EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism - Briefing of the first dialogue on 26 May 2021

Page created by Salvador Aguilar
EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism - Briefing of the first dialogue on 26 May 2021
EU-China Roundtable on
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Briefing of the first dialogue on 26 May 2021

Kevin Jianjun Tu                                222/01-DO-2021/EN
Dr. Oliver Sartor                                       June 2021
Run Zhang-Class
Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments                                                                  2

Key messages at a glance                                                         3

1   Background                                                                   4
    1.1   What is EU ETS and CBAM                                                4
    1.2 Contrasting reality                                                      5

2   Stances of key stakeholders                                                  7
    2.1 Rational of the EU                                                       7
    2.2 The Chinese perspective                                                  9
    2.3 The American perspective                                                 11
    2.4 The legal perspective                                                    12

3   Multilateralism is urgently needed                                           13

4   Conclusion                                                                   15

References                                                                       16

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism


The conclusion of this briefing report would not be       Matthias Buck, Sophie Wei, YANG Zhou, and col-
possible without the participation and input of all the   leagues at Shanghai Institutes for International
experts in the first dialogue of the EU-China             Studies – Prof. YANG Jian, Prof. YU Hongyuan, Dr.
Roundtable on CBAM on 26 May 2021. The authors            ZHU Yunjie, for their strong support of this project.
would like to express our sincere appreciation for
their frank and constructive discussion.                  We are also grateful for the contribution made by
                                                          Sarah Jackson, Craig Morris and ZHANG Weijie.
Special thanks also go to colleagues at Agora Ener-
giewende – Dr. Patrick Graichen, Jesse Scott,

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Dear reader,

The ambitious climate-neutral pledge of the Euro-            Chatham House Rule, key experts from the EU, China
pean Union (EU) means more stringent emission re-            and North America discussed the most pressing is-
duction measures and rising carbon price for indus-          sues surrounding the CBAM. This briefing report in-
trial and power facilities, which immediately raises         forms the international community, especially the
the question of the economic competitiveness of the          EU and Chinese stakeholders, regarding critical per-
bloc’s energy-intensive industries.                          spectives and take-home messages from the first di-
                                                             alogue, aiming to eliminate potential misunder-
On 10 March 2021, the European Parliament adopted            standing and explore internationally acceptable
a resolution on a Carbon Border Adjustment Mecha-            solutions on carbon pricing regimes. It also high-
nism (CBAM) to prevent carbon leakage. From the              lights some general suggestions on how major trad-
perspective of the rest of the world, the EU CBAM is         ing partners might approach the topic to minimize
expected to risk further trade friction between the          the risk of escalating existing trade conflicts.
EU and its trading partners, such as China and the
United States.                                               We hope you find the report useful and welcome
                                                             your feedback.
In this context, Agora Energiewende and Shanghai
Institutes for International Studies, a Chinese gov-         Sincerely yours,
ernment-affiliated high-caliber think tank, co-or-           Dr. Patrick Graichen
ganized the first dialogue of a series of the EU-China       Executive Director, Agora Energiewende
Roundtable on CBAM on 26 May. Under the

Key messages at a glance

          It is not only in the interest of the EU, China and the US, but also of other economies to negotiate an
          internationally acceptable set of principles and mechanisms to better manage the risks of carbon
    1     leakage and industry-trade interaction. A harmonized global carbon pricing mechanism is unlikely to
          happen any time soon, but major economies targeting industrial emissions should take the responsibi-
          lity of creating a fair and just environment for global trade and climate protection.

          To pursue the best outcome, continuous research and multilateral dialogue on pressing climate issues
   2      including CBAM are essential. Mutual understanding of CBAM-related strengths, weaknesses, opportuni-
          ties and threats may serve as a key building block in support of effective cooperation.

          If a politically plausible global solution is deemed impossible for the time being by jurisdictions with am-
          bitious climate policies, unilateral measures to address carbon leakage risks, such as the EU CBAM, are
   3      expected to become not only inevitable but also increasingly legitimate. However, trade frictions must
          still not be escalated if avoidable.

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

1        Background

1.1 What is EU ETS and CBAM

In 2005, the European Union (EU) established the                                   crisis. Before the launch of China’s National Emis-
world's first international Emissions Trading System                               sions Trading System (China ETS), 1 the EU ETS re-
(EU ETS) to tackle the looming danger of climate                                   mains the world’s largest carbon market. 2

     Table 1: Key features of EU ETS and China ETS

      Region                 EU                                                               China
      GHG emissions
                             3.61 GtC02eq                                                     14.09 GtCO2eq
      CO2 emissions
                             2.92 Gt                                                          10.17 Gt
      Emissions reduc-       At least 55 percent below 1990 GHG levels by 2030, cli-          CO2 emissions peaking before 2030, carbon neutrality
      tion target            mate neutrality by 2050                                          before 2060

                             27 EU Member States and three European Economic
                             Area-European Free Trade Association (EEA-EFTA)
      ETS jurisdiction                                                                        The People’s Republic of China
                             states, namely Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. It
                             has been linked to the Swiss ETS since January 2020

      GHG covered            CO2, N2O, PFCs                                                   CO2
      GHG emissions
                             39 percent                                                       About 40 percent
                             Power, industry incl. oil refining, coking, iron and steel,
                                                                                              Power is the first sector subject to national ETS, with
                             cement, glass, lime, bricks, ceramics, pulp, paper, and
                                                                                              iron and steel, building materials (especially cement),
                             cardboard, aviation, CCS installations, petrochemicals,
      Sectors                                                                                 petrochemical, chemical, nonferrous metals (especially
                             ammonia, nonferrous and ferrous metals, gypsum,
      covered                                                                                 aluminum), paper, and domestic civil aviation expected
                             aluminum, nitric, adipic, and glyoxylic acid, domestic
                                                                                              to be covered during China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (FYP)
                             aviation. Possible extension to maritime, buildings and
                                                                                              period or later
                             transport under discussion

      Entities               10,569 power plants and manufacturing installations,             2,245 entities with annual emissions of 26 KtCO2 in any
      covered                thresholds vary depending on sectors                             year over the period 2013-2019

                             Single EU-wide cap from 2013, with a linear annual re-
                             duction. 2021 cap 1.572 GtCO2eq, linear cap reduction            Bottom-up intensity-based aggregation mechanism,
                             factor 2.2 percent. 2030 cap for existing scope to be            with an estimated cap of over 4 GtCO2 for 2021
                             around 0.83 GtCO2eq (-65 percent vs. 1990)

                             Power sector 100 percent auctioning; other sectors:
      Allowances             free allocation + auctioning, free allocation given to           100 percent free allocation and considering auctioning
      allocation             “energy-intensive trade-exposed (EITE)” industries               in the future
                             based on best performance CO2 efficiency benchmarks

                                                                                              Not available yet.
                             Above 50 EUR since 6 May, anticipated avg. price for
                                                                                              By March 2021, the average carbon price of 8 pilot ETS
      Carbon price           2021 ~40 EUR/tCO2; anticipated price average of ca. 50-
                                                                                              stands at 23.8 yuan/tCO2 (or 3 EUR/tCO2). Anticipated
                             80 EUR/tCO2 between 2021-2030
                                                                                              avg. price ~12 EUR by 2030, ~20 EUR by 2050

     Source: China Carbon Forum (2020); Bloomberg, EC, EEA, Ember, ICAP, Ifri, OWID, Xinhua (2021)

    The official launch of China’s national ETS is scheduled for                   2
                                                                                       In this briefing, the term "carbon" includes all greenhouse gas
    June 2021, which seems to be further delayed at the writing                        (GHG) emissions released during production processes.
    of the report.

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Since its inception in 2005, a key challenge for the                  resolution on an EU CBAM by 440 to 70. The Euro-
EU ETS has been how to combine meaningful incen-                      pean Commission plans to publish a legislative pro-
tives for emissions reductions (via high carbon                       posal on a concrete CBAM design for debate with the
prices) while avoiding the risk that regulated com-                   European Council and Parliament on 14 July 2021.
panies may simply shift production and emissions
offshore - a phenomenon known as “carbon leakage”.                    However, in the absence of a clear understanding of
                                                                      the intent, impacts and design of the CBAM, and in a
For the past 15 years, under the EU ETS, carbon leak-                 context of rising trade tensions, there are increasing
age risks have been managed by offering close to 100                  concerns in other parts of the world – as shown by
percent free allocation of ETS emissions allowances                   the critical statements of certain countries to date,
to selected EITE sectors deemed at risk, notably steel,               including Russia, Brazil, South Africa, India, and
aluminum, cement and clinker, and basic chemicals                     China (BASIC or BRICS) among others. 4
sectors. However, under the EU’s recently upgraded
climate targets, emissions in the EU ETS will need to
fall by 65 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. Due to                  1.2 Contrasting reality
the linear reduction of the allowance cap, the total
allowances available for free allocation will, from                   According to the recently leaked draft of the legisla-
around 2028 onwards, begin to go below the levels                     tive proposal, the EU CBAM would focus on limited
needed to address carbon leakage risks. At the same                   industrial sectors – iron and steel, cement and
time, EU carbon prices rose to unprecedented levels                   clinker, fertilizer, aluminum, and electricity. Take
beyond 50 EUR/tCO2 in May 2021, compared to av-                       the EU’s largest trading partner China as an example.
erage levels of 5-10 EUR/tCO2 during the previous                     In 2020, the EU imported goods worth 383.4 billion
decade.                                                               EUR from China, representing about 15.1 percent of
                                                                      China’s total exports and 22.4 percent of the EU’s to-
Thus, in December 2019, the European Commission                       tal imports. For now, there is no trading of electricity
adopted its Communication on the European Green                       between China and the EU; the rest of the CBAM-
Deal, 3 and introduced the idea of a new anti-carbon                  targeted basic material products altogether account
leakage system: a CBAM for selected sectors. In                       for about 3 percent (Figure 1.2) of the total value of
principle, an EU CBAM would gradually replace the                     goods imported from China, with about three quar-
need for free allowances in two ways. First, it would                 ters for iron and steel, and near one quarter for alu-
gradually remove the use of free allowances by                        minum. 5
shifting to auctioning for industrial installations.
Second, it would seek to level the playing field with                 Though placing a carbon price on this selected list of
imports by placing an equivalent carbon price on                      products may have a relatively modest impact com-
imports of the same regulated goods under the ETS.                    pared with the EU’s international trading volume,
                                                                      opposition still exists. One reason may be an insuffi-
The legislative train has departed. On 10 March                       cient level of trust, understanding and dialogues be-
2021, the European Parliament adopted the                             tween the EU and its trading partners so far. But

    European Green Deal: an action plan to boost the efficient use    4
                                                                          MOFA (2021)
    of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy and re-
    store biodiversity in the EU. It outlines investments needed,     5
                                                                          3 percent according to China Customs, 5 percent according to
    financing tools available, and guidelines for a just, inclusive       Wu (2021).

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

perhaps even more importantly, non-EU countries           key trading partners, including China and the US, to
fear that the EU CBAM could possibly lead to a kind       consider helping to negotiate a global climate deal.
of a domino effect: even if the EU CBAM is imple-
mented without protectionism as the main goal, it         In fact, there may be several reasons to cooperate.
could result in more economies implementing their         First, the EU will not be the only region facing the
protectionist measures under the disguise of climate      challenge of trying to decarbonize EITE industries.
protection. For export-oriented economies (e.g.,          With more ambitious climate targets pledged by an
China) with not only global green trade aspirations       increasingly higher number of jurisdictions and fur-
but also embedded carbon content in existing com-         ther upgrading and adoption of carbon pricing re-
modities, the CBAM is thus perceived as a trigger of      gimes across the globe, rising concern over carbon
potential threat to national strategic interests.         leakage and a loss of economic competitiveness of
                                                          EITE sectors is expected to become policy-relevant
     Figure 1: Potential impact of EU-CBAM on             for more economies over time.
     China’s exports
                                                          Second, major economies like the EU, US and China
                                                          will likely pursue different kinds of policies to sup-
                                                          port the decarbonization of energy-intensive indus-
                                                          tries – whether they are carbon pricing in the EU,
                                                          leading market or regulatory policies in the US, or by
                                                          leveraging the power of state-owned enterprises
                                                          (SOEs) in a hybrid economy 6 like China. Therefore, it
                                                          is necessary for major economies with relatively
                                                          stringent climate policies to proactively cooperate
                                                          and seek long-term solutions that can define the
                                                          new rules of the game and avoid weaponizing indus-
     Source: GACC (2021)                                  try decarbonization efforts.

Against the backdrop of rising trade tensions and         The unilateral introduction of the EU CBAM comes
growing discourse on economic nationalism, the EU         at a sensitive but also crucial juncture of history –
CBAM thus unsurprisingly meets with distrust. A           before the forthcoming COP26 in November 2021. It
worst-case scenario is that the CBAM would further        will be the first COP since the inception of the
exacerbate global trade tensions and risk undermin-       COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and the beginning of
ing multilateralism on global climate cooperation.        the world’s net-zero wave, where countries are ex-
                                                          pected to discuss common challenges such as green
By comparison, from an EU perspective, the rising         recovery, sustainable growth, decarbonization, and
risk of carbon leakage and potential loss of its do-      just transition. The CBAM and its alternative solu-
mestic product competitiveness due to increasingly        tions are expected to stir an already challenging in-
higher carbon pricing level make it imperative for        ternational debate.
the EU to look for a solution. In this regard, the EU’s
unilateral attempt to move its climate agenda for-        Despite the EU CBAM’s intention of preventing car-
ward with the CBAM is expected to pressurize its          bon leakage, questions remain about whether a
                                                          CBAM is a panacea for EITE industries. Some

    Columbia University SIPA (2020)

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

sectors, such as chemicals, are considered too com-      only the EU and the United Kingdom (UK) impose
plex to be manageable administratively under a           such high carbon prices on EITE industries.
CBAM at present. Another risk of certain possible
CBAM designs is “resource shuffling”: a country          To avoid potential carbon leakage and lose economic
might shift exports of clean products to jurisdictions   competitiveness due to higher climate policy ambi-
with relatively stringent climate policies and dis-      tion, the EU believes a CBAM compatible with World
patch emission-intensive products for either do-         Trade Organization (WTO) rules that does not dis-
mestic consumption or countries with relatively          criminate against specific countries is justified.
weak climate regulation. This risk is particularly a
concern for electro-intensive processes, where a         The core argument from the European Commission
change of power supply contracts is perceived as         in relation to the CBAM is that it is simply trying to
relatively easy. For this reason, some EU stakehold-     replace one anti-carbon leakage policy (free allow-
ers have called for indirect emissions to be excluded    ances) with another (CBAM). It is not trying to dis-
from the CBAM until the EU power market has de-          criminate against foreign products, as evidenced by
carbonized sufficiently to avoid leakage risks.          its continual commitment to ensure the mechanism
                                                         is WTO-compliant.

2       Stances of key stakeholders                      Take the EU’s steel imports as an example (Figure 2).
                                                         The sector currently receives a free allocation of
                                                         emissions allowances, and thus remains competitive
2.1     Rational of the EU                               with imported steel without a carbon price. Under
                                                         the CBAM + auctioning proposal, the EU would see
The EU now imposes carbon prices on its own do-          its own steel producers begin to pay for their allow-
mestically traded industries at a level unmatched        ances. To level the playing field, imported steel would
anywhere in the world. With carbon price in the EU       need to face an equivalent CO2 price.
exceeding the landmark 50 EUR/tCO2 in May 2021,

    Figure 2: A WTO-compatible EU CBAM design

    Source: Agora Energiewende (2021)

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Under the current draft proposal, the EU steel indus-                 economy, such as the EU, the only way to ultimately
try would be entitled to neither export rebates nor                   make climate neutrality and recycled basic materials
free allocation for export. However, this issue re-                   like steel, aluminum and cement competitive is to
mains a point of contention between industry and                      raise the production costs of high-carbon alterna-
the European Commission.                                              tives. From this perspective, the CBAM is a critical
                                                                      allocation of ETS allowances for EITE industries, thus
From the perspective of experts on industrial decar-                  raising the competitiveness of low-carbon and cir-
bonization policy, the CBAM is seen as a necessary                    cular materials since the CBAM enables the EU to
tool for the sake of the EU’s domestic transition to                  phase out free allowances.
climate-neutral industry. In a market-based

  Figure 3: Low-carbon and circular technologies for carbon-intensive materials production are not
  competitive unless prices for conventional products rise due to carbon costs

  Source: Material Economics (2019). Industrial Transformation 2050

Of course, like all complex policy proposals, the                     demonstrate the complexities within the EU when it
CBAM proposal has been seen by different EU actors                    comes to agreeing on a common vision of the final
as an opportunity to pursue different aims. For ex-                   instrument. The EU might struggle to clarify its nar-
ample, while the European Commission seeks to                         rative to its trading partners or be pushed by political
make the instrument a tool to address carbon leak-                    interest groups in some cases to adopt a CBAM that
age, some EU member states also want to use the                       does not completely address foreign and legal con-
revenue to repay COVID-19 pandemic recovery bor-                      cerns.
rowing. Similarly, certain industries and their allies
in the EU parliament would like to add the CBAM to                    The exact design of the proposed EU CBAM is not yet
free allocation in order to provide greater protection                known. Despite a leaked draft in June of 2021, the fi-
from carbon leakage than provided in the past. One                    nal proposal would only be put forth on 14 July. Ac-
EU member state (France) is also trying to leverage                   cording to the leaked draft, if the legislative proposal
the CBAM for its own domestic political narrative.                    is adopted, a transitional “implementation” period is
While such aims are not necessarily beneficial to-                    intended to last from January 2023 until at least the
ward justifying the EU CBAM, they nevertheless                        end of 2025. In practice, this transition period could

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

be much longer given all the complexities. For in-         undercut its own efforts domestically via the phe-
stance, because of concerns from domestic industry,        nomenon of carbon leakage.
the EU may opt to implement the CBAM very slowly,
by implementing a gradual phase-in of the CBAM
and simultaneously phasing out the free allocation         2.2 The Chinese perspective
during the period of 2023/24-2028/29. In addition,
a prolonged transition period would be beneficial for      As the world’s largest exporting country, China is
continuous international discussion and negotiation        naturally concerned about any unilateral move by its
to ensure that the EU CBAM is not only WTO-com-            trading partner that may negatively affect the eco-
patible but also acceptable to the EU’s trading part-      nomic competitiveness of Chinese products and ser-
ners.                                                      vices in the international market. China exports
                                                           more manufactured goods and services to the EU
The likely design of the EU CBAM as a complemen-           than any other country. Not surprisingly, the unilat-
tary tool for the EU ETS would promote carbon-effi-        eral introduction of the EU CBAM, without sufficient
cient products domestically and worldwide. The rev-        clarity on how it would operate or which products it
enue generated would cover the costs of the                would cover, has thus raised concerns among Chi-
operation and maintenance of the CBAM Authority,           nese stakeholders.
with the remainder paid to the EU budget. However,
there have been discussions on using the revenue to        Nevertheless, because of preoccupation of more
support the least-developed countries (LDCs) and           pressing issues (especially the US-China trade war,
provide exemptions for them; those articles are yet        coronavirus control, the introduction of national
to be negotiated. A key issue for the EU legislative       ETS, the preparation of the 14th FYP at the sectorial
process must be to ensure that key concerns of cer-        level against the backdrop of Chinese President Xi
tain groups in third countries, such as LDCs, are ad-      Jinping’s pledge of peaking national carbon emis-
dressed adequately in the proposal.                        sions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality
                                                           before 2060), Chinese decision-makers and climate
The EU is of course aware that certain countries may       as well as trade experts alike only started to pay ris-
complain that Europe’s CBAM is somehow contra-             ing attention to the EU CBAM recently, when ex-
dictory to the principle of Common But Differenti-         change with EU stakeholders is ramping up. 7
ated Responsibility (CBDR) or the idea of Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris            Despite being open to dialogue, Chinese stakeholders
Agreement. On the other hand, the EU argues that the       widely hold a rather negative perception of the EU
CBAM is essential for the EU to implement its own          CBAM as a carbon tariff to protect selected European
obligations and raise its own NDC under the Paris          sectors. Regardless of the initial coverage of the EU
Agreement, i.e., to pursue its highest possible level of   CBAM, the competitiveness of targeted Chinese
climate ambition – something which could not be            products in the EU market is expected to be nega-
achieved if carbon leakage were allowed to occur.          tively affected, especially in the short-term if the
The EU is therefore not necessarily requiring that all     CBAM is introduced quickly, giving little time for
countries adopt the same level of climate ambition,        Chinese exporters to adjust and “green” their pro-
but rather that countries simply not be allowed            duction processes. To make matters worse, the per-
                                                           ceived lack of dedicated official exchange between
                                                           the EU and China so far has been translated into a

    KAS (2021)

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

rather negative initial reaction towards the EU             is indeed not implementing the CBAM for the pur-
CBAM among key Chinese stakeholders, as evi-                pose of trade protectionism, the perceived lack of
denced by the nuanced concern expressed by Chi-             consultation to date between the EU and its major
nese President Xi during his video conference call          trading partners may still trigger every party to re-
with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French             solve climate challenge through unilateral measures,
President Emmanuel Macron in April 2021. 8                  further undermining already thin trust among the
                                                            parties and risking a cascading global trade war.
Since the EU CBAM is still at the early development
stage, China’s stance is not necessarily fixed, espe-       Last but not least, though China is likely to continu-
cially given Beijing’s other political considerations       ously voice concerns over the EU CBAM in the near
regarding its relationship with Brussels. Even so,          future, the country’s ultimate stance will largely de-
three major concerns among Chinese stakeholders             pend on the success of its own carbon pricing regime
are worth mentioning.                                       in general and its potential recognition by the EU in
First, though China ranks as the world’s second-
largest economy, its GDP per capita is only at ap-          Since 2011, China has initiated pilot ETS schemes in
proximately 15 to 30 percent of advanced econo-             eight provinces and municipalities, with a cumula-
mies; thus Beijing still considers itself part of the de-   tive average carbon price of around 3 EUR/tCO2 by
veloping country bloc. Consequently, China’s phased         March 2021. After a prolonged delay, the trading of
climate pledge is arguably a bold move away from a          China’s national ETS allowances is further postponed
typical major developing country (e.g., India) reluc-       beyond June 2021. While the system’s initially
tant to make ambitious climate commitment towards           planned scope also included iron and steel, petro-
that of a typical advanced economy (e.g., Germany)          chemical, chemical, building, paper, non-ferrous
with an outright climate-neutral goal by 2050. From         metals and civil aviation, it has first been limited to
the perspective of both the Chinese government and          power due to data-quality constraints. 9
industry, it would be unfair for China as a not yet
advanced economy to contribute equally as EU                Depending on the rigidity of the EU CBAM, it could
countries that have long entered the post-industrial        either encourage China to further expand coverage
era, citing the principle of CBDR.                          of its national ETS to sectors targeted by the EU
                                                            CBAM, in case such a move may be well received by
In this regard, the EU CBAM is sometimes regarded           the EU (e.g., CBAM-exempt), especially during the
by Chinese stakeholders to be incompatible with the         first several years of its introduction. Otherwise, po-
spirit of the Paris Agreement because it is perceived       tential CBAM-initiated trade frictions might not
as intending to force non-EU countries to upgrade           only complicate already strained EU-China rela-
their NDCs, which should be voluntary by definition.        tions, but also risk undermining climate momentum
                                                            in both China and the EU, 10 at least under the worst-
Secondly, the unilateral introduction of the EU             case scenario of a full-blown CBAM-stirred trade
CBAM risks severely undermining hard-won multi-             war.
lateral cooperation that is key for the conclusion and
continuation of the Paris Agreement. Even if the EU

    Politico (2021)                                         10
                                                                 KAS (2021)

    Ifri (2021)

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

To address these concerns, China should seize the          industry from foreign competition once a carbon
time window before the EU CBAM transition period           price is implemented. 11
starting from 2023 to proactively conduct rigorous
research, effective bilateral or multilateral dialogues,   Following repeated pledges, including commitment
formulate coping strategies, and explore a coopera-        during Biden’s presidential campaign and, most re-
tive rule-setting process. Of course, any alternative      cently, the US trade policy agenda, the future of an
global solution will depend on good intentions from        American CBAM is still far from certain. 12 Above all,
not only China but also the EU and other major econ-       a legally sound CBAM is inconceivable without an
omies, especially the US. The prospect of such an op-      economy-wide carbon pricing mechanism, which is
timistic outcome is deemed rather slim in the era of       politically challenging in the US Congress. Mean-
big power rivalry.                                         while, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI),
                                                           now covering 11 states, California’s Cap-and-Trade
Chinese scholars believe that the CBAM should be           Program and the Massachusetts Limits on Emissions
implemented under the multilateral framework of            from Electricity Generators have been gradually
the United Nations and that the right of developing        built up since 2009. However, there has been no plan
countries to equitable development should be em-           for a federal carbon market. During the Biden presi-
phasized. The CBAM is deemed a manifestation of            dency, regulations that impose carbon costs on the
the EU's "invisible carbon barrier" and a tool of trade    industries that the CBAM would generally cover
protectionism, which fails to fully adhere to the          during the Biden presidency is also unlikely.
CBDR principle, the Paris Agreement and the WTO
multilateral trade framework. It may harm the de-          The Biden Administration is focusing on the Clean
veloping country bloc in addressing climate change         Electricity Standard to decarbonize the power sector
while growing a green economy. The EU, they argue,         by 2035 and currently not targeting emissions from
should avoid adopting a unilateralist CBAM and             industrial sources. However, it is moving forward on
transferring the burden of climate mitigation to de-       meeting the climate challenges while rebuilding in-
veloping countries.                                        frastructure after decades of underinvestment. Cor-
                                                           respondingly, provisions on procurement strategies,
                                                           such as standards on materials for infrastructure
2.3 The American perspective                               projects, could provide a policy basis for future in-
                                                           dustrial decarbonization and carbon pricing devel-
The EU, China and the United States (US) account for       opment.
nearly 60 percent of the world’s GDP, and over half
of global carbon emissions. Given the complicated          Like Trump’s excuse of national security to impose
nature of trilateral relations among these economies,      tariffs on steel (25 percent) and aluminum (10 per-
any meaningful EU-China dialogue on the CBAM               cent) imports, the worst-case scenario for the Biden
cannot afford overlooking the American perspective.        Administration to introduce the CBAM would be via
                                                           an Executive Order, as Section 232 of the Trade Ex-
Since the late 2000s, the CBAM agenda has been             pansion Act of 1962 gives the American President
embedded in a series of proposals for federal emis-        the authority to “adjust the imports” of any product
sions trading and carbon tax systems in the US, as         that “threatens to impair the national security” of
the CBAM has typically been viewed in the US as a          America.
useful policy instrument for protecting domestic

     Bruegel (2021)                                        12
                                                                Reuters (2021)

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Given the significant ramifications of such a politi-            specific products. Thus, a CBAM can mirror ETS
cally controversial move, it is unlikely that the Biden          and carbon taxes.
Administration would take such unilateral action.
Above all, several studies have indicated that            → Environmental exceptions under the GATT: Arti-
Trump’s “America First” tariffs adversely affected US       cle XX lists the exceptions that allow contracting
GDP and Republican candidates in elections. 13 The          parties to override the principles mentioned
recent joint US-EU Statement on addressing global           above, such as “necessary for the protection of
steel and aluminum excess capacity and the US-              human, animal or plant life or health” and “neces-
China Joint Statement Addressing the Climate Crisis         sary for the conservation of exhaustible natural
have also sent a somewhat positive signal that the          resources,” under an overarching condition of
Biden Administration seems to be more interested in         non-justifiable or arbitrary discrimination.
keeping climate change as an issue of international
collaboration instead of big power rivalry.               → The SCM Agreement prohibits any subsidies that
                                                            are conditioned on the export of goods; it there-
                                                            fore may limit the ability to apply the EU CBAM
2.4 The legal perspective                                   to exports. Because the Agreement is separate
                                                            from the GATT, environmental exceptions do not
The EU not only developed the world's first interna-        apply. If the EU CBAM might accompany the EU
tional ETS but is also introducing the first CBAM.          ETS, export rebates would very likely be consid-
There is thus no precedent to assess the legality of        ered prohibited export subsidies, as there is no
the EU CBAM – primary its WTO compatibility. The            provision in WTO law for border rebates of regu-
answers would have to be largely based on existing          latory costs. 14
international trade agreements: non-discrimination
obligations, environmental exceptions under the           → Other crucial legal criteria (necessity, fairness,
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),              transparency, predictability, etc.) have raised
subsidy law under the Agreement on Subsidies and            further questions: What justification should the
Countervailing Measures (SCM), and the ways in              EU provide for the CBAM? How can it be scien-
which certain provisions have been interpreted in           tifically tested? How might the EU support LDCs
other cases.                                                to increase their climate ambitions? How might
                                                            exporters challenge the evaluation of carbon in-
Critical principles for assessing the legality of a         tensity at the EU border? Ideally, these questions
CBAM design include:                                        should be appropriately addressed in the design
                                                            phase, in close cooperation with the EU’s major
→ Non-discrimination obligation / no less-favora-           trading partners.
  ble treatment under the GATT: Several articles
  prohibit differential trade treatment to similar        The application of CBDR and the quantification of
  products of different origins as well as differen-      non-price-based carbon reduction policy have been
  tial regulatory and fiscal treatment between do-        two of the major counterarguments against the EU’s
  mestic and imported products. But they also al-         unilateral introduction of the CBAM. CBDR and Re-
  low for charges at the border, which are                spective Capabilities under the 1992 United Nations
  equivalent to a domestic tax directly levied on         Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN-
                                                          FCCC) have acknowledged that countries’ different

     NBER (2019), AEA (2019)                              14
                                                               Cosbey et al. (2019)

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

capacities and development levels affect mitigation        the necessary dialogue between trading partners.
capability. The initial intention of the principle was     The EU CBAM has the potential to become a benefi-
to promote agreement on the international legal            cial regional initiative to move the global climate
framework for climate policy; it has unfortunately         agenda on the industry-trade nexus forward. How-
become a stumbling block for such a purpose. While         ever, an ill-designed and poorly communicated EU
the global distribution of greenhouse gas emissions        CBAM coupled with a tit-for-tat mentality in other
by country has undergone drastic changes since the         parts of the world will inevitably lead to climate-
1990s, how this anachronic principle may be ad-            damaging trade frictions.
justed to better reflect the climate reality of the 21st
century will test the political wisdom of the interna-
tional community, especially in major carbon-emit-         3    Multilateralism is urgently needed
ting economies including the EU, China, and the US.
                                                           The recently leaked EU CBAM draft is a timely test of
Countries with an ambitious, pursued climate               the initial reaction within the EU and its trading
agenda expect national exemptions in the CBAM de-          partners, which allows key stakeholders to weigh the
sign. However, it would be methodologically chal-          pros and cons. Their feedback will hopefully influ-
lenging to translate all the regulations into an equiv-    ence the legislative proposal. Two years of a rela-
alent carbon price, not to mention legally                 tively long legislation process coupled with a three-
controversial under the GATT Article I (General            year transition phase could possibly prevent the EU
Most-Favored-Nation Treatment) and under the               CBAM from unfolding unproductively. The CBAM
Paris Agreement when involving any unilateral              transition phase might need to last longer than just
judgment and determination of other’s effort ade-          three years to address a range of domestic and inter-
quacy.                                                     national concerns surrounding the design and speed
                                                           of the phase-out of free allowances. Doing so could
As the picture of the EU CBAM becomes clearer, a           give further much-needed time to third countries for
growing number of questions are foreseen. Solutions        dialogue, negotiation and mutual adjustment.
such as an international agreement on low-carbon
requirements for energy-intensive products are also        As the EU CBAM is taking shape, the outcome of the
being discussed. Furthermore, the design of a WTO-         legislative process should not only depend on an ap-
compatible CBAM is not a silver bullet to resolve all      propriate design by the EU but also on reactions from
carbon leakage risks. On the other hand, achieving a       non-EU countries. In particular, lessons should be
common global agreement on carbon product stand-           drawn from the EU’s failure in the past to include
ards for key basic materials may be challenging in         aviation fully into the EU ETS. After the EU unilater-
the short term. Above all, such policies typically re-     ally issued a directive (2008/101/EC) on aviation
quire well-established reference technologies that         emissions that targets all airline operations to or
have been sufficiently demonstrated across the             from EU airports, strong opposition was voiced
globe. So far, such technologies remain only at the        across the globe. After both China and the U.S. for-
pilot project stage in leading countries.                  bade their carriers from obeying the directive and a
                                                           range of countries threatened trade retaliation, the
Nevertheless, a key question is whether the focus on       EU eventually withdrew the measure for interconti-
the CBAM can be leveraged into a broader global            nental flights.
agenda based on a more encompassing set of carbon-
leakage solutions defined in an inclusive and coop-        The EU has strived to clarify the environmental jus-
erative way and implemented appropriately, with            tification coupled with evidence in support of its

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

claim of carbon leakage risks in the context of the      to help third countries prepare to comply and trou-
EU’s higher climate ambition and rising carbon price.    bleshoot.
From a third-country perspective, however, several
of the mechanism’s design issues might still raise       China is supposed to be one of the first movers re-
concerns. These issues include:                          acting to the EU CBAM given its large trading vol-
                                                         ume worldwide. For the time being, however, China
→ The speed of roll-out of the CBAM must allow           appears less impacted by the (leaked) CBAM than
  time for adjustments and the development of data       countries in the EU’s immediate neighborhood like
  on the true emission values of low-carbon prod-        Russia, the UK and Turkey. It is reassuring that
  ucts, lest default benchmarks are used for carbon      China has shown a growing desire in research and
  imports to the EU.                                     dialogues on the EU CBAM to overcome the infor-
                                                         mation asymmetry disadvantage. Hopefully, China
→ Default benchmarks set for products where data         will eventually be motivated by the EU and other
  cannot be provided: Are they likely to discrimi-       like-minded jurisdictions to jointly explore an in-
  natory to products unable to provide necessary         ternationally acceptable mechanism or set of rules
  data on actual emissions by assuming a higher          that addresses rising concern over carbon leakage.
  CO2 content that is actually the case?
                                                         As being “tough on China” remains a bipartisan con-
→ Is the administrative burden on importers man-         sensus in Washington, a CBAM-initiated EU-China
  ageable or does it amount to de facto discrimina-      trade war is highly undesirable from the Chinese
  tion against importers due to unrealistic or ex-       perspective.
  cessive requirements?
                                                         To this end, China has an interest in arriving at a
→ What kind of foreign carbon pricing schemes al-        commonly agreed mechanism for addressing carbon
  low importers to the EU to deduct their carbon         leakage. But this could take a long time, given the
  charge under the CBAM?                                 different starting points of key countries and rele-
                                                         vant low-carbon technologies. In the short term,
→ Are EU CBAM revenues likely to be used for EU          China, the EU, the US and other export-oriented
  budgetary purposes, or will they be recycled to        economies may or may not have an interest in
  LDCs to support climate action and/or compli-          jointly developing and agreeing on clear rules to pro-
  ance with the mechanism?                               tect against carbon leakage in EITE sectors. Along-
                                                         side discussions on the EU CBAM design itself, a
→ What allowances are made to ensure the mecha-          process to agree on these new rules – perhaps
  nism is fair for LDCs – for instance, is time for      housed under the WTO – should nevertheless be
  adjustments given? Are revenues recycled there?        pursued.

It is therefore crucial that the EU policy-making        Another question concerns revenues allocation.
process seeks to take third-country views on these       China may consider formulating an export CBAM as
topics into account before the final CBAM mecha-         a backup measure to counter the forthcoming EU
nism is adopted. As the ETS-aviation experience has      CBAM. If appropriately designed and enforced,
shown, then the CBAM must not focus only on rec-         China may be able to keep CBAM-related revenues
onciling interests within the EU but also consider the   within its national border to promote domestic and
outside world. Consultation with third countries         international decarbonization initiatives. Of course,
could also be a good idea during the transition phase    if an international agreement on low-carbon

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

standards in EITE products is reached, the momen-        4        Conclusion
tum of China’s clean energy transition would be fur-
ther boosted.                                            To pursue the best outcome, continuous research and
                                                         multilateral dialogue on pressing climate issues in-
Though the impact of the EU CBAM on the American         cluding the CBAM, carbon leakage and the trade-in-
economy is rather limited, the reaction from the         dustry decarbonization nexus are essential. Mutual
Biden Administration is not necessarily straightfor-     understanding of the CBAM’s strengths, weaknesses,
ward. Given the difficulty of imposing an American       opportunities and threats may serve as a key build-
CBAM, it is essential for the EU to tread the water      ing block in support of effective cooperation and in-
carefully in order to avoid triggering the US to move    ternational exchange of perspectives, which remains
its own CBAM agenda towards trade protectionism.         insufficient for the EU CBAM legislative procedure
Doing so would likely raise Chinese and LDC opposi-      so far.
tion against both the US and the EU simultaneously,
even if the mechanisms were different in nature.         It is not only in the interest of the EU, China and the
                                                         US, but also in that of LDCs and indeed all other
Besides the EU, countries like Canada and Japan          economies to negotiate an internationally acceptable
have expressed their intention to explore the possi-     set of principles and mechanisms to better manage
bility of introducing their own CBAM. 15 In Canada,      the risks of carbon leakage and industry-trade in-
the government considers the CBAM as a comple-           teraction. This goal must be a high and urgent prior-
ment to its federally regulated ETS, covering 78         ity and begin in parallel to the EU’s development of
product standards in 35 sectors, which the CBAM          its own CBAM. The EU and China as well as the US,
would conceivably target. The carbon price in Can-       together accounting for nearly 60 percent of the
ada is currently around 25 USD/tCO2 and is expected      world’s GDP and more than half of global carbon
to rise sharply to around 140 USD/tCO2 by 2030,          emissions, should take the responsibility of creating
leading to rising concern over carbon leakage. 16        a fair and just environment for global trade and cli-
                                                         mate protection, aiming to incentivize the develop-
With the ongoing efforts by the EU’s major trading       ing country bloc including LDCs to voluntarily up-
partners on the option of a unilateral CBAM, coping      grade climate ambitions in their NDCs.
strategies, or exploring cooperative rule-setting
processes, the unfolding of the EU CBAM is expected      If a politically plausible global solution is deemed
to be rather turbulent, especially considering the in-   impossible for the time being by jurisdictions with
creasingly uncertain geopolitical landscape. To avoid    ambitious climate policies, unilateral measures to
the worst-case scenario of a full-blown trade war,       address carbon leakage risks, such as the EU CBAM,
major carbon-emitting economies are likely to be         will become not only inevitable but also increasingly
motivated by the EU to come to the negotiation table.    legitimate. However, trade frictions must still not be
The best outcome would be a multilateral and collab-     escalated if avoidable.
orative negotiation process that eventually leads to
an internationally acceptable mechanism to better        Above all, multilateralism is urgently needed to move
alleviate risks of carbon leakage from jurisdictions     the global climate agenda forward.
with increasingly ambitious climate policies.

     Nikkei (2021)                                       16
                                                              BBC (2021)

Agora Energiewende | EU-China Roundtable on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism


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