EU NEWS YOU CAN USE - Southern Regional Assembly

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                                                                       EU NEWS YOU CAN USE
European Commission in Ireland

  Top News

  Withdrawal Agreement: European
  Commission sends letter of formal notice
  to the United Kingdom for breach of its
  The European Commission has today (Thursday 1 October)
  sent the United Kingdom a letter of formal notice for
  breaching its obligations under the Withdrawal Agreement.
  President von der Leyen said: "As you know, we had
  invited our British friends to remove the problematic parts
  of their draft Internal Market Bill by the end of September.
  This draft Bill is – by its very nature – a breach of the
  obligation of good faith laid down in the Withdrawal
  Agreement (Article 5). Moreover, if adopted as is, it will be
  in full contradiction to the Protocol on Ireland / Northern
  Ireland. The deadline lapsed yesterday. The problematic
  provisions have not been removed. Therefore, this
  morning, the Commission has decided to send a letter of
  formal notice to the UK government."

  Commission sets out plan for a new
  European Research Area
  The European Commission this week adopted a
  Communication on a new European Area for Research and
  Innovation. The Communication sets out strategic
  objectives and actions to be implemented in close
  cooperation with EU Member States in order to prioritise
  investments and reforms in research and innovation,
  improve access to excellence for researchers across the EU
  and enable research results to reach the market and the
  real economy. The new European Research Area will also
  further promote researchers’ mobility, skills and career
  development opportunities within the EU, gender equality,
  and access to publicly funded peer-reviewed science.

  Commission presents plans for a European Education Area and improved
  digital education and training
  The European Commission this week adopted two initiatives that will strengthen the contribution of education and
  training to the EU's recovery from the coronavirus crisis, and help build a green and digital Europe. The Digital
  Education Action Plan (2021-2027) proposes a set of initiatives for high‑quality, inclusive and accessible digital
  education in Europe. The Communication on the European Education Area outlines how Member States can shape a
  European Education Area based on freedom for learners and teachers to learn and work across the continent and for
  institutions to freely associate with one another in Europe and beyond.

  Commission changes: MEPs to assess
  Commissioner-designate McGuinness
  The European Parliament's economic and monetary affairs
The European Parliament's economic and monetary affairs
committee will hold a hearing at 8 am on Friday 2 October
with Commissioner-designate Mairead McGuinness to
evaluate whether she is suitable to serve as a
commissioner in charge of financial services, financial
stability and the Capital Markets Union. On the same day,
there will also be a hearing with Valdis Dombrovskis
(Latvia), who is an executive Vice-President of the
Commission, to assess his suitability to take over the trade

Other news

Rule of law: First Annual Report on the
Rule of Law situation across the European
The European Commission this week published the first
EU-wide report on the rule of law. The report includes
input from every Member State and covers both positive
and negative developments across the EU. It covers four
main pillars with a strong bearing on the rule of law:
national justice systems, anti-corruption frameworks,
media pluralism and freedom, and other institutional
issues related to the checks and balances essential to an
effective system of democratic governance.

Customs Union: New Action Plan to further support EU customs in their
vital role of protecting EU revenues, prosperity and security
The European Commission has launched a new Customs Union Action Plan setting out a series of
measures to make EU customs smarter, more innovative and more efficient over the next four years.
The Plan includes a number of initiatives in areas such as risk management, managing e-commerce,
the promotion of compliance and customs authorities acting as one.

New alliance to strengthen resilience of the
raw materials value chain
The European Commission this week launched the new
European Raw Materials Alliance. The Alliance aims at
identifying barriers, opportunities and investment
possibilities at all stages of the raw materials value chain -
from mining to waste recovery - while at the same time
addressing sustainability and social impacts. Internal
Market Commissioner Thierry Breton said: "The European
Raw Materials Alliance is an important step in
strengthening the industrial ecosystems that depend on
raw materials."

Provisional agreement reached on better
rights for rail passengers
The European Parliament and Council this week reached a
provisional agreement on modernising rail passenger
rights. The revised rules will improve the rights of
passengers, in particular of those with disabilities or
reduced mobility. They will also encourage rail companies
to provide more and improved services. In the spirit of the
Green Deal, passengers will be entitled to take their bikes
on board as a general rule.

UCD led EU-funded research project shows green infrastructure can reduce
air pollution
An EU-funded research project, which was led by UCD, has found that green infrastructure can be an
effective way to reduce exposure to air pollution. If correctly positioned, simple hedges mixed with
trees can reduce exposure to particulate matter by as much as 50%. The three-year ISCAPE project
also looked at ways to stimulate behavioural change among EU citizens – for instance, in their choice
of transport (sustainable urban mobility) or through citizen involvement in the widespread monitoring
of pollution levels.

Living, working and COVID-19: Eurofound
A new survey from Eurofound shows that young people are
emerging as some of lockdown’s biggest losers. Along with
those out of work, young people report the lowest levels of
well-being, despite some improvement since the onset of
the pandemic. While life satisfaction and optimism
increased since April, young people continue to feel
excluded from society and remain at greatest risk of
depression showing how restrictions during lockdown affect
them more. The survey also reveals, however, that an
average of over 60% of Irish people were optimistic about
their future, 2nd highest in the EU after Denmark (70%).

Life expectancy in Ireland above EU average
New Eurostat figures show that the average life expectancy of a newborn in Ireland in 2018 was 82.3
years, up from 80.8 years in 2010, and above the EU average of 81 years. The figures also show that,
on average, women in the EU live 5.5 years longer than men - in Ireland, the gap is 3.6 years. The
highest life expectancy of all was recorded in the Spanish region of Madrid where women could expect
to live to 88.1 years. The figures also show that an average EU or Irish resident who had survived to
the age of 65 could expect to live about 20 years more.

Death rate from coronary heart diseases in Ireland above EU average
New Eurostat figures show that the death rate from coronary heart diseases in Ireland was 1,330 per
million inhabitants in 2017, above the EU average of 1,194. On a regional level, the rate was highest in
Ireland's Northern and Western region at 1,401 and lowest in the Eastern and Midland region at 1,226.
Across the EU, Lithuania (5,362 deaths per million) had the highest death rate from heart disease
while France had the lowest (466). Men were about twice as likely to die from coronary heart diseases
as women.


Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October: Special European Council
On 1 and 2 October, EU leaders meet in Brussels to discuss foreign affairs, in particular relations with
Turkey and the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean. The leaders are also expected to address
relations with China, the situation in Belarus and the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. The single market,
industrial policy and digital transformation are also on the agenda.

Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October: Revitalising Retail 2020 Online
The European Commission is organising an interactive virtual workshop on Revitalising Retail on
The European Commission is organising an interactive virtual workshop on Revitalising Retail on
Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October. The workshop aims to gather feedback and encourage an exchange
on how to help shops recover from the forced closures due to COVID-19, focussed on “Retail: Recovery
and (re)birth”. It will explore what the retail sector, and in particular small retailers, may have learnt
during the crisis and what they need in the short and longer term to help them recover and build
resilience. The workshop will also be an opportunity to discuss how small retailers could benefit from
support programmes in the framework of the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Friday 2 October: Webinar: Women in Politics and Online Abuse
The European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland, in conjunction with the National Women's Council of
Ireland, is hosting an online event that will focus on the issue of online abuse, with a particular focus
on how this affects women in politics, on Friday 2 October at 2.30pm. The panel will discuss the policy
initiatives at national and European level, and the ongoing on-the-ground initiatives tackling this issue.
Important contributions will be made by Maria Walsh, MEP; Gina Miller, Transparency Campaigner and
Businesswoman; Tom Felle, Head of Journalism and Communications at NUIG and former journalist;
and Colm O'Gorman, Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland. Prior registration is essential
via the link below.

Friday 2 October: Webinar - Countering Online Disinformation: Actions
Taken and the Challenges Ahead
On Friday 2 October (1-2pm), Paolo Cesarini, Head of the European Commission's Media Convergence
and Social Media Unit, will address an IIEA webinar on "Countering Online Disinformation: Actions
Taken and the Challenges Ahead". He will discuss the European policy response with a focus on the
“Code of Practice on Disinformation”, which was introduced in 2018 and which is now under review. Mr
Cesarini will assess the Code’s effectiveness and discuss the best future policy options to protect
society and democracy from the threat of disinformation.

Monday 5 October: Eurogroup meeting
This meeting will take place by video conference. Further information will be available at the link below
in due course.

Tuesday 6 October: Economic and Financial Affairs Council
This meeting will take place by video conference. Further information will be available at the link below
in due course.

Tuesday 6 October: EU-Ukraine summit
Information on this meeting will be available at the link below.

Thursday 8 October: Home Affairs council
This meeting will take place by video conference. Further information will be available at the link below
in due course.

Thursday 8 and Friday 9 October: Justice and Home Affairs Council
This meeting will take place by video conference. Further information will be available at the link below
in due course.

Thursday 22 October: Translation workshop for secondary school students
in conjunction with the National University of Ireland, Galway
On Thursday 22 October, the European Commission will run a special workshop – Translation as a
On Thursday 22 October, the European Commission will run a special workshop – Translation as a
career – in conjunction with the National University of Ireland, Galway. This workshop will take place
online and is aimed at students in fifth year in secondary school who have a high level of Irish.
European Commission translators will provide an outline of their work and University lecturers will set
out the courses available to learn the skills required to become a translator. Students will then have an
opportunity to try their own hand at translation (translating short texts from English to Irish).

Wednesday 28 October 2020: Webinar and
workshops - Employment opportunities in
the EU for people with Irish
Are you interested in learning more about career
opportunities for Irish speakers in the European Union’s
institutions? The European Commission and the Irish
Government are organising a full-day online event during
the Oireachtas na Samhna festival aimed at informing
potential candidates about job opportunities with Irish and
providing concrete practical advice. Full details at the link

Tuesday 3 November: Translation workshop for secondary school students
in conjunction with University College Dublin
On Tuesday 3 November, the European Commission will run a special workshop – Translation as a
career – in conjunction with University College Dublin (UCD). This workshop will take place online and
is aimed at students in fifth year in secondary school who have a high level of Irish. European
Commission translators will provide an outline of their work and University lecturers will set out the
courses available to learn the skills required to become a translator. Students will then have an
opportunity to try their own hand at translation (translating short texts from English to Irish).

Public consultations

Commission outlines road to Zero Pollution
Action Plan
The European Commission has launched the roadmap for
its Action Plan “Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air,
water and soil – building a Healthier Planet for Healthier
People”. The roadmap outlines EU plans to achieve zero
pollution by better preventing, remedying, monitoring and
reporting on pollution. The roadmap on the Zero Pollution
Action Plan is open for feedback for 4 weeks until 29
October 2020.

Rural development – long-term vision for rural areas
The European Commission has committed to developing a long-term vision for rural areas. To achieve
such a vision, it is necessary to assess what life is like in the rural areas of Europe and map out what is
key for their prosperity. This public consultation will contribute to the process by gathering the
perception and views of Europeans on a range of issues. The consultation is open until 30 November

Euro: Commission launches evaluation of
the use of one and two cent coins
The European Commission has launched an evaluation and
The European Commission has launched an evaluation and
 impact assessment on the use of one and two cent coins.
 This includes an open consultation, which will run for 15
 weeks, to get the opinions of a broad range of
 stakeholders, including other institutions, relevant national
 authorities, consumers and civil society. On the basis of
 the assessment, the Commission will decide at the end of
 2021 whether a legislative proposal on the introduction of
 uniform rounding rules for cash payments in the euro area,
 and possibly on the discontinuation of one and two cent
 coins is warranted.

 Availability of private short-term export-credit insurance capacity for
 exports in light of economic impact of coronavirus outbreak
 The European Commission has launched a public consultation to assess the availability of private
 short-term export-credit insurance capacity for exports to all countries listed as “marketable risk
 countries” in the 2012 Short-term export-credit Communication. Depending on the results of the
 consultation and taking into account the relevant economic indicators, the Commission may decide to
 prolong the removal of all countries from the list of “marketable risk countries” as a temporary
 measure decided in March 2020, beyond December 2020. The consultation is open until 7 October


 EU Urban Road Safety Award 2020:
 Applications now open
 The EU Urban Road Safety Award aims to highlight the
 contribution made by local authorities towards improving
 the safety of European roads. It rewards outstanding and
 innovative achievements by local authorities in the area of
 road safety and encourages the exchange of good practice
 across Europe. Applications are now open for the 2020
 awards. Local authorities are invited to apply by 31
 October 2020.

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