Page created by Randy Hopkins

                         *Unless all places sold prior.


  EMERGING                  LOCAL GOVERNMENT                             UNIVERSITY OF                                   THE STRATEGIC
    LEADERS                 PROFESSIONALS                                SOUTH AUSTRALIA                                 PARTNERSHIP UNIT
  PROGRAM                   AUSTRALIA, SA
       2021                 Local Government Professionals Australia,    The University of South Australia (UniSA)       Strategic Partnerships is the University of
                            SA is a not-for-profit member based          was established in January 1991, as a           South Australia’s industry engagement unit
                            association representing professionals       result of a merger of the South Australian      with over 25 years’ experience in the design,
                            working in local government in South         Institute of Technology (including the          development and delivery of customised
                            Australia. We have the ability to link and   Elton Mayo School of Management) and            leadership and management development
                            connect people from different councils       the South Australian College of Advanced        programs. The unit operates on a national
                            who may not otherwise form relationships     Education. It can trace its history through     and international basis, delivering programs
                            or share with each other. Our high quality   parent institutions as far back as 1865.        in regional, metropolitan and city locations.
                            professional development programs and                                                        Strategic Partnerships scope of experience
                            networking events are uniquely local         With more than 33,000 students and              includes University award and non-award
                            government – reflective of the culture       55,000 alumni from the Business                 programs and short courses. All our industry
                            of the sector and sensitive to the needs     School, UniSA is South Australia’s              programs are tailored to meet the learning
                            of its professionals. The content of our     largest University, ranked in the top 3%        outcomes of Industry Associations, partner
                            events and programs are informed by our      of world Universities by the two most           organisations and Government bodies.
                            members and people who genuinely care        recognised measures (Times Higher               UniSA Strategic Partnerships utilises a range
                            about the sector. We provide a safe and      Education World Rankings and QS World           of contemporary learning methodologies
                            supportive environment in which to grow      University Rankings). UniSA is designed         delivered by a team of highly qualified and
                            and learn while creating opportunities to    for the future, embracing change and is         industry-experienced lecturers.
                            make time away from the office to work       positioned as a university that is helping to
                            on the business or on self. We award and     build tomorrow’s world. Our teaching and     A cross section of organisations we have
                            acknowledge achievements of excellence.      research focus is innovative, collaborative, partnered with to deliver programs
                                                                         enterprising and flexible. We continue       include; ac.care, Airbus Group, Australian
                                                                         to be international, industry focused,       Army (Senior Officers), ASC Pty Ltd (CEO
                                                                         student centred, service oriented and        and Executive), Asian Development
                                                                         multidisciplinary.                           Bank, Bendigo/Kangan Institute of TAFE
                                                                                                                      (CEO and Executive), Benson Radiology,
                                                                         The University is well known for             Beijing Government, Canberra Institute of
                                                                         developing and delivering practical and      Technology, CenITex, Codan Ltd, Defence
                                                                         contemporary business management             Science and Technology, Defence Signals
                                                                         programs. Managed through the Strategic Directorate, Electrolux, Federal Government
                                                                         Partnerships unit, the Business School has (various departments), Futuris Automotive
                                                                         built a strong reputation for the quality of Interiors (Aus), Flinders Hospital, Hirotec
                                                                         its industry-based graduate programs and Australia, HomeStart Finance, Inghams
                                                                         for collaborating with organisations and     Enterprises, Local Government (a broad
                                                                         industry bodies in program development. selection), Orora Glass Australasia, PNG
                                                                                                                      Government, Royal Australian Air Force
                                                                                                                      (Senior Officers), SA Government, SA Power
                                                                                                                      Networks, Surf Lifesaving Australia, South
                                                                                                                      Australia Police, St. Andrews Hospital,
                                                                                                                      Seeley International, Treasury Wine Estates
                                                                                                                      and Uniting Communities.

              “CAPABILITY IS AN
              AN INTEGRATION OF
              John Stephenson, Mantz Yorke – 1998


  EMERGING                PROGRAM OVERVIEW                              The TMP is a psychometric tool that         PROJECT, ASSIGNMENTS
    LEADERS                                                             has been used in personal and team          AND WORKLOAD
                                                                        development for over three decades.
  PROGRAM                 The Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) aims
                          to provide participants with the following:   The TMP consists of 60 questions            The program includes one individual
PROSPECTUS                                                              that explore how an individual              self-reflective assignment at the beginning
       2021               ⠕ A greater level of comprehension            at work prefers to:                         of the program.
                            and understanding of local
                            government                                  ⠕ relate with others                        In addition, it includes a group project.
                                                                        ⠕ gather and use information                Project groups and the project theme
                          ⠕ Increased understanding of
                                                                                                                    will be announced during Module 1.
                            leadership concepts and practices,          ⠕ make decisions                            The project consists of both a written
                            and how to integrate these
                                                                                                                    component and a presentation, providing
                            learnings into the workplace                ⠕ organise themselves and
                                                                                                                    emerging leaders with an opportunity
                          ⠕ Increased confidence                                                                    to be showcased to, and network with,
                                                                        Participants will be asked to complete      senior local government leaders.
                          ⠕ Enhanced self-awareness                     the questionnaire 2–4 weeks before
                                                                                                                    Significant work outside of the listed
                          ⠕ An appreciation of, and an                  the start of the program.
                                                                                                                    program hours, both of an individual
                            ability to work with different              The TMP is simple to complete online.       and group nature, is expected.
                            personality types                           It takes around half an hour. Assuming
                          ⠕ The opportunity to challenge                participants complete the questionnaire
                            their assumptions                           on time, a report of around 5,000 words     COACHES
                                                                        will be provided at a debriefing of the
                          The dates for ELP Sessions during 2021        instrument (Module 1, day 2).               Research has found that managerial
                          are indicated on the following page.                                                      support and intervention can improve
                          Detailed information about each                                                           the transfer of skills learned in training
                          component follows.                            PROGRAM                                     to the workplace.
                                                                        METHODOLOGY                                 Therefore, we recommend all participants
                                                                                                                    select a coach, generally their direct line
                          PRE-PROGRAM                                   Founded on the knowledge that adults
                                                                                                                    manager, to support them throughout
                                                                        learn most effectively by doing, the ELP
                                                                                                                    the program.
                          The program incorporates online               is highly interactive and action-learning
                          completion of the Team Management             focused. The program will mix theory,
                          Systems (TMS) profiling tool by               action through activities and reflection/
                          participants. Based on responses to the       application to develop leadership
                          profile questionnaire, the personal Team      capability.
                          Management Profile (TMP) provides             Participants are strongly encouraged to
                          constructive, work- based information         relate their own experiences, resulting
                          outlining an individual’s work preferences    in lively, stimulating discussions that
                          and the strengths that an individual          reflect a diverse range of perspectives.
                          brings to a team.
                          The completion of the tool transitions
                          the participants into the first directed
                          module of the program, focused on
                          personal leadership.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                PROGRAM MAP

Pre-program                                          Module 1 (Residential)              Module 2                             Module 3        Module 4        Module 5          Module 6        Module 7                                       Module 8
                                                     Program           Personal          Organisational                       Local           Local           Leading           Local           Local                                          Integration
                                                     Intoduction       Leadership        Culture & Team                       Government:     Government:     Change            Government:     Government:
                                                                                         Dynamics                             Exposure        Political                         Media &         Sustainability
                                                                                                                              to a Rural      Context                           Engagement
Team                                                 Program           What is           Organisational                                                       What is                                                                          Explore
Management                                           introduction      leadership?       culture – What                                                       traditional                                                                      participant
Profile (TMP)                                        and ice breaker                     is it? Can you                                                       change                                                                           learnings
completed                                                              Self-awareness    control culture?                                                     management?                                                                      and reflect
online                                                                 – exploring                                                                                                                                                             on personal
                                                                       personal          What is                                                              What change                                                                      development
                                                                       behaviours and    your role in                                                         do we see
                                                                       preferences       contributing                                                         happening in                                                                     Where to
                                                                                         to culture?                                                          organisations                                                                    from here?
                                                                       Understanding                                                                          today?
                                                                       and influencing   Underlying                                                                                                                                            Applying the
                                                                       others            beliefs held in                                                      The emotive                                                                      learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                LG Professionals SA at various Councils

                                                                                         our workplaces                                                       nature of
                                                                                         – what impact                                                        change                                                                           Program Close
                                                                                         do they have?

                9am - 1pm unless otherwise advised
                                                                                                            Individual                                                                                                           Group
                                                     Overview          What are          Explore                                                              The fast                                           Project
                                                                                                            self-reflective                                                                                                      Project Due
                                                     of program        mental            behaviours                                                           pace of                                            Presentations
                                                                                                            report due                                                                                                           2 December
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Emerging Leaders Program content designed and delivered by

                                                     year and          models?           and how they                                                         change – How
                                                                                                            2 July                                                                                               Graduation
                                                     expectations      How do they       influence                                                            responsive is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Emerging Leaders Program content designed and delivered by the

                                                     (with managers    influence         the dynamics                                                         LG to change
                                                     from 3 - 5pm)     and inform        within teams                                                         required for
                                                                       actions and                                                                            future growth?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             University of South Australia – delivered in inner metropolitan locations TBA

                                                     Dinner            behaviours?       Action plan to
                                                     (Compulsory                         promote and                                                          Organisational
                                                     and CEOs/         Values and        shape culture                                                        dynamics and
                                                     managers          beliefs                                                                                their influence
                                                     invited)                            Gain an insight                                                      on change
                                                     from 6:30pm       Personal habits   into systems
                                                                       and preference    complexity
                                                                       – how they

                1 - 5pm unless otherwise advised
                                                                       willingness to


                Date                                 27 May            28 May            24 June                              22 July         19 August       16 Septem-        14 October      11 November      2 December                    3 December
                                                     Dr Ruchi Sinha    Dr Lindsay        Debra Sarre                          LG              LG              Dr Marguerite     LG              LG               LG                            Dr Ruchi Sinha
                                                                       Ryan                                                   Professionals   Professionals   Kolar             Professionals   Professionals    Professionals                 Sinha

                                                                       Dr Ruchi Sinha                                         SA              SA                                SA              SA               SA


                         MODULE 1:                                      Day 2: Personal Leadership                 MODULE 2:
                         RESIDENTIAL RETREAT                            The focus of day 2 is on understanding     ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE
                         The first module of the ELP will take place    of self, exploring what leadership is,     & TEAM DYNAMICS
                         in the form of a residential retreat. This     personal change and helping participants   In this module the participants will
                         will allow participants to quickly bond        to uncover some assumptions about          explore the interactions between
                         as a group and offer more opportunity          work and leadership.                       leadership, organisational culture,
                         to move out of one’s comfort zone–a key        The module will use the Team               teams and complexity.
                         goal of the program. Accommodation will        Management Profile (TMP) which
                         be basic but comfortable, and participants                                                The focus will shift from managing
                                                                        is a powerful instrument for helping       self to managing others within an
                         will be required to share rooms (except
  EMERGING                                                              participants to better understand their    organisational context.
                         in extenuating circumstances).
    LEADERS                                                             personal preferences. The tool will be
  PROGRAM                                                               used to uncover assumptions and
                                                                        ‘mental models’ – the way participants
PROSPECTUS               Day 1 Morning: Introduction
                                                                                                                   Learning Objectives
                                                                        view the world.
       2021                                                                                                        ⠕ To understand what
                         The first half of the day will provide
                                                                                                                     organisational culture is, how
                         participants with an overview of the
                                                                                                                     it influences and how it can
                         program year and an opportunity                Learning Objectives
                                                                                                                     be influenced.
                         to get to know each other.                     ⠕ To develop self-awareness
                                                                                                                   ⠕ To explore cultural assumptions
                                                                          using the TMP profile tool
                                                                                                                     and how these relate to
                                                                          as a framework.
                                                                                                                     observable behaviour
                         Day 1 Afternoon: Manager                       ⠕ To understand personal 		                  within organisations.
                         and Participant                                  preferences and how these
                                                                                                                   ⠕ To provide an overview of the
                         This session is compulsory for both the          influence our interactions
                                                                                                                     nature and behavioural
                         Emerging Leader and their manager                with others.
                                                                                                                     dynamics of teams.
                         as it will establish the necessary support     ⠕ To explore what leadership
                         for the Emerging Leader to succeed                                                        ⠕ To expose participants to the
                                                                          is and how it may differ from
                         across the program year.                                                                    concept of systemic complexity.
                         Managers are invited to join participants      ⠕ To uncover mental models
                         from 4–5pm for information about how             and show participants how
                                                                          these influence the gathering 		         Module Facilitator:
                         they can best support their Emerging
                         Leader, and to hear from past participants       and processing of information.           Debra Sarre
                         about elements of the program.                 ⠕ To have participants start 		            University of South Australia
                                                                          to understand change from
                                                                          a personal perspective.
                         Day 1 Evening: Dinner with                     ⠕ To provide a framework
                         Managers and CEOs                                for participants to reflect
                         Day 1 will conclude with a compulsory            on their own learning in
                         dinner for all participants to bond socially     terms of change, leadership
                         and hear the personal leadership stories         and team development and
                         of some current local government                 write a report in the form
                         leaders in an intimate setting.                  of a development plan.

                         Module Facilitator:                            Module Facilitators:
                                                                        Dr Lindsay Ryan
                         Dr Ruchi Sinha
                                                                        University of South Australia
                         University of South Australia
                                                                        Dr Ruchi Sinha
                                                                        University of South Australia


                         MODULES 3,4,6 & 7                            MODULE 5:                                     MODULE 8:
                         While a general theme has been set for       LEADING CHANGE                                INTEGRATION
                         each of these sessions, ELP participants     The ELP is about change. Change in terms
                         will take responsibility for the planning,   of self, organisations and the way in which   Morning: Integration
                         development and implementation               people and organisations interact in the
                         of four workshops. This process is                                                         The final session delivered by the University
                                                                      world. This module starts by exploring
                         designed to contribute to the learning                                                     of South Australia aims to tie the program
                                                                      how change initiatives are generally
                         outcome for program participants.                                                          together and help participants apply and
                                                                      presented in organisations. As part of this
                         Each session will include expert guest                                                     continue their learning post-program.
                                                                      discussion we will consider how human
                         speaker/s or workshops. The themes           emotions affect change initiatives, in
  EMERGING               are set out below.                           particular the emotions of fear and power,
    LEADERS                                                           but also excitement and passion. And we       Afternoon: Project Presentation and
  PROGRAM                                                             will look for ways of working with those      Graduation
PROSPECTUS               MODULE 3:                                    emotions.                                     Participants will present their project
       2021              LOCAL GOVERNMENT:                                                                          work and graduate. They will be joined by
                                                                      The day will address change from the
                                                                                                                    guests, including senior local government
                         EXPOSURE TO A RURAL                          perspective that the main challenges
                                                                                                                    executives and Leaders Alumni Network
                         PERSPECTIVE                                  of leading change typically do not rest
                                                                                                                    members in an afternoon of bonding
                                                                      with the new structures, systems or
                         This session will involve a bus trip to                                                    and celebration.
                                                                      technologies, but rather with the
                         a rural location to be determined by
                                                                      human aspects.
                         the group during Module 1. Expect the
                         session to start early in the morning                                                      Learning Objectives
                         and end late.                                                                              ⠕ Prepare participants to ‘return’
                                                                      Learning Objectives
                                                                                                                      to their workplaces and to build
                                                                      ⠕ To understand the nature
                                                                                                                      realistic expectations.
                                                                        of change in modern
                         MODULE 4:                                      organisations.                              ⠕ Help participants to understand
                         POLITICAL CONTEXT                                                                            how they can apply their
                                                                      ⠕ To develop a view of how
                                                                                                                      learning to influence the
                                                                        participants’ own leadership
                                                                                                                      work place.
                                                                        style affects their approach
                         MODULE 6:                                      to change and the leadership 		             ⠕ Aid participants in continuing
                         MEDIA AND ENGAGEMENT                           skills required for the successful            the learning journey.
                                                                        implementation of change.
                                                                      ⠕ To understand a model of
                                                                                                                    Module Facilitator:
                         MODULE 7:                                      change that doesn’t depend
                         SUSTAINABILITY                                 on predicting the future, but 		            Dr Ruchi Sinha
                                                                        instead uses current resources,             University of South Australia
                         These sessions will be held at
                                                                        partnerships and strengths
                         metropolitan council locations
                                                                        to create the future.
                         to be determined by the group
                         during Module 1.                             ⠕ To provide an overview of
                                                                        the nature and behavioural
                                                                        dynamics of teams.

                                                                      Module Facilitator:
                                                                      Dr Marguerite Kolar
                                                                      University of South Australia
                                                                                                                              PROGRAM MODULES


  EMERGING                    DR RUCHI SINHA                                  DEBRA SARRE
    LEADERS                   PhD (Michigan)
PROSPECTUS                    Ruchi is Senior Lecturer in the School of       As Founder and Principal Consultant of
       2021                   Management and has a Master’s Degree            Sarre ODL (Organisational Development
                              and a PhD in Industrial/Organizational          and Learning), Debra has led a successful
                              Psychology from Michigan State University.      consulting business for 18 years. As a
                              Before entering academia, Ruchi worked          trusted advisor she has partnered with
                              as an HR consultant and delivered training      business leaders, across all sectors and
                              programs on psychometric selection tools,       states, to achieve successful development
                              team-building, negotiation and leadership       outcomes for individual leaders,
                              skills. Ruchi joins us from the Indian School   their teams and their organisations.
                              of Business (Hyderabad) where she was           Her reputation as an engaging and
                              an Assistant Professor of Organizational        effective facilitator and coach has been
                              Behaviour and taught MBA level courses          built through her ability to quickly
                              on Negotiation Skills and Leadership            establish positive connections, translate
                              Development.                                    contemporary research, practices and
                                                                              knowledge into deeply engaging learning
                              Ruchi’s work has been published in top-tier
                                                                              and development experiences.
                              journals and has been presented at several
                              top conferences in the field. Her current       With a Bachelor of Psychology and 20
                              research interests include Employee Voice,      years corporate experience Debra brings
                              Team Conflicts at Work, and Power/Status        current knowledge and practices from
                              Hierarchies in Teams. In her research,          the fields of Organisational Psychology
                              Ruchi examines how the social-network of        and contemporary leadership and
                              interpersonal relationships within a team       management. She draws on a range of
                              influences critical work outcomes such as       evidence-based tools and techniques to
                              the level of voice, conflicts, information      facilitate new ways of thinking, behaving
                              sharing and power/status struggles.             and engaging for leaders and teams. Debra
                                                                              is particularly passionate about helping
                              Ruchi is an active member of the
                                                                              leaders to fully understand their impact
                              Academy of Management, Society for
                                                                              during times of change and complexity in
                              Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
                                                                              order that they can work to become more
                              Australian Human Resources Institute
                              and the International Academy of
                              Conflict Management. Ruchi has been a           A key focus of Debra’s work is with
                              recipient of a Society for Human Resource       organisations to re-think performance and
                              Management Foundation Grant as well             development processes through a focus
                              as the UNISA 2016 Research Themes               on the moment-to-moment, real-time
                              Investment Scheme funding.                      conversations that leaders engage in every
                                                                              day. Each client engagement is tailored
                                                                              to their needs and context ensuring
                                                                              alignment with business purpose.


  EMERGING                    DR MARGUERITE KOLAR                             DR LINDSAY RYAN
PROSPECTUS                    Marguerite has extensive leadership,            Dr Lindsay Ryan is an organisation          Lindsay has worked extensively in both
                              consulting and teaching experience across       development consultant. He specialises in private and public sectors and the
                              Government and Industry. This includes          a range of different areas:                 rigor of his work is underpinned using
                              managing change activities in both the                                                      academic research, comprehensive
                                                                              Sustainable Change Programs: utilising an
                              higher education and industry sector,                                                       quantitative and qualitative data analysis
                                                                              appreciative inquiry approach to facilitate
                              ranging from restructuring to matrix and                                                    and evidence-based decision-making.
                                                                              change by drawing on elements that are
                              functional streams to supporting teams to                                                   Lindsay’s experience has been across a
                                                                              successful and familiar to reassure people
                              be more efficient and customer focused.                                                     variety of organisations and industries,
                                                                              and sustain change while minimising
                              Marguerite has achieved outstanding                                                         including Seeley International, Department
                                                                              resistance and scepticism toward
                              results in providing transparent interactions                                               of Industry Science and Innovation,
                                                                              change initiatives by involving people
                              and solutions that meet the needs of all                                                    Environment Protection Authority South
                                                                              in the process and having them actively
                              parties while mitigating the risk to the                                                    Australia, Department for Education &
                                                                              contribute to creating the needed
                              organisation.                                                                               Child Development, University of South
                                                                                                                          Australia, Regional Development Australia
                              More recently, Marguerite has worked in
                                                                              Evaluating the Impact of Change             - Adelaide Metropolitan, Health First
                              a broad range of academic roles including
                                                                              and Development Initiatives: using          Network, South Australia Police, SA Power
                              Director: External Engagement, Dean
                                                                              quantitative and qualitative research       Networks, as well as such industries as
                              of Graduate Studies, Future Industries
                                                                              to develop evidence-based case study        retail, transport, residential building and
                              Institute Manager and senior lecturer. Prior
                                                                              examples of the application and impact      professional services.
                              to joining UniSA, Marguerite worked in a
                                                                              of change initiatives using the Success
                              small consulting company, working with a
                                                                              Case Method.
                              broad range of organisations. She has also
                              held leadership roles in organisations such     Capability Analysis: undertaking research
                              as CSC and Motorola.                            to identify the capability gap between
                                                                              current and required performance
                              Marguerite teaches industry programs in
                                                                              levels and assembling a development
                              Leading and Facilitating Change, previously
                                                                              strategy to address the gaps. This
                              in UniSA’s MBA program and now in
                                                                              methodology identifies opportunities
                              UniSA’s Executive Education programs.
                                                                              for change and improvement, prioritises
                              Marguerite has been Chair or Dean’s             change initiatives and focuses on what
                              representative on several committees to         is realistically achievable for each
                              develop, update and implement research          organisation using available resources.
                              education policies. She has managed
                                                                              Leadership Capability Development:
                              offshore doctoral programs for business
                                                                              undertaking research and analysis of
                              professionals located in SE Asia, and used
                                                                              leadership capabilities for different
                              her extensive industry and academic
                                                                              categories of leaders (such as Executive,
                              experience to manage complex student
                                                                              Senior, Middle, Team and Individual
                              cases to achieve positive outcomes and
                                                                              Leaders) in different types of industries
                              identify strategies for improving the
                                                                              and developing a leadership capabilities
                              student experience.
                                                                              framework with 6-8 key capabilities and
                              She holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in          the behaviours needed to develop and
                              Mathematics from the University of              sustain those leadership capabilities.
                              California, Los Angeles (UCLA), a Master
                              of Business Administration (MBA) and a
                              Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
                              from UniSA.


  EMERGING                     ARTICULATION
    LEADERS                    PATHWAYS                                    LG PROFESSIONALS SA PROGRAMS
  PROGRAM                      Participants who have successfully
PROSPECTUS                     completed both the Emerging Leaders                                                              PARTICIPANT ENTRY POINT
       2021                    Program* (ELP) and Strategic Management
                               Program (SMP), formerly known as
                               Professional Leaders Program (PLP),
                               will receive status of completion of the                                                         LG PROFESSIONALS SA
                               Leadership Development Program (LDP)                                                             EMERGING LEADERS
                               and status of 2 subjects should                                                                  PROGRAM
                                                                                                          WITH ELP
                               they undertake the UniSA MBA**.
                               Participants who successfully complete
                               just the SMP will be eligible to receive
                                                                                                                                LG PROFESSIONALS SA
                               the Leadership Development Program                                                               STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
                               (LDP) status upon the completion                                           EXIT                  PROGRAM
                                                                                                          WITH SMP
                               of 3 additional subjects.
                               Participants who receive the LDP will
                               be eligible to enter the UniSA MBA
                               pathway **subject to meeting standard
                               entry criteria. It is recommended this be                                                    EXIT WITH ELP & SMP               EXIT WITH SMP
                               discussed with the University to obtain
                               their recommendations and assistance.
                                                                           UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS

                               *Relates to post-2012 completion                                           LEADERSHIP
                               of the ELP.                                                                DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                                          PROGRAM                        Other standard        3 Subjects required
                               Participants who completed the ELP prior                                   COMPLETED                      entry criteria        to complete Leadership
                               to 2012 will be required to undertake an
                               additional 2 day module and assignment
                                                                                                          (+ status 2 courses
                                                                                                          into UniSA MBA)
                                                                                                                                    +    required to be met    Development Program

                               at a discounted fee.
                               **Includes completion of the                                                                                GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN
                               PLP/SMP prior to 2021.                                                     EXIT
                                                                                                          OPTION 1                         BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

                                                                                                          EXIT                             GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN
                                                                                                          OPTION 2                         BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

                                                                                                                                           MASTERS BUSINESS
                                                                                                                                           ADMINISTRATION (MBA)


  EMERGING                  INVESTMENT
    LEADERS                                                              Note:                                        All participants must be
  PROGRAM                   Program Fee -          $4,000.00 + GST =                                                   financial LG Professionals SA
PROSPECTUS                  Subsidiary:            $4,400.00             • Registration is a commitment to pay.        members for the duration
       2021                                                              In the instance of a cancellation where       of the program.
                            Program Fee -          $4,000.00 + GST =     the invoice remains unpaid, the terms
                                                                         of the cancellation policy will still apply    A code of conduct will be
                            Rural Council:         $4,400.00
                                                                         and an amended invoice will be issued if          enforced.
                            Program Fee -          $4,550.00 + GST =     applicable. In all cases substitutions are a
                            Medium Council:        $5,005.00             welcome alternative. In this instance, no
                                                                         fees will be charged but LG Professionals
                                                                                                                       REGISTRATIONS WILL
                            Program Fee -          $5,100.00 + GST =     SA must still be notified of the substitution SELL FAST!
                            Large Council:         $5,610.00             as soon as practical.
                                                                                                                       Registrations open 9am Thursday 28
                                                                         • In the event of extenuating                 January and close 5pm Friday 30 April
                                                                         circumstances, requests for waiver            2021 unless all places sold prior.
                                                                         of cancellation fees MUST be made in
                            NOTES TO FEES                                writing to the CEO and will be honoured
                                                                                                                       Registrations at our events and programs
                                                                                                                       are open to Local Government Professionals
                                                                         only if they have been confirmed in
                                                                                                                       Australia, SA members, council employees,
                                                                         writing by the CEO.
                            Payment Terms                                                                              employees of regional subsidiaries, and
                            Upon registration an invoice will be         Please see full Cancellation Policy at        Local Government Professionals Australia,
                            automatically generated. Payment can         www.lgprofessionalssa.org.au/                 SA invited guests.
                            be made via EFT, credit card, PayPal         Governance-and-Policies                     By registering for the Emerging Leaders
                            or cheque.
                                                                                                                     Program, participants and their
                            To request an invoice dated                                                              management are acknowledging that
                            1 July 2021 please e-mail                    COMPULSORY                                  they have read the entire Emerging
                            finance@lgprofessionalssa.org.au.            PROGRAM EXPECTATIONS                        Leaders Program Prospectus and
                                                                                                                     understand the program requirements,
                                                                                                                     terms and cancellation policy. Upon
                            Cancellation Policy                           All participants AND their direct         registration you will be required
                                                                           managers MUST attend the 		               to sign the ‘Acceptance Form’.
                            Whilst Local Government Professionals
                                                                           joint session on Day 1, 4–5pm.
                            Australia, SA is sympathetic to the
                                                                          Attendance at the dinner on               Registrations can be made online at
                            inevitability of changing circumstances,
                                                                           Day 1 is compulsory, except 		            www.lgprofessionalssa.org.au
                            each cancelled registration incurs a cost.
                            It is for this reason that the following       with prior permission from
                            section of our cancellation policy applies     the CEO, LG Professionals SA.
                            to all leadership programs:                   No more than two program
                                                                           days can be missed.
                             Cancellations received more
                                                                           LG Professionals SA staff
                              than 8 weeks prior to program
                                                                           must be directly advised of
                              commencement: 100% refund
                                                                           any non-attendance on or
                             Cancellations received between               before the event except in
                              8 and 6 weeks prior to program               emergencies when advice
                              commencement: 50% refund                     can be provided after the fact.
                             Cancellations received
                              within 6 weeks of program
                              commencement: No refund
Local Government Professionals Australia, SA
5 Hauteville Terrace EASTWOOD SA 5063
Tahlia Willey
Network and Program Officer
(08) 8291 7994


Developed by the sector, for the sector
All proceeds from our programs are directly reinvested
to further develop the local government sector through
continued support of professional networks, events
and learning and development initiatives for local
government professionals.
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