EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...

Page created by Mark Baker
EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
12 October 2021
EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
Youth are the first out the door in a crisis and in the
                    back of the queue when we recover

   No work

No qualifications
 beyond matric

  No time and
 money to look
   for work
EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
Employment strategies for young people
              Four systems to prioritise

                                                 The informal economy is broad and
Pathway management provides                            encompasses many systems:
a transformed work-seeking
experience and more effective                         The microenterprise system
linkages into the economy by                        consists of entrepreneurs and
matching and pathway youth                       gig workers; it is fragmented and
into the right opportunities                         not as well understood as the
                                                  formal economy, but can create
The formal economy serves                              many pathways to earning
as the growth engine for the
South African economy, and
also helps power the                                           provide short-term
informal economy. It                               earning opportunities and can
provides the highest quality                      serve as a (funded) entry point
opportunities for young                                into the labour market for
people.                                                           excluded youth
EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
Pathway management

SA Youth
A multi-channel platform that
aggregates opportunities &
links youth
EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
Powered by Partnerships

EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
One platform with so many opportunities for young people

FORMAL JOBS                           OTHER OPPORTUNITIES                       WORK-SEEKER SUPPORT CONTENT

                                  V                 VOLUNTEERING &
                                                    STIPEND WORK

                                                                                                           FREE RELIABLE
                                                                                                                           FREE COURSES

                                                                           Young people supported via
                                                                              mobi-site, social media,
                                                                                Facebook Messenger,
                                                                                   WhatsApp, email,
                                                                                         toll free line.
                                                  LEARNERSHIPS &
                                                  LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES


                                                 HUSTLING SUPPORT
EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
Work-seekers, join, share and upskill themselves
   SA Youth is so much more than a CV

   Join the                       Engage in         Profile
                                                 information         FORMAL ECONOMY JOBS
 network via     Build their       relevant
SAYouth.mobi      profile          content     used to find best
  for FREE                        to upskill   possible match to         STIPEND WORK
                                 themselves        your jobs

                                                                          PART-TIME JOBS


                                                                   LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES
EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
Overview of sayouth.mobi

Young people on sayouth.mobi
                                    YOUNG PEOPLE LINKED TO OPPORTUNITIES
       1 649 378                                 535 546
                                               (total multiple count)
        (total unique count)

                                          YOUNG PEOPLE SUPPORTED
 64%          36%              1%             19 125 905
                                               (total multiple count)
EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
Formal sector -Eco-system facilitation
                     Sector-based new job creation and promotion of inclusive hiring at scale

A MODEL TO GROW SECTORS INCLUSIVELY                                                        •   Co-ordination of stakeholders
                                                                                               from government, industry
                                                                                               bodies and intermediaries,
                                                                                               enterprise development
                                                                                               programmes and civil society
                 1            2                  3              4            5                 organisations
                                                                                           •   Global Business Services
   1. Identify
                                                                                           •   Installation, Repair &
  the zone of                                                                                  Maintenance
                      2. Convene                                                           •   Digital & ICT Sector
                        the key
                                                                                           •   Automotive
                                                                                           •   Manufacturing
                               3. Assemble a           4. Develop         5. Execute &     •   Agriculture
                               sector-specific       or establish the   iterate to build   •   Tourism
                               credible team          intermediary        momentum
EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - 12 October 2021 - Department of ...
Digital Work Accelerator
       Accelerating opportunities for young people in the digital economy through partnerships

                               1. Prioritise projects that will generate new earning opportunities for young
                                  people - at scale.

                               2. Encourage inclusive hiring or contracting among industry players and using
                                  SA Youth as a source of suitable candidates for all entry-level hiring needs –
                                  not just digital jobs.

                               3. Mobilise a coalition to support fast-tracked delivery through active leadership
                                  and agile working groups, assisted by a project support office.

                               4. Collaborate across government, private and social partners for practical,
                                  tangible outcomes.
                        Digital learning to earning

        Step 1: Learnership (9-12 months)                                   Step 2: Apprenticeship (12 months)                                          Step 3: Employment

 Source &        Close the                                                             Managed Delivery                                                  Enter into employment with
                                Simulation                                                                                                                   our various clients
  Assess            Gap

                                                                                                                      Master Services Agreement (MSA)
                                             Sourcing of best graduates
                                                                                                                                                                  Client 1

                                                                                                                                                                              Client 2

                                                                           DigiLink sits between the pool of new
                                                                           graduates entering the market and the
 Young people are equipped with a Digital                                 employers who find it difficult to employ
  Academy Foundation and Azure MCSE,                                         graduates from universities, digital
 MCSD, Power BI and MS Accreditation by                                                                                                                            Client 3
                                                                          academies and self-learning pathways.
our digital academy sourcing partners. We
then source the best graduates from them.
System: Microenterprises
More youth will learn how to earn and climb onto the ‘enterprise ladder’
What we need to enable for young people

I. Get Youth Hustle-Ready       II. Promote inclusive support     III. Forge market linkages
I have the building blocks to   I can access the support I need   I can access more customers
earn extra money through        to take my enterprise further     who find offerings valuable
“work I have created for

What we need to enable for young people

  I. Get Youth Hustle-Ready         II. Promote inclusive              III. Forge market linkages
  A complementary bundle of         support                            Accessible, relevant and
  inclusive support that works to   An inclusive, effective approach   impactful sources of
  get young people ‘hustle-ready’   to linking to enterprise support   customers for youth-led
  at scale                          based on where youth are           business
Lighter touch

Enabling CBO                                                                               Other
partners for                                                                               pathways
more intensive
System: Public employment programmes
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