ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology

Page created by Enrique Gonzalez
ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology
Issue 35 Winter 2017/18

ESE News
The newsletter of the European Society of Endocrinology
                                                          ISSN 2045-1563 (print)
                                                          ISSN 2045-1571 (online)

  Barcelona 2018:
  ECE welcomes you!
  Also in this issue
  Brexit: in your own words
  New ESE guideline for aggressive
  pituitary tumours
ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology

In this issue                                                                          Editorial
Society News                                                                                                                     I am warmed by the
                                                                                                                                 thought of travelling to
03 ECE 2018 welcomes you to Barcelona                                                                                            the Mediterranean coast
04 Other meeting reviews and news                                                                                                in May, to spend time with
                                                                                                                                 colleagues from around
                                                                                                                                 the world and catch up on
ESE Committees                                                                                                                   endocrinology. I hope you
05 EYES looks forward to ECE 2018, plus                                                                                         too are already making
    Gonadotrophins in Modena                                                                                                     plans to be at ECE 2018 in
                                                                                                                                 Barcelona, Spain.
13 Patient associations need your support
                                                                                                                                    This issue of ESE News reminds
                                                                                                                                    us of the wide breadth of our
Features                                                                                                                            discipline, which will all be on
                                                                                                                                    show at the Congress. Turn to
06 Brexit: in your own words                                                                                                        pages 8–9, where Programme
08 Sensational science at ECE 2018                                                   Organising Committee Chair Márta Korbonits and co-Chairs Barbara
                                                                                       Obermayer-Pietsch and Raúl Luque have picked out many highlights
10 A passion for endocrinology –                                                     for you. These include snapshots of the talks we will enjoy from three
   The Endo Explorer visits Córdoba, Spain                                             of our award lecturers: Christos Mantzoros (Geoffrey Harris Award),
                                                                                       Filip Knop (European Journal of Endocrinology Award) and Philippe
                                                                                       Chanson (Clinical Endocrinology Trust Award).
Editor’s Selection                                                                        Our colleagues in Spain have a reputation for excellence in
                                                                                       endocrinology. Their passion for our discipline is equally evident, as
12 New ESE guideline for aggressive                                                   Justo Castaño demonstrates in his ‘research tour of Córdoba’, on pages
    pituitary tumours                                                                  10–11. On page 14, we are proud to feature the impressive life’s work
                                                                                       of Gabriella Morreale de Escobar of Madrid, one of ESE’s first Honorary
                                                                                       Members. Her son, the endocrinologist Héctor Escobar-Morreale,
At the Back...                                                                         provides a personal and touching insight into her work. The University
                                                                                       of Santiago de Compostela is also a hive of activity. Here, translational
14 Love, respect and admiration: we salute the                                        endocrinologist Clara Alvarez lets us have a glimpse at a day in her
    work of Gabriella Morreale de Escobar                                              very busy life (page 15).
15 A day in the life of Clara Alvarez,                                                   On pages 12–13, we are reminded that ESE itself is also very busy
                                                                                       and productive, as Gérald Raverot examines the development of the
    translational endocrinologist                                                      Society’s new and valuable clinical guideline on aggressive pituitary
16 Endo Prize Puzzle, plus ESE diary dates                                             tumours. Also on page 13, Jérôme Bertherat encourages us to support
                                                                                       patient associations so that they, in turn, may support the exciting
                                                                                       new Endo-ERN – the European Reference Network for rare endocrine
This document is available on the ESE          Editor:                                    Brexit, the unfortunately painful process surrounding the UK’s
website,                  Wouter de Herder, The Netherlands
                                                                                       departure from the EU, rumbles on. This inevitably affects a number
     ESEndocrinology                                                                   of ESE members, and we are pleased to be able to give them space to
                                                                                       voice their thoughts (pages 6–7). ESE would like to hear the views of
                                               AJ van der Lely, The Netherlands
                                               Email:   a wide selection of its members on this subject, and we encourage
                                                                                       you to write to us with your perspective. By its very nature, science
The addresses used to mail this issue of       Editorial Board:
ESE News were supplied by the member           Justo Castaño, Spain
                                                                                       transcends borders, and we as a Society will continue to support
societies of ESE and are stored in             Ljiljana Marina, Serbia                 science and scientists through this period of change.
Bioscientifica’s database for future use. If   Hans Romijn, The Netherlands               It is in the spirit of support for our discipline and ourselves that we
you do not wish to receive further mailings,   Ayse Zengin, UK/Australia               look forward to ECE 2018, and prepare to share our science. Do please
please advise
                                               Sub-Editor: Caroline Brewser            remember to submit your abstracts by the imminent deadline of 29
©2017 European Society of Endocrinology        Design: Qube Design Associates
                                                                                       January, and to take advantage of the early bird registration deadline
The views expressed by the contributors                                                of 6 April.
are not necessarily those of ESE                                                          I look forward to seeing you all in Barcelona.
                                               ESE would like to thank its Corporate
                                               Members for their continued support:
                                               Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly,
                                               Ipsen, Laboratoire HRA Pharma, Merck,
                                               Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Novo
                                               Nordisk, Pfizer, Sandoz International
                                               GmbH, Shire, Strongbridge               AJ van der Lely
                                                                                       ESE President                             Cover image: Mosaic detail from
                                                                                       Co-Editor of ESE News                     Gaudí’s Parc Güell, Barcelona. © iStock

ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology
       Key dates
                                                                                                                From the
       Abstract deadline:
       29 January 2018
       Early bird registration deadline:
       6 April 2018
                                                                                                                ESE Office
                                                                                                                With a strong focus on
       See                                                                                      our strategy ‘to provide
                                                                                                                continuous endocrine-related
                                                                                                                education and training for
                                                                                                                all career stages in clinical
                                                                                                                practice and basic research’,
                                                                                                                ESE was delighted to publish
                                                                                                                its curriculum on clinical
                                                                                                                endocrinology, diabetes and
                                                                                                                metabolism a few months ago
                                                                                                                (see www.ese-hormones.
                                                                                                                org/education). We will also
                                                                                                                soon launch a pan-European
                                                                                                                examination with UEMS, which
                                                                                                                can be taken at any Pearson
                                                                                                                Vue centre across Europe.
                                                                                                                These initiatives sit alongside
                                                                                                                ESE’s well respected courses.
                                                                                                                   Our next task is to bring
                                                                                                                these activities together, to
                                                                                                                demonstrate their ability to
                                                                                                                underpin endocrine education
                                                                                                                at all stages. We aim to cover

Let Barcelona
                                                                                                                the full curriculum in a number
                                                                                                                of courses, over a limited
                                                                                                                time period, and to make
                                                                                                                this as accessible as possible.

welcome you!
                                                                                                                Online provision could allow
                                                                                                                endocrinologists everywhere
                                                                                                                to benefit. We will also take the
                                                                                                                curriculum into consideration
                                                                                                                across all our activities, ‘sign-
                                                                                                                posting’ events which cover
                                                                                                                different topics.
20th European Congress of Endocrinology                                                                            Effective coverage of the
                                                                                                                curriculum is a substantial

19–22 May 2018                                                                                                  project. We are very much
                                                                                                                at the planning stage (and
                                                                                                                dependent on funding
The beautiful and exciting city of Barcelona has a long history; the area was already occupied                  considerations), but the
when the Romans arrived here 2000 years ago. Since then, it has grown to be the second largest                  Education Committee (chaired
city in Spain, and is the capital of Catalonia.                                                                 by Camilla Schalin-Jäntti,
                                                                                                                Finland) and the ESE team
Amongst the best known of             Família. Barcelona has strong           A truly exceptional Congress      are highly motivated to make
the city’s universities are the       links with artists such as Pablo     such as ECE 2018 deserves an         real progress over the next
University of Barcelona in the        Picasso (1881–1973), Salvador        exceptional space. Barcelona’s       12 months.
city centre (founded 1450) and        Dalí (1904–1989) and Joan Miró       International Convention Centre         We want to consider a
the Autonomous University             (1893–1983).                         (CCIB), designed by the famous       range of views, and two
of Barcelona (founded 1968),             Others may be more familiar       Catalan architect Josep Lluís        sessions in November (with
located about 20km to the north.      with Barcelona’s sporting            Mateo, maximises the use of          early career endocrinologists
There are a number of teaching        associations: particularly the       natural light. It has an enormous    at Endobridge, Turkey, and
hospitals, and the city has an        very successful FC Barcelona and     exhibition hall and the banqueting   with our Affiliated Societies
impressive reputation in the          the 1992 Olympic Games which         hall provides spectacular views of   at the ESE Council of
medical sciences.                     were held in the city.               the Mediterranean Sea. Nearby,       Affiliated Societies meeting,
   One of Europe’s great cultural        Barcelona is a Mediterranean      several comfortable hotels           Serbia) sought feedback on
centres, Barcelona is renowned        city open to people and to the       will provide you with ample,         how ESE can best provide
for its unique blend of historical    world. It has a unique, vibrant      convenient accommodation.            support. Thank you to everyone
tradition, modernist architecture,    atmosphere and almost perfect        There is no better place to hold     who has taken part – there are
museums and art galleries, music      climate. You can easily reach        our upcoming event, and it is sure   exciting times ahead!
concerts and other performances       Barcelona by direct flights to its   to make ECE 2018 a resounding
– as well as its rich gastronomy.     international airport from many      success.                             Helen Gregson
Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926),             locations. The integrated local         We look forward to welcoming      Chief Executive Officer, ESE
Spain’s most famous architect,        public transport system includes     you to Barcelona in 2018!            helen.gregson@
designed many of the city’s           the metro, buses, trams and                                     
landmarks, including the Sagrada      local trains.
ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology

Ion channels in                                                            ESE Postgraduate Training
hormonal homeostasis                                                       Course in Ukraine
Mont Sainte Odile, France, 4–7 October 2017                                Lviv, Ukraine, 5–7 October 2017
                                                                                                             The 21st ESE Postgraduate
The 42nd Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation (ESE)                                                     Training Course on Endocrinology,
was attended by 90 scientists from across Europe and the USA.                                                Diabetes and Metabolism was
                                                                                                             held in October, taking place
The symposium focused on                 World-leading experts                                               for the first time in Ukraine. The
‘Ion channels in hormonal             attended, and there was ample                                          host city Lviv is a historic centre,
homeostasis: transient receptor       time for discussion. Most of the                                       with many higher education
potential channels and calcium        younger researchers presented                                          establishments and important
signalling’. These channels           their results in short talks and                                       cultural institutions.
constitute, along with the            posters. The meeting was a great                                          Almost 200 attendees came
G protein complex, receptor           scientific success. Participants                                       from across Ukraine and further
tyrosine kinases, receptor            also enjoyed the surroundings                                          afield, as far as Asia and Africa.
channels and nuclear receptors,       and views of the Rhine valley.                                         The programme consisted of
one of the major types of                We thank the organisers Veit                                        plenary lectures, meet-the-
receptor which enable our cells       Flockerzi (Homburg, Germany),                                          expert parallel sessions and
to respond to external hormonal,      Thomas Guderman (Munich,             a very important session presenting cases submitted by local
chemical and physical signals,        Germany) and Ulrich Boehm            participants. This covered several difficult cases, which were widely
and thus to react to physiological    (Homburg, Germany), and also         discussed. Many comments from the Chairs and the audience
and pathological situations.          ESE and the other sponsors: the      suggested further management proposals. This illustrated some
   More than 30 of these              Leopoldina (Halle, Germany),         difficulties in endocrine diagnostics and therapy at a local level.
receptors are known. They             TRR152 (Munich, Germany) and         It emphasised the real need to repeat educational activities, such
allow calcium to enter cells and      IRIBHM (Brussels, Belgium).          as the ESE course, in order to improve management of endocrine
modulate their polarisation              You can learn more about next     patients in this European country.
and behaviour. They are               year’s event at www.hormones-           The event was organised by the Ukrainian Association of
involved in multiple aspects                  Endocrinologists, and supported by an unrestricted educational
of the physiological control of                                            grant from Novo Nordisk. The next course is in Visegrád, Hungary,
metabolism, nervous function,         Jacques Dumont, President,           on 22–25 February 2018 (see
the heart, reproduction,              Hormones and Cell Regulation
inflammation etc.                     Council                              Marek Bolanowski, Chair, Programme Organising Committee

    EndoBridge celebrates 5th year                                       2nd Polish–Romanian
                                                                         Endocrine Symposium
    Antalya, Turkey, 19–22 October 2017

                                                                         Wrocław, Poland, 28–29 September 2017
                                                                         This bilateral meeting dedicated      Societies dates back many years,
                                                                         to the latest advances in clinical    with delegates from the societies
                                                                         endocrinology and endocrine           being invited to one another’s
                                                                         education focused on the              meetings. This culminated in the
                                                                         local characteristics of the two      1st Romanian–Polish Symposium
                                                                         countries. It featured interesting    in Timisoara, Romania, in 2015.
    EndoBridge is co-hosted by the Society of Endocrinology and          clinical sessions and important       The next symposium will see a
    Metabolism of Turkey, ESE and the Endocrine Society. This year’s     discussions on endocrine              return to Romania in 2019 for a
    meeting brought together global leaders in endocrinology and         specialty education, board            meeting in Bucharest.
    473 delegates from 39 countries. It was held in English with         examinations, the availability           We believe our bilateral co-
    simultaneous translation into Russian, Arabic and Turkish.           of hormonal therapies and             operation has an important
      Accredited by the European Accreditation Council for               reimbursement.                        impact in the development of
    Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and covering all aspects          Co-operation between the           European endocrinology.
    of endocrinology, the 3-day programme included 24 state-of-the-      Polish and Romanian Endocrine
    art lectures, 16 interactive case discussion sessions, and poster
    case presentations covering over 80 interesting clinical cases.
      EndoBridge Founder and President, Bulent Yildiz (Turkey)
    commented, ‘In addition to our usual inspiring lectures and
    discussion of interesting and challenging clinical cases, the
    meeting provided a great opportunity for our colleagues to share
    their experiences and perspectives. EndoBridge enhances cross-
    cultural dialogue and collaboration in the world of hormones.’

      The 6th EndoBridge meeting will be in Antalya, Turkey, on
    25–28 October 2018 (see

ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology

EYES at ECE 2018
In light of the forthcoming Congress in Barcelona, EYES was delighted to talk recently to Manuel
Gahete, a young endocrine scientist from Spain. Manuel is organising and chairing the EYES
Symposium at ECE 2018, along with Tatjana Isailovic (Serbia, an EYES Committee member).
Here, he tells us about his interests and enthusiasm for endocrinology.

Manuel, what is your                  interplay between different           Which endocrine organisations
background?                           endocrine axes (i.e. pituitary,       are you involved in?
I am a translational researcher       hypothalamus) and metabolic           I have tried to be actively involved
in the ‘Hormones and                  environments (i.e. insulin,           in the activities and functioning
Cancer’ Research Group at             insulin-like growth factor-I,         of the different endocrine
the University of Córdoba             somatostatin, ghrelin), and their     societies and their affiliated
and Maimonides Biomedical             dysregulation during extreme          committees, associations
Research Institute of Córdoba.        metabolic conditions and cancer.      and initiatives led by young
My scientific career has mainly                                             endocrinologists. Indeed, I am
focused on different aspects of       What have you been                    a member of the European
endocrinology and metabolism,         working on lately?                    Neuroendocrine Association
including the identification          Nowadays, my research interests       (ENEA) Young Researcher
and characterisation of novel         are more focused towards              Committee (EYRC) and have been
endocrine elements (truncated         exploring novel elements              involved in many of the activities
somatostatin receptors, splicing      and cellular and molecular            promoted by EYES.                    activities promoted by EYES
variants of ghrelin etc.) and their   mechanisms (such as alternative                                            through the EYES Meeting,
involvement in pathological           splicing, miRNAs and extracellular    What do you think about              social media and liaison with
situations. This developed            vesicles) at the crossroads           EYES and EYES activities?            other early career endocrine
during my PhD studies under the       between the endocrine system,         My personal view is that the         groups encourage young
supervision of Justo Castaño and      the metabolic pathologies             EYES Committee has adopted           endocrinologists from Europe
Raúl Luque.                           (obesity, diabetes etc.) and the      an admirable and insightful          and other countries to pursue
    I undertook post-doctoral         development and progression           approach to promote,                 and succeed in their scientific
training at the University of         of different endocrine-related        disseminate and support the          careers.
Illinois (Chicago, IL, USA),          cancers, such as those of the         work carried out by young
supervised by Rhonda Kineman.         liver, prostate, pituitary or         endocrinologists throughout
Here I investigated the reciprocal    neuroendocrine system.                Europe and beyond. Indeed, the

   A return to Modena:
   1st ICGR–GnRH Congress
                                      Just over 2 years ago, the 3rd       ‘The control of ovarian cycle from   addition of luteinising hormone
                                      EYES Meeting took place in           “Prolan A” to “KNDy neurons”’,       (LH) or human chorionic
                                      Modena, Italy. This September,       with a warm welcome. It was          gonadotrophin or human
                                      Modena was again a wonderful         heart-warming to see that            menopausal gonadotrophin
                                      host to EYES. Manuela Simoni         endocrinology is not only about      alone. It was very interesting to
                                      (Italy) and Ilpo Huhtaniemi          science but also about good          learn that FSH alone resulted in
                                      (UK) organised the joint 4th         friends and pleasant memories.       a higher oocyte number, while
                                      International Conference on          Listening to Professor Lunenfeld’s   addition of LH resulted in a
                                      Gonadotropins and Receptors          retrospective talk on the control    higher pregnancy rate.
                                      and the 12th International           of the ovarian cycle was one of        In a friendly and exciting
                                      Symposium on Gonadotropin-           those moments to be treasured        environment, EYES is growing
                                      Releasing Hormone. It was one        and remembered.                      and moving forward.
                                      of those very special meetings          EYES was very proud to be
                                      filled with new and exciting         represented by Daniele Santi         Ljiljana Marina
                                      discoveries, as well as great        (Italy), who gave a talk on new      EYES Committee
                                      energy and good spirit among         aspects of gonadotrophin
                                      participants.                        combinations in assisted
                                          The opening symposium was        reproduction. Daniele presented
                                      organised in honour of the 90th      results from his latest meta-
                                      birthday of Bruno Lunenfeld          analysis, which investigated the
                                      (Israel). Marcella Motta (Italy)     efficacy of different regimens
                                      introduced Professor Lunenfeld’s     using follicle-stimulating
                                      Bernard Zondek lecture, entitled     hormone (FSH) alone or with the

ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology

Brexit – too many
unanswered questions?
Eighteen months ago, in June 2016, the UK electorate voted by               are certainly fewer requests from EU students to attend our institution.
a narrow margin to leave the EU. Both the ‘Leave’ and ‘Remain’              Many students move to other EU countries for study or for work
campaigns were criticised then, and the UK Government has been
                                                                                Medical Research Council (MRC) Senior Clinician Scientist and
criticised since, for an absence of any detail about what ‘Brexit’
                                                                            Consultant Michele Vacca (Cambridge, UK) comments, ‘Uncertainties
means in practice.                                                          are clearly the main reason for this decline in applications, and they
                                                                            count more than a really bad deal would do. Compared with other EU
In September 2017, in response to calls from the scientific community,      countries, UK Research Councils and Government strongly support
the UK Government published a position paper entitled ‘Collaboration        research, but we are also heavily sponsored by the EU. Understanding
on science and innovation: a future partnership paper’.1 While              if the UK will still be part of the Horizon programme and, if not, what
welcomed as a ‘first step’ in identifying issues to be addressed            contingency plans the UK Government will put in place are crucial.’
during the Brexit process, there remains a lack of clarity which                Punith Kempegowda is a Specialist Registrar in Birmingham, UK. He
leaves scientists across Europe and the globe uncertain about future        says the uncertainty about future collaborations with EU partners has
relations between the UK and its neighbours in the rest of the EU.          put him off embarking on research projects at present. Brexit puts the
   Endocrinologists are, inevitably, affected by the lack of certainty.     UK at risk of ‘a significant impact on research funding,’ Punith reflects,
We canvassed the opinions of several colleagues. These range from           ‘The main hit would be for those aspiring to conduct research in the
well-established endocrinologists who moved to the UK some time             UK through Marie Curie grants which are provided by the EU.’
ago and now call Britain their home, to others earlier in their careers,        Amsterdam-based endocrinologist Maarten Soeters provides a
wondering about the wisdom of moving to the UK, or what the future          perspective from outside the UK, though he previously spent 3 years
will hold for those already resident.                                       as a post-doc at the Vidal-Puig lab in Cambridge, supported by a
                                                                            Marie Curie grant. ‘As a clinical scientist outside the UK, it may be
Residency, recruitment and retention                                        difficult to predict the consequences for my own work. Collaborations
Perhaps the most fundamental concern surrounds the UK’s unclear             within Europe are important ... I have been surprised by the quality
future migration policy. Professor Antonio Vidal-Puig (Cambridge,           of care and research funded by bodies such as the Wellcome Trust
UK) comments that while his institution maintains a good supportive         and the MRC, as well as EU grants. The first two will most likely
working relationship with the EU, ‘...there has been a change in the        stimulate collaboration between the UK and other European
mood. Most European researchers who came to my team were also               countries after Brexit.’
attracted by the prospect of establishing their career in the UK under
the perception of quality, excellence, internationalisation and easy        A looming lack of skills?
integration. This perception is not as optimistic now. There is a new       Reflecting on the future of healthcare in the UK, Toni Vidal-Puig
feeling, the one that separates us and them. This feeling is negative       is concerned: ‘The combination of leaving the EU, the decrease in
and decreases morale, making engagement and commitment more                 the value of the pound, and a perception of being more foreign
difficult.’ Professor Luigi Gnudi (King’s College London, UK) adds ‘There   incentivises [individuals] moving. The instinct to move is not driven

ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology

by the lack of jobs. There is a shortage of health-related professionals       I have heard say that there is an enormous risk that Europeans will
in the UK and the ageing demographics of the medics will make the              go back home, without realising that for many of us, the UK has
problem more difficult. The deficit of nurses and midwives is huge and         become our home. The risk [to the UK] is losing, unnecessarily, the
will get worse. This, together with lack of investment in the NHS, may         engagement and commitment of the Europeans, and this is something
have devastating effects for the provision of healthcare.’                     Government, politicians and people do not seem to realise.’
   As regards the future of UK research, Maarten Soeters also fears
a ‘brain drain’, but rests his hopes on the lengthy negotiations:              Connections and co-operation
‘Probably, the Brexit effects will become clear during the negotiating         Avoiding the isolation of UK medical science is of paramount
process during the upcoming years. Applications for EU funding                 importance. Luigi Gnudi comments ‘If science were to become
might change, foreign investors in drug or tech companies may be               isolated, I see major disruption. Channels will have to remain
challenged, and [there may be] an increased brain drain. It remains to         wide open for research and education in general, ALWAYS.’ Punith
be established if the Brexit deal will be as profitable as is expected by      Kempegowda agrees: ‘The Government should establish clear
its advocates. On the other hand, the UK may not be that dependent             agreements for bilateral co-operation for research between the UK
on the EU and collaborations with other partners such as the USA and           and the EU, similar to trade and commerce.’ Michele Vacca adds,
Asia may be luring.’                                                           ‘Make sure that we stay in the Horizon 2020/Marie Curie programmes
   Luigi Gnudi also looks to the negotiations, but is not expecting            and other things will follow; as members, third parties or with a “new
clarity anytime soon. He says, ‘It will all depend on the agreements           deal” – it does not matter – but not being part of the EU scientific
between the EU and UK; now seeing how negotiations are proceeding,             community is to commit scientific suicide.’
I am unsure of any outcome. A “so-called” mild Brexit (if it had to                There is general agreement with Luigi Gnudi’s closing comment,
happen) would be much preferable. Isolation from the EU would not be           ‘I really hope that good sense and pragmatism will prevail over a
welcome and many might decide to move away from the UK.’                       complete political nonsense.’ Maarten Soeters remains optimistic
                                                                               ‘The people who voted against Brexit realise that the UK is not the
Make the message clear                                                         more or less isolated island it once was. The UK is not immune to the
All the scientists we spoke to feel that the UK Government must take           challenges the other EU countries face. The optimist in me expects
urgent steps to offer security and support. Maarten Soeters calls              that UK scientists will thrive, although we do not yet know if this
for them to provide some answers, ‘How important is science to the             comes with a temporary cost.’
UK Government? And with that clinical care? Innovative strategies?

                                                                                  Supporting science
Long term safety for people and environment? This, for me, is the
fundamental question: is the UK Government (or its voters) interested
in investing or compensating after possible losses inflicted by Brexit?’
   Michele Vacca emphasises the need for the UK Government to see                  ESE is keen to understand its members’ views and concerns about
the situation from the perspective of scientists who have moved to the             the impact of Brexit on the European and international endocrine
UK in recent years. ‘The cut-off date to be recognised as “permanent               community. Please contact us at if you wish
residents” is still unclear. For those who arrived in the UK in the last 5         to share your thoughts or experience of its impact on scientists,
years there are only uncertainties. Would you buy a house or set up a              clinicians, research or healthcare. In future issues of ESE News, we
family, or think to have a child in a country that might ask you to leave if       will return to this topic, to share the viewpoints and actions of
you lose your job for a few months? Would you consider embarking on a              other groups and organisations.
training programme in the UK if your title is valid only in that country?’
   Toni Vidal-Puig offers some heartfelt advice, ‘Change the message.
The most supportive messages indicate that the UK wants Europeans              REFERENCES
to stay because we are needed. It would be more effective to say the           1. HM Government 2017 Collaboration on Science and Innovation: a Future
UK wants Europeans to stay because we contribute so much that they               Partnership Paper
consider us as one of them. Some of the most supportive messages                 on-science-and-innovation-a-future-partnership-paper.

ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology
FEATURE ARTICLE                                                           11 award and
                                                                              plenary lectures
                                                                        These lecturers will highlight the most
                                                                                                                         20th European Congress
                                                                                                                         of Endocrinology
                                                                         exciting advances in endocrinology
                                                                          and metabolism, ranging from the
                                                                        opening plenary lecture by former ESE

   ECE 2018:
                                                                       President Philippe Bouchard (France) on
                                                                       the past and future of contraception, to            30 symposia
                                                                        the closing plenary lecture by Manuel              on hot topics
                                                                           Serrano (Spain) on the metabolic
                                                                                                                   Renowned experts will cover all focus
                                                                                 control of longevity.

   a feast of endocrinology
                                                                                                                   areas in symposia spanning our field.
                                                                                                                    Invited speakers will bring together
                                                                                                                   the very best perspectives on clinical,
   Barcelona, Spain, 19–22 May 2018                                                                                 translational and basic research, as
                                                                                                                   well as offering a stunning education
                                                                           16 Meet the Expert
                                                                                                                     programme just right for potential
   The 20th European Congress of Endocrinology promises to                sessions for clinicians                      newcomers to the field and for
   be exciting and rewarding. Clinicians, basic and clinical
                                                                        These will cover important endocrine            long-standing professionals.
   scientists and leading guest speakers will discuss and
                                                                          topics such as the use of diabetes
   present the latest advances in endocrine research,
                                                                           technologies to optimise patient
   sharing their frontline knowledge and experience with                   self-care, thyroid cancer, adrenal
   international attendees.                                             incidentalomas, erectile dysfunction,
   ECE 2018 has been specifically designed to support scientific           the management of acromegaly
   and professional interaction across all fields of endocrinology        after surgery, osteoporosis in men,
   and metabolism, from bench to bedside, with the aim of               hyperlipidaemia, delayed puberty and           3 Meet the Expert
   advancing knowledge and improving patient care.                             premature ovarian failure.             sessions for basic/
      The Programme Organising Committee has created an                                                             translational scientists
   exciting scientific programme featuring the best international,
   European and local experts as speakers in a versatile schedule                                                    Here you can learn about mouse
   covering ESE’s eight focus areas:                                                                               models in endocrine tumours, single-
                                                                                                                   cell sequencing in endocrine diseases
   • adrenal and neuroendocrine tumours                                          3 attended                          and non-classical mechanisms of
   • calcium and bone
   • diabetes, obesity and metabolism                                          poster sessions                            thyroid hormone action.
   • environment, society and governance                               We return to the well-established poster
   • interdisciplinary endocrinology                                     boards (each poster up for 1 day), to
   • pituitary and neuroendocrinology                                   give you the opportunity to personally
   • reproductive endocrinology                                         discuss your findings with experts and
   • thyroid.                                                           students working in various fields. The
                                                                         guided poster tours will be highlights
                                                                          at lunchtime, while the electronic
                                                                       boards and online posters will facilitate
                                                                             discussions during (and even
                                                                                  after) the Congress.

Sessions                                                                     6 exciting debates
for nurses                                                               You can see expert speakers ‘battle’
Specialised endocrinology                                               about endocrine disruptors, the use
nurses are catered for by                                                 of receptor profiling for predicting
our dedicated Endocrine                                                    pituitary therapy, aldosteronism
Nurse and Meet the                                                       and hypothyroidism, anti-müllerian
Nurse Expert sessions.                                                 hormone as a primary marker of fertility
                                                                       and screening of thyroid hormones and
                                   6 New Scientific                        antibodies in pregnant women.
                                 Approaches sessions
                                Well known experts will cover fresh
                                 ideas and approaches in clinical or
                              translational endocrine research, such
                                as the spliceosome and miRNAs as
                               new tools in endocrine tumours, and             Late-breaking
                               re-programming strategies to obtain             news and EYES
                                    functional endocrine units.
                                                                          A special symposium will discuss
                                                                           the newest, most exciting topics
                                                                          in endocrinology, while a session
                                                                          organised by the European Young
                                                                       Endocrine Scientists (EYES) will focus on
   8                                                                    the study of neuroendocrine diseases.
ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology

ECE 2018 therefore promises to be an exciting Congress, greatly              We very much look forward to welcoming you to the
stimulating discussion and knowledge-sharing. We will also hear about      20th European Congress of Endocrinology on 19–22 May 2018.
ESE’s new guidelines and an update on the European Reference Network       So, save the date – and see you in Barcelona!
for rare endocrine conditions (Endo-ERN).
   If you share our fascination for the rapidly advancing fields           Márta Korbonits, ECE 2018 Programme Committee Chair
of endocrinology,​​then this is a meeting you simply cannot miss.          Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch, ECE 2018 Clinical Co-Chair
You will find no better opportunity to learn about the latest              Raúl M Luque, ECE 2018 Basic Science Co-Chair
advances, to interact with world-renowned endocrinologists and
clinical and basic researchers, and to participate in discussions
about some of the most important issues facing us in daily
clinical practice. You will have the chance to renew old friendships
                                                                               Key dates
and make new ones and to take part in outstanding networking                   Remember to submit your abstracts by 29 January.
opportunities while enjoying the Mediterranean atmosphere.                     The early bird registration deadline is 6 April 2018.

Our award lecturers                                                        in the pathophysiology and treatment of energy deficiency states
                                                                           (lipodystrophy, hypothalamic amenorrhoea etc.). Subsequent work
                                                                           resulted in the paradigm-shifting concept that adipose tissue is not
                            Christos Mantzoros                             an inert energy storage organ but an active endocrine organ – this
                             Geoffrey Harris Award                         revolutionised the way endocrinologists view metabolic disorders.
                             In the mid-1990s, leptin’s discovery raised      Neuroendocrine abnormalities and metabolic diseases, ​including
                             hopes of a treatment for obesity. Named       obesity and its comorbidities, diabetes, cardiovascular disease
                             from the Greek ‘leptos’ (meaning thin),       and malignancies, are the epidemics of the 21st century. My
                             leptin secreted by fat cells appeared to      laboratory’s many novel discoveries associated with these disorders
                             switch off the urge to eat in preclinical     have contributed to our understanding of underlying mechanisms.
                             animal studies.                                  I will present my findings along with translational contributions
                                My laboratory was the first to perform     that advanced our understanding of the physiology and therapeutic
pharmacokinetic studies of leptin in humans. We subsequently found         utility of leptin and adipokines in humans, the development of novel
that, although leptin at supraphysiological levels may decrease            diagnostic and therapeutic tools for neuroendocrine and metabolic
body weight in lean subjects, this did not translate to overweight         disease, and our knowledge of other key molecules and hormones
or obese humans. We were also first to demonstrate leptin’s role in        secreted by muscle and the gastrointestinal tract.
the human neuroendocrine response to energy deprivation, and

                            Filip Knop                                     suggesting that the gut may play a hitherto underestimated role
                            European Journal of                            in type 2 diabetic hyperglucagonaemia. To better understand this, we
                            Endocrinology Award                            have performed studies which suggest that the gut-derived hormone
                            Glucagon’s role as a glucose-mobilising        glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide may be involved.
                            hormone secreted from pancreatic α-cells          In addition, we recently undertook studies in totally
                            during low blood glucose concentrations        pancreatectomised patients using mass spectrometry which
                            represents a well-established and              proved that glucagon (hitherto considered a pancreas-specific
                            fundamental part of human physiology.          hormone) may also be secreted from extrapancreatic tissues. This
                            Likewise, hyperglucagonaemia                   is most likely to be from proglucagon-producing enteroendocrine
constitutes an acknowledged part of diabetes pathophysiology,              cells immunohistochemically positive for the enzyme prohormone
contributing by as much as 50% to the aberrant hyperglycaemia in           convertase 2 (previously considered to be limited to pancreatic
type 2 diabetes.                                                           α-cells). We also identified such cells in patients with type 2 diabetes,
  Nevertheless, the cause of and mechanisms underlying                     explaining their postprandial hyperglucagonaemia.
hyperglucagonaemia in type 2 diabetes are incompletely understood.            The observation that gut-derived glucagon is likely to play an
The general understanding is that the diabetic α-cells are less            important role in diabetic pathophysiology has improved our
sensitive to the glucagon-suppressive effects of glucose and insulin.      understanding of the disease and may lead to new treatment
However, this notion has recently been challenged by studies               strategies.

                            Philippe Chanson                               excess mortality and that cardiovascular disease is not the leading
                              Clinical Endocrinology                       cause of death. This is thanks to effective treatment of acromegaly and
                              Trust Award                                  aggressive management of comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension, lipid
                              Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like         disorders). Observations resemble those in the background general
                              growth factor-I (IGF-I) have important       population.
                              metabolic actions. GH/IGF-I excess and          In contrast, the clinical features of hypopituitarism with GH deficiency
                              GH deficiency are each associated            are more like those of the metabolic syndrome. This may explain why
                              with ‘opposing’ comorbidities that           patients have an increased cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk. GH
                              often mirror one another. Cardiac            treatment improves cardiovascular risk factors and is associated with a
                              and vascular comorbidity demonstrates        decreased incidence of cardiovascular (but not cerebrovascular) events
that ‘too much’ may be as bad as ‘too little’.                             in some studies. It also seems to be associated with a reduction in all-
   An association between acromegaly and increased cardiac mortality       cause mortality in both sexes, but particularly in males, who attain the
has long been claimed. This was based on epidemiological studies           level of the general population.
of patients treated a long time ago, when the current therapeutic             Thus, according to our homeostatic model, the GH/IGF-I axis follows
tools were not available and radiotherapy was widely used. Recent          the general rule that in medio stat virtus or ‘virtue stands in the middle’!
epidemiological studies and data from acromegaly registries show no
ESE News - European Society of Endocrinology

  The Endo Explorer

  Evolving a passion
  for endocrinology
                                                                             After two decades of evolution
                                                                             Like everything else in life, research groups develop and evolve.
                                                                             At the turn of this century, the team of Paco Gracia-Navarro grew,
                                                                             under the joint leadership of his former disciples Maria Malagón
                                                                             and Justo Castaño, to unveil the cellular and molecular signalling
                                                                             mechanisms underlying the regulatory actions of ghrelin, PACAP
                                                                             (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide), growth hormone-
                                                                             releasing hormone, somatostatin, adipokines and their receptors
                                                                             in somatotrophs and other pituitary cell types. In addition, they
                                                                             explored the role of novel players in the processing and trafficking
                                                                             of pituitary hormones, particularly in melanotrophs. These multiple
                                                                             interests naturally led to the generation of two novel, independent
                                                                             research groups, led by Professors Malagón and Castaño, which
Justo Castaño and Raúl Luque’s group                                         expanded their particular endocrine interests into two strongly
                                                                             emerging fields: adipobiology and endocrine oncology respectively.
In retrospect, one realises that endocrinology was deeply                       At about the same time, Dr Aguilar’s group passed the baton
engraved on the heart, and the fate, of Córdoba, the                         on to a new leader, his disciple Manuel Tena-Sempere, who
                                                                             was busy at the time igniting the ‘Kiss’ explosion in the field
beautiful Spanish city of famous physicians like Avicena
                                                                             of reproductive neuroendocrinology. Indeed, Tena-Sempere’s
and Maimonides.                                                              team robustly contributed to the discovery and dissection of
                                                                             the kisspeptin system as a key player in the control of puberty
In the beginning...                                                          in particular and, more broadly, in reproductive physiology.
Indeed, almost 40 years ago, in the midst of the golden era of
neuroendocrinology, while competing labs were boiling the                    To the present day
world over to discover, isolate and characterise the ‘predicted’             Currently, Manuel Tena-Sempere’s highly productive group focuses
hypophysiotrophic hypothalamic hormones (then named ‘factors’),              their activities on reproductive and metabolic neuroendocrinology,
a very young university was giving birth to two initially unrelated          with particular interest in the neuroendocrine regulation of
research labs, which were to become a true endocrine-related                 energy homeostasis, puberty and the reproductive axis, and
scientific family – although, at that time, we just did not know it.         the reciprocal interplay between these key bodily functions.
   In 1978, at the Department of Cell Biology of the School of Biological       The ultimate aim of this team is to understand the basis for
Sciences, Francisco (Paco) Gracia-Navarro was completing his seminal         alterations of puberty and fertility linked to severe metabolic
PhD dissertation on the ultrastructural and functional characterisation      disturbances, from obesity to anorexia, and to decipher the
of amphibian pituitary cell types, introducing ‘modern’ techniques such      mechanisms of metabolic perturbations associated with gonadal
as immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, and creating            dysfunction. This is a basic science research group, which
a group of comparative endocrinologists, who became very active              routinely uses suitable preclinical models, including genetically
players within the European Society for Comparative Endocrinology            modified lines, and implements a wide arsenal of analytical
(ESCE), and organised their 17th Congress in Córdoba in 1994.                techniques. However, the group has also developed a strong drive
   Soon thereafter, Paco Gracia-Navarro became the first                     for translational research, which materialises in various projects
President of the newly created Iberian Association of Comparative            addressing prevalent human diseases, including polycystic
Endocrinology (AIEC). In the 1980s and 1990s, results from this              ovary syndrome and other reproductive pathologies, pubertal
group contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms                     alterations, obesity and related metabolic perturbations.
underlying the hypothalamic regulation of pituitary function in
frogs, pigs and rats, paying special attention to somatotrophs
and melanotrophs, and to the then emerging concepts of
heterogeneity of endocrine cell types and the secretory cell cycle.
   A few blocks away, Enrique Aguilar Benítez de Lugo, a physician
scientist who arrived at the Physiology Section of the School of Medicine
in 1980, initiated the building of a new research group focused on
reproductive physiology, with special emphasis on the neuroendocrine
mechanisms regulating puberty, fertility and reproductive health and their
interactions with growth and metabolism. The group applied classic and
novel methodologies in experimental neuroendocrinology to characterise,
using rodent models, the role of gonadal hormones and different
neurotransmitters in the central control of sex differentiation and
pituitary secretion, with special attention to gonadotrophins, prolactin
and growth hormone, thereby fostering quality research in this field.        Maria Malagón’s group


                                                                            ‘The best part of the journey has
                                                                            been the number of incredible
                                                                            collaborators and friends that we
                                                                            have met and enjoyed along the
                                                                            way: we thank them all’

Manuel Tena-Sempere’s group

                                                                            With help from our friends
                                                                            Our teams have always actively collaborated, and our development
                                                                            would not have been the same without close interaction with
                                                                            clinical research teams in Córdoba, at the Reina Sofia University
                                                                            Hospital and the Maimonides Institute of Biomedical Research
                                                                            of Córdoba (IMIBIC). The best part of the journey has been
                                                                            the number of incredible collaborators and friends that we
                                                                            have met and enjoyed along the way: we thank them all.
                                                                               We have always believed very strongly in the value of scientific
                                                                            societies, and remain actively involved in the life of ESE and its major
Enrique Aguilar Benítez de Lugo        Francisco Gracia-Navarro
                                                                            Congress (remembering that ECE 2018 is coming to Barcelona), as
   Over the last decade, Dr Malagon’s group has focused on elucidating      well as many other related national and international societies.
the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying adipose tissue                Writing this perspective has prompted us to believe that the strong
(dys)function, in order to unveil the pathogenic pathways leading to        endocrine-related family which has grown and evolved around our
the development of metabolic disease in obesity. Taking advantage           university and hospital, and lives now at IMIBIC, will continue to flourish.
of their previous background in cell signalling and intracellular           Our labs and research are open to welcome your collaboration!
membrane traffic in endocrine cells, the group, co-led by Rafael
Vázquez-Martínez, has significantly contributed to identifying novel        Justo Castaño, María Malagón, Manuel Tena-Sempere
players in insulin signalling and lipid traffic, such as septins, and to    and Raúl Luque
further understanding the function and regulation of the central            Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research of Córdoba (IMIBIC);
regulatory hub for lipid storage and mobilisation in adipocytes,            Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, University
the lipid droplet, under the orchestration of Rab proteins.                 of Córdoba; Reina Sofia University Hospital; and CIBER Fisiopatología
   The group has also pioneered the application of different proteomic      de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn), Córdoba, Spain
techniques in the study of human adipose tissue, including the analysis
of protein post-translational modifications. They have recently             This article is dedicated to the memory of our colleagues
developed a unique protocol for MALDI (matrix-assisted laser desorption     Enrique Aguilar Benítez de Lugo and Rafael Vázquez-Martínez,
ionisation) imaging, to analyse the distribution of lipids in human         two excellent endocrine researchers and fine men, whose
adipose tissue sections, which are being used to establish the protein      untimely death this year has left us heartbroken.
and lipid fingerprints of the adipose tissue in health and disease.
   Meanwhile, the hormones and cancer research group, co-
directed by Raúl Luque and Justo Castaño, has centred its efforts
on understanding the cellular and molecular principles underlying
the natural processes of neuroendocrine regulation of pituitary
cell types. They have paid special attention to somatotrophs and                Renew your
                                                                                membership for 2018
the somatostatin and ghrelin systems, their relationship with
metabolism, and their dysfunction in tumour diseases and cancer.
   In this context, the discovery of novel splicing variants of these two
neuropeptide systems (sst5TMD4 and In1-ghrelin) opened up new
research avenues to establish their presence and pathophysiological             Stay part of the European endocrine
relevance in different endocrine-related cancers. This ultimately led
to the exploration of the role of alternative splicing and its defects in
                                                                                community and maintain your
hormone-related tumours and cancer. So, departing from a comparative            access to some great benefits!
endocrinology setting, this team has also embraced translational
research, in the quest for the discovery and application of relevant            Sign into your account on the
changes that could have diagnostic or prognostic value and could                ESE website to renew today.
contribute to the future design of innovative therapeutic strategies.
   Moreover, while keeping a close eye on hormones and so             
remaining endocrinologists, our teams have embarked down
some of endocrinology’s broad research ‘tentacles’ by analysing,
for instance, the metabolic control of hormonal secretion and
endocrine cancers or exploring the hormonal regulation of adipocytes
and cancer cells. Likewise, an integrative scientific approach has
characterised our vision of endocrinology, where whole animal
studies at a physiological level have been combined with intimate
molecular approaches, to understand the role of specific signals
and receptors, using genomics, proteomics or spliceosomics.

                                                                                                                                        ISSN 0804-4643 (print)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       European Journal of Endocrinology
                                                                                                                                        ISSN 1479-683X (online)                                                                                                                                                 Sharing knowledge enabling collaboration
                                                                                                                                        Volume 178, Number 1
                                                                                                                                        January 2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                EJE            European Journal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ISSN 0804-4643 (print)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ISSN 1479-683X (online)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Volume 178, Number 1
                                                                                          CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of Endocrinology               January 2018

                                                                                          G1–G24    European Society of Endocrinology Clinical Practice                       33–41     Marked geographic patterns in the incidence of idiopathic central

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Volume 178 Number 1
                                                                                                    Guidelines for the management of aggressive pituitary                               precocious puberty: a nationwide study in France
                                                                                                    tumours and carcinomas                                                              Joëlle Le Moal, Annabel Rigou, Alain Le Tertre,
                                                                                                    Gerald Raverot, Pia Burman, Ann McCormack, Anthony Heaney,                          Perrine De Crouy-Channel, Juliane Léger and Jean-Claude Carel
                                                                                                    Stephan Petersenn, Vera Popovic, Jacqueline Trouillas and
                                                                                                                                                                              43–56     Modulation of the gut microbiome: a systematic review of the
                                                                                                    Olaf M Dekkers on behalf of The European Society of Endocrinology
                                                                                                                                                                                        effect of bariatric surgery
                                                                                                                                                                                        Yan Guo, Zhi-Ping Huang, Chao-Qian Liu, Lin Qi, Yuan Sheng and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Da-Jin Zou
                                                                                                                                                                              59–65     Somatic USP8 mutations are frequent events in corticotroph

                                                                                          D1–D12    Identifying and treating subclinical thyroid dysfunction in
                                                                                                    pregnancy: emerging controversies                                                   tumor progression causing Nelson’s tumor
                                                                                                    Inés Velasco and Peter Taylor                                                       Luis G Pérez-Rivas, Marily Theodoropoulou, Troy H Puar, Julia Fazel,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Mareike R Stieg, Francesco Ferraù, Guillaume Assié, Monica R Gadelha,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       January 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                        Timo Deutschbein, Maria C Fragoso, Benno Kusters, Wolfgang Saeger,
                                                                                          REVIEWS                                                                                       Jürgen Honegger, Michael Buchfelder, Márta Korbonits, Jérôme Bertherat,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Günter K Stalla, Ad R Hermus, Felix Beuschlein and Martin Reincke
                                                                                          R1–R9     DIAGNOSIS OF ENDOCRINE DISEASE: 18-Oxocortisol and

                                                                                                    18-hydroxycortisol: is there clinical utility of these steroids?          67–76     Targeting either GH or IGF-I during somatostatin analogue
                                                                                                                                                                                        treatment in patients with acromegaly: a randomized
                                                                                                    Jacques W M Lenders, Tracy Ann Williams, Martin Reincke and
                                                                                                                                                                                        multicentre study
                                                                                                    Celso E Gomez-Sanchez

pituitary tumours:
                                                                                                                                                                                        Jakob Dal, Marianne Klose, Ansgar Heck, Marianne Andersen,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pages E1–E2, G1–G70, R99–R158, 243–276
                                                                                          R11–R17   DIAGNOSIS of ENDOCRINE DISEASE: SDHx mutations: beyond                              Caroline Kistorp, Eigil H Nielsen, Jens Bollerslev,
                                                                                                    pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas                                                Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen and Jens O L Jørgensen
                                                                                                    Massimo Mannelli, Letizia Canu, Tonino Ercolino, Elena Rapizzi,

                                                                                                                                                                              77–84     Early post-treatment risk stratification of differentiated thyroid
                                                                                                    Serena Martinelli, Gabriele Parenti, Giuseppina De Filpo and
                                                                                                                                                                                        cancer: comparison of three high-sensitive Tg assays
                                                                                                    Gabriella Nesi
                                                                                                                                                                                        Luca Giovanella, Mauro Imperiali, Frederik A Verburg and
                                                                                          R19–R31   DIAGNOSIS OF ENDOCRINE DISEASE: Bone turnover markers:                              Pierpaolo Trimboli
                                                                                                    are they clinically useful?
                                                                                                                                                                              85–93     ETV6-NTRK3 and STRN-ALK kinase fusions are recurrent events in
                                                                                                    Richard Eastell, Tom Pigott, Fatma Gossiel, Kim E Naylor,
                                                                                                                                                                                        papillary thyroid cancer of adult population
                                                                                                    Jennifer S Walsh and Nicola F APeel
                                                                                                                                                                                        André Uchimura Bastos, Ana Carolina de Jesus and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Janete Maria Cerutti
                                                                                          CLINICAL STUDIES                                                                    95–104    Excess morbidity and mortality in patients with
                                                                                          1–9       The impact of vitamin D status on hungry bone syndrome                              craniopharyngioma: a hospital-based retrospective cohort study
                                                                                                    after surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism                                       Mark Wijnen, Daniel S Olsson, Marry M van den Heuvel-Eibrink,
                                                                                                    Reto Martin Kaderli, Philipp Riss, Daniela Dunkler, Peter Pietschmann,              Casper Hammarstrand, Joseph A M J L Janssen, Aart J van der Lely,
                                                                                                    Andreas Selberherr, Christian Scheuba and Bruno Niederle                            Gudmundur Johannsson and Sebastian J C M M Neggers

                                                                                          11–22     The metabolic syndrome and its components in 178 patients                 105–113   Time to parathyroid function recovery in patients with
                                                                                                    treated for craniopharyngioma after 16 years of follow-up                           protracted hypoparathyroidism after total thyroidectomy
                                                                                                    Mark Wijnen, Daniel S Olsson, Marry M van den Heuvel-Eibrink,                       Inés Villarroya-Marquina, Juan Sancho, Leyre Lorente-Poch,
                                                                                                    Casper Hammarstrand, Joseph A M J L Janssen,                                        Lander Gallego-Otaegui and Antonio Sitges-Serra
                                                                                                    Aart-Jan van der Lely, Gudmundur Johannsson and
                                                                                                                                                                              115–122   Incidence, prevalence and seasonal onset variation of Addison’s
                                                                                                    Sebastian J C M M Neggers
                                                                                                                                                                                        disease among persons with type 1 diabetes mellitus: nationwide,
                                                                                                                                                                                        matched cohort studies

a new ESE guideline
                                                                                          23–32     Characteristics of a nationwide cohort of patients presenting
                                                                                                    with isolated hypogonadotropic                                                      Dimitrios Chantzichristos, Anders Persson, Björn Eliasson, Mervete Miftaraj,
                                                                                                    hypogonadism (IHH)                                                                  Stefan Franzén, Ann-Marie Svensson and Gudmundur Johannsson
                                                                                                    Marco Bonomi, Valeria Vezzoli, Csilla Krausz, Fabiana Guizzardi,
                                                                                                                                                                              123–130   Individual testosterone decline and future mortality risk in men
                                                                                                    Silvia Vezzani, Manuela Simoni, Ivan Bassi, Paolo Duminuco,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Clinical &
                                                                                                    Natascia Di Iorgi, Claudia Giavoli, Alessandro Pizzocaro, Gianni Russo,             Stine A Holmboe, Niels E Skakkebæk, Anders Juul, Thomas Scheike,
                                                                                                    Mirella Moro, Letizia Fatti, Alberto Ferlin, Laura Mazzanti,                        Tina K Jensen, Allan Linneberg, Betina H Thuesen and Anna-
                                                                                                    Maria Chiara Zatelli, Salvo Cannavò, Andrea M Isidori,                              Maria Andersson

                                                                                                    Angela Ida Pincelli, Flavia Prodam, Antonio Mancini, Paolo Limone,        131–137   Metformin in gestational diabetes mellitus: predictors of poor
                                                                                                    Maria Laura Tanda, Rossella Gaudino, Mariacarolina Salerno,                         response
                                                                                                    Pregnolato Francesca, Mohamad Maghnie, Mario Maggi, Luca Persani
                                                                                                                                                                                        Inês Gante, Luís Melo, Jorge Dores, Luísa Ruas and Maria do Céu

                                                                                                    on behalf of the Italian Network on Central Hypogonadism (NICe group)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           from around
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the globe

ESE’s latest clinical practice guideline addresses pituitary                          information from 166 patients (24% pituitary carcinomas and 76%
tumours that are resistant to conventional treatment. While                           aggressive pituitary tumours), including 157 patients treated with
                                                                                      temozolomide as first-line therapy after failure of conventional
such cases are rare, the need for guidance was indisputable,                          therapies.1
as Gérald Raverot explains.
                                                                                      Establishing guidance
Pituitary tumours are usually benign, revealed by symptoms                            In parallel to this survey, and initiated by current ESE Clinical
associated with hormonal dysregulation (hypersecretion or deficit) or                 Committee Chair Jérôme Bertherat, we began to develop a guideline
signs associated with tumour growth (such as visual field defects or                  on diagnosis, treatment and follow up in aggressive pituitary tumours
headaches). Most of these tumours are well controlled by surgery and/                 and carcinomas. The rarity of the condition, the absence of controlled
or medical treatment and, in some cases, radiation therapy. However,                  trials and the limited data from the literature underlined the need to
a subset of tumours proves resistant to the conventional approach.                    provide clinical guidance.
These patients present with multiple recurrence (so-called aggressive                    With the help of Olaf Dekkers, our methodological expert, we
pituitary tumours) and, in rare cases, metastasis (a defining feature of              decided up front, while acknowledging that literature on aggressive
pituitary carcinomas).                                                                pituitary tumours and carcinomas is scarce, to systematically review
   Different inefficient therapeutic options were tested before                       the literature according to the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations
the successful introduction of temozolomide for the treatment of                      Assessment, Development and Evaluation) system.
aggressive pituitary tumours and pituitary carcinomas. Temozolomide                      The review focused primarily on first- and second-line treatment
is an alkylating agent indicated in the treatment of glioblastoma.                    in aggressive pituitary tumours and carcinomas. We included 14
It was used for the first time in 2006 for the treatment of pituitary                 single arm cohort studies (including at least three patients), most on
carcinoma. Following the first publication, numerous case reports and                 temozolomide treatment (n=11). This review demonstrated a positive
small series were published demonstrating the potential efficacy of                   effect in 47% (95% CI 36–58%) of temozolomide-treated cases,
this new treatment. However, many questions regarding treatment                       confirming temozolomide as the first-line treatment after failure of
efficacy and patient management in this rare condition remained.                      conventional therapy in aggressive pituitary tumours and carcinomas.
Experience was gleaned from limited patient numbers with short                           The working group had four face-to-face meetings to draft the
duration of follow up.                                                                guideline. A critical review by eight pituitary experts (including
                                                                                      two neurosurgeons and one neuroradiologist) and comments from
A need to answer questions                                                            ESE members and the ESE Council of Affiliated Societies (ECAS)
To address these questions, Pia Burman (then Chair of the ESE Clinical                contributed to the final form of the recommendations. Moreover, the
Committee) initiated the formation of a Special Interest Group on                     Endocrine Society endorsed this ESE Clinical Practice Guideline for
aggressive pituitary tumours. The group met for the first time during                 the Management of Aggressive Pituitary Tumours and Carcinomas,
ECE 2015 in Dublin, Ireland.                                                          confirming its worldwide interest. The guideline has recently been
   The group’s first initiative was an international survey to collect                published in European Journal of Endocrinology.2
information on larger patient cohorts and specifically to gather
experience on temozolomide treatment, other chemotherapeutic                          Key recommendations
drugs and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. This survey                          The following recommendations are central to the new ESE guideline:
was distributed to ESE members. We were able to collect clinical
                                                                                      (1) P  atients with aggressive pituitary tumours should be managed by
                                                                                            a multidisciplinary expert team.
                                                                                      (2) Histopathological analysis, including pituitary hormones and
                                                                                            proliferative markers, is needed for correct tumour classification.
                                                                                      (3) Temozolomide monotherapy is the first-line chemotherapy for
                                                                                            aggressive pituitary tumours and pituitary carcinomas after failure
                                                                                            of standard therapies. Treatment evaluation after three cycles
                                                                                            allows identification of responder and non-responder patients.
                                                                                      (4) In patients responding to first-line temozolomide, we suggest
                                                                                            continuing the treatment for at least 6 months in total.

                                                                                      Furthermore, the guideline offers recommendations for patients who
                                                                                      recurred after temozolomide treatment, for those who did not respond
                                                                                      to temozolomide, and for patients with systemic metastasis.
The guideline panel: (L–R) Jacqueline Trouillas, Stephan Petersenn, Anthony Heaney,
Pia Burman, Ann McCormack, Vera Popovic, Gérald Raverot (Olaf Dekkers was absent)

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