ESPORTS DISCUSSION An update on the esports market July 2021 - Aalto Capital

ESPORTS DISCUSSION An update on the esports market July 2021 - Aalto Capital
An update on the esports market
July 2021
ESPORTS DISCUSSION An update on the esports market July 2021 - Aalto Capital

                                 Esports Update
                                This report will give an update on the esports         Finally, the report will extend the analysis to
• The esports market is         market from our previous report in 2019. 2020          recent developments with esports organisations
  expected to reach $1.5bn      was an unprecedented year, in which most               and what makes them attractive to investors. Like
  by 2023 (Newzoo)              industries were affected in some way as a result of    most industries, the dominant players are seeing
                                COVID-19.                                              new entrants that threaten their position.
                                                                                       Focusing on the success in professional esports is
• The Asia Pacific region
                                The esports industry saw several developments          not enough to guarantee financial success.
  represents more than          during 2020. As lockdowns were implemented             Successful teams will need to find the right balance
  50% of the esports and        around the world, most forms of in-person              between being both an esports company and
  gaming audience (Juniper      entertainment were cancelled overnight. The            entertainment company. To find the right balance
  research)                     esports industry had a unique advantage over           and to manage multiple revenue streams and
                                traditional sports, and there was an evident cross-    monetise their audiences, esports organisations
                                over between the two sectors.                          will become better organised and adopt a more
• Latin America may also                                                               professional approach to managing their
  become a key region for       The report will also give an overview of the           businesses.
  growth. It is projected to    different investors that are involved in the esports
                                ecosystem and the reasoning for investing. The
  produce over 130 million
                                esports industry has historically attracted
  esports      and     game     attention from high net worth investors. We are
  streaming viewers by          now seeing an uptick in in the number of
  2025 (Juniper Research)       institutional funds who wish to gain exposure to
                                the esports industry. With the increase in capital
                                allocated to esports, it is a matter of time before
• Emerging regions and          an esports team reaches unicorn status.
  markets are projected to
  maintain       double-digit
  growth beginning 2021.
  This will be driven by the
  popularity    of    mobile
  gaming in Latin America,
  Asia, the Middle East, and
  Africa (Newzoo)
ESPORTS DISCUSSION An update on the esports market July 2021 - Aalto Capital
                         Global Gamers (billion)                                      2021 esport Audience
    Global Gamers (bn)

                                                                                                 Total viewers
                                                                   Occasional                                                     esports

                                                                                               474   million
                                                                                                                          51    Enthusiasts


          Figure 1 - Source newzoo                                Figure 2 - Source newzoo

                                         esports industry demonstrates its resilience
                                        Since our last esports report, the market has         Although in 2020 the global esports audience was
• esports enthusiasts are               continued to go from strength to strength. 2020       close to 500 million according to research by
  classified as watching                was a year that no one could have predicted, and      Newzoo and is expected to grow to 1 billion by
  professional     esports              it had far-reaching impact on most industries.        2025, the gaming market is considerably larger
  content more than once a              Overnight, in-person entertainment stood still due    with the number of global gamers in 2020
                                        to lockdowns implemented across the world. The        estimated to be 2.78 billion (growing to 3.19
  month                                 esports gaming market however saw a positive          billion in 2023), a huge market for traditional
                                        impact due to the online nature of the industry.      sports, fashion, music and other entertainment
• Occasional viewers are                However, initially professional tournaments were      genres to tap into.
  classified as watching                suspended as contestants could no longer travel
                                        to tournaments and compete with the same              Traditional sports and sports personalities getting
  professional      esports
                                        connectivity. The industry did however show its       involved in some way with gaming is not a new
  content less than once a              resilience and by adapting to the changing            phenomenon. Our last report touched on FaZe
  month                                 landscape. Blizzard Entertainment, one of the         Clan signing up Juju Smith-Schuster, a wide
                                        world's biggest game publishers, worked on plans      receiver from The Pittsburgh Steelers. What has
• In 2019, over 15% of                  to allow some of their leagues to go ahead online     changed due to COVID is the increase in sports
                                        and to make sure there was no delay for               stars getting involved which is a natural
  millennials    watched
                                        participants as well as observers and                 progression as many sports stars have grown up
  esports on a monthly                  commentators. As the nature of esports is digital,    with gaming as a part of their lives. They now see
  basis (Newzoo)                        most of the infrastructure was already cloud-         it as a way of communicating with their fans by
                                        based.                                                creating their own streaming profiles where fans
                                                                                              can watch or even play alongside them. This
                                        Another development during COVID was that             theme will likely continue and grow long after
• In 2020, 33% of millennials           traditional sports leagues such as the NBA and        COVID lockdowns.
  watched esports on a                  Formula 1 used gaming to connect with their
  monthly basis (Newzoo)                audiences. Traditional sports teams have              More recently, to show how far the esports
                                        historically shown interest in esports with several   industry has come, FaZe Clan was featured on the
                                        NBA teams having invested in League of Legends        cover of Sports Illustrated. There is no denying
• By 2025, the number of
                                        teams. However, during COVID, traditional sports      that companies like FaZe Clan are defying the old
  esports viewers will reach            leagues turned to virtual competitions to keep        pop culture stereotypes of gamers.
  1     billion    (Juniper             fans, media and sponsors engaged in order to
  Research)                             supplement lost revenue.

ESPORTS DISCUSSION An update on the esports market July 2021 - Aalto Capital
                                                                    Fundraising in esports
                               $1,200                                                                                                                    70

                                                                                                                                                              Number of Transactions
   Value of Transactions (m)

                               $1,000                                                                                                                    60
                                $200                                                                                                                     10
                                  $0                                                                                                                     0
                                        2019 Q1   2019 Q2        2019 Q3       2019 Q4        2020 Q1        2020 Q2      2020 Q3        2020 Q4
                                                       Value of Transactions (m)                           Number of Transaction
            Figure 3 - Source: Quantum Proprietary Research

                                                          Broadening investor interest
                                                        The esports market is fragmented. Many                There has also been increased interest from the
• The estimated value of                                investments in esports over the years have            owners of traditional sports teams. Jeff Vinik,
  the     global    esports                             been made from the fear of missing out rather         owner of the Tampa Bay Lightning, Peter Guber,
  industry in 2020 was                                  than than by informed investment decisions.           co-owner of the Golden State Warriors, and Ted
  $947.1 million (Newzoo)                               This theme has been changing in recent years,         Leonsis, owner of NHL’s Washington Capitals,
                                                        with leading consultancy firms engaging with          formed Axiomatic. Axiomatic is an esports-
                                                        investment companies to understand the                focused investment company. Axiomatic holds a
• In 2021, global esports                               esports ecosystem. In 2020 esports companies          controlling stake in Team Liquid, which was
  revenues are expected to                              raised $2.3 billion over 200 transactions, up         recently valued as the third most valuable esports
  reach $1,084 million,                                 116% in value from $957 million in 123 deals in       organisation in 2020 at $310 million by Forbes.
                                                        2019.                                                 Jeff Vinik told Sporttechie, “We think bringing our
  representing a year-on                                                                                      experience      from    traditional  sports     and
  year growth of 14.5%                                  It is helpful to map out who the principal            entertainment worlds to the esports industry is
  (Newzoo)                                              backers are of esports and their reasoning for        very applicable.” Esports organisations leverage
                                                        getting involved in this market.                      their “on the field” esports performance with
                                                                                                              gaming and lifestyle content to communicate with
• The global esports market
                                                        The first broad category is traditional sports        their fans through social media in order to be
  combined with streaming                               teams. For example, Sporting Lisbon, FC               successful, with the majority of revenues coming
  is expected to be worth                               Schalke, Wolfsburg, and Manchester City have          from publishing through social media channels,
  $2.1 billion in 2021 and                              all got involved in esports to a varying degree.      brand deals, content and product licencing and
  more than $3.5 billion by                             The main reason is for these clubs to engage in       merchandising.     Traditional sports teams rely
                                                        esports is to try and reach a wider audience of       primarily on TV rights, ticket sales and
  2025. This represents a                                                                                     merchandising to be successful. Although there is
                                                        football fans. Traditional sports teams are
  70% growth in the next                                getting involved in completely unrelated              some overlap, combining teams from each
  four     years    (Juniper                            esports titles. The Golden State Warriors, the        industry should provide synergies; esports
  Research)                                             Houston Rockets and the Sacramento Kings              attracting online fans and revenues and traditional
                                                        have invested in League of Legends teams              sports bringing investment, management expertise
                                                        seeing this as a way to reach out to esports          and legitimacy.
                                                        fans and diversify their audience.

ESPORTS DISCUSSION An update on the esports market July 2021 - Aalto Capital

                                  Broadening investor interest (cont.)
                                One of the more interesting partnerships was         Other notable celebrity backers include Drake and
According    to   Foley    &    the US Air Force’s sponsorship of Cloud9’s           Will Smith, who have invested in 100 Thieves and
Lardner:                        Counter-Strike team. According to Major Ross         Gen.G, respectively. Both of these teams have
                                McKnight, head of the national events branch at      been ranked in the Top 10 most valuable esports
• 73% of stakeholders           the Air Force recruiting service, the Cloud9’s       companies by Forbes.
                                Counter-Strike team had the ”same level of
  believe the pandemic will     discipline, rigor, and achievement” that they        The last broad category of investors includes
  generate            more      value in members of the Air Force. More              venture capital and private equity firms. Given the
  investment      and  deal     recently, FTX Exchange, a cryptocurrency firm,       traction the esports ecosystem has seen in the
  activity in esports           announced signing a naming rights deal with US       previous few years, venture capital and private
                                professional esports organisation TSM for $210       equity companies have for the most part stayed
                                million. The deal will see TSM expand its            on the sidelines. A desire to take advantage of the
• Meanwhile, 49% expect         operations and enter new markets in South            growth in esports is changing this and has led to a
  traditional    professional   America and Asia under the name TSM FTX.             significant rise in the interest in esports. An
  sports teams, athletes        The key takeaway is that the esports market is       example is Artist Capital Management which
                                attracting a diverse set of corporate backers. It    raised $100 million to establish a fund to provide
  and celebrities to increase
                                seems beneficial for esports organisations to        its institutional investors with exposure to
  their    investment      in   have corporate backers who have experience in        different themes, one of which is esports, by
  esports in 2021               scaling up businesses and moving into new            investing in 100 Thieves. Hiro Capital launched a
                                markets.                                             $100 million fund to invest in innovators in the EU
• Additionally, 40% expect                                                           and UK’s video games, esports and digital sports
                                Another group of investors that have shown           ecosystem in the UK. The team behind Hiro
  increased       investment    interest in the esports industry are celebrities.    Capital have co-founded and invested over $9
  from venture capital and      These celebrities are likely to have less input in   billion in games, sports and technology companies.
  private equity firms          the day-to-day management of esports
                                organisations, but they bring in publicity and       Private equity and venture capital becoming
                                sponsorship opportunities to teams and brands.       involved in esports will create a host of
                                They will also help esports organisations            opportunities for the sector.
                                become more mainstream as more and more
                                “A-List” celebrities get involved in the industry.
                                In 2020, David Beckham, arguably one of the
                                most recognisable sports personalities in the
                                world, was announced as the co-owner of Guild
ESPORTS DISCUSSION An update on the esports market July 2021 - Aalto Capital
                                                 esports Teams by Prize Money ($m) & Social Media Followers
               30                                                                                                                                        40
               25                                                                                                                                        35
         Social Media Followers (m)


                                                                                                                                                               Prize Money ($m)
               15                                                                                                                                        20
               10                                                                                                                                        15
                  5                                                                                                                                      5
                  0                                                                                                                                      0










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                      YouTube                        Instagram                Twitter              Facebook            Twitch             Prize Money ($m)

              Figure 3 – As of June 2021

                                                            New team entrants challenging the more established teams
• As of January 2021, the top                              The graph above shows the top 10 most                  It could be said that LOUD’s success has been
  live streaming platforms in                              successful esports organisations regarding prize       similar to how FaZe Clan became successful. FaZe
  terms of the number of                                   money won and their social media following. FaZe       Clan enjoyed success in Call of Duty, a
  hours watched are Twitch                                 Clan and LOUD have also been included to show          mainstream game that is easy to follow. Most
  (1.6 billion hours), YouTube                             the evident disparity between social media             casual esports viewers and the broader global
                                                           following and prize money won. FaZe Clan is            gamer would have played Call of Duty at some
  (517 million hours), and
                                                           currently ranked 14th and LOUD ranked outside          stage. This made it relatively easy for FaZe to
  Facebook      Gaming      (280                           the top 200 in prize money. In our last report,        create a following as many gamers could relate to
  million     hours).   (Stream                            FaZe Clan was by far the most dominant esports         them.
  Hatchet)                                                 organisation in terms of social media following.
                                                           This is not the case anymore, as LOUD has seen a       In 2020, LOUD was the first esports organisation
• As of the latest data, 26.5                              meteoric rise in their online presence since being     to reach 1 billion YouTube views. Even more
  million visitors come to                                 founded in 2019.                                       impressive is that they achieved this within 16
  Twitch daily (TwitchTracker)                                                                                    months of starting their YouTube channel. FaZe
                                                           LOUD has positioned itself as a lifestyle brand.       Clan, considered to have the most prominent
                                                           Despite little success so far in tournament prize      social media presence, only reached 1 billion
• Current streaming statistics
                                                           money, it has created a vast social media following.   YouTube views in 2021, having existed for nearly
  show that Twitch controls                                LOUD has taken advantage of its founders’              10 years.
  around 72.2% share of the                                experience working as game developers,
  live gaming streaming market                             publishers, agencies and as content creators.          LOUD represents a success story within the
  (StreamElements)                                         According to Datareportal, in January 2021, the        esports space that existing and new entrants
                                                           number of social media users in Brazil was             should take note of. LOUD also focused on their
  2020 Global Smartphone                                   equivalent to 70.3% of the total population, one of    local Brazilian market first and formed
         Users (m)                                         the highest percentages worldwide. Brazilians          partnerships with celebrities with a social media
                                                           consume high levels of digital content, primarily      presence.
                          297                              through their mobile phones demonstrated by the
                                      325                  success of Free Fire, a mainstream mobile game
                                                           that, according to ActivePlayer, consistently has an
                                        540                average monthly player count of over 300 million.
   2,013                                                   In contrast, Dota 2, which has the highest all-time
                                                           prize money, has an average of 500,000 average
                                  443                      monthly players.

  North America                 Latin America
  Europe                        Middle Eas t
               Total Prize Number of Team        Evil                            Vici   Natus Team Invictus                  FaZe
  Game                                       OG        Fnatic Newbee                                                   LOUD Nordavind
               Money ($m) Tournaments Liquid    Genius                          Gaming Vincere Secret Gaming                 Clan
  Dota 2         231.86      1,496     Yes    Yes   Yes     Yes      Yes        Yes      Yes       Yes     Yes       Yes

  CS:GO          112.06      5,535     Yes    Yes   Yes     Yes      Yes                 Yes       Yes     Yes       Yes      Yes               Yes

 Fortnite        102.38       687      Yes                  Yes      Yes        Yes                Yes     Yes                Yes     Yes       Yes

 League of
                  83.19      2,528     Yes          Yes     Yes      Yes        Yes      Yes       Yes     Yes       Yes              Yes       Yes
StarCraft II      34.70      6,066     Yes          Yes     Yes      Yes        Yes      Yes       Yes               Yes

  PUBG            32.86       327      Yes          Yes     Yes      Yes                 Yes       Yes     Yes                Yes

Overwatch         26.75       747      Yes                  Yes                 Yes      Yes                         Yes      Yes

Hearthstone       24.56       914      Yes                  Yes      Yes        Yes      Yes       Yes               Yes                        Yes

 Arena of
                  24.09       62                                                         Yes
 Heroes of
                  18.19       475      Yes                  Yes      Yes        Yes                Yes
 the Storm
    Table 1

                                             Investment considerations and the consolidation game
                                         There are a number of esports organisations           sense for two successful teams like Team Liquid
 Despite COVID-19, Dota 2
                                         looking for investment. Those teams that              and Fnatic to merge as they participate in the
 surpassed the $40 million               consistently win tournaments, due to having a         same games. Most likely they will also have
 prize pool mark for the first           strong player roster, field teams in the most         overlap in their social media following which will
 time in 2020                            popular games and enjoy commercial success by         result in less synergies than if they competed in
                                         leveraging the online gaming community will be        different games. It would make more sense for a
                                         the most sort after by investors. The top games       successful team in terms of prize money to merge
 Up and coming esports                   by prize money are the best games to compete in       with a team that does not participate in the more
 team:                                   and are highly competitive with high barriers to      established games. Loud would be a great target
 • Nordavind is a Nowegian               entry for the younger less well capitalized           for a team like Team Liquid, Fnatic or Faze Clan.
    organisation established in          organisations; buying into a Call of Duty and         However smaller teams could also be good
                                         Overwatch franchise can cost between $25-$40m.        partners for the major esports teams. We have
    2011 as BX3 esports club                                                                   included Nordavind in the table above to
                                         Some teams have earned their way into these
    which rebranded on 9th               popular leagues through promotion, but it can be      demonstrate this. Nordavind is an up-and-coming
    February 2018            in          a lengthly process.                                   esports business from Norway which could give
    collaboration with the                                                                     an established US or UK team exposure to a new
                                         The franchise model in sport is successful in the     set of fans and a more progressive way of building
    Norwegian football club
                                         US demonstrated by leagues such as the the NFL        its social media following, thereby increasing its
    Vålerenga Fotball                    and MLS. The advantage of this model is that it       reach with little chance of overlap.
                                         removes any potential for relegation allowing a
 • Nordavind      aims      to           team to develop a fan base in their segmented         Whichever way teams decide to build their
   harmonize        traditional          market. We would expect US investors to prefer        businesses, they need to remember that being
                                         investing in esports companies that own franchise     successful in different games is only part of the
   Scandanavian         design                                                                 puzzle. They need to have an online presence in all
                                         spots, as they better understand their
   virtues     with      iconic          monetisation model, and will perceive it as a         forms of social media to reach and monetise their
   imagery and technological             lower-risk investment.                                fanbase. Once esports companies get to Series B
   shrewdness,            while                                                                investment and onwards, financial results become
                                         Another way of participating in the more              increasingly important in order to attract
   bridging the gap between
                                         established games would be through a merger           investment. The focus of Investors is not
   traditional and electronic            with another team participating in these games.       necessarily on profitability but on a team's ability
   sports                                When analysing which teams could merge, it's          to monetise their audience by diversifying its
                                         important to note that most games do not allow        revenue streams as well as being cash-efficient.
 • They compete in 8 games,              organisations to field two teams in the same
                                         league. Thus, on the face of it, it would not make
   4 of which are in the top
   10 all time prize money                                              7

                                  It could be said that 2020 was a defining year for    Successful esports organisations in prize money
• Whilst        esports      is   the esports ecosystem. Overall, esports and the       won have been identified, but these don’t
  continuing to grow bigger       wider gaming community were a shining light for       necessarily lead to a higher social media following.
  each year, physical sports      many people during lockdowns implemented              Teams need to have a healthy combination of the
  are still quite far ahead in    worldwide. It was a way for people to stay            two to be considered a dominant esports
                                  connected with one another. Another theme was         organisation. As the esports market is becoming
  revenue. The European
                                  the crossover between traditional sports and          more mainstream, investors are becoming more
  football       market      is   esports. With in-person events cancelled, sports      knowledgeable about the industry. This means
  estimated to be worth           such as basketball, football and Formula 1 had no     that as we advance, teams looking for investment
  £25.1 billion in 2020           alternative but to turn to esports to cushion their   will need to justify to investors their valuation.
  (Deloitte)                      losses. There was also an uptick in sports players    Ultimately, teams will need to have multiple
                                  themselves creating their own twitch accounts to      revenue streams and the ability to monetise their
                                  connect with their fans. All these developments       audience as they develop.
• Just like the streaming         will likely lead to higher growth in esports in the
  wars, media companies           future as the line between traditional sports and
  like Disney, Comcast and        esports is becoming more blurred.
  Netflix will compete for
  esports in the future. The
  CEO of Netflix even said
  that he’s more afraid of
  Fortnite than he is of
  Disney (Sportscasting)

Aalto Capital
                                                                                                                        Esports Discussion
                                                                                                                                 July 2021

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