Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky

Page created by Nicole Gallagher
Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky
winter 2018

                          drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky

S   tudies of planet Earth are best done
    using a wide variety of tools because
geologic processes occur at all scales. For
                                                        Drones flown at low altitude can
                                                    capture surface and topographic informa-
                                                    tion that has traditionally been acquired
                                                                                                 for repeat photography of long-lived events
                                                                                                 (such as stream erosion). The combination
                                                                                                 of these factors is encouraging a growing
example, satellites and seismometers are            from Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection         number of geoscientists to add drones to
used to study Earth at the global scale,            and Ranging) or TLS (Terrestrial Laser       their geologic toolboxes. In the spring of
whereas microscopes and mass spectrom-              Scanning). Airborne LiDAR surveys are best   2017, the New Mexico Bureau of Geology
eters are used to study Earth at the crystal        for large areas (more than 5 square miles),  began exploring the capabilities of drones
and atomic scales. Earth science discoveries        whereas low-altitude drone surveys are ideal to conduct geologic research and provide
often correlate with technological advances         for small to moderate-sized sites (less than up-to-date information about the geology
in the tools used to record observations and        5 square miles). Drone surveys and image     of our state.
make measurements. In some cases, these             processing software can generate maps with
advances allow scientists to detect what was        similar accuracies and higher resolutions    Unmanned aircraft types
previously unknown. One such tool, which            than many established photogrammetry
                                                                                                 Drones are classified into two broad
is just starting to revolutionize the study of      (whereby measurements are made from
                                                                                                 categories, rotary-wing and fixed-wing, each
planet Earth, is unmanned aircraft systems          photographs) techniques for a fraction of
                                                                                                 with their own benefits and limitations.
(UAS), more commonly known as drones.               the cost. Additionally, most drones are
                                                                                                 The main benefits of rotary-wing drones,
     Aerial photography and remote                  small, lightweight, and highly mobile, and
                                                                                                 such as quadcopters (four propellers) and
sensing (a technique that involves acquiring        thus are rapidly deployed to capture short-
                                                                                                 hexacopters (six propellers), are vertical take-
information about an object and/or area             lived events (such as debris flows) or used
                                                                                                 off and landing, and the ability to hover. As a
from a distance) produce important
data that provide context for
field-based studies. Information
related to surface topography and
landforms—features that are com-
monly too large to observe at ground
level—help geologists understand
how their measurements at the
outcrop scale fit into a larger regional
picture. Evaluating and mitigating
geologic hazards (such as floods and
volcanic eruptions), monitoring
surface processes (such as stream
erosion and landslides), managing
water resources, and constructing
geologic maps are just a few facets of
the geosciences that regularly need
up-to-date information and observa-
tion of Earth’s surface. Historically,
on-demand aerial photography and
remote sensing from planes and
helicopters have only been available
to large, well-funded studies, or
provided as parts of regional studies
that often miss the immediate after-
math of unexpected geologic events A New Mexico Tech student (bottom left of photo) flying a modified, off-the-shelf quadcopter to inspect
such as earthquakes and tsunamis.        outcrops outside of Socorro, New Mexico.

         Published by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources • A Division of New Mexico Tech
Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky
Satellite Imagery                                  Airplane Imagery                                  Drone Imagery
   A)              52800 ft                          B)               1500 ft                         C)            30 ft
                   10 miles

   qComparison of different types of imagery used in the geosciences. (A) is an orthomosaic map generated from LANDSAT satellite images, where
    each pixel is 30 m (98.43 feet) x 30 m. (B) is a NAIP (National Agricultural Imagery Program) orthomosaic map generated from fixed-wing
    airplane images where each pixel is 1 m (3.28 feet) x 1 m. (C) is an orthomosaic map generated from drone images where each pixel is 1.5 cm
    (0.59 inches) x 1.5 cm. Maps are zoomed to their highest resolution such that zooming further creates pixilation. Note the change in scale
    between the three maps. The box at the center of map (A) shows the extent of map (B). The box at the center of map (B) shows the extent of
    map (C). The drone orthomosaic is best for imaging small- to medium-scale features (such as mud cracks, boulders, outcrops, and individual
    vegetation elements), whereas the 1-m and 30-m images are best for medium- to large-scale features (such as rivers and mountains). This com-
    parison demonstrates the amazing detail that can be captured by drone imaging and the complimentary natures of different imaging techniques.

 result, rotary-wing drones are ideal for small       and thus can survey larger areas with a         those designed for high-end consumers
 areas where precision flying is critical (such       single battery charge (typically about 20 to    and industrial missions, are equipped with
 as in narrow canyons) or when hovering is            60 minutes, depending on the model and          onboard GPS units, barometers, and inertial
 necessary to make repeat measurements.               operating conditions). Both rotary- and         measurement units that allow pilots to
 Furthermore, hovering capabilities and               fixed-wing drones can be outfitted with         navigate aircraft smoothly and precisely.
 the slower speeds of rotary-wing aircraft            cameras mounted on motorized gimbals,           Additionally, the newest drone models
 allow for more time to assess environmental          a device that steadies the camera, ensuring     contain highly advanced, obstacle-avoidance
 conditions, which typically provides a safer         that the images are high resolution and         equipment, such as infrared cameras, dual
 learning environment for new users. In               free of motion blur. A professional-level,      vision sensors, and ultrasonic rangefinders.
 contrast, fixed-wing drones are usually of           research-ready drone kit (drone, one or         These features help prevent crashes from
 simpler construction, fly at faster speeds,          more batteries, camera, and controller)         operator error and weather conditions that
                                                                   begins at about $1,500 to          would otherwise result in loss of equipment
                                                                   $3,000, plus additional costs      and data, and downtime for maintenance.
                                                                   for advanced hardware such as      Furthermore, the latest versions of popular
                                                                   thermal cameras and differen-      flight-planning software prevent flying near
                                                                   tial GPS. However, entry-level     major airports and in restricted areas, help-
                                                                   drones for hobbyists cost as       ing to minimize the danger of drone traffic
                                                                   little as a few hundred dollars,   in the national airspace.
                                                                   and may be suitable for some
                                                                   earth science applications.        Image acquisition and processing
                                                                        One of the most important     Advances in image processing software, in
                                                                   reasons why drones have            particular those that use Structure-from-
                                                                   seen such a recent increase in     Motion (SfM) algorithms, have paralleled
                                                                   popularity is operational ease     the technological advances in aircraft design
                                                                   of use. Even for inexperienced     and operation. SfM is a photographic tech-
                                                                   users, operating a drone at a      nique capable of generating 3-dimensional
                                                                   moderate level of expertise can    (3-D) information from 2-dimensional
                                                                   be accomplished within a short     photos. The process involves identifying
                                                                   time frame. This is largely the    and matching ‘keypoints’ (such as fractures
                                                                   result of advances in software,    on a boulder) between overlapping photos,
                                                                   such as machine vision (where      and uses triangulation calculations and
 A typical drone flight includes taking pictures from a grid       a computer recognizes objects)     related methods to determine the 3-D
 pattern looking straight down (white solid line) and/or an        and the miniaturization of         location for the set of data points (known
 orbital path taking photos at an angle (white dashed line).       electronics, which not only        as a point cloud) that are generated. Each
 The overlapping drone photos (yellow colored boxes) show          offers smaller sensors but more
 how the spatial relationship of a keypoint (the red dot)                                             point within the point cloud has a unique
                                                                   computing power in a smaller       latitude, longitude, and elevation value. SfM
 changes from picture to picture. The three black lines show
 how triangulating the keypoint among images can locate            and lighter package. Almost        map products include ultra high-resolution
 features and generate 3-D information. The 3-D model of           all modern drones, especially      orthomosaics (an image that is geometrically
 this outcrop is found in the figure on page 4.

new mexico earth matters                                                   2                                                           winter 2018
Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky
corrected for distortions) and digital surface    camera settings that minimize motion blur.         study is to understand the spatial relation-
 models (elevation maps that include surficial     Furthermore, moving objects (such as people,       ships of only the features within the map,
 features such as trees and structures). User-     vehicles, cloud shadows, and foliage in breezy     then such accuracy is sufficient. However,
 friendly, proprietary (such as Drone2Map™)        winds) can result in distorted maps.               both relative and absolute accuracy can be
 and open-source (such as OpenDroneMap)                Finally, lighting conditions can also          improved by placing precisely measured
 software is readily available for automated       affect the quality of the maps. The best           ground control points in the map area,
 image processing, usually requiring nothing       lighting conditions for drone mapping are:         which are later used to calibrate the maps
 more than uploading the photos and minor          1) overcast skies, when clouds diffuse the         during image processing.
 tweaking of the image processing settings.        light over large areas; 2) immediately before
      Photo acquisition via drones shares          and after sunrise and sunset, when there is        Drone Applications
 similarities to traditional aerial surveys,       enough light but no shadows; and 3) near
                                                                                                      The affordability and mobility of drones,
 but also involves significant differences.        solar-noon, when the sun is at its highest
                                                                                                      coupled with the high resolution and
 Drone photos are typically captured along         and the impact from shadows is minimized.
                                                                                                      accuracy of SfM generated maps, has led
 a grid-pattern flight path that encompasses       Features within long shadows at dawn and
                                                                                                      to widespread drone use by geoscientists
 an area larger than the target of interest.       dusk may be hard to recognize and could
                                                                                                      at universities, federal and state geologic
 In general, processing the images with the        negatively affect the map quality.
                                                                                                      surveys, and within industry. The following
 SfM technique works best when there is                Depending on the purpose of the project,
                                                                                                      discussion summarizes how geoscientists are
 a high-degree of overlap between photos           researchers must make choices on the desired
                                                                                                      currently using drones, the potential for their
 (more than or equal to 70% overlap) and           accuracy (how close a measurement is to
                                                                                                      use here in New Mexico, and how the tech-
 the photos are taken at a cruising altitude       the true value) and resolution (the smallest
                                                                                                      nology may advance in the coming years.
 of 250–400 feet above ground surface.             “thing” that can be measured) of their SfM
 Currently, the maximum altitude that              maps. The “ground sampling distance”
                                                                                                      Drones for geomorphic and
 commercial drone pilots can operate under         (the distance from the center of a pixel to
 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules
                                                                                                      field geology studies
                                                   the adjacent pixel) of SfM maps is largely
 is 400 feet above the ground. Flying at low       controlled by camera settings and the altitude     The majority of published drone studies
 altitudes can improve the resolution of the       of the drone. Given the 400-foot altitude          have focused on the mapping of relatively
 maps, but increases flying time, may involve      limit and the camera resolution on modern          young features and landforms on Earth’s
 multiple battery exchanges, and requires          drones, the average ground sampling distance       surface. The high-resolution of SfM maps
 more computational power due to the               for most maps is 1–5 cm (0.4-2.0 inches)           can provide better characterization of such
 increased number of photos per unit area.         with a “relative accuracy” (the accuracy of        features, or, in some cases, help discover
      In addition to capturing photos in a         features within the map itself) of 1 to 3          unknown landforms. High-frequency
 grid pattern, pilots commonly take oblique        times that of the ground sampling distance.        (hourly to weekly) repeat drone observations
 photos to image vertical features, such as        At this resolution and accuracy, both large        are leading to new insights into geologic
 cliffs and canyon walls, or complicated           and ultra-small topographic features can           processes such as mass wasting (landslides,
 3-D features. Oblique photos are useful           be identified, mapped, and analyzed. The           rockfalls, mudflows, etc.), stream incision,
 for increasing the accuracy of elevation          “absolute accuracy” of the maps (the location      dune migration, and erosion. High-
 measurements, and are necessary if the end        of features in the map compared to their true      resolution SfM maps can capture grain-size
 product is a high-resolution 3-D model of         position on Earth) is mostly controlled by the     variations within streams and glacial
 a feature.                                        accuracy of the GPS unit used for the survey.      moraines, and is therefore a powerful tool
      Because the SfM technique involves           The GPS units built into most drones have          for studying rivers and glacial processes.
 matching ‘keypoints’ between overlapping          meter-scale accuracy, similar to the accuracy          In addition to geomorphology, drones
 images, care must be taken to choose              of handheld GPS units. If the goal of the          are cost effective for outcrop-scale studies,


            200 ft


                                                           Arroyo Channel

     Drone-generated orthomosaic (A) and digital surface model (B) of Arroyo del Tajo, an arroyo east of Socorro. The colors of Map B represent
     elevation, from higher in red colors to lower in blue colors. The images used to generate this map were captured at about 200 feet above
     ground level and processed using SfM software. The average resolution is 1.74 cm (0.69 inches).

new mexico earth matters                                                 3                                                             winter 2018
Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky
A)                                                                A)                       200              B)

                                                                         x                         y

                                                                               (32 m
                                                                                  5 ft
                                                                         x                         y          Elevation
                                                                                 31.3 m
                                                                                (102.8 ft)
  B)                                                                                                               Low

                                                                   UAS-SfM orthomosaic (A) and digital surface (elevation) model (B) of the
                                                                   JWS sinkhole in Eddy County, southeastern New Mexico, which collapsed in
                                                                   2008. Map A also includes a measurement of the diameter of the sinkhole and
                                                                   a topographic profile (inset graph at bottom of the figure) from ArcGIS. The
                                                                   digital surface model contains topographic contours at 5-foot intervals. Repeat
                                                                   drone surveys can show if such sinkholes change over time.

                                                                   As 3-D mapping methods                surveys have the potential to find abandoned
                                                               and software continue to                  mines and mining equipment. Here in New
                                                               develop, drones flights and SfM           Mexico, large plumes of methane, a potent
                                                               maps will likely be a major com-          greenhouse gas, exist over the natural gas
  C)                                                           ponent of the workflow. Some              fields and drilling operations of the San Juan
                                                               new drones are as small and light         and Permian Basins. Whereas satellites and
                                                               as smartphones, easily fit in back-       planes surveys are used to understand the
                                                               packs, and will likely become             large-scale aspects of methane leaks, drones
                                                               handy tools for geologists to             could be deployed for local “well-to-well”
                                                               scout outcrops, plan routes, and          monitoring. Small, thermal cameras and
                                                               perhaps even to collect samples           gas-sensing equipment mounted on drones
                                                               from hard-to-reach areas.                 can investigate point sources of escaping gas
                                                                                                         at drilling sites and along pipelines. Such
                                                                 Drones for industrial                   inexpensive studies could lead to reduced
                                                                 geology                                 emissions, increased profits, and more tax
                                                                 For many of the same reasons            revenue for the state.
 Comparison of visualization tools for a beautifully
 exposed angular unconformity (A) in the face of a mesa          drones are used to document
 at San Lorenzo Canyon, Socorro County. Google Earth             geomorphic changes to Earth’s           Drones for hazards
 images (B) sometimes distort steep vertical features, such      surface, drones are becoming            One of the most significant uses of drones is
 as this outcrop, or are incapable of showing them at all. In    increasingly important for              assessing and monitoring geologic hazards.
 contrast, the 3-D SfM model (C) accurately shows features
                                                                 industrial geologic applications.       Following the November 2016 magnitude
 such as inclined sedimentary layers. The 3-D model was
 generated from 229 orthogonal and oblique drone photos.         Drones are now used throughout          7.8 earthquake on New Zealand’s South
 The view is about 95 m (312 feet) across. A 3-D video tour the life-cycle of mining and                 Island, drones provided critical, initial
 of the outcrop can be found at http://geoinfo.nmt.edu/          drilling operations. Drones             information about the surface ruptures along
 repository/index.cfml?rid=20180001.                             outfitted with magnetometers            faults and the locations and magnitudes of
                                                                 (a device used to locate magnetic       landslides. Volcano observatories are using
 mapping and characterizing intermediate-            minerals) are useful for mineral exploration.       drone-based, optical and thermal imagery
 scale features such as fault traces, sedimentary    Repeat surveys of active mines and drill            to track lava flows and changes in the shape
 layering, and stratigraphic relationships.          pads provide near real-time information             of volcanic vents. Drone-mounted gas
 Highly detailed mapping projects, such as           regarding daily operations. High-resolution         monitoring equipment can be flown through
 those related to paleoseismicity (ancient           digital surface models allow mine operators         volcanic plumes to directly measure the gases
 earthquakes) and infrastructure development         to measure stockpiled inventories, and to           that geologists use to help predict eruptions.
 (such as construction projects), can use            quickly quantify how material is transported        Emergency organizations that respond to
 drones to create high-resolution orthomosaics       through the work area. Drones can monitor           geological and weather-related hazards are
 and digital surface models. Important               the slope stability of open-pit walls and           using drones on search and rescue missions,
 geologic relationships are commonly                 waste-rock piles, as well as rapidly inspect        for infrastructure assessment, and for survey-
 exposed in cliff faces or similar inaccessible      equipment such as drilling rigs and                 ing damage. Drone manufacturers are
 locations. Ground-based photos and laser            offshore drilling platforms, thus limiting          developing aircraft capable of delivering
 scanning may be inadequate to resolve these         human exposure to hazardous working                 goods such as medical supplies, food, and
 outcrops, and other visualization tools like        environments. Drones also play a role               water for disaster relief. Likewise, researchers
 Google Earth tend to distort large vertical         in the environmental impacts of mining              are designing drones that are themselves
 features. However, oblique-drone photos             and drilling. High-resolution pre- and              mobile wireless hotspots to assist with
 captured at altitude, and 3-D SfM models,           post-mining and drilling maps are useful for        emergency communication operations.
 are an attractive solution.                         reclamation efforts. Drone reconnaissance

new mexico earth matters                                                  4                                                                winter 2018
Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky
New Mexico is a geologically active                 The future of drones, however, is not
 state, and many of our geologic hazards can         without challenges. The FAA is currently
 be investigated with drones. For example,           attempting to develop rules for drone pilots
 measurements of land subsidence related to          that will protect privacy and enhance safety
 sinkholes in eastern New Mexico or detecting        while allowing the industry to achieve its
 slope movement in the Rio Grande gorge,             potential. In the summer of 2016, the FAA
 are well within the capabilities of drone           provided a pathway for drone pilots to
 photogrammetry. Burned landscapes are               obtain licensing for commercial activities.
 notoriously unstable and destructive debris         In the fall of 2017, the FAA developed the
 flows are common after wildfires. However,          UAS Integration Pilot Program to explore
 these landscapes can be investigated with           best practices to safely integrate drones into
 repeat deployment of drones in a safer              the airspace.
 manner than ground-based surveys. Although              Stable weather, vast amounts of
 large, damaging earthquakes and volcanic            unrestricted airspace, limited vegetation,
 eruptions are infrequent in New Mexico,             and diverse geology make New Mexico a
 when they do occur, drones would inevitably         prime location to use and test drones and                 Volume 18, Number 1
 provide some of the earliest data needed by         related scientific instruments. Researchers           Published twice annually by the
 scientists and first responders.                    from the New Mexico Bureau of Geology are          new mexico bureau of geology
                                                     continuing to explore the possibilities and           and mineral resources
 Drones for climate change                           capabilities of drones as tools to meet the                   Nelia Dunbar
                                                     diverse geologic needs of our state.                    Director and State Geologist
 Researchers from around the world are using                                                                        a division of
 drones to study climate change. Glaciologists                                 —Matthew Zimmerer
                                                                                                            new mexico institute of
 are finding that repeat surveys with drones are                                                            mining and technology
 a useful tool for tracking rapid physical changes   Matt Zimmerer is a field geologist with the
                                                                                                               Dr. Stephen G. Wells
 to glaciers. Scientists are also using drones to    New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral                         President
 monitor the annual progression of moss on the       Resources at New Mexico Tech, and a licensed                 801 Leroy Place
 Antarctic Peninsula to approximate the pace         FAA remote pilot. He is currently developing        Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4750
 of climate change. In the southwestern U.S.,        a drone program at the bureau. Anyone
                                                                                                             Bureau Albuquerque office
 increasing temperatures are causing longer          interested in using drones for either work or               2808 Central SE
 and more severe droughts. One impact is             recreation should visit the FAA website              Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
 declining forest health, both from decreased        (https://www.faa.gov/uas/).                                  (505) 366-2530
 precipitation and an expansion of invasive
 species. Drones equipped with a basic digital       Special thanks for helpful reviews from Aaron                Board of Regents
 camera can identify water-deprived vegetation,      Curtis and Brian Gootee, as well as these                        Ex Officio
 and images can be processed to determine            individuals and groups that helped make this                 Susana Martinez
 the relative “greenness” of a forest, which is                                                               Governor of New Mexico
                                                     publication possible: Jake Ross, Nels Iverson,
 directly related to its health. Drones outfit-                                                                 Dr. Barbara Damron
                                                     Phil Miller, Mark Mansell, Kelsey McNamara,            Secretary of Higher Education
 ted with multi-spectral cameras capable of          Lewis Land, Nelia Dunbar, Mike Timmons,
 photographing the near-infrared spectrum            Paul Bauer, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge,                   Appointed
 are becoming common tools for farmers to                                                                          Deborah Peacock
                                                     and the New Mexico State Land Office.                  President, 2017–2022, Corrales
 monitor crop health. Such technology could
 also be used to map the declining health                                                                           Jerry A. Armijo
 of the largest cottonwood-willow forest in              The bureau’s drone “Tommy.” See               Secretary-Treasurer, 2015–2020, Socorro
 North America, the bosque along the                     http://geoinfo.nmt.edu/repository/                         David Gonzales
                                                         index.cfml?rid=20180001, for a video of                2015–2020, Farmington
 Rio Grande. Drone surveys to inspect
                                                         Tommy in action.                                          Donald Monette
 irrigation ditches and water retention
                                                                                                                  2015–2018, Socorro
 structures, monitor surface water runoff,
                                                                                                             Emily Silva, student member
 and even map the levelness of farmland,                                                                       2017–2018, Alamagordo
 may provide New Mexican water managers
 with new strategies to deal with declining                                                                            Editor
 water resources.                                                                                                    Paul Bauer
                                                                                                            Production, Layout & Design
 The future of drones                                                                                            Gina D’Ambrosio
 Unmanned aircraft systems, structure-                                                                             Graphics
 from-motion photogrammetry, and a                                                                       Matthew Zimmerer, Leo Gabaldon
 diverse suite of drone-mounted instru-
 ments are ushering in an exciting                                                                       Visit our website at: geoinfo.nmt.edu
 and potentially transformative period                                                                   Earth Matters is a free publication.
 in the geosciences. Where on-demand                                                                   For subscription information please call
 aerial imaging and photogrammetry was                                                                     (575) 835-5490, or e-mail us at
 unavailable to most, drones are allowing the                                                               publications@nmbg.nmt.edu
 next generation of researchers to collect data
 quickly and inexpensively.                                                                            Cover photo of Chimney Rock, New Mexico
                                                                                                                 © Matthew Zimmerer

new mexico earth matters                                                  5                                                        winter 2018
Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky
New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources                                                              NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION
New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology                                                                        U.S. Postage
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Socorro, New Mexico 87801-4750                                                                                         PAID
Return service requested                                                                                         permit no. 1888
                                                                                                                albuquerque, nm

                                                        bureau news
                                              administrators, to promote our services,    and is now available online. She specializes
                                              information, teacher training, and K-12     in geochemistry and volcanology and
                                              outreach. She will be guiding groups        previously worked on the documentary
                                              through the Mineral Museum, providing       “Sleeping Monsters, Sacred Fires: Volcanoes
                                              classroom demonstrations, coordinating      of New Mexico.”
                                              the annual Rockin’ Around New Mexico
                                              geology class, and editing Lite Geology.
                                              Prior to joining the bureau, Cynthia was
                                              a science teacher at Socorro High School.
                                              Bonnie Frey receives
                                              IMPACT! Award
 Governor Martinez recognizes Susie
 Welch                                        In October, the New Mexico Network
                                              for Women in Science & Engineering
 Susie Welch, our recently retired            honored Bonnie Frey, Geochemist and
 Outreach Coordinator, was cited for          Chemistry Laboratory Manager. The
 outstanding accomplishments and              award is given to a New Mexico woman
 invaluable contributions to the state        who encourages women to enter into
 of New Mexico. The award recognizes                                                      Nelia Dunbar looking at volcanic ash in ice
                                              science, technology, engineering, math-     cores on NOVA “Killer Volcanoes” program.
 Susie’s 21 years of leadership in “Rockin’   ematics, and allied professions. Bonnie
 Around New Mexico,” our earth science        received this award, in part, because of
 educational program for New Mexico                                                         For information about the bureau
                                              the mentoring that she has provided to              and our publications:
 teachers. Congratulations to Susie on the    students involved in the NM EPSCoR
 well-deserved citation, and her retire-      uranium team, of which she is a co-lead.                  Visit our website at
 ment after 26 years of bureau service!                                                               http://geoinfo.nmt.edu
                                                                                               Call (575) 835-5490, e-mail us at
                                              Nelia Dunbar in PBS NOVA                           publications@nmbg.nmt.edu,
 Cynthia Connolly to run                      Program “Killer Volcanoes”
 Outreach Program                                                                           or visit the bureau store at the corner of
                                              Dr. Nelia Dunbar is the Director of the      Bullock and Leroy on the campus of New
 As our new Education Outreach                Bureau of Geology and serves as the State         Mexico Tech, 801 Leroy Place,
 Manager, Cynthia will work                   Geologist. The program aired in October
                                                                                                       Socorro, NM, 87801
 with students, teachers, staff, and

new mexico earth matters		                                                                                                winter 2018
Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky Drones for the geosciences: a new eye in the sky
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