Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes: Policy guidelines

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Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes: Policy guidelines
Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes:
Policy guidelines
Deep Dive on Key Policy Mechanism That Can Be Deployed
under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive

Prepared jointly by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
and the Energy Community Secretariat

                                   February 2019*

                                   With the assistance of

*This guideline was published in November 2018 and updated in cooperation with the European
Commission in February 2019.
Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes: Policy guidelines
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................1
1.     History of EEOs ...............................................................................................................................2
2.     Status of EEOs in EBRD and Energy Community Contracting Parties ........................................2
3.     Key components of EEO schemes ................................................................................................3
     3.1.      Component 1: Legal and regulatory framework...................................................................4
     3.2.      Component 2: Scheme administration .................................................................................7
     3.3.      Component 3: Obligated parties delivery mechanisms / business models.......................9
4.     Perspective on EEO scheme roll-out in EBRD and Energy Community region ........................ 13
     4.1.      Experience to date .............................................................................................................. 13
     4.2.      Common challenges ........................................................................................................... 14
     4.3.      Recommendations for getting started ............................................................................... 16
5. EEOs place in the policy measure mix for meeting the national energy savings target provided
in EED Article 7.................................................................................................................................... 18
     5.1.      The contribution of EEO schemes towards the 2020 Article 7 obligation ...................... 18
     5.2.      The future role of EEO schemes in the Article 7 policy measure mix .............................. 18
     5.3.      Selecting an effective and coherent policy mix for Article 7 ............................................ 18
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 20
ANNEX A: Detailed overview of EEO schemes in EBRD COOs / Energy Community Contracting
Parties .................................................................................................................................................. 21
ANNEX B: Case study on Ireland’s EEO scheme ............................................................................... 24
Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes: Policy guidelines
Introduction                                  regulatory impact     assessment     for   the
Energy Efficiency Obligation (EEO) schemes        amended EED1.
are a legislative mechanism that places
                                                  Under Article 7 of the EED, EU countries and
requirements on ‘Obligated Parties’ (OPs) to
                                                  Energy Community Treaty Contracting Parties
meet quantitative energy savings targets
                                                  must achieve and set a cumulative end-use
across their customer portfolio. OPs may be
                                                  energy savings target that has to be achieved
retail energy sales companies, energy
                                                  by 31 December 2020 either through an EEO
distributors, transport fuel distributors,
                                                  scheme, one or more ‘alternative policy
and/or transport fuel retailers. Globally, the
                                                  measures’ of the MS choice, or a
amount of finance mobilized for EE measures
                                                  combination of the EEO scheme and
by EEO schemes has grown from
                                                  alternative policy measures.
approximately 5 billion USD to more than 25
billion USD per year between 2005 and 2015        The cumulative end-use energy savings
(IEA, 2017).                                      obligation for EU countries is equivalent to
                                                  new yearly energy savings from 2014-2020
EEOs are market-based instruments that do
                                                  of 1.5% of a reference quantity, taken as the
not prescribe the measures to be deployed –
                                                  annual energy sales to final customers
OPs are given the freedom to choose the
                                                  averaged over the three-year period 2010-
measures and delivery routes that work best
                                                  2012 and adjusted for certain allowances.
for them within the constraints defined by the
                                                  The corresponding obligation for Energy
scheme administrator. As a result, this
                                                  Community Contracting Parties is to achieve
instrument allows the market as a whole to
                                                  a cumulative energy savings obligation
discover the most cost-effective way to
                                                  equivalent to new yearly energy savings from
achieve energy savings in that particular
                                                  2017-2020 of at least 0.7% of the average
                                                  annual energy sales to final customers taken
Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive      from a reference period of 2013-2015 and
2012/27/EU (the “EED”) plays a central role       adjusted for similar allowances.
in the package of measures being delivered
                                                  This requirement has stimulated a number of
by the European Union (EU) to achieve a 20%
                                                  EU Member States to set up EEO schemes
improvement in energy efficiency (EE) by
                                                  and the measure is expected to contribute
2020. The importance of Article 7, which
                                                  the greatest share of energy savings in
requires Member States (MS) to set
                                                  delivering the 2020 target, and likewise be of
quantified energy savings targets for the
                                                  central importance when looking forward to
respective obligation period (2014-2020),
has been further reinforced in the revised
EED (Directive (EU) 2018/2002 on energy           Given this take-up of new EEO schemes
efficiency, "amended EED") which sets a           among EU Member States, their potential
legislative pathway to 2030 and beyond. The       applicability within Energy Community
scope of the energy savings obligation has        Contracting Parties for meeting their own
been a key focus both in negotiations             Article 7 targets both to 2020 and beyond to
regarding the 2030 headline targets and in        2030 is under serious consideration.
the European Commission’s associated              Ensuring that any such implementation takes
                                                  into account the lessons learnt and best

1                                                 cuments/1_en_impact_assessment_part1_v4_0   .pdf

Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes: Policy guidelines
practices and is appropriate to the market in     competitive market structures. This was
question is therefore of primary concern.         particularly true for GB and France where the
                                                  obligation was placed on unbundled retail
As a financial institution, the EBRD is           suppliers of electricity and gas – in the case
interested in EEOs for the potential to open      of GB with unregulated tariffs.
new financing pathways for energy efficiency
improvement measures. The Energy                  Further expansion of EEOs within the EU has
Community Secretariat (ECS), responsible for      been largely driven by the requirement of EED
extending the EU internal energy market rules     Article 7. Ireland, Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria,
and principles to its Contracting Parties, is     Luxemburg, Poland, Greece and Malta have
interested in EEOs as a means for countries       all responded by setting up their own
to achieve Article 7 obligations of the Energy    schemes, with the focus on retail entities as
Efficiency Directive. Given the common            the Obligated Parties.
interest in EEO roll-out amongst respective
countries, EBRD and ECS have jointly              Elsewhere, EEOs have been implemented in
developed these Policy Guidelines to support      Asia, Australia and South America to bring an
countries in their decision-making as to the      estimated total of 46 operational schemes by
most appropriate policy mix for achieving the     2017 4 . While they vary hugely in terms of
required end-use energy savings under             scope, focus and design, they all meet the
Article 7 of the EED.                             essential definition of an EEO as a regulatory
                                                  mechanism that requires Obligated Parties to
1. History of EEOs                                meet quantitative energy savings targets by
EEO schemes began life in the United States       delivering or procuring eligible end-use
(US) as part of a drive towards Integrated        energy savings. The IEA estimates that
Resource Planning following the oil crises of     together these schemes stimulated around
the 1970s, by seeking to consider energy          26 billion USD (21 billion EUR) of additional
efficiency as part of a holistic least-cost       investment in energy efficiency in 2015 (with
approach to energy sector planning 2 . The        around 40% of those costs being met directly
positive results have seen the popularity of      by the Obligated Parties)5.
the schemes broaden across the US with the
IEA counting 24 operational EEO schemes
                                                  2. Status of EEOs in EBRD and
now in place3.                                        Energy Community Contracting
In the EU, four countries (GB, Denmark,
                                                  In response to the amount of energy savings
France and Italy) followed by implementing
                                                  required by Article 7, EEO schemes have
EEO schemes in the 1990’s and early
                                                  been adopted, are in the process of being set
2000’s. While the US schemes were
                                                  up, or are under consideration in several
dominated by vertically-integrated markets
                                                  EBRD Countries of Operation (COOs) or
with utility firms enacting measures within
                                                  Energy Community Contracting Parties. This
their own customer base, the EU examples
                                                  is summarized in Figure 1 below.
demonstrated the applicability of EEOs to

2Fawcett T., Rosenow J. and Bertoldi P. (2017),   3  International Energy Agency (2017), Market-
The future of energy efficiency obligation        Based Instruments for Energy Efficiency: Policy
schemes in the EU, European Council for an        Design and Choice.
Energy Efficiency Economy.                        4 ibid
                                                  5 ibid

Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes: Policy guidelines
Figure 1 – Status of EEOs in EBRD and Energy Community countries. See Annex A for full details.

The 2020 deadline is fast approaching and               3. Key components                   of     EEO
therefore little time remains to establish new
EEO schemes which will make a significant
                                                        Many EBRD and Energy Community
contribution towards the national energy
                                                        Contracting Parties, despite having the
saving targets under Article 7. It is noted as
                                                        intention to adopt an EEO, are facing
a “key policy” beyond 2020, with targets
                                                        challenges putting in place an effective
retained and expected to contribute around
                                                        scheme. This section summarizes the main
half the additional savings targeted by the EU
                                                        components of an EEO scheme and
by 2030. The amended EED extended the
                                                        international best practice considerations
energy savings obligation to achieve new
                                                        when putting in place an EEO. These include
annual energy savings of at least 0.8% (of
                                                        an adequate legal framework, scheme
final energy consumption for all MS, but
                                                        administration (institutional structures and
Cyprus and Malta (0,24%)) during the next
                                                        capacities, operational methodologies, M&V
period 2021-2030 and beyond, coming from
                                                        systems) and obligated party delivery models
new energy efficiency renovations or other
                                                        (delivery mechanisms, funding / financing
measures in end-use sectors (~13% more
                                                        products, methodologies, organisational
ambitious than in the period 2014-2020).
                                                        strategies, monitoring and verification
Member States will likely retain the option of          systems). It then highlights key issues /
using alternative measures in place of an               considerations in the context of EBRD COOs
EEO scheme although the scale of savings                and Energy Community Contracting Parties
required is expected to encourage the further           particular circumstances. Annex B provides a
roll-out of EEOs across the Union.                      case study of the Irish EEO scheme which

Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes: Policy guidelines
reflects many of the best practice guidelines               ministry and the regulator to develop
described by the components.                                associated secondary legislation and put in
                                                            place the governance structure concerning
3.1. Component       1:             Legal      and          quality control and assurance, scheme
regulatory framework                                        processes and enforcement, and co-
The obligation itself is typically required to be           ordination. This includes empowering the
stipulated in effective primary law which also              energy regulators to be able to exercise their
empowers relevant entities to establish and                 powers in the area of energy efficiency if
exercise the necessary secondary legislation                necessary.
for implementation. The primary law is
usually an energy law, or dedicated EE law.                 Secondary legislation should then “fall-out”
There is substantial variety in the detail of               of the obligations stipulated in the primary
scheme design stipulated in the primary law                 legislation and build upon its enabling
but in many cases it covers at least a                      powers. With respect to an EEO scheme, this
description of scheme targets, fuel coverage,               may be expected to define the operational
responsibilities of different agencies and                  processes of the scheme and relevant
empowering the levy of penalties for non-                   responsible entities as well as describe the
compliance of all relevant provisions.                      content and structure for associated
Secondary legislation may then be used to                   regulations (tertiary legislation), such as
describe specific methodologies regarding                   calculation methodologies, and lead to their
the savings target, definition of penalty rates,            development.
calculation of energy savings attributable to a
                                                            There exists an extensive body of literature
given measure, and monitoring and
                                                            describing the scope, options, relative
verification (M&V) responsibilities.
                                                            advantages and potential pitfalls of various
At what level and to what detail within the                 design choices in the establishment of an
legislative framework the various aspects of                EEO scheme. The table below provides a
the scheme design are described will in part                summary overview.
be driven by the norms of the legal systems
                                                            The business model (see Component 3) is
for the country in question. At a minimum
                                                            directly shaped by the regulatory framework.
primary legislation (typically either within the
                                                            Often, policy makers neglect to take into
Energy Law or a dedicated EE Law) will
                                                            account the limitations on business models
empower        enforcement      and     allocate
                                                            imposed by market maturity (or lack thereof).
implementing responsibilities by laying out
                                                            This can lead to regulatory frameworks that
the institutional framework together with the
                                                            impose overly onerous constraints on
roles and responsibilities of each relevant
                                                            obligated parties, leading to inaction.
entity. It will give powers to the relevant

Table 1: Summary table of components related to an EEO legal and regulatory framework

 Component          Typical           Best-practice considerations (success         Country examples
                    responsible       factors / potential pitfalls)

 Defining           Line Ministry     •     Defined in primary legislation          Austria (Article 10 of EE
 Obligated                            •     Ensure OPs are identifiable             Law)
 Parties                                    (consider starting with only            Croatia (Article 13 of EE
                                            electricity/gas)                        Law)
                                      •     Set a minimum threshold for the         Greece (Article 9 of EE
                                            obligation to apply                     Law)

Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes: Policy guidelines
Defining the      Line Ministry    •    Targets should be clear and             Slovenia/Latvia – build
    size of the       (supporting           predictable by OPs                      target
    target            methodology      •    Start at realistic level to gain        Bulgaria – unpredictable
                      and analysis          confidence                              targets
                      by scheme        •    Targets should not result in increase   Austria – clear
                      administrator         in tariffs of >2%  check ex-ante in    communication on
                      6)                                                            benefits
                                            an RIA7 and monitor ex-post
                                       •    Should be accompanied by clear
                                            communication of scheme benefits
                                            to consumers
    Compliance        Line Ministry    •    Must be sufficient to demonstrate       GB/France/Ireland – 3 to
    periods and                             political commitment                    4 year compliance
    scheme                             •    Longer compliance periods provide       periods
    duration                                flexibility and clarity
                                       •    Limited banking/borrowing within
                                            compliance periods helps with
    Methodology       Line Ministry    •    Proportionate to sales volumes          Ireland/Austria –
    for setting       (support from    •    Consider lifetimes (lifetime targets    Cumulative target
    targets           scheme                or cumulative annual targets)           GB/France – Lifetime
                      administrator)   •    Accredit all savings from a measure     target
                                            to OP if contribution is material
                                            irrespective of leverage level
    Cost-recovery     Regulator        •    In liberalised markets should be        GB/Ireland/Austria/Slove
    mechanism                               treated as cost of doing business       nia – cost of doing
                                       •    Regulated tariffs should explicitly     business
                                            enable cost recovery (typically as      Denmark/Italy/France –
                                            opex)                                   regulated tariffs
                                       •    Start with standard cost-pass           New York – PBI
                                            through arrangement then consider       mechanism
                                            performance-based incentive (PBI)
    Defining          Administrator    •    Allow savings in all major fuel         Slovenia – issues in
    eligible          (principles           sources                                 counting of solar PV and
    measures          defined by       •    Only count end-use energy savings       eligibility
                      Line Ministry)        (careful on RES applications)           GB – route for OPs to
                                       •    Allow a route for OPs to propose new    propose measures
    Calculation       Administrator    •    If possible, hold methodologies         France/GB – deemed
    methodologies     (with                 separate from formal legislation to     savings lists held
                      technical             ease updating process                   separately
                      support)         •    Need to consider issues of              Poland – concern on
                                            materiality, additionality and free     additionality
                                            riders                                  Ireland – engineering
                                       •    Deemed savings lists and                estimates tools
                                            standardised calculation tools for
                                            engineering estimates can greatly
                                            facilitate ease of implementation by
    M&V and QA        Administrator    •    M&V procedures should be                Ireland/GB – clear M&V
                      (principles           established by both the OPs and         and QA guidance
                      defined by            administrator                           documentation
                      Line Ministry)   •    This should be supported by Quality
                                            Assurance (QA) requirements for
                                            accrediting/certifying firms and

6   Selection of an appropriate entity to act as the scheme administrator is discussed further under Pillar 2
7   Regulatory Impact Assessment

materials for eligibility in the
    Enforcement      Government       •   Buy-out provisions and/or penalties       Ireland/Slovenia/Austria
                     or                   are necessary for scheme scale-up         – moved from voluntary
                     Administrator        from voluntary set-ups                    to formal EEO with buy-
                                      •   Ensure they are sufficient to             out option
                                          incentivise OPs to act, proportionate,    Bulgaria – example of
                                          transparent and predictable               insufficient incentive and
                                      •   Payments should to the extent             lack of empowerment
                                          possible be retained within the EE        GB – penalties remain in
                                          sector                                    EE sphere
                                      •   Clear empowerment of enforcement
                                          body and process for collecting
    Methods for      Administrator    •   OPs should be able to generate            Denmark/GB/Ireland –
    generating and   (principles          energy savings certificates both by       enabling inter-OP trading
    trading          defined by           themselves and through contractors        France – platform for
    certificates     Line Ministry)       (third parties)                           smaller players
                                      •   Third parties may also be permitted       Italy – use of White
                                          to generate certificates although full,   Certificates created
                                          open trading adds complexity and is       complexity and concerns
                                          not recommended in initial stages         on windfall returns
    Sub-targets      Line Ministry    •   Ring-fencing a proportion of savings      Ireland – ring-fencing for
    and ring-                             from residential sector addresses         residential and low
    fencing                               stronger barriers among these             income
                                          consumers                                 France – bonus to
                                      •   Ring-fencing or providing                 savings from low income
                                          preferential credit to low income         groups
                                          actions can help address regressive       GB – sole focus on low
                                          nature of EEO scheme                      income
                                                                                    Slovenia – perceives
                                                                                    better dealt with by EE

Key challenges related to translating legal                environments, cost-pass through provisions
framework for EEOs in EBRD COOs and                        must be explicitly enabled in the legal
Energy Community Contracting Parties                       framework. The ‘cost’ to consumers therefore
                                                           becomes more visible than the benefits
Cost-recovery mechanisms have been noted                   derived from the scheme and thus politically
as a particular challenge in the countries                 difficult. This is particularly the case in many
covered by the report. In many markets where               EBRD COOs where energy tariffs have
EEOs have been rolled-out, the electricity                 historically received subsidy support,
market is liberalized meaning that costs                   regulated margins are tight and consumers’
incurred are treated as a cost of doing                    disposable income is comparatively low. But
business by the OPs and may be passed on                   cost-recovery pathways are essential for an
to consumers to the extent competitive                     EEO scheme to be viable. European EEO
conditions allow. The cheaper the target is                schemes have typically represented up to 2%
delivered, the lower the pressure on an OP to              of retail tariffs 8 . While this is a small
increase     costs.    In regulated     tariff             proportion of overall energy costs and is


vastly outweighed by the estimated benefit, it    The responsible body for the administration
is important to remember that most supplier       and first layer of enforcement of an EEO is
costs are pass-through elements (ie               typically either a relevant government
wholesale energy, network tariffs and taxes).     ministry, a semi-independent energy agency
The uplift to tariffs therefore represents a      or an independent energy regulator. A good
much larger percentage of supplier costs and      practice approach would be to ensure a
profits. To be financially viable to implement    degree of separation between the policy
will require the affected entities to recover     setting and policy implementing bodies with
associated costs.                                 either an agency or independent regulator as
                                                  the key administrative and monitoring body.
Another element where issues have been
observed in the region is the design of penalty   The scheme administrator will be responsible
schemes, and giving a clear, legal basis for      for ongoing operational tasks to ensure the
issuing penalties in case of non-compliance       EEO scheme runs effectively and smoothly.
that will incentivise OPs to deliver. In newly    These will include the vital task of collecting,
liberalized / liberalizing electricity markets    approving and accrediting claimed savings as
with weaker regulators, as is frequently the      well as undertaking/directing related
case in the countries under consideration         auditing requirements. The administrator will
here, this is particularly important as non-      have to report at least once a year to the
compliance will quickly harm scheme               government and publish information on
credibility.                                      scheme progress (costs and volumes) and
                                                  detail any problems encountered.
The low institutional capacity also has
repercussions for the strength of the M&V         One further important task is the
regimes established. In each of the countries     development and maintenance of non-
where an EEO scheme is operational –              legislative documentation necessary for
Poland, Slovenia and Bulgaria – some              scheme operation. This includes process and
concern regarding M&V processes has been          technical guidance, pro forma templates for
cited. Clear guidance on accreditation,           evidencing and submitting claims, and
requirements and the capacity to undertake        maintenance of a centralised database for
necessary sampling checks (both by the OPs        their processing. The administrator may also
and by the administrator) on claimed savings      assist OPs by providing supporting tools for
are important if confidence is to be gained in    calculating energy savings (eg deemed
the schemes’ effectiveness. A list of             energy lists or spreadsheets for calculating
measures with deemed energy saving values         scaled savings).
can help this process by simplifying the M&V
process while retaining transparency.             While an extensive array of responsibilities,
                                                  the resourcing requirements for the above
3.2. Component              2:       Scheme       tasks should not be overly onerous. Ongoing
administration                                    costs for a typical EU country may include one
EEO schemes require the development of            full-time equivalent technical expert and one
administrative capacity in the form of            full-time equivalent administrative staff.
appropriately skilled staff and supporting        Verification would most likely be contracted
documentation, and tools to ensure the            to an outsourced panel of verifiers (and must
processes are in place for effective              be done independently of the OP). Additional
governance. This will cover accreditation,        support, possibly contracted in, will be
auditing and scheme monitoring among              required for development of the necessary
other aspects.                                    regulations and guidance documents as well

as setting up of the information and                        The following table seeks to summarise the
communication technology to enable                          key elements to EEO scheme administration,
efficient administration (through web-based                 best practice considerations in their
submissions). There will be ongoing                         application and useful examples of such
maintenance costs for this also.                            application.

Table 2: Summary table of components related to administration of an EEO scheme

 Component        Typical             Best practice considerations (success       Country example
                  responsible         factors / potential pitfalls)

 Guidance to      Administrator       •   “Plain English” interpretation of       Ireland – provision of
 OPs on                                   legislation to clearly lay out the      clear         guidance
 scheme                                   scheme approach and                     documentation
 operation                                responsibilities
                                      •   Clearly define target setting
                                          process, principles of operation,
                                          timelines, credit allocation,
                                          process for accreditation, penalties
                                          and buy-out rules
 Technical        Administrator       •   Stipulate the certification or          UK – provides easily
 guidance on      (technical              accreditation standards necessary       accessible and clear
 M&V and QA       support may be          for suppliers (and how to check for     information on expected
 requirements     contracted)             these)                                  processes and standards
                                      •   Lay out the monitoring and
                                          verification processes that must be
                                          set up and followed by measure
                                          category (with derogations)
                                      •   Reporting requirements to
 Deemed           Administrator       •   Should cover common, replicable         France / Ireland /
 energy saving    (technical              large-volume measures                   Slovenia     –  provide
 credits table    support may be      •   Based on proven and                     deemed energy savings
                  contracted)             independently verified energy           lists    for   common
                                          saving values                           measures
                                      •   Accompanied by technical
                                          standards and updated
 Calculation      Administrator       •   Simple to follow spreadsheets for       Ireland – online tools to
 tools for        (technical              estimating energy savings               support “scaled savings”
 scaled           support may be      •   Useful for measures such as             estimates for common
 savings          contracted)             electric motors in industry             industrial measures
 Appropriate IT   Administrator       •   Specification and procurement of        Croatia – centralised M&V
 systems                                  necessary software                      Platform embedded in
                                      •   This may be tied to centralised         regulations for use on all
                                          M&V database for all EE measures        NEEAP policy measures
 Pro forma        Administrator       •   For use by OPs to demonstrate           UK – online templates of
 template                                 proof of involvement                    necessary documentation
 Cost reporting   Administrator       •   Monitoring cost impact of the           Denmark – cost reporting,
                                          scheme as well as impact on             benchmarking          and
                                          competition                             reviews        undertaken
                                      •   May include a periodic update of        annually
                                      •   Information may lead to revision
                                          for next compliance period

Trade          Administrator /   •   The administrator should provide        Ireland – clear process for
    facilitation   other                 simple processes for notifying of       inter-OP trading
                                         any inter-OP trade of certificates      Italy / Poland – exchange-
                                     •   If third-party certificate generation   based trading of White
                                         is allowed then a trading platform      Certificates
                                         may be considered

Key challenges related to implementing EEO                 need to be based on robust and
scheme administration in EBRD COOs and                     independently verified analyses which may
Energy Community Contracting Parties                       also be lacking.

EEO schemes within the EU, according to                    3.3. Component 3: Obligated parties
several experts that provided experiences                  delivery mechanisms / business models
from Member States during the course of                    This covers the Obligated Party strategy for
preparation of the guidelines, have frequently             EEO implementation. The envelope of options
benefited from being run by arms-length                    for addressing these issues will be led by the
agencies (either focused on sustainable                    legislative framework of the scheme but
energy or more general in nature) who are                  there will typically be a number of eligible
able to operate with greater flexibility and               approaches and indeed a variety have been
independence than a ministry. Such agencies                tested in EEO schemes to date.
are seen as more responsive to the demands
of OPs and can help foster a collaborative                 EEO schemes often meet resistance from the
working arrangement. However, in many                      OPs during their proposal and set-up stages.
EBRD COOs as well as in the Energy                         Such resistance tends to be driven first and
Community, the presence or willingness to                  foremost by concerns regarding recovery of
support establishment of such an agency is                 costs (and potential to be at a competitive
lacking, while support is also lacking to                  disadvantage9). Other key concerns relate to
dedicate the necessary resources within the                the lack of experience of OPs in the energy
civil service to scheme establishment and                  efficiency sector (particularly in the Energy
operation. This has slowed decision making                 Community) and the potential to cannibalise
and development.                                           their own revenues by lowering demand for
The lack of supportive documentation,
notably a deemed energy saving list, has also              Experience in operating EEO schemes in the
proven problematic in some jurisdictions.                  EU suggests the predominant delivery
Reference to such a list provides                          mechanism has been grant financing. See
transparency and simplicity, substantially                 box 1 for examples below.
reducing the administrative burden on OPs.
The deemed savings contained in such lists

9 Concern has been voiced in a number of EEO               and providing unfair advantages to smaller
schemes regarding minimum threshold levels for             players, while low thresholds have proven
energy sales volumes below which retailers are             problematic for very small entities lacking
not obligated under the scheme. Relatively high            capacity to cope with the administrative burden.
levels have been cited as distorting the market

Box 1. Business models for EEOs

Directly by the OP who installs the EE measure itself (possibly via a subsidiary unit);

Provide to a third party contracted by the OP to install an EE measure;

Paid by the OP to a third party in exchange for an energy saving certificate either over-the-counter
(OTC) in a bilateral deal or on a platform/exchange.

The third party has in some jurisdictions been             “MUSH” (municipalities, universities, schools
an Energy Services Company (ESCO) who                      and hospitals) sector.
then delivers the energy savings measures
using forms of Energy Performance                          Beyond EEO schemes, the general
Contracting (EPC) or loans at concessional                 experience of energy efficiency loan
rates (with the concession being supported                 programmes is that results are weak
by the grant funding of the OP).                           (particularly    those    targeting     small
                                                           consumers) unless they are combined with
Cost recovery of the grant support usually                 technical assistance, outreach programmes,
takes place in the year of delivery either                 mechanisms to ease contracting and the
through an allowance in regulated tariff                   aforementioned softening of financial
setting or in price-setting by the OPs as part             conditions to accelerate uptake. Without
of their cost of doing business in a liberalised           such efforts, they risk merely repackaging
tariff environment. Both approaches reduce                 activities which would have taken place in the
the strain on OP cash flows beyond any initial             market anyhow.
set-up costs.
                                                           It is plausible that loan type arrangements
While permitted under many EEO schemes,                    could reduce the costs of an EEO scheme for
loans have not formed a significant delivery               OPs, softening the impact on tariffs and
mechanism. In a number of non-European                     improving political willingness (a key concern
schemes (eg Brazil, some US schemes and                    among EBRD COOs) to implement. However,
South Africa), EEO schemes have been used                  the lessons learnt from wider EE
to provide financial assistance to ESCOs as                concessional loan schemes – particularly
described above but the OP contribution still              those targeting lower cost measures – need
takes the form of a grant to the ESCO rather               careful consideration and mitigation
than a direct financing offer. Activity derived            strategies. Also on this matter is the need for
from this approach has focused on the                      capitalisation of the financing entity to
                                                           manage cash flow in the early years.

Table 3: Summary table components related to EEO scheme delivery by OPs

 Component         Typical           Best-practice considerations (success     Country example
                   responsible       factors / potential pitfalls)

 Engagement        OP /              •   Engagement of OPs through             Ireland – Better Energy
                   Administrator         previous EE schemes (voluntary        Scheme and involvement
                                         EEO or other) builds mutual           of utilities
                                         understanding                         Greece – early
                                     •   Early engagement develops EE          engagement and
                                         competency within OPs                 collective planning
 Understanding     Administrator     •   Prior to and in the initial stages,   Austria – extensive
 of the scheme                           run a series of workshops with OPs    workshop programme
 operation                           •   Back up the guidance document
                                         with details for dedicated contact
                                         point in administrator
                                     •   Clear website
 Developing        OP                •   OPs should have a staffing plan for
 administrative                          delivery of obligation
 capacity                            •   Must have capacity for
                                         implementing M&V processes

Internal Action    OP               •   This may be a formal element of     France – formal Action
 Plan for                                scheme (approved by                 Plans which may be
 delivery                                administrator) or an internal       approved by
                                         document                            administrator,
                                     •   Identify business model for         streamlining
                                         delivery – internal/subsidiary,     accreditation
                                         contracted, purchased (WC or buy-
                                         out), pooled
                                     •   Scheduling of roll-out
 Choice of          OP               •   Main options are: grant support,    Ireland – explicitly allows
 delivery                                soft loans, technical assistance    4 options but
 mechanism(s)                        •   Cash flow considerations need       concentration on grants
                                     •   Financing support can be
                                         channelled through an ESCO
 Financial          Private sector   •   Financing of OPs is important, as   Bulgaria – focus on loans
 products for       / IFIs /             utility capital may be already      and lack of cost-recovery
 OPs                national             stretched                           mechanisms hindered
                    development      •   Cost of financing needs to be       utility financing
                    banks                taken into account when
                                         evaluating cost-recovery
 Product            Administrator    •   Deemed savings list profit          New South Wales – had
 innovation                              retention can result in narrow      concerns of narrow focus
                                         focus on simple, low cost           on low cost measures so
                                         measures                            tweaked rules
                                     •   Incentives may need consideration   Italy – enabled windfall
                                         to bring forward more innovative    gains on CFLs10
                                         and deep solutions

10   Compact Fluorescent Lamps

Key challenges related to EEO scheme                Contracting Parties is substantial. Extensive
delivery by OPs                                     cost-effective potential is available for energy
                                                    efficiency within the region. EBRD COOs and
In the countries of the region, utilities lack      Energy Community Countries which have
technical capacity / experience on starting an      already attempted to implement EEO
EE business line, and often lack upfront            schemes have done so with mixed success.
capital to undertake measures (which would          Therefore, to assist in more consistently
then be repaid through tariff cost-recovery).       effective roll-out, this report aims to support
                                                    the region by learning not just from global
Successful EEO schemes have been
                                                    best practice but also from lessons learnt in
introduced gradually with rigorous pre-
                                                    overcoming the particular challenges
implementation planning between both the
                                                    common to the region and in doing so provide
administrator and future OPs. Such planning,
                                                    a useful tool for their future development.
as occurred recently in Greece, helps bridge
the knowledge and capacity gap that faces           The longest running EEO scheme among
many potential OPs in the region by helping         EBRD COOs is that of Poland which
provide a clear picture on how targets may be       underwent significant revision in 2016. The
achieved in the initial stages of the scheme.       original scheme, commenced in 2013, was
The pressure to comply in a timely manner           perceived to be overly complex, depending
with the obligations of the EED should be           upon annual tender rounds, categorisation by
balanced with the need for such a robust            sector, and open trading. The new scheme
planning period.                                    design bears closer resemblance to that seen
                                                    in other newer EU Member State EEOs such
If a cost-recovery mechanism through tariffs
                                                    as Ireland, Austria and Slovenia, albeit with
is not possible then this constrains the range
                                                    the inclusion of open trading. It is noticeable
of delivery models significantly. Only in very
                                                    that the level of savings achieved even under
mature markets would it be possible for an
                                                    the old design had increased substantially by
energy supplier to put in place a profitable
                                                    2015, indicating that the time required for
business line for EE. Under these
                                                    learning by both OPs and the administrator
circumstances, EEOs will be viewed as eating
                                                    were as important a barrier as the scheme’s
into profits, and will meet resistance from
                                                    complicated design.
utilities. Cost-recovery modalities heavily
influence business model choice.                    This finding is supported by the largely
                                                    successful implementation in Slovenia which
Monopoly providers remain in place within a
                                                    built gradually upon a pre-existing levy placed
given fuel source (particularly for electricity)
                                                    on energy tariffs for funding energy efficiency
in many EBRD COOs. This can dilute the
                                                    activities through the centralised “Eco-Fund”.
market benefits to be gained from the
                                                    By increasing the EEO target in steps and by
competitive nature of EEO schemes that arise
                                                    virtue of the precedent set by the levy,
in liberalised environments.
                                                    Slovenia managed a relatively smooth
4. Perspective on EEO scheme                        introduction of its EEO. Nevertheless, it
                                                    remains noticeable that the only year where
   roll-out in EBRD and Energy                      the target was not achieved directly by the
   Community region                                 OPs (as opposed to indirectly using the buy-
4.1.    Experience to date                          out mechanism) was the first year of 2014,
As identified in the introduction to this report,   despite 2014 having a lower target than
the opportunity for EEO schemes within the          subsequent years. This reaffirms the
EBRD COOs and Energy Community                      importance of gradually growing the target.

Bulgaria originally intended to commence its     Challenges in scheme establishment and
EEO in 2014. However, delays caused in part      legislation
by changes in government (an issue also          At a high level there is the issue of
encountered elsewhere in the region) set         international obligations. Targets for most
back its formal initiation to 2017. Further      EBRD COOs are set, at least in part, by
difficulties with a lack of understanding        reference to the demands of Article 7 and
among OPs regarding responsibilities and         Annex V of the EED (as transposed for the
opportunities, and the absence of effective      Energy Community) which are uniform across
enforcement and cost-recovery mechanisms,        all EU Member States.
have hindered its progress.
                                                 A number of successful EEOs in the EU have
Elsewhere in the region, the other operational   been able to build upon either pre-existing
EEO schemes in Greece and Latvia have            schemes      or    well-established   energy
been implemented too recently to draw firm       efficiency policy mechanisms, with the
conclusions regarding their operation. It is     corresponding     institutional   knowledge,
noticeable, however, that both have adopted      experience and capacity already established
scheme structures broadly similar to that of     to support implementation and operation.
Slovenia (as well as the successful schemes      Such capacity and experience is more
run in the Republic of Ireland and Austria).     frequently lacking among policy makers,
Croatia’s proposed scheme following revision     administrators and OPs in the EBRD COOs
is similarly aligned to this increasingly        and Energy Community CPs, providing a
common format within the EU Member States        particular challenge for establishing and
(eg an obligation placed on retailers, a broad   operating a new EEO scheme. With the 2020
base of fuel carriers covered, and a buy-out     deadline now fast approaching, policy design
option to a centralised National Energy          for new EEOs is best advised to turn its
Efficiency Fund).                                attention to the 2030 policy environment,
                                                 ensuring a long-term perspective is taken on
No schemes are as yet operational within the     scheme design and development. The
Energy Community with only Bosnia and            alignment of EEO schemes with Alternative
Herzegovina so far indicating a firm             Measures, as permitted by the EED, is
commitment to establishment, while other         discussed further below.
Contracting Parties continue to assess their
options.                                         Public and consumer cost is another area of
                                                 clear and repeated concern. Again, while a
4.2.   Common challenges                         common issue internationally, the lower GDP
Most challenges to setting up a robust EEO       per capita and income levels of the EBRD
scheme are common to all jurisdictions and       COOs and Energy Community Contracting
have been tackled across the world.              Parties as compared to other EU Member
Extensive literature is available regarding      States, lends increased prominence to the
options for scheme design and best practice      issue. This impacts in a number of ways.
implementation.     However,      there  are     Firstly, financial capacity may be lacking in
commonalities across the EBRD COOs               the       government       and    designated
regarding the form and relative importance of    administrator for dedicating the necessary
certain challenges which merit specific          human resources to both scheme
comment here.                                    establishment and operation, as well as to
                                                 ensure the required expertise is available for
                                                 it to be designed and implemented
                                                 consistent with international best practice.

There can also be strong opposition to the         Enforcement mechanisms for the payment of
notion of cost recovery via energy tariffs.        the buy-out price and/or penalties for non-
Prices for households and small businesses         payment have also been lacking or proven
in the region for electricity in particular        difficult to establish within the legislative
remain low by international standards, are         frameworks. Without credible and effective
largely regulated, and have a history of           enforcement policies, OPs will likely not be
subsidisation. This has a double impact by:        sufficiently incentivised to act. Slovenia
                                                   provides a positive example of where clear
•   reducing the end-user’s savings from           enforcement occurs with late payment to the
    implementing EE measures on energy             Eco-Fund of any shortfall subject to interest
    expenditures (thus increasing the pay-         and legally enforceable. Penalties are also
    back period required); and                     proportionate to the infringement which has
•   increasing the uplift to tariffs required as   occurred.
    a percentage of total bills.
                                                   Challenges in scheme administration
Regulated tariffs provide an additional            Related to the above challenges is the issue
complication due to the inevitable political       of selecting an appropriate administrator for
nature of agreeing to price rises, which can       the scheme. The most common approach
result in very tight profit margins for utility    among EU countries, which has had a good
firms. Combating the cost issue is difficult but   level of success, is the use of an arms-length
surmountable. The scale of cost-effective          energy agency (sometimes dedicated to
opportunities for EE activity is vast and by       sustainability matters). Agencies generally
spreading the obligation across energy             have greater flexibility in the hiring of staff,
carriers the impact on tariffs can be              are partially protected from day-to-day
contained, albeit at the cost of greater           political pressures, and have proven better
administrative complexity. It is important also    able to foster a cooperative environment with
that the substantial benefits (both direct and     OPs. However, setting up such an agency can
indirect) of EEO schemes are as visible to         encounter opposition, particularly in the
both politicians and the public as the cost.       EBRD COOs where cost and lack of political
EEO schemes are highly cost-effective in           control cause concern. Early planning and
aggregate for society but this message is          coordination with other areas of energy
often lost.                                        legislation as well as the ministry responsible
                                                   for finance can help overcome this hurdle. In
Similarly under regulated tariffs, cost-
                                                   the absence of such an agency, the energy
recovery mechanisms must be implemented
                                                   market regulator or directly within the
with the involvement of the energy regulator.
                                                   ministry are alternative options for
EEO schemes represent a small proportion of
overall retail tariffs (typically no more than
2%) but a much larger proportion of utility        A common challenge in the region, including
profits. Without cost recovery allowances,         in Poland, Slovenia and Bulgaria, has been
financial distress or non-compliance is            establishing     robust   monitoring     and
inevitable. Standard regulatory practices          verification systems. Administrators have
including close oversight, benchmarking, and       relied largely upon desk-top document
performance-based incentive mechanisms             reviews as opposed to physical inspections,
can be used to incentivise cost efficiency in      leading to concerns regarding the veracity of
such circumstances.                                claims. GIZ, through its Open Regional Fund
                                                   (ORF) for South-East Europe, assisted in the
                                                   roll-out of M&V software platforms to the

countries of the Western Balkans region.            OPs are often concerned about conflicting
Croatia integrated the system within its            incentives stemming from their position as
national legislation and it is planned to be        energy sales businesses being obligated to
used for the new EEO scheme. However, the           reduce energy consumption. Allowing OPs to
system is understood to yet to be put into full     initiate savings in any end-use fuel type
operation in any of the remaining recipient         means it is not necessarily the suppliers’ own
countries. Appropriate IT systems are an            sales which are affected. Furthermore,
important cornerstone of managing an                delivery of energy services is being
effective EEO scheme.                               increasingly seen by retail firms as a potential
                                                    growth area for their businesses and
Challenges for Obligated Parties                    therefore the positive potential of EEOs to
A lack of understanding of EE potential and         contribute towards this shift in focus needs
appropriate measures has been a repeated            emphasising. For network firms the same
concern expressed by potential OPs across a         concern will depend on whether tariffs are
number of proposed and operational EEOs in          formulated on an energy (kWh) basis or a
EBRD COOs. Many OPs do not have a history           capacity (kW) basis and will anyhow be
of involvement in EE programme delivery and         partially mitigated in markets where tariffs
lack the internal capacity and know-how for         are decoupled from throughput volumes (ie
seeking and identifying cost-effective              using a total revenue rather than a price cap).
opportunities. Strong coordination and              Similar decoupling mechanisms can help for
communication between the administrator             retail firms in markets where retail prices
and OPs prior to scheme establishment, with         remain regulated.
information sharing regarding EE potential
can help mitigate this challenge. Working           Lastly, the market size of EBRD COOs is
with industry associations, particularly for the    typically smaller than those of EU Member
liquid and solid fuel sectors where there is no     States with the longest running EEO
ongoing relationship with end-users, is             schemes. Particularly in markets where a
another option which has proven beneficial in       monopoly provider’s position is unlikely to be
Ireland and Denmark.                                challenged, a more collaborative and
                                                    prescriptive approach between government
EBRD COOs are also typically at an earlier          and OPs in scheme design, planning and
stage of energy market liberalisation than the      delivery, such as is the case in Malta and
wider EU Member States. The presence of             Lithuania, could be a workable solution.
regulated tariffs and monopoly providers can
dilute the benefits to be gained from               4.3. Recommendations             for   getting
competition that an EEO scheme can offer. In        started
a competitive retail market EEO costs are           Based upon the above discussion of common
treated as a cost of doing business and there       challenges, the following recommendations
is a clear incentive for cost efficiency in order   are drawn for EBRD COOs to get started with
to gain market advantage. This incentive is         an EEO scheme:
absent under regulated environments.
Nevertheless, this issue alone should not be        Be realistic on scope and timetable: Policy
seen as an insurmountable barrier to                makers should take heed of the region’s
delivery. Indeed the success of schemes             experience by putting in place a realistic
placed on network firms, which are inherent         timetable for scheme development and
monopolies within their region/fuel, attests        implementation. Starting with a target at a
to the flexibility of EEOs as a policy tool.        realistic level before growing over
                                                    subsequent years is a proven method of

improving outcomes, while softer penalty           obligations and processes, simplified
regimes and/or voluntary arrangements can          calculation     processes      (eg    through
also be used to smooth the introduction.           establishing a list of common measures with
Taking time to ensure the legislative              deemed energy savings), pro forma
framework is well structured, focused on the       templates for submitting claims and
long-term objectives of the country, and           transferring credits between OPs, and
comprehensive in scope, will also pay-off in       supporting IT systems, are all essential
the long-run.                                      ingredients to a well-functioning scheme.

Consider related alternatives (perhaps for a       Regular reviews are necessary: With the best
transitional period): Schemes which co-opt         will in the word, all scheme designs will have
energy firms for delivery but in a more            areas of potential improvement that will only
managed manner such as in Flanders,                become apparent once in operation. Periodic
Lithuania and Malta may lose some of the           reviews (around every 3 years) are therefore
competitive element but provide a simpler          recommended to update processes as
administerial arrangement. This can be             necessary and update or fine-tune areas
attractive for a transition period or in a small   which need attention.
market where competition is anyhow unlikely
to become established.                             Back-up the obligation with effective,
                                                   proportionate and dissuasive penalties:
Early engagement of the Ministry of Finance        Despite the potential of voluntary
and energy regulator are essential: EEOs           mechanisms for smoothing the introduction
have strong net benefits and are a cost-           of a new EEO scheme, achievement and
effective delivery mechanism of EE                 compliance at scale is likely to necessitate
measures. However, energy bill increases are       the introduction of a penalty regime. The
always a politically sensitive subject and         basic principles of such a regime are that
therefore early engagement of entities with        incurring a penalty should be more costly for
jurisdiction on financing matters is essential     the OP than complying with their obligations,
in order to ensure they are fully informed as      that the size of the penalty is proportionate to
to the scheme’s proposed operational               the size of the breach, and that funds
structure and its expected benefits.               recovered through penalties should remain
                                                   within the energy efficiency sphere.
Early engagement of Obligated Parties is also
essential:   There is a general lack of
experience among utility firms in the EBRD
COOs in EE matters. Concern over EE
potential and how to identify suitable
opportunities is a common occurrence.
Holding a series of stakeholder workshops to
address these concerns, share information,
and establish action plans for early stages of
scheme roll-out prior to its commencement
are recommended mitigation actions.

Pay specific attention to M&V and the
development of supporting documentation:
Good quality guidance documentation
regarding scheme operation and M&V

5. EEOs place in the policy                        buy-outs to National Energy Efficiency Funds
                                                   availed by Obligated Parties in markets where
   measure mix for meeting the
                                                   this is an option. The buy-out price is typically
   national energy savings target                  based upon the cost to the Fund of
   provided in EED Article 7                       undertaking equivalent energy saving
5.1. The contribution of EEO schemes               activities. Hence the low uptake indicates
towards the 2020 Article 7 obligation              Obligated Parties predominantly find ways to
Close to 500 different policy measures were        achieve savings at lower costs themselves.
notified by EU Member States to the                This finding is to be expected given the
European Commission for the purposes of            structure of EEO schemes is intended to
meeting their Article 7 energy savings             encourage competition.
obligations11. In addition to EEO schemes and
                                                   Due to their cost-effectiveness, the increase
National Energy Efficiency Funds, these
                                                   in the uptake of EEO schemes among
policy measures can be defined using the
                                                   Member States seen in response to Article 7
(non-exhaustive) list of categories given in
                                                   obligations for 2020 may be expected to
Article 7 Paragraph 9:
                                                   continue in the period to 2030.
•    Energy or CO2 taxes                           Nevertheless, few Member States or
•    Financing and fiscal schemes                  Contracting Parties are expected to pursue
•    Regulations                                   their Article 7 obligations solely via an EEO
•    Voluntary agreements                          scheme (only Denmark and Luxemburg aim
•    Standards and norms                           to do so for 2020). This leads a policy maker
•    Energy labelling schemes                      to consider how to select the most suitable
•    Training and education programmes             mix of Alternative Measures alongside an
                                                   EEO scheme.
Despite this variety in the types of policy
measures used by MS to contribute towards          5.3. Selecting an effective                 and
the Article 7 obligations, EEO schemes are         coherent policy mix for Article 7
expected to be the category which provides         For 2020, the majority of non-EEO measures
the largest single contribution in terms of        notified by EU Member States had been pre-
energy savings12.                                  existing at the time of adopting the EED or are
                                                   adaptations of existing measures 13 . This
5.2. The future role of EEO schemes in             lessens the burden on savings to be borne by
the Article 7 policy measure mix                   a new EEO or other major Alternative
The prominent position of EEO schemes in           Measure and the associated uncertainty of a
the wording of Article 7 has been retained for     new scheme. Inevitably, the policy mix
the amended EED, extending the obligation          chosen by individual Member States or
to 2030, as recommended by the                     Contracting Parties is also influenced not only
corresponding impact assessment. This is           by the location of the most cost-efficient
largely due to their relative cost-effectiveness
– a point evidenced by the very low use of

11All such notified savings must comply with the   13 See:
requirements of Annex V of the EED       
12                                                 1%20Report%20on%20Alternative%20schemes       %20to%20Energy%20Efficiency%20Obligations%
/STUD/2016/579327/EPRS_STU(2016)57932              20under%20Article%207%20implementation.pdf

energy saving potential but also by climatic,           efficiency in translating the direct costs
political and cultural considerations.                  involved into energy savings and who is
                                                        to bear these costs.
The ability to select an optimum policy mix         •   The complementarity or potential overlap
from a cost-efficiency perspective can be               of the policy option with other policy
further hampered by the lack of reliable data           options; some measures complement
on the costs and benefits of many measures,             each other to a greater extent than
lack     of    foresight    on     unintended           others.
consequences,       and     multiple     policy
                                                    •   The sensitivity of the option to political
objectives. Nevertheless, consideration
                                                        and cultural acceptance and its stability
should be given as to the complementarity of
                                                        in terms of sustained funding.
the policy options selected and whether they
                                                    •   Difficulties in verifying the energy savings
are mutually reinforcing, or conversely
                                                        (a particular difficulty for energy taxes)
overlap in application and thus risk delivering
                                                        and ensuing the eligibility of the option for
less than the sum of their individual impact.
                                                        meeting Article 7 targets.
Overlapping policies can result in double
                                                    •   The complexity of the policy option.
counting of energy savings (which must be
eliminated as required by EED Article 12) and       Labelling, information campaigns and
potential over-compensation to recipients14.        training, as well as minimum performance
                                                    standards, will continue to provide an
Criteria to consider in the selection of an
                                                    essential role in bringing forward energy
appropriate policy mix include:
                                                    savings via improving the efficiency of
•    Whether they address the specific              markets and addressing the issue of late
     barriers identified in the market in           adoption. However, it is the EEO schemes,
     question.                                      other financial and fiscal measures (including
•    Their scalability in delivering energy         auctions), energy or CO2 taxes and voluntary
     savings: i.e. the degree to which the          agreements, which will bear the heavy lifting
     option has been proven, or can                 of delivering energy savings under Article 7 by
     reasonably be expected, to deliver a           aligning with its core objective of improving
     significant quantity of energy savings.        the rate at which upgrades occur.
•    The market transformation potential of         Careful crafting of these schemes will allow
     the measure: will it act as a “pull” on the    them to work together in concert, delivering
     rate of market change as an EEO does, or       energy savings at sufficient scale to meet
     does it address late adoption as with          targets, across end-use sectors, and with due
     minimum performance standards?                 consideration of distributional effects.
•    Cost-effectiveness: noting the cost of
     administering the policy option, its

14For a full discussion on the considerations in
designing a policy mix for meeting Article 7        1Combining%20of%20Energy%20Efficiency%20
objectives, see the EU-funded ENSPOL project in     Obligations%20and%20alternative%20policies.p
report D5.1 “Combining of Energy Efficiency         df
Obligations     and      alternative   policies”,

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