Page created by Christopher Klein

                                                                                                                            Our Dumfries campus             2
                                                                                                                            Your learning environment       4
                                                                                                                            Discover Dumfries & Galloway    6
                                                                                                                            Global opportunities            8
                                                                                                                            Your Dumfries home             10
                                                                                                                            Support along the way          12
                                                                                                                            Welcoming the world            14
                                                                                                                            How to apply                   16
                                                                                                                            Fees, costs and scholarships   18
                                                                                                                            What can I study?              21
                                                                                                                            Further information            28

I am delighted that you are considering          creativity and potential. To study here is to
applying to the University of Glasgow.           join a dynamic community of world changers
                                                 made up of 25 nationalities and with access to
As one of the world’s top 100 universities,      a growing selection of clubs and societies.
recently named University of the Year
by Times Higher Education, we are a              In this prospectus you will find a wealth of
globally minded, outward looking and             information about life on campus and the
inclusive community with a huge number of
opportunities on offer.
                                                 University more broadly. While the pandemic
                                                 continues to impact our daily lives, our credo
                                                                                                  ONE OF THE     RANKED                     A MEMBER OF
Whether you plan on studying Environmental
                                                 remains unchanged: to join the University
                                                 of Glasgow is to be part of an active and
                                                                                                  TOP 100        2ND IN THE                 THE RUSSELL
Science & Sustainability, Health & Social        inspiring community – one determined to          UNIVERSITIES   RUSSELL                    GROUP OF
Sector Leadership or Primary Education, to       help you develop your skillset, broaden your
                                                                                                  IN THE WORLD                              RESEARCH-
attend the University of Glasgow is to join
one of the UK’s leading research intensive
                                                 horizons and push knowledge forward for the
                                                 benefit of all.                                                 GROUP FOR                  INTENSIVE UK
universities and to benefit from a world-class
learning and teaching environment.               Once again, thank you for your interest and
                                                                                                                 STUDENT                    UNIVERSITIES
Our world-changing Dumfries campus,
                                                 good luck with your studies.

                                                 Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli
situated in a rural campus environment in                                                                        NSS 2020
south-west Scotland, is bursting with ideas,     Principal & Vice-Chancellor
            ABOUT LIFE
            AT DUMFRIES

                             OUR DUMFRIES
    The University of Glasgow at        a progressive vision for            just under two hours away,
    Dumfries is a rural campus          interdisciplinary teaching and      while Carlisle is under an hour.
    in south-west Scotland with         research.
    a close-knit community of                                               A multi-institutional
    students from the UK and            An idyllic location                 campus
    around the world.                   The Dumfries campus is set in       We’re proud to share the
                                        85 acres of leafy parkland with     Crichton campus with the
    A welcoming learning                stunning views to the Solway        University of the West of
    environment                         estuary and hills, proximity to     Scotland and Dumfries &
    Friendly residences and small       hiking and cycling trails, rivers   Galloway College.
    class sizes will help you to get    and lochs, and a walk or
    to know students and staff          short bus ride to the historic      Find out more
    from all disciplines. You will be   town centre. With excellent         See glasgow.ac.uk/
    taught by academics who are         transport links, the rest of        studyindumfries for more
    among the top researchers           the UK is within easy reach;        information.
    in their fields, and who have       Glasgow and Edinburgh are
2                                                                                                              3
           THE RUSSELL
           GROUP FOR
           NSS 2020

        Our vibrant teaching garden gives students practical teaching and research experience year round.

                            YOUR LEARNING
    We help you develop a                 some of our many fieldwork             Work placements and
    strong set of graduate                bases, study locations, and            professional skills
    skills. All our programmes            partner organisations.                 To enhance your opportunities
    are professionally oriented,                                                 after graduation, work
    providing you with practical          Fieldtrips and guest                   placements or work
    experience and a solid                lectures                               experience are offered as part
    academic foundation.                  Fieldtrips and guest lectures          of our degree programmes.
                                          are essential parts of your            In partnership with a wide         Student placements and
    The outdoor classroom
    Our local landscape is
                                          programme. We place
                                          great value on a practical
                                                                                 range of local, national and
                                                                                 international organisations,       field study experiences
    a real-life laboratory for            approach and on a variety              we can help you to source a
    teaching and research.                of perspectives, ensuring              quality work placement, and        • Scottish Government
    Forestry, renewable energy,           that you gain a strong set             to plan and carry out projects     • National Health Service
    sustainable agriculture,              of professionally oriented             which are supported and            • Scottish Natural Heritage
    wildlife conservation, tourism        skills as well as an academic          mentored by academic staff.        • Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
    and community projects                background. You can be                 These projects are designed        • National Trust for Scotland
    are all important to the local        confident that whatever your           to deliver clear benefits to you   • Scotland’s Rural College
    landscape, culture and                discipline, your learning will be      and tangible results for the       • Australian Koala Foundation
    economy. Student groups               active and interesting.                placement provider.                • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
    have the opportunity to visit                                                                                   • Dumfries and Galloway Council schools.
4                                                                                                                                                                 5
Galloway Forest Park, the UK’s first dark sky park.

        River Nith, Dumfries.

                  DISCOVER DUMFRIES
                     & GALLOWAY
    Colourful, creative and picturesque, the region    works; or Moat Brae, the house and garden          Students Association
    gives you experiences and memories that will       which inspired J M Barrie to write Peter Pan.      The Crichton University Campus Students
    last a lifetime. With a lively arts and festival   The internationally acclaimed Wigtown Book         Association organises a range of exciting social
    scene, strong cultural heritage and a wealth       Festival consistently attracts big-name writers    events and administers a growing selection of      The Red Trail, Dalbeattie Mountain Biking Centre.
    of sporting opportunities, you’ll soon become      like Louis de Bernières, Phill Jupitus and Chris   clubs and societies covering everything from
    part of the local community.                       Brookmyre. The world’s biggest Burns Night         film to football.

    The university town of Dumfries
                                                       celebration is held in Dumfries: the Big Burns
                                                       Supper is an extravaganza of theatre, music,       Sport                                              The great outdoors
    Cafes, pubs, clubs, restaurants, sports and        comedy, street carnivals and more.                 State-of-the-art sports facilities are right on
    health facilities, cinemas and shopping can                                                           your doorstep at the DG One leisure centre,        Walkers and climbers of all abilities
    all be found within the town centre. The           Nightlife and music                                and there is a gym, spa and swimming pool          will enjoy discovering the area, from
    compact nature of the town provides a relaxed      From nightclub DJs to acoustic sets at pubs        on campus. Local sports clubs welcome              the Galloway Hills and the Southern
    environment for students and, with excellent       and festivals throughout the year, you’ll find     new members, with something for everyone.          Uplands to the English Lake District,
    transport links, you can travel anywhere in the    a variety of music to suit all tastes. Budding     Dumfries regularly hosts international sporting    all easily reached from Dumfries. The
    UK.                                                performers can join many of the town’s music       events, recently including cycling’s Tour of       dramatic coastline and beaches of the
                                                       and theatre groups. Calvin Harris started his      Britain and the World Under-20 Ice Hockey          Solway Firth are a tranquil backdrop
    Arts and culture                                   career in Dumfries and there are a number          Championship. Dumfries & Galloway is               for more relaxing pursuits. Sandy bays,
    There is plenty going on to encourage your         of music festivals: Eden Festival, Electric        home to the 7stanes, a series of world-            rocky cliffs, islands, lochs and rivers are
    creativity: visit the Robert Burns House where     Fields Festival and the small but legendary        class mountain bike centres run by Forestry        a haven for watersports enthusiasts.
    the famous poet created some of his finest         Knockengorroch Festival.                           Commission Scotland.
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7
            MORE THAN 180
            ACROSS THE

                                                                                                          Benefits of studying
             GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES                                                                         abroad
                                                                                                          • Gain a new perspective
                                                                                                          • Develop a more international outlook
    Our long-established Go Abroad programme             Work abroad                                      • Travel to new and amazing places
    offers you exciting opportunities to study, live     Our undergraduate degree programmes
                                                                                                          • Make friends from all over the world
    and work in another country as part of your          support work placements, which can take
                                                                                                          • Develop new skills
    degree. From Europe and the USA, to Asia and         place in any company or institution abroad.
                                                                                                          • Enhance your CV
    Australia, the world is yours to explore.            The Adviser of Studies or Programme Director
                                                                                                          • Boost your confidence.
                                                         for your programme can help you to find out
    Courses taken overseas through our exchange          more information about work placements as
    programme form part of your degree without           part of your degree.
    adding an extra year or semester. There
    is no additional tuition fee and a range of          Incoming opportunities
    scholarships is also available each year. You        If you’re an international student looking for
    also don’t need to speak a foreign language          a study abroad or exchange programme
    as many of our partner universities teach in         with a difference, the University of Glasgow
    English.                                             at Dumfries is a great destination: a friendly
                                                         learning environment with flexible study
    In addition to exchange programmes for a             options that meet the requirements of your
    semester and full year, we also offer short-term     home university, and a truly Scottish cultural
    mobility opportunities such as international         experience.
    placements, summer schools abroad and
    other international activities with our network of   Find out more
    university partners.                                 See glasgow.ac.uk/interdisciplinary/
                                                         international for more information.
8                                                                                                                                                  9
             25 COUNTRIES
             STUDY AT

               YOUR DUMFRIES HOME
     There are three residences in Dumfries, all         Who is eligible for accommodation?
     within easy reach of the campus by foot or a        Both undergraduate and postgraduate students
     short bus ride, giving you the option of close to   may apply for residences. The selection system
     campus or town centre living:                       is weighted towards applicants who meet the
     • Dumfries Hall                                     following criteria:
     • Laurieknowe Hall                                  • You’re pursuing a full-time degree
     • Brooke House.                                        programme at the School of Interdisciplinary
     The residences include single bedrooms with         • You’re in your first year of study
     en-suite, as well as shared kitchens and living     • You live too far away to commute easily by
     rooms to gather with your flatmates for meals          public transport.
     and to socialise. All residences offer living
     support, WiFi, laundry facilities, garden areas,    Private accommodation
     bicycle racks and parking.                          Reasonably priced, privately rented flats are
                                                         also available in Dumfries. Contact us for
     What does it cost?                                  advice on finding appropriate accommodation.
     Fees for 2021–22 are around £150 per week
     on a self-catering basis. This is subject to        Find out more
     variation so please contact us for up-to-date       See glasgow.ac.uk/interdisciplinary/
     information.                                        accommodation for more information.
10                                                                                                         11
          ALONG THE WAY
     We offer a range of services so you can make the most of your
     time at Dumfries while planning ahead for your future.

     Building your career
     During your studies, you will have access to placements,
     fieldtrips, study abroad, guest speakers and employability
     workshops, enabling you to develop professional skills and
     plan your career.

     The Graduate Skills Programme gives you recognition for
     extracurricular activities done alongside your degree, and
     will help you to market yourself effectively to prospective

     Our on-campus Student Support Officer can help guide you
     through all the employability services available, both within and
     beyond the University Careers Service.

     Looking out for you
     We have a team of friendly, qualified advisers who offer
     one-to-one and drop-in sessions to support your academic
     development and emotional wellbeing.

     Advice for students with disabilities
     It is always advisable to establish contact with us as early as
     possible so that appropriate support for your needs can be

     Our advisers work with you to assess requirements such as
     physical, educational or sensory impairment, and to help
     ensure that you have access to the support you need from a
     wide range of options. All information disclosed will be treated

     Further study and research
     We offer a varied and inspiring range of postgraduate
     programmes and research. Many of these provide a structured
     next step to complement our undergraduate programmes
     and are the perfect choice for students with a good academic
     record who are interested in studying or researching their
     subject in greater depth.

     Find out more
     See glasgow.ac.uk/interdisciplinary/studentservices
     for more information.

12                                                                       13
     The University of Glasgow at Dumfries typically    cultural immersion programme. See glasgow.
     has students from more than 25 countries           ac.uk/iss for more information.
     studying on campus. Our international students
     find the welcoming and friendly campus             Glasgow International College
     community a great place to study and make          If you’re an international student but not quite
     friends.                                           ready to study at the University, our partner      Improving
                                                        institution, Glasgow International College, can
     Meet us in your own country                        help you to achieve the required standards for     competence in
     Members of our International Recruitment
     team travel throughout the world to attend
                                                        admission to the University. If you successfully
                                                        complete a foundation programme at the
     exhibitions, offer information sessions and        required level, you can progress directly to the
     interview candidates. We also have staff based     second year of a degree programme in Health        We provide courses to help you reach
     in America, China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria and   & Social Sector Leadership and Environmental       a proficiency level equivalent to the
     Singapore, who are there to assist international   Science & Sustainability. See glasgow.ac.uk/       required IELTS score through our
     applicants.                                        gic for more information.                          English for Academic Study (EAS).
                                                                                                           Pre-sessional EAS courses can last
     International Summer School                        Before you arrive                                  5–36 weeks depending on your entry
     You can apply to join an International Summer      As you plan and prepare for your journey to        level.
     School, which offers a variety of credit bearing   Dumfries, our International Student Support
     courses ranging from one to eight weeks in         team can give you advice on any concerns           We review our English language
     duration. There are a number of courses to         you may have, including immigration, working       requirements regularly, so for the latest
     choose from including physics, mathematics         regulations and finance.                           information, see glasgow.ac.uk/eas.
     and life sciences as well as several options in
     the arts and humanities. The summer school         Find out more
     includes accommodation and a lively Scottish       See glasgow.ac.uk/international for more
14                                                                                                                                                     15
             ABOUT APPLYING
             See glasgow.ac.uk/ug/howtoapply

                                                                                                                                                        Widening participation
                                                                                                                                                        The University is committed to
                                                                                                                                                        encouraging and supporting students
                                                                                                                                                        from areas and groups where there is
                                                                                                                                                        traditionally low participation in university.
                                                                                                                                                        We welcome applications from students
                                                                                                                                                        enrolled on the FOCUS West/Top-
                                                                                                                                                        Up Programme and those who have
                                                                                                                                                        completed, or aim to complete, University

                            HOW TO APPLY
                                                                                                                                                        of Glasgow Summer Schools. We also
                                                                                                                                                        encourage applications from qualified
                                                                                                                                                        young people who have been looked
                                                                                                                                                        after by a local authority in foster or
                                                                                                                                                        residential care.
                                                                                                       Is advanced entry possible?
     How do I apply?                                  When do I apply?                                 If you attain exceptional entry grades you may   Summer School for Access
     If you are seeking full-time study you must      UCAS closing dates for 2022 are:                 be considered for advanced entry (start at       If you are returning to study after a break,
     apply through the Universities & Colleges        • 15 January 2022 for UK students                year 2) or faster route (condense a four-year    or you would like to spend some time
     Admissions Service (UCAS). See ucas.com.         • 30 June 2022 for international and EU          Honours degree into three years). If you are     preparing yourself for higher education,
                                                        students.                                      interested you should apply for year 2 (Y2) on   you should consider our Summer School
     What do I need to apply?                                                                          your UCAS application.                           for Access. It’s a great way for school
     You’ll need academic qualifications, a personal   How soon will I receive a decision?                                                               or college leavers to make a smooth
     statement and a reference. For some specific      We respond to all applications as soon as        Is part-time study possible?                     transition to university.
     degree programmes you may also need to           possible. For UK students we aim to respond      You may be able to study Environmental
     • come to an interview or audition               within published UCAS timescales. If we can      Science & Sustainability and Health & Social     Students who complete our Summer
     • sit an admissions test                         make you an offer, you will receive either an    Sector Leadership part-time. See glasgow.        School develop the confidence and
     • provide evidence of relevant work or           unconditional or conditional offer.              ac.uk/ug/parttime for more information.          academic skills to really excel at
        voluntary experience.                                                                                                                           university. It offers a head start, ensuring
                                                      Is deferred entry possible?                      Find out more                                    you’re fully prepared for the challenges of
     If English is not your first language, you will   It may be possible but it is not granted         Email admissions-dumfries@glasgow.ac.uk.         higher education. Successful completion
     normally need to provide evidence of your        automatically. Contact our Admissions team for                                                    can assist with entry to degree
     English language skills through suitable         information.                                                                                      programmes in Environmental Science &
     qualifications.                                                                                                                                     Sustainability and Health & Social Sector
16                                                                                                                                                                                                       17
     Tuition fees
     How and when you pay tuition fees depends on where
     you’re from. We provide up-to-the-minute information about
     our tuition fees and how to pay at glasgow.ac.uk/study/fees.

         Cost of living*
         Average cost per month of living in self-catered
         Accommodation                                £550
         Food                                         £130
         Clothes                                       £50
         Travel in Dumfries                            £40
         Laundry/Stationery                            £30
         Telephone/internet                            £40
         Entertainment                                £120
         Total                                        £960

         Additional costs per year
         Books                                                        £400
         UK travel                                                    £300
         Total                                                        £700

     We believe academic excellence should be supported. If
     you want to join us as an undergraduate, you’ll be pleased
     to know there’s a wide range of financial help available to

     This includes bursaries and scholarships for students who
     • are under represented
     • have demonstrated excellent academic achievement
     • are facing financial hardship
     • are talented athletes
     • have spent time in care or who will be studying without
       family support
     • are staying in the UK on humanitarian grounds and are
       facing challenges in progressing to higher education.

     Find out more
     There are many potential sources of financial support
     available. For the latest information see glasgow.ac.uk/

     *The living costs quoted are not related to funding requirements for entry
      clearance. At the time of going to press, UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)
      states that Tier 4 visa applicants planning to study outside London must
      demonstrate that they have funds to cover living costs for up to a maximum
      of nine months (depending on the length of the course) at £1,023 per month.
      For up-to-date information on entry clearance requirements, see gov.uk/
18                                                                                  19
     Undergraduate programmes
     Environmental Science & Sustainability        22
     Health & Social Sector Leadership             24
     Primary Education with Teaching Qualification 26

20                                                      21
ENVIRONMENTAL                                            Degree and UCAS code                               You will also undertake either a dissertation or      Placements
     SCIENCE &                                                BSc (Hons) (D447) – four years                     placement where you will gain experience in the       This programme offers you an exceptional
     SUSTAINABILITY                                           Summary of entry requirements
                                                                                                                 environmental sector.                                 placement opportunity as part of your degree.
                                                                                                                                                                       Students have undertaken placements with the
                                                                                                                 Year 4                                                following organisations:
     The Environmental Science &                              SQA Higher Entry Requirements (by end              The Honours year consists of an environmental         • Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation,
     Sustainability programme utilises                        of S6)                                             stewardship project on a research interest of            Greece
     the surrounding countryside in its                       BBBB                                               your choice, and courses on Environmental             • Edinburgh Zoo
     courses to demonstrate environmental                     Additional requirements: Higher Science            policy and management, Perspectives on the            • Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Caerlaverock
     work in practice. This is through                        subject (two Higher Sciences are                   environment, and a residential Environmental          • Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
     fieldwork, field classes and visits to                   recommended).                                      field course.                                         • Scottish Natural Heritage
     environmental sites and organisations.                   SQA Higher Adjusted Entry                                                                                • Dumfries & Galloway Council
                                                              Requirements                                       Fieldwork and practical experience                    • Scottish Wildlife Trust
     5th   IN             STUDY         PROFESSIONALLY        No Adjusted Higher Requirements.                   The School of Interdisciplinary Studies is uniquely   • Natural Power
           THE UK ∆       ABROAD        ACCREDITED
                                                                                                                 located for the study of Environmental Science        • Australian Koala Foundation
                                                              A-level Standard Entry Requirements
                                                                                                                 & Sustainability with easy access to estuarine,       • Jersey Zoo
                                                              BBB – CCC
     Programme structure                                                                                         maritime and terrestrial environments such as         • Forestry Commission Scotland
                                                              Additional requirements: A-level Science
     This programme is accredited by the Committee                                                               the Southern Uplands, peat bogs and moorland.         • Transport Scotland
     of Heads of Environmental Sciences (CHES),                                                                  These features, together with the extensive           • Raja Ampat Diving Project
     the education committee of the Institution of            IB Standard Entry Requirements                     agricultural and forested environment of the          • Five Oceans Environmental Services LLC
     Environmental Sciences (IES). CHES is the                30 (6,5,5 HL) – 28 (5,5,5 HL)                      region, present a vibrant and diverse “laboratory”    • The Wildlife Information Centre.
     collective voice of the environmental sciences           Additional requirements: HL Science                in which to study.
     academic community and serves to enhance the             subject.                                                                                                 Our international links
     quality of environmental education worldwide.            For detailed entry requirements                    Examples of past and current field classes            You will have the opportunity to apply to study
                                                              see glasgow.ac.uk/ug/                              include:                                              abroad.
     A programme accredited by CHES is assured                environmentalsciencesustainability.                • Field class to Grey Mare’s Tail to investigate
     to meet high standards and contain a strong                                                                    glacial landforms.                                 Career prospects
                                                              Completion of our Summer School
     component of practical, field and theoretical                                                               • Field classes to a number of energy                 You will develop a range of skills in environmental
                                                              for Access may enable entry to this
     activities, and has excellent opportunities                                                                    generation sites within Dumfries & Galloway:       management techniques, preparing you to enter
                                                              programme. For further details please see
     for training, work experience and links to the                                                                 for example, Galloway Hydro, Torness Nuclear       the graduate job market in a wide variety of roles.
                                                              page 17 or glasgow.ac.uk/dumfries.
     professional environmental sector.                                                                             Power Plant, Steven’s Croft Biomass Power          The combination of a broad-based education
                                                                                                                    Plant.                                             with specialist input, supplemented with real
     Year 1
                                                              Glasgow International College
                                                                                                                 • Weekly fieldwork on the Research methods            work experience, will equip you with essential
                                                              For international students entry to this
     Years 1 and 2 provide a broad-based                                                                            for environmental scientists course, which         skills and qualities. Students enrolled on CHES
                                                              programme is supported by courses from
     education representing a mixture of three core                                                                 includes skills such as phase 1 habitat            accredited programmes can apply for free
                                                              GIC. For more information see glasgow.
     environmental courses and three electives from                                                                 surveys; laboratory skills; soil sampling with     student membership of the IES and for a fast-
     non-environmental programmes. This gives you                                                                   chemical and physical analysis; mapping and        track to membership once they graduate, starting
     the opportunity to add breadth to your degree.                                                                 GIS.                                               you on a route towards becoming a Chartered
     Core courses:                                       ∆   Guardian University Guide 2021,                     • Field class to Edinburgh Zoo to examine the         Environmentalist or Chartered Scientist.
                                                             ranking for Geography & Environmental Studies          role of the modern zoo and see the pandas.
     • Introduction to environmental science                                                                     • Freshwater invertebrate sampling on the             Previous graduate career paths include:
       This course looks at components of the            Year 2                                                     Mennock Water.                                     • Graduate ecologist with Natural Power
       biosphere and how we use this knowledge           You will take the core courses:                         • Sampling for plastic pollution on the Solway        • PhD research
       to manage or remediate environmental              • Research methods for environmental scientists            Coast.                                             • Environmental consultant for an international
       problems.                                         • Human impacts on the environment                                                                              consultancy firm
     • Earth system science                              • Biodiversity, ecology and ecosystems                                                                        • Teacher (primary/secondary) upon completion
       This course introduces you to the Earth’s         • Energy: options for sustainability.                                                                           of a teacher training programme
       major systems, both now and in the past, and                                                                                                                    • Black grouse officer with the RSPB.
       examines the Earth’s history and environment      At each level you can also choose from a range
       by considering the fundamental processes          of elective courses across other disciplines.
       which determine the general functioning of the                                                                                                                    Why choose UofG at Dumfries?
       Earth as a system.                                Year 3                                                                                                          Our Dumfries Campus is located close to a
     • Introduction to global environmental issues       You will study:                                                                                                 range of natural resources, unique fieldwork
       In this course you will explore the most          • Applied ecology and conservation                                                                              environments and placement providers:
       significant and topical global environmental      • Aquatic environment: processes, monitoring                                                                    a diverse outdoor laboratory only minutes
       issues affecting societies, ecosystems and the      and management                                                                                                from the classroom.
       physical milieu.                                  • Rural tourism and stewardship.

22   w   glasgow.ac.uk/ug/environmentalsciencesustainability             e   admissions-dumfries@glasgow.ac.uk      @envirosciencesustainabilityatdumfries                                                                   23
HEALTH & SOCIAL                                             Degree and UCAS code                            University-approved organisation. In addition,       Direct entry to Year 2
     SECTOR LEADERSHIP                                           MA (Hons) (LL34) – four years                   senior managers from the NHS offer career            Successful HNC students can apply for entry
                                                                                                                 mentoring.                                           directly into the second year of the Health &
     In testing times for the health and                         Summary of entry requirements                                                                        Social Sector Leadership degree. This route
     social sectors, this degree equips                                                                          Previous placements include NHS Strategic            is available to those on the following courses:
                                                                 SQA Higher Entry Requirements (by end           Planning and Public Health, Dumfries & Galloway      • HNC Social Care
     you with the skills and confidence to                       of S6)
     think critically, identify key challenges,                                                                  Council Employability Service, and DG Health &       • HNC Social Science.
                                                                 BBBB Higher                                     Wellbeing physical activity programme.
     influence policy and lead change.
                                                                 SQA Higher Adjusted Entry                                                                            How does it work?
                                                                 Requirements                                    Year 4: Research and dissemination                   Apply for direct entry into year 2 through
     3rd   IN
           THE UK ∆
                            ABROAD    S     SCHOLARSHIPS
                                            AVAILABLE –
                                            SEE GLASGOW.
                                                                 No Adjusted Higher Requirements.
                                                                 Direct entry to Year 2 via UofG HNC
                                                                                                                 In year 4 you progress to the year-long Honours
                                                                                                                 Action Research Project. With the freedom to
                                                                                                                                                                      UCAS. If you pass your HNC with an A in the
                                                                                                                                                                      graded unit and complete a short bridging
                                                                 programmes*                                     pursue a topic you are passionate about, you         course in September, you will be eligible for
                                                                 * See glasgow.ac.uk/accessglasgow for           apply the knowledge you have gained to a             entry into the second year of the degree. We
     Programme structure                                         eligibility.                                    real-world research situation, within the NHS,       also encourage HNC applicants to consider
     Deep understanding of health and social issues              A-level Standard Entry Requirements             local government or a third sector organisation,     our Summer School for Access; contact us
     is achieved by combining extensive placement                BBB – CCC                                       culminating in the dissemination of your insights    for further information.
     opportunities with academic classroom-based                                                                 to practitioners.
     learning. At each level you can also choose from            IB Standard Entry Requirements                                                                       Associate Student Scheme
     a range of elective courses from other disciplines          30 (6,5,5 HL) – 28 (5,5,5 HL)                   Our international links                              An Associate Student Scheme is available
     that are complementary to the core health and               For detailed entry requirements                 You will have the opportunity to apply to study      to students from Scotland’s colleges who
     social sector focus. Several core courses are               see glasgow.ac.uk/ug/                           abroad.                                              are considering this degree programme.
     accredited by the Institute of Leadership &                 healthsocialsectorleadership.                                                                        Membership is free during your HNC year
     Management.                                                 Completion of our Summer School                 Career prospects                                     and will help to make a smooth transition to
                                                                 for Access may enable entry to this             Graduates who achieve a 2:1 or above will            university-level study. You will have access
     Year 1: Fundamentals                                        programme. For further details please see       be eligible for the prestigious Future Leaders       to special events, guidance, online learning
     You will be introduced to key concepts and                  page 17 or glasgow.ac.uk/dumfries.              scheme, under which Dumfries & Galloway              resources and taster lectures to help ease
     theories in social policy, health and leadership.                                                           Integrated Joint Board have committed to             you into university-level study. Please
     There are three core courses in year 1:                     Glasgow International College                   offering eligible graduates a year’s employment      see glasgow.ac.uk/dumfries for further
     • Society and social policy introduces you to the                                                           in a graduate-level role with local NHS,             information.
                                                                 For international students entry to this
        language of social science and fundamental                                                               council or third sector partners (subject to visa
                                                                 programme is supported by courses from
        theories.                                                                                                restrictions).
                                                                 GIC. For more information see glasgow.
     • The focus of Contemporary health challenges
                                                                 ac.uk/gic.                                                                                           Why choose UofG at Dumfries?
        is inequalities in health, particularly in the UK.                                                       Our strong partnership with major regional
     • Communication, influence and leadership                                                                   employers means you can be confident that            Graduates with a 2:1 or above will be
        establishes a foundational understanding             ∆   Guardian University Guide 2021,                 you will have the attributes necessary to excel in   eligible for the Future Leaders scheme, a
        of the nature of leadership and the
                                                                 ranking for Social Policy & Administration
                                                                                                                 entry-level leadership and managerial roles within   year’s employment in a graduate-level role
        communication skills associated with it.                                                                 the health and social sectors.                       with local NHS, council and third sector
                                                             • Research methods for social science –                                                                  partners.
     Year 2: Policy and implementation                         through learning and applying social research     Recent graduates from the former Health &
     Drawing on inputs from various guest                      techniques, this course prepares you for real-    Social Policy degree programme have taken up
     practitioners, year 2 begins to explore the               world research in years 3 and 4.                  the following roles:
     relationship between policy and actual services                                                             • NHS Public Mental Health Practitioner
     on the ground. The core courses are:                    Year 3: Specialisation and practical                • Prison Liaison Homeless Officer
     • Integrating health and social policy examines         experience                                          • Young People’s Sexual Health Coordinator
        policy areas that are shaped by various              This year combines analytical insight with          • Tobacco Control Policy Officer.
        sectors (NHS, local government and the third         experiential learning.
        sector), particularly the scope for “joined up”      • Health and social policy in a contemporary        Other students have capitalised on their
        interventions.                                         context instils theoretical and critical depth.   transferable skills to take up employment in the
     • Leadership and teamworking establishes                • Professional leadership skills is a scenario-     wider graduate marketplace or as a foundation
        the core knowledge and skills to enable your           based course that provides the building           for postgraduate studies in primary and
        development as an effective leader and team            blocks of effective leadership.                   secondary teaching and social work.
        member in a wide range of sectors.
     • Human nature and wellbeing explores some              Practical experience is essential for successful
        of the main perspectives and paradigms that          graduates and in semester 2 you can do a
        have been influential in psychology.                 whole-semester work placement within a

24   w   glasgow.ac.uk/ug/healthsocialsectorleadership               e   admissions-dumfries@glasgow.ac.uk                                                                                                              25
PRIMARY EDUCATION                                              Degree and UCAS code                                       Difference between standard and                    Year 4
     WITH TEACHING                                                  MA (Hons) (X123) – four years                              adjusted SQA entry requirements                    Professional practice in education continues
     QUALIFICATION                                                  Summary of entry requirements
                                                                                                                               SQA Higher entry requirements can be met
                                                                                                                               from qualifications completed in S4, S5 and
                                                                                                                                                                                  at Level 4, and other core courses are
                                                                                                                                                                                  Professionalism & leadership in education
                                                                                                                               S6. The S5 minimum indicates the minimum           and the Sociology of education. You will also
     This innovative four-year degree                               SQA Higher Entry Requirements (by end
                                                                                                                               grades that you must have obtained at the          undertake an enquiry-based dissertation which
     programme, approved by the General                             of S6)                                                                                                        gives you the opportunity to research an area of
     Teaching Council for Scotland, is                                                                                         end of S5 to be considered for an offer.
                                                                    AAB/ABBB                                                                                                      education which interests you. There is an 11-
     benchmarked against the highest                                Additional requirements: Higher English                                                                       week placement in semester 2.
                                                                                                                               SQA Higher adjusted entry requirements are
     standards of excellence.                                       and National 5 Mathematics or Application
                                                                                                                               used to make offers if you meet our
                                                                    of Mathematics Grade B. Interview.                                                                            Note
                                                                                                                               Widening Access eligibility criteria               We welcome applications from qualified
      1st   IN
            THE UK ∆
                                                                    SQA Higher Adjusted Entry                                  (see glasgow.ac.uk/accessglasgow).                 candidates from all denominations and none.
                                                                    Requirements* (by end of S5 or S6)                         Requirements can be met from qualifications        Students intending to teach in a Catholic school
                                                                    MD20 – BBBB (also other target groups*)                    completed in S4, S5 and S6. An offer is            may undertake the Certificate in Religious
     Programme structure                                            MD40 – BBBB*                                               guaranteed if you meet our criteria and            Education by Distance Learning (CREDL).
     You will complete four school placements, all                  Additional requirements: Higher English                    have the potential to meet all academic and
     of which are designed to give you a sound                      and National 5 Mathematics or Application                  additional entry requirements.                     Our international links
     background in teaching in primary schools.                     of Mathematics Grade B. Interview.                                                                            There is an opportunity for international school
     Placements cover all stages of the primary                     Successful completion of Top-Up or one of                                                                     placement in years 3 and 4. There is also an
     school and each placement has a specific                       our Summer Schools.                                       school. It introduces the planning and recording
                                                                                                                                                                                  opportunity to apply for study abroad in year 2.
     subject focus.                                                 * See glasgow.ac.uk/accessglasgow for                     cycle, assessment of children’s learning and
                                                                    eligibility.                                              evaluation of your own teaching. It also provides
                                                                                                                                                                                  Career prospects
     Year 1                                                         A-level Standard Entry Requirements                       opportunities to become familiar with the
                                                                                                                                                                                  This programme is accredited by the General
     During your first year you must complete a mix of              BBB – CCC                                                 policies, procedures, resources and the overall
                                                                                                                                                                                  Teaching Council for Scotland and is an
     core and elective subjects. Core courses:                      Additional requirements: GCSE                             day-to-day learning environment of a primary
                                                                                                                                                                                  internationally recognised teaching qualification.
                                                                    Mathematics at Grade B or 5 and English                   school and the use of creative and innovative
                                                                                                                                                                                  Our graduates teach at schools in Scotland and
     Literacy                                                       Language and Literature at Grade C or 4.                  pedagogical strategies for learning and teaching.
                                                                                                                                                                                  globally, including in Ireland, Egypt, Abu Dhabi,
     This course aims to extend your awareness of                   Interview.                                                You will also choose from elective courses which    Kuwait and Australia.
     the role of language in children’s social and
                                                                    IB Standard Entry Requirements                            will give you the opportunity to add breadth to
     intellectual development. You will learn about
                                                                    32 (6,5,5 HL) – 30 (5,5,5 HL)                             your degree in subjects relevant to the primary     In addition to career progression in teaching
     the strategies that effective primary teachers
                                                                    Additional requirements: HL English and SL                curriculum. There is a six-week school placement    such as leadership and management roles within
     employ with regard to emergent literacy and the
                                                                    Mathematics at 4. Interview.                              during May and June.                                schools, there are opportunities for specialist
     teaching of reading and writing. There is a cross-
                                                                                                                                                                                  careers in fields allied to education as well as
     curricular approach to teaching literacy, and                  For detailed entry requirements see
                                                                                                                              Year 2                                              further study or research in education.
     activities in this national priority will extend pupils’       glasgow.ac.uk/ug/primaryeducationtq.
                                                                                                                              The core courses of Literacy, Mathematics and
     confidence and engagement in the area.
                                                                                                                              Professional practice in education continue.        You may exit after year 3 with an MA in Primary
                                                                    Disclosure Scotland                                       In addition you will complete two more core         Educational Studies. This is not a teaching
     Mathematics: theory and pedagogy                               If you are accepted to a teaching degree
                                                                                                                              courses in Child development and Modern             qualification but provides a good background for
     You will be introduced to the primary                          you must undertake a Criminal Convictions
                                                                                                                              languages policy and pedagogy that will prepare     other careers in education and related areas.
     mathematics curriculum, and your mathematical                  check under the PVG Scheme prior to
                                                                                                                              you to teach in the primary classroom.
     skills are consolidated so that confidence,                    enrolment. It is your responsibility to pay for
     competence and mastery in number and                           the check. Details will be sent to you.
                                                                                                                              You will choose further courses from our range      This programme leads to provisional registration
     numeracy are attained at an appropriate level
                                                                                                                              of elective subjects. There is a six-week school    with the General Teaching Council for Scotland.
     through independent study techniques and a                     Interview policy                                          placement during May and June.
     variety of learning approaches.                                As part of our selection process, you will be
                                                                    interviewed. Interviews normally take place
                                                                                                                              Year 3                                                Why choose UofG at Dumfries?
     Modern languages course (French or Spanish)                    in February and are a great way for you to
                                                                                                                              In year 3, Professional practice in education         You will benefit from small-group teaching,
     You will learn basic skills in the language                    find out more about the campus and the
                                                                                                                              continues as a core course, together with             strong links with local schools, innovative
     (listening, reading, writing and speaking) to                  degree programme.
                                                                                                                              Curriculum and assessment, STEM across the            teaching methods and a friendly and
     the level required for the primary classroom.
                                                                                                                              primary curriculum, Additional support needs          inclusive academic community.
     NB Those with a Higher pass (A–C) in either                  ∆ Complete   University Guide 2021, ranking for Education   & inclusion, and the Educational enquiry &
     language may seek exemption if desired.
                                                                                                                              research methods course which will introduce
                                                                                                                              you to educational research in your classroom
     Professional practice in education
                                                                                                                              setting. You will continue your studies in one
     This course introduces a range of
                                                                                                                              elective area. There is one seven-week school
     methodologies, pedagogies and assessment
                                                                                                                              placement in semester 2.
     strategies which relate to teaching in the primary

26   w   glasgow.ac.uk/ug/primaryeducationtq              e     admissions-dumfries@glasgow.ac.uk                                                                                                                                      27
     This publication is intended           Changes may be made to               Produced and designed by External
     to help you choose your                entry requirements during the        Relations, University of Glasgow
     programme of study at the              summer months post publication       and D8.
     University of Glasgow. Every           of this prospectus, but before
     effort has been made to ensure         commencement of the                  Photography by the University
                                                                                 Photographic Unit, shutterstock.
     the accuracy of the information        Admissions Cycle to which the
                                                                                 com, VisitScotland/Paul Tomkins,
     contained within this                  prospectus relates (Admissions
                                                                                 VisitScotland/Peter Dibdin.
     publication but it is subject to       Cycle commences in October
     change without notice. If there        each year). These changes will       Please note that all photography was
     is any conflict or ambiguity           be updated on our website prior      taken before March 2020 and therefore       Crichton
     between information contained          to October. No changes will be       is a reflection of University life before   Memorial Church
     in this publication and the            made to entry requirements           the pandemic.
     student contract (see below),          after commencement of the                                                                                                              Main Entrance
     then the student contract will         Admissions Cycle. Further            Printed by J Thomson.                                                                             (Church Gate)
     prevail.                               information can be found in
                                            Section 21.10 of the Student
                                                                                                                                                                                        Easterbrook Hall
     The student contract                   Terms and Conditions, see
     By accepting an offer from the         glasgow.ac.uk/student
     University of Glasgow, each            contract.
     student enters into a student
     contract with the University. The      Validated institutions
     student contract is made up of         The University is proud of its
     the terms of the offer, the student
     terms and conditions and the
                                            association and validation
                                            relationship with three                100%
     University’s Regulations. The          independent institutions:
     student terms and conditions           The Glasgow School of Art,
     can be found on the University         Scotland’s Rural College
     website at glasgow.ac.uk/              and Edinburgh Theological
     studentcontract.                       Seminary. If you apply for a
                                            programme at one of these
     The student contract sets              institutions, you will be
     out: the terms on which the            registered with that institution
     University will provide the            and will pursue your studies                                                                        Dumfries
     relevant programme or course;          there but your final degree will                                                                    Hall
     the University’s Regulations with      be conferred by the University
     which students must comply;            of Glasgow. Applications to          Printed on paper produced from
     students’ other obligations to the     one of the validated institutions    100% recovered fibre certified to           University of Glasgow
     University, our staff, and to fellow   should be made to the institution                                                Maxwell House
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                                                                                                                                                                                          Dumfries &
     students; how the contract may         concerned and not to the             without chlorine bleaching.                                                                              Galloway College
     be changed or ended; what to do        University.
     if there is a problem; and other                                            © University of Glasgow, March 2021.                                      University of Glasgow
     important information.                 As a student of a validated          University of Glasgow, charity no:
                                            institution you are deemed to        SC004401
     This prospectus was published          be an “associated student” of
     circa 18 months prior to the           the University which entitles
     academic year to which it relates.     you to access certain University
     Any changes such as newly              facilities. For further details of
     announced courses of study             the facilities available to you
     or changes to contact details          please contact the institution
     will be updated on our website.        concerned.

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      Dumfries Open Days, please see:





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