Effect of hydrocolloid addition on batter properties and quality of deep-fried banana (Musa spp.) fritters

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  Effect of hydrocolloid addition on                                                                                         Effect of
    batter properties and quality                                                                                          on banana
         of deep-fried banana
         (Musa spp.) fritters                                                                                                            3227
               Sharmila Vengu, Haswini Paniker Ravandran and                                                                Received 1 April 2020
                                                                                                                             Revised 26 July 2020
                          Sri Puvanesvari Gannasin                                                                     Accepted 3 September 2020
      Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Management and Science University,
                             Shah Alam, Malaysia, and
                                      Kharidah Muhammad
          Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
                                   Serdang, Malaysia

Purpose – Deep-fried banana (Musa spp.) fritters is one of the frequently consumed fruit based snacks in
Southeast Asian countries despite its substantial amount of oil content. Consistent with the demand for low fat
food with maintained palatability, this study aimed to determine the quality of banana fritters as affected by
batter system containing selected hydrocolloids such as pectin (PCN), whey protein isolate (WPI) and soy
protein isolate (SPI).
Design/methodology/approach – Banana fritter batters were prepared with individual addition of 2% PCN
(w/w), 10% WPI (w/w), 10% SPI (w/w), combination of 2% PCN and 10% WPI, combination of 2% PCN and
10% SPI and control (without hydrocolloid addition). Batter viscosity (Pa.s) and batter pick-up (%) were
determined. Banana fritters were analysed for moisture and fat contents, moisture loss, colour, hardness and
sensory characteristics.
Findings – Hydrocolloid addition in the batter system resulted in a higher batter pick-up and viscosity in
comparison to control batter system. Moisture loss from banana fritters with batter formulation of 2% PCN and
10% SPI was the lowest while the reduction in oil content (55%) was the highest. Banana fritters with inclusion
of hydrocolloids in the batter formulation were equally accepted as the control sample by the sensory panelists
with a score range between 6 and 7 for most of the sensory attributes evaluated except for oiliness.
Originality/value – Application of PCN and SPI in batter system to develop banana fritters with low oil
content, moist fruit core and crunchy crust is reported for the first time. Batter premix containing PCN and SPI
can be produced for fresh and frozen fritters preparation.
Keywords Oil absorption, Quality, Banana fritters, Pectin, Whey protein isolate, Soy protein isolate
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that in the year 2016, ischaemic heart disease and
stroke were the leading causes of death globally (WHO, 2018). Heart disease is often linked
with sedentary lifestyle and high consumption of saturated fat in daily diet. Fried foods
especially, contain high fat content reaching up to 45% (Oke et al., 2017) and continuous
consumption of fried foods is often associated with diseases such as obesity and high
cholesterol levels (Varela and Fiszman, 2011). Nevertheless, fried foods remain people’s
favourite (Barbut, 2013). Widely consumed banana fritter was chosen as the deep-fried
sample product for evaluation in this study. Deep-frying is a common cooking method used to                                       British Food Journal
fry wide array of foods where flavour, texture and appearance of food products are enhanced.                                      Vol. 122 No. 10, 2020
                                                                                                                                         pp. 3227-3238
                                                                                                                         © Emerald Publishing Limited
The researchers would like to thank Management and Science University for supporting this research.                      DOI 10.1108/BFJ-02-2020-0114
BFJ          Different approaches can be employed to decrease the amount of oil uptake in fried foods
122,10   which includes the use of pre-frying methods (coating, osmotic dehydration, air drying and
         blanching), modification of frying techniques and application of post-frying techniques
         (super-heated steam drying) (Bouchon, 2009; Oke et al., 2017). The use of hydrocolloids in the
         form of edible coating or batter ingredient in fried foods to reduce oil uptake (Albert and
         Mittal, 2002; Kurek et al., 2017; Varela and Fiszman, 2011) is considered more feasible for
         commercialisation purpose compared to the use of expensive equipment (Lumanlan et al.,
3228     2019). Hydrocolloid is a term used to refer various native and modified starches, non-starch
         polysaccharides and proteins that can hold water and form gel under different conditions.
             To date, non-starch polysaccharides such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose,
         carboxymethyl cellulose, xanthan gum, guar gum and carrageenan were extensively
         studied and few studies reported on the use of proteins such as soy protein isolate (SPI) and
         whey protein isolate (WPI) to reduce oil uptake in fried foods. Most recently, Ajo (2017)
         highlighted the use of xanthan gum to reduce oil uptake by 57% in potato chips, however
         xanthan gum is not suitable for all products as the gum confer high viscosity even at very low
         concentration that may result in poor organoleptic properties of final product. Angor (2016)
         reported that 10% SPI reduced oil uptake by 18% in fried potato pellet chips. A review by
         Brannan and Pettit (2015) showed that application of 10% of WPI in various deep-fried
         chicken meat products significantly reduced the oil absorption from 15% to 37%. However,
         the aforementioned literature applied hydrocolloid in the form of thin coating solution onto
         food surface before deep-frying. Limited studies are available on application of hydrocolloid
         as a batter ingredient alongside other common ingredients such as salt, flour and water in
         batter formulation. Adhesion type batter coating containing hydrocolloid is more uniform
         with less puncturing problem and can be easily applied in contrast to solution of single or
         multi-layer hydrocolloid coatings.
             In general, thin coating solution or thick batter coating of hydrocolloids controls the
         migration of moisture from food surface to frying oil and absorption of oil from frying
         medium into the food surface based on condensation effect or/and capillary effect (Mellema,
         2003). Immersion of food coated with hydrocolloids (proteins or/and polysaccharides) into
         heated frying oil induces thermogelling of hydrocolloid layer that protects the food surface
         hence reducing moisture loss from the food surface. Reduced moisture loss would lower the
         oil uptake to maintain the mass balance. In addition, stronger coating results in small amount
         of wide puncture formation with low capillary pressure limiting the oil uptake (Garmakhany
         et al., 2008; Mellema, 2003). Proteins specifically form films that can act as oil barrier (Ananey-
         Obiri et al., 2018). Meanwhile, protein-polysaccharide complex can promote synergistic effect
         in reducing oil uptake where intermolecular interactions such as covalent, electrostatic,
         hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic may take place upon heat treatment depending on
         polymer characteristics (Nazir et al., 2017) forming a new network and influence the batter
         coating and final product properties.
             Pectin (PCN), SPI and WPI were selected as hydrocolloids of choice in this study
         considering their solubility, viscosity, sensory acceptance, cost and findings from previous
         studies related to effect of hydrocolloids in reducing oil absorption. PCN which is a family of
         galacturonic acid rich polysaccharides is widely used as a food gelling agent and has
         potential to reduce water loss from fried product surface and oil migration to food product
         (Kurek et al., 2017). SPI and WPI mixed coating was recommended as best fat barriers during
         frying by Albert and Mittal (2002) out of 11 hydrocolloids screened. SPI, a protein isolated
         from dehulled and defatted soybean contains 90% or more protein content, rich in lysine, has
         bland flavour and has film forming and gelling properties (Ananey-Obiri et al., 2018; Singh
         et al., 2008). WPI, a by-product from casein and cheese manufacturing consists of globular
         proteins (α-lactalbumin and predominant β-lactoglobulin) (Fitzsimons et al., 2008). WPI was
         reported to form more elastic gel upon heating compared to SPI (Comfort and Howell, 2002).
According to Amado et al. (2019), PCN-SPI complex formation was attributed to electrostatic                        Effect of
interactions between the carboxyl group of PCN and the amine group of SPI. Meanwhile,                          hydrocolloids
PCN-WPI interaction is caused by hydrogen bonding between carboxyl groups of PCN and
peptide linkage of WPI (Kovacova et al., 2009). Research by Amado et al. (2019) and Kovacova
                                                                                                                 on banana
et al. (2009) focused on the pure PCN-SPI and PCN-WPI solution properties but not food                               fritters
characteristics as affected by PCN-SPI or PCN-WPI inclusion and was not reported elsewhere.
Therefore, this study aimed to determine the individual and combination effects of PCN and
protein isolates (SPI/WPI) addition on batter properties and physicochemical and sensory                                   3229
characteristics of banana fritters.

2. Materials and methods
2.1 Materials
The variety of banana used in this study was Musa spp., which is commonly used to produce
banana fritters. Firm ripe bananas were purchased from a local market in Klang, Malaysia.
Bananas were cut from comb using a stainless steel knife and the surface of banana fingers
was washed with tap water to remove external dirt. The bananas were wiped with clean cloth
and cut vertically across the length of the fruits into halves.
   SPI and WPI were purchased from Myprotein, United Kingdom and PCN was procured
from Modernist Pantry, United States. Rice flour (One elephant brand), salt, turmeric powder
(Baba’s brand) and cooking oil (Alif brand) were used for the banana fritters preparation.
Petroleum ether (ACS brand) and Smith brand cellulose thimbles (300 mm width 3 100 mm
length) were purchased from MK Saintifik, Kepong, Malaysia.

2.2 Preparation of batter
Batter was prepared according to the formulation shown in Table 1. PCN, SPI or WPI powder was
first dissolved in 100 ml of water. The hydrocolloid solution was added to the dry ingredients such
as rice flour, salt, turmeric and sodium bicarbonate. For control sample, 100 ml of water was
added to the 100 g of dry ingredients. The mixture was manually mixed using a whisker until the
batter was uniform in texture and free of lumps (Daniali et al., 2013; Xue and Ngadi, 2009).

2.3 Deep-frying of banana fritters
Banana samples were immersed individually into the batter suspensions for 10 s prior to
deep-frying process. The palm oil (300 ml) was heated to 1808C and the battered bananas were
lowered into hot oil. The temperature of the oil was monitored with a digital thermometer

                                 2%         10%         10%        2% PCN þ 10%          2% PCN þ 10%
Ingredients (g)      Control     PCN        WPI          SPI           WPI                    SPI

Rice flour              94.6     92.6        84.6        84.6               82.6                82.6
Pectin                   0.0      2.0         0.0          0.0               2.0                 2.0
Whey protein             0.0      0.0        10.0          0.0              10.0                 0.0
Soy protein isolate      0.0      0.0         0.0        10.0                0.0                10.0
Sodium                   3.0      3.0         3.0          3.0               3.0                 3.0
Salt                     2.0      2.0         2.0          2.0               2.0                 2.0
Turmeric powder          0.4      0.4         0.4          0.4               0.4                 0.4                       Table 1.
Total                 100.0     100.0       100.0       100.0              100.0              100.0           Batter formulation for
Note(s): PCN: Pectin, WPI: Whey protein isolate. SPI: Soy protein isolate, PCN þ WPI: Combination of pectin   banana fritters on dry
and whey protein isolate, PCN þ SPI: Combination of pectin and soy protein isolate                                      weight basis
BFJ      constantly during frying. The banana fritters were fried in the hot oil for 2 min each side using
122,10   a non-stick marble stone frying pan. Only four pieces were deposited into the frying oil each
         time. The excess oil from the surface of fried banana fritters was drained. After each frying
         batch, the oil was replaced.

         2.4 Determination of batter properties
3230     2.4.1 Batter viscosity analysis. The flow behaviour of batters was investigated at 25 ± 18C using a
         rotational R/S Plus rheometer (Brookfield, USA). Coaxial cylinder (CC-40) was used as the spindle.
         The batter was allowed to equilibrate for 5 min and was tested. The sample was sheared at a
         programmed rate linearly increasing from 0 to 200 s1 with 30 data points collected within 300 s.
             2.4.2 Batter pick-up evaluation. Batter pick-up refers to the amount of batter that adheres
         to food sample and was calculated according to the following equation:
                                    Batter pick  up ð%Þ ¼                3 100
                                                                 ðB þ SÞ

         where, B is the weight of the batter coating after frying (g) and S is the weight of the fruit with
         batter coating removed after frying (g). Final values were reported as percentages of batter
         pick-up (Nasiri et al., 2012).

         2.5 Analysis of banana fritter properties
         2.5.1 Moisture content determination. The moisture content of different parts of banana
         fritters (whole, crust, fruit) were determined in triplicates using oven drying method at 1058C
         in accordance to AOAC, 930.15 method (AOAC, 2005). The term whole refers to the crust and
         fruit. Samples were ground individually and 2 g of each sample was weighed and placed in a
         drying oven until a constant weight was achieved.
             Moisture loss from the core of the fruit after frying was calculated as in the following
                                    Initial moisture content ð%Þ  Final moisture contentð%Þ
            Moisture loss ð%Þ ¼                                                                3 100
                                                    Initial moisture contentð%Þ

         where, initial moisture content is defined as moisture content of raw banana fruit, whereas
         final moisture content is defined as moisture content of banana fruit after frying with crust
             2.5.2 Oil content determination. Oil content of fried banana fritters (whole) was determined
         by drying the samples in an oven (Venticell, MMM Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH) at 1058C
         for 3 h, homogenised in a blender (Panasonic, MX-900M) and re-dried at 1058C for 3 h to remove
         moisture. Two grams of powdered samples were subjected to Soxhlet extraction by placing the
         samples in thimble and then transferred to a Soxhlet extractor in accordance to AOAC, 920.39
         method (AOAC, 2005). Round bottom flask was filled with 100 ml of petroleum ether. The
         solvent was heated under reflux for 6 h. After extraction run was completed, the solvent was
         removed using a rotary evaporator (Eyela N-1000), set at temperature of 508C and 10 min
         (speed 3). The extracted samples were collected and weighed. Analysis was carried out in
         triplicates. Reduction in oil content in banana fritters as affected by batter formulations was
         calculated using the following equation as described by Garmakhany et al. (2011).

                                    Oil content ðcontrolÞ%  Oil content ðcoated sampleÞ%
             Oil reduction ð%Þ ¼                                                          3 100
                                                     Oil content ðcontrolÞ%
2.5.3 Colour analysis of banana fritters. The colour intensity of the banana fritters was               Effect of
measured using Hunter (L, a, b) using Konica Minolta chromameter (Konica Minolta CR-400,            hydrocolloids
United States). The surface of banana fritters was measured individually in triplicates and
recorded as L*, a* and b*, where L* indicates lightness or darkness, a* indicates chromaticity
                                                                                                      on banana
on a green to red colour space and b* indicates chromaticity on a blue to yellow colour space.            fritters
    2.5.4 Hardness assessment of banana fritters. The hardness of banana fritters was
evaluated using a texture analyser (TA-XT Plus Texture Analyser, Stable Micro System,
United Kingdom) using a 30 kg load cell. Whole banana fritters (halves) with an average                    3231
length of 12 cm were cut into four pieces horizontally. The end pieces were discarded and the
centre pieces with uniform thickness were used for texture analysis. The sample was placed
on the stage. A cylindrical probe (P/35) with a flat base with a diameter of 10 mm was used.
The settings were as follows: pre-test speed: 1.0 mm/s; test speed: 5.0 mm/s; post-test speed:
5.0 mm/s; target mode distance: 10 mm; trigger force: 5 g; trigger type: auto; delay between
first and second compression: 5 s. The hardness value of banana fritters was defined as the
force at maximum compression in the force deformation curves. Ten measurements were
taken for each formulation and the average values were calculated.

2.6 Sensory evaluation of banana fritters
The samples were assessed for colour, appearance, texture, taste, oiliness, aroma and overall
acceptability by thirty semi-trained sensory panelists using a 9-point hedonic rating scale,
where “1” denotes dislike extremely and “9” denotes like extremely. The banana fritters were
freshly prepared as described in section 2.3 and were presented to the panelists 15 min after
the frying process while the fritters were still warm and crispy. Each panelist was presented
with six formulations of banana fritters including control sample. The sensory analysis was
conducted among Food Service and Nutrition students of Management and Science
University, Shah Alam, Malaysia.

2.7 Statistical analysis
Data were analysed statistically using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
IBM version 22.0. One-way analysis of variance was carried out with a confidence level of
95% and the difference between the means was analysed by Tukey’s HSD post-hoc test for all
the test parameters.

3. Results and discussion
3.1 Batter properties
3.1.1 Viscosity of batter. Batter viscosity is an important characteristic that mainly influences
the batter pick-up, oil content and texture of battered products (Altunakar et al., 2006; Dogan
et al., 2005). Viscosity curve as shown in Figure 1 indicated pseudoplastic behaviour
(decreasing viscosity with increasing shear rate) of batter system prepared with the inclusion
of hydrocolloids. Batter formulation that contains combination of 2% PCN and 10% SPI
resulted in the highest viscosity that ranged from 6.84 to 1.76 Pa.s within the shear rate range
of 0–200 s1 compared to other formulations that could be attributed to their water holding
capacity, gelling ability and synergistic effect of protein-polysaccharide interaction. Batter
containing PCN has intermediate viscosity and the hydrocolloid is known for its rheological
modifying potential (Chan et al., 2017). Meanwhile, batter system with only 10% SPI, 10%
WPI and without the inclusion of hydrocolloid (control formulation) have lower viscosity with
viscosity curve pattern almost similar to Newtonian fluid. As expected, control batter
formulation has the lowest batter viscosity due to the absence of hydrocolloid that has the
ability to hold water and confer viscosity. Protein isolates (SPI/WPI) imparted lower batter
BFJ                                                8
122,10                                             7
                                                                                            2% PCN
                                                                                            10% WPI
                                                                                            2% PCN + 10% WPI
                                                                                            10% SPI
                                                                                            2% PCN + 10% SPI
                                Viscosity (Pa.s)





Figure 1.                                          0
Batter viscosity as                                    0   50           100               150                  200
affected by                                                           Shear rate (1/s)
hydrocolloid addition           Note(s): PCN: Pectin, WPI: Whey protein isolate, SPI: Soy protein isolate,
measured at 258C with
increasing shear rate
                                PCN + WPI: Combination of pectin and whey protein isolate, PCN + SPI:
                                Combination of pectin and soy protein isolate

                        viscosity compared to PCN due to their different structure-function relationship. As stated by
                        Nasiri et al. (2012), viscosity of batter system is significantly affected by the ingredients
                        proportion and physicochemical properties such as water holding capacity, molecular
                        weight, structure, solubility and gelling ability.
                           3.1.2 Batter pick-up. Batter pick-up is generally affected by batter viscosity. Samples that
                        contained hydrocolloids in batter formulation have higher batter pick-up than the control
                        sample (without hydrocolloid addition in the batter system). The highest batter pick-up
                        (38.73%) was recorded for sample coated with combination of 2% PCN and 10% WPI,
                        whereas, the lowest batter pick-up (24.52%) was noted for control sample (Figure 2).
                        Hydrocolloids are recognised for viscosity building effect of batter system. However, in this
                        study, batter pick-up results indicated that the parameter was not solely affected by batter
                        viscosity since less viscous batter formulation with 10% SPI, and 10% WPI (Figure 1)
                        showed significantly higher batter pick-up than the more viscous batter that contained 2%
                        PCN. This could be ascribed to heat induced gel forming ability (thermogelling) of SPI and
                        WPI (Maltais et al., 2005) that could have affected the batter adherence to the fruit during
                        deep-frying process. Heating results in molecular unfolding of protein isolates and the open
                        protein structure has more exposed reactive groups for intermolecular interactions to occur
                        (Nazir et al., 2017). Protein-water interaction was reported to influence water holding capacity
                        and the gelation properties (Maltais et al., 2005). This thermogelling phenomenon was
                        reported to promote stronger batter coating (Garmakhany et al., 2008).

                        3.2 Banana fritters properties
                        3.2.1 Moisture content and moisture loss of banana fritters. Moisture content is defined as the
                        amount of moisture in the sample given as a percentage of the sample’s original (wet) weight.
                        Meanwhile, moisture loss from banana fritters refers to the amount of moisture evaporated as
                        affected by frying process. Moisture content of the banana fritters’ crust, fruit core and whole
                        fruit including the crust were higher for samples with batter containing 2% PCN and protein
                                                                                                                             Effect of
                           40                             d                                                              hydrocolloids
                                                                                         c                                 on banana
      Batter pick-up (%)

                                   Control   2% PCN   10% WPI       2% PCN +         10% SPI     2% PCN +
                                                                    10% WPI                       10% SPI
                                                      Batter formulation
      Note(s): PCN: Pectin, WPI: Whey protein isolate. PCN + WPI: Combination of
      pectin and whey protein isolate, SPI: Soy protein isolate, PCN + SPI: Combination                                            Figure 2.
      of pectin and soy protein isolate                                                                                 Batter pick-up (%) as
      a-eMeans followed by superscripts indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) between                                       affected by
                                                                                                                        hydrocolloid addition
      formulations by Tukey’s HSD test

isolate (10% SPI/10% WPI) compared to the control sample (Table 2). This may be due to
high water holding capacities of these hydrocolloids (Akdeniz et al., 2006) and the barrier
properties of hydrocolloid in the batter system that could retain the moisture in the sample
hence reducing the moisture loss from sample to the frying medium (cooking oil).
    Lower moisture loss from the core of food is typically related to lower oil absorption of
fried products. The combination of 2% PCN and protein isolate (10% WPI/10% SPI) in the
batter system resulted in the lowest moisture loss (0.57–0.66%) from the fruit core of banana
fritters. On the contrary, the highest moisture loss was noted for control sample (1.44%)
(Table 3). This finding was consistent with that reported by Angor (2014) where the highest
moisture retention (the lowest moisture loss) was noted for deep-fried potato pellet chips
coated with WPI compared to uncoated control sample. Similar results were reported for
doughnuts containing 1% PCN (Yazdanseta et al., 2015). The interaction between PCN and
protein isolate as discussed in introduction section enabled effective batter coverage of the
product in controlling the moisture loss.
    3.2.2 Oil content of banana fritters. Oil content is defined as amount of oil absorbed by food
products during deep fat frying process (Mellema, 2003). Banana fritters with batter
formulated with combination of 2% PCN and protein isolate (10% SPI/10% WPI) showed the

Moisture                                                                                        2%             2%
content                                                                                      PCN þ 10%      PCN þ 10%
(%)                             Control      2% PCN     10% WPI                10% SPI          WPI            SPI

Crust         26.20 ± 0.36a 27.59 ± 0.31a 33.97 ± 0.83b         34.43 ± 1.36b 34.73 ± 0.30b 37.26 ± 0.94c
Fruit         49.17 ± 0.23a 54.17 ± 0.31b 61.57 ± 0.31cd 58.72 ± 0.32c 64.50 ± 0.20d 64.25 ± 0.81d
Whole         63.45 ± 0.45a 67.53 ± 0.47b 75.36 ± 0.15c         82.83 ± 1.31d 84.57 ± 0.35e 85.83 ± 0.53e
Note(s): PCN: Pectin, WPI: Whey protein isolate. SPI: Soy protein isolate, PCN þ WPI: Combination of pectin                          Table 2.
and whey protein isolate, PCN þ SPI: Combination of pectin and soy protein isolate                                       Moisture content of
Each value is expressed as mean ± standard deviation (n 5 3) of triplicate analysis                                      crust, fruit core and
    Means followed by superscripts indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) within row by Tukey’s HSD test           whole banana fritters
BFJ                     lowest oil content (about 4%). In contrast, the highest oil content (8.67%) was noted for
122,10                  control sample (without hydrocolloid addition in batter system). Almost 55% of oil reduction
                        in banana fritters was noted as affected by PCN and protein isolate inclusion in the batter
                        system compared to the control sample (Table 3). Individual effect of PCN or protein isolate
                        was lesser compared to the synergistic effect of PCN and protein isolate in the oil reduction
                        mechanism in banana fritters. The findings were in line with that stated by Sahin et al. (2005)
                        where addition of different hydrocolloids to the batter decreased the oil content of the final
3234                    deep-fried products. Less oil absorption can be related to the formation of covalent links
                        within the hydrocolloid films formed during heating (Angor, 2014). Besides that, increased
                        batter pick-up can be associated with higher moisture retention thus reducing the oil
                        absorption in final fried products.
                           3.2.3 Colour of banana fritters. Apart from flavour, aroma, texture and taste, colour is
                        another important quality attribute of fried foods that is influenced by the Maillard reaction
                        (Bordin et al., 2013). The Maillard reaction is the common mechanism causing the brown
                        colour development of heated food as a result of condensation of reducing sugar carbonyl
                        groups and free amino groups of amino acids, peptides or proteins. The brown pigment
                        (melanoidins) formation in fried foods is highly desired by consumers (Starowicz and
                        Zielinski, 2019). The highest L* value was recorded for banana fritters of batter formulation
                        with 2% PCN and 10% WPI (Table 4) where brighter and yellowish shade was noted.
                        Meanwhile, the colour values indicated darker shade of banana fritters with 2% PCN and
                        10% SPI. This could be due to the presence of higher concentration of lysine (the most

                                                                                                         2%               2%
                                                                                                      PCN þ 10%        PCN þ 10%
                                        Control        2% PCN          10% WPI          10% SPI          WPI              SPI

                        Oil content    8.67 ± 0.35d
                                                    6.40 ± 0.46 c
                                                                    5.33 ± 0.31 b
                                                                                     4.50 ± 0.20a     4.10 ± 0.20a   3.93 ± 0.21a
                        Reduction           –       26.18 ± 0.21a 38.52 ± 0.31b 48.10 ± 0.20c 52.71 ± 0.20c 54.67 ± 0.21c
                        in oil
                        uptake (%)
Table 3.                Moisture       1.44 ± 0.03d 1.33 ± 0.06d    0.96 ± 0.03b     1.17 ± 0.02c     0.57 ± 0.04a   0.66 ± 0.09a
Oil content (%),
                        loss (%)
reduction in oil uptake
(%) and moisture loss Note(s): PCN: Pectin, WPI: Whey protein isolate. SPI: Soy protein isolate, PCN þ WPI: Combination of pectin
(%) of banana fritters and whey protein isolate, PCN þ SPI: Combination of pectin and soy protein isolate
as affected by          Each value is expressed as mean ± standard deviation (n 5 3) of triplicate analysis
hydrocolloid addition a-dMeans followed by superscripts indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) within row by Tukey’s HSD test

                                                                                                        2%               2%
                        Colour                                                                       PCN þ 10%        PCN þ 10%
                        value         Control         2% PCN         10% WPI          10% SPI           WPI              SPI

                        L*         63.07 ± 0.09c    64.39 ± 0.88d 65.03 ± 0.34d 60.05 ± 0.28b 66.49 ± 0.30e            55.61 ± 0.26a
                        a*          5.24 ± 0.22b     1.80 ± 0.06a    5.05 ± 0.03b      5.17 ± 0.28b     5.12 ± 0.34b   10.49 ± 0.40c
Table 4.
Colour values of        b*         36.05 ± 0.19bc 38.20 ± 0.73d 36.64 ± 0.26c 35.57 ± 0.06b 35.59 ± 0.13b              34.46 ± 0.22a
banana fritters as      Note(s): PCN: Pectin, WPI: Whey protein isolate. SPI: Soy protein isolate, PCN þ WPI: Combination of pectin
affected by             and whey protein isolate, PCN þ SPI: Combination of pectin and soy protein isolate
hydrocolloid addition   Each value is expressed as mean ± standard deviation (n 5 3) of triplicate analysis
in the batter system       Means followed by superscripts indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) within row by Tukey’s HSD test
reactive amino acid for the Maillard reaction) in SPI (Singh et al., 2008) that contributed to                      Effect of
increased browning effect. Similar findings were reported by Singh and Mohamed (2007),                          hydrocolloids
where darker cookies were observed with an increase in SPI concentration in the formulation.
Overall, addition of hydrocolloid significantly affected the colour of banana fritters.
                                                                                                                  on banana
    3.2.4 Hardness of banana fritters. Hardness of fried foods is defined as the force required                       fritters
to penetrate the sample through the crust (Brannan, 2008). The trend of hardness value of
banana fritters observed in this study is as follows: 2% PCN and 10% SPI (8,893 g) > Control
(7,368 g) > 2% PCN and 10% WPI (6,621 g) > 10% SPI (5,949 g) > 2% PCN (5,663 g) > 10%                                       3235
WPI (4,243 g). The highest hardness was observed for banana fritters treated with
combination of 2% PCN and 10% SPI, whereas the lowest hardness value was found for
banana fritters with 10% WPI in the batter formulation could be related to batter viscosity to
an extent. According to Dogan et al. (2005), viscous batter could increase the batter adhesion
to the food surface hence promoting crust formation contributing to a harder texture of final
product. In the present study, based on the trend, an association between batter viscosity and
product hardness was only noted for banana fritters with batter containing combination of
2% PCN and 10% SPI and only 10% WPI. This suggests that other physicochemical
characteristics apart from viscosity affect the hardness of final product which requires
further investigation.
    3.2.5 Sensory characteristics of banana fritters. Evaluation of sensory properties is
essential in any food product development as the consumer acceptability towards the product
is important regardless of the improved physicochemical characteristics of the newly
developed food product. Table 5 shows no significant (p > 0.05) differences in the preference
of banana fritters in terms of colour, texture, aroma and appearance. For the attribute oiliness,
the panellists preferred samples containing SPI in the batter system compared to PCN alone,
WPI alone and combination of PCN and WPI. It was noted that low oil content of fritters
(Table 3) was not related to high preference for the sensory attribute oiliness (Table 5) as
exhibited by fritters containing combination of PCN and WPI in the batter system. Control
sample with the highest oil content (8.67%) received a high score for oiliness (6.77) where the
score was insignificantly different (p > 0.05) from that obtained for fritters containing PCN
and SPI in the batter system (7.73) which have the lowest oil content (3.93%). Perceived
oiliness in samples by the sensory panellists can be affected by various factors such as
complex interaction between sensory characteristics, carry-over effect between samples and
panellists’ sensitiveness, body composition and dietary habits (Mela and Christensen, 1987;

                                                                                  2%              2%
Sensory                                                                        PCN þ 10%       PCN þ 10%
attribute         Control        2% PCN         10% WPI         10% SPI           WPI             SPI

Colour          7.03 ± 1.94 a
                               7.23 ± 1.43a
                                               7.13 ± 1.70
                                                                7.60 ± 1.19a     7.17 ± 1.68a  7.77 ± 1.19a
Texture         7.00 ± 1.58a
                               7.10 ± 1.40a
                                               6.83 ± 1.66 a
                                                                7.57 ± 1.25a
                                                                                 7.20 ± 1.35a
                                                                                               7.67 ± 1.24a
Taste           6.80 ± 1.81ab 6.30 ± 1.15a 6.60 ± 1.16ab 7.57 ± 0.90b            7.00 ± 1.91ab 7.67 ± 1.27b
Oiliness        6.77 ± 1.79b   5.43 ± 1.31a 4.97 ± 2.21a        7.33 ± 1.16b     4.97 ± 1.50a  7.73 ± 1.17b
Aroma           7.20 ± 1.56a   6.73 ± 1.26a 7.10 ± 1.40a        7.33 ± 0.96a     7.13 ± 1.59a  7.50 ± 1.17a
Appearance      6.97 ± 1.71a
                               7.30 ± 1.15a
                                               6.83 ± 1.72 a
                                                                7.50 ± 0.86a
                                                                                 7.37 ± 1.35a
                                                                                               7.53 ± 1.20a                 Table 5.
Overall         7.03 ± 1.43ab 6.90 ± 1.19a 7.13 ± 1.66ab 7.50 ± 0.86ab 7.33 ± 1.54ab 7.90 ± 1.16b Sensory characteristics
                                                                                                                of banana fritters as
acceptability                                                                                                             affected by
Note(s): PCN: Pectin, WPI: Whey protein isolate. SPI: Soy protein isolate, PCN þ WPI: Combination of pectin hydrocolloid addition
and whey protein isolate, PCN þ SPI: Combination of pectin and soy protein isolate                            using hedonic scale: 1
Each value is expressed as mean ± standard deviation (n 5 30)                                                (dislike extremely) to 9
   Means followed by superscripts indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) within row by Tukey’s HSD test         (like extremely)
BFJ      Mela, 1990). Significant differences in terms of taste and overall acceptability were detected
122,10   between the samples. The highest overall acceptability mean score was recorded for banana
         fritters with batter formulation of 2% PCN and 10% SPI (7.90) which differed significantly
         from fritters treated with 2% PCN (Table 5).

         4. Conclusion
3236     In this study, the effect of batter with hydrocolloid addition on physicochemical and sensory
         qualities of banana fritters was investigated. Highest batter viscosity and batter pick-up were
         found in batter with combination of 2% PCN and protein isolate (10% WPI/10% SPI). This
         resulted in the highest moisture content, lowest moisture loss and oil content in banana fritters
         with batter formulation containing combination of 2% PCN and protein isolate (10% WPI/10%
         SPI). Hydrocolloid addition in the batter system significantly affected the colour values of
         banana fritters. In terms of oiliness and overall acceptability, panelists preferred banana fritters
         with batter formulation with combination of 2% PCN with 10% SPI. The findings indicated
         potential application of 2% PCN and 10% SPI in the batter system for oil reduction, moisture
         retention and good physicochemical and sensory properties of fried products.

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         Corresponding author
         Sri Puvanesvari Gannasin can be contacted at: rg_puvanes@yahoo.com

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