Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board

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Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board
Business Models and Regulatory
Considerations for Storage on
the Distribution Network

For the Energy Security Board

August 2020

  Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board

    ITP Renewables (ITP) is a global leader in renewable energy engineering, strategy, construction,
and energy sector analytics. Our technical and policy expertise spans the breadth of renewable energy,
energy storage, energy efficiency and smart integration technologies. Our range of services cover the
entire spectrum of the energy sector value chain, from technology assessment and market forecasting
right through to project operations, maintenance and quality assurance.

   We were established in 2003 and operate out of offices in Canberra (Head Office), Sydney, North
Coast NSW, Adelaide and Auckland, New Zealand. We are part of the international ITPEnergised
Group, one of the world’s largest, most experienced and respected specialist engineering consultancies
focussing on renewable energy, energy efficiency, and carbon markets. The Group has undertaken
over 2,000 contracts in energy projects encompassing over 150 countries since it was formed in 1981.

   Our regular clients include governments, energy utilities, financial institutions, international
development donor agencies, project developers and investors, the R&D community, and private firms.


    This report was commissioned by the Energy Security Board to support their work on DER
integration and the development of post-2025 market design. The ESB is seeking to understand both
the economics and regulation of business models for distribution-level storage and the interaction
between the two. Its focus of this report is primarily on battery storage, but the analysis includes other
forms of storage (e.g. hot water, and/or other controllable loads) considered useful to understand the

   Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board
                               Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the
 Report Title                  Distribution Network

 Client Contract No.                                 ITP Project Number                    AO350

 Client                                              Client Contact                        Gabrielle Kuiper
                               Security Board

 Rev      Date                 Status                Author/s                              Reviewed By          Approved

                                                     Rob Passey, Annie Ngo,
 1        3/4/2020             Draft                 Muriel Watt, Joshua Jordan,           Rob Passey           Approved
                                                     Jose Zapata

                                                     Rob Passey, Annie Ngo,
 2        4/5/2020             Final draft           Muriel Watt, Joshua Jordan,           Rob Passey           Approved
                                                     Jose Zapata

                                                     Rob Passey, Annie Ngo,
 3        8/6/20               Final draft           Muriel Watt, Joshua Jordan,           Rob Passey           Approved
                                                     Jose Zapata

                                                     Rob Passey, Annie Ngo,
 4        240820               Final                 Muriel Watt, Joshua Jordan,           Rob Passey           Approved
                                                     Jose Zapata

A person or organisation choosing to use documents prepared by IT Power (Australia) Pty Ltd accepts the following:
     a. Conclusions and figures presented in draft documents are subject to change. IT Power (Australia) Pty Ltd accepts no
          responsibility for use outside of the original report.
     b. The document is only to be used for purposes explicitly agreed to by IT Power (Australia) Pty Ltd.
     c. All responsibility and risks associated with the use of this report lie with the person or organisation who chooses to
          use it.

Document prepared by:

 Address: Level 1, 19 Moore St                                  Phone: +61 (0) 2 6257 3511
 Turner, ACT, 2612, Australia                                   Email:
 Postal: PO Box, 6127                                 
 O’Connor, ACT, 2602, Australia

IT Power (Australia) Pty Limited (ABN 42 107351 673)

     Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board
 AC             Alternating Current
 ACT            Australian Capital Territory
 ACT            Australian Capital Territory
 AEMC           Australian Energy Market Commission
 AEMO           Australian Energy Market Operator
 AER            Australian Energy Regulator
 API            application programming interface
 ARENA          Australian Renewable Energy Agency
 AUD            Australian Dollar
 COAG           Council of Australian Governments
 DC             Direct Current
 DER            Distributed Energy Resources
 DERMS          Distributed Energy Resources Management System
 DMIA           demand management innovation allowance
 DNSP           Distribution Network Service Provider
 DPT            Discounted Payback Time
 DRED           Demand Response Enabled Device
 DRSP           Demand Response Service Provider
 EDCWNC         Energy Democracy Central West NSW Co-operative
 EN             embedded network
 ENAC           Electricity Network Access Code
 ENO            embedded network operator
 ENSMS          Electricity Network Safety Management System
 ERA            Economic Regulation Authority
 ERF            Emissions Reduction Fund
 ESB            Energy Security Board
 EV             electric vehicle
 FCAS           Frequency Control Ancillary Services
 FiT            feed-in tariff
 FRMP           Financially Responsible Market Participant
 GIS            Geographic Information Systems
 GW             gigawatt
 Hz             hertz
 IQR            Interquartile Range
 ITP            ITP Renewables
 kW             kilowatt
 kWh            kilowatt-hour
 LET            local energy trading
 LGC            Large Generation Certificate

 Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board
LRET           Large-scale Renewable Energy Target
LUOS           Local Use of System
LV             low voltage
MASP           Market Ancillary Service Provider
MASS           Market Ancillary Service Specification
MLFs           marginal loss factors
MSGA           Market Small Generation Aggregator
MTR            multiple trading relationship
MW             megawatt
NEM            National Electricity Market
NMI            National Metering Identifier
NSCAS          Network support and control ancillary services
NSW            New South Wales
NWIS           North West Interconnected System
openCEM        open Capacity Expansion Model
PV             Photovoltaic
PVRP           Photovoltaic Rebate Program
QRET           Queensland Renewable Energy Target
RCEF           Regional Community Energy Fund
RERT           Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader
RET            Renewable Energy Target
SA             South Australia
SAPS           Stand Alone Power Systems
SGA            Small Generation Aggregator
SPT            simple payback time
SWIS           South West Interconnected System
TOU            Time of Use
TWh            Terawatt hours
VCR            Value of Customer Reliability
VPP            virtual power plant
VRET           Victorian Renewable Energy Target
WA             Western Australia
WALDO          Widespread and Long Duration Outages
WDRM           Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism
WEM            Wholesale Electricity Market
WP             Western Power
ZS             zone substation

Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board
   Table 1: International Examples of Non-orchestrated Behind the Meter Battery Programs ........... 27
   Table 2: Type 1 Barrier and Solution Summary ............................................................................. 28
   Table 3: International examples of orchestrated behind the meter storage programs ................... 42
   Table 4: Type 2 Summary of issues and suggested solutions for orchestrated behind the meter
storage ................................................................................................................................................ 44
   Table 5: International examples of Utility-scale battery systems.................................................... 60
   Table 6: Type 3 Summary of Regulatory and Other Barriers ......................................................... 62
   Table 7: Simple and Discounted Payback Times Under Different Operational Modes, over 2017,
2018 & 2019: Enova’s Shared Community Battery Scheme ............................................................... 69
   Table 8: Sources of Annual Revenue Under Different Operational Modes, Averaged over 2017,
2018 & 2019: Enova’s Shared Community Battery Scheme ............................................................... 69
   Table 9: Simple and Discounted Payback Times Under Different Operational Modes, over 2017,
2018 & 2019: Byron Bay Solar Farm & Battery Storage Facility ......................................................... 70
   Table 10: Sources of Annual Revenue Under Different Operational Modes, Averaged over 2017,
2018 & 2019: Byron Bay Solar Farm & Battery Storage Facility ......................................................... 70
   Table 11: Simple and Discounted Payback Times Under Different Operational Modes, over 2017,
2018 & 2019: Goulburn Community Dispatchable Solar Farm............................................................ 71
   Table 12: Sources of Annual Revenue Under Different Operational Modes, Averaged over 2017,
2018 & 2019: Goulburn Community Dispatchable Solar Farm............................................................ 71
   Table 13: Simple and Discounted Payback Times Under Different Operational Modes, over 2017,
2018 & 2019: Orange Community Renewable Energy Park ............................................................... 72
   Table 14: Sources of Annual Revenue Under Different Operational Modes, Averaged over 2017,
2018 & 2019: Orange Community Renewable Energy Park ............................................................... 72
   Table 15: International examples of third party owned or operated batteries................................. 73
   Table 16: Type 4 Summary of Regulatory and Other Barriers ....................................................... 74

     Figure 1. Number and capacity of residential battery systems installed: 2015 to 2019 (Sunwiz,
2020)..................................................................................................................................................... 2
     Figure 2. Residential battery systems installed in 2019: By state/territory (Sunwiz, 2020) .............. 2
     Figure 3. sonnenFlat Packages ....................................................................................................... 6
     Figure 4. Annual bills with different PV and battery combinations: residential customers, Flat tariff
............................................................................................................................................................ 11
     Figure 5. Change in median annual bills with different PV and battery combinations: residential
customers, Flat tariff ........................................................................................................................... 11
     Figure 6. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, new PV: residential
customers, Flat tariff ........................................................................................................................... 11
     Figure 7. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, customer already had
PV: residential customers, Flat tariff ................................................................................................... 12
     Figure 8. Annual bills with different PV and battery combinations: residential customers, TOU tariff
............................................................................................................................................................ 13

     Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board
Figure 9. Change in median annual bills with different PV and battery combinations: residential
customers, TOU tariff .......................................................................................................................... 14
    Figure 10. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, new PV: residential
customers, TOU tariff .......................................................................................................................... 14
    Figure 11. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, customer already had
PV: residential customers, TOU tariff .................................................................................................. 14
    Figure 12. Annual bills with different PV and battery combinations: residential customers, Demand
charge tariff ......................................................................................................................................... 15
    Figure 13. Change in median annual bills with different PV and battery combinations: residential
customers, Demand charge tariff ........................................................................................................ 16
    Figure 14. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, new PV: residential
customers, Demand charge tariff ........................................................................................................ 16
    Figure 15. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, customer already had
PV: residential customers, Demand charge tariff ................................................................................ 17
    Figure 16. Annual bills with different PV and battery combinations: residential customers, Tariff
with spot price ..................................................................................................................................... 18
    Figure 17. Change in median annual bills with different PV and battery combinations: residential
customers, Tariff with spot price ......................................................................................................... 18
    Figure 18. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, new PV: residential
customers, Tariff with spot price ......................................................................................................... 19
    Figure 19. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, customer already had
PV: residential customers, Tariff with spot price ................................................................................. 19
    Figure 20. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, new PV: residential
customers, Flat, TOU, Demand and Spot tariffs ................................................................................. 20
    Figure 21. Change in Simple Payback Time for the large commercial tariff as the battery MWh
capacity changes ................................................................................................................................ 21
    Figure 22. Simple Payback Time for different PV and battery combinations, new PV: residential
customers, Flat, TOU, Demand and Spot tariffs ................................................................................. 22
    Figure 23. Residential battery systems installed in 2019: By state/territory (Sunwiz, 2020) .......... 23
    Figure 24. Decline in PV prices and resultant increase in uptake .................................................. 25
    Figure 25. Comparison of AEMO ESOO forecasts of battery uptake, ESOO 2018 compared to
March 2018 EFI Update ...................................................................................................................... 25
    Figure 26. Decline in PV prices and resultant increase in uptake .................................................. 26
    Figure 27. Test of coordinated and un-coordinated battery dispatch in a 24 hour period
(Information courtesy of SA Power Networks) .................................................................................... 32
    Figure 28. Ausgrid VPP typical battery operation and typical network VPP dispatch profile
(Ausgrid’s Battery Virtual Power Plant, Phase 1 Summary Report August 2019) ............................... 34
    Figure 29. Spot price response for SA VPP 9-15 January 2020 (AEMO Virtual Power Plant
Demonstration, Knowledge Sharing Report #1, March 2020) ............................................................. 36
    Figure 30. Negative price event response for SA VPP 30 April 2019 (AEMO Virtual Power Plant
Demonstration, Knowledge Sharing Report #1, March 2020) ............................................................. 37
    Figure 31. Average load shape of AGL South Australian VPP (Virtual Power Plant in South
Australia, Stage 2 Public Report, AGL, June 2018) ............................................................................ 38
    Figure 32. SA VPP daily revenue September 2019 to February 2020 (AEMO Virtual Power Plant
Demonstration, March 2020, Knowledge Sharing Report #1) ............................................................. 40

    Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board

    The ESB commissioned ITP Renewables to undertake a review of the different ways that
distribution-level batteries are used, the related business models, and any barriers, regulatory or
otherwise. Such batteries are becoming more widely deployed and are demonstrating significant
potential to provide a wide variety of services, including reduction in consumer bills, network support
(through soaking up excess solar generation, reducing demand peaks and improved power quality), as
well as participating in wholesale spot and Frequency Control and Ancillary Services (FCAS) markets,
and so reducing costs for all consumers.

   Distribution-level batteries can be defined into four different types:

   Type 1: Autonomous behind-the-meter, which includes standard residential and commercial-scale
batteries, as well as those in Local Energy Trading schemes and embedded networks (not including EV

  Type 2: Orchestrated behind-the-meter, which includes controlled loads and Demand Response
Enabled Devices (DREDs), and the use of batteries in embedded networks and VPPs.

   Type 3: Owned by Distribution Network System Providers (DNSPs) in front of the meter

   Type 4: Owned by a third party (such as a retailer or a solar farm) in front of the meter

    Each of these has different potential business cases, and each of these business cases can have
different barriers, regulatory and otherwise. These are all discussed in detail in this report. The following
tables summarise the key barriers faced by each of the four types and suggests solutions.

   Type 1: Autonomous behind-the-meter storage

    Of the four types, Type 1 batteries have by far the greatest take-up in both number and capacity in
the National Energy Market (NEM) and Western Australia Energy Market (WEM). As outlined in Table
A, implementation of cost-reflective tariffs is the best option to help overcome the current high installed
cost, and if combined with a reduction in installed cost could result in a step change in uptake. This
would have significant benefits in terms of reducing demand peaks, reducing solar export and
smoothing demand profiles, as well as reduction in spot prices, improved power quality control and
voltage ride through, depending on the batteries operational control and technical specifications.

                   Table A: Autonomous behind-the-meter Barrier & Solution (Type 1)


       The installed capital cost of batteries is currently generally too high for them to be financially viable
       for most residential applications, even when combined with a PV system. Commercial-scale
       batteries can be financially viable but only if correctly sized and with an appropriate tariff.

       Although capital subsidies can help drive uptake and can be used for targeted programs,
       such as for low-income households (and are being used successfully in Australia and
       internationally), they impose a cost on governments and so are best applied to stimulate
       initial uptake until they become financially viable in their own right.

   Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board
The optimal driver of ongoing increased uptake of Type 1 batteries will be cost-reflective
       tariffs but only if the battery is operated to take advantage of them. Such tariffs are being
       implemented by DNSPs but need to also be passed through by electricity retailers, in which
       case they can also allow for spot price exposure. PV/battery systems should also be
       eligible for feed-in tariffs (FiTs) as long as the FiTs reflect the benefit they are providing to
       retailers, which can be time-specific (higher in the early evening).

       More research is needed into the ability of non-orchestrated batteries to provide the
       benefits described above. This would focus on the potential benefits that batteries operated
       simply to directly minimise customer bills could provide in terms of reducing network
       peaks, reducing solar exports, reducing spot prices and regulating voltage and frequency.

   Type 2: Orchestrated behind-the-meter storage

    The aggregation and orchestration of demand and DER shows significant promise to participate in
wholesale spot and Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) markets and in providing network
support. Although the focus of this report was on batteries, it is clear that demand response, in the form
of controlled load and DREDs for example, have significant potential, especially with the forthcoming
introduction of mandatory DRED standards and the ability for controlled load to be managed more

    The current focus of Virtual Power Plant (VPP) trials is on consumer acquisition and on successfully
demonstrating the technical capabilities required. The final uptake of VPPs will of course depend on the
demand for the services they can provide and the technology’s ability to provide them, but also on their
financial viability and their ability to offer consumers something they can’t obtain independently (through
Type 1 batteries).

   The key barriers to Type 2 options are identified in Table B, as are our recommendations for
overcoming them.

                 Table B: Orchestrated behind-the-meter Barriers & Solutions (Type 2)

                     Western Australia                                   NEM

                 There are no regulatory barriers to the use of ripple-controlled loads to reduce peak loads on
 Controlled      networks or exposure to peak energy pricing. Changing the timing of controlled loads is currently
                 under active investigation by several DNSPs to soak up excess solar generation.
                 For novel options to be effective, they would need to be financially attractive to the

                 The main barrier to DRED use has been the cost of installing the control hardware and software.
                 introduction of mandatory DRED capability for a range of appliances at the end of 2020 will
                 reduce costs for new installations, though they will remain an issue for legacy appliances. Third-
                 party aggregation of demand response (DR) is emerging, in residential (trials), commercial
 DREDs           (viable) and large consumers (wholesale demand response mechanism Rule change). Cost is
                 an issue for increased use of batteries for these applications.
                 Consumer education and recompense through appropriate price signals will be needed
                 to incentivise uptake of demand response via appliances or batteries. Although the recent
                 Rule change for the Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism (WDRM) includes a

   Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network - For the Energy Security Board
Demand Response Service Provider (DRSP), this will only target large consumers and
                   there is no guarantee it could or would be extended to small consumers – with the AEMC’s
                   position being that a two-sided market is the best way to engage small consumers in
                   demand response.

                   A range of new PV-based embedded networks (ENs) and microgrids have been developed or
                   announced over recent years. Some ENs and all microgrids include batteries. This market
                   appears to be growing as commercial and industrial (C&I) as well as residential consumers take
                   their own initiatives to reduce their carbon footprints.
                   The main regulatory issues for ENs have been around the requirements to provide access
    Networks       to retailer competition for consumers on the EN. However, this competition may
                   incentivise batteries as a means of maximising onsite PV use, or managing grid
                   connection restrictions. The success of an EN ultimately depends on whether it
                   financially viable i.e. can it off competitive tariffs and cover its costs of electricity
                   purchase from the grid as well as any on-site generation and battery storage.

                   There have been no regulatory barriers to           The various issues for VPPs are being
                   VPPs in WA, although operation of behind the        addressed through several trials, which
                   meter batteries required a derogation from the      currently focus on technical outcomes and
                   Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) to              consumer acquisition, with the financial
                   absolve Horizon of safety management                outcomes being fine-tuned.
                   obligations. They also had to develop
                   bespoke privacy and data agreements for             Generally, consumer participation in trials
                   consumers.                                          requires significant subsidies to the battery
                                                                       cost, which may limit future roll-out, and most
                   Synergy is a monopoly retailer in the South         financial value for consumers likely comes from
                   West Interconnected System (SWIS) and is            increased use of solar electricity at the single
                   responsible for any issues created by DER,          consumer level, which does not need a VPP.
                   whether or not they were supplied by a third
                   party, which restricts third parties ability to     Hence VPPs would need to be seen by
                   provide VPPs in WA.                                 consumers to offer additional advantages
                                                                       which they cannot access on their own.
                   Third parties should be made responsible
                   for DER operational health and safety risks         For VPPs to be financially viable they may need
                   for the consumer in their own VPPs.                 to stack value streams from network, spot and
                                                                       FCAS markets. While this could be achieved via
                                                                       bilateral contracts, this increases both cost and
    VPPs                                                               complexity.
                                                                       There is a need to carefully examine how
                                                                       market participants are defined in the Post-
                                                                       2025 market design. For example, the
                                                                       possibility of either/both SGAs and MASPs
                                                                       participating in spot and both FCAS markets
                                                                       could be examined.
                                                                       SGAs can only aggregate solar PV systems on
                                                                       gross meters, limiting their ability to establish
                                                                       VPPs that are attractive to consumers.
                                                                       This restriction could be removed, at least
                                                                       for VPPs.
                                                                       The required six second fast FCAS response
                                                                       does not take full advantage of batteries’
                                                                       The FCAS fast response requirement could
                                                                       be reduced to less than 6 seconds. This is
                                                                       currently the subject of a rule change
                                                                       request. 1


     Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Type 3: Owned by Distribution Network System Providers

   The use of batteries by distribution networks is gathering momentum, and there are no regulatory
barriers to using them for network support. The barriers relate more to the need for the networks to
develop the technical understanding of batteries (which they are now doing), as well as financial
impediments which are generally overcome through Demand Management Initiative Allowance (DMIA).

    The only significant regulatory issues from the DNSP’s point of view occur when network operators
in the NEM wish to use batteries in contestable services (such as electricity retail and participation in
wholesale spot and FCAS markets). This may be necessary where DNSPs wish to develop community-
scale batteries (batteries that are on the low voltage network but in front of the meter and have some
level of community participation), where value stacking of benefits from these services is likely to be
required for financial viability. The simplest way for a DNSP to access these value streams is likely to
be through third parties. This approach would compete with third party-ownership of such batteries, with
bilateral contracts with DNSPs for providing network support. It is important that the regulatory
environment enables effective competition between these options.

  Some of the key issues and solutions for batteries owned by DNSPs are summarised in Table C.
The modular Market Participant based on functionality discussed above could be useful here.

                                Table C: DNSP-owned Barriers & Solutions (Type 3)

                        Western Australia                                 NEM
                        There are no barriers to the use batteries        There are no barriers to the use batteries for
                        for network support.                              network support.
                        Western Power overcame issues related to          DNSPs face issues related to justifying
                        justifying expenditure on low                     expenditure on low probability/ high impact
                        probability/high impact events using the          events. Such expenditure is required to
                        Value of Customer Reliability model in the        increase the resilience of the electricity
                        context of WEM regulation.                        network to extreme events.
                                                                          The current AER review on the standard
                                                                          outages Value of Customer Reliability
                                                                          (VCR) 2 only covers periods up to 12
                                                                          hours should use time frames and
                                                                          approaches more suited to blackouts due
                                                                          to extreme events – for example over a 3-
                                                                          5 day period.

                        Western Power (WP) is currently                   The AEMC’s final decision for the operation
                        converting many fringe-of-grid areas to           of SAPS, and the DNSPs’ role in this is much
                        SAPS, aided by the Electricity Industry           more complex than in the SWIS because of
                        Amendment Bill 2019, although there are           the objective of ensuring retail competition
                        some relatively minor consumer pricing            and the ring-fencing of DNSP activities.
    SAPS                issues to be resolved. The advanced
                        metering requirements and investment              In summary, the AEMC has ruled that
                        tests appear to be resolved. Horizon Power        distribution businesses can provide both the
                        can of course build SAPS.                         SAPS distribution and generation services as
                                                                          long as the AER will provide a waiver.


      Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
WP’s Community PowerBanks face no                 Ausgrid’s Community Battery trial is facing a
                   regulatory barriers. The full cost of the         number of regulatory and other barriers. The
                   batteries is covered by a combination of          main barriers are:
                   capital expenditure and inclusion of
                   regulated revenue from the battery in the         That the Community Battery consumers will
                   RAB.                                              have multiple retailers which will make it very
                                                                     complex for a DNSP or third party to
                   Following on from the Electricity Industry        interface will all the different consumers.
                   Amendment Bill 2019, Western Power is
                   expecting to deploy more batteries for            This might be solved using a single
                   network support, but these are to be              retailer to both buy the exported PV
                   assessed on a case by case basis.                 electricity and sell it back to the
                                                                     consumers through a multiple trading
                                                                     relationship (MTR) approach. The
                                                                     proposal to allow MTR without the need
                                                                     for separate connection points, that was
                                                                     rejected by the AEMC in 2016, could be
                                                                     revisited. This is also relevant to
                                                                     obtaining consumer value through VPPs
                                                                     that could involve many different
                                                                     Electricity going from consumers to the
                                                                     battery and back again would be double
                                                                     counted in terms of network and retail
                                                                     This might be solved under a subtractive
                                                                     netting arrangement through AEMO
                                                                     settlements and through some type of
                                                                     Local Use of System (LUOS) charge
Network                                                              As for VPPs, for community batteries to be
Support                                                              financially viable they may need to stack
                                                                     value streams from network, spot and FCAS
                                                                     May be able to access spot through the
                                                                     MTR retailer, and can access contingency
                                                                     FCAS through a MASP.
                                                                     As for VPPs, there is a need to carefully
                                                                     examine how market participants are
                                                                     defined in the Post-2025 market design.
                                                                     For example, the possibility of either/both
                                                                     SGAs and MASPs participating in both
                                                                     spot and FCAS markets could be
                                                                     An appropriate method to allocate costs and
                                                                     benefits to the various parties is yet to be
                                                                     Given the nature and scope of these
                                                                     issues, they will only be solved in close
                                                                     collaboration with the relevant regulatory
                                                                     Powercor, Jemena, Ausnet, Endeavour and
                                                                     United Energy are using batteries in a range
                                                                     of trials. None of these faced regulatory
                                                                     barriers because the battery is treated as a
                                                                     network asset as it is only providing network
                                                                     support, and any losses are just treated as
                                                                     normal network losses.

 Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Type 4: Owned by a third party

    The deployment of medium scale batteries by community groups and retailers is a nascent market.
Interested parties include electricity retailers, solar farm operators and community groups. The most
significant barriers do not appear to be regulatory but are related to the internal capacity of the
organisations involved, and to the financial viability of the proposed projects. The outcomes of the
current round of the NSW Regional Community Energy Fund (RCEF) community battery trials will
provide useful guidance as to the likely success of this model and resultant uptake of batteries.

                         Table D: Third party-owned Barriers & Solutions (Type 4)

                     Western Australia                                 NEM
                      Synergy’s community battery pays full            Enova’s community battery also pays full
                     network charges when the battery is               network charges when the battery is
                     charging and then when consumers use              charging and then when consumers use the
                     the electricity.                                  electricity. This could be particularly relevant
                                                                       for participation in regulation FCAS.
                     The use of LUOS charges would help
 Network             although Synergy say the battery is               LUOS charges may be needed for
 charges             financially viable without these.                 financial viability because payment of full
                                                                       network charges both to and from the
                                                                       battery would significantly decrease the
                                                                       financial attractiveness to consumers

                     Not a problem for Synergy as it is a retailer.    Not a problem for Enova as is a retailer.
                                                                       All other PV/battery systems can access
                                                                       these markets through a bilateral contract
                                                                       with a single retailer, so is not a significant
 Access to spot                                                        Participation in FCAS which requires
 and FCAS                                                              sophisticated equipment and telemetry.
                                                                       This would be facilitated if AEMO allowed
                                                                       different   standards     and   telemetry/
                                                                       measurement requirements for the
                                                                       community battery in line with those
                                                                       allowed for VPP demonstration trials.

   Future Potential

    In terms of total battery uptake on the low-voltage network, the implementation of cost-reflective
tariffs would appear to have the most potential in terms of total numbers as well as capacity. Although
the use of VPPs has clear technical benefits, their success depends on their net financial outcomes and
consumer interest. Ideally, they should be able to combine the best outcomes of Type 1 batteries when
not in VPP mode with the targeted benefits when they are. Batteries are currently providing clear
benefits to network operators in terms of providing network support, and so will continue to be deployed
for this function. This could extend to significantly reducing the costs to service fringe-of-grid areas
depending on regulatory outcomes related to SAPS. The development of community batteries is a new
area and it is too soon to ascertain the degree to which this will help drive battery uptake.

   Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... VIII

 1     INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 1

 2     APPROACH................................................................................................... 4

 3     TYPE 1: NON-ORCHESTRATED BEHIND-THE-METER .............................. 5

     3.1     Financial outcomes ....................................................................................................... 8
                Residential-scale batteries ........................................................................................ 10
                Commercial-scale batteries ....................................................................................... 20
     3.2     Future uptake ............................................................................................................... 22
  3.3     International Examples of Support for Non-orchestrated Behind the Meter
Batteries 26
     3.4     Type 1 Summary of main issue and potential solutions .......................................... 28

 4     TYPE 2: ORCHESTRATED BEHIND-THE-METER ..................................... 29
     4.1     Controlled loads .......................................................................................................... 29
     4.2     Demand Response Enabled Devices ......................................................................... 29
     4.3     Embedded Networks ................................................................................................... 31
     4.4     Virtual Power Plants .................................................................................................... 31
                Network Peak Demand Management Trials .............................................................. 31
                Network Support and Control Ancillary Services ....................................................... 35
                Spot Market Trials ..................................................................................................... 35
                FCAS Market Trials ................................................................................................... 39
     4.5     International Examples of Orchestrated Behind the Meter Batteries ..................... 41
     4.6     Summary of issues and potential solutions.............................................................. 43

 5     TYPE 3: DNSP-OWNED .............................................................................. 46
     5.1     Fringe-of-grid ............................................................................................................... 46
     5.2     Stand Alone Power Systems ...................................................................................... 49
     5.3     Network Peak Demand Support & Increased DER Hosting Capacity ..................... 52
     5.4     International examples of Utility-scale batteries ...................................................... 60
     5.5     Summary of issues and potential solutions.............................................................. 62

 Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
6      TYPE 4: THIRD PARTY-OWNED/OPERATED ........................................... 65

    6.1         Financial outcomes ..................................................................................................... 66
                    Enova Community Energy’s Shared Community Battery Scheme ............................ 68
                    Byron Bay Solar Farm Holdings’ Byron Bay Solar Farm & Battery Storage Facility .. 69
                    Community Energy for Goulburn’s Goulburn Community Dispatchable Solar Farm . 70
                    ITP Renewables’ Orange Community Renewable Energy Park................................ 71
    6.2         International Examples of Third-Party Owned/Operated Batteries ......................... 72
    6.3         Summary of issues and potential solutions.............................................................. 74

7      DISCUSSION OF BARRIERS AND FUTURE UPTAKE .............................. 75
    7.1         Type 1 Autonomous behind-the-meter storage ........................................................ 75
    7.2         Type 2 Orchestrated behind-the-meter storage ........................................................ 75
    7.3         Type 3 DNSP-owned storage ...................................................................................... 78
    7.4         Type 4 Third party-owned storage ............................................................................. 81

                           STAKEHOLDERS CONTACTED ............................................... 83
    DNSPs ....................................................................................................................................... 83
    Businesses ............................................................................................................................... 83

Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network

   The Energy Security Board (ESB) is leading a wholesale review of the National Electricity Market
(NEM), focussed on developing a post-2025 market design. The ESB is seeking to understand both the
economics and regulation of business models for distribution-level storage and the interaction between
the two. This report is intended to support the ESB’s work on DER integration and the development of
post-2025 market design.

    The ESB commissioned ITP Renewables to undertake a review of the different ways that
distribution-level batteries are used, their related business models, and any barriers, regulatory or
otherwise. It has a particular interest in the changes required to overcome any barriers and so unlock
otherwise successful business models in order to drive the uptake of distribution-level batteries.

    Such batteries can be autonomous behind-the-meter, orchestrated behind-the-meter, owned by
Distribution Network System Providers (DNSPs) in front of the meter, or owned by a third party (such
as a retailer or a solar farm) in front of the meter. Each of these has different potential business cases,
and each of these business cases can have different barriers – with the regulatory barriers different in
the NEM and the Western Australian Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) which covers the South West
Interconnected System (SWIS) and the North West Interconnected System (NWIS).

Use cases

   Distribution-level batteries can be used in a number of different ways. At the simplest level they can
be used behind the meter to capture excess solar PV generation for later use and can also be optimised
according to the electricity tariff to charge during low cost periods and discharge during high cost
periods. Such batteries could also allow individual consumers to participate in local energy trading
(LET), where they can discharge their batteries to sell electricity to others in the trading scheme, and
vice versa. The inclusion of a centralised battery in an embedded network with solar PV allows
optimisation of electricity use and therefore costs across a number of aggregated consumers.

   Consumer-owned distribution-level batteries can also be orchestrated into a virtual power plant
(VPP) that can potentially bid into spot markets, provide ancillary services (e.g. Frequency Control
Ancillary Services (FCAS)) and support distribution networks. Such orchestration extends to the
coordinated control of storage water heaters as well as Demand Response Enabled Devices (DREDs)
that can control loads such as air conditioners.

   There is growing interest in the use of larger batteries (hundreds of kW) by DNSPs, primarily as a
form of network support, but also as centralised batteries that can be used by consumers to store excess
solar. Batteries can provide network support in fringe-of-grid areas, for stand-alone power systems
(SAPS), to help meet demand peaks and to increase the network’s Distributed Energy Resources
(DER) hosting capacity by soaking up excess solar. The use of centralised batteries to store excess
consumer solar is of growing interest in the WA market, which has a much more amenable regulatory
environment to DER than the NEM.

    These larger-scale batteries can also be used by electricity retailers as a physical hedge against
spot price movements and again as a form of community storage, which can help with consumer
acquisition. They can also be used by medium-scale solar farms (sub 5MW) to enable targeted bidding
into the spot market.
   Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Current battery uptake

   Estimates for the number of residential batteries installed on the distribution network in the NEM
vary between around 25,000 (AEMO) to 70,000 (Sunwiz) 3, A much smaller number of commercial-scale
batteries had been installed. It has been estimated that another 28,000 batteries will be installed in
2020, which would equate to an additional 280MWh. 4 The estimated residential battery installations by
year is shown in Figure 1, and the number installed in each state is shown in Figure 2. It can be seen
that the average system size decreased slightly in 2019 and that, despite its smaller population, South
Australia has the greatest number of installations, followed by NSW, Qld, then Vic.

 Figure 1. Number and capacity of residential battery systems installed: 2015 to 2019 (Sunwiz, 2020)

         Figure 2. Residential battery systems installed in 2019: By state/territory (Sunwiz, 2020)

3 The large difference is put down to the AEMO data not including any post-PV battery installation, and being

voluntary with no data check, so the actual value is likely somewhere in between.
4 Data derived from ‘Australian Battery Market Report – 2020’, SunWiz 2020

   Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Contributors to current uptake

     As discussed in the sections below, batteries are still struggling to be financially viable, yet there is
still significant uptake. This is in part simply driven by early adopters who also have solar PV systems,
but is also helped by state government subsidy programs such as the ACT NextGen program, the South
Australian Home Battery Scheme and the Victorian battery rebate scheme, and more recently by the
interest-free loans through the NSW Empowering Homes Program and grants through the Northern
Territory’s Home and Business Battery Scheme, and of course by the variety of trial VPPs that include
subsidised batteries.

    Nevertheless, the State schemes have contributed a relatively small proportion of the total
installations to date. The SA Home Battery Scheme aims to install 40,000 systems and as at Jan 2020
had about 5,500 batteries either installed or on order, with the recent flagged decrease in the rebate
triggering a rush of applications that brought the total (installed or on order) to 12,334. Although the
ACT NextGen program aims to install up to 5,000 batteries, as at mid-April 2020, only 1,550 had been
installed. The Victorian battery rebate scheme aims to install 1,000 systems over 2019/20, and to date
has installed 311. This brings the total installed under state schemes to less than 7,000 systems.

   AEMO estimates that between 8,000 and 9,000 batteries have been installed to date under VPPs,
which when combined with the state schemes, brings the total to around 15,500 batteries, meaning that
the bulk of the approx. 70,000 batteries connected to the distribution network to date have been installed
by individuals acting on their own initiative.

Report structure

   This report is divided into the following sections.

   Section 2 describes the approach we have taken to produce this report, which includes division into
the following use cases: Type 1 (non-orchestrated behind the meter), Type 2 (orchestrated behind the
meter), Type 3 (DNSP-owned) and Type 4 (third party-owned).

   Section 3 discusses the different tariffs and operating models for Type 1 batteries, provides some
high-level financial assessments and discusses future uptake.

    Section 4 covers four different types of Type 2 storage: controlled loads and DREDs, and the use
of batteries in embedded networks and VPPs. It also discusses the range of regulatory barriers to VPPs.

   Section 5 describes the range of Type 3 storage and discusses the different ways that DNSPs are
using batteries, with a particular focus on regulatory barriers and options to overcome them, and how
they differ between Western Australia and the NEM.

   Section 6 covers the Type 4 examples of third party owned batteries in Australia to date, which are
generally in the early stages, but provide some promising and novel business models. Again, regulatory
barriers are discussed, and recommendations are provided.

   Section 7 concludes with a discussion of the report’s key findings and recommendations.

   Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network

   This project was undertaken in four stages. Firstly, the different Types of storage were established
and described. Secondly, for each Type, the possible business models were characterised. Thirdly, the
barriers, regulatory and otherwise, were identified. Fourthly, financial analysis of different battery
business models was undertaken where appropriate.

    Consultation was undertaken with distribution networks, providers of distributed storage options,
retailers and solar farm developers, as well as the organisations involved in the recent VPP battery
trials. Consultation was performed through a semi-structured interview process, with conversations
recorded and transcribed (where permitted). The stakeholders contacted are listed in Appendix A.

   We also undertook a detailed review of relevant reports and other sources, some not publicly
available, related to specific projects, their outcomes and the regulatory environment. This included a
systematic review of the various battery storage trials undertaken to date in Australia, as well as a
review of relevant international experience.

   Financial modelling was undertaken using the UNSW Tariff Tool 5 for residential consumers and
ITP’s proprietary battery optimisation model6 for commercial consumers and for the MW-scale batteries,
both in Python. The UNSW Tariff Tool simply calculates the outcomes for each half hourly increment
based on the load, PV generation and battery capacity, with the battery operated in load-following mode,
meaning that it simply minimises solar export to the grid and minimises import from the grid. ITP’s
proprietary battery optimisation model can be used to simulate battery operation and financial returns
based on price signals from a range of markets/sources (including a range of retail energy import and
export tariffs, network energy and peak demand charges, market and environmental charges, demand
response, and FCAS contingency and regulation). It does this over a year assuming perfect foresight
optimising the overall financial outcomes for the consumer, and as such, provide the best-case

6This model was originally developed for a NSW Government agency, and is a derivative of the openCEM model

    Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network

    Type 1 distribution level storage includes residential and commercial batteries that may be exposed
to different tariffs or operated in particular ways, as below:

        1.    On conventional tariffs
        2.    On an annual cost package
        3.    Exposed to spot prices
        4.    Batteries operating as part of a Local Energy Trading scheme
        5.    Batteries operating as part of an Embedded Network

Conventional tariffs

    The most common form of Type 1 storage is operated in response to price signals derived from retail
tariffs (and the underlying network tariffs). Such batteries can be operated in simple load-following mode
(also known as ‘PV self-consumption’ and ‘solar storage’) or in response to tariffs such as TOU and
demand charge. In line with the recommendations of the Power of Choice review, all DNSPs are
including more cost-reflective tariffs such as TOU and demand charge tariffs in their Tariff Structure
Statements and Pricing Proposals, and so we expect a significant number of consumers will be on such
tariffs by around 2025. The main function provided in load-following mode is ‘load levelling’, where
excess PV electricity that would otherwise be exported to the grid is captured for use at a later time. If
the PV and battery capacities are large enough, this approach can also reduce demand later in the day
during the high price periods of TOU and demand charge tariffs. ‘Peak shaving’ focuses on reducing
demand peaks during these high price periods and can take place without a PV system.

Annual Cost Packages

   A variation on conventional tariffs is the use of what are really annual cost packages, such as
sonnenFlat, which allows households to select one of three packages and be provided with electricity
up to an annual limit for a fixed amount per month. Usage over the limit is charged at a flat tariff rate.
The household has to buy a Sonnen battery and have a minimum-size solar PV system. The currently
available sonnenFlat packages are shown in Figure 3. To the best of our knowledge these make up a
very small portion of the market and is only available to residential consumers.

   Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
Figure 3. sonnenFlat Packages

Spot price exposed

   A further variation involves exposing consumers to spot prices through their tariffs. Having a battery
provides a significant advantage as it can be discharged during times of high spot prices. This is
currently offered by both Amber Electric and Powerclub. They include a fixed monthly fee ($10 for
Amber Electric) or an annual fee ($36 for Powerclub).7 The wholesale price applies only to the energy
component of the retailer portion of the tariff, so the underlying network tariff structure is retained. Again,
ITP’s understanding is that this has been taken up by a relatively small number of consumers, in part
because it is not offered by many retailers.

   ARENA has recently funded Epho (Dec 2019) to develop commercial-scale batteries with switching
technology that can dynamically distribute the output of a solar system between the consumer on-site
and the network to take advantage of wholesale spot prices. The first stage, a 1.7MW rooftop system
has just been commissioned at Goodman’s Oakdale Industrial Estate in Horsley Park.

Local energy trading

   Distributed energy resources can be linked through a local energy trading (LET) platform where
electricity produced by generators on the LV network (such as solar PV systems with batteries) can be
sold directly to consumers participating in the same platform. This minimises involvement by third
parties, which should reduce costs, and so maximises the returns to owners of distributed generation
systems. It is fair to say that LET is still in the trial and development stage, with most organisations
emerging in the LET field use blockchain technology that uses software that tracks multiple transactions

7 Although Energy Locals say that they expose consumers to spot prices, they also say “We buy wholesale

power in advance to ensure you’re not exposed to any surprises – our prices will change once each year”

   Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
between peers in a very secure manner without a third-party facilitator (and so in this case is called
peer-to-peer trading; P2P). Examples include Powerledger, LO3, Enosi and Sonnen.

   LET is included here as ‘non-orchestrated’ because such batteries are not directly controlled by the
operator of the trading platform. Instead, they respond only to price signals provided through the trading
platform, which are themselves provided by other participants in that particular platform.

   The only significant regulatory barrier to the uptake of LET, and therefore LET helping to drive the
uptake of batteries, is that full network charges are paid on all electricity traded through the platform,
whether it be between participants in different states or between neighbours. One option to address this
problem is to use Local Use of System (LUOS) charges, where the charge would be proportional to the
amount of network used. Note that there may be regulatory barriers to this, as discussed for the
community batteries discussed in Sections 5 and 6. Another option to overcome network charges that
has been discussed in the past is the use of Local Generation Network Credits that would be paid to
DER if they export at times of peak demand. However these were rejected by the AEMC in 2016
because it considered they would result in higher costs for consumers because payments would be
made regardless of whether the embedded generator is located where it provides value, and this would
distort the incentives for investment in embedded generation at the expense of other services, such as
demand response. 8,9 Because of this network charges barrier, ITP does not believe that LET will be a
significant driver for uptake of batteries, apart from possibly in embedded networks such as apartment
buildings as discussed below. Even if LUOS charges are introduced, it is likely they will be for particular
projects (such as community batteries) rather than for LET projects that can span a large geographical
area. 10

Embedded Networks

    Embedded networks (EN) are privately owned networks with a single point of connection to the main
grid. According to the AEMC, at 28 May 2019 there was 4,592 ENs that had received network
exemptions, and 5,251 that had received electricity retail exemptions, but there are also an unknown
number of ENs that have received deemed exemptions.11 Examples include greenfield urban
developments, industrial estates, shopping centres, apartment blocks, retirement villages and caravan
parks. An embedded network operator (ENO) sells electricity to the EN consumers (who also have the
option to buy electricity from an external retailer). Sale of electricity within the EN can be achieved
simply using sub-meters, even where consumers within the EN have solar and/or batteries and export
to the EN – as long as all exported solar/battery electricity is on-sold at the same tariff as is the electricity
drawn from the wider grid. Similarly, a single large battery could be used to capture excess solar
electricity generated within the EN (before it is exported to the wider network) for use by the EN
consumers. However, it is more complicated if the internally generated solar/battery electricity is on-

9 A simpler alternative could be to allow batteries to earn the value of the demand charge for any exports. From
the network’s point of view, a house exporting 1kWh during peak times is the same as their neighbour not using a
kWh at the same time. However, this may have unrealistically complex metering, tariff and billing requirements
when taking the retail component of the tariff into consideration.
10 As explained in Section 5.3 it is possible to get a waiver that allows LUOS charges to be introduced, and Rule

6.18.1C allows a tariff structure to be changed as long as the DNSP’s revenue from the relevant tariff each year
is no greater than 0.5% of its annual revenue, and as long as the DNSP’s revenue from the relevant tariff, as well
as from all other relevant tariffs, each year is no greater than 1% of its annual revenue.

    Project No. A0350 – Business Models and Regulatory Considerations for Storage on the Distribution Network
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