Electroactive Polymer (EAP) Actuators as Artificial Muscles - Reality, Potential, and Challenges

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Electroactive Polymer (EAP)
                                 Actuators as Artificial Muscles
                                              Reality, Potential, and Challenges
                                                                SECOND EDITION

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Electroactive Polymer (EAP)
                    Actuators as Artificial Muscles
                                   Reality, Potential, and Challenges
                                                             SECOND EDITION

                                                         Yoseph Bar-Cohen

                                                                    SPIE PRESS
                                       A Publication of SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
                                                            Bellingham, Washington USA

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

                   Electroactive polymer (EAP) actuators as artificial muscles : reality, potential, and challenges /
                   Yoseph Bar-Cohen, editor. – 2nd ed.
                      p. cm. – (SPIE Press monograph)
                     Includes bibliographical references and index.
                     ISBN 0-8194-5297-1
                     1. Polymers in medicine. 2. Conducting polymers. 3. Muscles. I. Bar-Cohen, Yoseph.
                     II. Series.

                   R857.P6E43 2004
                   610'.28–dc022                                                                             2004002977

                   Published by

                   SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
                   P.O. Box 10
                   Bellingham, Washington 98227-0010 USA
                   Phone: +1 360 676 3290
                   Fax: +1 360 647 1445
                   Email: spie@spie.org
                   Web: http://spie.org

                   Copyright © 2004 The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

                   All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed
                   in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher.

                   The content of this book reflects the work and thought of the author(s).
                   Every effort has been made to publish reliable and accurate information herein,
                   but the publisher is not responsible for the validity of the information or for any
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                   Printed in the United States of America.
                   PDF ISBN: 9780819481122

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                   Preface / xiii

                   Topic 1          Introduction
                   Chapter 1   EAP History, Current Status, and Infrastructure / 3
                   Yoseph Bar-Cohen

                   1.1      Introduction / 4
                   1.2      Biological Muscles / 8
                   1.3      Historical Review and Currently Available Active Polymers / 8
                   1.4      Polymers with Controllable Properties or Shape / 10
                   1.5      Electroactive Polymers (EAP) / 22
                   1.6      The EAP Roadmap––Need for an Established EAP Technology
                            Infrastructure / 39
                   1.7      Potential / 41
                   1.8      Acknowledgments / 42
                   1.9      References / 43

                   Topic 2 Natural Muscles
                   Chapter 2    Natural Muscle as a Biological System / 53
                   Gerald H. Pollack, Felix A. Blyakhman, Frederick B. Reitz, Olga V.
                   Yakovenko, and Dwayne L. Dunaway

                   2.1      Conceptual Background / 53
                   2.2      Structural Considerations / 56
                   2.3      Does Contraction Involve a Phase Transition? / 59
                   2.4      Molecular Basis of the Phase Transition / 62
                   2.5      Lessons from the Natural Muscle System That May Be Useful for the
                            Design of Polymer Actuators / 68
                   2.6      References / 70

                   Chapter 3     Metrics of Natural Muscle Function / 73
                   Robert J. Full and Kenneth Meijer

                   3.1      Caution about Copying and Comparisons / 74
                   3.2      Common Characterizations—Partial Picture / 75
                   3.3      Work-Loop Method Reveals Diverse Roles of Muscle Function during
                            Rhythmic Activity / 79
                   3.4      Direct Comparisons of Muscle with Human-Made Actuators / 85


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vi                                                                         Contents

                   3.5      Future Reciprocal Interdisciplinary Collaborations / 86
                   3.6      Acknowledgments / 87
                   3.7      References / 87

                   Topic 3 EAP Materials

                   Topic 3.1 Electric EAP
                   Chapter 4  Electric EAP / 95
                   Qiming Zhang, Cheng Huang, Feng Xia, and Ji Su

                   4.1      Introduction / 96
                   4.2      General Terminology of Electromechanical Effects in Electric EAP / 96
                   4.3      PVDF-Based Ferroelectric Polymers / 103
                   4.4      Ferroelectric Odd-Numbered Polyamides (Nylons) / 114
                   4.5      Electrostriction / 119
                   4.6      Field-Induced Strain Due to Maxwell Stress Effect / 132
                   4.7      High Dielectric Constant Polymeric Materials as Actuator Materials /133
                   4.8      Electrets / 137
                   4.9      Liquid-Crystal Polymers /141
                   4.10     Acknowledgments / 142
                   4.11     References / 142

                   Topic 3.2 Ionic EAP
                   Chapter 5    Electroactive Polymer Gels / 151
                   Paul Calvert

                   5.1      Introduction—the Gel State / 151
                   5.2      Physical Gels / 152
                   5.3      Chemical Gels / 152
                   5.4      Thermodynamic Properties of Gels / 154
                   5.5      Transport Properties of Gels / 155
                   5.6      Polyelectrolyte Gels / 156
                   5.7      Mechanical Properties of Gels / 156
                   5.8      Chemical Actuation of Gels / 157
                   5.9      Electrically Actuated Gels / 158
                   5.10     Recent Progress / 162
                   5.11     Future Directions / 164
                   5.12     References / 165

                   Chapter 6   Ionomeric Polymer-Metal Composites / 171
                   Sia Nemat-Nasser and Chris W. Thomas

                   6.1      Introduction / 172
                   6.2      Brief History of IPMC Materials / 173
                   6.3      Materials and Manufacture / 175
                   6.4      Properties and Characterization / 178
                   6.5      Actuation Mechanism / 196

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Contents                                                             vii

                   6.6      Development of IPMC Applications / 219
                   6.7      Discussion: Advantages/Disadvantages / 220
                   6.8      Acknowledgments / 223
                   6.9      References / 223

                   Chapter 7   Conductive Polymers / 231
                   José-María Sansiñena and Virginia Olazábal

                   7.1      Brief History of Conductive Polymers / 231
                   7.2      Applications of Conductive Polymers / 233
                   7.3      Basic Mechanism of CP Actuators / 236
                   7.4      Development of CP Actuators / 241
                   7.5      Advantages and Disadvantages of CP Actuators / 249
                   7.6      Acknowledgments / 252
                   7.7      References / 252

                   Chapter 8    Carbon Nanotube Actuators: Synthesis, Properties, and
                                Performance / 261
                   Geoffrey M. Spinks, Gordon G. Wallace, Ray H. Baughman, and Liming Dai

                   8.1      Introduction / 261
                   8.2      Nanotube Synthesis / 262
                   8.3      Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes / 266
                   8.4      Macroscopic Nanotube Assemblies: Mats and Fibers / 269
                   8.5      Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes / 270
                   8.6      Mechanism of Nanotube Actuation / 275
                   8.7      Experimental Studies of Carbon Nanotube Actuators/ 279
                   8.8      Conclusions and Future Developments / 288
                   8.9      References / 288

                   Topic 3.3 Molecular EAP
                   Chapter 9    Molecular Scale Electroactive Polymers / 299
                   Michael J. Marsella

                   9.1      Introduction / 299
                   9.2      Intrinsic Properties and Macroscale Translation / 301
                   9.3      Stimulus-Induced Conformational Changes within the Single
                            Molecule / 303
                   9.4      Final Comments / 311
                   9.5      References / 311

                   Topic 4 Modeling Electroactive Polymers
                   Chapter 10 Computational Chemistry / 317
                   Kristopher E. Wise

                   10.1 Introduction / 317
                   10.2 Overview of Computational Methods / 318

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viii                                                                   Contents

                   10.3     Quantum Mechanical Methods / 320
                   10.4     Classical Force Field Simulations / 328
                   10.5     Mesoscale Simulations / 332
                   10.6     References / 333

                   Chapter 11 Modeling and Analysis of Chemistry
                              and Electromechanics / 335
                   Thomas Wallmersperger, Bernd Kröplin, and Rainer W. Gülch

                   11.1     Introduction / 335
                   11.2     Chemical Stimulation / 337
                   11.3     Electrical Stimulation / 342
                   11.4     Conclusion / 360
                   11.5     References / 360

                   Chapter 12  Electromechanical Models for Optimal Design and Effective
                               Behavior of Electroactive Polymers / 363
                   Kaushik Bhattacharya, Jiangyu Li, and Yu Xiao

                   12.1     Introduction / 363
                   12.2     Introduction to Finite Elasticity / 364
                   12.3     Optimal Design of Electrostatic Actuators / 369
                   12.4     Models of Ionomer Actuators / 374
                   12.5     Reduced Models / 379
                   12.6     Conclusion / 382
                   12.7     Acknowledgment / 383
                   12.8     References / 383

                   Chapter 13 Modeling IPMC for Design of Actuation Mechanisms / 385
                   Satoshi Tadokoro, Masashi Konyo, and Keisuke Oguro

                   13.1     Models and CAE Tools for Design of IPMC Mechanisms / 386
                   13.2     A Physicochemical Model Considering Six Phenomena / 388
                   13.3     Gray-Box Macroscopic Model for Mechanical and Control Design / 396
                   13.4     Simulation Demonstration by Models / 402
                   13.5     Applications of the Model / 406
                   13.6     References / 425

                   Topic 5 Processing and Fabrication of EAPs
                   Chapter 14 Processing and Fabrication Techniques / 431
                   Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Virginia Olazábal, José-María Sansiñena,
                   and Jeffrey Hinkley

                   14.1     Introduction / 431
                   14.2     Synthesis and Material Processing / 462
                   14.3     Fabrication and Shaping Techniques / 434
                   14.4     Electroding Techniques / 441
                   14.5     System Integration Methods / 449

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Contents                                                                          ix

                   14.6 EAP Actuators / 452
                   14.7 Concluding Remarks / 453
                   14.8 References / 454

                   Topic 6 Testing and Characterization
                   Chapter 15 Methods of Testing and Characterization / 467
                   Stewart Sherrit, Xiaoqi Bao, and Yoseph Bar-Cohen

                   15.1     Introduction / 468
                   15.2     Characterization of EAP with Polarization-Dependent Strains / 468
                   15.3     Characterization of Ionic EAP with Diffusion-Dependent Strain / 498
                   15.4     Summary of Test Methods / 516
                   15.5     Conclusion / 516
                   15.6     Acknowledgments / 518
                   15.7     References / 518

                   Topic 7          EAP Actuators, Devices, and Mechanisms
                   Chapter 16 Application of Dielectric Elastomer EAP Actuators / 529
                   Roy Kornbluh, Ron Pelrine, Qibing Pei, Marcus Rosenthal, Scott Stanford,
                   Neville Bonwit, Richard Heydt, Harsha Prahlad, and Subramanian V. Shastri

                   16.1 Introduction / 530
                   16.2 Dielectric Elastomer EAP—Background and Basics / 535
                   16.3 Actuator Design Issues / 539
                   16.4 Operational Considerations / 546
                   16.5 Examples of Dielectric Elastomer EAP Actuators and Applications / 551
                   16.6 Artificial Muscles and Applications to Biologically Inspired Devices / 552
                   16.7 General Purpose Linear Actuators / 566
                   16.8 Planar and Other Actuator Configurations / 567
                   16.9 Motors / 573
                   16.10 Generators / 574
                   16.11 Sensors / 575
                   16.12 Summary and Future Developments / 576
                   16.13 Acknowledgments / 577
                   16.14 References / 577

                   Chapter 17 Biologically Inspired Robots / 581
                   Brett Kennedy, Chris Melhuish, and Andrew Adamatzky

                   17.1     Introduction / 583
                   17.2     Biologically Inspired Mechanisms and Robots / 584
                   17.3     Aspects of Robotic Design / 584
                   17.4     Active Polymer Actuators in a Traditional Robotic System / 594
                   17.5     Using Rapid Prototyping Methods for Integrated Design / 596
                   17.6      Evolutionary Design Algorithms (Genetic Algorithm Design) / 598
                   17.7     EAP Actuators in Highly Integrated Microrobot Design / 602
                   17.8     Solving the Power Problem—Toward Energetic Autonomy / 614

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x                                                                         Contents

                   17.9 The Future of Active Polymer Actuators and Robots / 616
                   17.10 References / 617

                   Chapter 18 Applications of EAP to the Entertainment Industry / 621
                   David Hanson

                   18.1     Introduction / 622
                   18.2     Entertainment and Its Shifting Significance / 626
                   18.3     Technical Background to Entertainment Application of EAP / 627
                   18.4     The Craft of Aesthetic Biomimesis in Entertainment / 637
                   18.5     A Recipe for Using EAP in Entertainment / 647
                   18.6     Facial Expression Robot–Practical Test Bed for EAP / 647
                   18.7     Conclusion / 655
                   18.8     Acknowledgment / 655
                   18.9     References / 655

                   Chapter 19 Haptic Interfaces Using Electrorheological Fluids / 659
                   Constantinos Mavroidis, Yoseph Bar-Cohen, and Mourad Bouzit

                   19.1 Introduction / 659
                   19.2 Electrorheological Fluids / 661
                   19.3 Haptic Interfaces and Electrorheological Fluids / 666
                   19.4 MEMICA Haptic Glove / 668
                   19.5 ECS Element Model Derivation / 673
                   19.6 Parametric Analysis of the Design of ECS Elements / 677
                   19.7 Experimental ECS System and Results / 679
                   19.8 Conclusions / 682
                   19.9 Acknowledgments / 682
                   19.10 References / 683

                   Chapter 20 Shape Control of Precision Gossamer Apertures / 687
                   Christopher H. M. Jenkins

                   20.1     Introduction / 687
                   20.2     Shape Control of PGAs / 691
                   20.3     Shape Control Methodologies Involving Electroactive Polymers / 697
                   20.4     Conclusions / 702
                   20.5     Nomenclature / 703
                   20.6     Acknowledgments / 703
                   20.7     References / 704

                   Topic 8 Lessons Learned, Applications, and Outlook
                   Chapter 21 EAP Applications, Potential, and Challenges / 709
                   Yoseph Bar-Cohen

                   21.1     Introduction / 710
                   21.2     Lesson Learned Using IPMC and Dielectric EAP / 711
                   21.3     Summary of Existing EAP Materials / 717
                   21.4     Scalability Issues and Needs / 718
                   21.5     Expected and Evolving Applications / 719

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Contents                                                  xi

                   21.6 EAP Characterization / 746
                   21.7 Platforms for Demonstration of EAP / 748
                   21.8 Future Expectations / 749
                   21.9 Acknowledgments / 751
                   21.10 References / 752

                   Index / 757

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                       This book reviews the state of the art of the field of electroactive polymers
                   (EAPs), which are also known as artificial muscles for their functional similarity
                   to natural muscles. This book covers EAP from all its key aspects, i.e., its full
                   infrastructure, including the available materials, analytical models, processing
                   techniques, and characterization methods. This book is intended to serve as
                   reference tool, a technology users’ guide, and a tutorial resource, and to create a
                   vision for the field’s future direction. In preparing this second edition, efforts
                   were made to update the chapters with topics that have sustained major advances
                   since the first edition was prepared three years ago. Following the reported
                   progress and milestones that were reached in this field has been quite
                   heartwarming. These advances are bringing the field significantly closer to the
                   point where engineers consider EAPs to be actuators of choice. In December
                   2002, the Japanese company Eamex produced a robot fish that swims in a water
                   tank without batteries or a motor. For power, the robot fish uses an inductive coil
                   that is energized from the top and bottom of the tank. Making a floating robot
                   fish may not be an exciting event, but this is the first commercial product to use
                   an EAP actuator.
                       EAPs are plastic materials that change shape and size when given some
                   voltage or current. They always had enormous potential, but only now is this
                   potential starting to materialize. Advances reported in this second edition include
                   an improved understanding of these materials’ behavior, better analytical
                   modeling, as well as more effective characterization, processing, and fabrication
                   techniques. The advances were not only marked with the first commercial
                   product; there has also been the announcement by the SRI International scientists
                   who are confident they have reached the point that they can now meet the
                   challenge posed by this book’s editor of building a robot arm with artificial
                   muscles that could win an arm wrestling match against a human. This match may
                   occur in the coming years, and the success of a robot against a human opponent
                   will lead to a new era in both making realistic biomimetic robots and
                   implementing engineering designs that are currently considered science fiction.
                       For many years the field of EAP has received relatively little attention
                   because the number of available materials and their actuation capability were
                   limited. The change in this view occurred in the early 1990s, as a result of the
                   development of new EAP materials that exhibit a large displacement in response
                   to electrical stimulation. This characteristic is a valuable attribute, which enabled
                   myriad potential applications, and it has evolved to offer operational similarity to
                   biological muscles. The similarity includes resilient, damage tolerant, and large


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xiv                                                                          Preface

                   actuation strains (stretching, contracting, or bending). Therefore, it is natural to
                   consider EAP materials for applications that require actuators to drive
                   biologically inspired mechanisms of manipulation, and mobility. However,
                   before these materials can be applied as actuators of practical devices their
                   actuation force and robustness will need to be increased significantly from the
                   levels that are currently exhibited by the available materials. On the positive side,
                   there has already been a series of reported successes in demonstrating miniature
                   manipulation devices, including a catheter steering element, robotic arm, gripper,
                   loudspeaker, active diaphragm, dust-wiper, and many others. The editor is hoping
                   that the information documented in this book will continue to stimulate the
                   development of niche applications for EAP and the emergence of related
                   commercial devices. Such applications are anticipated to promote EAP materials
                   to become actuators of choice in spite of the technology challenges and
                   limitations they present.
                       Chapter 1 of this book provides an overview and background to the various
                   EAP materials and their potential. Since biological muscles are used as a model
                   for the development of EAP actuators, Chapter 2 describes the mechanism of
                   muscles operation and their behavior as actuators. Chapter 3 covers the leading
                   EAP materials and the principles that are responsible for their electroactivity.
                   Chapter 4 covers such fundamental topics as computational chemistry and
                   nonlinear electromechanical analysis to predict their behavior, as well as a design
                   guide for the application of an example EAP material. Modeling the behavior of
                   EAP materials requires the use of complex analytical tools, which is one of the
                   major challenges to the design and control of related mechanisms and devices.
                   The efforts currently underway to model their nonlinear electromechanical
                   behavior and develop novel experimental techniques to measure and characterize
                   EAP material properties are discussed in Chapter 6. Such efforts are leading to a
                   better understanding of the origin of the electroactivity of various EAP materials,
                   which, in turn, can help improve and possibly optimize their performance.
                   Chapter 5 examines the processing methods of fabricating, shaping, electroding,
                   and integrating techniques for the production of fibers, films, and other shapes of
                   EAP actuators. Generally, EAP actuators are highly agile, lightweight, low
                   power, mass producible, inexpensive, and possess an inherent capability to host
                   embedded sensors and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Their many
                   unique characteristics can make them a valuable alternative to current actuators
                   such as electroactive ceramics and shape memory alloys. The making of
                   miniature insectlike robots that can crawl, swim and/or fly may become a reality
                   as this technology evolves as discussed in Chapters 7 and 8. Processing
                   techniques, such as ink-jet printing, may potentially be employed to make
                   complete devices that are driven by EAP actuators. A device may be fully
                   produced in 3D detail, thereby allowing rapid prototyping and subsequent mass
                   production possibilities. Thus, polymer-based EAP-actuated devices may be fully
                   produced by an ink-jet printing process enabling the rapid implementation of
                   science-fiction ideas (e.g., insectlike robots that become remotely operational as
                   soon as they emerge from the production line) into engineering models and

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Preface                                                                        xv

                   commercial products. Potential beneficiaries of EAP capabilities include
                   commercial, medical, space, and military that can impact our life greatly.
                       In order to exploit the greatest benefit that EAP materials can offer,
                   researchers worldwide are now exploring the various aspects of this field. The
                   effort is multidisciplinary and cooperation among scientists, engineers, and other
                   experts (e.g., medical doctors) are underway. Experts in chemistry, materials
                   science, electro-mechanics, robotics, computer science, electronics, and others
                   are working together to develop improved EAP materials, processing techniques,
                   and applications. Methods of effective control are addressing the unique and
                   challenging aspects of EAP actuators. EAP materials have a significant potential
                   to improving our lives. If EAP materials can be developed to the level that they
                   can compete with natural muscles, drive prosthetics, serve as artificial muscle
                   implants into a human body, and become actuators of various commercial
                   products, the developers of EAP would make tremendously positive impact in
                   many aspects of human life.

                                                                                 Yoseph Bar-Cohen
                                                                                  February 2, 2004

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xvi                                                                        Preface


                   The research at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of
                   Technology, was carried out under a contract with National Aeronautics and
                   Space Administration (NASA) and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
                   (DARPA). The editor would like to thank everyone who contributed to his
                   efforts, both as part of his team advancing the technology as well as those who
                   helped with the preparation of this book. The editor would like to thank the team
                   members of his task LoMMAs that was funded by the Telerobotic and the Cross-
                   Enterprise Programs of the NASA Code S. The team members included Dr. Sean
                   Leary, Mark Schulman, Dr. Tianji Xu, and Andre H Yavrouian, JPL, Dr.
                   Joycelyn Harrison, Dr. Joseph Smith, and Ji Su, NASA LaRC; Prof. Richard
                   Claus, VT; Prof. Constantinos Mavroidis and Charles Pfeiffer, Rutgers
                   University. Also, the editor would like to thank Dr. Timothy Knowles, ESLI, for
                   his assistance with the development of the EAP dust-wiper mechanism using
                   IPMC. Thanks to Marlene Turner, Harry Mashhoudy, Brian Lucky, and Cinkiat
                   Abidin, former graduate students of the Integrated Manufacturing Engineering
                   (IME) Program at UCLA, for helping to construct the EAP gripper and robotic
                   arm. A special thanks to Dr. Keisuke Oguro, Osaka National Research Institute,
                   Japan, for providing his most recent IPMC materials; and to Prof. Satoshi
                   Tadokoro, Kobe University, Japan, for his analytical modeling effort. Prof.
                   Mohsen Shahinpoor is acknowledged for providing IPMC samples as part of the
                   early phase of the LoMMAs task. The editor would like also to thank his
                   NDEAA team members Dr. Virginia Olazábal, Dr. José-María Sansiñena, Dr.
                   Shyh-Shiuh Lih, and Dr. Stewart Sherrit for their help. In addition, he would like
                   to thank Prof. P. Calvert, University of Arizona, for the information about
                   biological muscles. Thanks to Dr. Steve Wax, DARPA’s EAP program Manager,
                   and Dr. Carlos Sanday, NRL, for their helpful comments related to the
                   development of EAP characterization methods. A specific acknowledgement is
                   made for the courteous contribution of graphics for the various chapters of this
                   book; and these individuals and organizations are specified next to the related
                   graphics or tables.
                        The editor would like to acknowledge and express his appreciation to the
                   following individuals, who took the time to review various book chapters of the
                   first edition and particularly those who where not coauthors of this book. Their
                   contribution is highly appreciated and it helped to make this book of significantly
                   greater value to the readers:
                        Aluru Narayan, University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign
                        Paul Calvert, University of Arizona,
                        Sia Nemat-Nasser, Dr. Chris Thomas and Mr. Jeff McGee, University of
                          California, San Diego
                        Christopher Jenkins, and Dr. Aleksandra Vinogradov, South Dakota School
                          of Mines and Technology
                        Kenneth Johnson, Brett Kennedy, Shyh-Shiuh Lih, Virginia Olazabal, José-
                          María Sansiñena, and Stewart Sherrit, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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Preface                                                                       xvii

                         Giovanni Pioggia and Danilo de Rossi, University of Pisa, Italy
                         Elizabeth Smela, University of Maryland
                         Gerald Pollack, Washington University
                         Hugh Brown, Paul Keller, Geoff Spinks, and Gordon Wallace, University of
                           Wollongong, Australia
                         Jeffrey Hinkley, Ji Su, and Kristopher Wise, NASA LaRC
                         Jiangyu Li, Caltech
                         Michael Marsella, University of California, Riverside
                         Miklos Zrinyi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
                         Mourad Bouzit and Dinos Mavroidis, Rutgers University
                         Peter Sommer-Larsen, Risoe Research Center, Denmark
                         Mary Frecker and Qiming Zhang, Pennsylvania State University
                         Robert Full, University of California, Berkeley,
                         Roy Kornbluh and Ron Pelrine, SRI International
                         Satoshi Tadokoro, Kobe University, Japan,

                        Also, the editor would like to acknowledge and express his appreciation to
                   the following individuals who took the time to review the 12 chapters that were
                   revised in this second edition and particularly those who where not coauthors of
                   this book. Their contribution is highly appreciated and it helped making this book
                   of significantly greater value to the readers:

                   Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Wellesley Campus, Auckland, New Zealand
                   Narayan Aluru, University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign Andy Adamatzky,
                           University of the West of England, Bristol, England
                   Mary Frecker, Penn State University
                   Kaneto Keiichi, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
                   David Hanson, University of Texas at Dallas and Human Emulation Robotics,
                   Roy Kornbluh, SRI International, CA
                   Don Leo, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
                   John Madden, University of British Columbia, Canada
                   Chris Melhuish, University of the West of England, UK
                   Walied Moussa, University of Alberta, Canada
                   José-María Sansiñena, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
                   Stewart Sherrit, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA
                   Peter Sommer-Larsen, Risoe Research Center, Denmark
                   Geoffery Spinks, University of Wollongong, Australia
                   Ji Su, NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC), VA
                   Minuro Taya, University of Washington
                   Aleksandra Vinogradov, Montana State University
                   Eui-Hyeok Yang, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA

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