Dublin, Ohio 2022 - 2023 School Year - 2023 School Year Dublin, Ohio

Page created by Eleanor Love

2022 - 2023 School Year
     Dublin, Ohio
Message from the Superintendent                                                     3
Graduation Requirements - Course Criteria                                           4
Graduation Requirements – State Required Exams                                      7
Grade Placement                                                                     8
Academic Distinctions                                                               9
State System of Diploma Seals                                                       9
Ohio High School Athletic Eligibility                                               12
NCAA College Freshmen Eligibility                                                   12
Schedule Change                                                                     13
Educational Options                                                                 15
Credit Flexibility                                                                  17
The Emerald Campus                                                                  18
   International Baccalaureate                                                      20
   College Credit Plus                                                              32
Academic Pathways - Dublin City School District                                     34
Academic Pathways - Tolles Career and Technical Center                              50
Academic Support and Leadership                                                     59
Applied Sciences (Industrial Technology, Family and Consumer Science, Vocational)   60
DCS Virtual                                                                         63
Business and Technology                                                             64
English Language Arts                                                               67
Mathematics                                                                         74
Performing Arts                                                                     78
Science                                                                             81
Social Studies                                                                      85
Visual Arts                                                                         90
Wellness                                                                            93
World Languages                                                                     95

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Dear Students,

Dublin City Schools’ 2022-23 Course and Career Planning Handbook is available to
provide you and your parents all of the information you need to be thoroughly prepared for your
post-graduation plans.

This guide provides details on the more than 160 courses available to you but it remains
imperative you work closely with your teachers and counselors to make the most informed
decisions possible regarding course selections. Please take advantage of their expertise and
insights that will assist you in selecting courses that meet your current needs and future goals.

Students interested in high level coursework may consider enrolling in Advanced Placement or
International Baccalaureate courses. We also have many exciting specialized academies
available for those interested in career exploration.

Best of luck to you in all of your academic endeavors here at Dublin City Schools.


John Marschhausen

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Requirements for graduation from Dublin Coffman, Dublin Jerome, and Dublin Scioto High School meet the minimum standards as established by
the State of Ohio and the Board of Education of the Dublin City Schools. In order to graduate, students must meet the following requirements:

                Subject Area           Credits Required        Additional Notes
                English Language       4 credits               Must be selected from Core Options
                Mathematics            4 credits               Must include 1 unit Algebra II or equivalent

                Science                3 credits               Must include 1 unit Physical Science, 1 unit of Life
                                                               Science and 1 Advanced Science (See indications in
                                                               Science course descriptions. Advanced Sciences
                                                               include all science courses offered.)

                Social Studies         3 credits               Must include 1 unit of World History, 1 unit of
                                                               American History and ½ unit of American
                                                               Government (indicated in course descriptions)

                *Fine Arts             1 credit                All students must complete at least 2 semesters of
                                                               Visual or Performing Arts.

                                                               Students following a career-technical pathway will
                                                               have this requirement waived. See page 5 for details.

                **Physical             ½ credit
                Education                                      See page 5 for information on the PE Waiver

                Health                 ½ credit

                Electives                                      Elective units must include one or any combination of
                                                               World Language, Fine Arts, Business, Career-Technical
                                       4 ½ credits, any        Education, Family and Consumer Sciences,
                                       elective.               Technology, Agricultural Education or English
                                                               Language Arts, Mathematics, Science or Social
                                                               Studies courses not required.

                                       ½ credit- Financial     All students must earn, during their junior or senior
                                       Literacy                year, ½ credit in financial literacy/personal finance as
                                                               part of their elective options.

                                             21 Course Credits Needed for Graduation

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Course Criteria Notes:
   ●   Student Responsibility
           o   Each student is personally responsible for periodically evaluating his/her past, present, and future program of
               studies to ensure all minimum standards are met prior to graduation.
           o   Each student is personally responsible for periodically checking to make sure an error has not been made in
               calculating grade point average.
           o   Athletes are required to monitor their academic program and progress to ensure eligibility.

   ●   Graduation Requirement Deadline
           o   Students who have not met the competency requirements of the state mandated exams will be provided
               intervention opportunities.
           o   Students not academically eligible to participate in commencement with their class have until the day before the
               first day of the following school year to complete those requirements.

   ●   Tolles Career and Technical Center
           o   Students attending Tolles Career and Technical Center may continue to use economics to fulfill their social studies

   ●   *Visual/Performing Arts Waiver
           o   Students must complete at least 2 semesters of visual or performing arts.
           o   Students in the following career-technical pathways will have this requirement waived:
                   ▪ Digital Media Academy
                   ▪ Graphics and Social Media Academy
                   ▪ Dublin Business Academy
                   ▪ IT Academy
                   ▪ Any Tolles Program
           o   Students still need to earn 21 credits to meet graduation requirements.

   ●   **Physical Education Waiver Information
           o   Students must complete at least 2 semesters of physical education.
           o   Students who have participated in the following programs for at least 2 full seasons may have this requirement
                   ▪ Interscholastic athletics
                   ▪ Marching band
                   ▪ Cheerleading
           o   Students must complete a Physical Education waiver application to excuse the requirement.
                   ▪ Participation must be documented by the School Counselor and the Athletic Director
                             ● See the Athletic or Guidance Office for details
           o   Students completing the waiver and taking 0 semesters of physical education shall complete ½ unit of at least 60
               hours of instruction in another course of study
           o   Students completing the waiver and taking 1 semester of physical education shall complete ½ unit of at least 60
               hours of instruction in another course of study
           o   Students completing the waiver and taking 2 semesters of physical education do not have to take any additional
               units in another course of study

Courses with student enrollments less than 12 in any of our high schools may not be offered without the
approval of the Deputy Superintendent.

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9-12 Career & Academic Pathway Plan
Begin your course planning by learning about your strengths and interests and identifying your chosen career or career cluster. You should review your courses
annually and make changes as needed. This form will help you plan the most appropriate educational options to help you reach your career pathway goals. You
should use your school’s course catalog to identify courses offered by your school, Emerald Campus, Tolles, and through the College Credit Plus Program. Be
sure to talk with your parent(s)/guardian(s) and teachers/school counselor to help you make final decisions.

  Student Information                 Full Name:                                    Graduation Year:

  Career Pathway Goal(s)

  Programs, experiences &
  activities to support my
  academic and career goals

  Additional interventions or
  assistance I need

                                                                                Health                            Financial          World             Career & Other
   Grade          English    Mathematics       Science      Social Studies                      Fine Arts
                                                                                & P.E.                            Literacy          Language             Electives




                                                                                                                                   No Graduation
                  HS 4.0                                                                                       HS 0.5 elective      Requirement
  Graduation                HS 4.0 credits HS 3.0 credits   HS 3.0 credits   HS 1.0 credits   HS 1.0+credits                       Colleges often
                                                                                                                                                       HS 4.5 credits
  Requirements    credits                                                                                          credit
                                                                                                                                 require 2.0 credits
 21.0 Min.

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Graduation Requirements and State Required Exams
In addition to satisfying the required coursework, students in the classes of 2022 and beyond are required to satisfy the permanent graduation

Permanent Requirements:
Students in the classes of 2023 and beyond will be required to meet the permanent requirements in order to graduate. The permanent
requirements are listed below:

         1.   Demonstrate Competency: Students must demonstrate competency in Math and English by passing the state’s Algebra I and English
              II tests. Students who have taken required tests more than once without passing and have received remedial supports are able to
              show competency through one of the options below:
                    a. Earn a credit for one Math and/or one English course through College Credit Plus;
                    b. Demonstrate career readiness and technical skill through foundational and supporting options;
                    c. Enter into a contract to enlist in the military upon graduation.
                    d. Remediation-free score on the ACT or SAT in subject area which students did not meet the 684 requirement.

         2.   Preparation for College or Careers: Students must earn two diploma seals, one of which must be state defined, to demonstrate
              academic, technical and professional readiness for careers, college, the Military or self-sustaining professions.

                                      State System of Diploma Seals
                                                OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal

                                                       State Seal of Bi-Literacy

                                            Industry-Recognized Credential Seal

                                                          College-Ready Seal

                                                      Military Enlistment Seal

                                                                Science Seal

                                                         Honors Diploma Seal

                                                             Technology Seal

                                                             Citizenship Seal

                                    Fine and Performing Arts Seal (locally defined)

                                       Student Engagement Seal (locally defined)

                                        Community Service Seal (locally defined)

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Students are classified by grade according to the number of credits they have accumulated. In all courses, credit is granted at the
end of each semester for students earning a passing grade. The minimum credits for grade classification are as follows:
    ●    Grade 9:    Successful completion of Grade 8
    ●    Grade 10:   5.0 credits and 1 year of high school
    ●    Grade 11:   10.0 credits and 2 years of high school
    ●    Grade 12:   15.0 credits and 3 years of high school
    ●    Graduate:   21.0 credits, 4 years of high school and met requirements of state mandated exams

                                            MINIMUM COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS
    ●    English                                                                                         4 credits
    ●    Mathematics (Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry)                                               4 credits
    ●    Science                                                                                         3 credits
    ●    Social Studies                                                                                  3 credits
    ●    World Language                                                                                  2 credits
    ●    Visual / Performing Arts (see course handbook for list of courses)                              1 credit

             Grading Scale                                   Honors Grading Scale                 AP / IB / CCP Grading Scale

                                               TRANSFER OF GRADES AND CREDIT
Students from international schools will be awarded a grade of “S” or “U” for all courses appearing on the transcript. Credit will be
awarded based on the hours of class completed. “S” or “U” grades do not calculate in the student’s GPA.

When a student transfers to a Dublin high school from another state public or charter school, letter grades awarded by the previous
school are recognized by Dublin City Schools according to the previous school’s grading scale. To determine cumulative grade point
average (GPA) letter grades awarded by other state public or charter schools are recalculated using the Dublin high school grading
scale weight. When a student transfers into a Dublin high school with a weighted grade in a course that Dublin does not offer or with
a course that Dublin does not offer as a weighted grade, the weight will not be calculated in the student’s GPA.

The intent of this policy is to honor the integrity of the institution issuing the grade and credit as well as ensuring that all Dublin high
school students graduate with grades and credits that are aligned to the Dublin City Schools grading scale.

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    ●   All students who achieve a grade point average of 4.1 and above after the 7th semester will receive the distinction of
        valedictorian status at commencement.

Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude, Cum Laude
    ●   Students will be honored at commencement based on the following cumulative GPA scale:
            o    Summa Cum Laude: 4.00 GPA and above
            o    Magna Cum Laude: 3.75 to 3.999
            o    Cum Laude: 3.50 to 3.74
    ●   Students will be credentialed for this academic award after the 7th semester.

International Baccalaureate Diploma
    ●   The International Baccalaureate Organization awards students the IB Diploma upon successful completion of the 6 subjects
        studied and their culminating assessments, as well as, the successful completion of the IB core (including Theory of
        Knowledge, Creativity Activity Service, and an Extended Essay).

President’s Education Award for Educational Excellence
    ●   The President’s Education Award for Educational Excellence is awarded to graduating seniors who meet the following criteria:
             o Cumulative GPA of 3.5 and above on a 4.0 grading scale
             o 26 ACT composite score or 1210 SAT combined critical reading and math score
    ●   Students will be credentialed for this award after the 7th semester

                                              STATE SYSTEM OF DIPLOMA SEALS
Seal of Bi-literacy
    ●   A Seal of Bi-literacy recognizes graduating seniors who can demonstrate high levels of proficiency in English and at least one
        other language. A student may earn the Seal of Bi-literacy by meeting all of the following criteria within 15 months of
            o    Eligible to earn a high school diploma
            o    Meet one of the English / Language Arts proficiency requirements
                       ▪ Earn a proficient level or higher on the Ohio ELA I and II end-of-course assessments
                       ▪ Earn a remediation-free score on the English and Reading sections of the ACT or SAT
                       ▪ Earn a proficient level or higher on the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment
            o    Meet one of the Foreign Language proficiency requirements
                       ▪ Earn a score of 4 or higher on an Advanced Placement foreign language exam
                       ▪ Earn a score of 5 or higher on an International Baccalaureate HL foreign language exam
                       ▪ Earn a score of 6 or higher on an International Baccalaureate SL foreign language exam
                       ▪ Earn a qualifying score on a Department of Education approved foreign language exam
Seal of Job Readiness
    ●   The Ohio Means Jobs-Readiness Seal is a formal designation that students can earn on their high school diplomas and
        transcripts indicating they have the personal strengths, strong work ethic and professional experience that businesses need.
    ●   To earn the Ohio Means Jobs-Readiness Seal, motivated high school students must demonstrate certain professional skills
        required for success in the workplace.
            o    Students work with at least three experienced and trusted mentors who validate the demonstration of these skills in school,
                 work or the community.

Honors Diploma Seal
    ●   The Ohio Department of Education recognizes graduating seniors with 6 different diplomas with honors based on a
        student’s course credits, grade point average, college and career readiness scores, field experiences, and other assessment
        criteria. The following chart outlines the criteria for each diploma with honors:

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Comparison of Diplomas with Honors Criteria
                         Students need to fulfill all but one of the applicable criteria for the Diploma with Honors.
                        Academic               International          Career-Technical               STEM                      Arts                Social Science and
    Subject        Diploma with Honors        Baccalaureate*        Diploma with Honors        Diploma with Honors      Diploma with Honors         Civic Engagement
                                           Diploma with Honors                                                                                    Diploma with Honors
                                                  4 units
    English               4 units             including the 2               4 units                   4 units                   4 units                  4 units
                                            required IB essays

    Math**                4 units                 4 units                   4 units                   5 units                   4 units                  4 units

                          4 units                 4 units                   4 units                   5 units                   3 units                   3 units
  Science***        including 2 units of   including bio, chem,       including 2 units of      including 2 units of      including 1 unit of       including 1 unit of
                     advanced science       and 1 advanced sci         advanced science          advanced science         advanced science          advanced science

 Social Studies           4 units                 4 units                   4 units                   3 units                   3 units                  5 units

                       3 units                     4 units                  2 units                    3 units                  3 units                   3 units
World Language or 2 units each of two      or 2 units each of two      in one language         or 2 units each of two   or 2 units each of two    or 2 units each of two
                     languages                   languages                                           languages                languages                 languages

   Fine Arts              1 unit                   1 unit                    N/A                       1 unit                   4 units                   1 unit

                                                                            4 units                   2 units                   2 units                  3 units
   Electives               N/A                      N/A               of Career-Technical      with a focus in STEM         with a focus in          with a focus in
                                                                            courses                                            Fine Arts             Soc. Sci / Civics
  Grade Point         3.5 on a 4.0             3.5 on a 4.0              3.5 on a 4.0              3.5 on a 4.0              3.5 on a 4.0             3.5 on a 4.0
   Average          unweighted scale         unweighted scale          unweighted scale          unweighted scale          unweighted scale         unweighted scale

ACT / SAT Score     27 ACT / 1280 SAT       27 ACT / 1280 SAT         27 ACT / 1280 SAT         27 ACT / 1280 SAT         27 ACT / 1280 SAT         27 ACT / 1280 SAT

                                              Complete field            Complete field            Complete field                                     Complete field
                                              experience and            experience and            experience and             Complete field          experience and
Field Experience                              document in a             document in a             document in a             experience and           document in a
   / Portfolio             N/A               portfolio of work         portfolio of work         portfolio of work      document in a portfolio     portfolio of work
                                               related to the            related to the            related to the        of work related to the       related to the
                                             student's area of      student's area of focus.     student's area of      student's area of focus. student's area of focus.
                                                   focus.                                              focus.
                                                                         credential or
  Additional               N/A                      N/A             proficiency benchmark               N/A                      N/A                       N/A
  Assessment                                                                for Ohio
Diploma with Honors requirements pre-suppose the completion of all high school diploma requirements in the Ohio Revised Code including: ½ unit
                         Physical Education, ½ unit Health, ½ unit American History, and ½ unit American Government

Industry-Recognized Credential Seal
    ●    Earn an approved industry-recognized credential that is aligned to a job considered in demand in this state and its regions.
         Additional information from the Ohio Department of Education is forthcoming.

College-Ready Seal
    ●    Earn remediation-free scores on the ACT or SAT. Contact your counselor for information regarding current ACT and SAT
         remediation-free scores. Additional information can be found at www.ode.state.oh.us

Military Enlistment Seal
    ●    Provide evidence that a student has enlisted in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces; or Participate in an approved JROTC

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program. Additional information from the Ohio Department of Education is forthcoming.

Science Seal
    ●   A student can:
             o Earn a score of proficient or higher on the biology end-of-course exam;
             o Earn a score that is at least equivalent to proficient on appropriate Advanced Placement or International
                Baccalaureate exams; or
             o Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in an appropriate class taken through the College
                Credit Plus Program.
             o Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in an advanced science course.

Technology Seal
    ●   A student can:
             o Earn a score that is at least equivalent to proficient on an appropriate Advanced Placement or International
                Baccalaureate Honors exam;
             o Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in an appropriate class taken through the College
                Credit Plus Program; or
             o Complete a course offered through the district or school that meets guidelines developed by the department.
                Additional information about the requirements for this course are forthcoming from the Ohio Department of

Citizenship Seal
    ●   A student can:
             o Earn a score of proficient or higher on both the American History and American Government end-of-course exams;
             o Earn a score that is at least equivalent to proficient on appropriate Advanced Placement or International
                Baccalaureate exams; or
             o Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in an appropriate class taken through the College
                Credit Plus Program
             o Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in American History and Government.

Fine and Performing Arts Seal
    ● A student can:
            o      Earn a Fine/Performing Arts Seal by earning at least two (2) credits of approved fine arts program electives in one
                   (1) of the following disciplines: visual arts, drama/theatre, music, or media arts during high school.
            o      Earn a Fine/Performing Arts Seal by completing a pre-approved Fine/Performing Arts field experience within the
                   school district or community.

Student Engagement Seal
    ●   A student can:
             o Earn a Student Engagement Seal by participating in at least two (2) Board-approved extracurricular activities during
                high school. Eligible activities include participation in an athletic program, recognized school club or student
                government. In order for participation to count toward earning the seal, students must participate in the entire
                scheduled season of the activity. Participation must be verified by the program advisor or coach.

Community Service Seal
    ●   A student can:
             o Earn a Community Service Seal by completing a minimum of eighty (80) hours of community service during high
                school in a high-quality community service experience. Students who transfer to Dublin City Schools during their
                junior/senior year will receive prorated requirements. Community service experiences must be approved by the
                District’s designated community service advisor in advance. The Board designates a school counselor to serve as
                the community service advisor.

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Grades 9 - 12
    ●   To be eligible, a student must be currently enrolled in school and must have received passing grades in a minimum of 5
        one-credit courses or the equivalent and maintain a 2.0 grade point average in the immediately preceding grading period.

    ●   For eligibility purposes, summer school grades may not be used to substitute for failing grades received the final grading
        period of the regular school year or for lack of enough subjects taken the preceding grading period.

    ●   Knowing and following all OHSAA standards will enable students to protect their athletic eligibility. It is also important for
        students to know that they must meet all the standards in order to be eligible. For additional information refer to

    ●   Do not change a course schedule or drop a course without first consulting with a school counselor or athletic
        administrator to determine whether it will affect eligibility.

    ●   Eligibility for each grading period is determined by grades received the preceding grading period. Semester and yearly
        grades have no effect on eligibility. To be eligible as a ninth grader, a student must be currently enrolled in school and
        must have received passing grades in five subjects in the immediately preceding grading period.

Semesters of Eligibility
    ●   When a student enrolls in grade 9 the first time, he/she has 8 semesters of athletic eligibility taken in order of attendance
        whether he/she participates or does not participate.

                                   NCAA College Freshman Eligibility Requirements

    ●   If students are planning to enroll in college and wish to participate in Division I or Division II sports, they must be certified by
        the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Center. There are several steps in this process. Students should initiate the process early in their
        sophomore year. For more detailed information and the application materials, contact the Guidance Office or refer to:

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Dublin City Schools Schedule Change Request Form

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: From the time a student returns the course request form (January) until the end of the school
year (May), a student may request a schedule change. In these cases, this form is NOT needed. It is important to realize that our master schedule is based upon the
student requests made in January. In order to be fiscally responsible, the number of class sections within each subject area is based on these projections. These
requests also dictate new teacher hires during the summer. Once classes are scheduled, it is difficult to make a schedule change because many classes will be at or
near capacity. Students may not be enrolled in a class that is considered filled. Once a student has received his/her schedule in August, through the remainder of
the school year, this form must be completed to propose a schedule change.

Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Grade:_________ ID #:_______________________

Student Cell #: _____________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________

Drop: _______________________________ Add: _______________________________ Counselor:__________________________________

                                   Please select the reason for your requested schedule change to be considered.

         1. Senior needing to meet graduation requirements

         2. Inappropriate course level as dictated by the prerequisite

         3. Replacement of Summer School courses after successfully completed
         4. Adjustments for Ed. Options: College Credit Plus, Tolles, APEX, Mosaic, Zoo School, DTA, YPA, DBA, IEP, RtI
            (Additional paperwork is required to drop or add a College Credit Plus course.)

         5. A computer error – example: unbalanced schedule – 2 Study Halls or 2 Phys. Ed. classes the same semester
         6. Grade Replacement/ Repeat Credit allows a student to repeat the class to improve his/her skills and earn a higher grade
            Highest grade calculated in GPA; cannot earn credit twice for the same course.
         7. **Scheduling from/into AP, IB, Honors or Level Change - See back of this form for details, grading policy, and timelines
         8. Dropping an elective or core class to add a study hall
         9. Other Changes: If you do not meet any of the above allowable schedule change criteria, you may appeal to the administration
            by writing a persuasive letter of request
              ●     Provide, in paragraph form, insight into the reason(s) you originally requested the course, reason(s) why you want to take the new course, as
                    well as an explanation of why you think an exception to the designated scheduling process should be made
              ●     Although the essay may meet the criteria, changes will be granted based upon seat availability

                                                                         SIGNATURES REQUIRED

Teacher Signature: ________________________________________________________________ (Required)

Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________________ (Required)

Student Signature**: _______________________________________________________________(Required)

**By signing here, I understand that I must be enrolled in and passing FIVE core classes throughout the school year in
order to meet athletic eligibility.

IEP/504 Advocate Signature: _________________________________________________________(Required)

                          Elective schedule changes that necessitate a change in period will not be permitted
                                    Schedule changes are not in effect until you receive a revised schedule

   ●   Once a student, teacher, and parent recognize that the level of difficulty is such that the student is not successful, a level
       change should occur immediately.
   ●   Once a student, teacher, and parent recognize that the level of the current class is not challenging enough for the student, a
       level change should occur immediately.

Level Change Down
   ●   A level change down in a course is defined as moving from a specific AP or IB course to the corresponding honors course; or
       from a specific honors course to the corresponding conventional course.
   ●   A student may transfer on or before September 23rd in 1st semester and before February 16th in 2nd semester. Any level
       change down will transfer all previously earned grades, including the associated weight (i.e. – 84% in an honors course =
       89% in a conventional course; 84% in an AP/IB course = 94% in a conventional course).
   ●   No level change down is permitted after September 23rd in 1st semester and before February 16th in 2nd semester.

Level Change Up
   ●   A level change-up in a course is defined as moving from a specific conventional course to the corresponding honors, AP or IB
       course; or from a specific honors course to the corresponding AP or IB course.
   ●   No level change-up is permitted after the first two weeks of each semester.

                                    DATES FOR ADDING AND DROPPING CLASSES
   ●   ADD: The last day to add a credit-bearing course is:
           o    1st Semester: August 23, 2022
           o    2nd Semester: January 9, 2023

   ●   WITHDRAWAL: The window to withdraw from a credit-bearing course is:
           o    1st Semester: August 12, 2022 – November 4, 2022
                      ▪ Notation of the course will be expunged from the transcript
           o    1st Semester: November 5, 2022 – December 16, 2022
                      ▪ (WF) will be awarded on transcript
                      ▪ Calculated as a failure in the student’s GPA
   ●   WITHDRAWAL: The window to withdraw from a credit-bearing course is:
           o    2nd Semester: January 10, 2023 – March 31, 2023
                     ▪ Notation of the course will be expunged from the transcript
           o    2nd Semester: April 3, 2023 – May 26, 2023
                     ▪ (WF) will be awarded on transcript
                     ▪ Calculated as a failure in the student’s GPA
   ●   WARNING: Dropping a course may endanger your grade placement or graduation status. Review the Course Planning
       Handbook for a listing of the minimum credits needed for grade classification.

   ●   WARNING: Dropping a course may endanger your athletic eligibility. During the nine-week grading period preceding
       athletic participation, the student must be passing five (5) equivalencies as defined by the Ohio High School Athletic
       Association. Parents and students are responsible for monitoring the necessary athletic eligibility requirements. If you have
       any questions, contact the athletic office or coach for clarification.

   ●   WARNING: Add/drop dates for College Credit Plus courses are based on the academic calendar of the applicable
       college/university. For students dropping a CCP course, after the first 10 days of the college/university academic calendar,
       parents are responsible for tuition, fees, and textbooks.


The Dublin Board of Education recognizes the need to provide alternate means by which students achieve goals of the
district through various educational options. Such options may include, but not be limited to College Credit Plus,
independent study, educational travel, mentorship programs, summer school, and early college entrance. Credit
Flexibility paperwork may be necessary to enroll in such educational options.
Auditing Elective Classes
    ●   To audit a class, students need to seek permission from their guardian/parent and the teacher of the class and submit it to
        the high school principal. The principal will make the final decision for placement. The student must complete all
        assignments and take course exams and quizzes but will receive no grades and no credits. A student may elect to audit one
        course per year. An "X" on the student's transcript and grade card would denote that the class was audited. Students may
        petition to audit a class prior to the 5th day of the class.

Early Graduation
    ●   The Dublin City Schools has a policy for students wishing to graduate early from high school. Students considering early
        graduation for the Class of 2023 and beyond should discuss this option with their school counselor and must petition to
        graduate early prior to May 1 of the previous academic year to be considered for this opportunity. Application for early
        graduation will be submitted to the students’ school counselor and the high school principal in accordance with school
        regulations. The principal may honor this request if all conditions for graduation are met and the student fulfills the
        graduation requirements. With the permission of the Superintendent, the student may participate in the graduation
        ceremonies with his/her designated class.

Grade Replacement
    ●   Students are permitted to retake any Dublin course as replacement credit to increase their knowledge base and grade;
        however, students cannot earn credit twice for the same course unless otherwise noted in the course description as
        repeatable. Both grades that a student earns in a replaced course remain on the transcript. The lower grade is not
        calculated in the student’s GPA. Credit is removed from the lower grade. Credit Flexibility may not be used for credit
        recovery; however, it may be considered if there is an extenuating circumstance and administrative approval is given.
        Students should complete the grade replacement form available in the Guidance Office.

Credit Recovery
    ●   If a student has completed a course and not passed the course, the student may recover the credit through summer school
        credit recovery or by repeating the course during the school year. Credit Flexibility may not be used for credit recovery;
        however, it may be considered if there is an extenuating circumstance and administrative approval is given.

College Credit Plus
    ●   College Credit Plus (CCP) is a program that gives students in grades 7-12 an opportunity to be enrolled in both district and
        college/university coursework at the same time. CCP replaces Ohio’s Post-Secondary Enrollment Options program (PSEO)
        and all dual enrollment programs.
    ●   Students must meet the admission requirements set forth by the college/university. Dublin City Schools will pay all tuition,
        textbook, and fee costs.
    ●   Students eligible for CCP must be academically ready for college level courses and be willing to follow the procedures
        outlined by the college/university while still in high school. Dublin City Schools has partnered with Columbus State
        Community College (CSCC) to offer courses at Emerald Campus. Offering CCP courses at the Emerald Campus is dependent
        upon enrollment and availability of instructors.
    ●   Students are not limited to taking CCP courses at Emerald Campus. They may also enroll in any public Ohio college or
        university, participating independent or out-of-state colleges or universities (additional fees often apply), online courses, or
        any combination of the above.
    ●   Per HB 487, CCP courses must receive the equivalent weight as any weighted course within a given content area. A
        student’s letter grade earned through a university will be issued on his/her Dublin City Schools’ transcript. The Dublin City
        School weight for that letter grade will be factored into the student’s GPA. Credits earned through CCP are transferable to
        many public and private institutions in Ohio and out of state. To help students fully understand what courses will transfer
        visit: www.transfer.org
    ●   To participate in CCP, students must submit a written notice of their intent to participate in the upcoming academic year, by
        April 1st, in accordance with section 3365.03 of the Revised Code. Requirements for applying and registering vary by option.
        Students should consult their home high school counselor for due dates.
●   Interested students and parents are required to attend a yearly informational session prior to registration to understand the
    benefits, risks, and consequences of participation. The meeting is typically held in December or January.
●   Should a student fail to complete a CCP course taken for credit (formal “class drop” process, nonattendance reasons, course
    failure, etc.) any and all financial obligations assumed by the Board will default to the students and their parents. This
    includes tuition, books, materials, and fees. Charges for billable tuition are as follows:
         o $41.64/per credit hour – if taught by a DCS teacher at Emerald Campus
         o $83.28/per credit hour – if taught by a college/university adjunct at Emerald Campus
         o $166.25/per credit hour – if class is taken online or on a college/university campus

    (Fees subject to change.)

●   Further information about CCP will appear on our district and high school websites, in the DCS Informational Guide:
    http://bit.ly/DCSCCP, as well as in the College Credit Plus portion of this handbook.
●   Parents and students are encouraged to speak with their school counselor for more information.

Dublin City School District

                                                   Credit Flexibility
                                            Options Overview and Timeline

As a result of Senate Bill 311, Credit Flexibility is an opportunity for students to create unique learning experiences. Credit Flexibility
allows students to demonstrate their understanding and skills according to their individual learning styles and experiences. All high
school students have the opportunity to submit an application for Credit Flexibility.

The two Credit Flexibility options are:
    ● Credit by Subject Area Competency through Assessments (Test Out)
    ● Credit by Educational Option

The requirements of Credit by Subject Area Competency through Assessment vary from course to course. Most courses will require
at least two components to earn credit.

Credit Flexibility by Educational Option consists of a student developing his/her own proposal describing in great detail how they will
demonstrate proficiency of the academic content standards/grade level indicators of the identified course.

                          Applications                                                            Test Dates
Completed Credit Flexibility applications may be submitted           Dates for the credit by subject area competency through
three times a year for either option.                                assessment option (test out) are scheduled twice a year and must
                                                                     be conducted, at the latest, by the end of the following weeks:
Application submission due dates are:
                                                                         ●    First full week of the school year
    ●    First semester:
         The first day of school

    ●    Second semester:                                                ●    First semester exam week
         Last week of 1st quarter

    ●    Summer courses:                                                 ●    Administration reserves the right to schedule the date
         Last Friday of May                                                   and time for assessments.

Students will receive notification of the approval or denial of their Credit Flexibility application within five working days of the
deadline. Students may resubmit a revised denied application within five working days upon which the application was returned to
the student. Resubmitted applications will receive notification within 5 working days of resubmission. All students should schedule
courses, as usual, until notification has been received.

8th grade students who wish to participate in either Credit Flexibility option may only do so upon transition to 9th grade, which
officially occurs August 1. Or, if an 8th grade student is already enrolled in a high school level course in middle school, and wishes to
participate in Credit Flexibility in the content area of the high school level course being taken, he or she should follow the high school
Credit Flexibility deadlines listed above.

Students wishing to utilize an AP test score for credit must submit correct Credit Flex paperwork prior to sitting for the

                                                     Programs Offered
Emerald Campus is an innovative network of personalized educational opportunities preparing learners for our changing world.
There are four types of programs available to current Dublin City Schools high school students; Academies, Columbus State
Community College College Credit Plus Courses, International Baccalaureate courses, and Alternative Learning programs. There are
no additional costs for students to participate in these programs, however, AP and IB test fees do apply.

Emerald Campus is located across the street from Coffman High School at 5175 Emerald Parkway and transportation is provided
between the three home high schools and Emerald Campus via shuttle buses.

Students attending Emerald Campus are typically in grades 10-12 and attend for at least 2-3 periods a day (with some exceptions).
Some programming is specific to grades 11-12 students due to age or grade restrictions. There is an admission process for each
program and a variety of credits and credentials available, please review the following program descriptions, consult with your school
counselor, and visit the Emerald Campus website at https://www.dublinschools.net/emeraldcampus.aspx for more details.

The many unique offerings available at Emerald Campus allow students the opportunity to explore areas of interest and evaluate
viable paths to a potential career. The options below are grouped by career clusters.

Interdisciplinary Core
    ●   International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme
             o Individual IB Courses
    ●   College Credit Plus
             o Early College Experience
             o American Sign Language Studies (Location based on enrollment)
             o Arabic Language Studies (Location based on enrollment)

Technology and Engineering
    ●   Engineering Academy
    ●   Information Technology Academy
    ●   Cyber Academy

Health Science
    ●   Biomedical Research Academy
    ●   Sports Science Academy

Education & Training
    ●   Dublin Teacher Academy
    ●   Young Professionals Academy

    ●   Dublin Business Academy
    ●   Entrepreneur Academy

Arts and Communication
    ●   Digital Media
    ●   Graphics & Social Media

    ●   Aviation Academy

The options below reflect alternative learning programs:

The Bridge
The Bridge program provides students with a variety of educational options. In addition, The Bridge staff provides individualized
services for the student and their immediate family. Programming enables customized educational programs which meet the needs
of learners who can achieve greater success utilizing a non-traditional educational experience.

Post-Secondary Access for Transition after High School (PATHS)
The PATHS (Postsecondary Access to Transition after High School) program serves all postsecondary students who are deferring their
diplomas in order to continue Dublin City Schools’ based transition programming. Students are provided targeted transitional
experiences and curriculum that assist in planning for their future employment, education, and independent living goals through the
partnership between students, families, program staff, agencies and our Dublin Community.

WorkForce Ready – A Career Based Intervention Program
WorkForce Ready (CBI) is a cooperative job-training program that requires one (1) period of classroom instruction per day and work
time embedded in the school day or outside of the school day. Students attend their regular classes and have release time to gain
on-the-job training with community employers. The goals of the program are to help students improve academic competence,
graduate from high school, develop employability skills, implement a career plan and participate in a career pathway in preparation
for postsecondary education and/or careers. In this program, students will explore the 6 CBI areas: Academic Intervention, Career
Exploration, Career Planning, Employability Skills, Career Pathway, and Work Based Learning. Placement requires a
recommendation by a teacher, counselor, and/or administrative team.

The WorkForce Ready Program is comprised of the following courses:

694- CBI Related Instruction: The curriculum of the CBI related instruction course is based on the Career Based Intervention
Technical Content Standards and connects academic and career success. The Career Based Intervention Technical Content
Standards contain 13 content units that represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities students need to be successful leading up to
and upon graduation from high school. CBI classroom instruction should provide appropriate and effective resources and
technology for individual instruction in a smaller group setting that meets students’ needs. All CBI students must complete a
minimum of 120 hours of instruction per school year in the CBI related instruction course.
          Prerequisite: Participation in the CBI program
          Graded: Conventional
          Grade: 9-12
          Time Frame:
          Credit: 0.5 per semester (repeatable up to a maximum of 1.0 credit)

695 - CBI Work-based Learning: Content based on paid cooperative work experiences or non-paid, work-based learning
experiences such as job shadowing, short-term field experience, internships, volunteering at non-profit community agencies,
career exploration, and/or service learning activities.
          Prerequisite: Participation in the CBI program
          Graded: Conventional
          Grade: 9-12
          Time Frame: Semester / Year
          Credit: 0.5-1.5 per semester (repeatable up to a maximum of 3.0 credits)

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is a rigorous, academically challenging and balanced program of education designed to
prepare students in their last two years of high school for success at a university or in a career. Students interested in IB may take courses toward
earning an IB Diploma awarded by the International Baccalaureate Organization, or individual courses. Students who are successful in the IB
program can earn college credit, college scholarships, and other admissions related benefits at many colleges and universities.

The IB Diploma is earned with the successful completion of courses from the six subjects studied and their culminating assessments, as well as the
successful completion of the required IB core (including Theory of Knowledge, Creativity Activity Service, and the Extended Essay).

The six subject groups and courses include:

Group 1: Studies in Language and                         Group 4: Experimental Sciences
Literature                                                ●    Biology HL- 2 years
                                                          ●    Chemistry HL- 2 years
●    English Literature HL- 2 years                       ●    Computer Science SL- 1 year/HL- 2 years
●    English Language and Literature HL- 2 years          ●    Design Technology SL- 1 year
●    English Literature and Performance SL- 2             ●    Environmental Systems and Societies SL- 1 year (Also group 3)
     year                                                 ●    Physics SL- 1 year
                                                          ●    Sports, Exercise and Health Science SL- 1 year
Group 2: Language Acquisition
●    Chinese Language B SL- 2 years                      Group 5: Mathematics
●    Chinese Language Ab Initio SL- 2 years               ●    Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL- 2 years/HL- 2 years
●    French Language B SL- 2 years/HL- 2 years            ●    Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation SL- 1 year/HL - 2 years
●    French Language Ab Initio SL- 2 years
●    German Language B SL- 2 years/HL- 2 years
●    German Language Ab Initio SL- 2 years               Group 6: Arts and Electives
●    Spanish Language B SL- 2 years/HL- 2 years           ●    Visual Arts SL- 2 years/HL - 2 years
●    Spanish Language Ab Initio SL- 2 years               ●    Or any additional IB course (1-year or 2-year) can be chosen to satisfy the group
                                                               6 requirement
Group 3: Individuals and Societies
●    Business Management SL- 1 year
●    Global Politics SL- 1 year/HL- 2 years
●    History SL-1 year/HL-2 years
●    Psychology SL- 1 year
●    Environmental Systems and Societies SL- 1
●    (Also group 4)

For IB Organization Course Descriptions, visit: http://bit.ly/DublinIB

Regardless of a student’s choice to participate in the Diploma Programme or take individual IB courses, all students are REQUIRED to complete all of
the prescribed IB assessments for each IB course they take. There is an IB subject fee that is associated with the multiple IB assessments for each IB
course. All IB fees are due during the tested year of that course. Any questions or concerns regarding payment of these IB fees, please contact your
child’s guidance counselor. A Request for AP/IB Financial Aid form can be found on page 25.

Benefits of the IB Programme
   ●   Global Awareness and Internationalism
           o    The IB Programme emphasizes global awareness and intercultural understanding.
   ●   International Standards
           o    IB students and teachers use the same curriculum that is used in IB schools in more than 147 countries around the world.
   ●   Preparation for College
           o    The IB Programme is known for its excellent college preparation and students are well prepared to meet the demands of college
                coursework. Diploma students are often given preferential consideration in admission.
   ●   Unique Assessments
           o    IB students not only have a culminating assessment at the end of the course, but also demonstrate their learning through
                assessments such as laboratory reports, portfolios, performances, and/or research papers.
   ●   Interdisciplinary Learning
           o    Students participating in the IB Diploma Programme have the benefit of interdisciplinary study in which there is integration of
                course material across the curriculum.
   ●   Research Skills and Inquiry
           o    The IB Programme and IB courses emphasize sophisticated research skills and engage students in inquiry-based learning.

Frequently Asked Questions of the IB Programme
   ●   What are “higher level” and “standard level” IB courses?
           o    There are two levels of IB courses – higher level (HL) and standard level (SL). The higher-level courses have a required number
                of class hours, which corresponds to two school years in length. Higher-level courses have a more prescribed in-depth level
                curriculum than standard level courses. The standard level courses are required to be at least one school year in length, but
                many extend across two years.
   ●   Can a student take IB courses without participating in the Diploma Programme?
           o    While the full Diploma Programme is the foundation of the International Baccalaureate Programme, the International
                Baccalaureate Organization allows students to take individual IB courses without participating in the full Diploma Programme.
           o    With the relocation of the IB Programme to Emerald Campus, it is beneficial for students to consider taking 2 or 3 IB courses in a
                block to maximize their experience at Emerald Campus as well as their home high school.
           o    Although the IB Core (including Theory of Knowledge, Creativity Activity Service, and an Extended Essay) is required for full IB
                Diploma students, students participating in four or more IB courses during the junior and senior years may also take the IB Core.
   ●   What do the IB scores mean? How do students earn the IB Diploma?
           o    Students have prescribed IB assessments for each IB course and earn a score from the International Baccalaureate Organization
                based on their performance on these required IB assessments. Students earn a score from 1 – 7 in each IB course. Many
                universities often use a score of “4” or “5” as the minimum for granting admission or advanced course placement. To be
                awarded an International Baccalaureate Diploma, students must earn a minimum cumulative score of 24 in their courses, and
                must have required scores in accordance with the scoring rules set by the International Baccalaureate Organization.

Dublin City School District

                                             Request for AP/IB Financial Aid

Financial assistance for AP/IB exam participation is available to those students participating in federal assistance
programs. Please return this form to the building principal, enrichment specialist, or school counselor if this is applicable
for your child.

Date: _____________________________________

Student name: _____________________________________________________                                   Grade: _________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________

School: ____________________________________________________________________________

             My child participates in the federally funded reduced lunch program.

             My child participates in the federally funded free lunch program.

Number of AP exams scheduled: ______                                  AP Fee(s): _______________________________
List scheduled AP exams: _____________________________________________________________

Number of IB exams scheduled: ______                                  IB Fee(s): _______________________________
List scheduled IB exams: _____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian name: ________________________________________________________________
                                       (printed)                                        (signature)

                                                            For Office Use Only:

Building Principal: ___________________________________________________________________
                                       (signature)                                      (building)

                                                      Please forward application to:
                                                     Director of Secondary Education
                                                              Central Office

Approved: _________________________________________                                     Date: ________________________

Partial assistance: _________________________                         Full assistance: ___________________________

IB Diploma Programme Core Curriculum

The requirements of the full IB Diploma Programme include courses in the six subject groups, as well as the IB Core. The IB Core is
made up of the following three required components, which collectively aim to broaden students’ educational experience and
challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills. Students participating in four or more IB courses over the junior and senior
year may also schedule the IB Core.

Theory of Knowledge (ToK) – 501 – Year 1 / 502 – Year 2
In contrast to other courses, which strive to teach subject specific knowledge, this course provides an opportunity to explore and
reflect on the nature of knowledge and the process of knowing. This course is centered around the exploration of contestable
knowledge questions. Empowered with an understanding of their point of view, students will learn to integrate different disciplines,
comparing how scientists, historians, linguists, ethicists, mathematicians, and others, create and acquire knowledge. Through
discussions, journal entries, essays and oral presentations, students will demonstrate their critical thinking skills by examining the
relationships of various areas of knowledge. Students will learn to think about the lens through which they view intellectual
problems, encouraging a richer understanding of the unity and diversity of knowledge. This course is two years in length, in which
students are required to complete all the internal assessments and concludes with students completing the required IB assessments.
        Grading:          AP / IB / CCP Weight
        Grade Level:      11-12
        Time Frame:       2 Years
        Credits:          0.5 Credits – Year 1 / 0.5 Credits – Year 2

Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) – 545 – Year 1 / 546 – Year 2
CAS takes seriously the importance of life outside the world of scholarship, seeking to counterbalance the academic demands of the
school curriculum. Participation in CAS encourages students to share their interests and special talents while developing awareness,
concern and the ability to work cooperatively with others. The IB Organization’s goal of educating the whole person and fostering
more caring and socially responsible attitudes comes alive in an immediate way when students reach beyond themselves and their
books. CAS will develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who will help to create a better and more peaceful world
through intercultural understanding and respect.
        Grade:            11-12
        Time Frame:       2 Years – CAS activities are completed within and outside of school hours
        Credits:          0.0

Extended Essay (EE) – Year 1 / Year 2
The extended essay encompasses independent, self-directed research culminating in a 4,000-word paper. Students have the
opportunity to engage in an in-depth study of a topic of interest chosen from any of the IB subjects with the support, advice, and
guidance of an IB teacher supervisor.
        Grade:            11-12
        Time Frame:       2 Years – The Extended Essay is completed within the Theory of Knowledge course.
        Credits:          0.0

IB Diploma Programme Subject Group Curriculum
                                                     (IB courses are only offered at Emerald Campus)

Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
IB English Literature (HL) – 505 – Year 1 / 506 – Year 2
IB English HL promotes a lifelong interest in literature and an expanded cultural understanding through the study of and participation in literary
criticism in a variety of literary genres and contexts. Students will practice detailed analysis of written text that lead to excellent oral and written
skills of expression. Students will demonstrate a clear command of language for commentary on personal and critical response to literature,
effective style and rhetoric, relationships between and among works, and structured argumentation. This course is two years in length, in which
students are required to complete all the internal assessments and concludes with students completing the required IB Exam. The course includes
required literature by IB which demands emotional and intellectual maturity of students. This course fulfills the junior and senior level English
graduation requirements.
          Prerequisite:       English II, Honors English II, or American Studies
          Graded:             AP / IB / CCP Weight
          Grade:              11-12
          Time Frame:         2 Years
          Credit:             1.00 – Year 1 / 1.00 – Year 2

IB English Language and Literature (HL) – 582 – Year 1 / 583 – Year 2
Language and Literature introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary and non-literary
genres. In addition to the formal analysis of texts, students will explore the ways in which medium, perspective, and culture impact meaning and
interpretation. Students will engage in a variety of written, spoken, visual, and creative ways to demonstrate their learning. This course is two years
in length, in which students are required to complete all the internal assessments and concludes with students completing the required IB Exam.
The course includes required literature by IB which demands emotional and intellectual maturity of students. This course fulfills the junior and
senior level English graduation requirements.
          Prerequisite:       English II, Honors English II, or American Studies
          Graded:             AP / IB / CCP Weight
          Grade:              11-12
          Time Frame:         2 Years
          Credit:             1.00 – Year 1 / 1.00 – Year 2

IB Literature and Performance (SL) – 584 - Year 1/ 581 - Year 2
The literature and performance course will focus on the interaction between the literary skills of close reading and writing, and the aesthetic
elements of creating performance to express learning and meaning. In this exciting, creative process, text is viewed from different angles in a way
that goes beyond what is characteristic of literary, arts, or humanities studies as single disciplines. The course seeks to develop intellect, imagination
and creativity. It encourages intercultural awareness through a study of texts from more than one culture, and draws on theory and techniques of
social sciences to interpret and depict the human experience. This course is two years in length, in which students are required to complete all the
internal assessments and concludes with students completing the required IB Exam. This course includes required literature which demands
emotional and intellectual maturity of students. This course either fulfills the junior and senior level English graduation requirement.
          Prerequisite:       English II, Honors English II, or American Studies
          Graded:             AP / IB / CCP Weight
          Grades:             11-12
          Time Frame:         2 Years
          Credit:             1.00 -Year 1 / 1.00 - Year 2

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