English Stage 6 Module C: The Craft of Writing Support Document - NESA

Page created by Howard Douglas
               Stage 6

 Module C: The Craft of Writing
      Support Document

English Standard and English Advanced courses
          Higher School Certificate
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Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4	
English Standard Module C – The Craft of Writing ................................................................................................................................................. 5	
English Advanced Module C – The Craft of Writing .............................................................................................................................................. 12	


The selection of texts for Module C: The Craft of Writing for the English Standard and English Advanced courses may be drawn from any types
of texts and do not contribute to the prescribed text requirements.

There are no prescribed editions of texts listed for study in Module C: The Craft of Writing. The sources referenced in this support document
are suggested sources only.

Students examine and analyse at least two prescribed texts as well as texts from their own wide reading, as models and stimulus for the
development of their own ideas and written expression. Students may also revisit prescribed texts from other modules to enhance their
experiences of quality writing.

In choosing the texts listed, the literary merit of the work was considered and its potential to engage the reader/audience using a variety of
techniques and strategies. This support document also provides a brief overview of the content and stylistic features of each text.

The prescribed texts provide a springboard for students, individually and collaboratively, to conceptualise, plan, draft and refine their own well-
crafted compositions in a range of forms and for a range of expressive purposes.

English Standard Module C – The Craft of Writing

In this module, students strengthen and extend their knowledge, skills and confidence as writers. They write for a range of authentic audiences
and purposes to convey ideas with power and increasing precision.

Students appreciate, examine and analyse at least two challenging short prescribed texts as well as texts from their own wide reading, as
models and stimulus for the development of their own ideas and written expression. They examine how writers of complex texts use language
creatively and imaginatively for a range of purposes, to describe the world around them, evoke emotion, shape a perspective or to share a

Through the study of texts drawn from enduring, quality texts of the past as well as from recognised contemporary works, students appreciate,
analyse and assess the importance and power of language. Through a considered appraisal of, and imaginative engagement with these texts,
students reflect on the complex and recursive process of writing to further develop their ability to apply their knowledge of textual forms and
features in their own sustained and cohesive compositions.

During the pre-writing stage, students generate and explore ideas through discussion and speculations. Throughout the stages of drafting and
revising, students experiment with a range of language forms and features for example imagery, rhetoric, voice, characterisation, point of view,
dialogue and tone. Students consider purpose and audience to carefully shape meaning. During the editing stages students apply the
conventions of syntax, spelling, punctuation and grammar appropriately and effectively for publication.

Students have opportunities to work independently and collaboratively to reflect, refine and strengthen their own skills in producing crafted,
imaginative, discursive, persuasive and informative texts.

Note: Students may revisit prescribed texts from other modules to enhance their experiences of quality writing.

Text              Overview                                 Merit/Cultural Significance              Suggested Source

The Pedestrian    A short story representing a dystopian   A best-selling American author and       Bradbury, Ray
                  future, demonstrating third-person       screenwriter, Ray Bradbury was
Ray Bradbury                                                                                        Ray Bradbury Stories Volume 2
                  limited narration, dialogue and irony.   awarded a Special Citation in the 2007
                                                           Pulitzer Prize.                          HarperVoyager, 2008
                                                                                                    ISBN: 9780007280582

Report on the     Brief and deceptively simple, this       Critically acclaimed Australian author   Carey, Peter
Shadow Industry   1974 story adopts a first-person point   Peter Carey is a two-time Booker Prize
                                                                                                    Collected Stories
                  of view and employs descriptive          winner and was named an Officer of the
Peter Carey
                  language and an anecdotal style to       Order of Australia in 2012.              Penguin, 2015
                  present a bitter satire of American
                                                                                                    ISBN: 9780143571254
                  consumerism and corporate

Home              This long short story employs shifting   Catherine Cole is an Australian writer   Kennedy, Cate (ed)
                  verb tenses and an episodic narrative    who has been commended/shortlisted
Catherine Cole                                                                                      The Best Australian Stories 2011
                  structure to conflate time, memories     for a range of awards including the
                  and hopes within a character’s           Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize.      Black Inc, 2011
                  imagination and experiences.
                                                                                                    ISBN: 9781863955485
                  Evocative imagery and motifs are
                  used to communicate the thoughts
                  and emotions of the protagonist, a
                  refugee from war-torn Iraq, and to
                  establish a vivid sense of place.

Crouch End     Originally published in 1980, the story     Stephen King is a prolific and            King, Stephen
               combines elements of crime fiction,         bestselling American author whose
Stephen King                                                                                         Nightmares and Dreamscapes
               mystery and horror and incorporates         work spans multiple fiction genres. His
               dialogue, flashbacks and allusions to       novels have received American Library     Hodder and Stoughton, 2012
               the fiction of HP Lovecraft to portray a    Association Best Books for Young          ISBN: 9781444723182
               well-known London locale in a sinister      Adults recommendations and he has
               light.                                      won numerous awards and prizes
                                                           including the British Fantasy Award and
                                                           the Los Angeles Times Book Prize.
                                                           King was honoured with the National
                                                           Book Award Medal for Distinguished
                                                           Contribution to American Letters in

Dreamers       Shifting between two time settings          Melissa Lucashenko is an Australian       Carlin, David and Rendle-Short,
               and alluding to significant moments         writer and recipient of the 1998 Dobbie   Francesca (eds)
               and events in the nation’s social and       Literary Award. She won the 2013
Lucashenko                                                                                           The Near and the Far: new stories
               political history, the story draws on the   Deloitte Queensland Literary Award for
                                                                                                     from the Asia-Pacific region
               archetypical Australian trope of the        Fiction, the 2013 Walkley Award for
               lost child in the bush. It depicts the      long feature writing and the 2014         Scribe, 2016
               fragile bond that develops between an       Victorian Premier’s Award for             ISBN: 9781925321562
               Aboriginal woman and her non-               Indigenous Writing.
               Aboriginal employers.

Text               Overview                                 Merit/Cultural Significance                 Suggested Source

Dear Mrs Dunkley   Written as a moving letter to her        Helen Garner is a critically acclaimed      Garner, Helen
                   childhood teacher, the author’s use of   Australian writer of fiction and
Helen Garner                                                                                            Everywhere I Look
                   simple and direct language powerfully    nonfiction. She has received numerous
                   evokes a child’s perspective as well     awards and prizes including the             Text Publishing, 2016
                   as the wisdom and insights that come     Melbourne Prize for Literature, the         ISBN: 9781925355369
                   with age.                                Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for
                                                            Fiction, the Queensland Premier’s
                                                            Award for Fiction and the Windham–
                                                            Campbell Literature Prize for nonfiction.

The Sporting       First published in 1945, this essay      As a highly regarded and influential        Orwell, George
Spirit             presents a scathing critique of          British novelist and essayist of the
                                                                                                        George Orwell: Essays
                   competitive and team sports made         twentieth century, the Orwell Prize for
George Orwell
                   forceful by well-chosen examples and     political writing and the Orwell Award      Penguin, 2000
                   logical argumentation.                   for critical analysis of public discourse   ISBN: 9780141183060
                                                            are named in honour of George Orwell.

A Comparison       This short essay published in 1962       A celebrated American poet, novelist        Plath, Sylvia
Sylvia Plath       uses vivid and visceral imagery to       and short story writer, Sylvia Plath was
                                                                                                        Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams
                   explore the differences between          awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry
                   writing a novel and a poem.              posthumously in 1982.                       Faber and Faber, 2005
                                                                                                        ISBN: 9780571049899

What He Said       Combining personal anecdote and          Sarah Vowell is an American journalist,     Vowell, Sarah
There              reflections on contemporary American     essayist and media commentator. She
                                                                                                        The Partly Cloudy Patriot
                   society and culture, the essay           has written seven bestselling books on
Sarah Vowell
                   recounts a journey taken in the          American history and culture.               Simon and Schuster, 2003
                   footsteps of President Abraham
                                                                                                        ISBN: 9780743243803
                   Lincoln as he travelled to Gettysburg
                   to dedicate the civil war cemetery

there and reflects on the significance
                  and legacy of the speech he made.

Text              Overview                                    Merit/Cultural Significance                Suggested Source

First speech to   A largely autobiographical political        Linda Burney is the first Indigenous       http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_
the House of      address incorporating song and              woman to be elected to the Australian      Members/Members/FirstSpeeches/Lin
Representatives   personal anecdotes, the speech              House of Representatives.                  da_Burney
as Member for     moves fluidly between personal,
Barton            social and political contexts.
Linda Burney

How To Live       The 2005 Stanford University                Co-founder of Apple Inc. and one of the    http://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jo
Before You Die    Commencement Address adopts a               pioneers of microcomputer technology,      bs-061505/
                  tripartite structure and uses               Steve Jobs was named the most
Steve Jobs
                  autobiographical anecdotes to               powerful person in business by Fortune
                  communicate a message of resilience         magazine in 2007.
                  and personal integrity.

Funeral Service   A formal public address delivered on        Paul Keating is a former Prime Minister    http://www.keating.org.au/persistent/c
of The Unknown    Remembrance Day in 1993, the                of Australia and is widely regarded as a   atalogue_files/products/19931111unkn
Australian        speech is a powerful and moving             highly effective orator.                   ownsoldier.pdf
Soldier           eulogy for all Australians killed in war.
                  As a speech, it demonstrates how
Paul Keating
                  inclusive language, rhetorical patterns
                  and sentence structure can be used to
                  create an inspirational memorial

The Fringe        The 2008 Commencement Address to         JK Rowling is an acclaimed writer and       http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/
Benefits of       the Annual Meeting of the Harvard        winner of numerous awards including         2008/06/text-of-j-k-rowling-speech/
Failure and the   Alumni Association demonstrates the      the National Book Awards Children’s
Importance of     use of humour, anecdote and              Book of the Year, the British Book of
Imagination       subversion of expectations. The          the Year, and the Hans Christian
                  speech also highlights the power of      Andersen Literature Award. She was
JK Rowling
                  simple language to communicate a         made an Officer of the Order of the
                  powerful idea.                           British Empire in 2000.

Text              Overview                                 Merit/Cultural Significance                 Suggested Source

Popcorn           The poem adopts an informal register     Carol Chan is a Singaporean writer          Aitken, Adam; Boey, Kim Cheng and
                  and uses enjambment and recalled         whose poems have appeared in                Cahill, Michelle (eds)
Carol Chan
                  encounters to present the                publications including Quarterly Literary
                  autobiographical persona’s reflections   Review Singapore, Cordite Poetry            Contemporary Asian Australian Poets
                  on living between cultures.              Review, Meanjin and Mascara Literary
                                                                                                       Puncher and Wattmann, 2013
                                                                                                       ISBN: 9781921450655

Stopping By       First published in 1923, the poem        One of the most celebrated American         Frost, Robert
Woods on a        uses imagery, rhyme and repetition to    poets of the twentieth century, Robert
                                                                                                       The Collected Poems of Robert Frost
Snowy Evening     represent a persona’s transitory         Frost was a multiple winner of the
                  experience of harmony in and with the    Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.                  Vintage, 2013
Robert Frost
                  natural world.                                                                       ISBN: 9780099583097

An Absolutely     Published in 1969, the poem              Les Murray was made an Officer of the       Murray, Les
Ordinary          describes a man weeping in the           Order of Australia for services to
                                                                                                       The Best 100 Poems of Les Murray
Rainbow           middle of Martin Place in Sydney and     Australian literature in 1989, and has
                  the reactions of passers-by. The         been awarded the Kenneth Slessor            Black Inc, 2012
Les Murray
                  strangeness and tension of the scene     Prize for Poetry, the TS Eliot Prize for    ISBN: 9781863955843
                  is accentuated by the formal             Poetry and the Queen’s Gold Medal for
                  arrangement of stanzas and free          Poetry.

verse mode, and the adoption of a
                 first-person plural point of view.

The Surfer       First published in 1945, the poem is a   A highly regarded Australian poet,       Wright, Judith
                 closely observed portrait of a body      Judith Wright received the Christopher
Judith Wright                                                                                      Judith Wright: Collected Poems 1942
                 surfer in the ocean waves. Imagery,      Brennan Award and the Queen’s Gold
                                                                                                   to 1985
                 punctuation, syntax and sound            Medal for Poetry.
                 devices are used to convey a visceral                                             Fourth Estate, 2016
                 impression of the experience and of                                               ISBN: 9781460752364
                 the sea’s potent menace.

May your pen     Influenced by rap and hip-hop, this      Luka Lesson is a Greek-Australian        Lesson, Luka
grace the page   spoken-word poem explores the            performance poet. He was the
                                                                                                   Please Resist Me (CD)
(performance     power of language and the                Melbourne Overload Poetry Festival
poetry)          relationship between the poet and the    slam champion in 2010 and won the        lukalesson.com.au
                 pen.                                     2011 Australian Poetry Slam final.
Luka Lesson

English Advanced Module C – The Craft of Writing

In this module, students strengthen and extend their knowledge, skills and confidence as accomplished writers. Students write for a range of
audiences and purposes using language to convey ideas and emotions with power and precision.

Students appreciate, examine and analyse at least two short prescribed texts as well as texts from their own wide reading, as models and
stimulus for the development of their own complex ideas and written expression. They evaluate how writers use language creatively and
imaginatively for a range of purposes; to express insights, evoke emotion, describe the wonder of the natural world, shape a perspective or to
share an aesthetic vision.

Through the study of enduring, quality texts of the past as well as recognised contemporary works, students appreciate, analyse and evaluate
the versatility, power and aesthetics of language. Through considered appraisal and imaginative engagement with texts, students reflect on the
complex and recursive processes of writing to further develop their self-expression and apply their knowledge of textual forms and features in
their own sustained and cohesive compositions.

During the pre-writing stage, students generate and explore various concepts through discussion and speculation. Throughout the stages of
drafting and revising students experiment with various figurative, rhetorical and linguistic devices, for example allusion, imagery, narrative
voice, characterisation, and tone. Students consider purpose, audience and context to deliberately shape meaning. During the editing stages
students apply the conventions of syntax, spelling, punctuation and grammar appropriately and effectively for publication.

Students have opportunities to work independently and collaboratively to reflect, refine and strengthen their own skills in producing highly
crafted imaginative, discursive, persuasive and informative texts.

Note: Students may revisit prescribed texts from other modules to enhance their experiences of quality writing.


Text             Overview                                    Merit/Cultural Significance                  Suggested Source

The Awakening    First published in 1899, this novella       Acclaimed as a short story writer in her     Chopin, Kate
                 presents a provocative study of             time, Kate Chopin’s novella received         The Awakening and Selected Stories
Kate Chopin
                 female identity and independence in a       renewed critical attention from the
                                                                                                          Penguin Classics, 2003
                 repressive society. It features a strong    1960s and is now regarded as an
                 narrative voice, controlled descriptions    important precursor of modern feminist       ISBN: 9780142437322
                 and dialogue, and the use of                literature.
                 foreshadowing, imagery and

The Fun of the   The story features strong                   Elizabeth Harrower is an Australian          Harrower, Elizabeth
Fair             characterisation, vivid imagery and         novelist and short story writer. She
                                                                                                          A few days in the country and other
                 vibrant dialogue. It presents a             received the Patrick White Award in
Elizabeth                                                                                                 stories
                 poignant depiction of the protagonist’s     1996.
                 emotional experiences.                                                                   Text Publishing, 2016
                                                                                                          ISBN: 9781925355550

Metamorphosis    This 1915 novella fuses descriptions        A novelist and short story writer, Franz     Kafka, Franz
                 of quotidian domestic details and           Kafka is widely acknowledged as one of
Franz Kafka                                                                                               Metamorphosis
                 realistic characterisation with fantastic   the most influential figures of twentieth-
                 subject matter to explore themes of         century literature.                          Penguin, 2010
                 alienation and existential anxiety and                                                   ISBN: 9780141194837
                 regret, and is regarded as a seminal
                 work of absurdist fiction.

Love and Honour    First published in 2006 and combining    Nam Le is an Australian writer of            Le, Nam
and Pity and       elements of autobiography, fiction and   Vietnamese descent. He has received
                                                                                                         The Boat
Pride and          metafiction, the story presents an       numerous awards including the
Compassion and     examination of identity, familial        Pushcart Prize, the Dylan Thomas             Penguin, 2009
Sacrifice          relationships and the narrator’s         Prize, the Australian Prime Minister’s       ISBN: 9780143009610
                   Vietnamese heritage.                     Literary Award and the Anisfield-Wolf
Nam Le
                                                            Book Award.

Thirteen Ways of   Featuring the skilful use of narrative   Colum McCann is an Irish novelist and        McCann, Colum
Looking            point of view to represent multiple      short story writer. He is the recipient of
                                                                                                         Thirteen Ways of Looking
                   perspectives, the story features an      numerous awards and prizes including
Colum McCann
                   observational style and episodic         the 2009 National Book Award and the         Bloomsbury, 2016
                   structure.                               2011 International IMPAC Dublin              ISBN: 9781408869857
                                                            Literary Award.

What Time Is It    A self-conscious metafiction             Colum McCann is an Irish novelist and        McCann, Colum
Now, Where You     composed in thirteen sections, the       short story writer. He is the recipient of
                                                                                                         Thirteen Ways of Looking
Are?               story explores both the possibilities    numerous awards and prizes including
                   and the limitations of conventional      the 2009 National Book Award and the         Bloomsbury, 2016
Colum McCann
                   storytelling.                            2011 International IMPAC Dublin
                                                                                                         ISBN: 9781408869857
                                                            Literary Award.

The Ghost of       Published in 1987, the story is          Rohinton Mistry is a Canadian author of      Mistry, Rohinton
Firozsha Baag      narrated from the point of view of a     Indian descent. Among his numerous
                                                                                                         Tales from Firozsha Baag
                   Goan servant and presents                awards are the 1991 and 1996
Rohinton Mistry
                   meticulously drawn characters and a      Commonwealth Writers’ Prize and the          Faber and Faber, 2006
                   sensitive evocation of place.            2012 Neustadt International Prize for        ISBN: 9780571230563
                                                            Literature. He was appointed as a
                                                            Member of the Order of Canada in

Text               Overview                                   Merit/Cultural Significance                 Suggested Source

How to Marry       This 2016 review essay adopts a witty      Helen Garner is a celebrated Australian     Garner, Helen
Your Daughters     and playful tone as it narrates the        writer of fiction and nonfiction. She has
                                                                                                          Everywhere I Look
                   author’s experience of reading Jane        received numerous awards and prizes
Helen Garner
                   Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice         including the Melbourne Prize for           Text Publishing, 2016
                   for, perhaps, the first time.              Literature, the Victorian Premier’s         ISBN: 9781925355369
                                                              Literary Award for Fiction, the
                                                              Queensland Premier’s Award for Fiction
                                                              and the Windham-Campbell Literature
                                                              Prize for nonfiction.

Eight Days in a    Published in 2006, the essay offers a      Siri Hustvedt is an award-winning           Hustvedt, Siri
Corset             feminist perspective on clothing and       American author of essays, nonfiction
                                                                                                          A Plea for Eros
                   combines historical and literary           and fiction. She has received honorary
Siri Hustvedt
                   references with personal anecdotes.        doctorates from the University of Oslo,     Sceptre, 2006
                   First-person narration and the             Université Stendhal (Université             ISBN: 9780340839782
                   inclusion of snippets of dialogue          Grenoble Alpes) and the Johannes
                   create an informal discursive tone.        Gutenberg University of Mainz.

Politics and the   First published in 1946, the essay         As a highly regarded and influential        Orwell, George
English            presents a forceful argument about         British novelist and essayist of the
                                                                                                          George Orwell: Essays
Language           the relationship between language          twentieth century, the Orwell Prize for
                   and thought. Various excerpts and          political writing and the Orwell Award      Penguin, 2000
George Orwell
                   examples are dissected to illustrate       for critical analysis of public discourse   ISBN: 9780141183060
                   the dishonesty that lies at the heart of   are named in honour of George Orwell.
                   political rhetoric and good and bad
                   elements of writing style.

That Crafty        Adapted from a lecture presented to      Zadie Smith is a critically acclaimed      Smith, Zadie
Feeling            university writing students in 2008,     English author and professor of creative
                                                                                                       Changing My Mind: Occasional
                   this essay adopts a lively, self-        writing at New York University. She was
Zadie Smith                                                                                            Essays
                   conscious style and incorporates a       made a Fellow of the Royal Society of
                   broad range of literary and cultural     Literature in 2002 and has won the         Penguin, 2011
                   references to reflect on different       James Tait Black Memorial Prize, the       ISBN: 9780141019468
                   approaches to writing fiction.           Anisfield-Wolf Book Award and the
                                                            Orange Prize for Fiction.

Text               Overview                                 Merit/Cultural Significance                Suggested Source

Spotty-Handed      By turns humorous and wryly              Margaret Atwood is a highly regarded       NESA NSW Syllabus website
Villainesses       subversive, this 1994 speech provides    Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic
                   a modern feminist perspective on the     and essayist. She has received
Margaret Atwood
                   representation of female characters in   numerous awards and prizes including
                   literature and culture throughout        the Canadian Governor General’s
                   history.                                 Award, the Los Angeles Times Fiction
                                                            Award and the Booker Prize.

A Home in          This 2011 speech incorporates literary   Geraldine Brooks is an Australian-         NESA NSW Syllabus website
Fiction            and cultural references and personal     American author of fiction and
                   anecdotes to narrate the author’s        nonfiction. She was awarded the
Geraldine Brooks
                   development as a writer of fiction and   Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2006 and
                   the awe and appreciation she holds       was made an Officer of the Order of
                   for the power of language.               Australia in 2016.

Eulogy for         The powerful use of rhetorical          Noel Pearson is an Aboriginal                http://www.smh.com.au/comment/no
Gough Whitlam      devices, anecdotal recollections and    Australian lawyer, academic, land rights     el-pearsons-eulogy-for-gough-
                   historical and cultural references      activist and political figure. His eulogy    whitlam-in-full-20141105-
Noel Pearson
                   combine with the compelling narrative   for former Australian Prime Minister         11haeu.html
                   and nuanced tone of the speech to       Gough Whitlam delivered at a state
                   reframe the portrait and legacy of a    memorial service on 5 November 2014
                   significant twentieth-century           has been hailed as one of the most
                   Australian political leader.            significant political speeches of our

Text               Overview                                Merit/Cultural Significance                  Suggested Source

Stamp Collecting   Published in 2008, the poem features    Kim Cheng Boey is an Australian poet         Aitken, Adam; Boey, Kim Cheng and
                   an autobiographical persona and         of Chinese Singaporean descent. He           Cahill, Michelle (eds)
Kim Cheng Boey
                   establishes a nostalgic mood as a       won the Singapore National Book
                                                                                                        Contemporary Asian Australian
                   father reflects on his family and       Development Council of Singapore
                   cultural heritage and the expatriate    Award for Poetry in 1992 and the
                   experience.                             Singapore National Arts Council’s            Puncher and Wattmann, 2013
                                                           Young Artist Award in 1996. His
                                                                                                        ISBN: 9781921450655
                                                           collection Clear Brightness was
                                                           shortlisted for the 2014 Multicultural
                                                           NSW Award.

Father and Child   First published in 1969, the poem is    Regarded as one of Australia’s finest        Harwood, Gwen
                   structured as a diptych and uses        poets, Gwen Harwood was the recipient
Gwen Harwood                                                                                            Selected Poems
                   rhythm and rhyme, and imagery and       of numerous awards including the
                   literary allusions, to portray the      Grace Leven Prize for Poetry and the         Penguin, 2001
                   relationship between a child and        Patrick White Award. She was made an         ISBN:9780141006680
                   father as it has changed over time.     Officer of the Order of Australia in 1989.

Thirteen Ways of   First published in 1917, the poem         A celebrated American poet of the         Wallace Stevens: Selected Poems
Looking at a       presents a series of striking and         twentieth century, Wallace Stevens won
                                                                                                       Alfred A Knopf/Random House,
Blackbird          evocative images and reflections.         the National Book Award for Poetry in
                   Marked by contrasts and shifts in         1951 and 1955, and the Pulitzer Prize
Wallace Stevens
                   perspective, the clipped rhythms and      for Poetry in 1955.                       ISBN: 9780375711732
                   minimalist modes adopted in the
                   thirteen sections of the poem are
                   reminiscent of haiku.

The Lady of        The long narrative poem is structured     A much-loved Victorian poet and           Alfred Lord Tennyson: Selected
Shallot            as a ballad and recasts Arthurian         important influence on the Pre-           Poems
                   subject matter drawn from medieval        Raphaelite movement, Alfred, Lord         Penguin Classics, 2007
Alfred, Lord
                   legend to explore themes relating to      Tennyson succeeded William
Tennyson                                                                                               ISBN: 9780140424430
                   both female and artistic identities and   Wordsworth as Poet Laureate of Great
                   isolation from the world.                 Britain and Ireland in 1850.

Picture a Vacuum   Influenced by rap and hip-hop, this       Kate Tempest is a critically acclaimed    Tempest, Kate
(performance       spoken-word poem utilises first and       spoken-word poet and playwright. She
                                                                                                       Let Them Eat Chaos (CD)
poetry)            second-person modes to explore the        won the Ted Hughes Award in 2012
                   individual’s relationship with and        and was the 2015–16 Visiting Fellow in    2016, Fiction Records
Kate Tempest
                   experience of the cosmos.                 the Department of English at University
                                                             College London.

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