Page created by Patrick Henderson
                                              SPRING 23

                                              BEGINS JAN 4


                          Be the main character
                                       of yourEssentials
                                        Nonprofit story.| 5
                                           Adobe® Tools | 12
                                           Fitness | 40
                                           … and many more!

                                          Self-care | 5
                                          Life’s Adventures | 12
                                          Date Night | 40
                                          … and many more!

                       | 314-984-7777
Work              Citizens Emergency
        Bucket                                                    It                  Response Training (CERT) | 13
                                                                                   Introduction to Cryptocurrency | 31
         List                                                                      Grant Writing | 5

                  Introduction to the Stock Market | 31
                  Introduction to T’ai Chi | 43
                  Improv Acting Techniques
                     for Beginners | 25                                                               Self-care
                  Vision Boards | 18            Crystals: An Introduction | 17
                                                Meditation: Release Anxiety
                                                  and Increase Productivity | 44
                                                Men and Women’s Krav MagaTM | 43

                 The Greek Isles | 16
                 Native Landscaping Tour | 34
                 Armchair Tour
                 Through History:
                   St. Louis Baseball | 37

Start your story.
Register at:

Call Center
   Phone: 314-984-7777
   Email:                            Night
    • M-Th 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
    • F 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.                            Couples Massage | 44
                                                    Moroccan Dinner Party | 23
                                                    Sights of Italy | 16

Spring 2023 Continuing Education Courses
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                           PERSONAL ENRICHMENT                                                 HELPFUL INFORMATION
 Essentials Training..................................5            Ageless Learning Seminars...................15                      General Information.............................45
  Business Essentials.................................. 5           Culture..................................................... 16    Location Index......................................45
  Nonprofit Essentials................................. 5          Creative Arts.........................................18            Registration Form.................................47
  Small Business Essentials....................... 6                Fine Arts.................................................. 18
  Career Essentials...................................... 7         Pottery..................................................... 18
 Computers and Technology....................8                      Crafts....................................................... 19
  Personal Computing................................ 8              Culinary/Beverage................................. 22
  Tableau®.................................................... 9    Dance....................................................... 24
  Microsoft® Tools........................................ 9        Music........................................................ 25
  Web Sites and Services............................ 9              Photography........................................... 27
  Adobe® Tools........................................... 10        Writing..................................................... 28
  Apple® Devices........................................ 10        Personal Finance..................................30
  Google Tools........................................... 11        Finance and Investments...................... 30
  Programming and Data Analytics........ 11                        Home, Nature and Garden....................31
 Career Studies......................................12             Home....................................................... 31
  CPR and First Aid.................................... 12          Real Estate.............................................. 31
  Animal Welfare....................................... 13          Master Naturalist................................... 33
  Community Assistance.......................... 13                Language and Communications...........35
                                                                    Communications.................................... 36
                                                                    Sign Language........................................ 36
                                                                    World Languages.................................... 35
                                                                   Historical Studies..................................37
                                                                    History..................................................... 37
                                                                    Genealogy............................................... 38
                                                                    Religion.................................................... 38
                                                                    Philosophy.............................................. 38
                                                                    Tours and Trips....................................... 39
                                                                   Wellness, Fitness and Recreation.........40
                                                                    Fitness, Recreation and Sports............. 40
                                                                    Wellness and Personal Development... 43
                                                                    Caregiving............................................... 44

If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to participate
in any program or activity, please contact the Access Office at as soon as
possible in advance of the program for consideration of your accommodations request. A student
may submit this application at any time during their enrollment, but the College recommends
submitting the application as early as possible to make any necessary arrangements.

                                                St. Louis Community College expands minds and changes lives every
                                                day by offering high-quality educational experiences leading to degrees,
                                                certificates, employment, university transfer and life-long learning.
St. Louis Community College Board of Trustees: Kevin M. Martin, Ed.D., Chair; Craig H. Larson, Ed.D., Vice Chair;
Rodney Gee; Doris A. Graham, Ph.D.; Mary Luebke; Ann Adams Marshall; Pam Ross

                                                                                                  REGISTRATION BEGINS JANUARY 4 | 314-984-7777 | STLCC.EDU/CE                              3
St. Louis Community College Workforce Solutions Group (WSG)
                                         connects job seekers and employment providers through
                                         customized and accelerated training, and offers opportunities
                                         for lifelong learning through continuing education.
                                         WSG builds community through its Business Services, Community Services,
                                         Continuing Education and Institutional Development (Grants) operating units
                                         and provides regional labor insights via its annual State of the St. Louis Workforce

                                          ADVANCING EMPLOYERS:                         ADVANCING PEOPLE:
                                          BUSINESS SERVICES                            CONTINUING EDUCATION
                                          Business Services offers customized and      Continuing Education (CE) enrolls
                                          comprehensive solutions for dynamic          thousands of participants annually in
                                          workforces. As one of the largest            professional development and personal
                                          providers of training and consulting         enrichment courses. Over 40 percent
                                          services in the St. Louis metro area, this   of enrollees complete professional
                                          WSG unit helps advance more than 10,000      development training in pursuit of a
                                          employees annually, representing more        license or certification, while 60 percent
                                          than 100 organizations. Business Services’   seek personal enrichment opportunities.
                                          flagship Center for Workforce Innovation     Each year, CE offers hundreds of courses
                                          provides advanced training in aerospace,     on campus and at locations throughout
                                          manufacturing, automated controls and        the greater St. Louis region and online,
                                          industrial maintenance technology in its     in partnership with other community

                                          32,000 square-foot, high-tech facility.      organizations and non-profits.
                                          The unit also offers enterprise-wide
                                                                                       ADVANCING THE MISSION:
                                          solutions for organizations with national
                                          and international footprints. Business       INSTITUTIONAL
                                          Services coordinates on-site services at     DEVELOPMENT
communities,                              Corporate College through its Testing
                                          and Assessment Center, WorkKeys
                                                                                       Institutional Development advances
                                                                                       STLCC’s mission to expand minds

people,                                   Solution Center and Meeting Services.

                                          ADVANCING COMMUNITIES:
                                                                                       and change lives every day through
                                                                                       working with faculty, staff and partners

the mission.
                                                                                       to secure funding and build capacity
                                          COMMUNITY SERVICES                           from federal, state and local sources.
                                          Community Services partners with             This allows WSG to offer programs and
                                          employers, community organizations,          services that best serve the needs of
                                          schools, educators and government            students and the community, often
                                          to create job training opportunities         at little or no cost to students.
                                          for residents and a talent pipeline
                                          for employers. Community Services
                                          helps job seekers develop marketable         Need on-site tailored
                                          job skills through accelerated training      training and development?
                                          programs, usually with a duration of less    Contact us at 314‑539‑5750 to discuss
                                          than one semester, and specializes in        specialized programs custom-fit to
                                          strengthening under-served communities       your unique needs and goals.
                                          throughout the St. Louis region.
                                                                                       Or, learn more about our suite of
                                                                                       workforce and continuing education
                                         Workforce Solutions Group provides            solutions at
                                         regional labor insights via its annual
                                         State of the St. Louis Workforce Report.
                                         Learn more and download the report

                                  PROFESSIONAL DE VELOPMENT
      Improve business performance | Achieve professional goals | Enhance your career | Gain a leading edge

                                                                    ESSENTIALS TRAINING

business                                               Nonprofit Essentials
Essentials                                             Starting Your Own Nonprofit                             Nonprofit Accounting
                                                       This popular seminar provides an overview of the        Build your understanding of nonprofit accounting
Project Management Orientation                         legal basis for establishing and running a nonprofit    functions with the experts. Explore concepts
                                                       organization. Presented by a grant writer and           including functions, financial statements, tax
This free information session is designed for          entrepreneur who speaks from his experience             returns, and what financial responsibilities pertain
individuals interested in obtaining the Project        in creating and managing nonprofit start-ups.           to nonprofits under GAAP accounting guidelines.
Management Professional® (PMP) certification.          Class includes practical tips and useful nonprofit      Be sure to bring your questions!
Learn the concepts, test preparation and               resources to assist in nonprofit formation, orienting   NPAD-704 | 1 session | $35 AGE 60+ | $35 REG
requirements needed for certification. Presentation    new board members and nonprofit directors. This         P01    Th 3-5 p.m.    Jim Mosquera & Rachel Covington
includes an overview of the program, a look at class   class will teach you the process of establishing a             May 4                                FP-W 117
materials, trends in the industry and potential job    nonprofit organization in a step-by-step format
opportunities for PMPs. The orientation is free, but
registration is required.
                                                       using the IRS Nonprofit Form 1023.                      Board Development
                                                       NPAD-703 | 1 session | $27.50AGE 60+ | $35 REG          Guide board members with confidence knowing
BPCT-703 | 1 session | NO FEE                          P02	Sa 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.       Jimmie Calmese         that you learned from seasoned professionals.
P01	Sa 9 a.m.-noon                     Dirk Lupien         Mar 25                               Online        Learn how to bolster board member capacity and
     Mar 4                               MC-SO 204                                                             relationship building. Discover the differences
                                                                                                               between the executive director and board member
                                                       Identifying & Securing
Project Management                                     Nonprofit Funding
                                                                                                               roles, as well as the legal guidelines expected for a
                                                                                                               fiduciary board.
Project managers are in demand when the
need is for skills that require time, resources and    Are you an established non-profit looking for           NPAD-704 | 1 session | $35 AGE 60+ | $35 REG
financial management with a finite effort. Working     new donors and new ways to generate revenue?            P02    Tu 3-5 p.m.    Jim Mosquera & Rachel Covington
knowledge of these skills is recognized by the         This course will teach you how to overcome                     Apr 4                                FP-W 117
Project Management Institute (PMI) through             the most common fundraising hurdles and
various levels of certification. This course helps     how to attract new sources of funding for your
you to prepare for the PMP certification exam by       nonprofit organization. Taught by a nonprofit
presenting the critical concepts together with         grant writer and Executive Director, this course                              Grants
the core knowledge areas covered in the exam.          will teach you best practices and innovative ways
                                                       to grow and cultivate your donor base and grow
Topics covered include the process groups and
                                                       fundraising dollars.                                    Grant Writing I
relationships, terminology and decision making
practice. Session attendance in this course counts     NPAD-703 | 1 session | $27.50 AGE 60+ | $35 REG         Develop successful proposals by improving grant
toward the project management training criteria        P01	Sa 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.       Jimmie Calmese         writing skills. Gain the strategies and skills to write
of 35 hours that is required to register for the            Feb 25                               Online        competitive grants with compelling narratives,
PMP exam. This practical learning experience                                                                   goals, and outcomes. Engage in challenging
prepares the student for the PMP® certification                                                                workshops that explore real-world funding
exam by lecture, online exercises, working sessions    Introduction to Advocacy                                opportunities and take part in exercises that
and practice exams. Program utilizes Registered        and Public Policy                                       strengthen your grant development skills.
Educational Provider (REP) materials. Class meets      Discover the benefits, advantages, potential            NPAD-701 | 4 sessions | $79 AGE 60+ | $109 REG
Wednesdays: 6-9pm and Saturdays: 8:30am-4pm.           pitfalls and the difference between advocacy            P01	Sa 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.          Jimmie Calmese
No refunds after Mar 21 unless class is canceled.      and lobbying. Discover ways to partner with your             Apr 15 - May 6                         Online
BPCT-703 | 8 sessions | $1699 AGE 60+ | $1699 REG      stakeholders to create or leverage your advocacy
P02 ◊	W 6-9 p.m.; S 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Dirk Lupien      efforts with committees, volunteers and related         Grant Writing II
       Mar 29 – Apr 26                 MC-SO 204       engagement approaches. You will have the
                                                       opportunity for questions and discussion applied        Strengthen your understanding of grant
       • NOTE: No class Apr 8                                                                                  development and successful proposals in this
                                                       to your real-world situations.
                                                       NPAD-703 | 1 session | $35 AGE 60+ | $35 REG            fast-paced, hands-on course. Explore what it takes
                                                       P03	Sa 9-11:00 a.m.             Sheri Bilderback       to write an effective letter of intent, a full grant
                                                            Feb 11                                 Online      proposal, and a professional gratitude letter from
                                                                                                               real grant language and samples. Learn practical
                                                                                                               grant writing and submission techniques. Write
                                                                                                               powerful narratives that incorporate statistics and
◊ Registration for classes marked above                                                                        NPAD-701 | 4 sessions | $79 AGE 60+ | $109 REG
  closes five business days before class start date.                                                         P02	Sa 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.        Jimmie Calmese
                                                                                                                   May 20 - Jun 24                      Online
                                                                                                                   • NOTE: No class| May
                                                                                      REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 4 | 314-984-7777          27, Jun 17
                                                                                                                                      STLCC.EDU/CE           5
smaLL business Essentials
Inventors’ Start-Up Series:                                                                                 Business Start-Up Skills
                                                                                                            for Artisans and Crafters
Learn, Develop and Launch!                                                                                  Take your craft or art business to the next level.
                                                                                                            Learn tips from an award-winning, 40-year
                                                                                                            veteran of the arts and former Best of Missouri
                                                                                                            Hands Executive Director. She’ll discuss effective
Gain valuable information from The Invent-ED Network Connection (The I.N.C.)                                marketing techniques, outlets to sell online and
about the inventing process and starting a business. The series will provide                                in-person, methods to balance creativity with
                                                                                                            administrative tasks and more.
immediately actionable tips to help launch your product idea and new business                               BUSS-701 | 2 sessions | $33 AGE 60+ | $45 REG
and enter into the world of inventorship and entrepreneurship fast.                                         P01	W 7-9 p.m.                    Mike Ochonicky
                                                                                                                 Mar 22 – Mar 29                       Online

For full course descriptions, please go to the registration page at
                                                                                                            Starting and Managing
                                                                                                            a Small Business
                                                                                                            Are you thinking about starting and managing
                                                                                                            a small business in Missouri? You’ll explore
Inventing 101:                                        How to License Your Product                           the basics of business ownership, planning for
The Inventing Process                                 or Idea Yourself                                      success, organizational forms of business, legal
                                                                                                            and regulatory environment, record keeping
BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG          BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG          and information management, marketing,
P01	Sa 9-10 a.m.                      Cheri Renee    P13	Sa 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.          Cheri Renee    financing and resources. This program is
     Feb 4                                   Online        Feb 11                                  Online   offered in partnership with the Small Business
P02	Sa 9-10 a.m.                      Cheri Renee    P14	Sa 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.          Cheri Renee    Development Center.
     Mar 4                                FV-C 112         Mar 25                               FV-C 112    BUSS-701 | 2 sessions | $75 AGE 60+ | $75 REG
                                                                                                            P02	Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m.              Lynette Watson
Patents, Trademarks,                                  Using Cut and Sew Factories                                Feb 4 – Feb 11                      MC-SO 111
                                                                                                            P03	Sa 9 a.m.-noon                 Lynette Watson
and Copyrights                                        to Manufacture Products                                    Apr 22 – Apr 29                     MC-SO 111
BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG          and Fashion Designs                                   P04	Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m.              Lynette Watson
P03	Sa 10:15-11:15 a.m.               Cheri Renee    BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG               Jun 3 – Jun 10                      MC-SO 111
     Feb 4                                   Online   P15	Sa 1-2 p.m.                       Cheri Renee
P04	Sa 10:15-11:15 a.m.               Cheri Renee         Feb 11                                  Online
     Mar 4                                FV-C 112    P16	Sa 1-2 p.m.                       Cheri Renee    Business Plan Writing
                                                           Mar 25                               FV-C 112    and Development Workshop
How to Research, Read                                                                                       An intensive, four-session, individually customized
                                                                                                            course designed to provide aspiring entrepreneurs
and Understand Patents                                Business Start-Up 101:                                with the tools and resources to create a solid
BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG          Become an Entrepreneur                                business plan. Each participant begins by taking
P05	Sa 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.          Cheri Renee    BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG          the GrowthWheel® assessment and receives
     Feb 4                                   Online   P17	Sa 9-10 a.m.                      Cheri Renee    customized tools based on this assessment to
P06	Sa 11:45 a.m.-12:45 a.m.          Cheri Renee         Feb 25                                  Online   assist as you build your plan. Continued counseling
     Mar 4                                FV-C 112    P18	Sa 9-10 a.m.                      Cheri Renee    from a business counselor and certified life coach is
                                                           Apr 1                                FV-C 112    available after the completion of the class. Please
                                                                                                            bring a laptop or electronic device to class. This
How to Manufacture Your First                                                                               program is offered in partnership with the Small
Product in the US and Abroad                          Launch Your Product(s) or                             Business Development Center.
BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG          Home-Based Business Immediately                       BUSS-702 | 4 sessions | $125 AGE 60+ | $125 REG
P07	Sa 1-2 p.m.                       Cheri Renee    BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG          P01	Tu 6-8 p.m.                    Lynette Watson
     Feb 4                                   Online   P19	Sa 10:15-11:15 a.m.               Cheri Renee         Mar 21 – Apr 11                     MC-SO 108
P08	Sa 1-2 p.m.                       Cheri Renee         Feb 25                                  Online
     Mar 4                                FV-C 112    P20	Sa 10:15-11:15 a.m.               Cheri Renee    CX: Understanding and Creating
                                                           Apr 1                                FV-C 112
                                                                                                            Great Customer Experiences
Crowdfunding: Kickstarter©,                                                                                 Our experiences shape where we love and where
Indiegogo©, and GoFundMe©                             Show Me the Money!                                    we hate doing business. If you are a leader in a
BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG          Explore Start-Up Funding                              small business or non-profit organization (online or
                                                                                                            brick-and-mortar), understanding your customer
P09	Sa 9-10 a.m.                      Cheri Renee    BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG          experience (CX) has never been so critical. We will
     Feb 11                                  Online   P21	Sa 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.          Cheri Renee
P10	Sa 9-10 a.m.                      Cheri Renee                                                          explore concepts and tools that you will be able
                                                           Feb 25                                  Online   to use to ensure customers keep coming back for
     Mar 25                               FV-C 112    P22	Sa 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.          Cheri Renee    more! Bring a notebook, pen and laptop (optional)
                                                           Apr 1                                FV-C 112    to class.
Launching a                                                                                                 BUSN-713 | 4 sessions | $26 AGE 60+ | $45 REG
Crowdfunding Campaign                                 Avoid Common Pitfalls:                                P01	W 6-7:30 p.m.                Michael Shattuck
                                                      SBIR Grant Application                                     Feb 1 – Feb 22                     MC-SO 111
BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG
P11	Sa 10:15-11:15 a.m.               Cheri Renee    BUSS-765 | 1 session | $25 AGE 60+ | $25 REG
     Feb 11                                  Online   P23	Sa 1-2 p.m.                       Cheri Renee    Business Basics–Workshop
P12	Sa 10:15-11:15 a.m.               Cheri Renee         Feb 25                                  Online   Learn about some of the basics of business such
     Mar 25                               FV-C 112    P24	Sa 1-2 p.m.                       Cheri Renee    as, budgeting, market research, and invoices vs
                                                           Apr 1                                FV-C 112    purchase orders. Remove the intimidation and
                                                                                                            confusion often experienced when discussing
                                                                                                            common corporate business topics.
                                                                                                            BUSS-702 | 2 sessions | $35 AGE 60+ | $35 REG
                                                                                                            P02	T Th 6-7:30 p.m.                  Cheri Renee
                                                                                                                 Feb 28 – Mar 2                          Online

6           STLCC.EDU/CE | 314-984-7777 | REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 4

                                                                    Career Essentials

The Business of Inventing                              How to Get a Job
As a business owner you wear many hats. This class     with the State of MO
will provide you with the big picture of business      Explore general information about the State of MO
development and management. Learn how to               Job Site including: the procedure of how to apply
become better prepared for product or business         and where; Merit Exam and other requirements;
launches while avoiding common pitfalls that lead      and examples of jobs in several departments
to business failure.                                   (Mental Health, Children and Family Support,
BUSS-701 | 2 sessions | $35 AGE 60+ | $35 REG          Corrections, Senior and Disability Services;
P05	Th M 6-7:30 p.m.                  Cheri Renee     Conservation, State Parks, nursing). Discussion
     Feb 9 – Feb 13                          Online    will examine benefits (vacation time, sick time,
P06	T Th 10-11:30 a.m.                Cheri Renee     retirement, pension, 401k, further education,
     Mar 21- Mar 23                       FV-C 106     promotions, comp time, maternity/paternity leave)
                                                       and ideas for internships.
STEMulating Innovative Minds:                          CPDV-701 | 1 session | $21.50 AGE 60+ | $29 REG
                                                       P01	Sa 11 a.m.-1 p.m.           Dr. Lawrence Gibbs
A Product Development Workshop
Channel your inner STEM talent and skill sets
                                                            Mar 25                                  Online
                                                                                                                   Boeing Assembly
while working on the development of your
ideas and produce a prototype using online             Discover Your Career Passion
resources. Explore various applications of Science,    You spend a good part of your life expressing
Technology, Engineering, and Marketing.
BUSN-765 | 2 sessions | $35 AGE 60+ | $35 REG
                                                       yourself through work and career. For that reason,
                                                       it’s important to discover a path that offers joy
                                                                                                                   Training Program
P25	T Th 10-11:30 a.m.                Cheri Renee     and value in what you do. Convert that passion
     Mar 7 - Mar 9                        FV-C 106     into a career path through the use of worksheets            More than 1,000 graduates have
                                                       and discussions. You have always known what
                                                       you love; now, discover your career passion.                been hired via the St. Louis
                                                       CPDV-702 | 2 sessions | $65 AGE 60+ | $65 REG               Community College Boeing
                 Accounting                            P01	W 6-8:30 p.m.                      Jean Walters
                                                                                                                   Pre-Employment Training program.
                                                            Jun 7 – Jun 14                    STLCC-Corp 207
Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning I
Designed for individuals and entrepreneurs             Plus 50: Finding Purpose                                    Choose from two training
who want to learn and master basic accounting.         and Passion in the Third Chapter                            and career pathways:
This rigorous, fast-paced boot camp introduces         Are you facing the uncharted post-career years
accounting business terminology, principles, the       and wondering what’s next? Many of us in the third
accounting cycle and the preparation of financial      chapter of life feel unsettled, restless and adrift. The    Sheet Metal Assembler &
statements. Explore a variety of hands-on case
studies for practical application and learn from
                                                       years between 50 and 75 can be some of the best,
                                                       but are you wondering how to make sense of the
                                                                                                                   Riveter Composites
a tenured accounting professor. Bring pencils,
calculator, notebook and sack lunch.
                                                       changes you’re facing? If you are looking for new           Assembly Mechanic
                                                       meaning in work and life, this powerful, interactive
BUSS-741 | 2 sessions | $55 AGE 60+ | $79 REG
P01	Sa 9 a.m.-1 p.m.                  Stacy Moore
                                                       learning experience will share ways you can tap             • Four- to eight-week training
                                                       into the power of purpose. Whether you’re seeking
     Feb 25 – Mar 4                        FP-E 208    an encore career, looking for enlivening volunteer            with convenient day or night
                                                       work or reinventing your sense of identity, knowing           classes
                                                       your purpose will guide you to increased vitality,
Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning II                     creativity and fulfillment.                                 • Training is ideal for candidates
Build on Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning I             CPDV-702 | 2 sessions | $30 AGE 60+ | $49 REG                 who are mechanically inclined
business terminology and accounting principles         P02	Sa 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.           Carol Watkins
and explore more information about the                      Jun 3 – Jun 10                           Online
                                                                                                                   • Guaranteed interview
accounting cycle and preparation of financial                                                                        for all program graduates
statements. This rigorous, fast-paced boot camp
is designed for individuals and entrepreneurs          Plus 50:
who desire to learn and master basic accounting.
Work through hands-on case studies for practical
                                                       Beginning Job Interview Techniques                          Learn more and apply at
application with guidance from a tenured               Get tips and helpful advice on how to find out
                                                       what employers are looking for in candidates
accounting professor. Prerequisite: Accounting
Boot Camp: Beginning I. Bring pencils, calculator,     and how you can prepare for interviews by
notebook and sack lunch.                               phone, face-to-face, group or panel formats.
BUSS-741 | 2 sessions | $55 AGE 60+ | $79 REG          CPDV-703 | 1 session| $22.50 AGE 60+ | $29 REG
P02	Sa 9 a.m.-1 p.m.                  Stacy Moore     P01	W 6-8 p.m.                        Edwin Penfold
     Mar 25 – Apr 1                        FP-E 208         Apr 19                                MC-SO 204

Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning III                    Plus 50: The Job Search
This rigorous, hands-on extension of Accounting        Learn the current basics of job search and
Boot Camp: Beginning II is designed for individuals    avoid the costly services and traps of the
and entrepreneurs who desire to advance their          internet. Discussion will cover basic resume
accounting knowledge. Discover subsidiary              development, the online application processes
ledgers, special journals and internal controls.       and those pesky interest questionnaires.
Prerequisite: Accounting Boot Camp: Beginning II.      CPDV-705 | 1 session| $22.50 AGE 60+ | $29 REG
Bring pencils, calculator, notebook and sack lunch.    P01	W 6-8 p.m.                        Edwin Penfold
All other materials provided.                               Mar 29                                MC-SO 204
BUSS-741 | 2 sessions | $55 AGE 60+ | $79 REG
P03	Sa 9 a.m.-1 p.m.                  Stacy Moore
     Apr 15 – Apr 22                        FP-E 208

                                                                                        REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 4 | 314-984-7777 | STLCC.EDU/CE        7

Personal Computing
PCs and Technology Introduction:                         Introduction to Twitter                                 Introduction to
In a Day                                                 Hashtag? What is a hashtag? If you’ve ever              Smart Home Technology
Build foundational computer skills and get familiar      asked, this class is for you! Twitter is all the rage   A smart home system can help you reduce energy
with other digital technologies. Through hands-          for Millennials and some celebrities, and an            consumption, create a more comfortable family
on experience on a PC, learn essential concepts,         increasingly important source of information. Find      living environment and help protect your home
understand commands and develop confidence.              out more about one of the most popular social           against intruders. Enhance your lifestyle with
Basic terminology and functionality of computer          media sites. Prerequisite: Windows® Introduction        simple, yet sophisticated control of music, video,
hardware, software, printers and drives will be          class or equivalent experience.                         lights, climate and more. Please note: Smart
explored. This class is ideal for users with few or no   COMP-742 | 1 session | $17.50 AGE 60+ | $29 REG         home technology requires Wi-Fi in the home,
computer skills.                                         P05	W 6-9 p.m.                     Richard Vagen      smart phone or tablet, and knowledge of how
COMP-701 | 1 session | $46 AGE 60+ | $69 REG                   Apr 5                                 Online      to download apps. This class will cover concepts
P01	Sa 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.                  Jean Frey                                                              and functionality, but will not focus on specific
     Feb 4                                MC-HE 127                                                              product brands.
P02	Sa 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.                  Jean Frey      Suing For Robo Calls                                    COMP-765 | 1 session | $39 AGE 60+ | $39 REG
     May 6                                MC-HE 127      Is your time consistently wasted answering robo         P08	W 6-9 p.m.                       Gregory Ray
                                                         calls to your cell phone or landline? Learn how to           Mar 8                          STLCC-Corp 207
                                                         defend yourself from these annoying invasions
Internet Research & Investigations:                      and gain information on how to sue in the state of
Consumer Information                                     Missouri for financial compensation.                    Introduction to AutoCAD® I
Does my doctor have a high malpractice rate?             COMP-742 | 1 session | $23.50 AGE 60+ | $35 REG         Students will cover the fundamentals of the
What is my neighborhood’s crime rate? Does my            P04	Sa 12:30-3:30 p.m.                  Jean Frey     AutoCAD drafting system and learn how to create
contractor have a lengthy list of lawsuits? Which              Jun 10                                 Online     drawings, setup units, limits, layers, linetypes and
vehicles have crash test results? What happens if                                                                colors. Drawing procedures for typical geometric
something goes wrong with an online transaction?                                                                 operations are covered. Special features operations
If you are curious about these questions, this class     Personal Online Security                                including polylines, blocks, dimensioning, cross-
is for you. Prerequisite: Windows® Introduction          Learn to ensure your terrestrial and digital            hatching and plotting are also covered. AutoCAD
class or equivalent experience.                          footprints are secure. Learn to exercise the            is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc., and/or
COMP-742 | 1 session | $23.50 AGE 60+ | $35 REG          best security practices to protect your personal        its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or
P01	Sa 12:30-3:30 p.m.                    Jean Frey     information, help prevent identity fraud, and           other countries. Available for credit as EGR 133 651.
     Mar 25                                   Online     preserve data integrity, confidentiality and            COMP-770 | 12 sessions | $244 AGE 60+ | $244 REG
                                                         availability. Conduct your corporal, electronic and     P01	T 6:30-10 p.m.                    Walter Staas
                                                         communications using the most current/effective              Feb 14 - May 9                      MC-AS 206
Internet Research and                                    techniques/methodologies.                                      • NOTE: No class Mar 14
Investigations: Public Records                           COMP-765 | 1 session | $24 AGE 60+ | $35 REG
Explore a wide range of public records on the            P15	Sa 9 a.m.-12 p.m.           Fernando Tillman
internet, and discover how to uncover real estate             Feb 25                         STLCC-Corp 208      Introduction To AutoCAD® II
records, criminal records, court judgments,                                                                      Continuation of Introduction
marriages, births, deaths and more. Prerequisite:
Windows® Introduction class or equivalent                Beyond Broadcast:                                       to AutoCAD I
experience. Some internet experience helpful.            TV in the Age of Streaming                              Course includes DOS for AutoCAD, Blocks,
COMP-742 | 1 session | $23.50 AGE 60+ | $35 REG          “What’s on TV tonight?” was once an easily              attributes, symbol libraries, bill of material
P02	Sa 12:30-3:30 p.m.                    Jean Frey     answered question through TV Guide or channel           extraction, screen and tablet menus, digitizing
     Feb 25                                   Online     surfing. But in today’s era of smart TVs, streaming     drawings, slides and slide shows and introduction
                                                         subscription, cord-cutting and on-demand                to LISP language. AutoCAD is a registered
                                                         services, finding an answer is more challenging.        trademark of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries
Internet Research and                                    Survey the transition from analog broadcast to the      and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other
Investigations: Politics and Law                         digital age of smart devices and streaming services.    countries. Available for credit as EGR 141 550.
                                                         Discover “what’s on,” explore how to watch, and         COMP-770 | 12 sessions | $244 AGE 60+ | $244 REG
Who donated to political campaigns and when?                                                                     P02	W 7:05-9:30 p.m.                  Walter Staas
What initiatives are on the upcoming ballot? Which       understand what still needs an antenna.
                                                         COMP-765 | 1 session | $39 AGE 60+ | $39 REG                 Feb 15 - May 10                       FV-E 278
organizations summarize candidate platforms,
bill descriptions and politician voting records          P07	W 6-9 p.m.                       Gregory Ray            • NOTE: No class Mar 15
in an unbiased way? If you are curious about                  Apr 5                          STLCC-Corp 207
these questions, this class is for you. Prerequisite:
Windows® Introduction class or equivalent
experience. Some internet experience helpful.
COMP-742 | 1 session | $23.50 AGE 60+ | $35 REG
P03	Sa 12:30-3:30 p.m.                    Jean Frey
     May 20                                   Online

                                                                                                                  For most classes, registration is closed
                                                                                                                  three business days before the class
                                                                                                                  start date. Please check the online course
                                                                                                                  description for the last day to register.

8           STLCC.EDU/CE | 314-984-7777 | REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 4

Microsoft® Tools                                                                                               Web Sites
                                                                                                               and Services
                                                                                                               WordPress® for Business
Microsoft® Excel®: Excel In A Day                       Microsoft® Excel® Part III                             WordPress® is the most popular software for
Learn the basics of Microsoft Excel in one              Expand your expertise as you manage multiple           building and hosting personal websites, but it’s
session! Learn how to create spreadsheets for           workbooks and worksheets, build 3D calculations,       increasingly also the engine of richly-designed
accounting, expense analysis, budgeting and             add file links, and explore lookup functions. Master   and complex business sites. Explore the features
other applications. Topics include: worksheet set-      formula auditing tools, data validation and sharing,   of WordPress® and its multitude of add-ons.
up, labeling, entering values, editing cells, copying   and workbook protection. Use scenarios, data           Learn about themes and plugins (many free) that
content, and saving. Participants are encouraged        tables and analysis tools to increase productivity.    can make your site do more than share articles.
to bring a flash drive. Prerequisite: Windows®          Create macros to save time and create consistency      Learn how to enable e-commerce, as well as
Introduction class or equivalent experience.            across workbooks. Prerequisite: Microsoft Excel        considerations about extra security, maintenance,
COMP-720 | 1 session | $90.50 AGE 60+ | $129 REG        2016 for Business: Part II or equivalent experience.   and monitoring requirements for your business
P01	Sa 9 a.m.-4 p.m.               Cris Heffernan      Participants are encouraged to bring a flash drive.    WordPress site.
     Apr 1                          STLCC-Corp 206      COMP-722 | 2 sessions | $90.50 AGE 60+ | $129 REG      COMP-765 | 1 session | $49 AGE 60+ | $49 REG
                                                        P01     Th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                                               W                           Cris Heffernan      P06	W 6-9 p.m.                        Gregory Ray
                                                               Apr 5-6                     STLCC-Corp 206           Mar 22                          STLCC-Corp 206
Microsoft® Excel® Part I
Glean tips and tricks to navigate and create            COMP-722 | 1 session | $90.50 AGE 60+ | $129 REG
effective spreadsheets in one of Microsoft’s®
most powerful programs. Build basic formulas
                                                        P02  F 9 a.m.-4 p.m.               Cris Heffernan     Introduction to Tableau®
                                                              Apr 21                       STLCC-Corp 206      Tableau is one of the fastest evolving business
and functions with an emphasis on the relative          P04	Th 9 a.m.-4 p.m.              Cris Heffernan
and absolute referencing. Make your sheets and                                                                 intelligences (BI) and data visualization tools. Learn
                                                             Jun 22                        STLCC-Corp 206      the foundation of Tableau and how to navigate
printouts easier to read with special formatting
techniques. This class is ideal for beginners and                                                              its interface, import data, and create your first
self-taught Excel® users. Prerequisite: Windows®        Microsoft® Excel®:                                     dashboard. Topics include data preparation,
                                                                                                               calculations, parameters, dynamic filters, and
Introduction class. Participants are encouraged to      Power Pivots®: Data Analysis                           layout containers to name a few. You will walk out
bring a flash drive.
                                                        Get set on a course to take advantage of one of the    of this course feeling confident to start building
COMP-720 | 1 session | $90.50 AGE 60+ | $129 REG        most robust data analysis tools that Excel includes.
P02	W Th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.         Cris Heffernan                                                             robust dashboards!
                                                        Power Pivots enable you to create reports, or data     COMP-727 | 4 sessions | $113.50 AGE 60+ | $159 REG
     Feb 1 – Feb 2                  STLCC-Corp 206      models, from multiple data sources both in and         P01	W 6-9 p.m.               Lee Douangkeomany
P03 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                 Cris Heffernan     outside of Excel. You’ll learn to create and manage         Feb 1 – Feb 22                        Online
     Feb 17                         STLCC-Corp 206      relationships, hierarchies, Power Pivot tables and
P04 Th 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                Cris Heffernan     charts and be introduced to creating your own
     Jun 8                          STLCC-Corp 206      calculated columns, calculated fields (measures),

Microsoft® Excel® Part II
                                                        and key performance indicators. Prerequisite:
                                                        Microsoft Excel 2016 for Business Part II or           Drones
                                                        equivalent experience with creating single source
Expand your spreadsheet skills and create               Pivot Tables. Recommended to bring a flash drive.
complex formulas through functions. Master data         COMP-722 | 1 session | $90.50 AGE 60+ | $129 REG
                                                                                                               Commercial Drones:
management techniques and analysis using lists,         P03	F 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.            Cris Heffernan     FAA Part 107 Test Prep
tables, common charts, pivot tables and pivot                Apr 28                         STLCC-Corp 206     Prepare for the Federal Aviation Administration
charts. Discover the ease of using range names          P05	Th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.           Cris Heffernan     (FAA) test to operate a drone. The new FAA Part 107
and conditional formatting. Prerequisite: Microsoft          Jun 29                         STLCC-Corp 206     regulation now requires operators of commercial
Excel 2016 For Business: Part I class or equivalent                                                            for-hire unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to
experience. Participants are encouraged to bring                                                               obtain a Remote Pilot Certification with a small
a flash drive.                                                                                                 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) rating, or to be
COMP-721 | 1 session | $90.50 AGE 60+ | $129 REG                                                               under direct supervision of a person who holds
P02	W Th 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.         Cris Heffernan                        Windows®                             certification. With guidance from a former airline
     Mar 1 – Mar 2                  STLCC-Corp 206                                                             pilot and current drone instructor, you’ll review
P03 F 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                 Cris Heffernan     Microsoft® Windows® 10                                 material to prepare for the FAA test. Learn about
     Mar 24                         STLCC-Corp 206                                                             the new FAA regulation, airspace classifications,
P04	Th 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                Cris Heffernan     for Beginners                                          flight restrictions, aeronautical chart study, airport
     Jun 15                         STLCC-Corp 206      Explore Windows® 10 and all its user-friendly          operations, radio communication, weather and
                                                        features in this course. Topics include                human factors. Sample test questions will also be
                                                        using start screen, live tiles, hot corners,           reviewed. Bring required text to first class: ASA
                                                        charm bar and OneDrive®. Please note: This             Remote Pilot 2021 Test Prep; ISBN 978-1619549753
                                                        course is not for tablets or touch screen              (available online.)
                                                        devices; you will use a mouse to navigate.             ENGR-706 | 2 sessions | $159 AGE 60+ | $249 REG
                                                        Prerequisite: Basic computer knowledge                 F01	Sa 8-3 p.m.                           Rory Paul
                                                        COMP-705 | 1 session | $77 AGE 60+ | $99 REG                Feb 4 – Feb 11                       FV-CWI 136
                                                        P01	Sa 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                James Prater
                                                             Apr 22                            MC-CN 125

                                                                                        REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 4 | 314-984-7777 | STLCC.EDU/CE                   9
Adobe® Tools
                                                       Layout and Design                                           Apple® Devices

                                           Adobe® Lightroom®                                         iPhone® and iPad® Mobile
                                           Classic: Introduction                                     Digital Devices: Introduction
                                           Learn the basics of Lightroom Classic, a                  Did you purchase an iPhone or iPad only to discover
                                           desktop-focused software with powerful and                that you can barely use it? Explore the basics and
                                           comprehensive digital photography tools.                  functionality of the Apple® iOS® platform in this
                                           Mastering Lightroom will help you to organize and         class. This class will discuss only Apple products;
                                           bring out the best in your images. Lightroom is           other smart phone devices will not be covered.
                                           designed as an end-to-end photographic workflow           Please note: universal functions will be taught
                                           for both amateur and professional photographers.          and specific apps may vary from device to device.
                                           CVTW-701 | 1 session | $98.50 AGE 60+ | $135 REG          You must bring your own iPhone/iPad device to
                                           P01	Sa 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.         Charles LaGarce       the class.
                                                Mar 25                               MC-HE 127       COMP-765 | 1 session | $49 AGE 60+ | $49 REG
                                           P02	Sa 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.         Charles LaGarce       P01	W 6-9 p.m.                      Gregory Ray
                                                Jun 3                                MC-HE 127            Feb 1                                 Online
                                                                                                     P02	W 6-9 p.m.                      Gregory Ray
                                                                                                          May 3                         STLCC-Corp 207
                                           Adobe® InDesign® Creative
                                           Cloud®: The First Step
                                           Enhance your graphic design skills and                    iPhone® and iPad®: Next Steps
                                           productivity with InDesign. Learn how to import           If you’re no longer a beginner, but not yet an
                                           illustrations and photos, set type correctly for flyers   expert, learn the skills to take your use to the
                                           and brochures and master other basic applications.        next stage. Explore selecting and installing apps.
                                           Learn core tools and use them to complete a basic         Take, organize and share photos. Adopt shortcuts
                                           InDesign document. Explore key commands and               for frequently used apps (e.g., iMessages®, Safari®
                                           discover other great tips that make easy work of          web browser). Keep your data secure. Customize
                                           your layouts.                                             your device to work better for you. If you’re an
                                           CVTW-702 | 1 session | $98.50 AGE 60+ | $135 REG          iPad user seeking to use your device as your
                                           P01	F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.               David Haley      sole computer, learn how much is possible and
                                                Jun 2                                MC-HE 127       limitations to expect. Prerequisite: familiarity in
                                                                                                     navigating your iPhone and/or iPad or completion
                                                                                                     of our Basics course. Have your iPhone and/or an
                                           Adobe® InDesign® Creative                                 iPad and corresponding charger(s) handy when
                                           Cloud®: The Second Step                                   joining class.
                                                                                                     COMP-765 | 1 session | $49 AGE 60+ | $49 REG
                                           Discover the best way to set up your brochure or          P03	W 6-9 p.m.                      Gregory Ray
                                           multi-page document. Learn how to optimize
                                           your page setup for better productivity. Modern                Feb 8                                 Online
                                           typesetting techniques, including examples                P04	W 6-9 p.m.                      Gregory Ray
                                           from the top magazines, will showcase how to                   May 10                        STLCC-Corp 207
                                           elevate your document. This introduction to style
                                           sheets will have your work looking consistent and         Mac for Window Switchers
                                                                                                     For those raised on Windows PCs, the intuitive
                                           CVTW-702 | 1 session | $98.50 AGE 60+ | $135 REG          design of Macs can be anything but. Many item
                                           P02	F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.               David Haley      names, locations and behaviors on Mac are
                                                Jun 9                                MC-HE 127       similar, but remain different enough from PC to
                                                                                                     invite confusion. This introduction to the “Apple®
                                           Adobe® After Effects®: The First Step                     way”will lean on what you already know, but will
                                                                                                     translate PC-related language and function to
                                           Use After Effects to create motion graphics.              Mac equivalents. Prerequisite: Basic computer
                                           Explore the interface in After Effects, put graphics      familiarity with a recent version of Windows.
                                           into motion and render finished movie and                 COMP-765 | 1 session | $39 AGE 60+ | $39 REG
                                           animation projects. Explore the workflow between          P05	W 6-9 p.m.                      Gregory Ray
                                           Photoshop® and After Effects. Be prepared for an
                                           intensive, hands-on learning experience.                       Mar 1                         STLCC-Corp 208
                                           CVTW-704 | 1 session | $98.50 AGE 60+ | $135 REG
                                           P01	F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.                Tim Linder
                                                Feb 24                                   Online

                                           Adobe® After Effects®: The Next Step
                                           Sharpen your skills with advanced After Effects
                                           techniques. Uncover a deeper understanding
                                           the effects panel options. Explore background
                                           keying, motion tracking and the 3D workspace.
                                           Be prepared for an intensive, hands-on learning
                                           CVTW-704 | 1 session | $98.50 AGE 60+ | $135 REG
                                           P02	F 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.                Tim Linder
                                                Mar 3                                    Online


Google Tools                                               Programming and
Getting To Know Google Tools
Think you know Google? Can you search
                                                           Data Analytics
effectively? Are you using Jamboard™, Calendar™,
Keep™, YouTube®, Gmail™, Meet™ and all of                  Introduction to Python                                 Advanced SQL
the effective extensions? Come and learn                   Learn the basics of programming using Python           Build upon your skills and discover how to properly
all about each app, one app per week from                  including Python syntax, working with variables,       design a relational database and structure tables
Missouri’s FIRST Google Certified Innovator.               scope, wildcards, and expressions. Explore the area    within the database. Learn to plan and create
COMP-742 | 2 sessions | $53.50 AGE 60+ | $69 REG           of datatypes and expressions. Investigate strings,     tables along with viewing table information.
P07	W 6-8 p.m.                            Cindy Lane      operators and functions. Gain an understanding         You’ll gain insight into the purpose of, and how
     Apr 5 – Apr 12                         MC-HE 127      of lists, multi-dimensional lists, dictionaries, and   to select primary and foreign keys and decipher
                                                           subscripts.                                            the different types of indexes in addition to the
                                                           COMP-765 | 5 sessions | $141.50 AGE 60+ | $199 REG     advantages of referential integrity and how it can
Google: Goods You Should                                   P10	Th 6-9 p.m.                    Joseph Richey      affect data maintenance and prevent errors. Focus
Know and Use                                                    Feb 23 – Mar 30                       Online      will be on column and value constraints, UNION,
Want to be a Google guru? Begin by gaining an                    • NOTE: No class Mar 16                          EXCEPT, INTERCEPT, ROLLBACK and COMMIT and
understanding of the most important Google                                                                        comparing results in multiple queries.
tools for your daily life. Explore the intricate details                                                          COMP-765 | 5 sessions | $141.50 AGE 60+ | $199 REG
of Google Calendar™, Gmail™, Drive™, Search™,              Introduction to SQL                                    P12	Th 6-9 p.m.                   Joseph Richey
Maps™, Add-ons™ and Extensions™.                           Learn the generic SQL commands that can be used             Apr 6 – May 4                     MC-HE 127
COMP-742 | 2 sessions | $53.50 AGE 60+ | $69 REG           with a variety of client/server database systems.
P08	W 6-8 p.m.                            Cindy Lane      Discover how to query the database to extract the      SQL Programming
     May 3 – May 10                         MC-HE 138      information you need to include grouping and
                                                           sorting of the data. Gain an understanding on how      Learn the benefits of and how to write or modify
                                                           to use wildcards, logical and comparison operators,    stored procedures to select or manipulate data
                                                           and to create calculated columns. Learn how to         in an SQL Server database. Investigate how to
                                                           join database tables to write higher level queries     define and reference variables and parameters in
                                                           to extract related data and how to use multiple        stored procedures. Learn how to use conditional
                                                           criteria in filtering out unwanted data. This course   if and case statements in processing data. Learn
                                                           uses Microsoft SQL Server.                             how to use SQL Server while loops to control
                                                           COMP-765 | 5 sessions | $141.50 AGE 60+ | $199 REG     data processing. Discover how to declare and
 For most classes, registration is closed                                                                         manage cursors to process individual rows of data
 three business days before the class                      P09	W 6-9 p.m.                     Joseph Richey
                                                                                                                  returned by a query. Prerequisite: Intermediate SQL
 start date. Please check the online course                     Feb 22 – Mar 29                       Online      Language or equivalent experience.
                                                                 • NOTE: No class Mar 15                          COMP-765 | 5 sessions | $141.50 AGE 60+ | $199 REG
 description for the last day to register.
                                                           P14	Th 6-9 p.m.                    Joseph Richey      P13	W 6-9 p.m.                    Joseph Richey
                                                                May 11 – Jun 8                     MC-HE 127           May 10 – Jun 7                    MC-HE 127

                                                           Intermediate SQL
                                                           Learn how to properly design a relational database
                                                           and structure tables within it. Create primary and
                                                           foreign keys and understand their importance.
                                                           Make table joins, discover the advantages of
                                                           referential integrity and learn about database
                                                           component planning. Apply table column
                                                           constraints to control data input. Uncover how
                                                           to use aggregate functions when joining tables.
                                                           Discover how to work with views and manipulate
                                                           the data output when working with multiple
                                                           queries. This course uses Microsoft SQL Server.
                                                           COMP-765 | 4 sessions | $153 AGE 60+ | $199 REG
                                                           P11	W 6-9 p.m.                     Joseph Richey
                                                                Apr 5 – Apr 26                     MC-HE 127

                                                                                           REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 4 | 314-984-7777 | STLCC.EDU/CE               11
CAREER STUDIES                    CPR and First Aid
                                                    Heartsaver First Aid: CPR/AED†                            BLS Instructor Essentials Course
                                                    Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED is a classroom,              The American Heart Association BLS Instructor
                                                    instructor-led course that teaches students critical      Essentials Course provides the core and discipline-
                                                    skills needed to respond to and manage a first            specific content necessary to teach AHA CPR

                 Start your
                                                    aid, choking or sudden cardiac arrest emergency           and First Aid courses. The course is taught in a
                                                    during the first few minutes before emergency             blended-learning format. Instructor candidates
                                                    medical service (EMS) arrives. It is designed to          will complete pre-course online study, followed

                health care                         meet OSHA requirements. Students learn the skills
                                                    to treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock and
                                                    other first aid emergencies. This course also teaches
                                                                                                              by the hands-on session conducted by Training
                                                                                                              Center Faculty during the AHA Instructor course.
                                                                                                              The course educates the instructor candidate in

                     career                         adult CPR, infant CPR and AED use. Practical skills
                                                    (hands-on mannequin simulation) evaluation
                                                    and testing are required for course completion.
                                                                                                              the use of AHA Instructor teaching materials; how
                                                                                                              to ensure that students meet learning objectives;
                                                                                                              student coaching skills; how to conduct an

                  pathway.                          Within 20 business days of successful completion,
                                                    each participant will receive an electronic course
                                                    completion card. Due to the nature of the course,
                                                                                                              objective skills performance evaluation and to
                                                                                                              follow AHA Instructor course policies. Please note
                                                                                                              there is self-paced, pre-course preparation. Access
                                                    you must arrive on time. No refund for late arrival.      to a computer will be necessary to complete
 Become job ready through our hands-on,             CPRR-706 | 1 session | $82 AGE 60+ | $109 REG             required online course work. Prerequisite required
                                                    P01	Sa 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.                               at time of registration: Current AHA BLS Healthcare
 non-credit health care training programs.               Feb 25                                   FP-W 126    Provider CPR card. Registration four weeks prior
   Prepare for an entry-level position and          P02	Sa 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.                               to course start date is required to ensure arrival
                                                         May 20                                   FP-W 126    of pre-course materials and completion of pre-
              build an impactful career as                                                                    course preparation. Per AHA requirements, within
           you fill the need for health care                                                                  six months of the initial BLS Instructor Essentials
                  workers here in St. Louis.                                                                  Course, a STLCC Training Center Faculty member
                                                    BLS for Healthcare Providers                              must monitor the instructor candidate’s teaching
Patient Care Technician                             Participate in simulated clinical scenarios and           and verify the performance of the candidate’s
                                                    learning stations during this American Heart              provider skills. At time of registration you must
                                                    Association Basic Life Skills (AHA BLS) Instructor-       provide documentation meeting all prerequisites.
                                                    led course. Coursework includes skills practice,          Due to the nature of this course, you must arrive
      Prepare for an entry-level position           skills testing and a written exam. Upon successful        on time. No admittance will be permitted after
      working alongside nurses and                  completion, you will receive an electronic BLS            the stated start time. No refund will be given
      other healthcare professionals                completion card (within 20 business days of               for registrants arriving late. Interested students
      to provide direct patient care                the class.) This course meets the STLCC nursing           must contact the training center coordinator at
                                                    department admission requirements. Due to the    before registering for the BLS
      in a hospital setting.                        nature of the course, you must arrive on time. No         Instructor Essentials Course. The last day to register
                                                    refund for late arrival.                                  is Mar 29.
      11 weeks |                      CPRR-707 | 1 session | $87.50 AGE 60+ | $109 REG          CPRR-708 | 1 session | $298 AGE 60+ | $349 REG
                                                    P01	W 9 a.m.-3 p.m.                                      P01	W 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
                                                         Feb 15                                   FP-W 126         Apr 26                                 FP-W 126
                                                    P03	Th 5-10 p.m.
Medical Assistant                                        Mar 30                                   FP-W 126
                                                    P04	Tu 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                                                              BLS Instructor Renewal
                                                         Apr 11                                   FP-W 126    To successfully complete the American Heart
      Understand how medical offices                P05	W 9 a.m.-3 p.m.                                      Association cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
      operate and learn the medical                      Jun 28                                   FP-W 126
                                                                                                              Instructor Renewal course, you must demonstrate
      assisting skills necessary to                                                                           acceptable provider skills and successful
                                                                                                              completion of the provider written examination.
      perform both administrative                                                                             The renewal course may include an update
      and clinical duties.                                                                                    addressing new course content or methodology
                                                                                                              and review training center (TC), regional and
      28 weeks |                                                                                 national emergency cardiovascular care (ECC)
                                                                                                              information. Upon successful completion, you
                                                                                                              will receive an electronic BLS completion card
                                                                                                              (within 20 business days of the class.) Prerequisite:
Community Health Worker                                                                                       You must have taught at least four CPR courses,
                                                                                                              attended updates as required within the previous
                                                                                                              two years, and be a current CPR Instructor as
                                                                                                              evidenced by a current CPR Instructor card. At time
      Prepare to become a trusted                                                                             of registration you must provide documentation
      community member who assists                                                                            meeting all prerequisites. Due to the nature of this
      individuals and communities                                                                             course, you must arrive on time. No admittance
                                                                                                              will be permitted after the stated start time. No
      in adopting healthy behaviors.                                                                          refund will be given for registrants arriving late.
                                                                                                              Interested students must contact the training
                                                                                                              center coordinator at before
      16 weeks |                      † St. Louis Community College serves as a Community       registering for the BLS Instructor Renewal Course.
                                                      Training Center for the American Heart Association      The last day to register is Mar 23.
                                                      whose mission is to reduce disability and death from    CPRR-709 | 1 session | $63 AGE 60+ | $99 REG
                                                      cardiovascular disease and stroke and set guidelines    P01	W 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Central Sterile Processing Technician                 for emergency cardiovascular care and training. The          Mar 29                                 FP-W 126
                                                      American Heart Association strongly promotes
     Prepare for a position in the                    knowledge and proficiency in basic life support (BLS)
                                                      and has developed instructional materials for this
     central sterile processing                       purpose. Use of these materials in an educational
     department of a hospital as you                  course does not represent course sponsorship by the
     learn to clean, decontaminate,                   American Heart Association.
     sterilize and distribute medical
     and surgical instrumentation.                    Any fee charged for a course, except for a portion of
                                                      the fee needed for American Heart Association course
      24 weeks |                       material, does not represent income to the

    12        STLCC.EDU/CE | 314-984-7777 | REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 4

        Community Assistance                                    Animal Welfare Advocate
Community Emergency Response                             Classes may be taken for your own personal
Team Training (CERT)                                     enrichment or as part of the Animal Welfare
Have you ever thought “What would I do if a              Advocate program. Curriculum is developed
tornado struck my subdivision?” or “What types of        by the Humane Society of Missouri, Animal
natural disasters can happen in St. Louis?” We have      Protective Association of Missouri, and
the answers. Community Emergency Response                St. Louis County Animal Care and Control.
Team Training (CERT) is a series of classes that
prepares you to help your community in the event
of a crisis. Through lecture and hands-on activities,    Investigations, Rescues,
professional emergency responders will teach
you about emergency and disaster preparedness,           Legalities,and Legislative Issues
while you receive training in basic response skills      Hear first-hand accounts from the real world of
such as fire safety, team organization, light search     animal welfare investigations and rescues. Learn

                                                                                                                   Truck Driving
and rescue, and medical operations. Training will        how investigators work and how animal welfare
conclude with a full-scale disaster exercise in a        agencies and law enforcement handle violations.
tornado simulation (off-site), Saturday, Apr 15.         Explore animal welfare legal issues (e.g., How does

                                                                                                                   CDL-A Training
Upon successful completion of the training, you will     our society define “adequate care and control” of
be able to join a local St. Louis Area CERT program      animals?), advocacy and legislation.
to continue to support and help where volunteers         ANIM-741 | 1 session | $32 AGE 60+ | $35 REG
are needed. Participants must be 18 years of age         P01	Tu 6-8:30 p.m.
or older. While no course fee is associated with              Feb 28                                MC-SO 105
this offering, a small STLCC administrative fee is
required for registration.                                                                                         Prepare for a well-paying career
EMSS-715 | 9 sessions | $9 AGE 60+ | $9 REG              The ‘People’ Ingredient: Working
P01	Tu 6:30 p.m.-10 p.m.                                in an Animal Welfare Organization                         in commercial truck driving,
     Feb 7 – Apr 15
     • NOTE: No class Mar 14, Apr 4
                                              FV-E 154   If you’re thinking about working or volunteering
                                                         in an animal welfare agency, you’ll need a variety
                                                                                                                   one of the fastest growing
P02	W 6:30 p.m.-10 p.m.
     Feb 8 – Apr 15                           FP-W 119
                                                         of important “people” skills. Gain an overview of
                                                         the many capabilities you’ll need within animal
                                                                                                                   opportunities in the
     • NOTE: No class Mar 15, Apr 5                      welfare organizations from matching pets with
                                                         new families to educating adults and kids in
                                                                                                                   United States today.
P03	Th 6:30 p.m.-10 p.m.
     Feb 9 – Apr 15                            WW 220    the community. Learn ways of coping with the
     • NOTE: No class Mar 16, Apr 6                      inevitable heart-breaking side of the business.
                                                         There are many joys and rewards to working in             Gain the knowledge and skills
                                                         animal welfare, but there may be some sadness too.
                                                         ANIM-741 | 1 session | $32 AGE 60+ | $35 REG              sought by employers to become
                                                         P02	Tu 6-8:30 p.m.
                                                              Mar 28                                MC-SO 105
                                                                                                                   an over-the-road or local
                                                                                                                   commercial truck driver.
                                                         Animal Care Basics
                                                         It’s all about the animals! Examine basic health
                                                         considerations including prevention measures
                                                                                                                   •   Five-week, 200-hour
                                                         and spay/neuter issues. Gain knowledge of animal              non-credit training program,
                                                         behavior as a vital key to safe handling for yourself
                                                         and the animals you work with. Learn about caring             including CDL-A testing
                                                         for and feeding a variety of animals, behavioral
                                                         screening techniques and enrichment ideas to
                                                         enhance quality of life for confined animals. Hear        •   Classroom and lab instruction
                                                         from several shelters who explain their basic
                                                         animal care-taking operations. If you’re interested           emphasizing safety, DOT
                                                         in working directly with animals, this class is a must.       regulations, trip planning,
                                                         ANIM-741 | 1 session | $32 AGE 60+ | $35 REG
                                                         P03	Tu 6-8:30 p.m.                                           pre-trip inspections and more
                                                              Apr 25                                MC-SO 105
                                                                                                                   •   Several hours mastering skilled
                                                                                                                       backing maneuvers, as well as
                                                                                                                       urban, rural and highway driving

                                                                                                                   •   Thorough curriculum exceeds the
                                                                                                                       Department of Transportation –
                                                                                                                       Federal Motor Carrier Safety
                                                                                                                       Administration’s “entry level
                                                            Make a difference in the lives                             driver training” standards and
                                                            of animals in your community.                              will prepare you for the
                                                            Learn more about the program:                              CDL-A exam
                                                                                                                   Get started by attending a free
                                                                                                                   information session. Learn more

                                                                                         REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 4 | 314-984-7777 | STLCC.EDU/CE   13
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