible by everyone across our entire continent. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the disruption
of the sector's traditional way of working, making the digital transformation of cultural heritage
institutions more relevant than ever. In the light of this, the European Commission has launched a
public consultation on digitisation in the cultural heritage sector with a view to shaping the
appropriate policy framework and actions to preserve Europe's valuable cultural assets and to give
better visibility to its unique cultural diversity. The public consultation is open until 14 September so
I strongly encourage you to contribute to it.” European Heritage Days bring citizens together and
highlight the European dimension of cultural heritage in the 50 signatory States of the European
Cultural Convention. More information available is available here. (For more information: Susanne
Conze – Tel.: +32 2 298 02 36; Sinéad Meehan - van Druten - Tel.: +32 2 298 40 94)

Shareholder rights: new rules to improve the communication between companies and their
shareholders enter into force
Today, new EU rules enter into application that will improve the communication between companies
and their shareholders. Under the new Shareholder Rights Directive institutional investors and asset
managers have to publish information on their investment strategies and engagement policies. The
harmonised transmission of information will contribute to efficient and reliable interoperability
between intermediaries, the issuer and shareholders. Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice and
Consumers, said: “Especially when meetings cannot take place in person, as we have experienced
over the last few months, it is essential to facilitate the companies' operation and support
shareholders in the exercise of their rights. These new rules are an important piece of the puzzle, for
the effective application of the Shareholder Rights Directive. They will ensure that shareholders are
provided with all the right information in a transparent manner to exercise their powers fully –
including voting rights, wherever they are. (For more information: Christian Wigand - Tel.: +32 229
62253; Katarzyna Kolanko - Tel.:+32 229 6 34 44; Alice Hobbs – Tel: +32 229 808 29)

State aid: Commission approves €47.4 million Romanian schemes to support companies
active in the pig and poultry breeding sectors in the context of the coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved two Romanian schemes, with a total budget of €47.4 million
(approximately RON 229.4 million), to support companies active in the pig and poultry breeding
sectors that are affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The schemes were approved under the State
aid Temporary Framework. Under the schemes (one per sector), the budget will be allocated as
follows: (i) €24.7 million (approximately RON 119.6 million) for the pig sector; and (ii) €22.7 million
(approximately RON 109.8 million) for the poultry sector. Under the two schemes, public support will
be provided in the form of direct grants. The aim of the schemes is to help companies active in the
pig and poultry breeding sectors address their liquidity needs and continue their activities in order
to ultimately secure food and feed materials for the food industry and maintain jobs. Each of the
schemes is expected to benefit over 1,000 companies active in the corresponding sector. The
Commission found that the Romanian schemes are in line with the conditions set out in the
Temporary Framework. In particular, (i) the grants do not exceed €100,000 per beneficiary as
provided by the Temporary Framework for undertakings active in the primary production of
agricultural products; and (ii) the support can be granted until 31 December 2020. The Commission
concluded that the measures are necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious
disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the
conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the
measures under EU State aid rules. More information on the Temporary Framework and other actions
taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be found
here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number
SA.58450 (pig breeding) and SA.58452 (poultry breeding) in the State aid register on the
Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more
information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344; Maria
Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)

State aid: Commission approves €24 million Danish schemes to support airlines and
airports affected by coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved two Danish schemes, with an overall budget of €24 million
(approximately DKK 180 million), to support airlines and airports affected by the coronavirus
outbreak. The schemes were approved under the State aid Temporary Framework. The first scheme,
with a budget of €20 million (approximately DKK 150 million), will be open to all airlines serving
scheduled passenger flights that land in/take off from Danish airports. The second scheme, with a
budget of €4 million (approximately DKK 30 million), will be open to all Danish airports serving
scheduled passenger flights within and to/from Denmark. Under both schemes, the support will take
the form of direct grants to cover a percentage of certain airport charges between 1 August 2020 and
December 2020. The aim of the schemes is to help airlines and airports restore their level of
operations in Denmark to the situation before the coronavirus outbreak, thus contributing to
restoring air traffic and air connectivity within Denmark and with other international destinations.
The measure is expected to benefit approximately 150 airlines and the 13 airports in Denmark. The
Commission found that the Danish schemes are in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary
Framework. In particular, the aid will not exceed €800,000 per company as provided by the
Temporary Framework and will be granted before 31 December 2020. The Commission concluded
that the aid is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the
economy of a Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the
Temporary Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the scheme under EU State aid
rules. More information on the Temporary Framework and other actions taken by the Commission to
address the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be found here. The non-confidential
version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.58157 in the State aid
register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been
resolved. (For more information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32
229 55344; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)


High Representative/Vice-President Borrell in Cairo, Egypt
High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell is today visiting Cairo, Egypt. It is his first visit to
the country since taking office and an opportunity to discuss bilateral relations and the EU-Egypt
partnership, as well as exchange on regional issues, notably Libya, the Middle East Peace Process,
the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. During his
visit, High Representative/Vice-President Borrell will meet President Abdelfatah Al-Sisi, Foreign
Minister Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Defence Mohamed Ahmed Zaki, and other interlocutors. A joint
press point with Foreign Minister Shoukry is foreseen at 13:00 CET today and will be recorded
and transmitted on EbS. The visit underlines the EU's strong commitment to continue its common
work with Egypt, also in areas of crucial importance for the Egyptian people such as environment,
energy and water management, socio-economic development, education, health and rural
development. It follows Mr Borrell's visit to Libya on 1 September, where he reiterated the EU's
unwavering support for the resolution of the conflict and the need for concrete actions to follow the
recent ceasefire announcement. Photos and videos of the visit will be available on EbS. (For more
information: Peter Stano – Tel.: +32 229 54553; Lauranne Devillé - Tel: +32 229 80833)
Eurostat: communiqués de presse

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