El Paso Independent School District Zach White Elementary School Campus Improvement Plan 2020-2021 - EPISD

Page created by Marvin Soto
El Paso Independent School District Zach White Elementary School Campus Improvement Plan 2020-2021 - EPISD
El Paso Independent School District
                                    Zach White Elementary School
                                       Campus Improvement Plan
                                 Accountability Rating: Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster

                                                  Distinction Designations:
                                         Top 25 Percent: Comparative Closing the Gaps

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El Paso Independent School District Zach White Elementary School Campus Improvement Plan 2020-2021 - EPISD
Mission Statement
The mission of the Zach White Community is to create a positive, social learning environment with high expectations for academic excellence and meaningful enrichment where
                                      children can be creative thinkers and productive, responsible citizens with high self-concepts

                                                                    Today's Learners, Tomorrow's Leaders

                                                                      Value Statement
    At Zach White Elementary, we believe that all children can succeed by providing a quality education in which individual needs are met, exceeded, and supported by using
                                                         appropriate materials, practices, and research-based strategies.

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Table of Contents
Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                                                                                                                                 5
   Demographics                                                                                                                                                                5
   Student Learning                                                                                                                                                            7
   School Processes & Programs                                                                                                                                                 9
   Perceptions                                                                                                                                                                13
Priority Problem Statements                                                                                                                                                   15
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation                                                                                                                             16
Goals                                                                                                                                                                         18
   Goal 1: Active Learning El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages
   and prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success. Directly Supports: Board Goals 1-3                                                                    18
   Goal 2: Great Community Schools El Paso ISD will ensure that our students and community are served by effective employees in safe and supportive learning
   environments.                                                                                                                                                              31
   Goal 3: Lead with Character and Ethics El Paso ISD will demonstrate fiscal and ethical responsibility as well as a deep commitment to service and support in all district
   operations.                                                                                                                                                                36
   Goal 4: Community Partnerships El Paso ISD will maintain positive and productive partnerships with parents and state and community organizations to facilitate the
   success of all students.                                                                                                                                                   37
Comprehensive Support Strategies                                                                                                                                              43
Targeted Support Strategies                                                                                                                                                   45
Additional Targeted Support Strategies                                                                                                                                        46
State Compensatory                                                                                                                                                            47
   Budget for Zach White Elementary School                                                                                                                                    47
   Personnel for Zach White Elementary School                                                                                                                                 48
Title I Schoolwide Elements                                                                                                                                                   49
   ELEMENT 1. SWP COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT (CNA)                                                                                                                        49
   1.1: Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                                                                                                                        49
   ELEMENT 2. SWP CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP)                                                                                                                               49
   2.1: Campus Improvement Plan developed with appropriate stakeholders                                                                                                       49
   2.2: Regular monitoring and revision                                                                                                                                       49
   2.3: Available to parents and community in an understandable format and language                                                                                           50
   2.4: Opportunities for all children to meet State standards                                                                                                                50
   2.5: Increased learning time and well-rounded education                                                                                                                    50
   2.6: Address needs of all students, particularly at-risk                                                                                                                   50
   ELEMENT 3. PARENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT (PFE)                                                                                                                              50
   3.1: Develop and distribute Parent and Family Engagement Policy                                                                                                            50
   3.2: Offer flexible number of parent involvement meetings                                                                                                                  51
Title I Personnel                                                                                                                                                             52
2020-2021 Campus Improvement Team                                                                                                                                             53
Campus Funding Summary                                                                                                                                                        54
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Addendums                                                       56

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Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Demographics Summary

Demographics Strengths

Zach White has a high teacher retention rate and a low mobility rate. Students are diverse and accepting of one another. The Dual
Language program promotes Bi-Culturalism, Bi-Literacy/BiLingualism, and High Academic Achievement through the integration of
cultures. The faculty and staff are diverse bringing a unique and positive perspective to student learning. Students show caring and
kindness and understand that working as one is strength.
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Problem Statements Identifying Demographics Needs

Problem Statement 1: Declining enrollment continues to impact funding. Root Cause: Closure of many units in the Machuca Housing and increase in the number of private
schooling options.

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Student Learning
Student Learning Summary

Due to the Covid 19 closure student data is based off of data from the previous school year and this years I-Station, DRA/EDL, and
Benchmarks.Since the 2018 STARR results students have shown improvement in their Writing on the 4th grade assessment. In the 3rd
Grade Reading there was a 5% increase to 85% Appoaches, In Math there was a 6% in crease to 84% Approaches. 4Th Grade Reading had
a 8% increase to 85% Approaches, while Math decreased 5% to 73%. In 5th grade the Reading decresed by 2% to 90% but Mastery
increased 5%. Math in creased 5% to 98%. Science decreased from 87% to 64%. 80% of students were on track to make a years growth,
however the EOY data can not be verified as students were tested in a variety of environments, not proctored to ensure reliability.

Student Learning Strengths

Academic strengths in are growth seen in the number of students meeting the Approach standard in 3rd grade Reading and Math, 4h grade
Reading, 4h grade Writing and 5th grade Math. The increase in the percentage of students attaing the Masters level in 3rd Reading, 4th
Math and Writing and all 5th grade tested content areas indicstes that the content is being taught to a rigor which enhances student
learning. IN the cohort comparison students in 4th grade grew significsantly from 3rd grade and those in 5th grade grew in both Reading
and Math. This information is copied from the previous year as this years data can not be verified. Please see the chart below to note the
areas noted as growth.

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Problem Statements Identifying Student Learning Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): : Decrease in Science STAAR scores Root Cause: Science is not a priority.

Problem Statement 2: Math Scores decreased in 4th grade. Root Cause: Lack of Rigor

Problem Statement 3: Reading Scores in 3rd and 4th Grades are below 90% Approaches Root Cause: Implementation of curriculum lacks fidelity.

Problem Statement 4 (Prioritized): Writing scores are below the district. Root Cause: Lack of consistent alignment Kinder to fourth grades.

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School Processes & Programs
School Processes & Programs Summary

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
At Zach White the rigor, relevance and delivery of instruction is aligned. The TEKs R US and TEX Guide are used to plan instruction
which is aligned to the TEKS,ELPS, and CCRS. Teachers use the ALF through "Engage 2 Learn" to make sure students are challenged in
lessons and follow lesson guides provided by the district. Campus Coaches attend math and reading district PLC's that are turned around
during weekly PLC's. Teachers are provided resources to use in their classrooms. Teachers participate in data digs to ensure that low
student SE's are focused on and engaging activities and interventions are provided to help reteach concepts.
To ensure fidelity teachers must turn in lesson plans once a week which shows what they are teaching,and how they are teaching.The
lesson plans adhere to the district's curriculum. Administration does weekly walk-throughs to monitor that the lesson plans match the
instruction set forth in the lesson plans as well as the district curriculm calendar.
Campus Coaches model lessons, provide resources, and trainings for balanced literacy, guided math, and active learning framework, which
are all instructional initiatives for the campus and district. which align to the CIP to have our first teach done in small group settings, and
station-based learning.
Coaching converstations are held with grade levels once a month focusing on best practices such as differentiation, small group
instruction, use of technology, as well as providing immediate and informative feedback with students. Centers and lessons that include the
use of technology, HOTs (High Order Thinking) Questioning Strategies and manipulatives are provided for all teachers on a monthly
basis. New Math manipulatives were donated through Donors Choose for the math lab, and coaches organized the lab to have math
manipulatives, books, and other instructional materials more accessible to teachers.
Campus Coaches work together, along with the principal, assistant principal,elementary facilitators, instructional technology personnel,
and the active learning director to turn around professional development that is relevant to the district and campus instuctional initiatives.
Administrators and campus coaches model lessons and strategies to ensure that teacher can turn them around with fidelity. During
coaching sessions teachers discuss their stuggles, successes, and ask for ideas about strategies they wish to use.
Content and language objectives are communicated using the TEKS, which are posted on the board and planned for during the lesson
planning process. To enhance the communication teacher utilize visuals, websites, dictionaries and check student understanding.
At Zach White the TEKS and ELPS are used to plan lessons and guide instruction. The TEKS Resource system and state aligned
assessments are utilized to keep instruction demanding with a rigor which meets state expectations. In addition Walk-through observations
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T-TESS, student products, Active Learning Framework coaching and implementation, and data are used to inform best practices. SIOP
strategies are utilized to ensure understanding of vocabulary.
Zach White has a Connections Program, Tutoring, Enrichment Block, Art program, Technology utilized in classrooms and labs, PBIS,
SEL, Dual Language, Read with the Dogs through the Library, regular counseling classes, 4th Grade Kids Excel, 5th grade Orchestra and
SPED/Resource for those students identified.
Student objectives are posted daily in child friendly language as well as discussed at circle time and throughout the day,
Zach White is staffed with a full time LPAC clerk, school nurse, office clerk, secretary, full time counselor, ALL, LSP. part time
Diagnostician, 50% Parent Liaison Clerk, Assistant Principal, and Principal. For school year 2018-19 Zach White will fund a full time
Campus Coach, Campus PARA and 50% campus clerk Teacher retention is not an issue at Zach White. Teachers leave for retirement,
district leveling, or for family reasons.
Zach White adheres to district guidelines and policies.
ELL sheltered instruction is ensured through an individualized instruction plan decided throug the LPAC in conjunction with the teacher.
Throughout the school year the instructional supports are revisited to ensure that they meet individual needs.
School Context and Organization
Goals, Performance objectives and strategies are communicated thrrough staff development days, weekly PLC's, Beginning of the Year
and End of the Year formative and summative conferences are held with administrators, teachers and staff.
Needs are analyzed and monitored through data reviews. CIT members, RTI members, teachers and staff prioritize needs in learning
conversations, PLC's and grade level meetings.
The campus is focused on improvement through the goal setting process and data analysis.
PlC's are scheduled weekly during a Prep period . Weekly PLC's are led by grade level leaders, Campus Coaches and Administrators.
Instuctioal Planning utilizes appropriate curricula, instructional strategies, resources and data during the planning process to address the
diverse needs of students.
Instruction time is protected from unneccessary interuptions and is maximized to meet the needs of students.
Teachers at Zach White encourage students to participate in making movies, presenting projects, and utilizing technology to enhance
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learning. During the Covid 19 closure all students at all grade levels were engaged in technology. They learned to use Schoology to upload
assignments, accessed virtual classrooms through WebEx. Teachers grew in their creativity in the delivery of lessons to ensure student
Administration utilized Zoom to meet with teachers during the Covid 19 closure to inform and support teachers. Virtual meetings were
held with the administrative team to organize and prepare for meetings. PLC's were held weekly in the Virtual setting where the ALL and
CTC informed teachers of lessons and the Focus standards.
Technology supports instruction and learning through the use of Web Based programs. I Station (used as an intervention program for Math
and reading), Education Galaxy which focuses on all content areas. In addition QR codes are used in centers for math and reading. Apps
like EPIC are utilized to read leveled book, Shadow Puppet, Flip Grid, Chatterpix, and I Movie are used to creare videos whci demonstrate
their learning in a more engaging and challenging. Web based data bases are used for research for all content areas.

School Processes & Programs Strengths

Zach white uses transparency with its community, faculty, and staff through PLCs, Faculty Meetings, letters, Class Dojo, call outs, Coffee
With the Principal, and CIT to keep everyone informed with respect to programs, initiatives, and activities. The faculty utilizes I-station,
DRA/EDL, STAAR, informative and local formative assessments, Bench Mark tests, and Mock tests to identify students in need of
intervention and to inform instruction. Referral to the RTI Committee to discuss and implement supports and benefits student learning.,
 Sharing student academic information ensures teachers have the necessary data to regroup students for enrichment purposes. Teachers
work as teams to support one another with daily demands and to plan grade level activities, benefiting all students. Weekly PLCs have
multiple purposes, led by the ALL/CTC who turn around new information to provide support for teachers, others are teacher led to discuss
student's needs, and on occasion scheduled meetings led by district support personnel to train on current, identified needs.

    1.   To limit the number of interruptions to instruction with well thought out schedules and teacher communication.
    2.   To limit initiatives to ensure that they are doable, and teachers have input through the CIT
    3.   To have a plan for the use of technology use which is appropriate and doable
    4.   To provide the necessary training by scheduling district personnel to support teacher learning.
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    5.   Continue to grow in areas of SEL/PBIS
    6.   Continue to support the Art and Music programs
    7.   Continue to support the GT presentations
    8.   Continue to support Active Learning through trainings and ongoing professional development
    9.   Hire subs for school provided professional development
   10.   Provide kids excel program for 4 th graders
   11.   Provide funding for the counselor to purchase materials
   12.   Provide funding for the counselor to attend training
   13.   Provide funding for nursing supplies
   14.   Provide funding to support technology
   15.   Provide funding for the Pebble Go program.

Problem Statements Identifying School Processes & Programs Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Science is not a priority during PLC's Root Cause: Focus at the district level on Reading and Math

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): Vertical alignment is not occurring in Writing Root Cause: Lack of a focus on Writing across the grades.

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Perceptions Summary

Zach White is fostering a community of informed problem solvers by providing the opportunity for the Connections/GT program to
qualifying students in Kinder through 5 th grade. Students have the opportunity to use databases such as Pebble Go, Education Britannica,
Nearpod when visiting the library and in the classroom. The use of technology is integral in instruction. The utilization of I-Pads provides
augmented instruction for students in Kinder to 2 nd grades. Classroom technology is available in all classrooms, both interactive and
individual to incorporate technology into problem-solving and active learning. Zach White offers a daily enrichment period where K-3
students attend a character-building enrichment period with the CORE curriculum. The remaining students receive intensive interventions
in data driven identified areas of weakness.

Zach White students participate in Social Emotional Learning activities as part of the second cohort of schools. Zach White implements
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) through the teaching of core values: Responsibility, Respectful, Kindness, Caring and
Safety. We offer the opportunity for all students to have exposure to various career opportunities through an annual Career/College Day.
All students receive monthly guidance lessons from our counselor with the Core Essential curriculum.

Zach White will continue to implement and provide an engaging and challenging learning environment through our active learning
framework model. We will have planning days dedicated to creating active learning lessons (units) through e-Studio. Zach White will also
continue to support creativity through our fine arts program such as orchestra, full time art teacher, Kids Excel, Merry Melodies, Young
Rembrandts and grade level performances. All grade levels will continue to have weekly art lessons. 4th grade students will continue to
participate in Kids Excel. 2 nd grade students will continue participating in Merry Melodies, and all students are given the opportunity to
participate in Young Rembrandts after school. Students have access to a current and updated library collection through bi-monthly lessons
in the library. Students participated in the Blue Bonnet Program, and Tail-Wagging Tutors/Therapy Dog visits in the Library.

Zach White is preparing students to be socially and emotionally intelligent individuals through Active Learning presentations, community
service projects to include Kids Excel, Veterans Day program, art exhibitions, monthly character-building classes with school counselor,
Dual Language SEL nights, daily SEL circles, orchestra recitals, STAAR and reading Buddy’s.

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Perceptions Strengths

The overall perception of Zach White is positive in the community. Data collected by the Parent Liaison Surveys, comments from parents
during 504, ARDS, Coffee with the Principal, PTA meetings, Board Meetings, andaccess to meeting with the principal for conferences
have indicated that 90% of respondents are supportive of the programs and management at the school.
Parents are welcomed and feel a part of the school community. They contribute in the classrooms through the “VIPS” program, decorating
for school performances, assisting teachers with classroom activities, working with individual students on “letters and sounds” (primary
grades), laminating, and are encouraged to provide input on school programs.
A number of factors contribute to this perception such as, Parent engagement classes, Class Dojo, telephone messages, newsletters, fliers,
invitations to the monthly “Terrific Kid” recognition program, English and Spanish Spelling Bees, Awards ceremonies’ grade-level has
performances, Dual-language Nights,” Meet the Teacher”, and Parent Engagement events. Parents take part in “Coffee with the Principal”,
Parent Breakfasts, and Individual Grade level events. Zach White regularly wins the PTA award for VIP hours a strong indicator of
parental involvement.
Parent and community involvement has contributed to the of PTA members, with 100% participation by teachers and staff.
Information to Parents and community members is timely and recurrent. Information on programming/district guidelines for guidance
lessons, bullying, technology safety, student behavior expectations, “Student Code of Conduct and upcoming, unexpected occurrences are
immediately conveyed to the parents through multiple modalities.
Students like their school, feel respected, and safe. They see that teachers get along, have a positive regard for the principal, feel
challenged to learn and have an overall positive “Learning Climate” perception. Students overall value education and feel it is important to
go to school.
One hundred percent of Community members completing the survey reported that they feel that their student is safe at Zach White and the
school climate results have improved. They reported that the Staff Climate is positive and the Learning Climate results ranged from 88.3%
to 97.9%.

Problem Statements Identifying Perceptions Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Increase in perception of bullying Root Cause: Lack of structured activities during free time/recess, lack of effective monitoring on the
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Priority Problem Statements
Problem Statement 1: : Decrease in Science STAAR scores
Root Cause 1: Science is not a priority.
Problem Statement 1 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 2: Writing scores are below the district.
Root Cause 2: Lack of consistent alignment Kinder to fourth grades.
Problem Statement 2 Areas: Student Learning

Problem Statement 3: Science is not a priority during PLC's
Root Cause 3: Focus at the district level on Reading and Math
Problem Statement 3 Areas: School Processes & Programs

Problem Statement 4: Vertical alignment is not occurring in Writing
Root Cause 4: Lack of a focus on Writing across the grades.
Problem Statement 4 Areas: School Processes & Programs

Problem Statement 5: Increase in perception of bullying
Root Cause 5: Lack of structured activities during free time/recess, lack of effective monitoring on the playground
Problem Statement 5 Areas: Perceptions

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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation
The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:
Improvement Planning Data
       District goals
       Quantifiable goals for student performance in reading and math PreK-3(HB 3)
       Campus goals
       Quantifiable goals for measures of CCMR(HB 3)
       Campus Performance Objectives Summative Review from previous year
       Current and/or prior year(s) campus and/or district improvement plans
       Campus and/or district planning and decision making committee(s) meeting data
       State and federal planning requirements
       Covid-19 Factors and/or waivers for Assessment, Accountability, ESSA, Missed School Days, Educator Appraisals, etc.
Accountability Data
       Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data
       Student Achievement Domain
       Domain 3 - Closing the Gaps
       Federal Report Card Data
Student Data: Assessments
       State and federally required assessment information (e.g. curriculum, eligibility, format, standards, accommodations, TEA information)
       State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versions
       Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) and TELPAS Alternate results
       Student Success Initiative (SSI) data for Grades 5 and 8
       SSI: Istation Indicators of Progress (ISIP) accelerated reading assessment data for Grades 3-5 (TEA approved statewide license)
       Student failure and/or retention rates
       Local diagnostic reading assessment data
       Local diagnostic math assessment data
       Local benchmark or common assessments data
       Istation Indicators of Progress (ISIP) reading assessment data for Grades PK-2
       Texas approved Prekindergarten and Kindergarten assessment data
Student Data: Student Groups
       Race and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress between groups
       Special programs data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress for each student group
       Race and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress for each student group
       Economically disadvantaged / Non-economically disadvantaged performance and participation data
       Male / Female performance, progress, and participation data
       Special education/non-special education population including discipline, progress and participation data
       At-risk/non-at-risk population including performance, progress, discipline, attendance, and mobility data
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EL/non-EL or LEP data, including academic achievement, progress, support and accommodation needs, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.
       Section 504 data
       Homeless data
       Gifted and talented data
       Dyslexia Data
       Response to Intervention (RtI) student achievement data
Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators
       Attendance data
       Mobility rate, including longitudinal data
       Discipline records
       Student surveys and/or other feedback
       School safety data
Employee Data
       Professional learning communities (PLC) data
       Staff surveys and/or other feedback
       Teacher/Student Ratio
       State certified and high quality staff data
       Campus leadership data
       Campus department and/or faculty meeting discussions and data
       Professional development needs assessment data
       Evaluation(s) of professional development implementation and impact
Parent/Community Data
       Parent surveys and/or other feedback
       Parent engagement rate
       Community surveys and/or other feedback
Support Systems and Other Data
       Processes and procedures for teaching and learning, including program implementation
       Communications data
       Budgets/entitlements and expenditures data

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 1: Curriculum and Instruction -
Utilizing STAAR Data from 2019 improve Math, Reading, Science and Writing STAAR scores a minimum of 2% from approaches to meets and meets to
masters for all students,while employing the "Active Learning" process. 80% of Kinder through second grade students will show one year of growth from
     Targeted or ESF High Priority
     Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR Data for 2019
     Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: Purchase reading materials to enhance the reading of math, science, and writing to meet the needs of at risk,                          Reviews
economically disadvantaged, and other students.
                                                                                                                                           Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: To provide students in first through fifth grades with TEKS based materials of high
     rigor to support their acquisition of the necessary skills to become life long learners. To improve 2% over last years scores   Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     in Reading, Math, Science, and writing as based on summative assessments.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ALL, Campus Coach,
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers:
      Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-Quality
      Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Comprehensive Support Strategy - Targeted Support Strategy
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1 - School Processes & Programs 1
      Funding Sources: Po's Reading Materials - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6329.147.24.801.147 - $1,000

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Strategy 2: To purchase library materials which support the state curriculum and TEKS and to enhance the academic                              Reviews
achievement for at-risk , economically disadvantaged students other students in all content areas.
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will be engaged in the new material as evidenced by usage as well as
     improved achievement on state mandated testing/I-Station Reading scores.                                                    Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Librarian
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Funding Sources: PURCHASE ORDER FOR LIBRARY BOOK - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.12.6329.147.24.801.147 -
      $1,000, Purchase order, Library Books - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.12.6329.147.24.801.147 - $2,700
Strategy 3: Purchase general supplies to maintain the library collection for its continued use by at-risk, economically                        Reviews
disadvantaged, and other students.
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Maintenance of library materials by their continued use monitored through the
     check out process. To enhance the Active Learning resources as evidenced in documentation of teacher walk throughs on       Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Librarian
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Funding Sources: Order forms and Po's Library Material - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.12.6399.147.24.801.147 -
Strategy 4: Hire a campus coach to work with at-risk, economically disadvantaged and other students 40% of the time to                         Reviews
improve learning in Math and Science
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 80% of all students will make a years growth as measured by STAAR and I-Station
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: CTC, Principal, Secretary                                                                 Nov     Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF
      Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-
      Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Comprehensive Support Strategy - Targeted Support Strategy
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1 - School Processes & Programs 1
      Funding Sources: Highly Qualified Teacher Campus Coach - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6119.147.24.801.147
      - $27,718
Strategy 5: Provide funding for buses to allow at-risk, economically disadvantaged and other students to attend field trips to                 Reviews
enhance the TEKS and ALF.
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% of students will be able to link learning from the field trips to TEKS and ALF
     projects.                                                                                                                   Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom teachers, Principal, Secretary
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: Buses for Field Trops - 199 General Fund - 199.11.6494. - $1,500

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Strategy 6: Purchase technology needed by teachers and students to enhance learning in a Virtual and or " Face to Face"                        Reviews
classroom environment to support AT-Risk, Econ. Dis, and all students. Purchases to include Teacher I-Pads, Epson
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
Projectors, , Lady Bugs, Blue tooth Headphones and Owls.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% of students will have access to technology to improve learning in the ALF,         Nov     Feb         Apr           June
      Core content areas to support TEKs as measured through Ren 360, STAAR, EDL/DRA and formal/Informal assessments.
      Students in F2F and the Virtual Environment based on the Covid 19 parent Survey will all have access to learning through
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Technology Committee, CIT, Principal, Secretary
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF
      Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-
      Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1, 4 - School Processes & Programs 2
      Funding Sources: Purchase Orders, Technology - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.11.6395. - $28,312.28,
      Purchase Orders, Technology - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6395.147.24.801.147 - $7,342, Purchase Orders for
      Headphones - 199 General Fund - 199.11.6395.147.100.147 - $2,800
Strategy 7: Provide funding for Pebble Goal and Brain Pop for the use ol At-risk, Economically Disadvantage and other                          Reviews
students to support the goal for all students to be involved in the Active Learning process and to attain a goal of 5%
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
improvement on STAAR State Assessments.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 80% of students utilizing the program will demonstrate a years growth as measured        Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     by STAAR, Istation, Benchmarks, and EDL/DRA Students.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, School Secretary, ALL, CTC
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF
      Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1, 4
      Funding Sources: Order form and PO WEB Based Program - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6299.147.24.801.147
      - $4,750
Strategy 8: Utilize the provided Education Galaxy Web Based Program to enhance the learning for at-risk, economically                          Reviews
disadvantaged and others. To be used to address Science and Writing STAAR and to meet District Goals
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will demonstrate a 3% improvement from Approaches to Meets and Meets
     to Masters.                                                                                                                 Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ALL, Secretary, Principal
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers,
      Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1, 4 - School Processes & Programs 1, 2
Strategy 9: Provide funding for Substitutes for STAAR Testing to ensure compliance with TEA regulations                                        Reviews
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% Compliance with TEA testing regulations.                                                  Formative               Summative
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Secretary, Administration
                                                                                                                                 Nov     Feb         Apr           June
      Funding Sources: STAAR Testing - 199 General Fund - 199.11.6112.147.11.362.147 - $320
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Strategy 10: To provide funding for substitutes to cover classes for teachers attending RTI meeting discussing student                          Reviews
                                                                                                                                        Formative               Summative
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will show a 5% growth once interventions are put in place as result of the
      RTI process                                                                                                                 Nov     Feb         Apr           June
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Secretary, Counselor
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF
      Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 3: Positive School Culture, Lever 5: Effective Instruction
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 4
      Funding Sources: Hire Subs-Fringes - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6141.147.24.362.147 - $6, To hire
      substitutes for RTI - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6112.147.24.362.147 - $400
Strategy 11: To purchase Storyworks, Scholastic News, Dictionaries and notebooks to support the Reading goal for at-risk                        Reviews
economically disadvantaged and other students.
                                                                                                                                        Formative               Summative
Due to Covid 19, the purchase and turn around time for the purchase and use of these materials is not feasible in the remaining
school year. The funds will be re-allocated                                                                                       Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 80% of students will show a 2% improvement on EOY assessments to include
     STAAR, EDL/DRD and I-Station.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ALL, Principal , Teachers
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: Funds to purchase materials to enhance Reading - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) -
      211.11.6329. - $0
Strategy 12: Provide funding for teachers to attend 3 half day planning days to enhance teaching with a focus on Writing and                    Reviews
Science to positively impact At-risk, Economically Disadvantaged and others in making gains of one year or more.
                                                                                                                                        Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Support the goal for 80% of students making a 2% gain in EOY STAAR testing in
     all content areas. To support the goal that 80% of all students in grades Kinder through 3rd be on or above grade level as   Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     measured by EDL/DRA and I-Station
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ALL, Administration, Secretary
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - ESF Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 2:
      Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1, 4 - School Processes & Programs 2
      Funding Sources: Funds to pay substitutes - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11. 6112.147.24.362.147 - $3,030, Funds
      for fringes - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) - 211.11.6141.147.24.362.147 - $44

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Strategy 13: Provide funding to maintain the licenses for the Epson Cameras and Apple I-Pads to improve learning for At-                   Reviews
Risk, Econ Dis. and other students.
                                                                                                                                   Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Utilization of the technology will assist in meeting a goal of 2% overall
     improvement in STAAR in all categories with 80% of students making a year or more progress as measured by I-            Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ALL, CTC, Administration
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - ESF Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 2:
      Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Comprehensive
      Support Strategy
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1
      Funding Sources: Funding to purchase Licenses for Apple I-Pads and Epson Cameras - 199 General Fund -
      199.11.6299. - $1,204
Strategy 14: Utilize carry over funds from the 2020 school year to purchase technology to improve instruction for                          Reviews
economically disadvantaged, at-risk and other students.
                                                                                                                                   Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 80% of all students will show a minimum of one years growth as measured by
     STAAR, EDL/DRA, Benchmarks and other assessments.                                                                       Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, CIT, and ALL
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1, 4 - School Processes & Programs 1, 2
      Funding Sources: Utilize the funds from SCE left over due to Covid 19 closures - 185 SCE (Campus) -
      185.11.6395. - $2,980, Utilize Covid 19 Carry over funds from Title 1 - 211 ESEA Title I (Campus) -
      211.11.6395. - $4,425
Strategy 15: Hire an Early Childhood Paraprofessional to to enhance learning for At-Risk, economically disadvantaged and                   Reviews
all students. (Position was moved to Acct. 199 and the salary allocated was returned to campus funds. The indicated
                                                                                                                                   Formative               Summative
expenditures occurred prior to the change over from 185 to 199.)
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 90% of all students will demonstrate a years growth on Circle Progrss               Nov     Feb         Apr           June
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Early Childhood Education teacher, Administration, Secretary
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers:
      Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction
      Funding Sources: Salaries - No more as the PARA has been moved to 199 - 185 SCE (Campus) -
      185.61XX. - $72, Fringes - None at this time as Para now paid out of Act.199 - 185 SCE (Campus) -
      185.11.61XX. - $17.04

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Strategy 16: Hire and monitor push-in/pull-out tutor to provide enrichment for math, science and reacding to support the                               Reviews
TEKS. Hire a pull-out tutor to provide project based learning in support of the state curriculum for students in 1st through 3rd
                                                                                                                                             Formative                 Summative
grades during the enrichment block to impact at-risk, economically disadvantaged, and other student. (This strategy was not
utilized due to the Covid 19 Virtual Environment and ability to have the desired result.)                                            Nov         Feb         Apr           June
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 80% of students in grades 1st through 3rd will show a years growth as measured by
      EDL/DRA and 80% of 4th and 5th graders will show a 2% improvement as measured by STAAR
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Active Learning Leaders, Administration, and Secretary
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers:
      Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction
      Funding Sources: Budget to pay the hourly rate for Tutors - 185 SCE (Campus) - 185.11.6129. - $0
Strategy 17: To provide funding for the purchase of I-Pad covers, Charging Carts, and powerstrips to support the technology                            Reviews
needed for the F2F and Virtual environments due to the Covid 19 safety requirements.
                                                                                                                                             Formative                 Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Utilization of the technology will assist in meeting a goal of 2% overall
     improvement in STAAR in all categories with 80% of students making a year or more progress as measured by Ren                   Nov         Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, secretary and members of the CIT
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math
      Funding Sources: CIT approval and Funding for I-Pad covers and power strips. - 185 SCE (Campus) -
      185.11.6399. - $8,398.68
                                          No Progress                Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                  Discontinue

Performance Objective 1 Problem Statements:

                                                                              Student Learning
Problem Statement 1: : Decrease in Science STAAR scores Root Cause: Science is not a priority.
Problem Statement 4: Writing scores are below the district. Root Cause: Lack of consistent alignment Kinder to fourth grades.
                                                                       School Processes & Programs
Problem Statement 1: Science is not a priority during PLC's Root Cause: Focus at the district level on Reading and Math
Problem Statement 2: Vertical alignment is not occurring in Writing Root Cause: Lack of a focus on Writing across the grades.

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 2: Attendance - To maintain an average attendance of 96%
     Targeted or ESF High Priority
     Evaluation Data Sources: PEIMS attendance reports.
     Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: Utilize the SEL/PBIS team to monitor attendance. Contact parents after three absences and advise them on the                           Reviews
attendance requirements
                                                                                                                                         Formative                 Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decrease the number of absences and increase attendance to 96%
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principal, PBIS/SEL Team                                                        Nov         Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers:
      Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 3: Positive School Culture, Lever 5: Effective Instruction -
      Comprehensive Support Strategy
Strategy 2: Create an attendance Committee to address attendance and provide incentives to increase attendance                                     Reviews
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase attendance to 96%.                                                                      Formative                 Summative
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Assistant Principal
                                                                                                                                 Nov         Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - ESF Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 2:
      Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 5: Effective Instruction

                                         No Progress               Accomplished                Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 3: Special Education - All students will achieve a minimum of a years growth.
     Evaluation Data Sources: I-Station Data and STAAR results for 3rd through 5th grades.
     Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: All identified SPED students will receive appropriate accommodations and services based on IEP's to ensure that                       Reviews
they are meeting IEP goals
                                                                                                                                        Formative                 Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Teachers will comply with 100% of the IEP Goals.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Resource teacher, Principal, Regular Education teacher                                   Nov         Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers: Lever 1:
      Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Targeted
      Support Strategy - Additional Targeted Support Strategy
Strategy 2: Monitor SPED database to ensure 100% compliance for assessment's and ARD time-lines.                                                  Reviews
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will receive necessary accommodations for STAAR testing as noted in the                Formative                 Summative
     IEP. ARD database will be up to date and monitored.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Diagnostician, Speech Therapist, Resource teacher, BIC teacher                           Nov         Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - ESF Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 2:
      Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Targeted
      Support Strategy - Additional Targeted Support Strategy

                                         No Progress               Accomplished                Continue/Modify                Discontinue

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Generated by Plan4Learning.com                                                     25 of 56                                                            October 27, 2020 2:51 PM
Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 4: Dual Language/Bilingual Education/ESL -90% of students in Dual Language will show a years growth in Spanish and English
     Targeted or ESF High Priority
     Evaluation Data Sources: EOY I-Station and EDL/DRA results will indicate a years growth.
     Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: The ALL along with the Dual Language Mentor will provide training for Dual Language teachers to improve the                        Reviews
implementation of the District Dual Language Initiative.
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 90% of all students in the Dual Language Program will grow one year as measured
     by EDL/DRA, Istation, and STAAR                                                                                             Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ALL, Dual Language Mentor and Principal
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF
      Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers, Lever 3: Positive
      School Culture, Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1, 4
Strategy 2: Zach White will host a minimum of two Dual Language Nights to inform parents and community members about                           Reviews
the benefits of Dual Language.
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% of parents in attendance at Dual Language Parent Nights will complete
     surveys to inform further parent meetings.                                                                                  Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Dual Language Teachers, ALL, Campus Teaching Coach
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.2, 3.2 - ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture
Strategy 3: Utilize district LPAC clerk to coordinate and support the activities of the School's Language Proficiency                          Reviews
Committee LPAC
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: ELL students will improve by one year as measured by TELPAS
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, LPAC committee                                                                 Nov     Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - Targeted
      Support Strategy - Additional Targeted Support Strategy

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Strategy 4: LPAC committee will meet monthly to address new ELL's to the school, monitor ELL's, monitor first and second                            Reviews
year exits and to provide instructional strategies for all ELL's. To comply with all deadlines set by the state and federal
                                                                                                                                          Formative                 Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: ELL students will improve one year as measured by TELPAS and all ELL's will               Nov         Feb         Apr           June
     improve 5% on STAAR.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: LPAC chair
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.6, 2.6 - ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Targeted Support
      Strategy - Additional Targeted Support Strategy

                                         No Progress               Accomplished                Continue/Modify                  Discontinue

Performance Objective 4 Problem Statements:

                                                                            Student Learning
Problem Statement 1: : Decrease in Science STAAR scores Root Cause: Science is not a priority.
Problem Statement 4: Writing scores are below the district. Root Cause: Lack of consistent alignment Kinder to fourth grades.

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 5: Migrant Student - All students identified migrant will receive supports from the counselor and teacher.
     Evaluation Data Sources: PEIMS coding
     Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: Identify all students coded migrant and provide supports through the counselor                                                          Reviews
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% of all students meeting the criteria for migrant status will be identified.                  Formative                 Summative
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor
                                                                                                                                  Nov         Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - ESF Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning,
      Lever 3: Positive School Culture - Additional Targeted Support Strategy

                                         No Progress                Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                Discontinue

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 6: Gifted and Talented - Identify and serve all students identified as GT.
     Targeted or ESF High Priority
     Evaluation Data Sources: GT screening results documentation and parent approval letters.
     Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: Identify all Gifted students at the beginning of the school year to enhance their educational experience                                Reviews
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% of students identified as GT will be serviced in the GT enrichment and                       Formative                 Summative
     connections programs.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, GT teachers committee                                                           Nov         Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.5 - ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction -
      Targeted Support Strategy
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 4
Strategy 2: Students in the Connections program will work on a year long project to demonstrate evidence of completion of                           Reviews
GT goals.
                                                                                                                                          Formative                 Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% of GT students will demonstrate through their project that they have met the
     expectations for their grade level.                                                                                          Nov         Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: GT Teachers
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5

                                          No Progress              Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

Performance Objective 6 Problem Statements:

                                                                            Student Learning
Problem Statement 4: Writing scores are below the district. Root Cause: Lack of consistent alignment Kinder to fourth grades.

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Goal 1: Active Learning

El Paso ISD will ensure that our community has a successful, vibrant, culturally responsive school in every neighborhood that successfully engages and
prepares all students for graduation and post-secondary success.

Directly Supports:
Board Goals 1-3

Performance Objective 7: At-Risk Student Support - All students coded At-Risk will receive targeted interventions to address areas of academic and
social need.
     Targeted or ESF High Priority
     Evaluation Data Sources: EDL/DRA results, STAAR results, I-Station results and ongoing informal evaluations.
     Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: All students identified at-risk will receive targeted interventions during enrichment blocks                                       Reviews
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 80% of At-Risk students will demonstrate a years growth as measured by                         Formative               Summative
     DRA/EDL testing, I-Station and STAAR
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom teachers, ALL, Principal                                                        Nov     Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF
      Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Targeted Support Strategy
      Problem Statements: Student Learning 1, 4
Strategy 2: Students not already coded At-Risk will be identified BOY, MOY, and EOY to ensure instructional supports are                       Reviews
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 80% of At-Risk students will demonstrate a years growth as measured by
     DRA/EDL testing, I-Station and STAAR                                                                                        Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor, PEIMS, Clerk, and Principal
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF
      Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction - Targeted Support Strategy
Strategy 3: Provide funding for the counselor to purchase supplies which will enhance services for at risk students and                        Reviews
                                                                                                                                       Formative               Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: 100% of students will have access to the counselor and will benefit from her
     services.                                                                                                                   Nov     Feb         Apr           June
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselor and Secretary
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.6, 2.6 - ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture - Comprehensive
      Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: Po's Counselor - 199 General Fund - 199.31.6399. - $200

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No Progress               Accomplished                Continue/Modify                   Discontinue

Performance Objective 7 Problem Statements:

                                                                           Student Learning
Problem Statement 1: : Decrease in Science STAAR scores Root Cause: Science is not a priority.
Problem Statement 4: Writing scores are below the district. Root Cause: Lack of consistent alignment Kinder to fourth grades.

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Goal 2: Great Community Schools

El Paso ISD will ensure that our students and community are served by effective employees in safe and supportive learning environments.

Performance Objective 1: Employee Retention and Recruitment - To retain 90% of teachers year to year and hire highly qualified teachers to replace those
which leave.

     Evaluation Data Sources: Yearly retention numbers.
     Summative Evaluation: None

Strategy 1: All teachers are required to meet the " highly qualified" status to ensure that all at risk, economically                                Reviews
disadvantaged and other students receive quality instruction
                                                                                                                                           Formative                 Summative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Retain 100% of all teachers based on school needs
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal and Assistant Principal                                                           Nov         Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.4, 2.6, 2.6 - TEA Priorities: Recruit, support, retain teachers and principals - ESF
      Levers: Lever 1: Strong School Leadership and Planning, Lever 5: Effective Instruction
Strategy 2: Hire an office clerk to work 50% to better serve the Zach White community through responsive customer service.                           Reviews
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Provide excellent customer service as evidenced in Parent Survey.                                  Formative                 Summative
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Secretary, Principal
                                                                                                                                   Nov         Feb         Apr           June
      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.1 - ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture
      Funding Sources: Office clerk, funding source - 199 General Fund - 199.23.6126.147.99.362.147 - $10,696

                                           No Progress                Accomplished                  Continue/Modify              Discontinue

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