Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY

Page created by Anne Collins
Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY
Doing Business
in Belarus
Tax and Law
January 2022
Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY
This report is based on data collected
as of 1 January 2022.

2   Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY
Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1. Special taxation regimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
   The Great Stone
   China-Belarus Industrial Park.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
   The Hi-Tech Park.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
   Free economic zones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
   Businesses in medium and small-sized cities
   and rural areas.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9

2. Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   Legal forms.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
   Licensing. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
   Mergers and acquisitions .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
   Shareholders’ agreements .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
   Tax overview.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
   Corporate income tax.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
   Value-added tax .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 27
   Real estate tax .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 32
   Other taxes.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 33
   Special taxation regimes. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 35
   Customs regulation. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 36

3. Individuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
   Employment.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 41
   Migration legislation.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 42
   Personal income tax.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 45
   Payroll taxes.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 48

4. Appendices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
   Appendix 1. Withholding tax rates
   under double tax treaties.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 51

Key contacts in Belarus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

                                                  Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law                                         1
Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY

2   Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY
We are pleased to present “Doing Business in Belarus. Tax and Law 2022”
report. This report, prepared by EY professionals, provides brief up-to-date
information on the Belarusian tax system, special tax regimes, customs
regulations, corporate forms, the Hi-Tech Park and the Great Stone Industrial
Park as well as Belarusian migration and labor laws.
Today EY is the leading global audit and consulting firm in Belarus offering
a wide range of professional services and employing over 600 people.
We continually invest in our workforce to enhance their skills and knowledge
and improve overall service quality, and offer efficient and innovative
business solutions worldwide.

                                                    Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law   3
Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY
1   Special taxation

4   Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY
The Great Stone                            • Declared investment in the project          distributed. CBIP residents are also
                                             must be not less than USD 5 million,        exempt from the offshore levy on
China-Belarus                                or not less than USD 500,000 if the         dividends paid to persons in offshore
Industrial Park                              entire sum is invested within three         jurisdictions
The Great Stone China-Belarus                years or in the case of an R&D project
                                                                                       • Exemption from RET on property
Industrial Park (CBIP) was established     Belarusian legal entities based in the        located in the park, and from land tax
in 2012 with support from China as         park and registered as innovative             on land parcels within its boundaries
a hub for firms at the cutting edge of     companies of the CBIP may take
innovation and technology. The CBIP                                                    • Exemption from VAT and import duty
                                           advantage of some benefits and
is located 25 kilometres from Minsk,                                                     on goods (equipment, components
                                           preferences available to CBIP residents.
occupying a total area of 112.47                                                         and spare parts, raw materials and
                                           Such registration may be granted for a
square kilometres.                                                                       other materials) brought into Belarus
                                           period of up to two years on condition
                                                                                         solely for use in investment projects
The territory of the CBIP is designated    that the applicant, a legal entity, plans
                                                                                         involving the construction and fitting-
as a special economic zone which has       to engage in innovation in line with the
                                                                                         out of CBIP facilities
its own tax regime and rules on the use    park’s pritority areas of activity.
of land and other natural resources                                                    • Exemption from VAT on the purchase
and in which the free customs zone                                                       of services/work and property rights
                                           Tax benefits
customs procedure is applied.                                                            from foreign companies where the
                                           The CBIP tax regime remains in effect         location of the buyer is taken as the
                                           for 50 years. The main tax benefits           place of supply for VAT purposes
CBIP residents                             granted to CBIP residents are as
                                           follows:                                    • Full deduction of VAT charged on
To obtain CBIP resident status a                                                         purchases of goods, services/work
Belarusian company must establish its      • Exemption from CIT on profits from          and property rights in Belarus (or
operations in the park and submit a          the sale of goods or services/work          paid upon importation into Belarus)
plan for implementing an investment          produced by the resident in the             for use in constructing and fitting out
project that meets the following             CBIP, for 10 years after the first          CBIP facilities, regardless of amounts
criteria:                                    recognition of gross profit                 of VAT charged on sales
• The company plans to engage in           • A zero tax rate on dividends paid by      • 5% withholding tax until 1 January
  economic activities in the park in         CBIP residents to their founders or         2027 on remuneration received
  priority areas, including establishing     shareholders/participants, for five         by foreign companies from CBIP
  and expanding manufacturing                years starting from the first year in       residents for rights to information
  facilities in the areas such as            which dividends are paid. If a CBIP         relating to industrial, commercial or
  electronics, telecommunications,           resident is committed to invest at          scientific experience, including know-
  pharmaceuticals, medical devices,          least USD 50 million within five            how, licences, patents, drawings,
  fine chemistry, biotechnology,             years in its investment project in the      utility models, schemes, formulas,
  machine building, new materials,           park, the 0% tax rate on dividends          industrial prototypes or processes
  integrated logistics, electronic           applies for 10 years counted from
  commerce, big data storage and             the first year in which dividends are
  processing and R&D

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Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY
• Compulsory social security                     placed under the release for domestic     participants of CBIP residents and
  contributions may be calculated                consumption customs procedure if          their employees
  based on the average wage in                   they were manufactured by CBIP
                                                                                         • Exemption from the requirement to
  Belarus rather than employees’                 residents using foreign goods
                                                                                           obtain permits to employ foreigners
  actual salaries. Foreign employees             placed under the free customs zone
                                                                                           and special work permits for foreign
  are exempted from mandatory                    procedure
                                                                                           executives and high-skilled workers
  social security contributions on their
                                               • Exemption from the requirements
                                                 and restrictions of Belarusian
In addition, a grandfather clause                laws governing foreign currency         The Hi-Tech Park
has been adopted for the period                  transactions                            The Hi-Tech Park (HTP) was established
until 1 January 2027 to guarantee                                                        in Minsk in 2005 to promote IT in
                                               • The right to conduct foreign trade
CBIP residents that they will                                                            Belarus. It offers a special legal
                                                 transactions free of the restrictions
continue with activities under the                                                       regime for IT firms until 2049. The
                                                 imposed by Belarusian laws
CBIP regime effective at the time of                                                     HTP Supervisory Board is in charge
                                                 governing foreign trade
their registration as a CBIP resident                                                    of general coordination, management
regardless of any unfavorable changes          • Visa-free travel to and from Belarus
                                                                                         and control of the HTP, while the
in Belarusian tax legislation.                   for persons hired by CBIP residents
                                                                                         HTP Administration, a government
                                                 for investment projects in the park
                                                                                         institution, oversees the day-to-day
                                                 and for founders and shareholders/
Other benefits and incentives                                                            running of the park.
In addition to tax benefits, CBIP
residents are eligible for other benefits
and incentives regarding land use,
construction, employment, migration
rules, and currency and customs
regulation, including:
• The right to enter into convertible
  loan agreements, option contracts
  and agreements granting an option
  to contract
• The right to store and use goods in
  the CBIP under the free customs
  zone procedure pursuant to customs
  regulations, i.e. exempt from customs
  duties, taxes and special, anti-
  dumping and countervailing duties
• Exemption from VAT imposed by
  the customs authorities on goods

6    Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY
HTP residents                                deployment of Internet of Things          Compulsory social security
Belarusian companies based either            technologies                              contributions are calculated and paid
within or outside the park may apply                                                   based not on an employee’s actual
                                           • Educational programs in ICT and
for HTP resident status if they carry on                                               salary, but on the national average
certain types of activity, namely:                                                     wage, which is several times less than
                                           • Other activities listed in the law        the pay level in the Belarusian IT
• Analysis, design and software                                                        industry.
  support of IT systems, including         To join the HTP, applicants must submit
  development and deployment of IT         a package of documents. The key             HTP residents are also exempt from the
  systems or software, provision of        document is the business project that       offshore levy on dividends paid to their
  related implementation and support       the applicant intends to implement          founders/participants registered in
  services, and database creation          as an HTP resident. The decision on         offshore jurisdictions. Tax on dividends
                                           whether to register an applicant as         paid by HTP residents is charged at
• Data processing using software           an HTP resident is made by the HTP          9% on individuals and at 5% on foreign
• Technical and/or cryptographic data      Supervisory Board based on the              companies, unless they are entitled
  protection                               potential significance of the proposed      to more favourable treatment under a
                                           business project for the development of     double taxation treaty.
• Development and deployment               new and advanced technologies.
  of software technologies for the                                                     In addition, HTP residents are exempt
  financial sector and financial IT                                                    from Belarusian VAT on licences
                                           Tax benefits                                and certain services that play an
• Software publishing and promotion                                                    important role in the IT business, such
                                           HTP residents are required to
• Online advertising and intermediary      contribute 1% of their revenue to the       as advertising, marketing, consulting
  services using software developed        HTP Administration. Accordingly, they       and database creation services, when
  with the involvement of the HTP          are mostly exempt from CIT and from         acquired from foreign providers. A zero
  resident                                 VAT on sales of goods, services/work        WHT rate applies to income earned
                                           and property rights in Belarus, except      by foreign companies from rendering
• Development, maintenance and sale
                                           for 9% CIT on certain interest income,      services to HTP residents, such as data
  of software and/or hardware based
                                           income from the sale of equity interests    protection, web hosting, advertising
  on or using blockchain technology
                                           and securities and dividends from           and intermediary services, as well as to
• Operation of crypto trading platforms    sources outside Belarus.                    interest and royalty income.
  and cryptocurrency exchanges,
  mining, creation and offering of own     HTP residents are exempt from import
                                           duties and VAT on certain kinds of          Other benefits and incentives
  digital tokens, and other activities
  involving digital tokens                 equipment imported into Belarus for         HTP residents are entitled to enter
                                           use in investment projects involving        into convertible loan agreements and
• Data centre services                     permitted types of activity. They may       option agreements, issue irrevocable
• Development and deployment of            also qualify for real estate tax and land   powers of attorney and take advantage
  unmanned vehicle systems                 tax benefits in relation to buildings and   of certain legal mechanisms, such
                                           land parcels within the boundaries of       as warranties and indemnities. For
• Development, implementation and          the HTP.                                    the purpose of regulating corporate

                                                                                         Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law   7
Doing Business in Belarus - Tax and Law January 2022 - EY
relationships, shareholders/participants       Belarus has six FEZs, established for        three-year period regardless of
of HTP residents are entitled to               the period until 31 December 2049:           whether it engages in any activity
enter into shareholders’/participants’         Brest FEZ, Minsk FEZ, Gomel-Raton            covered by the FEZ tax regime in this
agreements governed by foreign law             FEZ, Vitebsk FEZ, Mogilev FEZ and            period
and refer disputes arising under such          Grodnoinvest FEZ.
                                                                                          • Exemption from land tax and rent on
agreements to foreign courts and
                                                                                            government-owned land plots located
arbitration tribunals.
                                               FEZ residents                                within the boundaries of the FEZ,
HTP residents are also entitled to enter                                                    which are granted for construction
                                               To benefit from the FEZ regime, a
into non-competition agreements with                                                        purposes, for the period until the last
                                               Belarusian company must establish its
their employees and non-solicitation                                                        asset under construction has been
                                               operations in a FEZ and make a pledge
agreements with third parties. Foreign                                                      commissioned, but for no longer than
                                               to invest at least EUR 1 million in the
nationals who are hired by HTP                                                              five years after registration as a FEZ
                                               project, or at least EUR 500,000 over a
residents under employment contracts                                                        resident
                                               three-year period.
or who are founders of HTP residents
or are employed by such founders are                                                      • Exemption from land tax and from
eligible for visa-free entry into Belarus                                                   rent on government-owned land plots
                                               Tax benefits
for stays of up to 180 days in the                                                          located within the boundaries of the
                                               FEZs are designed to encourage               FEZ regardless of their designated
course of a year. Foreigners entering
                                               investors to produce export-oriented or      use, provided that the resident is
into employment contracts with HTP
                                               import-substituting goods or services in     engaged in an activity covered by the
residents do not require a permit to
                                               Belarus.                                     FEZ tax regime.
work in Belarus and may apply for a
temporary residence permit for the             FEZs offer their residents a number of
duration of the contract.                      tax incentives with respect to the sale
                                                                                          Customs benefits
                                               of such goods or services for export
HTP residents are entitled to conduct                                                     A free economic zone is also a free
                                               and to other FEZ residents.
foreign trade transactions free of the                                                    customs zone, where FEZ residents
restrictions imposed by Belarusian laws        The special tax regime provides for the    can keep and use goods (including
governing foreign trade. HTP residents         following tax benefits:                    goods produced by foreign and EAEU
are entitled to apply simplified                                                          manufacturers) without paying customs
                                               • Exemption from tax on income
documentation procedures to account                                                       duties, taxes or special, anti-dumping
for transactions with non-residents.             from the sale of goods and services
                                                 produced by the FEZ resident             and countervailing duties.

                                               • Exemption of properties that are         Any subsequent customs clearance
Free economic                                    located in the FEZ from real estate      procedures, duties and taxes are
                                                                                          conditional on the status of goods
zones                                            tax on condition that the company
                                                                                          placed under the free customs zone
                                                 is engaged in activity covered by the
A free economic zone (hereinafter, a             FEZ tax regime; in the first three       procedure and their destination
“FEZ”) is a bounded territory in Belarus         years after registration as a FEZ        country.
with a special regime comprising a set           resident, the company is exempt          For instance, goods manufactured
of incentives and benefits to encourage          from real estate tax on properties       in a FEZ solely from EAEU-made
business activity.                               acquired or created during this

8    Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
goods are deemed EAEU-made goods            registration of their local properties,     territory, are entitled to a number of
that are placed under the re-import         provided that they produce goods            benefits until 31 December 2023.
procedure when moved outside of the         or deliver services, which must be
                                                                                        In particular, they may apply a reduced
FEZ elsewhere in the customs territory      certified by the Belarusian Chamber of
                                                                                        rate of 24% to pay compulsory pension
of the EAEU and are not subject to          Industry and Trade.
                                                                                        insurance contributions and bigger
customs duty or tax in this case.
                                            Apart from these tax exemptions,            investment deductions to reduce
If goods manufactured in a FEZ are          local businesses are eligible for other     taxable income (30% for buildings and
deemed foreign goods, they are placed       benefits as well.                           structures and 50% for machinery and
under the re-export procedure when                                                      equipment).
                                            They include exemption from import
moved outside of the FEZ and are not
                                            duty on certain types of equipment          They are also entitled to VAT exemption
subject to customs duty or tax as well.
                                            not older than five years which is          for the import of technological
If goods manufactured in the FEZ and        brought into Belarus as a non-monetary      equipment and components subject
recognized as goods of foreign origin       contribution to the equity of a newly       to import duty at a zero rate in
are taken out of the FEZ elsewhere          established entity.                         accordance with national legislation.
to the EAEU customs territory, they
                                            Local retailers, restaurants and
become subject to import duties but
                                            cafeterias and providers of personal
are exempted from VAT under the
                                            services are entitled to additional
customs procedure of goods release
                                            incentives as determined by the
into internal circulation.
                                            regional councils for the period until
                                            31 December 2022.

Businesses in medium                        In particular, local retailers selling
                                            goods through shops and at markets
and small-sized cities and
                                            and fairs, providers of personal services
rural areas                                 and restaurants and cafeterias are
Businesses set up in medium and small-      eligible for:
sized cities and rural areas are eligible   • Exemption from VAT on the sale of
for many benefits.                            goods or services (work) in rural
Medium and small-sized cities and rural       areas as well as for corporate income
areas in Belarus are settlements of a         tax at a rate of 6%
size smaller than the regional capital      • Exemption from real estate tax on
cities (Brest, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk,          properties in rural areas and land tax
Mogilev and Vitebsk) and several other        and rent on government-owned land
big cities such as Bobruisk, Zhlobin and      on which they are located.
                                            Legal entities, registered in the Orsha
Businesses in such areas are exempt         district and engaged in the production
from corporate income tax and real          of goods or services (work) in its
estate tax for seven years after

                                                                                          Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law   9

10   Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Legal forms                                 including in the case of an LLC with a       founder came into force, the number of
                                            sole participant. When a participant         unitary enterprises being registered has
A foreign company may operate in            withdraws, its interest passes to the        fallen significantly.
Belarus through:                            LLC, while the withdrawing participant
                                                                                         The assets of a unitary enterprise
• A separate legal entity in Belarus, or    is paid the actual value of its equity
                                                                                         are indivisible and cannot be divided
                                            interest in the LLC plus a proportional
• A representative office of a foreign                                                   into contributions (equity interests or
                                            amount of the profits earned by the
  company                                                                                units). Assets of a unitary enterprise
                                            LLC between the withdrawal date
                                                                                         may be privately owned either by an
The most common forms of legal              and the settlement date. A sole LLC
                                                                                         individual (or spouses jointly) or a legal
entities in Belarus are limited liability   participant is not allowed to sell its
                                                                                         entity and are possessed by the unitary
companies, closed joint-stock               interest in the charter capital to the
                                                                                         enterprise under a right of economic
companies and unitary enterprises.          LLC itself.
                                                                                         management. Shared ownership of a
                                            The governing bodies of an LLC are           unitary enterprise’s assets is prohibited.
Limited liability companies                 the general meeting of participants,
                                                                                         A unitary enterprise may sell any assets
                                            the supervisory board (optional) and
A limited liability company (LLC or                                                      held by it under economic management
                                            the executive body. The supervisory
“OOO” in Russian) is the most common                                                     except for immovable property
                                            board is established by decision of, and
corporate form in Belarus. In practice,                                                  (unless the founder establishes
                                            is accountable to, the general meeting
the majority of foreign companies                                                        other restrictions in the charter).
                                            of participants and deals with matters
starting activities in Belarus prefer to                                                 Any disposal of immovable property
                                            relating to the general administration
establish an LLC.                                                                        (including sale, lease, mortgage,
                                            of the LLC’s activities. The individual
                                                                                         etc.) is subject to the founder’s prior
The charter capital of an LLC is formed     executive body (director) or collective
from its participants’ contributions.       executive body (managing board) is
There is no minimum charter capital         responsible for the day-to-day running       There is currently no minimum charter
requirement for an LLC. Contributions       of the LLC. The participants in an LLC       capital requirement for a unitary
may be made in cash and/or in kind (in      are not liable for the LLC’s obligations     enterprise. Contributions to the charter
the form of shares in other companies,      and bear the risk of losses associated       capital may be both in cash and in kind
etc.).                                      with its activities only within the limits   (shares in other companies, equipment,
                                            of their capital contributions.              etc.).
An LLC may have up to 50 participants.
An LLC may be founded by one person                                                      The governing body of a unitary
or have one participant.                    Unitary enterprise                           enterprise is the director, who must
                                            A unitary enterprise («УП» in Russian)       be appointed by the owner of the
The charter of an LLC may contain
                                            is another common corporate form in          enterprise’s assets.
restrictions on the transfer of
participants’ rights, including, for        Belarus, the main difference from an         A unitary enterprise is liable for its
example, a prohibition on the full or       LLC being that a unitary enterprise’s        obligations to the extent of all the
partial sale of equity interest to third    founder remains the direct owner             assets that it holds under economic
parties. A participant in an LLC may        of its assets. However, since 26             management. It is not liable for the
not withdraw from the LLC if this would     January 2016, when rules allowing            obligations of the owner of its assets.
leave the LLC with no participants,         the registration of an LLC with a single

                                                                                           Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law   11
Comparison of a limited liability company, a unitary enterprise and a closed joint-stock company

 Limited liability company                                Limited liability company                                   Limited liability company

 Standard registration procedures                         Standard registration procedures                            Standard registration procedures

 Profit may be distributed either proportionately         Profit may be distributed either proportionately            Profit may be distributed either
 or disproportionately to equity interest, if directly    or disproportionately to equity interest, if directly       proportionately or disproportionately
 permitted by the charter                                 permitted by the charter                                    to equity interest, if directly permitted by
                                                                                                                      the charter

 Transfer of equity interest to a third party may be      Transfer of equity interest to a third party may be         Transfer of equity interest to a third party
 restricted/prohibited by the charter                     restricted/prohibited by the charter                        may be restricted/prohibited by
                                                                                                                      the charter

 The registration procedure is not very                   The registration procedure is not very complicated          The registration procedure is not very
 complicated and usually takes about                      and usually takes about two weeks                           complicated and usually takes about
 two weeks                                                                                                            two weeks

Joint-stock company                                      number of shareholders, whereas                          A representative office is regarded as
A joint-stock company (JSC or “AO”                       closed JSCs may limit the number                         an autonomous subdivision of a foreign
in Russian) may appear to be a more                      of shareholders by the Charter.                          company that represents its interests
complicated business structure. JSCs                     Joint-stock companies can issue two                      in Belarus, and not as a separate legal
generally fall into two categories:                      types of shares: ordinary (voting)                       entity.
closed and open. The difference                          and preference shares. The owner
                                                                                                                  Representative offices of foreign
between them is that in an open JSC,                     of a preference share is entitled to
                                                                                                                  companies are not permitted to engage
shares may be freely sold to third                       fixed dividends and a portion of the
                                                                                                                  in business activity. A foreign company
parties, while in a closed JSC, share                    company’s assets upon its liquidation
                                                                                                                  may open a representative office in
transfers are subject to the pre-emptive                 but may not vote on management
                                                                                                                  Belarus only to carry out preparatory
rights of other shareholders. The                        matters. The nominal value of
                                                                                                                  and auxiliary activities on behalf of
minimum charter capital requirement                      preference shares must not exceed 25%
                                                                                                                  the foreign company, including the
for incorporation is currently:                          of the company’s charter capital.
                                                                                                                  following activities:
• 100 base units (approximately                          A JSC is obliged to comply with various
                                                                                                                  • Researching Belarusian markets
  USD 1,256) for a closed JSC                            disclosure requirements.
                                                                                                                  • Studying investment opportunities in
• 400 base units (approximately                                                                                     Belarus
  USD 5,023) for an open JSC                             Representative offices
                                                         Foreign companies may also operate in                    • Establishing business entities in
A JSC’s shares may be held by one                                                                                   Belarus in partnership with foreign
                                                         Belarus without creating a legal entity
person. JSCs may have an unlimited                                                                                  investors
                                                         by establishing a representative office.

12    Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Registration of companies in Belarus        industry, the manufacture and                 law. The same is true for investments
Companies must be registered with           wholesale of alcoholic beverages and          in activities prohibited by Belarusian
the state registration authority, which     tobacco products, retail of alcoholic         legislation.
arranges subsequent registration with       beverages and tobacco products,
                                                                                          Investments may also be legislatively
the tax authorities, the Social Security    wholesale and retail of petroleum
                                                                                          restricted in the interests of national
Fund, statistical agencies, Belgosstrakh    products, and health care services.
                                                                                          security (including protection of the
(the Belarusian National Unitary            Licensing authorities issue licenses          environment and heritage assets),
Insurance Enterprise), etc. During the      within 15 working days of receiving           public order, morality, public health and
registration process, the state authority   all the required documents.                   the rights and liberties of individuals.
may also send information to a bank
to enable the opening of a current
(settlement) account.                       Mergers and acquisitions                      Shareholders’ agreements
Representative offices must register        Anti-monopoly control                         Under Belarusian legislation,
themselves with the tax authorities,                                                      shareholders of a company may
                                            Under competition law, certain
the Social Security Fund, statistical                                                     conclude shareholders’ agreements
                                            transactions (including M&A, the
agencies and Belgosstrakh after                                                           or, if it is a limited liability company,
                                            creation of new entities and the
receiving the requisite permit from                                                       participants’ agreements.
                                            purchase and sale of shares and/or
the relevant regional (or Minsk city)
                                            assets) are subject to anti-monopoly          Through such agreements,
executive committee.
                                            scrutiny. In this case the approval of        shareholders/participants may agree
If any documents submitted for              the anti-monopoly authorities must            to exercise their rights in a certain
registration purposes do not meet the       be obtained before a transaction is           manner and/or refrain from exercising
official requirements, they may have to     concluded or a new entity is registered.      their rights, including by voting in
be re-submitted. A newly established                                                      a certain manner at the general
company or representative office must                                                     meeting of shareholders/participants,
                                            Restrictions applicable to strategic
take additional steps to become fully                                                     coordinating voting choices or
operational, such as opening bank                                                         coordinating other actions relating
accounts, making a corporate seal           Investments in legal entities holding
                                                                                          to the management of the company
(optional) or registering a share issue     a dominant position on Belarusian
                                                                                          or the establishment, business, re-
with the securities authorities (only       goods markets require the approval
                                                                                          organization or liquidation of the
applies to JSCs).                           of the anti-monopoly authorities in
                                            cases stipulated by anti-monopoly

                                                                 Legal entity           Representative office of a foreign company
A special permit (licence) is required
for certain business activities.             Registration time   Around 2-3 weeks       Around 1-2 months
Currently, there are 33 such activities      (actual)
(comprising around 200 types of              State duty          1 base unit (approx.   195 base units (approx. USD 2,440) for every
services/work). The most important                               USD 12.5)              three years of activity for which the permit to
are banking operations, the gambling                                                    open the representative office is issued

                                                                                             Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law      13
Tax overview                                   National taxes and levies/duties   Local taxes and levies
Tax policy                                     include:                           include:
The Ministry of Finance develops
the fiscal and tax policy in Belarus.          Corporate income tax               Tax on dog owners
The Ministry of Taxes and Levies and
its local offices are responsible for          Withholding tax                    Resort levy
monitoring tax compliance, including
for verifying tax returns and enforcing        Personal income tax                Levy on harvesters of wild-growing
the full and timely payment of taxes                                              food
and levies.                                    Value added tax
                                                                                  State border crossing levy on vehicle
Types of taxes and levies/duties               Excise tax
Belarus has a two-tier tax system
comprising national taxes and levies/          Real estate tax
duties and local taxes and levies as                                              Special tax regimes
set forth in its Tax Code. The payment         Land tax                           include:
of national taxes and levies/duties is
mandatory across the country, while            Environmental tax                  Tax under the simplified taxation
local taxes and levies are established                                            system
by local self-government bodies (local
                                               Mineral extraction tax
councils of deputies) and are payable                                             Unified tax on entrepreneurs and
only in the territories concerned.                                                other individuals
                                               Offshore levy
Special tax regimes apply to some
categories of taxpayers engaged in                                                Unified tax for producers of
                                               Stamp duty                         agricultural products
particular activities. This means that
their taxes are calculated and paid
                                               Consular fee                       Gaming tax
according to different rules from those
normally applicable and they pay a
                                               State duty                         Tax on income from lottery activities
special tax payment.
Apart from taxes and levies/duties,            Patent fees                        Tax on income from the organization
other mandatory payments in
                                                                                  of online interactive games
Belarus include state social security
                                               Customs duties and levies
contributions payable by employers
to the Social Security Fund of the                                                Levy on craft businesses
Republic of Belarus, rent for plots of         Recycling levy
land owned by the state and some                                                  Levy on agritourism/ecotourism
other payments.                                Transport tax                      businesses

14   Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Tax registration                            Rates of main taxes

The tax registration of a legal entity       Tax                                                                                              Rate
takes place at the same time as its
                                             Corporate income tax (CIT)                                                                        18%
state registration and covers all taxes
payable in Belarus.                          Value added tax (VAT)                                                                             20%

                                             Withholding tax (WHT)
Tax audits
                                              Dividend income                                                                                  12%
Belarusian law prohibits tax audits on
newly established companies for two           Interest income                                                                                  10%
years after their state registration.         Royalty income                                                                                   15%
After that, companies may face
selective field audits scheduled by the      Personal income tax (PIT)                                                                         13%
tax authorities according to a risk-         Real estate tax (RET)                                                                                 1%
based approach. This means that audits
                                             Compulsory social security contributions                                                          35%
are specifically targeted at taxpayers
deemed to have a high probability             Pension insurance contributions (retirement, disability and survivor benefits)                  29%**
of committing tax violations, which
                                               ocial insurance contributions (temporarily disability, maternity, childcare and
                                              S                                                                                                    6%
is determined by the tax authorities          other benefits)
using the established criteria. There
are also certain grounds for conducting     ** This includes 1% payable by the employee but withheld and remitted by the employer.
unscheduled field audits.
Information on selective field audits
is published every six months on
the website of the State Control
Committee* no later than
15 December/15 June. A company
may be audited by one and the same
authority only once every three years.
As a rule, the period covered by a field
audit may not exceed five calendar
years. Tax audits may last for up to
30 working days.
Regular remote desk audits are
performed where tax authorities review
tax returns, other documents and
information on taxpayers.


                                                                                                         Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law        15
Statute of limitations for tax                 Taxpayers                               Object of taxation
As a general rule, taxes and duties/           Belarusian companies                    • Gross profit of a Belarusian company
levies cannot be collected from legal                                                  •D
                                                                                         ividends and similar income payable by Belarusian
entities if no payment demand was                                                       companies
presented within five years after the
                                               Foreign companies operating in          • Gross profit earned by a foreign company through a
due date.
                                               Belarus through a permanent                permanent establishment in Belarus
General anti-evasion rule
The tax authorities have the right                                   Profit from sales of
                                                  GROSS                                              Non-operating                Non-operating
when conducting an audit to adjust                              =   goods, services/work      +                            –
                                                  PROFIT                                                income                      expenses
                                                                     and property rights
the amount payable by the taxpayer if
the main purpose of a transaction was
to avoid paying tax or to secure a tax               Profit from sales                Revenue from sales
refund from the budget. In this case,            of goods, services/work       =    of goods, services/work         –      Deductible expenses
                                                   and property rights                and property rights
the tax owed is determined based on
actual information on taxable activities
and items.                                     If a branch has its own balance sheet and bank account and has control over the
                                               use of funds in that account, the branch is responsible for assessing and paying
                                               the company’s taxes.
Corporate income tax
                                               Revenue from sales of goods, services/work and property rights is recognised on
Taxpayers. Object of taxation                  an accrual basis (i.e. according to the date on which a supply is recorded rather
and tax base                                   than the date on which payment is made), subject to special considerations laid
The payers of CIT are:                         down in the law.
• Belarusian companies
                                               Permanent establishment of a foreign company
• Foreign companies operating in
  Belarus through a permanent                  The following forms of presence in Belarus constitute a permanent establishment
  establishment                                of a foreign company.

Belarusian companies pay tax on profit
                                               Fixed place of          The carrying on of entrepreneurial and other activities in Belarus (other
earned both in Belarus and abroad,             business                than activities of a preparatory and auxiliary nature)
while foreign companies only pay it
on profit earned through a permanent
establishment located in Belarus.              Dependent agent         A company or an individual that:
                                                                         arries on activities on behalf of and/or in the interests of the foreign
There is no tax consolidation option for                                company, or
groups of companies in Belarus: each                                   •H
                                                                         as and habitually exercises authority from the foreign company to
group entity is treated as a standalone                                 conclude contracts or negotiate material terms of contracts

16   Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
The place of delivery of services by         Deductible expenses                      • Services/work were performed by
a foreign entity in Belarus is deemed        General provisions                         an individual entrepreneur who is at
to be its permanent establishment if                                                    the same time an employee of the
                                             The list of deductible expenses is
the entity has engaged in this activity                                                 taxpayer, and the services/work form
                                             not exhaustive. All expenses (except
for 180 days continuously or in the                                                     part of the employment duties of the
                                             for those that are non-deductible
aggregate in any 12-month period                                                        person concerned
                                             for tax purposes or are deductible
beginning or ending in the respective
                                             within prescribed limits) may be fully   • Services/work were performed for
tax period, including if it delivered its
                                             deducted if they are economically          the taxpayer by a company that
services at different places.
                                             justified and were incurred in             is a founder of, or participant in,
A construction, installation or assembly     connection with the production/sale        the taxpayer or vice versa, and the
site is also deemed to constitute a          of goods, services/work or property        services/work in question fall within
permanent establishment of a foreign         rights or if they are classed as non-      the scope of duties of an employee of
company if the site has been in              operating expenses.                        the taxpayer
existence in Belarus for more than
                                             Expenses may not be recognized as        In practice, form often prevails over
180 days in any 12-month period
                                             economically justified if any of the     substance in audits conducted by the
beginning or ending in the relevant tax
                                             following conditions is met:             tax authorities, and expenses may
                                                                                      therefore be declared non-deductible
                                             • Goods (intangible assets) were not
Foreign companies are required to                                                     if the taxpayer fails to produce
                                               received, services/works were not
keep accounting records and prepare                                                   supporting documents, such as a
                                               performed, property rights were
financial statements in accordance                                                    contract, acceptance certificate or
                                               not transferred, or assets were not
with Belarusian laws and regulations                                                  invoice.
                                               leased out (under (finance) lease
in respect of activities that give rise to
                                               agreements) and are still used
a permanent establishment in Belarus
                                               by a lessor
and are taxable on that basis.

                                                                                        Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law   17
Partly deductible expenses                                                                              Doubtful debt provisions
The following expenses are tax-deductible within set limits:                                            Doubtful debt provisions are recorded
                                                                                                        as non-operating expenses but must
 Partly deductible expenses                                           Limits on deduction               amount to no more than 5% of revenue
                                                                                                        from sales of goods, services/work,
 • Business trip expenses                                            Limits set for each type of
                                                                                                        property rights and intangible assets,
 • Fuel expenses                                                                                        as well as on rental transactions
 • Losses due to shortage of and/or damage to goods and                                                (leases (finance leases)) or other uses
    inventory                                                                                           of property, either for consideration
 • Expenses for management services provided by individual                                             or free of charge, inclusive of VAT,
    entrepreneurs or entities that apply special tax regimes                                            calculated as follows:
 • Expenses relating to controlled debt (see the “Thin
    capitalization rules” section)                                                                       Age                     Percentage of
                                                                                                                                debt included in
 • Other expenses, such as:                                          Deductible within a limit of no
                                                                      more than 1% of sales revenue      > 90 calendar days          100%
       ayments to individuals, such as lump sum payments upon
                                                                      and property rental income,
      retirement, lump sum recuperation payments (benefits,
                                                                      including VAT                      45 — 90 calendar             50%
      material assistance)
       xpenses to improve and maintain (operate) communities,
      adjacent territories and historic sites, expenses to maintain
of investment in their reconstruction,        Debt obligations classed as controlled debt
upgrade or renovation:
                                              Debt due to a founder/participant whose              Debt due to a related party of the founder/
• No more than 20% for buildings and          direct or indirect equity interest in the taxpayer   participant provided that party is still related
  structures                                  is 20% or more as at the end of the tax period       on the last day of the respective tax period
• No more than 40% for machinery,
  equipment and vehicles
                                               of a Belarusian entity for the purpose              Tax benefits
The application of an investment               of transferring them as loans to a                  The corporate income tax exemption
deduction does not affect how fixed            related Belarusian entity                           applies to:
assets are depreciated (depreciation is
                                             • Amounts payable for engineering,                    • Profit (not exceeding 10% of gross
calculated based on historical cost).
                                               marketing, consulting, management                     profit) donated to (i) companies
                                               and intermediary services,                            for the construction and/or
Thin capitalization rules                      information services and personnel                    reconstruction of sports facilities,
                                               recruitment and supply services,                      (ii) government-funded health
The thin capitalization rules that came
                                               and consideration for the transfer of                 care, educational, cultural and
into force in 2013 limit the deductibility
                                               industrial property rights                            sports organizations, (iii) religious
of certain types of costs/expenses
where the taxpayer has controlled debt       • Fines, penalty interest and other                     organizations, (iv) social services
to a foreign or Belarusian founder/            sanctions, including damages for                      providers and (v) certain public
participant.                                   contractual breaches                                  associations

The thin capitalization rules apply if the   • Liabilities arising from the                        • Profit from sales of prosthetic
taxpayer’s debt-to-equity ratio (for all       performance of a guarantee                            and orthopaedic appliances and
controlled debt) at the end of the tax         obligation to repay the above                         rehabilitation and support equipment
period is at 3:1.                              debt                                                  for the disabled

The thin capitalization rules do not
apply to banks, insurers or lessors,
including property lessors that receive
more than 50% of their total revenue            Maximum amount of                   Amount of each item of
from leasing activity.                          deductible expense/        =       controlled debt in the tax         /      Capitalization ratio
                                                     interest                               period
The thin capitalization rules apply to
the following types of controlled debt:
                                             Where the capitalization ratio is:
• Debt on loans (excluding commercial
  loans). This amount does not include        Capitalization           Controlled debt in the tax period            Equity at the end of
  loans provided in their entirety                               =                                             /                               /      3
                                                  ratio               (total amounts due to all persons)              the tax period
  using proceeds from the placement
  of bonds issued by the founder/
  participant or another related party

                                                                                                       Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law        19
• Until 1 January 2025, profit (except         Taxpayers have discretion to decide                documents to the tax authorities if
  for profit from procurement or               whether to use any tax benefits they               they decide to apply them (unless such
  intermediary activities, as well as          are legitimately entitled to. They are             documents are required during a tax
  rental income (income from leases            not required to submit any supporting              audit).
  (finance leases)), received by
  companies that employ disabled
                                               CIT rates
  persons, if disabled employees
  account for at least 30% of the
                                                  Rate     Taxpayer
  average headcount
• Profit from sales of own                        18%      All companies (this is the standard tax rate)
  manufactured cars and components
                                                   5%      Companies engaged in the production of high-tech products (on the list approved by
  (provided that a relevant agreement
                                                           the Council of Ministers)
  has been concluded with the Ministry
  of Industry)                                    10%      High-tech parks, technology transfer parks and residents of high-tech parks
• Income from transactions involving
  bonds issued by Belarusian                      12%      Belarusian companies when paying dividends (applicable to the amount of dividends
  companies either between 1 April                         paid)
  2008 and 1 January 2015 or since
  1 July 2015, and income from                    25%      Banks, insurers, forex companies and certain types of microfinance companies

  transactions involving state securities
                                                  50%      Companies engaged in the transit of crude oil and petroleum products through trunk
  issued by the Ministry of Finance and
                                                           pipelines within the Republic of Belarus
  bonds issued by the NBRB

20   Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Reduced tax rates may also apply in a      Dividends paid by a foreign company                         parcels), and selling costs. Losses on
number of other cases.                     may be taxed in the foreign jurisdiction.                   sales of fixed and intangible assets
                                           The amount of tax withheld in a foreign                     reduce the tax base for CIT.
As an additional measure to consolidate
                                           jurisdiction may be offset against CIT
budget revenue in order to combat                                                                      Gains derived from sales of securities
                                           due in Belarus (see the “Offset of taxes
COVID-19, it was determined that                                                                       (except in cases indicated in the
                                           paid in foreign jurisdictions” section).
cellular mobile network operators and                                                                  “Tax benefits” section) are taxed at
commercial microfinance organizations      Tax on income from dividends                                the standard rate. There are special
shall pay income tax at a rate of 30%      distributed by Belarusian companies                         rules for calculating gains on REPO
from 1 January 2021 till 1 January         is assessed in each month in which                          transactions.
2023.                                      dividends are distributed and must
                                           be paid no later than the 22nd of the
Local councils of deputies are                                                                         Tax filing and payment
                                           following month.
authorized to raise the income tax rate                                                                The tax period for CIT is the calendar
by no more than two percentage points.                                                                 year. The reporting period for CIT is a
                                           Capital gains and losses                                    calendar quarter. The reporting period
Dividends                                  Gains derived from the sale of fixed                        for CIT on dividends distributed by
                                           and intangible assets are determined                        Belarusian companies is a calendar
Dividends received by Belarusian
                                           as revenue from the sale less taxes, net                    month. The amount of CIT for a
companies from residents or non-
                                           book value (in the case of depreciable                      reporting period is calculated on a
residents are subject to CIT at 12%.
                                           assets) or acquisition cost (in the                         cumulative basis from the beginning of
A reduced rate may apply if the
                                           case of non-depreciable assets, such                        the tax period.
Belarusian company has not paid
                                           as construction in progress and land
dividends to Belarusian residents
(participants/ shareholders) for several
consecutive years.                         Deadlines for filing a return and paying tax

     Number of              Reduced                   Quarter                   I                II             III                    IV
 consecutive years in    rate applicable
  which profits were    at next dividend
   not distributed          payment            Filing deadline                                                                  20 March of the
                                                                            20 April         20 July        20 October
                                               (no later than)                                                                   following year
       3 years                6%
                                                                                                                                 22 December*
                                               Payment deadline
                                                                            22 April         22 July        22 October        and 22 March of the
       5 years                0%               (no later than)
                                                                                                                                following year**

                                           *     Two thirds of the amount of tax determined for Q3.
Dividends distributed by Belarusian
                                           ** Subsequent adjustment of tax for Q4 and payment of outstanding amount or refund of overpayment
companies are taxed at source. Tax on
income from dividends is withheld and
                                           Tax returns (except for returns for tax on dividend income) must be filed even
paid by the companies that distribute
                                           when there is no taxable income or assets.

                                                                                                         Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law    21
Tax accounting                                 The carry forward mechanism does not      documents confirming amounts of
Tax accounting is based on financial           apply to losses incurred:                 losses incurred.
accounting with appropriate                    • As a result of activities outside
adjustments. The tax accounting                  Belarus in which the Belarusian         Offset of taxes paid in foreign
process must be set out in the                   company engaged as a foreign tax        jurisdictions
taxpayer’s accounting policy.                    resident, or
                                                                                         Belarusian companies are also subject
Deferred tax assets and liabilities arise      • In a tax period (tax periods or         to Belarusian CIT on profits from
when amounts of income (expenses)                part of a tax period) in which the      activities in foreign jurisdictions in
are the same for both financial and              Belarusian company was entitled to      which they engage as foreign tax
tax accounting purposes, but they                CIT exemption for more than one tax     residents. To avoid double taxation,
are recognised in different reporting            period.                                 tax paid by a Belarusian company
periods. Deferred tax assets and               Losses are carried forward by type        abroad may be offset against tax due
liabilities must be recorded in statutory      of transaction against corresponding      in Belarus. The offset amount may not
accounts in accordance with the                items of income:                          exceed the amount of tax payable in
Finance Ministry’s guidelines.                                                           Belarus.
                                               • Group 1 — transactions involving
Deferred tax assets and liabilities              financial instruments and securities,   Belarusian companies that pay tax
typically arise when the taxpayer:               including derivatives                   abroad are required to submit to the
                                                                                         Belarusian tax authorities a certificate
• carries losses forward (see the              • Group 2 — disposals of fixed assets,    issued by the tax authorities in the
  “Loss carry forward” section)                  construction in progress, uninstalled
                                                                                         foreign jurisdiction confirming the
• receives gratuitous aid                        equipment or an enterprise as a
                                                                                         amount of tax paid there.
                                                 portfolio of assets
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are                                                  They may also be required to submit
                                               Remaining losses are then carried
recognised in the reporting period in                                                    other supporting documents prescribed
                                               forward regardless of the transaction
which the temporary differences arise.                                                   by the tax or other competent
                                               or activity that gave rise to them.
                                                                                         authorities in the foreign jurisdiction
                                               To apply loss carry forwards, a           as proof that they have paid tax in that
Loss carry forward
                                               company must maintain separate            jurisdiction.
Loss carry forward is a mechanism that         accounting records and keep
allows companies that have incurred a
loss in a tax period to carry it forward
entirely or partially to future tax
periods, reducing the tax base in the
future tax periods by all or part of the
amount of the loss.
Losses may be carried forward for
10 years, starting with losses incurred
in 2011.

22   Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Transfer pricing                                                                                             The following methods are used to
Transfer pricing rules have been in force in Belarus since 2012.                                             determine whether transaction prices
                                                                                                             are at arm’s length:
Transactions are considered at arm’s length with no subsequent adjustments
required to the CIT base if their prices are within the market range.                                        • Comparable uncontrolled price
Controlled transactions                                                                                      • Resale price method
                                                                        Annual threshold values              • Cost plus method
                                                                    (excluding VAT and excise tax)
                                                                 for transactions with the same party        • Comparable profits method
 Transaction type                                                  to be considered controlled, BYN
                                                                                                             • Profit split method
                                                                     For large               For large
                                                                    taxpayers               taxpayers        To enable the checking of transfer
                                                                                                             prices, starting from 1 January 2016
                               with related parties                 2,000,000               400,000
                                                                                                             taxpayers are required to notify the tax
                               involving the sale or                                                         authorities of all transactions made in a
 Foreign trade                                                                  2,000,000
                               purchase of strategic goods                                                   tax period by providing relevant details
                                                                                                             in electronic VAT invoices (irrespective
                               with residents of offshore
                                                                                 400,000                     of the value of the transactions), and
                                                                                                             to prepare and submit transfer pricing
                               with related parties that do                                                  documentation if requested by the tax
 Transactions with
                               not assess or pay CIT/are            2,000,000               400,000          authorities to support the arm’s length
 Belarusian residents
                               exempt from CIT                                                               nature of their transactions.
 Transactions involving        with related parties                            No threshold                  The TP documentation or economic
 the sale or purchase of                                                                                     justification must be prepared in special
 immovable property or         with payers that apply
                                                                               No threshold                  formats prescribed by Resolution
 housing bonds                 special tax regimes
                                                                                                             No. 2 of the Belarusian Tax Ministry of
*	The list of strategic goods is approved by Council of Ministers Resolution No. 470 of 16 June 2016. The   3 January 2019.
   list includes crude oil and petroleum products, petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, timber,
   potassium chloride, iron and non-alloy steel bars, et al.

                                                                                                               Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law   23
Type of                 Transactions subject                                       When
 transfer pricing        to documentation             Filing deadline               documentation            Exemption from documentation requirement
 documentation           requirements                                               may be requested

 Comprehensive    • Foreign trade                    To be filed only if           May be requested         No documentation requirement for:
 TP documentation transactions of large               requested by the tax          not earlier than         • Transactions for which an advance pricing agreement
                     taxpayers                        authorities                   1 June of the               has been concluded
                         • Foreign trade          • Within 10 working             year following the
                                                                                                             • Transactions yielding income that is exempt from
                            transactions involving days if requested in             reporting year
                                                                                                                income tax; transactions made on an exchange, except
                            strategic goods           the course of a desk                                      for transactions with related parties and residents of
                                                      audit                                                     offshore jurisdictions
 Simplified TP           • All other types        • Within the time               May be requested
                                                                                                             • Transactions with a related party which cannot be
 documentation              of controlled             limit specified in the        after the end of the
                                                                                                                grouped into a group of homogeneous transactions
 (economic                  transactions              request, which must           reporting year
                                                                                                                and the total amount of which with one counterparty
 justification)                                        be not less than                                         within one calendar year is no more than 10% of the
                                                       two working days,                                        established thresholds
                                                       if requested in the
                                                                                                             • Transactions in securities in the organized securities
                                                       course of an on-site

Advance Pricing Agreement                                  Levies Ministry* in relation to certain                    on the approach to determining arm’s
with the Taxes and Levies                                  controlled transactions.                                   length prices and help minimize tax
Ministry                                                                                                              risks associated with compliance
                                                           APAs free taxpayers from the
                                                                                                                      with transfer pricing requirements in
Starting 1 January 2019, taxpayers                         need to prepare transfer pricing
                                                                                                                      relation to transactions covered by the
may enter into advance pricing                             documentation, enable taxpayers and
agreements (APAs) with the Taxes and                       tax authorities to agree in advance

 Purpose of the agreement          Agreeing on pricing principles for tax purposes and/or applicable methods for determining arm’s length prices

 Eligibility                       Large taxpayers and taxpayers that have concluded controlled transactions totalling more than BYN 2 million in the
                                   course of a year

 Agreement term                    Up to three calendar years with an option to extend by up to two years

 Documentation processing The Taxes and Levies Ministry has three months to process documents submitted by taxpayers (application, draft
 times                    agreement, etc.). This period may be extended to six months if the Ministry needs to obtain additional information
                          from a foreign country

 Fee                               State duty for the consideration of a pricing agreement application is set at 500 base units (~ USD 6,200)

 Advantages                        Exemption from transfer pricing documentation requirements and lower risk of additional CIT liabilities

* An advance pricing agreement is an agreement between a taxpayer and the Taxes and Levies Ministry setting out pricing principles for taxation purposes and/or
   establishing methods to be applied in determining arm’s length prices in relation to a particular transaction or group of similar transactions contemplated by the taxpayer.

24     Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law
Withholding tax                               structures and intangible assets in            base is calculated as income minus
                                              Belarus                                        relevant documented expenses (for
Taxpayers                                                                                    example, in the case of the sale of
                                            • Income from fines, penalty interest
This tax is payable by foreign                                                               immovable property or equity
                                              or other sanctions for contractual
companies, including unincorporated                                                          interests in Belarusian companies).
entities, that do not have a permanent
establishment in Belarus but receive        • Other income from sources in
income from Belarusian sources.                                                              Tax agents
                                              Belarus covered by the exhaustive list
                                              prescribed by law                              Withholding tax (WHT) is calculated,
                                                                                             withheld and paid by legal entities
Scope of taxation                                                                            and individual entrepreneurs that
The following Belarusian-source income      Tax base                                         pay income to foreign companies.
is taxable:                                 The tax base is usually determined as            Individuals may also be considered tax
                                            total income. In some cases, the tax             agents under certain circumstances.
• Dividends

• Income from debt obligations of any
  kind, including loans and securities      Tax rates
  that generate interest (discount)
  income                                    Type of income                                                                             Rate

• Royalties                                 Income from loans granted to Belarus, the Government or Belarusian residents
                                            against government guarantees; income on Belarusian state securities and income                0%
• Income from the sale of immovable         from the sale or redemption thereof, and certain other types of income
  property situated in Belarus, the
  sale of an enterprise as a portfolio of   Transport, freight, demurrage or other charges paid for shipments, including
                                            international shipments, and charges for forwarding services
  assets and the sale of securities and
  equity interests (units or shares) in     Income from debt obligations of any kind, including interest on loans and credits          10%
  Belarusian companies
                                            Dividends and income from the disposal of shares/equity interests in Belarusian
• Income from consulting, accounting,       companies
  audit, marketing, legal, engineering,
                                            Royalties and other taxable income of foreign companies from sources in Belarus            15%
  intermediary, management,
  advertising or educational services
  and from services involving the           Double tax treaties signed by Belarus may provide more favourable tax treatment
  recruitment and the supply of             (see Appendix 1).
  personnel for activities in Belarus
                                            Foreign companies may be required to file tax returns and pay tax in Belarus if
• Income from services involving            other foreign companies receive the following types of income from them:
  the installation, set-up, inspection,
                                            • Income from the sale of immovable property situated in Belarus
  maintenance, measurement or
  testing of lines, mechanisms,             • Income from the sale of shares and equity interests in Belarusian
  equipment, instruments, appliances,         companies

                                                                                                 Doing Business in Belarus | Tax and Law        25
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