Page created by Sue Harris

funding instruments is open for
                                        cultural and creative projects and
    1. INTRODUCTION                     complements the support that is
    2. CREATIVE EUROPE                  provided by Creative Europe, the
    3. AMF                              EU’s main programme addressing
    4. CERV                             the cultural, creative and audio-
    5. DIGITAL EUROPE                   visual sector across Europe.
    6. ERASMUS+
                                        Against this backdrop, this
    7. EAFRD
                                        publication intends to provide a first
    8. ERDF
                                        glance on the new generation of EU
    9. ESF+
                                        funding programmes 2021-2027 that
    10. ESC
                                        are accessible for the cultural and
                                        creative sector. Apart from Creative
    12. INTERREG
                                        Europe, insights into 13 programmes
    13. INVESTEU
    14. NDICI                           are presented on the following pages.

                                        The publication is a result of the
INTRODUCTION                            “Infodesk Corona”, a project
                                        implemented by the German Creative
Culture is considered an important      Europe Desk KULTUR and
pillar of the EU as it significantly    supported by the German Minister of
contributes to social cohesion,         State for Culture and the Media in the
building a common sense of              light of the German EU Council
belonging and promoting shared          Presidency. The “Infodesk Corona”
values and cultural diversity. For      aims at providing insights into
that reason, the Treaty of the          current and future EU support
Functioning of the EU defines           measures for the cultural and creative
culture as a cross-cutting area that    sector.
builds bridges and synergies to
other policy areas. As a result, a
wide range of European

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 1
The Creative Europe Desk               Due to the current pandemic, the
 KULTUR is the national contact         next MFF is supplemented by Next
 point in charge of promoting           Generation EU (NGEU), an
 Creative Europe Culture, the only      additional budget for Europe’s
 EU funding programme explicitly        recovery from this crisis. After
 dedicated to the cultural and          successfully negotiating with the
 creative sector. It helps German       European Parliament, the Council
 cultural and creative organisations    has finally adopted the new long-
 to find suitable funding for their     term budget on December 17, 2020.
 projects and to prepare their          Accordingly, the MFF comprises
                                        1074.3 billion euro, while the
                                        NGEU provides further 750 billion
                                        euro, resulting in an overall EU
                                        household of 1.8 trillion euro for the
THE CURRENT                             upcoming seven years. Being
NEGOTIATIONS OF THE                     divided in seven different areas, the
EU BUDGET                               budgetary plan sets the conditions
                                        and framework for the political and
                                        economic priorities and activities
Due to the spread of Covid-19, the
                                        including the design of the almost
Brexit and further political and
                                        40 funding instruments.
societal transformations across
Europe and the world, 2020 has
been an extremely challenging year.
Moreover, it represents the end of            MULTIANNUAL FINANCIAL
the current EU household 2014-                     FRAMEWORK

2020, the so-called Multiannual
Financial Framework (MFF) that
                                                NEXT GENERATION EU
covers a period of seven years.
Consequently, the EU institutions
have been discussing the future
budget determining the financial              EU HOUSEHOLD 2021-2027
regulations for 2021-2027.

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 2
EU SUPPORT MEASURES                      implemented relatively quickly, e.g.
                                         SURE, others are still under
                                         negotiations. However, in both cases,
                                         the measures are usually foreseen to
It is evident that the ongoing
                                         supplement national policies. As a
pandemic has tremendous effects on
                                         result, it mostly depends on the
the European economy and society.
                                         individual Member States to decide
Thus, the EU and its Members States
                                         how to define the areas benefitting
have been forced to quickly react to
                                         from this additional support.
the frequently evolving challenges
deriving from the spread of Covid-
                                         With view to the cultural and creative
19. To begin with, the EU has
                                         sector which has apparently been
demonstrated great flexibility in
                                         heavily affected by the pandemic,
terms of current funding which
                                         this means that it is up to the national
guaranteed that most of the running
                                         recovery plans and strategies to
projects could adapt to the new
                                         incorporate additional financial
circumstances without losing their
                                         assistance directed towards cultural
financial support. Additionally, the
                                         organisations and professionals.
EU has introduced several support
instruments for assisting the Member
                                         However, the European Parliament is
States to respond to and recover
                                         calling for a 2% earmark for culture
from the severe consequences of the
                                         within the Recovery and Resilience
virus, amongst others the Recovery
                                         Facility (part of NGEU). At the time
and Resilience Facility, ReactEU,
                                         of the publication a decision was not
RescEU and SURE. While some of
                                         yet made. Furthermore, looking
these instruments have been
                                         ahead to the new funding period
                                         starting from 2021, the EU has

                                         ensured that the new generation of
                                         programmes offers support for
                   COVID                 navigating through and regenerating

        RECOVERY                         from the current crisis.

RESCEU                RESILIENCE

                   EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 3
The final adoption of the MFF paves
the way for negotiating and adopting                     EUORPEAN COMMISSION
                                                         PUBLISHED PROPOSALS
the wide range of programmes that
                                                         FOR EU PROGRAMMES
shape the EU’s funding landscape.
While the European institutions have                     NOVEMBER 2020
already reached provisional
agreements regarding a number of                         EUROPEAN COUNCIL AND
                                                         EP AGGREE ON NEW MFF
instruments in December 2020, their
final conclusion is necessary for the
programmes to be able to start at the                    2020/2021
beginning of 2021. Once this is
done, the guidelines and work                            EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS
                                                         HAVE TO AGREE ON EU
programmes relevant for each fund
will be published and provide
concrete information on the
priorities, procedures and calls.
Depending on each programme, this
                                                         OFFICIAL START OF NEW
is most likely to be expected in the                     EU PROGRAMMES
first half of 2021.

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 4

 The information provided in this publication only represents the current state
 of play and provisional architecture of the programmes according to the latest
 updates from December 17, 2020. These insights are mostly based on the
 proposals of regulations published by the European Commission for each
 programme in 2018 as well as additional material made available by the EU
 institutions [1]. As they are gradually negotiating and adopting the new
 programmes starting from 2021 onwards, this is only a preliminary overview
 of programmes to get a first idea about their design and future opportunities,
 with main emphasis on the cultural and creative sector. For that reason,
 detailed funding possibilities, participating countries and further criteria are yet
 to be known.

 The budgets are indicated in fixed prices from 2018.

[1] This publication relies on the information provided on the websites indicated for each funding
programme as well as the official documents published by the European institutions on EUR-Lex.

                      EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 5
          budget               2.24 bn €

          target group         cultural and creative sector

                               to support culturan diversity and cultural heritage in
           objectives          Europe and to increase the competitiveness of the CCS

Creative Europe is the only EU             The Culture sub-programme is open to
programme specifically dedicated to        all cultural and creative sectors, from
the cultural, creative and audio-          performing and visual arts to music
visual sectors. It promotes the            and the creative industries. It provides
European cooperation between               financial support to projects with a
cultural organisations and the             European dimension aiming to share
protection of the common European          cultural content across borders. The
cultural heritage and the cultural         four main funding schemes as known
diversity in Europe. Furthermore, it       from the previous programme will be
aims at increasing the                     continued:
competitiveness of the cultural and
creative sectors, in particular the        Cooperation projects: Support to
audio-visual sector. The new                 cooperation between at least three
Creative Europe programme                    different organisations from the
receives 2.24 billion euro which is          different eligible countries
an increase of 800 million euro in           Networks: Support to networks
comparison with the previous                 which represent a cultural sector
funding period. It continues to be           and which help building capacity
divided into three sub-programmes:           in their field

  Culture
  Cross-sectoral strand

                 EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 6
Platforms: Support to platforms         production of European audio-
  which facilitate the access to the     visual works. MEDIA will support
  European market for emerging           the development of audio-visual
  talents                                works, production of innovative TV
  Literary Translation: Support to      content and serial storytelling, the
  publishers and publishing houses       distribution of these works through
  for the translation of European        various means (festivals, fairs, VoD
  literature                             etc.). Throughout all measures, it
                                         will specifically strive for more
In addition to these schemes, support
                                         gender equality within the sector.
for the mobility of individual artists
is foreseen. The sector specific
                                         The cross-sectoral strand will
funding for music will be introduced
                                         support cross-sectorial approaches
within the next seven years, building
                                         combining innovative ideas from
on the experiences of Music Moves
                                         both the cultural and audio-visual
Europe. Additional support to the
                                         sectors. In addition, the strand will
following sectors was announced:
                                         fund projects to support a free,
architecture and cultural heritage,
                                         diverse, and pluralistic media
design and fashion, cultural tourism.
                                         environment, quality journalism and
                                         media literacy.
The MEDIA sub-programme
supports the EU film and audio-          More information here.
visual industries. It aims at
stimulating collaboration, and
innovation in the creation and

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 7
          budget                8.705 bn €

                                local and regional authorities, civil society
          target group          organisations

                                to support early integration measures of asylum seekers
           objectives           and migrants

The Asylum and Migration Fund is             Supporting legal migration to the
the EU’s support in the field of               MS and contributing to the
asylum, integration and migration.             integration of third-country
Previously, it was called AMIF and             nationals
was established in response to the            Reducing irregular migration and
high migratory movements to                    improving the effectiveness of
Europe since 2015. The new                     return and re-admission in third
programme mainly focuses on                    countries
early integration measures, while
                                             A large part of this funding is
other aspects are also addressed by
                                             managed by the individual Member
programmes such as the European
                                             States in accordance with their
Social Fund+ or Erasmus+. Yet, the
                                             specific needs and national
overall objectives of the fund are:
                                             integration programmes, but a

Developing and fostering the                smaller part of the programme is
                                             also administered by the European
  Common European Asylum
                                             Commission, thereby facilitating
                                             transnational projects. As a result,
                                             the relevant priorities can differ
                                             from country to country and the
                                             given context.

                 EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 8

In this context, cultural and creative
stakeholders can mainly contribute
to the second priority with emphasis
on integration measures. For that
purpose, intercultural and inter-
religious dialogue plays a crucial
role as well as the general exchange
and dialogue between migrants and
the local society. Thus, cultural
projects can help foster the
migrants’ active participation and
inclusion in the receiving society
while simultaneously contributing to
the society’s acceptance and
tolerance of its new community
members. Furthermore, the cultural
and creative sector can also help to
develop and create new approaches
for trainings and integration
programmes dealing with education,
language, civic orientation or
professional guidance.

More information here.

                 EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 9
           budget                1.6 bn €

           target group          local and regional authorities, NGOs

                                 to promote European rights and values and to bring
            objectives           Europe closer to its citizens

Citizens, Equality, Rights and              Equality and rights strand
Values (CERV) is a new programme            Citizens' engagement and
merging two previous funding                   participation strand
instruments: Europe for Citizens and          Daphne strand
Rights, Equality and Citizenship. By
means of the new programme, the             During the latest budgetary
EU aims at promoting the values it          negotiations, the European
is based on – amongst others                institutions have agreed on a
equality, freedom and democracy –           significant increase for the
in order to oppose the increasing           programme resulting in 1.6 billion
extremism, discrimination and               euro which equals more than
inequalities it is facing lately. With      doubling the foreseen amount of 0.6
the intention of fostering an open,         billion euro. This highlights once
inclusive and democratic society,           more how pressing and crucial the
the new programme provides                  reinforcement of the European
funding in the following categories:        values when looking at the current
                                            economic, political and social

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 10
WHAT'S IN IT FOR CULTURE?               and tolerance as well as to building
                                        a common sense of belonging
European citizenship and culture        within the EU. In this regard,
are mutually interlinked as they        historical, cultural and intercultural
both rely on common history,            aspects play an important role; both
cultural diversity, remembrance         for remembering Europe’s past and
and shared values. Therefore, there     for building its future. In this
is a strong synergy between             context, the cultural and creative
Creative Europe and CERV.               sector can actively participate in
                                        encouraging citizens to engage with
Activities funded under the             each other as well as with the
citizens’ engagement and                common history, rights and values.
participation strand are supposed       This also builds a bridge to the
to bring the EU closer to its           equality and rights strand whose
citizens by improving their             emphasis lies on protecting and
understanding of Europe’s history,      supporting rights of children,
diversity and cultural heritage.        women and people with disabilities
Thus, it facilitates encounters and     and fighting intolerance,
exchanges of people from different      discrimination and racism. Cultural
countries and cultures as for           projects can possibly contribute to
example through transnational           achieving these goals, e.g. through
town-twinning projects or               raising awareness or developing
collaboration of civil society          creative ways of overcoming
organisations. Creating                 inequalities.
opportunities for citizens to meet
and enter into dialogue about their
ways of living shall contribute to
increasing the mutual respect
                                        More information here.

                EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 11
           budget                 7.588 bn €

           target group           innovation sector

            objectives            to support Europe's digitisation

Supporting the digital transformation          Thereby, it offers opportunities for
of Europe’s economy and society                higher education and research
lies at the heart of Digital Europe.           institutions, larger companies and
Thus, this programme aims at                   SMEs as well as other stakeholders
improving and fostering the digital            from the innovation sector.
capacities and to expand and
facilitate the access and use of digital
technologies which is also seen as             WHAT'S IN IT FOR CULTURE?
crucial for the recovery from the
current pandemic. It provides                  Given that the cultural and creative
financial support in five key areas:           sector has proven to be highly
                                               innovative in experimenting with
Supercomputing                                digital tools, it is also addressed by
Artificial intelligence                       Digital Europe, mainly under two
Cybersecurity                                 priorities.
Digital skills
Deployment and accessibility of               In the context of deployment and
  digital technologies                         accessibility of digital
                                               technologies, financial support
                                               strives at ensuring that the public
                                               sector and areas of public

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 12
interest are able to access and use
digital technologies and to adapt to
new digital trends. In this regard,
cultural projects shall provide
creators and creative industries in
Europe with access to the newest
digital technologies possibly
ranging from artificial intelligence
to advanced computing. Moreover,
the digital exploitation of and
access to cultural heritage shall be
facilitated in order to promote
cultural diversity, social cohesion
and European citizenship.

In the light of the area digital
skills, support is offered for
improving digital skills and
fostering professionalization by
designing different methods and
formats of training. Amongst
others, these projects target
students, IT professionals,
entrepreneurs and small business
leaders and related workforce in
these areas, thus also include
opportunities for cultural and
creative professionals to benefit
from developing or participating in
these kind of courses.

More information here.

                EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 13
           budget                 23.4 bn €

           target group           formal and non-formal education

                                  to foster the access and quality of formal and non-formal
            objectives            education and to facilitate mobility across Europe

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme for             WHAT'S IN IT FOR CULTURE?
education addressing a wide range of
formal and non-formal educational              The strong link between education
fields such as schools, universities,          and culture is evident in this
youth work, sports, vocational and             programme which is also supposed
adult education. The main priority is to       to complement Creative Europe.
promote lifelong and inclusive                 Especially in the field of informal
learning across Europe which is                learning cultural education plays a
facilitated by the following key               crucial role as it helps to experiment
actions:                                       with and follow new creative and
                                               artistic approaches, formats and
Learning mobility                             methods. In this regard, cultural and
Cooperation among organisations               creative projects can significantly
 and institutions                              contribute to improving social
Support to policy development and             inclusion, access to education or
 cooperation                                   intergenerational learning, e.g. in
Jean Monnet actions focusing on               libraries, museums or cultural
  European integration matters                 centres.

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 14
Most importantly, the key actions        non-formal education and offer
“learning mobility” and                  valuable approaches for youth
“cooperation among organisations         mobility and youth encounters, e.g.
and institutions” provide diverse        through theatre or circus projects.
opportunities for the cultural and
creative sector to develop and           In addition to that, cooperation
participate in projects funded by        among organisations and
Erasmus+. Learning mobility aims         institutions rather emphasizes the
at facilitating the mobility and         long term perspectives and is also
exchange of individuals in the field     known as so-called strategic
of education - be it at school,          partnerships. Public and private
university or in others formal or        organisations shall cooperate in
informal contexts. The participation     order to build long-lasting
and contribution of cultural and         partnerships and improve the
creative organisations is essential in   quality and diversity of learning
this context, thereby mainly             experiences. Organisations that
focusing on adult education and          build a bridge to cultural education
youth work. On the one hand,             are eligible in this context which
culture is essential here in the         enables theatres, libraries,
context of capacity-building and         museums and other cultural and
improving skills related to topics       creative organisations to foster
such as intercultural competences,       transnational cooperation. Thereby,
learning languages and creating          the exchange of best practices and
inclusive and creative formats and       the development of creative, artistic
places to learn, e.g. through            and inclusive teaching methods –
organising job-shadowing,                either in the field of adult education
trainings or exchanges with partner      or in the context of youth work –
organisations. On the other hand,        shall be at the heart of funded
cultural and art education are           projects.
crucial in the field of
                                         More information here.

                 EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 15
          budget               77.850 bn €

          target group         local and regional authorities, NGO, public and private

                                to support sustainable and inclusive rural development

Helping rural communities to                 WHAT'S IN IT FOR CULTURE?
develop a vibrant and economically
and socially viable environment is           In general, the support for cultural
the overarching objective of the             projects is not clearly mentioned in
European Agricultural Fund for               the programme, however the
Regional Development (EAFRD).                EAFRD facilitates investments in
While it is part of the common               rural infrastructures which does not
agricultural policy (CAP), its focus         exclude cultural infrastructures.
goes beyond the agricultural sector          Against this backdrop, measures to
and mainly lies on implementing              restore and protect cultural heritage
innovate strategies and measures to          in rural areas, to offer cultural
support rural development from a             activities or to promote rural tourism
more cross-cutting and holistic              and related cultural and touristic
approach.                                    services are possible ways for the
                                             cultural and creative sector to access
                                             this funding programme.

                 EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 16
Furthermore, the so called
LEADER approach has been
widely established under the
umbrella of the EAFRD both in the
past and current EU funding
period. Nowadays, LEADER is
mainly understood as community-
led local development and
encourages bottom-up initiatives
and cooperation of regional actors
to help rural areas all over Europe
to develop. Local action groups
(LAG) are in charge of
implementing LEADER initiatives
which means that the national and
regional levels pave the way for
the content and design of these
projects. Thus, if and how the
cultural and creative sector can
participate in and profit from this
funding highly depends on the
local priorities. Yet, experiences
from the previous programme
have shown that there is a wide
range of culture-based project
financed by LEADER.

More information here.

               EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 17
          budget                226.9 bn €

           target group        local or regional authorities, public institutions, NGOs

                                to support support cohesion policies and sustainable
           objectives           and inclusive regional development

Enhancing regional development               A smarter Europe by promoting
and cohesion policies is one of the           innovative and smart economic
main investments of the EU which is           transformation
– amongst others – operationalised            A greener, low-carbon Europe by
in terms of the European Regional             promoting clean and fair energy
Development Fund (ERDF). This                 transition, green and blue
financial support contributes to              investment, the circular economy,
closing the social and economic gap           climate adaptation and risk
existing between and within EU                prevention and management
Member States. As a result, this              A more connected Europe by
instrument strives for building a             enhancing mobility and regional
strong relationship between the EU            ICT connectivity
and its regions and cities and helps          A more social Europe
to modernise the latter. For                  implementing the European Pillar
modernizing its cohesion policies,            of Social Rights
the EU has defined overall priorities         A Europe closer to citizens by
which also apply for the European             foster the sustainable and
Regional Development Fund:                    integrated development of urban,
                                              rural and coastal areas and local

                 EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 18

In general, the programme is in
favour of supporting cultural
projects, but the preliminary
guidelines do not yet present
explicit ways of involving the
cultural and creative sector. This
is partly due to the regional focus
inherent in the ERDF which leads
to determining additional national
and regional priorities.
Nevertheless, evidence shows that
the European Pillar of Social
Rights which is part of the fourth
priority as well as the fifth priority
of bringing Europe and its citizens
closer togehter include diverse
opportunities for the cultural and
creative sector.

Furthermore, investing in the
exploitation and protection of
cultural heritage and in the
development of cultural
infrastructures has proven to be
feasible and successful in the past
programme and simultaneously
seems like a promising approach
in the future ERDF as well.

More information here.

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 19
          budget                87.319 bn €

                                local and regional authorities, public and private
           target group         institutions, NGOs

           objectives           to build a more social and inclusive Europe

Empowering and investing in                 Equal opportunities and access to
people, their skills, education and          labour market
training lies at the core of the            Fair working condition
European Social Fund+. By                   Social protection and inclusion
addressing policy areas like
education, employment and social            Consequently, supporting actions to
inclusion, the EU wants to                  obtain fair social protection, a high-
strengthen its social dimension and         skilled workforce and high
find suitable responses to challenges       employment levels is an important
emerging from social exclusion,             step for Europe’s recovery from the
new forms of work or technological          ongoing pandemic as well as for its
developments. The ESF+ unites               transition to a green and digital
several previous funding                    economy. Hence, all measures shall
programmes (Youth Employment                respect and promote the European
Initiative, the Fund for the European       Pillar of Social Rights which
Aid to the Deprived and the EU              provides a new framework of rights
Programme for Employment and                for citizens encompassing 20 main
Social Innovation) under one                principles that are at the core of the
umbrella striving for:                      new ESF+. For that purpose, social
                                            innovation and bottom-up
                                            approaches shall be encouraged,

                 EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 20
especially through facilitating           WHAT'S IN IT FOR CULTURE?
partnerships and cooperation
including the public and private          Both the European Pillar of Social
sector as well as civil society. The      Rights and the ESF+ intend to
fact that this instrument partly          improve the access and
underlies shared management               implementation of social rights for
means that the Member States and          European citizens which is often
their regions can influence and           interlinked with cultural aspects
adapt the priorities to their specific    and rights. However, the
needs and conditions. Therefore, it       preliminary design of the
depends on their decisions to what        programme does not foresee an
extent their regional objectives rely     important role for the cultural and
on the cultural and creative sector.      creative sector to contribute to its
                                          overall objectives. Nevertheless,
                                          some of the relevant topics of the
                                          ESF+ such as gender equality,
                                          lifelong learning, work-life
                                          balance, support to children and
                                          inclusion of elderly and people
                                          with disabilities can theoretically
                                          be tackled through cultural and
                                          creative approaches and projects.

                                          More Information here.

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 21
(ESC)budget 895 m €

           target group            formal and non-formal education

                                   to enhance the engagement of young people and
            objectives             organisations and to foster cohesion and solidarity

The European Solidarity Corps                  months. Thereby, the participating
mainly addresses young people aged             young people practice solidarity and
18-35 from the EU and partner                  learn to build a sense of belonging,
countries and invites them to                  however only in armed conflict-free
participate in voluntary activities            countries. Moreover, the volunteers
usually located in regions facing              get the chance to improve their social,
societal challenges and severe crises.         civic and cultural skills which can
The participants can engage in two             help them on their future personal and
areas:                                         professional path. That is why
                                               theprogramme also aims at reaching
Strand 1: participation in solidarity         out for young people with different
  activities addressing societal               backgrounds and those who usually
  challenges                                   face more obstacles in accessing
 Strand 2: European Voluntary                 educational, cultural or social
  Humanitarian Aid Corps                       opportunities and support.

The voluntary activities and related           Regardless of the respective field and
topics are diverse and can range               location of activity, the European
from environment, youth work or                Solidarity Corps offers young people
children care to inclusive work with           to get involved in:
minorities and can last up to 12

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 22
Volunteering                             WHAT'S IN IT FOR CULTURE?
Traineeships and jobs
Solidarity projects                      Deriving from the openness of the
Networking activities                    programme and the diversity of
Quality and support measures             relevant topics and activities, the
                                          European Solidarity Corps offers
At the same time, the European            multiple opportunities for cultural
Solidarity Corps offers international     projects. What matters is that the key
organisations – both public and           idea of the programme – fostering
private ones – to host and support        social skills and professional
these volunteers. This involves e.g.      competences of the volunteers – is
organising networking activities or       considerably taken into account and
offering trainings and support in         strongly interlinked with the cultural
administrative issues.The involvement     and creative activities. This is given
and possible partnership of these         especially in the context of the first
organisations also helps fostering        strand participation in solidarity
European cooperation and solidarity.      activities addressing societal
In order to participate, organisations    challenges.
have to qualify through a national
process relying – amongst others – on     More information here.
criteria such as non-discrimination
and equal treatment.

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 23
           budget                  79.9 bn €

           target group            research and innovation sector

                                   to support European research and innovation and to
            objectives             increase Europe's competitiveness

Horizon Europe is the main EU                   WHAT'S IN IT FOR CULTURE?
funding instrument dedicated to
research and innovation. Due to its             On the first sight, Horizon Europe
large size, it has a relatively complex         might not seem very accessible for
structure which is summarised in                cultural projects. However,
three pillars:                                  considering that is goes beyond
                                                supporting academia and research
Pillar 1: Excellent Science                    organisations and also provides
Pillar 2: Global Challenges and                funding for a wide range of public
  European Industrial                           and private institutions, Horizon
  Competitiveness                               Europe is also open for cultural and
 Pillar 3: Innovative Europe                   creative institutions and industries.
                                                Most importantly, there are
Throughout the entire programme,                significant news in the context of
interaction of science, technology,             the second pillar, as a specific
social sciences and humanities is               cluster named culture, creativity
encouraged including the input of the           and inclusive societies has been
cultural and creative sector. The main          introduced composed by three
aims are to obtain sustainable                  priorities:
innovation, to provide attractive and
creative jobs, to improve the use of
digital technologies, to foster
education and citizens’ engagement.

                   EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 24
Enhancing democracy and                     invites curators, designers, restorers
 governance                                  and other creative professionals to
Culture, cultural heritage and              react to the growing consumer
 creativity                                  demands and develop new
Management of social and                    products and designs and to protect
  economic transformations                   artefacts of cultural heritage.

While the first and third priority are       Apart from these two ways of
also suitable for cultural projects, it is   accessing direct funding, there is
evident that the second priority is          another important aspect: the so
most relevant. In this light, activities     called knowledge and innovation
shall improve the protection and             community for the cultural and
restoration of cultural heritage and         creative industries (KIC CCI) which
facilitate more engagement and               is supposed to start in 2022. Based
better access to it, including digital       at the European Institute of
tools. Raising awareness of the              Innovation and Technology (Pillar
diversity of European cultural               3), it will form a partnership
heritage and its common roots shall          consisting of stakeholders from
also strengthen the sense of                 education, innovation and research
belonging. Furthermore, projects             that aims at developing innovative
shall help to drive sustainable growth       strategies to make the CCI more
and job creation by enhancing the            resilient and competitive. Thus, the
innovation potential of the cultural         results and activities shall
and creative industries.                     contribute to decrease the
                                             fragmentation of the cultural and
Additionally, further opportunities          creative landscape and help
especially for the cultural and              building a fertile environment for
creative industries are hidden behind        the cultural and creative
the cluster called digital, industry and     professionals and organisations.
space which is also part of pillar 2.
On the one hand, support in the sub-         More information here.
category advanced materials

                   EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 25
           budget                  7.95 bn €

            target group           regional and local authorities, NGOs, and public and
                                   private institutions

                                   to support cross-border cooperation for improving
            objectives             Europe's cohesion and quality of life

Interreg is part of the European               The related funding for reaching these
territorial cooperation (ETC) and as           objectives is distributed according to
such it is based on the general                four regional focuses:
architecture and principles defining
                                               Cross-border cooperation
the European cohesion policies as
outlined in relation to the ERDF (page         Transnational cooperation and
                                                maritime cooperation
18). Additionally, Interreg specifically
                                               Interregional cooperation
                                               Outermost regions cooperation
aims at:

Increasing the effectiveness of
  labour markets and facilitating              Against this backdrop, the
  access to quality employent                  geographical coverage is defined for
 Providing access to education,               each of the four categories and results
                                               in different programme areas.
  training and lifelong learning
 Improving the equal access to                Consequently, the programme is
                                               administered on the national or
  affordable, sustainable and quality
  healthcare services                          regional level depending on the
 Enhancing the effectiveness and              composition and location of each
  resilience of healthcare systems             Interreg area. Deriving from that, there
  Fostering social inclusion,                 can be significant differences among
  facilitating equal opportunities and         the regional priorities and objectives
  fighting poverty and discrimination          underlying the provision of financial

                   EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 26
WHAT'S IN IT FOR                         policies as well as the specific
                                         objectives of Interreg encompass
                                         aspects such as education, social
                                         inclusion and integration which are
As part of the cohesion policies,
                                         fundamentally linked with culture.
Interreg substantially aims at
                                         On the other hand, cultural projects
bridging the gap between Europe
                                         have clearly been part of the
and its citizens, most importantly
                                         previous programme, e.g. in terms of
through improving the social
                                         building transnational networks and
cohesion and quality of life in
                                         activities among cultural
urban, rural and coastal areas. Due
                                         stakeholders, facilitating intercultural
to the focus on the local level and
                                         exchanges, investing into cultural
its specific needs in the respective
                                         infrastructures, safeguarding cultural
programme area it is difficult to
                                         heritage or strengthening cross-
make a general statement about the
                                         border media services. Therefore, it
role of culture in this funding
                                         is very likely that similar activities
instrument. However, several
                                         with the cultural and creative sector
factors contribute to assuming that
                                         are eligible according to the new
the cultural and creative sector is
                                         Interreg guidelines 2021-2027.
active and relevant in this context.
                                         More information here.
On the one hand, the general
priorities of the EU’s cohesion

                 EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 27
           budget                  9.4 bn €

            target group           public and private sector

                                   to facilitate investments and to contribute to Europe's
            objectives             competitiveness

InvestEU unites various former EU              Throughout these priorities, InvestEU
financial instruments and is the EU’s          mainly addresses SMEs and mid-cap
main support programme for boosting            companies including those based in
public and private investments. Thus,          the cultural and creative sector,
it provides essential support to all           media, journalism and the audio-
sizes of companies and guarantees              visual sector.
that their investments contribute to the
current EU’s policy priorities such as         WHAT'S IN IT FOR CULTURE?
the European Green Deal and
digitisation. Against this backdrop, it        In terms of promoting activities and
has four general policy windows:               stakeholders from the cultural and
                                               creative sector, InvestEU offers
Sustainable infrastructures                   several opportunities, however with
Research, digitisation and                    strong emphasis on supporting
 innovation                                    companies and enterprises which
Social investment and skills                  makes it more accessible for the
SMEs                                          creative industries. Most importantly,
                                               support for SMEs and social
                                               investments and skills refer to the
                                               cultural and creative sector, yet there
                                               might prospectively be further
                                               opportunities in relation to the other
                   EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 28
In the field of social investment and Furthermore, the so-called Guarantee
skills,        INsupport
        financial  IT FOR aims CULTURE?
                               at     Facility for the Cultural and Creative
improving social infrastructures,     Sector which used to be part of
social inclusion, integration of      Creative Europe (2014-2020) will be
vulnerable groups as well as          part of InvestEU from 2021 onwards.
promoting education and training.     It aims at facilitating the access of
Here, cultural activities can play a  cultural and creative organizations to
crucial role in contributing to these bank loans and financial support.
goals.                                However, this depends on the
                                      individual Member States that have to
The support for SMEs aims at          make arrangements with their
improving the accessibility and       national banks. So far, only very few
availability of financial support for Member States have put it into
small and medium-sized enterprises    practice and it remains to be seen
which are often part of the cultural  how this will be implemented in the
and creative sector. Moreover,        future.
COSME which used to be an
independent programme from 2014-      More information here.
2020 supporting a wide range of
cultural and creative projects will
continue running under this umbrella.

                EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 29
    budget (NDICI)
           71.8 bn €

                                  external action regarding neighbouring countries and
           target group           other territories

                                  to strengthen cooperation with non-EU countries and to foster
            objectives            Europe's position in the world

The Neighbourhood, Development                   WHAT'S IN IT FOR CULTURE?
and International Cooperation
Instrument is an important tool to               The role of culture has lately
strengthen and modernise the EU’s                received increasing attention in the
external policies with the intention to          EU’s external relations and therefore
foster stability, peace, prosperity and          NDICI also supports actions with the
sustainable development and to                   cultural and creative sector and is
decrease poverty. The financial                  coherent with the logic behind
support to foster the dialogue and               Creative Europe. Most evidently,
cooperation with countries outside the           culture is addressed in three
EU is provided through the following             categories of the thematic pillar:
                                                 Human rights and democracy
The geographical pillar                         Civil society and peace
The thematic pillar                             Global challenges
The rapid response pillar

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 30
Cultural interventions are explicitly     migration. It is not clear though how
highlighted in the frame of global        concretely these additional mentions
challenges. On the one hand, this         of culture will result in support for
entails projects that promote cultural    cultural and creative cooperation
diversity and intercultural dialogue      with third countries.
in order to build and strengthen
                                          Besides, the geographical pillar
inter-community relations. On the
                                          might provide further opportunities
other hand, supporting cultural
                                          for cooperation with the cultural and
activities is underlined as important
                                          creative sector especially
contribution to sustainable social
                                          considering that it shall complement
and economic development.
                                          actions and priorities highlighted
Additionally, cultural heritage is
                                          under the thematic pillar. However,
another focus.
                                          as the respective regions and
Apart from this, cultural aspects are     countries have individual needs and
also relevant regarding other             funding focuses, this is yet to be
subthemes – both within the               known and can differ from region to
category global challenges and            region.
beyond – such as education, human
rights, gender equality and               More information here.

                  EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 31
Author: Marje Brütt

Published by:
Creative Europe Desk KULTUR
c/o Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V.
Weberstraße 59a, 53113 Bonn

Twitter: @CED_Kultur
Facebook: @CEDKULTURDeutschland
Youtube: Creative Europe Desk KULTUR

December 2020

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               EU FUNDING FOR CULTURE 2021-2027 - PAGE 32
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