Dress-up Contest: A Dark Side of Fiscal Decentralization
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Dress-up Contest: A Dark Side of Fiscal Decentralization Ruixin Wang∗ Wendun Wang† June 7, 2013 Abstract: This paper models a “dress-up contest” (competition for better images) between governments caused by fiscal decentralization, and investigates how this contest affects social welfare. We show that yardstick competition (due to fiscal decentralization) enforces local governments to allocate more resources on the more visible public goods (such as cash assistance) than less visible ones (such as vendor payment), and thus starts a dress-up contest. The distortion of resource allocation causes a structural bias of public expenditure and further hurts social welfare. To empirically verify our theoretical model, we employ U.S. state-level data from 1992 to 2008, and estimate the panel data model using various econometric approaches. The empirical results provide strong evidence that fiscal decentralization can cause distortion in the use of public expenditure due to dress-up contest. We also find that decentralization increases the regional poverty rate due to the distortion. JEL Classification: D72, H75, H77 Keywords: Fiscal decentralization; Yardstick competition; Dress-up contest; Functional coefficient model ∗ CentER, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. E-mail: r.wang 4@tilburguniversity.edu † CentER, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. E-mail: wangwendun@gmail.com 1
1 Introduction During the last three decades, fiscal decentralization and local government reform has been at the center stage of policy experiments, not just in countries with a traditional tendency of decentralizing like United States, but also in a large number of developing and transition economies, such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America (The World Bank, 1999). Fiscal decentralization, as a process to disperse the right of decision-making in public expenditure from central to local governments, is widely believed to be an effective tool for improving the performance of public expenditure. One of the major transmission channels, documented by a burgeoning literature, is yardstick competition, through which fiscal decentralization regulates the behavior of Leviathan government (Besley and Case, 1995; Belleflamme and Hindriks, 2005; Besley and Smart, 2007; Bordignon et al., 2004); see Lockwood (2005) for a recent review. In contrast to various benefits of fiscal decentralization discussed in the literature, this paper studies a dark side of fiscal decentralization. We argue that under asymmetric information, yardstick competition of capability between local governments (due to fiscal decentralization) turns into a competition for a better image, that is a “dress-up contest”. This is because voters with limited information cannot observe the politicians’ capability, but infer the capability from the outcome of the public service provided by politicians. It thus motivates politicians to allocate more resources on the public goods that can better demonstrate their capability. The dress-up contest can lead to structural bias in public expenditure, which may further result in a distortion of social welfare. This paper has three main contributions. First, we propose and model a dress-up con- test between local governments, caused by fiscal decentralization. We borrow the idea of Rogoff (1990) and Mani and Mukand (2007), and introduce the visibility concept in a two-politician model. Public goods are “invisible” if their outcomes cannot well reflect the politicians’ capability, either because they are difficult to observe or because they are determined by other factors out of the government’s control. Mani and Mukand (2007) showed that a government tends to spend more on the visible project than on the invisible project, since voters infer its capability from the visible project. This is referred to as a visibility effect. We extend their model by introducing yardstick competition between two politicians. Using a two-stage game, we show that the yardstick competition between two politicians motivates them to start a dress-up contest. In order to win more support in an election, they allocate more resources (public expenditure and efforts) on the more visible goods, since these goods are more efficient at showing off their capability and establishing better images, given a binding fiscal budget constraint. In this sense, the yardstick com- 2
petition between local governments turns into a competition for a better image, and fiscal decentralization can intensify such a dress-up contest. Our model is related with the tax competition model (see for example Janeba and Peters (1999); Cai and Treisman (2005); Zissimos and Wooders (2008)), but our conclusion is rather different. In the literature of tax competition, the mobility of capital motivates governments to promote public service. Using a similar framework, we show that the mobility of information may not always be good, because it can distort the structure of public expenditure and cause a welfare loss. Second, we contribute to the discussion of the role of the media in aggravating the “dress-up contest”. In practice, the media play a vital role in an election, since they can influence a wide range of voters and they have a large effect on the election outcomes to a large extent; see for example Chiang and Knight (2011). On one hand, media supervision may improve political transparency and governance; on the other hand, media capture and media bias can also have a negative effect on the election (DellaVigna and Kaplan, 2007; Durante and Knight, 2012; Gentzkow, 2006); see Prat and Strömberg (2011) for a thorough review. To capture the crucial role of media in an election, we introduce media in our two- politician model, and build up a bridge between two streams of literature: media capture and visibility effect. We model the media as a firm which makes a profit from supporting a politician, while the cost depends on the authenticity of its reports and the voters’ amount of information. We argue that the information externality caused by yardstick competition can influence the voters’ belief, either directly or indirectly by affecting media behavior. If the media make false reports of one politician, they will lose reputation and profit less from their readers (Gentzkow and Shapiro, 2006). Hence, media slants to support a politician with a better image, who is believed by the majority to be more capable. We show that media’s behavior enforces politicians to establish a better image by allocating more resources on the more visible projects than on the less visible ones. This can be a negative role of media, since it aggravates the dress-up contest when there exists yardstick competition, which further leads to structural bias in public expenditure and possible social welfare loss. Finally, we provide strong empirical evidence of public expenditure distortion in visible and invisible goods, and we also find that such a distortion caused by fiscal decentral- ization can result in a social welfare loss. To the best of our knowledge, although the visibility effect has been theoretically established, no research has empirically verified such an effect, possibly due to the difficulties of finding good empirical proxies. In this paper, we investigate the fiscal decentralization effect on the regional poverty rate, an important aspect of social welfare. We propose to use cash assistance to the poor as a proxy for the more visible project, and vendor payment as a proxy for the less visible project. Using 3
U.S. state level data from 1992 to 2008, we find that fiscal decentralization causes a public expenditure flow from the more visible project to the less visible ones. This result provides evidence of the visibility effect, and also confirms our theoretical findings that fiscal decen- tralization can cause a dress-up contest between local governments. To capture how such distortion of public expenditure affects poverty, we use a functional coefficient approach, and estimate a pooled panel and a panel with a fixed effect. This approach allows us to capture the possible nonlinear interaction between cash-vendor-payment ratio, welfare ex- penditure, and poverty. We find that the distortion of public expenditure, measured by the cash-vendor-payment ratio, can largely weaken the effect of welfare expenditure on poverty reduction, and such influence appears to be nonlinear. Considering the possible endogene- ity of welfare expenditure, we propose to use public expenditure on health and hospital as an instrumental variable of welfare expenditure. Our analysis shows that this instrument is valid theoretically and statistically. We thus empirically verify our theoretical findings, and provide empirical evidence of a dark side of fiscal decentralization. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section we formally model the causes and effects of a dress-up contest in the presence of fiscal decentralization. In Section 3 provides empirical evidence of a dress-up contest, and Sections 4 and 5 analyze the decentralization effect on social welfare. Section 6 summarizes and concludes. 2 The basic model The basic model aims to illustrate how yardstick competition (dress-up contest), which is introduced by fiscal decentralization, can affect politicians’ resource allocation over two types of public goods, the more visible goods and the less visible one. Since voters can only infer politicians’ capability from the outcome of public service, politicians tend to establish a better image to win more votes. The media effect on election strengthens politicians’ motivation of establishing a good image. However, overemphasis on image building can cause an efficiency loss of welfare expenditure, and further hurt social welfare. In this section, we first derive the equilibrium of a two-stage game, and then analyze the comparative statics, i.e. the impact of fiscal decentralization on this equilibrium. 2.1 Politicians Assume there are two incumbent politicians A and B from two local governments, respec- tively, and there exists yardstick competition between them. In particular, they compete with respective challengers to win the local election of their own region, but their chal- 4
lengers can be cheap talkers. Due to the possible cheap talker, voters not only compare the incumbent with his challengers, but more importantly with the other incumbent in the neighboring jurisdiction; see Besley and Case (1995); Bordignon et al. (2003); Revelli (2006) for the empirical evidence of yardstick competition. To win a future election, politi- cians have to allocate their limited resources and show higher capability to voters. The expected utility function of each politician is E (Ui ) = Rηi − Pi Si − Ci (e1i , . . . , eJi ) i ∈ {A, B}, ∑J s.t. Ii = eji . (1) j=1 In this utility function, R is the return of winning the election with R = 0 when one fails, and ηi is the probability of winning the local election for politician i. To win the election, each politician has to buy the support of media at price Pi , and the cost of such media capture depends on the share of media supporting him Si and price Pi . Meanwhile, a politician needs to provide evidence of his capability (such as public service) at the cost C to make media endorsement convincing. Note that C depends on the public expenditure on J public services, and expenditure on jth public service is denoted by ej,i . We shall assume the first and second order derives of the cost function satisfy C ′ (e) > 0 and C ′′ (e) > 0. The optimal problem is subject to a budget constraint that total public expenditure over all public services is bounded by Ii . This setup is in the similar essence of the tax competition model; see for example Janeba and Peters (1999), Cai and Treisman (2005), and Zissimos and Wooders (2008). 2.2 Voters We assume there are two types of voters, the well-informed voters with proportion k and ill- informed ones with proportion 1 − k. Well-informed voters not only observe the outcomes of public projects in the local jurisdiction, but also in the neighboring. Thus they are able to make their voting decision by comparing candidates with the politicians from other jurisdictions. On the contrary, the ill-informed voters only observe the outcomes of public projects offered by the local incumbent, but they do not have access to the information of politicians from other jurisdictions. Therefore, ill-informed voters’ voting decisions are largely based on the the information provided by media. This results in (1 − k)Si share of voters, among all ill-informed voters, that support politician i. We then obtain the share of votes for politician i as ηi = kΦi + (1 − k)Si i ∈ {A, B}, (2) 5
where Φi is the inferred capability of politician i based on the outcomes of public projects they provide. This share can also be interpreted as a probability of a “representative voter” to support politician i. Equation (2) suggests that the probability of politician i to win the election is determined by the assessment of their capability and the endorsement of media. Note that ηA + ηB is not necessary to be unity, because politician A and B are only involved in yardstick competition rather than a direct competition for the same position. This implies that even if ηA < ηB , politician A could still beat his challenger (a possible cheap talker) and win the election. 2.3 Media Each media, as a firm, maximizes its profit by choosing to support one politician, given the offered price and politician’s performance. The expected profit function of media is E (πi ) = s k[ρi (−N ) + (1 − ρi )M ] +s (1 − k)M . Pi + |{z} (3) |{z} | {z } | {z } politician repu. well-info. voters ill-info. voters Three components of the profit are specified in the profit function, namely the profit from government, from readers/voters, and from advertisement. First, each media provides endorsement or propaganda for a politician, and receives revenue Pi from politician i. Sec- ond, media make profit from readers/voters, e.g. newspaper sale, and voters with different amount of information contribute to this part of profit differently. Well-informed voters are able to compare the information provided by some media with their own information. If they find two sources of information are not consistent, they choose not to buy the products of this media. This media thus have a profit loss due to false endorsement, and we denote such loss by −L. If the media’s endorsement is in line with the information of well-informed voters, then it makes profit from these voters which we denote by M . Since endorsement has to be made before the outcome of public service is realized, media can on- ly choose politician to support according to the expectation of Φi , denoted by Ωi := E(Φi ) for i = {A, B}. Media can make false endorsement if they choose to support politician i but Φi < Φ−i , and we denote the probability of making false endorsement for politician i as ρi := Pr (Φi < Φ−i ). Under appropriate conditions1 , Pr (Φi < Φ−i ) is negatively correlated with Ωi . Without loss of generality, we assume that 1 Pr (Φi < Φ−i ) = 0 < θ < 1. (4) Ωθi 1 For example, Φi and Φ−i has the same variance. 6
Unlike well-informed voters, ill-informed voters are “ignorant” and have no preference on media. Therefore, they randomly choose products of media, and contribute M to media’s profit. Finally, the profit includes other sources that rely on media’s reputation, e.g. advertisement. This part of profit is closely related with the profit from readers/voters, because more readers/voters are typically associated with more advertisement. Therefore, it is plausible to assume that this part of profit (e.g. advertisement profit) is proportional to the profit from voters. If we denote s as a measure of reputation, then s enters media’s profit function as a coefficient of the profit from voters. Assuming s follows a standard uniform distribution, then a value between [0, 1] uniquely identifies a media. By plugging Equation (4) into Equation (3), we can rewrite media’s expected profit function as sk (M + N ) E(πi ) = Pi + sM − . (5) Ωθ 2.4 Assessing politicians’ capability To model the dress-up contest, we consider two types of public goods, the more visible goods a and the less visible one b. According to Mani and Mukand (2007), some public goods are less visible if it is harder to assess government competence based on its observed outcome. Politicians need to allocate their limited resources across these two types of goods from which voters can infer their capability. Following Mani and Mukand (2007), we assume the production function of each good zj,i = τi + ej,i + ϵj,i j ∈ {a, b}, i ∈ {A, B}, (6) where zj,i is observed output of public goods j provided by politician i, τi is politician i’s capability, ej,i is the politician i’s expenditure or effort allocated on goods j, and ϵj,i ∼ ( 2 ) N 0, σj,i capturing the exogenous stochastic factors. Public goods a being more visible 2 2 than b implies that there is more noise in the outcome of b than that of a, i.e. σa, i < σb, i . Mani and Mukand (2007) provided two reasons for the differences in visibility. First, outcomes of some public goods are intrinsically harder to directly observe or measure (e.g. short term outcomes are typically more visible than those in the long term); Second, some public goods are more “complex” in the sense that their outcomes are affected by a vatiety of factors apart from government competence. For example, the quantity and quality of education is not fully determined by the work of government, but also the teachers, parents, and peers. For simplicity and without loss of generality, politicians are assumed to have the same τ and and ϵj . Voters can observe the outcome of the public goods z as well as the expenditure e. A politician’s capability τ is unobserved, but voters have common knowledge of its prior 7
distribution τi ∼ N (τ , στ2 ) for i ∈ {A, B}. Voters (with rational expectations) can use the observed outcome zi := {za,i , zb,i } and public expenditure e∗i := {e∗a,i , e∗b,i } to update their priors of politicians’ capability, that is from τ to (zj,i − e∗j,i ) with associated variance σj,i 2 . According to Mani and Mukand (2007), the mean posterior assessment of the politician’s capability can be obtained by [ ( ) ( )] ∗ ∗ h τ τ + h a z a,i − e + h b z b,i − e Φi = E (τi | zi , e∗i ) = a,i b,i , hτ + ha + hb where hτ = 1/στ2 and hj = 1/σj2 (j = a, b) the precision of the prior and two realizations, respectively. For politicians, according to his utility function (1), his optimal decision is based on the expectation of E (τi | zi , e⋆i ) over the entire distribution of possible output zi , that is [ ( ) ( )] ∗ ∗ h τ τ + h a τ + e a, i − e + h b τ + eb,i − e Ωi = Ezi [E (τi | zi , e∗i )] = a,i b, i . hτ + ha + hb As for media, since they have to make endorsement at the beginning of election campaign (before Φi is realized), they choose the politician to support also based on the expected mean posterior assessment ΩA = EzA [E (τA | zA , e∗A )] , and ΩB = EzB [E (τB | zB , e∗B )] . 2.5 Two-stage game We employ a two-stage game. In the first stage, two politicians non-cooperatively and simultaneously choose public expenditure on project a and b, respectively. In the second stage, given the observed public expenditure, politician A and B choose the price of media capture PA and PB , respectively. Both stages are pure-strategy games. This order of events reflects the idea that the price of media capture can be changed relatively easily once the level of public expenditure has been determined, while a change in public expenditure would be more costly. Afterwards, the media choose to support one politician (A or B) given the price and the inferred capability. We shall use the backward induction to derive our results. The time line of the game is as follow. First, politicians choose the expenditure on two types of public goods. Then, they decide the price for media capture. Next, media choose one politician to support and make their endorsement before voting starts. As the last step, given the outcome and expenditure of public projects, well-informed voters choose to support politician i with higher inferred capability Φi . Differently, ill-informed voters make their decision based on media’s endorsement. After voting, politicians’ payoffs are then realized. 8
2.5.1 Media strategy Media’s choice is based on their profit function (3) and the expected mean posterior assess- ment of politicians’ capability. To describe the media’s behavior in the election, we first compute the position of the marginal media ŝ that make no difference between supporting politician A and B, that is πs,A = πs,B . This leads to indifference marginal media PA − PB ŝ = (7) k(M + N )Ψ where Ψ := 1/ΩθA − 1/ΩθB . This threshold value ŝ also determines the share of media to support A and B. Simple calculation gives that media with s < ŝ will choose to support A, while those with s > ŝ will support B, that is SA = ŝ and SB = 1 − ŝ. Plugging ŝ into (1), we can obtain the expected returns of politician A and B, respectively, as [ ] b A ) = R kΩA + (1 − k) (PA − PB ) (PA − PB ) E(U − PA − CA (ea,A ), (8) k(M + N )Ψ k(M + N )Ψ and [ ( )] [ ] b PA − PB (PA − PB ) E(UB ) = R kΩB + (1 − k) 1 − − PB 1− − CB (ea, B ) . (9) k (M + N ) Ψ k (M + N ) Ψ We note from Equation (7) that ŝ is not defined in two special cases: ea,A = ea,B or k = 0. In the first case with ea,A = ea,B , performance of two politicians are exactly homogeneous given the same budget constraint, and thus media’s strategies are completely determined by PA and PB . In the second case when k = 0, no media cares about the performance of politicians. Both cases can be analyzed by Bertrand price game, where politicians simply compete over the price. Therefore, these two cases are of less interest in this paper, and we mainly examine the case k ̸= 0 and ea,A ̸= ea,B . Without loss of generality, we shall assume ea, A < ea, B in the following analysis, and symmetric conclusions can be easily obtained in the other scenario. 2.5.2 Stage 2: Competition of price In the second stage, politicians decide the price of media capture for given value of public expenditure determined in the first stage. Therefore, the best response of politician A is to maximize UA against a strategy of politician B, and vice verse. By solving the first order conditions, we can obtain the equilibrium price k (M + N ) Ψ 2k (M + N ) Ψ PA∗ = R (1 − k) − , PB∗ = R (1 − k) − , (10) 3 3 9
and these lead to the maximized expected utility b A )∗ = RkΩA + k(M + N )Ψ − CA , E(U b B )∗ = RkΩB + 4k(M + N )Ψ − CB (11) E(U 9 9 2.5.3 Stage 1: Competition for better image In this stage, based on the equilibrium price in (10), politicians decide the allocation of ea, A and ea, B to achieve high mean posterior assessments of their capabilities (better images) and a higher probability of winning election. We first look at the strategy of politician A. His optimization problem is given by ( ) b ∗ k(M + N ) 1 1 E(UA ) = RkΩA + − − CA (ea,A ) 9 ΩθA (ea,A ) ΩθB (ea,B ) s.t. IA = ea, A + eb, A The first order condition gives [ ( )1+θ ] ( ) ∂ Ê(UA )∗ kθ(M + N ) 1 ha ′ = Rk − − CA (ea,A ) − λ = 0, (12) ∂ea,A 9 ΩA (ea,A ) hτ + ha + hb where λA is a Lagrangian multiplier. Since we have assumed a binding budget constraint, λ must not be nonzero, and the optimal expenditure e∗a,A is the solution to (12). Similarly, the first order condition for politician B is [ ( )1+θ ] ( ) b B )∗ ∂ E(U 4kθ(M + N ) 1 ha ′ = Rk − − CB (ea,B ) − λB = 0, (13) ∂ea,B 9 ΩB (ea,B ) hτ + ha + hb and the best strategy e∗a,B is the solution to (13). 2.6 Effect of fiscal decentralization Based on the analysis above, we can examine how fiscal decentralization affects politician- s’ behavior, that is their public expenditure on two types of goods ea,i and eb,i . Fiscal decentralization can be regarded as a trigger of yardstick competition, which strengthens information externality, and voters have more knowledge to compare politicians’ capabili- ty. This thus increases the proportion of well-informed voters, that is large k, and further forces media to care more about their reputation. A larger proportion of well-informed vot- ers and more careful media both motivate politicians to show a better image to the public, and may cause a dress-up contest. Therefore, we analyze effect of fiscal decentralization by investigating how an increase in k affects the equilibrium. 10
b B )∗ /∂ea,B . Note that we always have We first look at politician B. Define FB := ∂ E(U ( ( )1+θ ) ( ) ∂FB (·) 4θ(M + N ) 1 ha = R+ > 0, ∂k 9 ΩB (ea,B ) hτ + ha + hb and [ ( )2+θ ] ( )2 ∂FB (·) 4kθ(θ + 1)(M + N ) 1 ha =− − CB′′ (ea,B ) < 0. ∂ea,B 9 ΩB (ea,B ) hτ + ha + hb Therefore, by using the implicit function theorem, we can obtain ( ) ( ) ∂e∗a,B ∂FB ∂FB =− / > 0. (14) ∂k ∂k ∂ea,B This shows that as k increases, politician B spend more on the more visible public goods. Given the binding budget constraint, the expenditure on the less visible public goods is thus shrinks as k increases. We then study the behavior of politician A. In the case of ea,A < ea,B , the behavior of politician A is slightly complicate than B. Politician A’s optimal expenditure on the more visible goods does not always increases as k rises. This can be seen from ( ( )1+θ ) ( ) ∂FA (·) θ(M + N ) 1 ha = R− · , ∂k 9 ΩA (ea,A ) hτ + ha + hb and [ ( )2+θ ] ( )2 ∂FA (·) kθ (θ + 1) (M + N ) 1 ha = − CA′′ (ea,A ) ∂ea,A 9 ΩA (ea,A ) hτ + ha + hb = Q − CA′′ (ea,A ). If R is large enough so that ∂FA /∂k > 0 and ∂FA /∂ea,A < 0, then we have ∂e∗a,A /∂k > 0. This means that if the revenue of wining a election is particularly high and the “cost” of spending on visible goods is convex2 , then politician A still chooses to participate the dress-up contest. To sum up, our model shows that when k increases (more well-informed voters and more careful media), politicians tend to put more efforts on establishing a good image. Given ( ) 2 The “cost” refers to GC := CA (ea, A ) − k/9(M + N ) 1/ΩθA − 1/ΩθB . We regard GC as a generalized cost function of public expenditure on good a, because the first order derive of GC with respective to ea,A is always negative. Thus, a convex generalized cost function implies negative ∂FA /∂ea,A , the second order derive of GC. 11
a binding fiscal budget constraint, the more visible goods are more efficient at showing off their capability and establishing a good image. This explains why the expenditure on the more visible goods increases in the process of fiscal decentralization. However, overemphasis on the visible goods can lead to a structure bias of public expenditure, and thus hurt social welfare. This implies that politicians competition for better images may have a negative effect on social welfare, and we shall empirically investigate these theoretical findings in the following sections. 3 Evidence of a dress-up contest Our empirical analysis has two goals. The first is to provide evidence of the association between fiscal decentralization and a dress-up contest. Second, we ask how a dress-up contest affects poverty, an important aspect of social welfare. We address the first issue in this section, and the second in the following two sections. We use U.S. state level data, and our sample covers 48 states excluding Alaska and Hawaii with the time span from 1992 to 2008. A key issue is how to determine the more visible public goods and the less visible ones. It is difficult to find a strictly visible public good in the real world because most public goods are determined by a number of factors out of the government’s control, and their outcomes are difficult to observe or measure. In our analysis regarding poverty, we take cash assistance as a relatively more visible public project and vendor payment as a less visible one. Cash assistance directly improves residents’ disposable income, and further reduces poverty. Hence, its outcome, i.e. poverty reduction, can be observed in the short term, and this outcome largely depends on government’s expenditure of this service, less affected by other factors out of the government’s control. On the contrary, vendor payment is given to private purveyors for medical care, burials, and other commodities. Its outcome depends on a large number of factors out of government’s control, such as the performance of other institutes, and also the outcome may be observed in a longer period of time. Therefore, it is reasonable to regard cash assistance as relatively more visible, while vendor payment as less visible. We provide various evidence to show the existence of a dress-up contest. Since it is difficult to exactly identify all transmission channels, we use evidence from various aspects to rule out possible alternative explanations. 12
3.1 Fiscal decentralization effect on public expenditure structure We first consider a direct test for the causal effect of fiscal decentralization on a dress- up contest. To outline our empirical strategy, we introduce some preliminary notations. Assume politicians in the state-level government spend 1/vS of state expenditure on visible projects, while local-level politicians spend 1/vL of local expenditure on these projects. Since yardstick competition is more fierce in a local election than in a state election, we have vS > vL ≥ 1. If we denote Γ as total (state + local) public expenditure, and denote D as the degree of fiscal decentralization, then the total expenditure on the more visible project (cash assistance) and total expenditure on the less visible project (vendor payments) are given, respectively, by ( ) ( ) Γ 1 1 D D−1 Cash = + ΓD − , and Vendor = Γ − Cash = Γ 1 − + . vS vL vS vL vS The ratio of Cash over Vendor (hereafter CV ratio) then follows vL + D(vS − vL ) RCV = . vL (vS − 1) − D(vS − vL ) Note that RCV is a monotonically increasing function of the degree of fiscal decentraliza- tion, i.e. ∂RCV vS vL (vS − vL ) = > 0. (15) ∂D [(vS − 1)vL − D(vS − vL )]2 Therefore, as the degree of fiscal decentralization increases, total expenditure on cash and the ratio of total cash expenditure over total vendor payment expenditure both increase. Inequality (15) thus allows us to empirically test the direct association between decentral- ization and a dress-up contest. To test this direct association, we consider the reduced form model RCVit = αi + κ0 + κ1 Dit + κ2 TWEit + εit , (16) where subscript ‘it’ denotes observation of i-th state (i = 1, . . . , N ) at year t (t = 1, . . . , T ), αi is the individual-specific effect. D represents the degree of fiscal decentralization, and we measure it by Local public expenditure D := , Total public expenditure where the local expenditure includes expenditure of county, city, and town governments, and total expenditure is the expenditure of state and local governments; TWE is the total (state + local) welfare expenditure. Fixed effect estimation results3 are given in 3 Preliminary analysis suggests the fixed effect model is more appropriate than the random effect model. 13
column (1) of Table 1. It shows that a larger degree of decentralization is associated with a larger ratio of cash over vendor payment, and the correlation is strong and robust. In column (2) and (3), we replace the contemporary fiscal decentralization D by its first and second order lagged value DL1 and DL2 , respectively, to capture the causal effect, since a fiscal decentralization policy may take effect after a time. We see that using lagged values of fiscal decentralization gives a more positive and also more significant estimate, confirming the causal relationship between decentralization and the CV ratio. Table 1: Decentralization effect on the CV ratio (1) (2) (3) (4) D 0.4849 (2.43) DL1 0.5018 (2.67) DL2 0.4888 (3.06) DCT 2.3915 (2.77) TWE −0.2464 −0.2539 −0.2270 −0.2760 (−9.78) (−10.26) (−10.06) (−5.68) CONST 0.2430 0.2484 0.2233 0.2532 (7.83) (8.40) (8.58) (6.86) As a robustness check, we recompute the fiscal decentralization ratio using the local expenditure that only covers expenditure of city and town governments (without county- level governments), and we denote this ratio as DCT . Since the yardstick competition between local governments at the city and town level is supposed to be more intense than between county-level governments, we expect to observe stronger association between a dress-up contest and fiscal decentralization when using the public expenditure of city and town level, i.e. a more significant and positive estimated coefficient κ1 . The results in column (4) indeed report a more significant effect of fiscal decentralization on the CV ratio, in line with our expectation and also showing the robustness of this finding. 3.2 The role of yardstick competition Since yardstick competition plays a crucial role in the theoretical model, to further examine the mechanism, we introduce yardstick competition in our empirical analysis. Considering the fact that fiscal decentralization distorts the structure of public expenditure through 14
the channel of yardstick competition, we should expect that if yardstick competition gets fiercer, then the distortion should be intensified. To see this more formally, suppose the local level yardstick competition is intensified, i.e. smaller vL , then we have RCV increases, because ∂RCV DvS2 =− < 0. ∂vL [(vS − 1)vL − D(vS − vL )]2 This implies that given the same degree of decentralization, if yardstick competition for local election is fiercer in one state than in the other, then politicians in the former state have more incentive to invest on visible projects. Put it differently, the degree of yardstick competition can affect the impact of fiscal decentralization on the structure of public ex- penditure. This mechanism can be empirically captured by an interaction term of yardstick competition and fiscal decentralization. Thus we consider the model RCVit = αi + κ0 + κ1 Dit + κ2 COMPit + κ3 Dit × COMPit + κ4 TWEit + εit , (17) where COMP is a measure of yardstick competition. Estimating (17) allows us to identify the mechanism described in Section 2, at least to some extent. Yardstick competition is a difficult concept to measure, and to our best knowledge there is no satisfactory measures in the literature. We propose two measures for yardstick competition from the perspectives of comparability of jurisdictions and competitiveness of local governments. First, we consider the comparability of jurisdictions. This is mo- tivated by the argument of Bodenstein and Ursprung (2005) that yardstick competition “emerges when the performance of governments in various jurisdictions becomes sufficient- ly comparable so that the voters can alleviate the agency problem by making meaningful comparisons between jurisdictions”; see also Besley and Case (1995). In U.S., most con- gressional districts consist of several local governments that share similar political and economic situations, such as similar political interests, voters’ preference, et al. Hence, we expect that the yardstick competition between local governments within one congression- al district is stronger than that outside the district. This implies that the congressional district demarcates the political boundaries of yardstick competition. If a district contains more local governments, then the yardstick competition in this district is more intense because each local government has more comparable rivals. Thus motivated, we propose to measure yardstick competition by The number of local governments COMPr := . The number of congressional districts This ratio is unaffected if we control for a state’s land size or population since we divide both nominator and denominator by the land size or population at the same time. 15
Next, we consider measuring yardstick competition by the competitiveness of local election, which is computed by the percentage of votes won by the leading party. We denote this measure as COMPc . The competitiveness of local election reflects the level of local yardstick competition, and the average level of competitiveness is a reasonable index to measure the yardstick competition within the state. Competitiveness is high if the leading party just win a small share, suggesting that either competing parties are well matched or none of the candidates can get support of most voters. In both cases, yardstick competition can be intense. Due to the lack of county-level data, we use congressional district level data. In the two-party system of U.S., congressional election is expected to be highly correlated to local (county, city or town) election, and thus the average level of congressional election competitiveness can be a proxy of the yardstick competition of local election in a state. To see how the decentralization effect varies over different levels of competitiveness, we first rank all states according to its average competitiveness (average over time). Then, we estimate the fiscal decentralization effect using two samples, states with most intensified competition and states with least intensified competition, respectively. Column (1)–(4) of Table 2 present the comparison between the two samples. It is clear that fiscal decen- tralization effect on the CV ratio is much stronger and more significant in the states with more intensified competition. Next, we examine the interaction effect of competitiveness more formally by estimating the panel data model (17). Estimation results are given in column (5)–(8) of Table 2. We see that the interaction terms are strongly positive when using COMPr and strongly negative when using COMPc in models with contemporary and lagged decentralization. This again confirms that more intense yardstick competition leads to stronger effect of decentralization on the CV ratio. The significance of level terms D and COMP differs across the measurements of yardstick competition. COMP is sig- nificant but D is not when we measure competition by COMPr ; on the contrary, D is significant but COMP is not when competition is measured by COMPc . In the difference- in-difference model, the coefficients of level terms only capture an “initial” effect. Different significance levels suggest that COMPr and COMPc measure yardstick competition from different perspectives. Since the size of the interaction term in column (5) and (6) is much larger than that in column (7) and (8), and also larger than the size of its level terms, we thus find results using two measures generally consistent, namely that larger degree of fiscal decentralization and more intense yardstick competition are associated with higher CV ratio. To summarize, the above analysis shows that a large degree of fiscal decentralization is associated with an expenditure flow from the more visible product (cash assistance) to the 16
Table 2: Interaction between decentralization, yardstick competition, and CV ratio Comp. top 15 Comp. bottom 15 Entire sample (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) D 0.7432 0.5789 −0.0900 0.4929 0.0599 0.8393 (4.91) (2.52) (−0.40) (1.55) (0.39) (2.92) DL1 0.1178 0.9182 (0.79) (3.60) TWE −0.2923 −0.2769 −0.2804 −0.2195 −0.2636 −0.2668 −0.2457 −0.2536 (−8.00) (−4.94) (−8.76) (−6.50) (−11.90) (−12.39) (−10.24) (−10.64) √ √ COMPr −2.4494 −2.7143 (−3.56) (−4.01) √ √ COMPc −0.0004 −0.0004 (−0.66) (−0.56) D×COMPr 6.9800 (3.91) D×COMPc −0.0067 (−2.24) DL1 × COMPr 6.3943 (4.05) DL1 × COMPc −0.0081 (−3.05) CONST 0.2590 0.2591 0.3086 0.2328 0.3266 0.3335 0.2661 0.2722 (8.07) (3.68) (8.62) (8.74) (11.50) (12.54) (5.93) (5.90) Note: Column (1) and (2) use the sample of 15 states with the most fierce competition, based on COMPr and COMPc , respectively; column (3) and (4) use the sample of 15 states with the least fierce competition, based on COMPr and COMPc , respectively; column (5) and (6) use the entire sample of 48 states. 17
less visible product (vendor payment), and the association is even stronger in regions with more intense yardstick competition. This is because to achieve a better image and win more votes, politicians tend to allocate more resources on the more visible project. Such a dress-up contest is intensified by fiscal decentralization through the channel of yardstick competition. These empirical results thus provide evidence to our theoretical findings. 4 Fiscal decentralization effect on poverty We have seen, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives, that fiscal decentralization can cause a dress-up contest which enforces governments to allocate more expenditure on the more visible public goods. In the following two sections, we investigate how such distortion of public expenditure influences social welfare. We focus on the effect of fiscal decentralization on poverty rate, an important aspect of social welfare, and empirically identify the transmission mechanisms. For this purpose, we introduce additional three variables: poverty (p), unemployment rate (UNEM), and Gini index (GINI). Poverty is defined by the share of people with income lower than the standard, and this standard differs across states. More detailed description of the variables and their sources are given in the Appendix. Figure 1: Transmission channels from fiscal decentralization to poverty A - Cash B Vendor payment ? Fiscal decentralization C - Welfare expenditure -Poverty D 6 E We mainly focus on three channels from fiscal decentralization to poverty, which are sum- marized in Figure 1. First, according to the two-politician model in Section 2, fiscal decentralization can affect poverty through the dress-up contest, that is an expenditure flow from the less visible goods to the more visible goods (effects A and B). Second, fiscal decentralization can also indirectly affect poverty by affecting the amount of welfare ex- penditure (effect C and D). On one hand, fiscal decentralization may increase the amount 18
of welfare expenditure due to more administrative cost; on the other hand, it is likely that welfare expenditure shrinks after decentralization because mobility of the poor motivates governments to spend less on welfare to cut down the fiscal burden. There is no priori which effect dominates, and we shall investigate this in our empirical study. Finally, in addition to the indirect effects, fiscal decentralization can have impact on poverty through other channels besides welfare expenditure and a dress-up contest. Therefore, we also con- sider other connection between decentralization and poverty as effect E. We point out that CV ratio does not directly influence the poverty, but indirectly by affecting the welfare expenditure effect on poverty (change the structure of welfare expenditure). That is why the arrow line of effect B does not point at poverty, but at the effect D. We use the dashed line for channel D since there is potential reverse causality between welfare expenditure and poverty, which we shall investigate using instrumental variables. 4.1 Standard panel data To provide empirical evidence of the transmission channels described in Figure 1, we first identify each effect A– E separately, and then jointly in the next section. First, we examine the transmission channel from fiscal decentralization to welfare expenditure, and then to poverty, namely the effect C and D. To show the mediation of welfare expenditure, we estimate the following models TWEit = αi + θ0 + θ1 Dit + eit , (18) pit = αi + β0 + β1 Dit + β2 TWEit + β3 UNEMit + β4 GINIit + ϵit . (19) Model (18) captures the transmission effect C, while (19) captures the direct effect from decentralization to poverty (effect E) and the indirect effect through welfare expenditure (effect D). Columns (1)–(5) of Table 3 present the standard fixed effect estimation results based on Equation (18) and (19). Column (1) shows that fiscal decentralization has strongly negative effect on welfare expenditure. Column (2) replaces the contemporary value of F D by its first order lagged value DL1 , and shows a similar result, confirming that large degree of decentralization leads to less welfare expenditure. This suggests that the negative effect of fiscal decentralization on welfare expenditure dominates in our case. In particular, since the poor are mobile, an increase of welfare expenditure in one jurisdiction attracts the poor to flow in this region, which of course adds to burden of this jurisdiction but reduces the burden of others. Therefore, if most jurisdictions are free riders, then decentralization leads to a coordination failure and an inefficient public goods provision. Column (3) shows 19
Table 3: Estimation results of separate transmission channels (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) TWE TWE p p p p p D −1.1031 7.4507 5.4731 4.7246 3.3062 4.6255 (−3.58) (4.54) (3.49) (2.29) (1.54) (1.82) DL1 −1.0418 (−3.56) TWE −1.7927 −2.2731 −0.4419 −2.3902 (−3.38) (−3.57) (−0.72) (−3.48) GINI −0.1913 0.6650 (−0.08) (0.29) UNEM 0.5519 0.5784 (6.07) (5.78) RCV 4.5906 0.1824 (3.19) (0.13) CONST 0.7922 0.7796 12.037 13.457 10.960 12.142 10.518 (28.15) (27.82) (80.16) (30.95) (8.46) (22.83) (8.00) a significant and positive overall effect of fiscal decentralization on poverty, challenging the conventional viewpoint that fiscal decentralization has a positive impact on social welfare. This effect is largely reduced (size and significance) when including welfare expenditure (column (4)), but remains strong, and the coefficient of welfare expenditure is significantly negative. It suggests that part of fiscal decentralization effect on poverty is explained by the intermediate transmission through welfare expenditure, and it provides evidence of strong effect C and D. These effects are robust when we include Gini coefficient and unemployment (column (5)). To examine the effect B, we first add RCV as an explanatory variable in the poverty regression. Column (6) and (7) show that fiscal decentralization effect remains strong and positive after controlling welfare expenditure and CV ratio, and this suggests the existence of effect E. The strongly positive and robust effect of fiscal decentralization again confirms the negative effect of fiscal decentralization on poverty reduction. The CV ratio is positively related with poverty, but this effect becomes insignificant controlling unemployment and Gini index. It shows that the CV ratio can be positively related with poverty, but the delicate coefficient suggests that the standard panel data model may not fully capture the effect of CV ratio on poverty. Also, we see that including RCV can affect the estimated coefficient of WE, which suggests possible interactions between RCV and WE. In fact, the CV ratio influences poverty by interacting the effect of welfare expenditure. Excessively 20
large (or small) proportion of cash over vendor payment harms the efficiency of welfare expenditure in poverty reduction, while an appropriate ratio can maximize the effect of welfare expenditure. Therefore, the effect B cannot be fully captured by the standard fixed effect model with RCV as a control variable, and more appropriate methods are required. 4.2 Endogeneity of welfare expenditure A potential issue is the endogeneity of welfare expenditure. The endogeneity is due to possible reverse causality between welfare expenditure and poverty; in particular, welfare expenditure can reduce poverty, while regions with a higher poverty rate are likely to have larger welfare expenditure. To reduce potential bias caused by reverse causality, we consider instrumental variable estimation. We propose to use public expenditure on health and/or hospital as the instrumental variable of welfare expenditure. Expenditure on health and hospital is highly correlated with welfare expenditure because factors such as citizens tastes for government services, the politicians attention on citizens’ wellbeing, and power of public sector unions can jointly influence the expenditure on welfare, health, and hospital. Besides, this instrument does not depends on poverty, and not affect poverty via indirect routes other than welfare expenditure. Therefore, health and hospital expenditure satisfies the requirement of relevance and exogeneity, allowing for its possibility to be an appropriate instrumental variable. The choice of such instrument is also in the similar essence of Levitt (2002). We consider four choices of the instruments, expenditure on health (HE), expenditure on hospital (HO), expenditure on health and hospital (HH), and expenditure on health together with expenditure on hospital (HEO). In the first three, the model is exactly iden- tified, and we estimate it using 2 stage least square (2SLS). In the last case, we estimate the overidentified model using generalized method of moment (GMM). Results are pre- sented in Table 4. We see that using the instrumental variable does not change our results. In particular, the estimated coefficient of welfare expenditure using 2SLS/GMM remains significantly negative, and has a slightly larger size (in absolute value) compared with the s- tandard fixed effect coefficient estimate except in column (2). Estimates of other covariates are generally unaffected by using 2SLS as well. The first-stage F statistic and its p-value show that the instruments are in general highly correlated with the endogenous variable. Even though, we see the single instrument HO is relatively weak compared with HE, and this explains the small absolute value of welfare expenditure coefficient in column (2). In column (5) and (6), the rejection of Hansen’s J test suggests that the overidentified instruments satisfy the orthogonal conditions, and thus are valid instruments. 21
Table 4: Results of poverty regression: IV estimation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Instrument HE HO HH HH HEO HEO D 3.5819 5.1961 4.4651 4.6046 4.0719 4.5837 (1.90) (2.56) (2.44) (2.44) (2.50) (2.54) TWE −3.5619 −1.7413 −2.5657 −3.2093 −2.9985 −3.5670 (−2.87) (−1.14) (−2.25) (−1.73) (−3.05) (−2.06) GINI 0.9078 −0.6449 0.0582 0.7794 0.4733 0.7590 (0.35) (−0.24) (0.02) (0.31) (0.18) (0.30) UNEM 0.5360 0.5585 0.5483 0.5943 0.5424 0.6001 (8.75) (9.01) (9.03) (7.79) (9.12) (7.64) RCV −0.9291 −1.4686 (−0.33) (−0.55) First-stage F -stat. 122.13 75.64 146.95 76.61 80.98 38.27 p-value of first-stage F -test 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 p-value of Hansen’s J-test 0.24 0.24 Note: The dependent variable in all models is poverty. Column (1)– (4) are 2SLS, and column (5) and (6) are GMM. Using 2SLS to estimate column (5) and (6) leads to consistent results. To conclude, results from separate estimation of each channel show that effects A– E indeed exist. Fiscal decentralization can have an impact on poverty through shrinking the welfare expenditure, and more interestingly, through the CV ratio. However, we also note that the interaction between poverty and cash-vendor-payment (effect B) cannot be fully captured by the standard panel data model, and more thorough studies are then required. 5 Joint estimation using functional coefficient model The above analysis specifies each channel separately, and shows each effect is strong and significant. However, it is not yet clear whether these channels are jointly strong and how is their relative importance. For example, it is possible that the transmission channel through CV ratio (effect A and B) is individually significant, but plays a minor role when we control the channel through welfare expenditure. Also, the standard fixed effect model considered in the previous section cannot capture the interaction between the CV ratio, welfare expenditure, and poverty. A frequently-used method to capture the interaction 22
effect is difference-in-difference estimation ∑ 2 pit = αi + β0 + β1 Dit + β2 TWEit + β4 RCVit + β5 TWEit × RCVit + γk xit,k + ϵit , (20) k=1 where xit = (GINIit , UNEMit ). We argue that this approach does not work here for two reasons. First, since RCV is influenced by D, the interaction term TWE × RCV can be highly correlated with the level terms even if all variables are centered to remove multi- collinearity, and therefore the estimated coefficient of interaction term can be inefficient. Second, the interaction term can only provides a positive or negative (linear) interaction effect, and this effect is the same for all CV ratio levels. However, it is possible that the welfare expenditure effect on poverty depends nonlinearly on the CV ratio; in particular, both extremely large and small values of the CV ratio reflect the distortion of welfare expenditure, and such a distortion can weaken its effect on poverty reduction. Therefore, welfare expenditure effect is expected to be a nonlinear function of the CV ratio (roughly U-shape). This nonlinear relationship cannot be captured by Equation (20). Indeed, estimates of Equation (20) show that β̂5 is not significant. 5.1 Standard functional coefficient model In order to investigate the relative importance of each channel and capture a possibly nonlinear relationship between the CV ratio and poverty, we consider the functional coef- ficient model in which slope coefficients are allowed to vary over a common variable. We first consider a standard functional coefficient model pit = δ0 + δ1 Dit + δ2 TWEit + δ3 GINIit + δ4 UNEMit + ηit , (21) where the slope coefficient δk (k = 0, 1, . . . , 4) is a continuous function of the CV ratio. The same variables D, TWE, GINI, and UNEM appear in Equation (21) as in Equation (19), except that DINC is not included to avoid possible multi-collinearity between TWE and DINC. Our robustness check suggests that including DINC does not change the shape of the curves, but just widens the confidence bands. One advantage of a functional coefficient model is that it allows regressors to be correlated with the smoothing variable RCV, and thus avoids the multi-collinearity problem in (20). Moreover, it provides information on how the effect of welfare expenditure varies (possibly nonlinearly) across different values of the CV ratio. The model also allows us to rule out other possible transmission channels from the CV ratio to poverty, at least to some extent, if other functional coefficients (δ1 , δ3 , and δ4 ) do not vary over RCV or show no clear trends. For the moment, we consider a 23
standard functional model without individual-specific effect αi (pool estimation), and the estimated coefficients are consistent if αi is assumed to be uncorrelated with regressors. We shall allow correlation between αi and regressors, and estimate a fixed effect functional coefficient model in the next subsection. The parameters in this model are estimated by local linear estimation (Fan and Gijbels 1996; see also Cai et al. 2000). Thus we specify δk = δCk + δSk (RCV − u0 ) (k = 0, 1, . . . , 4) (22) where min(RCV) ≤ u0 ≤ max(RCV). The parameters (δCk , δSk ) are estimated by mini- mizing the following object function as ( )2 ∑∑ ∑ 4 min pit − {δCk + δSk (RCVit − u0 )}xitk Kh (RCVit − u0 ), δCk ,δSk i t k=0 where xitk is the k-th regressor, and Kh (·) := h−1 K(·/h) with bandwidth h and kernel function K(·). Various data-driven methods could be employed for selecting bandwidth, for example cross-validation (Fan et al., 2003). Here we choose the bandwidth by minimizing the averaged mean square error following Cai et al. (2000). Figure 2 shows the slope parameters changing as a function of the CV ratio. The solid line plots the coefficient estimate, and the dashed lines are ±2 × bootstrap standard errors (calculated with 200 replications). We see a rough ‘U-shape’ of welfare expenditure effect on poverty (upper-left subfigure). The effect is significantly negative when cash assistance only takes a relatively small proportion, and it becomes even stronger (more negative) as the ratio increases until around 0.2. However, when the ratio is more than 0.3, increasing cash proportion largely weakens the welfare expenditure effect on poverty reduction with wide confidence bands. The effect even becomes weakly positive when the ratio is particularly high. The nonlinear behavior shows that the deviation of the CV ratio from its optimal value, especially overlarge ratio, can largely weakens the poverty reduction effect by welfare expenditure, and this provides an evidence of efficiency loss caused by overemphasis of visible products. For the fiscal decentralization effect on poverty (upper- right subfigure), it is significantly positive at a large interval of the CV ratio (from around 0.1 to 0.4), and less significant for larger values of the ratio. The estimated functional coefficients of welfare expenditure and fiscal decentralization confirm the results in the standard fixed effect model that the indirect channel (effect C and D) is strong, other channels also matter for poverty (effect E), but the evidence to direct effect (A and B) is not so clear. Besides, we also see that the curves of decentralization, unemployment, 24
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