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Briefing Paper


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Each organization takes a unique path to digital transformation. However, one
common thread across all industries is the realization of the importance of
Firstline Workers.

Think of Firstline Workers as brand ambassadors who make up more than 2
billion people around the world, employed in virtually every industry.* They are a
company’s first connection to its products and customers in retail, manufacturing,
hospitality, food service, aviation, health care, education, agriculture, and more.       SHELLEY BRANSTEN
                                                                                          CORPORATE VICE
Given recent shifts and challenges in the retail industry, there has been a hesitancy     PRESIDENT, GLOBAL
to embrace new processes and add new technologies. But this trend is shifting, and        RETAIL & CONSUMER
for good reason.
Many retailers are learning firsthand that when their people are empowered with
modern tools for a new age of retail, benefits quickly follow. For example, customers
receive more personalized service, supply chain issues decrease, and employee
engagement improves.

Retailers are now going all in to transform their culture across all aspects of the
workforce. This includes investing in tools to connect associates with management
for faster decision making, apps to view or swap shifts—and much more.

At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and organization on the
planet to achieve more. We aim to build tools for the modern workplace to close
technology and culture gaps that separate employees from the data, resources, and
expertise they need to do their best work.

We sponsored research by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services to assess
the status of Firstline Workers in the retail industry. Our goal is to provide business
decision makers with the latest data and best practices to consider as they continue
their digital transformation journey.

*Source: The Rise of the Deskless Workforce, by Emergence Capital, 2018

While virtually every industry feels the impact of business                                HIGHLIGHTS
transformation, none has weathered more upheaval or rewritten
more business plans than the retail sector. Worldwide, e-commerce
sales now surpass $3.5 trillion and will reach $5 trillion by 2021. To                     67%
beat the competition, retailers are expanding online sales while                           OF RETAIL EXECUTIVES
                                                                                           “STRONGLY AGREE” THAT DIGITAL
further capitalizing on the service and experiential advantages of                         TRANSFORMATION OVER THE PAST
                                                                                           TWO YEARS HAS INCREASED THE NEED
their brick-and-mortar locations. At the same time, they’re turning                        TO EQUIP FIRSTLINE WORKERS WITH
                                                                                           ADDITIONAL DIGITAL TOOLS.
to a range of modern digital tools, including platforms for improving
internal communication and collaboration, to enhance customer
experience at physical stores and clearly distinguish themselves from
e-commerce competitors.
                                                                                           OF RETAIL EXECUTIVES SAY HAVING
                                                                                           A DIGITALLY EMPOWERED FIRSTLINE
Technological change is spurring retailers to take a fresh look at one of their
                                                                                           WORKFORCE WILL BECOME A
                                                                                           COMPETITIVE DIFFERENTIATOR IN THE
most essential but often underutilized and overlooked resources—firstline                  INDUSTRY IN THE FUTURE.
workforces. In a new survey by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, an
overwhelming majority (67%) of global retail executives “strongly agree” that
digital transformation over the past two years has increased the need to equip
firstline workers with additional digital tools.                                           91%
                                                                                           OF RETAIL EXECUTIVES SAY THAT
Firstline workers play a highly visible and critical role for retailer companies.          THE FIRSTLINE SEGMENT OF THE
                                                                                           WORKFORCE IS ESSENTIAL FOR
They’re the human faces in stores who guide consumers to desired products,                 ACHIEVING HIGH LEVELS OF CUSTOMER
provide custom services to frequent customers, close the loop in orders made               SATISFACTION.
online for in-store pickup, and engage with clients in many other ways. In short,
customer experience hinges on the talent, skills, and knowledge of firstline—often
also called frontline—workforces. They must be equipped to meet rising customer
expectations, deliver high-quality engagements, and continue seamless shopping
experiences from online to in the store.
The large, London-based retailer Marks & Spencer understands the connection
between an empowered firstline workforce and customer satisfaction. The retailer
has been investing in mobile applications and devices for its 50,000 in-store
customer assistants for years, and it sees benefits in improved customer service.
“In the past, if a customer asked if the store had a dress in a particular size, a store
colleague would have had to search the back room and keep the customer waiting
in the store,” says Sarah Cokayne, head of retail operations for the retail chain.
“Now frontline colleagues can use mobile applications to see what’s in stock,

Briefing Paper | Empowering Firstline Workers to Gain a Competitive Edge                       Harvard Business Review Analytic Services   1
where an item can be found, or, if it’s                             reveals why firstline workers can                 Retail companies reap additional
out of stock, to determine if our store                             have the biggest impact. Retail                   benefits when they digitally empower
down the road has it. If necessary,                                 executives identify a handful of                  firstline workers. For example, 43%
our store colleagues can order the                                  drivers of creating a more digitally              of the surveyed retail executives
product, and it will be ready for pickup                            connected and empowered customer-                 named greater market intelligence
the next day.”                                                      facing workforce. Half of the survey              and customer understanding as
                                                                    respondents named enhanced                        a top business driver of digital
The combination of skilled firstline
                                                                    customer engagement and satisfaction              empowerment—compared to just 26%
workers and the right digital tools
                                                                    as the top potential benefit. Responses           of respondents across all industries.
will become increasingly vital for
                                                                    to a follow-on question underscore
retail companies in the years to come.                                                                                Retailers also highly ranked increased
                                                                    the importance of firstline workers: a
Nearly three-quarters (72%) of the                                                                                    productivity and efficiency among the
                                                                    commanding majority (91%) of retail
retail executives surveyed say having a                                                                               top empowerment benefits. Firstline
                                                                    executives say that segment of the
digitally empowered firstline workforce                                                                               workers and technology are combining
                                                                    workforce is essential for achieving
will become a competitive differentiator                                                                              for productivity improvements at
                                                                    high levels of customer satisfaction.
in the industry within that time frame.                                                                               Marks & Spencer. “Store colleagues
                                                                    “The investments in technology that               use mobile apps for recording stock
But digital empowerment requires
                                                                    we’re seeing for frontline employees              levels,” says Scott Townend, digital
more than simply implementing
                                                                    not only bring about increases in                 platforms delivery lead. “In the past,
new technology. Retail organizations
                                                                    customer satisfaction, they also                  people had to manually count stock—
must also address related cultural and
                                                                    translate into increased customer                 physically go to locations and write
communication issues to fully utilize
                                                                    loyalty and same-store sales,” says Paul          down the quantity for each item.
firstline workforces and reap business
                                                                    Tiedt, senior vice president for research         Now, colleagues just wave over the
benefits, including improved customer
                                                                    at Service Management Group, which                area with the RFID [radio frequency
service, increased productivity, and
                                                                    specializes in customer- and employee-            identification] scanner on their mobile
lower employee turnover.
                                                                    experience management. “In addition,              device, and the quantities are uploaded
                                                                    we see improvements in speed of                   to the central inventory system.
The Key to                                                          service—orders getting to customers               Not only are inventory counts more
Customer Engagement                                                 faster—and lower employee turnover,               accurate, it saves time so colleagues
A closer look at the components                                     all of which are key outcome measures             can now devote more attention to
that contribute to business success                                 for running an efficient retail business.”        customer service.”

                                                                                                                      Overcoming Roadblocks to
                                                                                                                      Engage the First Line
                                                                                                                      While the potential business benefits
STUBBORN PROBLEMS HAMPER FIRSTLINE EFFORTS                                                                            of digital empowerment are clear,
Retailers must overcome financial and change-management challenges                                                    many retailers are struggling to achieve
                                                                                                                      the rewards. Sixty-nine percent of the
What are the greatest barriers to digitally enabling firstline workers at your organization?                          retail executives surveyed say the cost
                         •   ALL INDUSTRIES                                                                           of rolling out technology to a broader
                                                                                                                      employee base is the biggest barrier
Cost of rolling out digital technologies to broader employee base                                                     to digitally enabling firstline workers.
                                                                               69%                                    FIGURE 1 This is far higher than the 43%
                                                     43%                                                              of respondents in the overall survey
Lack of effective change management and adoption processes                                                            who saw technology costs as such a
                                                           47%                                                        high hurdle. One explanation is that
                                               39%                                                                    retailers have traditionally focused
Traditional hierarchy                                                                                                 investments on physical upgrades and
                                    30%                                                                               must now play catch-up for in-store
                                      32%                                                                             and online systems.
Lack of skills                                                                                                        Retail executives are encountering
                                  29%                                                                                 sticker shock when it comes to rolling
                                                                                                                      out new technology, but that’s not
Lack of commitment at the top                                                                                         stopping them from making new
                        20%                                                                                           investments. The business returns for
                          22%                                                                                         firstline digital empowerment and the
                                                                                                                      promise of new market opportunities
SOURCE: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW ANALYTIC SERVICES SURVEY, OCTOBER 2019                                                appear to be more than enough to

2   Harvard Business Review Analytic Services                                                      Briefing Paper | Empowering Firstline Workers to Gain a Competitive Edge
“The investments in technology that we’re seeing for frontline employees not
  only bring about increases in customer satisfaction, they also translate into
  increased customer loyalty and same-store sales,” says Paul Tiedt, senior vice
  president for research at Service Management Group.

convince organizations to open their                      FIGURE 2
wallets. For example, 78% of retailers
surveyed say their investments in
                                                          RETAILERS UNDERSTAND HOW TO EMPOWER
digital tools for firstline workers                       FIRSTLINE WORKERS
are higher now than two years ago.                        Apps and analytics gain importance
What’s more, they have clear ideas
                                                          What technology investments are organizations focusing on over the next two years?
what technologies they’ll need to
invest in for firstline workers over the
next 24 months.
                                                          •   RETAIL
                                                                       •   OVERALL

                                                          Mobile point-of-sale terminals
Highest on retail wish lists are mobile                                                                                            65%
point-of-sale terminals, which                                                      18%
help sales associates stay engaged                        Web apps
with customers and complete sales                                                                                               62%
anywhere on showroom floors. Nearly                                                                             47%
two-thirds (65%) of retail executives                     Advanced analytics
say their companies will be investing
in these types of devices. FIGURE 2                                                                                 50%
But retail respondents are also looking
                                                          Learning and performance management
beyond hardware with plans to
upgrade a range of applications for                                                                          44%
firstline workers.
A large number of retail organizations                                                                    41%
(62%) will acquire new web                                                                     33%
applications, such as programs                            Unified communication/collaboration tools
to help firstline workers more                                                                         40%
easily access inventory totals, shift                                                                 39%
schedules, HR systems, and other                          Online service manuals and/or maintenance tutorials
company resources. More than half                                                                     37%
of the respondents (54%) will acquire                                                         32%
programs to help them mine data with                      Tablets
advanced analytics software, which                                                                  36%
can help sales associates recommend                                                           32%
additional products for individual
                                                          Artificial intelligence
consumers based on, for example,
their past purchases. The key for retail                                                        33%
organizations is making a full range
of data and analytics capabilities
available to firstline workforces while                   SOURCE: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW ANALYTIC SERVICES SURVEY, OCTOBER 2019
they’re on showroom floors engaging
with clients.
“At Marks & Spencer, we’re actively
investigating how to make information
more accessible to people via their
mobile devices,” says Townend. “This
includes running pilots that look
at AI [artificial intelligence] to see

Briefing Paper | Empowering Firstline Workers to Gain a Competitive Edge                                                        Harvard Business Review Analytic Services   3
“We are breaking down barriers so that our colleagues in stores can
  be heard, and we are able to access a rich pool of ideas that can
  support the transformation of our business,” says Sarah Cokayne,
  head of retail operations for Marks & Spencer.

how it may help people get answers              other managers to store colleagues,               with e-commerce sales platforms
more quickly.”                                  which sometimes delayed or distorted              and with digitally enhanced physical
                                                the messaging. “Now people with                   stores. But while technology is
                                                many different roles can communicate              at the heart of the changes, retail
Change Management Hinges on                     directly with store colleagues,”                  executives know another component
Communication                                   explains Cokayne. “Finance colleagues             is just as important: the power of the
Investing in technology is not the
                                                can share the previous week’s sales               firstline workforce.
only challenge for global retailers
                                                results, while business managers can
that want to digitally empower                                                                    A growing number of retail executives
                                                outline priorities for what products
their firstline workers. Forty-three                                                              are learning how to tap into that power.
                                                to promote in the following week
percent of retail organizations                                                                   They see a direct link between digitally
                                                and what changes to store layouts
named the lack of effective change                                                                empowered firstline workers and
                                                should be made based on upcoming
management and adoption processes                                                                 important business benefits, including
                                                sale items.”
as a significant challenge. Relatedly,                                                            closer customer engagement and
41% of retail executives say their              The central communication platform                higher levels of customer satisfaction.
organization doesn’t have an                    also enables a two-way flow of                    Firstline workers can also bubble up
effective communication and change              information that benefits the retailer            ideas to managers about new products
management program to support                   in two ways. First, it lets the entire            and services to gain an edge over
the rise of digitally empowered                 workforce coordinate its efforts to               competitors. In short, with the right
firstline workers.                              achieve the company’s latest business             resources, the firstline workforce can
                                                goals. Second, firstline workers can              make even stronger contributions to
Marks & Spencer has already targeted
                                                share product insights and customer               their organizations.
communication improvements.
                                                feedback with senior managers
Townend says the company is in                                                                    “Technology has enabled frontline
                                                to inform them about emerging
the process of interconnecting all                                                                colleagues to do their jobs more
                                                opportunities and trends.
the company’s stores with a cloud-                                                                effectively,” Cokayne says. “Now
based collaboration application that            Leveling communication means the                  colleagues have everything they need
integrates a range of communication             British retailer has found an answer to           in their hands to enhance customer
tools, including chat, audio- and               overcoming traditional hierarchies—               service and engage more closely with
videoconferencing, and shared                   the third-biggest barrier listed in Figure        the company.”
workspaces. “It enables our store               1. “In the past, store colleagues had to
colleagues to contact someone                   give their ideas to a section manager,
in the support center directly or               who would then pass them to the CEO.
communicate with peers in other                 With all those hurdles to overcome,
stores to find answers to questions or          many people felt constrained when
learn about products,” Townend says.            trying to share suggestions,” Cokayne
“[The platform] will replace many               says. “We’re breaking down barriers
different tools that stores had been            so our colleagues in stores can be
using and which lead to inconsistent            heard, and we are able to access a rich
communication. All business                     pool of ideas that can support the
communications come through a single            transformation of our business.”
app, and the feedback we’re receiving
from stores that are using the program
shows that colleagues feel more
                                                The Power of Firstline People
                                                Retail has been rocked with change in
engaged with the business.”
                                                recent years. Traditional organizations
Traditional communications from                 are continuing to evolve their business
senior executives had to flow through           models to successfully compete

4   Harvard Business Review Analytic Services                                  Briefing Paper | Empowering Firstline Workers to Gain a Competitive Edge

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