Election 2012 Stand up for Public Education: Re-elect President Obama, Senator Stabenow
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MEA members are talking—p. 17 | Sign up for E-Dues—p. 25 | MESSA insert Election 2012 Stand up for Public Education: Re-elect President Obama, Senator Stabenow Protect Working Families— August 2012 | Vol. 89 | Issue 5 | www.mea.org Vote YES on Collective Bargaining
Letter to members T his is a critical time for MEA members. In addition to getting our classrooms and work areas ready for students, we’re also preparing for one of the attacks and protect our basic right to bargain collec- tively over issues that impact our jobs, our students, our families and our middle class standard of life. Getting most important elections in our time—an election that petition signatures to put the issue on the ballot was the Steven B. Cook President will determine where we will be as education profession- first step. Now, the “Vote YES on Collective Bargaining” als and what those classrooms and work areas will look campaign begins to assure its passage. The future of like in the future. Michigan workers and MEA members depends on it. We’ve been gearing up for this battle since Jan. 2011, The response from MEA members so far has been when legislators began dismantling public education unprecedented. You’ve answered the call and collected and blaming public school employees for every financial more than 300,000 petition signatures. You’ve volun- crisis. The future of public education and public school teered to go door-to-door in support of candidates and employees in Michigan depends on your actions between education issues. And whenever you’ve been asked, Nancy L. Strachan Vice President now and Nov. 6. you’ve contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Nationally, we have to stop a candidate whose quali- PAC. Thank you! fications promise more of the same—giving tax breaks But we’re not done—not by a long shot. With less than to CEOs, selling off jobs to private companies, ending 75 days left to Nov. 6, we’re asking you to ramp up your public education and ruining the middle class. Closer to efforts and do even more. If you’ve spent time knocking home, taking back the House and replacing a legislative on doors—knock on some more. If you’ve talked to your agenda of revenge with common sense and collaboration neighbors and family about how important Election 2012 Richard S. Trainor is our goal. Of course, these aren’t the only races that will is— write a letter to the editor and “talk” to even more Secretary-Treasurer affect MEA members. There are local political races to be people. If you’ve already given to PAC or a candidate— decided that will affect our daily life. give your time to getting out the vote. The 2012 election isn’t just about choosing the right And if you’ve done all of these things already—make pro-education candidates. It’s also about voting on pro- sure you VOTE on Nov. 6. Your future and MEA’s de- posals—especially the proposal that will stop legislative pends on it. (left) In her remarks to Summer Leadership participants, Cindy Estrada, International UAW Vice-President, and a coalition partner with MEA in the collective bargaining campaign, said, “In every negative there’s a positive. We’ve come together in a way the opposition never expected. We’re standing with you.” (lower left) David Hecker, AFT-Michigan President, another coalition partner with MEA, reminded Summer Leadership participants that “we once organized to improve education; now let’s organize to save it.” (below) A triple dose of union pride from MEA President Steve Cook, UAW Vice-President Cindy Estrada, and AFT- Michigan President Dave Hecker brought Summer Leadership participants to their feet at the opening session. 2 AUGUST 2012
Contents Cover photo In every issue To say that Election 2012 is a critical Editor’s Note, 4 one for public education, working Look back, Look ahead, 5 families and union members is 10 Fast Reads, 6 an understatement. Re-electing President Obama and Sen. Debbie On the cover Stabenow is just part of the strategy Have you had enough ‘positive relentless action?’ 8 to ensure everyone—not just a few— Election 2012—the few vs. the many, 10 has a chance for success. It’s our time to make a choice with our vote More inside on Nov. 6. Stabenow is the only choice for Michigan, 14 Protect Our Jobs—Protect Working Families, 20 COVER PHOTO COURTESY OF STABENOW Seven ballot proposals heighten importance of FOR U.S. SENATE November election, 22 COVER INSET PHOTO COURTESY OF AUSTEN HUFFORD/FLICKR Muskegon Heights and its emergency manager, 23 Your signature becomes your MEA voice, 25 14 23 10 20 The MEA Voice ISSN 1077-4564 is an official publication of the Michigan Education Association, 1216 Kendale Blvd., East Lansing, MI 48823. Opinions stated in the MEA Voice do not necessarily reflect the official position of the MEA unless so identified. Published by Michigan Education Association, Box 2573, East Lansing, MI 48826-2573. Periodicals postage paid at East Lansing and additional mailing offices. Payment of the active membership fee entitles a member to receive the MEA Voice. Of each Interim Executive Director » Gretchen Dziadosz annual fee whether for active or affiliate membership, $12.93 is for a year’s subscription. Frequency of Director of Public Affairs » Doug Pratt issue is bimonthly. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the MEA Voice, Box 2573, East Lansing, MI Editor » Rosemary Carey 48826-2573 or via e-mail at webmaster@mea.org. Allow at least three weeks for change of address Publications Specialist » Shantell Crispin to take effect. MEA Voice telephone: 517-332-6551 or 800-292-1934. Circulation this issue: 142,225. MEA VOICE 3
Editor’s note W e should have seen the signs. It’s a classic case of bullying. Last November, the Republican-dominated Senate Experts recommend taking action to deal with a bully—walk with awareness and confidence; set boundaries; use your voice; be persistent. passed a bullying law that would require anti-bullying Well, our time has come to deal with the bullies. policies in schools and tried to give those with a “sin- This edition of the Voice will educate you on Come tweet cerely held religious belief or moral conviction” the Election 2012 issues, demonstrate why this election with us—follow license to bully. Luckily, saner minds prevailed and is the most important one to you as public education MEA on Twitter: that absurdity didn’t make it to the final version. employees and MEA members, and motivate you www.twitter.com/ But they weren’t done. to get involved. Read it carefully. It answers the ques- MEAOnline This spring the Republican-dominated House was tions—“Why should I vote? Who should I vote for?” condemned for giving immediate effect to all laws Then do your part to stop any future bullying. they passed without the required two-thirds vote. Become an active participant in Election 2012. And all year long, the Republican-dominated Volunteer to help get the right people elected. Work Legislature has passed one law after another attack- on the “Vote YES on Collective Bargaining” cam- ing public education and public school employees. paign. And most importantly—make sure you, and What we’ve witnessed are all the classic signs of everyone you know, votes on Nov. 6. bullying—with us as the victims. As victims, we suffer from depression, low self-es- teem or health problems. We sometimes feel power- Join the less, as if no one is listening. We don’t feel safe. conversation! Become a fan of MEA on Facebook: www.mea.org/ facebook (left) It’s our time to make sure public education, collective bargaining and the middle class survive. Southfield paraprofessional Michael Graves will be on board making sure his vote and those of his members count on Nov. 6. (lower left) At the Summer Leadership Conference, MEA awarded $1,300 scholarships to 22 high school seniors this year and $700 continuing scholarships to 10 university students. Our work in Election 2012 will help further secure their future. (below) MEA President Steve Cook took his turn at Summer Leadership completing member-to-member postcards and reminding members to vote. 4 AUGUST 2012
Look back Look ahead Excerpts from the MEA Voice archives Add these dates to your calendar Oct. 6 – MEA Fall Representative Assembly (RA) November, 1936 WHAT: Serving as the governing body of MEA, hundreds of elected delegates gather Significant, but Dangerous! to discuss and vote on association business. One of two such assemblies held annually, delegates also have the T he public schools have received unusual attention in political campaigns this fall. Financial support of education was opportunity to participate in training opportunities. WHERE: Lansing “played up” in partisan campaign literature INFO: Contact your local association president for several state election contests, including or RA delegate. They will have informa- Michigan, and also in the national election tion on business items to be discussed campaign. Such attention is significant, but and can answer your questions. dangerous! The significance of this trend is the fact Oct. 20 – Committees/Commissions/Task that political publicists have discovered the Forces Meeting deep and abiding interest of the American WHAT: Members of these groups serve as public in its traditions of free public advisors to the MEA Board of Directors. education. They are appointed by the MEA Vice The danger in this trend is the possible President and the Board provides the implication that any one political party focus for their year’s work. The groups has been or is responsible for the develop- meet several times throughout the year. ment and maintenance of our public school INFO: www.mea.org/ system. Such an implication is inconsistent commissions-committees-task-forces with our American ideals of democracy. The success of our representative form of gov- SAVE THE DATE ernment, operating through political parties, Nov. 2 – Professional Issues in Higher can continue only so long as the final deci- Education Conference sion is made by an educated electorate. And WHAT: The conference is especially designed a non-partisan system of education is neces- to provide higher education members sary to teach impartial facts and to train with bargaining skills and information citizens by habits of independent thinking. so they can represent their members Remote as it may seem, there is a danger at the bargaining table and in difficult that at some time in the future, a successful circumstances. political party having used the schools as a WHERE: MEA Headquarters, East Lansing major political issue, may usurp adminis- INFO: www.mea.org/conferences tration control of education. The sad fate of Italy, Germany, and Russia reveals that Nov. 6 – Election Day direct control of education by the party in WHAT: The day has great importance for MEA power means the end of democracy... members. What happens on this day Forewarned is forearmed! impacts the future of public education in this state and nationally. Save the “Every teacher who has the opportunity day—vote! to vote, and neglects to do so, fails in WHERE: Go to www.mi.gov/vote to find your local his responsibility to himself, to his polling place. community, and his profession.” INFO: www.mea.org MEA VOICE 5
10 fast reads 1. FAST FACTS: MEA RECOMMENDED CANDIDATES: MEA-PAC policies have established a sophisticated screening and recommending (S&R) 7,279,629 process. S&R committees are made up of MEA members from across the state who contribute to MEA-PAC and live within the jurisdiction of Number of registered each House and Senate seat. They interview and screen political candidates Michigan voters as and then recommend ones who support education. Go to the Members Only of Feb. 28, 2012 link at www.mea.org to see the recommended candidate list for Election 2012. 142,995 2. Number of MEA VOTE YES ON COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Collective bargaining protects all members registered Michigan families, giving workers the right to negotiate fair wages, benefits to vote and good working conditions. Now, it’s being threatened with anti-union, anti-middle class legislation. The constitutional amendment on the Nov. 6 ballot will 121,271 bring balance and fairness back to Michigan workers. Go to www.protectourjobs.com to learn more and sign up to help. Number of MEA members who voted in 2008 3. 89,414 “YOUR SIGNATURE—YOUR VOICE”: When the Legislature passed PA 53 to end the payroll deduction of dues by school districts, MEA Number of MEA members who voted Your signature— looked for a simple and efficient way of collecting members’ dues that’s safe, easy and secure—the E-Dues system. To continue receiving the Your voice! in 2010 benefits of membership, MEA members can either sign a membership form or go online at the Members Only site at www.mea.org. and sign up. Even though an injunction is in place to temporarily stop the law, members and locals are encouraged to make the switch. 4. MEA 24+ CLUB: Want to join? The MEA 24+ Club recognizes members who have gone above and beyond for the 2012 Election. You can earn your way in by volunteering more than 24 hours of your time for MEA, a candidate, the “Vote YES on Collective Bargaining” campaign, or a get-out-the-vote canvass between now and Nov. 6. 5. STAY INFORMED: MEA will publish another political action issue in October right before the Nov. 6 election, in addition to issues in December, February and April. Between issues, stay informed by reading the MEA Voice Online and Capitol Comments e-newsletters. Go to www.mea.org/signup to sign up and receive the latest MEA news. 6 AUGUST 2012
6. GET CONNECTED: Are you on Facebook and Twitter? Do you want to get text FAST FACTS: message alerts about breaking news? Then go to www.mea.org/facebook or www.twitter.com/MEAOnline to add MEA to your social media list. Text the 684,000 letters “MEA” to 69866 to get messages so you can get calls to action to protect Michigan’s public schools, students and employees. Total number of signatures filed with the Secretary 7. MEA-PAC: Every decision about your working conditions is made of State for the collective bargaining by an elected or appointed official. Since that’s the case, we constitutional should be making sure those decision makers are pro-education. amendment Your PAC contribution can make that happen—and never has your PAC contribution been more important than now. The Election 2012 campaign needs your financial support if we’re going to win big. Now, you can 337,466 contribute online at the Members Only area of www.mea.org. It’s easy and fast—and so appreciated. Number of signatures turned in by MEA members for the collective 8. bargaining GO GREEN: If you want to receive a paperless MEA constitutional #ABCDEFG****************CAR-RT LOT**R000 Voice instead of a printed version, send an email to amendment #123456# webmaster@mea.org with “PAPERLESS MEA VOICE” | | | || || ||| || ||||| | || | | | || || ||| || ||||| | || | | | || || ||| || ||||| | || | | | || || ||| || ||||| | || | | | || in the subject line. Include your full name, current address and Member Name A1111 A1 111111 MEA membership number as it appears on the mailing label on 1216 Kendale Blvd. this issue. See the sample shown here. You can also log on to the East Lansing MI 48823 Members Only site at www.mea.org and go green. 9. EDUCATORS FOR OBAMA: Your classroom and your work area are influenced by politics every day. That’s why it’s important to be as involved in the political process as politicians have been involved in education. As an Educator for Obama, you’ll be helping to elect a president who “will build an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share and everyone plays by the rules.” Go to www.neafund.org to volunteer and take a stand to help students, working families and public education. 10. FOR MEMBERS ONLY: You’ve asked and we delivered. MEA’s new link at www.mea.org works for you. You can sign up for E-Dues, get the inside political news like MEA’s recommended candidate list, update your membership information, and request a new MEA membership card if you can’t find yours. Your membership number will get you hooked in to a variety of discounts. Instructions can be found on the Members Only site. MEA VOICE 7
COVER STORY Have you had enough ‘positive relentless action’? Then, vote! PHOTO: CEDARBENDDRIVE/FLICKR G ov. Snyder campaigned with the promise of turning Michigan around with “positive relentless action.” In the 18 months he and the Republican majority have Republican agenda: make sure the rich get richer and make sure everyone else pays for it. They began their rampage with a $1.8 billion tax break for CEOs—paid been in office, he has kept his promise of “relentless ac- for with $1 billion in school funding cuts, taxes on senior tion.” Unfortunately, for us as public school employees pensions and the elimination of tax breaks for working and MEA union members, the results have been far from families. positive—they’ve been devastating. Since Jan. 2011, legislators have passed 603 laws, It’s pretty staggering to realize that more than 93 per- many of them having a devastating effect on public edu- cent of MEA’s total membership is registered to vote, but cation and public school employees. Here are just a few in the 2010 election, only 62 percent voted—down 20 examples: percent from those who voted in the 2008 election. PA 4—The Local Government and School District How’s that working for you now, given the legislative at- Fiscal Accountability Act—or the Emergency tacks we’ve suffered? Manager Law—turns over complete financial control The Governor and the Legislature took advantage of of a school district or municipality to a governor ap- voter apathy and plowed ahead with legislation focused pointee who can terminate employee contracts, end on destroying public education and eliminating public collective bargaining, dissolve school districts and school employees. take whatever means necessary to get the district out It hasn’t taken long to figure out the extreme of debt. Emergency Managers in Muskegon Heights 8 AUGUST 2012
COVER STORY “The 600 bills Snyder has signed into law have drained our schools of nearly $1 billion in funding, saddled middle class families with higher taxes, punished seniors with a new tax on retirement income and made it difficult for our cities and townships to keep their police officers and firefighters employed—all to enable massive tax breaks for corporations.” —Rep. Richard Hammel, House Democratic leader and Highland Park are selling the entire school dis- PA 103—PERA is amended so that standards for tricts to private, for-profit charter companies. RIF, performance evaluations, discipline and dis- PA 38—Low-income workers lose their earned in- charge, merit pay, and classroom observations are come tax credit and pay taxes on their pension. prohibited subjects of bargaining. PA 42—Public school employees are no longer able PA 129—The bill allows for the expansion of the to claim a tax exemption on their pensions. number of cyber schools. PA 45—Graduate assistants can no longer organize PA 130—Schools can provide services to students in or collectively bargain. private schools and receive state aid. PA 53—School districts can no longer payroll deduct PA 131—All students—including home-schooled— the union dues of its employees. can receive state aid for taking college level courses PA 54—The law impacts collective bargaining by while in high school. freezing wages and passing on health care costs PA 132—The law allows for dual enrollment as cov- to public employees after a contract expires. It also ered in the Career and Technical Education Act. bans retroactive bargaining. PA 152—Employees will pay either a hard cap or 20 PA 62—The funding provided in this act represents percent of their health insurance costs. a $1 billion cut to education. PA 260—Consolidation of school services or func- PA 100—Tenured teachers can receive an unpaid tions is another prohibited subject of bargaining. suspension for poor performance and can be dis- PA 277—There is no longer a cap on the number of missed since the idea of “reasonable and just cause” charter schools that can be established. is replaced by “arbitrary and capricious.” Two “inef- PA 297—The Public Employee Domestic Partner fective” evaluations are proof of poor performance Benefit Restriction Act cuts off medical and other and ineffective teaching. Once an evaluation appeal fringe benefits to domestic partners living with public is filed, teachers are no longer paid after 90 days. employees. PA 101—Revisions to the Teacher Tenure Act tie a SB 1040—the overhaul of the Michigan Public School five-year probation period for non-tenured teach- Employee Retirement System—is probably one of the ers to evaluations based on student performance. most damaging pieces of legislation with wide-ranging Probationary teachers can be dismissed without impact on all MEA members—both current and retired— cause. Tenured teachers can lose tenure because and future employees. At this writing, it’s still waiting for of poor performance and be forced to serve an- action on the Senate floor. other probationary period with results tied to student Other legislation that’s been introduced in the past 18 performance. Evaluations have become a prohibited months would single out MEA members for “right to subject of bargaining. work;” allow parents to convert their local school to a PA 102—The School Code is amended so that se- charter school; prohibit public employers from paying for niority can no longer be used in assignments or lay- full-time release for union officials; limit the use of school off/recall situations; bargaining over evaluations and facilities for union activities; and impose hefty fines on layoff/recall is prohibited; and student performance striking and picketing by union members. is a part of teacher evaluations—with it counting for They say that bad officials are elected by good people 25 percent in the 2013-14 school year; 40 percent in who don’t vote. 2014-15; and 50 percent in 2015-16. So, how will you be involved in Election 2012? MEA VOICE 9
COVER STORY Election 2012— the few vs. the many E lection 2012 is about mak- ing critical choices for our future. This election gives us the choice between corporate wealth and the middle class; between a strong, fully-funded public education system for all students and private, for-profit education for a select few; between right-to- work and the right to collectively bargain. It’s important then that we choose the right leader on Nov. 6 who will stand up for working families, jump start the economy, and provide all of us with a se- cure future. There’s a big difference be- tween President Barack Obama’s vision for the future and Mitt Romney’s vision. President Obama sees a future where ev- eryone has a chance to be suc- cessful; Romney sees a future where only a select few prosper. We can’t afford Romney’s vision. That’s why MEA supports the reelection of President Obama. Because here in Michigan we know all too well what the Republican agenda looks like when it comes to education funding, vouchers, retirement benefits, workers’ rights, and fairness, there’s no question that President Obama is the only logi- cal alternative to those positions. To make the distinction between the two presidential candidates even more clear, NEA created a comparison piece that shows where they stand on the impor- tant education issues we care about. The choice is clear. 10 AUGUST 2012
COVER STORY President Barack Obama Mitt Romney It’s evident that President Obama has made While Governor of Massachusetts, Romney education funding his highest priority. cut $2.3 million from special education and His FY2013 budget provides the largest $25 million from school readiness grants, Education percentage increase to education. The early literacy programs and school meals Funding American Recovery and Reinvestment for low-income students. As a presidential Act saved 400,000 educator jobs. Obama candidate, he has pledged support for a supports the American Jobs Act which, if budget that would cut funding for education, passed, could provide $30 billion in funding by cutting Title I by $2.7 billion and slashing for states to hire and rehire educators. Head Start access for 100,000 children. President Obama opposes school vouchers Romney has said that states “should make as a long-term answer to the educational sure they have school choice.” He supports challenges that face public schools. He taking tax dollars from public schools to has said, “Private school vouchers are not fund private, for-profit schools at taxpayer’s Vouchers an effective long-term answer to improve expense. His education plan calls for turning student achievement.” Title I and IDEA funding into vouchers, leaving low-income students and students with disabilities without services. President Obama “supports a seamless As Governor of Massachusetts, Romney cut and comprehensive set of services and early education and pre-K funding, vetoed support for children from birth through $10 million for kindergarten expansion, age 5 and will urge states to impose high questioned the benefits of early education, Early standards across all publicly-funded early and suggested Head Start was a failure. His Childhood learning settings, develop new programs education plan ignores early education. to improve opportunities and outcomes, Education engage parents in their child’s early learning and development, and improve the early education workforce.” MEA VOICE 11
COVER STORY President Barack Obama Mitt Romney President Obama promotes affordable Romney has continuously supported cutting access to higher education for all students. funding to higher education and would He has signed into law $36 billion over 10 increase the number of for-profit higher years to increase the maximum Pell Grant education institutions. As Governor of Higher and $2 billion for community colleges. Massachusetts, he proposed a 15 percent Education He took the lead to stop the student loan tuition hike and then reduced education interest rate hike. He signed an executive funding. As a result, student fees increased order protecting men and women who have 63 percent to offset the budget cut. His served in the military or are currently serving plans for higher education call for cuts in from unethical “diploma mills.” federal funding. Social The President wants to protect and He wants to privatize Social Security, raise Security strengthen Social Security for future the retirement age, and reduce payments. generations without putting current retirees and at risk. For future generations, he opposes Retirement slashing their benefits or letting retirement incomes be subject to the stock market. He challenged Republicans to not “raise Romney wants to make sure corporations taxes on nearly 160 million hard-working and the richest Americans continue to Tax Americans because they refused to ask benefit from the Bush tax cuts. The only tax Fairness a few hundred thousand millionaires and cuts he opposes are the ones that benefit billionaires to pay their fair share.” He the middle class. succeeded in getting Congress to pass an extension of the Payroll Tax Cut. President Obama believes providing Romney supports NCLB because “it reins a high-quality public education for all in national teachers unions” and calls for ESEA/ children is critical to our economic future. testing kids. Romney’s plan for school NCLB He emphasizes the “path to the American improvement is to bolster school report Dream depends on providing every child cards, and transform federal funding into with an education that will enable them to vouchers that support private schools and succeed in a global economy.” tutoring providers. 12 AUGUST 2012
COVER STORY President Barack Obama Mitt Romney President Obama fully supports workers’ Romney would sign a national right-to- rights to form unions and opposed right- work law if he became president. He to-work legislation. He has said, “Collective supported the right-to-work movement in Workers’ bargaining is a fundamental American value. New Hampshire and Ohio and the attack Rights Labor is the reason we have a minimum on teachers’ rights and public employees in wage, weekends away from work to rest and Wisconsin. spend time with family and basic protections in our workplaces. Making it harder for public employees to collectively bargain is an assault on unions.” President Obama supported and signed As Governor of Massachusetts, Romney Fair Pay for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law. He implemented policies that hurt women. He Women supports the Paycheck Fairness Act. believes low-income mothers should be required to work outside the home or lose their benefits. With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, Even though as Governor of Massachusetts, Health Care President Obama has ensured that Medicare Romney instituted a similar Affordable Care Reform is stronger for seniors, women have access Act in his state, he has pledged to work with to life-saving mammograms and children Congress to repeal the legislation. won’t lose coverage for pre-existing conditions. Educators for Obama Thousands of teachers and support professionals who want to make a difference in Election 2012 have already signed up to be Educators for Obama (EFO). You can too by going to www.neafund.org. The EFO program is part of the NEA Fund for Children and Public Education, which serves as the Political Action Committee of the National Education Association. As an EFO, you become a leader to your colleagues with access to exclusive briefings and news, special trainings and campaign updates, and suggested actions you can take to help get President Obama re-elected. EFOs get to pick the ways and the times they want to be involved—whether it’s providing timely updates to fellow members, writing a letter to the editor, knocking on doors, making phone calls, or sharing stories at campaign events. When you sign up, you’ll automatically have access to the NEA Fund Training Manual, videos of fellow EFOs across the country telling why they support President Obama, and a House Party Toolkit you can use. Join fellow NEA members and become an Educator for Obama today! MEA VOICE 13
COVER STORY Stabenow is the only choic Senator Stabenow spoke at the W investiture hile some politicians are still claiming their goal ready to let them fail. ceremony for the is to create jobs in Michigan, Senator Debbie Part of her job creation strategy is bringing jobs back to new President of Stabenow is doing something about bringing jobs back the United States. Through tax cut programs, grants and Central Michigan home. Elected to the United States Senate in 2000, loan programs, Stabenow has already brought jobs back University, Dr. George E. Ross. Debbie Stabenow has built her reputation on getting home from Mexico. She has said, “We want to export things done for Michigan and the rest of the country. our products, not our jobs.” PHOTO: OFFICE Stabenow is running for re-election to her third term Stabenow has been opposed to the outsourcing of OF U.S. SENATOR DEBBIE STABENOW. and will face off against Republican Pete Hoekstra American jobs to other countries. This month she re- Job creation is Stabenow’s top priority and as a mem- introduced the China Fair Trade Act that would prevent ber of the Senate Finance Committee, the Energy and the federal government from buying Chinese products Natural Resources Committee, the Budget Committee and services until China lets American companies and the Agriculture Committee, she is in a good posi- bid on $500 billion worth of government contracts. tion to advocate for Michigan jobs. She stood up for the Stabenow first introduced the bill in 2010. Restrictions state’s automakers and saved jobs when others were would be in place until China signs the Agreement of 14 AUGUST 2012
COVER STORY e for Michigan Governmental Procurement, a requirement for countries agencies. She supported President Obama’s American in the World Trade Organization. Recovery and Reinvestment Act that brought more than “We need to send a very strong message to China that $4 million to Michigan and saved 9,300 education jobs they will no longer have access to government contracts in our state. in this country. It’s time for China to step up and follow Most recently, Stabenow co-sponsored legislation the rules,” Stabenow said. that stopped student loan interest rates from doubling. The Senator has also been a champion for the middle She said, “At a time when middle-class families are class. She supported legislation that will cut taxes for the struggling to make ends meet, we need to be making majority of Americans and small businesses responsible college more affordable for Michigan students and their for creating jobs. If the tax cuts are not extended by the parents.” end of this year, middle class families could see their Stabenow championed legislation in 2007 that origi- taxes increase by as much as $1,600. nally cut student loan rates. In 2010, she led efforts to You can see why MEA has recommended Stabenow reform the student loan program and make college more for re-election to a third term. She has been on the right affordable for students and middle-class families. side of issues MEA cares about. The same is true for her Stabenow’s contender for her seat represents a con- positions on education. servative Republican agenda that calls for the repeal of Because of her support of public education, Stabenow health care reforms, federal tax reform and the slash- has often been a guest speaker at MEA conferences, ing of federal regulations and departments like the most recently at the Bargaining, Political Action and Department of Education. He also supports vouchers Public Affairs Conference in February. She is a staunch and cyber and charter schools. pro-education candidate, and her voting record on edu- Pete Hoekstra is a former U.S. Representative. Critics cation issues proves it. have denounced him for being just another career During her years in Congress, she has voted against politician and Washington insider—the same claims he vouchers, supported funding for smaller class sizes, vot- makes of Stabenow. His campaign has been tainted ed to shift money from corporate tax loopholes to educa- by the infamous Super Bowl ad which featured an tion, and approved federal grants for local educational Asian-American woman speaking in broken English and Senator Stabenow meets with Nithin Tumma, the 17-year-old senior from Port Huron Northern High School, who won the $100,000 first prize in the Intel Science Talent Search, Nithin’s groundbreaking work on breast cancer beat out 1,800 other students’ projects in the national contest. PHOTO: OFFICE OF U.S. SENATOR DEBBIE STABENOW. MEA VOICE 15
COVER STORY Sen. Stabenow with sarcastically thanking Stabenow for sending jobs to Stabenow, it’s more than just campaign promises. the EMU Upward China. We’ve seen her deliver her support for working families, Bound student Just like in the presidential race, this is another case for bringing jobs to Michigan, and for education. group. where it comes down to a matter of choices. We’ve Really, there’s only one choice for U.S. Senate— PHOTO: OFFICE heard her challenger’s campaign promises—job cre- Debbie Stabenow. OF U.S. SENATOR ation, vouchers and privatization. But, with Debbie DEBBIE STABENOW. “As we demand accountability, we should ensure that every school has the resources needed to achieve higher standards, including safe and modern physical facilities, well-paid teachers and staff, and opportunities for remedial help after school and during summers. Parents, too, must accept greater responsibility for supporting their children’s education.”—Senator Debbie Stabenow 16 AUGUST 2012
MEA members are talking P articipants at the 2012 MEA Summer Leadership Conference heard speakers who emphasized the importance of Election 2012 and the need to stop the attacks on public school employees. They attended ses- Why is this election important sions that described the current political landscape and what was at stake to you? in the election. And they got involved by writing postcards and making “We need to shift the power in phone calls to other MEA members explaining how important their vote is. Lansing from the extreme right. Our But what were those conference participants thinking? We asked and profession has changed greatly in they answered. the past two years. Imagine two more years of the same if we do not restore some checks and balances.” Why is this election important Daniel Burzynski, Bronson to you? “I would like to see the survival of public education. Voting for candi- dates that will fight to uphold public education and maintain bargaining rights is imperative.” Denise Forrest, Huron Valley How have the changes in How have the changes in collective bargaining impacted collective bargaining impacted you? you? “They’ve affected the most effective “The changes have taken away my way to allocate educational resourc- ability to protect my family by making es. Instead of making the playing it illegal for me to carry my partner field equal, the state has starved my on my health insurance plan.” district, forced it to cut things way Frank Burger, Carman Ainsworth too far, stacked the deck in favor of administration, and tried to make them sit on every dollar they have, rather than spend it on kids like they should.” Mark Hoffman, Trenton How have the changes in collective bargaining impacted you? “I’m the 12-B PAC Chair and we have been working together with our How have the changes in Council leaders to develop and im- collective bargaining impacted plement a plan for Election 2012 that you? will inform and activate our member- “At the current time, I am informing ship and the community.” local members—active and retired— Renaye Baker, UniServ Director; Lisa of our upcoming primary. MEA is Noack, 12-B Coordinating Council supporting a Republican candidate.” Jim Cunningham, MEA Retired MEA VOICE 17
COVER STORY Your choice—Your future V oters in the Aug. 7 Republican primary chose Pete Hoekstra as their candidate to challenge Sen. Debbie Stabenow for the U.S. Senate. He credits himself with laying the foundation for Republicans to capture the House for the first time in 40 years with his 1994 Contract with America. According Both candidates have served in public office. to Hoekstra his “claims to fame” include his bipartisan Stabenow has been a U. S. Senator since 2000 and work with Democrats to balance the budget for four years has been a member of the Senate’s Finance, Energy and in the 1990s; leading the way to overthrowing the results Natural Resources, Budget and Agriculture committees. of a corrupt Teamsters Union election; reforming the She’s made good on her campaign promise to bring jobs Intelligence Community in response to the 2001 terrorist to Michigan. Her support of the state’s automakers and attacks; promoting reforms in education and govern- programs to bring American jobs back from Mexico are ment; advocating for vouchers and education choice; evidence. and more state flexibility free from federal control. Before it became this year’s campaign issue, Stabenow Most recently, Hoekstra gained fame for kicking off his promoted tax cuts for the middle class and for small campaign against Stabenow with a Super Bowl ad meant businesses that create jobs. And her work to stop an to attack her spending. To do so, he used an unflattering increase in student loan rates helped make college more Asian stereotype. affordable for middle class families. But here’s where any similarities between the two end. Stabenow has always voted for public education and Debbie Stabenow is a candidate who believes in middle public school employees. Her support of President class values that promote the principles of fairness Obamas’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and equal opportunity. Hoekstra considers himself a saved 9,300 school employee jobs in Michigan. conservative who plans on bringing those conservative Hoekstra is no stranger to politics either. He repre- principles and values to Washington if he’s elected. sented Michigan’s 2nd Congressional District in the U.S. As shown in the comparison chart, their values and Congress from 1993 to 2010. During his term, he served principles guide their positions on the issues. on the Education and Labor and Budget Committees and Election 2012 is all about choices. While it’s a two- the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. person race, there’s only one choice. Sen. Stabenow at the Detroit Economic Club. PHOTO: OFFICE OF U.S. SENATOR DEBBIE STABENOW. 18 AUGUST 2012
COVER STORY Sen. Debbie Stabenow Pete Hoekstra Supports an increase in taxes for those Wants to reform the tax code by earning over $1 million—“teachers replacing an income tax with a sales tax Taxes sacrifice while millionaires get off scot and repealing estate taxes. free;” wants to cut taxes for the middle class and give a tax credit for small business. Social Opposes privatizing the system. Supports reforming the system. Security Health Care Supports the Affordable Care Act so Opposes the Affordable Care Act and everyone has access to health care. would work to repeal it. Supports increased funding for Opposed increased federal funding for education; opposes vouchers; she has education; supports parents right to Education said, “Teaching is not a lost art, but the education choice for their children. regard for it has been lost. When you attack teachers, you attack the future.” Energy Supports energy independence and the Supports drilling for oil; opposes research of alternative energy sources. research into alternative energy sources. Women’s Supports a women’s right to choose; Opposes legal abortion; called the idea proponent of equal pay for equal work. of equal pay for women a “nuisance” Issues and should be repealed. Environment Supports protecting the environment, Supports the oil and gas industry and especially the Great Lakes. drilling in the Great Lakes. Supports gay marriage. Supports a constitutional amendment Social defining marriage as between one man Issues and one woman; opposes listing crimes against gays as hate crimes. Free trade; Opposes most free trade agreements, Supports free trade agreements; wants arguing for fair trade instead. to build a fence along the Mexican immigration border. MEA VOICE 19
Protect Our Jobs— Protect Working Families Vote YES on Collective Bargaining A t work, job assignments, working hours, vacations, sick leave, job protections and seniority have come to you by way of collective bargaining. low income and minority students. As a result, student achievement soared. “As a teacher, I think one of the most critical issues The salary you earn and the benefits you receive that that we are able to negotiate is class size,” said Ethel help you support yourself and your family are yours Johnson, Flint EA President. “Studies show a link because of collective bargaining. between student achievement and small class sizes. I know from experience Now, imagine all of that gone. that some students require one- It’s not hard given the past on-one attention.” 18 months of legislative Both teachers and support action that has chipped staff benefit from bargained away at your union, your training and professional collective bargaining development opportuni- rights and your ability to ties. For teachers, pro- maintain a middle-class fessional development life style. is a requirement so that That’s why in March, they can keep up on labor groups banded to- new education prac- gether to put a constitu- tices. A Citizen Research tional amendment on the Council of Michigan report November ballot that will issued in January showed protect collective bargaining that students of beginning and the rights of all Michigan teachers who participated in workers and their families against mentoring and induction programs corporate special interests. made significant academic gains. The Protect Our Jobs campaign logged in For support staff members, specialized training, 684,000 petition signatures—twice what was needed—to licensing and professional development keep students get the issue before voters. On June 13, the signed peti- and school buildings safe. tions were submitted to the Secretary of State. A 2000 Harvard study found “a statistically signifi- Thanks to the hard work of MEA leaders, members cant and positive relationship between the presence of and staff, the constitutional amendment will be on the teacher unions and stronger state performance on tests. November ballot. The campaign’s success is further States with greater percentages of teachers in unions proof that voters are fed up with Lansing politicians who reported higher test performance.” The study focused on attack workers and their families to court the favor of five states without collective bargaining: South Carolina, corporate CEOs. Georgia, Texas, North Carolina and Virginia. Their ACT and SAT scores were among the worst in the nation. What’s at stake for MEA members? In 1997, Michigan began awarding grants to schools Members use collective bargaining to keep class sizes to lower class size to a ratio of 17 students or less per small, provide professional development that they want teacher as part of a four-year program. Test scores im- and need, and make sure students have the resources proved and the longer students stayed in small classes, and materials to be successful. the better they did in the long-term. When Michigan legislators cut school funding by $1 Passage of the proposal will erase legislation that has billion, they jeopardized student achievement. States like limited our collective bargaining rights. Gone will be laws Tennessee and Wisconsin have used collective bargain- that abolished tenure, redesigned evaluations, froze ing to decrease class sizes and institute programs to help wages, banned retroactivity, increased benefit costs, 20 AUGUST 2012
The collective bargaining amendment will: added to the list of prohibited subjects of bargaining, and Establish the people’s right to form, join or assist limited union activities, unions and to bargain collectively with public or private employers regarding wages, hours and It’s war on working families! other terms and conditions of employment. Groups like the Michigan Chamber of Commerce have declared war on the proposal, saying that it will send jobs Prohibit employers from retaliating against their out of Michigan to surrounding states like Indiana that employees for exercising those rights. passed a right-to-work law earlier this year. But the oppo- site is true. Collective bargaining helps both the employ- Prohibit State and local governments from ees and the employer. It helped save the auto industry interfering with those rights. because both sides negotiated contracts that lowered costs for manufacturers, all the while keeping employees Authorize the State to restrict or prohibit public working and factories open. employee strikes. Critics have also tried to dissuade voters with the idea that such a constitutional amendment would force peo- Protect current laws establishing minimum ple to join unions. But again nothing is further from the wages, hours and working conditions. truth. No one is forced to join a union—that’s illegal. Eliminating collective bargaining will give corporate spe- Prohibit government from interfering with cial interests the power to cut wages, benefits and pen- agreements respecting employees’ financial sions so that they can make more profit for themselves. support of their union. Union and non-union workers will suffer. It’s a dangerous trend—CEOs get all the benefits while the employees Grant State Civil Service employee’s collective who actually do all the work are seeing their jobs lost bargaining rights. overseas and their wages and benefits cut. It’s not fair. Everyone loses without collective bargaining. Workers in states without collective bargaining laws earn less and stepping up and going-door-to-door getting commitments receive fewer benefits and pay more for them. Working from voters that they will support the proposal. Their goal conditions don’t favor the workers and issues of safety on is to educate voters that collective bargaining protects all the job are common. If workers don’t have the money to Michigan families, gives workers a voice to come together spend, the economy doesn’t grow. And if the economy with employers to negotiate fair wages, benefits and is suffering, so are small businesses that don’t have working conditions, and provides a needed balance to customers. corporate special interests. In June, the opposition to the amendment used more With a YES vote on protecting collective bargaining— than words to try to keep the initiative off the ballot. imagine the possibilities. Anti-democratic groups backed by corporate special interests appealed to Secretary of State Ruth Johnson to Almost 700,000 stop a vote on the initiative and silence voters signed the the voices of almost 700,000 voters. petition to protect She denied the request, but a legal the collective bargaining rights of battle is likely before the proposal Michigan workers, makes it to the ballot. their families and the middle class. Vote YES on Collective Bargaining! The original Protect Our Jobs petition campaign has turned into a “Vote YES on Collective Bargaining” campaign to protect working families and get out the vote. MEA members are again MEA VOICE 21
Seven ballot proposals heighten importance of November election O n Nov. 6, voters will be deciding the fate of seven ballot proposals—six constitutional amendments and one referendum. The last time there was such a Citizens for Affordable Quality Home Care The state would be required to create a public registry of qualified, certified and vetted home choice was 1982 when three constitutional amend- care workers that provide health and human ser- ments and three laws were being voted on. vices to seniors and others needing in-home care. The seven new ballot proposals and MEA’s position are: Those workers would also be allowed to unionize. The Governor and the Legislature have threat- Referendum on Public Act 4 ened to disband this SEIU local. MEA supports a (Emergency Manager) MEA took an active part in making sure this YES vote on this proposal. referendum got on the ballot. PA 4 has had an Michigan Energy, Michigan Jobs adverse effect on our members—especially those in Muskegon Heights (see next page). MEA recommends a YES vote since this proposal would require that 25 percent of Michigan’s ener- The question on the ballot will be, “Shall PA 4 gy portfolio come from renewable sources by the be enacted?” MEA recommends a NO vote, year 2025. This effort would provide for cleaner which will repeal the law. air and water that will help address significant children’s health issues. Protect Working Families During the Protect Our Jobs campaign, MEA leaders, members and staff turned in 337,466 2/3 Supermajority on Taxes Either a 2/3 legislative majority or a majority vote petition signatures to make sure this proposal to of the people would be required for any new tax- protect working families and collective bargain- es. This would create a situation where adequate ing rights made it to the November ballot. Our funding for public education could be blocked position has been clear all along—vote YES by a minority of elected legislators. MEA recom- to protect collective bargaining and working mends a NO vote. families. “The People Should Decide” Citizens for More Michigan Jobs (Casino Expansion) (Anti-Bridge/Border Crossing) MEA has taken no position on this proposal that MEA has taken no position on this ballot would require a majority vote of the public to proposal that would allow for eight new casi- build any new border crossing with Canada. nos (Birch Run, Clam Lake-Cadillac, Clinton Township, Detroit, DeWitt-Lansing, Grand If the amount of money spent has anything to do with Rapids, Pontiac and Romulus) that would pro- determining the importance of these ballot proposals, vide between $150 to $200 million in revenue they should be at the top of the November ballot instead annually to public schools. But the proposal of at the end. So far, more than $20 million has gone for does not address the “lottery shell game” advertising and materials to make sure the proposals get where money is used to supplant—rather than attention. It will be up to the voters to decide if it’s money supplement—education funding. well-spent. MEA recommends that voters start from the bottom of the ballot to vote on these important initiatives, as well as the state supreme court race (which will be featured in the next issue of the MEA Voice). 22 AUGUST 2012
Muskegon Heights and its emergency manager F or MEA members in Muskegon Heights, any deci- sion by voters regarding emergency managers may be too late. This spring, the Governor appointed Don and band as a way of “embracing the rich tradition” of Muskegon Heights. Mosaica will be monitored by quar- terly reports on academic performance Weatherspoon to take over the financially-troubled Mosaica bought four of the district’s buildings for $1 district. His solution for taking care of the debt? Sell the each, and plans on enrolling 1,200 students in elemen- entire school district to Mosaica Education, a for-profit, tary through high school. The plan is to have a student- privately-owned charter company. teacher ratio of 25 to one. The company is spending Mosaica has been in the business of charter schools $5.5 million of its own money to start the new charter since 1987 and is based in New York. Mosaica currently district and then will be getting $7,397 per pupil from the operates six charter schools in Michigan. They got the state to educate the students. Mosaica will earn $8.75 contract over the Leona Group, a Phoenix-based charter million over the term of their five-year contract. school management company. One of the first moves Weatherspoon made was to ter- minate staff contracts. Mosaica has been interviewing former Muskegon Heights teach- ers and those hired will earn $35,000 a year with limited benefits for the “privilege” of teaching their rigid curriculum. They plan on hiring 66 teach- ers and three principals. Meanwhile, the current Muskegon Heights school district will no longer exist, but would still have to pay off its $12.4 debt using its local millage, a 3 percent fee from the charter school company, rent from its buildings and whatever other means the state Department of Education and Weatherspoon said he chose Mosaica because of its Treasury approve. Legislation has been introduced to “high standards for academic performance and re- allow for the use of school operating millages and emer- search-based methods for supporting students that need gency loans under PA 4. assistance.” He signed a five-year contract with them This controversial move to eliminate the district’s debt to provide an education to the new Muskegon Heights signals a serious threat to traditional public education in Public School Academy. Michigan—especially since Highland Park’s Emergency Yet, neither Mosaica nor Leona Group has an outstand- Manager has also decided to sell out all of the district’s ing academic record. Only one charter school from schools, students and staff to a charter company. among the two companies scored above the 50th per- Emergency Managers have the power to disband local centile in rankings based on test scores. school boards and city governing bodies, end contracts Mosaica’s curriculum requires longer school days and and take whatever means they decide is necessary to a longer school year. And even though they have little pay off debts. experience running a high school, the curriculum pro- What more reason is there to vote NO on the referen- vides for instruction in elementary through high school dum on PA 4 (the Emergency Manager law) that has grades. Mosaica also boasts of providing twice as many taken away the rights and voices of voters in Muskegon professional development days and will provide sports Heights—and potentially in your own school district? MEA VOICE 23
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