Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board

Page created by Jason Burns
Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board

Dutch Oven Cook Off
          By 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 19th a small crew ar-
          rived at Jefferson County Park in Fairfield, Iowa to set
          up for the 10th Annual Dutch Oven Cook Off. It was a
          smidge foggy and workers found it muggy as they set
          up the serving tables and put out supplies. A large
          canopy had been put up the night before and was
          ready to be transformed into the judging area. Within
          an hour the competitors started to arrive. They unload-
          ed their Dutch ovens and canopies and set up their sta-
          tions. By the time the competition began (after the
          9:00 a.m. Cooks’ Meeting) the day was turning into one
          of the nicest days this competition has ever experienced
          with comfortable temperatures, low humidity and a
          light breeze.
             Above: Gathering for the Cook’s Meeting. Left: Bud Hearn puts
             his jambalaya on to cook. Below Left: Carol Hogan of Cast Iron
              Widows accepts a check from Gloria Countryman. Below: Judy
             Groenendyk proudly oversees her granddaughter MaKenzi as she
                               works on her Tie Dye Cake.
Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board
This Year’s Teams
                                                                    You People
                                            Below: Husband and wife team Dennis Laughlin and Michelle
                                            Shock. They placed 2nd place in the Cook’s Choice category
                                           and 1st place in Desserts for their Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake.

       Locust Grove Regulator:
Above: Lois DeVore Shreves was the only
member of her team. She is known for her
       beautiful pies and bread.                                     Danielson Duo
                                               Below: Doug and Bert Danielson competed for the first time
                                                  in this year’s cook off but they are not new to cast iron
                                               cooking! Their biscuits & bacon gravy won 4th place in the
                                                breakfast category with their perfectly baked homemade
          Breakfast Category                        baking powder biscuits impressing the head judge.

  1st Place: Team Cast Iron Cousins
  “Spinach, Tomato & Bacon Frittata”

        2nd Place: Ash Kickers
       “Blueberry French Toast”

    3rd Place: Cast Iron Widows
    “Tator Tot Breakfast Casserole”

      4th Place: Danielson Duo
       “Biscuits & Bacon Gravy”

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Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board
This Year’s Teams
                                                                  Willow’s Warriors
                                             Left: Judy Groenendyk supervised granddaughter Makenzi
                                             Groenendyk. Makenzi’s Tie Dye Cake won 1st place in the
                                            Novice Dessert category. Her entry was the only one to earn a
                                                        perfect score from ALL of the judges.

                     Confuzed Cookers
Below: Richard & Deb Taylor and John & Mary Burning com-
 peted as Novices this year. They won 2nd place in both the
Dessert and Main Dish categories. Their biggest decision was
what to do with their winnings! Richard suggested investing it.
    John wanted to spend it all on a trip to Disney World!

                                                                                 Team Divided
                                                                      Above: Richard Heald (Cyclones fan)
                                                                       and grandson Dillan Post (Hawkeye
                                                                      fans) showed that despite their differ-
                                                                        ences, they worked well together.
                                                                      They placed third in dessert with their
                                                                                Amish Apple Cake.
Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board
This Year’s Teams
                                                                              Country Cooks
                                                                   Left: After a four year absence Alex
                                                                    Hausner (right) returned to the cook
                                                                   off, this time with brother Tyler. Their
                                                                   mom Chris came along for moral sup-
                                                                    port and they had help from Tyler’s
                                                                   girlfriend Rachel. As one member of
                                                                   the team said “Tyler knows food and
                                                                           Alex knows Dutch Oven.”

                                                                       Dessert Category - Novice

                                                                     1st Place: Willow’s Warriors
                                                                            “Tie Dye Cake”

                                                                     2nd Place: Confuzed Cookers
                                                                       “Pumpkin Crumble Cake”

                                                                        3rd Place: Troop 129
                                                                    “Double Chocolate Cobbler with

                                                Below: Loren Bolkema competed alongside his daughter
                                               Jodie and his granddaughter Morgan. Loren has compet-
                                                 ed in almost all of the cook offs since the event began
                                                                       back in 2008

            Cast Iron Widows
 Above: Carol Hogan and Teresa Adair of
Niota Illinois competed separately last year
 but this year joined together as one team.
They placed third in both the Breakfast and
           Cook’s Choice categories.

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Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board
This Year’s Teams
                              Can’t Dutch This
                     Left: Mother-daughter team Tammy
                      and Brianna Haynes traveled from
                    Cedar Rapids for their first visit to the
                    Spring Into Summer Dutch Oven Cook
                     Off. Besides having one of the best
                      team names in the competition their
                    Upside-down Pear Gorgonzola Cake
                        was a favorite of taste testers.

                      Lid Spinners & The Hawks
                  Left: Kendra Allison and her dad Erik
               formed the Lid Spinners and Sophie Stever
                 (below) and her dad Joe made up The
              Hawks. Family friends, these two teams com-
                peted side by side, with both dads being
              there to support their Dutch oven daughters.
Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board
This Year’s Teams
                                                           Cajun Firecrackers
                                                  Bud Hearn and his sister-in-law Jacqui
                                                   made up the Cajun Firecrackers. It
                                                   was the first competition for both of
                                                   them. We hope they’ll return...they
                                                       made a kickin’ jambalaya.

     Main Dish - Novice

1st Place: Willow’s Warriors
   “Chicken Cordon Bleu”

2nd Place: Confuzed Cookers
                                                                 Possum Pot
                                                     Above: Mark Harrington of Bata-
   3rd Place: Lid Spinners                           via, Illinois always threatens to pick
      “Sweet Mild Chili”                             up a roadkill possum on his way to
                                                      the cook off which is probably the
                                                         story behind his unusual team
                                                     name! Just so you know, there was
                                                     no possum in any of his dishes...that
                                                                    I know of!!!!

                                                   Smokin’ in the Alley
                                     Left: Not only was Bob Keller a competitor but he
                                    also represented Live Wire Electric, a sponsor for the
                                    event. This year he had a little extra help; his wife
                                           Connie came along to help as sous chef.

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Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board
This Year’s Teams

                                                   Cooking With Their Spoons
                                         Below: Ducks Unlimited representative Gloria Coun-
                                          tryman congratulates Rosie Witherspoon and Jaya
                                              Coplea on their 2nd place win in Desserts.

  Dessert Category: Well-seasoned

       1st Place: You People
    “Chocolate Turtle Cheesecake”

2nd Place: Cooking With Their Spoons
 “Raspberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake”

      3rd Place: Team Divided
        “Amish Apple Cake”

       4th Place: Ash Kickers
        “Magic Cookie Bars”

                                                                        Troop 129
                                                                    Left: Troop 129 traveled
                                                                  from Creston, Iowa to take
                                                                 part in the Cook Off. They
                                                                 placed in the novice dessert
                                                                 category but the biggest im-
                                                                  pression they made was on
                                                                   the volunteers at the event
                                                                who commented on the boys’
                                                                  enthusiasm and playfulness.
                                                                   One volunteer said “What
                                                                  impressed me the most was
                                                                  that they were so eager to
                                                                 learn about what was going
                                                                on.” Back (l to r): Dan Swed-
                                                                 lund, Shawn Hall, Doug Ste-
                                                                  vens, Gina Hall, and James
                                                                Hall. Front (l to r) Dane Swe-
                                                                land, Simon Privett, Levi Hall
                                                                       and Talon Bolinger.
Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board
This Year’s Teams

                Cast Iron Cousins
Above: Marlyn Hoksbergen and her first cousin Ron
 Groenendyk are both seasoned Dutch oven cooks.
 Their Spinach, Tomato and Bacon Frittata took 1st
 place in the Breakfast Category. The head judge
later admitted that she would have gladly stolen it
    away to her car and eaten it in its entirety!
                                                                        Ash Kickers
                                                       Below: Husband and wife team Jill and Bob Ferns
                                                      returned to the cook off and wowed the judges with
                                                            a decadent Blueberry French Toast Bake.

     Cook’s Choice: Well-seasoned

       1st Place: Cast Iron Cousins
     “Chocolate Molasses Pork Roast”

         2nd Place: You People
           “Bacon Explosion”

      3rd Place: Cast Iron Widows
          “Dutch Oven Ravioli”

         4th Place: Possum Pot
      “Tuscan Chicken Wellington”

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Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board

Above: Volunteer Gay Chapman shows off her
       idea of a “taste testing spoon”!

      Above Right: Clarisa, Dillon, Cathy,
 Gerry, Jean and Phyllis were “runners”. Their
  job was to take the Dutch ovens back to the
competitors after they had been judged, and in
  the process avoid being trampled by all the
         hungry people following them!

Right: Volunteer Meg (who doesn’t like her pho-
  to taken) takes a photo of the judging team.

 Below: Spoon sellers Twila, Twilla and Barb.
Dutch Oven Cook Off 2018 SPRING INTO SUMMER - Jefferson County Conservation Board
Judges’ Area
                                                   As the food came into the judges’ area, the judges began to work their way
                                                   around the table checking out the appearance and presentation of the dishes.
                                                   Are they visually appealing? Is the aroma pleasing? Then the head judge and
                                                   her assistant began the task of cutting or scooping out a representative piece
                                                   of the dish and dividing it for the judges to taste.

                                                   The judges then move around the table and taste each dish. How well did the
                                                   cook execute the recipe? Is it over done or under done? Too moist or too
                                                   dry? Or is it cooked just right? How’s the texture? How about taste? Does it
                                                   have good flavor? Is it well-seasoned? Judges have the option of awarding a
                                                   dish a bonus point if they felt that the recipe was exceptional or if they felt
                                                   that it was a more difficult recipe to prepare (i.e. a scratch cake over a box

                                                   Once all dishes from the category are judged, the judges hand in their forms to
                                                   the head judge and her assistant, who tally the scores. If there is a tie, then the
                                                   head judge and her assistant will use their results to break that tie. It is the
                                                   only time their results come into play. They are the only two who know the
                                                   winners prior to the awards ceremony.
Above: Marlyn of Cast Iron Cousins brings their
  “cook’s choice” entry to the judging area.       One of the perks of being a sponsor for the Spring Into Summer Dutch Oven
Below: Head judge Diana Flynn cuts samples for     Cook Off is that they get the opportunity to be a judge for the event. Not all
                the judges.                        of them are available or interested in doing so but there are always individuals
 Below Right: Judges Jim, Jeanette, Denise and
                                                   ready and willing to fill in for them! This year’s judges were: Diana Flynn
Kathy check out a newly delivered dessert in the   (head judge), Gloria Countryman (assistant to the head judge and Ducks Un-
                novice division.                   limited representative), Kathy Winkelman (Community 1st Credit Union),
                                                   Jeannette & Jim Redmann (Preferred Auto) and Denise Venteicher, a volun-
                                                   teer who was elevated to judge when one of the sponsors was unable to partic-
                                                   ipate. These judges had the tough job of tasting forty three dishes. Dishes
                                                   were judged on appearance and presentation, execution of recipe, and taste.

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More Photos                Thank You!
                            The Jefferson County
                        Conservation staff would like
                         to thank the many people
                         who made the Dutch Oven
                             Cook Off possible:

                                 Duck’s Unlimited
                          Community 1st Credit Union,
                              Preferred Auto Sales,
                                Bob’s Automotive
                                  Edward Jones
                         Live Wire Electric/Straight Up

                        Diana Flynn, Gloria Countryman,
                        Kathy Winkelman, Jeanette and
                                 Jim Redmann,
                               Denise Venteicher.

                        Meg Earsley, Twilla Luke, Jean
                          Dorothy, Clarisa McMahon,
                         Phyllis Freeman, Cathy Matt,
                         Twila Keller, Gay Chapman,
                        Barb Giberson, Dillon Timmer-
                              man, Gerry Garles.
                          And to our nineteen teams.
                        My apologies to anyone I may
                             have overlooked.

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More Photos

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More Photos

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                   Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in Jefferson County by acquiring, developing and managing public
                    areas so that its citizens will have opportunities for quality outdoor recreation experiences, and to cultivate
                                good land stewardship through natural history and environmental education activities.

       JCCB Staff
    Dennis Lewiston,                                                                To Contact Us:
        Director                                                                          Phone:
   Shawn Morrissey,
  Operations Manager                                                                    641-472-4421
   Bob Leazer, Park &                                                              E-mail:
    Trail Technician
  Matt & Brittney Tiller,                                          therese@jeffersoncountyconservation.com
       Park Host
  Therese Cummiskey,
                                                                                                   That gives me a
    Board Members                                                                                   year to rest up
                                                                                                  from all the taste
    Wayne Atwood                                                                                       testing!
       Terri Diers
      Cory Klehm
      Gene Parker
    Kathy Tollenaere

 Save the date for next year’s
     Spring Into Summer
   Dutch Oven Cook Off:
   Saturday, May 18, 2019

             People are already lining up!
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