EFCE launches Spotlight Talks - Sample the work of EFCE's scientific group in ten free webinars - European Federation of ...

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EFCE launches Spotlight Talks - Sample the work of EFCE's scientific group in ten free webinars - European Federation of ...
European Federation of Chemical Engineering
                                                        Europäische Föderation für Chemie-Ingenieur-Wesen

                                                                 Fédération Européenne de Génie Chimique

                                                    NEWS AND EVENTS NOVEMBER 2020

EFCE launches Spotlight Talks
Sample the work of EFCE’s scientific group in ten free webinars

The European Federation of Chemical Engineers       approach to the discussion. The Thermodynamics
(EFCE) is organising a series of free virtual       webinar will focus on thermodynamic tools for
spotlight talks on significant topics in Chemical   CO2 capture. The Chemical Reaction session will
Engineering. Eleven of our technical groups         address the role of electrification in the chemical
(Working Parties and Sections) are delivering       industry. Quality by Design will discuss tools for
short sessions of three or four talks by leading
                                                    the optimization of (bio)pharma processes such
industrial and academic experts on:
                                                    a system modelling, machine learning and digital
• Chemical Reaction Engineering                     twins. The Multiscale Flow and Mixing session will
• Education                                         explore a promising modelling approach using
• Energy
• Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion               Welcome to the autumn 2020 issue of the
• Mechanics of Particulate Solids                    EFCE News. If you have any comments on the
• Mixing & Multiphase Fluid Flow                     newsletter please get in touch.
• Process Intensification                            Hermann Feise
• Quality by Design                                  EFCE President

• Static Electricity in Industry
                                                     In this issue:
• Thermodynamics and Transport
  Properties.                                        • EFCE launches Spotlight Talks
                                                     • News from CHISA: Webinar and CHISA
Each session will focus on key topics in the area
                                                       2021 VIRTUALLY
and the series enables attendees to sample
topics in areas that they find interesting but       • Call for Nominations: 2021 Excellence
may not otherwise have had the opportunity to          Award in Thermodynamics and Transport
attend to encourage cross fertilisation between        Properties
specialist areas.                                    • EFCE News in brief
  Energy talks will address the role of carbon       • News about the official EFCE Journals
capture and storage as we move to a negative         • EFCE Events in 2020-22
carbon society bringing a Chemical Engineering

EFCE launches Spotlight Talks - Sample the work of EFCE's scientific group in ten free webinars - European Federation of ...
of macroscale “compartments” which differ in         engineers in Europe. With its Working Parties
certain properties of the flow, concentration        and Sections it covers all areas of Chemical
and particle characteristic while the Mechanics      Engineering.
of Particulate Solids considers common                  EFCE’s Working Parties & Sections are
problems with conventional solid materials and       at the core of the organisation and form the
renewable feedstocks. Process Intensification        scientific engine that drives many of EFCE’s
will focus on embedding lifelong learning of this    activities. Each of its 20 Working Parties
now relatively mature topic. Electrostatics in       focuses on a specific aspect of Chemical
Industry will discuss some specific cases where      Engineering. They provide an important forum
practical lessons can be drawn. Loss Prevention      for networking among chemical engineers
and Safety discusses resilience and safety of        in Europe. Membership to the Working
industrial clusters. Education session will focus    Parties is drawn from among EFCE’s Member
on the changes brought about by Covid-19             Societies. The five Sections are open to any
on teaching methods and the new tools put in         professional chemical engineer, or a specialist
place.                                               in a related field, who is willing to contribute
  The EFCE promotes scientific                       to the activities of an EFCE Section and of the
collaboration and supported the work                 Federation.
of chemical engineers and collaborating                 Attendance is free. The full programme
professionals in 30 European countries               and registration details are available at:
representing more than 100,000 chemical              www.efce.info/Spotlight_Talks

 Date                            Time (CET)           Topic
                                                    Electrostatics in industry: risks, measurements
 23 November 2020                 13:00–15:15       and materials
                                                    Working Party on Static Electricity in Industry
                                                    Engineering Loss Prevention and Safety 4.0
 24 November 2020                 13:30–15:30       Working Party on Loss Prevention and Safety
                                                    Promotion in the Process Industries
                                                    CCU(vs.)S: How chemical engineering can shed
                                                    light on challenges and opportunities of carbon
 25 November 2020                 11:00–13:00       capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture
                                                    and utilization (CCU) in a climate positive society?
                                                    Section on Energy
                                                    Electrification of the chemical industry
 26 November 2020                 10:30–11:30
                                                    Working Party on Chemical Reaction Engineering
                                                    Handling of particulate solids
 27 November 2020                 13:30–15:00
                                                    Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids
                                                    Chemical engineering education in Covid-19
                                                    era - experiences in ensuring distance learning
 30 November 2020                 10:30–12:00
                                                    achieves the necessary learning outcomes?
                                                    Working Party on Education
                                                    Multiscale Mixing in Multiphase Flows
 1 December 2020                  09:00–11:00
                                                    Working Parties on Mixing & Multiphase Fluid Flow
                                                    Lifelong Learning of Process Intensification
 2 December 2020                  10:30–12:30       for an Innovative industry
                                                    Working Party on Process Intensification
                                                    Thermodynamic tools for CO2 capture
 3 December 2020                  13:30–15:00       Working Party on Thermodynamics and
                                                    Transport Properties
                                                    Quality by Design tools for the Optimization
                                                    of (BioH)Pharma Processes System Modelling,
 4 December 2020                  13:30–15:00
                                                    Machine Learning and Digital Twins
                                                    Working Party on Quality by Design

EFCE launches Spotlight Talks - Sample the work of EFCE's scientific group in ten free webinars - European Federation of ...
News from CHISA
CHISA – De Gruyter – EFCE webinar                 International Congress of Chemical and Process
We are very pleased to inform you that the        Engineering, CHISA, which will be held virtually
CHISA – De Gruyter – EFCE team is holding a       from 15 to 18 March 2021. As all the CHISA
second webinar on chemical engineering. The       Congresses in the past, also this one will cover
webinar is again free and it will be held on      a range of attractive topics and will offer many
Thursday, 26 November 2020,                       interdisciplinary links. However, this time, all
13:30–15:00 CET.                                  the matter will be available online!
   The scientific lecture will be delivered by       Join CHISA 2021 VIRTUALLY and cooperate
Prof. Reinhard Job, FH Munster University of      with others to bring the highest level of the
Applied Sciences (https://www.fh-muenster.de/     chemical engineering science to the congress
eti/personen/professoren/job/index.php )          on-line auditory.
   The treated topic is entitled: Teaching        Topics:
Electrochemical Energy Storage to                 I. We Think Global; II. Energy First; III.
Engineers.                                        Continuous Processing and Miniaturisation,
   The webinar will also feature an update on     Mixing; IV. Industry 4.0; V. Advanced
the CHISA Virtually congress which is now being   Functional Materials, Structures and
prepared by a joint CHISA and DECHEMA team        Components; VI. The Green Square; VII. The
to be held in March 2021, under the auspices of   Essentials; VIII. Hand in Hand; VIII. The Wiley-
the EFCE.                                         VCH Poster Session.
   To join the webinar, register at:
https://dechema.zoom.us/webinar/                  For details see: https://2020.chisa.cz/
register/WN_4piMnj2RQPuWz_TiVZ84yg                scientific-program/#main-topics
                                                  The call for papers is open for your
CHISA 2021 VIRTUALLY                              contribution to CHISA 2021 VIRTUALLY.
15–18 March 2021                                  Join CHISA 2021 VIRTUALLY for keeping the
The Czech Society of Chemical Engineering         chemical engineering community alive!
(CSCHE) invites you to the upcoming               Website: https://virtually.chisa.cz/

 Call for Nominations
 2021 Excellence Award in Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
 The European Federation of Chemical              EFCE Member Country or by a member of a
 Engineering (EFCE) is pleased to announce        national or regional member association of EFCE.
 the call for nominations for the 2021 EFCE         The nominated PhD thesis and publication(s)
 Excellence Award in Thermodynamics and           must address a topic relevant to the field of
 Transport Properties. The Award recognises a     thermodynamics and/or transport properties.
 PhD thesis and associated papers published       The thesis must have been completed and
 in the preceding two-year period, which          published and the PhD degree examined and
 demonstrate an outstanding contribution to       awarded between 1 January 2019 and 31
 research and/or practice in thermodynamics       December 2020.
 and/or transport properties.
                                                  Closing date for nominations: 15 January
    The award consists of a certificate, a
 cash prize of EUR 1,500, a travel grant (not
 exceeding EUR 500) and fee waiver to attend      Further information about the nomination
 the 31st European Symposium on Applied           procedure, selection of candidates,
 Thermodynamics - ESAT 2021 (http://www.          eligibility, and supporting documentation,
 esat2020.com/) in Paris, France on 4-7 July      can be obtained from the Working Party on
 2021, where the award will be presented.         Thermodynamics and Transport Properties’
    Nominations may be submitted by any PhD       website at: https://wp-ttp.dk/ or from:
 supervisor at a PhD-awarding institution in an   https://www.efce.info/ExcellenceAwardTTP.html

                                   WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | NOVEMBER 2020 | PAGE 3
EFCE launches Spotlight Talks - Sample the work of EFCE's scientific group in ten free webinars - European Federation of ...
News about the official EFCE journals
Read journal papers for free

The following articles / issues are set for free      Food and Bioproducts Processing
access periods. In addition to these, articles
that are published via the open access route in       https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/food-
the journal are also freely available to all. These   and-bioproducts-processing
are identified in ScienceDirect by a green dot.       Freely available content:
It is possible sign up to an RSS alert specifically
to inform when a new open access article is           • January 2020 issue (Volume 119)
published in the journal – see individual journal       https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/food-
pages to set this up.                                   and-bioproducts-processing/vol/119/suppl/C
                                                      • Climate Change special issue (content from
Chemical Engineering Research
                                                        all IChemE journals brought together in this
and Design                                              special collection) https://www.sciencedirect.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/chemical-         com/journal/chemical-engineering-research-
engineering-research-and-design                         and-design/special-issue/10PKDRV23KV
Freely available content:
                                                      Education for Chemical Engineers
• January 2020 issue (Volume 153)
  (Available for free until the end of 2020)          https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/
  https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/              education-for-chemical-engineers
  chemical-engineering-research-and-design/           Freely available content:
                                                      • NEW Special Issue - Remote delivery of
• Climate Change special issue (content from            practical skills in chemical engineering
  all IChemE journals brought together in this          education
  special collection) https://www.sciencedirect.        https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/
  com/journal/chemical-engineering-research-            education-for-chemical-engineers/special-
  and-design/special-issue/10PKDRV23KV                  issue/1040RH69WVP
Process Safety and Environmental                      • January 2020 issue (Volume 30)
Protection                                              https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/
https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/process-          suppl/C
Freely available content:                             Sustainable Production and
• NEW January 2021 issue (Volume 145)                 Consumption
  https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/              https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/
  process-safety-and-environmental-protection/        sustainable-production-and-consumption
                                                      Freely available content:
• Climate Change special issue (content from
  all IChemE journals brought together in this        • NEW January 2021 issue (Volume 25)
  special collection) https://www.sciencedirect.        https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/
  com/journal/chemical-engineering-research-            sustainable-production-and-consumption/
  and-design/special-issue/10PKDRV23KV                  vol/25/suppl/C

EFCE launches Spotlight Talks - Sample the work of EFCE's scientific group in ten free webinars - European Federation of ...
Invitation to submit papers                         safety-and-environmental-protection/call-for-
We have a number of special issues planned that     papers/special-issue-safety-and-risk-analysis-in-
are currently open for submission. Submissions      digitalized-process
from all welcome! If you require any further
information then please contact Managing Editor     Sustainable Production and
Catherine Cliffe ccliffe@icheme.org                 Consumption
Details as follows:                                 Special Issue: International Trade and Climate
                                                    Change (Manuscript submission deadline
Process Safety and Environmental                    30 November 2020) – https://www.journals.
Protection                                          elsevier.com/sustainable-production-and-
Special Issue: Data-Driven Risk Analysis
(Manuscript submission deadline 31 August 2020)     international-trade-and-climate-change
– https://www.journals.elsevier.com/process-        Special Issue: Future of Sustainable Production
                                                    and Consumption: Lessons from the COVID-
                                                    19 pandemic (Manuscript submission deadline
Special issue: Safety and Risk Analysis in          30 November 2020) – https://www.
Digitalized Process Operations (Manuscript          journals.elsevier.com/sustainable-production-
submission deadline 31 March 2021)                  and-consumption/call-for-papers/future-of-
https://www.journals.elsevier.com/process-          sustainable-production-and-consumption

 Efce News in Brief
 EFCE Trustee Annual Report 2019
 now available
 Since its registration as a Charitable (CIO) in the
 UK, EFCE publishes an Annual Report prepared by
 the EFCE Officers.
   The Trustee Annual Report 2019 is available on the
 EFCE website at:

 In Memoriam Professor Michael L Michelsen
 Professor Michael Michelsen, Emeritus Professor at the Technical
 University of Denmark, passed away on 26 August 2020. His
 contributions in applied thermodynamics, both related to algorithms
 and models, are extremely well-known and he has certainly put his
 stamp on numerous aspects of this field and community. In 2014, EFCE
 and its Working Party on Thermodynamics and Transport Properties honoured
 him with their Distinguished Lecture in recognition of his outstanding work in
 the field of thermodynamics. He will be deeply missed.

 3rd European Forum on New Technologies
 Chemical Engineering in the Plant of the Future
 4 and 11 September 2020
 The speakers’ presentation slides and the links to the recorded talks on YouTube are now
 available at: https://efce.info/3rd+European+Forum+on+New+Technologies.html

                                  WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | NOVEMBER 2020 | PAGE 5
ne       N
                                                                                              w     ot
                                                                                                  da e
Events organised by or on behalf                                                                       s!
of EFCE in 2020/22
An extended list of events is available at http://www.efce.info/events.html

14th Mediterranean Congress of                       applications. The purpose of the event is to discuss
Chemical Engineering                                 the current topical issues, in a comprehensive and
                                                     multidisciplinary manner, concerning sustainable
Barcelona, Spain, New date: 1-4                      development and protection of the environment
December 2020 (EFCE Event No. 768)                   and their application in science, technology and
The event is organised by SEQUI (Sociedad            processing industry.
Espanola de Quimica Industrial e Ingenieria          Topics: Chemical and Electrochemical
Quimica) in the frame of EXPOQUIMIA. The             Engineering; Food Engineering and Biotechnology;
Congress will focus on the dissemination of the      Environmental Engineering; Materials and Material
most recent advances and results related to          Characterization; Nanotechnology; Inorganic
Chemical Engineering Science.                        Chemistry and Technology; Organic Chemistry
Topics: Separation Technologies; Chemical            and Technology, Polymers; Plasma Technology;
Reactors; Processes Systems Engineering;             Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources;
Sustainable Development and Environmental            Textile Engineering; Corrosion and Protection of
Engineering; Food and Biochemical Engineering;       Materials and Thermal Power Plants; Metallurgy;
Process and Product Engineering.                     Management in the Processing Industry; General
Plenary speakers: Renato Rota, Politecnico di        Sections.
Milano; Jorge Ruiz Royo, CEO Arandipur SL; Wayne     Register NOW!
Sim, 3esi and Aucerna.                               Website: https://eem.tfzv.ues.rs.ba/
Register NOW!
Website: https://www.mecce.org/                      ESCAPE-31 – 31st European
                                                     Symposium on Computer Aided
CHISA Virtual 2020 –                                 Process Engineering
24th International Congress of                       Istanbul, Turkey, 6-9 June 2021
Chemical and Process Engineering                     (EFCE Event No. 776)
Online, 15–18 March 2021                             ESCAPE-31 event is organized under the auspices
(EFCE Event No. 772)                                 of the EFCE Working Party on Computer Aided
                                                     Process Engineering (CAPE-WP), the Chamber
See ‘News from CHISA’.                               of Chemical Engineers of Turkey (KMO), and Koc
                                                     University, Istanbul. ESCAPE-31 aims to bring
EEM21 - 7th International Congress                   together researchers and practitioners of computer-
Engineering, Environment and                         aided process engineering (CAPE) community and
Materials in Processing Industry                     provide a forum to present and evaluate emerging
                                                     research methods and concepts, and to learn from
Jahorina Mountain, East Sarajevo,                    industrial case studies.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 17-19 March                  Themes:
2021 (EFCE Event No. 777)                            1. Process-product synthesis, design and
For the 7th time, the International Congress         integration: product design principles and
on Engineering, Environment and Materials in         applications, process integration, single-and multi-
Processing Industry is organised by the Faculty of   objective synthesis and design of processes,
Technology, University of East Sarajevo.             modular plants, integration of intensified process
EEM21 will continue to bring together leaders        units, product-process design: property-prediction-
from industry and academia to exchange and           based synthesis and design;
share their experiences, present research            2. Methods, models and computational tools for
results, explore collaborations and to spark new     PSE: methodical approaches and frameworks for
ideas, with the aim of developing new projects       modeling and solving problems in PSE, optimization
and exploiting new technology for sustainable        models and solution algorithms, data analytics,

Save the date!
                                                         17th International Symposium
                                                         on Loss Prevention and Safety
numerical methods and tools, numerical analysis,
process simulation, large-scale and multi-level
                                                         Promotion in the Process
optimization, agent-based modelling;                     Industries – Loss Prevention 2022
3. Process control and operations: scheduling,           Prague, Czech Republic, 5-8 June
operability, flexibility and optimization                2022 (EFCE Event No. 765)
under uncertainty, Interaction & information
                                                         The 17th International Symposium on
infrastructure, off- and on-line control, smart
                                                         Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in
sensors, analysis of dynamic plant data, plant-
                                                         the Process Industries and accompanying
wide control, operational excellence, real-time
                                                         exhibition is organised by the Faculty of
optimization, operator training, safety
                                                         Safety Engineering - VSB Technical University
4. CAPE/PSE in energy/water/food nexus and               of Ostrava and the EFCE Working Party on
sustainability: energy, food and water issues,           Loss Prevention.
carbon capture and sequestering, solar refineries,
                                                         Website: http://www.lossprevention2022.org
life cycle analysis, industrial infrastructures,
infrastructures for sustainable production,
sustainability indicators and footprints, risk          sustainable future”, which captures the aim of
assessment, waste reduction and management,             the organisers to showcase scientific advances in
waste-water treatment, energy storage and               physical, chemical and biochemical routes towards
conversion systems                                      a future where electrochemical engineering is part
5. Process operations and supply chains: process        of a sustainable society, closing resource cycles
supply chains, synthesis and design of production/      and contributing to zero-pollution mobility and
distribution systems, models and application of         manufacturing.
chemicals supply chains, process operations,            Topics: Electrocatalysis and electrochemical
preventive maintenance, risk assessment in process      technologies; Safe water and air; Corrosion science
supply chains, flexibility analysis
                                                        for durable materials; Water electrolysis and fuel
6. PSE in biological systems and processes:             cells; Novel energy storage devices, batteries, and
Biological systems, protein structure-function          electrochemical capacitors; Bioelectrochemistry for
analysis, design of biological agents, synthetic        energy conversion and resource recovery; Green
biology, systems biology, fermentation, biorefineries   capture and conversion of CO2; Electrochemical
7. Education in CAPE/PSE & knowledge transfer:          recovery of raw materials; Advanced membranes
best practices in academia, continued training in a     and electrodes for selective ion removal; General
changing professional practice, effective selling of    session.
high-quality PSE solutions to industry, knowledge       Invited speakers: Matthias Wessling; Menachem
transfer hurdles, effective exploitation of CAPE/PSE    Elimelech; Martin Z Bazant; Elif Karatay; Geoff
tools                                                   Kelsall; Matthew Suss; Manuel Andres Rodrigo; Xiao
Plenary speakers: Marc-Olivier Coppens,                 Su.
University College London; Stratos Pistikopoulos,       On the occasion of the ESEE2021 the EFCE Working
Texas A&M University; Gintaras V. (Rex) Reklaitis,      Party will present its prestigious Carl Wagner
Purdue University.
                                                        Medal of Excellence in Electrochemical
Register NOW!                                           Engineering.
Website: https://www.escape31.org/                      The call for abstracts will open on November 1,
                                                        2020. Deadline: 15 January 2021
12th European Symposium on
                                                        Website: http://www.electrochemical-engineering.
Electrochemical Engineering – ESEE                      eu/2021/
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands                             ACHEMA 2021
New date: 13-17 June 2021                               Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 14–18
EFCE Event No. 766)                                     June 2021 (EFCE Event No. 775)
The 12th European Symposium on Electrochemical          Feel the heartbeat of our industry! The process
Engineering - ESEE 2021 is organised by the EFCE        industry is the innovation driver of the world
Working Party on Electrochemical Engineering in         economy and the pacemaker for numerous
cooperation with Wetsus.                                industrial sectors
The scope of ESEE is “Electrochemistry for              Practically all global value chains profit in one way
electrification and energy transition toward a          or another from the achievements of chemistry,

                                      WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | NOVEMBER 2020 | PAGE 7
biotechnology and process engineering. ACHEMA is        XXIV International Conference on
the central arena of the process industry. Nowhere      Chemical Reactors - CHEMREACTOR-24
is the heartbeat of our industry faster, more
intense, up-to-date, innovative and international
                                                        Milan, Italy, New date: 12–17
than here.                                              September 2021 (EFCE Event No. 769)
Take this opportunity to forge new contacts, to build   The XXIV International Conference on Chemical
up business relations and find solutions for your       Reactors – CHEMREACTOR-24 is organised by the
current projects!                                       Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Russia jointly with
                                                        the world famous Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
At the ACHEMA Congress, researchers, developers
                                                        Main topics: Advances in Chemical Reactor
and users get together to discuss what’s needed,
                                                        Fundamentals; Chemical Reaction Engineering
what’s possible and what will be the next big thing
                                                        and Reactor Design – Novel Experimental
in the process industries.
                                                        Approaches, Modeling, Scale-Up and Optimisation;
Website: https://www.achema.de/en/                      Chemical Reactors and Technologies for Targeted
                                                        Applications; Advanced Processing of Conventional
17th European Conference on Mixing                      and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Feedstocks.
Porto, Portugal, 27-30 June 2021 (to                    Plenary speakers: Prof. Guy Marin; Prof. Annemie
be postponed) (EFCE Event No. 773)                      Bogaerts; Prof. Ib Chorkendorff; Prof. Fausto
                                                        Gallucci; Prof. Freek Kapteijn; Dr. Carlo Perego.
The Mixing Conference is organiser by the
University of Porto on behalf of the EFCE Working       Register NOW.
Party on Mixing.                                        Website: http://conf.nsc.ru/CR-24/en/
Website: http://mixing17.eu/
                                                        ECCE13 & ECAB6–13th European
1st International Symposium on                          Congress of Chemical Engineering &
Industrial Crystallization-ISIC 21                      6th European Congress on Applied
Potsdam, Germany. New date:                             Biotechnology
30 August–2 September 2021                              Berlin, Germany, 19-23 September
(EFCE Event No. 751)                                    2021 (EFCE Event No. 767)
The symposium is organised under the auspices of        Motto: Engineering the Future
the EFCE’s Working Party on Crystallization and, has
                                                        At ECCE 13 & ECAB 6, scientists from industry,
become the premier international conference in the
                                                        university and research institutions from Europe
field of industrial crystallization.
                                                        and beyond will meet in Berlin to discuss the latest
The 21st ISIC provides a meeting and a discussion       research and industrial applications in all fields of
forum for scientists and engineers from academia        chemistry, process engineering, biotechnology and
and industry as well as suppliers of crystallization    related fields.
and related analytical equipment. The conference
                                                        Features of ECCE 13 & ECAB 6:
program will include lectures and poster sessions.
A concomitant exhibition and introductory tutorials     • The highlight event for the European chemical
will complete the event.                                  engineering and biotechnology community
Main Topics: Fundamentals of crystallization;           • Cross-linking disciplines and organisations to
Crystallization and precipitation in fine chemical,       span the bridge from R&D to the industrial
specialty & life-science industries; Developments in      practice
large scale industrial crystallization; Contributions   • High-profile international keynote and plenary
of crystallization to sustainability; Integrated          speakers
process design: Crystallization in the industrial       • Special offerings for students and young
process chain.                                            scientists
Plenary and Evening speakers: Prof. Beatrice            • Industry exhibition and plenty of networking
Biscans, France; Prof. Richard Braatz, USA; Prof.          opportunities
Helmut Cölfen, Germany; Prof. Juanma Garcia-Ruiz,
Spain; Dr. Daniel Green, USA; Dipl.-Ing. Christian      ECCE 13 & ECAB 6 is organised by DECHEMA under
Melches, Germany.                                       the auspices of EFCE and ESBES.
Website: https://dechema.de/en/ISIC_2021                Topics:
                                                        Controlling complexity: Modelling, Measurement
                                                        & Process Control (digitalisation, AI, process

Save the date!
                                                         ESCAPE-32 – 32nd European
modelling, molecular modelling, automation, smart
                                                         Symposium on Computer Aided
(bio)sensors, process control, CAPE/PSE, plant           Process Engineering
safety, containments, ...);                              Toulouse, France, 12-15 June 2022
Engineering processes, products, …: Chemical             (EFCE Event No. 778)
& Bioprocesses (bioreactors, integrated continuous       ESCAPE-32 is organised by INP Toulouse in
bio-manufacturing, single-use reactors, scale-up,        co-operation with the EFCE Working Party on
process intensification, particle technology, fluid      Computer Aided Process Engineering.
process engineering, multiphase systems, process
and plant design, modular production, materials          Website: coming soon
for 3D printing, product design, new materials, ...;
Separation technologies/ downstream processing          topics are within the scope of the conference.
(membranes, fluid separations, adsorption,
crystallization, chromatography…); Chemical             Besides, the interdisciplinary composition of the
and Biocatalysis (catalyst characterization,            conference gives the best opportunity to get
                                                        inspired by solutions in other fields and promote
heterogenous catalysis, enzyme technology, protein
                                                        relationships for innovation and breakthroughs.
engineering, cell-free systems, chemo-enzymatic
syntheses, microbial fuel cells & electrosyntheses)     Topics :
… And life: Biological Production Systems (systems      1. Applications and Industry; 2. ESD; 3.
biology, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology,      Fundamentals; 4. Hazards;5. Liquids; 6. Solid and
cell culture technology, biofilms, ...);                Powders; 7. Gases; 8. Measuring Techniques; 9.
                                                        Standards; 10. History of Electrostatics.
Finding new routes: Sustainable production,
low carbon & circular (bio)economy, clean water         All steps of the conference will be started
and energy (H2 Economy, H2 technologies, C1             again, with a new call for papers in which
feedstocks, plant/algae biotechnology, food             will open in November 2020.
production, biorefineries, recycling/waste              Deadline: 15 December 2020.
utilisation, bio-leaching, electrochemical processes,   Please check the conference website for details.
process electrification, power-to-x, (waste)water
technologies, bio-based products (fuels, polymers,      Website: http://www.electrostatics2021.pwr.edu.
chemicals), ...);                                       pl/wp/
Preparing for the future: Novel ways of
education and training (Curriculum Development
& Transformation, e-Learning & e-Assessment,
Teaching Engineering, Design, Safety &                   Contact
Sustainability, CHARMING
                                                         Follow us on social media:
Sponsorship: Be part and support ECCE 13 &
ECAB 6. Further information:
http://ecce-ecab2021.eu/sponsoring.html                               facebook.com/theEFCE
The call for papers will open in August 2020.
Website: http://ecce-ecab2021.eu/
Twitter: #ecceecab21

Electrostatics 2022                                                   @EFCE_Comms
Wroclaw, Poland, New date: 28 March
– 1 April 2022 (EFCE Event No. 774)
Electrostatics 2021 has become Electrostatics                         UCxuvfbb5ST3DMHLAwZ6326w
2022. The Conference is organised by the
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in                       Ines Honndorf, e-mail:
co-operation with the EFCE Working Party on Static                    ines.honndorf@dechema.de
Electricity in Industry.
                                                                      Claudia Flavell-While, e-mail:
Electrostatics 2022 provides a unique                                 claudia@icheme.org
interdisciplinary forum for discussion about
the electrostatic phenomena and its industrial           Every effort is made to ensure the factual accuracy of the content
                                                         of this e-newsletter, but EFCE cannot accept any responsibility
applications. Fundamentals, hazards, applications,       for errors.
measuring techniques, standards and other related

                                      WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | NOVEMBER 2020 | PAGE 9
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