Elastic Product Quantization for Time Series - arXiv
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Elastic Product Quantization for Time Series Pieter Robberechts∗ Wannes Meert∗ Jesse Davis∗ Abstract Most of these techniques are based on the Euclidean Analyzing numerous or long time series is difficult in distance as the metric for similarity. However, there practice due to the high storage costs and computa- are some cases where the Euclidean distance, and lock- tional requirements. Therefore, techniques have been step measures in general, may not be entirely adequate arXiv:2201.01856v1 [cs.LG] 4 Jan 2022 proposed to generate compact similarity-preserving rep- for estimating similarity [17]. The reason is that the resentations of time series, enabling real-time similar- Euclidean distance is sensitive to distortions along the ity search on large in-memory data collections. How- time axis. To avoid this problem, similarity models ever, the existing techniques are not ideally suited for should allow some elastic shifting of the time dimension assessing similarity when sequences are locally out of to detect similar shapes that are not locally aligned. phase. In this paper, we propose the use of product This is resolved by elastic measures such as Dynamic quantization for efficient similarity-based comparison of Time Warping (DTW) [21]. time series under time warping. The idea is to first This paper proposes a novel approach to use prod- compress the data by partitioning the time series into uct quantization (PQ) [8] for efficient nearest neighbor equal length sub-sequences which are represented by (NN) search and clustering under time warping. In the a short code. The distance between two time series standard feature-vector case, PQ is extremely perfor- can then be efficiently approximated by pre-computed mant for approximate NN search based on Euclidean elastic distances between their codes. The partitioning distance. Its core idea is to (1) partition the vectors into into sub-sequences forces unwanted alignments, which disjoint subspaces, (2) cluster each subspace indepen- we address with a pre-alignment step using the maxi- dently to learn a codebook of centroids, (3) re-represent mal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT). To each vector by a short code composed of its indices in demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of our method, the codebook, and (4) efficiently conduct the search over we perform an extensive experimental evaluation on these codes using look-up tables. This has the dual ben- benchmark datasets in nearest neighbors classification efits of greatly shrinking the memory footprint of the and clustering applications. Overall, the proposed so- training set while simultaneously dramatically reducing lution emerges as a highly efficient (both in terms of the number of computations needed. memory usage and computation time) replacement for Unfortunately, combining PQ with DTW because elastic measures in time series applications. doing so poses significant challenges. First, PQ seg- ments a time series and – depending on the size of the 1 Introduction warping window – the optimal alignment can cross seg- ments. Second, naively applying DTW on a segment Data mining applications on large time series collections forces an unwanted alignment at the beginning and end are constrained by the computational cost of similarity of a segment. Third, it is non-obvious to what extent ex- comparisons between pairs of series and memory con- isting techniques for improving the speed of DTW, such straints on the processing device. The general approach as lower bounding, can be combined with PQ. These to overcome these constraints is to first apply a transfor- challenges are ignored in previous work [28]. We pro- mation that produces a compact representation of the pose a novel algorithm, PQDTW, that overcomes all time series that retains it’s main characteristics. Many three challenges. The resulting method is an approxi- techniques have been proposed to generate such repre- mate DTW method that is fast in its own right while sentations for time series analysis, including techniques it can still benefit from previous advances such as con- based on Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) [6], Discrete straint bands and pruning strategies. Wavelet Transform (DWT) [3], Singular Value Decom- The contributions of this paper are as follows: position (SVD) [2], and segmentation [10]. (1) We introduce PQDTW for fast approximate DTW ∗ KU estimates; (2) We show how our method is compatible Leuven, Dept. of Computer Science; Leuven.AI, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium (pieter.robberechts@kuleuven.be, with and speeds up tasks such as nearest neighbours and wannes.meert@kuleuven.be, jesse.davis@kuleuven.be). clustering; (3) We demonstrate empirically the utility
of our approach by comparing it to the most common advantages. One, it can dramatically compress the size distance measures on the ubiquitous UCR benchmarks; of the training set, which enables storing large datasets in main memory. Two, it enables quickly computing the 2 Background approximate Euclidean distance between a test example A large body of literature is available on dynamic time and each training example. warping and product quantization. In this section, we This approach compresses the training data by restrict our presentation to the notations and concepts partitioning each feature vector used to describe a used in the rest of the paper. training example into M equal sized groups, termed subspaces. It then learns a codebook for each subspace. 2.1 Dynamic Time Warping Dynamic Time Typically, this is done by running k-means clustering Warping (DTW) computes the distance between two on each subspace which only considers the features time series A and B after optimal alignment [21]. The assigned to that subspace. Then the values of all alignment is computed using (1) dynamic programming features in the subspace are replaced by a single v- with bit code representing the id of the cluster centroid ck that the example is assigned to in the current subspace. dtw dist[i − 1, j − 1] Hence, each example is re-represented by M v-bit code 2 dtw dist[i, j] = (Ai − Bj ) + min dtw dist[i, j − 1] words. This mapping is termed the quantizer. At test time, finding a test example’s nearest neigh- dtw dist[i − 1, j] bor using the squared Euclidean distance can be done efficiently by using table look-ups and addition. For a where i and j are indices for A and B, and (2) the test example, a look-up table is constructed for each minimum cost path in the matrix dtw dist[i, j]. The subspace. This table stores the squared Euclidean dis- value DT W (A, B) = dtw dist[length(A), length(B)] tance to each of the K cluster centroids in that sub- is the distance between series A and B. DTW is space. Then the approximate distance to each training particularly useful for comparing the shapes of time example is computed using these look-up tables and the series, as it compensates for subtle variations such as nearest example is returned. shifts, compression and expansion. The standard dynamic programming approach for 3 Approximate Dynamic Time Warping with computing the DTW measure has a quadratic computa- Product Quantization tional complexity. Four common approaches exist to en- able scaling to large datasets: constraint bands or warp- This section introduces the DTW with Product Quanti- ing windows [21], lower-bound pruning [11, 9, 23, 26, zation (PQDTW) approach. First, we discuss how each 12, 19], pruning warping alignments [24], and DTW ap- component of the original PQ method can be adapted to proximations [22, 25]. While proposed methods across a DTW context. This encompasses learning the code- these four approaches reduce the theoretical complexity book, encoding the data and computing approximate of DTW down from quadratic, they incur other costs. distances between codes. Then, we extend the base Constraining bands decreases accuracy, especially in do- method to compensate for the alignment loss caused mains with large distortions. Lower-bound pruning is by partitioning the time series. Finally, we explain how increasingly efficient for larger datasets, but cannot be PQDTW can be used in NN search and clustering. applied for tasks such as clustering since it requires the complete pairwise distance matrix. Pruning warping 3.1 Training phase The training phase (Algo- alignments is a valuable addition but has limited im- rithm 1) comprises the learning of a codebook us- pact when many suitable warping paths exist. Approx- ing DTW Barycenter Averaging (DBA) k-means [18]. imate methods introduce an additional complexity that Let us consider a training set of time series X = requires more memory and loses the computational sim- [x1 , x2 , . . . , xN ] ∈ RN ×D (i.e., N time series of length plicity of the original DTW algorithm making it often D). Each time series in the dataset is first partitioned slow in practice [27]. In contrast, PQDTW is fast in in M sub-sequences, each of length D/M . Subsequently, its own right while maintaining compatibility with thea sub-codebook for each m ∈ {1, . . . , M } is computed: aforementioned techniques. C m = {cm K m k }k=1 , with centroids ck ∈ R D/M . Each Cm is obtained by running the DBA k-means clustering over th 2.2 Product Quantization Product Quantization the m part of the training sequences, where K is the (PQ) [8] is a well-known approach for approximate number of clusters. The K ×M centroids obtained by k- nearest neighbors search for standard feature-vector means represent the most commonly occurring patterns data using the Euclidean distance. It confers two big in the training time series’ subspaces.
Two other pre-processing steps can be performed during the training phase to speed-up the encoding of time series and computing the symmetric distances be- tween codes: the construction of the Keogh envelopes [9] of all centroids and the computation of a distance look- up table with the DTW distance between each pair of centroids in a subspace. These steps are explained in the next sections. The training step has to be performed once to optimize it for a specific type of data, but can be reused to speed up computations on future examples from the same domain. Algorithm 1: Training phase Figure 1: Illustration of the training phase of our Input: proposed method. Each time series in the dataset X: The training data ∈ RN ×D is first chopped-up in M subspaces of length D/M . M : The number of sub-spaces Next, we run DBA-k-means clustering on each subspace, K: The codebook size obtaining the codebook which is a set of k∗M centroids. Output: Finally, the distance between each pair of centroids and C: the codebook ∈ RM ×k×D/M the Keogh envelope of each centroid are pre-computed. D: the distance lookup table ∈ RM ×k×k E: the Keogh envelopes ∈ R2×M ×k×D/M C ← ∅; D ← ∅; E ← ∅; to the identifier of the nearest centroid cm k in the for m ← 0 to M do codebook. Formally, this search is defined as: rs ← m × (D/M ); re ← rs + (D/M ); qm (xm ) = arg min DTW (xm , cm k ). C[m, :, :] ← DBA kmeans(X[:, rs : re], K); k∈{1,...,K} for k ← 0 to K do for l ← 0 to K do Practically, this search is performed by linearly D[m, k, l] ← DTW(C[m, k, :], C[m, l, : comparing a D/M -dimensional sub-sequence to K cen- ]); troids (i.e., a NN-DTW query), which has a compu- end tational complexity of O(K × (D/M )2 ) with standard E[:, m, k, :] ← keogh envelope(C[m, k, :]); DTW. Since the sub-sequences are quantized separately end using M distinct quantizers, the overall computational end return C, D, E; complexity of encoding a time series is O(K × D2 /M ). The quadratic complexity of the dynamic program- ming approach to DTW makes the NN-DTW queries required to encode a time series highly computationally demanding. In regular NN-DTW, cheap-to-compute 3.2 Encoding time series Using the codebook, we lower bounds are a key strategy to combat this by prun- can represent any time series as a short code. The idea ing the expensive DTW computations of unpromising is to (1) partition a time series into sub-sequences, (2) nearest neighbour candidates [19]. This involves com- independently encode each sub-sequence to an identifier, puting an enclosing envelope around the query (i.e., the and (3) re-represent the time series as a concatenation of sub-sequence to be encoded) which is reused to com- the identifiers. A given time series x ∈ RD is therefore pute the actual lower bound between the query and mapped as: each test time series. This would be inefficient in our use case, since it would require the construction of the x → q1 (x1 , . . . xD/M ), . . . , qM (xD−D/M +1 , . . . , xD ) , envelope every time the PQ is used to encode a time series. Therefore, we reverse the query/data role in the where qm : RD/M → {1, . . . , K} is the quantizer lower bound search [19]. This enables computing the associated with the mth subspace that maps a sub- envelopes only once around the codebook, which can be sequence done during the training phase. Many DTW lower bounds have been proposed, in- xm = xm×(D/M )) , . . . x(m+1)×(D/M ) cluding LB Kim [11], LB Keogh [9], LB Improved [12],
LB New [23] and LB Enhanced [26]; as well as cascad- ing lower bounds that start with a looser (and computa- tionally cheap) one and progress towards tighter lower bounds [19]. In the experimental evaluation of this pa- per, we use a cascading lower bound of LB Kim and the reversed LB Keogh, which provides an effective trade- off between speed and tightness for small window sizes (i.e, as we obtain after partitioning the time series) [26]. Nevertheless, other bounds might be more effective de- pending on the time series’ properties. Given the pre- computed upper and lower envelopes at training time, the cost of computing these bounds is only O(D/M ). While this encoding is the most costly part of the PQDTW algorithm, it can be executed offline in many applications. For example, in NN search, the dataset Figure 2: Illustration of the encoding phase of our can be encoded during the training phase and the costs proposed method. Each time series in the dataset is first can be amortized over multiple subsequent queries. chopped-up in M subspaces of length D/M . Next, each subspace is replaced with the ID of its closest centroid in the codebook. Algorithm 2: Encoding a time series Input: T : The time series to encode ∈ RD two methods to estimate the distance between these C: The codebook ∈ RM ×k×D/M two time series: symmetric and asymmetric distance E: The Keogh envelopes ∈ R2×M ×k×D/M computation. Output: Symmetric distance computation This Tenc : The encoded time series ∈ NM method computes the distance between the PQ-codes Tenc ← ∅; for m ← 0 to M do of x and y. Therefore, both time series are first encoded rs ← m ∗ (D/M ); by the product quantizer. Secondly, a distance score re ← rs + (D/M ); is computed by fetching the centroid distances from Tenc [m] ← 1NN(C[m, :, :], E[:, m, :, :], T [rs : q’s pre-computed distance table. This means that the re]); distances between the centroids cm m i and cj of x and end y in each subspace m need to be aggregated into one Function 1NN( C: Rk×D/M , E: R2×k×D/M , q: RD distance d as: ) : N is v u M best so f ar ← ∞; uX ˆ d(x, y) = d(q(x), q(y)) = t d(cm m 2 for i ← 1 to |C| do i , cj ) . LB dist ← m=1 lower bound distance(ci , ei , q); if LB dist < best so f ar then The distances d(cm m 2 i , cj ) between each pair of centroids dist ← DTW(ci , q); in a subspace are pre-computed during the training if dist < best so f ar then phase and stored in a M -by-K-by-K look-up table. best so f ar ← dist; Hence, symmetric distance computation is very efficient, index of best match ← i; taking only O(M ) table look-ups and additions. end Asymmetric distance computation This end method encodes only one of the two time series and end estimates the distance between the PQ code of x and return index of best match; the original series y as end v return Tenc ; u M uX ˆ y) = d(q(x), y) = t d(x, d(cm m 2 i , y ) . m=1 3.3 Computing distances between time series The distances d(cm m 2 i , y ) between the M centroids of Consider two time series x and y ∈ RD and a trained x and the M subspaces of y have to be computed on- product quantizer q. The original PQ paper [8] proposes the-fly. Hence, this method is inefficient to compute
the distances between a single pair of time series. with this problem. However, when computing the distances between a Original query time series y and a database with many time series N X = {xn })n=1 , it becomes efficient to first construct a distance look-up table for each pair (y m , cmi ) with m ∈ {1, . . . , M } and i ∈ {1, . . . , K}. The computation of Original segmented this look-up table takes O(D × K) DTW computations, and is performed just once per query. Subsequently, the distance computation itself takes only O(M ) table look-ups and additions. Original segmented after pre-alignment Whether symmetric or asymmetric is the most ap- propriate distance measure depends on the application, the amount of data and the required accuracy. Figure 3: Segmentation of two time series of the 3.4 Memory cost Due to the conversion of time Trace [4] data set (top) in four subspaces using fixed- series to short codes, product quantization allows large length subspaces (middle) and our own MODWT-based time series collections to be processed in memory. Since method (bottom). these codes consist of M integers ranging from 1 to K, the parameters M and K control the main memory The idea is to identify local structures in the time cost of our approach. Typically, K is set as 256, such series data and segment the time series at the bound- that each code can be represented by 8M bits (i.e., aries of these structures. For this, we use the Maxi- each integer in the code is represented by 8 bits). If mal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT), a D-dimensional time series is represented in single- as proposed by Hong et al. [7]. Via convolution of a precision floating-point format (i.e., 32 × D bits), a PQ- raw time series x ∈ RD and the basis functions (Haar code with K = 256 compresses the original series by a wavelet) of the MODWT, we obtain the scale coeffi- factor 32D/8M = 4D/M . For example, time series of cients cj,i , where j is the level of the decomposition length 140 can be represented 80× more efficiently by ∈ {1, . . . , J} and i ∈ {1, . . . , D}. These coefficients are PQ-codes with 7 subspaces. Larger values for M lead to proportional to the mean of the raw time series data. faster performance and a higher memory cost, but the The scale coefficients of the MODWT have a length D effect on representation error is domain-dependent. that is the same as that of the raw time series. Next, In addition to the data memory cost, our method time segment points are extracted as the points at which requires a small amount of additional memory for the signs of the differences between the time series data storing the codebook (32 × D × K bits), pre-computed and scale coefficients change, as shown in Figure 4. distance look-up table (32 × K 2 × M bits) and Keogh Since the complexity of MODWT is only O(J × D), envelopes (2×32×D×K bits). In total, this corresponds this segmentation step does not increase our method’s to 32×K×(3×D+K×M ), which is negligible in relation overall complexity. to the data memory cost. For our previous example, Since one time series archive typically contains with D = 140, K = 256 and M = 7, the total cost is series with different patterns, partitioning the time limited to 2.3MB. series based on local structures implies that the number of subspaces can vary between sequences. If this 3.5 Pre-alignment of subspaces When partition- happens, the distances between two such series cannot ing time-series into equal length sub-sequences, the end- be approximated by the sum of the distances between points of these sub-sequences might not be aligned well. their subspaces. Therefore, a degree of fuzziness is This problem is illustrated in Figure 3. The middle row needed to cut the time series such that each series is of the plot shows the subspaces obtained by dividing two split in the same number of segments of similar length similar time series of the Trace dataset [4] in four equal while avoiding splits of distinctive local structures. This partitions. Notice that the distinctive peak near the is achieved by specifying a tail, t, measured backwards first split point falls in different subspaces for both se- from each original fixed-length split point l, within ries. Because it is not possible to warp across segments, which the cut should be applied; thus the cut will fall the effect is that the location of the split point will tend between l − t and l. If the MODWT method identifies to contribute disproportionately to the estimated sim- split points in this period, the right-most point is used to ilarity, resulting in a higher approximate distance. In split the series; otherwise, the l remains the original split this section we introduce a pre-alignment step to deal point. Hence, we obtain subspaces varying in length
Tail l Fixed-length time segment point one should use the asymmetric version, which obtains a lower distance distortion. When the training set 3 is large, the O(D × K) DTW computations required 2 to compute the asymmetric distance look-up table is 1 Time series x 0 relatively small. The only exceptions are queries in Scaling coefficients c −1 small databases (albeit, techniques other than PQ are −2 more appropriate in such cases) or applications with 0 50 100 150 200 250 Sign(x - c) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++ many time-critical queries. MODWT-based MODWT-based The linear scan with PQDTW is fast compared to time segment point time segment point the state-of-the-art NN-DTW methods [19], but still Figure 4: Illustration of the segmentation procedure slow for a large number of N . To handle million- based on the pre-alignment of time series. MODWT- scale search, a search system with inverted indexing was based time segment points are extracted as the points developed in the original PQ paper [8]. at which the signs of the differences between the time series data and scale coefficients change. If the tail of 4.2 Clustering with PQ approximates While all one of the fixed length segment points contains one of of the conventional clustering approaches rely on simi- these MODWT-based segment points, the MODWT- larity comparisons in which DTW can be substituted by based point is used instead. PQDTW, we focus on the hierarchical algorithms in this paper. These have great visualization power in time se- ries clustering and do not require the number of clusters between l and l + t. This is illustrated in Figure 4. as an additional parameter. However, at the same time, Finally, we re-interpolate the obtained segments to have hierarchical clustering does not scale to large datasets, the same length l + t [14], which is required to be able because it requires the computation of the full pairwise to pre-compute the Keogh envelopes. distance matrix. Therefore, lower-bound pruning can- not be applied. 4 Data mining applications For constructing a pairwise distance matrix, asym- metric distance computation is an expensive operation Similarity comparisons between pairs of series are a core since it involves the computation of the full DTW dis- subroutine in most time series data mining approaches. tance matrix between the subspaces of each time series In this section, we discuss how PQDTW can be incor- in the dataset and the codebook (i.e., N × K × M DTW porated in 1-NN and hierarchical clustering. computations). This is only acceptable if the number of time series is a lot bigger than the number of centroids 4.1 NN search with PQ approximates A large in the codebooks. body of empirical research has shown that NN-DTW is Using symmetric distance computation, two similar the method of choice for most time series classification time series have a high likelihood to be mapped to the problems [5, 26, 17]. However, being a lazy learner, same centroids, resulting in an approximate distance of the main drawback is its time and space complexity. zero. While the resulting errors on the estimated dis- The entire training set has to be stored and the clas- tance are small, this might be problematic in clustering sification time is a function of the size of this training applications where the ranking of distances is impor- set. Therefore, NN-DTW still has severe tractability tant. This is solved by partially replacing the estimated issues in some applications. This is especially true for distance when subspaces are encoded to the same code. resource-constrained devices such as wearables. As an efficient and elegant replacement value, we pro- NN search with PQ is both fast (only the query has pose the Keogh lower bound. Given a sub-quantizer qm to be encoded online and only M additions are required and two subspaces xm and y m , the distance value would per distance calculation) and reduces significantly the be max(lb(xm , qm (y m )), lb(qm (xm ), y m )). This bound is memory requirements for storing the training data. It guaranteed to be between 0 and the exact distance. proceeds as follows: Given a query time series y ∈ D N R and a database of N time series X = {xn }n=1 5 Experimental Settings where each xn ∈ RD . At training time, a PQ is first trained on (a subset of) the database time series, This section describes the experimental settings for the which are subsequently encoded (section 3.2) using evaluation of PQDTW. the trained PQ. At prediction time, the approximate Platform We ran all experiments on a set of distance is computed between the query vector y and each encoded database time series. In most cases,
x times faster x times 40 Time (ms) slower 30 4 1.75 1.50 20 3 1.25 1.00 10 2 0.75 320 0 1600 0 1 0.50 h 102 800 gt 51 4 0.25 800 400 len 0 25 2 16 400 200 ies 128 6 ize 0.00 Train 200 s er ks 8 ing se 100 e 50 4 64 th t 100 0 30 oo 5 4 g size Tim 20 1 32 eb 4 len Subsp 5 10 16 d 3 il ace si 5 Co Wave let leve 2 2 Ta ze (% l 1 ) (a) Comparison of the runtime of PQDTW (no pre-alignment) with (b) Effect of the subspace and codebook (c) Effect of pre-alignment on the run- DTW size on the runtime of PQDTW time of PQDTW Figure 5: Empirical evaluation of the time complexity of PQDTW on a random walks dataset. identical computing servers1 using a single core per run. Parameter settings A disadvantage of the In order to reduce the variance in runtime caused by PQDTW approach is that we have many hyper- other processes outside our control and the variance parameters to tune. We use a default codebook size caused by the random selection of centroids in the of 256 (or all time series in the training set if there are DBA k-means step of the PQDTW encoding step, we less examples) and symmetric distance computation. To executed each method five times with different seeds and determine the optimal subspace size, wavelet level, tail report the mean accuracy and median run time. and quantization window, we use the Tree-structured Baselines We compare PQDTW against the most Parzen Estimator algorithm [1] which we ran for 12 common and state-of-the-art distance measures for time hours on each dataset. This hyper-parameter tuning series: Euclidean distance (ED), dynamic time warping is a one-time effort. We use 5-fold cross validation on (DTW) [21], window-constrained dynamic time warping the training set with a test set of 25% and evaluate the (cDTW) [21], and shape-based distance (SBD) [16]. 1NN classification error. This results in multiple Pareto For DTW we use the PrunedDTW [24] technique to optimal solutions with respect to runtime and accuracy. prune unpromising alignments. For constrained DTW, We report the results for the most accurate solution on we consider window sizes of 5 and 10%, as well as the training set. the window size which leads to the minimal 1NN Statistical analysis We analyze the results of classification error on the training set. We denote the every pairwise comparison of algorithms over multiple window size with a suffix (e.g., cDTW10) and using datasets using the Friedman test followed by the post- cDTWX for the optimal one. SBD is a state-of-the-art hoc Nemenyi test. We report statistical significant shape-based distance measure, achieving similar results results with a 95% confidence level. to cDTW and DTW while being orders of magnitude faster. In addition, we compare against SAX [13], which 6 Experimental Results is perhaps the most studied symbolic representation The goal of this evaluation is to demonstrate the for time series. We use an alphabet size α = 4, and efficiency and accuracy of PQDTW in classification segments of length l = 0.2 ∗ L (where L is length of the and clustering applications. This evaluation will first time series) [15]. Finally, we compare against standard demonstrate the empirical time complexity of PQDTW PQ using the Euclidean distance (i.e., a version of in comparison to DTW and evaluate the effect of pa- PQDTW without pre-alignment that uses ED instead rameter settings on a synthetically generated random of DTW), denoted PQED . walk dataset. Second, we benchmark PQDTW for time Implementation We implemented PQDTW, ED, series classification and clustering on 48 UCR datasets.3 DTW, and SBD under the same framework, in C(ython), for a consistent evaluation in terms of both 6.1 Empirical time complexity We begin with accuracy and efficiency. For SAX, we use the Cython an evaluation of the empirical time complexity on a implementation available in tslearn.2 random walk dataset. Although these random walks 1 Intel 3 Only the datasets available since 2018 [4] were used to keep Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz; 15Gb of memory; Ubuntu GNU/Linux 18.04 the runtime of the experiments manageable, while achieving a 2 We use tslearn v0.5.0.5. See tslearn.readthedocs.io. maximal overlap with existing research.
Table 1: Comparison of PQDTW against other distance measures for 1NN and hierarchical complete linkage clustering. The column “Mean difference” contains the mean and standard deviation of the relative difference in classification error (1NN) and rand index (clustering) between PQDTW and the corresponding measure, whereas “Speedup” indicates the factor by which PQDTW speeds up the runtime. 1NN Clustering Mean Error difference Speedup Mean ARI difference Speedup ED 0.017 ± 0.066 x14.00 0.013 ± 0.099 x2.64 DTW −0.014 ± 0.064∗ x25.01 0.004 ± 0.122 x225.20 cDTW5 −0.036 ± 0.044∗ x12.91 0.008 ± 0.097 x32.83 cDTW10 −0.029 ± 0.052∗ x15.81 −0.002 ± 0.110 x59.01 cDTWX −0.037 ± 0.050∗ x14.15 −0.003 ± 0.106 x50.45 SBD −0.021 ± 0.056∗ x6.45 −0.011 ± 0.105 x47.18 SAX 0.293 ± 0.199+ x190.63 0.043 ± 0.140 x884.77 PQED 0.038 ± 0.071+ x0.83 −0.006 ± 0.057 x0.75 ∗ PQDTW performs worse (p < 0.05); + PQDTW performs better (p < 0.05) are not ideal to evaluate the PQDTW algorithm due to that the difference in accuracy between PQDTW and lack of common structures that can be aligned, they cDTWX (i.e., the best performing measure) is small in allow us to do reproducible experiments on a large all cases, while PQDTW is 14x faster on average. Ad- set of time series collections of varying sizes and time ditionally, PQDTW compresses the training data by a series lengths. The results show a significant speedup factor varying between 26.2 and 2622.4, depending on of PQDTW (subspace size = 20%, no pre-alignment) the dataset and PQDTW’s parameter settings. From over DTW, which improves relatively for longer time this experiment, we can conclude that (1) PQDTW is series (Figure 5a). For computing the pairwise distance competitive with ED, but is much faster and requires far matrix of 100 time series, PQDTW is between 2.9 less space; and that (2) PQDTW outperforms SAX and times (length 100) and 5.6 times faster (length 3200). PQED , the baseline dimensionality reduction techniques Interestingly, due to lower bound pruning, the average based on ED. computation time of PQDTW per pair of time series decreases a lot if the number of time series grows. 6.3 Hierarchical clustering We use agglomerative Therefore, for a collection of 800 time series of length hierarchical clustering with single, average, and com- 3200, PQDTW is already 45.8 times faster. plete linkage criteria. To evaluate the obtained clus- The parameters that affect the speed of PQDTW tering, we compute a threshold that cuts the produced most are the subspace size and codebook size (Fig- dendrogram at the minimum height such that k clus- ure 5b). In accordance with the theoretical time com- ters are formed, with k corresponding to the number of plexity O(K × D2 /M ), the runtime increases linearly classes in the dataset. Subsequently, we compute the when less subpaces or a larger codebook is used. Rand Index (RI) [20] over the test set using the class Finally, the pre-alignment step has a minor effect labels as the ground truth clustering. The major dif- on the runtime (Figure 5c), which is mainly determined ference in performance among hierarchical methods is by the level of the wavelet decomposition. Increasing the linkage criterion and not the distance measure [16]. the tail length does not have a significant effect. Since the complete linkage criterion gave the best re- sults, we only report these in Table 1. There are no 6.2 1NN classification Table 1 reports the classifi- significant differences among all distance measures that cation error and runtime of PQDTW against the state- we evaluated. Figure 6b shows that the differences in RI of-the-art distance measures. For DTW and cDTW, between PQDTW and cDTWX are indeed small. Since we use the Keogh lower bound for early stopping. The the full distance matrix has to be computed to obtain a statistical test suggests that there is no significant dif- hierarchical clustering and lower bound pruning cannot ference between PQDTW and ED. PQDTW performs be applied, the gain in performance is larger compared at least as well in 23 datasets. All other distance mea- to 1NN. Our approach is one order of magnitude faster sures that operate on the raw data outperform PQDTW than cDTW and SBD, and two orders of magnitude with statistical significance. However, Figure 6 shows faster than DTW.
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