Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Earth Science   National Aeronautics and
                    Space Administration

Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Executive Summary
   As you’ll read in the pages that follow, 2021 was another full and productive year for technology
development at the NASA Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO), with numerous successes
advancing new technologies for Earth science as well as the competitive selection of new projects.
   For the second year in a row, the Earth Science Technology Forum (ESTF2021) was held virtually
due to COVID-19 restrictions. We were pleased to have Dr. Karen St. Germain, Director for Earth
Science at NASA, kick off the eight ESTF2021 sessions, held late May through early July.
   In fiscal year 2021 (FY21), ESTO continued to build upon its 24-year heritage of technology
development. This year, 39% of active ESTO technology projects advanced at least one Technology
Readiness Level (TRL), and as many as 20 active and completed projects were transitioned to
follow-on development efforts or infused into Earth observing missions, operations, or commercial
applications. We are particularly proud to report that at least 104 students – high school through
PhD – were directly involved in ESTO-funded projects this year.
   New projects were added through competitive solicitations under the Advanced Component
Technology (ACT) and the In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST) program
elements, in December 2020 and June 2021 respectively. And as of publication, three program
elements – the Instrument Incubator Program (IIP), the Advanced Information Systems Technology
(AIST) program, and the Decadal Survey Incubation (DSI) program – expect to announce new
awards in early FY 2022. We welcome these new cohorts of technologists and look forward to the
contributions they will make.
   Finally, it is with great sadness that we note the sudden passing of our colleague, Dr. Gail
Skofronick-Jackson, in September. Gail was a brilliant scientist and served as a Weather and
Atmospheric Dynamics Program Manager within the NASA Earth Science Division, where she was
a consistent champion for technology development. She also worked closely with ESTO on many
efforts, including as Program Scientist for the Planetary Boundary Layer observable through the
Decadal Survey Incubation program. For all who wish to memorialize Gail, a scholarship for science
and electrical engineering students has been established in her name at Florida State University
(learn more:

           Pamela S. Millar                                      Robert A. Bauer
           Program Director                                      Deputy Program Director
Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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                                                As the technology development function                                                                             On beSa
                                                within NASA’s Earth Science Division, the
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                                                Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO)                                                                                  bi

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                                                performs strategic planning and manages

                                                                                                                                   Ad oj
                                                the development of a broad range of


                                                nascent technologies for future science

                                       measurements. ESTO employs an open, flexible,
                                       science-driven strategy and relies on competition
                                       and peer review to select the best cutting-edge
                                       technologies, from advanced sensors aboard
                                       miniature satellites to software tools that plan new
                                       observations and harmonize, fuse, and analyze

                                       large data sets from various sources.


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Our approach to Technology Development:
                                                                                                                                                   E R S          4
  Strategy: Engage with the Earth science
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  community to plan investments through
                                                                                                   1                                       N U

                                              Table of                                                                                                               rb ts
  careful analyses of science requirements
                                              Contents                                                   te                                                         Te orne
  Selection: Fund technology development
                                                                                                            nt                        T                               st
  through periodic, competitive solicitations      p. 4 ESTO Metrics
  and partnership opportunities                                                                                                                                          ed
  Management: Review and advise funded             p. 7 Program Updates
  technology projects on progress and
  performance                                      p. 12 Technology Highlights
  Infusion: Encourage and facilitate the
                                                                                                                                                                          n ts
  use of mature technologies in science            p. 34 Student Participation
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Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
       2021                                                                                                                              GOAL 2 :
                                                                                                                                         Project Highlights :
       With over 1,000 technology investments made since 1999 and an
       active portfolio of 136 projects during FY21 (October 1, 2020, through
       September 30, 2021), ESTO drives innovation, enables future Earth
                                                                                                                                                       The Ultra WideBand software defined microwave RADiometer
       science measurements, and strengthens NASA’s reputation for
                                                                                                                                                        (UWBRAD) instrument developed under the 2013 Instrument
       developing and advancing leading-edge technologies. To clarify
                                                                                                                                                     Incubator Program solicitation was deployed with support from
       ESTO’s FY21 achievements, what follows are the year’s results tied to
                                                                                                                                                         the National Science Foundation as part of the international
       our performance metrics.
                                                                                                                                                         Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic

GOAL 1 :                               Annually advance 25% of currently funded technology                                                                  Climate (MOSAiC) expedition. MOSAiC was conducted to
                                       projects at least one Technology Readiness Level (TRL).                                                            investigate the Arctic processes and evolution of ocean-ice-
                                                                                                                                                                               atmosphere system in the polar region.

FY21 Result :                                             39% of ESTO technology projects funded during FY21 advanced one
                                                          or more TRLs over the course of the fiscal year. Eight of these projects
                                                          advanced more than one TRL. Although the percentage of TRL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                EZIE Infusions
Goal                                                               57
                                                                       advancements tends to be higher in years with large
                                    53                              % numbers of completing projects, ESTO has consistently
                                     %       50
                                              %                                      met or exceeded this metric in every fiscal                                                                                In late 2020, the Electrojet Zeeman Imaging
        39       39       41                                40            39     39 year since inception. The average annual
                           %                                 %                                                                                                                                                  Explorer (EZIE) mission was selected by NASA’s
         %       %                                                         %      % TRL advancement for all years going back
                                                       29                    39% 39%                                                                                                                            Heliophysics Science Division to explore
                                                        %                            to 1999 is 42%.                                                                                                            electric currents in Earth’s atmosphere that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                link the aurora to the magnetosphere. Led by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, EZIE
        FY       FY       FY        FY       FY        FY       FY        FY       FY FY FY                                                                                                                     will be comprised of three CubeSats flying in
        03       05       07         9       11        13       15        17       19 19 21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                formation and carrying payloads containing
   Percentage of Active Projects that advanced at least 1 TRL during each Fiscal Year.                                                                                                                          millimeter radiometers with high-resolution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                digital spectrometers. These payloads include
                                                                                                                                                                                                                substantial heritage from technologies

GOAL 2 :                                 Mature at least three technologies to the point where they can be
                                         demonstrated in space or in a relevant operational environment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                originally developed through ESTO:

FY21 Result :                                                In this fiscal year, at least 8 ESTO projects achieved infusion into
                                                             science measurements, airborne campaigns, data systems, or follow-

Project Highlights :
                                                                                         on development activities. Three notable
                                                                                         examples follow.

                                                                                   The Ecological Spectral Model Library (EcoSML) is
                                                                                                                                         The analog front ends of the EZIE
                                                                                                                                         radiometers are derived directly
                                                                                                                                                                                The digital back ends were
                                                                                                                                                                                developed for use on the CubeRRT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The overall digital design is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          based on early work on an Agile
                                                                                   one of several tools developed under the Ecological   from the TEMPEST-D (TEMPoral           (CubeSat Radio Frequency                  Digital Detector by Chris Ruf at
                                                                                   Spectral Information System, a 2016 Advanced          Experiment for Storms and              Interference Radiometer                   the University of Michigan (who
                                                                                   Information Systems Technology project (PI: Phil      Tropical systems–Demonstration,        Technology, PI: Joel Johnson, Ohio        is also serving as the EZIE Deputy
                                                                                   Townsend, University of Wisconsin). EcoSML            PI: Steven Reising, Colorado           State) CubeSat, which also launched       Project Scientist), through a 2004
                                                                                   has been added to GitHub, a cloud-based service       State) CubeSat, an Earth Venture       in May 2018 and demonstrated on-          award under the Instrument
                                                                                   that helps developers store and manage their          Instrument launched in May 2018 to     board, real-time Radio Frequency          Incubator Program that has enjoyed
                                                                                   code, enabling researchers to share models and        demonstrate observations of cloud      Interference (RFI) processing from        widespread infusion, including by
                                                                                   facilitating the use of spectral data by the larger   and precipitation processes.           space.                                    the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer
                                                                                   scientific community.                                                                                                                  (HIRAD) airborne instrument.

Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ESTO 2021 Metrics

 GOAL 3 :                          Enable a new science measurement or significantly

                                   improve the performance of an existing technique.

 FY21 Result :                                     Several projects satisfied this goal in FY21.

                                                   One notable example follows:

 Compact Hyperspectral
 Prism Spectrometer
    The Compact Hyperspectral               be launched as a secondary payload,

  Prism Spectrometer (CHPS), a              perhaps on an ESPA Grande ring,
  new instrument developed at Ball          rather than as a standalone mission
  Aerospace (Principal Investigator:          The flight tests, which totaled
  Thomas Kampe), was put through a          about 40 hours on a Twin Otter out of
  series of test flights in 2019 and 2020   Grand Junction, Colorado, produced
  aboard a Twin Otter aircraft in order     high-quality science data which was
  to demonstrate the technology for         processed to Level 1B. Concepts for a
  future Landsat missions. The compact      spaceborne instrument, potentially
  spectrometer could help maintain          aboard a future Landsat mission,              CHPS instrument integration
  Landsat’s legacy of accurate and stable   were also developed and provided to        onto a Twin Otter aircraft in
  calibration – key to developing new       NASA and USGS as part of the 2020          Grand Junction, CO. Credits:
  hyperspectral approaches for a broad      Architecture Study Team project.           Thomas Kampe / Ball Aerospace
  range of science investigations, from
  surface ecology and biodiversity
  studies to water quality monitoring

                                                                                                                                                               Decadal Survey
  and land use analysis.
    CHPS features low stray light

  and low polarization sensitivity,
  improvements made possible by                                                                                                   The newest program element
  careful instrument design and the                                                                                            managed by ESTO, Decadal Survey
  use of a prism in place of gratings.                                                                                         Incubation (DSI), seeks to accelerate      In 2020, two study teams were
  A new broadband anti-reflection                                                                                              the readiness of two high-priority       competitively selected to “identify
  coating applied to the prism elements                                                                                        observables needing science-             methods and activities for improving
  helps to minimize transmission losses                                                                                        requirements refinement, technology      the understanding of and advancing
  and reflections, and the CHPS team                                                                                           development, and/or other                the maturity of the technologies
  developed a novel prism alignment                                                                                            advancements prior to cost-effective     applicable to these two targeted
  method. As a result, a spaceborne                                                                                            flight implementation. As its name       observables and their associated
  version of CHPS is small enough to                                                                                           suggests, DSI was recommended            science and applications priorities.”
                                                                                                                               by the National Academies in the         Each team produced a report
     An example of CHPS data,                                                                                                  2017 Earth Science Decadal Survey        that helped inform the first DSI
  taken over the USGS survey site                                                                                              to target the Planetary Boundary         solicitation for proposals, released
  at Crested Butte, CO. Spectral                                                                                               Layer (PBL) and Surface Topography       in FY21. Awards are expected in
  bands were combined to create                                                                                                and Vegetation (STV) areas. These        FY22. For more information on DSI,
  the RGB image. The Level 1B                                                                                                  two fields are complex and dynamic       the study team reports, and the
  CHPS data provides geolocated                                                                                                systems with important science           solicitation, visit: https://esto.nasa.
  continuous spectra over the full                                                                                             objectives and societal applications.    gov/incubation/.
  450-2300 nm band for each pixel,                                                                                             Advancing technology to support
  enabling selection of any ground                                                                                             these areas will improve observational
  location for spectral information.                                                                                           capabilities that may unlock new
  Inset shows spectra corresponding                                                                                            insights into a wide variety of Earth
  to the three locations noted in the                                                                                          processes.
  image: snow (blue), soil (green),
  and evergreen trees (magenta).

Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ESTO 2021 Program Updates

               Advanced Information                                                                                                        In-space Validation of Earth
                Systems Technology                                                                                                               Science Technologies
                                                                                                                              NASA’s vision for future Earth
                                                                                                                              observations necessitates the
                                                                                                                              development of emerging technologies capable of making     (InVEST) program facilitates the space demonstration of
  Advanced information systems            develop and evolve new ways of            combined with ground-based and
play a leading role in the collection,    designing novel Earth observation         airborne-derived data, provide            new or improved Earth science measurements. Promising      technology projects that cannot be sufficiently evaluated
processing, integration, analysis,        systems and capabilities to               comprehensive information that            new capabilities, however, bring complexity and risk,      on the ground or through airborne testing. Once validated
understanding, and utilization of vast    incorporate technological advances,       can improve science understanding.        and for some technologies there remains a critical need    in space, technologies are generally more adoptable, even
amounts of Earth science data, both       like constellations of small satellites   Scientists can utilize these agile        for validation in the hazardous environment of space.      beyond their intended use.
in space, in situ or on the ground.       and smarter sensors, and information      analytic frameworks, which                ESTO’s In-space Validation of Earth Science Technologies
Advanced computer intelligence            dynamically gathered from space,          enhance and enable focused science                                                                                   The Aerosol Radiometer for Global
and technology concepts that
enable novel acquisition, discovery,
                                          air, and ground-based sources. We
                                          have more observation capabilities
                                                                                    investigations using disparate datasets
                                                                                    and pioneering visualization and
                                                                                                                                        12 Projects                                                      Observation of the Stratosphere
                                                                                                                                                                                                         (ARGOS) Instrument – Matthew
                                                                                                                                      Active in FY21                                       s
fusion, and analytics strategies for      and tools than ever before, providing     analytics tools including machine                                                                                    DeLand, Science Systems And
                                                                                                                                                                                e                        Applications, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                              oj d
terabytes of diverse data are essential   researchers with an arsenal of data-      learning as well as relevant computing
to NASA’s vision of a distributed         collecting possibilities. This thrust     environments.
                                                                                                                                                                          P r                            ARCSTONE: Calibration of Lunar

                                                                                                                                                                         3 Adde
observational network. ESTO’s             aims to develop architectures that          In 2022, AIST will add a third focus                                                                               Spectral Reflectance from Space –
Advanced Information Systems              could autonomously coordinate and         area: Earth System Digital Twins –                                                                                   Constantine Lukashin, NASA Langley
Technology (AIST) program employs         integrate data from sensor webs,          capabilities for developing integrated                                                                               Research Center
an end-to-end approach to develop         including small satellites and UAVs.      Earth Science frameworks that
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Active Cooling for Methane Earth
these critical technologies — from        Technology advances are creating          mirror the Earth with state-of-the-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sensors – Charles Swenson, Utah State
space where the information pipeline      opportunities to make these new           art Earth system and human models
begins, to the end user where             measurements and to continue others       and simulations, timely and relevant
                                                                                                                                                                               t e
knowledge is advanced. Recently,          more effectively.                         observations, and analytic tools,
                                                                                                                                                                                            RainCube, A Precipitation Profiling Radar in a CubeSat –
AIST has focused on the following         Analytic Collaborative Frameworks         enabling the exploration of various
                                                                                                                                                                                            Eva Peral, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
areas:                                       Once Earth observing missions are      hypothetical and predictive scenarios.

New Observing Strategies                  in operation, very large amounts of
  With each new Earth science             data are collected. Data from different
measurement comes a new observing         missions often have different formats

                                                                                                                              Sustainable Land Imaging -
system design. This thrust helps          and diverse resolutions that, when
                                                                             36 Projects

           National Center for
                                                                            Active in FY21                                    Technology                                       For over 40 years, the Landsat series of satellites has been providing a
                                                                                                                                                                               continuous stream of moderate resolution, multispectral images that
                                                                                                                                                                               have been used by a broad range of specialists to analyze our world.
 Supercomputing Applications
           (NCSA) Data Fusion                                                                                                      13 Projects                                 To continue the mission of Landsat, NASA initiated the Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                               Land Imaging – Technology (SLI-T) program to explore innovative
        Visualization for NASA
   CAMP2Ex Field Campaign –
                                                                                                                                 Active in FY21                                technologies to achieve Landsat-like data with more efficient
                                                                                                                                                                               instruments, sensors, components, and methodologies.
 Larry Di Girolamo, University
                                                            e   s                                                                                                                           Long Wavelength Infrared Focal Plane Array
          of Illinois at Urbana-
                                                                                                                                                                                            For Land Imaging – David Ting, Jet Propulsion
                                                   d   u                                                                                                                                    Laboratory
         NOS Study Sensorweb
                                              G ra                                                                                                                                          Advanced Technology Land Imaging

    integration concepts – Dan                                                                                                                                                              Spectroradiometer (ATLIS) – Jeffery Puschell,
      Crichton, Jet Propulsion                                                                                                                                                              Raytheon
                    Laboratory                                                                                                                                                              Compact Hyperspectral Prism Spectrometer –
                                                                                                                                                                                e  s        Thomas Kampe, Ball Aerospace & Technologies
 Automated Smart Instrument                                                                                                                                                                 Corp
      Tasking for NASA Urgent
                                                                                                                                                                                            Reduced Envelope Multi-Spectral Imager – Dennis
 Response – Cathleen Jones, Jet
                                                                                                                                                                                            Nicks, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp
        Propulsion Laboratory
                                                                                                                                                            5                               Multi-Spectral, Low-Mass, High-Resolution
                                                                                                                                                                                            Integrated Photonic Land Imaging Technology –
                                                                                                                                                                                            Ben Yoo, University of California, Davis
Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ESTO 2021 Program Updates

                                                                          Carefully developed instrument and

                                                                                                                                                         Advanced Component
                                                                          component technologies can reduce
                                                                          the risk and cost of new scientific

 Tech                                                                                                                                                           Technologies
                        observations with extended capabilities. ESTO’s strategy for observation technologies
                        focuses on new measurement approaches that can enable improved science capabilities            Advanced Component Technologies (ACT) implements
                        and technologies to reduce the overall volume, mass, and operational complexity in             technology developments to advance state-of-the-art
                        observing systems. Developing and validating novel observation technologies before             instruments. The ACT program funds the research,
                        mission development improves their acceptance and infusion by mission planners and             development, and demonstration of component- and              W-Band RF-Photonics Receiver for
                        significantly reduces cost and schedule uncertainties. ESTO’s Observation Technology           subsystem-level technologies to reduce the risk, cost,        Compact Cloud and Precipitation
                        investments are divided among two main programs: the Instrument Incubator Program,             size, mass, and development time of missions and              Radars – Razi Ahmed, Jet Propulsion
                                                                                                                       infrastructure.                                               Laboratory
                        and Advanced Component Technologies.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Photonic Lantern Interferometric

      Instrument Incubator
                                                                                                                                                                                     Receiver for Remote Sensing
                                                                                                                                                                                     Applications – Rodrigo Amezcua
                                                                                                                                                                                     Correa, University of Central Florida

      Program                                                                                                                 25 Projects                                            Advancing the Radio Frequency
                                    The Instrument Incubator Program (IIP) provides funding for new
                                                                                                                                                                                 s   Payload for a 3-D Lightning
                                    instrument and observation techniques, from concept to breadboard
                                                                                                                            Active in FY21                                   e ct    Geolocation Capability with a

                                                                                                                                                                                     Constellation of CubeSats – Sonja
                                    and flight demonstrations. Instrument technology development of
                                                                                                                                                                        r            Behnke, Los Alamos National Lab
                                                                                                                                                                      P       ed
                                    this scale, outside of a flight project, consistently leads to smaller, less
                                                                                                                                                                    2       d
                                                                                                                                                                                     A Compact, High-Power 167-174.8 GHz
                                    resource-intensive instruments that reduce the costs and risks of mission
                                    instrumentation.                                                                                                              1     A d          Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier for
                                                                                                                                                                                     Planetary Boundary Layer Differential
                                                                            Wideband Autocorrelation                                                                                 Absorption Radar – Kenneth
                                                                            Radiometer Receiver Development                                                                          Kreischer, Northrop Grumman
                                                                            and Demonstration for Direct                                                                             Systems Corporation
                34 Projects                                                 Measurement of Terrestrial Snow
                                                                            and Ice Accumulation– Roger De Roo,                                                                      Ultra-Wideband Photonic
                                                                                                                                                                                     Spectrometer for PBL Sensing –
              Active in FY21                                                University of Michigan
                                                                            Next Generation GNSS Bistatic Radar
                                                                                                                                                                                     Thomas Dillon, Phase Sensitive
                                                                                                                                                                                     Innovations, Inc.
                                                                            Receiver – Chris Ruf, University of
                                                                            Michigan                                                                                                 Visible to SWIR Fast eAPDs for
                                                                                                                                                                                     Panchromatic FTS Instrument –
                                                                            ARCSTONE: Calibration of Lunar                                                                           Arvind D’Souza, DRS Network &
                                                                            Spectral Reflectance from Space –                                                                        Imaging Systems, LLC

                                                                            Constantine Lukashin, NASA Langley
                                                                                                                                                                                     Bandstructure Engineered Type-II
                                                                            Research Center
                                                                                                                                                                                     superlattice Antimonide Avalanche
                                                                            Compact Midwave Imaging System-
                                                                                                                                                      a  d                           Photodiodes (BETA-APD) for Space

                                                                            Michael Kelly, Johns Hopkins                                                                             Lidar Instruments – Sanjay Krishna,
                                                                            University Applied Physics Laboratory                                                                    Ohio State University
                                                                            Advanced Development of a                                         2                                      Radar on a Chip – Lute Maleki,
                                                                            Multi-Angle Stratospheric Aerosol                                                                        OEwaves Inc.
                                                                            Radiometer (MASTAR) – Matthew             Carbon Absolute Electrical Substitution
                                                                            DeLand, SSAI                                                                                             Miniaturized Microwave Absolute
                                                                                                                        Radiometers (CAESR) – David Harber,                          Calibration (MiniMAC) for Sounders
                                                                            Multi-Band Radiometric Imager                         University of Colorado LASP                        and Imagers on SmallSat and CubeSat
                                                                            Utilizing Uncooled Microbolometer         P/I band multi-frequency reflectometry                         Platforms – Steven Reising, Colorado
                                                                            Arrays with Piezo Backscan for Earth
                                                                                                                          antenna for a U-class constellation -                      State University
                                                         e                  Observation Mission Applications –
                                                                                                                            James Garrison, Purdue University                        Stacked Miniaturized And Radiation
                                                                            Philip Ely, Leonardo DRS
                                                d   u                                                                                                                                Tolerant Intelligent Electronics

                                                                            3-D Global Winds: A high pulse rate,                                                                     (SMARTIE) – James Yamaguchi, Irvine
                                           G                                lower technology risk coherent wind                                                                      Sensors Corporation
                                      8                                     lidar for airborne science and a global
                                                                            winds pathfinder mission – Michael                                                                       Advanced SAPHIRA HgCdTe APD
                                                                                                                                                                                     Arrays for NASA Space Lidar
                                                                            Kavaya, NASA Langley Research
                                                                            Center                                                                                                   Applications – Guangning Yang, NASA
                                                                                                                                                                                     Goddard Space Flight Center
                                                                            Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas
                                                                            Experiment (SAGE) IV Pathfinder                                                                          Hyperspectral Imaging on Photonic-
                                                                            – Robert Damadeo, NASA Langley                                                                           Integrated-Circuits for Future
                                                                            Research Center                                                                                          GeoCARB Missions – Ben Yoo,
                                                                                                                                                                                     University of California, Davis

11                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11
Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ESTO 2021 Technology Highlights — AIST
                                                                           Air pollution kills approximately seven     information about the air their citizens        served the Obama Administration as an

                                                                        million people each year according to          breathe. If air quality is poor, the city can   appointed Open Data Evangelist, says
                                                                        the World Health Organization (WHO).           issue an advisory encouraging citizens to       that her team will release their modeling
                                                                        That’s a life lost every five seconds          take precautions.                               software open-source on the popular
                                                                        to a variety of preventable cancers,              “Effective forecasting is one of the         coding site GitHub once it’s complete,
                                                                        infections, and other illnesses afflicting     best ways to keep citizens healthy. It          allowing anyone with a computer to
                                                                        communities struggling to maintain             gives people who are particularly prone         access their work and tailor it to fit any
                                                                        clean air.                                     to respiratory illness time to connect          urban environment in the world.
                                                                           “Those deaths are tragic. Cities use lots   with their healthcare provider and start           “Air pollution isn’t just an LA problem.
                                                                        of different strategies to try and protect     preventative treatments. Being proactive        There are people all over the world who

What We
                                                                        people, but our mitigation strategies are      is key to avoiding a health emergency,”         are struggling to stay healthy in polluted
                                                                        limited by the amount of air quality data      said Dawn Comer, LA’s Broadband and             urban environments, and if others can
                                                                        we have at our disposal,” said Jeanne          Digital Inclusion Coordinator.                  use PWWB to mitigate air pollution more
                                                                        Holm, Deputy Mayor of Budget and                  But LA’s system for detecting air            efficiently, then it can only help us all in
                                                                        Innovation for the City of Los Angeles.        pollution is limited to the Los Angeles         the long run,” said Holm.
                                                                           With a grant from ESTO, Holm and            metropolitan area, and events far                  Preparing PWWB for the general
                                                                        a team of researchers are working on           away from the city can have just as             public is no small feat. Holm credits her
                                                                        advanced machine-learning software             big an impact on air quality as traffic         team, especially her Co-Investigators at
                                                                        that could make it easier for cities to        on Ventura Boulevard. For example,              California State University, Los Angeles,
                                                                        forecast air pollution events. Their           wildfires in other parts of California          and the non-profit OpenAQ, for making

                                                                        project, aptly titled “Predicting What         could jettison large amounts of                 this project possible.
                                                                        We Breathe (PWWB),” combines deep              particulate pollutants into LA’s air               “Dr. Mohammad Pourhomayoun’s
                                                                        neural network models with other classic       and cause an unexpected spike in air            team at California State University, Los
                                                                        machine-learning algorithms to identify        pollution.                                      Angeles, is instrumental for unraveling
                                                                        relationships between air quality data            “Earth is a system of systems. If we         the complexities of normalizing satellite
                                                                        gathered from ground sensors in Los            want to effectively mitigate air pollution,     and ground data with varying scales of
                                                                        Angeles and imaging data gathered from         we need to be able to look at the big           time and space, and Jeremy Taub’s team
                                                                        Earth-monitoring satellites managed            picture and understand how our city             at OpenAQ unites collaborators from the
                                                                        by NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey         fits within the broader environmental           LA area with cities around the globe to
                                                                        (USGS).                                        picture,” said Holm.                            help us apply these algorithms to real
                                                                           Understanding these relationships              To discover relationships between data       data sets collected from each of their
                                                                        would enable scientists to train systems       gathered from ground-based air quality          cities,” said Holm.
                                                                        used to process data from sources like         sensors and NASA satellite observations,           PWWB is still in the early phases of
                                                                        Terra MODIS, Aqua MODIS, and Landsat           PWWB will use multimodal deep                   development, but Holm hopes to have a
                                                                        to detect signs of impending air pollution     learning algorithms. These algorithms           valid prototype algorithm ready in the
                                                                        incidents too subtle to be detected by in      include several deep Recurrent Neural           near future. “There’s a lot of work to be
                                                                        situ sensors in LA. In addition, PWWB          Network (RNN) models, which are ideal           done, but using machine-learning to
                                                                        would help researchers not only better         for forecasting outcomes from time-             process data from space-based remote
                                                                        classify urban air patterns in LA, but         series data. That makes them well-suited        sensors can really change the way we
                                                                        also allow them to detect similarities         to comb a wide variety of data sources—         forecast air pollution events,” said Holm.
                                  Machine learning helps forecast air
                                                                        between those air patterns and other air       including sensor measurements,
                                                                        regimes in megacities around the world.        satellite images, meteorological data,
                                     pollution events in Los Angeles.   This capability would enable urban             and wildfire data—to locate patterns
                                                                        communities worldwide to protect their         between information from LA’s sensor
                                                                        citizens from the harmful effects of air       network and images collected by NASA
                                                                        pollution with data-driven mitigation          and USGS. Essentially, these models
                                                                        strategies.                                    teach data classifiers to identify signs
                                                                           “Our goal is to create a tool anyone can    of an impending air pollution event in
                                                                        use to predict and prevent air pollution       satellite images of Earth’s surface.
                                                                        events. We want to empower other cities           “Any relationship between our air
                                                                        to keep their citizens safe as well,” said     quality data and Landsat images could
                                                                        Holm.                                          be too nuanced for human analysts
                                                                           Los Angeles already uses an extensive       to detect, so we need to develop new
                                                                        network of air quality sensors to keep         information systems to find these
                                                                        tabs on pollution. These sensors are in        patterns for us,” said Holm.
                                                                        LA’s ports, parks, and even streetlights,         Perhaps the most remarkable aspect
                                                                        providing officials with critical              of PWWB is its flexibility. Holm, who
Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ESTO 2021 Technology Highlights — IIP

Up In the
                                                           Wispy white cirrus clouds stretched      back to Earth will have a significant        cutting-edge technologies into a single
                                                        across a blue sky may seem insubstantial,   impact on global climate models,” said       instrument to gather this critical data.
                                                        but they actually have a huge impact on     Deal.                                        In particular, its ability to selectively
                                                        Earth’s climate. Learning more about           Cirrus clouds both alleviate and          distribute energy to an active radar

New NASA radar looks to
                                                        these clouds would allow scientists to      exacerbate the effects of climate change.    system using a pair of machine learning
                                                        develop better models for understanding     While thick cirrus clouds packed with        algorithms allows it to decrease overall
                                                        storms and climate change.                  large ice crystals help regulate Earth’s     power consumption by a factor of seven
                                                           “Cirrus clouds cover more than 50%       global temperature by reflecting             without compromising the strength of

  monitor volcanoes and
                                                        of our planet. If we can build a better     incoming solar radiation back into space,    its radar. This means SMICES is the first

                                                        body of fundamental data describing the     those same thick clouds also absorb and      compact spaceborne remote sensor fit
                                                        structure of these clouds, we’ll have a     trap lots of solar energy.                   for measuring ice crystals using radar

earthquakes from space
                                                        far superior understanding of how that         “The size of the ice crystals within      frequencies in the 239 GHz range –
                                                        coverage will affect our weather and        high- altitude ice clouds determines         which is essential for getting a clear look
                                                        climate moving forward,” said William       the role those clouds play in regulating     at cirrus clouds contributing to severe
                                                        Deal, a staff engineer at Northrop          Earth’s radiative energy system. More        weather events.
                                                        Grumman Systems Corporation.                radiation means more heat, and more             “The artificial intelligence algorithm
                                                           Deal is working with a team of           heat could lead to more powerful,            combs data from the three multi-
                                                        researchers at Northrop Grumman and         energetic storm systems,” said Javier        band radiometers for evidence of an
                            A new smart instrument      the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to      Bosch, a Technologist at JPL and co-         interesting tropospheric feature. If it
                             aims to change the way     develop a new instrument that would
                                                        reduce the cost and complexity of using
                                                                                                    investigator for SMICES.
                                                                                                       Deal adds that activities like
                                                                                                                                                 finds such a feature, like a severe storm,
                                                                                                                                                 the artificial intelligence controller
                              we look at ice crystals   space-based remote sensors to study         deforestation and the burning of fossil      activates its onboard radar and focuses
                                  in the atmosphere.    the tiny ice crystals making up cirrus      fuels may increase the prevalence of         it on the targeted event. The radar only
                                                        clouds. Their project, Smart Ice Cloud      cirrus clouds by spewing large amounts       activates when necessary, and that’s
                                                        Sensing (SMICES), combines three            of fine particulates into the upper          critical for incorporating the 239 GHz
                                                        passive multi-band radiometers with         atmosphere, which then become the            active radar onto a small, cost-efficient
                                                        an active millimeter-wave radar system      nuclei of high-altitude ice cloud crystals   satellite,” said Deal.
                                                        to measure the size and shape of these      as they encounter freezing water vapor.         “Lingering questions about how
                                                        ice crystals as they float through the      If that’s the case, then incorporating       our climate and weather will change
                                                        troposphere.                                data on ice clouds could be critical for     over time can only be answered with
                                                           In addition to gathering multi-angle     creating models that can accurately          advanced tools tailored to explore
                                                        data on these ice crystals, SMICES          describe the relationship between those      aspects of our world that are still
                                                        would also gather data to improve           ice clouds and the prevalence of severe      obscure. With SMICES, we hope to shed
                                                        the understanding of the formation          weather events as our climate continues      light on one of those aspects and its
                                                        of tornadoes and hurricanes in near         to change.                                   impact on other Earth systems,” said
                                                        real-time, exploring how high-altitude         SMICES would employ several               Deal.
                                                        ice clouds might impact the location,
                                                        severity, and frequency of these storms.
                                                        This information would make it easier                              42 0 k
                                                                                                                                    m Orb                                 42 0 k
                                                                                                                                                                                   m Orb
                                                                                                                                         it                                             it
                                                        for researchers to refine their models
                                                        for forecasting severe weather events
                                                        and predicting the long-term effects of
                                                        climate change.
                                                           An intelligent instrument, SMICES
                                                        would employ artificial intelligence
                                                        algorithms to make independent
                                                        decisions regarding power consumption,                                                     Radiometer Swath = 592 km                        Radio
                                                        which would make it the first NASA
                                                        sensor fit for using energy-intensive
                                                        active radar systems within shoe-box-
                                                        sized CubeSat platforms to collect
                                                        dynamic measurements of ice clouds.
                                                        “This is an incredibly compact, semi-
                                                        autonomous, low-power solution for             SMICES’ passive radiometers                   When a tropospheric feature
                                                        studying high-altitude ice clouds and       continuously scan a 592 km cross-            of interest is detected, the active
                                                        their relationship with climate and         track swath at a 45°elevation                radar is autonomously directed at
                                                        weather trends. The data SMICES sends       angle.                                       the scene.
Earth Science Technology O ice - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ESTO 2021 Technology Highlights — AIST
                                                                   According to NOAA, disasters in 2020          “There’s no substitute for the            its event databases catalogue each
                                                                cost the U.S. more than $95 billion in        knowledge we can provide using               data request to prevent duplicate or
                                                                damages – more than any other year on         space-based remote sensors. These            overlapping requests from delaying data
                                                                record. Minimizing the impact of these        instruments have a bird’s eye view of        products.
                                                                disasters means dispatching much-             disaster zones, and that view allows            “It’s about speed. The faster we can
                                                                needed aid to devastated communities as       first responders to get a more complete      image disaster areas and create these
                                                                efficiently as possible.                      picture of a disaster situation,” said       data products, the faster they can be
                                                                   “We can’t stop disasters from              Jones.                                       used to improve disaster response
                                                                happening, but we can limit the scope of         The challenge, she says, is plucking      efforts. Smart Tasking can increase the
                                                                these catastrophes by executing a quick,      information relevant to a specific           utility of NASA data for urgent response,
                                                                effective response,” said Cathleen Jones,     disaster from the torrents of data           and there’s the potential to leverage
                                                                a researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion         satellites sent back to researchers          this program to support studies of other
                                                                Laboratory (JPL).                             each day. Currently, it’s up to human        dynamic Earth systems as well,” said
                                                                   Jones and her team are using funding       analysts to communicate with satellites      Jones.

                                                                from ESTO to develop a new software           about whether a disaster has occurred           While Smart Tasking could be used
                                                                system that aims to provide decision          and decide which data might be most          to prioritize disaster-related data
                                                                makers with essential information             relevant to rescuers on the ground.          gathered by numerous instruments
                                                                enabling first responders to reach               “That process could take hours or even    already in orbit, Jones and her team
                                                                victims of disasters more quickly.            days, and in the aftermath of a disaster,    hope that it will be especially useful
                                         Automating satellite   Their system, called “Smart Tasking,” is      every minute counts. Even minor delays       for the upcoming NASA-ISRO SAR
                                         observations for       designed to automatically alert Earth-        might mean the difference between life       (NISAR) mission. Scheduled to launch
                                         disaster response.     monitoring satellites when a disaster         and death for those in distress,” said       during the summer of 2022, this joint
                                                                occurs, tasking them with prioritized         Jones.                                       mission between NASA and the Indian

                                                                downlink and processing of any data that         Smart Tasking shrinks that delay from     Space Research Organization (ISRO)
                                                                may be of use to first responders. While      hours or days to minutes, providing an       will systematically image the Earth’s
                                                                NASA and other space agencies already         automated interface between satellites       surface over the course of three years to
                                                                provide rescuers with data products           and databases like USGS’s Volcano            measure surface displacement as small
                                                                describing disasters, they do so only after   Notification System (VNS) platform           as millimeters in size.
                                                                a person manually tasks satellites with       – which maintains information on                “Data that detailed would be
                                                                assembling the necessary information.         volcanic eruptions – to identify and         incredibly useful for disaster relief
                                                                   By automating this process and             downlink data that would be useful           purposes, but it will have to be identified
                                                                instructing satellites to begin assembling    for coordinating disaster relief. Its        and filtered from a great deal of other
                                                                data products almost as soon a disaster       flexible, cloud-based architecture would     data first. Smart Tasking would be an
                                                                occurs, Smart Tasking could dramatically      accommodate multiple inputs from             excellent resource for doing this,” said
                                                                reduce the amount of time it takes to         monitoring networks and multiple             Jones.
                                                                get invaluable information about the          clients to service increased data requests        A volcanic eruption at Mount
                                                                exact location, duration, and magnitude       during large disaster events, while          Sinabung, Indonesia in May 2016.
                                                                of disasters into the hands of first
                                                                   “We want to cut out the middleman.
                                                                Enabling satellites to respond
                                                                automatically to disasters instead
                                                                of making them wait for manual
                                                                instruction streamlines their ability to
                                                                respond to urgent data requests,” said
                                                                   Satellite data is critical for
                                                                coordinating disaster relief efforts. This
                                                                data provides first responders more
                                                                information about the extent and impact
                                                                of a disaster itself, and in some cases,
                                                                detailed images of the affected area. This
                                                                allows rescuers to identify safe places
                                                                to shelter refugees and rescuers, find
                                                                passable supply and egress routes, and
                                                                identify ruined infrastructure where
                                                                wounded people could be trapped.
ESTO 2021 Technology Highlights — IIP
                                                                                  Circling the globe multiple times each    Challenger delivered the Earth Radiation         DEMETER would solve that problem.
                                                                               day, a network of satellites carefully       Budget Satellite (ERBS) into orbit. Since     While the last ERB satellite sent into

                                                                               measures the Earth Radiation Budget          then, five other satellites have joined       orbit weighed more than 2000 kg,
                                                                               (ERB)—or, how much solar energy              ERBS as part of the Earth Radiation           DEMETER could weigh as little as 90 kg.
                                                                               Earth absorbs, reflects, and emits back      Budget Experiment (ERBE) and the              And unlike other radiometers, DEMETER
                                                                               into space. This information helps           Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy         wouldn’t require a complicated scanning
                                                                               researchers learn more about everything      System (CERES) project to track energy        mechanism to track radiation. Instead,
                                                                               from daily weather patterns to climate       interactions between Earth and space.         DEMETER’s wide-field-angle optical
                                                                               change.                                         “The data products we receive from         module would function as a simple
                                                                                  Anum Ashraf, a researcher at NASA’s       these instruments are invaluable.             “push-broom” sensor that could achieve
                                                                               Langley Research Center, wants to            By calculating the annual difference          superior global coverage using far less
                                                                               ensure scientists continue to receive        between the amount of radiation Earth         energy.

                                                                               reliable information about Earth’s           absorbs and the amount of radiation              “This not only makes it less expensive
                                                                               radiant energy system for decades to         Earth emits, we can clearly see how           to launch a satellite for tracking ERB, but
                                                                               come. Ashraf and her team are hard           quickly the Earth is warming up due to        also increases the number of potential
                                                                               at work developing a next-generation         climate change,” said Ashraf.                 flight windows such a mission could
                                                                               radiometric sensor, DEMonstrating the           But while these instruments have           have. DEMETER would be much less
                                                                               Emerging Technology for Measuring the        proven themselves to be particularly          difficult to get into space than other ERB
                                                                               Earth’s Radiation (DEMETER), that will       durable (CERES FM-1 and FM-2,                 monitoring systems,” said Ashraf.
                                                                               not only dramatically reduce the size        launched aboard the Terra spacecraft in          While DEMETER likely won’t fly
                                                                               and weight of satellites sent to monitor     1999, continue to relay useful data), most    until 2028, a final report documenting

                                                                               ERB, but also greatly increase the utility   of them are approaching the end of their      DEMETER’s system performance and a
                                                                               of these instruments for meeting the         planned lifespans. If these instruments       path to an accelerated flight mission is
                                                                               evolving needs of the climate-modeling       were to expire, it would be extremely         scheduled for September 2022.
                                                                               community.                                   difficult to deploy a replacement in time        “Being able to deploy ERB satellites
                                                                                  From Low Earth Orbit (LEO),               to preserve the integrity and continuity      quickly will be crucial for maximizing
                                                                               DEMETER will use a non-scanning,             of the ERB data record.                       the value of this data record and
                                                                               wide-field-angle optical module and             “Current ERB instruments that              producing invaluable insights into how
                                                                               a two-dimensional detector array to          provide global broadband coverage             ERB shapes the world we live in,” said
                                                                               measure reflected solar radiation and        contain complex scanning mechanisms           Ashraf.

                                                                               thermal radiation emitted by the Earth       that increase the mass, power
                                                                               between 0.2 μm and ≥50 μm. This              consumption, and the cost of the
                                                                               range of radiant energy is particularly      payload, requiring a budget of at least          A DEMETER mission could
                                                                               important for understanding how              150 million dollars to get into orbit.        achieve a scan spacing of less
                                                                               radiation impacts regional weather           Sending instruments that large into LEO       than 5 km per swath, increasing
                                                                               conditions and long-term climate data        isn’t a fast process, and even a small gap    spatial resolution by a factor of 10
                                                                               trends. DEMETER will improve the             in the data record could affect our ability   compared to current instruments in
                                                                               resolution of available ERB data by a        to create accurate models,” said Ashraf.      orbit. Credit: Paul Padgett/NASA
                                                                               factor of ten and—using an onboard data
                                                                               processing unit—provide researchers
                                        New technology offers advantages for   with access to ERB data in near real
                                         Earth energy balance measurements.    time, which is critical for understanding
                                                                               the relationship between ERB and
                                                                               dynamic, fast-changing Earth systems
                                                                               behind things like natural disasters and
                                                                               agricultural production.
                                                                                  “We need an extensive ERB data
                                                                               record to understand how these energy
                                                                               interactions affect Earth systems.
                                                                               DEMETER will combine state-of-the-art
                                                                               instrumentation with a novel, modular
                                                                               spacecraft design to make sure that the
                                                                               data record remains unbroken,” said
                                                                                  Ashraf explains that researchers
                                                                               have monitored ERB with satellites
                                                                               since 1984, when the Space Shuttle
ESTO 2021 Technology Highlights — AIST
                                                                                   Bringing together data from numerous        could impact precipitation patterns          as it navigates the open ocean south of
                                                                                sensor nodes and visualizing it is a           in the Philippines and climate change        Luzon. The second was a prototype of a
                                                                                critical part of the scientific process. But   around the world. The science team was       potential future interactive dashboard,
                                                                                creating accessible visualizations isn’t       especially interested in determining         that presents much of the data gathered
                                                                                easy, especially when those sensor nodes       whether increased air pollution in South     by airborne, seaborne, and spaceborne
                                                                                communicate complex Earth-science              Asia might affect the amount of rain the     instruments supporting that research
                                                                                data.                                          Philippines receive annually and the         flight.
                                                                                   “Navigating and visualizing thousands       amount of solar radiation Earth reflects        “In one place, you have all the
                                                                                of raw data files collected during a field     back into space.                             information you need to locate patterns
                                                                                campaign is an extraordinarily tedious            “Increasing levels and concentrations     between these different data sets. As the
                                                                                task, and – left as is – might reduce          of certain aerosols may lead to reduced      video plays, the data in the dashboard
                                                                                the scientific return of the campaign,”        cloud cover, which limits the amount         changes in real time, so you can see
                                                                                said Larry Di Girolamo, a professor of         of rainfall those areas can expect. In       exactly when and where a certain data
                                                                                Atmospheric Sciences at the University         addition, fewer reflective clouds in these   point appeared in the record,” said
                                                                                of Illinois.                                   areas would increase the amount of           Stuart Levy, a senior programmer and
                                                                                   Di Girolamo collaborated with               sunlight Earth absorbs, which impacts        system administrator at AVL.
                                                                                programmers and designers from the             weather patterns and climate change,”           The final product package, which
                                                                                Advanced Visualization Lab (AVL) at the        said Di Girolamo.                            included a two-minute video and a
                                                                                University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign           Cloud-aerosol interactions in the         data dashboard depicting 76 different
                                                                                National Center for Supercomputing             Philippines are extremely complicated.       data variables, surpassed Di Girolamo’s
                                                                                Applications (NCSA) in Urbana,                 High-altitude clouds cover the clouds        expectations. The visualizations helped
                                                                                Illinois, to prototype a new process           beneath them that interact with aerosols,    his team link increased levels of aerosols
                                                                                for communicating data from field              making it difficult to observe cloud-        in the Philippines to a biomass-burning
                                                                                expeditions.                                   aerosol interactions using satellites.       event in Indonesia.
                                                                                   The prototype uses a combination            To fill those gaps in the satellite data,       “We’re excited for the possibility of
                                                                                of commercially available, open                CAMP2Ex researchers needed to merge          organizing our other data sets like this
                             New visualization tool helps researchers explore
                                                                                source, and home-grown software to             data from two NASA research planes,          and sharing this process with other
                                                                                transform raw data from NASA’s recent          a Navy research vessel, and even the         researchers handling Earth-science
                                     science campaign data like never before.

                                                                                Cloud, Aerosol and Monsoon Processes           Manila Observatory in Quezon City,           data,” said Di Girolamo.
                                                                                Philippines Experiment (CAMP2Ex) into          Philippines.
                                                                                a 3D animation and a data dashboard               “How do you build a comprehensive
                                                                                video. These visualizations made it easier     picture from hundreds of thousands               The CAMP2Ex exhibition video,
                                                                                for researchers to explore data gathered       of files from different data sources?”       illustrating data gathered during
                                                                                by all the instrument teams during their       said Di Girolamo. To solve this problem,     CAMP2Ex’s Research Flight 09.
                                                                                time in the Philippines.                       Di Girolamo and the creative team            During this flight, Di Girolamo’s
                                                                                   In particular, these visualizations were    prototyped two visualization products        team gathered data linking
                                                                                helpful for identifying patterns between       using data from CAMP2EX’s Research           increased levels of aerosols to

                                                                                one of the largest biomass-burning             Flight 09. The first visualization was       the largest biomass burning ever
                                                                                events ever recorded in Indonesia and          a 3D animated video that depicts the         recorded in Indonesia. Credit:
                                                                                increased amounts of air pollutants            journey of NASA’s P3 research aircraft       NASA / AVL
                                                                                in the South China Sea. Di Girolamo
                                                                                and the team at the AVL hope that the
                                                                                techniques they used to create these
                                                                                visualizations will help other researchers
                                                                                interpret and communicate data
                                                                                gathered during field campaigns more
                                                                                   “These visualizations could
                                                                                revolutionize how we communicate our
                                                                                data to other researchers and members
                                                                                the public. It could make field data
                                                                                more accessible for anyone interested
                                                                                in fundamental research,” said Di
                                                                                   The CAMP2Ex project assembled a
                                                                                fleet of disparate sensors to study how
                                                                                aerosol particles and cloud properties
ESTO 2021 Technology Highlights — ACT
                                                                             The smartphone in your pocket            operations usually done on the ground        Access Memory (MRAM) units, with a
                                                                          packs more computing power than             to reduce data throughput,” said             system controller providing adaptive
                                                                          all of NASA had at its disposal when        Yamaguchi.                                   redundancy to ensure gathered data isn’t

                                                                          it first sent humans to the moon. But          Powerful computers that digest data       lost if the system suddenly loses power.
                                                                          many spacecraft still rely on outdated      quickly use teams of processors to              “These are standard pieces of
                                                                          computers to process immense amounts        perform multiple calculations at the         computer hardware, but when we
                                                                          of complex data.                            same time. With more than 150,000            bring them together within this folded
                                                                             “Software for processing data more       processors, for example, Fugaku              structure, we create a system that
                                                                          efficiently can only be as revolutionary    (currently the world’s most powerful         consumes less energy, takes up less
                                                                          as the hardware hosting it. To improve      supercomputer) can perform as many as        space, helps insulate SMARTIE from
                                                                          data processing, that computing             one quintillion (1018) calculations each     radiation, and even makes it less
                                                                          hardware must also keep pace,” said         second. But processors require space         likely that radiation will even collide

                                                                          James Yamaguchi, Vice President of 3D       and energy, two things in short supply       with SMARTIE in the first place,” said
                                                                          Electronics and Mass Storage at Irvine      aboard satellites tailored for maximum       Yamaguchi.
                                                                          Sensors Corporation.                        efficiency.                                     A wide variety of scientific missions
                                                                             Yamaguchi is working with a team            “We’re talking about satellites that      dedicated to gathering data with space-
                                                                          of scientists to create a novel computer    are tens of centimeters in size. We may      based remote sensors would benefit from
                                                                          technology that would allow space-based     be able to outfit those satellites with      a computer like SMARTIE. In particular,
                                                                          remote sensors to process data faster and   computers strong enough to process           researchers developing SMart Ice Cloud
                                                                          more reliably. The technology, Stacked      data in situ, but that data processing       Sensing (SMICES) – an instrument that
                                                                          Miniaturized and Radiation Tolerant         capability often takes up resources that     would help improve climate and weather

                                                                          Intelligent Electronics (SMARTIE), uses     could be used to support a stronger          models (see page 13) – are interested in
                                                                          advanced packaging to integrate three       instrument array,” said Yamaguchi            using the technology to support their
                                                                          high-performance computer tiles into           In addition, while Earth’s atmosphere     goal of measuring ice crystals in high-
                                                                          a folded-flex module with over 300          shields computers on its surface from        altitude clouds.
                                                                          Gigaflops of computing power and 15         most cosmic radiation, computers in             “The ice crystals we want to measure
                                                                          Theoretical Operations Per Second           space don’t have that same protection. A     are best characterized using radar within
                                                                          (TOPS) of artificial intelligence (AI)      powerful burst of radiation could impact     the 239 GHz range, but that requires a
                                                                          performance.                                a computer’s ability to process data         pretty energy intensive radar apparatus.
                                                                             In addition to increasing the speed      accurately or even destroy it completely.    We want to run advanced AI algorithms

                                                                          at which an instrument could process           “If that happens, and the satellite can   that would only turn on the radar
                                                                          data, SMARTIE’s stacked computer            no longer process or relay data, then        when necessary. For a program that
                                                                          tiles would also help shield computers      you’re flying a very expensive brick. Even   complicated, we’ll need to use something
                                                                          from interference caused by radiation       computers small enough to fit practically    as powerful and compact as SMARTIE,”
                                                                          in space. Perhaps most importantly,         onboard compact satellites and powerful      said William Deal, PI for SMICES.
                                                                          SMARTIE would bring these benefits to       enough to process data in situ may still        Yamaguchi is excited to see other
                                                                          instruments while consuming less than       be too vulnerable to radiation for use in    scientists explore the possibility of
                                        Rad-hardened computer tiles for   10 watts of power – less energy than the
                                                                          average light bulb. That means satellites
                                                                                                                      space,” said Yamaguchi
                                                                                                                         SMARTIE would solve these problems
                                                                                                                                                                   incorporating SMARTIE into their
                                                                                                                                                                   instruments. Enabling researchers to
                                               compact space missions.

                                                                          equipped with SMARTIE would be much         by distributing readily available            accomplish their scientific objectives
                                                                          lighter and more cost-efficient than        computer components across a compact,        is, after all, what motivates his team to
                                                                          satellites that require numerous heavy      flexible architecture, which would then      develop this novel component.
                                                                          batteries to power their instruments.       fold into a single package only 16 mm           “We have to support one another.
                                                                          While still in the very early stages of     long, 22 mm wide, and 6 mm high.             Every incremental step forward lays the
                                                                          development, SMARTIE could eventually       These components would include an            foundation for future groundbreaking
                                                                          disrupt satellite applications across       off-the-shelf multi-core processor, a        discoveries, and we hope SMARTIE will
                                                                          the spectrum, from Earth observation        graphics processing unit (GPU), and          eventually become a cornerstone of that
                                                                          instruments to planetary exploration        non-volatile Magnetoresistive Random         foundation,” said Yamaguchi.
                                                                          instruments built to study distant

                                                                          planets and stars.
                                                                             “SMARTIE would have endless
                                                                          applications. It could provide
                                                                          autonomy to single satellites or
                                                                          satellite constellations using AI, enable
                                                                          distributed sensors where parts of              Flexible circuit in folded state
                                                                          the instrument are set in different         before encapsulation. Credit:
                                                                          spacecraft, and perform complex             James Yamaguchi/Irvine Sensors
ESTO 2021 Technology Highlights — AIST
                                                                                      If you’ve ever struggled to find             But manually curating metadata            metadata for NASA Earth science data
                                                                                   information using an online search           for NASA’s Earth science data sets is        sets would be an immense boon to NASA
                                                                                   engine, then you know how difficult          an onerous and time-consuming task.          science, improving the interoperability
                                                                                   research can be. This is especially          There are more than 8,000 collections        of NASA’s petabytes of disparate data
                                                                                   true for professional scientists, who        in the NASA Earth Observing System           products and increasing the pace of
                                                                                   must search through troves of data to        Data and Information System (EOSDIS)         scientific discovery. Indeed, making data
                                                                                   construct their models and hypotheses.       archives, and each collection can contain    FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable,
                                                                                      “Finding ideal data isn’t always as       hundreds of individual datasets. While       and reusable) is one of NASA’s top
                                                                                   easy as submitting a query through a         tools exist to assist in the metadata        objectives.
                                                                                   search bar. Many data sets simply aren’t     process, they generally rely on metadata        “Something like AMP might ultimately
                                                                                   organized in a way that makes them           curators manually filling in forms using     save both metadata curators and
                                                                                   visible to search algorithms,” said Beth     drop down lists. Different curators may      researchers hundreds of hours of work,”
                                                                                   Huffer, founder and CEO of Lingua            categorize the same information in           said Huffer.
                                                                                   Logica, LLC. “And finding the data is only   different ways, which makes consistency         For an Earth scientist who works at the
                                                                                   the beginning. Making it ready-to-use        hard to achieve.                             intersection of science and technology
                                                                                   can be even more challenging.”                   “It’s a common complaint among           – such as Annie Burgess, Lab Director
                                                                                      Huffer wants to help researchers          scientists that they spend more time         at Earth Science Information Partners
                                                                                   locate, access, and use NASA Earth           preparing data for analysis than they        (ESIP) – the potential benefits are
                                                                                   science data sets with greater ease. Her     spend actually analyzing data. Manual        considerable.
                                                                                   project, Automated Metadata Pipeline         metadata curation tends to yield                “It’s very exciting. AMP has the
                                                                                   (AMP), would automate the process            metadata records that use disparate          potential to impact the entire data

A Better
                                                                                   of annotating NASA data sets with            terms and formats, which make it             life cycle. By streamlining metadata
                                                                                   descriptions of what, where, when,           difficult to programmatically prepare        generation, AMP takes a significant
                                                                                   and how the Earth science phenomena          and use the data with applications, even     burden off of data professionals and
                                                                                   represented in the data set were             when the metadata is very descriptive,”      researchers, ultimately streamlining
                                                                                   measured. That information – also            said Huffer.                                 the timeline from data generation to
                                                                                   known as metadata – would then make             AMP could help solve this problem.        scientific insight,” said Annie.
                                                                                   it easier for search engines specializing    Huffer is working with colleagues at            Huffer stresses that there’s still a
                                                                                   in scientific discovery to connect           the Basque Centre for Climate Change         lot of work to be done, but her team’s
                                                                                   researchers with data sets most relevant     (BCCC) to provide data for BCCC’s            recent success with the AMP prototype

Way to
                                                                                   to their research goals and enable           ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystems       is promising. She wants to continue
                                                                                   software developers to create Application    Services (ARIES) platform, a network         working with NASA to develop her
                                                                                   Programming Interfaces (APIs) that           of eco-services models. By teaching          technology concept further and,
                                                                                   connect Earth science data sets with data    convolutional neural nets (CNNs) to          ultimately, share AMP with metadata
                                                                                   analysis applications. This would lead to    organize information according to            curators at NASA’s Distributed Active
                                                                                   improved models describing everything        detailed ontologies, Huffer developed        Archive Centers (DAACs), who help
                                                                                   from climate change to agricultural          an AMP prototype that automatically          catalogue and maintain NASA’s collected
                                                                                   productivity.                                produces metadata for the NASA data          Earth science data. She is also eager
                                                                                      “NASA gathers petabytes of data           sets ARIES uses to programmatically          to explore other uses for the AMP data

                                                                                   each day. If we don’t have an efficient      identify data that can serve as inputs for   preparation pipeline.
                                                                                   process for turning that raw data into       models within the ARIES network and             “AMP will not only reduce the cost and
                                                                                   data products for scientists and decision    satisfy user requests in real time.          the amount of time it takes to produce
                                                                                   makers, then we aren’t capitalizing on          “For the prototype, we manually           robust highly descriptive metadata
                                                                                   the full value of that information,” she     trained a convolutional neural network       records, but will also ensure that
                                                                                   added.                                       to recognize about 49 different variables.   the language and format used in the
                                                                                      Robust, high-quality metadata             The neural network was then able to          descriptions are consistent,” said Huffer.
                                   Automated metadata pipeline may make NASA
                                                                                   is critical for accelerating scientific      recognize those variables when they
                                                                                   research, Huffer explains. When we           occurred in other data sets, and instruct
                                       data more accessible to Earth scientists.   search for something online, it’s the        the AMP data annotation module
                                                                                   context clues expressed as metadata          to assign the same labels to the new
                                                                                   that allow search algorithms to separate     data sets as those that were assigned
                                                                                   information relevant to a query from         manually to the training data. So now we
                                                                                   information that’s irrelevant. The more      know that it is possible to use machine
                                                                                   descriptive metadata is, the easier it is    learning to generate good metadata
                                                                                   for those algorithms to generate helpful     automatically,” said Huffer.
                                                                                   results. High-quality metadata can even         A tool that automatically generates
                                                                                   help researchers create complex models.      consistent, semantically-grounded
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