Page created by Yvonne Obrien

Student Handbook

                         S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y O F N E W Y O R K
Table of Contents
Faculty and Staff  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1
Engineering at New Paltz  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
Mission  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
Program Educational Objectives  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
Student Outcomes  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
Accreditation  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
Electrical Engineering Transfer Admission  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
Electrical Engineering Curriculum .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
     Curriculum Requirements .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
General Education Requirements  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
     Basic Science and Mathematics .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
     Computer Science Requirements  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
     Electrical Engineering Required Courses  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
     Technical Electives  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
Departmental Academic Policies  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
Course Descriptions  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
5-year B.S. in Computer Engineering / M.S. in Electrical Engineering  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
Minor in Business  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .        12
General Information  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
Student Organizations  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
Sample Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Resnick Engineering Hall

Dan Freedman, Dean of Science and Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        REH 114  . . . . . .   845∙257∙3728
Julio Gonzalez, Associate Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   REH 114  . . . . . .   845∙257∙3724
Baback Izadi, Chair of Elect. & Comp. Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    REH 103  . . . . . .   845∙257∙3720

ENGINEERING FACULTY                              Assistant Professor
                                                     Rajeev Narayanan, Ph.D.,
                                                     Concordia University
    Ghader Eftekhari, Ph.D., PE,
                                                     Embedded Systems & Hardware Verification
    University of Nottingham, England
    Electronic Circuits & Devices
    Hassan Kalhor, Ph.D., PE, U.C. Berkeley          Michael Otis, M.Sc.,
    Microwave & Power Systems                        State University of New York, Binghamton
    257·3721                                         Embedded Systems & Digital Systems
    kalhorh@engr.newpaltz.edu                        257·3827
    Associate Professors
    Julio Gonzalez, Ph.D.,                           Engineering Staff
    Colorado State University                        Judy DePuy
    Control Systems                                  Administrative Aide
    257·3724                                         REH 114
    gonzalj@engr.newpaltz.edu                        257∙3720
    Baback Izadi, Ph.D., The Ohio State University
    Computer Architecture, Reliable Computing        Thomas LaBarr
    257·3823                                         Instructional Support Technician
    bai@engr.newpaltz.edu                            REH 101
    Damodaran Radhakrishnan, Ph.D.,                  labarrt@engr.newpaltz.edu
    University of Idaho                              (supervises maintenance of electronics
    Digital Systems & VLSI Design                    laboratories)
    damu@engr.newpaltz.edu                           Robert Trahan
                                                     Computer Systems Administrator
    Faramarz Vaziri, Ph.D., University of Houston    REH 007
    Communications & Computer Systems                257∙3735
    257·3811                                         trahanr@engr.newpaltz.edu
    vazirif@engr.newpaltz.edu                        (manages student computer laboratories)
    Mohammad Zunoubi, Ph.D.,
    Mississippi State University
    Electromagnetics & Antennas

ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER                                          engineering or related fields.
ENGINEERING AT SUNY NEW PALTZ                              2.    An ability to advance in their professional
                                                                 careers through completion of engineering
The Department of Electrical and Computer                        projects that utilize teamwork and
Engineering at SUNY New Paltz is committed                       communication skills, life-long learning,
to academic excellence. We offer high-quality                    independent and creative thinking, and
undergraduate and master’s programs that prepare                 leadership, with adherence to the highest
students to participate effectively as members of the            principles of ethical conduct;
engineering profession of today and tomorrow and
to function as thoughtful and responsible members
of modern society. We strive to create and maintain              An ability to advance in their careers by
a challenging learning environment supportive of                 completing graduate coursework, earning
engineering study for a diverse student body. As                 graduate degrees, and conducting, presenting
well, we provide engineering education and technical             and publishing original research, with adherence
support to the campus community, regional industry               to the highest principles of ethical conduct.
and the community-at-large.                                4.    An ability to work beyond their primary
                                                                 responsibilities by providing service through
Mission                                                          active membership in professional societies
This mission follows closely those of our institution            and/or by being a productive member of their
and is stated as:                                                community.

1.  Offering high-quality undergraduate programs         Student Outcomes of the Electrical
     in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a          Engineering Program
     master’s program in Electrical Engineering to a
                                                           Engineering students, by graduation time, will attain:
     diverse student body.
                                                           n A
                                                              n    ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
2. Providing engineering education and techni-
                                                                science, and engineering.
     cal support to the campus community, regional
     industry and the community-at-large.                  n A
                                                              n   ability to design and conduct experiments, as
                                                                well as to analyze and interpret data.
3.  Admitting students who show promise
     of succeeding in the challenging field of             n A
                                                              n   ability to design a system, component, or
     engineering.                                               process to meet desired needs within realistic
                                                                constraints such as economic, environmental,
                                                                social, political, ethical, health and safety,
Having our students gain technical knowledge, social
                                                                manufacturability, and sustainability.
skills and confidence to contribute as productive and
responsible members of the engineering profession          n A
                                                              n     ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
and the society.                                           n A
                                                              n   ability to identify, formulate, and solve
                                                                engineering problems.
Program Educational Objectives of the
Electrical Engineering Program                             n A
                                                              n   understanding of professional and ethical
Program Educational Objectives describe the career
and professional accomplishments that the program          n An
                                                               ability to communicate effectively. The broad
is preparing graduates to achieve in three to five              education necessary to understand the impact
years. The educational objectives of the Electrical             of engineering solutions in a global, economic,
and Computer Engineering program are to produce                 environmental, and societal context.
graduates who attain:                                      n A
                                                                 recognition of the need for, and an ability to
1.   An ability to enter professional careers or pursue        engage in, life-long learning.
     graduate studies in electrical or computer            n A
                                                                 knowledge of contemporary issues.

n A
       nability to use the techniques, skills, and modern    ECE Program. Therefore, all evaluated coursework,
      engineering tools necessary for engineering             which appears in the students Progress Report,
      practice.                                               may not apply to the degree requirements of the
                                                              Electrical and Computer Engineering Program. The
    Accreditation                                             most essential step is for the student to consult with
    The SUNY New Paltz Electrical and Computer                the chair of the department and his/her advisor. All
    Engineering programs are both accredited by the           transfer credits should be evaluated by the end of
    Engineering Accreditation Commission of the               the first semester at SUNY New Paltz. A student
    Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology        must receive a grade of C- or higher to be awarded
    (ABET), 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore,          credit for a course. In calculating grade point
    MD 21202-4012.                                            averages, only SUNY New Paltz courses are used.

    Admission to the Electrical and
    Computer Engineering Department
                                                              ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
    The department does not have any additional               CURRICULUM
    requirements once students are accepted to SUNY
    New Paltz.
                                                              The Department of Electrical and Computer
                                                              Engineering offers a comprehensive program in
    Transfer Students: Application and                        electrical engineering, which is accredited by the
    Transfer Credit Procedure                                 Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the
    Successfully completed coursework from another            Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
    institution will transfer provided it is evaluated and    (ABET). Students may choose electives in
    determined eligible to meet general education and/        microelectronics, communications, signal processing,
    or major requirements. Students wanting to complete       control, robotics, energy conversion, microwaves,
    their engineering education at SUNY New Paltz             electromagnetics and computer engineering.
    must complete the general SUNY application online         Electrical engineering continues to be a growing
    at http://www.newpaltz.edu/admissions/transfer.           program in the field of engineering due to a rapidly
    html. Once the undergraduate application is received,     changing technological society and expanding
    the Admissions Office evaluates the student’s             industrial needs. The program at New Paltz is
    transcript and makes an acceptance decision.              designed to meet these needs generally and those
    Transfer credit is initially evaluated by Undergraduate   of the Mid-Hudson Valley specifically.
    Admissions. Each accepted applicant receives a            The curriculum consists of a general education
    preliminary evaluation of credit given for courses        component, basic science and mathematics,
    completed at another college. If the student is           electrical engineering required courses and technical
    transferring in from a local community college,           electives (electrical engineering major code
    transfer of credit will be in accordance with the         517). Electrical engineering students must meet
    agreed upon transfer credit articulation policies.        a modified General Education requirement. The
    Under certain circumstances, if the Admissions            general education requirements are exactly the same
    Office is unable to evaluate specific courses and         for the electrical engineering and the computer
    is unable to make a decision on transferability of        engineering programs.
    credits, the Chair of the Engineering Department          Our curriculum is designed to provide students with
    will consider the matter and render a decision after      a solid knowledge of mathematics, science and
    evaluating the course description and Prerequisites.      engineering concepts and the ability to apply them
    An eligible applicant can expect to receive equivalent    to engineering problems. Design is emphasized
    credits for college-level electrical engineering course   throughout the engineering program. Students also
    work successfully completed from universities or          complete a series of courses in general education
    colleges accredited by the Accreditation Board            that complement their engineering education, which
    for Engineering and Technology, provided that the         encourages them to understand engineering roles in
    course work corresponds directly to the existing          a broader context. The flexibility of the engineering
curriculum serves full- and part-time students,
traditional and non-traditional students, and students   For the list of courses in each category, please
new to engineering as well as those who have had         refer to the GE III Requirements for Electrical and
some experience in technical areas.                      Computer Engineering brochure.

Electrical Engineering Curriculum                        Basic Science and Mathematics
Requirements (127-128 credits)                           Requirements (33-34 credits)
                                                         The basic science and mathematics course of study
n G
   eneral    Education (24 credits)                     consists of 33-34 credits in mathematics, physics,
n B
   asic    Science and Mathematics (33-34 credits)      and chemistry. They form a foundation for the
                                                         material in the engineering courses. The required
n C
   omputer     Science (4 credits)
                                                         courses are:
n E
   lectrical   Engineering Required Courses (52
  credits)                                               Mathematics
n T
   echnical    Electives (14 credits)                   n M
                                                            AT251       Calculus I (4 credits)
                                                         n M
                                                            AT252       Calculus II (4 credits)
Although it is possible for a dedicated student
who begins the math sequence with Calculus I to          n M
                                                            AT353       Calculus III (4 credits)
complete all degree requirements in four years, our      n M
                                                            AT341       Applied Math I (3 credits)
students, like those at most engineering schools
                                                         n M
                                                            AT342       Applied Math II (3 credits)
in the United States, typically require an additional
semester to complete the program.
General Education Requirements                           n P
                                                            HY201       General Physics I (3 credits)
(24 credits)
                                                         n P
                                                            HY211       General Physics I Lab (1 credit)
The General Education is comprised of 6 credits
                                                         n P
                                                            HY202       General Physics II (3 credits)
of English and 18 credits of coursework from the
following list:                                          n P
                                                            HY212       General Physics II Lab (1 credits)
                                                         n P
                                                            HY315       Engineering Mechanics (4 credits)
n E
   NG160        Freshman Composition I (3 credits)
                                                         n P
                                                            HY422       Thermal Physics (3 credits)
n E
   NG180        Freshman Composition II (3 credits)
  or                                                     Chemistry
n E
   NG205        General Honors English I (3 credits)    n C
                                                            HE201       General Chemistry I (3 credits)
n E
   NG206        General Honors English I (3 credits)    n C
                                                            HE211       General Chemistry I Lab (1 credit)

Choose one (1) course from each of the following         Computer Science Requirement
six categories:                                          (4 credits)
n A
   merican     History
                                                         n C
                                                            PS210       Computer Science I: Foundations (4
n A
   rt                                                     credits)
n H
                                                         Electrical Engineering Required
n S
   ocial   Science                                      Courses (52 credits)
n W
   estern    Civilization
                                                         n E
                                                            GG101       Introduction to Engineering Science
n W
   orld    Civilization                                   (3 credits)

n E
       GE209       Circuits Laboratory (1 credit)           n C
                                                                PS410    Design and Analysis of Algorithms
                                                               (3 credits)
    n E
       GE250       Circuit Analysis (3 credits)
                                                             n C
                                                                PS420      Languages and Machines (3 credits)
    n E
       GE311       Signals and Systems (3 credits)
                                                             n C
                                                                PS342      Embedded Linux (3 credits)
    n E
       GE312       Communication Systems (3 credits)
                                                             n C
                                                                PS450      Design of Programming Languages (3
    n E
       GE316       Control Systems (3 credits)
    n E
       GE320       Electronics I (3 credits)
                                                             n E
                                                                GE317      Digital Control Systems (3 credits)
    n E
       GE321       Electronics II (3 credits)
                                                             n E
                                                                GE342      Microwave Fundamentals (3 credits)
    n E
       GE322       Electronics I Lab (1 credit)
                                                             n E
                                                                GE436      Microelectronic Technology (3 credits)
    n E
       GE323       Electronics II Lab (1 credit)
                                                             n E
                                                                GE451    Electromechanical Energy Conversion
    n E
       GE340       Engineering Electromagnetics I             (3 credits)
      (3 credits)
                                                             n E
                                                                GE452      Electric Power Systems (3 credits)
    n E
       GE341       Engineering Electromagnetics II
                                                             n E
                                                                GE440      Solid State Devices (3 credits)
      (3 credits)
                                                             n E
                                                                GC412      Data Communication (3 credits)
    n E
       GE408       Senior Design Project I1 (3 credits)
                                                             n E
                                                                GC416      Embedded Systems (3 credits)
    n E
       GE409       Senior Design Project II1 (3 credits)
                                                             n E
                                                                GC432      Computer Architecture (3 credits)
    n E
       GC150       Engineering Computing Lab I
      (1 credit)                                             n E
                                                                GC450      Digital Systems Design (3 credits)
    n E
       GC208       Digital Logic Laboratory (1 credit)      n E
                                                                GC435      VLSI Design (3 credits)
    n E
       GC230       Digital Logic Fundamentals (3 credits)   n E
                                                                GC493      System-on-Chip (3 credits)
    n E
       GC250       Engineering Computing Lab II             n E
                                                                GE494      Co-op/fieldwork (3 credits)
      (1 credit)                                             n M
                                                                AT320      Discrete Mathematics (3 credits)
    n E
       GC308       Microprocessor Laboratory (1 credit)     n M
                                                                AT375      Numerical Methods (3 credits)
    n E
       GC331       Microprocessor System Design             n M
                                                                AT488    Partial Differential Equations
      (3 credits)                                              (3 credits)
    n E
       GG309       Technical Communications (3 credits)     n P
                                                                HY305      Computational Physics (3 credits)     
    n E
       GE370       Engineering Statistics (3 credits)       n P
                                                                HY309      Modern Physics I (3 credits)

    Electrical Engineering Technical                         Laboratory Group
    Electives (14 credits)
    Fourteen credits of technical electives are required     n E
                                                                GE302      Antennas (1 credit)
    (4 courses and 2 laboratories). Technical electives      n E
                                                                GE303      Microwave Fundamentals (1 credit)
    also include certain upper division computer science,
                                                             n E
                                                                GE304      Control (1 credit)
    physics, and math courses. Students must obtain
    the advice of their advisor about their choice of        n E
                                                                GE305      Communication (1 credit)
    electives before registering.                            n E
                                                                GE306      Microwaves Circuits (1 credit)
                                                             n E
                                                                GE450      Microelectronics Technology (1 credit)
    Lecture Group
                                                             n E
                                                                GE455      Electromechanical Energy Conversion
    n C
       PS340      Operating Systems I (4 credits)
                                                               (1 credit)
    n C
       PS341      Operating Systems II (3 credits)
                                                             n E
                                                                GE493      Electric Power Systems (1 credit)
    n C
       PS353      Software Engineering (3 credits)
                                                             n E
                                                                GC401      VLSI Design (1 credit)
    n C
       PS393      Computer Science 2A (4 credits)
Departmental Academic Policies
                                                         EGE250 Circuit Analysis (3)
Students are required to receive grades no less
                                                         Electrical circuit parameters and laws, circuit
than a C- in any course that is used to satisfy the
                                                         theorems, RC, RL, and RCL circuits, sinusoidal and
Engineering major requirement. Courses taken on a
                                                         phasor, circuits with ac input, power calculation,
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis cannot be applied
                                                         three-phase circuits, transfer function, filters, two-
toward the engineering degree requirements.
                                                         port circuits, magnetically coupled circuits and
                                                         Corequisite: PHY202, MAT341, and EGE209

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS                                      EGE302 Antenna Laboratory (1)
                                                         Measurement of the far field pattern and
General Engineering Courses                              characteristics of wire antennas and arrays for VHF.
EGG101 Intro to Engineering Science (3)                  Measurement of the field pattern and characteristics
This course will provide students with an introduction   of reflector type antennas in the X-band, and of
to electrical, computer, and electro-mechanical          aperture type antennas and arrays in the X-band.
engineering through project-based learning.              Prerequisite: PI
Foundations of electrical engineering (circuits,
semiconductors, and energy) are explored through         EGE303 Microwave Fundamentals Lab (1)
lecture and experimentation of solar photovoltaics.      Measurement of VSWR and wavelength in
Foundations of electrical, computer, and electro-        waveguides, stub tuners and matching, calibration
mechanical engineering (circuits, programming, and       of attenuators, time domain reflectometry and
interfacing) are explored through lecture, design,       frequency domain network analyzer measurement.
simulation, and implementation of microcontroller-       Pre/Corequisite: EGE342
based robotics. Foundations of electrical and
mechanical engineering are explored through              EGE304 Control Laboratory (1)
instructor demonstration and student implementation      Transient response and frequency response
of Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD).            measurements to characterize control system
Electrical CADD Schematics are created using             devices and components. Laboratory study of open-
Cadence Orcad, and Mechanical CADD 3D design             loop and closed-loop linear systems. Steady-state
solutions are created using Solidworks.                  error analysis; Positional speed control systems.
                                                         Prerequisite: EGE316 or EGE317
EGG309 Technical Communications (3)
This course guides the student in preparing the          EGE305 Communication Laboratory (1)
proposal for their Senior Design Project. This is        AM communication circuits. FM communication.
done by building a high level statement of the           SSB communication circuits. RF power transmitting.
Senior Design Project, an audience and stakeholder       Phase-locked loop circuits, frequency synthesis, time
definition, a product definition statement, a product    division multiplexing (sampling, PCM, DM), frequency
plan, a risk assessment, and a product verification      division multiplexing, amplitude shift keying, phase
and wrap-up plan. The course also covers business        shift keying, frequency shift keying.
memos, abstracts and summaries, mechanical               Prerequisite: EGE312
descriptions, poster sessions, business ethics, and
business oriented oral presentations. All students       EGE306 Microwave Circuits Laboratory (1)
are required to give two oral presentations.             Design, build and test planar microwave devices
                                                         such as power divider, coupler, filter, mixer, amplifier,
Electrical Engineering Courses                           and oscillator.
EGE209 Circuits Laboratory (1)                           Prerequisite: PI
Laboratory exercises covering the material of Circuit
Corequisite: EGE250

EGE311 Signals and Systems (3)                            EGE321 Electronics II (3)
    Continuous and discrete-time signals, systems,            Multistage amplifiers (direct coupled, capacitor
    and their properties. Continuous and discrete-time        coupled), differential amplifiers. Advance current
    linear time-invariant systems. Convolution sum and        sources. Applications of operational amplifiers.
    convolution integral. System descriptions using           Frequency response of amplifiers. Tuned amplifiers.
    differential and difference equations. Continuous         Oscillators. Waveform generators. Feedback
    - time Fourier series, Fourier transform, and their       amplifiers, and stability of feedback amplifiers.
    properties. Frequency-selective filters, amplitude        Power amplifiers. Laboratory exercises.
    modulation, and sampling.                                 Pre-requisite: EGE320
    Prerequisite: MAT341 and EGE250
                                                              EGE322 Electronics I Laboratory (1)
    EGE312 Communication Systems (3)                          Laboratory exercises covering op-amps,
    Signal analysis, Signal transmission. Digital             characterization of diodes, BJT, and MOSFET,
    communication systems. Amplitude modulation;              diode circuits, biasing and amplification of BJT
    angle modulation.                                         and MOSFET, including simple current source.
    Prerequisite: EGE311                                      Corequisite: EGE320

    EGE316 Control Systems (3)                                EGE323 Electronics II Laboratory (1)
    Automatic control systems: concept of feedback            Laboratory exercises covering the multistage
    and robustness. Review of pertinent mathematical          amplifier, direct coupled amplifier, difference
    background: The Laplace Transform.The transfer            amplifier, op-amp applications, frequency response,
    function approach. Signal Flow graph and Mason’s          oscillator, waveform generator, power amplifier, and
    gain formula. The state-space approach and its            frequency response.
    relation to transfer function. Mathematical modeling      Corequisite: EGE321
    of physical systems. Stability analysis: The Routh-
    Hurtwitz method. Stability analysis in parameter          EGE340 Engineering Electromagnetics I (3)
    space. Analysis using the Evans diagram (Root             Transmission line theory. Graphical solutions using
    Locus). Analysis using Bode diagrams. Design of           Smith Chart. Impedance matching. Transients
    lag-phase and lead-phase controllers using Evans          on lossless lines. Coordinate systems and vector
    and Bode diagrams. Design of State-Feedback               calculus. Maxwell’s equations and the wave
    controllers.                                              equation. Uniform plane waves.
    Prerequisite: EGE311                                      Prerequisite: EGE250, MAT353

    EGE317 Digital Control Systems (3)                        EGE341 Engineering Electromagnetics II (3)
    Analysis and design of discrete-time control              Electrostatic fields in free space and material media.
    systems. General formulation of dynamic systems           Electric energy, potential, and capacitance. Laplace’s
    using difference equations. The Z-transform and           and Poisson’s equations. Magnetostatic fields in
    its applications. Signal conversion and processing.       free space and material media. Magnetic energy,
    Stability analysis. Design of discrete-time control       magnetic potential, and inductance. Magnetic
    system via transform methods. Compensator design          circuits. Quasi-static electromagnetic fields.
    using classical techniques.                               Induction, magnetic forces and torque’s. Time-
    Prerequisite: EGE311                                      varying fields and Maxwell’s equations. Propagation
                                                              of plane waves.
    EGE320 Electronics I (3)                                  Prerequisite: EGE340
    Op-amp as a device, semiconductors, diodes, zener
    diodes, diode circuits. Bipolar junction transistors:     EGE342 Microwave Fundamentals (3)
    physics, biasing, and amplification. Metal-oxide          Review of Maxwell’s equations, propagation of plane
    semiconductor field effect transistor: physics, biasing   waves, reflection and transmission of plane waves,
    and amplification. Bipolar transistor as a switch.        transmission line analysis, striplines and microstrip
    Laboratory exercises.                                     lines, waveguide analysis, microwave networks.
    Prerequisite: EGE250                                      Prerequisite: EGE341
EGE370 Engineering Statistics (3)                          EGE450 Microelectronics Technology
      This course will provide students with an                  Laboratory (1)
      understanding of the principles of engineering             Semiconductor cleaning and etching. Metal
      data analysis using basic probability theorems and         evaporation, DC Sputtering, electron beam
      statistic theorems. Emphasis is on the application of      evaporation. RF Sputtering, thermal oxide growth,
      statistical techniques to real-world data processing       alloying, annealing, window opening, oxide thickness
      or problems.                                               measurement, four point probe method, cryogenic
      Corequisite: EGC250                                        characterization.
                                                                 Corequisite: EGE436
      EGE408 Senior Design Project I (3)
      First part of a two-semester design project.               EGE440 Solid State Devices (3)
      Students choose a project and an advisor and learn         Bond and band model, semiconductors at equilibrium
      about the design process. A written progress report        and non equilibrium, physics of PN junctions, diodes,
      is required at the end of the semester.                    bipolar transistors, M-S, MESFET, MOSFET, LED,
      Prerequisite: Graduating, major code 517 and PC            Solar cell and photo diodes, PNPN diodes and SCR.
                                                                 Prerequisite: EGE320
      EGE409 Senior Design Project II (3)
      Second part of a two-semester design project. A            EGE455 Electromechanical Energy HConver-
      formal report and an oral presentation are required at     sion Lab (1)
      the end of the semester.                                   Operation of single and three phase transformers.
      Prerequisite: EGE408 and PC                                Characteristics of single phase and three phase
                                                                 induction motors. Characteristics of three phase
      EGE436 Microelectronic Technology (3)                      synchronous machines. Characteristics of various
      Crystal growth. Epitaxy. Major steps in the                types of direct current machines.
      fabrication of VLSI circuits. Process simulation           Corequisite: EGE451
      and diagnostic techniques. Yield and reliability.
      Prerequisite: EGE320                                       EGE493 Electric Power Systems Lab (1)
                                                                 Measurement of alternator characteristics,
      EGE451 Electromechanical Energy                            transformer characteristics, and transmission
      Conversion (3)                                             line characteristics. Power flow and short
      Review of electric circuits, review of magnetic            circuit measurements on uncompensated and
      circuits, single phase and three phase transformers,       compensated transmission lines. Determination of
      single phase and three phase induction motors,             voltage regulation and efficiency of loeaded lines.
      single phase and three phase synchronous                   Corequisite: EGE452
      Prerequisite: EGE250                                       EGE494 Co-op/fieldwork (3)
                                                                 Participation in a design and engineering project for
      EGE452 Electric Power Systems (3)                          a complete summer or part time during the semester,
      Energy sources, transmission line parameters,              under the supervision of an engineer in industry.
      transmission line modeling, power flow analysis,           Student must arrange all details with the department
      voltage and frequency control.                             first. At the end a full report has to be submitted.
      Prerequisite: EGE250                                       Prerequisite: Junior or Senior level

  Senior Design Project I and II (EGE408 and EGE409 - 6 cr). Seniors must register during each of the last two semesters

  preceding their graduation for Senior Design Project I and II. A single project under the direction of a faculty member
  (single of group) will be spread over two semesters. This project should provide a meaningful engineering design
  experience and should draw on the cumulative technical background of the student. Students work with a team of two, or
  at most, three – depending on the complexity of the project. On rare occasions students are allowed to work individually
  on a project. Senior Designs I and II are presented twice a year (spring and , fall). Students are required to give oral   9
  presentations of their projects using PowerPoint and submit a formal report at the end of the semester.
Computer Engineering Courses                               EGC308 Microprocessor Laboratory (1)
     EGC150 Engineering Computing Lab I (1)                     Students develop a comprehensive (hands-on)
     To introduce students to the C programming                 understanding of: microcontroller organization
     language, specifically as it applies to solving            and architecture; Assembly and C language
     problems related to engineering and science. The C         programming; I/O port interfacing; human-
     programming language is fundamental to computer            machine interfacing (instrumentation); analog-
     science. Engineers today are expected to know the          to-digital interfacing; simple data acquisition;
     basics of programming in order to solve complex            and controls through design and implementation
     engineering problems. The course will familiarize the      (experimentation).
     students with a typical C programming environment,         Prerequisite: EGC230 Corequisite: EGC331
     program structure, data types, arrays, functions,
                                                                EGC331 Microprocessor System Design (3)
     recursion, pointers, file manipulation, and basic
                                                                Students develop a comprehensive understanding
     software development.
                                                                of microcontroller organization and architecture;
     Prerequisite: EGG101
                                                                assembly and C language programming, more
     EGC208 Digital Logic Laboratory (1)                        specifically: branch, call, loop, I/O port, arithmetic,
     Experiments in both combinational and sequential           logic, indexed, and look-up tables; fundamentals
     logic circuits – BCD to 7-segment display decoders,        of interrupts; and design and interfacing of
     full adder, adder-subtractor, and arithmetic and logic     microcontroller-based embedded systems. Students
     unit (ALU). VHDL implementations. Synchronous              also learn the fundamentals of standard on-
     sequential circuits using D flip-flops, counter designs.   board microcontroller peripherals: Timers, Serial
     This lab uses software tools such as Electronic            Communications, Analog Interfacing, and Controls.
     Work Bench and Xilinx ISE. Designs are finally             Prerequisite: EGC 230
     downloaded into FPGA boards.                               Corequisite: EGC150, EGC308
     Corequisite: EGC230
                                                                EGC401 VLSI Design Laboratory (1)
     EGC230 Digital Logic Fundamentals (3)                      Static and dynamic characteristics of CMOS logic
     Introduction to number systems and basic                   gates using SPICE simulation. Design of CMOS
     arithmetic operations, Boolean algebra, analysis           logic circuits using transistor schematics and their
     and design of combinational logic, analysis and            verification through simulation. Layout of CMOS
     design of sequential circuits, memory and counters.        logic circuits using state-of- the-art VLSI design
     Corequisite: EGC208                                        tools, satisfying layout design rules, and their
                                                                verification through simulation.
     EGC250 Engineering Computing Lab II (1)                    Corequisite: EGC435
     The Computer Simulation Lab is intended to
     introduce electrical and computer engineering              EGC412 Data Communications (3)
     students to the concepts of engineering design             Students develop a comprehensive understanding
     using the MATLAB script language as the primary            of Data Communications, which introduces the
     implementation tool. The MATLAB system is widely           problems, solutions, and limitations associated
     used by professional engineers and scientists. The         with interconnecting computers by communication
     students will be introduced to the following topics:       networks (LAN or WAN). The seven layer ISO Open
     Problem Solving and Engineering Method, MATLAB             System Interconnect (OSI) reference model serves
     Interactive Environment, MATLAB Programming                as framework for the course with major emphasis on
     Elements, Control Structures, Arrays and matrix            layers one through four (physical, data link, network,
     Operations, Plotting and Graphing, Recursion, Object       and transportation).
     Oriented Programming, Software Development.                Prerequisite: EGC331
     Corequisite: MAT252

EGC416 Embedded Systems (3)                             synthesis, embedded software, reconfigurable
This course provides students with an understanding     computing, design verification and test, and design
of the design and analysis processes required           space exploration. Class projects are carried out
for utilizing advance functionality, interfacing,       based on student interests, focusing on current
and programming techniques (as applied to an            SoC design and research. Platform FPGA boards
industry standard microcontroller, the Freescale        are provided to prototype, test, and evaluate SoC
HCS12/9S12). Topics include: Advanced Interrupt         designs.
Techniques, Timers, Communication and Networking,       Prerequisite: EGC416 EGC450
Digital and Analog Interfacing, Data Acquisition, and
Control Systems.                                        EGC494 Co-op/fieldwork (3)
Corequisite: EGE320                                     Participation in a design and engineering project for
                                                        a complete summer or part time during the semester,
EGC432 Introduction to Computer                         under the supervision of an engineer in industry.
Architecture (3)                                        Student must get all details from the department
Computer architecture and hardware system               first. After completion of co-op, each and every
organization are examined. Topics include:              student must give an oral presentation of his/
performance issues, CPU organization and                her gained experience and submit a formal report.
instruction set implementation, performance             Details can be found in department co-op brochure.
enhancement through pipelining, memory                  Prerequisite: Junior or senior level
organizations, input/output structure, and an
introduction to parallel architectures.                 CPS342 Embedded Linux (3)
Prerequisite: EGC331                                    The students will study the major components of an
                                                        operating system and compare different operating
EGC435 VLSI Design (3)                                  systems being used in desktop computers with the
Introduction to MOS devices and circuits (N-MOS,        ones used in an embedded environment. Students
CMOS), MOS transistor theory. Integrated circuit        will study the Linux operating system specifically,
technology and layout design rules. Design of CMOS      including its interface with hardware devices.
circuits. Circuit characterization and performance      Students will examine the embedded operating
estimation. CAD tools for VLSI design. Memory           system both on a virtual machine and on the
circuits. Clocking and input/output circuits. Micro     hardware device itself. Students will become familiar
architecture of VLSI systems. Chip design projects.     with the shell and perform shell programming.
Testability.                                            Students will study the application/kernel interface
Prerequisite: EGC230, EGE320                            in the embedded environment as well as the kernel
Corequisite: EGC401                                     design overview and the system-level computer
EGC450 Digital Systems Design (3)                       Prerequisite: CPS310
State minimization, state assignment, and design
of synchronous sequential circuits. VHDL coding
of combinational and sequential circuits. Analysis
and design of asynchronous sequential circuits.         5-YEAR B.S. / M.S. IN ELECTRICAL
Programmable logic devices. Digital system              ENGINEERING
design examples. Arithmetic circuits and memory.
Additional topics such as, design of CMOS circuits,     This program is to facilitate a fast-track Master
power reduction, testing etc.                           of Science degree in electrical engineering. The
Prerequisite: EGC230                                    program is open to SUNY New Paltz students who
                                                        are currently enrolled in their last semester of the
EGC493 System-on-Chip (3)                               junior standing, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in
System-on-chip (SoC) design methodology and IP          electrical or computer engineering.
(intellectual property) reuse, system modeling and
analysis, hardware/software co-design, behavioral

To be eligible, students must have completed the first    Plan B – 24 credits
     semester of their junior year in residence at SUNY
                                                               BUS201 Financial Accounting (3)
     New Paltz. Moreover, they must have an overall
                                                               ECO206 Introduction to Microeconomics (3)
     SUNY New Paltz GPA of at least 3.0. The qualified
                                                               ECO207 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3)
     students may apply for admission to the Graduate
                                                               BUS215 Business Decision Support System (3)
     School through the Department of Electrical and
                                                               BUS250 Principles of Management (3)
     Computer Engineering. The accepted students
                                                               BUS325 Marketing (3)
     are permitted to enroll in two 500-level graduate
                                                               BUS341 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (3)
     courses (six credits). These courses, in addition to
                                                               EGE370 Engineering Statistics (3)
     satisfying students’ bachelor’s degrees, will count
     toward their master’s degrees. The remaining 24
     credits of the master’s requirement will be taken in
     the fifth year of study.
                                                               GENERAL INFORMATION
     To apply students should submit the following:            Graduates
     • A signed application form                               Our students graduate with an understanding of
     • A New Paltz transcript (they are free)                  the roles, responsibilities and professional ethics
     • One letter of recommendation                            expected of engineers; with the communication and
     • $50.00 graduate application fee                         teamwork skills needed to function effectively in a
                                                               range of work environments and with the ability to
     Below is the link to the graduate application form for:   think critically and adapt to a changing world. Our
     BS Electrical Engineering/MS Electrical Engineering       graduates are well prepared to be successful in
     (major code 267): http://www.newpaltz.edu/                entry-level positions in industry and research and
     graduate/bs_electrical_engineering-ms_electrical_         to pursue further study and advancement in their
     engineering_application.pdf                               chosen fields.

     Once admitted to the B.S./M.S. program, students          Industry Involvement and Co-op/field-
     must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA in all courses         work Program
     through the senior year. In addition, students must
                                                               A key feature of engineering at New Paltz is the
     earn a B or better in each of the two graduate
                                                               close working relationship the department enjoys
     courses. Students not satisfying these requirements
                                                               with local high-technology industry. The interest
     will be re-evaluated for continuation in the program.
                                                               and support of industry inspired the development
                                                               of the program and now ensures that it will remain
                                                               relevant to expanding and changing industrial
                                                               needs. We encourage our students to participate
     MINOR IN BUSINESS                                         in co-op/fieldwork experiences while at New Paltz,
     Engineering students can Minor in Business by             and we maintain a high after-graduation placement
     taking either Plan A or Plan B course work. Plan          rate. Students, who complete a pre-arranged and
     A is recommended to those pursuing an MBA                 supervised co-op/fieldwork and submit a report,
     afterward. Otherwise, Plan B is suggested.                receive 3 credits.

     Plan A – 21 credits                                       Engineering Advisory Board (EAB)
     BUS201 Financial Accounting (3)                           The Engineering Department has a very active
     ECO206 Introduction to Microeconomics (3)                 external advisory board with participants contributing
     ECO207 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3)                 from the many high tech engineering and related
     BUS271 Legal Environment of Business (3)                  companies located in the Hudson Valley. The EAB’s
     BUS311 Statistics for Business & Economics II (3)         mission is to assist the SUNY New Paltz Electrical
     BUS341 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (3)              and Computer Engineering Department in insuring
     EGE370 Engineering Statistics (3)                         that the curriculum provides high quality student

interns, co-ops and graduates for local industries.       attend at least five engineering seminars and write
The EAB does this by providing feedback for the           a brief report on teach one (that is to be included
engineering curriculum, helping provide intern and        in their file). Only two reports per semester are
co-op positions for our students, providing full-         accepted.
time employment information and opportunities for
graduating students, and helping to identify speakers     Engineering Design
for the engineering seminar program.                      ABET requires that each student complete one
                                                          and one half years of engineering topics to include
Undergraduate Research Opportunities                      engineering sciences and engineering design
Opportunities are available for undergraduate             appropriate to the student’s field of study. At New
students through the AC2 (Alliance for Minority           Paltz, the design experience is developed and
Program and Collegiate Science Technology Entry           integrated throughout the engineering curriculum.
Program Community, for economically disadvantaged
and minority students) and the School of Science          The experience begins in Introduction to Engineering
and Engineering (for all students) to conduct             Science with an introduction to basic engineering
research during the summer. Students receive              design. As engineering majors progress through
a generous stipend. Undergraduate research                the major, they gain engineering design experience
enhances student’s chance in pursuing a graduate          at increasing levels of complexity within many of
education and finding a suitable engineering job.         the engineering core and technical elective courses.
                                                          Open-ended problems are assigned and students
Learning Environment                                      must complete design projects in many of their
Engineering students at New Paltz have the                courses. Advanced elective courses afford students
opportunity to study in an environment supportive         the opportunity to complete more substantial design
of their academic needs. Engineering courses are          projects in their areas of interest.
taught by research-oriented engineering faculty. Our
small class and laboratory sizes encourage faculty/       To assist students in choosing courses with
student interaction. Students have access to a well-      appropriate design content, each course is assigned
equipped infrastructure including state-of-the-art        a number of design credits. Our engineering
facilities, industry-standard laboratories and modern     programs require sixteen or more engineering design
computer facilities.                                      credits to be completed by the time of graduation.
                                                          Each student is required to maintain a design
The Program Requirements Checklist                        folder on file with the Department of Electrical and
                                                          Computer Engineering. By the time of graduation,
Each program requirements are listed in the program
                                                          the folder must contain at least 5 increasingly
course checklist and are included in every student
                                                          complex design projects, for which two projects must
file. At the end of each semester, student grades
                                                          be from an elective and/or senior level courses.
are transferred into the program course checklist.
                                                          (This is a strict graduation requirement.)
When the course checklist is completed, and the
student has satisfied all program requirements, he/
                                                          In the senior year, the design experience culminates
she is then eligible to graduate. The program course
                                                          in a major design project completed in the courses
checklist is used for advising and planning purposes
                                                          Senior Design I and II. Under the guidance of the
as well.
                                                          engineering faculty, students draw on the technical
                                                          knowledge and skills that they have developed
Seminars                                                  throughout the undergraduate experience in order
The Engineering Department offers several seminars        to select and complete a substantial design project.
each semester that cover a variety of subjects. To        The project grade is based on a formal report, an
partially satisfy the life-long learning requirement of   oral presentation (attended by engineering faculty,
ABET (The Accreditation Board for Engineering and         students, and constituents), and the project’s overall
Technology), engineering students are required to         performance. Senior design projects may be chosen

from any of the areas of specialization in which the      a social and professional program to familiarize
     Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering         the student with the parent organization, which
     offers technical elective courses.                        is the second largest professional society in the
                                                               world. The student branch sponsors tours of various
     Department Support in Student Activi-                     facilities on and off campus and promotes seminars.
     ties and Senior Design Projects                           Members attend an IEEE Banquet hosted annually
     The Department financially supports student related       by the Mid-Hudson Section; members receive a
     activities such as: job fairs, conferences and            monthly magazine, as well as reduced rates on
     compensates (a reasonable amount) the cost of             other technical publications of special interest.
     Senior Design Projects.                                   Membership is open to all students in Electrical and
                                                               Computer Engineering or Computer Science and
                                                               Engineering curricula.

     STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS                                     NSBE (National Society for
                                                               Black Engineers)
     Students are encouraged to involve themselves
                                                               NSBE’s mission is “to increase the number of
     in one or more of the organizations within the
                                                               culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel
     Department. Such interaction supplements the
                                                               academically, succeed professionally and positively
     classroom experience. Part of this experience may
                                                               impact the community”. NSBE strive to accomplish
     be provided by the activities of these organizations,
                                                               the following: stimulate and develop student
     and they are recommended for the student as a
                                                               interest in the various engineering disciplines;
     balancing influence.
                                                               strive to increase the number of minority students
                                                               studying engineering at both the undergraduate
     Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE Honor Society)
                                                               and graduate levels; encourage members to seek
     HKN is the national electrical and computer               advanced degrees in engineering or related fields
     engineering honor society. The chapter at SUNY            and to obtain professional engineering registrations;
     New Paltz was established in New Paltz in 1999.           promote public awareness of engineering and the
     The society’s purpose is to recognize outstanding         opportunities for Blacks and other minorities in that
     juniors and seniors in Electrical and Computer            profession; function as a representative body on
     Engineering and to promote interaction between            issues and developments that affect the careers of
     faculty and students. Candidates for membership           Black Engineers.
     are by invitation and have been judged worthy not
     only by their academic excellence, but also in regard     SWE (Society of Women Engineers)
     to their qualifications, in respect to: common sense
                                                               Why join SWE? When you join SWE you’re
     and the ability to use the knowledge, information and
                                                               joining more than an organization – you’re joining
     ideas they have acquired; capacity and willingness
                                                               a movement toward equality and opportunity for
     for hard work; congeniality and adaptability for
                                                               women in engineering. Our mission is focused
     working in harmony with all sorts of people. Formal
                                                               but our impact is vast. We provide the resources
     initiations are held once a year, either in the fall or
                                                               you need whether you are beginning, resuming, or
     spring semester. HKN sets up tutoring schedules
                                                               building your career. We also encourage creative
     and supports various Department social activities.
                                                               and intelligent girls at an early age to explore the
                                                               field of engineering. SWE was started at SUNY
     Institute of Electrical and Electronics
                                                               New Paltz in 2008 and is very active. Men are
     Engineers (IEEE)
                                                               welcome also.
     IEEE is the major professional organization of
     electrical and computer engineering. Each school
     has a student branch which is intended to sponsor

SUNY Hawk Solar Car Racing Team
SUNY Hawk Solar Car Racing Team is not open just
to Electrical and Computer Engineering students but
to all students. Students experience, from beginning
to end, the whole design process using cutting edge
technologies in various fields of engineering. The
team has participated in track races with some of
the top universities in the country, races in Texas, and
will be going cross country from Texas to Canada in

State University of New York at New Paltz
       Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


      YEAR/SEMESTER          COURSE #                COURSE TITLE                    PREREQUISITES/     CREDITS
                           MAT251             Calculus 1                                                    4
                           CHE201             General Chemistry 1 & Lab.                                    4
      1st Year,            ENG160             English Composition 1                                         3
      1st Semester         EGG101             Intro to Engineering Science                                  3
                           CPS210             Computer Science 1                                            4
                                                                 Total: 18 credits
                           MAT252             Calculus 2                             PRE: MAT251            4
                           PHY201             General Physics 1 & Lab.               CO:   MAT251           4
      1st Year,
      2nd Semester         ENG180             English Composition 2                  PRE: ENG160            3
                           EGC150             Engineering Computing 1                PRE: EGG101            1
                                              General Education                                             3
                                                                 Total: 15 credits
                           MAT341             Applied Mathematics 1                  PRE: MAT252            3
                           PHY202             General Physics 2 & Lab.               PRE: PHY201            4
                           EGC230             Digital Logic Fundamentals             CO:   EGC208           3
      2nd Year,
      1st Semester         EGC208             Digital Logic Lab                      CO:   EGC230           1
                                              General Education                                             3
                                              General Education                                             3
                                                                 Total: 17 credits
                           MAT342             Applied Mathematics 2                  PRE: MAT341            3
                           EGE250             Circuit Analysis                       CO:	PHY202            3
      2nd Year,
      2nd Semester
                           EGE209             Circuit Lab                            CO:   EGE250           1
                           MAT353             Calculus 3                             PRE: MAT252            4
                           EGC331             Microprocessor System Design PRE:	EGC230                     3
                                                                           CO:	EGC308
                           EGC308             Microprocessor System Lab              CO:   EGC331           1
                                                                 Total: 15 credits
     Twelve credits of Technical Electives (4 courses) and two Electrical/Computer Engineering Lab Electives (2
     credits) are required. A minimum three of the four Technical Elective courses must be selected from Electrical
     Engineering and/or Computer Engineering courses. The remaining Technical Elective course can include upper
     division computer science, physics, and math courses. Students need to choose their Technical Electives in
     consultation with their advisor.

                   EGE320        Electronics 1                 PRE: EGE250           3
                                                               CO: EGE322
                   EGE322        Electronics 1 Lab             CO:   EGE320          1
3rd Year,          EGE311        Signals & Systems             PRE:	MAT341          3
1st Semester
                                 Pre-MAT341/EGE250                   EGE250
                   EGE340        E-Mag 1                       PRE: 	EGE250        3
                   EGC250        Engineering Computing 2       CO:   MAT252          1
                                 General Education                                   3
                                 General Education                                   3
                                                 Total: 17 credits
                   PHY315        Engineering Mechanics         PRE:	MAT252          4
                   EGE341        E-Mag 2                       PRE: EGE340           3
3rd Year,          EGE321        Electronics 2                 PRE: EGE320           3
2nd Semester                                                   CO: EGE323
                   EGE323        Electronics 2 Lab             CO:   EGE321          1
                   EGE316        Control Systems               PRE:	EGE250          3
                   EGE370        Engineering Statistics        PRE: MAT252           3
                                                               CO: EGC250
                                 Technical Elective Lab                              1
                                                 Total: 18 credits
                   EGE408        Senior Design Project 1       CO:   EGG309          3
                   EGE312        Communication Systems         PRE: EGE311           3
4th Year,
                   EGG309        Technical Communications      CO:   EGE408          3
1st Semester
                                 Technical Elective                                  3
                                 Technical Elective                                  3
                                                 Total: 15 credits
                   EGE409        Senior Design Project 2       PRE: EGE408           3
                                 Technical Elective                                  3
                                 Technical Elective                                  3
                                 Technical Elective Lab                              1
                                 General Education                                   3
                                                 Total: 13 credits
                                 128 CREDITS TOTAL

     Core Engineering Courses              GE III Requirements
     Science and Math Courses              American History
     General Education Courses             Humanities
                                           Social Science
                                           Western Civilization
                                           World Civilization
State University of New York at New Paltz
                                                                                                                      Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                                                                                                                                   Electrical Engineering
                                                                                                                         Sample schedule for completion of degree.
            2nd Sem 1st Sem 2nd Sem 1st Sem 2nd Sem 1st Sem 2nd Sem 1st Sem

                                                                                Calc I          Gen Chem 1                 Comp Sci I              Into to EE                Fre Comp I

                                                                              MAT251 (4)        CHE201 (4)                 CPS210 (4)             EGG101 (3)                 ENG160 (3)
                                                                                Calc II         Gen Physics I             Engr Comp 1                                        Fre Comp II
                                                                                                                                                     GE III
                                                                              MAT252 (4)         PHY201 (4)              Lab EGC150 (1)                                      ENG180 (3)
                                                                              App Math I        Gen Physics II            Digital Logic          Dig Logic Lab

                                                                                                                                                                                GE III            GE III
                                                                              MAT341 (3)         PHY202 (4)               EGC230 (3)              EGC208 (1)
                                                                              App Math II         Calc III                 Microproc              Micro Lab                  Crt Analysis      Circuits Lab
                                                                              MAT342 (3)         MAT353 (4)                EGC331 (3)             EGC308 (1)                 EGE250 (3)        EGE209 (1)
                                                                              Sig/Systems     Engr Comp 2 Lab                Emag I               Electronics I               Elec I Lab
                                                                                                                                                                                                  GE III         GE III
                                                                              EGE311 (3)        EGC250 (1)                 EGE340 (3)             EGE320 (3)                 EGE322 (1)

                                                                               Eng Stats         Eng Mech                   Emag II              Electronics II              Elec II Lab        Controls      Elective Lab
                                                                              EGE370 (3)         PHY315 (4)                EGE341 (3)             EGE321 (3)                 EGE323 (1)        EGE316 (3)          (1)
                                                                              Sr. Design I      Tech Comm               Technical Elective         Commu                  Technical Elective
                                                                              EGE408 (3)        EGG309 (3)                     (3)                EGE312 (3)                     (3)

                                                                              Sr. Design II   Technical Elective        Technical Elective        Elective Lab
                                                                                                                                                                                GE III
                                                                              EGE409 (3)             (3)                       (3)                     (1)
                                                                                                                   Core Engineering Courses                        GE III Requirements
                                                                                                                                                                    American History
                                                                                                                   Science and Math Courses                         Humanities
                                                                                                                                                                    Social Science
                                                                                                                                                                    Western Civilization
                                                                                                                   General Education Courses                        World Civilization
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