Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp

Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp
Doing business in
New Zealand
March 2022
Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp

1        About Chapman Tripp
                                             19        Taxation within New Zealand
                                                                                          37        Financial services
                                                                                                    in New Zealand

2        New Zealand at a glance
                                             22        New Zealand’s cross-
                                                       border tax regime
                                                                                          42        Investing in New Zealand’s
                                                                                                    capital markets

4        Overseas investment
         in New Zealand
                                             25        Contract law in New Zealand

                                                                                          44        Fundraising in New Zealand

7        Establishing a business
                                             26        Consumer protections
         in New Zealand                                in New Zealand
                                                                                          46        Insolvency in New Zealand

9        Buying and developing real
         estate in New Zealand               29        Employment and health and
                                                       safety law in New Zealand          48        Resolving disputes
                                                                                                    in New Zealand

14       Environment and
         resource management                 32        Anti-trust, competition
                                                       law in New Zealand                 50        Emigrating to New Zealand

         law in New Zealand

                                             34        Intellectual property

17       New Zealand Māori and
         the Treaty of Waitangi
                                                       in New Zealand

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided but it should not be relied upon as a basis for making
business decisions as circumstances, business conditions, government policy and interpretation of the law may change.
Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp
About Chapman Tripp

Chapman Tripp, New Zealand's leading law firm, can offer you a national, full service team.                                        New Zealand Law Awards 2021:

Established in 1876, we have a reputation for excellence and a long track record of delivering                                     Large Law Firm of the Year
innovative, commercial solutions which respond to the individual needs of our clients.                                             KangaNews Awards 2021:
Our advice is clear and commercial.         Chapman Tripp has an international          We recommend you speak to us about         New Zealand Law Firm of the
We help you mitigate risk and maximise      client base and has been involved in        your investment requirements before        Year (sixth consecutive year)
your investment through all phases of       some of the most high profile Overseas      making any decisions so that we can
your business venture – from evaluating     Investment Office applications of recent    provide you with advice that is specific
                                                                                                                                   Australasian Law Awards 2021:
potential investment opportunities          times. We play a key role in mergers        to your needs.
and acting on acquisitions through to       and acquisitions, banking, financing,                                                  New Zealand Deal Firm of
advising on the most efficient way to       insolvency, restructuring, procurement      You can read more about Chapman Tripp
                                                                                                                                   the Year
structure your business, the day-to-day     processes, large scale infrastructure
operational issues you need to be aware     projects and dispute resolution.
                                                                                                                                   Chambers Asia Pacific Awards 2021:
of and, should it eventuate, how to
achieve a successful exit strategy.         We have more than 60 partners and                                                      New Zealand Law Firm
                                            around 200 legal staff with offices
                                                                                                                                   of the Year

We also help you to make sense of the       in Auckland (the economic centre of
New Zealand regulatory and cultural         New Zealand and home to more than a
environment. We will represent your         third of the population), Wellington (the                                              NZ Lawyer 2020:
business interests to relevant regulatory   seat of government) and Christchurch        Our advice is clear and                    Most Innovative Firm List
bodies, including the Overseas
Investment Office, and will guide you
                                            (the South Island’s commercial hub).
                                                                                        commercial. We help
                                                                                                                                   NZ Lawyer 2020:
through the resource management             This guide is designed to provide the       you mitigate risk and                      Employer of Choice List 2020
                                            prospective investor with an introduction
consent process and the best approach
for dealing with Māori law.                 to New Zealand’s legal framework. The       maximise your investment
                                            information is accurate at the time of      through all phases of your
                                            publication but is necessarily high level
                                                                                        business venture.

                                            and generic so should not be relied upon
                                            as a basis for decision-making.

Doing business in New Zealand
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Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp
New Zealand                     Geography
                                New Zealand is situated in the South
                                                                               New Zealand culture values fairness,
                                                                                                                             New Zealand is a safe place to invest

at a glance                     Pacific Ocean, with a land area
                                equivalent to Japan or Britain. We have
                                                                               ingenuity, practicality, modesty, restraint
                                                                               and informality. English is the everyday
                                                                                                                             and is currently ranked first of 190
                                                                                                                             economies by the World Bank for ease
                                one of the largest exclusive economic          language but Māori and sign language          of doing business.
                                zones in the world at 4.1 million              are also recognised as official languages.
                                square kilometres.                                                                           Major exports include dairy products,
                                                                               We aspire to be a multi-cultural society      meat, timber and minerals. We also
                                New Zealand consists of two main               but accord a special significance to          have developing industries in export
                                islands – the North Island and the South       Māori culture, reflecting that Māori are      education, boat building, IT, horticulture,
                                Island. It has a temperate climate and         the indigenous people of this land.           wine and film.
                                offers a high quality of life with clean air
                                and easy access to nature.                                                                   Our stock exchange is the first in the
                                                                               Political and legal system                    world to open trading each day – two
                                                                                                                             hours ahead of Sydney, three hours
                                Population                                     New Zealand is consistently rated in the
                                                                               top four by Transparency International
                                                                                                                             ahead of Tokyo, four hours ahead of
                                The resident population is just over                                                         Beijing, 12 hours ahead of London and
                                                                               for freedom from corruption. We
                                5 million, one third of whom live in                                                         17 hours ahead of New York.
                                                                               have a common law legal system
                                Auckland.                                      based on the British model, with an           The currency is based on the
                                                                               independent judiciary.                        New Zealand dollar, which is freely
                                New Zealand is a nation of migrants,
                                with one of the most ethnically diverse                                                      floated against all major currencies.
                                                                               New Zealand has a stable parliamentary
                                populations in the world and a large “ex-      democracy with a proportional voting
                                pat” community that provides important         system which usually (but not always)
                                international linkages.                        produces coalition governments. The
                                                                               two major parties, which would generally
                                                                               lead a coalition government, are National
                                                                               at the conservative end of the spectrum
                                                                               and Labour at the liberal end.

                                                                               Currently, we have a Labour Government
                                                                               that includes two Ministers outside
                                                                               Cabinet from the Green Party.

                                                                               The British sovereign is the titular
                                                                               Head of State and is represented in
                                                                               New Zealand by a Governor-General.

Doing business in New Zealand
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Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp
Free trade agreements                       ALERT
                                            Want to know more?
New Zealand supports trade
liberalisation and is party to a large
                                            Go to:
number of free trade agreements,
including with Australia, China, Hong
Kong, Chinese Taipei, South Korea,
ASEAN, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia,       in-nz or
Brunei and Chile. We are also signatories   or-raise-capital-with-nzte
to the Comprehensive and Progressive
Trans-Pacific Partnership and to the
Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership (RCEP).

Information on New Zealand’s
international trading agreements can be
found on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and Trade website:

New Zealand currently rates number two
by Transparency International for freedom
from corruption.

Doing business in New Zealand
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Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp
Overseas                          Key points
                                  •   New Zealand recognises the positive
                                                                                When is consent
                                                                                                                             Residential land
                                                                                                                             The sale of residential property,

investment in                         economic and social contribution
                                      foreign investment brings to
                                                                                Overseas Investment Office (OIO)
                                                                                consent may be required if the target
                                                                                                                             including lifestyle blocks and unit titles,
                                                                                                                             is restricted to:
                                      New Zealanders.
New Zealand                       •   New Zealand consistently ranks
                                      highly as an attractive investment
                                                                                business possesses any of the following:

                                                                                •    significant business assets - where
                                                                                                                             •   New Zealand citizens and persons
                                                                                                                                 “ordinarily resident in New Zealand”
                                                                                                                                 (which, in this context, means holding
                                      destination, with various studies              the cost of an acquisition, or the
                                                                                                                                 a permanent resident visa, having
                                      identifying the ease of doing                  value of the applicable New Zealand
                                                                                                                                 resided in New Zealand for at least
                                      business, low level of corruption, high        assets, exceeds NZ$100 million.
                                                                                                                                 a year and having been present in
                                      quality of regulations, adherence to           Non-government investors from all
                                                                                                                                 New Zealand for at least 183 days in
                                      the rule of law, significant investor          Comprehensive and Progressive
                                                                                                                                 the past year)
                                      protections, and protection of                 Agreement for Trans-Pacific
                                      personal freedoms accorded to                  Partnership (CPTPP) countries have
                                                                                                                             •   individuals who obtain consent on
                                      investors in New Zealand.                      a higher threshold and Australia has
                                                                                                                                 the basis that they are acquiring
                                                                                     a special arrangement under the CER
                                  •   Not all overseas investments into                                                          a home to live in and have made
                                                                                     Investment Protocol)
                                      New Zealand require consent                                                                a commitment to reside in
                                      or notification. Like most other          •    an interest in sensitive land, or           New Zealand, and
                                      countries, however, New Zealand           •    fishing quota.
                                      does require overseas persons                                                          •   investors who can demonstrate
                                      to obtain consent for, or to notify                                                        through obtaining OIO consent that
                                      certain types of investments.                                                              they will be developing the land and
                                                                                                                                 adding to New Zealand's housing
                                  •   Even if consent is not required,              The definition of sensitive land is          supply, or using the land for a non-
                                      an investment into critical or                                                             residential use or for a residential
                                                                                    very detailed and requires careful
                                      strategically important business can                                                       use that is incidental to the investor’s
                                      require notification for consideration        checking and analysis from qualified
                                                                                    advisers. In particular, land may            core business.
                                      under the national security and
                                      public order regime.                          be “sensitive” if it adjoins certain
                                                                                                                             Exemptions are available for Australians
                                                                                    types of land, or is “associated” with
                                                                                                                             and Singaporeans under New Zealand’s
                                                                                    other land already controlled by an      treaty obligations with these
                                                                                    overseas person.                         jurisdictions.

Tessa Baker – Partner
T: +64 9 357 9502
M: +64 27 622 3161

Doing business in New Zealand
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Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp
Consent criteria
                                                 Sensitive land   To obtain consent, the overseas investor will need to demonstrate that the purchase will bring benefits additional to the
In general, all applicants (including persons                     status quo. These benefits are assessed against a variety of economic, social and conservation factors. Benefits need
with control of the applicant if the applicant                    to be proportionate to the nature of the investment being made (so more minor transactions do not require such a high
is an entity) are required to meet a bright                       threshold) All residential land, including “lifestyle,” is included in the sensitive land category.
line investor test comprising a closed list of
character and capability factors.                Farm land        Farm land must be offered on the open market before a sale to an overseas person can be entered into. Exemptions
The character factors include:                                    from this requirement can be obtained, but only in special circumstances and at the discretion of the relevant Minister.
                                                                  The overseas investor will need to show that the benefits to New Zealand arising from the investment are substantial,
•   convictions resulting in imprisonment                         including economic benefits (such as employment, new technology and business skills, increased productivity,
                                                                  increased exports, processing of primary products), a reduced risk of illiquid assets, and local oversight and
•   corporate fines, in New Zealand or                            participation. The type and level of benefits required mean it is difficult for an overseas investor to obtain consent to
    overseas, and                                                 buy farm land without substantial enhancements proposed.

•   being ineligible to come to
                                                 Fresh or         These include marine or coastal areas, riverbeds or lakebeds that form part of sensitive land. The fresh or
    New Zealand.                                 seawater         seawater areas of the sensitive land must be offered to the New Zealand Government as a part of the OIO consent
                                                 areas            application process.
The capability factors include:
•   prohibitions on being a director,            Residential      For transactions involving residential land (which is not otherwise sensitive), the overseas investor will need either to
    promotor, or manager of a company            land             satisfy the benefit to New Zealand criteria or one of four alternative tests: a commitment to reside in New Zealand,
                                                                  increased housing supply, non-residential use or incidental residential use.
•   penalties for tax avoidance or
    evasion, and                                 Leases           Leasehold interests in sensitive residential land for a remaining term of more than three years, including renewals, and
                                                                  more than 10 years, including renewals, for otherwise sensitive land will require consent. Prior leased interests may
•   unpaid tax of $5 million or more.                             need to be included in this calculation.

A national interest assessment may               Forest land      Overseas investors wanting to buy forest land – being land over five hectares devoted principally to forestry – will need
be applied to transactions involving                              to satisfy either the benefit to New Zealand criteria or one of two alternative streamlined tests: the special forestry
strategically important businesses, an                            test or the modified benefits test, both of which involve replanting after harvest. The OIA also covers the acquisition of
overseas government investor, or an area of                       forestry rights over 1000 hectares per annum. Announcements have been made that land to be converted into forestry
specific national interest. This assessment,                      will shortly need to meet the benefit to New Zealand test (rather than the special forestry test).
which is applied infrequently, is designed
to ensure that overseas investments in
                                                 Strategically    Transactions involving a strategically important business (such as military or dual-use technology, ports or airports,
sensitive and high-risk assets are not
                                                 important        electricity, water, telecommunications, and financial market infrastructure) are subject to a national interest assessment
contrary to New Zealand’s national interests.    infrastructure   taking into account a range of factors, the importance of which can vary depending on the investment.
Certain investments have additional criteria
that must be met for consent to be granted
(see the following table). We recommend
you check with a qualified adviser on
these requirements.

Doing business in New Zealand
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Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp
Off-shore transactions                     We recommend that potential investors       Consent conditions
                                           engage New Zealand legal counsel early
Transactions occurring outside                                                         Consent will be granted subject to
                                           in the investment process to assess
New Zealand may still require OIO                                                      various conditions with which the
                                           whether consent is needed and to
consent if the target business has                                                     applicant must comply and against
                                           ensure that there are no unnecessary
interests in land or other assets in                                                   which applicants must report. Often
                                           delays. An application for consent can
New Zealand. OIO implications for off-                                                 the conditions will reflect the nature
                                           require preparing a large amount of
shore transactions should be assessed                                                  of the benefits claimed to support the
                                           information on the investor and the plans
early in the transaction process to                                                    transaction in the consent application.
                                           for the investment.
ensure that OIO timeframes do not                                                      Standard conditions include a
cause unnecessary delays.                  Assessment times can be found at            requirement to dispose of the interest if
                                           consent conditions are not met.
Consent application                        investment/discover/our-assessment-
                                                                                       Class exemptions
process                                                                                The requirements for consent do not
The consent application process is                                                     apply to certain situations covered by
administered by the OIO and governed                                                   class exemptions including:
by the Overseas Investment Act 2005          ALERT                                     •   transfers within 75% wholly
(the Act) and accompanying regulations.                                                    owned groups
                                             The formal assessment timeframes
The overall consent decision rests with      were introduced in November 2021
the relevant Ministers. The OIO assesses     and are being phased in. The OIO          •   where there is no increase in ultimate
the consent applications, and makes                                                        overseas ownership and control
                                             can pause an application timeframe
recommendations to the Ministers.            and also extend the timeframe.
For certain applications the OIO                                                       •   acquisition of redeemable
                                             We can advise you on timeframe                preference shares
itself makes consent decisions under         risks when advising on specific
delegated authority from theMinisters.
                                             transactions.                             •   security arrangements in the ordinary
National interest assessments are made
by the Minister of Finance and are                                                         course of business that secure
not delegated.                                                                             payment or performance of an
                                                                                           obligation, and

                                                                                       •   underwriting of an issue of securities
                                                                                           in the ordinary course of business,
                                                                                           provided that the position is held for
                                                                                           less than six months and voting rights
                                                                                           are not exercised.

Doing business in New Zealand
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Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp
Establishing                     Key points
                                 •    Overseas persons can directly own
                                                                              Types of business
                                                                              entities in New Zealand
                                                                                                                             Establishing a
                                                                                                                             New Zealand
a business in                         assets and operate businesses in
                                      New Zealand, or establish subsidiary
                                                                              Overseas investors can undertake
                                                                              business in New Zealand through
                                                                                                                             subsidiary company
                                      entities to own assets and operate                                                     A New Zealand company is a separate
New Zealand                      •
                                      businesses in New Zealand.
                                      Overseas companies and limited
                                                                              various structures:

                                                                              •   branches
                                                                                                                             legal entity responsible for its own assets
                                                                                                                             and liabilities. There is no restriction on
                                      partnerships which intend to carry                                                     the size of a company’s share capital.
                                                                              •   subsidiaries                               There are no residency restrictions
                                      on business in New Zealand need
                                      to register with the New Zealand        •   limited partnerships                       on shareholders.
                                      Companies Office within 10 days of      •   joint ventures/general partnerships.       Key points to note
                                      starting business in New Zealand.
                                                                                                                             •    Every New Zealand company
                                 •    Overseas entities will need to          Establishing a                                      requires at least one New Zealand
                                      obtain a New Zealand tax number
                                      and, depending on the volume of         New Zealand branch                                  resident director or one Australian
                                                                                                                                  resident director who is also a
                                      business, may be required to register   An overseas company that carries                    director of an Australian company. As
                                      for the Goods and Services Tax.         on business in New Zealand must be                  long as this requirement is fulfilled, a
                                                                              registered on the Companies Office                  New Zealand company may have any
                                     ALERT                                    Overseas Register within 10 working                 number of overseas directors.
                                                                              days of business commencing. Business
                                     Unlike other countries, the                                                             •    Directors must comply with their duties
                                                                              is carried out in New Zealand if an
                                     Companies Register maintained                                                                under the Companies Act 1993. There
                                                                              overseas company:
                                     by the New Zealand Companies                                                                 is no requirement for a company to
                                     Office is publicly available,            •   establishes or uses a share transfer            have a company secretary.
                                     including information regarding              office or a share registration office in   •    The Companies Office may require
                                     directors and shareholders, such             New Zealand, or                                 a certified proof of identity (e.g.
                                     as their residential address and full    •   administers, manages, or deals with             passport) and a certified proof of
                                     legal name.                                  property in New Zealand as an agent,            residential address (e.g. utilities
                                                                                  personal representative or trustee,             bill) for overseas directors when
                                                                                  whether through its employees or an             registering a company.
                                                                                  agent or in any other manner.              •    Every New Zealand company
                                                                                                                                  requires a New Zealand registered
                                                                              The New Zealand component of                        office address/address for service.
                                                                              business operations is governed by
                                                                              New Zealand law. The New Zealand
                                                                              Branch remains the same legal entity as            ALERT
Tim Tubman – Partner
T: +64 9 357 9076
                                                                              the overseas company, and there is no              We can assist and put you in touch
M: +64 27 344 2178                                                            sheltering of liability.                           with providers of professional
                                                                                                                                 director and registered office
                                                                                                                                 services in New Zealand.
Doing business in New Zealand
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Doing business in New Zealand - A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS March 2022 - Chapman Tripp
Entering a joint venture/
Establishing a limited                        general partnership
                                                                                                       Branch                     Subsidiary                Limited partnership

partnership                                   Joint ventures for a particular project      Liability   Because the branch         A special purpose         The general partner
The rules governing limited partnerships      can be carried out by a company, a                       is legally the overseas    subsidiary may help       (which may be a
in New Zealand are similar to those           limited partnership or an unincorporated                 company, there is no       ring-fence liability.     company) manages
applying in other jurisdictions, including    contractual joint venture.                               sheltering of liability.   But in practice, unless   the business and
                                                                                                                                  the subsidiary is         can be liable for any
Delaware, Australia and the Channel
                                              A general partnership is not a separate                                             substantial in its own    debts and obligations
Islands. The distinctive feature of the
                                              legal person and each partner is jointly                                            right, any significant    which the limited
limited partnership model is that it acts
                                              and severally liable for the debts of                                               commercial dealings       partnership itself is
as a look-through vehicle for income tax                                                                                          may need to be            unable to meet. The
purposes while affording the protections      the partnership. Responsibilities and
                                              liabilities can be allocated according                                              guaranteed by the         limited partners are
of limited liability to its members. A                                                                                            overseas parent.          passive investors and
limited partnership must have at least        to a partnership deed, but partners
                                                                                                                                                            their liability is limited
one general partner and one limited           do not enjoy the protection of limited
                                                                                                                                                            to the amount of
partner, who cannot be the same person.       liability. For this reason, some investors
                                                                                                                                                            capital they agree to
A general partner is jointly and severally    prefer to pursue joint ventures through                                                                       contribute.
liable with the limited partnership and       a special purpose vehicle company or
any other general partners for the            limited partnership.                         Tax         The branch will            The subsidiary is         Limited partners are
unpaid debts and liabilities of the limited                                                            generally be               a New Zealand             treated as holding
partnership. A general partner can be                                                                  considered to              tax resident and          the assets of the
an overseas company provided it is            Branch, subsidiary or                                    be non-resident            will be subject to        limited partnership
registered in New Zealand with at least                                                                for tax purposes,          New Zealand tax           and personally
one director who lives in New Zealand or
                                              limited partnership?                                     with the effect            on the subsidiary’s       derive the income
who lives in Australia and is a director of   There are advantages to each of                          that the overseas          worldwide income.         and deductions.
                                                                                                       company will have          Losses cannot             This enables them
an Australian company.                        the three options, depending on
                                                                                                       to pay any tax             be offset against         to distribute capital
                                              the circumstances.
A limited partner has the protection of                                                                obligations incurred       any income of             gains among
limited liability, but must not take any                                                               in New Zealand but         the overseas              themselves tax free
                                                                                                       may also be able to        parent and cannot         and to pass through
part in the management of the limited
                                                                                                       include the branch         usually be claimed        tax losses (although
partnership. A limited partner can be an
                                                                                                       activities in the tax      in the parent’s           only to the extent of
overseas person.                                                                                       return filed in the        home jurisdiction.        that limited partner’s
                                                                                                       home jurisdiction of                                 exposure to the loss).
                                                                                                       the head office.

                                                                                           Overseas Investment Act Consent
                                                                                           Establishing a new business may be subject to the Overseas Investment Act (see the
                                                                                           Investing in New Zealand section for more detail).

Doing business in New Zealand
March 2022                                                                                                                                                                               HOME   8
Buying and                           Key points
                                     •   All titles in New Zealand are
                                                                                   Registered title system
                                                                                   New Zealand uses the Torrens land
                                                                                                                               Forms of title
                                                                                                                               In New Zealand there are three main

developing                               registered at Land Information
                                         New Zealand. “Freehold” title is
                                                                                   registration system under which most
                                                                                   parcels of land have their own titles
                                                                                                                               forms of title.

                                                                                                                               Freehold – this is the most common
                                         the most common. Particular care          showing dimensions and location,
real estate in                           needs to be taken when dealing with
                                         “leasehold” or “unit title” properties.
                                                                                   ownership and other interests affecting
                                                                                   the land. The government guarantees
                                                                                                                               (and best) form of title available in
                                                                                                                               New Zealand.

New Zealand
                                                                                   the accuracy of titles, which can be
                                     •   When purchasing property in                                                           Leasehold – the purchaser of a
                                                                                   searched by the public for a nominal fee.
                                         New Zealand, it is usual to sign a                                                    leasehold property acquires the
                                         sale and purchase agreement that          Chapman Tripp provides a full title         benefit of a lease of the property (as
                                         is conditional upon the purchaser         searching service.                          opposed to the freehold). Leasehold
                                         carrying out a due diligence                                                          title is particularly prevalent within the
                                         investigation and being satisfied with    The primary attraction of the Torrens       Auckland waterfront area. The term and
                                         the results of that investigation.        system is that dealings can be              rental structure of these leases can
                                                                                   conducted in reliance on a single title,    vary significantly. Particular care needs
                                     •   Overseas investors need government
                                                                                   rather than on a succession of title        to be taken when acquiring leasehold
                                         consent under the Overseas
                                                                                   deeds. New Zealand has converted            property, especially when the lease
                                         Investment Act to buy “sensitive”
                                                                                   almost all titles, plans and instruments    reserves an annual rent that is subject to
                                         land (which includes farm land
                                                                                   into an electronic format, allowing         review under the terms of the lease.
                                         and residential land) or any other
                                                                                   real-time searching and electronic
                                         property where the consideration is
                                                                                   registration of all land title and
                                         over $100 million. See the Investing in
                                                                                   surveying transactions.
                                         New Zealand section for more detail.
                                                                                   Under New Zealand law, buildings
                                                                                   and other improvements permanently
                                                                                   attached to the land form part of the
                                                                                   land itself and pass with ownership of
                                                                                   the land, unless the seller and buyer
                                                                                   agree otherwise.

                                                                                   Dealings with land are registered
                                                                                   electronically against the title.

Mark Nicholson – Partner
T: +64 9 357 9297
M: +64 27 305 9120

Doing business in New Zealand
March 2022                                                                                                                                                             HOME   9
Unit Title – unit titles are similar to      uncommon to find leasehold unit titles     on the management and maintenance        contract disclosure statement which
other forms of title save that they are      within the Auckland waterfront area.       of common property (such as lobbies      contains information on the unit title
limited to a defined part of a building or   A purchaser of a unit title property       and lifts) and the structural elements   being purchased (including the amount
property. They are the most common           automatically becomes a member             of the building as well as common        of the “levies” payable to the body
form of title for apartment buildings        of the “body corporate”. The body          building services. Before entering       corporate to cover the cost of the
(with each individual apartment              corporate effectively governs the          into an agreement to purchase a unit     insurance of the building as well as its
comprising a single unit title). Most        building under the terms of the Unit       title property, the vendor is obliged    management and maintenance).
unit titles are freehold but it is not       Titles Act 2010, with a particular focus   to provide the purchaser with a pre-

Doing business in New Zealand
March 2022                                                                                                                                                           HOME   10
Contracts for sale and                        Due diligence                                In addition, you will need:                Seismic rating of
purchase of land                              Due diligence is a fundamental               •   a registered valuer to undertake a     commercial buildings
                                              component of the process of acquiring            valuation of the property, and
To be enforceable under New Zealand                                                                                                   As a result of the Christchurch
                                              property in New Zealand. Depending
law, a contract for the sale and purchase                                                  •   a building inspector/engineer          earthquakes of 2010 and 2011,
                                              on the nature of the property being
of land must be in writing and signed by                                                       to review the condition of the         purchasers of commercial buildings will
                                              acquired, due diligence commonly
the parties involved or their authorised                                                       building and identify any defects or   now usually include the seismic rating
                                              entails engaging a lawyer to review:
agents. Once signed, an agreement                                                              maintenance issues (see also the       of those buildings as part of their due
for sale and purchase becomes legally         •   the title to the property and (in the        comments below about the “seismic      diligence investigation.
binding on all parties.                           case of commercial property) the             rating” of commercial buildings).
                                                                                                                                      All new buildings in New Zealand are
                                                  terms of any leases
Sale and purchase agreements can be                                                                                                   required to be constructed to 100%
made subject to conditions which are          •   council records for the property in                                                 of the current building code (often
designed to protect either the seller             the form of a “LIM” report to identify                                              referred to as “New Building Standards”
or the buyer. Common conditions are               the following types of issues                                                       or “NBS”). However, older buildings
the buyer raising finance and the buyer                                                                                               are unlikely to have been constructed
                                                  • any enforcement action being
being satisfied with the results of the due                                                                                           to 100% of NBS, either because of the
                                                    taken by the council for non-
diligence investigation (see below).                                                                                                  lower building standards applying at the
                                                    compliance with statutory or
                                                                                                                                      time the building was constructed or
You should always obtain legal advice               regulatory requirements
                                                                                                                                      because of poor design or workmanship.
before entering into a sale and purchase          • any outstanding code compliance
agreement. However, particular care                 certificates in respect of any
needs to be taken before entering into              building work undertaken at the
an agreement to purchase:                           property (see section below on
                                                    building works)                                                                     ALERT
•   a commercial property (which,                                                                                                       An older building with a seismic
                                                  • the existence of a building warrant
    depending on size and value, may                                                                                                    rating of less than 34% of NBS
                                                    of fitness which is required for
    be subject to fairly significant legal                                                                                              is classified as “earthquake
                                                    most buildings other than stand-
    negotiation), or                                                                                                                    prone” and will be subject to
                                                    alone houses (see section below
•   a residential property that is to be            on building works)                                                                  statutory requirements for seismic
    developed by the vendor (commonly             • any relevant records held by the                                                    strengthening works. Particular care
    referred to as buying property “off             council regarding the property                                                      needs to be taken with heritage
    the plans”).                                    (for example the existence of any                                                   buildings and buildings constructed
                                                    contamination or geotechnical                                                       before 1976, which are more likely to
Where a real estate agent is engaged                issues or whether the building                                                      be earthquake prone.
by a seller to effect a sale, commission            has been identified
is payable by the seller. There is no               as “earthquake prone”)
stamp duty.                                       • any rates arrears.

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March 2022                                                                                                                                                                HOME   11
Typically, most investors in commercial
property in New Zealand look for a
                                             Residential property                       Gain from sale of a property held for
                                                                                        longer than the relevant bright-line
seismic rating of at least 67% of NBS.       – tax considerations                       period (five years or 10 years) may still be   Management Act
A rating of less than 67% can have an                                                   taxed if the Inland Revenue Department
                                             Generally, gains from the sale of                                                         The Resource Management Act 1991 is
impact on the value of the property                                                     (IRD) considers that the seller acquired
                                             residential properties purchased:                                                         New Zealand’s principal statute relating
and also the ability to attract or retain                                               the property for a purpose or intention
                                                                                                                                       to the use of land, water, minerals,
tenants. Most major corporates in            •   on or after 27 March 2021 and held     of resale, or if one or more of the
                                                                                                                                       the coast, air and physical resources.
New Zealand will refuse to lease                 for less than 10 years, or             specific land taxation provisions applies
                                                                                                                                       The Act has major implications for
property in New Zealand if it has a                                                     (for example, if the seller carried on,
                                             •   between 29 March 2018 and 26                                                          all property developments, be they
seismic rating of less than 67%.                                                        or was associated with someone who
                                                 March 2021 and held for less than                                                     commercial, industrial or residential
                                                                                        carried on, a business of land dealing,
There are two main types of report               five years                                                                            in nature, and for infrastructure and
                                                                                        land development or building at the time
issued by engineers to assess the                                                                                                      utilities. A new development may require
                                             are taxed at the owner’s standard          of acquiring the property and sells that
seismic rating of a building:                                                                                                          a number of consents under the Act
                                             income tax rate under the                  property within 10 years).
                                                                                                                                       before it can go ahead.
                                             “bright-line test”.
•   an “ISA” (or “Initial Seismic                                                       Residential Land Withholding Tax
    Assessment”), a very high level                                                                                                    Controls on property development
                                             “New build” residential properties         (RLWT) applies where the seller is an
    desktop study that is not always                                                                                                   are administered by local government
                                             acquired on or after 27 March 2021         offshore person and the residential land
    accurate and should be treated with                                                                                                authorities and are expressed through a
                                             are subject to a shorter five year         is sold within the relevant “bright-line”
    caution, and                                                                                                                       range of publicly notified plans. These
                                             “bright-line” period. The legislation to   period. RLWT also applies to sales by
                                                                                                                                       include regional plans, district plans,
•   a “DSA” (or “Detailed Seismic            achieve this is to be enacted before       New Zealand entities that are ultimately
                                                                                                                                       and some national level plans. Plans
    Assessment”) which is usually more       31 March 2022 and is drafted to            more than 25% owned or controlled by
                                                                                                                                       set out rules for activities depending
    accurate but will generally cost more    apply retrospectively.                     offshore persons. (For more detail, refer
                                                                                                                                       on the nature, scale and location – for
    than an ISA. However, care still needs                                              to the section on New Zealand’s cross-
                                             Exemptions (and in some cases,                                                            most developments above a certain
    to be taken to review the report to                                                 border tax regime.)
                                             apportionment) may apply if the                                                           size this includes the requirement to
    identify any limitations on the scope    property is:                                                                              obtain resource consent. At the district
                                                                                        Residents must provide an IRD number
    of the investigations undertaken by                                                                                                level, these rules are largely based
                                                                                        as part of the usual Land Information
    the engineer.                            •   the seller’s main home                                                                on the zoning of the relevant land.
                                                                                        New Zealand transfer process.
                                             •   inherited from a deceased estate       Non-residents must also provide a              Parties seeking consent to proceed
If the engineer’s report was obtained                                                                                                  with a development must follow the
                                             •   sold as part of a relationship         New Zealand IRD number as well as a
by the vendor, the purchaser should                                                                                                    procedures set out in the relevant plan.
                                                 break down.                            home jurisdiction tax number together
consider requiring either that the                                                                                                     This may involve public participation in
                                                                                        with another form of identification –
engineer confirm in writing that the                                                                                                   the resource consent process, through
                                                                                        such as a passport. In order to obtain
purchaser may rely on the report or                                                                                                    notification of the consent application.
                                                                                        an IRD number, a non-resident will
that the report be re-addressed to
                                                                                        need a fully functional New Zealand
the purchaser.
                                                                                        bank account or confirmation from
                                                                                        a New Zealand reporting entity that
                                                                                        customer due diligence has been
                                                                                        completed in accordance with
                                                                                        New Zealand anti-money laundering
                                                                                        (AML) legislation.

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March 2022                                                                                                                                                                  HOME   12
Privately owned land may also be
designated in the applicable district plan
                                             Most types of property (other than
                                             stand-alone houses) are also required
                                                                                          Māori land claims
as being required by the government or       to hold a building warrant of fitness        Land claims by Māori, the indigenous
other competent designating authority        (or “BWOF”) that is issued annually          people of New Zealand, are governed by
for a public work (including compulsory      confirming that certain building systems     the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975. Under
acquisition if necessary). The current       and services (mostly related to life         the Act, grievances are heard by the
market value of the land would be paid       safety, such as sprinklers, lifts and fire   Waitangi Tribunal which can then make
as compensation.                             alarms) comply with certain Building Act     recommendations to the government
                                             criteria. The existence of a BWOF should     regarding the resolution of those
For more detail on the Resource              be checked during the due diligence          grievances.
Management Act 1991, refer to the            investigation by reviewing an up to date
Environment and resource management          “LIM” report for the property.               Recommendations for the return of
law section.                                                                              land to Māori are generally applicable
                                             Allied to the Building Act is the Building   only in respect to land owned by
                                             Code. This sets criteria to ensure           the government or State-Owned
Building works                               buildings are safe, sanitary, have           Enterprises. Privately owned land is not
The Building Act 2004 is designed            adequate means of escape and, in the         subject to return to Māori ownership
to regulate and control building work        case of public buildings, have access        unless the title to the land has been
and the use of buildings. Every new          and facilities for disabled persons.         specifically endorsed to that effect
building and most substantial alterations    Existing buildings, which are being          (and, even then, current policy is not to
or additions to existing buildings will      altered, may require upgrading in the        exercise that right). If it was exercised,
require a building consent. Multiple-use     course of the alterations in order to        the current market value would be paid.
approvals are available for group home       comply with these criteria as nearly
                                             as is reasonably practicable. Buildings      For more information on Māori
builders who build homes throughout
                                             considered earthquake prone may also         rights under the Treaty, refer to our
New Zealand using the same or
                                             be required to be upgraded.                  New Zealand Māori and the Treaty of
similar plans.
                                                                                          Waitangi section.
Following completion of any work             The Act imposes restrictions upon
pursuant to a building consent, a code       occupation of a building where public
compliance certificate (or “CCC”)            areas of that building are subject
should be obtained. When purchasing          to building works for which a code
a building in New Zealand, a key item        compliance certificate has not yet
that should be checked during the due        been issued.
diligence investigation is whether there
are any outstanding code compliance
certificates for building work carried
out at the property. This can be verified
by engaging a lawyer to review an up to
date “LIM” report for the property.

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March 2022                                                                                                                             HOME   13
Environment                                      Key points                                  The Resource                                 Applications for resource consent are
                                                                                                                                          generally made to the relevant local
                                                 •   The Resource Management Act 1991        Management Act                               authority. Depending on the type of

and resource                                         (RMA) is the primary instrument
                                                     of environmental regulation in
                                                                                             The RMA regulates all uses of land,
                                                                                             water and air, out to the edge of the 12
                                                                                                                                          activity, the application may be heard
                                                                                                                                          without public notification, on a publicly
                                                     New Zealand. It is however currently                                                 notified basis, or with limited notification
management                                           subject to extensive reform and
                                                     is expected to be replaced in the
                                                                                             nautical mile coastal limit. It is largely
                                                                                             administered by local government
                                                                                             through resource consents granted, or
                                                                                                                                          to affected parties only.

                                                                                                                                          Applicants must provide a
law in
                                                     near future.
                                                                                             withheld, under statutory and publicly       comprehensive assessment of the
                                                 •   The Exclusive Economic Zone and         notified district and regional plans, and    environmental impact of the proposal
                                                     Continental Shelf (Environmental        some national level documents.
New Zealand                                          Effects) Act extends a variant of the
                                                     RMA into the sea and seabed 12 to       District plans control the use of land.
                                                                                                                                          or use. Rights of appeal can generally
                                                                                                                                          be exercised by the applicant, or by
                                                                                                                                          anyone who has made a submission
                                                     200 nautical miles offshore from        Regional plans control the use of water,
                                                                                                                                          on the application to the Environment
                                                     New Zealand.                            coastal matters and the discharge
                                                                                                                                          Court. (Special processes apply in some
                                                                                             of contaminants.
                                                 •   New Zealand’s climate change                                                         cases, such as for nationally significant
                                                     response is delivered through an        These plans classify activities as:          projects).
                                                     Emissions Trading Scheme.
                                                                                             •   permitted (not requiring                 The RMA has a range of penalty and
                                                                                                 resource consent)                        enforcement provisions. Directors and
                                                                                                                                          senior managers can be found personally
                                                                                             •   controlled, discretionary or non-        liable for any acts or omissions by
                                                                                                 complying (a resource consent            the company.
                                                                                                 is required and, where granted,
                                                                                                 will often be subject to specific        Central government can also provide
                                                                                                 conditions designed to mitigate any      national direction through National
                                                                                                 adverse environmental effects), or       Policy Statements, National Planning
                                                                                                                                          Standards and National Environmental
                                                                                             •   prohibited (will not be consented).

                                                                                                                                          Under the RMA, polluters who
                                                                                                                                          contaminate land can be liable. But
                                                                                                                                          owners or occupiers of contaminated
                                                                                                                                          land can also face enforcement action
                                                                                                                                          for that contamination (even if it is
                                                                                                                                          historic contamination caused by a
                                                                                                                                          previous polluter).
Catherine Somerville-Frost – Partner
T: +64 9 358 9813
M: +64 27 486 3309

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March 2022                                                                                                                                                                        HOME   14
When the RMA was enacted in
1991, it placed a very high value on
                                           The Exclusive                               The Emissions                                The ETS currently covers forestry,
                                                                                                                                    electricity production, industrial
local decision-making and public           Economic Zone and                           Trading Scheme                               processes, liquid fossil fuels, synthetic
consultation. It still reflects those                                                                                               gases and waste. Although it was
founding values but has been much
                                           Continental Shelf                           The Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
                                                                                                                                    designed as an “all gases, all sectors”
                                                                                       is the key delivery mechanism for New
amended over its history and most of       The Exclusive Economic Zone and                                                          scheme, agriculture will not come fully
                                                                                       Zealand’s commitments to emission
those amendments have been designed        Continental Shelf (Environmental                                                         into the scheme until 2025.
                                                                                       reduction, legislated for through the
to streamline RMA processes and            Effects) Act (EEZ Act) extends a variant
                                                                                       Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon)        A recent series of amendments will:
to permit more central government          of the RMA to the EEZ and applies to
                                                                                       Amendment Act 2020.
intervention with a view to speeding up    activities such as seismic surveying
                                                                                                                                    •   phase out free allocations to high-
development.                               and cable laying, seabed mining and         The Zero Carbon Act:                             emitting trade-exposed industries,
                                           the construction and installation of
A comprehensive review of the RMA                                                                                                       beginning in 2021 and gathering
                                           oil and gas rigs. It also anticipates       •   establishes a net zero emissions
is currently underway, with changes                                                                                                     speed from 2030
                                           possible future uses, including deep            target (allowing for forestry offsets)
expected to be legislated for within the   sea aquaculture, carbon capture and             by 2050 for all greenhouse gases,
current Parliamentary term.                                                                                                         •   create a cost containment reserve
                                           storage, and marine energy generation.          except biogenic methane which is to
                                                                                                                                        which establishes a price floor of $20
                                                                                           be brought within a range of 24% to
                                           The permitting authority is the                                                              per unit and an effective price ceiling
                                                                                           47% below 2017 levels by 2050, and
                                           Environmental Protection Authority                                                           of $50 (each to be increased by 2% a
                                           (EPA), which must issue a decision on       •   creates an independent Climate               year to provide for inflation)
                                           publicly notified applications within six       Change Commission which will be
                                           months of receiving the application,            responsible for preparing five year      •   improve the auctioning system
                                           or within 60 days of receiving a non-           emissions budgets and advising the           for units.
                                           notified application.                           Minister on the quantity of emissions
                                                                                           which will be permitted within each      For more information, go to:
                                           The EEZ Act identifies various factors          budget period.                 
                                           which should drive the EPA’s decision-                                                   trading-scheme
                                           making. Several of these reflect
                                           environmental or biodiversity values but
                                           they also include the economic benefit
                                           to New Zealand and the efficient use
                                           and development of New Zealand’s
                                           mineral resource.

                                           Appeal rights are to the High Court
                                           and are limited to points of law. The
                                           maximum penalty for breach of a marine
                                           consent is $10 million.

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March 2022                                                                                                                                                                 HOME   15
Minerals regime                           All petroleum, gold, silver and uranium
                                          deposits (including under the sea) are
                                                                                    Return to the government is through
                                                                                    a royalty regime, although there is
Access and rights to prospect, explore    the property of the Crown (Government).   provision in the Act for the government
and mine New Zealand’s extensive          No person may prospect, explore for,      also to participate in any given permit
petroleum and mineral estate are          or mine, government-owned minerals        and thus derive a fair financial return
governed by the Crown Minerals Act        without an appropriate permit.            through that avenue. The current policy
1991 and by the Minerals Programme and                                              is not to exercise this right.
the Minerals Programme for Petroleum      Evaluation criteria for oil and gas
issued under it.                          exploration under the allocation          All transfers of, or other dealings with,
                                          system must meet health, safety and       a permit interest require the consent of
Acquisition of permits is through an      environmental requirements and the        New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals.
annual Block Offer process, although      applicants must engage with indigenous
this is currently tightly restricted.     communities. Permits can be granted       For more information, go to:
                                          for up to 15 years and give the holder
The Government is allowing existing       exclusive rights to explore in the
permits for oil and gas exploration to    designated area. An exploration permit
run their course but will not issue any   does not automatically confer mining
new offshore permits and can issue new    rights. These must be applied for
onshore permits only in the Taranaki      separately.
region. The National Party has promised
that it will reverse this ban when next
in office.

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March 2022                                                                                                                      HOME   16
Te Iwi Māori                         Key points
                                     •   Māori are the indigenous people of
                                                                                     •   Iwi corporations often look to
                                                                                         maximise returns from settlement
                                                                                         assets through joint venture
                                                                                                                                    Some of the significant differences
                                                                                                                                    are that Te Tiriti ceded to the British
                                                                                                                                    Crown kāwanatanga (governorship) while

and Te Tiriti                            Aotearoa New Zealand (referred to as
                                         Aotearoa throughout this section).
                                                                                         arrangements with overseas
                                                                                                                                    retaining tino rangatiritanga – absolute
                                                                                                                                    sovereignty of Māori over their whenua
                                                                                                                                    (land and water), kāinga (homes), and
o Waitangi                           •   Aotearoa has no written constitution,
                                         but Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840 (Te Tiriti)
                                         and the English version, the Treaty of
                                                                                     •   Māori have a relationship of
                                                                                         kaitiakitanga (stewardship) with land,
                                                                                         water and other phenomena which
                                                                                                                                    taonga (valued items or phenomena).
                                                                                                                                    The Treaty, by contrast, expressed a
                                                                                                                                    cession of sovereignty to the Crown while
                                         Waitangi (the Treaty), are a part of the        should be considered when doing
                                                                                                                                    guaranteeing to Māori “exclusive and
                                         foundational law of the country, as             business in Aotearoa.
                                                                                                                                    undisturbed possession of their lands,
                                         recognised in a number of statutes,
                                                                                                                                    forests, fisheries and other properties”.
                                         court decisions and common law
                                         principles in Aotearoa.
                                                                                     Te Tiriti o Waitangi
                                                                                                                                    Due to the inconsistences between the
                                                                                     Before discussing Te Tiriti, it is important   two versions, the courts of Aotearoa do
                                     •   Te Tiriti is, in essence, an agreement
                                                                                     to acknowledge He Whakaputanga                 not seek to enforce the actual wording of
                                         between the British Crown and
                                                                                     (Declaration of Independence) 1835.            Te Tiriti or the Treaty. Instead, they seek
                                         Māori. While the meaning of Te
                                                                                     He Whakaputanga is a precursor to Te           to recognise the principles of the Treaty
                                         Tiriti and the Treaty is the subject
                                                                                     Tiriti and was a formal assertion by Te        as first laid out by the Court of Appeal in a
                                         of much debate, due to significant
                                                                                     Whakaminenga, a confederation of iwi           landmark judgment in 1987 (New Zealand
                                         differences between them, they are
                                                                                     Māori, of their authority globally.            Māori Council v Attorney-General). The
                                         the foundation for a partnership
                                         based on mutual duties to act               Te Tiriti was signed on 6 February 1840        Court found that the Treaty imposes a
                                         reasonably, honestly and in the             by representatives of the British Crown        duty on both the Crown and Māori to
                                         utmost good faith.                          and many, but not all, Māori iwi and hapū.     act in the spirit of partnership envisaged
                                                                                     Waitangi Day, observed on 6 February           by the original signatories, and that both
                                     •   The British Crown did not honour                                                           Treaty partners must act reasonably,
                                         the Treaty, with the result that Māori      each year, is a public holiday to honour
                                                                                     the signing of Te Tiriti.                      honestly and in the utmost good faith.
                                         collectives (called iwi or hapū) have
                                         suffered significant grievances. A                                                         While neither Te Tiriti or the Treaty
                                                                                     Most rangitira Māori (leaders) signed Te
                                         political process was developed in                                                         are enforceable as an international
                                                                                     Tiriti, the version written in Māori, which
                                         the 1990s to negotiate and settle                                                          treaty or statute law, their principles
                                                                                     differs in many important respects from
                                         these grievances. The settlement                                                           have become much more relevant
                                                                                     the English text.
                                         packages include cultural and                                                              through developments in case law and
                                         commercial redress.                                                                        because the Government legislated in
                                                                                                                                    1985 to enable the Waitangi Tribunal to
                                     •   These settlements have helped
                                                                                                                                    investigate historical breaches of Te Tiriti
                                         to finance the creation of iwi
                                                                                                                                    dating back to 1840.
                                         corporations and contributed to the
                                         “Māori economy”, which was valued                                                          Many other pieces of legislation have
Te Aopare Dewes – Partner                at $68.7 billion as at 2018.                                                               also created a statutory requirement to
T: +64 9 358 9839
M: +64 27 209 0810                                                                                                                  consult Māori on the basis of Te Tiriti,
E:                                                                                                  including the Local Government Act 2002
                                                                                                                                    and the Resource Management Act 1991.
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March 2022                                                                                                                                                                   HOME   17
Treaty settlement process                  Historical claims are negotiated and
                                           finalised with the government of
                                                                                       Te Ōhanga Māori –
Since 1840, the Crown has repeatedly       the day. Some iwi and hapū choose           the Māori economy
breached Te Tiriti, creating               to go straight into negotiation with
                                                                                       Te Ōhanga Māori is broadly defined
significant grievances for iwi and         the Crown. Others prefer to go first
                                                                                       as those privately or collectively
hapū with devastating economic             through a Waitangi Tribunal hearing
                                                                                       owned businesses that have links to
and cultural repercussions across          process and to use the ensuing report
                                                                                       Māori ancestors. Its financial value
multiple generations.                      as the basis for direct negotiations with
                                                                                       has been assessed at $68.7b as at
                                           the Crown.
The Waitangi Tribunal, created by                                                      2018, comprising: $47.7b Māori-owned
and governed through the Treaty            Iwi and hapū receive settlement of their    businesses and $21b in Māori trusts,
of Waitangi Act 1975, conducts             historic grievances with the Crown in       incorporations and other entities.
comprehensive inquiries into Māori         the form of cultural and commercial
                                                                                       A large proportion of the asset base
Tiriti-based claims, both historical and   redress. Commercial redress is usually
                                                                                       in Te Ōhanga Māori has been created
contemporary, and is usually limited to    determined by the negotiation of a
                                                                                       outside the Treaty settlement context
making non-binding recommendations         quantum amount, followed by iwi or
                                                                                       through independent and private Māori
to the government regarding the            hapū purchasing Crown lands with
                                                                                       businesses, entities, whānau (families)
resolution of those grievances.            that money.
                                                                                       and households.
These claims often relate to land.         It may also include valuable rights of
                                                                                       Māori control 50% of the fishing quota,
Generally, the Tribunal cannot             first refusal for between 50 to 170
                                                                                       and own around 40% of forestry in
recommend the return of privately          years (in some cases, longer) over
                                                                                       Aotearoa. Some of these holdings were
owned land to Māori, and cannot            surplus Crown lands, usually within the
                                                                                       established through the ‘Sealords Deal’
recommend the Crown to acquire             traditional area of the iwi or hapū.
                                                                                       in 1992 (the Treaty settlement relating to
privately-owned land. The Tribunal
                                           Some iwi and hapū have used                 Māori fishing rights) and the ‘Treelords
can make a binding recommendation
                                           settlement monies to create large,          Deal’ in 2007 (the Treaty settlement
relating to Crown-owned forest land
                                           asset-rich Māori corporates, the            under which the Kaingaroa Forest was
and lands previously owned by a
                                           three largest of which are now              transferred from the Crown to central
State Owned Enterprise which have
                                           valued at over $1 billion each. These       North Island iwi). Māori also own 30% of
a “section 27B” memorial noted on
                                           are now significant players in the          lamb, sheep and beef production and
the title.
                                           Aotearoa economy.                           10% of dairy and kiwifruit production.
If the Waitangi Tribunal did make such
                                                                                       Iwi and hapū corporations have sought
a recommendation, the owner would
                                                                                       to maximise the returns from their asset
be compensated by the government of
                                                                                       base through joint ventures and other
the day. To date, the Waitangi Tribunal
                                                                                       partnerships with investors who can
has only ever made one binding
                                                                                       bring capital, value-added processing,
recommendation for resumption
                                                                                       employment opportunities, and market
of land and in that case, the Māori
                                                                                       access. China has been a particular
claimants and the Crown negotiated
                                                                                       focus for these activities..
a settlement.

Doing business in New Zealand
March 2022                                                                                                                          HOME   18
Taxation                          Key points                                Individuals are regarded as resident        For individuals, assessable income
                                                                            for income tax purposes if they             includes (among other items) salary
                                  •   New Zealand has a broad-based         have a permanent place of abode             and wages, bonuses, other employment

within                                income and consumption tax system.
                                      This includes withholding taxes on
                                                                            in New Zealand or are present in
                                                                            New Zealand for more than 183 days
                                                                                                                        benefits or remuneration, partnership
                                                                                                                        income and investment income. For
                                      many cross border payments and a      within any 12-month period. New             salary and wage earners, tax is deducted
New Zealand                           robust general anti-avoidance rule.   migrants and, in certain cases, returning
                                                                            New Zealanders who have not been
                                                                                                                        at source by the employer through the
                                                                                                                        Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system. The
                                  •   The primary revenue sources are:      resident for tax purposes in New Zealand    amount of tax deducted will depend
                                      income/company tax, a consumption     for at least ten years, can qualify for     on the gross salary or wage paid to the
                                      tax on goods and services (GST) and   temporary transitional residence status.    employee. Non-cash benefits provided
                                      local authority rates.                A transitional resident is exempt from      to employees are subject to fringe
                                                                            New Zealand income tax on their             benefit tax (FBT) which is payable by the
                                  •   Capital gains tax, stamp duty, gift   foreign-sourced income other than           employer.
                                      duty and death duties are not         income from employment or the supply
                                      payable in New Zealand.               of services for a period of four years      For companies, net taxable income
                                                                            after they meet the test for New Zealand    generally corresponds with accounting
                                                                            tax residency.                              profit or loss. However, adjustments are
                                  Income tax                                                                            commonly required in relation to:
                                                                            A company is regarded as resident in
                                  For individuals and companies defined     New Zealand if it:                          •   the timing of income and expenditure
                                  as “resident” in New Zealand, income                                                      recognition
                                  tax is generally imposed on worldwide     •   is incorporated in New Zealand
                                  income. Non-resident individuals                                                      •   bad debts
                                  and companies are taxed only on           •   has its head office in New Zealand
                                                                                                                        •   capital receipts and depreciation
                                  New Zealand-sourced income, and           •   has its “centre of management” in           rates, and
                                  their tax liability may be reduced by         New Zealand, or
                                  the provisions of an applicable Double                                                •   various provisions and reserves.
                                  Tax Agreement.                            •   is controlled by its directors in
                                                                                New Zealand.                            New Zealand does not currently
                                                                                                                        have a broad based capital gains tax.
                                                                            Income tax is imposed at 28% on             In certain circumstances, however,
                                                                            companies and unit trusts (which            capital gains are taxed. In particular,
                                                                            are treated as companies under              the proceeds from the sale of real or
                                                                            New Zealand tax law). Individuals (both     personal property (including shares) may
                                                                            resident and non-resident) are taxed        be subject to income tax (for example,
                                                                            progressively at between 10.5% and 39%,     where the dominant purpose of the
                                                                            with the 39% rate cutting in at taxable     initial purchase was to resell the asset at
                                                                            income over $180,000. As noted above,       a profit).
Bevan Miles – Partner                                                       non-residents are taxed only on their
T: +64 9 357 8986
                                                                            New Zealand-sourced income.                 Special provisions apply to residential
M: +64 21 240 7387
                                                                                                                        properties other than the person’s
                                                                                                                        main home.

Doing business in New Zealand
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