Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells
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Acta vet. scand. 2002, Suppl. 99, 39-43. Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells By Ole Johan Borge The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, P.B. 522 Sentrum, NO-0105 Oslo, Norway. Tel: + 47 22 24 87 91, Fax: + 47 22 24 27 45, E-mail: ole.borge@bion.no Results published in the late 50's and early 60's and inside there is a cluster of cells called the marked the beginning of the stem cell era. Sem- "inner cell mass". A few of the cells in the inner inal contributions was made by Ford et al. in cell mass will develop into the foetus, whereas 1956 and Till and McCulloch in 1961, demon- the rest will form the placenta and other sup- strating that lethally irradiated mice could be porting tissues needed for foetal development rescued with cells from freshly isolated bone in the uterus. The cells giving rise to the foetus, marrow (10) and that BM cells formed spleen are called pluripotent embryonic stem cells, clonies (CFU-S) following transplantation to ir- since they can form every cell type in the body. radiated recipients (30), respectively. However, they cannot form an organism be- There is no uniform definition of stem cells, but cause they are unable to give rise to extra em- they are characterized by being i) undifferenti- bryonic tissue essential for normal develop- ated, ii) having the potential to produce special- ment in the uterus. Embryonic stem (ES) cell ized differentiated cells for a long period of lines were isolated from mice in 1981 (9, 20), time, and iii) postulated to be capable of main- monkeys in 1995 (29), and humans in 1998 taining or expanding the number of stem cells (28). (i.e. self-renew). Pluripotent stem cells are also found in certain There are different types of stem cells that best regions of the developing fetus and have been can be described in the context of normal hu- derived from 5-9 weeks old aborted human fe- man development (23). A fertilized egg is tuses (26). These cells are commonly termed totipotent, meaning that its potential is total, embryonic germ (EG) cells because they are and as the fertilized egg divides all the cells in derived from primordial germ cells found at the the embryo remain totipotent until the fertilized genital ridges in developing fetuses. egg has reached the 8/16-cell stage. In theory, The pluripotent stem cells differentiate further and to some extent in practice, an 8-cell embryo into cells commonly called multipotent stem can be divided into eight single cells, and each cells. These stem cells are considered commit- cell has the potential of generating an individ- ted to certain cell lineages. Examples of multi- ual if implanted in a woman's uterus. This tech- potent stem cells are those producing blood, nique is called cloning by "embryo-splitting" nerve and muscle cells. Multipotent stem cells and has been performed in several species in- are present in the adult individual as well as the cluding monkeys (5). fetus and umbilical cord. Approximately five days after fertilization the totipotent cells have differentiated and started Stem cells from adults to form a hollow sphere of cells called a blasto- It has been suggested that adults contain 20 dif- cyst. The blastocyst has an outer layer of cells, ferent types of stem cells. Hematopoietic Acta vet. scand. Suppl. 99 - 2002
40 O. J. Borge (blood forming) stem cells have been investi- is cultured in the presence of serum and mitoti- gated for several decades and is currently by far cally inactivated murine feeder layers (28). Hu- the best characterized stem cell system. Until man embryonic stem cells have a population- recently it was considered a fact that, for exam- doubling time of about 36 hours and can be ple, hematopoietic stem cells did not have the propagated for prolonged periods in serum free potential to differentiate into cells of other media supplemented with basic fibroblast types than the cells constituting the blood sys- growth factor (bFGF). tem. The same applied to stem cells in other tis- Human embryonic stem cells can, when in- sues, such as the brain, muscle, endothelium, duced to differentiate, develop into a variety of liver etc. The established dogma has however cell types. This property makes them valuable been challenged by recent findings suggesting as a model system to study the mechanisms reg- that multipotent stem cells have a broader dif- ulating lineage commitment and differentia- ferentiation potential than previously thought. tion. In particular, the system enables detailed For example it has been indicated that nerve studies of early development with regard to ex- cells have changed their fate and started to pro- trinsic and intrinsic regulators as well as en- duce functional blood cells (2) and vice versa abling gene knock-out/in studies not commonly (22). Likewise, stem cells in skeletal muscle available in human model systems. have been proposed to generate blood (13) and vice versa (18). Even more surprisingly, nerve Stem cells in the clinic stem cells generated nearly all cell types in de- Stem cells are currently only being used to a veloping fetuses when transferred into the cav- limited extent in routine clinical practice. Bone ity of blastocysts (8). marrow transplantation of cancer patients is the A recent study indicates that even adult humans most known example. However, there is consid- might harbor cells resembling pluripotent em- erable hope that stem cells can be utilized in the bryonic stem cells. Verfaillie and coworkers treatment of a wide array of human disorders by (14) demonstrated that cells isolated from the replenishing lost or unfunctional cells. Diseases bone marrow could be cultured for prolonged like Alzheimers, Parkinson, immune deficien- periods of time and differentiate both in vitro cies, anemia and type I diabetes are all candi- and in vivo into a vide variety of seemingly nor- date diseases potentially suitable for stem cell- mal cells. aided therapy. A number of clinical trails with Although several reports indicate an ability of adult as well as foetal stem cells are ongoing, multipotent stem cells to produce cells even whereas clinical trails with embryonic stem outside their normal limits, most of these find- cells have not yet started. ings remain highly controversial. This is mainly It is expected to take several years before em- due to i) lack of reproducibility (4, 16, 21), ii) bryonic stem cells will be entering large-scale the effects have not been demonstrated at the clinical trials, since there are a number of hur- single cell level and iii) it has been demon- dles needed to be overcome before embryonic strated that the reported findings might be arti- stem cells are ready for clinical trials. Firstly, facts of the methods used (27, 32). culture conditions enabling embryonic stem cells to be cultured in the absence of serum or Embryonic stem cells other animal-derived factors, need to be estab- In order to establish embryonic stem cell lines, lished. This is due to the risk of transmitting the inner cell mass of blastocyst stage embryos disease-causing agents from animals to hu- Acta vet. scand. Suppl. 99 - 2002
NKVet Proceedings 2002 41 mans. Secondly, only differentiated cells should ticular lineage. It has, however, been demon- be transplanted. Undifferentiated embryonic strated that even human embryonic stem cells stem cells carry a risk of developing into ter- can differentiate with some degree of speci- atomas when transplanted into immunocom- ficity into endothelial (19), nerve (3, 25, 33), promised patients. Thirdly, mechanisms en- cardiomyocytes (17), insulin-producing (1) and abling the transplanted cells to be eliminated in hematopoietic cells (15), thereby supporting vivo are likely to be a prerequisite for treating their proposed extensive clinical usefulness. serious, but non-life threatening, diseases. If something should go wrong with the trans- Conclusion planted cells, it will be of key importance to Whilst the ethical and political debates about have mechanisms enabling neutralization of the whether or not to allow the use of totipotent transplanted cells. Fourthly, extensive animal cells in research have been fierce, the medical experimentation is required in advance of clin- breakthroughs have been rather limited. Four ical trials on humans. Animal trials are of im- years after the initial publication, we are still far portance to evaluate toxic side effects and away from initiating clinical trials, and research preferably also clinical effect of the treatment. on embryonic stem cells remains a field in its Animal studies on human embryonic stem cells early days of basic research. The reason for lack (or derived cells thereof) can, however, be of of progress can in part be explained by lack of limited value due to the potential immunologi- funding (24), limited availability of embryonic cal elimination of human cells in the animal and stem cells lines (11), and national legislation lack of physiological responses due to species prohibiting research with human embryos (31). differences. Finally, the transplanted cells must Furthermore, patenting issues and secrecy may be accepted by the recipient's immune system have hampered the progress even further. to avoid being rejected. With regard to stem It is difficult to predict the future usefulness of cells this challenge can be overcome by a vari- embryonic stem cells for treating currently in- ety of means. Among the options used today are curable human diseases on the basis of their i) using the patient's own stem cells, ii) cells value as a tool in basic research. As mentioned from a matched donor, and iii) generating large above, there are a number of challenges that banks of stem cells. Furthermore, stem cells need to be solved before large-scale clinical tri- suitable for transplantation can potentially in als with embryonic stem cells can be started. the future be obtained by iv) parthenogenesis These challenges, and probably others not yet (6), v) generation of pluripotent stem cells by known, must be solved before initiation of somatic nuclear transfer (therapeutic cloning) large-scale clinical trials. Thus, embryonic (7), or vi) by genetic engineering to generate stem cells are not likely to be a part of routine universal stem cell lines. clinical practice in the foreseeable future. Their Murine embryonic stem cells, which have been immediate usefulness is therefore likely to be studied for several years, have demonstrated an limited to basic research and in various in vitro- ability to differentiate into a number of cell systems for several years. In contrast, stem cells types. Human embryonic stem cells have also from adults are demonstrating potentials not demonstrated their potential to differentiate previously anticipated and are increasingly be- into a variety of cell types (12, 28), whereas ing tested in early-stage clinical trials. It re- only a limited amount of data is available on mains, however, to demonstrate if stem cells, their potential to differentiate into cells of a par- regardless of source, at all will be the method of Acta vet. scand. Suppl. 99 - 2002
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