Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Survey for Campus/District Sta 2021-2022

Elementary and Secondary School
 Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Survey for
 Campus/District Staff 2021-2022
 The district has received federal funds to address learning loss and creating a safe learning
 environment for our students. The purpose of this survey is to identify your campus needs
 and provide the necessary resources. Please answer the following questions to the best of
 your knowledge. All responses will remain anonymous.
 Your input is valued and greatly appreciated.

 * Required

1. If given the opportunity to try something new, in order to improve student
 performance, what would that be? *

2. What are some instructional resources/materials that will assist in closing the
 achievement gap? *
3. What are some possible accelerated learning programs/activities that can improve
 student learning? *

4. What are some features of effective instructional practices? *

5. Rate the level of proficiency on breaking down the TEKS, planning rigorous
 instruction and providing feedback during PLC meetings: *

 Mark only one oval.

 No Knowledge

 Minimal Knowledge

 Some Knowledge

 Sufficient Knowledge

 Very Knowledgeable
6. In your experience, what would be some effective intervention practices to increase
 the learning time for students? *

7. List the areas where you feel you need more professional development trainings
 (i.e., data analysis, content knowledge, differentiation of instruction, technology
 integration, increasing classroom rigor, other areas, etc.): *

8. What support services do you need in the area of social emotional learning for your
 students (i.e., improvement in students social and emotional skills, attitudes,
 relationships, academic performance and perceptions of classroom, and school
 climate)? *

9. What initiatives can we implement to empower parents with the knowledge base
 necessary to assist their children at home? *
10. List some initiatives and/or ideas to motivate students to come to school that will
 increase student attendance: *

11. What additional instructional staff will be needed to address learning loss? *

 This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.

ESSER Survey for Campus Staff 2021-2022 (Responses) Laredo ISD
 Timestamp If given the opportunity to try something What are some instructional resources/materials that will assist in What are some possible accelerated What are some features of effective Rate the level of In your experience, what would be some List the areas where What support services do you need What initiatives can we List some initiatives and/or What additional
 new, in order to improve student closing the achievement gap? learning programs/activities that can instructional practices? proficiency on effective intervention practices to you feel you need in the area of social emotional implement to empower parents ideas to motivate students to instructional staff will
 performance, what would that be? improve student learning? breaking down the increase the learning time for students? more professional learning for your students (i.e., with the knowledge base come to school that will increase be needed to address
 TEKS, planning development trainings improvement in students social and necessary to assist their student attendance: learning loss?
 rigorous instruction (i.e., data analysis, emotional skills, attitudes, children at home?
 and providing content knowledge, relationships, academic performance
 feedback during PLC differentiation of and perceptions of classroom, and
 meetings: instruction, technology school climate)?
 integration, increasing
 classroom rigor, other
 areas, etc.):

5/6/2021 16:02:07 Additional resources, curriculum, new College Readiness (TSIA, SAT, ACT) would be beneficial in preparation for Mastery Prep, Cambridge, study resources, Professional Development in preparation for Sufficient Knowledge Tutorials, prescriptive tutorials Technology Integration, Services available, increase social parent technology traning Incentives (game consoles, Additional counselors,
 certifications. these assessments. Passing/meeting criterion is extremely low with our Industry based certification preparation college readiness assessments. college readiness emotional training for teachers and staff. wireless headsets, ipads,etc.) college readiness
 students. curriculum teachers
5/7/2021 15:50:02 Smaller class size in middle school decision Ed IXL for all Grade level K-12 100% student engagement Very Knowledgeable Flipping the classroom Blended learning Student coping mechanisms to help SEL for parents Making learning fun and engaging Tutors
 Individual targeted interventions Learner driven instruction them improve their learning loss. Pull out instructional
 coaches at all schools.
5/7/2021 15:53:46 A literacy coach or more training on literacy is Remediation services, attendance support. tutoring and other remediation programs Higher student engagement and more Very Knowledgeable tutorials, other learning camps Literacy we need support in all areas of SEL. Parent classes Family Effective remediation
 needed at the elementary level. differentiation There are some good programs out programs that allow to
 there that could be embedded into an close the gaps, such as
 elective curriculum. Lexia, IXL, etc.
5/7/2021 16:05:01 Reduce the class size ration and keep it 15 to guided reading interventions, using THINK UP for all grade levels 0 Guided reading groups are great instructional Sufficient Knowledge guided reading groups, guided math differentiation of improvement in students social and Parent Courses through out the Field Days, Lunch Bunches, It would be great if we
 1. practices that help students become fluent groups, teacher aids meeting with students instruction, increasing emotional skills, building relationships week monthly prize give away could have an ESL
 readers. However, I feel teachers need more for more interventions classroom rigor with student and teacher, academic teacher in each class to
 training on how to plan and execute their guided performance, and perceptions of pull out students and
 reading groups. classroom. work solely on
 increasing the students
 Have teacher aids in 1st
5/7/2021 16:10:50 It would be to continue utilizing data to drive Research-based resources, web-based software(IXL, K-12 Summit, I-Station, IXL, Imagine Math, STEAM data-driven instruction, cooperative learning, Very Knowledgeable Small group intervention; bell to bell differentiation of more counseling sessions during the six Parent Night Sessions; Homework Incentives; Snacks; Raffles; Communities
 and 2nd gradeintoSchool
 instruction and make learning fun so students StoryWorks) platforms differentiation, technology in the classroom learning; extended hours instruction; increasing weeks for students to improve social & Study Skills Liaison; Classsupport.
 provide extra Size
 are motivated to learn. class rigor skills Reduction Teacher;
5/7/2021 16:10:50 Let teachers teach, find a way to minimize Training at the beginning of the six weeks like it is done with the Math After school tutorials/ Extended day activities One feature is consistency. We have too many Very Knowledgeable Hands on activities, group activities, small content knowledge, Counselor needs to be accessible to do English classes (ESL) and If the classroom is fun, students 0
 paperwork and other tasks for teachers and department should be done with Reading and Writing in the Elementary that can be fun. You have amazing teachers things going on to focus, really focus on our goal. group as well as whole class activities, differentiation of counseling. Again Counselors have technology classes to help parents will want to come to school. Help
 allow teachers to spend their time teaching levels. Stop bringing in so many programs that in reality none work because at LISD, but with all the do's and don'ts Well planned professional development. computer based programs that target the instruction and rigor many hats and unfortunately the ones at least make an attempt at helping teachers make learning fun.
 and not taking care of so many other extras. teachers can't concentrate or focus on one. It defeats the purpose of coming from administrators (on campus and Whoever is planning these needs to really look specific skills being taught or being who suffer are the students. Let their children at home.
 Also we could try doing less testing, we know learning because teachers have too many programs that have to be done in the main office) all the energy and fun into the research behind what they are trying to reinforced. Counselors counsel.
 students are low, why do we have to test them with students. Also get teacher input for these programs/grants, and get gets lost. implement.
 so often. In my opinion, it is a waste of time input from all teachers not the same ones who are bringing in the same Time --- allow the most possible time to teach
 because testing takes too much time away things over and over. Lets concentrate on one thing/program and learn it and and nothing else.
 from teaching. Yes testing is good but we make it work. Don't hire more teachers, hire people to do the
 overdo it here at LISD. paperwork for teachers. Hire Aides to help out
 with the time consuming paperwork that teachers
 have to do.
5/7/2021 16:20:50 Collaborate with the local college and Hiring tutors and training them to provide seamless teaching practices for Saturday classes/after school tutorials. Hire Provide training for the college/university tutors Some Knowledge Provide Saturday and / or after school Social Emotional Academic performance / School climate Provide support in Social n/a Aspiring administrators
 university to train college/university students the students who need the additional support. This could be done after and provide extra duty pay for aspiring by the same trainer who trainings the teachers. tutoring session. Learning Emotional Learning training (teachers) and tutors.
 as tutors in the area of math and reading. school and/or on Saturdays. administrators (Teachers) to run the after
 These tutors could provided additional learning school and Saturday classes.
 time for students in small group remote/in
 person setting who have fallen behind.

5/7/2021 16:27:05 Hire teachers to reduce class size. Lexia, IXL, Imagine Math, Quick Reads Remediation programs, small group tutorials, The practices should be data driven, Sufficient Knowledge Do NOT increase the learning time for all Addressing the Programs like GoStrengths could be Utilize CIS at every campus and Increase funding for extra duty pay, Class reduction teachers
 increased manipulatives, responsive multisensory, scaffolded, student interactive and students across the board. Rather choose social/emotional needs used as health instruction/support; have them coordinate with the incentives, recognitions, and or teacher aides for the
 teaching, curriculum compacting driven, and engaging. only those who TRULY need it. Let those of students, social workers, counseling to include parental liaison for monthly support student learning/reward events upper grade levels to
 who show they are generally on target (Tier differentiation and social emotional wellbeing besides meetings for parents. They can (Science Saturdays, Family reduce teacher/student
 I students) use the time for extra-curricular integration of instruction academic support. partner with local agencies as well. reading nights, Reward events (i.e. ratios and to assist with
 activities (Chess, Tech clubs, Library clubs, across disciplines dances, picnics) for meeting goals, managing small group
 UIL) perfect attendance) instruction.
5/7/2021 17:15:08 Math programs & attendance incentives; Workbooks that typically come from state comp/more VR, STEAM related IXL, LEXIA, Coding software research based activities and time for planning Sufficient Knowledge small groups/deliberate, targeted, well- increasing classroom To be fully funded for CIS and more IT trainings to be offered to parents Provide incentives district wide, A full time Truant officer
 equipment with teachers planned instruction based on data; rigor and more data training to increase awareness of SEL on basic computer skills, English provide fun activities for those that at those campuses with
 analysis refreshers. with our faculty and staff classes that are fun, and Behavior meet certain attendance goals. need, Additional
 However, there is a Management Parenting skills are Instructional Math &
 need to prioritize and still a great need. Reading Coach, CIS
 make time to conduct Coordinator funding,
 data analysis.
 Streamlining by
 removing extra "fluff"
 activities and get down
 to simple basics is
 desperately needed.
5/10/2021 9:30:30 Marcia Martinez Human Capital. Smaller Classes 12-15 students per teacher. Reading Reading Intervensionist to provide specific Organization, classroom management, PLC Sufficient Knowledge EDI strategies for student engagement, TEKS Study, Classroom Improvement in students social and Social worker visits & informational Truancy support, (Pre)meetings Teachers, Teacher
 interventionist. reading support for each student. (small (MUST), content knowledge for teachers Fundamental 5, Hands on activities, management, emotional skills, attitudes, relationships, meetings, with Judges, District officials and Assistants, Tutors,
 group) Language support, Students knowing Instructional stategies academic performance and perceptions Conferences for parents Intervensionists
 where they are and where they need to be. of classroom contributing to absences.
 Awards, attendance fun days,
 treats, acknowledgements etc.
5/10/2021 9:32:53 More assistive technology programs with I believe that a promethium boards can enhance the learning for students Failure Free Reading Program and Study Formative Assessments where teachers assess Some Knowledge Peer teach, CIA Lab, low teacher ratio and Writing teachers need Additional counseling, more social We need a PTO in our campus to Implement field day by six weeks, Reading and Math
 training for students with special needs and using interactive programs, new desk tops for the teachers classrooms, a Island frequency and routinely and provide feedback to intensive and short term grouping reteach more staff workers, outside community agencies involve, more effective principal city field trips every six weeks, coach, small class
 regular general ed students that can use the better reading program for students that are not on level. determine areas of needs. process, changing communication skills. developments, meeting, and CIS oraganizations. incentives like movie day, pizza reduction teachers,
 program at their level of need. instructional specialist day, cotton candy effective use of teacher
 need to work with small aides, Science manager,
 groups, Staff more attendance officers
 development on
 classroom rigor and
 depth of knowledge.
5/10/2021 10:33:46 I do not think it is something new but it would I would recommend that the district purchase the Think up STAAR resources Lexia, Learning Farm, Smarty Ants EDI training and Fundamental Five Virtual Very Knowledgeable Students need foundational reading, writing Some of the trainings We need an SEL program for the One of the things that I would We have held glow stick parties Reading and Math
 benefit the students if we hired a Reading and online, SUMMIT K-12, Learning Farm online, SEESAW, IXL, SMARTY training are some training that can be provided to and math skills. They need someone to would include classroom counselors to follow. We also need an recommend for families is an during PE times, Bubble parties, Intervention teacher;
 Math interventionist. The district used to have ANTS, EDMENTUM for ELA, NEWSELA for Science; Also Scholastic enhance the features of effective instruction. provide them immediate corrective management and time updated version of the Words of afterschool tutoring session for Fort Night and TikTok dances in tutors
 Class- Size reduction teachers that provided classroom sets for classroom libraries. From what I have seen, these trainings include feedback and repeated practices for management. Also, an Wisdom. parents. The session topics can the gym. Popcorn and movies and
 intervention and tutoring for students that were some of the following: explicit instruction with learning, integration of technology include reading and math dress up days such as Western
 performing below grade level. The modeling, Systematic instruction with scaffolding, for classroom foundational skills. Also, some days, Dress up Days, Pajamas
 Interventionist would be assigned to Reading multiple opportunities for practice and immediate management. basic keyboarding skills and days, Super Hero days..etc.
 and Math or to Primary and Intermediate and corrective feedback. google classroom awareness
 grades. The Interventionist would would also training.
 be assigned to assist in monitoring the student
 data and assuring that the teachers schedule
 intervention times as well.
5/10/2021 11:30:25 Hands on instruction Personnel to provide intervention to our students Project based curriculum Quality instruction combined with student Sufficient Knowledge Reading intervention starting in PK4 Classroom Rigor, Data Attendance Six week review of strategies used Raffles, pizza parties, movie day Tutors
 assessment analysis in the classroom
5/10/2021 12:38:08 Instructional ELA/MATH Summer camps for Specialized Equipment/Instructional Materials as per IEP/educational need: STAAR online tutorial software/prescriptive Cooperative learning(Kagan)/EDI Some Knowledge Bell to bell instruction/daily completion of Increasing classroom academic performance and perceptions content knowledge Daily engaging instructional Instructional tutors
 enrichment for SP ED students Computers/Ipads/Color printers/STAAR online tutorial software/educational afterschool tutorials/Saturday prescriptive techniques/Hands on teaching and the lesson cycle/differentiation of rigor/differentiation of of classroom/organizational skills/ time presentations/instructional practices
 software/evaluation testing kits and protocols/ tutorials/summer instructional camps for activities/Real World application/Problem Solving instruction for all learners/high level instruction/delivery of management/positive school climates strategies to help students/
 ELA/MATH Scenarios/Purposeful student to student questioning strategies/ instruction
5/10/2021 15:39:18 I would like to purchase an effective an online Mentoring Minds, Sirius Education, ECS Learning System, Forde-Ferrier, Itematica (Mentoring Minds) Implementing Fundamental Five practices, depth Sufficient Knowledge Small group instruction/interventions Increasing classroom Improvement in students social and Make and take activities for guided Weekly raffles, recognition Tutors, additional aids in
 program to increase student achievement and and GF Educator. and complexity icons, SIOP strategies, and small strategies. rigor and integration of emotional skills, attitudes and reading and math. ceremonies, classroom pizza upper grades, science
 technology equipment that would enhance group instruction/intervention strategies. technology to improve relationships. parties, monthly school attendance lab teacher, an
 remote instruction. face to face and remote parties, etc. additional resource
 instruction. teacher.
5/11/2021 10:58:48 Reading, Math and Writing Coach to support PD on how to close the achievement gap. K-12 Summit Program in Reading, Math , Making instruction more interactive and Sufficient Knowledge Higher tutors to work with every grade Data disaggregation and Community involvement/outside Increase parental involvement and Full time Truant officer at every Would like a CIS
 the teachers in the lower grades. Writing, and Science. engaging. level; More learning lock - ins. increasing rigor. agencies to support our students. parent sessions. elementary; attendance challenges Liaison/Social Worker to
 every six weeks; increase funds to provide services for the
 provide more incentives. At Risk Students.
5/11/2021 11:11:53 Blended Learning; learning themes/models Reading Intervention programs; tutors; guided reading; literacy coach; Guided reading; tutoring; aligned master Integration of the five Reading components; Sufficient Knowledge Small class size; tutors; intervention hour; data analysis; Mental health training for parents and Parent classes; technology Incentives (big ticket items); Tutors; literacy coaches;
 instructional alignment schedule; accelerated hour project based learning; Fundamental Five intervention programs using technology minimizing classroom staff; counselor director just to address resources; incentives; offer transportation; attendance rallies; social workers; social
 strategies; student engagement; Differentiation distraction social/emotional skills; social workers for transportation; offer childcare; motivational guest speakers emotional counselors;
 every 2 schools mental healthcare Communities in Schools;
 bring back the Reading
ESSER Survey for Campus Staff 2021-2022 (Responses) Laredo ISD
 Timestamp If given the opportunity to try something What are some instructional resources/materials that will assist in What are some possible accelerated What are some features of effective Rate the level of In your experience, what would be some List the areas where What support services do you need What initiatives can we List some initiatives and/or What additional
 new, in order to improve student closing the achievement gap? learning programs/activities that can instructional practices? proficiency on effective intervention practices to you feel you need in the area of social emotional implement to empower parents ideas to motivate students to instructional staff will
 performance, what would that be? improve student learning? breaking down the increase the learning time for students? more professional learning for your students (i.e., with the knowledge base come to school that will increase be needed to address
 TEKS, planning development trainings improvement in students social and necessary to assist their student attendance: learning loss?
 rigorous instruction (i.e., data analysis, emotional skills, attitudes, children at home?
 and providing content knowledge, relationships, academic performance
 feedback during PLC differentiation of and perceptions of classroom, and
 meetings: instruction, technology school climate)?
 integration, increasing
 classroom rigor, other
 areas, etc.):

5/11/2021 11:28:02 I would like a reading and math coach to Workbooks/computer programs that provide questions similar to the newly STEAM and extracurricular activities that The Fundamental Five are excellent when Sufficient Knowledge Prescriptive tutorials and Super Saturdays content area knowledge Communities in Schools would be We currently use make-and-take First and foremost, it is critical that Math and Reading
 provide immediate campus content area proposed item types from TEA (multi-part, multi-select, gridding for math, engage students in meaningful real world applied with fidelity in any classroom. It is also are important when the activities involved and blended learning excellent program to implement at all sessions for our lower grade level teachers understand the Coaches would be
 support and modeling for teachers. This drag and drop, highlighting, etc.). situations would greatly benefit struggling critical to incorporate blended learning in every offer greater critical thinking skills than the campuses, however funding does not parents so that they can work with importance of students being greatly beneficial and
 would greatly benefit students especially with learners. There needs to be extra curricular classroom in order to address the changing tides daily lesson. Tutorials are fun and allow for it at some campuses. teachers to create instructional present on a daily basis. Due to appreciated.
 with the COVID-19 gap. They may assist also Abydos for ELAR would also benefit students in closing the achievement activities (especially in the Elementary level) in the way we educate our students. engaging when they are planned properly. materials that parents can use at the fact that students will not learn
 in small group pull-outs or one-on-one gap. that stimulate the child's interests to increase Students will not benefit from extra time home. Due to the pandemic, we if they are not attending, teachers
 interventions. They would create and design engagement in academics. Other than allotted to any program if the planning is were not able to complete this are given the goal of motivating
 prescriptive activities and lessons for robotics and chess, there really isn't much not relevant and executed properly. This during this school year. students with their lessons and
 interventions/enrichment depending on the else. goes for instructional lessons during the Regardless of this, they have been activities as well as monitoring
 individual student and campus needs. school day as well; if the student does not greatly successful in the past. student attendance rates in order
 understand a concept on any given day, Parents become engaged in the to achieve a 98% attendance rate
 the extra time in tutorials/Super Saturdays learning while at home. We would during the school year. They have
 will not benefit them if the teacher is not typically do these once or twice a to keep call logs for students while
 trying something completely different six weeks in order to align the administration and attendance
 during their intervention time. home instruction activities with the team (composed of principal,
 instruction that was occurring in assistant principal, counselor,
 the classroom during the six attendance clerk, bilingual clerk,
 weeks. coach aide, and parent liaison)
 keep a daily pulse of all students.
 Students that cannot be located
 receive home visits from members
 of the attendance team on a daily
 basis and before 10:45am. We do
 not wait for the district attendance
 officer to show up once a week in
 order to ensure our students are
 attending classes. Fidelity to this
 system allows for students to be
 present. Parents are also very
 involved when they see
 administration at their homes
 looking for their students.
 Incentives are also excellent so
 raffles of various technology
 devices are also beneficial to
 ensuring students come into class.
 Finally, it should not go without
 saying that maintaining a positive
 attitude and outlook with parents
 goes a long way. No one wants to
 send their students to school when
 the principal or members of the
 staff have negative attitudes.
5/11/2021 13:47:22 It would benefit the school if we had additional Targeted tutorials and additional funding for incentives to encourage the Some great programs are Study Island, Fundamental Five, Blended Learning, Small Sufficient Knowledge Intervention practices that include small Technology Integration, Community In Schools would be great, We can offer classes for parents to Including the teachers to make I can not stress enough
 support for Math and ELAR. Reading and students to participate on Saturday and after school. Imagine Math, Lexia, NearPod, and IXL. group instruction, and pullout programs for group instruction and pull out programs. data analysis for but we do not have the budget for it. help them guide their children with attendance their number one goal the benefits of having a
 Math Coaches per campus would be great. Reading and Math. This is where the Reading and Math teachers. homework. We can assign make of having a 99% attendance rate Reading and Math
 Coaches come into play. and take home projects for them to greatly helps keep our attendance Coach per campus. It
 work at home together with their numbers. Our attendance team has to be per campus
 children. makes home visits everyday and because if we share one
 we do not wait for the district truant with another campus we
 officer to come in for our daily might not see the results
 attendance checks. Our needed.
 attendance team is assigned to a
 grade level and makes daily counts
 to see who is present and who we
 need to address. This gets done
 everyday without fail. We include
 attendance incentives to motivate
 the students by offering raffles,
 point system for prizes, and pizza
5/11/2021 13:55:18 reading, math, and writing interventionists, hands -on materials, educational websites learning software and websites for reading, differentiation, hands on materials Very Knowledgeable Power Hour during school hours/tutorials data analysis, social/emotional skills, attitudes, communication (teacher-parents) incentives, staff calling parents to Reading interventionist,
 tutors , new educational websites math, and writing differentiation, character education and (parent-administration), bring their kids to school math interventionist,
 technology integration incentives for parent participation tutors
5/12/2021 7:25:53 Stop teaching to the test, and let teachers Class size reduction teacher to help with small group instruction. IXL/ABC Mouse/STAR Fall for upper grades Small group instruction/One to one instruction Sufficient Knowledge Have tutorials in the morning so the Increasing classroom Counseling classes once a week for Parenting classes to make sure Prizes, Fun days, or Fun hands-on Reading Interventionist
 focus on teaching students. also students are wide awake. rigor each student/class. parents know what to do. activities at the end of the six at the intermediate level
 weeks to help with low or at risk
5/12/2021 9:45:35 I believe that by giving teachers the necessary I believe that the availability of ipads and software that will target reading Some of the programs and activities that will Some features that enable effective instructional Sufficient Knowledge Effective interventions practices, are those As a special education I believe more social skills lessons can Providing trainings and I believe that a positive and Tutors, instructional
 resources to freely practice their best and math will assist in closing the achievement gap. The use of "centers" in assist student learning can be small group practices are flexibility, collegiality, collaboration practices that target individual student teacher, I believe I have assist in building confident and positive informational meetings for parents, nurturing school culture plays an specialist, content
 instructional strategies in class, that will assist classrooms, with hands on activities (all across all grade levels) will give instruction, steam and computer labs that among administration and teachers, and student needs. Being full aware of your own been able to master attitudes in our students. I believe this can assist student learning. A important role in student specialists, lab
 student learning. Having flexibility in how to students a better opportunity to retain information, deviating from traditional will target skills in which students are engagement and responsibility in their learning. student needs will better assist the teacher differentiate instruction, can be possible by integrating such welcoming and positive attendance. With the assistance of managers that will assist
 teach the material will give the teachers the paper pencil assignments. struggling. (Science and Math Field days, When teachers are given the resources that they to prepare their lesson and content taught. still I believe general ed. lessons through PE, health and school environment will trigger parents to the PBIS program and incentives in small group
 opportunity to reach out to their students' Reading projects) need rather the "ones that work" teachers can Being organized and managing time wisely teachers need more counselor's visits to classroom. Weekly feel more comfortable and willing school, I believe that any idea used interventions and lab
 needs. target student needs. Teachers can use their also assist in increasing the learning time professional training in or monthly assemblies during gym class to work with teachers and staff. to increase student attendance will classes.
 own classroom data to change the instructional for students. this area. Content that focus on emotional work. Attitude is everything!
 practices in their classroom. They can knowledge is an area I learning/activities could also assist.
 accommodate, and scaffold according to the believe all teachers
 students needs. So, instead of telling teachers should receive more
 how to teach in the classroom, provide materials training as well.
 and resources that they know they need in order
 to close the achievement gap.
5/12/2021 10:11:19 Allow for parent sessions to explain the TEKS Funding for STAAR related workbooks, digital resources, hire a Provide a balanced academic learning Make learning a long term thought centered Sufficient Knowledge Use data to drive instruction, campus staff Data analysis, Continue counseling sessions for Parent sessions on Technology, Rewards, prizes, and Reading coach, Math
 or guideline goals for the school year. Have reading/math teacher to assist in small group interventions, hiring of tutors. environment with social emotional learning process with differentiated instruction to support development sessions based on campus Differentiated Instruction students, Counseling presentations for social emotional issues, literacy weekly/monthly challenges for Interventionist,
 parent make and take sessions that will help experiences. Possible learning programs the needs of all learners. Follow the needs, small group instruction, daily students classes, ESL adult classes, students, competitions among Classroom tutors,
 them assist their child at home. would be the use of IXL, Imagine Math, I- Fundamental 5. intervention classes, well planned lesson Behavior management skills, grade levels Classroom assistants,
 station, Reading A-Z, Headsprout, Sirius that are research based. Parenting classes, Reading Support from content
 education program, as well as Galaxy math, routines, Math make and take area Deans
 Study Island, STEAM activities, Lexia, sessions
 Summit K-12
5/12/2021 10:11:28 Have parent sessions with the parents to Increase funding for allowable resources. Hire a Reading Coach and tutors Some programs and activities that help the Differentiated instruction and support and follow Sufficient Knowledge Well planned lessons and use student Technology integration The students need more counseling Parent sessions/trainings to help Meaningful rewards and incentives A Reading Coach, Math
 explain TEKS. Have parent and student make that will assist students in closing the gap. students are I-station, Imagine Math, Lexia, the Fundamental Five. data in order to provide the students with sessions. the parents understand the for parents, students, and and Science
 and take activities in the afternoon to help their Headsprout, Xirius, STEM, and Summit K- the needed instruction and resources. curriculum and technology. Have teachers. interventionists and
 child improve and progress. 12. parents with make and take classroom tutors for all
 activities to help support the students.
 students at home. Parenting
 classes being that a lot of our
 parents are very young.
5/12/2021 11:32:14 Intense Reading and Writing academies from We have a lot of resources and materials. We need human resources to Kagan strategies, Martha Morales strategies, Empathy, differentiation, clear teacher Sufficient Knowledge Bell to bell instruction, in-class support, Differentiation, Empathy is not something that can be "Parent Power" would look Our campus must be inviting and Reading, Writing, and
 Day 1 for struggling students imbedded in the assist in intense small group interventions with intense Reading and Writing Education Galaxy, Blended Learning expectations, classroom discussion time, scaffolding, modeling and demonstration, increasing classroom taught, however, we could use training something like giving our parents welcoming. Math interventionists to
 curriculum, smaller learning groups by student curriculum for our struggling students. opportunities for whole class and individual drills, practices, strengthening weak skills, rigor, Reading and on how we can provide social and an avenue for their voices to be Once attendance goals are set for provide daily, intense,
 need student feedback, and opportunities for teacher progress monitoring Writing integration emotional support and empathy to our heard. Some parents need our students, we must have a and methodical for our
 observing teachers practices students. help/advice from the school to be method of recognizing improved struggling students.
 able to help their own children. attendance.
 Parents may be frustrated not Building relationships with those
 being able to give the families who may not grasp the
 educational/academic assistance benefits of school attendance will
 to help their children succeed. It is help us understand our student's
 about our schools being home environment and lack of
 empathetic to our parents and their attendance urgency.
 own situations. Understanding the barriers our
 parents and students face will
 assist us in how we can offer
ESSER Survey for Campus Staff 2021-2022 (Responses) Laredo ISD
 Timestamp If given the opportunity to try something What are some instructional resources/materials that will assist in What are some possible accelerated What are some features of effective Rate the level of In your experience, what would be some List the areas where What support services do you need What initiatives can we List some initiatives and/or What additional
 new, in order to improve student closing the achievement gap? learning programs/activities that can instructional practices? proficiency on effective intervention practices to you feel you need in the area of social emotional implement to empower parents ideas to motivate students to instructional staff will
 performance, what would that be? improve student learning? breaking down the increase the learning time for students? more professional learning for your students (i.e., with the knowledge base come to school that will increase be needed to address
 TEKS, planning development trainings improvement in students social and necessary to assist their student attendance: learning loss?
 rigorous instruction (i.e., data analysis, emotional skills, attitudes, children at home?
 and providing content knowledge, relationships, academic performance
 feedback during PLC differentiation of and perceptions of classroom, and
 meetings: instruction, technology school climate)?
 integration, increasing
 classroom rigor, other
 areas, etc.):

5/12/2021 11:42:14 PLCs do not have to take all conference long. capitalizing on the fact that most students have a laptop now we need to the use of Ixl and odysseyware of credit The use of the fundamental five have been Very Knowledgeable small and more often check ins with technology integration, allowing the campus to have an athletics offer food giveaways, groceries raffle giveaways, food gift cards to more use out of the
 simple and often communications between continue to push for the use of this media to enhance the learning process. recovery to allow student the opportunities completely wiped out due to the pandemic and struggling students and offering them all data analysis, and a team to instill pride and ownership in the store gift cards. technology that e.g. chick fil a or other library that has many
 teachers can work better off. keep the format The district should invest on more on line accelerated learning programs. they need for graduation and post secondary the traditional classroom has changed. the support and time to get them back on proper training of the school. having a music or technology can help the student in their restaurantes. assist in finding a job resources in place and
 of google meets and build on it so that we can good researched needs to be done in order to buy the licenses for an educations. monitoring is important but review of and track. accelerated learning program would help the students of this education. for said students. can be improved to
 continue using it even after the students have effective program and not just get what ever one else is using if it does not redirecting needs to be given high priories. programs that we are academy. better the learning of the
 returned to regular class. work for us. going to use. students.
5/12/2021 11:48:14 I would be willing to try just about anything to Honestly, I would not invest in any additional programs unless we are going Additional interventionists and possibly a Some features of effective instructional practices Sufficient Knowledge Before school or afterschool tutorials that Accountability for Training in the social emotional Additional trainings for parents Attendance awards and Additional hours or staff
 improve student performance. An afterschool to weed out some of the existing ones. As it is, learning time is spread very before school and afterschool program that include activities and resources that engage assist with homework completion and STAAR tested teachers wellbeing of students would be providing educational strategies, recognitions are always beneficial to assist in the morning
 tutoring center would be one thing I would thin and it is difficult for teachers to dedicate enough time to all of the assists students with homework would students, teaching strategies that keep students difficult concepts would be beneficial. In and subjects. beneficial. as well as how to assist your child for student attendance. Students and after school for
 really like to try to implement at our campus. programs that are monitored. As a district, we should review all programs benefit students and assist with closing on task and check for understanding, and well addition, additional interventionists Monitoring feedback and from home. need short term and long term tutorials and
 available and reach a consensus as to where we will invest the majority of learning gaps created by COVID-19. though out lessons and activities that reinforce throughout the day would also help close checking for awards and recognitions to stay on interventions. Additional
 efforts. Many programs are nonnegotiable due to grants and funding, which learning and provide differentiated opportunities learning gaps. understanding. Extra task. tutors and personnel
 makes it all the more challenging to comply with expectations. Resources to grasp learning objectives. duty pay for planning who can work with
 are always great, so long as time is allotted to properly train students and strategically, analyzing students to close
 teachers. data, breaking down learning gaps created by
 reporting categories and COVID-19.
 identifying trends in
 student performance.

5/12/2021 12:06:15 Hiring more personal for in school tutoring Technology is always a great investment especially now that new Google classroom is a great platform to Students engagement, differentiation, classroom Some Knowledge Intervention blocks as well as tutoring Data analysis I think students need help shifting their Workshops for parents would help There should be a program to It would be great to have
 would assist in closing the gap. For instance, generations are born into a world that revolves around technology. Investing continue using when students return to face- management, student led discussions/lessons, centers in school would be effective. perspective of school from negative to foster parent knowledge on reduce teacher's raising their 1 teacher aide per
 we would be able to create literacy centers in iPads, headphones, tablets, electronic dictionaries, updating district to-face because it will facilitate a flipped and any components of the fundamental five positive. It is important for students to student academic topics. It is voices at students. I believe teacher in all grade
 targeting those students who are not reading software, updating school appliances, updating school printers, etc. As far as classroom as well as allow students to work strategies are great features of effective view their educational experiences as important to provide parents with students are scared to come to levels, not just in kinder.
 on grade level as well as targeting EL online resources, IXL is a great program; however, there should only be one on assignments at their own pace. instructional practices. fruitful and exciting. tools and resources to help their school because some teachers These funds can help
 students. We also need to have one teacher program for each subject or one program with all subjects to prevent child succeed. scream at them or scare them. with salaries of those
 aide per classroom in ALL grade levels. dispersed and scattered data. Research has shows there needs to be Teachers should be trained on how aides.
 Teacher aides can take the time consuming consistency in programs in order for them to be effective, which is almost to control their temper as well as
 duties away from the teacher, such as running impossible when there are more than 2 programs per subject. how to control their voice tone.
 copies, passing out supplies, picking up Students are children who are
 materials, etc. emotionally and physiologically
 developing. Teachers should
 receive professional development
 on classroom management without
 the raising their voices or
 screaming at children. That is not
 appropriate in a school setting;
 research will support my
5/12/2021 12:17:01 Incorporate digital and fun interactive New online resources such as Shmoop, Quizziz, ClassMarker. Activities that deal with students interests Quality over quantity, prescriptive and proactive Very Knowledgeable Afterschool Tutorials, Saturday Tutorials, Data Analysis (DMAC) , Emotional Mental Health Advocacy VIrtual and face to face parent Weekly and Monthly recognitions, Reading/Writing Coach
 resources such as ipad apps that engage such as Physical Education, and the Fine PLC and Lesson planning. Bell to Bell STAAR Camps Differentiation of class at least once a month meeting providing them resources Tangiable prices (such as gift for one-to- one
 students at the same time, collaborative Arts. instruction, Collaborative working and learning instruction (Subgroups that they can utilize with their kids cards, gifts, homework or missing instruction to students
 working and learning such as kahoot, google from educators to students. such as ELLs, SPED, at home. assignment vouchers) that need that extra help.
 slides jeopardy games, etc. GT), and Technology
 integration to focus on
 all subgroups.
5/12/2021 12:17:18 Students should have multiple opportunities to More technology resources can assist in closing the achievement gap. The STEAM Academy can provide *Provide clear and specific expectations for Very Knowledgeable In-class support such as reading and math Technology integration Counseling programs that are available Parents should have opportunities Fundraisers should be done within Math and Reading
 have learning programs with more hands-on multidisciplinary and hands-on opportunities assignments and instruction, treat students with intervention time would would increase the professional for students to assist them with their to communicate with their the school to purchase incentives Coaches would benefit
 learning. to increase student learning. respect and caring, praise student answers and learning time for students. development trainings mental health would benefit them. children's teachers through social to reward and boost student to address learning loss.
 use probing questions to clarify and elaborate would benefit the faculty media, Remind and Class Dojo. attendance.
 answers. and staff.
5/12/2021 14:29:44 materials for hands on activities, in-class in-class tutors, teacher aide for 1st-5th grades, online writing program that K-12 Summit, in-class tutors, small student fidelity to one software program instead of many, Very Knowledgeable small group instruction, in-class tutors, closing the achievement additional counselor at each campus, Make and take sessions for field trips, fun days, bi-weekly one DLS per campus,
 tutors, limit the number of extra computer begins with PK and basic sentence structure, money allocated to each teacher ratio smaller student groups based on level learning lock-ins gap, vertical alignment, CIS personnel at each campus, parents, bi-weekly parent learning challenges, prizes CIS personnel per
 learning programs so programs can be used to school library to purchase high interest/engaging books to get students' extracurricular activities to get students sessions, technology sessions for campus, additional
 maximum potential, small class ratios for the attention, engaged parents, grade level presentations counselor per campus,
 next couple of years to maximize student for parents at the beginning of the one truant officer per
 learning school year during the school day campus especially for
 campuses with
 attendance issues, in-
5/12/2021 14:30:06 Materials for hands-on activities (p card), In- In-class tutors, Online writing program that begins in PK and assists with K-12 Summit, In-class tutors, small student- Fidelity to one software program instead of Very Knowledgeable Learning locks ins, small group instruction, Vertical alignment, An additional counselor, CIS personnel Make and take sessions for Field trips, fun days, bi-weekly classDLS
 One tutors,perclass size
 class tutors, limited number of computer basic sentence structure, Money allocated to school library to purchase high teacher ratio many, smaller student grouping based on levels in-class tutors closing the achievement at each campus, extracurricular parents, bi-weekly parent learning challenges, prizes reduction
 CIS teachers,
 facilitator per
 assisted learning programs, small teacher- interest/engaging books gap activities to get students engaged sessions, technology sessions for teacher aide
 campus, per grade
 student ratios for next few years to maximize parents, grade-level presentations level for 1st-5th
 counselor grades,
 per campus,
 student learning for parents at the beginning of the Reading/Writing/Math
 one truant officer per
 school year during the school day Coach
 assist teachers
 with effective
 those teaching
 with attendance
5/12/2021 15:02:17 Initiate parent academies that address IXL, Lexia, Edusmart, Education Galaxy, Imagine Math, Smarty Ants, IXL Lexia, Edusmart, Education Galaxy, Flexible groupings, differentiated instruction, Sufficient Knowledge smaller student-teacher ratio targeted small group Communities in schools, staff Parent Academies, Parent Infomercials and motivational yard practices
 1st gradein-class
 parenting skills and learning foundational Starfall, HMH, Summit K12, Wordly Wise 3000 Imagine Math, Edmentum, Science Summit progress monitoring, explicit vocabulary instruction, flexible development addressing social and YouTube Library signs class-size
 to assist inreduction
 skills. K12 instructional strategies, and the SBRR five groupings, and explicit emotional wellness teacher,
 the learningteacher
 gap aid per
 as well
 components of reading vocabulary instructional grade
 as level and
 reading (1st-5th),
 strategies Reading/Writing math
5/12/2021 15:07:29 Establish a parent academy to provide skills IXL, Lexia, Edusmart, Education Galaxy, Imagine Math, Edmentum, Smarty IXL, Lexia, Edusmart, Education Galaxy, Flexible grouping, differentiation of instruction, Sufficient Knowledge flexible small group instruction must Differentiation of Communities in School, staff Parent Academy, establish a A different type of extrinsic coach
 1st gradeto assist
 that will help parents help their children with Ants, Starfall, Summit K-12, Wordly Wise 3000 Imagine Math, Edmentum, Summit kK-12 for progress monitoring, teaching of vocabulary, continue, small teacher-student ratio to instruction, increasing development for teachers that address library of You Tube Videos that motivation like "welcome back" with effective
 needed teaching
 in order to help
 academics, foundational skills, etc. Science knowledge of the five components of reading, decrease the learning gap created by rigor of questioning social emotional learning. This is often can help parents who work help yard sign, "Welcome Back to practices
 teachers address the
 SBRR - Scientifically Based Reading Research pandemic especially for lower left out of teacher training their children and can be accessed School" infomercials from a child's learning gap over the
 practices grades in lower at their leisure perspective to students past year, tutors for
 grades, reading and math
5/12/2021 15:10:17 I would recommend to hire personnel to assist 1. Provide an updated, well balance library collection across the district in Not necessarily more programs, but Multiple opportunities for students to response, Very Knowledgeable Small group instruction, targeted Data analysis More training on social and emotional Reading with child, comprehension Incentives, Free homework Tutors to assist teachers
 with smaller teachers/student ratio. order for students to have access to books of their liking 2. Provide portable enhancing what we currently have... explicit instruction, and immediate and corrective instruction, and purposeful instruction... skills... questions, how to assist their child passes, Six/nine week with small group
 microphone for teachers to use during instruction. 3. Provide portable feedback. with homework and projects, and celebrations.... instruction, Reading
 cameras (Swivl) for teachers to video tape themselves and use the video for technology... specialists, Math
 students to view in case they need further support. 4. Provide MakerSpace specialists...
 mult-iuse tables in the library for students to create, explore, and enhance
 critical thinking.
5/12/2021 16:45:03 I would ask parents of students to come in at Intense one to one instruction provided by a professional who is a "master Kagan, Kaplan, Blended Learning Empathy, Communication, Phonic Awareness, Sufficient Knowledge Intense one-to-one instruction data analysis, classroom improvement in students social and Train them in the curriculum to Incentives such as coupons to buy Instructional Master
 least once every other week to sit with teacher" in the content she/he providing support. Internventions. rigor emotional skills, relationships, better assist their children in prizes/technology items, school teachers in each content
 students so they are familiar with the perceptions of classrooms learning. supplies, bicycles, etc. area; Math, Reading and
 curriculum and what their children need to Writing
 learn to be successful.
5/12/2021 16:51:23 Maximizing student engagement in the Meaningful topics, deciphering data, and summer learning programs Inviting activities, hands on, providing Student engagement, planning, concise routines Sufficient Knowledge Structured routines and procedures, technology integration positive school climate and counseling Creating respectful relationships Follow PBIS with fidelity, Peer learning,
 classroom. scaffolds to close gaps, and providing time and procedures, learning stations incentives, corrective and affirmative and increasing availability and making communication a communication with parents, make Intervention tutors, or
 to target specific skills feedback, create a positive classroom classroom rigor priority. Inviting parents and school inviting, rewards for parent volunteers to
 culture, differentiation of student groupings, helping them learn strategies that attendance, know your students. assist with small groups
5/12/2021 16:55:26 If given the opportunity to try something new it To name a few instructional resources I think our students would benefit Stem scopes, study island, think through student progress, increase in proficiency Sufficient Knowledge etc.
 Consistency, follow blooms taxonomy and technology will calsses,
 emotional and behavioral, counseling for esl enable them to help
 computer their
 skills Personal incentives, field trips in the truant
 more classroom
 officers and
 would be to bridge in class routines with online from tutors, emotional support for students and parents, instructional math, summit k-12 throughout contents care for the Whole child, emotional, students and parents, outreach children
 classes, at home.
 ged classes college tutors, class size
 methods to improve student learning. resources for in class and home support. physical and mental. programs awareness for students reduction teachers
ESSER Survey for Campus Staff 2021-2022 (Responses) Laredo ISD
 Timestamp If given the opportunity to try something What are some instructional resources/materials that will assist in What are some possible accelerated What are some features of effective Rate the level of In your experience, what would be some List the areas where What support services do you need What initiatives can we List some initiatives and/or What additional
 new, in order to improve student closing the achievement gap? learning programs/activities that can instructional practices? proficiency on effective intervention practices to you feel you need in the area of social emotional implement to empower parents ideas to motivate students to instructional staff will
 performance, what would that be? improve student learning? breaking down the increase the learning time for students? more professional learning for your students (i.e., with the knowledge base come to school that will increase be needed to address
 TEKS, planning development trainings improvement in students social and necessary to assist their student attendance: learning loss?
 rigorous instruction (i.e., data analysis, emotional skills, attitudes, children at home?
 and providing content knowledge, relationships, academic performance
 feedback during PLC differentiation of and perceptions of classroom, and
 meetings: instruction, technology school climate)?
 integration, increasing
 classroom rigor, other
 areas, etc.):

5/13/2021 6:42:44 PK-3&4-Integrade the curriculum with music A rigorous curriculum. The Jump Start Program could be an Clear goal, objective and expectations. Some Knowledge The implementation of RtI in a very Data analysis, content Bring in community agencies to service Provide trainings in the content Provide incentives, not only for the Class size reduction
 and emphasize the listening and oral Evidence based instruction program that could help our students. A systematic instruction in place to best help our structured way. Use it with consistency and knowledge and our learning community and extend it to areas using the same strategies students but as well as for our teachers.
 development skills. Research based instructional activities The IXL program. students. fidelity. differentiation of the immediate community for our being used in the classroom so parents: raffle activities. Teachers to address the
 Kinder and 1st grade-Universal screening to Walkthroughs with immediate feedback provided to address instructional Exact Path Guided and explicit practice Instruction parents. that parents can be familiar with language development
 identify low performing students develop and issues Providing immediate feedback how instruction is delivered and at needs of our students.
 implement activities to remediate their Actively engage students in the lesson-I do, We do, You do. Differentiated Instruction the same time provide help to their
 shortfalls. I would make sure the strongest Differentiate instruction and have different instructional groups-RtI The Fundamental Five children.
 core area teacher for the grade level would be Provide staff development according to needs.
5/13/2021 8:20:01 *Add
 the onea reading
 to work specialist
 with tier 3tostudents.
 our campus for
 These *Lexia
 Bring inCore for Readingtointerventions
 the community be part of the learning process. *Study Island & Edmentum Exact Path Vertical Planning & Team Planning Some Knowledge *Data desegregation time differentiation of *Actual counseling services for students *Computer classes for parents *Fun learning environment Reading specialist
 pull outs for
 activities wouldupper
 be grades. Lowerand
 implemented grades have
 delivered *IXL for Math & Reading ACTUAL TIME TO PLAN *Class size reduction teachers instruction, small group *Social emotional journals *Gift cards / raffles for parents: the Class size reduction
 the TAMIU
 in the literacy program, but sometimes
 morning. *STAAR Prep materials (workbooks) Forde-Ferrier RTI Books *Prescriptive tutorials interventions *Communities in schools personnel parents are the ones that need to teacher
 students are promoted
 2nd-5th grade-use to 3rd, 4th,
 benchmark dataortoeven 5th
 identify *Headphones with microphone *Small group interventions be motivated to wake up and bring Counselor for children
 lacking basic reading foundations.
 and address the academic needs of students *SmartyAnts their children to school Communities in schools
 througha data desegregation
 prescriptive tutorial and planning
 activities time
 following *Attendance challenges (this is the 1st year we
 (1/2) day
 the RtI to fully plan interventions right after
 model. have this position at our
5/13/2021 9:06:41 Embedded intervention blocks with
 CBAs and Benchmarks. More technology based intervention programs that the students can do at Lexia and IXL Student centered learning Some Knowledge Small group intervention Data analysis and Improvement in the area of social Parent make and take sessions Incentives for perfect attendance More
 campus tutors
 it has been
 * Intensive and teachers.
 prescriptive tutorials: We do home. increasing classroom emotional learning. by 6th weeks. intervention
 working great teachers.
 host tutorials, but it is difficult to address rigor addressing our student
5/13/2021 9:53:05 specific student
 Massive campaign needs when the
 to involve whole class in
 parents! Consultants/Speakers with a curriculum to involve parents to close this gap. CCMR (Career day to also involve parents); Mentoring Relationships, Communication, No Knowledge Add additional teacher aides; tutoring Technology, Data Increase Social Workers at campus All employees should practice to Re-introduce General assemblies needs)
 Counselors, Social
 invited for tutorials. This group should be small Technology fair (to also involve parents) Participation, Respect analysis sites, SCAN personnel at campus sites, be ambassadors of education, hiring motivational speakers that Workers, Attendance
 and all students should be attending for the Health Fairs (to also involve parents); increase CIS personnel at campus sites, therefore we must be creative in reflect on the true meaning of self- officers, CIS Personnel,
 same specific skill(s). accelerated Readers (to also involve increase Attendance Officers, increase attracting parental involvement. worth, offer the History Chanel on Health Care Workers
 * parents); Additional Open Houses so At-risk Counselors and bring back Creating a campaign within the certain afternoons, Field Trips
 parents can see the CDC guidelines that General assemblies with presentation community be displaying all the
 have been put in place for student/employee from Motivational speakers. educational, health, nutritional,
 safety in order to return to in class safety, and support services that
 instruction. we have to offer in order for our
 students to succeed.
5/13/2021 10:11:15 Data Integration Platform (DecisionED for Industry Based Certification curriculum, programs, partnerships. Replace Tutorials for dual enrollment courses and Hands on skills, business and industry Sufficient Knowledge Tutorials, more hands-on skills training for Technology, Industry Additional counseling and mental health Additonal parental trainings Internships, work based learning Additional CTE
 example), increase industry based certification existing desktop computers at all CTE Business and Audio Video Labs, CTE Extra-duty for certification opportunities partnerships, college readiness perapration CTE courses (equipment, simulators, etc.) Based Certification professionals are needed to help including mental health training to opportunities, CTE program Teachers, counselors,
 opportunities with more level one work based Industry Simulators (welding, auto body paint sprays, law wnforcement) curriculum and resources. Business and Industry partnerships. Prepartion and tranistion. students. opportunties. business and industry
 learning certifications. Hire CTE Business and College readiness preparation materials certifications liasions.
 Industry liasions at each of the comprehensive and professional development.
 high schools. Increase college readiness
5/13/2021 10:17:39 Students need to include evidence/justification STAAR materials need to align with the changes that will be forthcoming Project based learning activities can Some features of effective instructional practices Sufficient Knowledge In my experience, small heterogeneous I feel I need more I feel the services needed are Multiple workshops can be made Raffles of items is one big way to More digital learning
 when writing about something they read. This with the new styles of questioning. Students need to be familiar with using accelerate learning as students need to are classroom discussions, constant feedback, groups of students increases learning time professional improvement in students' social and available to parents in both motivate students to attend school. specialists, more
 should be done in every class, not just English dropdown boxes, multiple answer choices, etc. connect their learning to real-world progress monitoring by teachers and students, for students. Students have a way of development trainings in emotional skills, relationships, and languages and at different times of The raffling of items can be done at counselors, and more
 or Science. This gets the students to think and Pre-AP courses need to have material that align to the level of AP courses. problems. Students need to develop or formative and informative assessments, understanding each other better than differentiation of academic performance. the day. The schedules of working the end of every six/nine weeks. If teachers qualified for
 write critically. Reading definitely needs to improve solutions to existing problems. introduction and closure of lessons, start the day teachers and are excellent at helping each instruction and the parents should be taken into the prizes are bigger, such as STAAR courses.
 increase in the classrooms as it leads to Tutoring sessions should include fun and with a review of the previous day's instruction, other out. Of course the groups need to be newer technology account. Different kinds of gaming consoles, cameras, etc., it
 stronger writers and improved comprehension interactive activities to help students retain thinking critically, daily writing, etc. planned accordingly as strong students that platforms. concepts can be covered with will increase student motivation.
 skills. Daily power words should be included in the material/concepts. An example is place are patient need to be grouped with parents such as how students can
 the writing as well. students in teams and have a relay race or students that need more help. Classroom deal with stress, how to manage
 Another would be to focus on one program using the wagon wheel strategy for reviews. management and expectations are key in time at home to complete
 instead of multiple ones to help students making these groups work effectively. homework, etc.
 improve their performance. When students
 have too many platforms to use, it confuses
 Cornell notes is useful for students because
 they need to summarize what they've
 written/learned and find key words as well.
5/13/2021 10:17:40 We have had great success with the Our resources need to match all or most updated TEKS changes especially We need to have extra curricular activities Starting to establish the Fundamental Five is Sufficient Knowledge We need to strategically place students in Classroom rigor, new academic performance and perceptions We need to have parents attend Perfect attendance prizes, gift FTE -for all STAAR
 implementation of online programs since we for all STAAR related courses. The STAAR will making modifications help bring in students afterschool and on essential. I strongly believe that the written classes that will help them achieve. Master technology programs or for classroom workshops to illustrate graduations cards, school related activities that courses.
 changed to an online platform. Yet, some parts effectively starting this year. We need more STAAR related programs that Saturdays for fun learning events. We need component is crucial to develop students writing schedules should mirror the plan for every platforms plans, learning gaps, instructional connect with students,
 of our buildings the broadband is slow which help the student practice year long in the online platform. STAAR has plans to establish Reading and Writing initiatives in skills. Every teacher in every class has to be sub group in your campus. We can even plans. We need to continue to offer performance events.
 makes it difficult for students to keep on changing most test to be computer based. We need technology to bridge every activity, classroom lesson, and extra faithful to this practice in order to provide add intervention courses to companion the continue both face to face and
 connected or have no lagging. Teachers use that gap before we begin with those new STAAR mandates. curricular class. Reading and Writing are students with many opportunities to write during main tested area class. Invest in programs online meetings.
 the online platforms to continue to teach crucial in improving Lexile levels along with the instructional day. Students will become and curriculum that target each sub group
 afterschool, for students that are absent, or justification written responses. Programs effective writers which in turn will help reading to close the gap in learning. Have
 students that do not have a ride to attend extra such snap-read, co-writer, and Achieve 3000 comprehension. There are programs such as co- instructional goal meetings with students in
 sessions. They also use it during instruction need to be implemented in every classroom writer that can help students practice and be order for them to understand the purpose
 time to provide interventions and challenge for extra practice. Reading and Writing guided to become more independent and of classes and interventions. They need to
 students at every spectrum of achievement. practices will help us start with improving stronger writers. know what their expectations are for that
 So, investing in a strong broad would benefit skills that can benefit in every other subject semester.
 our campus. area.

5/13/2021 11:05:11 I would incorporate reading clinics in the form We do need curriculums for the supporting reading and math classes 6th-7th Currently, we have IXL and Achieve 3000. Some features of effective instructional practices Very Knowledgeable Effective intervention practices is to inform Technology Integration Social emotional learning We do need to empower parentsCreating a positive school We will need teacher
 of pull outs to close the reading gaps. They grade (ACCs). Students learn more when instruction is in are to design data-driven lessons and implement students of their progress regularly and by making them more technology
 environment where everyone is aides or instructional
 can be virtual reading labs (Google the form of a game-like platform. Programs activities that challenge students at different timely, to give students a tool to track their savvy. Creating opportunities for
 assisting in motivating students to support like class-size
 Classrooms), so students can experience the like Blooket is a competive game/concept levels (scaffolded and differentiated). progress, tying objectives and activities to parents to learn about computer,
 want to come to school. Making reduction teachers who
 instructional continuity of virtual instruction. learning virtual platform that students enjoy. the tested TEKS seamlessly without rote email, and Google Classroom students feel welcomed and will help with in-class or
 learning, and creating lessons that are basics. supported by incorporating bonding virtual labs in order to
 intentional and purposeful. activities with teachers and peers, provide intensive
 have a student adoption program instruction in a small
 that includes every teacher and group setting, more
 staff member to check on student technology support
 progress and encouraging them. personnel on campus,
 Have weekly recognition bulletins and more technology for
 of students who have improved, teachers that will
 being a good Samaritan, or who enhance the paperless
5/13/2021 11:19:27 Considering that most students will be below Small group pull out instruction for all grade levels (increased focus on math If each campus had at least one or more STR: The science of teaching reading is a key Very Knowledgeable Increased focus on MTSS and RTI may be Content knowledge, Some support services that I believe our Initiatives that we can implement to Transportation for all students,
 have good citizenship. Nothing that All campuses
 instruction theycan
 grade level, each grade level could benefit and reading) using an effective curriculum by individuals who are highly literacy support and mathematics support feature of effective instructional practices. an effective approach to improve differentiation, and campuses can benefit from are for empower parents with the regardless of theorproximity
 is tied to grades of their
 attendance, but benefit from to
 grown used more
 from revisiting the previous years (Reading/ qualified (teachers). teachers , this could definitely improve instructional practices. Monitoring social technology integration is social workers readily available and the knowledge necessary to assist home address that
 other features to the
 be teachers to reduce
 edge interactive
 Math) curriculum skills that encompass the student learning. and emotional aspects as well as something I feel that I counselor to student ratio should be their child at home is to offer campus
 celebrated mayandhelp improve truancy
 rewarded. classroom
 whiteboards). size ratio,
 more basic, foundational skills required for attendance and behavior can help ensure have struggled with a bit higher per campus. technology trainings for them and tardiness district wide. Also, instructional coaches per
 appropriate fluency and comprehension of students' success in more than just the more this school year. provided by DLS; homework the beginning of the next school campus to focus on both
 each content area. academic spectrum. assistance helplines; language year should begin with half day and math and reading
 assistance programs. progress to full day after a few instruction, preferably
5/13/2021 12:17:32 Incorporate the arts into the academic learning We have to motivate and engage each student as well as finding a way to Online programs embedded into their regular Interactive learning, student grouping, game- Some Knowledge Use online learning platforms and group Technology integration Improvement in students social and Provide parents with more weeks, as most
 Participation students
 in clubs, will have
 athletics, fine one pertograde
 Tutors level, to
 help reinforce
 scope. Children learn more when they are link school and home so we have the support from as many parents as academic classes. based learning and expeditionary learning. students together. Students effectively emotional skills would be very helpful. opportunities to attend zoom or difficulty
 arts and transitioning back to on-
 student represented assist with
 material smallthis
 taught group
 having fun. Hands on projects and visuals are possible. After school programs for students who have learn from one another. Students attitudes have changed google meets meetings. Saturday campus learning.
 groups should be connected with pull outtutors
 Online instruction.
 could also
 highly effective. The idea is to keep every fallen behind in Math and Reading. because of Covid and their emotional [parent trainings for those working face to face instruction. If the child prove to be effective
 student engaged and learning without the Let's create a stronger more firm link between extra curricular activities and Courses created to cover material students state must also be addressed. We need parents would also be convenient. wants to be a part of an extra tools.
 stress involved in lecture based teaching. academics. are struggling with. to higher self- esteem and instill Mailing these invites to each home curricular activity then they should
 confidence in every student. would be the best way to reach be present on campus.
 parents who are not always
 checking emails or tech savvy.
5/13/2021 13:25:33 Comply with my administration and state I need to teach face to face instruction not online Students to grow and not provide the Students Centers, clear expectations, and Sufficient Knowledge Study halls, teach them how to read and All areas all time! After pandemic, we have to support the Accountability If they learning, motivation We need parents
 requirements answers! Reading skills must be a primary explain until grasp learning objective interpret, comprehension skills check Parents involvement! emotional for all! improve! Social environments and involvement!
 goal academic support
5/13/2021 13:29:48 Face-to-Face instruction for next year, I believe we have sufficient amounts of resources. IXL Student engagement and immediate or timely Some Knowledge Morning (before class) tutorials that can Technology integration I don't know of any at this time. Parental involvement Exposure to real-world possibilities Skill classes aligned to
 together with afters chool tutorials as needed. feedback. serve as home assistance or career opportunities available vertical planning
 with a good educational
5/13/2021 13:44:58 Less testing might improve student We seem to have all the resources/materials that we need in order to close Achieve 3000 -make learning a long-term, thought-centered Very Knowledgeable -bell-to-bell instruction technology integration - academic performance and perceptions GED classes for parents or parent Raffles that include sought after More teacher aides that
 performance. the achievement gap. process -tutorials data analysis of classroom, and school climate tutorials in which they can sit with electronics are willing to work well
 -engage students in assessment for learning -exit tickets their child and learn with them with teachers and
 processes while a teacher gives them both students.
 -support learning with representations and instruction.
 conceptual models
 -teach for learner differences
 -induct students into the discipline
 -teach for transfer
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