Effects of a Physical Therapy Intervention to Improve the Quality of Life of Visually Impaired People: Development of an Audio-Tactile Exercise ...

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                                                                             Journal of Visual
                                                                             Impairment & Blindness
Effects of a Physical Therapy                                                2021, Vol. 0(0) 1–13
                                                                             © American Foundation
Intervention to Improve the                                                  for the Blind 2021
                                                                             Article reuse guidelines:
Quality of Life of Visually                                                  DOI: 10.1177/0145482X211027491
Impaired People: Development
of an Audio–Tactile Exercise

Maristella Borges Silva1, Suraya Gomes Novais Shimano2,
and Nuno Miguel Lopes de Oliveira2

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to develop and implement an audio–tactile protocol
for therapeutic intervention in individuals with visual impairments. Methods: The Physiotherapy
Protocol for People with Visual Impairment (PP-PVI) was developed following five steps:
physiotherapy evaluation, linguistic selection, protocol design, linguistic adequation for visually
impaired, and linguistic adequation for English language. Three adolescents and three young adults
with visual impairments participated in this longitudinal study and performed the protocol of
therapeutic exercises twice a week for 12 months while being evaluated with respect to their
quality of life before and after. The quality of life was evaluated using the 36-item Short Form
Health Survey (SF-36). Results: The median score for all domains of the quality of life ques-
tionnaire improved after PP-PVI, with the exception of the body pain domain, which remained
unchanged. Discussion: The PP-PVI was shown to be an important method of therapeutic
intervention, and it was easy to understand and apply in persons with visual impairments.
Implications for practitioners: The exercises of the PP-PVI facilitate the development of
several physical and functional capabilities that are important to the independence of individuals
with visual impairments.

visual impairment, physical therapy modalities, quality of life, sedentary lifestyle

Visual impairment (i.e., blindness or low vi-
sion) is assessed by two parameters, visual           Department of Health, Faculty of Human Talent, Uberaba,
                                                    Minas Gerais, Brazil
acuity (what is seen at a given distance) and       2
                                                      Department of Applied Physiotherapy, Federal University
visual field (area reached by vision). Blindness     of Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
is classified as a visual acuity of less than 0.05
or a visual field of less than 10°. Low vision is    Corresponding author:
                                                    Maristella Borges Silva, Department of Health, Faculty
classified as a visual acuity less than 0.3 and      of Human Talent, Av. Tonico dos Santos, 333, Uberaba
greater than or equal to 0.05 or a visual field      38040-000, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
of less than 20° in the best eye with the best      Email: maristellaborges@gmail
2                                                      Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 0(0)

optical correction (Bourne et al., 2017; Ottaiano,   flexibility, muscular strength, cardiovascular
Ávila, Umbelino, & Taleb, 2019). Low vision is      conditioning, and general health improvement
further subdivided into mild, moderate, or           (van Leeuwen, Rainey, van Rens, & van
severe/profound, depending on the degree of          Nispen, 2015). Children with visual impair-
visual impairment (ICD-10-CM Codes H54)              ments have difficulties with locomotor skills;
(WHO, 2019).                                         for this, they need a valid intervention that
    Vision is considered a major facilitator of      prepares them for daily demands (Brian et al.,
the integration of motor, perceptual and mental      2019, 2020).
activities. Therefore, its deprivation in the sen-      The challenge of a specific therapeutic ap-
sory function may cause functional limitations       proach for people with visual impairments is to
(Saydah, Gerzoff, Taylor, Ehrlich, & Saaddine,       ensure the learning of each proposed inter-
2019). Individuals with visual impairments           vention. In physical therapy intervention, the
exhibit functional impairments or physical           main objective is to guarantee independence in
losses related to the deficit of static and dy-       the correct execution of each movement so that
namic balance (Horak, Wrisley, & Frank, 2009;        there is the gain of physical and functional
Machado, Oliveira, Urquizo, Shimano, &               skills and capabilities that are essential for good
Oliveira, 2019; Parreira, Grecco, & Oliveira,        motor performance. This motor learning pro-
2017; Rutkowska et al., 2015). Moreover,             cess for individuals with visual impairments
postural changes can lead to other disabilities      can be promoted if the senses of hearing and
such as loss of flexibility, cardiorespiratory        touch are prioritized as a learning method
fitness, or muscle strength and decreased mo-         (Alary et al., 2009; Joshi, Ray, Odierna &
tor coordination and body awareness (Aslan,          Smith, 2019; Urquizo, 2018).
Calik, & Kitis, 2012; Rutkowska et al., 2015;           In this context, audio–tactile protocols may
Silva, Shimano, Oliveira, Conti, & Oliveira,         be an appropriate strategy for health inter-
2011). Furthermore, individuals with disabil-        vention. The linguistic construction of verbal
ities have shown increased sedentary behav-          commands becomes essential not only to un-
iors and more precarious levels of physical          derstand the objectives of each exercise pro-
fitness (Cervantes & Porreta, 2010). Physical         posed but also to perform each movement
inactivity worldwide is an important health          correctly. In addition to verbal commands,
issue for individuals with visual impairments        tactile commands must be precise and objec-
(Starkoff, Lenz, Lieberman, & Foley, 2016).          tive, correcting postural errors during the
    In general, vision loss can cause psycho-        performance of movements. These two com-
logical, social, economic, and physical function     mands should be designed to be applied simul-
problems, resulting in a negative effect on the      taneously. Therefore, the development process
quality of life of the individual. It often in-      of an audio–tactile protocol requires a cohesive
volves a loss of self-esteem and social status,      team that includes professionals from different
gradual impairment of motor and functional           areas of health and education. For this reason,
skills, as well as occupational restrictions and,    the fulfillment of health promotion approaches
consequently, a decrease in household income         for people with visual impairments is a chal-
(Becker & Montilha, 2015; Brian et al., 2019;        lenge because there are few adapted physical
Elsman, van Rens, & van Nispen, 2017;                exercises protocols for these individuals that
Rainey, Elsman, van Nispen, van Leeuwen, &           allow for the enhancement of their physical
van Rens, 2016).                                     and functional conditions, social interactions,
    Physical therapy modalities play a signifi-       and, ultimately, improvement of their quality
cant role for people with visual impairments;        of life.
interventions for health and wellness for this          The purpose of this study was to develop
population can be targeted to acquire and im-        and apply an audio–tactile protocol for health
prove autonomy, mobility, motor coordination,        promotion intervention in individuals with
balance, body awareness, laterality, body posture,   visual impairments. Therefore, the linguistic
Borges Silva et al.                                                                                 3

construction of verbal and tactile commands         of the study and provided informed consent.
was accomplished by a team of experienced           This study was conducted in the physiother-
visual impairment professionals. Individuals        apy room at the ICBC, with appropriate ma-
with visual impairments performed the exer-         terials and equipment for assessments and
cises in the protocol for an extended period,       interventions.
and they were evaluated with respect to their
quality of life before and after. We hypothe-
sized that a specific protocol for individuals
                                                    Development of the protocol
would facilitate their learning of new thera-       The development of the Physiotherapy Proto-
peutic exercises and improve their overall          col for People with Visual Impairment (PP-PVI)
health and quality of life.                         followed these five steps: (1) physiotherapy
                                                    evaluation, (2) linguistic selection, (3) protocol
                                                    design, (4) linguistic adequation for people
Methods                                             with visual impairments, and (5) linguistic
                                                    adequation for the English language.
Three adolescents and three young adults with       Step 1. Initially, a physiotherapy evaluation
visual impairments participated in this longi-      was performed to characterize the sample in
tudinal study; they were treated at the Brazilian   order to guide the protocol development. For
Mid-West Institute for the Blind (ICBC) in          this reason, all participants responded to an oral
Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This study was       questionnaire about their data and diagnosis of
dedicated to develop and apply a therapeutic        visual impairment. Data files of ICBC were
exercise protocol, and it was approved by the       also analyzed to confirm the information pro-
Research Ethics Committee of the Federal            vided, as well as to compile further relevant
University of Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil (pro-      data. Subsequently, physical therapy evalua-
tocol 1965) and registered on the Brazilian         tions were performed, including anamnesis,
Clinical Trials Registry (number: RBR-2ssg4w).      vital data, anthropometric measurements, classic
Convenience sampling was performed over             postural assessment, and evaluations of strength
3 weeks, in which a screening process es-           and flexibility. In addition, quality of life was
tablished the following inclusion criteria: in-     evaluated through a fair reading of the 36-item
dividual with blindness or low vision; aged         Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) because
between 18 and 59 years; cognitive autonomy         most participants did not read braille. The SF-
assessed by the cutoff points of the Mini-          36 questionnaire was validated for Portuguese
Mental State Examination (Brucki, Nitrin,           (Ciconelli, Ferraz, Santos, Meinão, & Quaresma,
Caramelli, Bertolucci, & Okamoto, 2003);            1999), and it is a tool that is designed to assess
and no neurological, cardiac, or disabling          health-related quality of life. It is composed
musculoskeletal diseases. Exclusion criteria        of 36 items distributed among eight domains:
were missing three or more consecutive ses-         physical functioning, role limitations due to
sions of physiotherapy or missing five sessions      physical health problems, body pain, general
during the period of the protocol performance       health perceptions, vitality, social function-
or both. Furthermore, participants who clearly      ing, role limitations due to emotional prob-
had difficulties understanding the question-         lems, and general mental health. The final score
naire at any point of the study were excluded.      ranges from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) for each
Following examination of these criteria, 10         domain.
individuals were included and four were sub-
sequently excluded. Thus, only six individuals      Step 2. Three physical therapists who had work
with visual impairments were effectively ana-       experience in visual impairment (through
lyzed in this study. Participants were verbally     courses in adapted pedagogy, assistive tech-
informed about the intention and procedures         nology, and special education) and a young
4                                                     Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 0(0)

woman with blindness who was a physio-              revision of the translation by a native English
therapy undergraduate student conducted a           speaker with expertise in linguistics.
survey of words or terms commonly used to               Following these five steps, the theorical part
describe the exercises.                             of PP-PVI was completed (see Table 1). Thus,
                                                    its application and the evaluation of its effects
Step 3. The choice of exercises to be included      began.
in the protocol was based on the results of
physical evaluations. The specific aims to be
achieved were improving mobility, muscle
                                                    Protocol application
strengthening, flexibility, and posture, with        The protocol was carried out twice a week for
emphasis on the most important impairment           12 months, although there was a 1-month break
finding, which was decreased flexibility. It was      in the middle of this period due to a holiday
considered an intervention of approximately         break at the institution. Each session lasted
40 minutes, with a total of 13 exercises in-        40 minutes and consisted of 5 minutes of
cluded in the protocol, in which two exercises      walking as a warm-up, followed by 30 minutes
were selected for mobility, four for muscle         of the exercise protocol performance and
strengthening, six to increase flexibility, and      5 minutes of relaxation, which included dia-
one exercise to effect global postural reedu-       phragmatic breathing exercises and passive
cation. Verbal and tactile commands were            movements. Every session included music that
created for each exercise to ensure correct         was played in the background that varied ac-
execution. Each exercise also received a spe-       cording to the type of exercise. The materials
cific name. Therefore, after the learning phase,     used during the sessions were sleeping mats,
the physiotherapist could call out the exercise’s   elastic bands, plastic balls (30 cm in diameter),
names, and the individuals with visual im-          and a stereo system.
pairments would be able to perform the exer-            To evaluate the effects of this protocol on
cise with autonomy.                                 quality of life, all participants were evaluated
                                                    before and after this period using the quality of
Step 4. The verbal and tactile commands were        life questionnaire (SF-36) conducted by the
created with the participation of a physiother-     same evaluator.
apy undergraduate student who was blind. Two
participants with visual impairments performed
the exercises according to the verbal and tactile
                                                    Data analysis
commands, and they described the difficulties        The Shapiro–Wilk test showed non-normal
in understanding some terms. These terms were       data. Descriptive statistics (median, maxi-
revised accordingly, and the exercise protocol      mum, and minimum values) and inferential
was retested. In addition to the linguistic ad-     analysis (Wilcoxon signed-rank Test) were
justment, some unknown concepts or terms had        based on the scores of the SF-36 questionnaire
to be explained in detail. They were required       before and after the period (12 months) of the
for the performance of the exercises and could      physiotherapy intervention. Statistical analyses
not be replaced. For instance, the volunteers did   were carried out using the Statistica Package
not know the term analog clock, only the term       10.0, with a significance level of .05.
digital watch.
Step 5. The participants were instructed in
Portuguese. After instruction, the linguistic       The protocol was applied on six individuals
adjustment of the protocol into English followed    with visual impairments. Table 2 shows the
two stages. The first was the translation of the     main characteristics of the participants. The mean
protocol by a native Brazilian with expertise in    age was 19.8 ± 5.5 years, four of them were
the English language. The second step was the       women and two were men. Three participants
Table 1. Physiotherapy Protocol for People with Visual Impairment.

 Finality         Exercise                         Objective                                Verbal command                             Tactile command

Mobility    1                    To gain mobility of the pelvic girdle           Lie on your back and press your           The physiotherapist places his/her hand
                “Pelvic clock”                                                      buttocks and back against the            on the iliac bone and directs the
                                                                                                                                                                        Borges Silva et al.

                                                                                    stretcher. Imagine that your pelvis      movements in different directions
                                                                                    has the hands of a clock. Now
                                                                                    position yourself at 12 o’clock. Good
                                                                                    job! Now at 6 o’clock... now 3 o’clock
                                                                                    (the watch concept has been
                                                                                    previously taught).
                                                                                    Repeat each move 10 times
            2                    To gain mobility of scapular and pelvic girdles Lie on your back. Take a deep breath The physiotherapist should guide the
                “Squeezing                                                          and breathe out slowly. Now, imagine     movement and keep the contralateral
                clothes”                                                            that your body is a piece of wet         shoulder supported
                                                                                    clothing you’re going to wring (out).
                                                                                    Hold your knees with and try to make
                                                                                    them touch the floor. Keep focused
                                                                                    and keep your right shoulder on the
                                                                                    stretcher. Do not lift your shoulder.
                                                                                    Count to 10, and stretch our legs
                                                                                    again. Switch sides and do the
                                                                                    exercises again.
                                                                                    Repeat the move five times on each
Muscle    3                      To enhance body awareness and strengthen Lie on your back, with both knees bent The physiotherapist places his/her hand
 strength   “The bridge”           glutes and abdominal muscles                     and feet flat on the stretcher. Take a    on the individual’s abdomen and asks
                                                                                    deep breath. As you breathe out, try     the person to raise the pelvis. After
                                                                                    to lift your pelvis keeping your feet    expiration, the therapist puts his/her
                                                                                    and shoulders flat on the stretcher.      hand on the individual’s lumbar spine to
                                                                                    Now stay on this position and exhale.    support the final movement
                                                                                    Make sure the patient is aligned to
                                                                                    avoid lumbar lordosis.
                                                                                    Repeat this move 10 times


Table 1. (continued)

 Finality          Exercise                       Objective                                Verbal command                            Tactile command

            11                  To gain strength of the extensor muscles of Position yourself on the floor on your The physiotherapist should position the
                 “Bird-dog”       the spine; to train balance; and to gain body  hands and knees. Imagine a dog that       arm and leg that will be stretched,
                                  awareness                                      will change into a bird. Stretch one      promoting a balance
                                                                                 arm in front of you, extend the
                                                                                 opposite leg holding it parallel to the
                                                                                 floor. Count to 10. Now switch legs.
                                                                                 Repeat the moves with both legs and
                                                                                 arms 10 times
            12                  To train motor coordination and to develop Lie on your back. Lift both legs and try The physiotherapist should touch the leg
                 “Crazy bike”     strength of the abdominal muscles and          to ride a stationary bike—you have        to be pulled along with the
                                  upper and lower limbs. Cardiorespiratory       certainly done this before! Keep your     contralateral arm so that the individual
                                  training and motor coordination                abdomen tight while cycling. At the       understands that the upper limbs and
                                                                                 same time, raise one arm above your       the lower limbs perform alternate
                                                                                 head while lowering the other arm,        moves
                                                                                 switching sides.
                                                                                 Five sets of 3 minutes with a 30-
                                                                                 second rest between sets
            13                  To control posture; to gain body awareness in Stand back to the wall. Good Job!          The physiotherapist should ensure the
                 “Imaginary       sitting and standing positions; to train       Breathe in and fill your stomach with      support of hips and shoulders against
                 chair”           breathing; and to gain muscle strength         air. Very slowly, slide your back down    the wall, stimulating the abdominal and
                                  of the lower limbs                             the wall as if you were trying to sit     quadriceps contraction and ensure the
                                                                                 down. Roll down until the joints of       correct degree of knee flexion
                                                                                 your hips, knees, and heels formed an
                                                                                 angle of 90°. I’ll tell you when you’ve
                                                                                 reached the right angle. Right there!
                                                                                 Great! Now breathe in again and rise
                                                                                 as you exhale.
                                                                                 Take 5 breaths with the full

                                                                                                                                                                      Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 0(0)
Table 1. (continued)

  Finality          Exercise                        Objective                                Verbal command                             Tactile command

Flexibility   4                   To dissociate the scapular and pelvic girdle;  Stand tall with back straight. Inhale and   The physiotherapist should hit the ball
                  “Ball on the      and to increase the flexibility of the           lift your arms as high as possible         above the individual´s head. This will
                  foot”             posterior muscles of the thigh and leg          holding this ball in your hands. Now,      encourage the person to bring the ball
                                                                                                                                                                         Borges Silva et al.

                                                                                    exhale as you bring the ball to touch      to his/her foot. At the same time
                                                                                    your right foot. Good job! Repeat the      the therapist should ensure that
                                                                                    movement with the left foot.               the individual knees are stretched
                                                                                    Repeat the move five times on each          as the ball touches the foot
              5                    To dissociate the scapular and pelvic girdle; Stand tall with back straight. Inhale and   The physiotherapist should hit the ball
                “Foot on the         to increase the flexibility of the posterior    lift your arms as high as possible         above the individual’s head and it will
                ball"                muscles of the thigh and leg; and to train     holding this ball in your hands. Now,      be an encouragement to take the ball
                                     balance and motor coordination                 exhale while bringing your right foot      to his/her foot. At the same time
                                                                                    to touch the ball at waist height.         the therapist should ensure that
                                                                                    Now, do the other side.                    the individual knees are stretched
                                                                                    Repeat 10 times on each side               as the ball touches the foot
              6                    To increase flexibility of the muscles         Lie on your back and loop the strap         The physiotherapist helps the individual
                “Ballet in a lying   of the posterior muscle chain                  around the ball of your foot holding       placing the band around his/her foot
                position”                                                           the ends of the strap with both hands.     and correcting the posture during
                                                                                    Be sure to keep your chin down and         the exercise
                                                                                    shoulders back. Exhale while pushing
                                                                                    your heel up toward the ceiling. Keep
                                                                                    your knees stretched.
                                                                                    Repeat the move three times on each
              7                    To increase flexibility of the muscles         Lie on your back. Take a deep breath.       The physiotherapist corrects posture,
                “Curly”              of the thoracic and lumbar spine               While breathing out, bend one leg          the position of the head and back if
                                                                                    over your torso, holding it just below     necessary
                                                                                    the knee. Hold this position for
                                                                                    30 seconds.
                                                                                    Repeat the moves three times on
                                                                                    both sides


Table 1. (continued)

 Finality         Exercise                      Objective                               Verbal command                          Tactile command

            8                To increase flexibility of hip flexors muscles Stand tall with back straight. Bend the The physiotherapist corrects posture and
                “Playing stork”and knee extensors and to train balance       left leg back toward your buttocks      prevents compensation for the correct
                               and proprioception                            and hold your left foot with your left  execution of the movement
                                                                             hand. Keep your body straight and do
                                                                             not move to the sides. Hold this
                                                                             position for 30 seconds.
                                                                             Repeat the moves with both legs
                                                                             three times
            9                To increase flexibility of neck muscles       Start in a sitting position. Take a deep The physiotherapist assists the individual
              “Ear on the                                                    breath. Hold one hand against the       in keeping the correct position for the
              shoulder”                                                      side of your head. Tilt your head       exercises and reminds the individual
                                                                             sideways, so that your ear may touch    not to raise his/her shoulders, by
                                                                             your shoulder. Breathe out slowly.      touching them
                                                                             Switch to other side.
                                                                             Repeat the move three times on each
Posture     10               To increase flexibility of the diaphragm,     Lie on your back and keep your arms The physiotherapist should avoid the
              “Frog on the     sternocleidomastoid, scalene, intercostal,    open. The knees are flexed and the       individual lifting any part of his/her
              floor with open   lower back muscles, pectoralis major and      feet are together. Feel your entire     body. The therapist should also
              arms”            minor, and the iliopsoas muscles; to gain     spine pressing against the stretcher    compress the abdominal muscles so
                               strength of abdominal muscles, rhomboids,     and imagine a straight line starting at that the person feels the contraction
                               quadriceps, and core muscles; and to gain     the center of your head until your      during expiration
                               body awareness                                buttocks, as if you wanted to stretch
                                                                             it. Good job! Take a deep breath until
                                                                             your belly is full. Now very slowly
                                                                             release the air through the mouth,
                                                                             expelling all the air, and imagine that
                                                                             you are pulling your belly button in
                                                                             toward the floor.
                                                                             Take five breaths with the full
                                                                                                                                                                Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 0(0)
Borges Silva et al.                                                                                                 9

Table 2. Characteristics of the participants.

Subject       Sex     Age in years        Visual impairment                                Cause

1           Female       15              Blindness                   Acquired (incubator)
2           Female       16              Profound low vision         Congenital (toxoplasmosis during pregnancy)
3           Female       16              Blindness                   Leber’s congenital amaurosis
4           Female       29              Profound low vision         Retinitis pigmentosa and cataracts
5           Male         19              Blindness                   Retinal detachment
6           Male         24              Profound low vision         Incomplete cornea and retinal disorder

Table 3. Median score (minimum and maximum) of the SF-36 quality of life survey before and after

Domain                                                             Before                     After         p-value

Physical functioning                                           80 (45; 100)              85 (55; 100)         .92
Role limitations due to physical health problems               50 (25; 100)              87.5 (50; 100)       .06
Body pain                                                      86 (40; 100)              86 (22; 100)         .59
General health perceptions                                     62 (50; 90)               74.5 (57; 92)        .67
Vitality                                                       57.5 (30; 95)             80 (50; 100)         .17
Social functioning                                             56.2 (25; 100)            62.5 (12.5; 100)     .78
Role limitations due to emotional problems                     33.3 (0; 100)             66.7 (0; 100)        .36
General mental health                                          54 (28; 72)               68 (32; 100)         .06
p-value: Wilcoxon test before and after intervention, with a significance level of .05.

had profound low vision and three of them                     physical impairment of each individual in order
were blind, according to the medical records of               to trace a profile of the group with visual im-
the institution’s ophthalmologist. The causes of              pairments and guide the protocol development.
visual impairment were varied (see Table 2).                  From this physical and functional diagnosis,
   The results of the SF-36 health survey be-                 the choice of each therapeutic exercise was
fore and after the completion of the PP-PVI are               based not only on the clinical goal but also on
presented in Table 3. After the implementation                the cognitive-motor learning process of people
of the exercise protocol, the median score for                with visual impairments. Therefore, extensive
all domains increased, demonstrating an im-                   research of scientific evidence on the types of
provement in the participants’ health outcomes,               exercises specific to physical and functional
although the domain to do with body pain                      deficits was conducted.
remained unchanged. The statistical analysis                      Notably, the focus of the exercise protocol
showed no difference in any SF-36 domains                     was to provide an effective and achievable
before and after the PP-PVI intervention (sig-                exercise alternative that would change the
nificance level of .05).                                       sedentary lifestyle of these individuals. Thus, a
                                                              lexical analysis was performed with the par-
                                                              ticipation of pedagogues who specialized in
Discussion                                                    visual impairment. According to each exercise
The steps to create the protocol were defined                  that would be taught, this group of profes-
considering the clinical and functional condi-                sionals defined what would be the best words
tions of the sample and the educational re-                   (verbal commands) in the Portuguese language
quirements for learning physical exercises. The               for a detailed description of the positioning and
physiotherapy evaluation aimed to measure the                 the way to accomplish the exercise. In addition,
10                                                  Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 0(0)

the participation of a person with blindness in   may promote postural corrections, it improves
the process of the protocol development was       stability.
essential to define the “adaptive” therapeutic         The range of motion limitation and balance
exercises to be chosen. This person identified     for each participant were considered during the
some terms that were not known to individuals     implementation of the PP-PVI, particularly
with visual impairments. This information was     when performing in the orthostatic exercises.
crucial in determining which terms, if they       Some participants needed external support
were essential for an exercise, needed to be      when they began these exercises, and eventu-
explained, such as the term “analog clock.” In    ally they were able to complete them without
addition, working with an individual with vi-     support. According to these improvements,
sual impairment helped us understand that         physical skills were required to perform the
individuals who were familiar with the terms      exercises without any support and with maxi-
in the protocol could participate better in the   mum amplitudes.
exercises.                                            The understanding of words by participants
    The PP-PVI was developed in an exercise       was also a challenge for the final selection of
blocks format. Each block contained physical,     the verbal commands for the protocol. Some
functional, and cognitive requirements that       terms like “clock” in exercise 1 and “riding” in
were carefully chosen to promote the gain of      exercise 12 needed to be clarified. Exercise 1
physical abilities and functional skills. For     was explained through the use of an ethylene
example, exercises 1 and 2 for mobility could     vinyl acetate paper analog clock, and the
be performed passively. However, since the        concept of pointers was explained with verbal
participants required body awareness, these       description and tactile demonstration. Next, the
exercises were performed actively. This type      clock was hung on the wall at hip level, and the
of requirement ensures greater motor learning,    movement of the pelvis was explained ac-
particularly in the core muscles, which are       cording to the position of the clock (12 h =
essential for maintaining correct posture.        retroversion, anteversion = 6 h, and 3 h and
These exercises also contribute to pelvic and     9 h = side slopes). As for the concept of “riding
shoulder girdles dissociation during gait.        a bicycle,” the participants had practical ex-
Exercises 3, 11, 12, and 13, which aimed to       perience on a stationary bike, and they were
induce gains in strength, did not use resis-      able to repeat the movement in a lying position.
tance weights (dumbbells), but instead were           Despite the good level of understanding of
calisthenic exercises. Thus, when using the       verbal commands, other adjustments were
resistance of body weight, the risk of injuries   necessary to the linguistic adaptation once
was lower and the strength gain, although         the protocol was translated into English to
gradual, was progressive throughout the           facilitate understanding. The review and anal-
protocol of the application period. Emphasis      ysis of the translation by a native speaker of
was placed on exercises that promoted flexi-       English with a background in linguistics were
bility gains (exercises 4–9) exclude. There was   fundamental in this process. Exercises 1, 2,
also the option for active exercises to gain      and 6 had their verbal commands modified.
flexibility. These exercises had secondary ob-     For example, for exercise 1 (pelvic clock),
jectives: the stimulation of balance and coor-    there was a breakdown of the clock positions
dination, which are especially important          and their relationship to human anatomy. The
aspects to individuals with visual impairments.   command “Imagine that your pelvis has the
Exercise 10 was for respiratory control asso-     hands of a clock” was replaced by “Imagine
ciated with all the muscles involved in main-     that there is a clock lying flat on your lower
taining proper posture. This global stimulus      abdomen, where your hands are. Twelve o’clock
allows significant gains in body awareness,        is at your belly button, and six o’clock is at the
which is typically compromised in people with     top of your pubic bone. Your hip bones are at
visual impairments. In addition, although it      nine and three.”
Borges Silva et al.                                                                               11

   The PP-PVI was performed by six partici-          with higher mortality, hospitalization, cardio-
pants with visual impairments over an extended       vascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer, and is
period (12 months). During this time, motor          a risk factor for poor bone health (Chastin,
learning occurred gradually. In the first month,      Mandrichenko, Helbostadt, & Skelton, 2014),
there was a greater emphasis on teaching the         which can further aggravate the living and
correct positioning of each exercise, and the        health conditions of a person with visual
verbal and tactile controls were fundamental to      impairments.
the understanding of the exercises. Then, by             Therefore, breaking the vicious cycle of
learning the sequence of movements of each           inactivity becomes an important protective
exercise, only tactile commands were used to         factor. In doing so, ensuring accessibility to
correct positioning. This period lasted for ap-      practice physical exercises (via architectural
proximately one additional month. From this          adaptations, facilitating communication, pro-
point, individual follow-up conducted by phys-       fessional training, and development of specific
ical therapists allowed each participant to evolve   protocols, such as the PP-PVI developed in
in their execution of the PP-PVI exercises           this study) secures independence for people
regarding load, number of sets, and repeti-          with visual impairments to develop their
tions according to their capabilities. The exer-     physical and functional abilities, which pro-
cises were then carried out independently by         motes physical, social, and psychological
participants, with only occasional verbal com-       gains, as observed in this study.
mand corrections during execution. Moreover,             This study is part of a project in which the
physical therapists began to use verbal com-         university performs health promotion activities
mands to encourage individual progress in each       in the community, in partnership with the in-
exercise. In the flexibility exercises, the largest   stitution specializing in visual impairment. The
range of motion and the maintenance of stand-        project is called “Comprehensive health care
ing for a progressive time were stimulated. In       for people with visual impairments” and has
the strength exercises, the increase in isom-        been running without interruption since 2008,
etry time and the number of repetitions were         guaranteeing the continuity of actions.
   The analysis results regarding quality of life
after the application of the protocol, although
not significant, demonstrated improvement in          The development of a specific audio–tactile
functional physical condition, overall health,       protocol for people with visual impairments
vitality, social and emotional aspects, and          was only possible through the combined efforts
mental health. These results corroborate the         of many professionals and the active partici-
findings of Marques et al. (2015), who also           pation of individuals with visual impairments.
used an audio–tactile method for teaching            As a result of this work, the PP-PVI was shown
aquatic therapeutic exercises to people with         to be an important method of therapeutic in-
visual impairments. However, a broader study         tervention, and one that is easy to understand
is needed to attest to the positive influence of      and apply with people with visual impairments.
the PP-PVI on improving the quality of life of       The exercises of the PP-PVI facilitate the de-
people with visual impairments.                      velopment of several physical and functional
   The proposed protocol for people with vi-         capabilities that are important to the indepen-
sual impairments was shown to be effective           dence of people with visual impairments. The
due to adherence, learning, and practice of the      gain of independence was reflected in the
audio–tactile exercises of the PP-PVI. Thus,         perception of improvement of quality of life for
the implementation of the PP-PVI could pro-          these individuals.
mote changes to the sedentary behavior of these         Additionally, the exercises included in this
individuals. This change is extremely impor-         protocol were performed twice a week for an
tant because a sedentary lifestyle is associated     extensive period of time, which promoted
12                                                             Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 0(0)

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Acknowledgment to Ruben Adery, from Los Angeles,
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a pronunciation specialist and linguistic teacher from
                                                              impairments. Disability and Health Journal,
the Brazilian Sciences without Borders program.
                                                              12(2), 328-333. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2018.10.007
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