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        Han Cheng / Iris Ferguson / Ting Guan / Tana Johnson / Yuge Ma / Zhimin Mao / Eliot Pence / Fabian Wigand

        SEPTEMBER 2013                             BERLIN                                      GG2022.NET
                                                   WASHINGTON DC

Supported by                                      Partners
Energy Governance Outlook:
 Global Scenarios and Implications


 About the Report                                1

 Executive Summary                               2

 Global Energy Governance Today                  5

 Scenario 1: Fragmented world                   6

 Scenario 2: International Market Integration   10

 Strategic Implications	                        14

 Policy Options	                                16

 Fellows of the Global Energy Governance        22

 Appendix: Scenario Planning Methodology        25

Global Governance 2022

Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)
Reinhardtstr. 7
10117 Berlin, Germany

Published: September 2013
Editors: Johannes Gabriel,
Oliver Read, Joel Sandhu

Title: © Denis Mironov – shutterstock
Energy Governance Outlook:                                                                                               1
Global Scenarios and Implications

       _ About the Report

           This report was produced within the framework of      Inge Kaul (Hertie School of Governance), Mao Xiao-
           the Global Governance 2022 program, organized by      jing (Chinese Academy of International Trade and
                                                                 Economic Cooperation), Sara Minard (Columbia Uni-
           the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin, in collab-
           oration with partner institutions in the United Statesversity), Shantanu Mitra (Department for Interna-
           (The Brookings Institution and Princeton University), tional Development), Célestin Monga (World Bank),
           China (Tsinghua University and Fudan University),     Guy Pfeffermann (Global Business School Network),
           and Germany (Hertie School of Governance).            Lant Pritchett (Harvard Kennedy School), Ebrahim
                                                                 Rasool (Ambassador of South Africa to the United
           GG2022 brought together 24 young professionals States), Jürgen Zattler (Federal Ministry for Eco-
           from the US, China and Germany for three meetings, nomic Cooperation and Development, Germany).
           one each in Berlin (26-30 August 2012), Beijing (7-11
           January 2013) and Washington, DC (5-9 May 2013). We would like to thank the organizers and funders
           During these meetings, the GG2022 fellows jointly of the GG2022 program and everyone else who con-
           discussed challenges of global governance in the tributed to making the program possible, most es-
           year 2022 and beyond, with a particular focus on pecially Joel Sandhu and Johannes Gabriel. We are
           three areas: cyber security, energy security, and de- also grateful to Alex Fragstein for the design work
           velopment.                                            and Oliver Read for editing.

           This report summarizes the work of the GG2022
           working group on global development governance.
           To explore possible futures in global development,
           the working group used a scenario planning meth-
           odology with techniques developed extensively in
           the field of future studies. The diverse nationalities,
           backgrounds, and expertise of working group mem-
           bers contributed crucial assets for devising national
           strategies and solutions.

            During the three sessions, the working group also
            met with leading academic experts and policymak-
            ers in the field of international development from all
            three countries. We are grateful to all these experts
            for their valuable input:

           Julius Agbor (The Brookings Institution), Nancy Bird-
           sall (Center for Global Development), Deborah
           Bräutigam (Johns Hopkins University), Kate Cam-
           pana (Speak Up Africa), Carolyn Campbell (Emerg-
           ing Capital Partners), Matthew Ferchen (Carne-
           gie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy), He Wenping         Disclaimer: The views expressed in this report do not
           (China Academy of Social Sciences), Ingrid Hoven           necessarily represent the views of, and should not be
           (Executive Director for Germany at the World Bank),        attributed to, any author in his individual capacity
           Jin Ling (China Institute of International Studies),       nor to their respective employers.

2                                                                                           EXECUTIVE SUMMARY


     Major technological, economic and political shifts      fundamentally reshapes global energy markets.
     are remaking the global energy market. Emerging         As a result, their exploration, extraction and pro-
     economies have become top energy consumers.             duction emerge as fundamental issues in global
     Technological breakthroughs have fueled the rise        energy governance.
     of new energy producers. And energy regimes
     such as the Organization of the Petroleum Export-       Will existing power structures ignore, integrate, or
     ing Countries (OPEC) are under increasing pressure      defend against unconventional resources? Will the
     to reform. Uncertainty remains. Turmoil in the Mid-     new unconventional sources be made available to
     dle East remains a trigger for concerns over supply.    the global market or will their supply remain lim-
     Fallout from the financial crisis remains a core con-   ited to producing countries? What will be the
     cern for both developed and developing countries.       effect on countries without domestic supplies?
     Carbon emissions are increasing faster than ex-         What room does global energy governance have
     pected. Further, while clean technologies have be-      to shape these new rules of the game on energy
     come more affordable, structural limitations, in-       trade and what will be the implications on the cli-
     cluding the continuation of financial subsidies and     mate change framework? How should the energy
     poor systems integration, undermine their take-up.      governance institutions adapt to this changing en-
     In the face of these challenges, the current state of
     global energy governance is in remission. Interna-     We investigate these questions in two scenarios for
     tional dialogue on energy is limited. International    the year 2022, one with a fragmented world, an-
     climate policy has lost momentum. Energy mar-          other with an integrated world. Both scenarios
     kets on the whole remain as volatile and unpre-        share important key assumptions – the emergence
     dictable as ever.                                      of new energy consumer- and supplier-countries
                                                            and the availability of unconventional fossil fuel
     Structured scenario planning has become com- sources (see Figure on page3).
     monplace among private and public sector organi-
     zations alike. The methodology and development
     of scenarios is designed to facilitate strategic long-
     term planning in the face of this uncertain future.

     The GG2022 energy group has used scenario plan-
     ning methodology to create two distinct scenarios
     for the energy world in 2022. In both scenarios, we
     identify unconventional fossil fuels as a primary
     factor that will significantly impact global energy
     markets and change not only the size, structure
     and membership of existing energy institutions,
     but also their relevance and influence. Though ma-
     jor uncertainties concerning the size of the re-
     serves of unconventional resources and the envi-
     ronmental impact of the methods used to extract
     them still exist today, the political and economic
     momentum that their extraction has generated

                                                                                    Global ENERGY Governance
Energy Governance Outlook:                                                                                    3
Global Scenarios and Implications

 Scenario 1                                       trading blocs emerge based on longer-term sup-
                                                  ply agreements. Resource conflicts surface over
                                                  disputed resource-rich territories. While global
 Within the “Fragmented World” scenario, coun- climate change negotiations are moribund, some
 tries focus on controlling energy assets rather of the regional energy partnerships lead to sub-
 than trading energy on a global market. Regional stantial investments in clean technology.

 Scenario 2                                            ing entrants into the global energy market. In turn,
                                                       new consuming countries also source from the
                                                       global market. Regional investment treaties pro-
 By contrast, in the “International Market Inte-       vide standardization of norms through which in-
 gration” scenario, countries demonstrate grow-        ternational investment and trading rules are im-
 ing confidence in the global energy market. New       proved. Closer cooperation in energy trade spills
 producer countries generate a “supply cushion”        over to other energy governance areas and cre-
 that reverses long-held assumptions about strate-     ates a platform for climate leadership and regional
 gies for securing energy supplies, gradually entic-   climate agreements.

Two Possible Worlds in 2022

        Fragmented                                                    Market
        World                                                         Integration

        ›› Focus on controlling             ›› New suppliers          ›› Growth in market participation
           energy assets                    ›› New consumers          ›› Global integration through
        ›› Regional alliances                                            bilateral investment treaties
        ›› Resource conflict                                          ›› Enhanced collaboration/

      Prompts major shift in geopolitics of energy –
                but in which direction?

4                                                                                             EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

    By examining these contrasting visions for the next       energy treaties, regional climate agreements could
    10 years, the GG2022 energy group was able to             be inserted as well. This will continue the effort to
    identify lead strategies – that is, policy options that   mitigate climate change, even if a global climate
    are suitable for both of these different scenarios.       policy agreement cannot be reached.
    Each lead strategy addresses one or more of the fol-
    lowing four goals: (1) energy affordability, (2) en-      More closely incorporate emerging economies in
    ergy availability, (3) energy accessibility, (4) energy   existing international energy institutions. It is
    sustainability. The resulting policy options are:         likely that, absent major changes, global gover-
                                                              nance of energy will continue to be relatively weak
    Scale up energy transport. This includes liquefied        and decentralized. Nevertheless, modest changes
    natural gas (LNG) import/export terminals, pipe-          are feasible in the near future in order to facilitate
    lines, and electricity grids. This option also involves   dialogue on energy technology and trade. The In-
    a clear regulatory framework, concessional finance,       ternational Energy Agency (IEA) could extend for-
    and long-term off-take contracts in order to im-          mal membership to countries such as China and
    prove investor security for the needed infrastruc-        India, while the G20 could provide greater leader-
    ture investments. Procedures for determining infra-       ship and coordination among and between devel-
    structure investments will need to be streamlined         oped and emerging economies.
    in order to get the necessary infrastructure in place,
    but those procedures must also allot time to en-
    gage affected communities and other stakeholders.

    Bolster energy-related legal and trade instru-
    ments. This includes standardized investment trea-
    ties that provide fair and equitable treatment, pro-
    tection from expropriation, and mechanisms for
    dispute resolution. These investment treaties
    should have application at multiple legislative lev-
    els and work to normalize best practices and mar-
    ket frameworks for energy trade.

    Implement energy knowledge-sharing and ca-
    pacity-building mechanisms for emerging econ-
    omies and developing countries. This includes
    agreements and institutions to collect data and dis-
    seminate best practices on energy technologies
    and environmental protection. Such mechanisms
    must involve multiple stakeholders in information
    exchange in order to encourage countries to meet
    their growing energy needs in a secure and sustain-
    able way.

    Accelerate clean-technology development and
    penetration through bilateral and regional insti-
    tutions. While non-state actors are increasingly
    forming alliances to reduce carbon emissions,
    states must work to keep climate change on the
    policy agenda. In emerging bilateral and regional

                                                                                      Global ENERGY Governance
Energy Governance Outlook:                                                                                               5
Global Scenarios and Implications

       _ Global Energy
       	Governance Today

            Global energy governance institutions encompass          clude emerging economies such as India and China.
            a broad set of issues – often regionally focused –       In addition, although it generally advocates open
            ranging from trade, investment and intellectual          energy markets, the agency lacks the mechanisms
            property regulations to emissions and supply tar-        and mandate to facilitate legal frameworks for en-
            gets and limitations. They provide forums for ex-        ergy trade.
            changing knowledge and technology, and they fa-
            cilitate pledges to reduce carbon emissions. The         OPEC, a self-selected group of producer countries,
            current governance framework includes energy             coordinates oil supply volumes and prices of major
            consumer and producer organizations, the United          oil producers. But with the potential emergence of
            Nations efforts on climate change mitigation, and a      further major energy exporters, the organization’s
            multitude of bilateral and regional agreements reg-      capability to continue to exercise its market power
            ulating energy trade and investments.                    is in question.

            The current governance structure faces challenges.       The International Energy Forum (IEF) has emerged
            Newly emerging consumer nations are not consis-          as an organization in which consumer and producer
            tently included. Climate negotiations are stagnat-       countries join a dialogue about stabilizing energy
            ing. Energy trade and investment treaties are pri-       markets and improving transparency in energy
            marily bilateral, not global.                            markets. The IEF’s Joint Oil Data Initiative is an ex-
                                                                     ample of such data sharing, but overall the IEF’s
            Moreover, no single, strong international body co-       reach has been limited. Energy trade and invest-
            ordinates energy governance. In the past, the            ment is also regulated by many bilateral or regional
            Group of Eight (G8) or the Group of Twenty (G20)         agreements, such as the Energy Charter Treaty. The
            major economies have spearheaded initiatives to          Energy Charter Treaty aims to improve investor se-
            improve energy efficiency, but neither has deliv-        curity among producer, transit and consumer coun-
            ered a comprehensive vision for global energy gov-       tries in Eastern Europe, but recently its implementa-
            ernance. The United Nations Framework Conven-            tion and geographical expansion have stagnated.
            tion on Climate Change (UNFCCC) provides a forum
            for negotiating treaties to set limits on greenhouseIn sum, global energy governance is disjointed and
                                                                in flux. As a result, the GG2022 energy group sees a
            gas emissions, but it has not as of yet elicited bind-
            ing commitments from major emitters, nor has it     larger role for nation-states, the private sector, and
            produced a post-Kyoto treaty.                       civil society than it does for formal international
                                                                organizations. These visions are captured in two
            The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an import- scenarios – Fragmented World and International
            ant organization of energy-consuming countries Market Integration – whose storylines are pre-
            within the membership of the Organization for Eco- sented next.
            nomic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Its
            members coordinate their emergency oil supply
            reserves, and the secretariat provides a forum for
            market and technology data exchange through ex-
            pert networks and reports. Yet the IEA does not in-

6                                                                                           SCENARIO 1: FRAGMENTED WORLD

      _ Scenario 1:
        Fragmented World

Picture of the Future: The Rise of Regional
Energy Arrangements
          Today, in 2022, the world is sorted into regional          of Middle Eastern countries. In pursuit of energy se-
          blocs that aid countries in satiating their energy         curity, many governments are bypassing interna-
          needs in their respective “neighborhoods.” World-          tional energy markets to instead seek longer-term
          wide industrialization has continued, bringing             supplies within their immediate regions. Cross-re-
          greater levels of development but also greater de-         gional institutions such as OPEC, the International
          mands for energy. Enormous new consuming coun-             Energy Agency, and the World Trade Organization
          tries in Asia now hold sway, fueling a competitive         gradually devolve. Meanwhile, although countries
          scramble with Japan and long-industrialized Euro-          have formally abandoned global climate change ne-
          pean countries. At the same time, breakthroughs in         gotiations, some of the regional energy partner-
          unconventional fossil fuels enable a few countries in      ships have led to substantial investments in clean-
          the Americas to greatly increase their energy pro-         er-technology projects that make moderate head-
          duction and challenge the production dominance             way in reducing worldwide carbon emissions.

History of the Future: Fragmented World

           > Phase 1       Today        Big developing countries such as China and India ramp up their demand for energy.
     New suppliers and
                           2014         US and other non-OPEC countries emerge as major suppliers of unconventional fossil
       new consumers                    fuels, such as shale gas and tar sands.
       shake up global
        energy system.                  Energy infrastructure lags behind new energy supplies, making it difficult to get new
                                        supplies to global markets. Countries begin turning to regional partnerships instead.
                                        Countries fail to reach a post-Kyoto Protocol commitment on carbon emissions.
                                        UNFCCC becomes even more marginalized.

            > Phase 2      2016         Hillary Clinton runs for US presidency on a pro-manufacturing platform, vowing to
      Regional partner-                 protect domestic industry.
       ships proliferate
                                        Following heavy lobbying by the US and Canadian petrochemical industries, and cit-
          and resource                  ing national security, Congress bans US exports of LNG outside North America.
         conflicts loom.
                           2018         East African and Australian natural gas supplies come online. Supply off-takers such
                                        as South Korea partner with Asian producers in pursuit of energy security.
                                        Increasingly left out of the new energy order, Russia tries to claim energy resources in
                                        the Arctic region, and this sets off an international backlash.

            > Phase 3      2020         OPEC’s influence takes a huge hit as Saudi Arabia and China announce a bilateral
      Opportunities for                 agreement on energy supplies. Without the support of its biggest member state, the
        investments in                  group begins unraveling.
        cleaner energy.                 With Russia and OPEC losing power as energy suppliers, Japan and the European
                                        Union consider other options and sign an agreement to invest jointly in clean-energy
                           2022         technology.

                                                                                                 Global ENERGY Governance
Energy Governance Outlook:                                                                                              7
Global Scenarios and Implications

Phase 1: A Shake-Up by New Consumers
and Suppliers
            Between 2014 and 2016, emerging economies               had remained for forging new carbon-emissions
            shook up the global energy system. As part of their     commitments to replace the Kyoto Protocol.
            long-term development plans, the governments of
            China and India ramped up energy investments,           After all, many countries anticipated that in the near
            gaining control over energy assets in Sub-Saharan       future the most promising energy sources would
            Africa and in several former Soviet republics in Cen-   continue to be fossil fuels, even if in unconventional
            tral Asia. Meanwhile, long-time consumers such as       forms such as shale gas or tar sands. Moreover, re-
            Japan continued to demand substantial amounts of        gional – rather than global – partnerships appeared
            energy imports. Fearful that more and more energy       to be the cooperative form of the immediate future,
            assets were “spoken for,” Japan and other industri-     partly because infrastructure investment could not
            alized countries accelerated their efforts to obtain    keep pace with emerging energy sources.
            reliable access to energy assets that could meet
            their needs well into the future.                      As a result, governments became even more reluc-
                                                                   tant to tie their hands through a global climate
            Non-Middle Eastern producers also transformed agreement. Countries were unable to agree on any
            the global energy system in this period. Since at new comprehensive commitments. Thus, the al-
            least the 1980s, OPEC had struggled to moderate ready languishing global climate change negotia-
            oil supplies in order to prop up oil prices. Further tions came to a standstill, and the United Nations
            challenges were posed by the fact that non-OPEC Framework Convention on Climate Change be-
            countries – particularly the United States and Can- came even more marginalized.
            ada – would become the key near-term beneficia-
            ries of a boom in unconventional fossil fuel supplies,
            such as shale gas and tar sands. By 2015 the United
            States, long a net-importer of energy supplies, was
            poised to become a net-exporter. This reduced US
            demand for OPEC oil and also held the promise of
            substantial non-oil energy supplies in the future.

            However, due to infrastructure limitations, the
            United States by 2016 proved able to export region-
            ally but not globally. Congressional paralysis and
            the absence of clear policy framework limited
            needed investment in exportation infrastructure.
            Investment in the increasingly integrated North
            American grid system ensured greater cross broader
            collaboration and integration in North America en-
            ergy markets. But growing integration of the re-
            gional energy markets was not the game changer
            that was foreseen. Countries in other parts of the
            world too began to turn away from global energy
            markets in favor of regional partnerships.

            Growing regional partnerships and alliances under-
            mined the modest international momentum that

8                                                                                  SCENARIO 1: FRAGMENTED WORLD

Phase 2: Momentum of Regional Partnerships
and International Resource Conflicts
      The movement toward regional energy partner-             be built and existing distribution networks needed
      ships took another turn in 2017, when the US gov-        to be refitted. This proved to be more feasible on a
      ernment finally made a clear choice to keep the          regional basis than on a global basis. Infrastructure
      country’s burgeoning unconventional gas supplies         limitations led shale gas extractors to serve re-
      out of global markets. For several years, the US and     gional rather than global customers.
      Canadian industrial lobbies had called for a ban on
      natural gas exports outside of the Western hemi-          The world’s previously dominant natural gas pro-
      sphere in the hopes of not forestalling a lasting         ducers, especially Russia, lost some of their former
      economic recovery, still on the minds of many pol-        power-projection capabilities. For years, several
      icymakers. They found an ally in Hillary Clinton, the     parts of Europe depended on Russian gas supplies
      frontrunner for the 2016 US presidential election.       – a situation that fueled robust revenue for Russian
      Citing national security considerations, Clinton          suppliers. But the development of shale gas re-
      emphasized a pro-manufacturing campaign plat-             serves in Poland provided additional regional op-
      form and vowed that, if elected, she would protect        tions, allowing Germany and other European coun-
      domestic companies, especially manufacturing              tries to decrease their reliance on Russian supplies.
      jobs. Joined by a new Democratic majority in Con-         Toward the end of the decade, the relationship
      gress, in mid-2017 President Clinton signed into          between Russia and northern Europe underwent
      law a bill prohibiting US natural gas exports be-         another strain: In 2019 the Russian navy sent five
      yond the Americas.                                        ships to the Arctic Circle to begin extracting en-
                                                                ergy resources in disputed areas. This prompted a
      This assuaged the demands of powerful interest            backlash from the European Union, backed by Can-
      groups in the United States and Canada and set off        ada, China, and the United States. Although Russia
      even more regional energy partnerships in other           eventually backed down, the specter of resource
      parts of the globe. Around the world, the extraction      conflicts in the Arctic and elsewhere remained.
      of unconventional energy from shale gas had been          This further solidified state inclinations to pursue
      accelerating – but as in the Americas, distribution of   “secure” energy supplies by satiating their energy
      those extracted resources remained a challenge,           needs regionally rather than in global markets.
      because new gas distribution networks needed to

Phase 3: Opportunities for Investments
in Cleaner Energy
      By 2020 the dynamics and regionalism surrounding         vulnerabilities within their governments and econ-
      influential new consumers and producers of energy        omies. Moreover, the shale gas boom had spurred
      upended other elements of the previous energy or-        interest in non-oil energy sources in countries out-
      der: OPEC and the International Energy Agency.           side of OPEC’s membership. In a surprise move,
      Throughout OPEC’s history, Saudi Arabia had been         Saudi Arabia withdrew from the organization in
      pivotal. It strived to settle squabbles among mem-       2020. Abandoned by this key member-state, OPEC
      ber-states, and it overlooked member-states’ occa-       began formally unraveling.
      sional over-production vis-à-vis quotas. But playing
      this pivotal role became more difficult and costly       The International Energy Agency also faltered, al-
      over time. The Arab Spring uprisings had shaken          though for different reasons. Since its creation in
      Middle Eastern and North African states, exposing        the 1970s, the IEA had provided an institutional

                                                                                       Global ENERGY Governance
Energy Governance Outlook:                                                                                                9
Global Scenarios and Implications

            framework for major energy-consuming countries,         regions) enabled countries to replace some of their
            sometimes counterbalancing OPEC’s. As an off-           coal consumption with cleaner burning natural gas,
            shoot of the OECD, the IEA had always drawn its         particularly for electricity generation. This produced
            membership from “rich” democracies. This posed          a modest decrease in carbon emissions within par-
            little problem when the universe of major ener-         ticular regions, such as North America. Although in
            gy-consuming countries coincided closely with the       itself this did not drastically reduce global emissions,
            universe of rich democracies – but the rise of China    it did make the US and Canadian governments
            and India complicated the situation. In 2020, the       more willing to make more substantial formal com-
            IEA’s existing membership agreed to change the          mitments to climate change mitigation.
            organization’s membership criteria, permitting
            non-democracies or less-developed states to join.      Meanwhile, countries that were unable or unwilling
            But both China and India declined to pursue mem-       to fully and directly capitalize on the boom in shale
            bership under the new rules. This, coupled with        gas and other unconventional fossil fuels faced in-
            OPEC’s unraveling later that year, meant that the      centives to pursue renewable energy research
            IEA could no longer claim to be representing major     more vigorously. No substantial shale gas reserves
            energy-consuming countries or to be counteract-        were uncovered in Japan, but Japan’s energy needs
            ing a powerful cartel of energy-producing coun-        remained high. Greater shale gas deposits were
            tries. International energy governance – which had     found in Western Europe, but several countries
            never been as intricate as governance of other is-     joined France in banning extraction. Then, in late
            sues at the global level – was splintering by 2021.    2021, Japan and the European Union announced
                                                                   that they would sign an agreement to invest jointly
            Around the world, governments intensified their in clean energy technology, particularly wind
            use of regional multi-year agreements instead of power. In an ironic turn, the 2022 world of frag-
            international spot-markets for their energy needs. mented energy governance promises greater re-
            This was part of a self-reinforcing cycle. Infrastruc- ductions in carbon emissions than the UNFCCC-led
            ture investments and improvements (especially for climate talks ever had.
            gas supplies) were made on the basis of short-
            er-term regional agreements, not with the goal of
            getting new supplies on global markets. But be-
            cause new supplies were not reaching global mar-
            kets anyway, countries faced no incentive to dis-
            continue their investments in the infrastructure
            necessary for their regional agreements. In other
            words, the lack of a comprehensive worldwide in-
            frastructure fueled countries’ emphasis on region-
            alism, and that emphasis on regionalism impeded
            investments in a comprehensive worldwide infra-
            structure. As result, the world became marked by a
            proliferation of regional energy agreements and a
            power vacuum left by previously central actors,
            such as Russia, OPEC, and the IEA.

            This fragmentation, however, proved to be benefi-
            cial for reducing carbon emissions. Mid-decade,
            the global negotiations centered on the UNFCCC
            and the Kyoto Protocol had died out. But increased
            supplies of natural gas (especially within particular

10                                                                           SCENARIO 2: INTERNATIONAL MARKET INTEGRATION

         _ Scenario 2: International
         	Market Integration

Picture of the Future: The Rise of the
Integrated Global Energy Market
               Today, in 2022, nation states demonstrate growing         and consumers start to source more from the global
               confidence in the global energy market. New pro-          market, major new consuming countries pivot: In-
               ducer countries generate a “supply cushion” that          creasingly, they source from the global market,
               reverses long-held assumptions about strategies           which they find offers more secure sources of sup-
               for securing energy, gradually enticing entrants          ply with greater flexibility.
               into the global energy market, now flush with
               cheaper oil and gas. As a critical mass of producers

History of the Future: International Market Integration

                                Today       The US exports natural gas. Obama nicknamed “Oil President.”

                                2014        Sudden natural gas $ drop.

                                            China’s Xi Jinping institutionalizes carbon tax, gets nickname “Green President”.
               > Phase 1
         New suppliers and                   US-China Energy Dialogue leads to BIT, which articulates tech transfer guidelines and
           new consumers                     energy innovation sharing regime.
           shake up global      2016         EU-Russia “Cold War” as long term gas supply contracts renegotiated.
            energy system.
                                             BRICS sign historic energy innovation accord, dubbed a “strategic commercial
                                             alliance” (SINOPEC, SASOL & Petrobras).

                                                           SOE partnership props up international energy market as accord sells
                                                           back into market in attempt to limit influence of speculators.

                  > Phase 2     2018         Intense competition in new frontiers (Africa).
Traditional alliances (OPEC)
            start to unravel.                OPEC begins to loose control of its members as African states leave on mass.

                                2019        Coal to Gas Summit in Beijing. US-China lead global shift from coal to gas, set targets
                 > Phase 3                  in commercial contracts for CO2 reductions.
       International energy
  market rules emerge from                                 WTO and G20 emerge as new CO2 reduction target forums, displace
                                                           UNFCC as central decision making body.
 the bottom up; include C02
         reductions targets.    2020        Vancouver Summit on international energy market codifying “rules of the road” for
                                            short term energy contracts.

                                                                                                    Global ENERGY Governance
Energy Governance Outlook:                                                                                          11
Global Scenarios and Implications

Phase 1: New Suppliers Disrupt Old Energy
Security Paradigm
            The rise of new supplier countries (such as the US)    emitting fossil fuels such as coal to instead low-
            and additional consuming countries from the de-        er-emitting fossil fuels such as natural gas.
            veloping world brought about a paradigm shift in
            global energy markets. The growth in demand            By 2015, Africa emerged as the newest hotspot for
            from populous emerging consumers such as               fossil fuel exploration. That year the continent ac-
            China and India proved to be relatively predict-       counted for eight of the 10 largest hydrocarbon
            able. More impactful was the less obvious influ-       finds in gas and oil. This sparked a new competi-
            ence of rapidly growing energy supplies from un-       tive frontier between major state owned enter-
            conventional fossil fuel sources in the United         prises (eg, China National Offshore Oil Corpora-
            States, Africa, and Latin America. Earlier than an-    tion, Sinopec, Petronas, Petrobras) and traditional
            ticipated, the production of unconventional fossil     private powerhouses (eg, Exxon and Total). The
            fuels became more energy efficient and substan-        battle played out in the global energy market,
            tially less environmentally damaging. Shale gas        where both groups preferred to sell energy sup-
            companies, for instance, developed new ex-             plies back into the global market. With the exten-
            traction methods that use very little water, greatly   sion of the West African Transform Margin up the
            reducing extraction costs and groundwater con-         coast of West Africa, and the announcement that
            tamination concerns.                                   East African reserves had secured off-take con-
                                                                   tracts in India, South Korea, and Japan, Africa as-
            Substantial investment in renewable energy             cended in the new global energy world.
            sources continued, but with an emphasis on
           “game changer” technologies. For example, im-        The US also rose as a key new energy pole in this
            proving battery technology became a major focus     period. In his second presidential term, Obama
            for Western countries, where consumption of pe-     continued to express concern about climate
            troleum is focused on the transport sector. Not     change and catastrophic events, but he did not
            wanting to cede ground to China on green tech-      spearhead comprehensive policies to deal with
            nology, the US announced a 10-year “man on the      these concerns. In fact, he advanced America’s re-
            moon” initiative to develop the world’s first       naissance in fossil fuel extraction. Major catastro-
            long-lasting battery, and the government began      phes in deep water offshore drilling and nuclear
            the initiative with a major investment in the Bell  generation proved less influential as policy fore-
            Labs Battery Extension Facility. Although such in-  runners. President Obama eliminated the morato-
            vestments did not completely appease civil soci-    rium and announced an expansive domestic drill-
            ety groups pushing for a “greener future,” they did ing agenda. Then, in the run-up to the 2016 presi-
            indicate progress in that direction.                dential elections, candidate Hillary Clinton went
                                                                even further: Backed by a strong domestic lobby
            In the near term, however, renewable energy was and looking to head off Republican challengers,
            unable to displace fossil fuels. In addition to in- Clinton embraced the campaign slogan “Frack
            vestments in battery research, countries around Baby Frack.”
            the world made strides in solar and wind energy
            production, leading to substantial price drops in
            photovoltaic and other technologies. But lack of
            usage and absence of distribution mechanisms re-
            mained major impediments to rapid wide-scale
            adoption of solar and wind technology. Instead,
            progress came in the form of shifts from higher

12                                                             SCENARIO 2: INTERNATIONAL MARKET INTEGRATION

Phase 2: US/China “Breakthrough”
Sets Scene for Global Integration
      Now a decade after the start of the shale boom, and   nese energy, it nevertheless provides a “proof of
      frustrated by lack of innovation within its state-    concept” for some wild cat investors.
      owned energy enterprises, China looked to outside
      sources for expertise in deep water drilling and     On the back of major losses on Keystone, environ-
      fracking, but an absence of intellectual property    mentalists saw the BIET as potentially advancing
      protection deterred potential investors. The 2014    their own goals of reducing global carbon emis-
      Joint China-US Economic Dialogue placed energy       sions. Environmentalists began a concerted cam-
      and intellectual property protection atop its        paign to advance natural gas export to China. China,
      agenda; the summit ended with agreement on es-       seeing the added benefit of lower emissions and
      tablishing an “energy dialogue.”                     lower natural gas prices, revisited its long-term sup-
                                                           ply contracts with Indonesian coal, lowering its
      The US natural gas industry, seeking financing and supplier contracts down to 70% from its 2010 level.
      suffering from bottoming out prices of natural gas The switch towards increased natural gas consump-
      at home, lobbied congress for the creation of a bi- tion decelerated China’s coal consumption growth.
      lateral energy investment treaty (BIET) with China.
      The BIET seemingly aligned both countries’ inter- South Africa, hosting China and Brazil for the 6th
      ests: China had the need and finance while US com- Annual BRICS Forum in 2015, proposed a strategic
      panies had the technology and need. The BIET was trilateral technology transfer alliance focused on
      hailed as a major strategic breakthrough and set the sharing gas-to-liquids and deep-water-drilling
      stage for China to acquire major Canadian and US oil technologies with Brazil. Looking to build on Exx-
      services companies. China further incentivized the on’s seismic data, SAPetro, South Africa’s national
      development of the domestic shale gas industry by petroleum company, was especially eager to learn
      removing legal impediments (for example, through from Petrobras, which saw value and access to
      unbundling shale from oil/gas classification and al- cheap capital from China. Meanwhile, China was
      lowing foreign and private bidders into increasingly the major driver of a Sasol-SINOPEC partnership,
      frequent bidding rounds). The development of which saw synergies in its own coal and gas sectors.
      shale gas in China, however, was not fully exploited The partnerships allowed all three countries to pur-
      as full-scale investment remained repressed by lin- sue joint projects in new frontier markets, espe-
      gering concerns about off-taker and intellectual cially Africa, but instead of securing these assets for
      property protection regulations and infrastructure national consumption, the trio decided that it was
      requirements in the area of exploration and ex- in their better interest to sell the resources back
      traction. While this delayed “game changer” for Chi- into the global market.

Phase 3: As Old Alliances Realign,
Global Market Matures
      The new alliances between new consumers and           with the regime, agreeing to take a tougher stance
      new producers shook up old alliances. The Iranian     and consenting to limited sanctions.
      regime was in serious turmoil as gas revenues
      dipped below breakeven targets, and off-taker con-    Internally, OPEC started to unravel in 2019. As Iraq
      tracts became more competitive. Sanctions on the      and US oil came online, spare capacity reached 9
      regime started to bite, as China appeared less de-    billion barrels by 2020, an increase of 400% in five
      pendent on maintaining a resource relationship        years, reducing price setting power of the alliance.

                                                                                    Global ENERGY Governance
Energy Governance Outlook:                                                                                              13
Global Scenarios and Implications

            Frustrated by what they perceived as a “founder        grated global energy market. Building off of a “spa-
            collusion” between Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, Af-     ghetti-bowl” of pre-existing arrangements, the
            rican states (Libya, Nigeria, Algeria and Angola) left summit served as the starting point, ushering in a
            the cartel en masse and started participating more     new era of energy collaboration and cooperation,
            actively in global energy markets.                     in stark contrast to the cartel and price fixing of past
                                                                   energy eras. New rules of the game – including data
            As OPEC and other old alliances devolved, new in- sharing, emergency reserves, burden sharing on
            stitutions filled the gap. The G20 and the World shipping route security, spare capacity and invest-
            Trade Organization emerged as central forums for ment rules – were enshrined in a compact between
            energy. The G20 Summit in Vancouver in 2020, la- major producers and consumers.
            belled the “Integrated Energy Market Summit,”
            looked to formalize the rules of the road for an inte-

Phase 4: Bottom-Up Global Climate
            With the world entering the third decade of the 21st cerns. Domestic forces have therefore gradually
            century, it has done so with the foundations of an shifted global dialogue and promoted a general-
            integrated international energy market in place. ized shift in climate negotiations. Political leaders
            Standards and commercial arrangements have in emerging countries have started to embrace
            been increasingly conducted via a global market new language to discuss climate change – from
            and managed by a new set of actors. Looking for a “burden sharing” and “load shedding” to “opportu-
            new role after Doha’s failure, the WTO has taken the nity sharing.”
            lead in managing the new framework while the
            G20 remains the central forum for agenda setting. The green shoots of a bottom-up patchwork agree-
                                                                    ment on carbon reduction targets look obtainable
            Both China and the US have approached climate by 2030 as major consumers and suppliers increas-
            negotiations differently, now that attaining carbon ingly explore new political space for a global
            reduction targets appears less of a cost and an inte- climate change treaty.
            grated market facilitates more open dialogue and
            commercial cooperation. Having substantially re-
            duced its CO2 emissions by managing a strategic
            shift from coal to natural gas, Chinese policymakers
            play a more active role in climate negotiations. See-
            ing an interest in spurring a global shift from coal to
            gas to ensure an export market for its surplus sup-
            plies, the US no longer slow peddles carbon targets
            and promotes gas as an effective bridge fuel, to the
            consternation of some activists.

            Elsewhere, in India, a reinvigorated public debate
            about energy and development has been sparked
            by chronic massive rolling blackouts, which grip the
            political class and threaten disorder. China, where
            pollution continues unabated, sees its own inter-
            ests in driving the dialogue to satisfy domestic con-

14                                                                                                                         STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS

          _ Strategic Implications

                   Neither scenario – Fragmented World or Interna-                        pliers are forming their own regional alliances
                   tional Market Integration – is inherently better than                  based on common interests in claiming new lead-
                   the other. While they have unique aspects, they also                   ership in the international economy of fossil fuels,
                   share features, such as the availability of new energy                 while former producers lose battlefields in the shift
                   sources, the shifting of geopolitical alliances, a drop                of geopolitical power. And that new alliance is con-
                   in fossil fuel prices, and an erosion of the market                    fronted with the responsibility to address green-
                   power of some traditional producers. Both scenar-                      house gas emissions and tackle global climate
                   ios contain positive and negative aspects – and to-                    change through regional collaborative actions after
                   gether the two scenarios illuminate a variety of po-                   global consensus fails to happen.
                   tential opportunities and potential threats that
                   could arise in the coming years. These opportunities In the International Market Integration scenario,
                   and threats are summarized in table 1.               the availability of supply is secured by a more
                                                                        flushed and flexible global energy market with con-
                   In the Fragmented World scenario, characterized ventional fossil fuels at a lower price. As means to
                   by new suppliers becoming available and secured facilitate and stimulate fluidity of market access to
                   from discovering particularly unconventional fossil new supply, bilateral trade and investment agree-
                   fuels in the Americas, the global energy market is ments are prioritized, which ultimately promotes
                   enriched with diversified sources; these sources are the integration of the international market. Former
                   beyond traditional Middle Eastern and some Afri- producers, particularly those in currently existing
                   can countries, which appear to form an evolving alliances such as OPEC and the IEA, are also losing in
                   landscape of emerging players at a lower fossil fuel the shift of power due to a leadership vacuum and
                   price. Relying on the rise of domestic production political conflict.
                   and exports to the international market, new sup-

Selected Threats and Opportunities Across Scenarios

 FRAGMENTED               THREATS                                                                OPPORTUNITIES

 Availability of          ›› Environmental concerns                                              ›› Economic growth for export countries
                          ›› Challenges to trading sources                                       ›› Fuel price reduction
                          ›› Territorial disputes over new resources (eg, offshore oil)          ›› Diversification of sources

 Shifting alliances       ›› Leadership vacuum, leading to instability                           ›› Stability in regional alliances
                          ›› Jockeying for resources between regions

 Fossil fuel prices       ›› Crowding out of clean energy                                        ›› Stability in the international economy
 drop                     ›› Increased coal consumption
                          ›› Pre-emptive action from former fossil fuel producers

 Former producers         ›› Power vacuum, leading to political conflict                         ›› Potential for new international leadership and
 lose power               ›› New country for production reserve capacity required                   cooperation

 Climate agenda           ›› The dissolution of the carbon market due to low prices              ›› Collective action thanks to growing coal use
                          ›› CO2 increase                                                        ›› More private sector support for carbon tax
                          ›› Crowding out of renewables because of low fuel prices               ›› Carbon tax incentivizes

                                                                                                                      Global ENERGY Governance
Energy Governance Outlook:                                                                                                            15
Global Scenarios and Implications

             INTEGRATED           THREATS                                               OPPORTUNITIES

             Availability of      ›› Interest groups preventing US exports             ›› Economic growth for export countries
             new sources          ›› Territorial disputes on offshore oil              ›› Fuel price reduction
                                                                                       ›› Diversification of sources

             Bilateral invest-    ›› Speculation potential as market increases         ›› Bottom-up standards and trust for inter-
             ment                                                                         national agreements
             treaties                                                                  ›› Opportunities for international investors

             Fossil fuel prices   ›› Crowding out of clean energy                      ›› Stability in the international economy
             drop                 ›› Pre-emptive action from former fossil fuel pro-

             Former produc-       ›› Power vacuum, leading to political                ›› Potential for new international leadership
             ers lose power          conflict                                             and cooperation
                                  ›› New provider of reserve capacity needed

             International        ›› Small countries cannot decide rules               ›› Re-launch of WTO process
             market                  of the game                                       ›› Private sector engagement
             integration          ›› Energy security exposed                           ›› Cooperation in market, leading to
                                  ›› Enforcement of regulation                            cooperation in climate framework

            Both scenarios are impacted by common themes,                  shale gas reserves, such as China and EU states, can
            and the resulting opportunities and threats focus              reproduce the US success in shale gas development.
            on three strategic implications: energy availability,          Current US crude oil suppliers, such as Saudi Arabia,
            affordability, and accessibility. Paying attention to          Canada and Mexico, would need to seek alternative
            these three strategic implications helps to identify           markets. Middle Eastern countries and Russia need to
            ways to offset risks and leverage benefits in each             seriously consider diversifying their economy. At the
            scenario.                                                      same time, a more integrated energy market needs
                                                                           to be formed to provide the needed transparency
            In the next 10 years, the availability of energy largely       and stability, thus further reducing the price volatil-
            depends on the realization of projected expansion              ity in the world’s energy market.
            of conventional and unconventional energy pro-
            duction. To mitigate perceived investment risks, the    In the Fragmented World, a country’s access to
            United States needs to provide regulatory certainty     energy supplies will hinge to a large extent on its
            to foster investment in extraction and in the trans-    own geographic location, economic or political
            portation of unconventional sources. It also needs      powers, and resource endowments. Any country
            to tighten its regulatory environment in order to       that is disadvantaged in this regard will need to con-
            prevent drilling-related accidents from potentially     sider risk-mitigation strategies to prevent shortages
            halting fracking activities. China, on the other hand,  in energy supplies – for instance, by shifting their
            would need to solve technological and environ-          domestic energy mix toward a higher share of
            mental challenges on fracking for its own particular    renewables. In the International Market Integration
            case as this technology is geographically specific.     scenario, to prevent crowding out of renewables
                                                                    due to increased reliance on natural gas energy sup-
            The prospect of the affordability of energy has differ- ply, countries such as the US also need to develop
            ent implications globally. The US needs to loosen its relevant policies. The accessibility of traditional and
            current export restrictions. The price reduction also newly added sources also depends on the availabil-
            depends on whether other countries holding large ity of transporting infrastructure.

16                                                                                                         POLICY OPTIONS

       _ Policy Options

            Based on the strategic implications of a Fragmented      environments. Each of the policy options addresses
            World and an International Market Integration world,     one or a combination of the strategic implications.
            the GG2022 group has derived robust strategic op-        The policy will aim to make energy more affordable,
            tions to provide a secure, affordable and sustainable    available, accessible, sustainable, or a combination
            energy supply irrespective of the alternative future     of the above.

Policy Option: Scaling-Up Energy Transport

             ›› Ensure regulatory certainty on energy exports
             ›› Provide concessional finance and long-term off-take contracts
             ›› Speed up permitting procedures for infrastructure and engage affected stakeholders

> Policy Implications

            The need for scaling-up energy transport infra-          hinder the scale-up of this need. Regional energy
            structure to make available energy more acces-           trade as predominantly occurring under the Frag-
            sible. In the Fragmented World, energy trade             mented World relies strongly on an extension of oil
            occurs mostly on a regional basis, while in the Inter-   and gas pipelines as well as, to a lesser extent, elec-
            national Market Integration scenario, energy trade       tricity grid interconnections. In International Mar-
            occurs globally as a more integrated energy market       ket Integration, there is greater potential for global
            emerges. In both scenarios, the potential for new        energy trade driven by regional price differences. In
            unconventional energy sources to reshape energy          this scenario, global energy trade relies on the
            trade strongly depends on the availability of suffi-     extension of liquefied natural gas (LNG) import-
            cient transport infrastructure to connect markets.       and export-facilities in key supply and demand
            The current transport infrastructure is insufficient     countries.
            to deal with the energy trade potential, but major
            regulatory investment and technological barriers

> Policy Instruments

            Remove regulatory, investment and technological          The uncertainty revolving around a potential bill
            barriers for energy transport infrastructure. Regu-      banning the US LNG export is an example of
            latory uncertainty today prevents the required           delayed investments in LNG export terminals.
            investments from flowing to energy transport infra-      These regulatory uncertainties drive up financing
            structure. Uncertainty remains regarding the size        costs for investors. On the national level, countries
            of global unconventional fossil fuel reserves, regar-    need to provide a reliable long-term regulatory
            ding many developing countries’ capability to            framework for LNG exports. On the international
            exploit them in the short-term as well as regarding      level they need to agree on common codes and
            environmental regulation and export legislation.         standards for energy transport (eg, network codes

                                                                                             Global ENERGY Governance
Energy Governance Outlook:                                                                                              17
Global Scenarios and Implications

            for electricity) and provide bilateral investment        ensuring effective stakeholder consultation and
            treaties to ensure investor security. Concessional       offering affected communities equity stakes in
            finance and state guarantees from the government         energy transport infrastructure projects will help to
            side and long-term off-take agreements from the          reduce local opposition to the projects.
            energy consumers all help to reduce investor risk.
            Permitting procedures need to speed up, and

Policy Option: Energy-Related Legal
and Trade Mechanisms

             ›› Aligned bilateral investment treaties standardizing energy trade
             ›› Common/harmonized international trade codes for energy technology
             ›› Legal reciprocity and intellectual property protection agreements

> Policy Implications

            The need for additional investment in the energy         reserves that are more difficult to reach (eg, deep
            sector to make energy more affordable and acces-         sea drilling or oil shale), additional investments are
            sible. Both scenarios suggest the need for additional    needed for both upstream and downstream infra-
            investment in the energy sector. In the Fragmented       structure development.
            World scenario, consuming countries fear unstable
            supply from traditional energy producers, and            In both scenarios, there is a threat of under-invest-
            therefore some opt to install more renewable-en-         ment due to economic uncertainty and the difficul-
            ergy capacity within their own territories. For devel-   ties associated with risk assessment and deci-
            oped and emerging countries, this means additional       sionmaking on large energy projects. In addition,
            commitment of public and private investment              there is little framework for governing foreign direct
            towards renewable energy technology develop-             investment in the energy sector. This leads to alter-
            ment. For the least developed countries, this may        native structures, such as bilateral investment trea-
            indicate additional need for aid and foreign invest-     ties (in International Market Integration) or regional
            ment to provide required liquidity. In the Interna-      arrangements (in Fragmented World) to define
            tional Market Integration world, with the continued      investment conditions and settle disputes.
            reliance on fossil fuels and the switch towards

> Policy Instruments

            Use bilateral investment treaties to create energy       structure on foreign direct investment, BITs have
            related multilateral investment and trade frame-         provided the needed guarantee of dispute settle-
            work. Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) refer to an   ment and risk amelioration. Private investors can
            agreement that sets the investment conditions for        seek arbitration from international dispute resolu-
            private investors from one state in another state.       tion institutions without the need to involve diplo-
            It usually contains line items that define fair and      matic protection from the home state. At the same
            equitable treatment, protection from expropria-          time, due to the increasing uniformity of these BITs
            tion, and provides mechanisms for dispute resolu-        in terms of language and format, a common stan-
            tion. In the face of a lacking global governance         dard is forming for foreign direct investment.

18                                                                                                    POLICY OPTIONS

            With this in mind, we see the potential for BITs –    ding more transparent, common and stable legal
            signed between one major energy consuming or          platforms in the energy sector for foreign invest-
            producing country with their partners – to expand     ment. At the same time, we realize the difficulties
            into a multilateral investment framework that         of negotiating and forming a multilateral invest-
            eventually harmonizes international investment in     ment standard among many national players. We
            the energy sector in the next 10 years. There have    argue that starting such efforts on a bilateral level
            been attempts in the past to form such multilateral   and expanding the legal web from there may
            international standards for energy related foreign    increase the likelihood of forming a widely
            investment from a top-down approach, such as          accepted investment governance structure within
            the European Energy Charter Treaty. Although          the global energy sector.
            their influence on providing better investment
            governance remains to be seen, such efforts indi-
            cate the demand and experimentation of provi-

Policy Option: Environmental Regulation
and Standards

             ›› Sharing information, knowledge and consensus building
             ›› Collaborating with international industrial association
             ›› Integrate BRICS countries into the system
             ›› Studies on international environmental impact

> Policy Implications

            The need for cross-border regulation and stan-        environmental externalities that could result from
            dardization to make energy use more accessible        extraction or emissions. That calls for information
            and sustainable. Energy extraction, production,       and knowledge sharing as well as consensus build-
            and use create myriad negative environmental          ing between major energy players through collab-
            externalities. To mitigate many of these concerns,    oration with international governing institutions,
            it is crucial to establish environmental standards    particularly with emerging economies under
            and oversight. The options remain focused on          consideration.

> Policy Instruments

            Sharing information, knowledge and consensus          impact mitigation and pollution/emission control.
            building. To assess the environmental impact of       They could join an existing data platform such as
            unconventional energy extraction, international       that of the International Steel Association.
            standards should be jointly developed by countries
            with unconventional sources, industry representa-     Just as industry should develop mechanisms for
            tives and civil society.                              measuring emissions, so should emerging and
                                                                  developed countries. Baseline standards for emis-
            To reduce emissions from their energy usage, energy   sions and data accounting mechanisms should be
            extraction industries should develop a knowledge      developed and followed. Transparency, account-
            and data sharing system in terms of environmental     ability and trust are critical in addressing the

                                                                                         Global ENERGY Governance
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