Page created by Nelson Mcdonald
A paper of Marxist polemic and Marxist unity

                                  Mike Macnair: legislation to                   n   Letters and debate
                                                                                 n   GB News buffoonery
                                  ‘protect free speech’ is part                  n   US Marxist Unity Slate
                                  of Tory ongoing culture wars                   n   Deniz Poyraz killing
No 1353 June 24 2021                           Towards a mass Communist Party                      £1/€1.10

                                    Batley and Spen:
2                                                                                                                                                              June 24 2021 1353 worker

                                         are building a partition wall between    delegate conference being held        as a result, taken out of national     happy-clappy atmosphere, where

             Letters may have been       South Asian heritage British subjects    online (Covid prevented it being      strike action over pay. The HMRC       everyone just does whatever
              shortened because of
               space. Some names
                                         and their families and friends in the    held at all in 2020) and most of      has been vicious against PCS           the NEC proclaims is good for
             may have been changed       subcontinent. Can they succeed?          my misgivings were correct.           reps, trying to get them sacked.       the PCS - rather like the Labour
                                         Even the partition wall of Starmer’s     Although branches this time could     It is hypocritical for Serwotka to     Party and the TUC then. The
                                         friends in the Israeli state, in spite   register as many delegates as they    condemn ‘fire and rehire’, whilst      NEC elections, the motions from
Anti-Semitism?                           of splitting families and forbidding     wanted, only one for each branch      accepting the deal for worse terms     the NEC and restrictions on
Those who receive circular               the cohabitation of Palestinians with    could actually vote and every         and conditions.                        membership democracy represent
reminders from Labour HQ will            their spouses, have not yet succeeded    vote was based on their branch           Then there was the Labour           a clear move to the right - and to
have seen this recent pep-message:       in destroying the Palestinian and        membership. This means the NEC        Party. Previous PCS policy was         think this is where Mark Serwotka
   “Polling day is a week away, and      indeed the entire Arab community.        could simply rally their largest      to recommend members vote for          came in, when the rightwing
every party is focused on the Batley     Can the “100% Zionist - no ifs, no       branches to get their favoured        a Corbyn-led government (even          ‘moderates’ controlled the PCS at
and Spen parliamentary by-election.      buts” Starmer succeed in inflicting      motions through and I think           though the PCS is not affiliated to    its formation.
   “We know the Tories will be           such damage on British subjects?         this happened a few times. At a       any party, past conferences having     Dave Vincent
digging into their deep pockets             As for the libel that all British     physical conference delegates can     voted against affiliating to either    Manchester
to splash out on advertising. We         Muslims are anti-Semitic, I have         see the hall and the balance of       Labour or Momentum). Clearly
know that George Galloway will be        seen no evidence that this piece of      voting for and against, but now       this policy needs revising. There      Overkill
cosying up to people in a community      carefully anonymous Goebbelsry           all we could see was either the       were no motions wanting us to          Readers can decide for themselves
he’s barely spent a month in.            has been repudiated.                     president, Fran Heathcote, calling    affiliate to Labour under Starmer,     about Daniel Lazare’s argument
   “But we have the force of our            Perhaps the Labour Party game         for delegates to vote/move/speak      nor urging a vote for Labour.          that the firing of Jeffrey Toobin - a
movement, thousands of Labour            plan is to outdo Thomas Mair, the        on motions or the speaker on the      NEC Motion A38 suggests                leading writer for the New Yorker
members who, just like Kim - our         local ‘premature’ advocate and           motion under debate.                  conducting a reassessment of our       magazine       until    accidentally
incredible candidate - care about the    practitioner of Red Wall politics.          Motions were decided by            policy concerning parliamentary,       caught on camera fondling
community.”                              It would, and perhaps will, be           branch memberships, so we could       mayoral and council elections for      himself in a Zoom session with
   Arguably, the activities of           interesting to learn. My personal        not see or be told how many           a further decision in 2022. The        colleagues - is a major symptom
Galloway - who has shown good            take is (slightly) more charitable: it   delegates voted for or against        assessment will concern itself         of ruling class decline (‘Paralysis
taste in praising at least one           is the imperial instincts that make      motions. No emergency motions         with how political campaigning         of ruling elite’ Weekly Worker
Weekly Worker letter analysing           Labour secretaries of state (actual      were allowed and all delegates        can assist members to win              June 17). I am rather writing to
anti-Semitism and its purported          or shadow) yearn to be ‘honest           wishing to speak on a motion          disputes, how this could build         take issue with his assertion that
opponents (December 10 2020), and        brokers’ re Palestine, Africa,           had to register in advance. So        our union, etc, and might take us      Christine Blasey Ford’s 2018
who has spent time canvassing and        Northern Ireland and indeed some         only the president knew who           back to seeing which candidates        accusation of attempted rape
then representing many Muslims           voters in Batley and Spen - not to       they were - we didn’t know how        support PCS policies.                  against Donald Trump’s Supreme
in Bradford and indeed in Tower          mention the West Midlands. Many          many of those wishing to speak           Criticism     was     made     at   Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh
Hamlets - are far less pernicious than   will find that Kim Leadbeater’s local    were called. And delegates who        conference that PCS had dropped        - since elevated to the court - was
those of the longstanding Yorkshire      and professedly unpolitical history      decided they wanted to respond to     this policy in favour of simply        “no more convincing than what
tyke, Keir Starmer, who has put          does not stop them from finding          points made during a debate could     supporting all Labour candidates       liberals had to say about Russian
up a “senior Labour official” to         her “incredible”. The solar topee        not then ask to speak.                in the 2019 general election -         collusion …” On the contrary, I
rubbish Muslims (and us), depicting      or pit helmet do not suit genuine           Conference did discuss the         even those on the right hostile to     found Blasey Ford’s accusation
them as collectively anti-Semitic.       democrats - nor does prating about       move to a Zoom conference,            Corbyn. So the PCS focus will no       eminently believable.
You may have noticed a fairly full       the ‘White Man’s Burden’ (second         criticising the undermining of        longer be just on what the Labour         The absence of corroborating
account in the Groaniad (June 21),       edition).                                membership democracy, but that        Party is doing and tying us to them    testimony in this case was hardly
which clams that Starmer’s “stated       Jack Fogarty                             motion was lost.                      alone. Good! Interestingly the         out of the ordinary. Rape is
intention” is not allowing an “issue     email                                       Readers may know that general      Morning Star on June 14 carried        seldom attempted in the presence
of the subcontinent to divide                                                     secretary     Mark     Serwotka’s     a feature by Ian Hodson, the           of witnesses, and the only other
communities here ...” Voters there       Moving right                             previous open interference in the     BFAWU union president, stating         person said to have been at the
may well recall the speed with           Although I’m in the retired section      elections for assistant general       that a majority of its members do      crime scene was a male classmate
which Starmer endorsed Modi’s            of PCS members, I was able to            secretary had split Left Unity        not trust Labour now or think they     of Kavanaugh’s, Mark Judge,
breach of the constitution of India      observe the union conference held        down the middle, with a new           represent their interests or values.   whom Blasey Ford alleged to
and of international agreements          on June 13‑14.                           group called Broad Left Network       Most would not vote Labour if          be his accomplice (Blasey Ford
about Kashmir.                              I have written previously about       (BLN) of mainly Socialist             they still promise another EU          testified that she knew Kavanaugh
   So Starmer and the Labour Party       the arrangements for the annual          Party members and ‘Socialist          referendum. I think a similar          and Judge - then students at a
                                                                                  View’, being Serwotka loyalists.      survey of members should be            boys’ school near the Maryland
                                                                                  The unprincipled pact called          taken by Unite, Unison and the         girls’ school she attended - by
    Online Communist Forum                                                        Democracy Alliance (Left Unity
                                                                                  and PCS Democrats) dominated
                                                                                                                           Turning to the strategic
                                                                                                                                                               name at the time of the incident).
                                                                                                                                                               Judge’s subsequent failure to
                                                                                  the NEC elections as usual, with      future of the union, I previously      remember the event was therefore
                                                                                  14 new members getting elected.       thought that the NEC would drive       hardly remarkable.
                                                                                  BLN had some limited success,         through a merger with Unite,              Nor was it suspicious that Ford
                                                                                  but overall lost some previous        but the leadership has decided to      could not recollect the address
                                                                                  places, The Independent Left          persevere with PCS for a while         of the beer-drenched soirée at
                                                                                  (dominated by the Alliance for        (motion A9) - £1.4 million has         which the assault was alleged
                                                                                  Workers’ Liberty) went their own      been saved due to using Zoom           to have taken place, or the route
                                                                                  way again.                            instead of physical meetings, so       by which she got there or went
                                                                                     Let me go through the main         there is no longer any urgency         home. It is understandable that
                                                                                  motions I found of interest. As       apparently. Motion A9 listed           the particulars of the assault -
                                                                                  usual Mark Serwotka, with his         the areas where we are looking         being forced into a bedroom by
                                                                                  fan club on the national executive    to improve turnout, whether in         Kavanaugh and Judge, who were
                                                                                  committee, dominated conference       elections or strike ballots, Three     both drunk, thrown onto a bed,
                                                                                  and got through everything he         other motions were lost (because       while Judge played loud music
                                                                                  wanted with little dissent. I hear    A9 was carried): A10, calling for      to drown out her screams, then
                                                                                  that PCS Left Unity - the majority    a recruitment review on where we       mounted by Kavanaugh, who
                                                                                  of which today gushingly lauds        are losing/picking up members          tried to rip her clothes off and,
                                                                                  Serwotka - had no model motions,      and why, while A11 and A12             groping and grinding, covered
                                                                                  so content are they with the NEC.     concerned the election of more         her mouth with his hand until she
                        Sunday June 27 5pm                                           A motion from the NEC              full-time officers. There were the     feared being smothered to death
                                                                                  on national pay policy was            usual arguments against, citing the    - were more firmly etched in her
                      A week in politics                                          “overwhelmingly carried”. This        low 2021 NEC elections turnout         memory than the topographical
        Political report and discussion from                                      contained a lot of the usual aims,    of just 7.5% , which demonstrated      details of an evening in 1982, 36
                                                                                  such as seeking coordinated           that ‘the members aren’t interested    years before she went public with
        CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee                                      strike action with other public-      in this’. A damning indictment,        her account.
                   Register in advance for this webinar:                          sector unions (something the PCS      you may think, of the record of           Blasey      Ford’s    accusation,                    continually asks for, but never       the ruling NEC factions since the      moreover, was not without
                                                                                  sees delivered), with another         creation of PCS in 1999.               supporting        evidence.     She
                            Sunday July 4 5pm                                     national strike ballot to be held        Overall I am concerned that         volunteered for, and passed, a
                             A week in politics                                   “at the earliest appropriate          nowadays the NEC comprises a           lie-detector test. In 2012 - six
                       Political report from CPGB’s                               opportunity”. PCS has failed to       number of activists I have never       years before she came out with
               Provisional Central Committee and discussion                       win two national ballots in a row -   heard of or seen speaking at           her charges - her therapist noted
                                                                                  the most recent got a 48% turnout,    conference. I did not like it when     that she recounted in one session
            Previous OCFs can be viewed or heard at these places:                 when Tory legislation now             SPEW and the Scottish Socialist        being attacked by pupils “from an
         YouTube:                  requires a 50% turnout for strike     Party dominated the NEC, but the       elitist boys’ school”, who went on
                    Soundcloud:                           action. There was some justified      calibre now is actually weaker.        to become “highly respected and
         Spotify:                    criticism of the union leadership        Anyone daring to criticise          high-ranking members of society
                                Apple Podcasts:                                   for having negotiated multi-year      Mark or the NEC is condemned as        in Washington”.                pay deals both in the department      being ‘sectarian’ and just ‘having        More importantly, however,
                                                                                  for work and pensions and in          a go’. Those doing so may well         Lazare and others who doubt
              Organised by CPGB: and                              revenue and customs (HMRC),           have been in the BLN or IL, but        Blasey Ford’s story must account
         Labour Party Marxists:                    which sold terms and conditions       their comments were legitimate         for her motives. They must
             For further information, email Stan Keable at                        of service for an above-inflation     and shared by many outside their       explain why a prosperous and
                                    pay rise. These are two of our        factions. But those controlling the    successful      academician     and
                                                                                  biggest departments, which were,      NEC and conference now want a          research psychologist would,

         BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX l 07379 532160 l l
worker 1353 June 24 2021                                                                                                                                                                             3

after nearly four decades, bear
false witness against a powerful
                                        oppression without being a black
                                        nationalist, and uphold gender
                                                                                of the permanent revolution
                                                                                signifies that the complete and          Restore Bristol NW CLP to members’ control
jurist - especially when her            equality without being a feminist.      genuine solution of their tasks of       Friday June 25, 11am: Protest at Labour Party South West Regional
accusation was sure to expose           Identity politics should not be         achieving democracy and national         Office, Unit 8, Bradley Pavilions, Pear Tree Road, Bristol BS32. Bristol
her to intense public scrutiny…         combated by denying or deeming          emancipation is conceivable only         NW CLP has been taken over by party bureaucrats, with the chair and
and worse: Blasey Ford, in fact,        insignificant actual instances of       through the dictatorship of the          secretary suspended on bogus grounds along with 20 other officers
received multiple death threats,        extra-class oppression. Lenin           proletariat as the leader of the         across the region.
forcing her to move house four          taught us that, among other             subjugated nation, above all of its      Organised by Labour In Exile Network:
times during the ordeal.                things.                                 peasant masses … The democratic
   Kavanaugh did not claim that         Jim Creegan                             revolution grows over directly
Blasey Ford was exaggerating or         New York                                into the socialist revolution and        Oppose the far-right in Batley and Spen
misremembering a real incident.                                                 thereby becomes a permanent
He flatly and indignantly denied        Dictatorship                            revolution … The completion of
                                                                                                                         Saturday June 26, 12 noon: Protest demonstration. Assemble Batley
                                                                                                                         Town Hall, Market Square, Batley WF17. Oppose the far-right march
everything. Does Lazare believe         This is a belated reply to Tony         the socialist revolution within          backing the For Britain candidate in the by-election.
that his accuser invented her lurid     Clark’s letter (May 20), which          national limits is unthinkable.”         Organised by Stand Up To Racism:
tale out of whole cloth at the          itself was a reply to my obituary           Comrade Clark is a convinced
bidding of Nancy Pelosi or the          letter for Cliff Slaughter the          popular frontist despite the
Democratic National Committee           previous week.                          appalling record of that ‘tactic’, or    After Covid - demand a new normal
to keep Kavanaugh off the                  Tony Clark says that Marx            rather its outright abandonment,         Saturday June 26, 12 noon: National demonstration against the
Supreme Court - or perhaps              raised “dictatorship into a principle   in both the semi-colonial world          Tory government. Assemble Portland Place, London W1 and march
imagined the incident out of her        of socialism” (we mustn’t mention       and in the imperialist heartlands.       to Parliament Square. Demands include: Renationalise key industries.
own intense political animus            the dictatorship of the proletariat,    “Class alliances are based on the        Decent housing for all. No Tory crony corruption. Properly funded, fully
toward Kavanaugh and the                lest we distinguish between the         political goals for the revolution,”     publicly owned NHS. Keep the market out of education. A green new
Republicans? Readers can also           Russian Revolution and Hitler’s         he correctly informs us, but if          deal. Safe workplaces, save jobs. End ‘fire and rehire’. Fully funded
weigh the plausibility of such          coup of January 1933). Trotsky          you want an alliance with the            social care. Kill the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.
conjectures.                            advocated “socialist revolution in      ‘democratic imperialists’ you must       Organised by Peoples Assembly:
   Lazare takes aim at some             backward countries, which were          murder all the militant anarchists,
of the right targets, then              not ready for it”, explains comrade     Trotskyists and other Marxists,
perpetrates overkill. It is true that   Clark, and so he is responsible         because the goal is to save              Beauty magic: the first art
Democratic politicians often take       “for most of the things which went      democratic capitalism and prevent        Tuesday June 29, 6.30pm: Online talk presented by Camilla Power.
refuge in anti-racism and anti-         wrong in the Russian Revolution         socialist revolution, as in Spain        Explores the evidence of a social and sexual revolution in Africa, as we
sexism to appear ‘progressive’          and the Chinese revolutions” -          in 1936-39. Such was the fear            became modern humans about 200,000 years ago.
without offending their corporate       and also for the crimes of Pol Pot,     that Stalin’s counterrevolutionary       Organised by Radical Anthropology Group - register at:
benefactors. Identity politics          etc, because of that rotten and         bureaucracy had of revolution in
is indeed an obstacle to class-         ridiculous theory of permanent          Spain that it was in 1936 that the       Free speech - unrestricted or not?
consciousness, especially in its        revolution. He must really hope         Great Purges began in earnest in         Wednesday June 30, 6pm: Online all-members meeting. Includes
more extreme iterations. Some           that his readers do not take the        the USSR, where every remaining          debate on whether to support ‘unrestricted’ free speech. Speaker for:
ideologues of the Black Lives           trouble to look up the theory or        member of Lenin’s 1917 central           Kevin Bean; against: Tony Greenstein. Join by June 29 to attend.
Matter movement view the first          read how Trotsky defended it until      committee, with the exception of         Organised by Labour Campaign for Free Speech:
importation of enslaved Africans        he was assassinated by Stalin’s         Alexandra Kollontai, was executed
to the colonies in 1619, rather         agent in August 1940. Oh, why           as a counterrevolutionary, along
than the War of Independence,           would he assassinate his own            with every other direct participant      Nazi Germany 1933-39
as America’s founding act,              inspirator if comrade Clark’s           in the revolution, apart from Stalin     Thursday July 1, 6pm: Weekly online political education series.
and tend to view black-white            analysis is correct?                    himself and Molotov.                     Organised by Labour Left Alliance:
conflict as the motor force of the         Of course, central to permanent          But to abandon the popular 
country’s history. More than a          revolution are two inextricably         front is “an ultra-left approach
few Me Too spokespersons fail to        linked ideas: combined and uneven       to revolution”, opines comrade           Bust the transport pay freeze
distinguish between minor sexual        development; and the international      Clark. We must defend the good           Friday July 2, 6pm: Public meeting, Maldon Hotel, Newgate Street,
misdemeanours, ill-chosen words         nature of all - socialism is            name of Dimitrov, who explained          Newcastle NE1. Defend rail services and jobs. Speakers include RMT
and sexual assault. Censorious,         impossible in a single country, just    so well to the seventh and last          general secretary Mick Lynch and Laura Pidcock (Peoples Assembly).
moral self-righteousness and            as today we understand that the         congress of the Comintern in             Organised by RMT Newcastle Rail and Catering Branch:
virtue-signalling are now rampant       battle against women’s oppression,      1935 why we must abandon class 
in universities and professional        against racism, against climate         struggle in order to keep the
middle class circles.                   change and against the Covid-19         ‘democratic imperialists’ happy.         NHS birthday protests
   None of this, however, means         virus cannot succeed within single      And if you couldn’t do that, then        Saturday July 3: Demonstrations demanding NHS pay justice, patient
that black people are not routinely     countries or even continents.           why not have a go at keeping the         safety and an end to privatisation.
brutalised and murdered by police,      And the class-consciousness of          fascist imperialists happy, as in        London: Assemble 12 noon, University College Hospital, Gower Street,
or young women not preyed upon          workers internationally is global       the Stalin-Hitler pact of August         London NW1. March to Parliament Square.
and raped by powerful men.              also as a consequence.                  1939?                                    Organised by NHS Workers Say No to Public Sector Pay Inequality:
Socialists, in my view, need to            Trotsky explained in his Theory          And that - together with Mao’s
make a point of opposing these          of permanent revolution (1931):         Great Leap Forward of 1958 and           Ipswich: Assemble 11am, Christchurch Park, Fonnereau Road, Ipswich
things. There is a difference           “With regard to countries with a        his Cultural Revolution from 1966        IP1. Organised by Suffolk NHS Pay Justice Hub:
between events themselves and           belated bourgeois development,          - is all Trotsky’s fault. Really?
how they are understood and used        especially the colonial and semi-       Gerry Downing                            Brighton: Free party from 2pm, The Level, Lewes Road, Brighton BN2.
politically. One can fight black        colonial countries, the theory          Socialist Fight                          Organised by Sussex Defend the NHS:
                                                                                UFOs guff
                 Fighting fund                                                  Are other readers of the Weekly
                                                                                Worker not jolted to the bones,
                                                                                                                         Bristol: Assemble 11am, College Green, Bristol BS1. March to Castle
                                                                                                                         Park. Organised by NHS Workers Say No Bristol:

          You can do it!
                                                                                as certainly I am, by how letters        Colchester: Assemble 12 noon, St. Botolph’s Priory, Colchester CO2.
                                                                                as well as main articles recently        Organised by Essex NHS Workers Say No:
                                                                                have been devoted to such matters

    W      e are continuing to gain     total increased by £440 over the        as UFOs, aliens, their ‘genetic          Leicester: Assemble 1pm, Nelson Mandela Park, Welford Road,
           new subscribers following    last week. So now it stands at          engineering’ of homo sapiens, etc?       Leicester LE1. March into the city centre.
    our return to printing, which       £1,687, with exactly a week to             Do the generators of suchlike         Organised by Save Our NHS Leicestershire:
    resumed three issues ago on         go to reach our £2,000 target.          guff see no other priorities for
    June 3. But unfortunately over      Well, that means just another           consideration and development?           Sheffield: Assemble 12 noon, Barker’s Pool, Sheffield S1.
    the last week donations to our      £313 would see us over the line,        In turn, does no comrade out             Organised by Sheffield-NHS Workers Say No:
    fighting fund have been very        so we really should be able to          there in the vast shit-heap that
    few and far between.                get there.                              is the capitalist paradigm not           Manchester: Rally 11am, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester M1.
        For instance, over the last         But I’m not taking anything         ask themselves that simple but           Organised by Greater Manchester Keep Our NHS Public:
    seven days there’s been not         for granted - I’ve had my hopes         stark question of how the hell did
    one contribution via PayPal         dashed too often in the past!           scientific/dialectically materialist     Nottingham: Assemble 11.30am, Old Market Square, Nottingham NG1.
    - that’s the first time I can       Comrades, now of all times,             Marxism get to this? Equally so,         March to the Forest Recreation Ground.
    remember that happening since       after our expenses have shot            how any amongst us holding this          Organised by Unison Nottingham University Hospitals branch:
    just after we set up our PayPal     up so much because of the               type of attitude is promptly shot
    account all those years ago! As     cost once more of printing and          down by the very same sterile and        Online Communist University
    for standing orders and bank        mailing the paper to subscribers,       insulated      hyper-intellectualism     Saturday August 14 to Sunday August 22: Online school of Marxism.
    transfers, there were just four     let’s make sure we reach that           that generates such nonsense in          The Weekly Worker goes live for a week, with lots of time for genuine
    of them - but the consoling         £2K target at the very least!           the first place - needless to say, in    debate and discussion. Timetable and registration available soon.
    factor is they were at least            If you agree, you know what         that combination of self-mutilating      Speakers this year include: Anne McShane, Kevin Bean, Jack Conrad,
    quite substantial. That applies     to do. Click on that PayPal             and decadent manner. Nothing             Paul Demarty, Mike Macnair, Yassamine Mather, Lawrence Parker,
    first and foremost to comrade       button on our website or - better       whatsoever of ‘virtue signaling’ is      Sandy McBurney, Marc Mulholland, David Broder, Chris Knight, Moshé
    SK, with his magnificent £230       still - make a bank transfer to         intended here, because, of course,       Machover, Hillel Ticktin, Daniel Lazare, Ian Wright, Lars T Lih, Tina
    donation, while those from          account number 00744310 (sort           we’re all in one boat when it comes      Werkmann and Tony Greenstein.
    PM (£100), MM (£75) and GB          code 30-99-64). You can do it! l        to near-total isolation. And when        Organised by Communist Party of Great Britain and Labour Party
    (£25) are certainly not to be                             Robbie Rix        ‘decadence’ is referenced that’s not     Marxists:
    sneezed at.                                                                 in any horribly bourgeois moral
        Finally, comrade Hassan              Fill in a standing order form      sense, but purely insofar as decay       CPGB wills
    donated a tenner to one of our           (back page), donate via our        is maybe the inevitable stage we’ve      Remember the CPGB and keep the struggle going. Put our party’s name
    comrades, which means that                website, or send cheques,         reached as a result of that isolation.   and address, together with the amount you wish to leave, in your will. If
    our June fighting fund running            payable to Weekly Worker          Bruno Kretzschmar                        you need further help, do not hesitate to contact us.
4                                                                                                                                                                           June 24 2021 1353 worker


Blue and red walls crack
Should the left refuse to call for a Labour vote because of crap politics and crap candidates? Eddie Ford
calls for strategic thinking, not knee-jerk reactions
   gniting media excitement, last                                                                                                                                          second referendum stance, precisely
   week’s stunning Chesham and                                                                                                                                             by Keir Starmer himself.
   Amersham by-election saw the                                                                                                                                               All of this has to be understood
Liberal Democrats overturn a 16,000                                                                                                                                        in the broader context of chatter
Tory majority by just over 8,000                                                                                                                                           about a centre realignment - not
votes - a swing of 25% and almost                                                                                                                                          just a Lib Dem revival. The recent
57% of the total vote. In another                                                                                                                                          by-elections have set certain minds
humiliation for Keir Starmer, with                                                                                                                                         racing, especially in publications like
Hartlepool a recent memory, Labour                                                                                                                                         The Guardian, about the feasibility
slumped into fourth place behind                                                                                                                                           of a ‘progressive alliance’ under
the Greens, with 622 votes or just                                                                                                                                         which so-called ‘centre-left’ parties
1.6%. This represents the lowest ever                                                                                                                                      would stand down to help other ‘left-
share of the vote by a Labour Party                                                                                                                                        leaning’ parties beat the Tories. It has
candidate in a by-election.                                                                                                                                                to be said that the idea is problematic
    The reasons for the Lib Dem                                                                                                                                            arithmetically      and      electorally.
success are not hard to fathom -                                                                                                                                           Voters do not automatically tend
proposed planning laws, HS2 and                                                                                                                                            to the centre. Far from it. More
Brexit. For instance, 55% in the                                                                                                                                           importantly, the whole ‘centre-left’
Chiltern district voted ‘remain’ on                                                                                                                                        strategy dovetails with the long-held
an 83.6% turnout - the highest figure                                                                                                                                      ruling class project of delabourising
for any area in the UK. And anyone                                                                                                                                         Labour. In other words, eliminating
who knows Chesham and Amersham                                                                                                                                             Labour as any kind of workers’ party.
can confirm that HS2 is a big local                                                                                                                                        What is still a bourgeois workers’
issue. As for planning, nimbyism is                                                                                                                                        party will thereby become simply a
a definite factor. Large numbers of                                                                                                                                        bourgeois party.
well-heeled voters want to defend                                                                                                                                             Starmer has been promising to
their leafy idyll from urban sprawl.                                                                                                                                       travel round the country over the
    That hardly means that we are in                                                                                                                                       summer to ‘hear what people think’.
favour of HS2 and projects like it.                                                                                                                                        The end result, presumably to be
There is no pressing need to knock                                                                                                                                         presented to the truncated Brighton
20-30 minutes off a journey from                                                                                                                                           conference in September, will, of
Birmingham to London, just as there                                                                                                                                        course, owe nothing to ‘what people
was no need to waste huge amounts                                                                                                                                          think’. Instead, expect, well, at least
of money on Concorde to enable the                                                                                                                                         the possibility of Starmer pledging
wealthy elite to jet off to New York                                                                                                                                       to complete what that ‘great election
at more than 30 times the cost of          Sir Keir: delivering bad news                                                                                                   winner’ Tony Blair started.
the cheapest option. Anyway, with                                                                                                                                             Paddy Ashdown revealed in
Chesham and Amersham you had               issue on the doorstep: not surprising,     there have been very few candidates        that would be a good reason to back       2000 that he and Blair “jointly
a strong ‘remain’ constituency that        as Batley and Spen has a large             who have held to a genuinely               it. But it does nothing of the kind.      prepared” for forming a coalition
had always voted Tory since the seat       Muslim population. Given the recent        principled position. The CPGB                  As for LCfFS, its political remit     for up to 18 months before New
was first created in 1974 - therefore      Israeli bombardment of Gaza and            Labour candidates in the early             really ought to be focused on the         Labour’s landslide victory in May
it is fair to conclude that someone        Labour’s ongoing witch-hunt against        1920s can be mentioned. Militant           question of free speech - under           1997.2 According to the ex-Lib Dem
like Jeremy Corbyn must have been          supporters of Palestine (under the         Tendency had three MPs until they          severe attack in the Labour Party.        leader, Blair would have actively
their worst nightmare, for all their       cover of fake anti-Semitism charges)       were purged. Leave aside Militant’s        Is it telling us not to vote Labour       “preferred” to be at the head of a
suspicions of Boris Johnson. This          there is widespread disgust at Sir         crass economism, its clause four           in Batley and Spen? Surely that is        Lib-Lab coalition government rather
time round, it is easy to see why the      Keir and his pro-Zionist regime.           reformism and claims that the Soviet       what “refuse to support” means in         than governing with his large Labour
Lib Dems were such an attractive           Another likely reason for the              Union, China and eastern Europe,           plain English. Is it calling for a vote   majority. Now, once again, we have
option.                                    Tory lead is Labour’s candidate,           even Syria, were workers’ states. The      for Galloway’s Workers Party? Is it       rumours of forming a Democratic or
    As we all know, by-elections           Kim Leadbeater. She is an ardent           likes of Dave Nellist were genuine         calling for an abstention? An active      Progressive party.
allow people to kick the government        remainer, which does not bode              class fighters. But the vast bulk of       boycott? What about the next general         The treatment handed out to
even if they view it traditionally         well for Labour, considering what          Labour MPs - and candidates - are          election?                                 Howard Beckett - who was standing
as their government - then they            happened in Hartlepool. Leadbeater         and always have been pro-capitalist            Labour Party Marxists will be         for the leadership of Unite - seemed
normally revert to type in a general       is also a political lightweight. She       and pro-imperialist. Certainly when        submitting an emergency motion to         suspiciously like a manifestation
election. Thus the last three by-          only rejoined the party when they          it comes to Israel and Palestine, there    the next LCfFS meeting condemning         of that line of march. He was
elections won by Lib Dems all went         offered her the Batley seat. Her only      is been a long and sorry history of        this unfortunate, strategically           suspended from the Labour Party
back into Conservative hands at the        ‘recommendation’ is that she is the        overt pro-Zionism. Kim Leadbeater          disorientated and politically             for his supposedly ‘racist’ remark
following election. This is not to say     sister of the late Saint Jo Cox.           is no different in that respect.           damaging statement on Batley and          in response to the threats of home
that history will automatically repeat         Under       these      circumstances       But the reason why the left should     Spen.                                     secretary Priti Patel to deport
itself in Chesham and Amersham, or         some on the Labour left have put           support Leadbeater in Batley and                                                     migrants, that it was those like Patel
to rule out a Lib Dem revival of some      on display their profound strategic        Spen has absolutely nothing to do          Walls                                     who support such ideas who ought to
sort, but many readers will remember       disorientation. Take the Labour            with her. No, we have a strategic          Well, if the thesis is that Brexit-       be deported. Top union officials do
that every by-election victory by the      Campaign for Free Speech. Not only         perspective of transforming the            supporting former Labour voters in        not normally get treated like ordinary
party is always portrayed by the           does LCfFS not know whether or not         Labour Party into a united front of        the north are changing the political      members who can be suspended.
leadership as heralding a new dawn.        it is a campaign for free speech: it       a special kind. From that strategy,        map, then why cannot it work              Treating Beckett in such a fashion
    There has been a lot of talk, mainly   does not even know whether or not it       tactics flow.                              the other way round? South-east           indicates some sort of central
journalistic, about a historic shift in    is a Labour campaign.                          True, the key question is building     England, especially London, can           decision - it could not have been
British politics - with the ‘Red Wall’         Responding to a “senior Labour         a mass Communist Party. Without            also change the map, because it           Labour’s general secretary, David
still continuing to crumble in the         source”, who told the media that           that there is no possibility whatsoever    strongly voted ‘remain’ in 2016. In       Evans, acting off his own bat. There
north, as shown by Hartlepool, and         Labour        was      “haemorrhaging”     of transforming Labour into a united       a certain sense, nearly anything can      must have been an agreement to deal
now possible cracks appearing in the       Muslim voters, because of “what            front of a special kind, a vehicle in      happen - making me a bit reluctant to     with troublesome union officials.
southern ‘Blue Wall’, as in Chesham        Keir has been doing on anti-               the struggle for socialism. Hence          say that the Chesham and Amersham            Almost since the moment Sir Keir
and Amersham. Is this the beginning        Semitism”, it issued a public              we come to George Galloway and             by-election was simply a flash in         got elected, there has been chatter
of the end of the old two-party            statement on June 22, which charged        his Workers Party. Galloway was,           the pan. On the other hand, we do         about a leadership challenge. But
system dominated by the Tories and         the “senior Labour source” with            from his earliest political days up in     have a two-party system - almost          he knows that this is not going to
the Labour Party? Indeed, there has        implying that “Muslims are anti-           Dundee, a Stalinite. But the Workers       by definition because of the ‘first       happen. Not only is the ‘official left’
been renewed speculation about that        Semitic”. This might or might not          Party is ultra-Stalinite. At its core is   past the post’ voting system, which       in no position to do anything on that
old favourite, the ‘death of Labour’ -     be the case. The language is vague         the old Communist Party of Great           is not going away any time soon.          score. More to the point, those who
at least as the natural second party of    and it could be a simple statement         Britain (Marxist-Leninist), a Stalin       Third parties normally get punished       fancy taking over as Labour leader
government. This sort of speculation,      of fact. It is certainly true that “many   worship society founded by Harpal          electorally.                              will bide their time. Boris Johnson
which we have heard as many times          voters” seem to be turning against         Brar.                                         Actually, in terms of the last         looks set to get rid of the Fixed Term
as a Lib Dem revival, is bound to go       Labour because Starmer “is bowing              It is not that a vote for the          general election, it was surprising       Parliaments Act and go for a ‘you’ve
into overdrive, thanks to the July 1       to the Israeli government and refuses      Workers Party should be ruled out on       that the Lib Dems did so badly. In        never had it so good’ general election
by-election in Batley and Spen - a         to support the Palestinian struggle”.      principle. We supported Galloway           some ways, conditions should have         in 2022 or 2023. If Labour loses, Sir
constituency that voted by 60%             It is also true that this “is not anti-    when he bravely stood in Bethnal           been ideal for them - with Boris          Keir will fall on his sword and the
for ‘leave’. According to a recent         Semitism, it is anti-Zionism”.             Green and Bow in 2005 in protest           Johnson triggering an election            usual suspects will line up to replace
opinion poll by Survation, the Tories          No, the problem with the LCfFS         against Tony Blair and his wars in         squarely around the Europe question,      him - not least, of course, Andy
are ahead on 47% - up 11% from the         statement is the political conclusion:     Afghanistan and Iraq. He also stood        and ‘getting Brexit done’ eating like     Burnham l
2019 general election - while Labour       “In the forthcoming Batley and Spen        successfully in Bradford West in           acid into Labour votes. You would
is on 41%, similar to its 43% winning      by-election, we refuse to support          2012. Brilliant. But it is all too clear   have expected the Lib Dems to make
share at the general election.1            the Labour candidate, an incredible        that in 2021 Galloway is not about to      a bigger impact, since they had a
    A big difference in this by-election   apolitical and nondescript candidate       win again. He could, though, cause         much clearer and less ambiguous
could well be the George Galloway          who was chosen by Keir Starmer             Labour to lose. If the Workers Party       position on Brexit than Jeremy            Notes
factor. Galloway’s Workers Party is        directly.”                                 pointed in the direction of a mass         Corbyn. He had to be dragged almost       for-batley-and-spen-by-election.
on 6% in the polls. Palestine is a real        In the entire history of Labour        Communist Party, even falteringly,         kicking and screaming towards a           2.
worker 1353 June 24 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                           5


Dim end of the wedge
The buffoonery of GB News’s first weeks should not be confused with failure, warns Paul Demarty

           e cannot deny ourselves                                                                                                                                               governance of cultural norms: the
           a giggle at the teething                                                                                                                                              bourgeois professional class. Its
           troubles of GB News - long                                                                                                                                            ideology may be conservative or
hyped by its backers and front men                                                                                                                                               liberal. Eton slang can do the job
(mostly indeed men) as an antidote                                                                                                                                               of policing the closed shop quite as
to the unpatriotic dogmas of the                                                                                                                                                 well as intersectionalite jargon. But,
irretrievably woke BBC, Channel 4                                                                                                                                                in America and Britain, it is clearly
and, er, Sky.                                                                                                                                                                    the latter that actually is dominant.
    Barely an hour passed without                                                                                                                                                It is still Pride month, and there is
some microphone malfunction or                                                                                                                                                   scarcely an in-house PR person in
dropped Zoom stream. The content                                                                                                                                                 all the corporate world who has
was frequently digressive and                                                                                                                                                    not gushed pro-gay copy into the
occasionally hilarious. The most                                                                                                                                                 vortex of social media; so it has also
notorious moment came when,                                                                                                                                                      been with the Black Lives Matter
in the channel’s inevitable first                                                                                                                                                movement and many other bugbears
sally at the Duke and Duchess                                                                                                                                                    of the GB News set.
of Sussex, the eccentric royal
biographer, Lady Colin Campbell,                                                                                                                                                 Wrong choices
aggressively corrected host Dan                                                                                                                                                  The socialist left is thereby presented
Wootton’s characterisation of                                                                                                                                                    with a choice: to back the liberal
Jeffrey Epstein as a “paedophile”                                                                                                                                                bourgeoisie or the right bourgeoisie.
- he was an “ephebophile”, she                                                                                                                                                   Unsurprisingly most choose the
snapped back. Her use of the                                                                                                                                                     former, but not all - there is a
distinction is technically correct,                                                                                                                                              subculture, let us say, of leftwing
but quite comically outside the                                                                                                                                                  people so disillusioned by the
‘good old British common sense’                                                                                                                                                  tediousness of woke liberalism that
that supposedly motivates all this                                                                                                                                               they sympathise more instinctively
drivel.                                                                                                                                                                          with its critics, and accept parts of
    Add it all up and there were                                                                                                                                                 the rightwing narrative - that the left
plenty of insiders prepared to talk         What a shambles                                                                                                                      has become wholly divorced from
anonymously to the website Politics                                                                                                                                              broad masses.
Home, using vocabulary that at              and bureaucrats, the government             etc), and other methods (principally            store in an obscure province.               Both these choices are wrong,
least overlaps with the bar-room            opted to restart the process from           the advertising subsidy to bourgeois            What won’t you find here - cheap         naturally. To take the anti-woke
bores who are presumably the target         scratch and hope to engineer the            media).                                         in price and in quality still lower!     brigade first: even we must admit,
audience. “When it comes to the             right answer this time. Far from                There is secondarily the narrowly           Recollections of the ‘happy’ days        ourselves, to the occasional
live TV side, it’s a clusterfuck,” one      being a plucky underdog fighting            political matter of what this all               of free competition, and hazy            murderous fantasy when somebody
said of the frequent technical screw-       back against the elite, in other words,     appears to be about - the battle that           evocations of the stability of class     talks about ‘decolonising’ something
ups. Apart from that, the channel’s         GB News is merely the thin end of a         is supposed to be going on between              society; hopes for the regeneration      other than an actual colony. The
enemies have resorted to the Bart           giant wedge.                                conservative working class citizens             of the colonial empire, and dreams       underlying analysis, however, is
Simpson tactic of emailing in with              If that is the case, of course, there   in the provinces and cosmopolitan               of a shut-in economy; phrases            incredibly partial. We do not find, on
fake names like “Mike Oxlong”, and          is no reason why it should itself           liberal professionals in the cities             about a return from Roman law            the one side, middle class liberals and,
his old friend “Cleo Torres”.1              emerge as a hegemonic rightwing             - what usually goes by the name                 back to the Germanic, and pleas          on the other, the working class, who
    In spite of all this nonsense, the GB   media apparatus. So far its talking         ‘culture war’ politics. The left has            for an American moratorium; an           hate them and have gone to the right.
News people will be quietly satisfied       points trickle down from print,             coped very badly with this, but in              envious hostility to inequality in       We find, instead, a divided middle
with how things have gone so far -          rather as do those of its incumbent         order to understand why we must                 the person of a proprietor in an         class and a divided proletariat. Lazy
indeed, not so quietly. Their flagship      rivals. But even where TV news              look at things at a slightly higher             automobile, and animal fear of           analysis of, say, Labour’s electoral
programmes topped the ratings               networks have a stronger record of          level.                                          equality in the person of a worker       fortunes - that it has lost the ‘working
among comparable channels three             agenda-setting, as with the cable               The bourgeoisie is, among                   in a cap and without a collar; the       class north’ and become a middle
days in a row - exploiting curiosity,       news giants in the United States,           its many other defects, small. It               frenzy of nationalism, and the fear      class party of the great cities - simply
to be sure, but also indicating that        the picture is not necessarily rosy.        cannot rule without the assistance              of world creditors …2                    misrepresents the cities, as if every
it has an audience of some kind of          With the exception of one or two            of sections of the masses - even if                                                      one of London’s 10 million people
size. The technical glitches will be        shows on Fox, ratings across all            it is only enough to act as soldiers,        GB News is unlikely to organise             was a self-care-obsessed marketing
worked out. “Mike” and “Cleo” will          the major players in that market are        police and bailiffs. The emergence           a fascist regime any time soon,             executive. It just is not true. (Some
take their merry pranksterism off to        rock-bottom and have been more              of liberal-constitutional political          of course. But the atmosphere of            of) the metropolitan elite voted
some other target. The project will be      or less since the end of the Donald         regimes poses bigger problems still,         political crisis it feeds on is quite       Labour in the last few elections, but
judged on its success or failure over       Trump presidency. They became so            since some political decision-making         as laughably contradictory as that          so did their Deliveroo drivers.
months or years, not days.                  dependent on the high drama of that         power devolves to broad layers of            mobilised by Hitler and friends                If the liberal-baiters are off-beam,
    There are reasons enough for            period (and, indeed, are now - with         the masses. The structure of those           under far more severe circumstances.        though, so are the liberal-adjacent.
the bullish and bearish alike. The          the exception of Fox - so laughably         regimes ensures that the plebeian            We are supposed to believe that the         The completely unqualified support
optimists will cite the fact that there     obsequious to the new regime) that          classes cannot in fact impose their          snowflakes want to destroy free             offered to bourgeois anti-racism, for
certainly is widespread alienation          its end posed something close to            agenda within the rules of the game;         speech, and therefore that stringent        example, by the Socialist Workers
from the existing establishment             an existential question. What on            but it cannot, by definition, prevent        controls on political speech in the         Party commits it to an ideology that
broadcast media, much of it fed by          earth is Rachel Maddow for if she           the popular classes from setting out         academy are necessary; that the             is just as much a legitimation of
tabloid hysteria of a rightwing sort.       can no longer relitigate Russiagate         to overthrow the rules of the game.          appearance of a single, vaguely             bourgeois rule as the harrumphing of
For all its laughable chatter about         conspiracy theories ad nauseam?                 Consent is necessary to ensure           liberal junior prince is a catastrophe      Andrew Neil. It supposes that simply
‘bringing the country together’, the            The power of new digital media          any level of smooth functioning,             that will undo thousands of years of        by performatively ‘challenging
new channel is straightforwardly            platforms is - we have often argued         and consent must in the end be               ‘Anglo-Saxon liberty’ and bulldog           racism’ (etc) it is possible to defeat
a culture war initiative. On offer is       in this paper - often overstated, but       obtained by the appearance of unity          spirit; and so it goes on - pair after      the right; but, if anything, at the
strictly the sort of ‘bringing together’    the factor that is itself overstated        of interests between the bourgeoisie         disconnected pair of opposed                moment the opposite is true - the
that is accomplished by the sacrifice       is, precisely, the ability of internet-     and sections of the popular classes.         grievances, united only in their            more hysterical official anti-
of the scapegoat. The metropolitan          only outlets to set the wider media         But that appearance is necessarily           vulgarity and their superficially           racism gets, the more prone it is
liberal elite woke thought police           agenda. Until GB News can get out           false by the sheer logic of capitalist       seamless assemblage in rightwing            to embarrassments, and the more
are not invited to this party, except       from under tabloid talking points,          society. The proletariat is reduced to       media discourse.                            energised its reactionary opponents
inasmuch as they are the main course        there is no reason why it should            a slave class; the petty bourgeoisie             The utility of this sort of thing       become.
at the great feast.                         triumph over a professionally-run           tends to be dissolved into the               is, first of all, that it is divisive: in      A worthwhile political project
    Besides         these     ideological   YouTube channel - which, after all,         proletariat, so its fate is hardly better.   submitting to it, one assumes that          would offer a response to racist,
conditions are the institutional ones.      is not subject to Ofcom regulation or       So all bourgeois political regimes           there is an enemy to be fought, and         sexist and other oppression that
GB News has an air of ‘officialness’        the overheads associated with over-         must offer concessions - and ideally         tacitly assents to this enemy’s endless     was not only independent from but
lacking in the YouTube ranters; it is,      the-air broadcast. At the same time,        sectional concessions that provide           shifting in scope. Just as ‘Judeo-          sharply counterposed to that of the
after all, regulated by Ofcom. But          there is no reason why the press            the semblance of a stake in the extant       Bolshevism’ could, in the 1930s,            liberals; and it would offer a critique
the regulation of the broadcast media       should continue to play that agenda-        regime.                                      include everyone from freemasons            of the liberals that gave no quarter
is changing, and it is plain that the       setting role more or less exclusively.          Such ideological blocs are built         to Zionists to council communists,          to reactionary ‘common sense’. To
government wants to start backing           (The print media are hardly in better       up piecemeal, and hardly need to             so ‘cultural Marxism’ today may as          offer such things, of course, demands
its kind of media. In the background        health than US cable networks.)             make any sense. It is admittedly an          well be defined as ‘the sum total of        what we do not have - a robust set
to this story is the question of who,                                                   over-sensational comparison, but             things to have annoyed Ben Shapiro          of media of our very own, up even
exactly, is to be the regulator’s new       Right v left                                Trotsky’s sarcastic description of the       this week’.                                 to the shaky standards of GB News
chair. It is plain that the government      Whether GB News or some other               programme of the Nazis captures                  There is a reality, of course, to the   thus far l
favours Paul Dacre, the notorious           ghoulish outfit ultimately succeeds,        well the sheer stupidity of these            constitution of this ‘enemy camp’,
former Daily Mail editor, scourge           we must confront the fact that              assemblages:                                 which is an important part of the 
of liberals and a BBC-phobe. His            it is far easier to imagine the                                                          story. There is a section of the middle
application for the job was rejected        breakthrough coming from the right             The programme with which                  class whose means of life is obtained       Notes
by Ofcom’s interview panel at the           than the left. Partly that is a matter         National Socialism came to                primarily by control of ‘intellectual       week-chaos.
end of May, but instead of proceeding       of the institutional support we have           power reminds one very much               property’ in the form of skills             2.
down the list of uninspiring ex-MPs         mentioned (the suborning of Ofcom,             - alas - of a Jewish department           monopolies, but also of informal            germany/1933/330610.htm.
6                                                                                                                                                                              June 24 2021 1353 worker


No-platforming fraud
Government proposals for legislation to ‘protect free speech’ in universities are part of the ongoing culture
wars designed to please the rightwing press, argues Mike Macnair. This article is adapted from his June 20
Online Communist Forum talk
      he government announced in                                                                                                                                              always possible to argue that it raises
      the May 11 queen’s speech                                                                                                                                               ‘difficult issues’, which need to go
      that it would legislate to                                                                                                                                              to the high court - or to run up costs
protect “free speech” in universities                                                                                                                                         by appealing. Indeed, these claims
and       other       higher-education                                                                                                                                        are probably going to be treated as
providers (HEPs). The proposal                                                                                                                                                analogous to defamation claims:
is accompanied by an escalating                                                                                                                                               because certainly what a speaker
‘culture wars’ campaign in the Tory                                                                                                                                           who has been no-platformed is really
press, which complains of both                                                                                                                                                complaining of is the reputational
‘wokeness’ and ‘cancel culture’.                                                                                                                                              damage of being accused of being a
   But these proposals arrive                                                                                                                                                 racist, or a trans-exclusionary radical
contemporaneously with the same                                                                                                                                               feminist (Terf), or whatever - not the
Tory press campaigning for ‘cancel                                                                                                                                            loss of the price of a rail ticket and
culture’ in relation to pro-Palestinian                                                                                                                                       such-like expenses. So, although this
speech. At the university where I                                                                                                                                             claim is not a defamation claim, it
happen to work, Oxford, March                                                                                                                                                 is very much like one - and it will
this year saw a no-platforming                                                                                                                                                almost certainly wind up being taken
campaign mounted in the name of                                                                                                                                               over by the specialists in defamation.
‘political correctness’ - ‘anti-racism’                                                                                                                                           The best description of the activity
- against Ken Loach being invited                                                                                                                                             of these specialists is to say that
to speak at St Peter’s College. In                                                                                                                                            the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
this context, the idea that we should                                                                                                                                         (Windsor) has since the middle
believe that the Conservative Party is                                                                                                                                        of the 19th century been selling
committed to freedom of speech and                                                                                                                                            and denying justice in violation of
academic freedom in universities                                                                                                                                              Magna Carta chapter 29, which is
and other HEPs would become                                                                                                                                                   one of the few parts that have not
frankly laughable if it were not for                                                                                                                                          been repealed: the crown promises
the evident success of these ‘big lie’                                                                                                                                        not to sell or deny justice. True, you
techniques in recent years                                                                                                                                                    do not personally pay the queen,
   ‘Leon Trotsky was a fascist, and I                                                                                                                                         as people used to personally pay
know it for a fact. First I said it, then I                                                                                                                                   King John for expedited treatment,
read it in the Hitler-Stalin pact.’ And                                                                                                                                       or to stop their opponents’ judicial
then you have: ‘Saddam Hussein                                                                                                                                                proceedings.       Queen      Victoria,
had weapons of mass destruction’;                                                                                                                                             Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII,
‘Barack Obama was not born in the                                                                                                                                             George VI and Elizabeth II have not
USA’; ‘Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-              Big mouth: advertising-funded media                                                                                             personally been taking money for
Semite’; ‘Donald Trump is a Russian                                                                                                                                           selling and denying justice. Rather,
agent’; ‘Brexit will allow a massive          administrations against campaigns         does not propose to change that           the OfS as opposed to the Charity           they have been franchising the sale
increase in health spending’; ‘British        like the attempt to no-platform Ken       requirement, and I do not think that      Commission is supposed, according           and denial of justice to the Bar of
success with vaccination is the               Loach, and St Peter’s College was         it will insist on student assemblies at   to the government’s consultation            England and Wales and the Law
product of the private sector’, and so        tough-minded enough to see this           which the vice-chancellor will stand      paper, to produce a more hands-on           Society through the ‘free market in
on, and so on …                               one off. The government proposes          up and read out the government’s          regulatory operation through the free       legal services’ - and in particular in
   The government already trailed             to ‘tighten up’ the section 43 rule,      favoured text about free speech           speech tsar dealing with complaints         relation to defamation claims. The
the idea of legislating for ‘free             although it does not say exactly how      policy.                                   against student unions that they have       extortionate charges of barristers and
speech in universities’ and ‘academic         it proposes to do so.                        Fourth, student unions will be         promoted anti-free speech operations        solicitors dealing with defamation
freedom’ in February.1 If what it                 Secondly there will be a new          directly regulated by OfS. The            in some way.                                claims operate to price both lower-
now puts forward is even remotely             ‘director of free speech’ within the      present position is that student             Fifth and finally, there is going        class claimants and lower-class
similar to its February proposals, it         Office for Students regulatory body.      unions have the rather ambiguous          to be a new tort liability against          defendants out of the right to their
will in substance be sham legislation,        Now the OfS technically already           character that they are in theory         universities for violation of free          day in court.
which serves merely to support the            requires universities to lay out how      charities, and as such are regulated      speech duty under section 43. Thus              It is, of course, not just in
Tory press’s culture-wars agenda              they are going to comply with section     by the Charity Commission. In the         a civil action for damages will lie         defamation, but more generally
and win favourable headlines in the           43 as a condition of their registration   1970s it used to be a fun activity        in favour of people who claim to            true that usually in litigation ‘deep
Daily Hate Mail, without making               and hence their being entitled to         for rightwing law students to bring       have suffered loss as a result of           pockets win’ - the research has not
any significant difference to what            award degrees. But all that means         judicial review proceedings against       a cancellation: the organisers of           been done in this country, but in the
happens in the real world.                    is that universities have to submit       student unions which tried to pass        meetings which have been cancelled          USA it turns out that it is predictable
   Even if the government had                 forms and tick boxes to show that         anti-apartheid motions and such-like,     and have then still had to pay              who will win in public nuisance
had a serious and honest intention            they have a pro-free speech policy.       on the ground that this was political     money for rooms they have booked;           cases in connection with pollution
of increasing freedom of speech               The new director of free speech           activity which student unions are         speakers who have incurred travel           on the basis of who spends more. Out
in universities and other HEPs, it            within the office for students will be    not allowed to engage in! There           costs, and so on.                           of court, Hazel Genn’s 1987 book
would be radically inconsistent to            a person who will be responsible for      is a curious conflict between the            The background to this is that           Hard bargaining4 demonstrated
run a campaign in favour of no-               promoting this regulatory framework       idea that, on the one hand, student       the courts have ruled that section 43       empirically that tort claimants
platforming people like Ken Loach,            and further will be responsible for       unions are charities and, on the other,   does not create a civil (tort) liability.   in relation to industrial and road
campaign against so-called ‘anti-             hearing and dealing with complaints       they represent student interests in       This is part of a much more general         accidents usually wind up settling
Semitism’ (meaning merely support             from students and others about            negotiation with universities. In         phenomenon of the courts trying             for much less than the law says
for the Palestinians) and demand that         violation of the section 43 duty.         addition, it is generally part of the     to limit the scope of tort liabilities      they should get for their injuries,
universities adopt the “International             The OfS is to be given increased      culture of higher education that          for breach of statutory duties. The         because the ability of the defendant
Holocaust RemembranceAssociation              power to sanction universities            student unions are supposed to be         purpose of this general policy, which       insurance companies to exhaust the
definition      of     anti-Semitism”.        which are not compliant with its          autonomous bodies and not simply          started in the late 19th century, is        resources of the claimant’s lawyers
This activity, backed by the Tory             free speech instructions. But, given      emanations of the university or           to protect businesses against being         is so effective. Again, Vince Cable’s
government, is from beginning to              that it already has the power to take     state; and in consequence they are        liable to compensate workers for            wizard wheeze choked off most
end a no-platforming/‘cancel culture’         away the degree-awarding powers           also supposed to be the institutions      breaches of the factories acts and          employment tribunal applications
campaign on the basis of political            if there is non-compliance with the       through which students learn how to       later safety legislation; or neighbours     by pushing the fees up so much that
correctness. The political correctness        section, it is not clear that ‘enhanced   do politics (albeit the politics of the   in relation to ‘statutory nuisances’;       people could not afford it - to the
in this case being that anti-Zionism          powers’ will make any difference.         labour bureaucracy).                      or ‘statutory undertakers’ like water       point that finally the UK Supreme
is allegedly anti-Semitism, and               By analogy with similar figures,             It is true that they are not           companies against liability for             Court struck it down as being an
therefore racism, and that it therefore       the ‘director of free speech’ could       financially autonomous. This has          failing to maintain a sufficient water      abuse of the power to set fees.5
ought to be no-platformed and so on.          be known as the ‘free speech tsar’        a history, connected to the issue of      pressure for fire brigade use (the              So my point here is that what the
                                              (like the ‘drugs tsar’), which would      political action. Because student         original case).3 Because there is not       government proposes in creating a
Proposals                                     be a nice contradiction in terms - the    unions have not been reliably             a tort liability, the only remedy is        tort liability is carefully designed
What then are the concrete proposals          February consultation paper avoided       Conservative, Tory governments            judicial review proceedings. There          to be under the control of this
which government is making                    this problem by calling the official      have gradually attacked their             is merely a right to apply for the          mechanism. Tort liability as such is
for legislation on ‘free speech in            the “free speech champion”.               practical autonomy.2 But the Charity      decision to be quashed by the court         necessarily controlled by the use of
universities’? The background                     Thirdly, there will be tighter        Commission, while promoting               - useless after a meeting has been          legal fees to choke off or facilitate
context is that already - by virtue           regulation of universities’ free speech   “independent” trustee arrangements        cancelled, for instance. So creating        access to justice. We can see that
of the Education (No2) Act, 1986,             policies: ie, a body of text prescribed   and lawyer control of student             a new tort liability is supposed to be      also in relation to the Labour Party’s
section 43 - universities and other           by the OfS to be compulsory in            union decisions, has been relatively      beneficial from the point of view of        disciplinary proceedings in the ‘anti-
institutions of higher education are          university free speech policies. The      hands-off in practice - reflecting        deterring anti-free speech decisions.       Semitism’ campaigns, where the
under a statutory duty to secure              OfS already requires universities to      the underlying conflict between              How will a tort liability be             litigation brought by supporters of
and promote freedom of speech on              tell students about their free speech     charity status, and representative and    enforced? In theory, if it is for a small   the witch-hunt has been heard very
campus. This section can indeed               policies every year; HEPs merely put      political-training purposes. Bringing     amount of money, it can be brought          rapidly and this has been backed up
help put backbone in university               them on websites. The government          student unions under the remit of         in the small claims court, but it is        by no doubt very substantial sums
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