Page created by Allen Armstrong
What has the Covid-19 pandemic taught us
about the future of safety at work?

                                               OR Y
                                             W FE T
                                           AT S A
Amy Leitch, The Resilience Shift
Will Newton, Arup
Akshaya Kannan, Arup

Sam Dadd, Lloyd’s Register Foundation

                    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
                    Attribution 4.0 International License (
                    licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
                    distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
                    appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link
                    to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

ABOUT THE SERIES: LEARNING FROM CRISIS				                                1





This report, What has the Covid-19 pandemic taught us about the future of
safety at work?, is one of a series of related reports and podcasts available at

                 Summary report                                   Data

                 Safety at work                                   Education

                 Infrastructure                                   Public understanding of risk
1                                                                              Learning from Crisis

Resilience is the ability to withstand,                    The Resilient Leadership2 project
adapt to changing conditions, and                          is a real-time reflective learning
recover positively from shocks and                         document that captures reflections
stresses.                                                  from city government and
                                                           corporate leaders navigating their
The Resilience Shift is committed to                       organisations’ responses to the
understanding how crisis can reveal                        Covid-19 pandemic. Through
both the weaknesses and strengths of                       insights distilled from weekly
the systems on which we rely, and to                       conversations over a 4-month period,
sharing stories and insights across a                      the project reveals key attributes
variety of sectors towards building long-                  of leadership during a crisis and
term resilience.                                           identifies three questions to shape
                                                           the future of resilient leadership.
We have investigated the experience of
recent crises, bringing together diverse                   Engineering a Safer Future3 –
experiences and perspectives across                        insights from which appear in this
stakeholders to bear witness to the                        publication – seeks to explore the
impacts of deeply disruptive events, and                   impact of disruption and its ability to
the individuals, decisions, technologies                   create a window of opportunity for
and processes that shaped the response                     transformative change. The insights
and recovery.                                              emerged from in-depth expert
                                                           conversations with senior leaders
    Learning from Day Zero1 is a series                    about the ramifications of the
    of film-based learning modules                         Covid-19 crisis in more detail within
    capturing reflections from key                         specific sectors.
    individuals involved in the response
    to the 2017-18 water crisis in Cape               Collectively, these investigations not
    Town, South Africa. Developed in                  only strengthen our broad understanding
    partnership with the Cape Town                    of resilience in practice, but also help
    Drought Response Learning                         us to shape and influence future work.
    Initiative, these modules feature                 They also actively explore different and
    insights curated from over 50 hours               innovative approaches to capturing and
    of in-depth, filmed conversations                 sharing learning.
    with government officials, civil
    society activists, academics, and
    business and community leaders.

Engineering a Safer Future | Safety at Work                                                  2

The Safety at Work session, held on            Together, Lloyd’s Register Foundation and
15 September 2020, was a moderated             The Resilience Shift have developed this
conversation around safety challenges          series of conversations as an antidote to
in a post-Covid world, from small-             the pervasive online ‘noise’ that confronts
scale practical issues to long-term            us as we seek serious discussion and
consequences to our institutions               meaningful insight into the ramifications
and systems.                                   of this crisis. We sought to bring together
                                               innovators working within the Lloyd’s
The conversation drew on emerging findings     Register Foundation’s grant programme,
from the Lloyd’s Register Foundation’s         joined by outside subject matter
research as well as input from grant holders   specialists, with the aim of surfacing
and experts around global perceptions          insights on the likely scale and
on risk and safety at work, and how these      permanence of changes that Covid-19
might be affected by the Covid-19 crisis.      has triggered. Our participants also
The session reflected on how Covid-19 has      examined how we approach infrastructure
disrupted existing practice around safety at   systems and interdependencies, and
work, how the sector has adapted, and what     what the pandemic can tell us about
lessons the current disruption holds for our   our existing preparedness and horizon-
shared future.                                 scanning practices.

In the session participants were asked to      With the five sessions respectively focused
examine how their work life has changed        on safety at work, data and information
between January and September 2020 due         systems, education, infrastructure and
to the Covid-19 pandemic; how they have        public understanding of risk, this series
managed to stay resilient – both personally    explores both the impact of disruption
and professionally – and prepare for a ‘new    and how disruption can create windows
normal’ future.                                of opportunity for change.

At The Resilience Shift, we have long          The closed-door, intimate roundtable
recognised that the past is an increasingly    format was designed to facilitate fluid
unreliable predictor of the future, and that   interaction amongst a small group of
deep uncertainty around challenge and risk     partners, associates, subject matter
is felt across many sectors. In 2020, the      experts and grantees of the Lloyd’s
rapid global impacts of Covid-19, and its      Register Foundation and of The Resilience
consequences across every aspect of the        Shift. Participants were given latitude
work that Lloyd’s Register Foundation          to steer the conversation towards their
supports, provided a unique opportunity for    specific sector or area of concern, their
us all to consider the transformations we’d    experience of challenges, and their
like to see as we emerge from this crisis.     thoughts on plausible ways forward.
3                                                                       Learning from Crisis


ABOUT THE MODERATORS                            Dr. Ashley Hall | Royal College of Art*
                                                Professor of Design Innovation, School of
Dr. Juliet Mian | The Resilience Shift*         Design
Deputy Director
                                                Ashley researches in design for safety,
An experienced Civil Engineer of over 20        experimental design, design pedagogy and
years’ experience working on infrastructure     globalisation design to cultural transfer.
projects both in the UK and overseas, Juliet    He has developed and led commercial-
is a systems thinker who cares deeply           academic partnerships in the transport
about delivering engineering solutions to       sector (Airbus Industries, Ford, Huawei),
meet the challenges our planet faces.           telecommunications (Huawei, O2 Mobile,
                                                3 Mobile- Hutchison Whampoa, Nokia),
Dr. Jan Przydatek | Lloyd’s Register            FMCG (Coca-Cola, Unilever), consumer
Foundation Director of Technologies             products (Philips, Sharp, Swarovski) and
Jan is currently Director of Technologies       innovative materials (Samsung).
at Lloyd’s Register Foundation whose
portfolio includes the Foundation’s grants      James Pomeroy | Lloyd’s Register Group
to the Structural Integrity Research            Group Health, Safety, Environment and
Foundation and ICON.                            Security Director
                                                James is responsible for advocating
ABOUT THE PARTICIPANTS                          and delivering high standards, thought
                                                leadership and best practice in health,
Dr. Anthony Washburn | National Safety
                                                safety, environmental and security
Council Campbell Institute Research
                                                management across Lloyd’s Register
                                                Group’s global operations. He is leading
Anthony is a research associate for the         the transformation of LR’s Health,
SAFER initiative at the National Safety         Safety, Environment and Security (HSES)
Council where he conducts research on           programme which is introducing a greater
developing guidance for safely returning        focus on resilience, human factors and
employees to work in the world of               cultural leadership. An engineer by training,
Covid-19. With the Campbell Institute and       James has been involved in leading and
Work to Zero initiative Anthony conducted       transforming global HSES programmes
research on environmental, health, and          in a variety of sectors, including upstream
safety best practices and the role that EHS     oil and gas, aviation, mining and heavy
technology plays in reducing workplace          manufacturing.
serious injuries and fatalities.

* Lloyd’s Register Foundation grant recipient
Engineering a Safer Future | Safety at Work                                                            4

      Covid-19 has provided the global                       EMERGING INSIGHT 1
      population with a common frame of
      reference for disruption, and likely                   We’ve seen unprecedented
      permanently changed both how we                        cooperation for the common good
      work and what we focus on in terms
      of safety at work.                                     From acts of individual cooperation, to
                                                             public-private sector collaboration, to
                                                             international data sharing, the Covid-19
                       “There won’t be a                     pandemic has seen organisations at all
                                                             scales rapidly come together for the
                     person entering the
                                                             common good. Given the scale of likely
                       workforce for ten                     future global challenges, the speed
                      years who doesn’t                      and effectiveness of the worldwide
                          have Covid as a                    mobilisation in response to Covid is cause
                        reference for the                    for real optimism.
                       kind of disruption
                                                             We have an increased awareness of the
                    that can happen. We                      efficiency with which private companies
                    need to leverage that                    can work with public sector organisations
                             awareness.”                     when needed, and how public sector
                                                             organisations provide both services and
                         “Our increased                      safety for the general public. The crisis
                                                             has spurred an unprecedented recognition
                       awareness of the                      of both the role of public safety and the
                    importance of stress                     organisations that provide it.
                   and mental health is a
                       real silver lining.”                  THINGS TO THINK ABOUT:
                                                             • What new multidisciplinary bridges or
                                                               links to other sectors did your
                                                               organisation develop as a result of the
                                                               Covid pandemic? How can these be
                                                               supported and extended?
The 21 global business districts (GBDs)                      • What challenges did your organisation
in the world’s largest and most powerful                       face in liaising with private institutions,
business cities cover a total of nearly 100                    public sector entities, or other sectors/
million square metres of office space and                      industries during the pandemic? How
before Covid, were the main workplace for                      can these communication channels be
nearly 4.5 million people.4                                    improved for greater efficiency in future

      4 EY.
5                                                                      Learning from Crisis

EMERGING INSIGHT 2                             EMERGING INSIGHT 3
In terms of safety communications,             Mental health and wellbeing
unlimited real-time information can            impacts may outweigh the physical
do as much harm as good                        health consequences of the
                                               pandemic in the long term
While the death rate of Covid-19 is much
lower than that of the 1918 Spanish Flu, the   The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on
public sense of acute crisis and awareness     general mental health and wellbeing will
of collateral damage seems much more           be severe and long-lasting. The pandemic
severe due to our 24-hour news cycle,          and regional responses have presented
social media platforms, and widespread         a ‘perfect storm’ of stressors. On the
public awareness of real-time data on          individual and community level, in addition
infection and death rates. We have failed to   to the issues of childcare, relationships and
manage the design of that information flow.    worry about the virus’ impact on family and
                                               friends, many people are coping with an
Managing this perception of risk is as         overwhelming information flow about
important as managing actual risk.             a global crisis while simultaneously
This means shaping organisational              experiencing a severe reduction in human
communications to cut through the noise        social contact. On a global level, the
of our real-time data overload by being        pandemic has revealed inequalities
clearly understandable and digestibly          between nations, sectors, industries, and
delivered. Most importantly, information       communities, while accelerating divides
must be actionable, to help restore a sense    between both economic and technological
of agency and control.                         haves and have-nots.

THINGS TO THINK ABOUT:                         While the speed of our global shift to
                                               greater reliance on remote work and
• What channels did your organisation find     delivery logistics has been impressive,
  most effective for both distributing and     this transition has often meant losing
  receiving safety information during the      the ‘human glue’ of daily interactions in
  pandemic? How can you best support           favour of highly transactional exchanges.
  and extend these communication               The impact of shifts in mental health
  successes?                                   environment and working patterns, and the
• What challenges did you face in              tensions between economic interests and
  managing and delivering safety               individual health exposed by the pandemic,
  communications during the pandemic?          will need to be carefully addressed as we
  How would you navigate these obstacles       move forward.
  differently during a future disruption?
Engineering a Safer Future | Safety at Work                                                        6

     THINGS TO THINK ABOUT:                               EMERGING INSIGHT 4
     • How has the mental health and wellbeing            Our technological responses to
       impact of the Covid pandemic affected              disruption represent a shift in
       your organisation or sector? What long-            dependency, not a solution
       term consequences of these impacts can
       you anticipate?                                    In one sense the world has been ‘lucky’
     • What steps can your organisation take              that Covid-19 struck at a moment when
       to extend support for both the acute               our technological platforms were mature
       and chronic mental health of personnel             enough to enable many sectors to
       during future disruptions?                         transition to remote or distanced work
                                                          with relatively minimal disruption. The
                                                          relative seamlessness of that shift,
                                                          however, risks masking the fragility
                                                          inherent in our increased reliance on
                                                          digital tools.

                                                          If the next virus is digital rather than
                                                          biological, or worse, if a biological pandemic
                                                          strikes alongside a major disruption to
                                                          digital services, the consequences could
                                                          be vastly more severe in both human and
                                                          economic terms than what we’ve seen
                                                          with Covid-19.

                                                          THINGS TO THINK ABOUT:
                                                          • What percentage of your organisational
The global Covid-19 personal protective                     operations shifted to a digital or
equipment market accounted for US$ 60.4                     technologically-supported format during
billion in 2019 and is estimated to be US$                  the pandemic? What challenges did that
178.3 billion by 2029.5                                     shift present?
                                                          • How robust and redundant are your
                                                            organisation’s digital systems? Are they
                                                            designed to ‘fail safely?’ What critical
                                                            vulnerabilities might be addressed ahead
                                                            of future disruptions?

     5 Globe Newswire.
7                                                                           Learning from Crisis

                                                      Women were already clustered in low-
Building real agility to deal with                    paying jobs. When the pandemic hit,
shifting disruptions is a better                      women globally were 1.8 times more likely
investment than concentrated                          than men to lose those jobs.6
planning for specific events

Most organisations foresaw a pandemic
as a threat on their safety registers; very           In the US, roughly $758 million is being
few foresaw an extended lockdown, and                 saved per day by post-Covid remote
likely none predicted the fluctuations in             workers who used to drive for their
lockdown severity between and within                  commute, a cumulative savings of
countries that have led to cascading                  over $90 billion since the onset of the
systemic impacts and had significant                  pandemic.7
economic and safety consequences.

Our ability to predict events outstrips
our ability to predict fallout; this being the
case, our planning time and resources are
better spent on developing whole-systems
thinking, multilateral agility and resilience
rather than attempting to plan for specific
responses to specific threats.

• What specific consequences of the
  pandemic had a surprising impact on
  your sector or organisation? How has that
  surprise affected your planning policies?
• How can your foresight or planning
  processes better support an agile
  response to unforeseen threats or

6 McKinsey & Company.
7 Upwork.
Engineering a Safer Future | Safety at Work                                                8


KEY TAKEAWAY 1                                KEY TAKEAWAY 3
Global risks require global                   A mentally and physically healthy
standards across sectors                      workforce is good for business

While the outpouring of individual,           While the mental health impact of the
organisational, cross-sector and              pandemic has been severe, the Covid-19
international cooperation in response to      crisis represents an opportunity for
the pandemic is significant, the Covid-19     organisations to rebalance towards the
crisis has highlighted the risk inherent in   ‘health’ component of ‘health and safety’.
not having uniform global standards. Lack     Organisations worldwide are realising that
of such standards for responses in health     particularly in the face of external stresses,
emergencies, in this instance, complicated    a physically and mentally healthy, resilient
our global responses.                         workforce is a net asset. A meaningful
                                              focus on holistic employee wellbeing is key
Viruses have no more regard for national      to organisational resilience.
boundaries than do pollution or climate
events. Nationally determined medical         In the long term, this means carefully
health and safety standards are no more       assessing the utility of returning to pre-
effective than nationally determined          Covid work practices out of familiarity or
environmental standards when confronting      habit, while ensuring that the technological
truly global risks.                           substitutions we make for in-person
                                              changes are designed to be effective, not
KEY TAKEAWAY 2                                just efficient, and provide features to enable
                                              the informal, personal and serendipitous
Managing the perception of risk is            interactions key to human relationships.
as important as managing actual

At all levels of an organisation,
communication is key to ‘lowering the
temperature’ of risk perception during
rapidly developing crises; the Covid-19
pandemic has demonstrated that the style
and format of that communication is as
important as the content. In an environment
of overwhelming real-time data, consistent,
trustworthy communication delivered so as
to impart messaging in digestible packages
plays an important role in controlling
perception of risk and preserving focus on
actionable responses.
9                                                                          Learning from Crisis

KEY TAKEAWAY 4                                    KEY TAKEAWAY 5
True digital resilience is the next               Plan flexibly, learn quickly, build
major safety challenge                            agility

Many of the changes in working patterns           The ability of organisations, sectors and
wrought by the pandemic are here to stay.         even nations to learn from one another’s
Employees are realising that efficient work       experiences in the Covid-19 pandemic
is possible without spending two hours in         has been remarkable. The failure of most
traffic; teams are realising that cross-sector    models to predict lockdowns as a likely
and international cooperation is possible         outcome of a pandemic has been sobering.
without the expense, fatigue and
environmental impact of traveling by air;         An ability to learn quickly, reallocate
municipalities and organisations are              resources efficiently, and plan flexibly
recognising the benefits of emissions             enough to react to even unforeseen events
reductions from remote work.                      is critical to minimising operational risk in
                                                  the face of global threats.
As organisations transition to support
these new forms of distanced productivity,
the digital platforms and systems that
enable this shift must be made as resilient
as possible. Redundancy, survivability
and the ability to ‘fail safely’ will be key to
ensuring that our heightened post-Covid
reliance on digital infrastructure does not
become a vulnerability in and of itself.
Engineering a Safer Future | Safety at Work                                               10

         The Lloyd’s Register Foundation seeks to secure for the benefit of the
         community high technical standards of design, manufacture, construction,
         maintenance, operation and performance for the purpose of enhancing the
         safety of life and property at sea, on land and in the air.

         The Engineering a Safer Future programme is designed to focus on sharing
         existing experience and knowledge within and between sectors, and forms
         an important part of the delivery of our strategic theme accelerating the
         application of research.

         The Lloyd’s Register Foundation’s programme supports resilience, by
         • Governance: incentives, standards, rules, legal and financial
         • Capacity building and engagement: professional development,
           publications, communication and public engagement
         • Data and supporting tools: shared datasets, modelling and
           simulation, decision support
         • International and global scale networks: studies of global systems, supply
           chains, knowledge networks.

         The Resilience Shift is a catalyst for positive change. We seek to inspire
         and empower a global community to make the world safer through resilient
         infrastructure. Our mission is to help ensure the safety and continuity of the
         critical infrastructure and services that make our lives possible. From water
         and transportation to communications and energy, resilience is essential
         to everything we do. We’re working globally to help define resilience and
         provide pathways from theory to practice.

         Supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation and Arup, The Resilience Shift
         provides knowledge and tools to those responsible for planning, financing,
         designing, delivering, operating and maintaining critical infrastructure
         systems. We are not just a think tank, not just a grant-making body, and
         not just a convening network. Our impact is achieved through a proactive
         approach combining all three of these roles.

         The Resilience Shift’s approach is through learning by doing in collaboration
         with others, as well as by sharing knowledge and fostering a global
         community. We want to create value for those we are seeking to influence,
         thereby maximising the positive impact for society. We focus on tools and
         approaches to put this shift in resilience thinking into practice, identifying
         the drivers and enablers for infrastructure resilience, and advancing a
         common understanding of resilient systems, within and between critical
         infrastructure sectors.
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