Page created by Ryan Franklin


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 u na


   1  Our Company & Our Strategy
   		    A Note from Rob Saltiel, President & CEO
   2  Our ESG Journey
   		    A Note from Dan Churay, EVP - Corporate Affairs & ESG Committee Chair
   		    A Note on Data
   4  About MRC Global
   		    MRC Global at a Glance
   6  2020 ESG Performance Summary & Key Achievements
   		    Low-E Valves
   		    Environment & Climate
   		    Health & Safety
   		    Ethics & Values
   		    Employee Development
   8  Governance
         Board Oversight over ESG
   		    Board of Directors
   		    Board Membership & Diversity
   		    Board Committees
   		    The Board’s Oversight of Risk Management
   		    Executive Compensation & ESG Priorities
   		    Management of the Legal & Regulatory Environment
   		    Code of Ethics
   		    Global Ethics Hotline
   		    Corporate Policies
   14 Environment & Climate
   		    Our Products
   		    Our Environmental Footprint
   17 Our Clean Technology
   18 Emissions in Our Operations
   		    Scope 1 Emissions
   		    Scope 2 Emissions
   		    Scope 3 Emissions
   		    Emissions Reporting
   21 Water
   22 Deforestation
   23 Waste Management & Recycling
   24 Managing Environmental Risk
   25 Supply Chain Sustainability
   		    Supplier Code of Conduct
   		    Conflict Minerals
   28 Social Responsibility
   		    Health & Safety
   		    You See It, You Own It
   		    Stop Work Obligation
   		    Daily Safety Meetings & Quarterly Safety Stand Ups
   		    2020 Safety Awards
   		    Short Service Employee Program
   		    Life Protector Guides
   		    Employee Assistance Program
   		    Additional Programs
   32 Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic
   33 Employees
   		    Diversity & Culture
   		    Talent Management
   		    Employee Development & Learning Opportunities
   		    Employee Relations
   		    Monitoring for Success
   37 Human Rights
   		    Human Trafficking & Slavery
   		    Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption
   		    Community Involvement

   		    About this Report
   		    Forward-Looking Statements
   40 Stakeholder Engagement
   41 2020 SASB Index
2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report

                                        OUR COMPANY &
                                        OUR STRATEGY
                                        A NOTE FROM ROB SALTIEL, PRESIDENT & CEO

MRC Global is the largest         As a distributor of PVF, we       • diversify our product and     While the energy transition
distributor, based on sales,      sell products that control the      service offerings to serve    is inevitable, we believe that
of pipe, valves and fittings      flow of liquids and gases in        attractive new industry       carbon-based energy will
(PVF) products and related        a safe and environmentally          sectors, including those      continue to play a critical
infrastructure supplies and       responsible manner that             related to the energy         role in supporting economic
services to the energy and        minimizes impacts on our            transition                    growth and human quality of
industrial sectors of the         air, water and soil. Our                                          life, particularly in developing
global economy. Our business      customers specify their           • invest in technology          countries, for the next few
mix is diversified by region,     PVF products to limit the           systems and distribution      decades. Many of our largest
industry sector and product       greenhouse gases (GHGs)             warehouse infrastructure      customers are among the
line. We are a multi-cultural     that their operations emit. For     to improve operational        leading investors in green
team of over 2,600 dedicated      instance, 94% of the valves we      efficiency and customer       energy and decarbonization
employees with facilities in 17   sell are designated as “Low-E”      reach                         technology. As they further
countries. We are committed       (i.e., low emission) because                                      rebalance their capital
                                                                    • deliver attractive returns
to the success of our             they prevent unwanted leaks                                       investments toward green
                                                                      for our shareholders
customers, our communities        of harmful GHGs such as                                           energy sources, we expect
                                                                      through optimization of our
and each other.                   methane or carbon dioxide.                                        to enhance our product and
                                                                      inventory mix and working
                                  In addition, the pipe, fittings                                   service offerings to support
The four main business                                                capital
                                  and flanges that MRC Global                                       their changing requirements.
sectors we serve are:             provides are differentiated by    A global energy transition is
Gas Utilities (storage and        metallurgy, pressure rating,                                      In summary, MRC Global
                                                                    underway to address climate
distribution of natural           temperature rating, and other                                     will continue to leverage
                                                                    change, and we expect that
gas), Downstream and              requirements to transport                                         our company’s 100-year
                                                                    this will have significant
Industrial (crude oil refining,   fluids and gases safely without                                   history of serving the
                                                                    impacts on MRC Global’s
petrochemical/chemical            leaks or pollution.                                               oil and gas industry by
                                                                    future business. We believe
processing and general                                                                              providing our customers
                                                                    that our company has an
industrials), Upstream            MRC Global’s corporate                                            with critical pollution
                                                                    important role to play in the
Production (exploration,          strategy is focused on                                            prevention equipment for
                                                                    energy transition, and we
production and extraction of      sustainable growth, margin                                        their operations. At the same
                                                                    are already participating in
oil and gas), and Midstream       enhancement, and the                                              time, we will work to establish
                                                                    many green energy projects
Pipeline (gathering,              development of long-term                                          MRC Global as the leading
                                                                    and decarbonization efforts.
processing and transmission       customer relationships within                                     PVF provider to the rapidly
                                                                    In recent years, we have
of oil and gas). In addition      the markets we serve.                                             expanding energy transition
                                                                    supplied PVF products for use
to our traditional focus on oil                                                                     and decarbonization space.
                                  Our strategic objectives are      in biofuel, wind, hydrogen,
and gas, our end use-markets                                                                        We believe that our skills,
                                  to:                               geothermal, hydro-electric
also include mining, chemicals                                                                      assets and experience will
                                                                    and carbon capture and
production, desalinization                                                                          position us for success in both
                                  • increase market share in        storage projects. As of this
plants, pulp and paper                                                                              arenas, and I am confident
                                    our four main business          writing, we are competing to
processing, power utilities,                                                                        our employees are up to the
                                    sectors through superior        participate in various green
green energy projects and                                                                           task.
                                    customer service and new        energy and decarbonization
other industries.
                                    value-added offerings           projects around the globe.

2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report

                                        OUR ESG JOURNEY
                                        A NOTE FROM DAN CHURAY, EVP – CORPORATE AFFAIRS
                                        & ESG COMMIT TEE CHAIR

This year MRC Global Inc.         can be followed in our proxy        Global was engaged and        area. Our North American
is celebrating its 100th          statements for our annual           the various policies that     environmental data was
anniversary. We trace our         meetings beginning with the         the company adopted that      more easily accessible than
roots back to the formation       first one in 2013 through our       impact ESG. We highlighted    data in our International
of McJunkin Supply Company        proxy statement for our 2021        our Core Values and our       segment as North American
in 1921 in West Virginia by       annual meeting.                     environmental and other ESG   data was more centrally
Jerry McJunkin and Bernard                                            efforts.                      maintained. We reported on
Wehrle. Since that time, over     Our Core Values guided                                            this data, as North America
120 companies have joined         our founding companies              In the intervening reports,   represented over 84% of
our organization through          and continue to guide our           we began to assess what       our revenue. We began our
acquisitions and mergers. In      current company’s actions           data was needed to drive      reporting by utilizing the
2007, McJunkin merged with        every day. For instance,            our ESG efforts, especially   Global Reporting Initiative
Red Man Pipe and Supply to        Employee Development,               regarding the environmental   (GRI) Standards following
form the MRC Global that we       one of our Core Values,
know today. Lew Ketchum,          has been a keystone of our
a member of the Delaware          constituent businesses since
Indian tribe, was the driving     the beginning. Our founding
force behind the Red Man          family owners cared for their
organization that he founded      employees and desired for
in 1977 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.       them to participate in the
Together, McJunkin and Red        success of the business and
Man have held high ethical        the growth of their careers.
and business standards            Likewise, Involvement in
since their respective starts     the Community, including
and have maintained these         charitable endeavors, was a
standards as MRC Global           Core Value for these families.
today.                            Safety Leadership has been
                                  a fundamental Core Value
After their merger in 2007,       in our company since the
the combined company              beginning. Our founding
continued its environmental,      families wanted to make sure
social and governance (ESG)       that their employees went
journey well before its initial   home every day without
public offering (IPO) in 2012.    harm, and that remains our
For instance, as early as         desire to this very day. Our
2008, prior to our IPO, our       Core Values underpin our ESG
company created a set of          efforts as well as all aspects of
Core Values to guide it and       our business.
its employees, instituted a
risk management committee         In 2018, we published our
and formed an independent         first ESG Report. The ESG
audit committee. As a public      Report that you are reading
company, we adopted the           today is our fourth annual
policies listed on page 13.       report. Initially, we began by
Our continued improvement         reporting on the various ESG
in our governance practices       activities and management
                                  objectives in which MRC


GRI’s core components.         products and services that         environment as well as            implementation to create
Then, we adopted the core      we provide to our energy           other aspects of employee         this improved reporting.
recommendations of the         industry customers.                development. In most cases,       Improved data allows
Task Force on Financial                                           parts of our business have        better decision-making and
Climate-related Disclosures    Data collection, analysis and      maintained and managed            tracking of progress.
(TCFD) and reported data       verification continue to be        this data, and now this
                               an important foundation to                                           We continue on our ESG
using the Sustainable                                             data is being elevated into
                               implement the company’s                                              journey that began 100 years
Accounting Standards                                              our strategic decision-
                               strategy. Without good,                                              ago with McJunkin Supply
Board (SASB) standards for                                        making. We are making
                               consistent, verifiable data, it                                      Company, and we are looking
the Industrial Machinery &                                        changes to our reporting
                               is not possible to set realistic                                     forward to the next 100 years
Goods segment.                                                    and enterprise resource
                               goals, implement strong                                              of providing our customers
                                                                  planning (ERP) systems
This year, we continue to      initiatives to meet those                                            with critical products to
                                                                  to collect better data. In
refine our data efforts and    goals and measure progress                                           support the world’s energy
                                                                  2020, we implemented
have reported many of          in achieving them. We have                                           and infrastructure needs in an
                                                                  a new human resources
our numbers on a global        maintained good data on                                              ethical and environmentally
                                                                  information system
basis for the first time. We   our health and safety efforts,                                       friendly manner with the
                                                                  (HRIS), which will allow
have continued our SASB        our training for employees,                                          appropriate governance to
                                                                  us to have better metrics
reporting, now using a mix     our community engagement                                             support our mission.
                                                                  around our employee and
of Multiline and Specialty     and aspects of our employee        organizational development
Retailers & Distributors and   development and employee           efforts, including our
Oil & Gas - Services SASB      composition. We have been          diversity initiatives. In 2021,
codes. This reflects the       improving in our reporting         we are implementing a
distribution business of our   regarding our impacts on           second phase of this HRIS
company and the types of       climate change and the

                                        A NOTE ON DATA
                                        The data presented in this report        Where data was not completely
                                        was generally derived from               available, the company has
                                        various company reports and              utilized reasonable, good faith
                                        systems. However, in some cases,         estimates to fill gaps, including
                                        data was derived from third party        estimates derived from trends
                                        systems that vendors maintained          in available data. For instance,
                                        on behalf of the company or              data regarding fleet emissions
                                        provided to the company, which           in the company’s international
                                        may not be subject to verification.      segment was estimated by the
                                        For instance, data sources for           company’s North American fleet
                                        electric and water usage include         vendor based on the number of
                                        utility bills as well as reports from    various classes of vehicles in the
                                        landlords when landlords supply          International segment using the
                                        utility services to us. Data for         same methodology as used for
                                        North American vehicle emissions         North America.
                                        was provided by the company’s
                                        fleet management vendor.

2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report

                                                     ABOUT MRC GLOBAL

MRC Global is the largest distributor of              • stainless and alloy fittings               and flanges that MRC Global provides are
pipe, valves and fittings (PVF) products                and flanges                                friendly to the environment because their
and related infrastructure supplies and               • couplings                                  purpose is to transport fluid and gases
services to energy and industrial sectors             • anodes                                     without leaks and prevent pollution.
of the global economy, based on sales.                • gas products and                           The COVID-19 pandemic and downturn
MRC Global’s business mix is diversified                accessories                                in energy markets impacted customer
by region, industry sector and product                • coiled tubing                              demand for our products and services in
line. We are a global team in 17 countries            • polyethylene pipe &                        the upstream production and midstream
dedicated to our customers, our                         fittings                                   pipeline sectors the most and impacted
communities and each other.                           • fiberglass piping                          the downstream and industrial sector
                                                      • storage tanks                              to a lesser extent. Our Gas Utilities
As a distributor of PVF, we sell products             • general oilfield supplies                  sector (which represented 33% of the
that control the flow of liquids and                  • gauges                                     company’s revenue in 2020) has been
gases in a safe and environmentally                   • instrumentation                            relatively stable and has experienced
responsible manner. The products we                   • measurement products                       growth over the past five years. Our
provide prevent and minimize accidental               • mill supplies                              customer spending in the Gas Utilities
leaks of hydrocarbons, gases and other                • safety equipment                           sector is not determined by oil and gas
substances into the air and soil. Our
                                                                                                   prices but rather customer needs to
product offering includes (among other
                                                      Our clients use these products to limit      replace existing infrastructure, modernize
products) the following:
                                                      the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions           distribution systems and expand their
• carbon steel pipe                                   in their operations. For instance, the       markets. MRC Global has contracts with
• carbon steel fittings and                           overwhelming majority of the valves          nine of the 10 largest gas utilities, and
  flanges                                             that we sell are designed to prevent         18 of the 25 largest gas utilities, in the
• valves                                              unwanted leaks of harmful gases such as      U.S. based on number of customers.
• stainless and alloy pipe                            methane. In addition, the pipe, fittings

    We report revenue by industry sectors which include the following sectors in 2020:

                                                                   % 2020 Revenue

                       33%                                 31%                          23%                     13%

                       Gas Utilities                      Downstream &                  Upstream                Midstream
                       storage and distribution of        Industrial                    Production              Pipeline

                       natural gas                        crude oil refining and        exploration,            gathering, processing
                                                          petrochemical and chemical    production and          and transmission
                                                          processing and general        extraction of           of oil and gas
                                                          industrials                   underground oil and


Many of our largest                    and enhance our product         such as alternative energy.      projects, including those in
customers are among the                and service offering as         In fact, we already supply       the following alternative
leading investors in renewable         needed to support their         products to alternative energy   energy categories:
energy technology. As they             changing requirements. Our      end uses. We are working
further rebalance their capital        warehouses, distribution        to enhance our reporting
investment from traditional,           network and technology          systems to better capture
carbon-based energy to                 are capable of pivoting and     sales to these end markets.
alternative sources, we expect         enhancing our offerings for     Even so, in 2020, we supplied         Hydrogen,
to continue to supply them             many industries and end uses,   products to alternative energy        Geothermal,
                                                                                                             Hydro (water)
                                                                                                             & Carbon Capture
                                                                                                             & Storage

                                             MRC GLOBAL AT A GLANCE

    $2.6 B                     ~230                  12,000+            ~2,600               $664 M                 10,000
        SALES1                 LOCATIONS                CUSTOMERS           EMPLOYEES          INVENTORY                SUPPLIERS

                 OUR MISSION                               OUR VISION                    CORE VALUES
                  TO DELIVER SUPERIOR                      BE THE WORLD’S                SAFETY LEADERSHIP
                  SERVICE TO OUR                           LEADING PROVIDER              CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
                  CUSTOMERS AROUND                         OF PVF PRODUCTS               BUSINESS ETHICS
                  THE WORLD AND                            AND SOLUTIONS                 OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE
                  PROVIDE INNOVATIVE                       TO THE ENERGY                 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE
                  SUPPLY SOLUTIONS                         AND INDUSTRIAL                TEAMWORK
                  TO ENHANCE                               MARKETS                       EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT
                  OUR CUSTOMERS’                                                         COMMUNITY / CHARITY
                  OPERATIONS                                                             INVOLVEMENT


2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report

                                     2020 ESG PERFORMANCE
                                     SUMMARY & KEY ACHIEVEMENTS
                                     [ N/M ] DENOTES DATA THAT WAS NOT MEASURED

                              LOW-E VALVES
                                      Total Valve Sales - $790 million of the company’s total revenue of $2.6 billion

                                      Low-E Valve Sales for use in hydrocarbon applications were $739 million
                                      (94% of total valve sales and almost 30% of the company’s total revenue).

     SALES OF $739M
       94% OF ALL

                                                                                            Global                   North America
                                                                                                                        (except as noted)

                                                                                             2020           2020             2019                2018
                              Scope 1 Emissions, metric tons (1)                             9,909          9,658           14,402               14,421
                              Scope 1 Emissions, gigajoules (2)                             143,949        138,307         206,106           206,424
      DECREASE IN             Scope 1 Emissions Intensity (3)                                 3.87           3.77            4.18                 3.78
    WATER AND ENERGY          Average Miles per Gallon                                        n/m           13.67            13.88               13.68
                              Scope 2 Emissions, electricity consumption from
          2020                                                                               49,211         39,131          42,213               36,376
                              hydrocarbon sources - gigajoules (4)
                              Scope 2 Emissions, electricity consumption from
                                                                                             13,350         4,287              0                   0
                              alternative energy sources
                              Total Scope 2 Emissions – from all sources                    62,561          42,418          42,213               36,376
                              Water Consumption, cubic meters                               21,405          13,286          27,695               31,846
                              Material Recycled, tons (U.S. only)                                            507              557                 420
     26% INCREASE IN          Percentage of Waste Recycled (U.S. only)                                       12%             10%                  n/m
    TONNAGE IN THE U.S.        (1)   2018 and 2019 emissions were revised slightly from prior reporting to better align with SASB requirements.
                               (2)   total fuel consumed in on-road equipment and vehicles, no fuel consumed in off-road equipment
       2017 TO 2020
                               (3)   emissions/1,000,000 unit total revenue
                               (4)   excludes alternative energy sources

      CERTIFIED                                                                                            Global
                                                                                   2020                     2019                        2018
                              ISO 14001 Certified Locations                          6                         8                            10
                              ISO 9001 Certified Locations                           34                       31                            31
                              LEED Certified Space                             645,690 ft2                415,272 ft2
                                                                               (59,986 m2)               (38,580 m2)


                                                                                                            2020 WAS THE SAFEST
                                                              2020             2019           2018
                                                                                                              RECORDED YEAR
 Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)*                       0.49              1.27           0.7           IN OUR COMPANY’S
 Lost Workday Rate (LWDR)*                                     0.17             0.41          0.25            HISTORY, AS OUR
 Recordable Vehicle Incident Rate (RVIR)**                     0.38             0.85          n/m              SAFETY METRICS
 Near Miss Frequency Rate (NMFR)+                             20.22            12.96          n/m             REACHED RECORD
 Work Related Fatalities                                        0                0              0

  *per 200,000 hours worked
  **per 1,000,000 miles driven
  +The company changed NMFR recording methodology in 2020. 2020 and 2019 numbers were calculated using
    this methodology.

                                                                                                               EMPLOYEE ACTIONS
                                                                      Global         North America
                                                                                                             MUST ALWAYS REFLECT
                                                                      2020               2019
                                                                                                             THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE
 Percentage of Workforce Trained on Anti-Corruption &
                                                                       98%               97%                STANDARDS OF BUSINESS
 Percentage of Workforce Trained on Workplace Equality,                                                      CONDUCT AND ETHICS.
                                                                       98%               97%
 Harassment & Discrimination

All employees are required within five days of employment to take compliance training, and                      EMPLOYEES ARE
employees have 90 days to take required refreshment training, so the training percentages
                                                                                                             EXPECTED TO USE GOOD
above reflect a lag in new employee completion.
                                                                                                             JUDGMENT, INTEGRITY,
                                                                                                            AND COMMON SENSE IN
                                                                                                             MAKING WORK-RELATED
DIVERSITY                                                                                                     DECISIONS AND TO BE
                                                                                                            ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR
                                                                       Global             North America            ACTIONS.
                                                                2020            2019                2018
 Workforce (Total), percent women                                26%             26%                 26%
 Workforce Director and Above, percent women                     19%             17%                 22%    THIS INCLUDES AVOIDING
 Workforce (Corporate Functions), percent women                  45%             45%                 42%     CONDUCT THAT IS LIKELY
 Board of Directors, percent women or persons of color           33%             36%                 36%    TO DAMAGE MRC GLOBAL’S
                                                                                                                  BUSINESS OR
We operate in 17 countries and have an increasingly global and diverse customer and                               REPUTATION.
employee base.

                                                                2020            2019                2018
 Average Number of Training Hours Per Employee                   17.2            20.8                15.3

We are committed to paying fair wages that sustain families. In the U.S., we pay all hourly
employees at least $15 per hour beginning in their first year of employment and in other
countries employees were paid prevailing wage for our industry.

2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report


                               MRC Global is committed           achieving our performance         the caption “Corporate
                               to adhering to sound              goals and to maintaining          Governance Matters”. The
                               principles of governance          the trust and confidence          2021 Proxy Statement can
                               and has adopted corporate         of investors, employees,          be found on our website
                               governance practices that         customers, suppliers, business    (investor.mrcglobal.com) or
                               promote the effective             partners, regulatory agencies     the EDGAR portion of the
                               functioning of our Board,         and other stakeholders.           website of the U.S. Securities
                               its committees and our                                              and Exchange Commission
                               company. The primary              The following summarizes          (www.sec.gov).
                               responsibility of our Board       our corporate governance
                               is to foster the long-term        practices. For a more
                               success of the company by         detailed description of
                               promoting the interests of        the company’s Corporate
                               our stockholders. Our Board       Governance, please see
                               believes that strong corporate    our 2021 Proxy Statement
                               governance is critical to         beginning on page 30 under

                               BOARD OVERSIGHT OVER ESG
                               Our effective management          and improving all relevant        to determine MRC Global’s
                               of ESG factors is of long-        issues with respect to ESG.       effectiveness with all
                               term significance to our          Our EVP – Corporate Affairs       stakeholders. The following
                               stockholders, employees and       chairs the ESG Committee,         ESG Board Oversight diagram
     CORPORATE                 communities and is critical       which is comprised of             depicts the oversight
    GOVERNANCE                 to our company’s success.         executives representing           responsibilities of the Board
      MATTERS                  Our Board has tasked its          various functions within          and two Board committees as
                               Governance Committee with         our company including             they relate to ESG matters.
                               assisting the full Board in its   operations, quality, safety,
                               oversight of the company’s        corporate services, marketing,
            WEBSITE            efforts on ESG matters.           human resources, legal,
    INVESTOR.MRCGLOBAL.COM     Our Board reviews these           quality, investor relations and
                               matters on a quarterly basis.     supply chain management
                               In addition, the company          leaders. The ESG Committee
                               has an ESG Committee that         provides formal, documented
                               reports to the Governance         ESG measures and initiatives
                               Committee and is responsible      and ESG reporting with
                               for monitoring, assessing         measures and benchmarks


                                               ESG GOVERNANCE

                                                       Board  of of
                                                         Global Inc. Inc.
                                                          [1] [1]

                                                               Board of
         Governance                                          MRC Global
                                                               Board  ofInc.                                          AuditAudit
          Committee                                          MRC  [1] ofInc.
                                                                 Global                                             Committee
         [2] [2]                                                                                                       [3] [3]
                                                             MRC Global Inc.

           Governance                                                   Most senior
                                                                                  Most senior       DisclosureAudit
                                                                                                               and and
  Risk* Management                                      CEO CEO
                                                            and and                                      Disclosure
        Risk Management
            Committee                                                   individualsindividuals
                                                                                     with      with        Committee
     Committee                                         Executive
                                                           Executive    accountability              Controls  Audit
                                                                                                        Controls  Review
               [2]                                                                accountability               [3]
           [4]                                      Management  teamteamfor ESG risk
                                                       Management                 for ESG risk             Committee
            Committee                                                   managementmanagement              [5]  [3]
                [2]                                                                                                                [3]
                                                                            Most senior
       Risk Management                                  CEO and             individuals with
                                                                                                 Disclosure and
Data Data
     and Cybersecurity
          and Cybersecurity                            Executive
                                                               EVP   -      Most senior         Controls  Review
                                                                                                 Disclosure and
                                           SVP -SVP -   CEO and      EVP  - accountability
                                                                            individuals with       Committee
              [4]                                   Management  team
                                                                  Corporate for ESG
                                                                            Most    risk
                                                                                  senior        Controls  Review
          [5] [6]                            OperationsExecutive
                                         Operations     CEO andAffairs
                                                                            management           Disclosure
                                                                                                       [5] and
              [4]                                   Management
                                                                            for ESG riskwith       Committee
                                                                                                Controls  Review
           Committee                                                        accountability
                                                                            management                 [5]
                                                    Management team                  Businesses
                                                                            for ESG risk            and
                                                                                             Businesses  and
                                                                            management     Functions   [5]
                                                                                                                    [7]     [7]
    Data and Cybersecurity                                                               EVP -
                                                   SVP -                      ESG * ESG
    Data and Cybersecurity                                                      Corporate
                                                 * Safety
                                                   SVP -
                                                                                  EVP -
          Committee                                                        Management
    Data and Cybersecurity                  Council
                                              Operations                          EVP -
             [5]                                SVP -                       Committee
                                                                                 Affairs                         Businesses and
          Committee                                                             Corporate
                                                 Operations                                                        Functions
                [5]                                                                    Affairs            Businesses and
                                           *One senior
                                                  *One  membermember
                                                                   of the Safety
                                                          senior member     of of
                                                                                        Safety                   [7]
                                            Council is a member
                                                    Council         of the ESG
                                                            isis aamember    ofofthe  ESG                 Businesses  and
                                              Management           member
                                                               Committee.          the ESG
                                                                                        ESG                      [7]
                                                        Management       Committee.                           Functions
                                             SafetyManagement Committee.              Certain
                                                                                        ESG                      [7]
                                             Safetymembers of the Safety Council            are
                                             Safetyon the Risk Management Committee.
                                                  *One senior member of the Safety
          [1]   Oversight of  ESG  risk management.
                 [1] Oversight of ESG risk management.
                                                    Council is   a member    of   Committee
                                                  *One senior member of the Safety    ESG
                                                    Council is   a memberCommittee.
                                                                             of  the  ESG
                                                  *One senior member of the Safety
          [2]   Non-executive   Directors
                 [2] Non-executive         appointed
                                      Directors            byis athe
                                                    Council           byBoard
                                                                   member the       toESGreview
                                                                             of the               and advise
                                                                                             to review       on on
                                                                                                       and advise
                sustainability policies
                     sustainability     and practices
                                     policies and practices including
                                                        Management            climate
                                                                         Committee.         change
                                                                                         climate     and other
                                                                                                   change and other
              ESG matters.
                    ESG matters.
                [1] Oversight of ESG risk management.
                [1] Non-executive
                [3] OversightDirectors
          [3] Non-executive         of ESG      risk
                                            Directors  management.
                                                  appointedappointedby thebyBoard
                                                                                the Boardto oversee       the the
                                                                                                 to oversee
                [2] Oversight
                [1] Non-executive
                    effectivenessofoftheESG Directors   of appointed
                                               the     management.
                                                           riskofmanagementby the Board
                                                                     risk management             to
                                                                                         and internal           andcontrol.
                                                                                                         internal       advise on
                    sustainability policies
                [2] Non-executive           Directors  andappointed
                                                                                the Board    climate
                                                                                                 to reviewchangeandand      other
                                                                                                                        advise  on
                [2] ESG
          [4] Assists  thematters.
                            Governance    policies
                                            Directors  and
                                                  Committee  practices
                                                           appointedand    byincluding
                                                                          Board the   Board
                [4] Assists the Governance Committee and Board in identifying, assessing     climate
                                                                                          identifying,    change
                                                                                                      review    and
                                                                                                           assessing   and  other
                                                                                                                            and onand
              monitoring  matters.
                            key risks
                    monitoring        keypolicies
                                             to        and
                                             risks             company.      including
                                                                       Members Members       climate
                                                                                       include      the change
                                                                                                include   CEO,    EVPs,
                                                                                                            the CEO,   andEVPs,
                [3] Non-executive
              SVPs, ESG
                    SVPs, matters.
                      certain    VPs and
                             certain        Directors
                                          VPs   executive  appointed
                                                 and executive directors.  by the Board to oversee the
                    effectiveness ofDirectors
                [3] Non-executive              the system       of risk management
                                                           appointed       by the Board to       andoversee
                                                                                                         internalthe  control.
                [3] effectiveness
          [5] Assists
                       the Audit
                [5] Assists               ofDirectors
                                the Audit            system
                                                           appointed risk
                                                                            and theCFO
                                                                              CEO     Board
                                                                                      and   inCFOand
                                                                                                 to      internal
                                                                                                meeting       theirthe
                                                                                                          meeting     control.
                [4] Assists
              obligations   with
                    obligations the respect
                    effectiveness     Governance
                                      withof respect
                                                          to disclosures    andregarding
                                                                of riskregarding   Board
                                                                           management         in and
                                                                                          financial      internal
                                                                                                  financial         assessing
                                                                                                                            and and
              other monitoring
                [4] Assists
                    other       theand
                            financial key    risksnon-financial
                                      Governance      to the
                                            and                company.
                                                                        disclosures.          ininclude
                                                                                             Membersinclude the
                                                                                                  identifying,   CEO,
                                                                                                             include       EVPs,
                                                                                                                         the  CEO,and
                [4] Assists
              EVPs,   SVPs,  certain
                    monitoring  the
                               certainkey VPs
                                           VPs   and
                                             risksand toexecutive
                                                         the   company.
                    EVPs, SVPs, certain VPs and executive directors.    directors.
                                                                         directors.Board      ininclude     the
                                                                                                  identifying,   CEO,      EVPs,
                                                                                                                    assessing     and
          [6] Takes SVPs,    certain
                      steps steps
                [6] Takes              toVPs
                              to understand      andtoand
                                            understand  executive
                                                               and      directors.
                                                                      mitigate     information  include
                                                                                               security     the CEO,
                                                                                                        security     risksEVPs,
                                                                                                                    by      by
                [5] Assists
              completing        the Audit
                    completing            VPs   Committee,
                                      regular    and    executive
                                                   reviews         Board,
                                                                and           CEO
                                                                              of theand
                                                                       approvals              CFOcompany’s
                                                                                            the      in meeting
                                                                                                           information their
                [5] Assists
              security  program.
                    security    the   with respect
                                 program.       Committee,to disclosures
                                                                   Board, CEO     regarding
                                                                                      and CFOfinancial
                                                                                                     in meeting resultstheirand
                [5] other
          [7] Responsible
                [7] Assists financial
                    Responsible         forand
                               for    Audit        non-financial
                                                           MRC          disclosures.
                                                                     MRC      CEO regarding
                                                                            Global’s         Members
                                                                                           ESG       in They include
                                                                                                   strategy.    Theytheir
                                                                                                                are      the  CEO,
              represented    SVPs,
                               in  the  certain
                                         ESG  respectVPs   and
                                                  Management       executive
                                                                       Committee  directors.
                    represented in the ESG Management Committee and Safety Council.CEO,
                    obligations             and    non-financial        disclosures.
                                                                                                 Safety      include
                                                                                                           Council.      theand
                [6] Takes
                    other    steps to
                    EVPs, financial
                             SVPs,          understand
                                            and      VPs andand
                                                   non-financial      mitigate
                                                                   executive       information
                                                                        disclosures.         Members    security
                                                                                                             include risks
                [6] Takes    stepsregular
                    EVPs, SVPs,        to          reviews
                                        certain      VPs andand and    approvals
                                                                   executive            of the company’s
                                                                                  directors.            security information
                                                                                                                     risks by
                [6]*One senior
                    Takes       member
                          *One   senior  of the Safety
                                       tomember      theCouncil
                                            understand          is
                                                         Safetyand a member
                                                                Council       of the ESG
                                                                        is a member        Management
                                                                                       of     ESGcompany’sCommittee.
                                                                                                    Management      information
                                                                                                                     risks by
                [7] Responsible
                    security program.
                    completing          for implementing
                                      regular      reviews andMRC           Global’sof ESG
                                                                       approvals                   strategy. They
                                                                                            the company’s                are
                [7] Responsible
                    security program.   in
                                        forthe    ESG Management
                                              implementing                     Committee
                                                                     MRC Global’s          ESG and        Safety
                                                                                                   strategy.    TheyCouncil.
                    represented in
                [7] Responsible         forthe    ESG Management
                                              implementing                     Committee
                                                                     MRC Global’s          ESG and        Safety
                                                                                                   strategy.    TheyCouncil.
                    represented         in the ESG Management Committee and Safety Council.
                          *One senior member of the Safety Council is a member of the ESG Management Committee.
                              *One senior member of the Safety Council is a member of the ESG Management Committee.
                              *One senior member of the Safety Council is a member of the ESG Management Committee.

2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report

                                     BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                     Our Board consists of eight members, including an independent Chairman of the
                                     Board, six additional independent directors and our CEO.

                                     BOARD MEMBERSHIP & DIVERSITY
        Deborah G. Adams
        Audit Committee Member       The Board regularly           company. When reviewing         for membership on the
     Compensation Committee Member   considers the long-term       director candidates, the        Board without regard
                                     make-up of our Board and      Board considers each            to race, color, religion,
                                     how the members of our        candidate’s qualifications      sex, ancestry, sexual
                                     Board change over time.       for membership on the           orientation, national origin
                                     The entire Board selects      Board, including the            or disability. While the
                                     nominees for the Board        enhanced independence,          Board does not have a
                                     in accordance with the        financial literary and          formal policy on diversity,
                                     procedures and criteria       financial expertise             in assembling our Board,
                                     set forth in our Corporate    standards that Audit            our objective is to have
                                     Governance Guidelines.        Committee membership            wide diversity in terms
       Leonard M. Anthony                                          may require and assesses        of business experiences,
       Governance Committee Chair    The Board seeks a             the performance of              functional skills, gender,
        Audit Committee Member       diverse group of              current directors who           race, ethnicity and cultural
                                     candidates who possess        are proposed to be              backgrounds. In 2020,
                                     the background, skills        renominated to the Board.       33% of our directors were
                                     and expertise to make a       The Board considers             women or persons of
                                     significant contribution      qualified candidates            color.
                                     to the Board and the

                                     BOARD COMMITTEES
             Rhys J. Best            The Board currently           including (among others)        with legal and regulatory
          Chairman of the Board
                                     maintains three               risks from cyber incidents,     requirements and the
                                     committees that have          ESG failures, reputational      company’s financial
                                     been tasked to assist with    risks and the risks set forth   reporting and internal
                                     the oversight of their        in our Annual Report on         control systems.
                                     respective areas of focus     Form 10-K for the year
                                     and certain categories of     ended December 31, 2020         Compensation
                                     risk management, and the      that we filed with the SEC.     Committee: reviews the
                                     committees report to the      The full Board is actively      company’s employee
                                     Board regularly on these      involved in overseeing          compensation policies
                                     matters. All committees       risk management for             and practices to assess
                                     play significant roles        the company, including          whether such policies
           Henry Cornell             in carrying out the risk      material risks relating to      and practices encourage
                                     oversight function that       climate change.                 long-term focus, support
                                     typically focuses in their                                    the retention and
                                     areas of expertise. These     Audit Committee:                development of executive
                                     three standing committees     reviews and assesses the        talent and discourage
                                     oversee the following         guidelines and policies         excessive risk-taking
                                     risks:                        governing the company’s         behavior.
                                                                   financial and accounting
                                     Governance Committee:         risk management and
                                     assists the Board with its    oversight processes and
                                     oversight of the enterprise   assists with the Board’s
                                     risks that may be             oversight of financial
       Barbara J. Duganier           applicable to the company     and accounting matters,
          Audit Committee Chair
      Governance Committee Member    from time to time,            including compliance


The Board, as a whole, is         prioritize, address, manage,      Consistent with this approach,
responsible for overseeing        monitor and communicate           one of the Board’s primary
our risk exposure, as part        risks across the company’s        responsibilities is overseeing
of determining a business         operations and foster a           and interacting with senior
strategy that generates long-     corporate culture of integrity    management with respect to
term stockholder value. The       and risk awareness.               key aspects of the company’s
                                                                                                       Dr. Cornelis A. Linse
Board shapes our enterprise-                                        business, including risk            Audit Committee Member
wide risk policies, desire for    As part of the company’s          assessment, monitoring,          Compensation Committee Member

risk taking and acceptable risk   strategic planning process,       managing and risk mitigation
tolerance levels that provide     the company maintains a           of the company’s top risks.
the foundation for our            Risk Management Committee         Our Board meets with senior
overall business strategy. The    that assists the Board in         management at regular
Board recognizes that risk        identifying key risks. Our Risk   Board meetings and, if
mitigation not only preserves     Management Committee is           necessary, at other times
value, but, when managed          not a committee of the Board      to discuss the strategy and
appropriately, can create         but rather is comprised of        success in addressing our
value and opportunity for the     appropriate members of our        identified key risks and any
company.                          management.                       potential disruptive forces              Rob Saltiel
                                                                    along with any other risks                    CEO
The Board recognizes that         The Risk Management
                                                                    that we may face.
purposeful and appropriate        Committee meets
risk-taking in certain areas is   quarterly and its principal
important for the company         responsibilities are to review,
to be competitive and to          assess and monitor any
achieve our long-term goals.      material risks or exposures
Accordingly, the company          associated with the conduct
has established an enterprise     of our business, our
risk management (ERM)             corporate culture, the internal
framework through which           risk management processes
the company regularly             or systems implemented to
                                  identify, mitigate, monitor                                             Robert L. Wood
identifies key risks that face                                                                        Compensation Committee Chair
the company and carefully         or manage these risks or                                            Governance Committee Member

considers its appetite for each   exposures and the company’s
risk. This ERM framework is       policies and procedures for
designed to identify, assess,     risk management.

Our compensation program          interests with our long-term      (TRIR) and lost workday rate
is designed so that higher        interests and those of the        (LWDR).
ranked executives in the          company’s stockholders.
Company have a greater            Some of the company’s safety      A more detailed discussion of
percentage of their               goals are reflected in the        our executive compensation
compensation that is              2020 and 2021 short-term          program is available in
contingent on the company’s       cash incentive compensation       our 2021 Proxy Statement
financial performance,            opportunity for the CEO           beginning on page 39 under
long-term stock price             and other members of our          the caption “Compensation
performance and individual        executive leadership team.        Discussion and Analysis.”
performance, described as         Specifically, a portion of that
“at-risk” compensation. The       compensation opportunity
company believes that having      will be based on achieving
a significant portion of our      our annual internal objectives
executive’s compensation at       related to the company’s
risk more closely aligns their    total recordable incident rate

2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report

The adoption of new                GHGs, including carbon          regulations could impose
regulatory developments            dioxide, associated with        costs on us or negatively
and environmental laws             the burning of fossil fuels.    impact the demand for
designed to support                Certain states and regions      the products we distribute
energy transition to low           have also adopted or are        and, consequently, our
carbon sources could               considering environmental       business. However, our
have significant impacts           laws that impose overall        Board and management
on the energy business             caps or taxes on GHG            continue to monitor
and ultimately MRC                 emissions from certain          these developments
Global’s business. One             sectors or facility             and not only address
example of potential               categories or mandate           the risks attendant
regulatory developments            the increased use of            to the developments
is that governments                electricity from renewable      but also the business
at the international,              energy sources. It is not       opportunities that may
national, regional and             possible to predict how         arise. We consider
state level are at various         new environmental laws          these developments
stages of considering or           to address GHG emissions        when pursuing our
implementing treaties and          would impact our business       diversification and energy
environmental laws that            or that of our customers,       transition strategies.
could limit emissions of           but these laws and

We are committed to high           all employees. Additionally,    implementation by replacing
standards of honest and            we have a stricter code of      prior training with this
ethical behavior and integrity     ethics to which our principal   four-part ONE MRC Global          ONE MRC Global
in carrying out our business       executive and senior officers   Compliance Training series       Compliance Training
activities. Business Ethics is a   must adhere. Moreover,          to our employees in our             consists of:
fundamental Core Value of          our compliance function         International region. The
our company. All employees         routinely reviews recent        International implementation
must follow our Code of            developments in law so that     also included localized           WE ACT IN THE BEST
Ethics, compliance policies        we can immediately update       and translated content.            INTERESTS OF THE
and applicable law in all of       our policies and practices to   Setting a company global              COMPANY
our activities and operations      maintain our high standards.    standard for ethics and
on a worldwide basis. We                                           conduct expectations,
rely on the good judgment,         Given that our workforce is     these modules transform           HOW WE TREAT OUR
high standards and example         distributed across 34 U.S.      complex legal topics into
of our directors, officers and     states and 17 countries, we     easily comprehended
employees as the principal         utilize an on-line learning     practices. Employees learn
guide to ethical conduct.          management system (LMS) to      our requirements in practical,
                                   deliver broad based training                                      HOW WE TREAT OUR
We conduct training and                                            actionable terms.
                                   to our employees. In 2019,                                          SHAREHOLDERS
testing of our officers and
employees on these issues on       we revised our compliance
a regular basis; for example,      training to be more
on an annual basis we require      interactive to better engage                                      HOW WE TREAT OUR

employees to complete an           our employees in important                                          COMMUNITIES
online compliance ethics           topics that impact compliance
questionnaire concerning           and our cultural ethics. We
their activities and certify       implemented this training in
their compliance with our          2019 to employees in North
ethics policies. We also           America where over 84% of
conduct online and live one-       our revenue was derived.
hour compliance training for       In 2020, we completed this


                     GLOBAL ETHICS HOTLINE
                     Our Global Ethics Hotline       Every location globally has a   related investigations,
    ETHICS           allows employees and            poster with information on      including any whistleblower
   HOTLINE           other individuals to            how to access the hotline.      reports. Our General Counsel
                     anonymously report unsafe,      We conduct an annual ethics     provides a summary report
                     illegal, unethical behavior,    survey of our employees         to the Audit Committee
                     harassment and other            to determine if they have       of our Board each quarter
                     concerns about conduct          ethics concerns. In that        regarding the number and
                     related to our business to      survey, we ask them to let      nature of the employee
                     NAVEX Global, MRC Global’s      us know if they are aware       concerns. Of course, any
                     independent third party         of the hotline and provide      major whistleblower report is
                     hotline operator. Our Global    them with information on        communicated to the Audit
                     Ethics Hotline is available     where to access it. Finally,    Committee in accordance
                     24 hours a day, seven           when conducting branch,         with our Whistleblower Policy.
                     days a week. The hotline        distribution center or other
                     operators conduct the hotline   site audits, we request
                     in multiple languages to        confirmation that the
                     address our employees in the    hotline has been adequately
                     various countries in which      publicized.
                     we operate. We proactively
                     communicate the existence       We maintain reports
                     of our Global Ethics Hotline.   regarding concerns reported
REPORTLINEWEB.COM/                                   on the hotline and any

                     CORPORATE POLICIES
                     Our adherence to our            • Antitrust Compliance Policy
                     corporate policies is the
                     first step in maintaining our   • Anti-Discrimination & Anti-
                     corporate integrity. Our most     Harassment Policy
                     important policies related
                                                     • Environmental Policy
                     to our corporate integrity
                     include:                        • Conflict Minerals Policy

                     • Code of Ethics                • Code of Conduct for
                     • Code of Ethics for Senior
                       Officers                      • Whistleblower Policy

                     • Human Rights Statement        • Privacy Statement

                     • Anti-Slavery & Anti-Human     • Business Data Use              CORE VALUES
                       Trafficking Statement           Statement                      SAFETY LEADERSHIP
                                                                                      CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
                     • Gifts & Hospitality Policy
                                                                                      BUSINESS ETHICS
                     • Anti-Bribery & Anti-                                           OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE
                       Corruption Policy                                              FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE
                     • Related Party Transaction                                      EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT
                       Policy                                                         COMMUNITY / CHARITY
                     • Dignity at Work & Equal
                       Opportunity Statement

                     • Delegation of Authority

2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report

                                      ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE

                                Our company is committed to      gains and cost reductions),       MRC Global’s opportunities to
                                acting in an environmentally     increase our revenue through      make a positive impact on
                                responsible manner and           demand for Low-E valves           our environment are two-
                                continually improving our        and other pollution control       fold: the products we provide
                                environmental performance.       products and services, and,       to our customers and the
                                Our efforts to address           most importantly, benefit our     environmental footprint that
                                climate change allow us to       society by preserving our         our operations create.
                                potentially reduce operating     planet.
                                costs (e.g. through efficiency
                                OUR PRODUCTS
     STEM SEAL AREA             MRC Global plays a key role      consider these targets when       applications represented
                                in positively impacting our      designing, constructing and       almost 30% of the products
     THAT PROVIDES A SEAL       environment because we are       operating their facilities. For   that we sold in 2020. In
                                a distributor of products that   example, as a distributor,        addition, most of the pipe,
                                prevent hydrocarbons, gases      we purchase valves and            flanges and fittings that we
                                and other substances from        actuators designed in             sell are also designed to
     NOT RELEASE FUGITIVE       leaking or escaping into the     compliance with Recognized        prevent pollution and the
     EMISSIONS GREATER THAN     environment. Pipe, valves        and Generally Accepted            escape of GHGs.
     100 PPM. [1]               and fittings when sourced        Good Engineering Practices,
                                from reliable, high-quality      which regulate valve stem         When assessing MRC Global’s
                                suppliers and used in the        leakage to minimize fugitive      opportunities to facilitate
                                appropriate application,         gas emissions such as             a lower carbon footprint,
                                prevent pollution. The           methane. By working with          the shift to Low-E valves
                                products we provide are not      MRC Global to sustainably         for use in hydrocarbon
                                only fundamental to moving       manage their supply chain,        applications is a strategic
                                and storing hydrocarbon          energy producers can              focus for us. Commonly,
                                products and other               operate with confidence that      “fugitive emissions,” in the
                                substances in a safe and         those products will perform       valve industry refers to the
                                environmentally responsible      as intended and prevent           measurable leaking from
                                manner but prevent harmful       pollution.                        the stem seal area between
                                emissions from negatively                                          the stem and housing.
                                impacting the environment.       Our sales were $2.6 billion in    Between 60 – 85% of fugitive
                                                                 2020. We continue to offer,       emissions of hydrocarbons,
                                Several integrated oil           and expand our offering of,       gases and other substances
                                companies (IOCs) and many        products that prevent and         in the chemical processing
                                other companies in the           minimize accidental leaks         and refining industries is
                                energy industry, many of         of hydrocarbons, gases and        attributed to valves, due in
 [1] ISO 15848-1:2015
                                whom are our customers,          other substances into the         part to the cumulative effects
                                have published targets           air, water and onto the land.     of large numbers of valves in
                                to reduce their methane          As discussed below, Low-E         processing plants.
                                emissions. These customers       valves for use in hydrocarbon


In 2020, our company’s              are, therefore, not required to
total valve sales were              have any Low-E certificates.
approximately $790 million,         Additionally, they are not used
of which roughly 94% were           in hydrocarbon applications
sales of Low-E valves for use       and as such are not generally
in hydrocarbon applications.        a source for fugitive emissions
We experienced a 4 percentage       because they are generally
point increase in the               used to control steam rather
percentage of our Low-E             than hydrocarbons. MRC
valve sales in 2020 compared        Global keeps all manufacturer
to 2019. MRC Global also            Low-E certificates and
purchases valves, such as           manufacturer’s material test
brass and bronze valves,            reports (MTRs) on file, and
for use in non-hydrocarbon          they are available through our
services such as water and          quality assurance function.
air service. These valves are
not considered Low-E and

MRC Global strives to limit         time and seek efficiencies to      inventory. Because the RDCs
the negative effects our            reduce use of these resources      receive most of the product
operations leave on our             and resulting emissions. We        we sell, individual branches
world by creating an efficient      have recycling programs to         have reduced the number
supply chain, which reduces         minimize waste from used           of products they order and
the carbon footprint of             pallets, cardboard, office         receive, thereby reducing the
deliveries to our distribution      paper and other recyclables.       transportation used to deliver
centers and branches and,                                              products to and from the
ultimately, our customers,          In general, we know that the       branches. We continuously
while conserving resources.         primary way we can continue        review the efficiency of
                                    to reduce our carbon               operations.
Overall, as a distributor, we       footprint is to do what we
are engaged in a relatively         do best – create an efficient      Our shift to greater use
low amount of manufacturing         supply chain. By identifying       of e-commerce, digital
and assembly, mostly through        and utilizing the most efficient   transactions and our
the actuation and valve             method to move products            MRC Global Online
modification services that          from one place to another,         (MRCGOTM) customer and              EMISSIONS
we offer our customers. Our         we create efficiencies for our     supplier interface allows           APPROXIMATELY 60% OF
                                                                                                           REFINERY GREENHOUSE
energy inputs are primarily         customers and our business.        greater efficiency in our           GAS EMISSIONS, SUCH AS
electricity for lighting, heating   This reduces cost, increases       operations. MRCGO                   METHANE, ESCAPE
                                                                                                           THROUGH VALVES. [2]
and office and warehouse            financial returns for our          simplifies the procurement
equipment, natural gas for          business and contributes to        process and allows customers
heating and gasoline for            the health of the environment      to efficiently order our
company sales and delivery          by reducing the fuel and GHG       company’s products online.
vehicles. Our air emissions         emissions required for us to       In 2020, approximately 35%
impact is limited to CO2 and        operate.                           of MRC Global’s revenue was
is not attributable to nitrogen                                        through e-commerce, with
oxides, sulphuric oxides or         Our hub and spoke system,          an increase to 39% (48% in
other significant air emissions,    whereby our regional               North America) in the fourth
including those from                distribution centers (RDCs)        quarter of 2020. We expect
nonmethane volatile organic         receive the vast majority of       e-commerce based revenue
compounds, particulate              the product we sell, then          to continue to increase. In
matter and hazardous air            resupply our branches when         2020, as our e-commerce
pollutants. We do not utilize       products are needed, is            offering increased, for certain
large amounts of water. We          designed to create efficiencies    customer segments and             [2] Petroleum Refinery National Case Results,

review our resource usage           and reduce the product             geographic markets, we            Environmental Protection Agency

in these areas from time to         that we must maintain in           began shipping more to our


customers directly from RDCs,       We conduct a yearly review of    For example, an
which reduced the need to           our register of environmental    environmental improvement
ship to our branches to fulfill     risks and opportunities,         opportunity occurred in
orders. We closed two of our        then develop plans for           2020 when we opened our
RDCs in the U.S. and 25 other       improvements (i.e., risk         new Valve Engineering &
facilities to meet demand           reduction, waste reduction,      Modification Center, the
more efficiently. These             etc.) for the coming year. The   final addition to our flagship
changes further reduced our         risks and opportunities are      Houston Operations Complex
shipping needs and, thus, our       arranged into operational,       in La Porte, TX.
carbon footprint.                   property, corporate                • 127,000 ft2 (11,799 m2)
                                    procurement and initiatives or       facility
Another approach we use to          projects and are then given
evaluate our carbon emissions       to appropriate personnel           • LEED certified for energy
relates to fuel usage, electrical   within the company for action        efficiency
usage and solid waste               and completion. Completed          • as is our neighboring
creation in our operations. We      projects are retained in             415,000 ft2 (38,555 m2)
work closely with our vendors       the register to document             RDC
of the applicable service to        improvements to our
gather and review that data.                                           • and 78,000 ft2 (7,246 m2)
                                    systems and environmental
We seek to reduce the rate                                               office building
of consumption of those
resources in relation to the
volume of our business.

2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report

                          OUR CLEAN TECHNOLOGY

                     In addition to our core          impacts on the environment.
                     function of providing PVF        ValveWatch employs small
                     products, such as Low-E          sensors installed on or near
                     valves, to protect the           each valve that log precision
                     environment, MRC Global          measurements at high data
                     has worked with oil and          sample rates to capture
                     gas operating companies          the information needed to
                     to develop and deploy an         properly assess valve and
                     automated, online monitoring     actuator condition during
                     solution for critical valves     every operation. The result
                     that reduces the safety and      is a calculable high level of
                     environmental risks associated   safety and environmental risk
                     with valve failures and          prevention that cannot be
                     degradation.                     achieved with any other test
                                                      or analysis approach. Using
                     MRC Global’s ValveWatch®         this information, customers
                     is an automated, online valve    can remove valves for repair
                     monitoring system for critical   or replace them before they
                     valves and actuators. Users      fail. This has the added
                     can remotely monitor a valve     benefit of preventing leakage
                     or actuator’s performance and    of GHGs, hydrocarbons or
                     correct degradation before       other substances due to valve
                     it effects safe and reliable     failure.
                     operation causing harmful


2021 l Environmental, Social Responsibility & Corporate Governance Report

                                      EMISSIONS IN OUR OPERATIONS

                             Nearly all of our total                   emissions and intensity. We              Scope 3 – indirect emissions
                             emissions impact that result              report our emissions as                  not covered in Scope 2 that
                             from the operation of our                 Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3.            occur in MRC Global’s value
                             business are attributable to                                                       chain, such as third party
                             (i) our fleet of cars and trucks,         Scope 1 – emissions emitted              transportation and logistics
                             (ii) consumption in and use of            directly from our operations             providers
                             our facilities, and (iii) our use         and fleet
                             of third party transportation
                                                                       Scope 2 – emissions that
                             and logistics providers in our
                                                                       result from electricity, natural
                             value chain. Because of this,
                                                                       gas or other fuel used to light,
                             energy efficiency is critical to
                                                                       heat and operate our facilities
                             continually reduce our total

                             SCOPE 1 EMISSIONS
        SCOPE 1               Emissions emitted directly from our operations and fleet
                                                                                             Global                   North America
     DIRECTLY FROM OUR                                                                                                  (except as noted)
      OPERATIONS AND                                                                          2020           2020            2019            2018
           FLEET              Scope 1 Emissions, metric tons (1)                              9,909          9,658          14,402          14,421
                              Scope 1 Emissions, gigajoules (2)                              143,949        138,307        206,106          206,424
                              Scope 1 Emissions Intensity (3)                                  3.87           3.77           4.18            3.78
                              Average Miles per Gallon                                         n/m           13.67           13.88           13.68

                                (1)   2018 and 2019 emissions were revised slightly from prior reporting to better align with SASB requirements.
                                (2)   total fuel consumed in on-road equipment and vehicles, no fuel consumed in off-road equipment
                                (3)   emissions/1,000,000 unit total revenue

                             In 2020, our North American               to improving our average                 We are exploring the use
                             operations represented                    fuel consumption. We are                 of compressed natural gas
                             84% of our global revenue.                committed to reducing our                (CNG), hybrid CNG/gasoline
                                                                       CO2 emissions by switching               and electric or hybrid electric
                             In 2020, our absolute vehicle             our fleet vehicles from eight-           engines in our trucks when
                             emissions were down                       cylinder gasoline engines to             the infrastructure exists near
                             dramatically due to a large               six-cylinder and four-cylinder           our branch locations and the
                             reduction in our fleet size as            gasoline engines where                   operating costs make sense
                             well as restrictions on travel            feasible. Since 2018, we                 for our business. Moreover,
                             in response to the COVID-19               have liquidated 681 vehicles,            we have replaced our
                             pandemic. Vehicle emissions               replaced 134 out of the 681              gasoline and diesel-powered
                             intensity was 3.87 in 2020.               liquidated, and added 47 new             forklifts with electric-powered
                                                                       vehicles into the fleet. Total           forklifts where feasible.
                             We actively monitor and
                                                                       percentage, 0.9% replaced                Additionally, newer clean
                             track our fleet emissions
                                                                       with environmentally efficient           burning diesel trucks are
                             trends and are committed
                                                                       vehicles.                                being introduced to us by

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