Dynamic Modeling of Bucket-Soil Interactions Using Koopman-DFL Lifting Linearization for Model Predictive Contouring Control of Autonomous Excavators
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Dynamic Modeling of Bucket-Soil Interactions Using Koopman-DFL Lifting Linearization for Model Predictive Contouring Control of Autonomous Excavators* Filippos E. Sotiropoulos and H. Harry Asada, Member, IEEE Abstract—A lifting-linearization method based on the Koop- space from which an optimal trajectory is planned. More man operator and Dual Faceted Linearization is applied to recently, Yang et al. [3] have used an optimization approach the control of a robotic excavator. In excavation, a bucket with a simple analytical soil model to determine time varying interacts with the surrounding soil in a highly nonlinear and arXiv:2107.04314v1 [cs.RO] 9 Jul 2021 complex manner. Here, we propose to represent the nonlinear minimum torque trajectories. bucket-soil dynamics with a set of linear state equations in Limitations in available models have led to efforts to a higher-dimensional space. The space of independent state reduce the necessity for a model altogether. One common variables is augmented by adding variables associated with approach has been to use interaction control to regulate the nonlinear elements involved in the bucket-soil dynamics. These forces between bucket and soil. An early effort employed include nonlinear resistive forces and moment acting on the bucket from the soil, and the effective inertia of the bucket by Bernold [4] was to use impedance control so as to that varies as the soil is captured into the bucket. Variables control the relationship between the bucket trajectory error associated with these nonlinear resistive and inertia elements are and the exerted force. In this vein, Richardson-Little and treated as additional state variables, and their time evolution is Damaren [5] utilized a rheological model in combination with represented as another set of linear differential equations. The a compliance controller. An alternate approach proposed by lifted linear dynamic model is then applied to Model Predictive Contouring Control, where a cost functional is minimized as Jud et al. [6] is to use a desired force trajectory to maintain a convex optimization problem thanks to the linear dynamics a desirable interaction with the soil. in the lifted space. The lifted linear model is tuned based While model free control methods can react to chang- on a data-driven method by using a soil dynamics simulator. ing soil forces, they are limited in achieving precise path Simulation experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed tracking. When precise tracking of a path is required, it is lifting linearization compared to its counterpart. Index Terms—autonomous excavation, construction and min- necessary to predict interaction forces that vary dynamically ing robots, lifting linearization, Koopman operator, model depending on nonlinear soil properties as well as on the predictive contouring control, dual faceted linearization changing soil profile. One must predict and compensate for the complex nonlinear forces. Model Predictive Control I. I NTRODUCTION (MPC), a framework for realizing prediction and compensa- In many earth-moving tasks such as trenching, foundation tion, meets this goal. The challenge, however, is to construct digging and bench forming, it is necessary to use an excavator a dynamic model to predict the highly nonlinear and complex to move soil so as to achieve a desired final shape of the bucket-soil interaction. site soil. There have been a multitude of attempts from For the use of MPC, we seek a bucket-soil interaction both industry and academia to develop autonomous soil model that meets several key requirements. Specifically, the forming robots. Simple autonomous systems have already model must: been commercially available for final grading, in which the • Capture the rich nonlinear bucket-soil dynamics; very final layer of soil is removed to create a precise soil • Be trainable from sampled trajectory data; shape. This yields a precise final soil shape but does not • Exploit sensing, including visual mapping; deal with the most challenging issue of precision digging: • Be usable for real-time optimization; and at deeper digging depths, the excavator experiences large, • Account for the effect of soil shape. nonlinear forces that arise from the dynamic bucket-soil To fulfil these requirements, we aim to exploit an emergent interactions. This is often cited as one of the most prominent modeling methodology, termed lifting linearization. This challenges [1] and various approaches have been proposed modeling methodology, underpinned by the theory of the to tackle this. Koopman operator [7] and grounded in physical modeling Both model-free and model-based approaches have been theory and Dual Faceted Linearization (DFL) [8], can capture employed. Singh [2] used the Fundamental Earthmoving complex nonlinear dynamics with a set of linear differential Equation (FEE) and a learned model to constrain the action equations in a higher-dimensional space. The linear repre- *This material is based upon work supported by the National Science sentation of the nonlinear dynamics can remove or alleviate Foundation under Grant No. NSF-CMMI 2021625 the fundamental difficulty in the use of MPC for real-time F. E. Sotiropoulos (fes@mit.edu) and H. H. Asada (asada@mit.edu) are control. The cost functional of MPC can be minimized as a with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, USA. (The corresponding convex optimization problem subject to linear dynamics and author is F. E. Sotiropoulos). linear constraints.
In the following, Koopman operator and DFL will be B. Observables for Lifting Linearization briefly summarized for readability, and the nonlinear dynam- One factor not mentioned thus far is what functions are ics of bucket-soil interaction will be lifted and represented to be used as the observables. This is a critical factor in with higher-dimensional linear equations. MPC will then be applying lifting linearization, as a good selection of ob- applied to the lifted linear system. The path tracking problem servables can not only improve the modeling accuracy but will be formulated as a contouring control form of MPC also do so with a lower order model. To this end, different [9], where the bucket can be controlled along a task defined approaches have been proposed, including identifying the spatial path while satisfying constraints relating to the task best observables from large libraries of nonlinear observables and actuation limits. Simulation experiments evaluate the [12], using generic observables such as radial basis functions modeling accuracy and demonstrate the contouring control [13], harnessing the kernel trick to efficiently represent the performance. nonlinear observables [14], using an optimization framework to determine Koopman eigenfunctions [15], and even using II. L IFTING L INEARIZATION a learning approach to learn the nonlinear dictionary terms Lifting linearization is rooted in the seminal work by [16]. A point that has been noted by multiple authors is that Koopman [7]. His operator theory underpins more recent choosing observables that are either related to the form of development of lifting linearization. The Koopman Operator, the nonlinearity in the differential equation if known [17] K is a linear infinite dimensional operator which evolves or observables that are otherwise physically motivated [13] observations g(x) of the state x ∈ Rn of an autonomous often leads to superior results. nonlinear dynamical system such that: In this vein, Dual-Faceted Linearization (DFL) [8], [18] is a method of lifting linearization which exploits principles d from physical modeling theory, in particular, the structure g(x) = Kg(x) (1) dt of a lumped parameter model, to determine the observables. or DFL determines a special set of measurements used as lifting variables (termed “auxiliary variables”) in a systematic man- g(xk+1 ) = Kd g(xk ) (2) ner based on the connectivity of physical elements depicted for the continuous- and discrete-time systems with no control, in a bond graph [19] or by inspecting the equations of respectively. motion of the system. By construction, the auxiliary variables all relate to physical quantities in the original nonlinear A. Approximating the Koopman Operator for systems with system and thus can often be directly measured. Thus, even Control without knowledge of the system’s nonlinear constitutive relations one can create the structure of the lifted linear Being infinite-dimensional and for purely autonomous sys- system, and allow for regressing the linear model using tems means that the Koopman operator has limited utility in the physical measurements of the states and the specified the context of practical nonlinear control systems. To remedy auxiliary variables. this, a finite-dimensional approximation of the Koopman operator may be obtained as well as an approximation of C. Lifting Linearization based on DFL the closest linear effect of the exogenous inputs such that: In this section, we outline the essentials to generating DFL ξk+1 = Aξk + Buk (3) models. An in-depth treatment on this subject can be found in [8] but an overview is presented here for clarity. where uk ∈ Rnu is the input, and ξk = The essence of the DFL method is defining the special [xk g1 (xk ) . . . gng (xk )]T ∈ Rn+ng is the set of chosen T lifting variables, termed auxiliary variables η ∈ Rna , as the observation functions including the state itself for output of all nonlinear elements involved in the nonlinear convenience. The discrete transition matrices with compatible dynamical system. This representation is motivated by the dimensions A and B can then be regressed directly from ND natural linearity arising from the connectivity of elements in data: physical systems. Connections of elements, be they linear G∗ = Ξϒ† (4) or nonlinear, are governed by linear relations. For example, Kirchoff’s current law says that all currents going in and out where G∗ = [A B], Ξ = [ξ1 ξ2 . . . ξND ] is the measured state of a point sum to zero. Similarly, in the mechanical domain, and observables data matrix, ϒ = [y0 y1 · · · yND −1 ] is the Newton’s second law dictates that all the forces acting on a regressor data matrix with yk = [ξkT uT T † body (including the inertial force) sum to zero. k ] and ϒ is the Moore- Penrose pseudo-inverse of ϒ. Using this definition results in the system being modeled This outline is only the briefest introduction to the concept by the following set of linear differential equations: of identifying linear representations of nonlinear control ẋ A Ac,η x B systems based on the Koopman Operator, but for a complete = c,x + c,x u (5) η̇ Hc,x Hc,η η Hc,u treatment the reader is referred to [10] as well as several | {z } | {z } examples of this idea being applied to robotic systems [11]. Ac Bc
where Ac,x ∈ Rn×n , Ac,η ∈ Rn×na and Bc,x ∈ Rn×nu are A. Bucket State Equations exact parameter matrices determined by the system structure, Given the high level assumptions, the bucket is modeled whereas Hc,x ∈ Rna ×n , Hc,η ∈ Rna ×na , and Hc,u ∈ Rna ×nu are to translate and rotate in the vertical plane (see Fig 1). As approximate and to be determined from data. the soil ahead of the bucket fails through shearing, it exerts The exactness of Ac,x , Ac,η and Bc,x , which is proven in the forces eT,x and eT,z on the bucket. These nonlinear forces [8], is facilitated by the definition of the auxiliary variables also generate a moment eT,φ on the bucket. Physically, these which are defined as the outputs of all the nonlinear elements forces and moment are generated through highly nonlinear in a lumped-parameter system. A similar idea is presented bucket-soil interactions, which are nonlinear resistive ele- in [20] for Lagrangian systems where the position variables ments. According to the DFL method, eT,x , eT,z , eT,φ are have an exact differential equation. auxiliary variables, since they are the outputs of nonlinear The estimated matrices Hc,x , Hc,η , and Hc,u can then be resistive elements. regressed from data using a least squares estimate: These forces and moments in conjunction with the con- h i H = arg min E kη̇ − η̇m k2 (6) trol inputs, which are the actuator forces and torque, u = H [ux uz uφ ]T , represent the total forces and torque acting on where η̇m are measured data of the auxiliary variable time the bucket. From Newton’s Second Law, the total forces and derivatives and H = [Hc,x Hc,η Hc,u ]. moment are equal to the time rate of change to the momenta This methodology has been compared with more typical and angular momentum of the bucket and the soil that moves Koopman operator modeling and it was reported that choos- together with the bucket. ing the observables based on DFL yielded performance com- parable to a Koopman model utilizing a substantially larger ṗx = −eT,x + ux vector of observables [21]. This makes DFL advantageous in ṗz = −eT,z + uz (7) applications where having a compact and interpretable model ṗφ = −eT,φ + uφ is necessary. In a control setting we may be interested in utilizing a where px , pz , pφ are, respectively, momenta and angular discrete representation of the system. This can be derived momentum of the combined bucket and soil that move through using an ordinary system discretization: A = eAc ∆t together. According to the physical modeling theory and the and B = A−1 DFL modeling, the output of an inertial element is velocity. c (A − I)Bc from the continuous DFL model or directly regressing the system matrices exactly as in (4) As the inertia of the soil captured by the bucket is not where ξk = [xT T T constant, the functional relationship between momenta and k ηk ] . In this work, we will use the DFL method for selecting velocities of the combined bucket and soil is nonlinear. This observable variables and constructing the lifting linearization. implies that the velocities are auxiliary variables, according This is because it offers some specific features and benefits: to the DFL formalism. Let x and z be the coordinates of the tip of the bucket and φ the orientation of the bucket, as • The model is composed of physically meaningful vari- shown in Fig. 1. Their time derivatives are: ables. As such, the model is accountable and provides the control designer with physical intuitions. ẋ = vx • The lifting variables can be measured with sensors, ż = vz (8) providing richer data than independent state variables φ̇ = ω alone. It opens up an avenue for exploiting sensor technology for improved modeling and control. Equations (7) and (8) represent the state equations of the • Choosing the observables is structured, reducing trial- bucket dynamics, where the independent state variables are and-error efforts for selecting lifting variables. x = [x z φ px pz pφ ]T . Note that the state equations are linear equations of the auxiliary variables vx , vz , ω and eT,x , eT,z , III. E XCAVATION M ODEL WITH DFL eT,φ as well as inputs. These correspond to the upper half of In this section, we present the modeling of the bucket- the lifted state equations (5). soil system using DFL. In the spirit of simplicity and to elucidate the capability of the lifted linearization to capture B. Dynamics of auxiliary variables the soil dynamics, we purely model and control a bucket In lifting linearization, nonlinear elements, such as the while decoupling the boom-arm structure and dynamics. This resistive element associated to the bucket-soil interactions equates to controlling a robot in operational space [22]. and the interial elements associated to the combined bucket- Although challenging due to high levels of internal friction soil system, are linearized not merely by taking an algebraic in excavation machinery, there have been several successful approximation but by recasting the nonlinear dynamics in a endeavours in controlling excavators in task space [6], [23], higher dimensional space and approximating it as a higher- [24]. order linear differential equation. Auxiliary variables eT,x , In addition, we consider the bucket moving purely in the eT,z , eT,φ for example, are treated as state variables possessing vertical plane. This is a practical simplification since the linear state equations, as in the lower half of equation forces necessary to move a bucket sideways generally mean (5). As for the auxiliary variables, vx , vz , ω, associated to these motions are either not possible or practical. the nonlinear inertia of the combined bucket and soil, the
nonlinearity comes from the varying mass and moment of Initial soil shape During excavation inertia. z vx = px /m, vz = pz /m where m = mbucket + msoil (9) x ω = pφ /I, where I = Ibucket + Isoil . Note that the bucket inertias, mbucket and Ibucket , are con- (xk , zk) (xk , yk) stant and that soil inertia, msoil and Isoil are variables that s(x) dynamically vary as the soil is collected into the bucket. We s(xk) treat these variables as auxiliary variables and represent their dynamics as a linear differential equation of the motion of the s'(xk) bucket interacting with soil. As shown in Fig. 1, the transition Fig. 2. The soil shape s(x) is illustrated on AGX Dynamics simulation of msoil and Isoil depends on a) bucket position, b) bucket environment. sk is determined by evaluating what the soil height and gradient velocity, c) soil surface profile, d) the amount and distribution of the initial soil shape was at the current bucket tip location xk . of soil captured by the bucket and e) soil properties. Variables a) are involved in the bucket state x, b) is in the auxiliary variables η, d) is represented with the current soil mass and A. Model Predictive Contouring Control moment of inertia msoil and Isoil which are now part of the In an excavation task, the high level objective is to have auxiliary variables. the bucket pass through a certain path relative to the surface η = [vx vz ω eT,x eT,z eT,φ msoil Isoil ]T ∈ R8 (10) of the soil so as to shape the soil in a specific manner. In this sense, the control objective is not to have the bucket Parameters of soil properties are assumed constant. The follow a time trajectory of positions but rather to traverse the remaining variables are related to the soil surface profile c). geometric and spatial path as closely as possible. Thus, the predictive control methodology used to determine the input u, z Vsoil , msoil , Isoil is based on the model predictive contouring control (MPCC) x algorithm presented by Lam et al. [9]. ϕ ω r ̂ ( , ) Desired ( , ) (eT,x , eT,z) path eT,ϕ (vx ,vz ) ̂ ( , ) (x,z) ( ( ), ( )) Fig. 1. Variables used as states and auxiliary variables in the planar excavation model. Fig. 3. The cost of the MPCC is composed of two error, ε̂kc the contouring error and ε̂kl the lag error between the bucket tip and a point on the path parametrized by θk . C. Inclusion of Soil Shape We represent the soil profile as a function of x : s = s(x). The crux of the methodology is to augment the system See Fig. 2. The soil profile s(x) influences the bucket dynam- dynamics with a virtual state θ , which represents the arc- ics. Variation in the profile results in changes in the resistive length of a given path. As shown in Fig. 3, virtual state θ forces and moments, as well as in the soil captured by the dictates the desired position on the path (xd (θ ), zd (θ )) for bucket. Therefore, we treat the soil profile as an exogenous each trajectory timestep. Instead of calculating the shortest input or disturbance, and assume that the soil profile input distance between path and bucket tip, which is computation- drives the system linearly. ally expensive, the path error is represented based on two ξk+1 = Aξk + Buk + Bs sk (11) orthogonal components, the contouring and lag errors, as shown in Fig. 3. where sk = [s(xk ) s0 (xk ) ]T ∈ R2 . Numerical analysis reveals that the soil height s and its gradient s0 have significant ε̂kc (ξk , θk ) = sin β (θk )(xk − xd (θk )) influences upon the system dynamics, while the influence (12) − cos β (θk )(zk − zd (θk )) of its higher-order spatial derivatives are negligible. The ε̂kl (ξk , θk ) = − cos β (θk )(xk − xd (θk )) auxiliary variable dynamics can be determined in the same (13) ways as (4) where now G∗ , [A B Bs ] and yk = [ξkT uT T T − sin β (θk )(zk − zd (θk )) k sk ] . IV. C ONTROL where, ! Based on the lifted dynamic model, this section aims to ∂ zd /∂ θ β (θk ) = arctan (14) construct a controller for tracking a geometric path. ∂ xd /∂ θ θ =θk
and the dynamics of the path variable θ are controlled by Additionally we can set state constraints which may aid the virtual input υk : in the excavation task. Firstly, we constrain the horizontal velocity to be positive: 0 ≤ vx,k . The vertical position of the θk+1 = θk + υk , υk ∈ [0, υmax ], υmax > 0 (15) bucket tip is constrained to be below the surface of the soil In the MPCC formulation, these contouring and lag errors according to s(x) and the previous optimized trajectory such ∗ that zk+i ≤ s(x̂k+i,k ). are evaluated over a given time horizon, say N time-steps. While the dynamics of the system have been expressed lin- Furthermore, DFL allows us to constrain the auxiliary early in the lifted space, the transformation of the contouring variables. Unlike ordinary Koopman modeling where the and lag errors to the state variables is nonlinear, as shown observables do not possess any specific physical interpreta- in eqs. (12) and (13). Furthermore, the soil profile s(xk ) is a tion, in DFL the auxiliary variables (lifting variables) are nonlinear function of xk . physically meaningful and thus the system designer may For both the errors, ε̂kc (ξk , θk ) and ε̂kl (ξk , θk ), and the seek to constrain them. In excavation this may be applied soil surface shape sk , a linearization is performed about in several places. Firstly, the forces on the bucket can be the optimized trajectory at the previous time-steps: Ξ̂∗k = directly constrained, for example, so as to reduce wear and damage to the bucket. Moreover, since the soil mass, msoil , is {ξˆk,k ∗ , . . . , ξˆ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ k+N−1,k } , and Θ̂k = {θ̂k,k , . . . , θ̂k+N−1,k }. This part of the lifted space, one can constrain it to within desired results in the linearized contouring and lag error: amounts so as to collect a certain amount of soil. a,c c ˆ∗ ∗ c ˆ∗ ∗ ξk+1 ε̂k+i,k = ε̂ (ξk+i,k , θ̂k+i,k ) + ∇ε̂ (ξk+i,k , θ̂k+i,k ) V. N UMERICAL S YSTEM S IMULATION θk+1 (16) This section aims to implement and test the proposed a,l l ˆ∗ ∗ l ˆ∗ ∗ ξk+1 ε̂k+i,k = ε̂ (ξk+i,k , θ̂k+i,k ) + ∇ε̂ (ξk+i,k , θ̂k+i,k ) method in a simulation environment based on the AGX θk+1 dynamics1 physics simulator and the specialized module and linearized soil profile: for the simulation of machine-soil interactions: agxTerrain ∗ 0 ∗ [25]. This simulation environment allows for testing our s(x̂ ) s (x̂k+i−1,k ) ∗ sak+i−1,k = 0 k+i−1,k ∗ + (x − x̂k+i−1,k ) proposed method on a system which embodies many of the s (x̂k+i−1,k ) s00 (x̂k+i−1,k ∗ ) k+i−1 characteristic nonlinearities present in an excavation system. i = 1, 2, . . . , N The MPCC QP is solved using the OSQP solver2 [26]. (17) With these linearized errors and dynamics, the following A. Digging environment convex QP can be defined to solve the MPCC problem: The soil shape is randomized by adding and subtracting multiple 2-D Gaussians (with randomly sampled height and min Jk standard deviation) from a height field with a randomized uk+i−1 , υk+i−1 ξk+i , θk+i gradient. This yields soil surfaces with greatly varying shapes i=1,2, ... ,N (See Fig. 2 for a sample site shape). The soil properties s.t. ξk+i = Aξk+i−1 + Buk+i−1 + Bs sak+i−1,k are implemented using the preset calibrated “gravel” material θk+i = θk+i−1 + υk+i−1 model. uk+i−1 ∈ [umin , umax ], υk+i−1 ∈ [0, υmax ] B. Data Collection ξk+i ∈ [ξmin , ξmax ], θk+i ∈ [θs , 0] (18) In most examples in the lifting linearization literature, open loop random signals are applied to the system inputs where the cost Jk at time k, is: to collect training data. However, this is not feasible in this #T " a,c # N ε̂ a,c " ε̂ application. Controlling the bucket without feedback readily k+i,k Jk = ∑ a,l Q k+i,k a,l − qθ θk+1 results in either becoming deeply lodged in the soil and i=1 ε̂k+i,k ε̂k+i,k T stalling, or leaving the soil altogether. Instead, we implement ∆uk+1 ∆uk+1 a simple PID control scheme whereby the translational d.o.f + R ∆υk+1 ∆υk+1 are speed controlled, and the angle of the bucket is position controlled: where Q ∈ R2×2 defines the contouring and lag cost, qθ ∈ R ux = PID(vx − U(vx,min , vx,max )) + U(−wx , wx ) rewards progression along the path, R ∈ R4×4 defines the cost of changes in the input and N is the prediction horizon. uz = PID(vz − U(vz,min , vz,max )) + U(−wz , wz ) (19) One of the key benefits of using an optimization framework uφ = PID(φ − U(φmin , φmax )) + U(−wφ , wφ ) to control our system is that we can set constraints on the The setpoints are drawn from a uniform distribution (U(a, b) control inputs and states. Here for the majority of the states between a and b) and additionally random noise, again from we set the limits so that the states fall within the 10-th and a uniform distribution, is added. This injection of noise is 90-th percentile of the training data used to determine the necessary so as to be able to correctly identify the system model. This is especially important since the linear model of the nonlinear system will be most valid in the region of the 1 https://www.algoryx.se/agx-dynamics/ state space where it was trained. 2 https://osqp.org/
dynamics despite utilizing feedback to collect the data [27]. For MPC application, this lifted linear model can be used as The control and data sampling frequency is 30Hz. a valid model over a finite time horizon. The proposed DFL-based lifted linear model was com- C. Measurement of lifted state variables pared to a Koopman-based model, where a set of polynomial Modeling and control based on DFL lifting linearization functions of state variables were used as observables. We can requires the access to all the states and auxiliary variables. find that the DFL-based model outperforms the Koopman- This section discusses how these variables can be obtained based method, although the order of the DFL model (14th in both simulation environment and experimental setting. order) is much lower than that of the Koopman (27th order). The bucket positions (x, z, φ ) and velocities (vx , vz , ω) are accessible in both simulation and experiment. The interactive 0 10 Dual Faceted Linearization bucket-soil forces eT,x , eT,z and eT,φ can be extracted from MSEx (m 2 ) Koopman w/ x the internal variables in the simulation environment described DFL + Koopman w/ x and η above. The inertial variables, msoil and Isoil , too, can be 10 -3 determined by counting the number and distribution of the grains of soil within the bucket. 0 1 2 In an experimental setting, additional instrumentation will 10 10 10 be necessary to obtain these variables in real time. The -1 MSEz (m 2 ) bucket-soil interaction forces can be estimated based on 10 piston pressure measurements [28], or be directly measured -4 by instrumenting the bucket [29]. The inertial variables, msoil 10 and Isoil , can be estimated with use of a vision system. Assuming a constant soil densityRρsoil , the soil mass is given 0 1 2 10 10 10 by msoil = ρsoil Vsoil where Vsoil = dV is the volume of all the 0 10 MSEÁ (rad 2 ) soil grains in the bucket. Similarly Isoil = ρsoil r2 dV where R r is the distance from the tip to all the points within the -3 bucket. These soil volume and distribution can be determined 10 from images of the bucket and the surrounding soil. In recent years, camera systems used to monitor the bucket of 0 1 2 10 10 10 excavation machines, mounted on the boom and arm, have Time horizon, (steps) been proposed and this technology can be used to estimate those quantities [30]. Given a known pose of the bucket and a Fig. 4. The MSE error for each of the three position variables using depth camera attached properly, one can estimate the volume DFL and Koopman. The black line is for the DFL model presented in this of soil within the bucket as well as evaluate the integral paper, blue is the conventional Koopman-operator method with polynomial observables of state variables, and orange is the Koopman-operator model necessary for the inertia. utilizing both the independent states and auxiliary variables with polynomial The soil surface shape function s(x) is determined by observables. The DFL model (black) is 14th order, the Koopman with matching a cubic spline to the initial soil surface and using 2nd-order polynomial observables of state x (blue) is 27th order, and the combined Koopman + DFL with 2nd-order polynomial observables of x and that smooth functional approximation to evaluate the height, η (orange) is 119th order. s and derivatives s0 and s00 . Note that in DFL measured auxiliary variables are used. VI. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION Even for a considerably smaller number of total observables, This section presents the simulation experiment results the DFL model generally outperforms the Koopman lifted obtained from the simulation environment providing all the model that utilizes only the state variables (black versus blue state and auxiliary variables. data). This highlights the importance of judicious choice of measurements with which to lift the dynamics. Physically A. Model Evaluation meaningful measurements provide critical information for First, we evaluate the model in terms of prediction ac- regressing higher accuracy models. curacy compared to the ground truth agxTerrain simula- In Fig. 4, the DFL model was also compared to the tion values. The Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the bucket Koopman-based model where both state and auxiliary vari- position and orientation over an extended time horizon is ables were used for constructing observables. The resultant shown in Fig. 4 in logarithmic scale. Each data-point on lifted system order of this Koopman model is 119th order. this plot is based on 30,000 test samples. From the data, 10 Despite the high order, the Koopman-model does not exhibit different data sets were created and the model was trained significant improvement in prediction accuracy compared to for each data set. Furthermore, each model was tested using the DFL model. 10 validation trajectories and forecasting forward from 300 In constructing these models, it was found that a model randomly selected initial locations. The plots in Fig. 4 show with fewer variables is more robust to training data-set the average of these test results. Prediction error is small in selection and regression. We found that further increasing general. However, it increases as the time horizon increases. the polynomial order of the Koopman models incurred a
significant increase of validation test error. This was observed 0.0 to be caused by the regressed model often being dynamically unstable. This is an issue which has been observed by prior −0.5 works [31], [32]. The observables determined through DFL appear to be more robust to obtaining a model from data than −0.5 −4 −3 −2 −1 higher order models when using a pure L2 regression. The z (m) effect of training dataset size shown in Fig. 5 revealed that −1.0 approximately 2,000 sample pairs were sufficient to learn the model to the level where no more data significantly improve performance. 0.0 Bucket tip position and angle −0.5 -1 Desired path 10 1.0 Soil surface MSEx (m 2 ) -2 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 10 0.5 x (m) -3 10 2 3 4 0.0 Fig. 6. Several sample results using the MPCC-DFL controller on soil with 10 10 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 various shapes. Training Dataset Size 1.0 MSEy (m 2 ) Mean Path Error (m) Fig. 5. Prediction 0 MSE at a time horizon of 20 steps as a function of training dataset 10 size. For all the variables it is observed that the model prediction 0.5 0.2 improves with increased dataset size but saturates at approximately 2000- 3000 sample pairs. 0.0 0.1 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Training Dataset Size 10 2 10 3 10 4 1.0 MSEÁ (rad 2 ) 1 Training Dataset Size B. 10 Trajectory Control Evaluation 1.0 -1 0.5 Fig. 7. The mean path error utilizing the proposed controller, with low We 10also evaluated the performance of the proposed model qθ such that a close following of the path is sought is plotted for varying 0.5 for contouring control of the bucket system along desired dataset size used to train the DFL model. The path error is defined as the 0.0 minimum distance between a (x, z) location and the path. paths. The 0MPCC control5000 was10000 implemented15000for the DFL- 20000 0.00.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 based lifted linear model Training Dataset and tested in Size the agxTerrain simu- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 lation environment. Fig. 6 shows the simulation experiment 0.25 1.0 Desired path Low qθ results of the tip trajectories for several soil profiles. The Soil surface High qθ bucket successfully follows the path, despite the initial tran- 0.00 0.5 z (m) sient error. Once the bucket tip arrived near the desired path, −0.25 the MPCC controller allowed the bucket to track the desired 0.0 0.0 −0.50 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 path although the soil profile varied. The path tracking accuracy was improved as the model was trained with a larger −4.0 −3.5 −3.0 −2.5 −2.0 −1.5 training dataset, as shown in Fig. 7. With a high contouring x (m) error penalty, the mean path error decreased with increasing training dataset size. The performance appears to saturate at Fig. 8. Changing the path progression weight qθ changes the balance of progressing rapidly versus accurately through the soil. For lower values of approximately the same dataset size as in the case of the qθ the path is followed more precisely but at a slower speed. For this trial model prediction performance. the time to complete the excavation cycle was 4.2s for qθ = 4 (green) and 7.0s for qθ = 1 (blue). Changing the relative magnitude of the weight matrices in the MPCC controller allows us to make the trade-off between speed progression along the path and precision of VII. C ONCLUSION AND F URTHER W ORK the digging task. As illustrated in Fig. 8, modulating qθ alters the resulting trajectory and time to completion, for identical In this paper we have demonstrated the feasibility of using soil conditions and desired paths. lifting linearization to model the dynamic interactions be- It is interesting to note that the proposed MPCC controller tween a bucket and the soil it is excavating. The learned DFL can also be utilized to incrementally find a multi-path exca- model was compact, yet capable of capturing a significant vation trajectory for digging a deep trench. See Fig. 9. As portion of the nonlinear dynamics. Using this model we the profile becomes deep, it is impossible to excavate it in a found that we were able to control a bucket to follow desired single scooping cycle due to input or soil force constraints. paths, while respecting state and input constraints, using a Instead, the optimization subject to these constraints leads to model predictive contouring controller with quadratic cost incremental multi-cycle excavation. Using the same path and and linear constraints. same control parameters the soil profile is excavated through There are a few important issues to be addressed further. consecutive cycles. First, the proposed method must be integrated with a com-
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