Page created by Ivan Saunders
    SEPTEMBER 2021
                                                    About First Super                                       3

                                                    How First Super can help you                            4

                                                    Choice of fund                                          5
This Employer Guide should be read along with
the First Super Product Disclosure Statement
                                                    SuperStream                                             7
which can be viewed at firstsuper.com.au.
Important information                               Paying your contributions                               7
The material contained in this Guide was            Joining new employees to First Super                    8
accurate as at September 2021. This
information is of a general nature only and         Tax File Numbers (TFN)                                  8
does not take into account your personal
circumstances or situation. We recommend            Contribution rules                                      9
you seek qualified financial advice before
making any investment decision.                     Your First Super Coordinator	                          11
The Employer Guide is provided by First Super
                                                    Insurance with First Super                             12
Pty Ltd ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL No. 223988,
as the Trustee of First Super ABN 56 286
                                                    Other important information                            13
625 181. If you intend to invest in or continue
to hold this product you should obtain and          Employer Contact Form                   See back pages
consider a copy of the Product Disclosure
Statement, which is available by calling            Fund Compliance Letter	                 See back pages
1300 943 171 or by visiting firstsuper.com.au.
                                                    Employee Choice of Fund Form            See back pages

FIRST SUPER IS                                      Employer Standard Choice Form            See back pages
In accordance with Section 25 of the
Superannuation Guarantee (Administration)
Act 1992, the Trustee wishes to advise that
First Super:
› is a complying resident regulated
  superannuation fund within the meaning of
  the Superannuation Industry (Supervision)
  Act 1993
› is able to accept monies in respect of
  Superannuation Guarantee legislation
› accepts transferred and rolled over benefits
› has no minimum benefit amount
› is not subject to a direction under Section 63
  of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision)
  Act 1993.

 lease refer to the Fund Compliance letter
located at the back of this booklet.

2                                                                                   FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE
First Super is an industry super        There are 12 Directors on the Board
fund. We welcome all Australians        of First Super, with five Directors
regardless of their occupation or       nominated by the Construction
location.                               Forestry Maritime Mining & Energy
                                        Union – Manufacturing Division, five
First Super was founded when three
                                        nominated by employer associations,
industry super funds merged in
                                        and two Independent Directors.
July 2008: the Furniture Industry
Retirement Superannuation
Trust, the Pulp & Paper Workers’
                                          FIRST SUPER IS AN
Superannuation Fund, and the
Timber Industry Super Scheme.             APPROVED MYSUPER
We are proud of this heritage. Our
products and services are designed        WE CAN ACT AS A
to meet the needs of our members,         DEFAULT FUND FOR
employers, and communities within
these industries.
Not surprisingly, when it comes to        MySuper is a government         Unless the employee
super, most Australians want the          plan that ensures workers       nominates a super fund,
same thing: real value, real service,     receive suitable benefits,      all employers must provide
and real returns. Which is probably       investment strategies           new employees with a
why we have over 46,000 members           and fees for their super        MySuper product as their
who trust us to manage more than          contributions.                  default superannuation
$3.6 billion (as at 30 June 2021) of                                      plan, which First Super is
their hard-earned savings.                                                authorised to offer.

FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE                                                                            3
First Super makes it                   By partnering with First Super,
easier for you to meet                 your employee benefits from:         PARTNERING WITH
your super requirements,               > competitive fees, including zero   FIRST SUPER
                                         entry fees and strong long-term
letting you get on with                  returns                            All employers are welcome to
running your business.
                                       > secure online access to their      join First Super.
                                         super account anytime, anywhere    Simply complete the Employer
We provide our employers with:           with firstonline                   Contact Form on page 15 and
> efficient administration processes   > a range of investment options      return to:
  and a Clearing House solution,         designed to suit their needs
  which is designed to help you
  make contribution payments           > affordable, flexible insurance     BY MAIL
  securely online                        options designed to protect
                                         them and their family              First Super
> your own dedicated local First                                            PO Box 666
  Super Coordinator to answer your     > information seminars on super      Carlton South, VIC 3053
  queries                                and retirement planning
> workplace information seminars       > access to personalised and
                                         trusted financial advice           BY EMAIL
  and regional financial planning
  support for you and your             > access to low-cost banking         employers@firstsuper.com.au
  employees                              products through ME Bank.
> regular updates and newsletters                                           Alternatively, sign up online at
  to keep you informed about super                                          firstsuper.com.au/join
  changes and your obligations
> a not-for-profit fund, which means
  we are run only to benefit our

4                                                                                      FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE
Most employees have the option to choose which super fund they want to invest in.
You need to follow three steps to meet your responsibilities with a new employee.

As an employer, you need to check        Who is not eligible to choose a
whether the new employee is              super fund?                             First Super is one of the
eligible to choose a super fund. This                                            nominated funds under the
                                         Your employee may not be eligible to
generally depends on the type of                                                 following Awards.
                                         choose a super fund if you’re already
award or industrial agreement you                                                > Joinery and Building Trades
                                         paying super contributions for them
employ them under.                                                                 Award 2010
                                         under or in accordance with:
Who is eligible to choose a super                                                > Manufacturing and Associated
                                         > a State Industrial Award
fund?                                                                              Industries and Occupations
                                         > a Preserved State Agreement
Under superannuation choice laws,                                                  Award 2010
most existing and new employees          > a pre-reform Certified Agreement,
                                                                                 > Timber Industry Award 2010.
can choose their own super fund.           (CA)
                                                                                 If you’re unsure what, if any,
Generally, ‘choice of fund’ applies if   > a Federal Industrial Agreement
employees are:                                                                   award or industrial agreement
                                           such as an Australian Workplace
                                                                                 covers your employee, please
> employed under a Federal Award           Agreement or a collective
                                                                                 visit the Fair Work website at
> employed under a former State                                                  fairwork.gov.au or phone the
  Award, now known as a National         > an Individual Transitional            Workplace Relations Department
  Agreement Preserving State               Employment Agreement (ITEA)           in your State or Territory.
  Award (NAPSA)                          > an old industrial relations (IR)      Alternatively, you can check with
> employed under another award             agreement                             your employer association.
  or industrial agreement that does      > a workplace determination
  not require super contributions
                                         > an enterprise agreement.
> not employed under any State
  Award or industrial agreement
  (including contractors who are
  regarded as eligible employees
  for super purposes).

If your new employees are eligible
to choose a super fund, you must
provide them with a Standard Choice
Form within 28 days from the day
they started working with you. They
do not need to complete the form if
they do not want to nominate a fund,
but they must be given the choice
to do so. A copy of the First Super
Employer Standard Choice Form is
located at the back of this booklet.

FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE                                                                                          5
Once your employee has chosen             If your employee does not
a super fund, you have up to two          nominate a fund within 28 days,         MAKE FIRST SUPER YOUR
months to arrange for contributions       you must nominate an employer           DEFAULT FUND
to be paid into that fund.                (default) super fund for their super
                                                                                  To make First Super your default
                                          contributions. The default fund must:
You don’t have to comply with your                                                fund, tick ‘YES’ under the
employee’s instructions if:               > be a complying super fund             default question in the Employer
> the fund chosen is not a complying      > offer a minimum level of              Contact Form located at the
  super fund, scheme or retirement          insurance cover to members            back of this booklet.
  savings account
                                          > offer a MySuper approved product.
> they have not provided you with all
                                          You may face penalties if you do
  the information required to make        not meet your obligations and
  super contributions to that fund        responsibilities. Please refer to the
> they have not provided you with         Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  a written statement from the            website at ato.gov.au for more
  Trustee of their chosen fund that
  the fund is a complying super
  fund that can acccept your super
> they have chosen another fund
  within the past 12 months.


         On 1 November 2021, super ‘stapling’ laws will
         come into effect, which may change the way you
         on-board new employees at your workplace.
         Your new employees will automatically keep
         their existing super fund (if they have one) when
         they join your workplace, unless they choose
         differently. As an employer, you’ll be expected to
         locate this stapled fund through the ATO.
         You will still need a default super fund for your
         workplace - like First Super - for employees
         who don’t make a choice and don’t have a
         stapled fund, or who are new to the workforce.
         Go to firstsuper.com.au/superannuation-
         stapling to find out more and sign up to the
         EmployersFIRST e-newsletter for updates.

6                                                                                          FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE
SuperStream refers to a series of      What does SuperStream mean for
Federal Government reforms, which      you as an employer?
aim to ensure that employer super
                                       All employers need to comply with
contributions are paid to members
                                       SuperStream’s minimum data
in a timely, uniform and efficient
                                       standards, which include electronic
                                       transfer when transacting with
SuperStream provides a uniform         a super fund. This ensures data
approach to:                           is secure and protected, and
                                       streamlines the super payment
> how employers and super funds
                                       process for employers, while
                                       making it easy to link payments to
> the use of Tax File Numbers          employees.
                                       We encourage you to fully
> consolidation of super accounts      understand your obligations under
> electronic transactions              SuperStream by visiting the ATO’s
                                       website at ato.gov.au
> communications and how
  members are kept informed.

Making super contributions is easy and free with our Clearing House solution.
CLEARING HOUSE                         Why use First Super’s Clearing          > it ensures data includes
                                       House?                                    mandatory fields
The First Super Clearing House
takes the hassle out of making your    Our Clearing House makes super          > it’s free of charges to employers
super contributions.                   contributions easy:                       with First Super arrangements.
It’s been designed specifically        > it’s suitable for all types of        For more information contact
for employers so you can have            businesses                            First Super’s Employer Services
confidence knowing you’re fully                                                Team on 1300 943 171.
                                       > it’s fully compliant with
compliant with the Government’s
                                         SuperStream standards                 To sign up to our Clearing House
SuperStream standards.
                                                                               solution, tick YES under Section 3
                                       > it’s secure, so the privacy of
What is a Clearing House?                                                      of the Employer Contact Form
                                         your employees’ information is
                                                                               located at the back of this booklet or
A Clearing House is a service that       guaranteed
                                                                               visit firstsuper.com.au/employers/
distributes super contributions to
                                       > it’s available to use anytime and     clearing.
employees’ accounts on behalf of the
                                         anywhere with internet access
                                       > it’s convenient, as you can upload
You can make a single payment to
                                         contribution data directly from
the Clearing House (through Direct
                                         your payroll software or Excel file
Debit or Direct Credit – EFT) and
the Clearing House then distributes    > you can submit data and
contributions to each employee’s         contribution payments on the
super account.                           same day

FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE                                                                                          7
JOINING                               TAX FILE NUMBERS
NEW                                   (TFN)
To join an employee to First Super,   First Super will accept employer        TFNs that are given to you by your
employers can:                        contributions, including any salary     employees for superannuation
> add or register a member via        sacrifice contributions, without a      purposes must be accepted and
                                      TFN, but tax will be levied on these    passed onto the Fund within 14
  SuperStream. If you need further
                                      contributions at the top marginal tax   days of receipt or with the next
  help or need to know more
                                      rate. Under TFN laws, it is optional    contribution payment.
  information please contact your     for your employees to provide you
  payroll and/or Clearing House                                               The TFN Declaration Form
                                      with their TFNs.
  provider.                                                                   completed by your employees will
                                      Your TFN responsibilities               authorise you to do this.
> provide the employee with a
                                      You should respect the privacy of       The First Super Member Application
  copy of the First Super Product
                                      employees who provide you with          Form allows the employee to quote
  Disclosure Statement (PDS). Call    their TFNs.                             their TFN and pass on their details
  1300 943 171 for a copy of the                                              if they wish to transfer their benefit
  PDS or visit                        > Collect and hold TFNs in a secure
                                                                              from another fund.
  firstsuper.com.au/pds                 manner

> return the completed Member         > Only pass on TFNs that have
  Application Form found on the         been collected for superannuation       MORE INFORMATION
  back of the PDS to First Super.       purposes to the correct                 TFN Privacy Responsibilities:
  First Super will send a Welcome       super fund.                             The Information Commissioner’s
  Letter to your employee.            An employee’s TFN must not be             Enquiries Helpline 1300 363 992
                                      accessible by other employees             [free call].
If you aren’t currently making
                                      unless it is part of their job. They      TFN Superannuation
superannuation guarantee (SG)
                                      must be aware of the need to protect      Responsibilities:
payments via SuperStream but wish
                                      the privacy of your employees’ TFNs.      Australian Taxation Office
to sign up with our Clearing House
                                                                                13 10 20.
please visit firstsuper.com.au/

8                                                                                          FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE
Who can contribute?                      Who gets paid super?                      Superannuation does not have to be
                                                                                   paid for:
You can, if you are an employer of       You are required to pay a minimum
First Super or an employer making        level of 10% based on ‘ordinary time’     > an employee receiving a salary/
contributions to First Super on          earnings for each employee, up to           wage of less than $450 in a month
                                         the maximum superannuation                  (this rule will change on 1 July 2022)
behalf of an employee.
                                         contribution earnings base. This
When do you have to pay?                 earnings base may increase                > an employee under 18 years of
                                         according to inflation with each            age and working less than 30
To protect you against ATO fines, the
                                         financial year.                             hours per week
First Super Trustee has designated
the 14th of the following month          Superannuation has to be paid for an      > a non-resident employee paid for
as your monthly or quarterly             employee who falls into one of the          work done outside Australia
contribution payment date. Under         following categories:
                                                                                   > a resident employee paid by a
Superannuation Guarantee                 > actually at work                          non-resident employer for work
(SG) legislation, you must pay                                                       done outside Australia
                                         > on annual leave
contributions every quarter on the
28th of October, January, April and      > on paid sick leave                      > an employee receiving salary and
July. Making your contribution on the                                                wages under a Commonwealth
                                         > on long service leave                     Government Development
14th gives you some buffer against
unforeseen delays.                       > on workers compensation —                 Program
                                           the Timber Industry Award               > some foreign executives who hold
                        Cut-off dates      2010 states that you must
      Quarter           for employer                                                 certain visas or entry premits
                                           pay superannuation while an
                        contribution                                               > an employee paid to do work of
                                           employee is absent from work
   1 Jul - 30 Sep             28 Oct       due to a work-related injury or           a domestic or private nature,
   1 Oct - 31 Dec             28 Jan       illness to a maximum of 52 weeks,         working less than 30 hours per
                                           provided the employee is still            week (e.g. part-time nanny or
  1 Jan - 31 Mar              28 Apr
                                           employed and receiving workers            housekeeper).
   1 Apr - 30 Jun             28 Jul       compensation or payments from           Some employees may be covered by
                                           their employer                          an Award or Employment
If you miss the quarterly deadline,
                                                                                   Agreement, which specifies
you will have to provide an SG           > receiving compensation or a
                                                                                   superannuation contributions of
Statement the following month and          regular payment directly from you       more than 10%. In this case, you
pay the SG Charge levied by the ATO.       or your company in accordance           must pay the higher amount.
This charge is not tax deductible and      with statutory requirements
                                                                                   For more information refer to the
it includes the SG shortfall, interest   > on industrial action – if back pay is   Fair Work Ombudsman website
and an administration fee.                 subsequently made                       fairwork.gov.au.
There is also a penalty if you do
                                         > contractors – includes a person
not pay the SG or lodge the SG
                                           engaged under a contract
Statement by the due date. If you
pay SG contributions after the             that is wholly or principally for
quarterly deadline and before the SG       labour. The contractor can be
Statement due date, you may be able        considered an employee under
to offset the SG Charge.                   the Superannuation Guarantee.
                                           Please refer to
Making monthly contribution
payments can help you meet the SG
deadline and avoid the SG Charge.
The contribution begins earning
interest for your employee as soon
as it is received by the Fund.
For more information on the SG,
contact the Australian Taxation
Office (ATO) on 13 10 20 or visit the
website ato.gov.au/employers.

FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE                                                                                               9
First Super can receive the following types of superannuation contributions.

 Type of              Age group                                               Under 67                   67 - 74                    75+
                      Compulsory Superannuation
                                                                                    Y                        Y                        Y
                      Guarantee (employer)
                      Mandated non-Superannuation
                                                                                    Y                        Y                        Y
                      Guarantee* (employer)

                      Salary Sacrifice (employer)                                   Y                       Y^                       N

                      Personal contributions (member)                               Y                       Y^                       N

                      Spouse contributions (member)                                 Y                Until age 70^                   N

                      *Refers to contributions payable under an agreement certified or award made by an industrial authority.
                      ^Provided the member is gainfully employed for at least 40 hours in 30 consecutive days during the financial
                      year in which the contributions are made.

Superannuation Guarantee Rate                     Concessional Contributions Limit                  Voluntary Non-Concessional
                                                                                                    Contributions Limit
The percentage to be paid as                      There is a limit to how much you
superannuation is set to increase                 or your employee can contribute to                Contributions you make from an
over the next decade.                             their super fund. From 1 July 2021,               employee’s after-tax salary are
                                                  the annual cap for Concessional                   generally not taxed when received
Below is the current schedule for
                                                  Contributions is $27,500 per year,                by a superannuation fund. However,
increasing the superannuation
                                                  regardless of age*.                               there is a cap of $110,000 per
guarantee (SG) rate:
                                                                                                    year from 1 July 2021 on personal
                                                  It includes:
 Financial year            Guarantee rate
                                                                                                    contributions ($330,000 over a three-
                                                  > Superannuation Guarantee                        year period) for employees under
 2021 / 22                 10.0%                                                                    the age of 67** and with a total
                                                    contributions paid by you on your
 2022 / 23                 10.5%                    employee’s behalf                               superannuation balance of below
 2023 / 24                 11.0%                                                                    $1.7 million# .
                                                  > salary sacrifice contributions
 2024 / 25                 11.5%                                                                    If contributions exceed the cap, the
                                                  > contributions made when                         ATO will send an assessment notice
 2025 / 26 and beyond 12.0%
                                                    self-employed (or substantially                 and require the member to pay tax
                                                    self-employed) for which a tax                  at the highest marginal rate (plus
                                                    deduction has been claimed.                     the Medicare levy) on the excess
                                                  Any concessional contribution
                                                  over the cap will be taxed at the                 For more information regarding
                                                  individual’s marginal tax rate (less              contribution caps, or if you require
                                                  the 15 per cent tax already paid) plus            personal financial advice, please
                                                  a penalty fee.                                    contact us and ask to speak to a
                                                                                                    First Super Financial Planner.
                                                  If an employee has exceeded this
                                                  cap, the ATO will contact them
                                                  about their options. Any amount in
                                                  excess of the cap will also count
                                                  towards the separate cap on non-
                                                  concessional contributions.

*The limit is reviewed each financial year and may change in future. #This is the limit on the total amount of superannuation that can be transferred
into the retirement phase. If your super balance exceeds the cap at the end of the previous financial year, your non-concessional cap is nil.
** If a member is over 67 years and meets the work test they may still contribute.

10                                                                                                                  FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE
                                                                             At First Super, you have our undivided attention
                                                                             with a dedicated Superannuation Coordinator.
                                                                             Your Coordinator is always ready to help to ensure
                                                                             the payment process is efficient and easy.
                                                                             Your local First Super Coordinator, along with
                                                                             First Super Business Development Managers,
                                                                             can also facilitate information sessions at your
                                                                             workplace. These are designed to help you and
                            Angela Beer         Nick Cowling                 your employees understand the benefits of
                             VIC, West            VIC, East                  superannuation and how First Super can help.
                                                                             Topics include:
                                                                                         > what is superannuation?
                                                                                         > fees and charges
                                                                                         > investment options and making an investment
                                                                                         > insurance cover

                                                                                         > making voluntary contributions
                         Franca Bebbere      Belinda Thalakada
                                                                                         > finding lost super
                            VIC, North       Growth Coordinator
                                                                                         > consolidating super accounts
                                                                                         > financial advice
                                                                                         > retirement products.

                                                                             To arrange an information session for your
                                                                             workplace, contact your local First Super
                                                                             Coordinator on 1300 943 171.

                                                                             Financial Planning Services
                          Jackie Weston         Jo Podobnik
                           SA, Central       SA, Mount Gambier               First Super offers financial advice for you and your
                                                                             employees through Industry Funds Financial Plan-
                                                                             ning (IFFP). Contact us on 1300 943 171 if you would
                                                                             like to chat about financial planning or hosting a
                                                                             financial planning seminar at your workplace.
                                                                             IFFP is a division of Industry Fund Services Pty Ltd
                                                                             (ABN 54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514).

                           Adele Rutter       Eric Thomson
                           NSW, South         NSW, Sydney
                                                                  BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT

                                                                                                Tony Papantoniou            Lee Surace
                         Melissa Dundas       Stephen Gooley                                           VIC                     NSW
                          NSW, North            NSW, South

               FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE                                                                                               11
First Super’s insurance                   Upon becoming a member of                Your employees benefit with
arrangements meet the                     First Super, your employees will         First Super insurance
requirements for an employer’s            automatically receive default
                                                                                   We want all our members to have
default super fund and provides           insurance cover for Death and TPD
                                                                                   the insurance cover they need at the
real value for money for your             if / when they meet General
                                                                                   best possible rate:
employees’ needs.                         Eligibility conditions including being
                                          age 25 or over and having $6,000         > there are no out-of-pocket
At First Super we offer three types
                                          in their account, or they opt in.          expenses as the premiums are
of insurance cover:
                                          Members should read the Insurance          paid through their super
1. Death & Total and Permanent            Guide at firstsuper.com.au/pds for
Disablement (TPD)                         full details.                            > they’ll get competitive premiums
                                                                                     as First Super negotiates group
This cover provides a lump sum            Your employees can update their
                                                                                     purchase rates on behalf of its
payment should a member suffer            cover levels to suit their own needs
an injury that prevents them from         or cancel cover at any time by
ever working again or in the event of     contacting First Super.                  > we offer flexible options to suit
their death. It can be used for their                                                their needs and circumstances
                                          3. Income Protection
debts, funeral, or to help their family
pay the bills that keep coming in.        Income protection cover provides         > they won’t need to get an initial
                                          members with an ongoing payment            health check in most cases.
2. Death Only
                                          if they can’t work for a long period     Lower cost insurance for lower
Death insurance is important for          because of a sickness or injury.         risk office jobs.
those who have large commitments,         Members can receive up to 85 per
like a young family or a mortgage.        cent of their income while they’re       First Super offers insurance options
It provides members with comfort          off work (depending on the level of      to employers, managers and other
knowing that a lump sum will be           cover). This way, members don’t          professional staff.
paid to their beneficiaries in the        have to worry about the bills. They      For more detailed information
event of their death or on diagnosis      can concentrate on recovering.           please refer to our Insurance Guide
of a terminal illness.                                                             available at firstsuper.com.au/pds.

12                                                                                              FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE
Enquiries and complaints                 Administration, financial planning       Clearing House
                                         and advice
The First Super Trustee has                                                       First Super’s Clearing House is
established a procedure to deal          Super Benefits Administration Pty        managed by SBA. SuperChoice
fairly with member complaints.           Ltd (SBA) (ABN 97 098 637 659)           Services Pty Limited (SuperChoice)
All complaints will be handled in a      is the Fund’s administrator. SBA         (ACN 109 509 739) has been
courteous and confidential manner        administers First Super and provides     contracted by SBA to provide SBA’s
and will be properly considered and      certain administrative services to its   Clearing House. SuperChoice is an
dealt with within 45 days. If you have   members and employers.                   authorised representative (number
a complaint, please write to:                                                     336522) of PayClear Services Pty Ltd
                                         Financial planning and advice
                                                                                  (ACN 124 852 320, AFSL 314357).
Superannuation Complaints Officer        services will be provided by Industry
First Super                              Fund Services Pty Ltd (IFS) (ABN         The Trustee does not recommend,
PO Box 666                               54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514), or         endorse or accept responsibility for
Carlton South VIC 3053                   an IFS Authorised Representative.        this service. Terms and conditions
                                                                                  apply and can be viewed in the
The Trustee may contact you during       Trustee                                  Product Disclosure Statement
its investigation of your complaint.
                                         First Super is managed by a Trustee      available from SBA upon request.
Once the investigation is complete,
                                         called First Super Pty Ltd (ABN          The Trustee does not accept liability
you will receive a written reply from
                                         56 286 625 181, AFSL 223998). The        for any loss or damage caused by
the Trustee explaining the outcome
                                         Trustee is responsible for managing      use of the SuperChoice Clearing
of their investigation.
                                         First Super for the benefits of all      House service. The Trustee does
If an issue has not been resolved        members in accordance with the           not receive any commissions from
to your satisfaction, you can lodge      Trust Deed and relevant legislation.     SuperChoice as a result of employers
a complaint with the Australian                                                   using this service.
Financial Complaints Authority
(AFCA). AFCA provides fair and           KEEP IN TOUCH
independent financial services
complaint resolution that is free        Communication is important to us. We keep you and your employees up to
to consumers.                            date with the following statements and publications throughout the year.

You can contact AFCA at:                  Communications       Issue date     Purpose
 GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001                                                Provides a summary of all contributions
 T: 1800 931 678 (free call)              Employer Annual
                                                               Aug — Sep      paid to First Super during the previous
 E: info@afca.org.au                           Statement
                                                                              financial year.
 W: afca.org.au
                                                                              Shows joint contributions paid to First
                                              Member Mid-                     Super by you and your employee with
                                                               Mar — Apr
                                            Year Statement                    the estimated account balance as at
                                                                              31 December.
                                                                              Shows joint contributions paid to First
                                           Member Annual                      Super by you and your employee with
                                                               Aug — Sep
                                               Statement                      the account balance including fund
                                                                              earnings for the financial year.

                                                 Employer       Jan, Apr,     Provides updates on superannuation
                                                Newsletter      Jul, Oct      rules and administration information.

                                                  Member        Mar, Jun,     Provides updates on superannuation
                                                Newsletter      Sep, Dec      and topics of interest.

                                                                              Available on our website. Informs you
                                                                              and your employees about performance
                                             Annual Report         Oct
                                                                              of First Super over the past year, and the
                                                                              strategies in place for the following year.

FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE                                                                                             13

14                                          FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE
Employer Contact Form
Please complete the sections below and return to:
Alternatively, complete the online form at firstsuper.com.au/join

    Section 1 – Employer details
Business name


Trading address

Town/Suburb/City                                                        State   Postcode

Postal address (if different from above)

Town/Suburb/City                                                        State   Postcode

Website (if applicable)

Number of employees working for the business:
Full time           Part time              Casual

Will First Super be your Employer Default Fund under Super Choice?
     Yes           No
Who is your most senior person (CEO, General Manager, etc)?
Full name                                                Position

    Section 2 – Employer contact details
Contact Person 1.
Given name(s)                                               Surname

Position                                                    Telephone

Email                                                       Mobile

Contact Person 2.
Given name(s)                                               Surname

Position                                                    Telephone

Email                                                       Mobile

1   Employer Contact Form                                                                  FN03
Communication preference
Please indicate your preferred method of contact and provide details if different from above.



        Face to face
When is the most suitable time to contact you?
        Monday                      Tuesday                     Wednesday                          Thursday                    Friday                                           AM                   PM

     Section 3 – Contribution payments
Contribution Payment frequency:
        Weekly                             Fortnightly                        Monthly                            Quarterly
First Super Clearing House
First Super Clearing House* allows you to make contribution payments to multiple funds in one transaction.
Would you like to register for the First Super Clearing House?
        No                   Yes If yes, we will send you a copy of the Clearing House Product Disclosure Statement to complete.
What other main super funds do you contribute to on behalf of your employees?
Example: CBUS
1.                                                                                                        4.

2.                                                                                                        5.

3.                                                                                                        6.

     Section 4 – More support for your business
         I would like my local First Super Coordinator                                                            Please send me copies of the First Super Product
         to contact me and arrange a workplace visit                                                              Disclosure Statement.
         (free of charge).
         I am interested in running an information session                                                        Please send me copies of the First Super Allocated
         on Superannuation and Retirement Planning for                                                            Pensions Product Disclosure Statement.
         my employees (free of charge).

     Section 5 – Sign the form
        I have read and understand the Privacy Policy which can be viewed at firstsuper.com.au/privacy-policy
        and consent to my personal information being collected, disclosed and used as described in that Policy.
Please sign here
                                                                                                                                            Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
                                                                                                                                                                    /                   /

      Please return this completed form by                                                              Want to know more? We’re here to help.
      Mail          First Super                                                                         Call    1300 943 171
                    PO Box 666                                                                          Email   mail@firstsuper.com.au
                    Carlton South, VIC 3053                                                             Website firstsuper.com.au
      Email forms@firstsuper.com.au

First Super Pty Ltd ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL No. L223988. April 2017.

*First Super’s Clearing House is managed by Super Benefits Administration Pty. Ltd (SBA) (ACN 098 637 659). SBA is a provider of administration and consulting services for the superannuation and trust industry.
SBA is providing a clearing house service on behalf of its clients which includes First Super Pty Ltd. SuperChoice Services Pty Limited (“SuperChoice”) has been contracted by SBA to provide SBA’s Clearing House
as the authorised representative (number 226522) of SuperChoice’s related corporation PayClear Services Pty Limited (“PayClear”) which is the holder of Australian Financial Services License Number 314357.
First Super Pty Ltd (ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL 223988, RSEL L0003049), Trustee of First Super Superannuation Fund (ABN 56 286 625 18, RSER 1067385). First Super does not recommend, endorse
or accept responsibility for this service. Terms and conditions apply and can be viewed in the Product Disclosure Statement available from SBA upon request. First Super does not accept liability
for any loss or damage caused by use of the SuperChoice Clearing House service. First Super does not receive any commissions from SuperChoice as a result of employers using this service. This
brochure is of a general nature and does not take into account your personal objectives, situation, or needs. Before making a decision about First Super, consider your financial requirements and
read our Product Disclosure Statement, available by calling 1300 360 988.

2    Employer Contact Form                                                                                                                                                                              FN03
31 August 2021                                                                    Level 1, 165 Bouverie Street
                                                                                  Carlton VIC 3053
                                                                                  PO Box 666, Carlton South VIC

                                                                                  Tel: 1300 360 988
                                                                                  Fax: 1300 362 899
                                                                                  Email: mail@firstsuper.com.au
First Super Letter of Compliance                                                  firstsuper.com.au

To whom it may concern,

First Super Pty Ltd, as Trustee of First Super (ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL 223988), certifies that:
> First Super is a complying resident regulated public offer superannuation fund and the Trust Deed
  governing the Fund and any amendments to it satisfy the requirements of the Superannuation Industry
  (Supervision) Act 1993 and Regulations (“SIS”) and other relevant legislation
> First Super’s Trustee is not and has never been subject to a direction by the Regulator under section 63
  of the SIS Act and can continue to receive superannuation contributions from employers and members
> First Super Pty Ltd will advise each employer sponsor if First Super ceases to be a resident regulated
  fund or becomes subject to a direction under Section 63 of the SIS Act and can no longer accept
> First Super’s Trust Deed allows superannuation rollovers to be received from other complying funds and
> First Super has an Allocated Pension and Transition to Retirement Pension section as well as an
  Accumulation section
> First Super Members may only cash preserved benefits from the Fund in circumstances permitted under
  the SIS Act
> First Super is able to accept monies in respect of the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation
> Employers do not have to sign any forms or other documents before making contributions as employees
  can join First Super by completing a personal application form attached to a Product Disclosure
> First Super Members cannot borrow monies from the Fund.

Employers can pay contributions into First Super using the online Clearing House solution.
If you have any queries, please contact First Super administration on 1300 360 988 from anywhere in
Australia for the cost of a local call.

Yours sincerely,

First Super Pty Ltd
Trustee of First Super

Fund name: First Super
Australian Business Number (ABN): 56 286 625 181
Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI): FIS0001AU

18                                          FIRST SUPER EMPLOYER GUIDE
Pay My Super to First Super

If you want your super contributions to be paid to your First Super account, please complete this form with your details
and give it to your employer.
Do not send this completed form to First Super or the Australian Taxation Office.
Please complete this form with CAPITAL letters and a blue or black pen.

   Section 1 – Your personal details

Given name(s)

Tax File Number                                                    Your employee number (if applicable)
                  –                 –
Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act), you are not obliged to disclose your TFN, but if
you do not provide it, your contributions may be taxed at a higher rate. If your TFN is provided, your employer must
provide your TFN to the super fund.

   Section 2 – Your super account details
First Super is an eligible choice fund and an authorised MySuper product provider.
First Super member number#
                                                                Leave blank if you don’t have a member number yet.
Fund name                                                          Unique Superannuation Identifier                               Fund ABN
First Super                                                        FIS0001AU                                                      56 286 625 181
Fund address                                                       Telephone                                    Email
PO Box 666, Carlton South VIC 3053                                  1300 943 171                                 mail@firstsuper.com.au

   Section 3 – Sign and date
I request that all my future super contributions be made to First Super.
Please sign here
                                                                                                                Date of request (DD/MM/YYYY)
                                                                                                                                  /          /
Give this completed form to your employer.

  Information for employers
  First Super Pty Ltd is the Trustee of First Super Superannuation Fund (Fund).
  • The Fund is a complying resident regulated superannuation fund within the meaning of the Superannuation
    Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act). It may be nominated as a default fund, as it meets the minimum
    statutory insurance cover requirements.
  • The Fund is not subject to a direction under section 63 of the SIS Act directing the Trustee not to accept any
    contributions made to the Fund by an employer-sponsor.
  • Subject to any restrictions in the SIS Act on the acceptance by superannuation funds of certain superannuation
    contributions, the Fund will accept superannuation contributions made by an employer for the benefit of an
  • If you are not a First Super participating employer, see firstsuper.com.au/employers to register and pay your
    employee super to First Super.
  • Call First Super on 1300 943 171 if you need need help making payments for your employees or to ask a
    question about your employer super obligations.

Issued by First Super Pty Ltd ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL No. 223988. As Trustee of First Super ABN 56 286 625 181. November 2020.

1/1 Employee Choice of Fund Form
                                                                                                                     Product Disclosure Statement
As a First Super Employer, your
benefits include:
> efficient administration processes
  and a free Clearing House solution
  designed to help you make
  contribution payments securely
> your own dedicated local First
  Super Coordinator to answer your
> workplace information seminars
  and regional financial planning
  support for you and your employees
> regular updates and newsletters
  to keep you informed about super
  changes and your obligations
> a not-for-profit fund, which means
  we are run only to benefit our
  members and their employers.
CONTACT US                                            Mailing address:
                                                      First Super
                                                      PO Box 666
If you have questions, contact us:                    Carlton South Vic 3053

1300 943 171                                          Operating hours
                                                      Mon-Fri: 8.00am - 6.00pm (Melbourne time)
(Local call costs apply from anywhere in Australia)

Overseas: +61 3 8663 2111                             Access fund information and forms at:
Email: employers@firstsuper.com.au                    www.firstsuper.com.au

This Employer Guide should be read along with the First Super Product Disclosure Statement.
Important information
The material contained in this Guide was accurate as at September 2021. This information is of a
general nature only and does not take into account your personal circumstances or situation. We
recommend that you see a qualified financial advice before making any investment decision. The Guide
is provided by First Super Pty Ltd ABN 42 053 498 472, AFSL No. 223988, as the Trustee of First Super
ABN 56 286 625 181. If you intend to invest in or continue to hold this product you should obtain and
consider a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement, which is available by calling 1300 360 988.
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