Page created by Nancy Barrett
    L E A D I N G   T E A C H I N G   C A R I N G

EMERGENCY NUMBERS				                                                            PHONE		          FAX         LOCATION
General Emergency.................................................. 911
Medical Emergency Within UNC HCS.................... 919-966-4111
Medical Emergency/
Ambulance at Satellite Areas.................................. 911
Fire................................................................................ 911
Police............................................................................ 911
Hospital Police (Routine Calls)................................ 984-974-3686
Environmental Health and Safety.......................... 984-974-0749 984-974-0580 Ground Floor, Medical School, Wing E
Hospital Epidemiology............................................ 984-974-7500 984-974-7719 Room 1001, West Wing
Hospital Information................................................ 919-966-4131
Workers’ Compensation........................................... 984-974-0933 984-974-0860 Ground Floor, Medical School, Wing E

IMPORTANT NUMBERS 					                                                                    PHONE		      FAX          LOCATION
Annie Voice Phone Book........................................................ 919-962-6643
Compliance Hotline ............................................................... 1-800-362-2921
Compliance Office .................................................................. 984-974-1049		                  Hedrick Building
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Program .... 919-216-3636
Employee Benefits................................................................... 984-974-1100 984-974-1303 Hedrick Building
Employee Relations................................................................. 984-974-1640 984-974-1660 7th Floor, East Wing
Employment/Recruitment..................................................... 984-974-1090		                           Morrisville
Learning and Organizational Development....................... 984-974-1070 984-974-1317 Morrisville
HR Data Management - Records .......................................... 984-974-1100 984-974-1303 Morrisville
HR Services................................................................................ 984-974-1100 984-974-1305 Morrisville
Information Security (ISD Help Desk).................................. 984-974-4357 919-595-3426 Eastowne
Nursing Education................................................................... 984-974-7740 919-843-0274 4th Floor, West Wing
Nurse Employment.................................................................. 984-974-1160 984-974-1325 6th Floor, East Wing/Hedrick
Occupational Health................................................................ 984-974-4480 984-974-7414 1st Floor, West Wing
Payroll......................................................................................... 984-974-1100 984-974-1304 Morrisville
Performance Improvement/Patient Safety......................... 984-974-2015 984-974-0239 1st Floor, Main Hospital
Photo ID Badges/Parking....................................................... 984-974-1031 984-974-0111 Parking Pavilion
Privacy (HIPAA)........................................................................ 984-974-1069		               Hedrick Building
Risk Management.................................................................... 984-974-3041 984-974-6285 4th Floor, Medical School, Wing E
Volunteer Services................................................................... 984-974-4793 984-974-0750 Ground Floor, Main Hospital

                                                                                                                         Important Numbers    2
                                                                                                                                                          State Employees’ Credit Union
      ABOUT UNC HEALTH CARE 5                                                                                                                             State Retirement Program
                                                                                                                                                          Social Security
    A COMMITMENT TO CARING .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6                                                 Supplemental Retirement Plans
    OUR VISION AND OUR VALUES. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7                                                         Tuition Waiver Program
              Our Vision                                                                                                                                  Unemployment Compensation
              Our Values
                                                                                                                                              EMPLOYEE RECORDS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
              We Care About
              How We Work                                                                                                                     EMPLOYEE RELATIONS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
    UNC HEALTH CARE CORE BEHAVIORS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8                                                                          EMPLOYMENT.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15
              Customer Service                                                                                                                            Transfer/Promotion
              Communication                                                                                                                               Exit Interviews
              Patient and Employee Safety
                                                                                                                                              DATA MANAGEMENT.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
              Ethics and Professionalism
              Initiative and Adaptability                                                                                                     LEARNING AND ORGANIZATIONAL
              Stewardship                                                                                                                     DEVELOPMENT .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17
              Teamwork                                                                                                                                    Tools/Methodology and Models
                                                                                                                                                          Educational Learning Opportunities
    NEW EMPLOYEES .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
                                                                                                                                                          Other Resources
                                                                                                                                                          New Employee Orientation
              Attendance and Adverse Weather
              Period of Probationary Employment                                                                                               PAYROLL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
              Work Schedule                                                                                                                               Payroll Policies and Procedures
                                                                                                                                                          Instructions for Entering Time

      HUMAN RESOURCE                                                                                                                                      Pay

      DIVISION                                                                                                                  11                        Deductions
                                                                                                                                                          Emergency Callback Pay

    BENEFITS DEPARTMENT. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11                                         Longevity Payments

              Academic Assistance Program                                                                                                                 Overtime Pay

              Auto/Homeowners Insurance                                                                                                                   Shift Premium Pay

              Death Benefit                                                                                                                               Final Pay Deductions

              Disability Benefit
              Health Insurance                                                                                                                  EMPLOYEE LEAVE		                                                                                                                      21
              Life Insurance                                                                                                                              Paid Time Off (PTO) Leave
              Long-Term Care                                                                                                                              General Information

3              Index                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Index
Table of PTO Balance Distributions at Termination                                                                                                                                      PlusPeople Awards
               Observance of Holidays and Floating Holidays                                                                                                                                           Tobacco-Free UNC Health Care System
               Family and Medical Leave                                                                                                                                                               Volunteer Opportunities
               Family Illness Leave
               Civil Leave                                                                                                                                                                           PERFORMANCE REVIEW &
               Military Leave
               Leave of Absence Without Pay
                                                                                                                                                                                                     EVALUATION          31
               Voluntary Shared Leave

               Learning Never Stops
               My Student Center
               Reference Information
               First-Time Users
THE LEARNING INSTITUTE ....................................... 25
               Our Vision

   SERVICES                                                                                                                                                                        26
PROGRAMS.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 26
               The Beacon Program
               Corporate Compliance Program
               Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
               Employee Assistance Program
               Employee Ambassador Program
               Freedom Pay Program
               Health Care Employee Loan Program (H.E.L.P.)
               Risk Management Program

SERVICES. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 29
               Blood Donation Center
               Employee Forum
               Glad You Asked
               Pastoral Care

                      Index                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Index   4

    Welcome to the University of North Carolina Health             Some of its key features include:
    Care System. We hope you will find work here both              •   Approximately 1,500 UNC-Chapel Hill faculty
    exciting and rewarding. This handbook provides an                  physicians and physicians-in-training who provide
    overview of Environmental Health and Safety, Infection             care for patients in North Carolina.
    Control, Corporate Compliance, Human Resource Policy,
    Employee Benefits, and Learning and Organizational             •   A world-class academic medical center, including
    Development information.                                           a top-ranked public medical school and modern
                                                                       hospitals for children, women, neurologic and
    This information does not supersede or replace official            psychiatric patients, and general adult patient care.
    policies, procedures, and other guidelines in the Human
    Resources Management Policies and Procedures Online            •   A constellation of nationally recognized centers of
    Manual, UNC Health Care Code of Conduct, Infection                 clinical excellence, including such areas of special
    Control Manual, Safety Policy Manual, or Disaster                  expertise as burn care, cancer treatment, diabetes,
    Manual, copies of which are available both online and in           gastrointestinal diseases, obstetrics, organ transplant,
    all departments.                                                   and pediatrics.
    If you have questions that are not answered here, please       •   A network of nearly 1,000 affiliated doctors in private
    talk with your supervisor or contact Human Resource                practices across central North Carolina, sharing risk
    Services, Epidemiology, Environmental Health and                   in managed care contracts through an independent
    Safety, or the Compliance Office.                                  practice association.
    We are committed to the concepts and practices of              •   A group of about 500 community doctors, hospitals,
    equal employment and affirmative action to ensure that             and other health care providers, many of whom
    applicants and employees are treated fairly, without               participate in UNC managed care contracts and refer
    regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender,          patients to Chapel Hill.
    sexual orientation, disability, or age. Such practices shall   •   A home health agency licensed to provide services
    include, but not be limited to, employment, promotion,             in four North Carolina counties and an associated
    transfer, demotion, recruitment or recruitment                     multi-county hospice program.
    advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other
                                                                   •   A growing network of UNC-owned community
    forms of compensation, selection for training, and
                                                                       medical practices across the Triangle area.
    social activities. UNC Health Care also complies with
    state regulations regarding employment preference for          •   Emergency and urgent care facilities in Chapel Hill
    veterans.                                                          that provide around-the-clock services for accident
                                                                       and trauma victims, and for people with minor but
    Visit UNC Health Care’s Human Resource Division on
                                                                       urgent medical needs.
    the Web (http://www.uncmedicalcenter.org/uncmc/
    about/human-resources) for detailed information on             •   An air and ground patient transportation system
    benefits, training, policies, and other Human Resource             that provides helicopter service statewide from
    issues.                                                            Chapel Hill, and community-based ambulance
                                                                       transportation from a growing number of sites
    UNC Health Care has established a national reputation              outside the Triangle.
    for outstanding care by staying in the forefront of medical
    therapies, research, and technology.

5   About UNC Health Care
Comprising more than 6,000 health care workers, UNC Health Care has become one of the nation’s premier training
facilities for physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals. Each year, UNC Health Care accommodates more than
27,000 inpatients and half a million outpatients in over 150 clinics, as well as in our Ambulatory Care Center.

A pioneer in many medical developments, UNC Hospitals opened the nation’s first intensive care unit in 1953. Since
then, UNC Hospitals has developed the state’s most comprehensive transplant program, becoming a national leader
in the specialized care of a variety of health problems, including arthritis, digestive diseases, cystic fibrosis, growth
disorders, hemophilia, and infertility. We also excel in trauma care, neurosurgery, heart disease, autism, nephrology,
and alcohol research studies.

Despite all the growth and change experienced over the past four decades, UNC Health Care’s mission remains
the same: to provide high-quality health care, to educate health care professionals, to advance health research, and
to provide community service. We proudly work toward fulfilling that mandate every day – we refer to it as our
Commitment to Caring – for all the people of North Carolina.

In 2007, UNC Health Care renewed its efforts to better the health of all North Carolinians – we call this our
“Commitment to Caring.” Our Commitment to Caring is centered around the five pillars of care at UNC Health
Care: People, Service & Quality, Growth, Value and Innovation.

Each of these pillars serves as a foundation on which the care for our patients and the people of North Carolina
is built. Our Commitment to Caring is exemplified each day at UNC Health Care in the interactions we share with
patients, visitors, and each other.

                                                                                           A Commitment to Caring           6

    OUR VISION                                                  We must deliver excellent service and operate
                                                                leading programs.
    To be the Nation’s leading public academic health care
    system.                                                     •   Patients will experience a seamless and sophisticated
                                                                    system of care that is efficient, of high quality, safe,
    – Leading. Teaching. Caring. –                                  and easy to navigate.
    OUR VALUES                                                  •   Outstanding research programs will enable high-
    These are the principles that guide our day-to-                 quality patient care with the most recent medical
    day behaviors: our decisions, our actions, and our              advances.
    relationships with each other and with the people we        •   Students and trainees will enjoy a fully rounded and
    serve.                                                          rich experience that integrates outstanding clinical
                                                                    care and leading academic research.
    WE CARE ABOUT                                               We must be deeply and broadly engaged with the
    Our Patients and Their Families — Delivering quality        people of North Carolina and the nation to meet their
    health care and outstanding service is fundamental to       health challenges.
    everything we do.
                                                                •   We will be innovators in the research, development,
    Our Team — Attracting and retaining the best team               and implementation of new means for improving
    members is of paramount importance to our Health                the health of North Carolinians and sharing that
    Care System. We will do this by becoming the health care        knowledge with a national audience.
    employer of choice and by providing an environment
                                                                •   We will have collaborative partnerships with Rex
                                                                    Healthcare, AHEC, the health sciences schools, the
    •   Pursues the highest level of safety and quality;            State of North Carolina, employers, insurers, other
    •   Focuses on treating patients and colleagues with            health care providers, and other key constituencies.
        courtesy, honesty, respect and dignity;                 •   We will have clarity in our role as the state’s safety
    •   Recognizes people for their acheivements and                net institution and our role as a leader among such
        capabilities;                                               institutions across the region and the United States.
    •   Is professionally satisfying;                           We must maintain financial viability for the Health
                                                                Care System, with margins sufficient to support
    •   Encourages the open exchange of views and
                                                                our Missions.
    •   Does not tolerate offensive and disruptive behavior.
                                                                •   Financial viability will be a System-wide objective,
    Our Community — Dedicating ourselves to finding                 with specific expectations and accountabilities
    ways to improve the health of all North Carolinians is          established for each component of the Health Care
    central to our leading, teaching, and caring.                   System.
    HOW WE WORK                                                 •   This financial viability and margin will come from
                                                                    continual improvements in our operations and
    Our primary focus must be improving the health                  from an explicit, unapologetic focus on productivity
    of our patients and meeting their needs with our                enhancement.
    service excellence.
    •   We will have a culture dedicated to service and to
        measurable accountability.
    •   We will be state of the art in meeting patient needs.

7   Our Vision and Our Values

CUSTOMER SERVICE                                          •   Resolves disagreements with others directly as
                                                              appropriate; supports resolution in word and action.
Supporting values:
                                                          •   Uses appropriate verbal (proper tone, volume and
•   Courtesy                                                  cadence) and nonverbal skills (body language).
•   Respect                                               •   Frames communication in line with accepted scripts.
•   Empathy and Understanding
•   Responsibility for Timely Problem Resolution          PATIENT AND EMPLOYEE SAFETY
What is considered Does Job Well level:                   Supporting values:
•   Acknowledges and greets patients/customers            •   Safety Awareness
    promptly and courteously.                             •   Adherence to Policy and Procedure

                • Asks questions to determine patient/    •   Initiative and Active Participation in Developing
                customer needs and listens carefully;         Safety Protocol
                provides appropriate information and      What is considered Does Job Well level:
                summarizes to check understanding.
                                                          •   Identifies safety issues and problems in work area;
                                                              detects hazardous working conditions and safety
•   Ensures that customer solutions, practices, and
    procedures are carried out and achieve their
    objectives.                                           •   Follows regulations and safety procedures including
                                                              organizational safety policies; identifies problems
•   Responds quickly to meet customer needs and
                                                              with policies and procedures.
    resolve problems.
                                                          •   Takes immediate corrective action to improve unsafe
COMMUNICATION                                                 conditions; reports and corrects unsafe working
                                                              conditions until resolved; enforces safety regulations
Supporting values:                                            and procedures; ensures continued compliance after
•   Shared Knowledge                                          corrective action is taken.
•   Clarity and Understanding                             •   Seeks opportunities to enhance patient and employee
                                                              safety by encouraging others to follow regulations
•   Agreement and Harmony
                                                              and safety procedures; provides assistance to others.
•   Collaboration
What is considered Does Job Well level:                   ETHICS AND PROFESSIONALISM
•   Clarifies purpose and importance; stresses major      Supporting values:
    points; communication follows a logical sequence;     •   Integrity, Honesty, Dependability
    checks understanding to avoid confusion; and
    presents message in different ways to enhance         •   Respectful and Fairness to Others
    understanding.                                        •   Accepting responsibility for Negative Outcomes
•   Communicates effectively, using respectful,           •   Professional Image and Demeanor
    courteous, and helpful language with appropriate
    parties (peers, managers, and customers) in a
    timely manner and in a collaborative working style;
    responds positively to constructive feedback.
                                                          What is considered Does Job Well level:

                                                                            UNC Health Care Core Behaviors             8
•   Operates with integrity; demonstrates honesty; keeps          and responsible manner; identifies and seeks ways to
         commitments; behaves in a consistent manner.                  eliminate waste.
     •   Treats others with respect, dignity, and fairness.        •   Recognizes importance of team, department, and
                                                                       organizational goals and act accordingly.
     •   Presents oneself appropriately according to the
         professional attire policy.
     •   Accepts responsibility for outcomes of one’s work;
         reports mistakes and/or negative outcomes to              Supporting values:
         management.                                               •   Recognition and Encouragement of Diversity
                                                                   •   Open Expression of Ideas
                                                                   •   Shares Information
     Supporting values:
                                                                   •   Collaboration and Assistance
     •   A Champion of Change and Innovation
                                                                   What is considered Achieves level:
     •   Positive Outlook
                                                                   •    Listens to and fully involves others in the
     •   Flexible
                                                                       team decisions and actions; establishes positive
     •   Ability to Act Effectively in Evolving Situations             interpersonal relationships by making people feel
                                                                       included and appreciated.
     What is considered Does Job Well level:
                                                                   •   Readily collaborates with others and is easy to work
     •   Actively seeks to understand changes in work tasks,
                                                                       with; recognizes the contributions of others.
         situations, and environment as well as the logic or
         basis for change.                                         •   Is aware of peers’ workload; offers assistance.
                                                                   •   Adheres to the team’s expectations and guidelines;
                     • Readily incorporates changes
                                                                       fulfills team responsibilities; demonstrates
                     into personal role to contribute to
                                                                       personal commitment to the team; actively builds
                     improvements in quality, productivity,
                                                                       collaborative relationships.
                     and efficiency.
                                                                   •   Shares important or relevant information with the
     •   Focuses on beneficial aspects of change.                      team.
     •   Participates in identifying learning needs and actively
         participates in learning activities.
     •   Suggests opportunities for improvements.

     Supporting values:
     •   Trust and Honesty
     •   Respect for Resources
     •   Efficiency and Productivity
     •   Oriented to Long-Term Objectives of our
     What is considered Job Job Well level:
     •   Speaks positively about the organization to customers
         and co-workers; professionally represents the
         organization in all actions and interactions.
     •   Carefully and responsibly manage all resources
         needed to perform job; respects the organization’s
         and the patient’s property; wisely uses time, supplies,
         and funds in performing job.
     •   Cares for equipment and property in a respectful

99   UNC Health Care Core Behaviors

APPEARANCE                                                  work. All employees are expected to make arrangements
                                                            in advance for transportation during bad weather, and
To promote workplace safety and create both a               each department prepares adverse weather staffing
professional appearance and a positive working              schedules to ensure that optimum and continual patient
environment at UNC Health Care, the following               care and services are provided during these periods.
consideration for others should govern the appearance
of all employees, contract employees, residents,            If an employee must be absent due to adverse weather,
volunteers, students, and medical staff of UNC Hospitals    he/she is required to notify his/her supervisor as soon as
and School of Medicine, and research personnel              possible.
utilizing the UNC Health Care facilities.                   Employees will use Paid Time Off (PTO) leave or Leave
                                                            Without Pay for any work time missed due to adverse
               Neatness and cleanliness are evidence of     weather. However, employees are encouraged to make
               concern for our patients, their families,    up lost time when operating needs permit. Response to
               the public, and each other.                  requests to make up missed work time will be based on
                                                            management’s determination of operating needs.
UNC Health Care believes that personal neatness
and appropriate attire provide an atmosphere of             PERIOD OF PROBATIONARY EMPLOYMENT
professionalism and inspire confidence in our ability       The first nine months of employment are designated to
to deliver services. Therefore, the provisions of           provide management with an opportunity to observe
our Professional Business Attire Policy apply to all        the quality and quantity of an employee’s work. During
personnel. Shorts (or similar attire), denim, tank          this time, an employee’s supervisor will orient and
tops, and/or midriff-revealing apparel are considered       coach him/her, and evaluate his/her work against a set
inappropriate for the workplace and are not permitted.      of standards established for the job. All new employees
For safety reasons, open-toed shoes may only be worn        are required to serve a probationary period. Upon
in nonpatient care areas. Departmental policies may         successful completion of the probationary work period
specify additional requirements as appropriate for          the employee’s status will change to “regular.”
employee and patient safety.
Chewing gum or chewing tobacco on the job,                  WORK SCHEDULE
particularly in clinical areas, is also disallowed due to   Many hospital departments operate 24 hours a day,
the risk of occupational exposure. The use of any and       seven days a week, and design work schedules to
all tobacco products on UNC Health Care property is         accommodate patient and organizational needs.
prohibited.                                                 Department heads and supervisors establish work
                                                            schedules and meal/break policies for each department.
ATTENDANCE AND ADVERSE WEATHER                              Once an employee’s schedule is established, managers
The Adverse Weather Policy reflects our operational         reserve the right to change it to address changing patient
patient care needs as well as our concern for employee      and organizational needs.
welfare. Under the policy, employees who hold critical
jobs must take steps to ensure they are able to get to

                                                                                                  New Employees          10


     ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAM                                  immediately vested in employer contributions to their
                                                                  retirement account.
      Any benefit eligible full-time or part-time employee
      who has satisfied probation prior to submitting a form is
                                                                  DISABILITY BENEFIT
         eligible for tuition assistance through the Academic     After one year of state service, a disability plan for
          Assistance Program. This program requires that          contributing members of the State Retirement System
          payment in full be made by the employee. After          or the Optional Retirement Program is provided to
         successful completion of classes, the employee is        employees at no cost. Employees may qualify for long-
       reimbursed by having the money                             term disability benefits after five years of contributory
      added to their pay check.                                   state service. Employees may also purchase supplemental
                                                                  disability insurance through payroll deduction.
     Courses from any accredited business school, community       Supplemental disability coverage is provided by Liberty
     college, technical institute, college, university,           Mutual (for TSERS participants) or The Standard (for
     correspondence school, or other educational source           ORP participants).
     may be approved for academic assistance. For more
     information go to www.unchealthcare.org/benefits or          HEALTH INSURANCE
     call 984-974-1062.
                                                                  Any benefit eligible employee working 30 or more hours
                                                                  per week is eligible for state-funded health insurance
     AUTO/HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE                                    coverage. The options available to eligible employees:
     Discount savings are available for auto, home, and rental
                                                                  •   Blue Cross Blue Shield Traditional 70/30 PPO
     insurance. Call (800) GET-MET8 today or visit www.
     metlife.com/mybenefits.                                      •   Blue Cross Blue Shield Enhanced 80/20 PPO
                                                                  • Consumer-Directed Health Plan (with Health
     DEATH BENEFIT                                                Reimbursement Account)
     After one year of state employment, and for 180 days         Any benefit eligible part-time employee working 20 –
     after leaving state employment, participants of the          29 hours per week is eligible for employee-funded
     Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System are         coverage at group rates. An employee may also be eligible
     automatically eligible for a death benefit. The death        for coverage for his/her dependents. Log on to www.
     benefit is equal to one year’s salary, with a minimum        shpnc.org for specific details about coverage.
     of $25,000 and a maximum of $50,000, payable to an
     employee’s designated beneficiary. This benefit is not       LIFE INSURANCE
     available to employees who elect the Optional Retirement     A voluntary group term life insurance program thru
     Program (ORP). In lieu of this benefit ORP members are       MetLife is available to any UNC Health Care employee

11   Employee Benefits
who is benefit eligible and works 20 hours or more per        formula (factors include your age, your average final
week. Employee and dependent coverage premiums are            compensation and your years/months of creditable
payroll deducted. Other supplemental life insurance           service). Employees contribute 6% of their gross per
coverage is available for purchase.                           month, and the hospital contribution to the retirement
                                                              pool is defined by the General Assembly.
METLAW                                                        The Optional Retirement Program (ORP) is considered a
MetLaw is a legal service benefit offered by Hyatt            Defined Contribution Plan. Under this plan, you control
Legal Plans, a MetLife® company. The plan covers              your investments. The benefit you receive at retirement
representation for many personal legal services for           is based on investment performance and payment option
benefit eligible employees and employee eligible              chosen. It is an alternative to TSERS participation.
dependents (eligible dependents are employee spouse/          Employees contribute 6% of their gross per month and
domestic partners, and unmarried dependent children).         the hospital contribution is 6.84% of their gross per
Employees may receive office consultations and/or             month. You can choose from two investment providers,
telephone advice for virtually any personal legal matter.     Fidelity Investments or TIAA-CREF.
                                                              Additional information regarding employee retirement
NCFLEX                                                        benefits can be obtained by visiting this website

            NCFlex represents a grouping of benefits          www.unchealthcare.org/benefits.
            for which premiums are deducted from an
            employee’s paycheck on a pretax basis. Thus,      SOCIAL SECURITY
            an employee can save money by having fewer        Federal Social Security Program benefits are available
            taxes deducted from his/her paycheck.             to employees. Employee contributions to the program
                                                              are matched by the employer. Information about Social
Benefits available under this designation include:            Security benefits is available from any Social Security Office
•   Health Care Flexible Spending Account                     or online at www.socialsecurity.gov.

•   Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
                                                              SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLANS
•   Vision Care Plan
                                                              This benefit is available to all UNC Health Care workers.
•   Dental Plan                                               A portion of the employee’s salary may defer into a
•   Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance              variety of tax-sheltered or Roth investment products
                                                              through payroll deduction. Through these plans
•   Group Term Life Insurance                                 (Prudential, Fidelity and TIAA-CREF), a portion of
•   Cancer Insurance                                          the current income may be deferred and will continue
•   Critical Illness Insurance                                to accrue earnings on a pre or post-tax basis until it is
                                                              withdrawn. Further information may be obtained at the
•   TRICARE Supplement                                        Web site www.unchcsbenefits.com/retirement_supp.
Employees may also log on to the Web site for more
information at www.ncflex.org.                                TUITION WAIVER PROGRAM
STATE EMPLOYEES’ CREDIT UNION                                              Under the Tuition Waiver Program, an
                                                                           employee working 30 or more hours per
Membership in the State Employees’ Credit Union is                         week is eligible to receive waived tuition
open to all state employees, as well as individuals retired                within the state universities for up to two
from state service. The Credit Union provides savings
                                                                           courses per academic year.
accounts, loans, checking accounts, financial counseling,
and other banking services.
                                                              For more information, visit the Benefits Web site at
STATE RETIREMENT PROGRAM                                      www.unchcsbenefits.com, or call Human Resources at
A benefit eligible state employee who works 30 or more
hours per week is required to participate in the either
Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System of
                                                              UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION
North Carolina (TSERS), or the Optional Retirement            All state employees are eligible to apply for
Program (ORP). The benefits provided by the State             unemployment compensation benefits if they are
Retirement System are considered a Defined Benefit            separated from state service. The local office of the
Plan. Under this plan, the State controls the investment.     Employment Security Commission will determine the
The benefit you receive at retirement is based on a           employee’s eligibility to receive these benefits.

                                                                                                   Employee Benefits           12

     Employee personnel records are available for an employee to view their file or request copies. To schedule an
     appointment, please contact the Employee Records (PARM) Office at 984-974-1050. The employee will be asked
     to present his/her ID badge or other photo ID when he/she comes to the office.


                 Employee Relations at UNC Health Care is concerned with developing and maintaining positive
                 and supportive employer-employee relationships that are characterized by goodwill, high patient
                 and staff satisfaction, productivity, motivation, and morale.
                 Employee Relations contributes to the goals and objectives of UNC Health Care by:

                 1. Working to create and sustain a positive work environment;
                 2. Helping to resolve work-related problems through a fair and reasonable dispute resolution
                    process; and
                 3. Providing special services and programs that recognize and reward employees’ contributions to
                    UNC Health Care.

13   Employee Records & Employee Relations
Consultation is provided to supervisors and managers on how to effectively monitor and improve employee
performance, and reduce incidents of misconduct. This process incorporates the use of progressive corrective
action as expressed through the “Just Culture” model of performance/safety management. As a Learning
Organization, we strive to use each incident of success or failure as an opportunity to improve our work results.
Information sharing is encouraged by Employee Relations staff to promote better understanding of
organizational opportunities, goals, and objectives. Organizational communication vehicles such as the
Employee Forum, Focus Groups, Round Tables, and Community Town Hall meetings are used to assure open
and clear communications between staff and leadership. Employees at all levels are advised about applicable
work regulations, legislation, and policies.
Active and meaningful support services for employees such as the Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P.),
Healthcare Emergency Loan Program (H.E.L.P.), Critical Incidents Stress Management (C.I.S.M.) interventions,
Domestic Violence prevention and protection services (BEACON), and Occupational Health Services can be
accessed through Employee Relations referral.
Go to Employee Relations website for more details: https://unchcs.intranet.unchealthcare.org/dept/hr/erbp/

                                                                                           Employee Relations       14

     Employment office personnel are available to assist employees in viewing current job postings and to answer
     any employment-related questions. UNC Health Care uses Targeted Selection, a behavioral-based interviewing
     process, to determine the most suitable candidate for each position. We require all managers to be certified in
     our Hiring for Excellence process before they are allowed to recruit for a position.

     Transfer/Promotion opportunities are designed to promote career development and encourage qualified
     employees to move to new positions within UNC Health Care as job opportunities become available.
     To be eligible for a Transfer/Promotion, the employee must have successfully completed an additional six months
     beyond the probationary period in their current position, have a current performance evaluation of ”Does Job
     Well” or above, and have no active disciplinary action.

     Employment Office: 984-974-1090

     Nurse Employment Office: 984-974-1160

     Hiring for Excellence: 984-974-1094

15   Employment

Human Resources Data Management (HRDM) is                Other Programs supported by HRDM
the team responsible for maintaining the systematic      •    Academic Assistance Reimbursement
structure of HRx which is the Human Resources data
source for UNC Health Care. HRDM collaborates            •    Corrective Actions online tool ~coming soon~
with all Human Resources areas to meet data needs. In    •    Employee Experience Profile Survey
addition to extracting data from HRx to create annual,   •    Employee Self Service (ESS)
quarterly, monthly, bi-weekly and ad-hoc reports
for Human Resources staff and UNC Health Care            •    Manager Self Service (MSS) ~coming soon~
managers, we also provide information and reports to     •    MetLaw interface
various Federal/State/Local/Private agencies.            •    Optional Retirement Program interface
Major applications supported by HRDM                     Data/Program requests fulfilled by HRDM
•    HRx Lawson                                          •    Business Objects reports
•    Human Resources@work website                        •    Corrective Action statistics
•    PREP                                                •    EEO Statistics
•    Performance Plans and Annual Reviews                •    Headcount
•    Probationary employee tracking                      •    HRx process flows
•    Supervisory Structure                               •    Market adjustment eligible employees
•    UNC Health Care Careers website                     •    PTO Buyback program
                                                         •    Turnover (Dept of Labor, Magnet, recruitment)
                                                         For Human Resources data needs call 984-974-1020.

                                                                                         Data Management      16

     The Learning and Organizational Development                 TOOLS/METHODOLOGY AND MODELS
     Department (LOD) provides strategies that promote a
                                                                 The Learning and Organizational Development staff
     system-wide culture of excellence and high performance.     achieves these outcomes through the use of a variety of
     In partnership with its clients, the department             tools, methods, and models, including:
     uses assessment data, development tools, change
     interventions, and learning opportunities to maximize
     leader and team effectiveness in achieving UNC Health       •   360-Degree Feedback
     Care’s mission, vision, and goals.                          •   Personality Assessments (i.e. MBTI and DiSC)
     Specifically, the Learning and Organizational               •   Idea Generation and Consensus (Technology of
     Development Department can work with leaders and                Participation)
     their teams to:                                             •   Team development assessments.
     •   Build high-performing teams                             Methodologies
     •   Improve communication and employee satisfaction         •   *Performance Consultation
     •   Select and retain key talent                            •   *Leadership and Team Coaching
     •   Improve customer and patient satisfaction               •   Planning and Team Building Retreats
     •   Plan and implement large-scale change                   •   Group Facilitation
     •   Strategically plan for the future                       •   Leveraging Strengths.
     •   Align resources to achieve identified goals             Models
     •   Develop current and future leaders                      •   Engagement Theory and Community Building
     •   Enhance individual (nonclinical) skill and knowledge    •   Peter Senge’s Five Disciplines
         through learning/training opportunities                 •   Situational Leadership
     •   Design e-learning programs for critical organization-   •   Appreciative Inquiry
         wide needs
                                                                 •   Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
     •   Provide instructional design consultation for
                                                                 *All coaches can be consultants, but not all consultants
         e-learning and instructor led e-learning.
                                                                 are coaches. Consulting usually implies an expertise in
                                                                 a specific area. Consultants are more focused on giving
                                                                 advice, while coaches are focused on asking impactful
                                                                 questions that allow the person being coached to discover

17   Learning and Organizational Development
and determine what he/she wants to achieve while             OTHER RESOURCES
holding that individual responsible and accountable for
                                                             Learning and Organizational Development has library
his/her solutions, strategies, and actions.                  materials and audio/video-based courses that can be
                                                             checked out for personal or team use. Classrooms can be
EDUCATIONAL LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES                           reserved by UNC Health Care colleagues when available.
Learning and Organizational Development is a key             Please call Learning and Organizational Development
sponsor and project manager for the UNC Health Care          for more information about its departmental services at
Learning Institute which is your gateway to educational      984-974-1070.
opportunities at UNC Health Care.
                                                             NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION
Through the Learning Institute, Learning and
Organizational Development sponsors courses to build         The Learning and Organizational Development
leadership and professional skills for the job today and     department also welcomes new employees to the first day
the challenges of tomorrow.                                  of employment through the New Employee Orientation.
                                                             The program is co-facilitated by key leaders from many
These educational opportunities are available for all        areas of UNC Health Care.
levels of staff and include both instructor-led and online
programs. Courses can be customized and delivered to
intact teams and departments on all shifts. Registration
for online and instructor-led classes is through the UNC
Health Care Learning Management System (LMS), which
can be accessed through the Employee Intranet or at

Current offerings are advertised through the weekly
Employee News Online and can be viewed by clicking
on the Education/Development link at the Learning and
Organizational Development Web site, https://unchcs.

                                                                 Learning and Organizational Development               18

     PAYROLL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES                              The back of the schedule lists:
     Employees are paid for hours worked and for paid time        •   Annual leave accruals for full-time permanent
     off, such as holidays. Employees are responsible for             employees
     entering their time worked in the automated time and         •   Longevity pay schedule and percentage
     attendance system (via the telephone system, badge,
                                                                  •   Current year holidays
     or timestamp) and for following their department’s
     procedures for recording leave.                              •   Benefit percentages for Retirement, Social Security,
                                                                      and Medicare.
     Department managers/supervisors are to explain the
     following:                                                   Direct Deposit is required for all employees. Direct
                                                                  Deposit statements are sent to the departments on
     •   Departmental procedures for reporting hours
                                                                  Friday before Wednesday’s payday for distribution. An
     •   Identify the designated areas assigned for               employee should contact his/her manager/supervisor if
         clocking in and out of the time and attendance           no statement was received by the payday.
                                                                  All UNC Health Care employees have the option of
     •   Clock codes to be used for various duties.               receiving their pay statements electronically, eliminating
                                                                  the need for paper statements.
                                                                  Electronic distribution to the e-mail address of your
     Click here to view myTime Training Resources to access       choice is a secure, timely and efficient option. We
     various on line guides and the training resource for         encourage you to participate and benefit from the
     entering time into the time and attendance system. Or        convenience of viewing your pay statements on-line.
     from intranet at work you can click on the clock icon on
     the right blue navigation bar near the bottom.
     PAY                                                          Federal, state, Social Security, and Medicare income
                                                                  taxes (FICA) are deducted from all subjected wages.
     Employees will be paid every two weeks (except house         State retirement contributions to individual accounts are
     staff, who are paid monthly). The orientation packet has a   deducted if a permanent employee is scheduled to work
     Schedule of Paydays for the biweekly payroll. Review the     30 or more hours per week. The current rate is 6 percent.
     schedule carefully and keep it handy.
                                                                  Voluntary deductions for various types of insurance,
     The front of the schedule lists:                             annuities, salary deferral, State Employee Combined
     •   Pay periods                                              Campaign charitable contribution, parking permits,
                                                                  purchases from volunteers, gift shop sales, UNC
     •   Date departments sign off on time and                    Physicians, and hospital charges may be made after the
         attendance                                               necessary authorization forms, agreements, or contracts
     •   Paydays.                                                 are completed.
                                                                  Personal debts to the state may be deducted from the
                                                                  paycheck if no reasonable effort to pay was made.

19   Payroll
Examples of these debts would be federal, state, and city      SHIFT PREMIUM PAY
tax liens, UNC parking fines, collection of insufficient
fund checks payable to UNC plus service charges, child         If at least four of the hours worked are between 3 p.m.
                                                               and 7 a.m., an eligible employee will receive additional
support, bankruptcy, etc.
                                                               pay for hours worked within this window. The rate is
                                                               usually 10 percent of the regular hourly rate. Other shift
EMERGENCY CALLBACK PAY                                         premium provisions may apply in specific situations.
Occasionally, an employee may be called back to work           Check with the supervisor for details about any
after their regular shift ends because of an emergency.        applicable shift premiums.
An eligible employee may receive additional pay for
the extra hours worked. Emergency callback pay is not          FINAL PAY DEDUCTIONS
granted for extra work time that is merely an extension of
                                                               The final pay will be a paycheck instead of direct deposit.
regular hours of work.
                                                               This pay will be for hours worked and eligible leave
                                                               payout. The HR Policies and Procedures Online Manual
LONGEVITY PAYMENTS                                             details leave policies, including those governing payout.
Permanent state employees who work 20 or more hours
                                                               Separating employees must return state property* and
per week, hired before 2017 and have a minimum of 10
                                                               make payment arrangements for any money due** to
years of total state service receive a percentage of their
                                                               UNC Health Care on or prior to the last day worked. As
salary as a longevity payment. The payment is issued by
                                                               required by state policy, funds will be withheld from the
direct deposit in the pay period that includes the first day
                                                               final pay. The legal department will determine further
of the month of their state service date. The percentage
                                                               action when a separating employee does not have
of pay increases as years of service increase. Longevity
                                                               adequate salary to cover the deduction.
information is fully detailed in the HR Policies and
Procedures Online Manual.                                      Employees will be reimbursed if the state property is
                                                               returned to the employee’s home department in the same
                                                               condition as issued and within six months after the last
               OVERTIME PAY                                    day of employment.
               Employees who are subject to overtime
               pay receive their hourly rate of pay for the    * State property: badge, parking permits, computers,
               hours worked in a work week.                    keys, equipment, uniforms, and tools. The value for state
               If the work is over 40 hours in a week,         property items will be evaluated on an annual basis.
               the employee will receive overtime pay at       ** Money due: defaulted contracts or agreements.
               the rate of one and one-half times their
               average hourly rate for all hours worked
               over 40 during that work week. Overtime
               pay does not apply to employees whose
               jobs are deemed exempt from overtime

                                                                                                                  Payroll    20

     PAID TIME OFF (PTO) LEAVE                                   The following chart summarizes PTO leave accruals for
                                                                 employees hired after 2016:
     Paid Time Off (PTO) is a flexible leave program that
     combines traditional leave categories (vacation, sick,      Years of                  Biweekly          Total Annual
     holiday, community service) into one account. Employees     Service                   Accrual           Accrual
     may use PTO for holidays, vacations, personal or family     < 4			                    9.846 hours        256 hours
     illnesses/emergencies, volunteer work, child involvement
                                                                 > 4 but less than 9       10.769 hours       280 hours
     activities, or other personal time. PTO provides an
     opportunity for employees to plan “time off ” efficiently   > 9 but less than 15      12.308 hours       320 hours
     and enables UNC Health Care to plan work coverage           > 15 but less than 20     12.615 hours       328 hours
                                                                 20+			                    13.538 hours       352 hours
     PTO does not include provisions for civil leave and
                                                                 The rates are based on a full-time, 40-hour-per-week
     military leave. The current policies on civil and
                                                                 appointment, and are prorated for part-time employees
     military leave remain in effect for all employees; more
                                                                 appointed to 20 – 39 hours per week.
     information is available later in this section.
                                                                 An employee must work or otherwise charge PTO leave
     GENERAL INFORMATION                                         for all scheduled hours in a pay period in order to accrue
                                                                 his/her full PTO leave in that pay period. Otherwise,
     The PTO Program has two types of leave: PTO and Long-       the PTO leave accrual will be prorated according to the
     Term Sick Leave Bank. When leave is taken for illness,      percentage of appointed hours accounted for in a pay
     vacation, holidays, or any other personal reason, the       period (example: a full-time employee who works 72
     PTO leave account is debited. The maximum amount of         hours in a pay period and does not use any PTO leave
     leave that can be carried over from one calendar year to    will accrue 90 percent of his/her PTO leave for that
     the next in the PTO leave account is 280 hours. Hours in    pay period).
     excess of this maximum will be deposited into the Long-
     Term Sick Leave Bank account.                               PTO leave may be accumulated without any applicable
                                                                 maximum until December 31 of each calendar year.
     ACCRUAL RATES                                               For this purpose, the calendar year ends on the last day
                                                                 of the pay period that includes December 31. At that
     PTO shall be accrued by all full-time (40 hours per         time (depending upon whether or not the employee has
     week) or part-time (20 – 39 hours per week) permanent,      submitted a signed Sell-Back Election form), some or
     trainee, or probationary employees. The accrual rate is     all PTO hours in excess of 280 will convert to the Long-
     based upon appointed hours, actual hours worked in a        Term
     pay period and years of service with UNC Health Care        Sick Leave Bank.
     or other recognized state agency (contact the Employee
     Records Department to find out specific state agencies).    REQUESTING LEAVE
     Factors affecting the accrual rate of PTO per pay           An employee must request and be approved for PTO
     period are:                                                 leave in advance by management whenever possible.
     • Length of service.                                        In the event of unplanned, unscheduled absences, the
     • Percentage of full-time employment (full-time or          current Attendance and Tardiness policy applies, but
         part-time).                                             PTO may be used for such absences, subject to
     • Accountable hours.                                        management approval.

21   Employee Leave
Long-Term Sick Leave Bank can only be used for an              TERMINATION ACCORDING TO SERVICE OR
employee’s personal illness, injury, or childbirth, or
credited toward retirement. An employee’s PTO balance          REASON
must be 96 hours or less before the use of Long-Term           < 9 months			                     0% of PTO balance
Sick Leave Bank can be requested and approved.
                                                               9 months – 2 years                50% of PTO balance
                                                               under 281 hours
                                                               2 – 5 years			                    75% of PTO balance
AT RETIREMENT                                                  under 281 hours
Under PTO, Long-Term Sick Leave Bank hours may be              > 5 years			                      100% of PTO balance
used toward computing years of service for retirement.         under 281 hours
Approximately one month of retirement credit is awarded
for every 20 days (160 hours) of Long-Term Sick Leave          Discharge			                      0% of PTO balance
Bank.                                                          Death while employed 		           100% of PTO balance
                                                               Retirement			                     100% of PTO balance
SALE OF PTO LEAVE                                              Employees on the PTO program who transfer to another
UNC Health Care offers quarterly “accelerated” Paid-           state agency (or other government agency on the State
Time-Off (PTO) sell-back periods. The cycle for the            Retirement/Leave Plan) will be paid out the balance of
election in each quarter is the month prior to the last        the accrued PTO account to a maximum of 280 hours
month of the quarter. The payment occurs in the last           based on the termination payout guidelines. Long-Term
payroll of the last month of the quarter. The winter,          Sick Leave Bank hours will be transferred as sick leave.
spring, summer, and fall cycles is as follows: February
                                                               Employees who voluntarily terminate from UNC Health
election with March payout, May election with June
                                                               Care for non-state positions and return to UNC Health
payout, August election with September payout,
                                                               Care employment within a five-year period will have
November election with December payout. These new
                                                               unused Long-Term Sick Leave Bank hours restored.
sell-back options will offer a quicker reimbursement and
more frequent sell-back periods.
                                                               OBSERVANCE OF HOLIDAYS AND
To be eligible for the sell-back options, employees must
have at least 88 hours of PTO available. Employees are         FLOATING HOLIDAYS
eligible to automatically receive a sell-back based on their   Many of our services must be provided on holidays and
election of 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of all hours over 80         several of the holidays listed on the Holiday Calendar
with a minimum of eight hours required for distribution.       are considered premium while others are considered
If an employee chooses to take part in the quarterly PTO       non-premium holidays. If an employee is required to
Sell Back option, he/she must first enroll online through      work on one of these non-premium holidays, he/she
the PTO Sell Back system during the sell back period.          will receive pay at the regular rate. If the employee is
                                                               FLSA non-exempt and required to work on one of the
If the employee does not meet the eligibility criteria for     regular premium holidays, he/she will receive pay at his/
participating in the sell back program, the excess hours       her regular rate, and Holiday Premium Pay (one-half of
will remain in the employee’s PTO balance.                     his/her regular hourly rate). A temporary employee who
TERMINATION                                                    works premium holidays is paid Holiday Premium Pay
                                                               plus his/her regular pay.
If an employee terminates from UNC Health Care,
PTO leave is paid in accordance with the Termination           The premium holidays are New Year’s Day, Martin Luther
Distribution Schedule below, provided:                         King Jr. Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day,
                                                               Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. The
1. The appropriate notice period is worked (two                non-premium holidays are Good Friday, Veteran’s Day,
   working weeks’ notice for hourly or four working            Day after Thanksgiving and two pre or post Christmas
   weeks’ notice for professional, administrative, or          days.
   management positions).
                                                               Employees will automatically be charged PTO leave
2. The employee voluntarily terminates employment.             through the Kronos system if they do not clock in on a
                                                               premium holidays occurring during the Monday through
                                                               Friday work week. To cancel the PTO leave the employee
                                                               must request this leave to be adjusted by the Kronos
                                                               timekeeper before PTO pay for the holiday is submitted
                                                               after the conclusion of the pay period.

                                                                                                    Employee Leave         22
FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE                                         MILITARY LEAVE
     Disabilities resulting from pregnancy or a protracted            Reserves in the armed forces and members of the
     illness or injury are treated the same as any other              National Guard are entitled to leave with pay when they
     temporary disability suffered by an employee. PTO                are ordered to duty for annual training or other purposes.
     leave (sick, vacation, and accrued holiday leave) and            This leave normally does not exceed 120 hours (15 days)
     Leave Without Pay, if taken due to a qualifying event,           in a federal fiscal year. For the National Guard, limited
     will all be utilized under the umbrella of Family and            leave with pay is also provided for emergency active state
     Medical Leave coverage.                                          duty. Military leave must be arranged with the supervisor
     Accumulated PTO leave may be used for the period                 in advance.
     of actual disability as a result of childbirth or recovery
     from childbirth. Since there is no certainty as to when          LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY
     disability actually begins and ends, a doctor’s certification    Employees may receive up to six months of Leave
     may be required to verify an employee’s period of                Without Pay for justifiable reasons with their supervisor’s
     temporary disability. Recertification may be requested           approval. Employees are obligated to return to work at
     every thirty days.                                               the end of the leave period.
     Contact CareWorks USA to ask questions or apply for
     FMLA coverage at 1-888-436-9530.                                 VOLUNTARY SHARED LEAVE
                                                                      The Voluntary Shared Leave Program allows employees
     FAMILY ILLNESS LEAVE                                             to donate PTO leave to other employees who have used
     Family Illness Leave is provided for an employee to care         all their leave time and must go on leave without pay due
     for the employee’s child, parent, or spouse where that           to a serious or prolonged medical condition. Personal
     child, parent, or spouse has a serious health condition. It      Long-Term Sick Leave Bank hours may not be used in
     is not provided for the employee’s own illness. Employees        leave sharing.
     may not use Family Illness Leave concurrent with Family          Information and forms are available on the HR Web site
     and Medical Leave (FMLA). FMLA eligibility must be               at
     exhausted before Family Illness Leave is used. Family            http://www.unchealthcare.org/site/humanresources.
     Illness Leave shall be accounted for separately from
     FMLA or any other type of leave without pay.
     An eligible employee (full-time or part-time) is entitled to
     up to 52 weeks of Leave Without Pay during a five-year
     period to care for the employee’s seriously ill child, parent,
     or spouse, provided the eligibility requirements specified
     above are met.

     An employee who is summoned to jury duty is entitled
     to leave with pay and regular compensation, plus fees
     received for jury duty. The employee must report back to
     work the day following completion of the duty. When an
     employee attends court in connection with official duties,
     no leave is required. Fees received as a witness while
     serving in an official capacity shall be turned in to UNC
     Health Care.

23   Employee Leave

LEARNING NEVER STOPS                                          collections. An employee can link there directly from the
                                                              left-hand navigation bar.
All employees’ personal training information is
organized into six categories to help manage their career
development. These categories are part of “My Student
                                                              FIRST-TIME USERS
Center” located at the top of the main menu.                  Go to http://uncmedne.ws/lmscitrix to log on to
                                                              the UNC Health Care Learning Management System.
MY STUDENT CENTER                                             To log on, employees must type in their Employee
•   My Learning Plan: Courses employees need to take          Identification Number for the UserID, followed by the
    because of job requirements or because they have          last six digits of their Employee ID for the password.
    added a class to their plan.                              After logging on the first time, the employee should
                                                              change the password.
•   My Assigned Curricula: Names of curricula, each
    having a group of related courses assigned to the         Employees can get directions to classrooms and use
    employee because of job requirements.                     Tutorial, FAQs, and Glossary hyperlinks in LMS under
                                                              “Student Resources.”
•   My Calendar: A month-to-month view of classes in
    which the employee is enrolled.                           As a new employee, there are required courses and/or
                                                              classes that must be completed for job responsibilities
•   My Profile: Information that defines an employee as a     at UNC Health Care. Log on to the LMS and click on
    user of the UNC Health Care Learning Management           “My Assigned Curriculum” to view curricula to be
    System Student Center.                                    completed within a specific time frame. Click on a
•   My Online Courses: A list of online courses an            program title to view the course(s) in each program.
    employee has started but not yet finished.                Click on each course to enroll in a class or online course.
•   My Transcript: Courses and classes for which an           Employees should talk with their direct supervisors about
    employee has enrolled or finished while employed at       department-specific training that may be part of their
    UNC Health Care.                                          career development.
                                                              LMS tracks the date and status of employees’ courses
REFERENCE INFORMATION                                         and classes in “My Transcript” using the following status
Other features of the Student Center allow employees
to search from a list of courses that they need for their     E – Enrolled 		           M – Miscellaneous
job or may help them move ahead in their careers, or
are classes in which they are interested. Employees can       F – Finished		            C – Student Cancelled
search for classes and enroll in the classes that best meet   O – Online Mastered       X – Class Cancelled
their schedule. They will find useful information about       U – Unmastered		          N – No Show
class locations, directions, training program contacts, and
other news.
Another feature of LMS is the Online Bookstore,
providing books 24/7, as well as Business and IT book

                                                                          Learning Management System (LMS)                  24
You can also read