Effects of Promethazine-Hydrochloride on Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes - Infection ...
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INFCTON AND IMMUNITY, Mar. 1973, p. 403-408 Vol. 7, No. 3 Copyright © 1973 American Society for Microbiology 1'rinted in U.S.A. Effects of Promethazine-Hydrochloride on Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes LAWRENCE R. DECHATELET, DIANE QUALLIOTINE-MANN, RONALD CALDWELL, CHARLES E. McCALL, AND JOHN P. GUSI)ON Departments of Biochemistry, Medicine, and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103 Received for publication 6 November 1972 Downloaded from http://iai.asm.org/ on May 5, 2021 by guest Promethazine hydrochloride at a concentration of 0.033 mg/ml has pronounced effects on leukocyte metabolism and function. The drug inhibits the phagocytosis- induced increases in 02 consumption and hexose monophosphate shunt activity. Associated with these effects is an inhibition of the iodination of zymosan particles and an inhibition of bacterial killing by the cell. At least two mechanisms appear to be involved. Many of the effects can be explained by an inhibition of phago- cytosis, but promethazine also inhibits the decarboxylation of amino acids and iodide fixation in a cell-free system, indicating a specific effect on metabolism. These results may partially account for the action of the drug in ameliorating the effects of erythroblastosis. Bierme-Alie-Enjalbert (Doctoral thesis, Cen- under a stream of nitrogen, and the isotope was tre Regional de Transfusion Sanguine et d'Hema- dissolved in deionized water to give an activity of tologie, Toulouse, France, 1967) first suggested 5.0 uCi/ml. Carrier-free Na'15I was obtained at a an amelioration of the effects of erythroblastosis concentration of 5 mCi in 0.10 ml. A stock solution in babies whose mothers had been treated with of 50 ICi/0.10 ml was prepared in 10 ml of sterile deionized water. Since the half-life of 1251- is 54 promethazine-hydrochloride during pregnancy. days, the activity was adjusted weekly. All bio- She ascribed the effectiveness of the drug to its chemicals were obtained from the Sigma Chemical diuretic properties. Gusdon et al. (4) then demon- Co., St. Louis, Mo.; all other chemicals were of strated that administrationi of l)romethazine to reagent grade quality. Hanks balanced salt solu- experimental animals resulted in inhibition of tion (HBSS) and latex particles (0.8-,um diameter) both the primary and secondary immune re- were obtained from Difco Laboratories, Detroit, sponse and delayed hypersensitivity. However, Mich. The latex particles were washed three times depression of circulating anti-Rh antibody titers in cold deionized water by repeatedsuspension and has been noted in only some of the patients centrifugation (6,040 X g for 15 min). The washed treated with the drug (J. P. Gusdon, unpub- pellet was suspended in isotonic saline, such that a 1 to 100 dilution would have an absorbance of 0.42 lished data). The present investigation was under- at 540 nm. The final concentration of latex was taken to study the effects of the drug on a specific approximately 3 X 109 particles/ml. Plasma gel, cell associated with the inflammatory response in used in sedimenting the red blood cells, was ob- an effort to more clearly define the mechanism of tained from the HTI Corp., Buffalo, N.Y. Zymo- action of the drug. san particles were obtained from Nutritional Biochemicals Corp., Cleveland, Ohio. They were MATERIALS AND METHODS suspended in HBSS to a concentration of approxi- All isotopes were obtained from the New Eng- mately 6 X 109 particles per ml. Serum was derived land Nuclear Corp., Boston, Mass. D-Glucose-1 -'4C from a pool of human AB type serum kept frozen and D-glucose-6-14C (specific activities 54.2 mCi/ in small samples at -70 C. Promethazine-hydro- mmol and 36.5 mCi/mmol, respectively) were dis- chloride (Phenergan) was supplied as the pure solved in deionized water to give an activity of powder by the Wyeth Laboratories, Philadelphia, 2.0 JMCi/ml. D-Glucose-1-14C-6-phosphate was ob- Pa. Purified human myeloperoxidase was the tained as the disodium salt and diluted with de- generous gift of Jutlius Schultz. ionized water to anl activity of 2.0 ;sCi/ml; unla- Isolation of leukocytes. Leukocytes were beled glucose-6-phosphate was added to give a isolated from the blood of apparently healthy specific activity of 0.60 mCi/mmol. L-Alanine-1 - volunteer subjects by a method previously de- 14C (specific activity 13.2 mCi/mmol) was obtained scribed (2). For experiments requiring intact cells, in 0.5 ml of 0.1 N HCI. The HCI was evaporated the cells were counted by conventional means and 403
404404DECHATELET ET AL. INFECT. IMMUNITY the concentration was adjusted to 5 X 106 cells/ml described (10). The ingestion of latex particles by the addition of HBSS. Differential counts were was estimated by determining the phagocytic done in a counting chamber by classifying cells as index. The phagocytes (1 X 107) were incubated in phagocytes (mature and band form neutrophils, 10% serum in HBSS with latex particles at a ratio eosinophils, and monocytes) and lymphocytes. of 100 particles per phagocyte for 15 min. Five Lymphocytes accounted for less than 10%/ of the hundred cells were then examined by phase mi- isolated cell suspension. Cell viability was deter- croscopy, and the number of particles in each cell mined by staining with 1% trypan blue dye. was estimated. The index was calculated on the For experiments in which broken cell prepara- basis of 0 to 5 for each individual phagocyte. Thus, tions were used, the cells were suspended in phos- the phagocytic score could range from 0 to 2,500. phate-buffered saline and disrupted by sonic lodination reaction. The ability of the intact treatment for 1 min using a Branson sonifier with a cell to iodinate ingested particles was measured by power output of 20 W. Examination of the soni- a modification of the method of Pincus and cally treated material by phase-contrast micros- Klebanoff (9) as previously described (10). lodina- Downloaded from http://iai.asm.org/ on May 5, 2021 by guest copy indicated total cell disruption. tion of zymosan particles in a cell-free system was Measurement of glucose utilization. Glu- determined by the procedure of Klebanoff (6). cose utilization via the hexose monophosphate Each incubation tube contained in a total volume shunt (HMS) was estimated by a modification of a of 1.0 ml: 200 pmol of sodium acetate buffer, pH previously described method (5), employing glu- 5.0; 0.2 pmol of H202; 0.2 pmol of Nal"'I containing cose differentially labeled in the C-1 or C-6 posi- 0.50 uCi of radioactivity; 2 X 108 zymosan parti- tion. Each flask contained 0.20 ml of serum, 0.10 cles; 10 pg of purified human myeloperoxidase ml of KCN (0.01 M), and 0.10 ml of either glucose- (200-o-dianisidine units); and varying amounts of 1-14C or glucose-6-4C. Promethazine-hydrochlo- promethazine-hydrochloride. Controls in which ride was added to experimental flasks dis- either the zymosan or the myeloperoxidase were solved in HBSS; an equal volume of HBSS was omitted were run. The reaction was stopped after added to control flasks. Phagocytosis was initiated 1 h at 37 C by the addition of 1.0 ml of cold 5% by the addition of 1.0 ml of a suspension of heat- trichloroacetic acid. The resulting precipitates killed Escherichia coli (1.0 X 1011 bacteria/ml). were washed and counted as described by This concentration was demonstrated experi- Klebanoff (6). mentally to give maximal stimulation of the HMS. Aldehyde reaction. The decarboxylation of The volume of all flasks was brought to a final total L-alanine-1 -14C was taken as a measure of aldehyde of 3.0 ml (after the addition of cells) with HBSS. formation according to the procedure of Strauss Reaction was initiated by the addition of 1.0 ml et al. (12). of cell suspension (containing 5 X 106 cells) and Enzyme assays. Glucose-6-phosphate dehy- allowed to proceed for 1 h at 37 C. 14CO2 was drogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase collected in 0.5 ml of hyamine hydroxide and were measured by observing the initial rate of counted in a liquid scintillation spectrometer as formation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide previously described (5). The oxidation of glucose- phosphate (reduced) at 340 nm in a Beckman DU 6-phosphate-1-14C in a cell-free system was meas- spectrophotometer with a Gilford recorder (7). ured as previously described (12). Myeloperoxidase activity was determinded by the Leukocyte oxygen consumption. Oxygen o-dianisidine dye procedure (13). consumption was measured by use of a Clark oxygen electrode with an automatic recorder RESULTS according to a modification of a previously re- The effect of promethazine on the HMS ac- ported method (11). Each chamber contained in a tivity of phagocytizing leukocytes is demon- final volume of 3.0 ml:0.50 ml of serum, 0.10 ml strated in Fig. 1. It is apparent that a concentra- of KCN (0.01 M), 1.0 ml of cell suspension (5 X 106 tion of promethazine as low as 0.033 mg/ml (0.1 cells per ml), and HBSS to give total volume of 3.0 ml). Promethazine-hydrochloride dissolved in mM) completely abolishes the respiratory burst. 0.10 ml of HBSS was added where indicated. This effect is not due to an inhibition of the Phagocytosis was initiated in appropriate flasks by HMS enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge- the addition of 1.0 ml of heat-killed E. coli. The nase or 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase as oxygen consumption was calculated as micro- demonstrated by the data in Table 1. In this moles of oxygen consumed per hour per 5 X 106 experiment, the oxidation of glucose-6-phosphate- cells. 1-14C by sonic extracts of polymorphonuclear Bactericidal assay. The clearance of bacteria leukocytes in the presence of exogenous nicotina- by the polymorphonuclear leukocytes was deter- mide adenine dinucleotide phosphate was deter- mined by the plate dilution technique of Maal0e mined as previously described (11). The fact that (8) as previously described. The drug was added promethazine exerts no effect on this system to appropriate flasks in a minimal volume (0.10 ml) of HBSS. indicates that it does not act as an inhibitor of Phagocytosis assay. Phagocytosis of micro- the HMS enzymes, as has been demonstrated for organisms was quantitated by measuring leuko- colchicine (3). This was confirmed by spectro- cyte uptake of radiolabeled E. coli as previously photometric experiments in which a concentra-
VOL. 7, 1973 PROMETHAZINE AND PMN LEUKOCYTES 405 plained by a decrease in cell viability. Under the 40 4 conditions of the experiments, greater than 95% of the cells were viable after 1 h in the presence 3.0 I - of 0.033 mg/ml promethazine, and approximately 70% were viable after 1 h in the presence of 2.0 I - 0.17 mg of the drug per ml. Cell viability in the presence of promethazine, however, was markedly 1.0 influenced by the presence of serum. In the absence of serum, only 50% viability was ob- I served after 1 h with 0.033 mg of promethazine 0.017 0.033 per ml, and 0 to 5% viability was seen at the Promethozine (mg/ml ) higher (0.17 mg/mo) concentration. Apparently, Downloaded from http://iai.asm.org/ on May 5, 2021 by guest FIG. 1. Effect of promethazine concentration on serum exerts a protective effect against prome- glucose oxidation of phagocytizing polymorphonu- thazine-induced cell destruction. For this reason, clear leukocytes. Values represent the oxidation of all assays employing whole cells were routinely glucose-1-"4C corrected for oxidation of glucose-6- run in the presence of serum. "4C. Each value represents the mean of three de- Figure 2 illustrates the effect of the drug on the terminations. TABLE 1. Effect of promethazine on glucose-6- TABLE 2. Effect of promethazinea on phosphate- -"4C oxidation in sonic extracts oxygen consumption of human of polymorphonuclear leukocytes polymorphonuclear leukocytes 14C02 from glucose-6- O2 uptakeb Description phosphate-I-14C Description (counts/min) Expt 1 Expt 2 Control 95 Promethazine alone 1.6 1.5 (90-98) Resting cells 9.0 5.0 + NADPb 2,714 Resting cells (+ promethazine) 3.6 2.0 (2,474-2,928) Phagocytizing cells 24.3 13.1 + NADP + promethazine 2,694 Phagocytizing cells (+ pro- 1.8 4.4 (0-033 mg/ml) (2,644-2,769) methazine) + NADP + promethazine 2,702 (0.167 mg/mil) (2,655-2,764) a The concentration of promethazine in experi- a Each value represents the average of three ment 1 was 0.167 mg/ml; in experiment 2 it was 0.033 mg/ml. The calculated values are based on determinations; numbers in parentheses represent the change in percent saturation from 10 to 15 the range. min and assume that 1.0 ml of solution holds 5.0 b NADP, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ,uliters of 0 when saturated. phosphate. bResults are expressed as microliters of 02 Up- take per hour per 5 X 106 cells. tion of promethazine of 0.17 mg/ml had no effect on the activity of leukocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase or 6-phosphogluconate dehydro- x1Id Ko7 6/ p Kd 'p genase (data not shown). Table 2 illustrates the effect of promethazine- 4ic- X S albus \E.cIi If hydrochloride on the oxygen consumption of id' \ V' K \ human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. A con- Ti 0 centration of promethaziine of 0.033 mg/ml in- 04 0 hibits the oxygen consumption of resting cells by 00 more than 50% and lowers the oxygen consump- 0 60 120 Time (min) tion of phagocytizing cells to below the normal resting level. The differenices seeni between the FIG. 2. Effect of promnethazine on the clearance two experiments for either resting or phagocy- of three strains of bacteria. Solid line, bacteria tizing cells are due in large part to biological alone; dashed line, bacteria plus cells; dotted line, bacteria plus cells plus 0.083 mg of promethazine variatiois; the experiments were runi on differenit per ml; dashed and dotted line, bacteria plus cells davs with different cell donors. plus promethazine (0.17 mg/ml). Each value repre- The effects of promethazine cannot be ex- sents the mean of four determinations.
406 DECHATELET ET AL. INFECT. IMMUNITY clearance of three strains of bacteria. Prometha- TABLE 4. Effect of promethazine on inge8tion zine (0.033 mg/ml) inhibits the ability of the cell of polystyrene particles to kill Staphylococcus albus, E. coli, and Psudo- monas aeruginosa. A higher concentration of drug Description indexy (0.17 mg/ml) causes a greater inhibition of killing in all cases. }3ecause the ability of the cell to destroy bac- Control 2,140 teria has been correlated with iodination of the + Promethazinie (0.33 mg/ml) 233 ingested particles, we studied the effects of + Promethazine (0.067 mg/ml) 217 promethazine on the fixation of 125I to zymosan a Cells (500) were scored on an arbitrary scale particles. The data (Table 3) demonstrate a 70% from 0 (no ingestion) to 5 (completely filled). inhibition of iodination at a concentration of Hence, the phagocytic index could range from 0 Downloaded from http://iai.asm.org/ on May 5, 2021 by guest 0.033 mg of promethazine per ml. Iodination is to 2,500. completely abolished at the higher concentration of the drug. 241- Since all the parameters studied to this point utilized whole cells, they were dependent upon the ability of particles to enter the cell as well as 20 /.- the subsequent intracellular events. Hence, it was considered important to determine the effects of 16 promethazine on particle ingestion per se. The data in Table 4 and Fig. 3 indicate that prometha- ftI zine can exert a pronounced effect on the ingestion 01 12 of either latex particles or radiolabeled E. coli. Another reaction which has been implicated in bactericidal activity is the myeloperoxidase- 8hI .% catalyzed formation of aldehydes from amino acids. Figure 4 shows that this reaction, too, is 4 L~~~~ markedly suppressed by the drug. This is of particular interest because this reaction is per- formed in a cell-free system and is therefore inde- 5 10 15 20 pendent of any effects on phagocytosis. Time Since we had previously demonstrated that FIG. 3. Effect of promethazine on the uptake of promethazine could inhibit iodination of zymosan radiolabeled Escherichia coli by polymorphonuclear by intact leukocytes (Table 3), it now became of leukocytes. Dotted line, control values; solid line, promethazine added (0.17 mg/ml). Each value interest to determine whether the drug would represents the mean of three determination&s. affect iodination in a cell-free system. The results in Table 5 clearly indicate that promethazine will inhibit iodination independently of an effect on zine was an inhibitor of myeloperoxidase. To test particle uptake. The iodination reaction, how- this hypothesis, the enzyme was assayed by the ever, is not nearly as sensitive to the drug as is o-dianisidine procedure in the presence and the formation of aldehydes from amino acids. absence of the drug. The data in Table 6 indicate Both iodination and aldehyde formation are that a concentration of promethazine as high as dependent upon the enzyme myeloperoxidase. 0.167 mg/ml has absolutely no effect on the Accordingly, it was hypothesized that prometha- activity of myeloperoxidase, indicating that the TABLE 3. Effect of promethazine on iodination of zymosan particles Counts/min4 Description Net counts/minb -Zymosan + Zymosan Control 2,116 41,470 39,354 + Promethazine (0.033 mg/ml) 1,032 13,991 12,959 + Promethazine (0.167 mg/mi) 463 563 100 a Each value represents the average of three determinations. The assay employed intact cells. b Net counts/min represents 1211 specifically associated with particle ingestion.
VOL. 7, 1973 PROMETHAZINE AND PMN LEUKOCYTES 407 the respiratory burst following phagocytosis. 40' Associated with the inhibition of oxygen con- sumption and HMS activity is a concomitant ~30 inhibition of the clearance of bacteria by the cell. Most of these effects could be explained by an .k 20 inhibition of phagocytosis; however, the fact that promethazine also inhibits 02 consumption and 10 HMS activity of resting cells indicates that inhi- bition of particle ingestion is not the sole mecha- nism of action of the drug. This observation is 0.017 0.033 substantiated by the experiments in which Promethazine (mg/ml) promethazine was shown to inhibit both aldehyde formation and iodination in a cell-free system. Downloaded from http://iai.asm.org/ on May 5, 2021 by guest FIG. 4. Effect of promethazine concentration The mechanism of this inhibition is not clear, on the decarboxylation of L-alanine-_4C by a sonic but the drug cannot be interfering with H202 extract of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Each point represents the mean of three determinations. production since this compound is added to the reaction mixture. Likewise, the drug does not TA\BLE 5. Iodination of zymosan in a inhibit myeloperoxidase as shown by its lack of cell-free system effect on the o-dianisidine assay. Perhaps pro- methazine exerts its effect by interfering with 5I incor- some reactive intermediate such as hypochlorite Description poration (countsn or chloramines in the case of the aldehyde reaction (counts/ (14) or an oxidized species of iodine (6) in the min)a iodination eaction. These two reactions are not inhibited to the same extent by a given concen- Complete system 92,969 tration of promethazine; this may be a reflection - Zymosan 5,629 of the relative reactivity of the intermediate - Myeloperoxidase 6,441 + Promethazine (0.05 mg/ml) 67,538 involved in the respective reactions. The differ- + Promethazine (0.10 mg/ml) 56,999 ence in susceptibility of the two reactions to + Promethazine (0.15 mg/ml) 45,123 promethazine suggests that this compound + Promethazine (0.20 mg/ml) 31,927 might be useful in assessing the relative contribu- tions of the reactionis to the bactericidal activity a Each value represenits the meanl of three de- of the intact cell. terminations. Promethazine was first reported to be effective in ameliorating the effects of erythroblastosis in TABLE 6. Effect of promethazine on babies (S. Bierne-Alie-Enjalbert, Doctoral thesis, myeloperoxidase activity in vitro Cenltre Regional de Transfusion Sanguine et d'Hematologie, Toulouse, France, 1967). Clinical Expt Conditions Myeloper- experiments conducted at this institution (J. P. Gusdon, manuscript in prepraration) have gen- erally substantiated this observation. In her 1 Control + promethazine 0.275 thesis, Bierme-Alie-Enjalbert had empirically (0.33 mg/ml) 0.293 attributed the clinical effectiveness of the drug to 2 Control + promethazine 0.263 its diuretic action (Doctoral thesis, Centre (0.167 mg/mi) 0.278 Regional de Transfusion Sanguine et d'Hema- tologie, Toulouse, France, 1967). Gusdon et al. 3 Control + promethazine 0.296 (4) demonstrated a possible mechanism of action (0.167 mg/ml) 0.286 by showing that the drug is an inhibitor of both a Results expressed as micromoles of product the primarv and secondary immune responses formed per minute per milligram. and of delayed hypersensitivity in rats and guinea pigs at a dosage of 30 mg/kg. In four of six drug is nlot simply an inhibitor of the eiizyme's patients treated with this drug, and followed with activity. serial indirect coombs antibody titers, a signifi- cant depression of the titer was noted. No DISCUSSION elevatioji of the antibody titer was found in the The preseint results demonstrate that pro- other two cases (J. P. Gusdon, manuscript in methazine-hydrochloride is a potent inhibitor of l)rel)aration). These observations led to the pres-
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