Drugged driving in South Africa - An urgent need for review and reform - South African Journal of ...

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Drugged driving
                                                                     in South Africa
                                                                     An urgent need for review
                                                                     and reform

Jade Liebenberg, Lorraine du Toit-Prinsloo,
Gert Saayman and Vanessa Steenkamp*



Driving under the influence is a major threat to road safety in South Africa. Various psychoactive
substances (both licit and illicit) have the potential to adversely affect driving performance and
increase the probability of a road traffic accident. While it is common practice in South Africa to
test drivers for alcohol levels, testing for additional impairing substances (including drugs of abuse)
is rarely performed. In terms of current South African legislation, only driving under the influence
of alcohol and a ‘drug having a “narcotic” effect’ is prohibited. This excludes several impairing
psychoactive drugs which are not classified as narcotic substances. The aim of this article is
to highlight issues and/or limitations surrounding drugged driving and to propose appropriate
considerations for revision of the National Road Traffic Act. We also recommend revising existing
legislation to include a comprehensive statutory definition and detailed provisions for drug testing to
deter impaired driving.

Driving under the influence of drugs (DUID), also                    includes both illicit and licit substances (e.g.
referred to as drugged driving or drug impaired                      central nervous system depressants, stimulants
driving, may be defined as the operation of                          or hallucinogens), which have the potential to
a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of                        impair driving performance and pose a danger
one or more psychoactive drugs.1 The latter                          to public road users.2

                                                                     Road traffic injuries are a leading cause of
                                                                     preventable death in South Africa.3 In 2015, it
* Jade Liebenberg is a Masters of Medical Criminalistics graduate
  from the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University         was reported that road traffic injuries resulted in
  of Pretoria, Lorraine du Toit-Prinsloo is a forensic pathologist   12 944 deaths (23.5 per 100 000 population)
  appointed as an extraordinary lecturer in the Department of
  Forensic Medicine at the University of Pretoria, Gert Saayman is
                                                                     at a cost of approximately R143 billion to
  the Head of Department of Forensic Medicine at the University      the state, communities and individuals.4 In
  of Pretoria and the Chief Specialist, Forensic Pathology Service
  Gauteng Health and Vanessa Steenkamp is the Head of
                                                                     addition, South Africa is faced with a continuing
  Department of Pharmacology at the University of Pretoria.          challenge regarding drug and alcohol abuse,

                                                                                      SA CRIME QUARTERLY NO. 67 • MARCH 2019   7
having the largest illegal drug market in sub-             (crystal methamphetamine) or cannabis (delta-
    Saharan Africa.5 The social and economic cost              9-tetrahydrocannabinol).
    of illicit drug and alcohol abuse in the country
                                                               There is evidence to suggest that the
    has been estimated at 6.4% of the annual
                                                               prevalence of drugged driving may be as much
    gross domestic product.6
                                                               of a concern as drunk driving. Results from
    Driving under the influence (DUI) is a major               the 2013–2014 National Roadside Survey in
    threat to road safety in South Africa, with                the United States found that the prevalence of
    the limited available statistics indicating that           impairing illegal drugs among weekend night-
    approximately 58% of road traffic fatalities               time drivers was 15.2%, compared to 8.3%
    involve alcohol (based on National Injury                  who tested positive for alcohol. Legal (over the
    Mortality Surveillance System data from 2010).7            counter and/or prescription) medications with
    However, the prevalence of road users in South             impairing effects were detected (separately) in a
    Africa who use and/or abuse non-alcoholic                  further 7.3% of weekend night-time drivers.10
    impairing substances, which may impair driving
                                                               In a study carried out in South Africa in
    ability, remains mostly unknown. This is primarily
                                                               2008, drugs of abuse (excluding alcohol)
    due to the little to no routine drug screening
                                                               were detected in 14% of drivers stopped at
    performed on drivers during random stops, and
                                                               routine roadblock operations.11 This study
    drivers who have been involved in accidents
                                                               concluded that only 76% of drivers under the
    are seldom tested. This lack of screening and
                                                               influence were being detected under current
    testing is exacerbated by the lack of regulated
                                                               enforcement procedures through breath
    drug testing available in South Africa.8
                                                               alcohol roadside testing alone. This figure may
    Driving under the influence of alcohol and/                well have changed substantially in the past
    or drugs in South Africa is regulated by the               decade as a result of altered patterns and
    National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996 (NRTA/The             prevalence of substance use.
    Act) which states that:
                                                               The aim of this article is to highlight critical
      No person shall on a public road –                       issues and limitations in the detection of
      (a) drive a vehicle; or                                  drugged driving in South Africa and to propose
                                                               appropriate revisions to the NRTA to more
      (b) occupy the driver’s seat of a motor
                                                               effectively detect and prevent drugged driving.
          vehicle the engine of which is running,
          while under the influence of intoxicating            Driving under the influence of alcohol
          liquor or a drug having a narcotic effect.9
                                                               Alcohol is known to impair driving-related
    The Act also defines the legal limits for alcohol          abilities, such as concentration, hand-eye
    (ethanol) in the blood and breath of drivers and           coordination and reaction time.12 In South
    thereby sets the standard by which drivers                 Africa, the NRTA states that it is illegal to drive
    can be charged or prosecuted for DUI of                    while under the influence of an intoxicating
    intoxicating substances. The wording of this law           liquor or when the blood alcohol concentration
    however raises substantial concern, as only                (BAC) or breath alcohol concentration (BrAC)
    ‘narcotic’ drugs are mentioned, despite the                is in excess of a specified level. Under
    fact that a vast number of impairing drugs                 current legislation, a non-professional driver
    (both medicinal and non-medicinal) do not fall             is considered impaired if found to have a
    within this classification. Examples of such               BAC ≥ 0.05 g/100 mL of blood13 or a BrAC
    non-narcotic drugs are illicit stimulants                  ≥0.24 mg/1000 mL of expired air.14 The

relationship between BAC and impairment has             Results obtained from tests conducted on
been well studied internationally. Research             patients who have been admitted to emergency
has shown that the risk of being involved in            rooms after sustaining injuries in road traffic
an accident increases significantly when the            accidents are seldom used in subsequent legal
driver’s BAC is ≥ 0.05 g/100 mL, in comparison          proceedings. This results from various factors,
to drivers who have not been drinking.15 Levels         including breaks in the chain of custody,
in the same range are considered illegal in             problems with the sample used for analysis and
Australia, Belgium, France and Switzerland,             method of screening used. Hospital laboratories
among others.16                                         typically use serum samples with an enzymatic-
                                                        based alcohol testing.19 In the clinical setting,
The NRTA also states that no person may refuse
                                                        priority is given to attending to victims’ injuries,
that a blood or breath specimen be taken for
                                                        which means that the accuracy of the results
purposes of law enforcement. Traffic officers
                                                        obtained from the analyses performed in
may stop any vehicle and request the driver             hospital or in clinical pathology laboratories may
to perform a preliminary breath test (PBT) for          not hold up in court.20 It is routine practice at
alcohol (an initial screening test). If the driver is   most South African medico-legal mortuaries
found to be over the breath ethanol limit based         to collect a blood sample at autopsy from
on the screening test, officers may request that        fatally injured drivers for BAC analysis.21 Blood
a blood sample be collected for confirmation. A         samples are, however, not routinely collected
laboratory confirmation of the BAC is required as       at autopsy and analysed for substances other
evidence by the courts in order to prosecute an         than alcohol. Such additional screening is only
individual for DUI. Evidential breath testing (EBT)     done at the discretion and specific request
may also be conducted by law enforcement,               of the attending forensic medical practitioner,
using appropriate apparatus which requires              and is used based on incidental information
strict maintenance and calibration to ensure            provided by law enforcement officials to
reliable accuracy, precision and measurement            suggest that such investigations are warranted.
uncertainty (in compliance with the requirements        This additional incident information is frequently
of the South African National Standard SANS             not available.
1793:2013).17 In the past, the results obtained
                                                        Driving under the influence of drugs
from EBT devices were permitted as evidence
in court subject to compliance with all the             Assessing and interpreting the impairing effects
relevant regulations, preconditions and further         of various drugs on driving is more complicated
requirements relating to the EBT device.                than with alcohol intoxication. Studies have
However, the reliability of results obtained from       reported that use of various psychoactive
such a device was successfully disputed in              drugs, and/or a combination of two or more
S v Clifford Joseph Hendricks, where the Cape           drugs, has the potential to adversely affect
High Court ruled that results from certain types        driving performance and increase the risk of a
of breath alcohol testing apparatus (the Dräeger        road traffic accident.22 These trends have been
Alco test) were inadmissible for evidentiary            derived mostly from epidemiological research,
purposes.18 At present, the use of these types of       relative risk studies and the prevalence of drug
apparatus remain controversial in South Africa,         use in arrested and/or accident-involved (fatal
and very few cases have been brought before             and non-fatal) drivers.23
the courts based on results generated using             Results from the Driving Under the Influence
this equipment.                                         of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines (DRUID)

                                                                         SA CRIME QUARTERLY NO. 67 • MARCH 2019   9
project in Europe indicate an increase in the              Drug-related impairment
     relative risk of being seriously injured or killed
                                                                Despite growing evidence that many drugs
     when testing positive for drugs, particularly in
                                                                impair critical driving skills, it is still challenging
     the case of multiple drug use or drug use in
                                                                to accurately demonstrate the correlation
     combination with alcohol: a highly increased
                                                                between the presence of a drug in the body
     risk (5–30 times higher) was reported for
                                                                and an associated level of impairment.
     amphetamines, followed by a medium increased
                                                                This means that drugged driving is seldom
     risk (2–10 times higher) for cocaine, illicit opiates,
                                                                successfully identified or prosecuted.31 DuPont
     benzodiazepines, sedatives and medicinal
                                                                et al identify three general classifications of
     opioids.24 This report notes, however, that some
                                                                drugs that can impair driving (according to
     of the risk estimates were based on few positive
                                                                the scheduling status of the South African
     cases and/or controls, which resulted in wide
                                                                Medicine and Related Substances Act 101
     confidence intervals. Although non-alcohol drugs
                                                                of 1965):32
     are associated with an increased probability
     of being involved in an accident, the risk in                i) Controlled or illegal substances
     most cases is considered low to moderate for                    (Schedule 7 and 8) that are commonly
     individual drugs.25 However, the risk is greatly                abused. These include heroin,
     increased when the substance is taken in                        methylenedioxymethamphetamine
     combination with alcohol or other drugs.26                      (MDMA), cannabis, methaqualone or
                                                                     gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB). Access
     In Australia, Drummer et al conducted a
                                                                     to these highly addictive drugs is tightly
     multi-centre case control study on fatally
                                                                     controlled, and it is an offence to be in
     injured drivers (n = 3398) in which a significant
                                                                     possession of these drugs without an
     association with crash culpability was observed                 appropriate permit.33
     in cases where drug/s (licit or illicit) were
     detected at post mortem (odds ratio = 1.7).27                ii) Prescription medications typically include
     It was also found that drivers testing positive                  Schedule 3, 4, 5 and 6 substances, which
     for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) combined with                     include opioids such as oxycodone,
     alcohol (BAC ≥ 0.05 g/100mL), were 2.9 times                     methadone and buprenorphine as well
     more likely to be responsible for the crash in                   as benzodiazepines such as alprazolam,
     comparison with drug-free drivers with BACs                      clonazepam and diazepam. These
     ≥ 0.05 g/100mL.28 Ogden et al reported in                        medications have approved medical
     Victoria (Australia) that 75% of injured drivers                 uses and may only be prescribed by a
     testing positive for one drug, 77% for two drugs,                physician, but are frequently misused
     93% for three drugs and 100% of those testing                    and/or abused and taken without a
                                                                      prescription or for ulterior purposes.
     positive for four drugs, were determined to be
     responsible for the accident.29                              iii) Certain medicines can be sold over the
                                                                       counter (OTC), without a prescription and
     Existing research on drugged driving, conducted
                                                                       include Schedule 0, 1 and 2 drugs. These
     in countries such as Australia, Sweden, Spain
                                                                       drugs, although not commonly abused,
     and the United States, has shown that drugs
                                                                       may have the ability to cause sedation,
     of abuse are present in the body fluids (mostly
                                                                       such as with most antihistamines.
     blood) of 8.8% to 39.6% of fatally injured
     drivers.30 This is clearly a pervasive problem the         Although attempts have been made to
     world over.                                                assess the relationships between drug and/

or drug metabolite concentrations in biological       se standards: zero-tolerance drugged driving
samples and levels of impairment, this                laws (which are defined according to the limits
evidence remains unclear.34 Establishing drug         of detection using valid and reliable laboratory
impairment thresholds (similar to BAC limits),        methods)42 and per se laws that stipulate
is complicated by the wide range of drugs             non-zero thresholds for drugs or their
available, the infinite number of drug-drug and       metabolites, which constitute evidence of
drug-alcohol combinations, as well as their           drugged driving.43 The application of these
complex physicochemical, pharmacokinetic              per se laws, therefore, make it illegal to drive a
and pharmacodynamic properties.35 Analytical          vehicle with a specified level of a drug present
factors that influence the determination of           in a certain specimen obtained from the body,
drug levels may include the detection limit of        or in fact the mere detection of the drug itself,
the particular analytical technique used, the         with no further evidence of impairment (or lack
chemical properties of the drug and the type of       thereof) required.44
sample used.36
                                                      Per se laws pertaining to driving under the
A detectable concentration of a drug in testing       influence of drugs other than alcohol, are
does not necessarily imply impairment at the          practiced in many countries including the
time of driving, as detection times vary for          US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United
different substances and between biological           Kingdom (UK) and certain Western European
matrices.37 The duration of detection depends         nations, such as Belgium, Finland, Sweden
on the dosage, the route of administration,           and France.45 As of April 2017, 22 states in the
acute versus chronic use and individual               US had adopted per se laws for DUID other
variation in metabolism. Individual tolerance         than alcohol, seven of which specify non-zero
plays a significant role in the level of impairment   thresholds for certain drugs.46 Sixteen states
as chronic drug users require increased               have zero tolerance laws, where any (reliably)
dosages to produce the desired effect.38 Other        measured presence of a controlled substance
individual variances that play a role include,        in the body while driving is an offence. There
among others, the rate of drug metabolism             is some variation regarding the marijuana
(slow, rapid/ultra-rapid metaboliser), age,           impairment driving laws in certain states,
gender and state of health. The degree of
                                                      due to their different legalisation status.47 All
impairment also depends on whether the
                                                      Australian states have laws prohibiting the
individual is experiencing acute intoxication
                                                      operation of a vehicle while under the influence
or withdrawal.39 Additional variables that may
                                                      of methamphetamine, MDMA or ecstasy
affect driving performance specifically are,
                                                      and THC.48 In the UK, new drugged driving
among others, the level of fatigue, the driver’s
                                                      legislation was promulgated as of March
age and driving experience, time of day, and/or
                                                      2015 in England and Wales, which stipulates
environmental distractions.40
                                                      drug thresholds in blood for eight commonly
International legislation pertaining to               abused drugs, as well as certain prescription
driving under the influence of drugs                  medications.49

Per se standards, which make it a DUI                 How legislation is enforced, and the penalties
offence to drive with a measured quantity             associated with an offence differ across
of certain drugs in one’s system, are often           countries. The World Health Organisation (WHO)
used in legislation to address drug impaired          sets out a framework for the management
driving.41 There are generally two types of per       of DUID,50 which requires establishing the

                                                                       SA CRIME QUARTERLY NO. 67 • MARCH 2019   11
legal framework for DUID laws, testing for the             only indicates exposure to the particular
     presence of drug use (such as roadside testing),           substance, and is not necessarily related
     enforcement of the laws, raising awareness to              to impairment.57
     the effects of DUID, as well as counselling and/
                                                                Oral fluid (saliva) sampling offers certain
     or support for offenders.51
                                                                advantages over blood and urine for DUI
     The management of DUID in South Africa                     investigations. It is minimally invasive and can
     should address all areas contained in the                  indicate recent use proximate to the time of
     WHO policy brief.52 Arrive Alive is a well-                driving.58 Oral fluid screening technology is
     known on-line road safety awareness                        advancing and testing devices are becoming
     programme in South Africa, which could be                  more robust and reliable.59 Several countries
     used as a forum to create awareness of DUID                now use these testing devices to screen for
     and promote the proposed legislation and                   drugs of abuse.60 Although these devices can
     enforcement strategies.53                                  provide a preliminary result, oral fluid screening
                                                                is not evidential in nature and may still
     Testing for drugged driving
     in South Africa                                            frequently yield false negative or false positive
                                                                results. Confirmatory analysis is therefore
     The laboratory analysis of biological samples for          mandatory in forensic investigations. Oral fluid
     drugs of abuse (especially for law enforcement             screening devices have previously been tested
     purposes) is costly and may involve a                      in South Africa during standard roadblocks.61
     considerable delay in obtaining results. Drug
                                                                Drugs were detected in 14% of the 269 drivers
     testing procedures need to be as efficient and
                                                                who were tested, and both alcohol and drugs
     cost effective as possible and results must
                                                                in 5% of cases. Based on the ease of use and
     be accurate and able to withstand scrutiny in
                                                                accuracy, roadside oral fluid testing devices
     an adversarial legal system. Blood and urine
                                                                have the potential to assist law enforcement to
     are the most commonly used specimens
                                                                reduce drug-impaired driving in South Africa.62
     in toxicological investigations.54 A blood
     specimen is considered the best specimen                   There is much debate on whether the mere
     for confirmatory analysis in DUI investigations            presence of a drug(s) is substantial enough to
     due to the short detection period.55 There                 suggest impairment, or whether it is necessary
     are also distinct advantages of utilising blood            to quantitate the levels of a drug. Per se laws,
     specimens in terms of the wide variety of                  or more specifically zero-tolerance laws,
     analytical methodologies available, numerous               could be rationalised for illicit drugs – since
     published reference data for both ante mortem              if possession is illegal, it is reasonable to
     and post mortem drug concentrations,                       prohibit driving under the influence thereof.63
     short detection periods and the quantitative               The same does not apply to impairing licit
     or interpretive value.56 There are, however,               drugs (prescription and/or over the counter
     drawbacks for these biological matrices. For               medications). Implementing per se limits for licit
     example, collection of blood is invasive and               drugs is not as straightforward as legitimate
     typically requires transporting a suspect to               medical use (with a valid prescription) of
     a clinic to collect a sample, whilst urine has             certain medications, which can also result in
     limited quantitative value as the detection                impairment.64 Appropriate precautions and/or
     times for drugs or metabolites are very variable           penalties should therefore be considered
     (from a few hours up to a month). The positive             for drivers under the influence of certain
     identification of a substance in urine therefore           medications based on whether they are in

possession of a valid prescription; whether           presence of drugs, nor the medical evidence
the medication is being used as prescribed by         required to prove positive detection and
the physician or pharmacist (conforming with          impairment. In order to prevent drugged driving,
warnings or guidelines pertaining to driving), and    as well as successfully identify and prosecute
not used in combination with other impairing          individuals who do so in South Africa, important
substances (e.g. alcohol or illicit drugs).65         revisions to existing legislation and detection
According to the WHO, 159 countries have              strategies are required. Although it will be the
legislation regarding DUID but the majority           responsibility of the state law advisers to draft
of these laws lack a proper definition for            this legislation, input and guidance should
what is classified as a drug.66 It may thus be        be sought from appropriate medical and/or
appropriate, in the South African setting, to         scientific experts, particularly from forensic
establish a working committee in order to define      toxicologists, which is currently a growing
which drugs to prohibit while driving and to          discipline in South Africa.
decide if per se or zero-tolerance limits should
                                                      Currently, the NRTA does not provide a
be adapted. The suggested penalties if a driver
                                                      definition for the term ‘narcotic” in the list of
is found guilty should also be set.
                                                      definitions of the Act.70 No specific provision is
Forensic testing of biological samples for            made to define or to prevent driving whilst under
DUI cases is the responsibility of the National       the influence of other substances (medicinal
Department of Health Forensic Chemistry               or non-medicinal, licit or illicit) which may
Laboratories (FCL). Unfortunately, these              predispose the driver to dangerous situations
laboratories are already beyond capacity with         or have a detrimental effect on the overall
a much-publicised backlog and may lack the            ability to safely operate a vehicle on the roads.
capability to render additional adequate forensic     Included here would be a variety of non-
toxicology/analytical services.67 Additionally, not   narcotic substances that may compromise the
all FCLs are accredited by the South African          cognitive functioning (including, for example,
National Accreditation System, which aims to          by inducing recklessness and/or risk taking) or
ensure formal recognition and competence in           impair the sensory and motor capacity required
line with international standards based on the        to negotiate traffic situations. The NRTA also
relevant ISO 17025 requirements.68 Suboptimal
                                                      needs to include comprehensive and inclusive
storage conditions and delays in analyses of
                                                      statutory restrictions and limitations applicable
samples may also compromise the validity of
                                                      to driving while using impairing non-alcohol
test results and their use in courts of law.69
                                                      substances, based on medical, pharmacological
Recommendations for reform                            and legal guidance. The Act should also include
in South Africa                                       an adequate legal definition for the term ‘drug.’

Very few cases of drugged driving, outside            Cases of drugged driving must be more
of that of alcohol intoxication, are identified       successfully identified and processed by law
or pursued under current legislation and law          enforcement, as the failure to do so can have
enforcement strategies. There is no specific          devastating effects. The case of S v Katlego
legislation that prescribes limitations pertaining    M Maarohanye and co-accused Themba
to driving whilst under the influence of a drug       Tshabalala provides an example of this impact.
other than a narcotic substance, but which may        The accused were found guilty of driving under
nonetheless impair driving ability. The NRTA          the influence of cocaine, causing an accident
also makes no provision for determining the           that killed four school children.71

                                                                      SA CRIME QUARTERLY NO. 67 • MARCH 2019   13
Although per se legislation makes prosecuting              driving. This could be accompanied by roadside
     drugged drivers more efficient and effective,              clinical assessment programmes or providing
     the vast number of potentially impairing                   officers with training on identifying drug
     drugs and the numerous combinations and                    impairment symptoms in drivers, as is practiced
     interactions between them makes it difficult to            by Drug Recognition Experts (DREs) in certain
     set limits (like the 0.05 g/100 mL BAC limit for           parts of the US.75
     alcohol) for all drugs of abuse.72 Implementing
                                                                Forensic mortuaries should also implement a
     non-zero thresholds may also lead to a public
                                                                prescriptive protocol for the routine testing of
     perception that driving under the influence of
                                                                biological samples obtained at autopsy from fatally
     illegal drugs is acceptable to a certain degree.
                                                                injured drivers for the presence of substances
     To enable the proper implementation of per se
                                                                other than just alcohol.76 This protocol should use
     standards, the public must be made
                                                                a ‘targeted’ approach to identify those substances
     aware of the risks and consequences of
                                                                which may commonly be abused in a particular
     impairment, especially when driving while
                                                                society. Along with regular random roadside
     under the influence of prescription drugs. This
                                                                testing, this could provide valuable insight into
     public awareness campaign must also include
                                                                the prevalence and demographics of drug use by
     adequate information and precautions, for
                                                                drivers in the general population. This information
     example, through appropriate drug labelling,
                                                                could foundation prevention strategies, as well
     and physician and/or pharmacist counselling.73
                                                                as align with resolutions addressed in the 2013–
     More efficient and accurate drug testing could             2017 National Drug Master Plan (NDMP).77 The
     also lead to improvements in the detection,                additional costs incurred by such extended testing
     prosecution and conviction of drugged                      programmes may be justified by the benefits that
     drivers.74 To enable this, standards should                may accrue from an improved understanding
     be set for the biological matrices authorised              of the scope and nature of the problem of drug
     for drug analysis, specification of the                    abuse in South Africa, as well as the improved
     substances that should be tested for during                administration of justice.
     analysis, cut off concentrations should be
                                                                Expert medical evidence is very seldom led
     established for different substances, and the
                                                                by prosecutors in cases of alleged drugged
     circumstances under which drug testing should
                                                                driving in South Africa: physicians at emergency
     be conducted should be clarified. Standard
                                                                medical facilities rarely do formal assessments
     operating procedures need to be defined for
                                                                of injured patients with respect to possible drug
     the acquisition, storage, quality control and
                                                                and/or alcohol induced impaired driving ability
     analysis of specimens. To ensure successful
                                                                – and even less frequently formally and properly
     prosecution of drugged drivers, it is vital that
                                                                document these findings contemporaneously in
     these analyses be conducted at an accredited
                                                                patient records.78 Physicians and nurses should
     facility, by fully trained forensic analysts.
                                                                be trained and mandated to do the clinical (and
     Clear protocols – similar to those already in              laboratory) assessments required to recognise,
     place for alcohol – must be established for                identify and chart the effects of drugs and alcohol.
     police to follow when testing and obtaining                Additional training should be done to ensure that
     specimens from drivers who are under the                   medical staff are aware of their ethical and legal
     influence of drugs. Drugged driving detection              obligations in these cases, and are familiar with
     and enforcement should be aligned with                     the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act 51
     procedures developed for alcohol impaired                  of 1977.

Conclusion                                           known, problematic and/or commonly abused
                                                     substances in South Africa as a starting point.
At present, our knowledge of the extent of
drugged driving in South Africa is very limited.     Interventions such as regular random roadside
More studies should be conducted in South            testing and mandatory testing of drivers involved
Africa to adequately define the problem and          in accidents are necessary to establish the
to provide accurate data to underpin policy          extent and profile of drug and alcohol impaired
initiatives and resource allocation. Additionally,   driving in South Africa. An integrated approach
operational protocols to identify drugged            of support and collaboration is necessary
drivers need to be defined, encompassing             between relevant participating role players (law
aspects that extend from the roadside to the         enforcement agencies, health care workers and
clinical or mortuary setting and the analytical      medical professionals, forensic scientists as well
environment. These protocols should be based         as prosecutorial authorities) in order to revise
on principles of cost effectiveness (in a resource   existing legislation and develop a standardised
constrained society) as well as scientifically       and realistic protocol-driven approach to reduce
robust methodologies, in order to withstand          drug impaired driving in South Africa.
inevitable intense scrutiny in our adversarial       These proposed measures would undoubtedly
legal system. Field sobriety testing and oral        have substantial additional cost implications.
fluid screening, using state of the art devices,     However, these costs (of setting up working
should be considered for routine (screen)            committees, revised training of law enforcement
detecting of drugged driving at the roadside and     officers, health care workers and prosecuting
in emergency rooms. Specific and appropriate         authorities, as well as increased analytical
clinical assessments by trained medical and          costs), must be weighed against the benefits
nursing professionals should be routinely            to society, and the economic and social burden
performed on injured drivers – and the results       of drugged driving-related road traffic injuries
should be competently and contemporaneously          in South Africa. Perhaps the right question is
recorded. Provisions also need to be made to         not whether the country can afford such an
include standardised protocols for obtaining         increased fiscal burden, but whether we can
blood samples for confirmatory analyses and          afford not to?
associated laboratory methodologies that would
                                                            To comment on this article visit
serve admissible in court. It is then vital to
enhance laboratory capacities for toxicological
testing and designate appropriate facilities to      Notes
efficiently render these analytical services.        Jade Liebenberg: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6503-6333
                                                     Lorraine du Toit-Prinsloo: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1974-9313
Existing legislation must be revised, guided by      Gert Saayman: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1485-0749
                                                     Vanessa Steenkamp: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3575-0410
appropriate scientific expertise. The adoption
                                                     1 E Holmes, W Vanlaar and R Robertson, The problem of youth
of per se laws pertaining to drugged driving           drugged driving and approaches to prevention: A systematic
                                                       literature review, Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Drug
may be in the best interest of public safety.          Abuse, 2014, http://www.ccsa.ca/ Resource%20Library/
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59 S Gentili, R Solimini, R Tittarelli et al, A Study on the reliability      producing stupor associated with analgesia. 2. Specifically,
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        as: ‘A drug which when swallowed, inhaled, or injected into the
        system induces drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility, according
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