Effects of Contrast Therapy Using Flexible Thermoelectric Devices on Lower Extremity Edema, Pain, Muscle Fatigue, and Stress in Nursing Home ...

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Effects of Contrast Therapy Using Flexible Thermoelectric Devices on Lower Extremity Edema, Pain, Muscle Fatigue, and Stress in Nursing Home ...
Korean Journal of Adult Nursing                                                                                             eISSN 2288-338X
              Vol. 35 No. 1, 61-70, February 2023                                                                https://doi.org/10.7475/kjan.2023.35.1.61

 ORIGINAL ARTICLE                                                                                                                                Open Access

 Effects of Contrast Therapy Using Flexible Thermoelectric Devices on Lower
 Extremity Edema, Pain, Muscle Fatigue, and Stress in Nursing Home Workers:
 A Randomized Controlled Trial

Song, Ji-Ah

Professor, College of Nursing, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea

      Purpose: Contrast therapy, which includes alternately applying cold and heat therapy, is an effective intervention
      to increase muscle elasticity and reduce musculoskeletal edema and pain. This study aimed to confirm the effects
      of contrast therapy by using flexible Thermoelectric Devices (TEDs)—that not only maintain a constant temperature
      but can also change the temperature in a short time—on lower extremity edema, pain, muscle fatigue, and stress
      among nursing home workers. Methods: This randomized controlled pre-post experimental study used a flexible
      thermoelectric element to administer contrast therapy in nursing home workers to compare its impact on lower
      extremity swelling, pain, muscle fatigue, and stress. As an intervention method, 4 minutes of heat therapy and 1
      minute of cold therapy were repeated for a total of 30 minutes. Results: The experimental group displayed a
      significant difference of -2.53 points, and the control group displayed a significant difference of -0.94 points (t=2.65,
Effects of Contrast Therapy Using Flexible Thermoelectric Devices on Lower Extremity Edema, Pain, Muscle Fatigue, and Stress in Nursing Home ...
Song, J-A

since patients in nursing homes rely heavily on nursing                      movement, thereby reducing edema and slowing nerve
care for almost all their activities of daily living, workers                transmission speed, and finally controlling pain [17]. Heat
caring for nursing home patients may particularly be at                      therapy is used as an effective intervention to relieve joint
risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders owing to the                    stiffness by increasing connective tissue elasticity and pro-
nature of their job [6,7]. As a result, workers in nursing                   moting inflammatory processes and wound healing [18].
homes complain of musculoskeletal symptoms and fati-                         Previous studies reported that pain and related symptoms
gue, which negatively affect job stress [8]. Some studies                    were significantly reduced by the contrast applications of
have reported that home care and nursing home workers                        cold and warm therapy as compared to the single applica-
had more work-related injuries due to tasks than other oc-                   tion of cold or warm therapy in osteoarthritis patients [19];
cupations, and higher levels of care dependency in pa-                       additionally, muscle soreness and fatigue significantly re-
tients were associated with a higher incidence of muscu-                     duced as compared to the control group when athletes
loskeletal disorders in caregiving workers [9,10]. A study                   were subjected to contrast therapy using water after train-
involving hospital workers reported that the prevalence of                   ing [20]. However, contrast bath therapy, which is often
musculoskeletal symptoms, back pain, neck and shoulder                       used as a contrast therapy, has limitations in its applica-
pain, and knee pain among nurses and patient care assis-                     tion because it requires a large amount of water, mobility
tants in the last three months was 74%, 53%, 42%, and 37%,                   and usable locations, and maintenance of a constant tem-
respectively [11]. In a previous study on musculoskeletal                    perature.
symptoms of caregivers, 31.8% of caregivers showed mus-                         Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effects of
culoskeletal symptoms, of which 45.2% reported lower ex-                     contrast therapy using a flexible Thermoelectric Device
tremity pain [8]. Physical exposure causing musculoske-                      (TED)—that can maintain a constant temperature and
letal pain includes patient transport work requiring pa-                     change the temperature within a short period of time—on
tient handling out of bed and tasks using strong physical                    lower extremity edema, pain, muscle fatigue, and stress in
force [11,12].                                                               nursing home workers.
   Interventions such as stretching, exercise, cold and heat
therapy, and massage for muscle atrophy and weakness                                                   METHODS
are effective in relieving pain and increasing flexibility
[13-15]. Among them, contrast therapy, which includes al-                    1. Study Design
ternating heat and cold therapy, is effective in reducing
musculoskeletal edema and pain and is an effective inter-                       This randomized controlled pretest-posttest experi-
vention to increase muscle elasticity [16]. In general, local                mental study aimed to investigate the effects of contrast
cold therapy (or cryotherapy) is used as an intervention to                  therapy using flexible TED on lower-extremity edema,
reduce skin and tissue temperature to induce vasocon-                        pain, muscle fatigue, and stress in nursing home workers
striction, reduce blood flow, and prevent tissue fluid                       (Figure 1).

       CT=contrast therapy; L.E.=lower extremities; NRS=numeric rating scale; TED=thermoelectric device; TMG=Tensiomyography; T0=baseline;
       T10=10 min after experimental treatment; T20=20 min after experimental treatment; T30=30 min after experimental treatment.

                                                            Figure 1. Study design.

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2. Participants                                                    and the Controlled Group (CG) two participants from
                                                                   each group. Therefore, 33 participants, consisting of 15 in
   The participants were nursing home workers at S nurs-           the CTG and 18 in the CG, were included in the analysis
ing home located in D City, South Korea, who agreed to             (Figure 2).
participate in this study. The selection and exclusion cri-
teria for this study were as follows: 1) those who under-          3. Ethical considerations
stood the purpose of this study and voluntarily agreed to
participate in this study; 2) were able to communicate; and           To comply with research ethics and protect partici-
3) currently did not have fractures, disabilities, or diseases     pants, this study was conducted after receiving approval
in the lower extremities. The exclusion criteria were as fol-      from the institutional review board of K University (KYU
lows: 1) those who were currently being treated for a men-         -2021-021-01). For data collection, the researcher explained
tal illness, 2) had open wounds or inflammation in the             the purpose and method of the study to each subject to
lower extremities, 3) had skin diseases or allergies, 4) had a     seek consent and cooperation in data collection and ex-
cardiovascular disease, and 5) currently were musculo-             plained that consent could be withdrawn at any time dur-
skeletal medication users (e.g., pain control, NSAIDs).            ing the study. The experimental treatment was conducted
   To determine the number of participants required for            in compliance with safety management regulations, and
this study, we used an effect size (Cohen's d) of 0.29 as          data collected for personal protection were coded and
calculated based on a previous study [20] in which con-            anonymized.
trast therapy was provided to healthy adults. When the re-
quired number of participants was calculated based on              4. Randomization and Blinding
an effect size (f) of 0.29, significance level (⍺) of .05, power
(1-β) of .80, number of groups of two, and number of re-             This was a randomized controlled pretest-posttest ex-
peated measurements of three using the F-test, the appro-          perimental study. The researchers divided the partici-
priate sample size obtained was 34. Considering a dropout          pants into experimental and control groups using the ran-
rate of 20%, 40 participants were included in the study. Of        dom number generation feature on Microsoft Excel pro-
them, 7 dropped out, indicating a dropout rate of 17.5%.           gram Version 2016 for each group task. Twenty partici-
For one participant, data collection was not possible ow-          pants in the CTG received contrast therapy using a flexible
ing to personal reasons at the time of data collection; two        TED and 20 participants in the CG did not receive any
participants refused to participate in this study. Four par-       therapy.
ticipants with insufficient pre- and post-test data (general         The intervention for the participants was conducted by
characteristics, perceived stress, lower extremities pain)         the researcher. The data were collected by three research
were excluded from the Contrast Therapy Group (CTG)                assistants who received eight hours of training from the

                                               Figure 2. Flow diagram of the study.

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Song, J-A

principal researcher, through which they became familiar        part of the tibia, while each participant sat with the knees
with the contents of the training, including a practical        up. For an accurate measurement, two measurements were
course in which they learned about explanation and simul-       made, and the average value was used.
ation. And the researcher did not share information about
randomization with the research assistants and did not          2) Lower extremity pain
provide participants with information about their own              Lower extremity pain was measured using the Numeric
group after randomization. To prevent the spread risk of        Rating Scale (NRS). The participants were asked to in-
experimental results, data collection from CTG was con-         dicate their pain level in the lower extremities on a 10 cm
ducted after data collection from CG. After all interven-       horizontal line marked with 0 (no pain at all) on the left
tions were completed, contrast therapy was administered         end of the tool and 10 points (very painful) on the right
to the participants in the control group who wanted to do       end. A higher score indicated higher perceived lower ex-
so.                                                             tremity pain.

5. Experimental Treatment                                       3) Muscle fatigue
                                                                   Muscle fatigue was measured using Tensiomygoraphy
1) Laboratory preparations                                      (TMG), a muscle function evaluation tool manufactured
   The laboratory temperature was set at 25°C, which was        by the TMG-BMC Ltd. TMG is a non-invasive neuromus-
optimal for measuring muscle fatigue and stress in the          cular evaluation method that can selectively examine spe-
participants, and the laboratory was well ventilated. In ad-    cific muscles and is relatively easy and simple to measure
dition, tables, chairs, and beds for measurement were in-       muscle function, and it is thus widely used in sports. As
stalled in the laboratory to provide a comfortable environ-     for its measurement method, it was reported that the de-
ment for the participants, and a monitoring device was in-      gree of muscle stiffness, muscle tone, and muscle fatigue
stalled to measure muscle fatigue and stress.                   can be determined by evaluating the contractile properties
                                                                of the concerned muscle when a single electrical stim-
2) Contrast therapy using flexible TED                          ulation is applied to muscle to be measured [22]. A varia-
   In this study, contrast therapy using a wearable inter-      ble that has a high correlation with muscle tone and fa-
vention device with four temperature conduction plates          tigue in the TMG is the displacement maximum (Dm),
was performed and flexible thermoelectric devices were          which refers to the maximum displacement distance trav-
used as the experimental treatment. Flexible TED is a new       eled by muscle contraction caused by electrical stimula-
material developed by TEG way that can maintain a con-          tion [22]. A shorter Dm indicates greater muscle fatigue.
stant temperature continuously using electricity, and can
change the temperature between low and high temper-             4) Stress
atures within 3 seconds, and is thus appropriate for con-          (1) Stress index
trast therapy [21]. A study by Kim et al., [16] revealed that      The stress index was used to objectively measure the
when an intervention using heat therapy for 4 minutes           stress. It refers to the autonomic nervous system index val-
and cold therapy for 1 minute was repeated, it was effec-       ues measured using Canopy 9 RSA (respiratory sinus ar-
tive in reducing muscle stiffness and relieving muscle          rhythmia)(IEMBIO, USA) with a finger sensor, an auto-
pain. Based on these results, one treatment session involv-     nomic nervous system measuring device. With this tool,
ing 40 °C heat therapy for 4 minutes and 12°C cold therapy      the finger sensor is supposed to be placed on the index fin-
for 1 minute was repeated six times for a total of 30 mi-       ger of the left hand, and to continuously measure for 2 mi-
nutes on the right lower extremity.                             nutes and 30 seconds, and then quantify the ratio of sym-
                                                                pathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve activity values
6. Outcome Measures                                             based on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) through the stand-
                                                                ard induction method to yield autonomic nervous system
1) Lower extremity edema                                        index values. The stress index ranges from 1 to 10, with
   To measure lower extremity edema, each participant’s         higher values indicating exposure to stressful situations.
calf circumference (cm) was measured using a surface mea-
surement method with tape measurement (PIE, BagelLabs             (2) Perceived stress
Co., Ltd., Korea). Calf circumference was measured to one         Subjective stress is measured using a NRS. Each partic-
decimal place from the thickest part of the calf to the front   ipant was asked to indicate the degree of lower extremity

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pain felt on a 10 cm long horizontal line marked with 0 (do                            RESULTS
not feel stressed at all) on its left end and 10 (feel very
stressed) on its right end. A higher score indicates a higher   1. Pre-homogeneity Test of the Experimental, and Control
level of perceived stress.                                         Groups

7. Data Collection Procedure                                       The results of analyzing the general characteristics and
                                                                dependent variables of the participants in the experi-
   The data were collected from July 15, 2021, to August 3,     mental and control groups are presented in Table 1. The
2021, in a laboratory at S nursing home located in D City,      results of the homogeneity test of the general character-
South Korea. Data collection and intervention of study          istics between the two groups showed no significant dif-
participants were conducted during breaks at work. A            ferences in age, height, weight, drinking status, smoking
questionnaire was distributed to the participants after en-     status, and exercise between the two groups. The initial
tering the laboratory, and they were asked to fill out their    stress index scores of the participants were 7.13±2.30
general characteristics, current lower extremity pain and       points and 6.83±2.15 points in the experimental group
discomfort, and subjective stress. Lower extremity edema,       and the control group respectively. The perceived stress
muscle fatigue, and stress index were measured. The par-        scores were 4.60±1.81 points, and 5.06±2.10 points, in the
ticipants in the experimental group were provided with          experimental group and the control group respectively.
contrast therapy using flexible TED while lying in bed for      This indicates that there was no significant difference be-
30 minutes, and the participants in the control group rest-     tween the two groups, thus confirming the homogeneity
ed for 30 minutes. To determine the subjective stress re-       between the two groups. The lower extremity pain scores
duction time of the experimental group, while the inter-        in the experimental and the control groups were 4.87±2.56
vention for 30 minutes was provided to the experimental         points, and 4.28±2.32 points, respectively; the degrees of
group, perceived stress and lower extremity pain levels         edema in the experimental and the control groups was
were measured three times at 10-minute intervals. To min-       35.42±2.92 cm, and 34.92±2.67 cm, respectively; the mus-
imize extraneous variables, the stress index, lower ex-         cle fatigue scores in the experimental and the control
tremity edema, and muscle fatigue were measured after 30        groups were 3.01±0.80 points, and 2.90±1.39 points, re-
minutes of intervention. After data collection, a token of      spectively, indicating that there was no significant differ-
appreciation was given to the participants, and all col-        ence between the two groups.
lected data were recorded anonymously and input to an
Microsoft Excel program Version 2016 for analysis.              2. The Effects of Contrast Therapy on Stress, Lower Ex-
                                                                   tremity Pain, Edema, and Muscle fatigue
8. Data Analysis
                                                                1) Lower extremity edema
   The collected data were analyzed using IBM SPSS                 After the experimental treatment, the degree of lower
Statistics 24.0. The skewness and kurtosis values were test-    extremity edema was 34.41±3.19 cm in the experimental
ed to determine the normality of the data, and the results      group, and 34.89±2.60 cm in the control group, indicating
indicate skewness values of -0.10~0.39, and kurtosis val-       no significant difference. However, the results of analyz-
ues of -1.28~0.08. They were normally distributed in the        ing the difference in lower extremity edema between the
range of skewness absolute value 2 and kurtosis absolute        two groups before and after the experimental treatment
value 4 [23]. The general characteristics of the participants   found that the degree of lower extremity edema was -1.01
were analyzed using frequency, real number, and percen-         ±0.96 cm in the experimental group, and -0.03±0.20 cm in
tage. The pre-homogeneity test for the dependent varia-         the control group, indicating a significant difference (t=
bles in the experimental and control groups was perfor-         3.91, p =.001)(Table 2).
med using the x2 test and t-test. The effects of the inter-
vention on stress, lower extremity pain, edema, and mus-        2) Lower extremity pain
cle fatigue were analyzed using independent t-tests and            Lower extremity pain scores were measured four times
repeated-measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and             in total: before experimental treatment, at 10 minutes (T10),
the mean difference test was analyzed as an independent         20 minutes (T20), and 30 minutes (T30) after the experi-
t-test.                                                         mental treatment. The results revealed that there was a
                                                                significant difference over time (F=13.11, p
Song, J-A

Table 1. Characteristics of the Experimental and Control Groups                                                          (N=33)
                                                 CTG (n=15)                    CG (n=18)
 Variables                   Categories                                                                x2 or t           p
                                               n (%) or M±SD                n (%) or M±SD
 Age (year)                                      56.73±5.52                   54.89±3.97               -1.11           .274

 Height (cm)                                    156.87±5.72                  158.22±5.43                0.70           .491
 Body weight (kg)                                58.27±9.35                   58.00±7.91               -0.09           .930
 Drinking alcohol            Yes                    7 (46.7)                     9 (50.0)               0.36           .849
                             No                     8 (53.3)                     9 (50.0)
 Smoking                     Yes                    1 (6.7)                      0 (0.0)                1.24           .266
                             No                    14 (93.3)                    18 (100.0)
 Exercise                    Yes                    9 (60.0)                     7 (38.9)               1.46           .227
                             No                     6 (40.0)                    11 (61.1)
 Work times                                        8.73±0.80                    9.06±0.64               1.29           .207
 Stress index                                      7.13±2.30                    6.83±2.15              -0.39           .701
 Perceived stress                                  4.60±1.81                    5.06±2.10               0.66           .514
 L.E. pain                                         4.87±2.56                    4.28±2.32              -0.69           .494

 L.E. edema                                      35.42±2.92                   34.92±2.67               -0.52           .609
 Muscle fatigue                                    3.01±0.80                    2.90±1.39              -0.27           .792
CG=control group; CTG=contrast therapy group; L.E.=lower extremities; M=mean; SD=standard deviation.

was no significant difference in group-by-time interaction,          the stress index score in the experimental group had sig-
and there was also no significant difference in repeatedly           nificantly decreased (t=2.87, p =.007)(Table 2).
measured stress score results between the groups. The re-               The subjective stress scores perceived by the partic-
sults of analyzing the difference between the two groups             ipants were measured four times in total: before the ex-
before and after the experimental treatment using differ-            perimental treatment, at 10 minutes (T10), 20 minutes (T20),
ence verification revealed that the difference before and            and 30 minutes (T30) after the experimental treatment. The
after the experimental treatment was -2.53±2.07 points in            results revealed that there was a significant difference
the experimental group, and -0.94±1.16 points in the con-            over time (F=12.12, p
Contrast Therapy Nursing Home Workers

Table 2. Comparison of Stress Index, Perceived Stress, L.E. Pain, L.E. Edema, Muscle Fatigue between the Experimental and
Control Groups                                                                                                    (N=33)
                                               CTG (n=15)        CG (n=18)
 Variables            Categories                                                     t              p                         F (p)
                                                 M±SD              M±SD
 Stress index         T0                        7.13±2.30         6.83±2.15        -0.39          .701
                      T30                       5.00±2.00         6.44±2.04         2.05          .049

                      Difference (T30-T0)      -2.13±1.96        -0.39±1.54         2.87          .007

 Perceived stress     T0                        4.60±1.81         5.06±2.10         0.66          .514
                                                                                                               Time  12.12 (<.001)
                      T10                       4.27±1.62         4.67±2.40         0.55          .587
                                                                                                               Group 1.52 (.227)
                      T20                       3.33±1.50         4.33±2.17         1.51          .141
                                                                                                               G*T    1.76 (.176)
                      T30                       2.67±1.50         4.00±2.22         1.98          .057

                      Difference (T30-T0)      -4.47±2.23        -2.83±3.60         1.53          .137

 L.E. pain            T0                        4.87±2.56         4.28±2.32        -0.69          .494
                                                                                                               Time  13.11 (<.001)
                      T10                       4.27±2.46         4.00±2.35        -0.32          .753
                                                                                                               Group 2.46 (.083)
                      T20                       3.33±2.06         3.44±2.12         0.15          .880
                                                                                                               G*T    0.01 (.932)
                      T30                       2.33±1.80         3.33±2.17         1.42          .165

                      Difference (T30-T0)      -2.53±2.07        -0.94±1.16         2.65          .015

 L.E. edema           T0                       35.42±2.92        34.92±2.67        -0.52          .609
                      T30                      34.41±3.19        34.89±2.60         0.48          .635

                      Difference (T30-T0)      -1.01±0.96        -0.03±0.20         3.91          .001

 Muscle fatigue       T0                        2.62±0.77         2.90±1.39         0.71          .486
                      T30                       2.82±0.41         2.96±0.94         0.58          .569

                      Difference (T30-T0)       0.20±0.60         0.06±0.85        -0.55          .590
CG=control group; CTG=contrast therapy group; L.E.=lower extremities; M=mean; SD=standard deviation.

TED had positive effects on care workers and that there              group [26]. The authors suggested that warm water ther-
was a statistically significant difference in lower extremity        apy might increase the release of proteins from the muscle
pain, edema, and stress index between the groups. The                into the blood, and that the increased protein release
results of this study are as follows:                                might reduce the percentage of muscle components de-
   Although the mechanism by which alternating the use               graded in the extracellular matrix [27]. Second, cold ther-
of heat and cold treatments affects the recovery of dam-             apy with contrast may reduce nerve conduction velocity
aged muscle has not yet been clearly identified, the follow-         and decrease nerve transmission [28]. In addition, Greg-
ing three points can be considered. First, heat therapy,             son suggested that blood flow to muscles may be lowered
which forms an important part of contrast therapy, might             after 8~20°C cold pack application, and stated that this
enhance vasodilation to increase oxygenation and metab-              may be because the activation of heat receptors may result
olite excretion [24]. This study indicated that such a phe-          in changes in sympathetic activity, thereby decreasing ar-
nomenon occurred to some extent because the contrast                 terial flow [29]. Therefore, the physiological effects of cold
therapy using a 40°C TED was applied six times for 4 mi-             therapy may be partially mediated through a decrease in
nutes per treatment session for a total of 24 minutes. In ad-        microvascular blood flow around the injured site, which
dition, heat therapy might increase the immune response              in turn can reduce edema and inflammation induction.
to muscle damage, similar to symptoms occurring during               Finally, the alternating use of cold and heat therapy can re-
fever, and this response might accelerate muscle recovery            sult in drastic changes in muscle perfusion owing to a
[25]. In fact, Viitasalo et al. reported that when applying 37       combination of cold / heat effects, which is called the
°C underwater water jet massage to athletes after training,          pumping effect [30]. It has been reported that the pumping
muscle function maintenance was improved, and Creatine               effect might cause changes in muscle perfusion through
Kinase (CK) and myoglobin levels were increased in those             vasodilation and vasoconstriction, thereby weakening the
receiving warm water therapy compared to the control                 immune response and reducing muscle cell damage. In

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Song, J-A

this study, no vasodilation or constriction was observed;        duals’ movement without moving themselves while alter-
however, muscle pain and edema were significantly re-            nating cold/heat therapy and maintain a constant temper-
duced after contrast therapy. Vaile et al. reported in a         ature, it is considered an effective intervention method.
study examining 15°C / 38°C contrast bath therapy (15°C
cold water therapy, and 38°C warm water therapy) that                                  CONCLUSION
the 15°C cold water therapy was effective in reducing
physiological and functional deficits related to muscle             This study was conducted using a randomized control-
pain, including muscle recovery and edema reduction,             led pretest-posttest experimental design to understand the
and 38°C warm water therapy was effective for muscle re-         effect of contrast therapy using flexible TED on the muscu-
covery, but had no effect on other recovery as compared to       loskeletal system and stress of workers in nursing institu-
the control group [31]. It can be concluded that contrast        tions. In order to confirm the effectiveness of contrast ther-
therapy is effective in helping muscle recovery and re-          apy using flexible TED, 40°C heat therapy and 12°C cold
ducing pain, and edema. Comparative studies with cold            therapy were applied to the study participants six times
therapy that show similar results are needed to further          for 4 minutes and 1 minute, respectively. The results
clarify the effects of contrast therapy.                         showed that contrast therapy using flexible TED had a
   Stress refers to a state of physical, physiological, and      positive effect on leg edema, pain, muscle fatigue, and
psychological tension that an individual experiences in          stress. Therefore, we believe that the results of this study
difficult situations [32]. Excessive stress can have negative    provide positive scientific evidence for the application of
effects on mental and physical health, cause deterioration       contrast therapy using flexible TED and that contrast ther-
of work quality, and should be properly relieved [32]. This      apy using flexible TED can be used as an intervention to
study found a significant difference in the stress index,        alleviate musculoskeletal problems in healthcare workers.
which measured the autonomic nervous system index                However, this study has a risk of performance bias be-
based on heart rate variability, before and after the experi-    cause the researcher was not blinded by random sequence
ment, between the two groups. In addition, perceived             generation and intervention, and there is a limit to gen-
stress showed no statistically significant difference but de-    eralization as a study was conducted at a single nursing
creased by 4.47 points in the experimental group and 2.83        institution.
points in the control group, showing more reduction ef-             Based on the results of this study, I suggest the follow-
fects in the experimental group. As studies regarding the        ing. First, this study was conducted at a nursing institution
effects of contrast therapy on stress could not be identified,   in one location, and there are limitations in generalization;
a direct comparison between this study and other studies         therefore, further studies are needed. Second, in this study,
was not feasible. However, it was reported that the use of       the effect before and after therapy was verified by apply-
40°C foot bath therapy 4 days per week for 3 weeks in op-        ing six on-therapy sessions for 4 minutes and cold therapy
erating room nurses was helpful in relieving stress [33],        for 1 minute; however, for future studies, I recommend
and stress has been reported to have a significantly pos-        comparing and verifying the effect on time flow. Third, be-
itive correlation with musculoskeletal disorders such as         cause the effects of contrast therapy, heat therapy, and
back pain [34]. Hence, it is thought that the contrast ther-     cold therapy may vary depending on the use of flexible
apy used in this study might alleviate lower extremity dis-      TED, a comparative study of these effects is suggested.
comfort and thus reducing stress.
   Taken together, the results of this study are significant     CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
in confirming that contrast therapy using a flexible TED         The author declared no conflict of interest.
has similar effects to contrast bath therapy using water
temperature. In addition, a study by Kim reported that           AUTHORSHIP
both contrast bath therapy using 38~40℃ hot water and            Study conception and design acquisition-SJ-A; Analysis and in-
12~14℃ cold water, and contrast therapy using a 38~40℃           terpretation of the data-SJ-A; Drafting and critical revision of the
infrared heating device and a 12~14 ℃ refrigeration de-          manuscript-SJ-A.
vice was effective in enhancing muscle recovery, confirm-
ing that both wet heat therapy using immersion bath and          ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
dry heat therapy using infrared rays and a refrigeration         This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of
device can help muscle recovery [16]. Therefore, since con-      Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean Government (No. 2019
trast therapy using flexible TED can minimize indivi-            R1G1A1002538).

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