Nitrogen mineralization from mature bio-waste compost in vineyard soils I. Long-term laboratory incubation experiments

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J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2004, 167, 397±407                                  DOI: 10.1002/jpln.200320362                          397

Nitrogen mineralization from mature bio-waste compost in vineyard soils
I. Long-term laboratory incubation experiments
Claas Nendel1*, Stephan Reuter2, Roland Kubiak2, and Rolf Nieder3

1 Department of Modeling and Knowledge Transfer, Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Theodor-Echtermeyer-
  Weg 1, D-14979 Groûbeeren, Germany
2 Department of Ecology, Agricultural Public Service Center Rheinpfalz, Breitenweg 71, D-67152 Neustadt an der Weinstraûe,

3 Institute of Geoecology, Braunschweig Technical University, Langer Kamp 19c, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany

Accepted 30 May 2004                                                                                                   PNSS P03/62P

SummaryÐZusammenfassung                                               Stickstoff-Mineralisierung aus Bioabfall-Fertig-
The steadily increasing utilization of bio-waste compost in           kompost in Weinbergböden
German viticulture requires a more detailed investigation of          I. Langfristige Inkubationsversuche in vitro
nitrogen (N) mineralization parameters for mature bio-waste           Die stetig zunehmende Verwendung von Bioabfallkompost
compost applied to vineyard soils. N mineralization kinetics          im deutschen Weinbau erfordert eine detaillierte Untersu-
were described with two superposing exponential equations.            chung der Stickstoff-Düngewirkung des Kompostes. Die vor-
Long-term aerobic laboratory incubation experiments of 12             gestellte Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die experimentelle
soil-compost substrates revealed that 5±2.8% of its total N           Bestimmung der Mineralisationsparameter für einen typi-
content could be released from a rapidly decomposable frac-           schen Fertigkompost. Dabei wurde ein Ansatz mit zwei sich
tion (half-life period t50 = 41 d at 15C) and another 60±2.9%        überlagernden Exponentialfunktionen gewählt. Die beiden
from a slower decomposable fraction (t50 = 490 d). The                diesem Ansatz zugrunde liegenden N-Fraktionen wurden mit
remaining proportion (35%) is considered not to be released           Hilfe einer aeroben Inkubation von 12 gestörten Boden-Kom-
in the medium term. The obtained potentially mineralizable            post-Gemischen unter Laborbedingungen bestimmt. Die auf
nitrogen of 65% of total compost N significantly differs from         diese Weise ermittelten Fraktionen der organischen Sub-
current fertilizer recommendations, which were adopted from           stanz waren zu durchschnittlich 5 ± 2.8 % schnell abbaubar
calculations for agricultural conditions. For fertilizer recom-       (Halbwertszeit bei 15 C t50 = 41 d) und zu 60 ± 2.9 % lang-
mendations in viticulture, we recommend the consideration of          sam abbaubar (t50 = 490 d). Der verbleibende Anteil (35 %)
a higher N-mineralization potential for organic fertilizers.          wird als mittelfristig nicht verfügbar angenommen. Das hier
                                                                      berechnete N-Nachlieferungsvermögen aus Kompost von
                                                                      65 % des Gesamt-Stickstoffs übersteigt die aus Experimen-
                                                                      ten unter ackerbaulichen Bedingungen abgeleiteten Angaben
                                                                      deutlich. Es wird deshalb empfohlen, das erhöhte N-Minerali-
                                                                      sationspotenzial von organischen Düngemitteln in Wein-
Key words: N mineralization / long-term incubation / bio-waste com-   bergsböden bei der Düngeempfehlung stärker als bisher zu
post / viticulture                                                    berücksichtigen.

1 Introduction                                                        account. For vineyard soils amended with bio-waste com-
                                                                      post, information about the site-specific and weather-depen-
The utilization of secondary raw material as fertilizer is gain-      dent N-mineralization dynamics is needed to enable an envir-
ing importance not only in agriculture, but also in viticulture.      onmentally and agronomically sound N management. Up
While bio-waste compost, produced from organic household              until now, results from agricultural research concerning
refuse, raised winegrowers' interest in the past, mainly              N-mineralization characteristics of bio-waste compost have
because of its ability to improve soil physical properties, its       been transferred directly to viticulture. To answer the question
fertilizing effect has received little attention up until now.        as to whether this recommendation is correct, the present
Especially for nitrogen, the effect of bio-waste compost appli-       study investigates the N supply from mature bio-waste com-
cation on the nutrient dynamics in vineyard soils has not yet         post in vineyard soils by regarding N mineralization from soil-
been studied systematically. The German ordinance on the              compost mixtures under a non-dynamic environment.
utilization of bio-wastes (BioAbfV; Bundesgesetzblatt, 1998)
allows a single application of 30 Mg dry matter ha±1 of
mature, high-quality bio-waste compost within a period of             N mineralization is commonly described as a first-order
three years. However, this application scheme requires an             kinetic process with two N pools of different size and decom-
adjusted N management in the vineyard. For additional spring          posability, as first proposed by Molina et al. (1980) and Rich-
applications of mineral N fertilizer, the seasonal N supply           ter et al. (1980). The description of a small N pool of rapidly
from the added mineralizing compost has to be taken into              decomposable organic matter and a larger N pool of slowly
                                                                      decomposable organic matter using two overlying exponen-
                                                                      tial functions y = N (1 ± exp (±k t)), with N as the pool size
* Correspondence: Dr C. Nendel; E-mail:               and k as the first-order rate coefficient, is referred to as the

                                 ã 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim                          1436-8730/04/0408-397
398          Nendel, Reuter, Kubiak, Nieder                                             J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2004, 167, 397±407

ªcurve-splitting methodº. For simulating N mineralization            incubation studies, the homogenized and field moist soils
under field conditions, the temperature and moisture depen-          were manually re-aggregated to approximately 5 mm aggre-
dency of the rate coefficients is taken into account by introdu-     gate size.
cing specific functions (Myers et al., 1982; Nordmeyer and
Richter, 1985).
                                                                     2.3 Bio-waste compost
The present study used a long-term laboratory incubation
technique according to Stanford and Smith (1972) to deter-           The bio-waste compost used for the incubation experiments
mine N-mineralization parameters for a typical mature bio-           was produced from organic household and garden waste
waste compost in four different German vineyard soils                (Würzburger Kompostwerke, Germany). It was classified as
(Rhineland-Palatinate region). The resulting mineralization          class-5 compost (completely matured compost). Since the
parameters form the basis of modeling N mineralization from          small-particle fraction is often enriched in nutrients, a sieving
compost under the conditions of German regional viticulture.         of 6±12 mm particle size distribution (about 50% of the origi-
                                                                     nal compost) was selected to achieve a reduced nutritional
                                                                     value (Tab. 2). Compost with poor nutritional properties can
2 Material and methods                                               be applied at higher quantities to improve soil physical char-
                                                                     acteristics. This type of compost was in frequent use in Ger-
2.1 Vineyard soils                                                   man viticulture at the time of the experiment. The compost
Four investigation sites were selected, representing the Ger-        was then slightly ground and sieved to 2.5 mm in order to
man wine-growing regions Palatinate (ªRuppertsberger                 generate a homogeneous mixture with the sieved soil in the
Linsenbuschº), Rhinehessen (ªNiersteiner Kranzbergº), Nahe           incubation studies.
(ªKreuznacher Kronenbergº), and Moselle-Saar-Ruwer
(ªWolfer Klosterbergº) with their typical soils (Tab. 1). The        Table 2: Chemical characteristics of the compost used (on fresh mat-
sites are of about 0.5 ha size and planted with Vitis vinifera       ter basis).
                                                                     Tabelle 2: Chemische Eigenschaften des verwendeten Kompostes
cv. Riesling. Soil types are Aric Anthrosols with clay contents
                                                                     (auf Frischmassebasis.)
ranging from 7% to 24%, which may be the most important
factor influencing the degradation of bio-waste compost.             Property                                     Compost

                                                                     pH (1:2 CaCl2)                                8.1
Table 1: Physical and chemical characteristics of the investigated
vineyard soils.                                                      Dry matter            (%)                    42.7
Tabelle 1: Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften der unter-      Organic matter        (%)                    19.3
suchten Weinbergböden.
                                                                     Ptotal                (mg g±1)                0.78
                    Ruppertsberg   Nierstein    Wolf      Bad        Ktotal                      ±1
                                                                                           (mg g )                 2.44
                                                                     Mgtotal               (mg g±1)                2.29
Sand     %             62.8          22.4       45.4      27.4                                   ±1
                                                                     CaO                   (mg g )                33.40
Silt     %             29.9          64.3       37.6      48.2
                                                                     Ntotal                (mg g±1)                7.0
Clay     %              7.3          13.3       17.0      24.4
                                                                       4 -N
                                                                                           (mg g )                 0.40
C        %              0.8           1.5       1.4        1.7
N        %              0.07          0.16      0.19       0.17
pH                      6.8           7.7       5.7        7.3       2.4 Soil analysis
Cu     mg kg          130          145         267        68
                                                                     Total soil nitrogen (Ntotal) was measured by dry combustion
                                                                     using a Carlo Erba CNS-Analyzer (ANA 1500, Carlo Erba
                                                                     Strumentazione, Milano, Italy). pH was measured in 0.01 M
2.2 Soil sampling                                                    CaCl2 with a soil : solution ratio of 1 : 2. Heavy metal content
                                                                     was determined using Atom Absorption Spectrometry (AAS).
In February 2001, 8 to 12 top soil samples (0±10 cm) were            NO3 -N and NH‡   4 -N concentration in the leachate was deter-
randomly collected and mixed to obtain one representative            mined photometrically with the help of a Skalar continuous-
soil sample from each site. The samples were stored in a             flow analyzer (Skalar Analytical B.V., Breda, Netherlands).
cold box during transport and subsequently dried at 15C to          Since the NH‡   4 -N concentration was regularly below the
18C until the water content allowed sieving to 2 mm aggre-          detection limit, the NO3 -N concentration is referred to as
gate size. After sieving, the water holding capacity (WHC) of        mineral N concentration in this study.
the homogenized soil was determined by saturation of a
200 g subsample in a funnel and subsequent drainage using
a pressure of ±30 hPa. The soil was then adjusted to 40%             2.5 Long-term laboratory incubation
WHC and stored at 4C (low temperature treatments) and
20C, respectively, for another few days. This pre-treatment         The long-term laboratory incubation of a soil and compost
was carried out to prevent a too drastic change in the envir-        mixture (referred to as the substrate) follows the approach of
onmental conditions later under incubation. Prior to use in the      Stanford and Smith (1972). The principle of the method is the

ã 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2004, 167, 397±407                         N mineralization from compost in vineyard soils, part I                                             399

soil incubation in a leaching column under optimum condi-
tions for N mineralization in order to quantify the soil or the
added organic matter N-mineralization potential. Variation of
the incubation temperature provides information about the
temperature dependency of the N-mineralization process.
Sufficient aeration is facilitated by mixing the field-moist sub-                                                 700 -

                                                                     N mineralized [mg kg–1], cumulative
strate with washed coarse quartz sand (1 : 1).                                                                    600 -

                                                                                                                  500 -
Ten-gram soil aliquots (duplicates) of a control treatment
without compost (co_0) and of two treatments containing                                                           400 -
compost equivalent to 30 Mg ha±1 (co_3) and 50 Mg ha±1                                                            300 -
(co_5) dry matter were incubated in plastic syringe bodies of
                                                                                                                  200 -
60 ml volume at 4C, 12C, 20C, 28C, and 35C, respec-
tively. The columns were leached with 150 ml of a                                                                 100 -
0.01 M CaCl2 solution on days 3, 7, 14, 21, and 42, and then
                                                                                                                      28 -
every six weeks up to day 420. Following the leaching proce-
                                                                                                                                                                        - 400
dure, 25 ml of a nitrogen-free nutrient solution (Stanford and                                                               20 -
Smith, 1972) were added and excess moisture was subse-                                                                                                          - 300
                                                                                                    Temperature [ºC]                12 -
quently removed by suction using a pressure of ±75 kPa for                                                                                              - 200    Time [d]
1 h. Incubation at 35C was started at a later date for techni-                                                                            4-
                                                                                                                                                - 100
cal reasons and was thus limited to a 128-day period. For this
reason, comparability to the other experiments is restricted,        Figure 1: s = Observed data for Ruppertsberg co_5 substrate
so that the 35C data were used for alternative determination        incubation. Grid = unbiased fit of Eq. 2 to the observed data.
of one N-pool parameter only (Tab. 3). A total of 120 syringe        Nfast = 931.5 mg kg±1, a = 7.28 ´ 1010 d±1, b = 9380C, Nslow
bodies were prepared for incubation (4 soils ” 3 treatments ”        = 34.11 mg kg±1, c = 5.60 ´ 1012 d±1, d = 9511C.
5 temperatures ” 2 replicates).                                      Abbildung 1: s = Messwerte für die Inkubation des Substrats
                                                                     Ruppertsberg co_5. Gitter = unverzerrt an die Messwerte angepasste
                                                                     Gl. 2. Nfast = 931.5 mg kg±1, a = 7.28 ´ 1010 d±1, b = 9380 C, Nslow =
                                                                     34.11 mg kg±1, c = 5.60 ´ 1012 d±1, d = 9511 C.
2.6 Parameter estimation
                                                                     In some cases, however, N-pool parameters were estimated
The parameters of N mineralization were estimated by fitting         outside a reasonable value range (e.g., exceeding the value
the two-pool first-order kinetic equation (Molina et al., 1980;      for Ntotal). For this reason, the Arrhenius parameters were
Richter et al., 1980) to the cumulative amounts of leached           fixed to the default values used in the HERMES simulation
mineral N (mean values). For a description of the tempera-
ture dependency, the Arrhenius function
k T † ˆ a  exp       b                                     (1)
                   T ‡ 273

with T = temperature [C] was used. It has been proved to be
applicable in many cases to both soils and organic amend-                                                         700 -
                                                                            N mineralized [mg kg ], cumulative

ments within a temperature range from 4C to 35C (Benbi
                                                                                                                  600 -
and Richter, 2002; Crohn and Valenzuela-Solano, 2003;
Sierra, 1997; Stenger et al., 1995). Replacing the rate coeffi-                                                   500 -
cients k(T) in the model equation by the Arrhenius function

                                                                                                                  400 -
results in a three-dimensional kinetic equation, which can be
                                                                                                                  300 -
fitted to the complete data set derived from the incubation of
one substrate at different temperatures simultaneously (com-                                                      200 -
pare with Ellert and Bettany, 1992):                                                                              100 -
N t; T † ˆ Nfast  1 ± exp    a  exp       b     t                                                                  28 -
                                         T ‡ 273
                                                                                                                                                                  - 400
            ‡ Nslow  1 ± exp      c  exp      d     t   (2)
                                                                                                                             20 -
                                                                                                                                                                - 300
                                             T ‡ 273
                                                                                                    Temperature [ºC]                12 -                - 200    Time [d]
N(t,T)       mineralized N depending on time t and tempera-                                                                                     - 100
             ture T
Nfast, Nslow parameters representing the size of rapidly and
             slowly decomposing N pools                              Figure 2: s = Observed data for Ruppertsberg co_5 substrate
                                                                     incubation. Grid = Eq. 3 fit to observed data. Nfast = 11.8 mg kg±1,
a, b, c, d Arrhenius parameters
                                                                     Nslow = 758.4 mg kg±1.
                                                                     Abbildung 2: s = Messwerte für die Inkubation des Rupperts-
Fitting Eq. 2 to the obtained data was successful in all but         berg co_5. Gitter = an die Messwerte angepasste Gl. 3. Nfast =
one cases, exemplarily shown for Ruppertsberg co_5 (Fig. 1).         11.8 mg kg±1, Nslow = 758.4 mg kg±1.

                                                                                                                 ã 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
400          Nendel, Reuter, Kubiak, Nieder                                                            J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2004, 167, 397±407

Table 3: Parameter estimates derived from fitting Eq. 3 to experimental data for different soil mixtures. Ntotal was determined analytically. Nfast*:
values derived from 35C data using the graphical method proposed by Nordmeyer (1985). Adjusted r2 ranged between 0.965 and 0.990.
Tabelle 3: Durch Anpassung von Gl. 3 an die experimentellen Daten verschiedener Boden-Kompost-Gemische gewonnene Parameterschätz-
werte. Ntotal wurde analytisch bestimmt. Nfast*: durch Anwendung der graphischen Methode nach Nordmeyer (1985) bestimmte Parameter-
werte. Freiheitsgradbereinigtes r2 nahm Werte zwischen 0,965 und 0,990 an.

Location               Compost              Nfast          Std. error        Nslow              Std. error              Ntotal       Nfast*
                                                                                         mg kg±1

Ruppertsberg           Control             26.0             2.7              213.4               7.3                  670          14.9
                       30 Mg ha            23.7             6.1              513.5              16.3               1130            26.9
                       50 Mg ha±1          11.8             8.7              758.4              23.2               1525            29.1
Nierstein              Control             14.0             4.4              403.4              11.6               1670            51.1
                       30 Mg ha±1          18.1             5.1              540.9              13.5               1920            76.0
                       50 Mg ha            20.9             5.8              661.3              15.3               2110            77.3
Wolf                   Control             21.3             4.2              191.7               7.9               1750            15.6
                       30 Mg ha±1          20.4             6.5              427.4              17.2               2130            50.8
                                 ±1               1)
                       50 Mg ha             0.0             8.1              560.4              21.3               2385            46.4
Bad Kreuznach          Control             29.2             6.3              381.3              16.7               2145            36.5
                       30 Mg ha±1          26.7             6.0              547.1              15.9               2420            44.9
                       50 Mg ha±1           0.01)          10.1              750.0              26.8               2735            55.2
1) Parameterization by curve-splitting failed

model (Kersebaum, 1989) for a second run of the fitting pro-                   The parameter estimation was carried out using SigmaPlot
cedure.                                                                        5.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The biased fit of Eq. 3 to
                                                                         the Ruppertsberg co_5 data is shown in comparison to the
N t; T † ˆ Nfast  1 ± exp
                             5:6  10  exp           9800  t                 unbiased fit in Fig. 2.
                                                     T ‡273
             ‡ Nslow     1 ± exp
                                    4:0  10  exp      8400  t  (3)
                                                       T ‡273

Table 4: Total amount of mineral N leached from the incubated soils after 420 days (treatments 4C, 12C, 20C, and 28C) and 168 days
(treatment 35C), respectively.
Tabelle 4: Aus den inkubierten Böden ausgewaschene Menge Nmin nach 420 Tagen (Temperaturstufen 4 C, 12 C, 20 C und 28 C) sowie
nach 168 Tagen (Temperaturstufe 35 C).

                                                                                     Temperature treatment
                                                  4C 1)           12C 1)            20C 1)                 28C 1)              35C 2)
                                                                                              mg kg±1

Ruppertsberg             Control                  35.1              55.1              107.9                   183.1               70.6
                         30 Mg ha                 62.9             104.4              218.2                   392.9              130.6
                         50 Mg ha±1               81.5             139.6              293.1                   556.5              167.5
Nierstein                Control                  59.0              77.8              172.0                   307.4              223.9
                         30 Mg ha                 75.9             110.2              255.6                   415.6              324.3
                         50 Mg ha±1               86.4             141.1              280.8                   507.1              362.7
Wolf                     Control                  35.6              41.2               87.7                   154.9              100.4
                         30 Mg ha±1               54.6              64.9              158.6                   305.4              217.4
                         50 Mg ha                 57.9              87.0              203.5                   399.9              230.1
Bad Kreuznach            Control                  61.8              84.9              163.3                   300.5              168.6
                         30 Mg ha±1               78.0             116.1              228.7                   443.6              216.1
                         50 Mg ha±1               86.4             132.3              258.0                   600.4              268.6
     420 d incubation
     168 d incubation

ã 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2004, 167, 397±407                                   N mineralization from compost in vineyard soils, part I          401

                  600       28ºC, co_0
                  500            Nierstein
 NO3-N [mg kg ]

                  400            Bad Kreuznach




                        0        50      100     150   200        250   300        350      400
                                                       Time [d]

                  600       28ºC, co_3
                  500            Nierstein
NO3-N [mg kg ]

                  400            Bad Kreuznach




                        0        50      100     150   200        250   300        350      400
                                                       Time [d]

                  600       28ºC, co_5
                  500           Nierstein
                                Wolf                                                                 Figure 3: Measured N-mineralization kinetics
                                                                                                     (NH‡4 -N + NO3 -N) at 28C for all soils
NO3-N [mg kg ]

                  400           Bad Kreuznach
                                                                                                     [kg ha±1] for a 10 cm soil layer of 1.4 g cm±3.
                  300                                                                                a: without compost (co_0). b: with 30 Mg ha±1
                                                                                                     compost applied (co_3). c: with 50 Mg ha±1
                                                                                                     compost applied (co_5).
                                                                                                     Abbildung 3: Gemessene N-Mineralisations-
                                                                                                     kinetik (NH‡4 -N + NO3 -N) für 28 C für alle
                                                                                                     Böden [kg ha±1]. Angaben für eine 10 cm
                                                                                                     mächtige Bodenschicht bei 1,4 g cm±3.
                        0        50      100     150   200        250   300        350      400
                                                                                                     a: ohne Kompost (co_0). b: mit 30 Mg ha±1
                                                                                                     Kompost (co_3). c: mit 50 Mg ha±1 Kompost
                                                       Time [d]                                      (co_5).

No positive correlation was found between the values of the                    3 Results
Nfast parameter and the amount of compost applied (Tab. 3).
For this reason, Nfast was additionally determined by applying                 3.1 Cumulative N-mineralization patterns
the graphical method proposed by Nordmeyer (1985) to the
cumulative Nmin leached from the 35C treatment. The gra-                      The total amount of N mineralized and leached from the incu-
phical method is based on the interpretation of the curve sec-                 bated substrate ranges from 35.1 (Ruppertsberg co_0, 4C)
tion between day 42 and 84 as a result of the Nslow pool                       to 600.4 mg kg±1 (Bad Kreuznach co_5, 28C) after 420 d
mineralization. It is assumed to be linear N(t) = g ´ t + h,                   (Tab. 4). All cumulative NO3 -N-mineralization plots in this
where g denotes the N-mineralization rate at time t. Its displa-               study show a significant exponential course, as well as a
cement h is interpreted as Nfast.                                              reduction of the mineralization rate between 21 and 42 days
                                                                               after the beginning of incubation (Fig. 3 a±c). This justifies
                                                                               the double-exponential approach for parameter estimation.
                                                                               However, in low temperature treatments this reduction, seen
                                                                               as a ªshoulderº in the plot, did not appear (data not shown).

                                                                                  ã 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
402         Nendel, Reuter, Kubiak, Nieder                                                                                            J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2004, 167, 397±407
                                                                                                                Nfast compost variant†              Nfast control†
Deviations of the strict exponential pattern which occurred               Fˆ                                                                                         100%             (4)
                                                                                                                Ntotal compost variant†             Ntotal control†
later during the experiment (Fig. 3c) did not necessitate an
adjustment of the approach.
                                                                                                                Nslow compost variant†               Nslow control†
                                                                          Sˆ                                                                                          100%            (5)
                                                                                                                Ntotal compost variant†              Ntotal control†

3.2 Parameter estimation for mature bio-waste                             where F denotes the fraction of the Nfast pool which is
                                                                          assumed to be of compost origin and S denotes the respec-
                                                                          tive fraction of the Nslow pool.

The application of the curve-splitting method revealed values
for Nslow parameters within a range of 191.7 to 763.6 mg kg±1
or of 11% to 50% of Ntotal (Tab. 3). Although the adjusted cor-
relation coefficient r2adj ranged between 0.965 and 0.990, the
curve-splitting method revealed some questionable estimates
                                                                                                                700 -
for the Nfast parameters: for the treatments Wolf co_5 and

                                                                           N mineralized [mg kg ], cumulative
Bad Kreuznach co_5, Nfast was estimated to be 0 (negative                                                       600 -
parameter values were precluded) and had to be obtained                                                         500 -
from graphical analysis. No correlation could be found

between the Nfast parameter values and the amount of com-                                                       400 -

post applied (correlation coefficient r = ±0.44). Since the                                                     300 -
addition of mature compost to the soil means an increase in
                                                                                                                200 -
both rapidly and slowly decomposable organic material, a
positive correlation was expected. For this reason, the Nfast                                                   100 -

values obtained by graphical analysis from the 35C treat-
                                                                                                                    28 -
ment were considered the better alternative (r = 0.58, signifi-
                                                                                                                                                                                      - 400
cant at a = 0.05) and subsequently used for Nfast calculations.                                                                20 -
                                                                                                                                                                              - 300
The parameter values derived from the fitting procedure as                                         Temperature [˚C]                    12 -                           - 200
well as from graphical analysis are compiled in Tab. 3.                                                                                                                        Time [d]
                                                                                                                                                              - 100

In order to characterize N-mineralization from mature bio-                Figure 4: s = Observed data for Ruppertsberg co_5 substrate
waste compost with the help of the N-pool parameters Nslow                incubation. Grid = Eq. 3 with parameter values for the N fractions
                                                                          derived in Tab. 5. Nslow = 60% of the compost N + Nslow(co_0) = 748.0
and Nfast, the contribution of the compost to N mineralization
                                                                          mg kg±1, Nfast = 5% of the compost N + Nfast*(co_0) = 48.9 mg kg±1.
had to be separated by calculating the difference between
                                                                          Abbildung 4: s = Messwerte für die Inkubation des Rupperts-
the control and each compost treatment. With reference to                 berg co_5. Gitter = Gl. 3 mit in Tab. 5 ermittelten Werten für
the compost total-N content (Ntotal), the contribution of the             die N-Fraktionen. Nslow = 60 % des Kompost-N + Nslow(co_0) =
compost to the rapidly (Nfast) and the slowly (Nslow) decom-              748.0 mg kg±1, Nfast = 5 % des Kompost-N + Nfast*(co_0) =
posing N pools can be given as                                            48.9 mg kg±1.

Table 5: Calculation of the compost-N contribution to the fast (Nfast) and the slowly (Nslow) decomposable pool of Ntotal, following Eq. 4 and 5.
D = Difference between control and compost treatment. F = fraction of Nfast being of compost origin, S = fraction of Nslow being of compost ori-
gin. sF,S = standard deviation of F and S, respectively.
Tabelle 5: Berechnung des Anteils des Kompost-N an den schnell (Nfast) und langsam (Nslow) abbaubaren Ntotal-Vorräten nach Gl. 4 und 5. D =
Differenz zwischen Kontrolle und Kompostvariante. F = Anteil des Kompost-N an Nfast, S = Anteil des Kompost-N an Nslow. sF,S = Standardab-
weichung von F, bzw. S.

Substrate                  Compost            DNtotal            DNfast                                                 F                sF         DNslow            S               sS
                                              _______ mg kg±1 ________                                                  %                           mg kg±1           %
Ruppertsberg               30 Mg ha±1         460                12                                                        3                        300               65
                           50 Mg ha           885                14                                                        2                        545               62
Nierstein                  30 Mg ha           250                25                                                     10                          138               55
                           50 Mg ha±1         440                26                                                        6                        258               59
Wolf                       30 Mg ha           380                35                                                        9                        236               62
                           50 Mg ha±1         635                31                                                        5                        369               58
Bad Kreuznach              30 Mg ha           275                  8                                                       3                        166               60
                           50 Mg ha±1         590                19                                                        3                        369               62
Arithmetic mean                                                                                                            5             2.8                          60              2.9

ã 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2004, 167, 397±407                                             N mineralization from compost in vineyard soils, part I       403

In this way, the mature bio-waste compost used in this experi-                           ever, the pool fraction of Nslow which was assigned to the
ment can be split into a rapidly decomposable N pool of 5%                               compost (DNslow) shows a very close relation to the total N
of the compost total N and a slowly decomposable N pool of                               content (DNtotal) that was calculated to be of compost origin
60% of the compost total N (Tab. 5). The remaining 35% are                               (Fig. 5, r2 = 0.98), whereas the compost Nfast (DNfast) shows
considered not to be decomposed in the medium term. A plot                               no significant correlation (Fig. 6, r2 = 0.01) at all.
of Eq. 3 with these newly derived parameters is shown for
Ruppertsberg co_5 in Fig. 4 as a comparison to the previous
fits.                                                                                    4 Discussion
                    1000                                                                 4.1 Influence of soil properties and environmental
                                                                                             conditions on in-vitro N mineralization
                     800          Bad Kreuznach                                          One of the main factors influencing N mineralization is the
                                                                                         soil clay content, as several authors have already pointed out
                                                                                         (Bosatta and Agren, 1997; Ebertseder, 1997; Hassink, 1992;
∆Nslow [mg kg -1]

                                                                                         Nordmeyer, 1985). Comparing the N mineralization kinetics
                                                                                         of the different unamended soils at the same temperature (for
                     400                                                                 28C: Fig. 1) and taking the soil organic matter and Ntotal con-
                                                                                         tent of the soils into account, the soil with the lowest clay con-
                                                                                         tent tended to show the highest mineralization potential (in
                     200                                                                 order of increasing clay content: Ruppertsberg 34% of Ntotal,
                                                                                         Nierstein 24%, Wolf 11%, Bad Kreuznach 18%). Only the
                                                                                         Wolf soil did not fit into this pattern. The lower pH of this soil
                             0           200       400               600   800   1000
                                                                                         (pH 5.7, Tab. 1) might have restricted nitrification. Beck
                                                                                         (1983) showed that nitrification at pH 5.7 was reduced to
                                                  ∆ Ntot [mg kg-1]
                                                                                         about 30% of the value found at pH 6.3. Furthermore, the
Figure 5: Relation between the estimates for the slowly decomposing                      high Cu concentration (267 mg Cu kg±1, Tab. 1) could have
compost N pool (Nslow) and the compost total N content for the                           affected nitrification (Benbi and Richter, 1996; Hassen et al.,
respective soil (DNtotal). r2 = 0.98.                                                    1998; Kostov and van Cleemput, 2001). Nuske (1983) used a
Abbildung 5: Zusammenhang zwischen der geschätzten langsam                               general value of 13% of Ntotal to estimate Nslow from loess
abbaubaren Kompost-N-Fraktion (DNslow) und dem N-Gesamtgehalt                            soils. A similar average value was found for sandy soils (Heu-
des Kompostes (DNtotal) für den jeweiligen Boden. r2 = 0,98.
                                                                                         mann et al., 2002), but the variability was found to be consid-
                                                                                         erably high.
                                 Ruppertsberg                                            Apart from the Wolf soil, the mineralization curves showed a
                    35           Nierstein                                               similar shape for the compost treatments at 28C, especially
                                 Bad Kreuznach                                           for the co_3 treatment (Fig. 1 b). The almost identical minera-
                                                                                         lization rates during the first 21 days and just moderately
                                                                                         deviating rates during further incubation lead to the conclu-
                                                                                         sion, that mainly compost material was decomposed. This
∆Nfast [mg kg-1]

                    20                                                                   was also found by Iglesias-JimØnez (2001), who used the 15N
                                                                                         isotope dilution technique for investigating compost-N miner-
                    15                                                                   alization.
                                                                                         Several authors found a significant influence of soil texture on
                     5                                                                   the decomposition of added organic matter in undisturbed
                                                                                         soils (Castellanos and Pratt, 1981; Gordillo and Cabrera,
                     0                                                                   1997; Pare and Gregorich, 1999; Thomsen et al., 2003). In
                         0             200        400            600       800   1000
                                                                                         our experiment, under conditions considered optimal for
                                                  ∆ Ntot [mg kg-1]
                                                                                         mineralization, the soil barely affected the decomposition of
Figure 6: Relation between the estimates for the rapidly decompos-                       the added organic matter. Leifeld et al. (2002) concluded the
ing compost N pool (Nfast*) and the compost total N content for the                      same from biological activity in differently textured soils
respective soil (DNtotal). r2 = 0.01.                                                    amended with compost. Furthermore, Giardina et al. (2001)
Abbildung 6: Zusammenhang zwischen der geschätzten schnell                               did not find any soil-texture effects on soil-organic-matter
abbaubaren Kompost-N-Fraktion (DNfast*) und dem N-Gesamtgehalt                           decay under well aerated incubation conditions; neither did
des Kompostes (DNtotal) für den jeweiligen Boden. r2 = 0,01.                             Scott et al. (1996) for soil incorporated wheat litter or
                                                                                         Mubarak et al. (2001) for amended groundnut and maize resi-
The differences in the total N content between control and                               dues. The most probable reason to explain why the observa-
compost treatments (DNtotal, Tab. 5) deviate strongly from the                           tions on the influence of soil texture on added-organic-matter
theoretical N content, which can be assessed by multiplying                              mineralization diverge so distinctly is a difference in the venti-
the amount of compost added with its total N content. How-                               lation of the respective soils. In disturbed soils, the textural

                                                                                            ã 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
404       Nendel, Reuter, Kubiak, Nieder                                              J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2004, 167, 397±407

effect on soil air supply is mostly covered by the effect of the    mineralization following an application of fresh organic mate-
disturbance. Rasiah and Kay (1998) have already pointed out         rial to a soil is a known phenomenon, referred to as a priming
the relevance of aeration for mineralization of added organic       effect (Kuzyakov et al., 2000). Such a priming effect might
matter in soils.                                                    have occurred, similar to the observations made by Leifeld et
                                                                    al. (2002). It has to be emphasized that the interpretation of
For the temperature range of 4C to 28C, the observed tem-         the Nfast parameters has to be done with care, since they
perature dependency of the mineralization process could be          were derived from the 35C treatment, which was not carried
well described by the Arrhenius approach, exemplarily shown         out with exactly the same share of prepared soil. However,
in Fig. 1. Although the Arrhenius function does not consider        the DNfast estimates are relatively small compared to the total
any optimum temperature, and is thus not valid for tempera-         N pool, so that incorrect estimates would cause a negligible
tures above 35C, it was still considered applicable. The sur-      error. At least the DNslow estimates correlate very well with
face temperature of vineyard soils may significantly exceed         DNtotal (Fig. 5). A more general constraint of the parameter
35C, but it decreases rapidly with depth (Miess, 1968). At         estimates' interpretability will be given in the following sec-
the Ruppertsberg site, no temperature above 35C was mea-           tion.
sured at a depth of 5 cm in the years 2000 and 2001 (data
not shown).                                                         4.2.3 Method limitations

Chodak et al. (2001) presented results of an incubation study       The application of the curve-splitting method to the data of
of compost and quartz sand in a well aerated system. In that        the presented experiment revealed some weak points in the
case, the temperature dependency of mineralization could            method. Although the number of data points for the fitting pro-
not be described with the Arrhenius function. It has to be          cedure was initially increased by introducing the Arrhenius
noted that the temperature dependency of the decomposition          approach into the model equation, the fitting of all six para-
rate of pure compost under processing is significantly differ-      meters in a simultaneous procedure did not always produce
ent. Maximum rates for oxygen consumption under compost             reasonable parameter estimates. A fixed parameter set was
processing have been found in a range between 45C and              taken from the literature which had been obtained from a
70C (Nielsen and Berthelsen, 2002).                                decomposition experiment of sugar-beet leaves in an agricul-
                                                                    tural loess soil (Nordmeyer and Richter, 1985). As this pro-
                                                                    cess certainly runs at a considerably different decomposition
4.2 Validity of the derived mineralization                          rate, the transferability of the parameters to vineyard soils
    parameters                                                      and compost has to be questioned. The fixation of the kinetic
                                                                    parameters means that no explicit statement concerning the
4.2.1 Inhomogenities in compost composition                         actual mineralization rate of compost and soil organic matter
                                                                    can be made for the investigated system (the fitting is
Bio-waste compost used in German viticulture typically con-         strongly biased, and a possible effect of accelerated decom-
sists of organic household refuse and garden waste in mod-          position is reduced to hidden information in the N-pool size).
erately varying proportions. Main differences appear in the         This procedure is justified by the later application in a model
grade of compost maturity, in Germany classified from 1             for larger regions. To keep the model as simple as possible,
(fresh) to 5 (completely matured; Bundesgütegemeinschaft            one set of parameters has to represent many different soil
Kompost e. V., 1994). Since the use of fresh bio-waste com-         environments. This demands for a parameter set which devi-
post is known to cause immobilization of nitrogen in soil (Ber-     ates from locally derived estimates. Except for the larger
nal et al., 1998; Steffens et al., 1996), the validity of the       scale, it is similar to the pool concept for the description of
mineralization characteristics derived from the present             soil-N mineralization, where the kinetic parameters of many
experiment can not be expanded to cover fresh compost as            different SOM compounds are merged into one, describing
well. Furthermore, because of the varying composition of            the average decomposition of the respective pool.
composts, it is assumed that the derived N-mineralization
parameters only describe a certain variety of typical mature        As a consequence, the estimated pool sizes lose their ecolo-
bio-waste composts, which are utilized in German regional           gical interpretability, as long as they can not be supported by
viticulture. The observed deviation of the differences in total     the data of the incubation experiment. In the present study,
N content between control and compost treatments (DNtotal,          the estimation of the actual amount of total N that is available
Tab. 4) and the theoretical N content demonstrates that the         in the potentially decomposable fraction of the compost is
compost material, although slightly ground, is still a very inho-   barely affected by the fixation of the kinetic parameters. After
mogeneous substrate with respect to the amount used in the          420 days of incubation already 66%±75% of the sum of the
present experiment.                                                 N-pool estimates Nslow and Nfast (Tab. 3) was already minera-
                                                                    lized (Tab. 4), and the mineralization process was obviously
4.2.2 Site and cultivation effects                                  still in progress then. To minimize insecurities in parameter
                                                                    estimation, Böttcher (2003) suggested an incubation period
The DNfast estimates for the Nierstein and Wolf soils were sig-     that allows 90% of the potentially mineralizable N to be
nificantly higher compared to estimates for the Bad Kreuz-          released. Although this target period was not reached in our
nach and Ruppertsberg soils. This may lead to the conclusion        experiment, the actual incubation period was considered to
that mineralization of the organic matter in these soils was        be long enough to allow an interpretation of the pool sizes.
somehow different. Enhanced short-term organic-matter               For this reason, the estimated value of the potentially minera-

ã 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2004, 167, 397±407                          N mineralization from compost in vineyard soils, part I             405

lizable N from the compost can be used for long-term fertilizer       Recent results on the enhanced mineralization efficiency of
recommendation.                                                       recalcitrant organic material at higher temperatures (Bol et al.,
                                                                      2003) indicate that the different temperature regime used for
Going one step further, Nordmeyer and Richter (1985)                  the assessment of the potential N mineralization of compost
pointed out that the N pool interpreted as the rapidly decom-         applied to vineyard soils and to agricultural soils could assist
posable fraction of the organic matter (Nfast) is also likely to      in explaining this phenomenon. For agricultural soils, the N-
represent a mineralization flush caused by soil preparation           mineralization potential of compost was mainly calculated
prior to the incubation experiment (see also Dou et al., 1996).       from the nutrient balance of field or container experiments
With respect to mature bio-waste compost, this assumption             under actual environmental conditions (see also Diez and
is most probably correct, since the compost has already               Krauss, 1997; Gutser and Claassen, 1994). In contrast to
undergone a several-week incubation procedure under pro-              this, constant temperatures were used to derive the potential
cessing. This maturation process is unlikely to leave much            N release from compost in our laboratory experiment, includ-
rapidly decomposing organic matter in the product, so the             ing high-temperature treatments at 20C and 28C. Accord-
compost Nfast pool should be comparably small. On the other           ing to Bol et al. (2003), enhanced mineralization efficiency at
hand, Beauchamp et al. (1986) remarked that a mineraliza-             high-temperature treatments would result in a higher minera-
tion flush should cease within approximately one week. In the         lization potential for compost, as it was found in our experi-
present study, the more rapidly decomposing of the two pools          ment.
dominated the mineralization kinetics up to 42 days.
                                                                      Under field conditions, this could cause a considerable effect.
                                                                      The temperature regime of an average vineyard site is
5 Conclusions                                                         assumed to be higher than that of an average agricultural
It has been shown that, although the parameter estimation             site: southward inclination and incomplete vegetation cover
was strongly biased, an ecological interpretation of the N-pool       favors radiation turnover on the vineyard soil surface. For this
estimates is indeed acceptable. The N-mineralization poten-           reason, it can be expected that the N supply from compost
tial of the compost in our study was found to be 65% of total         under field conditions would be noticeably higher in vineyard
compost N. In comparison to this, official fertilizer recommen-       soils as compared to agricultural soils. As a consequence for
dations for agriculture specify the proportion of the compost         fertilizer recommendations in viticulture, we recommend the
total N, which is potentially available to plants, as 40% in total    consideration of a higher N-mineralization potential of organic
and as 15% in the first year of application (LAGA, 1995).             fertilizers.
Some authors, basing their arguments on more recent
research, recommended a further reduction of these values
(Döhler, 1994; Ebertseder, 1997; Scherer et al., 1996; Stef-          Acknowledgments
fens et al., 1996). So far, the LAGA recommendations are
                                                                      The authors wish to thank M. Schreieck, N. Mischke,
considered to be valid also for special cultures, including viti-
                                                                      D. Schertan, and M. Wörner for their competent assistance in
culture, since no findings to the contrary have yet been pre-
                                                                      the lab and the German Viticulture Research Group (For-
sented (LAGA, 1995). However, the large difference between
                                                                      schungsring Deutscher Weinbau) for financial support.
the compost N-mineralization potential derived for arable
soils and the one derived in our study leads to the assump-
tion, that the conditions for N mineralization of agricultural        References
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                                                                              ã 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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